3 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAy, PORTLAND, AUGUST 11, 1907. FOB SALE HE AL ESTATE. FEW AUGUST SNAPS. $250. Two lots in Peninsular Addition, near car. This la a snap. $050. ' n-room house, full lot. near Prettyman Station, Mount Tabor car; easy terms. Comer, lOOxWO, 80th and East Couch streets. Fine site fir Hats. $.1200. Let us show vou the 1 1-rnom house we are offering at this price; West Side. $3200. Two 6-room house, on full lot; bath 'and Bag; South Portland: $1500 cash. $5750. ft room, strictly modern (house. full lot, near 23d and T.ovejoy Ms.; a snap. $7500. room modern house. Montgomery, near 11th at. Lot alone worth the money. $8250. 10 room?, lot 45 by 105, everything mod ern, near West Main and King sts. 1 0.000. 5o by loo, corner Seventh ami College; veil Improved; Incomp $900. $U,5oO. ft rooms, corner lot 60x100, modern In every respect. You should see this. LA MONT HARRIS. 306-307 Swetland bldg. SWELL EAST SIDE HOME. flo.700 buys fine 0-room residence; $2O00 cash, balance long time; bargain. Western Realty Co.. &10 Buchanan bldg., 286 V Washington st. $55,000 Lot ouxioo. three-story brick !SOx!0: corner, central. $,?6.000 2-story business block, six stores; lot H7V.X10O; good location. $35.000 SOxloo, business block; fine locav tion on West Side, W EST ERN RBA LTY COM PANT. MO Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington st. ACREAGE. 10 acres, all In cultivation. 6 acres in small fruit; 40,00 small frutt trees; ft room house, barn, other buildings; the fruit trees on this place will pay for it. This bargain Is 14 miles from car at present time, but Mt. Hood carllne will pass right in front of house. Price Is only $5200. but It requires about $4000 cash, balance 3 years at 6 per cent. F. J. FTEINMETZ A CO., 1M3 Morrison St. ajpooo For very attractive up-to-date modern house, T rooms, hardwood floor, living room both upstairs and down, flne "e-Id-fashloned fireplace, Boynton furnace, com bination fixtures: this place must be wen . to be appreciated; no use building while everything nigh; owner selling to use money. In Irvlngton. Phone Sunday, Kast lhW. or B 1804. fcOTTAGE BUNGALOW. 24x2. 4 richly tinted weathered oak finish, fiber plastered rooms, fancy stone fireplace, bath, hot and cold water, cellar. Summer kitchen ; v Ml built for owner's home; 2 fine lots H'xioo. in choice fruits and lawn; faces prominent ave., block Qf streetcar; wide alley; an ideal home for small family ; only $1350. C. M. Thomason, 223 Cham ber of Commerce. SAY. LOOK HERE. We have Just got to have more houses and lots. Must be right price and easy terms. Had 14 calls yesterday for proper ty ranging (n price, from $150O to $4000. ZIMMERMAN A VAUGHAN, Room 303. Buchanan Ride-, WashlnRton St. $5 1O0 TO $7000. Four new. modern homes, Holladay Park Addition: complete in every detail; 6 and 7 room eac-h; full-sized lot, all improvement in. streets parked, 2 blocks from Broadway car. between 22d and 23d sts. Let me enow you these. A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay bids., cor. 3d and Stark. A BARGAIN. One acre on the peninsula; all kinds fruit, berries and vegetables in the high est state of cultivation ; iS-room house, chicken-houne. etc. ; 1 block from Wil lamette Boulevard, near Northern Hill PtRtion. on St. Johns car; only $1800; $1000 cash, balance to suit. See owner, UMlO Amherst st. A BARGAIN. A modern ft-room house in the best resi dence jct Ion on the West Side ; cement basement and walk, furnace, and, all mod ern improvenfvnts; lot 50x100. one block 'from carllne; house is in good condition, and Is a snap for $7750. and terms, too. Co lumbia Trust Co., Couch bulldlnR. IF you are looking for a good thing, I have Just what you want. Quarter-block on Fourth street, in business district, only $45,000. and $10,000 will handle It; bal ance your own terms. There's nothing bet ter In the city. THOMAS McCUSKER. 205 Couch Bldg. Phone. Main 7646. ACREAGE. Snap In three 5-acre tracts on the East Side, not far from carlfne. at $20 an acre; land adjoining held as high as $5no an acre: look these up at once and double your money bv selling In acre tracts. CLARK E-CLEM SON-BLUM AVER CO., 801-31)2 Couch bldg.. 4th. near Wash. BETTER SWK THIS. If you want a good home cheap; "-room; 2 story house, lot ftOxloO, full besement, built two years afro; sewer, water and sidewalk; East Flanders st., near Broadway and Ankeny can. Price $3100. cash $1600. ELLIS- YORK & CO., Rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison st. NICHOLS ACREAGE ADDITION To Garden Home. $200 to $350 per acre, 5 miles S. W. of the Courthouse. The Oregon Electric Railroad runs through the tract with station on tract; lots from 1H acres; terms to suit purchasers. L. E- THOMPSON & CO.. 22R 3d st. A SNAP. 8-room modern house in Xrvington; not new, but well-built, on a 50xH0 lot. east front; the house alone cannot be built for the price asked ; owner needs money and will sell for $3500. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Couch bldg. "32-ROOM house, modern, choice cor. lot, extra size, N. W. part of city; fine location, north and east front: will be sold at a sac rifice; near 2 carlines; short walk to Chamber of Commerce; large house; a de cided bargain. Owner, N 111, Oregonian. , PORTLAND For Sale Fractional lot o TRUST 25th st.; a splendid place f' on ' CO. a home or for flats, only $2000. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, ' S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 54ti50 FRACTIONAL lot with income, over 10 per cent net. Iook It up. $5750 Best built flats on East Side; ft per cent net investment. WALDO F. STEWART. 211 Commercial blk. Main 1-506, A 47.06. INVESTMENT 10 PER CENT NET. $3K50 Tw o h miBPS. 8 in 1 n u tos' walk from poatnffiee on West Side; cement walk and all In good condition. This price Is for the two houses. 722 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. BY OWNER 7-room modern colonial house, full corner lot. streets improved, gas, fur nace, wash trays in basement, beautiful lawn Ylneg and shrubbery; one block from Hawthorne ave.; close In; price, $5800. Phono East 4300. T 'J3O0O Home, mcdern. 8 rooms one block from car. fWxlOO Jot. Owner compelled to sell on account of sickness; might take small payment, balance easy terms. Phone Sun days Tabor 152; Monday, Main or A 1942. $5200 Modern 8-room house; separate toilet and bath; full corner lot. cement walks and basement, furnace and gns; East 14th st., nesr Hawthorne; ensv t-rms. LATH ROP A LAWRENCE. 204 Lumber Ex. JTEW, strictly modem four-suite fiats In choice residence neighborhood, and a six-room cot tage. King's Addition (south of Washington st.) monthly rents $150. Price $20,0oo. Easy terms. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark St. QUARTER biock at E. 3d and Taylor sts., the bcM warehouse district In Portland. This propertv is rapidly advancing in value; price $18,500. