The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 02, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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London's Latest Divorce Case
Is Enshrouded in Deep
Colonel Forbes Refuses to Live With
Actress Wife Who Yearned for
the Comforts of Home
for Many Years.
LONPON. Dec. 1. (Special.) The
heroine of the latest society divorce
case Is Lady Anjrela Forbes, sister of
the Countess of Warwick, the Duchess
of Sutherland, and Lord Rosslyn. Lady
Angela Is popular as an amateur act
ress, and is also well known in
The Edinburgh Court of Session
granted her her freedom after hearing
her story, to which her husband. Col
onel James Stewart Forbes, made no
defense. They had been married ten
years, and for four years he had re
fused to live with her.
"At first," said Lady Angela, "our
married life was fairly happy, and
then the relations between my husband
and myself became rather strained.
While in South Africa, during the war,
my husband wrote home proposing to
execute a deed of separation, and on
his return he refused to occupy the
came room with me."
"For two years we lived more or less
under the same roof, but never occu
pied the same room. Occasionally he
visited me in my Hat in London, but
always on this understanding.
"In 1003 I visited America, with my
husband's consent, and stayed with a
woman friend who had gone to live
there. On my return I cabled to my
husband to meet me at Liverpool but
this he failed to do.
"Afterwards- my husband went
abroad, but after his return to Eng
land his visits ceased altogether. Nor
could I get any effect by writing to
him. Replying to one of my letters, he
refused to come and live with me, say
ing, 'I have made up my mind not to
live under the same roof with you. But
please don't let us quarrel about it.'
"That was his position all along al
though he would not treat me as his
wife, he saw no reason for making a
public quarrel. He would give abso
lutely no reason for his conduct, al
though throughout the whole course of
the. separation I have been trying to
get him to resume our former rela
tions." The four years' desertion was suffi
cient in Scottish law to obtain a decree
of divorce, and Lady Angela was not
obliged to prove absolute infidelity on
the Colonel's part, as would be neces
sary in the English divorce court. For
this reason Lady Angela's residence
was given as Balfour, Markinch, Fife
shire, and Colonel Forbes' as'Aslown,
Aberdeenshire, although they had never
settled down at . either of Colonel
Forbes' Scottish seats, but lived - In
London and at hunting-boxes In Eng
land. Finds Race of Cave-Dwellers.
LONDON, Dec. 1. (Special.) A race
of cave-dwellers has been discovered in
the great Sahara Desert by Mr. Hans
Vischer, a British official who is mak
ing an adventurous journey across the
desert from Tripoli to Lake Chad.
The troglodytes live in the Ghartian
mountains, among Roman ruins and fig
and olive groves. Their villages con
sist of great holes in the ground, form
ing courtyards into which the dwell-
ings, barns, etc., open. The rooms are
wlndowless and very dark, but abso
lutely clean. The courtyard, which is
approached by a long narrow passage,
is protected by a wall built all round
it on the surface.
First Successful Trip Ever Made Is
Just Completed.
PARIS, Dec 1. (Special.) The first suc
cessful balloon voyage over the Alps has
been accomplished by two business men
of Milan, Slgnor Celestino Usuelli and
Signor Crespi, who are enthusiastic aero
' nauts.
The balloon Milano started from the
exposition area at Milan, filled to only
three-fifths of its capacity to allow for
expansion of the gas in rarefied air, and
carrying a very light car.
At a hight of 15.000 feet the thermom
eter registered 39 degrees of frost Fahren
heit, and the aeronauts donned heavy
gloves and covered their faces with wool
en masks. The balloon waa flying along
at an immense speed, while the rarefied
atmosphere made their hearts beat vio
lently, their pulses counted 130 a minute,
and there was an inconvenient buzzing in
their ears. To remdy this they inhaled
oxygen from their stores.
They were now over the great Apennine
range, the backbone of Italy, while ahead
of them lay the magnificent panorama of
the Alps.
Describing the scene when the balloon
was over the Monte Rosa group, at an
altitude of 21,000 feet, Slgnor Usuelli says:
"From this height we had an extraordi
nary vision of the earth's spherical form.
The curve of the horizon seemed to be
precipitated over an appalling bottomless
abyss With a slant of 45 degrees, and wo
enjoyed the illusion of a hemisphere as
seen from a sidereal vantage ground.
