TIIE SUND&I' UKEXrUHIAIir.. rUKILABO, JMA.? 2(5, 1907. The Meier & Frank Store 400 Silk Petticoats $9 Values at $5.45 Special lot women's fine Silk Petticoats on sale at an extremely low price for Monday and Tuesday; 400 of them, made of splendid quality taffeta silk, with 16-inch pleated and dou ble raffle; shirred flounce pink, gray, navy, rose, white, blue, red, green, black and a full line of changeable colors; all are well made and full width; the best $9 silk underskirt on the market. Your choice at this low price, each. Mail and telephone or ders will be care fully C At filled... JJJ $7.50-$ 10 Curtains $5.35 300 pairs of Lace Curtains in Marie Antoinette, Cluny, Renaissance, Battenberg and Irish point effects; regular $7.50, $8.50 and $10 C C 1C values, on sale at, special, the pair.,',' 15c-25c Wash Goods 12 Vac 35c Silk Mulls 25c Yard 35c Dimities 25c a Yard 500 yards of beautif ul P r i n t e d lawns, batistes, dimities, Swiss and organdies; very; pretty styles all this season's wash goods; reg. 15c to 25 c val- 1 012C ues, lor, ya ' Three thousand yards of new printed Silk mulls; come in all the very lat est styles and colors, and in a very large assort m e n t. A cool, . stylish material for Summer ap parel, at especially at tractive prices; best reg ular 35c values, now on sale at this low O price, the yard.."''' 3000 yards fine imported Dimi ties, checks and plaids ; in very pretty designs and colors; new styles; 35c vals. on sale at this special O f price, yd."' Ihe Meier (1 Frank Store's Greatest . i ' Sale of Women's fine Tailor ed Suits $45.00 to $65.00 Voltfes $ 1 8.45 The Suit sensation of the year Is announced for to morrow in Portland's LcadingCloakandSuitStore Backward season throughout the East is responsi ble for this the most marvelous sale of high-class Tailored Suits Portland has ever known This season's prettiest styles and materials in great as sortment 1 SO garments to select from The best suits New York's leading manufacturer of wom en's apparel produces Included will be found serges, Panama cloths, etamines, voiles, worsteds in fancy checks, stripes, plaids, mixtures Etons, eton blouses in pleated and tucked effects, elabo rately trimmed in lace, soutach and braid Bands of silk and panne velvet, finished with kimono sleeves of lace or cape effect Sleeves trimmed in lace, tabs and fancy buttons Skirts made up in kilt and pleated styles Others, braid trimmed, fancy girdles, etc. Colorings are tan and white, blue and whiter brown and white, black and white, green and white, lavender and white and grays These suits gathered by our Cloak Chief, Mr. Ludwig Hirsh, now in the eastern markets He writes enthusiastically about them claiming that they are the grandest bargains in high-class suits ever offered in the country All sizes up to 44 Every garment new this season and selling regu larly at prices from $45 to $65 While they last tomorrow at this low price, ea. See Two Big Fifth-Street Window Displays No Mail or Phone Orders Filled Plan to Be Here Early if You Want One SI 8.45 $1.00 Silks on Sale at 67c Yard $1.50 Silks on Sale at 79c Yard Two great special silk bargains for tomorrow and Tuesday Take ad vantage. 2000 yards of plain messaline silks brown, pink light blue, black, cream, navy, white and yellow all good desirable shades for many purposes; regular $1.00 quality, on sale, at this , f7f low price, the yard mail orders filled : w 3000 yards of fancy Rajah and Tuscan Silks in polka dots, checks and figures; all new attractive silks for suits, -waists, etc., large assortment; regular $1.50 values, at, per yard G Great special values in Dress Goods of all kinds and qualities. Portland agents for "Perrins" French Kid Gloves. All grades. 75c Ribbons on Sale at 43c Yard $ 1 .00 Ribbons on Sale at 69c Yd. 5000 yards of beautiful all silk, fancy ribbons, 44 to "5 inches wide in handsome Persian and Floral designs. High-class ribbons suita ble for sashes, girdles, belts, suspenders, fancy work, etc f Best 75c values, on sale, at this low price, yard 5000 yards of handsome silk warp ribbons in fancy designs, colorings and combinations; 5 to 6 inches wide; grand variety; values 1Q up to $1.00 the yard, on sale at this low price, yard OV Complete line of new velvet ribbons, in all shades and widths, in cluding the latest shades of brown and greens.