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark st. MOST BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT ON EAST 11th and Tillamook, with arc light In front; all Improvements In and paid for; finest neighborhood on East Side, $1400. Sherlock A Woerndle, 90 6th street, near Stark. $lR5o Fr.r 5-room cottage with hath, clase in on West Side. $Too down; balance, mort gage 6 per cent. 722 CHAMBER "OF COMMERCE. FOR SALE New 8-room house on Han cock st., Irvincton: lot 75x100; price $0700. ALBEE BENHAM CO.. Concord Bldg., A 4043. SIGHTLY lot. 50x1 no. cement walk. East Side, good neighborhood, $50 down and $10 monthly; price $500. M. C. David, 16 Hamilton bldg. $9500 A quarter block, corner. 10th and Raleigh; a good 5-room cottage. Call Sherlock & Woerndle, 90 5th St., near Stark. . - BUSINESS property, warehouse, apartment house sites, business chances, rooming houses. Mutual Realty Co., 303 H Wash. ELEGANT quarter block on East Sixth st. ; a bargain at $5500; few days only. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bid. OWNER will sell 7-room nearly new residence in Portland Height: fine view; near car. C 122, Oregonian. XTS IS and 14. block 1. Multnomah Park; $100 down balance terms. G ac, Oregon l i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WASHINGTON ST- BUSINESS PROPERTY. $;i;UMt0 50 ft. on Washington and SO ft. on Couch; depth 110 ft., rentals on part of this carrying the property. Investors . had better look this up quick as such property is scarce; $13,000 handles this, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. SOMETHING CHOICE. $4230 S-room house In a hlfth-class lo cation: all modern improvements, nickel plumbing, cement sidewalks, all improve ments paid for. WON'T LAST AT THIS PRICE. $1400 5-room house. 2 blocks Mt. Scott car; lot 50xlOO, bath and toilet; house nearly new ; $7O0 cash, balance $15 a month. Interest 7 per cent. FULL VALUE. $2830 5-room house, lot 50x0, all Im provements; only $1100 down, balance to suit convenience at 7 per cent. GOOD VACANT BUY". $1200 7 lots 100x350. 25 or 30 shade trees. 1 block carllne, 5 blocks Oregon City line, partly fenced, with good wire xence; an excellent place tor a home. A MODEL HOME. $4500 On Clackamas st., including good carpets, 7 large and complete rooms, closets, bath, both electricity and gas. furnace, full basement, cement floor, Z extra rooms not completed, reception hall, cement walks. FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE. $4750 New 7-room house, lot 100x100 ,ft.. ltj blocks Williams ave. car. Ihiro reception hall. living-room 14x24, beamed ceiling, good fireplace. 7 large airy rooms, full cement basement floor; 8-foot walks, laundry tubs and new fur nace. Place built by owner, who is going East and must sell. Cannot be duplicated for les than $5500. Will give terms. FULL VALUE FOR THE MONEY. $2000 2-story 6-room house, one block of Williams ave. car; everything modern; lot 50x120 ft.; $loon handles this, balance 3 years at 6 per cent. A HOME FOR A LITTLE MONEY. $S0i 1 'i-storv house with 4 rooms, lot 40x100, 4 blocks from Mt. Scott car, now rented for $S per month; $400 cash, terms on balance BUY THIS AND STOP RENT. $2300 1Vi-tory 0-room house. 2 blocks carllne. lot 33 1 -3xlOO; sewer, water, gas nil in; built only seven months ; ifa con crete basement, nickel plumhlng; $1500 cash, balance $15 per month; interest only 6 per cent. "WORTH MORE. $3500 A block, well located. $5000 A 4 block. 100x100. East Side, close in. all assessments paid. We hav other good buys of all kinds listed that we can show you at any time. You are safe with u- THE VETERAN LAND CO., Room "A," 165 3d st. SAVE THAT RENT! ' $1250 Neat 4 -room cottage antl lot, BOxl35, near car; fruit and flowers. $1M0 5-room house and lot not far out; ensy terms. $2500 Attractive 6-room house and lot, near Union ave., full basement and mod ern construction. S254MI Neat 5-room house and full base ment, lot 100x135; fruit, flowers and gar den. $27O0 Nice 8-room house and 100x100, on carllne; shade trees and lawn. $3000 Pretty 0-room cottage and beau tiful yard, 50x125; fruit trees. House heated by hot water. Near Irvlngton and within walking distance. $35oO Fine 7-room house, full cement basement; lot 50x123. All improvements in and paid for. Near Union ave. and close In. A, snap. $4500 Beautiful modern, new 7-room house, full cement basement; furnace, etc., in Holladay's Add. A home to be proud of. $0000 7-room thoroughly modern Colo nial house, extra large lot. Just think of this price for a fine home on Portland Heights. $ HOno Beautiful 8-room, perfectly planned, with every modern convenience; corner lot : fine neighborhood. $6500 Splendid 8-room house, beautl fullv arranged, located near Broadway, in swell neighborhood. If you really want a home to be proud of, see this. $0500 On Portland Heights 5-room bun galow, elegant view of the river, moun tains and city; new and modern. $0500 On Portland Heights, most mag nificent view; 0 rooms thoroughly modern and beautifully arranged. $13,000 Grand home on Portland Heights, view unsurpassed; close to car and easy of access; no hills to climb; lot 75x100. No matter how fastidious you are, this will please you. ZIMMERMAN & VAUGHAN, Room 303. Buchanan Bldg., 2S6Vfe Washington St. S50 4-room new plastered house; water in sink, full lot, 2 blocks from Mt, Scott car; terms. Siioo l-room house, bath. gas. full lot. nice fruit; Just the place for a famlly-of two; $UH cash, balance easy. $2100 5-room house on East 11th St.; bath and toilet, sewer connections; one block from Hawthorne Park; cash, $IK)0, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. HHO00 Beautiful 7-room cottage. 2 lots, full basement, with Summer kitchen. 2 fireplaces, electric light, etc.; fine home; 2 blocks from car on 30th St.; hi cash. $550" S-room house, full lot, fine large bathroom, gas and electric lights, full cement basement, cement sidewalk and street improvements made ; an elegant home; East Ankeny, near 21st; $3000 cash, balance terms. F. J. STEINMETZ & CO., The Homesellers. 193 Morrison St. FOR SALE A beautiful 11-acre tract. 8 miles from Courthouse on Foster road. 4 blocks from Sycamore Station, on O. W. P R. R. ; very best of soil; no rock or gravel; Kelly Creek runs through this tract. Nothing like It near Portland for suburban home. Can raise chickens, squabs, fruits, berries, vegetables, speckled trout and crawfish. Will sell whole tract or cut In acreage to suit purchaser, with creek through east tract. Price $250 per acre. PACTF1C COAST REALTY CO., 307-30K Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Or. BEST BARGAIN OFFERED. 10 choice lots, one or all, at $150 each, close to Mt. Scott carllne; streets graded, water mains now being laid; clone to school, churches and stores; magnificent view of Mt. Hood and the mountains; lots nice and level; small payment down, balance easy monthly payments; these lots will be taken In a few riayp. so do not delay, if you want a genuine bargain. CLARKB-CLBMSON-BLITMAT'ER CO., 301-302 Couch bldg.. 4th, near Wash. $2300 8-room house, fine lot, on 20-minute carllne; only $5o0 down. bal. $20 month. $3000 New 7-room house, near Hawthorne ave.; tinted walls, cement basement, hot and cold water; $1200 cash, bal. easy terms. $3000 New 6-room house on E. 7th st. N. ; aiv walking distance? fruit; easy terms. LATH ROP A LAWRENCE. 