Flinging out sand, we found ourselves
'speding towards Mont Blanc at a fright
' ful rate. The barometer marked 21,080
feet. Our sand, being somewhat damp,
froze to hard blocks inside the sacks."
After crossing the highest peaks, the
balloon descended on French territory.
Pope Decides That Existing Vacan
cies Shall Not Be Filled.
PARIS, Dec 1. (Special.) At the con
sistory, which will be held in Rome on
December 6, it has been practically de
cided that no new cardinals will be cre
ated. There are at present 14 vacancies
in the Sacred College, so the pope's de
cision not to fill some of 'them now has
created considerable surprise.
The real reason of it is this: There are
a number of ecclesiastics who, according
to the old custom hitherto followed,
would have a kind of right to be created
cardinals. Pius X wishes to abolish all
such pretended rights he does npt want
to make any man a cardinal who has not
shown special ability and done special
service to the church. He prefers, there
fore, not to create any cardinals at ail
for the moment rather than to hurt the
sensibility of those who would be doomed
to disappointment.
Speaking this week to a prelate who is
on inttmateterms with him, the pope de
clared that he was fully resolved to re
duce the number of cardinals who live in
Rome from 30 to 18, and to increase the
number of cardinals in the rest of the
Catholic world.
The question of the cardinalate for
Archbishop Farley is only delayed. It
may be taken for certain that New York
will he specially honored In this way by
the pope in time for the .solemn conse
cration of the St. Patrick's Cathedral, in
Capital Crimes In Germany May Re
sult in Adoption of American Cars.
BERLIN, Dec. 1. (Special.) A railroad
murder of a kind impossible on an Amer
ican train has been committed on a sub
urban train near Hamburg. The mur
derer managed to kill the only other pas
senger in the little compartment in the
three minutes' interval between two sta
tions. In consequence of this crime and its ex
posure of the danger of the compartment
system, the Kaiser has suggested that
changes should be made In the Prussian
state railroads. The result may be the
introduction of the American car through
out the system.
The victim in this tragedy was a dent
ist. Dr. Clausgen, who was followed into
a second-class car by Thomas Ruecker, an
unemployed gardener. While Dr. Claus
gen was reading, Ruecker attacked him
with an ax and had killed and robbed him
before the train stopped at the next sta
tion, three minutes later.
Such crimes as these, which are becom
ing more frequent in Europe, are a pow
erful argument for making the American
kind of passenger car universal. . ; ,
Emperor AVllhelm Shoots His Game
Froin Ambush.
BERLIN. Dec. 1. (Special.) This is the
season of the Kaiser's big battues among
the game preserves of the great German
landowners. As the guest of some sport
ing nobleman. His Majesty loves to kill
as many head of game as he can with as
little trouble or real sport as he can.
His shooting methods are not like Pres.
ident Roosevelt's strenuous Adirondack
expeditions. The Kaiser sits in an am
bush, attended by three or four keepers,
who hand him loaded repeating rifles in
rapid succesion. He pots at the game as
ft is driven past him within easy range
by beaters, and his only object is to kill
as many as possible. -
Minute records are kept of the number
of birds, boars or deer shot by His Maj
esty. And the spot where he kills his
thousandth or ten thousandth pheasant
is now marked with a memorial stone in
scribed with the fact and date.
According to the court chroniclers, the
Kaiser is a perfect shot, as he ought to
be when it is all made so easy for him.
Amusing Story Is Told of a Yankee
LONDON. Dec. 1 (Special.) The
American who tried to "tip" a member of
Parliament Is the subject of "an amus
ing true story told by E. B. Barnard,
M. P.
Mr. Barnard was asked by the man
ager of his hotel to get an American
visitor into the Stcangers' Gallery. This
he was very pleased to do; but was some
what surprised when the visitor, who
did not know who his conductor was, of
fered him a sovereign. Mr. Barnard de
clined the tip. saying, "We are not al
lowed to receive gratuities," for He saw
that the American had taken him for a
minor official.
Learning afterwards who his conduc
tor was, the American carefully avoided
him in the hotel: but on going away, he
left with the manager a package con
taining a gold and turquoise scarf-pin,
for Mr. Barnard, as an acknowledgement
of his courtesy.
