THE SUNDAY OI1EGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 5, 1908. ' FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. NO. 14. 6 lots, each 25x100, within one block of ca rl ine ; price $ 1 0O0, on easy term?; lots nil cleared, and perfectly level; this - is a snap. NO. 15. fc 100x150 feet, corner of 13th and Bea f ' mn Hts. ; good tf-rooin house. 16 fruit on time. 6 per cent. ' NO. 16. IrftB 5, 6. 7, and 8. block 50. Caruthr's Addition to Portland, same being lH)x 200 feet, on Sheridan and Bokt-r sts.; ' price $tRWo. S4O00 cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cent - Interest. NO. 17. Lots 3 and 4, block 143. situated on the N. W. corner of Montgomery and Third ki; price $18,000, one-half cash, balance on 3 years' time. 6 per cent interest. NO. 3 8. Lot 2. block 27, Couch Addition. ltua " t -W on the N. E. corner of 4th and Davis sts:; lot being 50x100 feet; price $40,000: ' on half, cash, balance on or before i k : years. ROSE CITT REALTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY. , Rooms 33-24. Lafayette Kldg. Sixth and Washington Sts. "START THE YEAR RIGHT. $1000 Small house, lot 62x1m. S. W. cor ner Preseott st. and Michigan ave. 1 $3350 5('xlO0, Lovejoy, bet. 21st and 22d. $1350 down, bal. 2 year at 6 per cent. $2300 30x100, Kearney, west of 22d; build double flat, have good Income. $2750 STV-xIOO, water, gas. eewer, Northup, between 25th and 26th. $3000 6-room story-and-hal f house, 21st, near Savier;.$750 down. $3500 Splendid "-room house on E. 12th St., opp. Ladd's Addition; $2100 cash. $5250 Large 9-room house, cement base- 16500 Double 9-room house, lot alone worth $7000; Fourth, near Hail. Pole agents for South Harbor, Coos Bay lots, at $40 each, $5 down, $5 per month, no Interest. 1700 ft. water front. 20-ft. water at low tide. Call anM see plats. LA MONT & HARRIS. 3o6-7 Swetland bldg. - $0O0 Small house, corner lot 31x100. s-- East Portland Heights; very cheap, r , fl50 2-room house, corner lot 50x100. ( Sell wood. ' . $1200 7 -room house, lot 50x85, High land; $3O0 cash, balance 2 years. - " 100. Albina. C250O New modern 6-room cottage. East 27th and Clinton; $700 casn, oai- ance $20 per month. $3000 6-room good house, 21st and Sa vler: part cash, balance terms. $5000 Modern, new 6-room "house, on Northrup st. near 22d; H cash. $5500 Modern, swell S-room house, on East Washington st. near 18th; part cash. BOLLAM. GRTSSI & HIGLEY. 128 Third St. BARGAINS WORTH CLOSE INVESTIGA TION. :,( Fine corner lotv Sunnyside, one block to Belmont car; snap. $1300 Quarter block between both car lines. Sunnyside. $2300 New modern 6-room cottage, Sunnyside. $2500. with $700 down. lovely modern 5 room cottage. Improved street, cement walks. ; $2600 Fine new. very modern, large room bungalow, Sunnyside; full lot. Acreage on and in neighborhood of Mount Tabor; also Mount- Scott. , STAUB & S AWT ELL. Cor. 32d and Belmont sts. Phone East 263. A STRICTLY modern 6-room bungalow, v lose in. South Portland; good nelghbor- hood, grand view up and down river, 2 blocks from car, cement walks, lawn, -roses, large basement, furnace, fireplace, " beautifully finished and conveniently ar ranged, large sleeping porch; only $5000. CALL ON US. COLOMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch Bldg., 100 4th St. near Wash. LOT FREE. Beautiful 6-room new bungalow, mod- '. ern. up-to-date, built-in buffet, bookcases, linen closet, cabinet, pantry, etc.; lot corner 50x100: graded streets, cement sidewalks and curbs, high-grade proposl tlon; price Is the value of the house only; you get the corner lot free; $3400; terms. Butter worth, owner. Acheron bldg., 148 " Fifth. Main 6809; Home 2811. EXTRA GOOD VALUES FOR HOMESEEKBRS. 44 acres at Oak Grove, for $1800. 4 acre. Lents, all under cultivation, only $1S0 cah, balance easy terms. 6 acres under cultivation. 5-room ot tag, bam, etc. $1800. at Tualatin. It Pavs to See Us. I CHAPIN & HERLOW. 425 Chamber of Commerce, Phone Main 1652. NOB HILL HOME. 304 North 24th st., in the heart of the best residence district; new and modern, 8 rooms, furnace, gas. and electricity; ce- ment basement, solid masonry walls; price $6750, small amount down, $50 per month. FIDELITY TRUST CO., Owner, ' -- 405 Commercial Block, - Phone Main 447. INSTALLMENT HOMES. N'KW. modern 6-room house. In fine resi dence district, with three carlines. 302 North 24th st.. $3750. :.11 Guild at. (near Thurman). $4000; small amount down. $25 r r month. FIDELITY TRUST CO.. Owner, 406 Commercial Block, Phone Main 447. FOR SALE Fine, nearly new. all modern 6-room house, full basement, new barn nnd chicken-house, five full lots, all neatly - fenced In. plenty of roses, fruit and straw harries; fine location: a beautiful home; owner non-resident ; $5500. Thli property Is worth $7000. Owner peedi money: must sell. O'Brien Realty 'i Co.. Lumber Exchange. IF vou have the cash, here is the buy of the year, 15 defirahJe residence lots, 15 minutes from the center -of the city and within two. blocks' of two streetcar line, for $2200, one-half cash, balance to suit; ' must he sold immediately. THE SPANTON CO.. , 270 Stark st. (Ground Floor). FOR SALE. We have 10 acres southeast of Killings wf rth ave.. near Union ave. N.. which wo will sell cheap; lots on stilts location are selling from' $500 to $000 each;". for price and terms, cull on O'BRIEN REALTY CO.. Lumber Exchange. Extra fine 5-room modern bungalow. " finish In California redwood, natural stone basement, cement floor, fireplace, furnace, around lOOxlon. fine lawn. shnibbpry. fine row. fruit, etc.. all for only $3750. Fine " neighborhood. DUBOIS te CROKETT. Realty Company, room 3 Washington Bldg. . 1RVINOTON HOME S-room modem. Tiew, up-to-date, hardwood floors, rub finish, fancy combination fixtures, 2 fireplaces, den. novel Ideas, full cement basement . hft furnace, full lot. best location on . Broad wav; movinr to Frisco. Phone Hll vnan. East or B1804. 4'k ACRES at Lents Junction on O. W. P. electric line, all lev!, all tn-hlgh state nf - cultivation, new 3-room painted house, no; price $2S50; $t50 cash. We have others. H. W. GARLAND CO.. 101 4th St. ' , LOOK You can buy s lot In the best har bor town In the Pacific Northwest and nay 'or It at the rate of 6 2-3 cents per day. Put your spnre cents in real estate, it will grow. Write to Hortin A Bennett. South Bend. Wash. The Baltimore of the Pacific. pNAP. mu-t bp sold at once. block acrs from public school, owner must have cash to meet obligation: street macadamized, mAnt walks In. all Improvements; rah, 1750. Call mornings. 