The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 16, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    Established 1850-FIFTY-SEVEN YEARS IN BUSINESS-E.tabli.hed 1850
Celebrating the Rose Carnival and
M , ,
JLIC ( Fifty -Seven Years in Business "
Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Oar Prices Are Always the Lowest
and Net Waists
Tailor -Made Suits
Years in Business
at Sale
tion tomorrow, when the full significance of
f new waists in black and colored silks of
pie, Jap silk, messaline and net in white and
i fancy yokes and elbow sleeves; also in
style of waist that conforms with the ses-
u secure values that cannot be duplicated
ale price up to $18.50.
ve we given such sen-
ou Monday morning.
ZT-lW I If Ml 1 III J 111 J ,.-2r'j
Of White Serges, Black and Colored
Panamas, and Imported Novelty Materials,
Vals. to $65 at $21.50
This sensational gale includes an assortment of 100
Highest-class Tailor-made Suits, representing every
new and popular style of this season; of white serges,
black and colored Panamas and fancy imported
novelty materials. Made, trimmed and finished in
the most perfect and up-to-date manner, . lined with
finest silks and satins. All of these suits have the
characteristics of the Lipman-Wolfe - high-class
styles, the sort of suits on which we have built up our
reputation as "Portland's School of Style Store."
The materials are all the latest fabrics not the
heavy, woolly fabrics that so many suit sales are
offering. Sold regularly up to $65.00 and positively
the greatest values you ever saw at
the clearance price of
No Mail Orders N6 Phone Order.
See Our Superb Window Display
MONTH ago we celebrated
our 57th anniversary with the
most sensational sale and the
most gigantic bargains ever present
ed by a Portland store. Today we
offer the second in the big series of
sales which we are giving to cele
brate this event. In order to sustain
the interest which our first great
sale aroused, we are today offering
even more sensational bargains. .
Three generations have thronged
through our doors and the present
one is giving undiminished testi
mony to their confidence in our
methods of conducting a great busi-
25cPictures at 2 for 25c
tSE 5000 Hand-Colored Pic-
fel -jlija&sSiS5 I" tures Nature studies ;
I- jj' Tyw" marines, game pictures,
LI ' 80 in all art stores of
tM fi-ij America and Europe at
'V-T&Ufcrql$ Wm "c" most -wonder-
MlllM 1 ful picture bargain ejer
feisSfesa"3 i offered anv- OC
rS3y -where at 2 for. &JC
s., $3.98
Petticoats of finest quality
Jextra full, with deep flaring with two gathered
rable under ruffle. Sold
worth more ClQ QQ
:rw as... J5.10
P. D. ; none reserved
Fancy Jap Straw Sailors
Reg. $2 Values 95c
The biggest Sailor Hat val
ues you'll find this season.
Only a limited number go
on sale Monday morning at
this sensational pricel Made
of fine quality fancy Jap
straw, finished well through
out and made over the latest
blocks. Trimmed with black
silk bands. Regular $2.00
values, while they last, for
m ' l 1 0 A 01 C I For Wedding Gifts
Lureatest June Cut Ijlass Sale For Household ue
Every Piece at a Tremendous Bargain Only a Few Pieces of a Kind
Cnt Glass Nappies .87
Olive Dishes 87
Relish Dishes ...$1.48
8- inch Nappies ....$2i98
9- inch Nappies. $3.98
9-lnch Nappies $5.38
Berry or Salad Bowl...$3.98
Berry Bowl, extra val $2.98
Berry or Salad Bowl. .$4.78
. Only a few
$11.50 Berry or Salad Bowls. .$7.68
$17.50 Berry or SaL Bowls.$10.48
$4.50 Celery Dish, sale. .$2.98
$10.00 Sugar and Creamer. . .$6.78
$9.50 Mayonnaise set, for. : . .$6.78
$15.00 Mayonnaise Set, for.
$2.25 ToothPick Holders. . .
$3.25 Oil Bottles, special.
$6.00 Oil Bottles, special.
of these choice pieces. Come early and
$5.00 Oil Bottles', special $2.98
$6,50 Rose Vases, for only ..$3.98
$10.00 Rose Voses, for only. .$6.68
$5.00 Cologne Bottles for $3.38
$6.50 Cologne Bottles for $3.98
$7.50 Water Jngs, special $4.48
$8.50 Water Jugs, special $6.78
Many other rare and attractive bar
gains in Cut Glass,
get a bargain.
50c 'kerchiefs for 17c
5000 All-Pure-Linen Hand-Embroidered
Women's Handkerchiefs, scal
loped hemstitched, regular 50c val-
. ues. We reserve right to
limit number to customer. ..
$3.00 Umbrellas $1.95
200 Women's All-Silk Umbrellas in
blue, red, brown, green and purple,
with fancy white borders. All styles
of handles, $3.00
20c Maline for 12c
5000 yards of 27-inch Maline for mil
linery and bows, in white, pink, red,
green and lavender. Regu- in
lar 20c value, a yard 1C
teases for $1.29
and 26-inch size, with shirt
regular $2.50 value. A most
n this great
and Fancy Vests
ft Vals. $1.75
. Is Vl
Fancy Vests, made of Ox
cfords and brown linen, in
id plain white; also small
1 tailored by famous New
and each vest is carefully
dinary good values, selling
27 Fine Broadcloth Opera Coats
Values up to $50
Sale-Price 19.85
An extraordinary special sale that does not often
come. Your supreme ;hance to get the opera coat
you have been waiting for. 27 stylish opera coats
of finest quality white and colored imported broad
cloth; all silk lined, fancy braid and velvet trimmed.