Elite of England Adopts a Barbarian
LONDON, Dec. 1. (Special.) Throwing
the boomerang is the latest fashionable
sport. The curious weapon of the Aus
tralian natives has been introduced in
England by Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey, an
enthusiast in quaint weapons and an
expert with the cross-bow.
The mysterious property of the boom
erang of returning to the thrower after
striking the mark makes it a most fasci
nating plaything, and many ladies have
taken it up in preference to archery. To
learn the art of throwing the boomerang.
Lenders now roam the suburban golf
links and commons.
At a sporting goods store in the West
End boomerangs made after Sir Ralph
Payne-Gallwey's pattern may be pur
chased for a trifle over $L and during the
fortnight that the craze has lasted orders
for nearly BOO were given.
Woman at the Helm.
SYDNEY, Australia, Dec. 1. (Special.)
For 50 hours the wife of Captain Reade
of the barkentine Mary Isabel stood at
the wheel and steered the ship through
tempestuous storms and 'gigantic seas
between Mauritius and this port.
Captain Reade had discovered a plot
among the crew to seize the ship which
was bound from London to Sydney via
Algoa Bay, " Cape Colony. Owing to the
precautions he took, six of the crew
deserted at Algoa and the mate left at
Mauritius. It was Impossible to ship
a fresh crew at Algoa aa the ship was
blown, out to sea by a heavy gale and un
able to return 'owing to contrary winds.
The ship thus being shorthanded, Mrs.
Reade volunteered to assist in working
her. She took eight hour watches and
at an emergency remained at the wheel
two days and two nights continuously.
The vessel was considerably overdue
when she arrived at this port.
Pope's Physician Has Cancer.
PARIS. Dec. 1. (Special.) There la
reason to fear that Dr. Lapponi private
physician to Pope Plus X as he was for
13 years to the late Leo XIII, cannot live
much longer. He is a victim of cancer of
the stomach and the doctors have relin
guished the hope of being able to per
form an operation. Still Dr. Lapponi
continues to visit Pope Pius twice a week
officially. In fact, his assiduous atten
tion keeps alive the idea that the Pope
himself is not well. The only truth is
this, that Pius X continues to suffer from
the effects of his last attack of gout
which have not passed off as rapidly as
Russia Wants New Loan.
ST. PETERSBURG. .Dec. 1. (Special.)
Russia is seeking another loan, this
time for railway enterprise. To develop
the government railroads $400,000,000 are
necessary. An official of the ministry of
railroads says that the .negotiations with
foreign capitalists are "temporarily in
terrjjted because of the demand of the
cartr-Uists for railroad concessions which
Russia will not grant. The new loan is
undoubtedly to be used for making the
Trans-Siberian railroad a double-track
Another Police Chief Removed.
KAZAN, Dec. 1. Chief of Police Chopo
to, of this city, was shot and killed while
leaving a theater here last night. The as
sassin was arrested.
The most significant word In trade is
money-back coined by Schilling's Best.
Fulton to Ask-for Portland
Postoffice at Once.
WANTS $2,000,000 EDIFICE
Oregon's Senator Hopes to Have His
Measure Incorporated In the Om
nibus Public Building Bill it
One Is Framed This Session.
ington, Dec 1. Senator Fulton will on
Monday Introduce a bill authorizing con
struction of a 18,000.000 Postoffice at Port
land; also bills for public buildings at
Albany, Oregon City, La Grande and
Pendleton, to cost $100,000 each.
If an omnibus public building bill is
framed this session. Senator Fulton hopes
to have his bills incorporated. The fact
that there is to be a River and Harbor
bill, however, -makes it improbable that
there will be legislation authorizing new
public buildings. In that event, the Port
land Posteftlce bill must wait a year.
Senator Fulton will also introduce a
bili authorizing the Columbia Valley Rail
road Company to extend itsroad across
the Fort Columbia military reservation
at the mouth of the Columbia River.
Is Oregon's Advance Guard to Rivers
' and Harbors Congress.
Washington, Dec. 1. Peter Loggie, of
North Bend, Or., arrived here today.