204 Lumber Ex. REAL ESTATE BUYS. This means you. Homes. 5. 6, 7 and 10 rooms, modern, choice locations, reasonable prices and terms; unimproved building, lots, acreage and farm property. Call on A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark. I HAVE 15 acres very desirable property In Portland, adjoining City Park. Will sell cheap. There is a chance to make some money on this, as there Is a boom on now in this direction. ' THOMAS McCCSKER, 205 Couch Bldg. Phone. Main 7646. PORTLAND For Sale 100x100, and a good TItVST 7-room house; only $2000; CO. streets graded and water con nected. Terms If desired. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 6-ROOM house, Lents, Mt. Scott car, $650. 5-room, Vernon, $050. Large lot. Wood stock line, $050, $100 down; 7-room houe. South Portland. $2000; o-room Vancouver ave., $2500. Cheap homes .lots, all over city. Mutual Realty, 303 Vi Wash. MODERN 7-room house, .new. East 35th st., near Hawthorne, for $3800; 5-room mod ern house, East 8th St., $3000; new 7-room bungalow, Kast Side, $280o. $500 down and easy payments on balance. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. $500 WILL buy your choice of the 2 finest view lots on Council Cret; must have money to meet obligations; price $500 less than ad joining property. Address Owner, K 94, Oregonian. ! $7500 ONLY A 3 1-3-acre piece of land on the north side of Division st. and 20th; $275 per lot. How about that 7 Sherlock & Woemdta. real estate, 90 5th St., near Ptark. IN I RV INGTON . a brand new, strictly mod ern and sxcept tonally well-built house on Broadway: full lot; price, $7O00. on easy ' terms. Columbia Trust Company, Couch bu I ldlng. $1450 chicken ranch, containing 1 acre, In cubators, brooders, etc., 200 chickens, good furnished house; half cash. Address Baa ford & Perdew. Arleta, Or. $5500 for a 7-room modern house on 24th st.. fractional lot, for a few days only at this price. This is a bargain. B 9H, Ore gonian. 10otl0O Choice quarter-block In Holladay Addition : two blocks from carllne; $2100: good location. Sphinx Agency. 305 Stark street. TWO best lot on Council Crest, only $500 each: term. Snap. Call between 9 and 1 at 823 Chamber of Commerce or phone Main 7309. $9300 New 8-room strictly modern house, auto barn; lot 00x100; easy walking dis tance, Nob Hill district. W 07, Oregon ian. , . , $35oO New 7-room house. Just being com pleted; terms: close in. on East Side. pai-mer-Van Aletine Co.. 222 Failing hldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. THE VERY REST REAL ESTATE SPECU LATION IN PORTLAND. This Fall we will see the liveliest times Portland ever knew; hundreds of thousands of dallars are now being spent by rich men, improving their properties for subdivision purposes. Low tourist rates beginning In September assures an enormous incursion" of people : moderate priced homes will be In big demand; this Is a class of property me chanics, clerks and small merchants can make money dealing In. We have a proposition that has the ring of good coin la It. 20 acres, most sightly tract on East Side, convenient to street cars, plenty water, all ready for subdi vision, $14,000; $40X cash, balance two years. We will handle this property on com mission. "We sold half of Terrace Park in Ho days; we can clear up the 20 acres In October. THE SPANTON COMPANY, 270 Stark St. 1 YOU'LL GET THE SNAPS, WHEN YOU COME TO US. $7500 12 acres, 5c car fare, handsome 7-room residence, fine barn, living water big spring; choice variety bearing fruit and berries. The grandest place about the city. $4500 Grnnd colonial 10-room resi dence, beautiful grounds, commanding sit uation, west slope Mt. Tabor. $4400 Nice 6-acre place, good new buildings, choice variety fruit ; 2 aeres in berries; convenient to cars. Montaviira. $3200 Quarter-block.- beautiful 7-room modern residence, sufficient space to build four more. This is a Brand buv. $2000 Lot 50x123, with alley, stylish new 6-room cottage, with gas and elec tric lights, other modern conveniences. Nicely situated on Vancouver ave. $1000 Nice 5 1-3-acre place, all in fruit; 1H miles Montavllla. $1250 Nice cottage. 40xl00-foot lot, near E. 22d and Clinton. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., $2800 BUYS two cottages, only two blocks from carllne, on corner lot ; terms given. $1500 buys 5-room cottage and corner lot. Come and see. $23u buys two very nice cottages oq one corner lot, two blocks from carline. This is a good investment. $1400 buys a 6-room and corner lot, 2 blocks from carllne. $lUOo, bouse on carllne. $1000 buys 4-room cot tnge, lot 75x100 ft., 3 blocks from carline. $550 buys small 4-room cottage, lot 50 by 100. three blocks from carllne. Lots from $200 up- 's-acre tract, $1100, close in. 1-acre tract. $2200, close in. 1 a. highly improved cottage and fruits, $3000. 4 acres, 7-room house, under berry and fruit cultivation, clone In. $6700; good soil. There are no extortionate prices in this list. Come and see. .Take Montavilla carllne to No. 1440 East Gllsan st. and Maremont ave. come on Monday. J. Tressler. I00 N. E. cor. E. llth and. Lincoln sts., 54 ix loo. all improvements In and paid; 10 minutes' walk to Madison bridge; one blocX from fine Ladd tract, now being opened. $1300 One Inside lot. same block, 5oxl00; thee lots easily worth $500 more them above price; don' t miss this opportunity ; non resident says sell. A. H. BIRRELL, 202 McKay bldg,, cor. 3d and Stark sts. HERE ARE some good lots; take your pick and come In and Bee us 6OXU1O on East Ash st. for $1000, or we can build on It for you on easy terms. 100x100 corner on Tillamook st., 2 blocks from car; $1400. easy terms. 50x100 in Holladay Park Addition, on Wasco st.. $800. O0x120 on Williams ave., a business street that Is paved $4200. Columbia Trust Co., Couch building. EAST -SIDE HOME. An up-to-date modern S-room residence; large atti. full basement, fireplace, laun dry tubs, furnace and all other conveniences; house In good repair; ground 60x100 ft.; st. improvements 1n and paid; cheap at $6000; S5000 buys it; can give terms. One block, from carllne. in first-clats residence district. . CLA R K E-CLRM SON-BLUM AUER CO., 301-302 Couch bldg., 4th. near Wash. DIRT CHEAP. $1600v One acre of ground and new 5 room house;- $200 cash will take it and balance on easy terms; all under cultiva tion, with fruit trees; only 2 blocks from car: near splendid school ; It won't last long ; come earl v. ZIMMERMAN & VAUGHAN, Room 303, Buchanan bldg., 2S6V Washington st. NOBBY LITTLE HOME. N 33D ST.. 2O0 FEET FROM CAR. 5-room cottage, lot fiOxlitO, street graded, sewer, water, brick basement, porcelain bath, electric lights, tinted walls, large pantry, reception hall; built only two years. A SACRIFICE SALE at $li00; time on part. ELLIS, YORK & CO.. Rooms 20 and 21, 204 Morrison st. FINE HOME FOR SALE. $6500 Modern 8-room house, with re ception hall, attic, basement with cement' floor, furnace, fireplace, all conveniences, including fixtures, shades, carpets and bil liard table; choice location on the East Side. Address owner. V 114, Oregonian. a.sOu IF sold this week. Choicest lot in citv for the price asked. See this today. $3200 Owner must sell 8-room resi dence; near Sunny side stores V. PAGE HARRIS, Healey Bldg., Grand ave. and E. Morrison. $5700 Holladay Park, modern 7-room house. rurnisnert witn Desrt or rurnuure, inciuaing Haviland china dishes, piano, carpets, etc.; tinted walls, gas, electricity, furnace, bath, etc.; near car and school; all ready to move Into; house and Jot worth the money. LATH ROP A LAW"RENCE. 