- Best grades. Lowest prices. Mail orders promptly and carefully filled. . . ;- The Meier & Frank Store Lace Embroidery 2500 yards plain Nets for waist ing; 36 and 45 inch; fine qual ity; 85c values, on sale CTQm at, yd..V'C 5000 yards nain sook and cam bric Embroid 'y. Flouncing, 9 to 15-in., desirable for skirt trim ming, etc.; vals. up to 75c yard, on sale 5 at, yd..JC Special lot of semi-made Corset Covers, assorted patterns ; all new, pretty styles, at: 85c Corset Covers on sale at, special, each..49 $1.25 Corset Covers on sale at, special, each..89 Swiss Embroidery Waist Fronts; regular fiQr values up to $2.00 each, on sale at, each."'' box Couches vii $7.85 In the Drapery Department, Third Floor, special lot of 50 Box Couches on sale at a low price. Spring edge and comfort couches; nine rows of japanned coil springs, cross and angle-tied; double-stuffed; hair top; made up in white; best Cyf ft regular $10.00 values, on sale at, ea.J UJ Men's Furnishings at Low Prices 200 dozen men's openwork striped Balbriggan Under wear, in blue, pink, whits and ecru; all sizes shirts and drawers; best 50a Sum mer Underwear, on O C sale at, special. ... 200 dozen Men's fancy Japo net Handkerchiefs; colored borders and centers; beau tiful new lot; great O values at 3 for....C 200 dozen men's black cot ton Sox with white feet; all sizes; best 20c val- 1 ff ues, on sale at, pr, lien's new Silk Shield Bows dots, stripes, figures, sta ple and fancy patterns in great variety; regular 25c values, on sale 1 O I5 at, special, ea..- C "We are sole Portland agents for tliA Pamin T.inan Alocli TTnorirooi UNDER W R. -Nightshirts, Pajamas, Hosiery, etc. The most satisfactory linen mesh underwear on the market. Every garment guaranteed. RAMIE" r r Z Sd Wednesday, May 29th to June 15th Inclusive SaalSfe.. Wednesday next, May 29th, at 8 A. M.t starts tbe eighth great annual '.'June White Days" Sale Portland's original Jane white sale Portland's largest and best planned June white sale An event always looked forward to by the best buyers in the city and throughout the Northwest, offering as it does very unusual money-saving opportunities In seasonable wearing apparel for women, men and children, as well as household effects of every description In every department will be found marvelous values in all lines of white goods, (contract goods alone excepted) A special feature of the "June White Days" will be the sale extraordinory of 250,000 pieces of women's fine Undermuslins Th best bargain in dainty New York and Paris Lingerie All mail orders for white goods will be filled at the special prices Remember the date. May 29h to June 13th inclusive Look to your needs Prepare your shop . ping lists and take advantage of this saving opportunity-Following will be found a detailed list of the white goods to be found throughout Portland's largest and best establishment; White Gloves, White Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, White Buttons, White Dress Trimmings, White Laces, White Embroideries, White Allovcrs, White SUks, White Velvets, White Dress Goods, etc., etc. White Hosiery, White Parasols, White Underwear, , White Belts, White Handbags, White Veilings, White Flannels, White Linens, White Towels, White Sheets, White Spreads, White Cottons, etc., etc., etc. White Bed Linens, Swiss, Nainsook, India Linon, Lawns, etc., White Stationery, White Shoes for men, women and children. Lace Curtains, Curtain Materials, White Blankets, Pillows, Books, Pictures, Notions, Linings, etc., etc., etc. Men's White Wear, White Shirts, White Underwear, Handkerchiefs, Straw Hats, White Neckwear, White Pajamas, White Nightshirts, White Gloves, White Suspenders, White Sweaters, Bar Coats, White Vests, etc, etc., White Hats, 250,000 pieces of Muslin Un derwear, Gowns, Drawers, Chemise, Skirts, Corset Covers, Sets. Infants' Wear, Infants' Shoes, Infants' Caps, Women's Aprons, White Corsets, White Baskets, White Furniture, White Toilet Articles, etc. White Suits of all kinds and qualities : White Costumes, White Wraps, White Skirts, White Waists, White Petticoats, Children's Dresses, White Kimonos, White Flannel Coats White Millinery, White Sweaters, Infants' Coats, etc., etc., ete. White China, White Glassware, Silverware, Cut Glass, Kitchen Goods, White Tinware, , White Woodenware, White Dinner Sets, etc., ete. Every white article in the store reduced in price. Few contract goods, alone are ex cepted. Look to your needs. Basement Bargains 5- inch Glazed Jardinieres, 20c value.. 