He is the advance guard of the Oregon
delegation to the National Rivers and
Harbors Congress, that is to meet here
next week. Governor Chamberlain,
Max Fleischner, Philip Buehner, J. N.
Teal, of Portland; E. Hofer, Salem; O.
R. Ray, Roseburg; Joseph T. Peters,
The Dalles, and Orville Dodge, Coquille
City, are expected early next week.
This delegation will have a hearing
before the House committee on rivers
and harbors, at which they will advo
cate liberal appropriations for all Ore
gon waterways. They will work for
recognition of -Oregon and' Columbia
River improvementsv-at the Rivers and
Harbors Congress as well. Mr. Loggie
will remain in Washington several
weeks in an effort to secure an appro
priation to complete jetties at Coos
Government May Enlarge the Facili
ties at Bremerton to Meet Needs.
Washington, Dec. 1. The Navy De
partment has received a report of the
special board detailed to look into the
situation at the Puget : Sound Navy
Yard with a view to determining the
line of its proper development, year by
year. In order that there may be
eventually, at that establishment, such
a complete plant for repair, and possi
bly for construction, as will be needed
on the Pacific Coast.
It is pointed out in the report that
it would be of advantage to Naval in
terests and of value to Naval efficiency
to develop the Puget Sound plant into
a battleship yard, with facilities for
doing the largest kind of work, and
all with a view to the chance that it
may be necessary to have, convenient
on the Pacific Coast, a means of re
pairing ships of the Pacific and Asiatic
WILL COST $1,000,000.
Naval Board's Estimate on Repairs
to Battleship Oregon.
Washington. Dec. 1 The Navy Depart
ment has not yet acted on the estimates
of the repairs to the battleship Ore
gon, as the question is still in the
hands of the Board of Inspection and
Survey. It is undertsood the Board
will recommend that more than
000,000 be expended on the ship.
Will Receive Oregon Girls.
Washington, Dec. 1. President Roose
velt today agreed to give a reception
in the east room of the White House
to S3 Oregon girls who will visit the
Jamestown Exposition next May as
guests of the Pacific Northwest. He
made this promise to Philip S. Bates,
who is making up the party to include
one girl from each county of the state.
Bates was introduced to the Presi
dent by Senator Fulton. The young
ladies will spend two days in Wash
ington before going to the Exposition.
Hermann Not Superstitious.
Washington, Dec. 1. Senator Fulton
and Representative Hermann are the
only .members of the Oregon delegation
now in Washington. Senator Gearin
is expected by Monday, but Represen
tative Williamson will probably not
appear this session. Mr. Hermann Is
not at all superstitious nor easily
alarmed. Notwithstanding the fate of
his late colleague, Hermann has just
had four front teeth extracted, and he
lives to tell the tale.
(Continued from First Page.)
will have to make good In the morning.-
"What happened the next morning?"
"The teamsters of Montgomery Ward
& Co., were called out."
The witness declared that he had said
to Shea at that time that the strike had
'not been called In accordance with the
rules of the Teamsters' Union, and that
he believed a mistake had been made in
calling the strike at all.
. Young described a number of meetings
attended by labor leaders at which he
.had been present. At one of these gath
erings, he said, instructions were given
by Shea that no union driver, would be
permitted to haul any goods in or out
of the store of Montgomery Ward & Go.
Court then adjourned until Monday.
Strike in Michigan Copper Mine.
CALUMET, Mich., Dec. 1. Four hun
dred, miners struck today at the Osceola
mine for a 10 per cent increase in wages.
The Calumet & Hecla Company, whose
mines adjoin the Osceola, recently granted
a similar increase to its employes.
Rebuke Carnegie's Bad Manners.
LONDON," Dec. 1. Exception is tak
en in some of the afternoon papers
here to some of the statements made
by Andrew Carnegie at the banquet of
the St. Andrew's Society last night re
garding the decline of recruiting m
The Pall Mall Gazette heads its com
ment, "An Alien Insult," and says that
even if true "it is. the worst of man-
? ft makes us feel good all over to ret letters
like these, from big-hearted druggists who,
having discovered that Brtght's Disease and
Diabetes arc really curable, are making It their
business to Convince their neighbors. They
are as happy as we are over it. They are
finding it a labor of love aa well as of emolu
ment and are even giving the Compound away
to discouraged onea to start them. This Is no
over-statement. Read the letters following:
Orrtn P. SalTord. Drugs and Photo Supplies,
Flint, Mich., Sept 12, 1906.