306 Ablngton bldg. CHF-AP LOTS. - Now is the tl to hm- a cheap lot. I hive some for $110. own $5 per month. J. .1. OEDEH. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. GOING FAST, will sacrifice new 4-room ouse. 2 lot. SOxloO, corner, well Improved. Mt. Sct Mne. clow to ftntion in Les. worth $inon; make cash offer. Pos toff ice Pox 5. Ients. ARE vou a stranger In the dtv? xont buv rtil von have seen Rose Cltv Park; all l formation furnished by Hartman & Thompson, bankers. Chamber of Com merce. CHOICE 5-arr lots for sal on the Oregon Hertrle csrline; also a few speelnl be- aln1 In Isrrer trsce near the city. W E. Burke. R?0 Chamber of Commerce bldg $4.50 TAKES one of the very bet R-room. absolutely molern hoses in Irvine-ton. lun - co'uplte! ; "ot $50410. hit nm forced to , Mil. M. C. Davis, room 16, Hamilton bldg. .$350o Hatsy st.. rew, well-built ft-room ottage. lot 50x123, with barn and 20 ... foot alley. Room 18. Lafayette bldg. FIVE acres on earllne nil in cultivation: no stone, flne view, $1000 cash will handle. 311 Chamber of Commerce. A2727. . NICK 5-room modern "o-ge: full basement. . one block of nr: 24iK. 400. cMh. 319 ' Chamber of Commerce. A2727. FOUR loti un E-n "!h St.. south of Haw thorn" He., only $1200.. Room IS. Latay rt:e bldg. TO R SATE Onwero lot .-rlendld location, facing cast. M 607, Oregonlup IOR SALE KF.AL ESTATE. SPANTON'S HOME BARGAINS. . -$2650 Two-st ory 6-room house, modern ; lot 5ox 100, nice lawn, two shorn ; blocks from earllne, only 15 min utes out; $tJ0O caeb, balance same as rent. $2400 New 5-room -modern cottage; small amount down, balance easy terms. $2200 A thoroughly renovated 8-room house on the L. earllne. near Free mont at.; this Is a splendid oppor tunity for reliable worklngman with lsrge family; pay $100 cash and $25 a month. $1500 2 acres vers choice garden or fruit land. 5 minutes' walk from street ca r ; lots opposi te selling for $350 each. $1400 5-room cottage near earllne, nicely located; $500 cash, $20 monthly. $1-200 Very neat 4-room cottage, lot 50x 110 ; term $ 67550x100 lot on E. 16th St.. near Di vision, easily worth $9oO. $ 525 4-room cottage,. $250 cash, balance very easy. THE SPANTON- CO., 270 Stark st. ground floor). INTERN ATIOXA'Ii INVESTMENT CO., 300-11 Macleay Building. , ' Y EAST SIDE V ' Mildred ave.; near Alberta cars. 5 rooms, modern. ' new1. 50-foot lot; $2100. Tillamook st. (Irvington. Queene Anne cottage, large lot. nice lawn, fwlt; $3200. Vacant lot, best paTt Irvington, 50 feet; . $1450. Vacant -lot, E Madison St., near 18th; $2100. . v , WEST SIDE. Willamette Heights,' . 50x100. a great .bargain: $2000. Nob Hill, 100x100, a great bargain; $7AOu. Nob Hill. 50x50. improved; $5000. . Head of 11th st., on Jackson; $2000. .. ; , SOUTH PORTLAND. 8 lots, 40x100. on 3d-st. earllne; seven minutes from Washington st; $13,000; will take some trade. $5500 8-room modern house, with furnace, . corner 70x100, right on Sunnyside car line; perfect condition; terms. $5500 Up-to-date new home, with 2 fire places, 11th st.. Holladay'a Addition; ap other splendid home on liith St., for $5000.. $0500 Splendid home. East "13th st., near East Morrison-street 'carline, 3 blocks from the new high school bld$. $300 cash takes a choice lot, with pros pect of advance this Spring, due to bet ter transportation. J. F. Compton. 100 Ablngton bldg. GHT your bargains now. Prices - will be higher in Portland and Western Oregon. $4000 -S-room house and full lot. East li.n et., near Burnside. $4000 For flne quarter block. East 11th; close In. $1500 6-room bouse, full lot, on Karl et. $320015 acres near city; improved and desirable. . i. jG. DAVIDSON. y . 819 Chamber of Commerce. $2750 BUYS 55 acres on the Heights, north west of the city, overlooking the Willam ette and Columbia, all of Peninsular Port land and' Vancouver; the timber will pay for clearing the land. This is one of the greatest bargains I ever advertised. $850 2 choice acres on the Oregon City carline. fine site for a home. . J. F. Compton, 100 Ablngton bldg. ' SNAP. Nice 7-room unfinished residence and full lot 50x100 feet. 2 blocks W.-W. car line, only $1200, cash, .balance 3 years, 6 per cent. Owner must selL . J. FRANK PORTER. 607 Commercial Bldg. TO save litigation, owner will sell equity in one of the prettiest new modern homes, idea-1 location, head of street, place for barn and garden. 7 rooms, den and sleep- ' lig porch ; similar properties sell $5500 to $5800. Will show Sunday. Phone early, East 1804 or A1006. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 16 acres, close In, 3 blocks -Waverly-Richmond car, only $1300;, fine view, finest and best piece of close-in acreage in Port land. - J AS. C. LOGAN, Room 20, Raleigh bldg., 323 Wash, st FOR SMALL FAMILY Have splendid house, 4 very large rooms, wide porches and cellar, on 100x100 corner, one block W.-W. cars; pure air; ideal view; good neighbors; will grow in value; $1250; vi down. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morri son st. ' $875 Nice 5-room house and 4 lots. mile from Montavllla car. worth $1200; $900. fair ly good 6-room house on 43d st., near Haw t home ave. , pa rt cash ; 5 acres a t Gates' Crossing for $1050. J. J. McCarthy, 422 Ablngton bldg. BEAUTIFUL new 7-room modern home, will be tin i shed as you like; fireplace, furnace, all conveniences, perfect location, flne view of mountains, walking distance; soon . ready to move into.-. Phone Monday, Main or A1942. . - LOT In Rose City Park, best buy there, lays fine, close in; price $450; $150 cash, bal ance $10 month. H: W. GARLAND CO., 101 4th St. $1000 bu yet nice 6-room cottage, with improved lot. near Mount Scott car; only $250 cash, balance to BUlt. This "is a nice home and a good buy. .las. C. Logan, -room 20 Raleigh bldg., 323 Wash. st. - . $2075 Must be sold, West Side 6-room hcuse, furnace, electric light, gas. walking, . dis tance Market st. Jas. C. Logan, - room 20 Raleigh bldg., 323V- Wash. St.. . CUTTING hair 25 cents; shoes shined free at the Model barber shop, the finest 11-chalr s4iop in the city; only best of barbers em ployed. 