17 NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. XIW TODAT. NEW TOD A NEW TODAX. SEW TODAY. THE SUXDAI OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 10, 190T. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Following rates will be given only when advertising- I ordered to run ronneentlve day, Dally and Sunday liiufn.' The Oreiso nian charge flrat-tlma rate each insertion for classified advertising that is not run on -onseeutiv days. The Arst-timo rate is rharged fo( earn insertion in The Weekly Oregonlan. Rooms." "Rooms and Board," "Honse keeplng Rooms," "Situations Wanted." LS words or less, IK cent; 16 to 20 words, 20 rents; 21 to 55 words, 25 cents, etc. o discount for additional insertions. I'XDEB ALJ. OTVER HEA1X4, except "New Today,' 30 cents for IS words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cental 21 to 25 words, 50 cents etc. first insertion. Kach additional Insertion, one-half; no farther discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (range measure agate), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. XEW TODAY. H. W. LEMCKE CO. RESIDENCE PROPERTY $6200 $5500 SEVENTH -ST., 2 houses, come. $o0. In- SIXTH ST.. 9-room house, lot 4lx10 trnr FIFTH ST., f-room cottage. 4UUU lot fwxiitf. $5600 WIL.L.AMETTB HEIGHTS, new 6-room house. f OCnn KINGS HEIGHTS, house, ana 00 DUU lot 48x100. $1175 IN FUL.TON. on carllne, 5-roora cottage, lot oOxlOO. COOfin SAN RAFAEI, ST., 7-room OlZUU house, lot 25x75. $3000 EAST ASH ST., very close. 7- room house. tCnnn RAST ASH ST., 8-room houe, OOUUU lot 50x120. $5500 $5500 $1500 EAST 16TH ST.. central, on corner, modern 7-room house. UNION AVE., 100x100, 2 houses.-. Income. $;io. EAST RTH ST.. 5-room cottage. lot 33x90. t17hll SOUTHWEST SUNNVSIDE. 6 OllUU room house, lot 50x100, rents for J16. $2700 EAST TAYLOR ST.. 7-room house, corner, lot SOxlon. (QCRn TILLAMOOK AND BAST 1STH OOOvJU sts.. "-room house, lot 60x100. $3200 $3250 EAST MADISON ST., new S room house. A snap. EAST SIXTH ST., new S-room houe on corner. ennrj EAST MAIN ST.. ytrictty mod WwUUU cin. 7-rooin house. This Is very close in. We have a (treat many other good buys. Se our splendid listings before you pur chase. H. W. LEMCKE CO. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS MAIN 550 ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR. SPECIAL SNAPS BY THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. Very beautiful and attractive two-acre place, with neat cottage, (rood barn, poultry house and poultry yard, choice variety fruit, very .excellent garden. Three blocks electric cars Oak Grove. Special this week. $2000. Ten acres, near Base Line Road, " con venient to new electric carline. Small house, four acres cultivated. Splendid poultry ranch. Price only J1.300. Half lot. with neat 4-room cottage, on Mallory avenue, near Skidmore. Only lG If taken this week. APPLY. 14!H First Street. CONSERVATIVE REALTY CO. li block on Stark St., center of busi ness district. 8- room house and full lot on Johnson st., near 20th;. J4S00; terms. 9- room modern house, lot 62x100, Bel mont and 18th St.; JfwOO; terms. 4-room cottage. Mount Scott line; -$700; terms. CONSERVATIVE REALTY CO. 822 Ahtngton Building. GOOD BUYS In all parts of city, residence, business property, lots, investments. J. H. Hellbronner & Co. tli Lumber Exchange Bldg.. 2d and Stark. Hood River Apple Lands $40,000 Improved warehouse site: about half block on track near, Jefferson St. S per cent Income, a genuine snap, right in line of rapid advance. Will increase in value TV T?T. cpnt w,ltn,in the next three months. I ail for particulars. Vanduyn & Walton 303 Chamber of Commerce. HAMPOBD BLACK WELL, Civil Engineers Railroads, Power rlants. Industrial Plants, ltot Alaska building, Seattle Wash. $40,000 Fine warehouse propertv, fOnxl.Vl. close in. Income ;f0 per month, worth $50,000. Must be sold at once. $10,000 Good corner on North I4th street In come $600 per years. Call 432 Lumber Exchange. $22,500 Fractional lot. First St.. noar Stark. 