Jno. 3. Fulton Co. Dear Sirs: I am won
dering how you are getting along since the
quake. I write to find out also for a dupli
cate of my lrat order. I have only a dozen
of the last lot left. Also want some more
booklets; have calW from other . counties and
There wasa man here who was given up
by the doctors to die. Had been tapped three
or four times. As a last resort he was induoed
to try Fulton's Renal Comp. He has taken
about a dozen and Is almost as good as new.
He Is a working man with wife and daughter
and Is poor, and I gave him two bottles for a
That it was seed sown in good ground you
may know, for he has told a great many.
One lady came in from the country and said
he had walked four miles to tell hfr hunband,
who was also down with Brighfs Disease.
The latter is now on his seventh bottle, and
he. too, is improving.
One of our local officials is also on the
Compound and is doing fine, and he yesterday
brought in a member of Congress from an
adjoining state for a booklet. Yours resp'y,
Here is another letter. It was written by
a druggibt in a. nearby town to a personal
friend. You can see that he meant every
word of it and that his heart, too, is in the
work, and like SalTord, he doesn't let a dollar
or two stand in the way.
Thos. A. Spivey's Rio Vista Pharmacy.
Rio Vista. Cal., Sept. 5. 1006.
My dear Friend: I have Just heard that
you are suffering from Diabetes, and I hasten
to send you the only positive cure on earth.
With pleasure I make you a present of this
bottle. Pray do not fail to take it. You can
be able to get more from Kirby in Dixon.
I could cite dozens of splendid benefllts from
It. I am sorry you are in need of it, hut am
pleased to be able to do you good. 1 shall
hope to hear from you In thres weeks saying
you are much benefited. I inclose you pam
phlet Do not fail to read It. -I am vours
We are saving lives all over this country
and some of our druggist friends are as happy
in the work as wo are. Here is another:
W. I.Moody, druggist, Ionia, Iowa, Aug. 29th,
.T. J. Fulton Co. Gents: Find enclosed
check In full of last bill. We could furnish
you with some great testimonials here. You
surely have got a cure for Bright' Disease
and we think one of the greatest discoveries
ever made In medicine. Yours.
H. D. Blatchley. the druggist at Caldwell,
Idaho, was himself cured of Diabetes and W.
G. Shepard, the druggist at Everett, Wash.,
after the one hundred and fortieth urinallsls
declared the Fulton Compounds to be epecincfl
for Bright'a Disease and Diabetes and sent
personal notice of the results to every one
of the 46 physicians In his county.
Letters like these keep us nerved up to our
work. Fulton's Compounds are the only things
known that reach serious kidney disease.' For
Bright's and serious kidney disease get Ful
ton's Renal Compound. For' Diabetes, ask for
th Diabetes Compound. Send for free book
let. Jno. J. Fulton Co., 5010 San Pablo Ave.,
Oakland, Cal., or to
ners in an alien who elects to make
frequent use of Britten- hspltallty to
make it the subject otpiiblic rejoic
ing." . Sir Mortimer Durand's "vigorous re
buke" of Mr. Carnegie on the same oc
casion is applauded by the press.
"Tex" Rickard Makes Big Offer for
Another Mill.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. (Special.) "Tex."
Rickard arrived here today and an
nounced that he would offer a $40,000
purse for another Gans-Nelson fight. He
then looked up Tim McGrath and to
gether they went out to see the town.
At the Metropole tonight he said: "Nel
son does not get enough credit for the
fight he made against Gans. The latter
is the fastest lighter In the world. He
was in the best possible form or he
could never have gone 42 grueling rounds
with Nelson who is the toughest proposi
tion in the fighting line. 'The Battler'
took . an awful beating and it is a
marvel to me that he was able to
stand it."
Former's Victory at 18.2 Balk Line
Makes Him Even With Leader.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. Albert Cutler, of
Boston, defeated Harry Cline, of Phila
delphia, tonight, 400 to 2S8, in the 18.2
balk line billiard tournament for the
short-stop championship, and these two
are tied for first place, with five games
won and one lost. In the afternoon game
Taylor, of Chicago, won from Tom Gal
lagher, of thi3 city, 400 to 190, which puts
Gallagher in third place, with Taylor and
Edward McLaughlin tied for fourth.