01 6th st. ' i TWO lots 100x100, Bast Side, on carHne; will sell cheap or exchange for hoifse and lot. Call between 11 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. Room 300, 311. Stark at.. $15,750 TAKES very choice flat building and lot, Wert. Income $1632 per year. M. E. Lee, room 20 Raleigh bldg.. 323 Wash, st. FOB BALK TIAIUER LAND. TO TIM.BER BUYERS. Now is the time to secure bargains. We have them and good ones. 60 days from now you will pay more than you do to day. See us before buying. Sphinx Agency,. 308 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER LAND. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA, JAMES D. LACEY ft CO.. - Chicago. New Orleans, Seattla. ' f 620 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. BARGAIN. Timber claim near Elk City, between 5 or 6 million. ZIMMERMAN & VAVGHAN, 303 Buchanan bldg. WE have a quarter section of spruce, fir, . hemlock and cedar, will cruise between 3 and 4 million, near tidewater; $2000 cash. Hodson ft Bennett. South Bena, Wash. HOMESTEAD ONLY one left, near Hood River; a grand pickup. Am going there the 10th. Want to go along? Cobb, 407 Rothchild bldg., 4th and Wash. WANTED Address of timber cruisers familiar with uncoupled lando within railroad grants in California and Oregon. Address Fettej-ley, 378 3d u San Francisco. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale. SO acres. Linn County, on the San t lam River; good timber, cabin and tools. , A 405, Oregonian. - SEVEN good yellow pine timber claims in Klamath and Lake Counties. J. A. Finch, owner, rooms 4. 5. 6 Mulkey bldg. Phone A 1240. 170.000.000 feet of fine yellow fir timber, near railroad. 40 miles from Portland; buy from owner or agents. E 500, Orego nian. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, .Couch Bldg., 108 4th St., near Wash. CHOICE TIMBER CLAIMS FOR LOCA tlon. ' Commercial Abstract Co., Suite 34, Raleigh Bldg., 323V, Washington st. SILETZ homestead relinquishment for cost of improvements; S.OOO.OoO feet very ac cessible timber. B Mti. Oregonian. . I HAVE first-class buys in large and small limber tracts. See me. Thos. P. Thorn ton. 319 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 1000 acres timber land, located on S. P. Ry. ; flne proposition for sawmilL J. O. EH rod, S wetland bldg. WANTED Position as timber cruiser; am ex perienced and reliable; reference furnished. W 490, Oregonian. HOMESTEAD relinquishment; will exchange for city property ; will assume mortgage. X 2S7, Oregonian. TiMBER wanted. Sphinx Agency, room 303, Chamber of Commerce bldg. LET me sell you a" timber claim dirt cheap. N 518. care Oregonian. FOUR timber locations. 327 Worcester blk. " W4XTED HEAL K6TATK. TWO 7 or 8 -room, thoroughly modern resi dences, Noo Hill district, fall lots. Small residence, good lot, nice neigh borhood. $1500 to $2ooo. with terms. Vacant lot. so. of Morrison, for residence.. We have buyers waiting for above prop erty, and can close deals this week if prices are right. Call Labbe & Thomas, 35 Labbe bldg.. Main 1822, A3! 50. WANTED Unimproved land or lots; Will give my share of stock in a reliable indus trial corporation for same. Describe what you hava and state value. Address John E. Fellers. 355 Dearborn St., Chicago. WANTED 7-room modern hnu. on fair-sized - lot. in good location, to cost between $:(O00 and $4xm, if terms can be arranged. Owners only address, with full particulars. B 503, care Oregonian. - WANTED A house on East Ankeny street . neighborhood, or East Taylor street neighborhood-. CHAPTN & HERLOW, 425 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To buy,. 1 to 5 acres, improved with good house of 6 or more rooms, out side of city limits, near carline. Ellis. York & Co., rooms 20 and 21. 204 Mor rison st. I HAVE several customers waiting for good residence properties, improved or unlni- proved in - northwest iart of city. '.. J. -FRANK PORTER. . 607 Commercial Bldg. JUST now we are having a rush of clients for homes and investments: if your prop erty is reasonable we can sell it. See M. C. Davis, room 16. Hamilton bldg. Main 4610; A2406. DO YOU WANT CASH., ' Will buy one or more lots or Improved property. East Side, north of Piedmont pre ferred; only owners answer. , J 487, Ore ' -gonian. - WANTED City property, tarms tiBi timber lands. MOREHOUSE-WIEST CO.. 420 Lumber Exchange bldg. - WANTED TO BUY direct from owner, good paying rooming-house. I have $1600 cash. ' State full particulars and location. . V 401, M Oregonian. WANTED Neat cottage and lot; prefer Kul- ton or South Portland; must be bargain; .. state . price In first letter. J 480. Ore-gr-nlan. WANTED Nice 8 to - 5-room cottage, close to Mount Scott line; about $175 down; bal ance monthly or yearly. S 511, Oregonian. WANTED Improved farm 'near Portland, for most desirable residence property. Phone Main 4705 Monday. WANTED A tract ' of land -on Willamette "River, within 50 miles of Portland; no low land. O 401,: Oregonian. WOULD like to" buy a home on Willamette Heights. Address, full particulars, to V 508, Oregonian. . t A LOT for not over $800 cash on East Side, - near car line. What have you? V 405, Ore gonian. ' - ' . WANTED To buy cottage and lot of owner; give location and price., K 508. Oregonian: WANTED Good business property for about $60,000 cash. F. Fuchs, 221 Morrison st. FRACTIONAL lot wanted, state location and price. H. F. Aplin, 386 Broadway.' WANTED Cheap corner lot near E. lth - and GHsan sts. P 519, Oregonian. TO buv "4 or more flats, centrally located. W 518. Oregonian. 4 OR 5-room house, not to exceed $12.00. ' A 506, Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LAND. WANTED Locaters for Government timber lands. Parties desiring to take up timber claims now is your opportunity in a good - location, can be driven to with vehicles. Timber consists of sugar pine, yellow pine and some fir; will leave here with parties about January 12. For particulars call up E. E. Willard, phone Main U67U, room 201 Imperial Hotel. . . WANTED To meet or correspond with hon est locator for timber claims or homesteads; good references required. R 491, Ore gonian. .... RELINQUISHMENT wanted, either good timber or homestead. Will exchange lot valued at $tV00. O 500, Oregonian. WANTED Adjoining -timber claim and , homestead, located near river or railroad. N 508. Oregonian. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. ALL kinds, including approved forest re serve scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed tim ber and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton The Portland," Portland, Or. PUBLIC land scrip for sale; land, mining practice. D. N. Clark. Atty.. Washington, D. C. TO EXCHANGE. - WILL, trade choice building lot for savings accounts in Title Guarantee ft Trust Co. F 470. care of Oregonian. BY owner, equity in two vacant lots, exchange, for deposit In either defunct bank. Inquire room 111. 351 Morrison. FOR TRADE Income-paying property for good farm. H. G. Slbray, 684 Dawson st. Phone .Woodlawn 1124. A 5-ROOM cottage and three lots for sale or trade for grocery, confectionery or cigar Btore. Phone Main 681. . WILL take desposits in closed banks In. pay ment for well-located lots., D 515, Ore gonian. SMALL place. of 10 acres, near Newberg. will exchange for city property. 76 First st. WILL trade for what you have. L. Ains worth Smith, 309 Wells-Fargo bldg. WANTED Good, (light - buggy and harness. 156 Emerson st. W. Phone Scott 5553. EQUITY In small house for team and cows. Address O 502. OregoniarK your good will match up with your bank account. Wait until you get your feet back on the earth again. In the meantime, RENT ONE OF THE FURNISHED APARTMENTS IN THE OREGONIAN WANT COLUMNS and keep your honeymoon at the full as long as possible. Reading the want ads. every day will only add to your pleasure, and sooner or later the flat or home you want will be advertised in your favorite newspaper. Then "you can transfer your honeymoon to a home of your own, as cozy and comfortable as though made to your order. . Even honeymoons are not : '. '. quite complete these days with- 1!NT-!1ceIv furnished modern fiat; .... . ,. - telephone; 3d floor; cor.; choice locality, OUt tne every -day reading 01 4 blocks Portland Hotel, until May 1; The Oregonian Want Ads. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE or sale Grocery store. $12O0. Cigar, fruit, confectionery and poolroom. $1500. Rooming-house. $000 -Take homestead relinquishment. New bungalow, $2200. Warehouse, St. John. $10,000. 5-room house, . $1800; take rooming house. K-room hquse. $4000: take farm. Want for cash, house and lot,- $1500 and vacant lot; walking distance, West Side. $5000 to $7000. t Have farms. 40 vo 2000 acres for1 other property. A. J. Richardson. 412 Commonwealth bldg. TO EXCHANGE. . The finest woolen factory on the pacific Coast to exchange for city "property ; will ; pay a difference of $3v,O0O or $40,000. Fine 7-room house, well located,- to ex change for small farm. v - Other property to exchange for land or will trade good property for notes . and mortgages. 't Call n ' . - " CHARLESON ft CO.. s V -411 Commercial Bldg., Phone Pacific 1190. 80 ACRES on coast,, partly improved, all . fenced with good Wire fencing, 5-room unfinished house, good barn. . chicken house, good" well and about 55 acres of the finest cranberry marsh In the coun try, balance fine strawberry and celery land: only $5500. part cash, and will take Oregon Trust, Title Guarantee .or Mer chants' National deposits; city lots or any good stocks for the balance. . J. FRANK PORTER. 607 Commercial Bldg. . FOR EXCHANGE. . 10 lots In St. John, 3 blocks postofflce;. good houso sund two lots at Cedarview ( rented $15) and ll07 model Locomobile, 20 H. P., In perfect condition, for income property up to $10,000, $15,000; will add cash or assume light incumbrance. Our properties clear. International Invest ment Co., 300-11 Macleay ,bldg. - . ALFRED A. BAKER, R$al Estate,' 215-216 Ablngton bldg. Have you got anything to trade? If so see - ALFRED A. BAKQl OR J. J. KUNTZ, Real Estate. 215-216 Ablngton bldg. CORNER LOT, with 2-room house, trade as part payment on property on Oregon City or Estacada car irnes; not farther out than Gresham N. E. corner 6th and Spokane, Sell wood, 1 block -east Oregon City car line. P 4S0 Oregonian. 5 ACRES best river-bottom fruit land, un improved, 1 M miles from Roseburg: will exchange for residence property or for merchandise and will pay any difference in cash. Address Thos. Cobb, Box COS, Roseburg, Or. FOR SALE or trade, a 20 -acre farm 14 miles, from Portland, - cn good county . .road, - for . Improved or unimproved city real estate or timber claim. Inquire room 14. Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison St. - 40 ACRES tillable land, 6 miles from Muskegon, Mich., to exchange for port land property. Apply J. W. Hurley. 1103 East 20th st. -North; Alberta car; home every night after 7- EXCHANGE OR SELL 4 acres, fine soil, good 6-room house, etc, county road, school, stores clo&e,. 1 miles of dt-pot. for cottage, large lot, suburbs of Portland. Route 1, Box 47, Banks. 320 ACRES stump land, well watered, 5 acres cleared, some fruit, fair house, 1 hours' ride of Portland; will trade for good home in Portland. Address Box 422, - Arleta. EXCHANGE. 400 acres land, all sown to grain, rented - for crop. Would take good residence and give terms. 607-8 Swetland bldg. HAVE choice farms to exchange for good city property and city property for good farms, value tip- to $30,000. F.' FUCHS, 221 Morrison St. . PRACTICALLY new buggy, good sleigh, also acreage to suit customer, on Base Line road. where Troutdale carline crosses. Owner, 61 Union ave. N. B1350. IMPROVED farm to exchange for Portland suburban property; house . and lots for rooming-house, over 20 rooms. What have you? R 518, care Oregonian. FOR SALE 4 modern flats. West Side. $0000. Will pay S per cent net, or will trade for small farm near Portland, or In Willamette Vallt.y. W 511, Cre&cman. ACREAGE near carline. 15 minutes' ride from Alder si., to exchange for residence or small farm. Moore 'ft Frost Land Co., Swetland bldg., city. TO exchange 160 teres flne timber land near Columbia River, for grocery store. For particulars see M. E. Lee, room. 20 Raleigh bldg., 3234 Wash. st. " WILL trade 160 acres of finest apple land in Hood River, section for modern home, would prefer near Steel bridge. Hell man, 306 Ablngton bldg. TO EXCHANGE 7-room house. 3 lots, all out fruit, flne well, for lots or equity In 6 or 7-room .