2-story brick, Income 7 per cent. A line Investment. Hurry . up as this is $2500 under value. . Vanduyn & Walton 303 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE $45,000 No In your time to secure one of" the' finest and best paying pieces of im proved real estate in this city: pavs over 12 per cent net. Can be made to' pay 15 per cent net,. VANDUYN & WALTON , 03 Chamber, of Commerce, THE GREATEST FURNITURE AUCTION SALES Thit week will be at the Portland Auction Rooms A. SCHUBACH, PROP. And the greatest of these will be Tomorrow at 2 P. M. AT 211 FIRST ST. DEALERS NOTICE- JS00 worth of furniture of every de scription to be sold WITHOUT RESERVE WHATEVER. It Is all piled up. We have no room for- display, so there will be bargains and lots of them, as we can not show the goods to advantage, but the OWNER MUST SELL and Is willing to take the consequences." FOR OCR Wednesday and Friday SALES AT 2 P. M. There will be plenty of FURNITURE For everybody. There Is nothing In the housekeeping line that you cannot find at the sales of the . Portland Auction Rooms ON THURSDAY NEXT Feb. 14, WE HOLD A SPECIAL SALE OF HAVILAND, AUSTRIAN AND ENGLISH CHINA OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. . Be sides the chinaware we have many other lots In that line, such as silverware, granite-ware, fancy lamps, etc.. etc. If you can appreciate a bargain, come to the, Portland Auction Rooms at any sale and you will not go awav disappointed. C. L. FORD, Auctioneer. ON TUESDAY NEXT AT BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE, COR. ALDER AND PARK STS. The first-class furnishings of private residence removed for convenience of sale comprising very PRETTY DESIGNED IRON BEDS, in Vernls-Martln and other colors; ' best springs; white HAIR, ELASTIC FELT and other good Mattresses, goose feath er Pillows. Comforters; Dressers in BIRDSEYE MAPLE and other finishes, oak Chiffonier, maple commodes, bed room rockers in quarter-sawed oak. Dining Room Suite, viz.; PEDES TAL EXTENSION T ABIJD, 8-foot; very massive SIDEBOARD: set of box seat Chairs, with genuine LEATHER seats; two carver's Chairs; also EXTEN SION TABLE. 14 feet long 54x.iS-inch top, with deeply-carvedl under frame. Best grade AXMINSTKR RUGS. 9x12; double parlor BRUSSELS CARPETS, up-to-date Parlor Rockers, Velour Loiinge. Oil Painting, very large Library Table suitable for the home or' office. Jewel Gas Range. Gas Plate. Kitchen Tables and the usual outfit of culinary articles. On view tomorrow (Monday). Sale TUES DAY at 10 o'clock. ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. AT BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE. ' . Furniture, Carpets. Cook-stove and oth er effects of eight-room residence. Also other consignments . of Furniture etc. Parties having furniture for this sale will plea.se have tHem delivered at the Auction Rooms on Wednesday. RETAIL NEWS OF THE ANTI TRUST STORE Our shipment of new Axminster Rugs has arrived. 9x12 size $27.50 : 8.3x10.6 size. $25.00. You will find the price of these rugs in the trust stores are $1.00 and $40.00. We do not belong to the FURNITURE COMBINE of THIS city. GEO. BAKER & CO. Salesrooms. 