E. H. Adams, of New Vork, Tops His
Former Mark.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. E. H. Adams, of
the New York Athletic Club, created -a
new American record in the plunge for
distance at the indoor aquatic meet of
the New York Athletic Club tonight. He
made 70 feet, which beats the former
mark of 69 feet made by Adams about a
year ago.
L. A. Goodwin, of the New York' Ath
letic Club, competed in the 100-yard, and
In his heat continued on to the 120-yard
mark, his time being 1 minute 171-3 sec
onds, beating the former record of 1
minute 20 4-5 seconds.
"Captain von Coepenick's" Trial
Draws Crowd in Germany.
BERLIN. Dec. 1. The trial of Wilhelm
Volgt, rendered famous In Germany as
"Captain von Coepenlck," owing to his
bold robbery of the treasury of Coepenick
and the arrest of the Burgomaster of that
town October 16, with the assistance of a
number of soldiers who had been imposed
upon by Voigt, began today before a large
crowd. Application for tickets to the
court had been received from all over
Germany and even from foreign coun
tries. Much amusement was caused when nine
grenadiers. in strict military order,
marced into the room as witnesses
against the prisoner. Voigt answered the
Judge's questions unreservedly, narrating
the history of hie life without dramatic
embellishment and told a straightforward
story of the Coepenick affair in an unas
suming manner.
An interesting fact brought out was that
Voigt years ago made use of an expres
sion which led to his capture, having
remarked to a fellow prisoner while in
the penitentiary where he was tinder sen
tence: "With a few soldiers one could do a
fine job."
This prisoner, after hearing of ths
Copyright 1906 by Hart Schaffher Marx
Coepenick affair, informed the police of
Voigt'3 remarks, which fastened suspi
cion upon the latter. Voigt was sentenced
to four years' imprisonment and costs.
The indictment included four counts,
namely, aggravated forgery, publicly de
priving another of liberty, fraud and
wearing a military uniform without au
thority. ,
Will Make German Companies Pay.
BERLIN. De?. 1. Messrs. Sutro,
Thomas and Dohrmann, represen
tatives of the San Francisco Insurance
claimants, who have not been paid by
What Sulphur Does
For the Human Body in Health, and
The mention of sulphur will recall
to many of us the early days when
our mothers and grandmothers save us
our dally dose of sulphur and molasses
every spring and fall.
It was the universal spring and fall
"blood purifier," tonic and cure-all,
and, mind you, this old-fahloned rem
edy was not without merit.
The idea was good, but the remedy
was crude and unpalatable, and a large
quantity had to be taken to get any
we get all the beneficial
effects of Bulphur in a palatable, con
centrated form, so that a single grain
Is far more effective than a table
spoonful, of the crude sulphur.
In recent years research and expert1
ment have proven that the best sul
phur for medicinal use is that obtained
from Calcium (Calcium Sulphide) and
sold in drug stores under the name of
Stuart's Calcium Wafers. They are
small chocolate coated pellets and con
tain the active medicinal principle of
sulphur In a highly concentrated, ef
fective form.
Few people are aware of the value
of this form of sulphur in restoring
and maintaining bodily vigor and
health; sulphur acts directly on the
liver and excretory organs and purifies
and enriches the blood by the prompt
elimination of waste material.
Our grandmothers knew this when
they dosed us with sulphur and mo
lasses every spring and fall, but the
crudity and impurity of ordinary flow
ers of sulphur were often worse than
the disease, and cannot compare with
the modern concentrated preparations
of sulphur, of which Stuart's Calcium
Wafers, is undoubtedly the best and
most widely used. '
They are the natural antidote for
liver and kidney troubles and cure con
stipation and purify the blood in a
way that often surprises patient and
physician alike. i
Dr. R, M. Wilkins, while experiment
ing with sulphur remedies, soon found
that the sulphur from Calcium was
superior to any other form. He says:
"For liver, kidney and blood troubles,
especially when resulting from consti
pation or malaria, I have been sur
prised at the results obtained from
Stuart's Calcium Wafers. In patients
suffering from boils and pimples and
even deep-seated carbuncles, I have
repeatedly seen them dry up and dis
appear in four or live days, leaving the
skin clear and smooth. Although
Stuart's Calcium Wafers is a proprie
tary article and sold by druggists and
for that reason tabooed by many physi
cians, yet I know of nothing so safe
and reliable for constipation, liver and
kidney troubles and especially in all
forms, of skin diseases as this remedy.