Selling regularly up to $50.00.
Whllethey last . . .
Lingerie Waists Reduced
Big Discounts From Regular Prices
All our high-class 'White Lingerie "Waists, in hundreds
of styles, selling regularly -from $1.50 to $25.00, are on
sale for this tremendous .sale at
Substantial Reductions
Embroidery Sale
Values to $2.25
5000 yards of
F 1 o u n cing Em
broidery, 18
inches wide; in
finest quality
Swiss a h d Nain
sook; all beauti
ful and exclusive
designs for waists
and suits of a
much finer quality than is usually given
in such extraordinary sales as this. We
reserve the right to limit quantities at this
price and we cannot nil mail or
ders. While it lasts, a yard...
Sale of Lace Curtains
$10.00 Values, $5.39
$4.50 Values at $2.89
500 pairs of Lace Curtains in Eenaissance,
Cluny, Marie Antoinette, Arabian and
Battenberg effects, all of this season's
best patterns, in white or Arabian color,
2Va and 3 yds: long, 50 inches vide; regu
lar $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00 dC OQ
values; in one lot at pO.OJ
1000 pairs of Lace Curtains in Cluny, Ren
aissance, Cable Net, and Scotch Lace ef
fects, larfje variety of new patterns,
white and Arabian color; iO QQ
regular $4 and $4.50" values. . sOs?
$3.50 Curtains, $2.19
900 pairs of Nottingham and Cable Net
Lace Curtains, both plain and figured cen
ters, white, Arabian or ecru colors, over
20 distinct patterns, 3 and 32. yards long;
regular $3 and $3.50 values, tO 1 Q
sale price . : JAi. 1 1
Reg. $2.75-$2.50 Curtains, $1.89
j Reg. $2.25-$2.00 Curtains, $1.43
15c Huck Towels, 9c
38xig-inch Bleached Huck Tow
els, regular 15c values
22X4o-inch Bleached Bath 0
Towels, regular 35c values. .. . IOC
$1.25 Bedspreads 79c
125 full-size Crochet Bedspreads in a
number of attractive patterns, regu
lar $1.25 values and great "7Q
bargains at C
35c, 60c Squares, 19c
1000 Scarfs, 18x54 inch, and Squares
30x30 inch, spachtel and embroidered
styles, regular 35c and 60c values
that you cannot afford to - q
miss 157C
Hat Trimmings
alues for Only 39c
dom if ever offered in sales.
Unthemums. Poppies. Tune
Kites, etc Most complete va-
: mming the bummer
fo Q ft)
75c Incandescent Gas Lights 43c
iooo Incandescent Gas Lights, 170 candle power, latest model burn
ers, best mantle, and the imported Jena globe, give a very bril
liant white light. These lights are a new and improved model that
have never been sold for less than 75c. Limit ot y2
dozen to a customer at this sensational price
OC TVIl-loc 1 Another lot of these splendid 25c Gas
and only a limited quantity
They'll not last long.
Mantles, double Wove, fit all lights,
this extraordinarily low price. Be early.
Men's 25c Imported Hosiery 122c
Men's 35c Suspenders, Sale 15c Pair
100 dozen Men's Imported Cotton Hosiery in stripes, checks, plaids;
also plain black and split foot; regular 25c values, ex- IQlC
traordinary sale at '
Men's fine quality Domestic Web Suspenders, cantab ends, also leather
ends, a great assortment of colors to select from; regu- 1
lar 35c values for
Men's 20c pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs
Children's Hats, 59c
Children's Wash Duck "Cheyenne"
Hats, with college pins, cord and
tassel; just the thing for q
Summer wear, 85c value for. . JUC
35C WUnen ColS, 15c
Women's Embroidered Linen Col
lars, several styles, 35c vals., 15c
Jo limit the number of any
Iner, so that there will be
Sheets and Pillow Cases of good
quality, made ready for use; extra good
values, as follows:
8- 4 Sheets, each for 64
9- 4 Sheets, each, for 68c4
45x36 Pillow Cases, plain hemmed, ea.l5t
4"ix36, Pillow Cases, hemstitched, ea,.19
Dress Shields 14c
Reg. 40c Moreen 29c
"Empress" Odorless Dress Shields, sizes
2 and 3; regular 25c value, "1 A
pair "c
3000 yards of Moreen Skirting, in" all col
ors, regularly 40c yard, 29c
Carved Pearl Buttons, card 3
15c Percales for 9c Yard
18c Suiting for 12 Yard
31- inch Percales, with small figures, polka
dots and stripes on white or blue grounds;
also navy blue, dark red and gTay per-
rales; 15c values. Aren't they a Q.
bargain at, yard
32- in. Cotton Suiting for outing suits, linen
finish, plain colors or polka-dots, worth
18c a yard. Bargain
Standard Books, 15c
Standard authors in fancy decorated
-cloth bindings, published at 50c.
and others.
1000 $1.50 New Novels 50c
95 Linen Parasols
RegT$L50 Vals. 95c
95 Women's White
Linen Parasols in
plain tailored effects;
also with embroidery
borders. A necessary
addition to the lin
gerie costume which
will again reign su
preme as queen of the
world of fashion for
Summer purposes. At
the very beginning of
Summer we offer
these superb QCf
$1.50 vals. for