-house and 2 or more lots: F 503, Oregonian. SHOTGUN L. C. Smith automatic ejector, hunter one-trigger; good condition; value $12o. for typewriter. P. O. Box 7. Tilla mook, Or. 40-AC RE fruit ranch for sale cheap or will exchange for good modem rooming-house or house and lot. Address S 508, Oregonian. LOTS In Council Crest Park Addition to ex change for heavy . hors. Matched team of mares preferred. 302 Goodnough bldg. WILL exchange timber claim, upper Columbia, 2 miles of river and rail, for equity in Port land property. G 487, Oregonian. . FOR SALE or exchange for Improved, city property, 240 acres of choice irriglble land; will assume. R 515. Oregonian. STOCK of groceries and other goods for sale or exchange for ranch, residence or va cant lots. F 488, Oregonian. EXCHANGE equity in choice lot 100x100 for house. . furniture or bank accounts; a snap. See it. C 435. Oregonian. B FA RM to exchan ge for im proved city prop erty. 302 Goodnough bldg. WILL trade real estate for first-class piano. X 490. Oregonian. Don't Spoil Th Honeymoon Don't spoil the hap piest time of your life worrying- ' over flats, and furniture, and the thousand and one things' needed to make a new home. When you get start ed on that tack there'll be no end to your trou bles. It's too early to assume the cares of a householder and the re sponsibilities of making icr-.iH.iiiiiHe t pur Lies oniy; s-ss. t- 4Vi, Oregonian.. FOR SALE FARMS. SPECIAL FARM INVESTMENTS. I ISO-acre farm, situated In Cowllts Coun ty. Washington, mile from boat land ing. R. R. station and good school; sub stantial Improvements, consisting of a good 6-:roqm house, large barn, granary, dairy and all necessary outbuildings. hls t farm Is well fenced and cross-fenced, has 'abundance of living water, more than "SO acres . under plow, a- large and profit able orchard consisting of more than ;00 select cherry trees, and a large variety of other fruit, a good team, 3 cows, 300 chickens, 20 stands of bees, plenty of feed to carry stock through the Winter; only $,"7.50 per acre. Well-equipped farm near TigardvIIle. 12 miles from Portland, Vt mile to school, of 50 acres. 70 of which is In a high state of cultivation. 5 acres of fine timber. ," In paHture. well fenced, with good buildings Everything goes with the place. Includ ing cattle, pigs, a fine team of horses, wagon., hack, some 25 tons of hay. :00 bushels of oats, 1O0 bushels of wheat, splendid prune orchard and dryer, etc. Price, $S500. This is an exceptional bar gain, the owner leaving owing to Illness. 40 acres, 11 miles west of Portland, all improved, fair buildings, good fences, family orchard, the best of land, only S33O0. 40 acres rich . land, near TigardvIIle, 2t-0i A very flne dairy farm, no better 00 acre farm in Clark County, near pro posed street carline. located in a good neighborhood, handy to school, church, store; -has telephone and R. F. D., a new barn, tiOxHG, cement foundation; 11 high grade dairy cows, young team. 4 and 5 years old, farm implements In good condition, .tO tons of hay, all dairy and farm machinery, poultry; a flne stream on the place; all for $r2."0. If you are looking for a farm anywhere In the Northwest, call and see me. I have a large list of Oregon and Washington farms. ' ALFRED A. BAKER, . Real Estate. 213-216 Abington Bldg. FARMS. 160 -acres, nine miles from Portland, north and west; good graded roads: 25 acres cleared, some good bottom land, flne fir timber on 80 acres, eight to ten thousand cords of wood; living stream of water runs through the farm; the price is right. 1 00 acres. 40 in cultivation. . 5-room - house, good barn, 5-acre orchard, good spring, water piped to house and barn; adjoining Sandy River; lots of wood, farm all fenced, only 19 miles from Port land on the Base Line road; the price is right. -. 845 acres on the Northern Pacific. - SO miles from Portland, station half-mile from house; fine dairy, farm; good im provements, bouse, two barns and plenty of fruit; over 450- acres of rich, fertile up land, . .- 10-acre suburban home, only a mile and 51 half from Council Crest, half mile from . new Salem electric line, one quarter from S. P. .station; all cleared; good 5-room house, barn, family orchard, all cleared, slopes south' and east; 91500 cash handles this; the price Is right. WALDO F. STEWART, 211 Commercial Block. Main 1506. BIG SNAP. SO acres, about lO miles back of Van couver; 25 acres cleared, balance slashed and burned, rolling land, good ' tillable soil, family orchard, fine spring, new house, barn-' and chicken-houses, team, harness, wagon, back and single buggy; $00 cream separator. 10 milch cows, 8 head young stock, hogs and chickens, 30 tons hay in barn; cream receipts for No vember amounted to nearly $20 alone. Will trade for .Portland or St, John prop erty. Only $0000. easy terms. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch Bldg.. 109 4tb fit. near Wash. FARM NO. i2. CI -acre farm. 8 a;res genuine beaver - dam; one-half farm under cultivation, bal ance flne timber, produces from three to four hundred bushels of onions per acre; good 5-room dwelling, 2 good onion houses, which hold M000 sacks each; barn and other outbuildings: price, $4700, $2000 cash, balance on easy terms, ROSE CITY REALTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY. Rooms 23-24. Lafayette Bldg., 6th and Washington Sts. , FARMS FOR SALE. 20 acres, 10 acres In bearing fruit, bal a"nca. flne cultivation; good house, barn and fruit dryer: 24 miles out, 1 mile from rail road station, school and church; price $3000, part .cash. 64 acres under high state of cultivation; 8 acres berries, finest varieties. 80 bearing fruit trees, good house, barn and outbuild ings; i mile to railroad station. 11 miles from Portland: price S2000: terms If de sired. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st. (ground floor). ALFRED A. BAKER, Real Estate. 215-219 Abington Building. A good farm, 82 acres, near Salem; 40 acres under the plow, fair buildings. 21 high-grade. Jersey cattle, 3 good horses, wagon, harness, all farm imolements. hogs and poultry: everything for $0000; will take a part In city property. . . ALFRED A. BAKER OR J. J. KUNTZ,. Real Estate. 215-216 Ablngton Building. FOR SALE or exchange. Improved Alberta wheat ranch. 6-10 acres. 