At any rate people who are tired of
pills, cathartics and so-called blood
"purifiers" will find in Stuart's Calcium
Wafers, a far safer, more palatable and
effective preparation.
Send your name and address today
for a free trial package and see for
yourself. ,
F. A. Stuart Co., 57 Stuart Bide.,
Marshall, Mich.
Third and Morrison Stmts
Ideal Clothes
Of Highest Quality
May be had here with
greater satisfaction, in fit,
style and quality than else
where. We offer best val
ues on the principle, "a
child can buy as safely as
an experienced shopper."
We have but one stand
ard, the very best and
nothing else.
Suits, Topcoats
Raincoats, Overcoats
.!- . ,f k,rv r.sq fiiw
three German insurance companies and
two Austrian companies, are making the
necessary official calls and looking over
the field before pressing the companies
for a settlement.
Mattoax Says He Tried Three Times
to Notify lawyers.
LYNCHBURG, Va Dec. 1. C. D.
Mattoax, the telegraph operator who
is charged by officials of the Southern
Railway with responsibility for the
wreck at Lawyers, has been located at
his boarding-house near Rangoon. To
night L. D. Mattoax, his brother, gave
out the following statement:
"My brother was on duty at Ran
goon on the night of November 28. He
can prove that he did not go to sleep
and that he did not leave the office
two minutes. When train No. 33 ap
proached he let it into the block be
tween Rangoon and Lawyers. He let
It into the block under instruction,
and he can prove by witnesses fhat he
tried three times to get the operator at
Lawyers In order to notify him of the
approach of No. 33. He could not, how
ever, get the response from the Law
yers operator. He has agreed to show
that he got the block for No.. 3?.
"The day operator can prove that he
Interest on Deposits
We pay interest on savings and time deposits consistent
with safe banking, and issue our special certificates adapted
to the needs of those uncertain as to when their money will
be required.
Commercial Banking
We afford every facility for those keeping accounts with us
subject to check, making no limitation as to amount necessary
to open such accounts.
Collections are effected on all points, exchange furnished
at current rates, and a general banking business is transacted.
Trust Department
We act as Trustees in bond issues, in holding properties
pending settlement, litigation, division, or other disposition or
adjustment, care for escrows, collect rents, take charge of
the separate properties of married women, or of persons for
any reason incapacitated from acting in their own behalf.
The corporation, by reason of having a perpetual existence,
and by reason of its expert knowledge gained in handling
large volumes of such business, is the proper and best cus
todian of your interests. Consult us about your affairs.
Investment & Trust Co.
247 Washington Street,
Capital, $150,000.'
J. FRANK WATSON, Pres't. ' W. H. FEAR, Sec'y.
R. L. DURHAM, Vice-Pres't. S. C. CATCHING, Asst. Sec'y.
0. W. T. MUELLHAUPT, Cashier.
15 to $35
found him on duty when he reported
at 7 o'clock to relieve him. He did not
rm away after the accident. He does
not feel he Is to blame, and be has
made no effort to avoid arrest."
Death and Wounds Follow Consta
ble's Effort to Levy.
LA GRANDE, Mo., Dec. 1. In a
quarrel over receipts for a theatrical
performance, Hosea Duvall was shot
and Instantly killed, James E. Rohon
and Orlo K. Stuart were fatally wound
ed and Roy Millard was shot through
the body and arm. Rohon, who is a
constable, with Duvall assisting, was
levying upon some trunks claimed by
Gilbert Donaldson, owner of the com
bined shows. Stuart and Millard are
actors. They are alleged to have be
gun the shooting.
Crooked Banker Gets Five Years.
BIRMINGHAM. Ala., Dee. 1. Gordon
Dubose, ex-president of the defunct
First National Bank, of Ensley, was
today found guilty of misappropriation
of funds and sentenced to five years'