852-4 Alder Street Auction Sales By J. T. Wilson AUCTIONEER Monday,Wednesday, Friday At 10 A. M. Each Day At Salesroom, 208 First Street We will on the days mentioned sell a fine assortment of parlor furniture, dining-room and library effects, bedroom and kitchen furnishings. Brussels carpet, wool carpets, mattings, linoleum, mahog any, rattan and oak rockers and chairs. Davenport couch, a fine assortment of dressers. Iron beds, folding beds, springs and mattresses. bedding, toiletware, metalbed. couch, oak sideboards, elegant buffet, tine dishes and glassware, pic tures, books, lace curtains and portieres, drop-head sewing machine. UPRIGHT PIANO. GUITAR, kitchen treasures, tables, stoves, utensils, etc.- Tuesday's Sale On the Premises, at 681 East Stark, Corner Nineteenth, At 10 A. M. Havintr instructions from S. L. Brown, we will sell without reserve the furnish ings of this six-room cottage comprising parlor, dining-room, belroom and kitchen effects, parlor chairs and rockers, rugs and mattings in the rooms, lace curtains, couch, extension table, sideboard, chairs, wardrobes. " toiletware. bedroom sets, springs and mattresses, bedding: new ftoDr oilcloth, stoves, dishes, utensils, etc. NOTE We pay .cash for anything in the fixture or furniture line, phone Main 1H26. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. GILMAIN AuctionandCommissionCo. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer SPFCIAL AUCTION SALE Tuesday, February 12th, 10 A. M., at 41 1 Washington St. This sale includes the furnishinfrs of resilience, and .comprises all the furniture of 8-room house, and is first-class. Thursday and Friday each day at 10 A. M. elegant furni ture, at 411 Washington street. X. B At private stele, the elegant furnishings of residence complete residence for rent. S. L. N. GJLMAN, Auctioneer, Main 2473. UNCLE MYERS' LOAN OFFICE. J43 sr St.. nfar Alder, established 1870; old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds.' Jewelry and sealskin!. 110x100 BEST QCARTTJR NORTH OF 11TH t.: la.t chance at present price. Inquire Punn-Lawrence. -Co.. 14k-V First. A NEW LIST OF HOMES uOOIHSDO Prescott Street A beautiful place with quarter block of ground. Everything to make it complete and comfortable. Easily worth but to make quick sale we offer for quite a little less than that figure. Any reason able terms. East Salmon St. Brand new 8-room home near 26th St.. high and sightly in location and nothing lacking to make the housa complete. Possession may be had at once. Mt. Tabor One of those good comfortable places with over three lots of ground. The fruit is all bearing and there Is a large varletv : the lawn and garden are well laid out; the stable will accommodate a team If desired. On the west slope over looking the city. East Madison St. Eight-room home modern and complete. Owner has left the city and it is in our hands for quick sale. You can have your goods sent up from the depot tomorrow; It Is already. This Is one of the choice Kast Side residence streets. . .. ; Portland Trust Company of Oregon ' 8. E. Cor. Third" and Oak Bts. BIG INCOME Columbia St. 50-room apartment house, eteam heat, private baths with every suite; lot 50x100; live-year guaranteed lease at $3000 per year, pays 12 per cent net. GOOD BUY 2d Street South Corner 50x100, flve-year lease at $5 per montu. pays 7 per cent. This property will Increase In value very quick. Good Investment Front Street Lot 25x100. 2-story brick building, near Morrison, 2'4-year lease at 1125 per month, pays good Interest. 