4S0 In cultiva tion. 300 acres in Fall wheat, new break Ins and all looking splendid; good snrlng on the place; 2 mites from railroad town, r miles fence, house, barn, gran aries. Will exchange for farm lands, r(ty " property W business. . Owner. 800 East Salmon st. 80 ACRES FOR $500. 80 acres of flne uni mproved land 3 miles from railroad station In Yamhill County; Tunning water from large spring on place all year. - Our client must have some money and will sell this at the ex i treme low ?rice of S500. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 508-500 Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Wash. 1120 ACRES rolling land, about 30 miles .from Portland; good soil, plenty of water, , a house, 2 barns. 4-aere orchard, 550 ' . acres open country, bu! table for stock range; only $12 per acre. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch Bldg., 10 4th St.. near Wash. $10 A DAY and expenses, if not found as rep resented; give you the best of value for your money. In any kind of choice farm. In acreage or large tracts; most extensive list of good farms In the city : tell or write ' what you want and you will be treated to your best satisfaction. F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison st. 5-ACRE tracts, near Vancouver. 2 miles from ferry lauding, partly cleared; lies " nicely; good soil; water easily got. They are snaps, and can be had on easy terms. " CALL ON US. COLUMBIA. TRUST COMPANY, Couch Bldg., 100 4th -St., near Wash. IMPROVED and unimproved farms, Oregon . and Washington, some .near Salem, others near Vancouver; 2 or 3 exceptionally good buys. It will pay you to look over my list. Cobb. 407 Rothchild bldg.. 4tn and Washington. 1-0-ACRE tracts orchard lahd near M osier, especially suitable for cherries, peaches and grapes, $400 and up per tract, $10 per month. This beats buying suburban lots. Cobb. 407 Rothchild bldg.. 4th and Washington." " 1 ACRES at Cove. Orchard Station, Yam hill County: land good for any purpose: flne place for chicken ranch. A splendid buy. for inoo:- $iOO cash, $J5 month. Cohb. 407 Rothchild bldg,, 4th and Wash ington. ACRE tracts along the Hnfr of the O. W. p. from $65 up. We make a specialty of farms and srreage in this- locality. MOREHOUSE-WIEST CO.. 420 Lumber Exchange bWg. ONE OF THE be-Ft farms in Linn County will be sold at administratrix' sale. January IS. 1908. 126.56 acres of finest clover lan1s, 24 miles) from Albany, on the Albs ny-Tan gent county road. Arldress Anna L-. Curl. 406 E. 4th street. Albany. Or. 15 ACRES. mile from Gresham depot, 11 nrea cleared. '10O fine vounar apple trees. 2000 . $Soo down, balance TO vears at 5 per cent. Morehouse -We 1st Co.. 420 Lumber Exchange bldg. A NICE 40-acre farm 22 milef from Portland: 20 acres under cultivation. honp. barn and outbuildings 2 springs: only $2300. C. F Pflugr Co.. room 14, , Mulkey bldg.. 2d .' and Morrison. . BARGAIN 8-acre berry and Toultry ranch on carline. near Hv: hiarbu- improved; house, barn. ou?buildinrs: SI 250 cash, bal ance terms. -' Owner.- O 402. Oregonian, WHEAT land that raises wheat - I mnke a specialty of Sherman County wheat farms; have the lare-est list in the city. J. O. ' Elrod. 607-8 Swetland bldg 6UNPHINH, bTne skies. - A-anre rroves. Or lanc:. Cal.. Is boominsr! Cheap rlcn land and t Oovrnment Irrigation works building. W. i W. Payne, a-rnt, 1200 Williams are. Phone Woodlawn 1118. SNAP Good 6-room house. rtV. acr-, good land, close in, near car line;" worth double . tie money T a-k for It; don't rolsa this. TV Neep. 20.: Mora St., Arleta. Or.. Box . 103. WHEAT land that raises wheat. I make a speciaky of Sherman County wheat farms; have the largest list In the city. J. O. Elred, 607-8 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. "INVEST IN FARMS." 134 acres flne land. 75 acres under fine state of cultivation. 10 acres more nearly all cleared, ::Vb acres in orchard of as ported fruits In full beuring. 5-room bouse, faine barn, 56x106 feet; dairy house and ail other outbuildings. 16 head or cattle, team; : wagons, binder, mower,- rake, plows, cultivators, cream separator, com plete dairy outfit, hay and grain enough to run place for 'year, all small tools, chickens, geese, etc., t some household furniture; . price $6500; $:t5O0 cash. 3 miles from river and railroad town, on fin. gravel road. 14 miles from Vancouver. '0 acres. 4 miles from this city on flno . road. CO acres under tine state of culti vation. 20 acre pasture, balance in tiin- .. ber. good 6-room plastered house, good barn and all other outbuildings. 40 acres BSAVERDAM LAND nearly all cleared and drained; this alone Is worth more than Is asked for the whole place. Small fam ily orchard; will sell i;0 acres or more; price $11,000, 1-3 cash, balance to suit " purchaser. - - 52 acres, 5 miles from this city on fine gravel road. 40 acres under good state of cultivation, flne new 7-room house, frame barn 40x50. 2 flne large chicken houses and. all other outbuildings, i mile from school. 2 mltch cows, 1 horse, wagon, buggy, potatoes, grain, loo chickens and some household furniture; price $5700, $2700 cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cent. If you do not see what you want in the above, write or call for our lists. THOMPSON & SWSN. Citizens Bank Bldg.. Vancouver, Wash. 306-7 Swetland Bldg., Portland. Or. HOOD RiVER FARM. . 80 acres, 3 miles from town, best fruit land- in valley, all in -cultivation. 5 acres 5-year-old apple trees. H acres 2-year trees, 10 acres in strawberries and small fruits, 15 acres In clover; 8-room house, nice garden and flowers, large barn and sheds; $18,000; cash, balance 3 or 5 years.'- ' 40 acres. 15 under cultivation. 6-room house, barn, wagon shed, all under good fence; some good standing timber, near Gresham: price $3500; terms. 90 acres, near Oregon City, 15 acres In ..bearing cherry trees, all good fruit land; barn, two creeks on place;, all fenced; price $4500: terms. M'CAXLUM & GREGG, 223 Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID FARM PROPOSITION. -110 acres, 40 acres in cultivation, all fenced but 10 acres, watered by 2 wells and springs, 2 acres In orchard; also small frutt; good 9-room bouse, barn 24x 60, small granary, good cellar, chicken -house. 20 .acres in timber. 