204 Lumber Ex. HOLLADAY PARK ADDITION. If you want a snap, come and look at two 6-room modern houses just being fin ished on 27th and Clackamas sts.; first class plumbing, furnace, fireplace, cement floor and walks. See owner, 848 Clacka mas st. FOR SALE Beautiful new 6-acre tract, all Improved with good building?, all kinds of fruit and berries, on Oregon City car line at Jennings Lodge, close to river, by owner. Address George Morse, Rural Route No. 1. Milwaukle. Or. SSOOO A BEAUTIFUL QUARTER BLOCK on Ankeny street, close In; there are 3 houses on the premises earning $60 per month; room for store on corner. Sher lock & Woerndle, 90 5th st., near Stark. THOMAS McCUSKER. 205 Couch Bldg., Phone Main 7646. stocks, bonds and real estate. If you want to buy or sell, your interests will be given special attention. Our-of-town correspondence solicited. NICE !-acre tract, on 2 good county roads. Courtnev station. 7c fare; all under cul tivation; some fruit. $1500, $500 down. Owner. Phone. Main FS6G. A HOME BARGAIN. Fine home in Holladay Park, 6 rooms, new, modem, good value at $45iX). Can be had at a bargain If sold at once. P 115, Orego nian. SELLWOOD- AND CITY VIEW PARK. KELLWOOD Cozy R - room cottage. TOWNS1TE $1500; half cash; nice yard, COMPANY 1005 E. 33th. Sellwood, 101. $100 down and $15 per month buys a new 3-room bungalow in wooumere; wooa noer ?lnster. fireplace, water in house; lot 50x 00. Address M 100, Oregonian. FOR SALE 0-room-house, new, in Irving ton; lot 75x100; a fine buy at $7200. ALBEE BENHAM CO., Concord Bldg., A 4043. WILL sell my new 6-room modern house. cor. Stith and Belmont, lor ano; worm $3OO0- $ 1 30o cash Phone Tabor 3S6 or call at 1000H Belmont st. FOR SALE Southwest Texas farm lands. town and suburban property. Highest rerer-, ences. Correspondence solicited. R. W Sparks A Co.. Skid more. Tex. BEAUTIFUL home, convenient to center of city; ideal place for small family; large yard with bearing fruit tree. R 115, Orego nian. . 50x100. WITH 7-room modern house; choicest location In Irvlngton; one block from street cans; $4500. Sphinx Agency. 30514 Stark st. HOMES for-everybody. $050 up. any terms; farms anv size, price: timber claims; ex changes. Mutual Realty Co.. 303 Wash. BY owner, lot on llth and Tillamook, 75x 100. east front, new cement walk; price $2O00. Inquire 335 Ross st. BARGATN if taken at once, fine lot. 89x100, near fat eel Drttlget suitable for flats. See owner. V 123, Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP Best piece of acreage around jortiana. Lewis G. Conant. room 10, 208 Stark st. MODERN 8-room new bungalow on street car; $2S00; easy payments. B 122. Ore gnnan. BARGAIN New 6-room house with barn. $1600. 90 E. 45th. Call after 6 P. M. week days. WILL sacrifice this week only, 7-room house. 04 1 Broadway, particulars, call 572 Weid ler st. HOUSES, lots and land, bv J. Tressler. 1440 E- Gllsan st. Stop at Claremont ave. ACREAGE for eale at Mount Tabor Tabor 772. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SOME WEST SIDE INCOME AND . RESIDENCE PROPERTIES. Six flats, five and six rooms each, 2 blocks from Courthouse; well rented: good Income: $22,500; terms easy. Flanders St., near 22d. two flat bringing good rent; could be raised; $7000; terms will suit any body. Kearney st., near 20th, new 7-room house, choice residence section; a positive bargain; easy terms. Marshall st., .near 22d, residence of 6 roomj?. all modem conveniences, the cheap est buy on Nob Hill. THB SPANTON COMPANY, 270 Stark at. $2000 Large 8-room, modern house, close m, swell home, full basement; $500 cash, bal ance $1:5 per month. $2S0t Iarge 8-room house, lot 50x100, ""ar carlioe; $400 caMi. balance easy terms. $2050 each Ihrpo ffrtnri fl-rrtoin mrHrn houses, close in; $300 cash, balance $25 a month. $2H0i New 6-room house, modern, near canine; small payment down, balance $25 per month. gisoo 0-room modern house, lot 100x100; half cash. $1400 5-room modern house, 1 lot; $700 '--'J oninnce eaT i aims. $850 Neat cottage, corner lot, near car line ; caeh or terms. $ ' 2.1 4-room bungalow and 1 lot near tanine; unr casn, haiance easv terms. WESTERN REALTY -CO.. 510 Buchanan bldg., 280 Washington st. ONE of the finest, and best built 6-roomed houses In the city, with gas. electric light, bath, toilet, 2 basements, fireplace, piped for furnace, floors, polished, 2 large DOrcheS and Inrvo ronontlnn Viotl n-lth full cement basement. This Is a bargain ann must be sold in a few days; 15 min utes' walk from business center. Hage- jnuiin ce .oianenara, oi oth st. FOR SALE AT UNIVERSITY PARK. 3 blocks from the Park, on Davis st. Lots . 10, 11, block 127. Price 9(H). Can be bought on contract. $27( cash, balance ($630 can be paid $15 per month without interest. These lots are worth $000 cash. W. F. SCHOOLEY A CO.. 000 Main st., Oregon Citv. 100 FEET equare and good cottage on Grand ave. S. We offer this at much less than current values in that vicinity. Price $3250. M. G. Griffin, 206 Stark st. FOR SALE by owner, two lots In Laurelwood, near carllne and station; cheap for cash or Installment. 400 Swetland Hdg Pacific FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS FOR FARMERS AND SPECULA tors One of the best farms in the state, over 30O acres of fertile soli, well fenced; build ings cost over $800O; situated in the best part of Yamhfll County. Price. $20.ooit. Willing to exchange for a good Eastern Oregon or Washington grain farm. 40 acres at railway station, convenient to city, electric line In prospect, and will be built within a year; soil of the most fertile character, good for onions, cabbage, melons, cucumbers or any variety of gar den vegetables; all in fine state of culti vation. Comfortable buildings, splendid water; choice fruit. For a few days only, $5ooo. A 220-acre place. H-mile railway sta tion, 20 mijes Corvallis. one of the best farms in the state; about 50 acres good standing timber; 00 of pasture, balance fine state of cultivation. Good 8-room residence; fine. large barn, choice variety of bearing fruit. A charming trout brook meanders through the place; several fine springs. We will Wager our reputation this is the best farm in the state for the money. Only $20 per acre. Must have $25i0 cash. 160 acres, 1 mile from Ames, along the line of the proposed Mt. Hood Railway; - all good farming land, small house and barn; good orchard of 2o0 bearing trees; several fine springs. Wood enough on the place to pay for It. Price onlv $1250. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 140 First St. A CHOICE ORCHARD TRACT. 45 acres, a miles east of White .Salmon, and 1' miles from a boatlanding. on the Columbia River, consisting of an extra choice orchard site of 4 acres in one bodv. and 5 acres of hillside pasture with running water; the 40 acres have a gen tle eastern slope toward the Columbia River, and a deep, rich soil; 15 res of which are cleared and IO acres set to standard fruit trees, chiefly Spitzenberg and Newtown Pippins; 3 acres in potatoes and a fine family garden; the haiance of the 40 acres is willow land. Indicating a rich, moist soil and easy to clear: there Is a comfortable house, a barn and well M cellar; the view of Mount Hood and the Columbia River from the house Is magnificent; a more desirable tract could not be found for a fine orchard and lovely home. Price only $too0; terms, $2500. White Salmon Land Co., White Salmon. Wash. CHOICE FARMS YOU SHOULD INVESTI gate X27O0 Nice 40-acre place, beautifully located, fine fruit and well improved. $300 On very easy terms for "V well improved 54 -acre place, in easy driving distance from Portland. $ooo For a good 80-acre farm, 12 miles from center of Portland. $10,000 For a splendid and wcH-im-proved 120-acre farm, close to Portland, and on easy terms. $12,500 The best 165-acre, fine improved and highly productive farm inside of 11 miles of Portland, with all the stock, crop and machinery. Very easy terms given. If you look for the best In farmlands. see F. FUCHS. 2214 Morrison St. FARM INVESTMENT. 120 acres, all first-class oil; 67 acres high tate of cultivation; some tine garden land; good large farm house. 2 good bams, wood house, granary, chicken-houee. storehouse, roothouse. family orchard, berries, nice yard wlih large variety of flowers; 3000 cords of good wood on the land; water by springs, stream and wells. Thift farm is well adapted to dairying, orchard, berries, truck farming or hops; a good investment, as it lira well to subdivide and convenient to electric car line; only 8 miles out from Portland and 110 mountains to cross; it is well worth the money now asked for It. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE 170 acres; 100 acres Improved, fine orchard, nrst-class buildings. 4 horses. 2 wagons. 2 cows, all necessary farm ma chinery. $7000; $10OO will handle this. , 4o acres well improved, with running water, good buildings; will make Al chicken ranch. 40 acres, with good buildings, well Im proved; 2 cows, span of horses, wagon, some young stock, ,all necessary farm machinery. $3000. All of above property within two miles of good 'live town. We have other good property, all good investments to hold. BANK OF EST AC AD A, Estacada, Or. 14 ACRES 3 miles west of Beaverton; hi acre nne swate iano; easily cleared, naianca brush, some timber; one-room cabin, 20 rods from Hlltehoro-Salem electric line; fine spring; $loou cash. 5 acres, miles from Salem electric line, nearly completed, land all under culti vation, all kinds of fruit, it-room bouse, large barn. blacksmith shop and toolo; $3500. C. H. FRY. real estate, Beaverton, Or. FARMS FOR SALE. 20 acres, the most beautiful piece of land on the Base Line Road; new Mount Hood road passes through it ; absent owners ask for Immediate disposition ; 10 acres adjoin in tr ar A la st mniilf r, OfUl . r. n is.va m the price: easy terms; every indication say this property will be ready for subdivision before Christmas. The Span ton Co., country department, 270 Stark st. FOR SALE 100 acres; 00 bottom. SO table land; 00 cleared- 1 l-room house, furni ture, milkhouse, barn with shed, chicken, tol and hog house and wagon shed ; heavy wagon, light spring wagon, mower, rake. plow, harrow, 12 cows, 3 head young stock, horse, double harness, 8 hogs, fruit, etc.; price. $4500. Particulars, 110 8th st., Astoria, Or. FOR SALE ALL OR PART OF CHOIC3 farm at Dilley, Or., 310 acres, 180 bottom land, good buildings, electric light and telephone, with or without crop, 2 mls to milk factory; terms. T. H. Littlehalcs, Forest Grove, Or. 160 ACRES good land adjoining village of Houlton; enough timber on this land to pay for it; If divided in 10-acre tracts will sell without trouble. O'Brien Realty Co., 526 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE or exchange, 485 acres well-Improved grain farm, Klickitat County, Wash; $25 acre. A. J. Bolter, Dixie, Wash. 1120 acres, unimproved. near Portland, Columbia River; pasture and fruit laud; bargain. J 112. Oregonian. FOR SALE Some of the best dairy"snd stock ranches on Alsea Bay and vicinity. C. J. Smith. Waldport. Or. 20 ACRES. 7 miles froiV Courthouse, all in cultivation; a enap; $3000. H. W. Lemcke Co. ( FOR SALE-FARMS. 10 FARMS FOR SALS. BY PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO. Rooms 307-308 Buchanan bldg. NO. 1 EXTRA SPECIAL. MUST BE SOLD IN 10 DAYS. 800 acres. Eastern ' Oregon, 330 acres now In wheat, 150 Summer fallow, about 50 arret f v. o nrl nthaf rArffftls: OVF 6O0 acres can be farmed, balance pasture; f an under fence; orchard 00 trees, l-root header, household furniture, farmhouse . and implements, outhouses, etc.. with crop (wheat will aveimge 25 bushels to acre), at $18 per ore. . Terms, part cash, part Income fortland property, balance on time. Owner too old to work. NO. 2. Eastern Oregon ranch. Morrow County, 700 acres In all; 100 acres good wheat land, 250 to 800 acres under Irrigation, 250 acres In alfalfa; 3 big Irrigation ditches, all free, perpetual water rights; ample water for all purposes; good 10 room house. 2 large new barns, ample outhouses and blacksmith shop; good bear ing orchard, feeding plant, fully equipped for feeding, 400 head of cattle; cut 700 to 800 tons of alfalfa hay a year; can doublp output In two or thr.ee years; townte platted on ranch, with railroad tore a"nd pos toff Ice already located; price $21,500, half cash, balance 6 per cent mortgage. NO. 5. 800-acre wheat ranch for rent on shares; Morrow County, Oregon; 10 miles haul ' downhill to shipping point; a responsible w rancher can get good liberal terms. no. e. 120 acres. $150 an acre; IK miles below - Llnnton. Or.; street privileges to water front; you had better look this up; some thing doing down there. NO. 8. 240-acre fruit ranch, $4000; 18 miles from Vancouver, 84 miles to railroad; Clark County; 80 acres under cultivation; 2-acre pruno orchard; good house, 2 barns, prune dryer, farm implements. 0 head of cattle, chickens, turkeys, ducks, perpetual spring water and terms. NO. 9. 33 acres, Portland suburb on Peninsula, factory district, north of Columbia Boule vard, fronting on deep water and S. P. Railroad; sell in acreage to suit; liberal terms. NO. 10. 3 acres. Including 3-story brick, cold storage and slaughtering plant, on Penin sula, in factory district; switching privi leges from N. P. or S. P. R. R. can be leased on very liberal terms. Do you know Heidelberg Is In Portland T PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO., Rooms 307-30S Buchanan Bldg. A BARGAIN $52.50 Pr acre will buv 50 or 100 aires; 8 acres cleared; creek; fenced ; 20 rods to Bethany store and blacksmith shop. 11 miles to Portland; milk route, phone, R- F. D-, 2 miles to electric line. This Is a fine chance for dairymen. $1500 20 acres at Witch Hazel, all fenced ; some oak timber. 