15 NET Jefferson Street Corner lot, we have party that will pay 275 per month for oO-room apartment house, will take five-year guaranteed lease, don't fall to see this-" Monday. ACT QUICKLY 16 lots on Hawthorne avenue, near 41st street, . Sunnyslde, for only tooOO. DIETZ-MUELLER CO. 229-30 Lumber Exchange. WASHINGTON STREET $12,500 buys most desirable flat or apartment-house proposition, 50x100. SIXTH STREET 100x200. Think! Full half block north of Burnslde. Where and when, never again will a chance like this offer it self with over $4000 yearly income, for $135,000. THIRD STREET 100x100. corner, near Madison: good Im provements; Income. $300. Price. JoO.uOO. Take fair warning. IRVING STREET i4th 13th 15th 100x 200. full half block, in center of railroad activity. . Today's best buy. We have others. TWELFTH STREET Near Morrison, 50x125: 7-room house: Income. $50; choice location for flats or apartments. Bargain, $9500. PIONEER INVESTMENT CO. 518 Commonwealth Bldgr.. Sisfth and Ankeny. SIXTH STREET Full lot. $18,000; pro duces 7 per cent wltlf practically no improve ments. Will make good showing with proper building. THE HART LAN"D CO., 108 Sherlock Bldg. $5000 New 7-room house Willamette Heights. $500 Cash ' Balance monthly installments of $30. 1 W. H. NL'XX. 552 Sherlock Block. . - 100X100 N. W. CORNER . First and Arthur Streets Price $5000. Rents $50 per month ; WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO. ' 2 Stark Street. . UNTIL FEBRUARY 15TH $12,000 will buv a full corner lot near City Hall. Beautiful family hotel site; half. .cash. r ... .- .: - IMcGuire Realty -Co., Phone Pacific 1453. ' 315 Oregonlan bldg. W A BURNSLDE STREET And Sth. lot riOO feet on I I Burnslde). $27,500. I I Lot on Bth. just a little I I I north of above, for $10,000. I J THE If ART LA-VD CO., 1 109 'Sherlock Bids, S Ttl ALL ACREAGE TRACTS THAT ARE BIG MONEY-MAKERS-BUY THESE, PLAT AND SELL THE LOTS, AND YOU DOUBLE YOUR MONEY IN SIX MONTHS R acres on Marie avenue. Tremont less than five minutes walk from Tre mont station; all cleared, ready for platting; lots are now selling adjoin ing this at $150.00 per lot. Price for the five acres, only $2750.00: $1750 cash, balance for three years at 6 per cent. . ' "4 -acre tract near Flrland station, on Mount Scott carllne. In Kent Addition; a good buy. only $2600 00- $1200.00 cash will carry this, balance 6 per cent for three years. 8-acre tract, at Tremont, all cleared, level and well situated for platting for homes; near carllne. Only $4000.00. Terms. . 8 acres on Powell Valley Road, only m miles from Mount Scott carline; with good 6-room house, large, sub stantia! barn; 2- acres In 7-year-old apple trees, the very best varieties, in a high state of cultivation; balance of land under cultivation; good well and rich soil, no gravel. Price 84000.00. $2200.00 cash will carry this. 4 acres, Kent Addition, rinly short distance from Flrland Station, on Mount Scott carline; on Powell Valley Koad. A good buy. $2600.00- -room colonial home at Tremont, with two full lots 50x100 each; water connections; only one block from Tre mont Station. Price, $1500.00 cash. This will rent for $16.00 per month. NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE 6 TRUST COMPANY LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING Second and Stark Sts. $15,000 FIVE ACRES ON- Water Front near Inman Poulsen's mill and the O. W. P. track crosses place. Don't let this oppor tunity go by. : : : : Dean Land and Investment Co 413 Commercial Building SNAP ' BEAUTIFUL HOME $4750 Is the price of a richly-furnished modern up-to-date 7-room house in Irv incton, almost new. Furniture worth $1000. Large fireplace. This for a few days $3000 cash. Sixth and Burnslde Streets. Commonwealth Bldg. Ground Floor. FOR PROPERTY ON Grand Avenue Union Avenue Hawthorne Avenue East Morrison OR Trackage SEE HEAI.T INVESTMENT CO.. 210-214 Ablngton. 106' Third street. Few Days Only WE OFFER THE FINEST SEW STRICT I. V MODERN. APARTMBXT HOUSE ISI THE CITV. THREE MIX. irTES WALK FROM BUSINESS CEN TER. " Net Income $550 Per Month FOR . PARTICULARS, TERMS AH 1 LOCATION CAI.I AT OUR OFFICE. LAMOINT Si HARRIS SWETLA NO BUILDING. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. FOR SALE 20 Acres, 8 Miles From Portland Postofflce. new 5-room house, all fenced, some orchard, team horses, new waon, harness, three good . cows.' chfekens and hogs. No better land In Oregon; no rocks nor gravel on the place,,. IS acres In cultivation, balance pasture. For price and terms see . W. FL LANG 403 Marquam Building; 3 Acres Only $1500 Fine for suburban home, 30 minutes', ride from business district. K. L. PURSE, . 315 Chamber of Commerce. APARTMENTHOUSE SITE Corner 103x110 ft, Only 130 ft. North of Washing ton St.-0n 22d St., Nob Hill, With a $15,000 Resi dence thereon. Total value $30,000 Price $18,000 The Ground Alone Is Worth the Money . GOLDSMITH & CO. 441-442 Sherlock Bldg.. Third and Oak sts. $3500 $5500 $4500: $3150 $13,000 $11,500 Good S-room house with 25x 100 on Fourth street, well located. Modern R-room house with 33 1-3x100 feet. East 12th near Morrison street: fine residence property. Modern 7-room house, fix 50 feet, on Quimby street; line location. Fine full lot on 22d hear Quimby street, east front age; choice location. GcSSd buy on Main near 11th street, large double house with 50x100 feet. Full lot with R-room house on 11th, near Salmon street. $14,500 near Columbi vance. Three-story building with fractional lot. pays fl40 per month, on Second street. near Columbia; good investment, will ad f II AAA Two houses w I i IHHI on Fl'th stre Ith 60x100 feet street, near City urely advance. $10,000 Quarter block with two are double dwellings and room . for another one on corner. East Side, near Steel bridge; pays good interest. $65,000 S:'r block on Alder ose in: will ad $55,000 Two lots on Alder street; corner 14th; has fine future. Many other desirable nieces of business and residence properties. We can always arrange suitable terms. Parrish,Watkins&Co. 250 ALDER ST CORNER 103x110 FT. 130 feet north of Washington St. On 22d St. -INob Hill with PALATIAL RESIDENCE In first-class condition. Cost $15,000 Total Value $30,000 . We will sell it for $18,000 GreatestSnap Ever Offered GOLDSMITH & CO. 441-442 Sherlock Building. THIRD AND OAK STS. Nob Hill Home $7500 fl-rnnm house, modern, oh Kearney t., on a u!l lot. . Hawthorne Park Home $5000 8-room house on B. -Madison nt.. hard wood floors, cement banement, furnace, grate, mantel: house in excellent condition in a newiy-buiit neighborhood ; lot r.OxlOO. East Couch Street, Near 20th, $4300 . 8-room house and lot, modern, in good condition. Kollaijay Park Home $3000. Two blocks, from Broadway carline, on Clackamas t.; 7-room house, modern, built years on' full lot. A. B. SCOTT Office with the MOORE REALTY CO.. 416 Stearns BuiMtr.K. Hlxth and Morrison. Phone Main 2707. FOR SALE The Clipper Iron Bark "MELANOPE" Partially dismasted, a she now lays at Astoria, Or. : carries 2300 tons deadweight of carfro, or .1,435.000 feet of lumber; hull In perfect condition. '. Sealed bids to be put in by I FEBRUARY 15, 1907 Addressed to . J. J. Moore & Co.. 215 Pine street, ' San ' Francisco, or to P. L. Cherry. Astoria, Or., and must be marked "Melanope Sale." HANFORD 6 BLACKWELL CIVIL ENGINEERS Railroads, Power Plants. Industrial Plants. 1101 Alaska Bids., Seattle, Wash. IpMARRIS $1925 FOR BS. ACRES OXB III.K FROM LINNTOX. STANniXCi TIMBER Wll.l, CUT flOOO CORDS OF WOOD. SHE US VBOVT THIS. $3250 Fri.I. LOT. l.OVEJOY. BETWEEN asn Aivn 24th sts. awav bki.ow MARKET PRICE. . $4650 THIS PRICE FOR A QXICK SALE. NEW MODERN TWO-FAMH.Y Bl ttAI.OW, HUSSEI.I., NEAR GAXTEX BEIN AVE. ISIOMB a.".40. 