30 rods to school, 4" miles from center of Oregon City; price $5000; $6000 will buy stock, implements, in fact everything on place. Several other very good farms. Loan can be had. Call at 133 "4 First et. Rooms 23 and 24. THE best bargain ever offered you; 15 acres, one - quarter mije from Gresham, on Esta cada line; 11 acres cleared; 110 apple trees, Baldwins and Spitzcnberg. just coming into bearing; running water year through, some good onion land; whole place can be irri gated; -very finest of soil; price J1800; $1000 cash; balance 6 per cent for 10 years. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY. 301 McKay bldg. Corner 3d and Stark sts. VERY sightly 5 acres overlooking Columbia R!t er, 14 mile back, east of Vancouver Barracks, cleared, for $2000; easy terms. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch Bldg., 109 4th St., near Wash. WHEAT land that .raises wheat. I make a specialty of Sherman County wheat farms; have the largest list in the city. J. O. Elrod, 007 -S Swetland bldg. 320 ACRES near Salem, half cleared, bal ance good timber; flne soil; house and barn: price $22.50 per acre; will dlvirie if desired. D 513, Oregonian. SIX f.crcs with new 8-room house, large barn and flne orchard, only one block from .carline; price f6500. Room 18, Lafayette bldg. Jl NIC little farm of 16 acres, well Im proved, near Forest Grove, to sell or ex change for city property. 76 First st. 11 ACRES one mile from Oregon City, good soil, running water, some timber; price $S00. K- 507. Oregonian. CAN locate 'parties on four choice homesteads. 514 Swetland bld. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR SALE SPLENDID DAIRY. STOCK AND ROUTE. 26 cows, 16 head of young stock, 2 bulls, 5 horses. 5 wagons, -2 plows. 1 rake, i mower, 6 pigs. 100 to 150 chickens and ducks. 5 sets of double harness, disc har row, 75 to 80 tons of hay, 15 tons of shorts, V. of crop sown, other seed on place, all dairy utensils. Wilt lease farm . for 3 years at $3oO per year. Price for stock and Implements $3500. This place is near Oregon City carline. Milk routes Ore gon City and Sellwood. Call at 133 1st St. Room 23 and 24. FOR RENT. COLUMBIA BEACH FARM AND HOTEL. Just the place for one who understands dairy, stock, fruit and berries, and Sum mer resort hotel. Railroad station and steamboat landing. Rent Verey Reasonable. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder St. TO LEASE for rallk ranch, 20 acres, near fthattuck Station. Address R. H. Fay, Hillsdale. WANTED FARMS. WANTED 23 to 100 acres well Improved Northern Oregon or Southern Washington. Full particulars first letter; spot cash; owner only. F4&8, Oregonian. WANTED To rent 5 to 40 .acres for term of 3 to 5 years, with option of purchase, within 7 to 25 miles of Portland, near R. R. and boat. J 494, Oregonian. SMALL Improved farm near school, on coun ty road; -give full particulars. A 486 Ore- gonian. WANTED Land within 15 miles of Van couver. Wash. Address R 409, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED to rent, 5 to 20 acres with , fair house, near carline or on river. O 501, Oregonian. . FOR SALE. Horses. . Vehicles and Harness. BARGAINS Team of mares, sound, good work ers, with light 3-sprlng .wagon and good breeching hame.--, all complete. loo; bay mare 7 years old. drives any place, weight 1075, $75;. bay "horse. 1100, 9 years old, with light wagon and harness, $75; nice saddle and driving pony, with saddle and bridle, &. Call today or Monday. 294 Montgomery. 20 HEAD f good chunky, heavy and gen eral purpose horses, farm mares, pome in foal, some extra roadsters; all In good con dition and ready for work. 294 Montgomery. SADDLE horse, single-footer; . span gentle mules ; hotel bus. camelback furniture wagon, stock saddles, single and double harness. Hubert &. Hall. 266 4th st. W A NTEI Sound, well broken team, mares preferred, used to hard work; 2800 to 3000 pounds. Would buy entire outfit if suitable. R 484. Oregonian. . TEAM of well-imatched chestnut sorrels, 4 . and 5 years old: sound and gentle, work any place, bargain If taken at once. 294 Mont gomery St.. DRAFT horse. 1600 lbs.; fresh Jersey cow with-calf; one brood sow, JOO cords wood on track, at Jennings Lodge. George Morse. LOTS in Council Crest Park Addition to ex change for heavy horses. Matched team of mares preferred. - 3o2 Goodnough bldg. ONE heavy team with harness, very cheap; one second-hand light delivery wagon. Nobby Stables. 12th and Flanders. AT a sacrifice, good team, harness, wagon, $125; also new farm wagon, aleo other horses cheap. 23 N. 14th et. FOR SALE Ten head of horses, weighing from 1300 pounds to 16O0 pounds, by G. K. Howitt. Montavllla. FOR SALE Horse, burrgy, harness, $50; iake Mount Scott car to Firland, cor. Kent and Selling sts. Syangler. GOOD work horse -for sale cheap. George G. Sewell, Jennings Lodge, O. W. P. line. TWO 1200-pound mares, young, for sale at Jefferson-st. Stables, 2d and Jefferson sts. Hubert & Hall. 246 4tb. dealers In horses and vehicles; borses and vehicles for rent. FOR SALE 3 henvy teams, at 350 Flanders, weighing from 1300 to 1550; very cheap. FOR SALE 5 head young horses, 1300 to 1600. at bam. E. 13th and Oak. GENTLE) driving-horse for sale. H 506, Ore gonian. . $500 UPRIGHT piano, $87; Estey organ,- $30; must sell. 43 First and Ash. room 26. ' FOR SALK Pkaao. UPRIGHT PIANOS. $64. $95. $ 1 24. KTt As a result of our big 1'eeember buci tiesf. we have on hand a number of ex cellent used instruments. Thty were taken in part navmrni inunrdt fdiirv unrletile. baby grands, and Pianola pianos. Wo shall offer a number of these for Immedi ate sale, at unprecedented low prices. One of the famous Su original Deckers, $25. A Howard at $124. and another, the ot- . liest style made, at $148. A Stelnwav Venegram! bJz. $j1h. Bell full-sized cabinet grand plain mahogany case, $157. A Baus, medium size mahogany, excel lent tone, almost like new. -l7. An Imported Bord the well-known French . make in genuine, rosewood case. $4. One of the largest FishtTH -elaborate iy carved case splendid condition. $95. Vos. . choice walnut case," $15vS. Hardman. beau tiful mahogany, $187. Superb mottled ma hogany, -nearly new exhibition ptvl Kimball piano, half price. Hamilton, largest size, quite elaborately carved tuu . panels. $158. Bailey, also largest size. t-Avi'iiun-, ne, ion. a play or piano, quite well known make, taken In part payment for a pianola piano; will take S375 for this one. No lower prices were ever published heretofore. East or West, on pianos of simi lar grade and quality. We ought to get all cash iVr thee, but will arrange payments to suit, for the additional slmpt- interest. EiLERS PIANO HOUSE, 353 Washington st. LADY going East and perhaps to Europe, to be gone a year, would like to leave a val uable Hallett & Davis piano in responsible party's parlor; might sell It. X 600. Ore gonian. FOll. hALE Smith A Barnes upright piano. In good condition; will sell same on easy terms Phone Main 62d0, room 79 Glendor Hotel, after 6 P. M. FOR H&LE Steinway grand piano, very flne instrument, beautifully grained rosewood case. Price reabonable ; terms easy. W 472. Oregonian. FOR SALE or rent, all kinds, from 900 to . 