31 acres 10 acres clear, ' balance pas ture; two wells, 5-room house and barn, orchard; 1H miles to Laurel, 6 miles to HUlsboro; price. $2000. 170 acres 40 acres cleared, balance pas ture; house and barn, orchard, well and creek; 3 miles to Hlllsboro, 1 mile rail- road station; price, $45 per acre; a bar- SaKURATLI BROS., REAL ESTATE, Hlllsboro, Or. ALFRED A. BAKER, -Real Estate, '215-210 Ablngton Bldg. A very fine farm at a bargain price; 60 acres of the bent of land; well located in a good neighborhood, near school, church, store, etc. ; rural free delivery; telephone in the house; a splendid barn jurt. com pleted, 60x66, 22-foot poats, cement foun dation; 31 first-class dairy cows, a good .young team, 4 and ft years old; new harness; good 3V wagon; more than 50 tons of hay in the barn; ail the dairy and farming ma chinery, poultry, etc.; all for $5250; a fine living stream running through the place, ALFRED A. FAKER, Real Estate, 215-216 Ablngton Bldg. DO you want valuable yet cheap land? See here. Sec. 36. Twp. 6 N-, R. 38 E., 2.500,000 f:et of timber, all good grazing, plenty of water, $4 per acre: Sec. 36. Twp. 2 N., R. 36 VS., and Sec. 36, Twp. 3 N.. R 36 E., both near O. R. & N. line, about 2, 000.4100 feet of limber, fine grazing, at $4.50 per acre: one fine section. 16. Twp. 34 S., R. 41 E., 200 acres first-class meadow land, fine stream of water, atagaj road and telegraph line through it. at $4 per acre; section 16, Twp. 20 S.. R. 10 E.. fine 2d-rate soli, l.noO.Oito ft. timber, level, good buy at $2.50 per acre. Address room 14, Washington bidg., city. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED A fine fruit and chicken ranch of 2i acres; fertile soil, with 12 acres under cultivation, bal ance partly and easily cleared : running water year round : under fence; large farm house, nicely painted, barn and other build ings, large bearing orchard of choice fruit, a cow, chickens and farming tools included;.. houae and orchard worth price asked ; only hi mile from Pteamboat landing, daily ser vice, close to school and 1 miles from. La Center. Wash. ; owned by widow So years old, left alone and unable to run it; write for particulars; price $1400. with best of terms. A. D. Wllloughby Kalama, Wash. ALFRED A. BAKER, Real Estate, 215-216 Ablngton Bldg. A special farm bargain 00 acres on Lewis River, a fine 6-room . house, hard finished; large new barn, fine family or chard; 32 acres cultivated. This Is a very good farm. For sale for less than cost of improvements1. ALFRED A. FAKER, Real Estate, 215-216 Ablngton Bldg. ONE acre 1 block from Oregon City carline, new 4-room house, half acre cleared; partly fenced; good garden; price $1200 cash. 3 acres 1 block from Oregon City carline, 2u, acres cleared, haiance good timber; good garden; price $1700; $1200 cash, balance on time. THB SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245H Stark st. FARM BARGAIN. 60 acres good land, part Improved; good 6-room house, bam, orchard, running stream and well water; fronts on good road; good community; convenient to school, near Washougal. Wash., and Columbia River; snap; onlv $13o0. H13NKLE HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. FRUIT FARM FOR SALE. 24 acres, all In fruit; 6 acres In vine yard: apnles. peaches, cherries, prunes, loganberries and raspberries; one-half mile from O. W. P.. 300 feet S. P. depot and six miles from Portland Postoffice; one of the finest fruit farms in the state. J. H. REID. Milwaukle, Or- FOR SALE OR RBNT Attention nurserymen and farmers, 820 acres, all In cultivation, deep soil, fine improvements, convenient to rail and navigation. This farm is especially adapted for nursery business. Inquire of owner. George O'Brien, 410 North Capital St.. Salem, Or. 06-ACRE FARM. 3 miles from Houlton. on Nchalem road; will make good chicken ranch; also good for fruit and berries; good running water, the year around; about 30 miles from Portland. Address or call on W. A. Matechett, Houlton, Or. 440 ACRES timber and range land. 3 miles from Dilly and Southern Pacific Ry. Good fruit and stock land when cleared. Tim ber worth the price, $10 per acre. Whit ten A Bryant, 406 Swetland bldg. Pa cific 1738. 50 ACRES, 20 minutes' walk from Oswego depot. 35 acres under cultivation, good spring water, orchard, house, barn, all fenced and cross-fenced, cheap. Inquire 051 Union ave.. North. John Dick. ACREAGE In small tracts to suit, from three to nve or icn acres, near the city, and can be had on easy terms. Sphinx Agency, 305 U Stark st. FOB RENT FARMS. SMALL farm in East Side suburb, near carline. with house, barn, $8 month. Mc Coy, 304 North 25th. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. THE LACEY WAY Is recognized to be lbs standard way of handilng timber lands. The timber must first satisfy us, and our crillss reveals every detail of the conditions surrounding it. Our reports are prepared in such a way that the buyer linows whether or not the timber will satisfy him befsr be visits the tract. Twenty years experience and the client age wo represent. Id a sufficient guarantee that our methods are right. You may weste your valuable time in looking up the tratct you want Take advantage of the results oC our own constant efforts alone this line and get the beet. JAMES D. LACEY ft CO., Lumber Exchange, Seattle. Wash. Chamber of Commerce, PortfanTJ, Or. OREGON TIMBER." 130 acres, Curry County. 3,000,000 feet; $10 per acre. 800 acres. Wheeler County, 12,000.000 yel low pine, $12.KM). 500 acres. Jackson County, 16,000,000 yel low fir. $S000. j Ten million yellow fir, Douglas County, 75 cents per thousand, close to railroad. . . MOULTON & SCOBBY. 501 Columbia- bldg., 365 Washington st. BUY TIMBER DIRECT FROM OWNERS. We have several tracts of timber lands which are for sale. We have detailed esti mates by forties, making it very easy to determine whether or not the timber la there, and will pay all expense of cruise If not as represented. G. F. SANBORN CO., 401-2-8 Buchanan Bldg. FOB SALE TLtfBER LANDS. SAW MILL on Southern Pacific R. R. : 26. 500,000 feet fir, 440 acres d-eeded land, 5 to 10 v years to remove balance. 13.000,0'0 feet fir located in same body can be se cured at reasonable price; 85 horse-power Atlas engine, new Atlas boiler. 52 and 54 saws, new 10-12 Seattle donkey. 