22.'0 CASH. $7500 WEST PARK NEAR COLUMBIA NO BETTER SITE IN THE CITY FOR APARTMENT OR FLAT SITE. FVIX LOT. HO N'T MISS IT. $9500 DOI'BLE HARRISON HOI'SE. 4TH ST.. NEAR TWO YEAR I.KISR. JISO PER MONTH, PER CENT. 4MHI CASH. BALANCE $11,000 NINE-ROOM MODERN HOI SE, SOUTHWEST CORNER 24TH ANIJ OVERTON. LOT 60 BY JOO. IF YOU WANT A NICE HOUSE IN GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD SEE US ABOUT THIS. $13,000 TWENTY ACRES IN CITY SUITA BLE FOR PLATTING. CONVENIENT TO WOODLAWN OR ALBERTA CAR. $17,500 SOUTHWEST O.UARTER 14TH AND THURMAN. SUITABLE FOR WARE HOUSE. CAN'T BE BE4.T. $18,000 IMPROVED QUARTER BLOCK, 11TH ST., BETWEEN MORRISON AND CLAY. TOOn CASH WILL HANDLE. WON'T LAST LONG. , ' $35,000 HALF BLOCK. IRVING. 14TH TO 1TH STS. WILL DIVIDE. $65,000 TWELFTH AND ALDER STS. THE FINEST QUARTER BLOCK IN THE CITY. Ol'R PHONE IS OUT OF COMMIS SION, SO KINDLY CALL FOR INFOR MATION ON ANY OK THE ABOVE. IPJPHARR1S 306-7 . , N. B. TEMPORARY QUARTERS, GROUND FLOOR SWETLA.ND BLDG., BTH AND WASHINGTON STS. ACREAGE tm on Willamette Iliver, 2V nvrn cleared. HV ncrr fftumii pnnture. hnlanrr beautiful timber; oll koo1 anil lay well with beautiful btilltliiia; apot faoliiir river. Prie 93750. 2', aeren mile from Willamette River, rich mI1. lay well, on public road, V$ mile from depot. Price 7.0. 3 acre on Oreoron C ity carllne, part ly cleared, half rich black bottom land. Price JMMM. 5 acre near carllne, all nice aoll, yood timber. 1rlce 9750. 4 acre 1 block from atreetcar line, on a;Mri public corner, holl rich, lay well, 1 acre cleared. Price 91200. AM: acre 3 block from carllne. half cleared, balance good timber. per acre. Half acre and acre tracts on Orearon City carllne for aale on installment plan. City Properties Handnome rrnldencr quarter block In Hnlladnr Addition. I'rl.r .tlM. Fine half block on Ennt Sidr. hr tivrrn O. R. .V X. nnd t. P. TTtehm. jrood atollfl foundation. Excellent nlte for Tvnrchoime. Price V3n.0O0. Fine quarter block on Tenln and Flnnder.. Price a.-.,0O. 1 HE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 245V2 Stark Street INVESTMENT Corner close in. on First street, with six flats and ten-room house. All in good repair. $1(5.000 ,.for a short time. 43x100 on Nob Hill, with 9-room house; will pav pood interest on in vestment $1 0,000. Fine corner building site, elose in, near Washington street. Let us show you this. Price, IfoOjOOO. JENNINGS 6 CO. 33212 Washington St. $1215 And up choice rMnce lots In Colonial Heights; high and aishtly. on Hawthorne avenue, between 3th and.i24th; streets Kraded, sewer. Bull Run water, cement walks. Money furnished to build on any lot if desired. Sengstake& Lyman 90 5th St.. near Stark. . The Very Best Warehouse Sites I hav for Ml" 120x20ft south idr of East Madldon. bftwwn East Watfr and East 1st; wtrmn all Kradd, no excavation or ftU re quired on the ground; olfd foundation; no water; wi'il sell whole plce or halt of It. R. ML WILBUR 310 Second Street. Special Good Investment! $15,300 vbwjwv balance business corner, bring: 1620 a var: half rah balance 6 per cent on long nine. F. FUCHS 221H Morrison street- GEORGE BLaCE. PtTBLIC ACCOUNTANT, C28 Warcuter BulMlnc. , JPhoa PtcUlp 1S0T FOR SALE BY ' REED, FIELDS & TYNAN COMPANY. ! ! 102 Second Street. Phone Main 7Kt. j ffncpn 25x7. with S-room modern hous OZuUU on Grand avenue and Hnnrocit: very easy terms. down, balance mi monthly installments of ?25. ffOnnfi "'tl"0 with S-room holism WuUUU on Wilbur and Burton slr"?lf. two blorks from carline: all kinds of fruit trees and berries; terms. ; tQflfin "-rooi modern house on Kt WuUuU Ash near 15th; lot V)x"0, five nice fruit trees; on easy terms. tK7flfl Beautiful strlctlv modern bou- iSJfUU of S rooms: lot Soxion. in Hnlja oay Park, between lth and 20th: lhts Is a snap; half cash. Call and see us on this, as it is a (rood buy. fOnnn 9-room modern house on Kveretc iCUUUU between 23d and 24th; terms. ; HOIjLADA Y PARK PROPERTY. $5750 ("room trict'y modern houfe; We have a number of lots on Clacka mas near 26th street. Prices ranjfinn from VM to- $1(50, on the installment plan. ACRKAGE. Sfin Per a('re. 40 acres on Oillv roa.J, full suitable for platting or subdi viding:: call at our office for terms. COfinn S acres. 