14 6- inch Glazed Jardinieres, 25c value.. 19 7- inch Glazed Jardinieres, 35c value.. 27 8- inch Glazed Jardinieres, 75c value. . 58 9- inch Glazed Jardinieres,. 90c .value. .69 10- inch Glazed Jardinieres, regular' $1.35 value, on sale at this low price.. $1.06 $1.00 Louwelsa Wellar Jardinieres. . T4 $1.50 Louwelsa Wellar Jardinieres. SI. 17 $2.25 Louwelsa Wellar Jardinieres. $1.69 $1.00 fancy mottled Jardinieres at. 82 $1.50 fancy mottled Jardinieres at. $1.22 $2.25 fancy mottled Jardinieres at. $1.79 Full lines of Garden Hose. Lawn Mowers on sale at $3.50 to $9.00 A complete line of Garden Implements. Refrigerators from.. $9.75 to $100.00 Screen Doors, on sale at $1.10 to $1.90 Adjustable Window Screens, 25 to 50 Lawn Sprays, Weeding Hooks, Spading Forks, Garden Trowels, etc., low-priced. Great special lot of the celebrated White Mountain Refrigerators, latest improved model; handsomely finished; economical ice consumer; 100 of them. Regular $12.50 value, on sale at, special, each.. $9.27 WINDOW SCREENS AT 27c EACH 500 new adjustable Window Screens, 24x36 inches ; value extraordinary. Buy all you want of them at this low price, ea..27 500 6-foot Stepladders, good strong ones; on sale at this special low price, ea...9 Women's Walking Skirts $9.00 Values $4.85 Another great Special sale of Walking Skirts for Monday and Tuesday All stylish materials in plain and fancy colorings, 300 of them to select from A quali ty of skirt never before offered at such a low price Take ad- vantage Colors are black, bine, brown, gray and fancy mixtures and stripes of splendid quality, Panama and granite cloths Pleated and kilt effects Strap and button trimmed In all sizes Large assortment Regular $8.50 and $9.00 d A O C On sale at, each . BATHING comPlete stock of Bathing Suits for women, . men and children. Bathing Tights, Caps and SUITS Shoes; all the best styles, in all grades. Send for a catalogue it's free for the asking. Mocha - Java Coffee 23c Per Pound 10,000 lbs of our Mocha and Java Coffee, equal to the best 40c grade; buy all you want at this low price, per lb 23 Victor Flour on sale at, sack $1.20 1 lb Victor Baking Powder 35 Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate 35ft 1 lb Cans Ghiradelli Ground Chocolate. 30 fr 18 lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar for.. $1.00 C. & B. Lucca Oil, quarts, special at. .70 1 lb. Jar Chipped Beef 25 3 Cans Van Camp's Soup. 25 ifc 3 pkgs. Bromongelon 25 ifc 10-lb. sack Yellow Corn Meal for. .25 1Mb. sack of Graham Flour, at, sack.25 2 cans Hominy on sale at '. 25 2 Cans'Thelma Succotash 25 Walnuts, per lb 20 V2-lb Can Baker's Pow. Chocolate.. .20 Durkee Salad Dressing, 10c, 25c and 45 1-qt Bottle Moose Maple Syrup 25 1-lb Cans Minced Clams 15 5 bars Fels Naptha Soap, special, bar. 25 Korn Kinks, on sale at, package. 5ft -lb Schepps Cocoanut, 25c or3 pkgs. 95 Fig Prune Cereal at, per package. ...20 Phone and mail orders carefully filled and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. The Basement Store. Phone Exchange 4. Clearance of Fine Millinery Tomorrow at a Fourth Off ... . v? 1000 Women's new Straw Sailor Hats, in the smooth and rough braids, white and black, all the newest blocks ; values up to $6 each, a fff at one-fourth off the reerular prices A VIl Women's and Misses' White Duck Seashore, Col lege and Outing Hats, all the new 6tyles, all grades, on sale at one-fourth off the Ia (4 regular selling prices second floor. A XII Women's White Duck Sailors at 4 off regular prices. Misses' and Children's White Lingerie Hats, Caps and Baby Bonnets ; entire stock of new and pretty styles, on sale at one- j f-f fourth off the -regular prices A Vll Women's White Lingerie Hats All this season's handsomest creations, on sale at a fjY off regular prices second floor Women's White Untrimmed Hats, straw and chips, in all the new shapes, at. .. .ONE-FOURTH OFF White confirmation wreaths at off regular prices. Women's white chip flat hats, 4 regular prices. 400 black and colored dress hats at a low price all new shapes, prettily trimmed in a variety of styles. All new colorings. Kegu- fl 1 Q C lar $4 value. Choice while they last . .V