72ih feet new trip line, 3300 new 7-8 main line; 3 ponds above mill with storage capacity of 3 million feet logs; 44 miles from R. R.; 4 miles of flume, can be built at estimated cost of $1000 per mile; cost of flume per M and -labor flumtng not over 60c. Will se cure purchaser year contract for output of mill at price that will guarantee larse pro fits on Investment. C. C. Shay, 36 Ablng ton Bldg. SPLENDID speculation; 240 acres of timber land, 1. miles from R. R. town on north bank of Columbia River; estimated to cruise S. 000.000 feet of yellow fir; this Is fine ap ple land; 8 acres now cleared: small house, two good springs and small streams; we can take a hotiae and lot m on this, or will sell for $25 an acre. CLARK E-CLEMSON-BLUM AUER CO., 301-302 Couch bldg.. 4th. near Wash. TIMBER BUYERS, ATTENTION. We have several attractive timber prop ositions; call and investigate; timber lands in Oregon, California and Washing ton, from 1000 to 20,000 acres. H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY, . Sixth and Washington. TO TIM RER BUYERS. Timber In Western Oregon In tracts to suit, from one section to 100 sections; the pricfe are right and the timber excellent ; come and see us if you are in the market. SPHINX AGENCY, 305 tt Stark st. SAWMILL. If you are looking for sawmill proposi tion, see us. We have some good ones. SPHINX AGENCY. 3054 Stark t. POSITION by young lady with excellent refer ences; have had eight years" experience on books, typewriting and ss cashier and no tary public. B 125. Oregonian. WANTED West Side. 5 to 7-room house, north of Gllsan. not farther west than 21t st.; must be a bargain for cash. J 123, Ore gonian. Phone Main 42SS. SEVERAL good Umber claims; direct Gov ernment filing. They are fine and won t last long. Call rooms 200-210 Commercial block. . OREOOX and California railroad lands lo cated; aleo some Government claims; loca tion fee $25. Apply 91 14 Fifth st. Open evenings. FOR SALE Sawmill, 20.000 capacity, 3.000, 000 ft. fine timber 4 miles from N. P. R. R.; good road; a good tie proposition. B 107, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Two choice homateed relinquishments1. The Alexander Land Co., 63 K 0th, near Pine. CAN locate a few parties oh a 2.000.000 yellow pine. Investigate this. 33 Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington. 160 ACRES heavy fir timber, 6,000,000 feet, $3000. Owner, 315 Oregonian bldg. Pa cific 1453. TIMBER wanted. Oregon or "Washington, large or small tracts. Sphinx Agency. acS Stark. OREGON TIMBER CO.. timber landa bought and sold. 403-4 McKay bldg. WANTED REAL Jclik. PROPERTY WANTED. September will be a lively rciU estate month; If you have property for sale get it on our books right away,, and we will turn it into each. We have more Inquiries for home properties than any other real estate office In Portland. Our excellent ground floor location on Stark st. makes this pos sible. . THB SPANTON COMPANY, 270 Stark st. OWNERS. Have you property you want to sell at the market price? If you have we will spend our money, our time and go a mile to ll?t It; best of all we will sell It for you. What have you got? Call and see us. H. W. LEMCKE OOM PANT, SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. WANTED TO buy immediately for cash, a strictly modern 6 or 7-room house and full lot. Nice neighborhood, no further out than East 20th St., and within two blocks of Eattt Ankeny. Irvlngton or Hawthorne-ave. carlines. Give full particulars and terry in first letter; owners only. V 111, Oregonian. FACTORY site wanted; full particulars. 802 Sweatland bldg. I HAVE clients waiting for houses from $2000 to $10,000; also want good income property up to $100,000. List your property with me. THOMAS McCUSKER. 205 Couch B?dg. Phone, Main 7646. WANTED 5-room cottage, modern: walk ing distance; must be bargain for cah ; location, price and particulars first letter or no attention given; owners only. C 1S, Oregonian. WANTED A party who wishes to buy an A-l modern 7-room bungalow; tine location; ele gant lawn, small payment down, balance same as rent- Kanna Land Co., 145fy Int. WA NT desirable modern 7-room house in Holladay s, Irvlngton or Hawthorne ad ditions west of 2oth St., not over 2 blocks from good car service. T 111, Oregonian. WANTED WeM Side lots and residences: have buyers waiting; sold four places last week. List your property with us. Vanduyn & Walton, 615 Chamber of Commerce. PROPERTY WANTED. Desirable home, walking distance from Burnslde-st. bridge; not over $3750. The Spanton Co., city department, 270 Stark st. I WANT homes for homeless buyers; any where, any kind, any price; owners, write or come see me. C. M. Thomason. 223 Chamber of Commerce. TO BUY Corner lot or modern S-room res idence and lot; West Side preferred; give full particulars. O 0, Oregonian. WANTED About 5 acres. West Side, close in. Barnes, Llnnton or St. Helens road preferred. M 96. Oregonian. 5 OR 6 acres on new Salem carllne: not over 9 miles from Portland: give full description and price. P 107, Oregonian. UNIMPROVED lots, adapted for medium modern houses; location and price from owners. V 115, Oregonian. WANT to buy five or six-room house or party to build 'one for $2i o down and $35 per month. K 08. Oregonian. WILL BUY improved property to $15,000. Own ers plene communicate direct. C. B. Fef rmld, M 111. Oregonian. W A NTED 7-room house, one or more lots ; give full description and terms first letter. K 108. Oregonian. WISH to Invest up to $00,000 in good income or speculative business property. K 111, Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room cottage; pay $300 down, bsl, monthly. Owners only. M 115, Oregonian. WANTED One lot on railroad switch in new warehouse district. W 8, Orego . nlan. WANTED To buy a small cottage; will pay $50 down, $15 month. Address Box 221, Ulty. SEE the two black crows In Heidelberg ad., till." paper. St-e Heidelberg today. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE Have a rattling good farm of 240 acres in Middle West; good hous, barn, stables, sheds. etc. : fenced and cross-fenced-; watered by creek, springs and well ; free of ail Incumbrances; lOn acres has sold for $5u00; offer all now for $0000; will trade for equity in good ranch out here or for residence, and assume mortgage If "priced same as farm, on a cash basis. Address W 1 24, Oregonian. EXCHANGE. 40 acres of land, 20 acres cultivated, good house, 2 barns and all outbuildings; fruits and berries, watered by spring and wells; front on good road, 11 miles southeast of Portland: will trade Into a stock farm. H BN RLE & HARR I SON, 217 Ablngton bldg. RESTAURANT and soft-drink business and building in coast resort and shipping har bor; all fitted for business; wa ter sys tem, bar, cellar, ice boxes; quick sale, and good business; $500. Address O. Middlkauff, Yapqutna, Or. WILL trade 60 acres of fine apple land opposite Mosler. 400 trees, 2 to 7 years old, for improved property in or around Portland; value $2000. - P 111. Oregonian. I WILL exchange cozy 3-room house and furniture, on two nice improved lots, value $1050. for rooming-house of equal or less value. Write me, G 112, Oregonian. No agents. ' WISHING to retire from business account III health, will trade stock of merchandise for good ranch property. Stock invoices about $25,000. Apply R 111. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. FOR TR A DE A 4-cylInder 24-h.p. shaft drive runabout for 05 or '06 Cadillac touring car in good condition. Phone Woodlawn 45S. FOR EXCHANGE 7-room house, 3 lots. V't 00. for farm land, east or west of th muuiikuiris. Ail, vicguiiinij. EXCHANGE A good 20 h. p. touring car; good as new. for lot on East Side. Horns phone B 1S03. WANTED Sewing for children In exchange for' dental work. Address H 123, Ore gonian. I WILL take lots for my equity In a new 5 room cottage. East 22d st. Denison, 1074 3d. WANTED to exchange, merchandise for painting. Staples, the jeweler. 