400 feet from Council W&UUU Crst. This Is a beautiful spot for a suburban home. tOfinn 3 acres on Ainsworth ave. and O&UUU 19th st. Ainsworth ave. is 1 feet wide in front of this property. Lots are selling from f20o to f400 In this im mediate vicinity. This is a beautiful spot for a suburban home. We can sell vou this on very ea-sy terms. " flnnfl " acres near the Portland houle- wwwuu varn: a beautiful trf tract for plat- tuijr. no waste; half cash. 1Q find ,fiI acres all in fruit, ons V Id UUU mile from ferrv slip on main street of Vancouver. This can be platted and you can treble your money In a short time. We have several 10 and 20-acre tracts two miles east of Montavilla, near the survey of the proposed Mount Hood line prices ransrlne from Sl'5 to 20n per acre. This land will all he worth from M to J600 when carline Is built. , H.W.Lemcke Company ACREAGE 4'i acres on Powell Valley Road, one mile north of I-nt.s. good house, fin spring: water. 50 fruit trees, apples and cherries; ij acre each, In strawberries and rasberries. This is a fine surburban home, and a bargain. S2600, easy terms. Acreage for Platting $6500 6 acres, eat of Irvlnjtton. $4000 8H acres on Wiber Iane. $1500 an Acre 7 acres on Wlberg Lane. Country Home 4 acres, well Improved, all kinds of fruit. This is an up-to-date home, Gray'a Crossing, St'oO, H.W.LemckeCompany Main 5S0. Sixth and Washington sts; Choice Buys $6800 S-room house. Xoh Hill, on Hoyt; all modern; 50x100; terms. tKP7n H'i a"res, ctose In on O. W. P. WwOlU Railway; choice black soil; im proved; terms. (Cnnn Fine 7-room house, larse brill. WwuUU furnace and full cement base ment; lot 77x100; nice lawn and roses; 30th anu Kast Taylor; terms. $3000 $1800 $1500 $400 6room house or "Unfon rv. ; new and modern; 50x120; terms. Kach. 7- and R-room houses on Chapman; modern; terms.. .vroom cottape: 1 arre eround; fruit treea and berries; new; terms. Aore tracts, close in on O.. AV. P. Railway; choice black soil; improved; terms. $350 Balance of $900 in $10 monfhiy payments; 5-room cottage. rmrt- . ,.. Jordan & Garbade Washington street. It is the first station on the main line of Northern Pacific and Astoria & Co lumbia Railroads. -It is on the West Side. It is below the bridKes. It t on. the deep channel side. It has no draw bridnes to cross to and from city. It Is prosperous. First Addition lots. $60 to $100 Ten Per Cent Down $5 Per Month Beautiful site, view unsurpassed. First buyers have choice of locations. Apply to C. F. BUNKER '.V 5H CHAMBER OF COMMERCH ' ANTHONY HARDY. LINNTON. .!', $25,000 Best Apartment House Site in City 50 x 200 Faces on Three Streets OWNER, R-5 Oregonian - For Sale by J. F. Compton tQGn ; B"J'" 8-room modern nouse. OOOJU with furnace; East Yamhill.1 1 block from car; lot 60x100; J100O down, less might do; 6 per cent on balance. tQRnn New. strictly modern Iiouse. OOUUU very neat and erood; Kast Yamhill, not far out. 1t9QRn 8"rorn house, an arehltect VlJ)l lira. beautv and without fault; 100x110; grounds' in' perfect order; in suburbs; only 100 feet from car. 5 tOflfin "-room house, on San R.V OZ.UUU fael. near L'nion , ave.; now rented 22 per month. $Qtn -4-room Iiouse. ou'lte coni OJU fortable: prrounds lodxl 0.1; on Woodstock car line: about half eah.: balance $20 per month.. J. F. COMPTON J.-.i 1) Abinetou bldg.- Phono Paclflo 0.S43. LINNTO-N