1300 lbs.; city broke, for harness or saddle, at 505 Alder. M. 826, A4177. K1MBAX.L upright piano, duet bench, flne condition Particulars, price and terms, 61S Tourny bldg., evenings.. PIANOLA and piano; will trade for city lot or sell reasonable. 618 Tourny bldg.. even ings. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE CHEAP One Dayton computing scale, as good as 'new, with turntable, one grocer's coffee mill, one cheesebox and knife, one 60-gal. gll tank and pump, one doz. square candy jars. Call or address L., Swett,- Rainier. Or. THE best dry 4-foot flr wood delivered for $6 per cord and will send a machine to saw for 50 cents a cord, and then you are sure of full measure. Kirk Hoover. Phone Pacific 2500. A 1284. - GOOD JERSEY HEIFER, fresh, five week, easy milker. $32; 220-cgg Cyphers and Cornell Incubators cheap. Dell EiMott. one mile east Mt. Tabor Reservoir, route 1, Montavllla, Or. - NOTICE to plumbers: We now have on hand about 100 tons new assorted . cafct and malleable fittings, in any size, which we will dispose of at half regular price. M. Barde & Sons, 8th and Oilman st. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and ' pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fix lures; cneap prices. B runs wick-Bal ke-Co I lezder. 49 Sd sU SECOND-HAND pipe, good as new, any size or quantity ready for shipment; also any size assorted new fittings at half regular prices. M. Barde & Sons, 8th and Gl'.sau sts. WHAT! . Your name beautifully written on 6t new-style 1908 cards. 30c; finest hair-line shades; 12 beautiful samples H to. . Prof. V. Pratt, expert penman, Boise, Idaho. MOVING PICTURES, machines, song slides, views, etc., rented, bought sold and ex changed. Newman's Motion Picture Co:, 293 Burnside. Phone Main 845$. NO 7 Remington typewriter with tabulator, solid oak desk and chair, in flne condW tlon. AlhO flat top office desk and chairs. Room 32 Washington bldg. COFFEELENE A pure genuine substitute that equals the" finest coffee; recipe mailed for 2uc silver. C. P. Wetmore, 149 West 13th St., New York. . BIG stock new and second-hand showcases and counters, always on hand. Toe Acme Show-case Co., 14 7th st. Phone East 4855. FOR SALE Handsome feather boa, full length, un to date black hat ant white plume. All cheap. N 509, Oregonian. ONE pedigreed wire-haired fox terrier; fe male. 2 years old. white and brown. J M. Higgins, 25th and Vaughn. FOR SALE Gasoline launch 50 ft. length,' 12 ft. beam, 35 H. P.. 3-cylinder Union engine. B 499, Oregonian. 19-FOOT launch with 5-horse-power engine; run but one season, will sell for $150; cost $600. L 491, Oregonian. BUY or sell furniture, stoves aad household goods. Call Main 6374 or A 2327. "We went your -trade. The Dollar. YOUNG parrot, a good, moral talker. Apply B. S. High, administrator, 4. 6 and 6 Mul key bldg. Phone A 1240. - FOR SALE See and make offer. Fine pri vate selection of Indian baskets. Address P. O. box 253. J. F. C. LOGGING and hoisting engines for sale or rent. Railway Equipment Co., 324 Chamber of Commerce. CABINET sewing machine, $75 value; sac rifice. $25. Room 32, Hotel Bresiln, 11th. and Washington sta. WOMAN SUFFRAGE books and papers at the office of the Woman Tribune, 81 Selling-Hlrsch bldg. FOR SALE Nearly new chainless bicycle, coaster brake, lantern, at once, $13. 485 Clay st. M. Peker. FOR PALE Registered Russian wolf hound puppies; Valley Farm stock. Address Frank Roberta. Heppner, Or - SNAP Work launch, passengers or towing; 31 -foot ; seats 30; guaranteed flne order. 205 First st. HANDSOMELY furnished shampooing and vibratory massage parlors for sale. 210 Tilford bldg. .'" FOR SALE See and make offer roll top desk and typewriter. Address P. O. box 253, J. F. C. - ONE large solid oak roll-top desk and re volving chair, cheap. 625 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU want a bargain In- a gasoline wood . -aw. 6 horsepower see Clark, S32& Missis sippi ave- ' GOING away, will sacrifice K-horsepower Oldsmobile, $250, cash or terms. Call 307 1st st. - SCOTCH COLLIE puppies, sire and dam; cup winners. T. W. Fleck. Arleta, P. O.. . -Or. - . FOR -SALE or lease, double drum holstinc en gine, perfect condition. 452 Sherlock bldg. FRESH cows for sale or exchange; they are fat ones. 95 East 30th. Phone East r.V3. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides, film for rent. 165H 4th st. ELEGANT mandolin for sale cheap. Phone Pacific 577. Address 537 Montgomery, st. FINE fox terrier pups, price $5 each. Oeorze G. Sewell. Jennings Lodge, O. W. P. line.- BARGAIN Office table, bookcase, dining sets. 5 good carpets. 106 Union ave. BEST drv wood In the city, rt a cord or ft ' - load. 712 Williams ave. East 2162. HALL'S afc. practically new; 24x36 inside; snap; also drsk. . li 506, Oregonian. FOR a gasoline launch see F. W. Smith for prices. 890 East Salmon st. CLOSE figures on printing; good work. ?A Russell bid;., 4th and Morrison. NEW furniture of two rooms very cheap; rooms for rent. 107 N. 17th- Al FAMILY cow. Jersey: will be fresh Jan uary 10. at 541 East 6th t. ArTOMOPTLR fo- m. cheap for cash, or trade F 495. Orrconlan. FOR SJLE Dis.oi-d ring, $30. cost $63. Phone Main 7427 Monday. FREH nw. near store. South Mount Ta bor Phone East 4377. CAH fo all Vtt-ds of household goods. Phone East 5RRR. A "OOD family cow for sale at 930 Minns' sota avenue. FEPH "o-v with flne heifer calf. At 91 East Madison. TWO fr-b cows at 709 Harold st. Take Sellwood car. OLIVER typewriter; bargain. 514 Marquam.