102 1st. WILL trade for what you have. L. Alns worth Smith, 109 Sherlock bldg. XV ANTED TLMBER LANDS, WANTED To buy a quarter section of fir timber. I am no agent. Please ad dress mo, box 037, Portland. WANT to sell-timber? We have 20 buyers In line. Send description and price to Baxter Realty Co., Walla Walia. Wash. WANTED To buy from owners, timber lands In large or small tracts. E 76, Oregonian. TO LEASE. HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEASE. Old established, with or without saloon; furnished ; newly remodeled ; $35 ; also 7 room house and orchard. $10, and 4 flats, 18 rooms. $25; all on West Side. C. H Plggott. owner, lawyer. 4, 5 and 6, MuU key bldg. TO LEASE Vacant lot 5iix50. Mill St., be tween 2d and 3d sts. 22o 3d St. WANTED AND FOR 8 ALE LAN D SCRIP. ALL kinds. Including approved forest reserve scrip, for surveyed, unaurveyed timber and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton, The Portland, Portland. Or. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Eta. MATCHED bay team. $150; brown horse. T years old. 1150. $125; team. 290O. $450; de livery horse, $60: farm wagons, 34 and 3:4. complete, new: 3 two-seated wagons. 1 fine surrey. $50; single wagons, furniture wag ons, gooseneck wagons, rubber-tire runa bouts, new and second-hand, 50 etock sad dles, new and second-hand, 50 sets new and second-hand harness; must be sold In 3o days a: cost. Hubert & Hall, 206 Fourth street. HANDSOME bay mare, weighs HW lbs., very sty I ir h and good traveler, perfectly gentle, broken, safe for lad Its' use; single, double and to ride; one very fine rubher-tire run about and set of hand-made Kay eaddle lx aded line, rubber-trimmed harness, whip, robe, everything complete: will sell reason able or trade fr.r automobile runabout. See Manager Lyric Theater. A FINE large pair of tmules. 2 pairs fins heavy horses, l pair liack horses and I heavy single horse; all voung and fine animals; will sell them verv iheap. he halts River Lumber Co.. omtralla. Wash. THOROUGHBRED horse. 6 years old, broke to saddle and harness; gentle, speedy, fine looker; guaranteed sound. Top buggy, new. harness; great bargain. Leaving city. Richmond. 35 Calumet, 7th and Alder. FASHIONABLE two-wheeled trap, very showy for ladies afternoon driving; also plush up holstered sleigh; at grandstand, Irvlngton Park Track. Inquire" of Harry Squires. Will sell cheap today or tomorrow. ONE of the best family horses In city; guar anteed gentle, perfect and fine worker, to gether with rubber-tired top buggv. 1 vear old. for a few days. Address W "121, Ore gonian. WANTED A buggy horse for business, bay or black: must weigh lioo pounds; in other need apply. G. A. Brown, Care Overlartd Transfer Co.. 5th and Glisan. New grocory, laundry, bakery, milk wagons, 100 second-haid vehicles; single, double furniture wagons; horses, rigs tented. Tom Unson A Casslday. 211 Wash. Pactflo 607. FOR SALE An Alklnle colt, well broke for the city; can bo driven by a lady or man, and Is free; will be 4 vears old this month. Mrs. George Rae, 321 N- loth at. . BLACK mare, weighs 1400 pounds, sound and good worker every way; also 2 sets of very tine surrey hnrne.es. gold mounted. Call 23 N. 14th st. Phone Pacific 974. $sr, BUYS good rubber-tire buggv and driv ing horse; will take good cow in ex change. H35 East 28th st. W. W. car to Ken il worth curve. NICE Hambletonian horse, stylish and good roadster, weight 1 150 pounds; also new rubber-tire buggy and harness. East 276:. COLUMBUS bugsy, full leather top, only ued one month. a!f single strap harness, cheap. Address H 122, Oregonian. Phone Pacific 3.'!1 . HORSE for sale, dappled gray, 8 years, 12O0 pounds; will work single or double; good traveler. Inquire stable, 2d and Main sts. PART interest in sawmill on tide water for sale; either active or silent ; a money-producer; plenty of logs. B 123. Oregonian. HEAVY horses, young, sound, good workers; some mares, brd to 10it-)b. horse; will give time to pay. 1004 Milwaukle st. BIG BARGAIN Dandy driving horse, rubber tire runabout, harness; owner going East. Main 143 or W 110, Oregonian. FOR SALE. T-lne thoroughbred driving horse and Bailey Bike buggy. For par ticulars, phone East 17MJ. 30 FIRST-CLASS horses. Including six broke teams. Address Sam Strebin, Troutdale, Or. Phone Gresham 380. ONE well-matched young gray team. 2200 pounds, cheap; also one trap and surrey. 7S7 2d st. Call Sunday. FOR SALE Team of roan horses. 6 years old. weight 1 1 50 each. Fashion Stables, 21 Uh and Washington. TEAM. 5 years, blocky built, weigh 3000 lbs.j well matched. W. J. Kelly, Overland Sta b!is, 5th and Glisan. GENTLE and sound, 6-y ear-old driving snd riding horse: also wagon and harntws. 18T Grover st. S. car. TWO riding ami driving mares, city broke; also one 1-00-lb. draft horse. 787 2d st. Call Sunday. HUBERT A HALL. 266 4th St.. dsalors tn horses and vehicles; horses and vehicles for rent. NK'R driving horse Tor sale. Call 715 East Salmon ct., Monday evening between 6 and 7. WANTED to buy, one small pony brok4 to work. Fashion Stable, 20th and Washing ton. GOOD young horse, buggy and harness. Phone East 5142. Address 834 Halsey. FOR SALE 10 head work and driving horses. Anderson Bros.' stables., 2d and Jefferson. FOR SALE Gentle riding pony. Inquire at North Bank Hotel. 511 N. 2lst st. FOR SALE Good driving mare with colt '4 months old. Call 464 East Mill. . TEAM and harness for sale cheap. Call 755 Raleigh st cor. 23d. Flanoe. NEW PIANOS AT A SACRIFICE Its positively a shame to be compelled to sell such splendid, choice Instruments makes I ha t everyone Ik familiar with at such ridiculously low prices; but when there is no display room or storage space avail able, and when our own Fall shipments are crowding right alonT on top of them, thesf. diverted pianos from San Franclseo must go without a dsv'n delav. $20 pianos f $114 The $500 grades for $25. And $300 and $400 Instruments at propor tlonate price cuts. If you pas such art offering as this, you efin never hope to have anything better presented to you. The famous Eilers "Money Back Guaran tee" on every instrument. Se our win dows. Investigate at onee. ale can last onlv a few days longer, as shrewd buyers are making selections rapidly. Eilers Piano House. Washington and Park sts. PIANO SNAP Have brand new upright piano; never been used ; taken on special deal; will sell for $15; $25 down, bal anee $4 per month, call Portland Phono graph Agency, 128 7th st. PIANO for sale, one year In use, for $145 cash, worth double the amount. Address teacher, K 07. Oregonian. FOR SALE Absolutely new quarter grand piano; cash only. Address N 122, Ore gonian. FOR SALE High grade piano, cheap for cash. Address T 121. Oregonian. M Isceh aneoua. MOVING picture machines, supplies, repairs, film elides; bargains. Stevens, 165Va 4th.