The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 02, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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Glove and Merchandise Orders Sold for Any Amount A Very Quick and Satisfactory Way of Solving the Christmas Gift Problem
See the Great Display of Holiday Goods in the Big Basement Store
All Mail Orders Will Receive Our Prompt and Careful Attention
1 907 Calendars in Wonderful " Assortment In Book Department
New Trunks, Traveling Bags and Suit Cases on the Third Floor
Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order a Specialty Second Floor
Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications and Columbia Yarns
The Meier Frank Store
Men's Lounging Robes and
. The Meier Frank Store
1 0,000 Doz. Handkerchiefs
The Meier Frank Store
Sale of Women's Fine Coats
Smoking Jackets 2d Floor
Men's Smoking Jackets and Lounging Robes in unequalled assort-
ment in our Men's Clothing Dept.
Second Floor New fashions and
materials Best values in the city.
Men's Smoking Jackets in all the "very best
styles navy blue, tan, brown, greens,
blacks, grays, in plain colors and fancies.
Well made, with tape seams, fancy collar,
cuffs, collar and pocket lapels; all sizes,
best colors and eombina- C 1 C ff
tions, at prices from $4 to.P W
Men 's Lounging Robes, Bath Robes and
Dressing Gowns in very large assortment.
Every new style and color blanketing
cloths, terry cloths, silk embroidered
Japanese novelties, etc. All are hand
somely made aud trimmed. All sizes at
prices from, each... $2.50 to $25.00
Men's Fancy Vests for holiday gifts.
Great assortment of st3'les and materials.
Thousands of men's new Four-in-Hand
Ties, made full French fold, also Eng
lish squares; beautiful silks in mam
moth variety; grand values, Cf.
ow nncft Xw
at this; special low-price.
President Suspenders for Xmas, each
pair put up in a handsome box; a pleas
ing gift, on sale at this low price. 50
New Leather Goods Ready
Everything that's new and useful in Leather Goods is represented a complete
stock for your choosing and at low prices. Mail orders promptly filled. .
Thousands of new Hand Bags in all leathers at from, each.. 25 to $25.00
Entire new lot of Music Rolls at the low price of, each 50 to $S.OO
"Wallets and Card Cases, all leathers, at the low price of, each. 50 to $8.00
Leather Cigar and Cigarette Cases at prices ranging from, each. .50 $ to $7.50
leather Cuff and Collar Boxes and Rolls at prices from, each.. $1.00 to $6.00
Leather Jewel Boxes and Bags at prices from, each 2." to $5.00
leather Work Boxes at prices ranging from, each $1.00 to $5.00
Leather "Writing Cases at prices ranging from, each .$2.50 to $10.00
Leather Dressing and Traveling Cases for women and men, all
styles, all grades, at the low prices of from, each $1.00 to $20.00
Leather Opera Bags, Drinking Cups, Purses, fitted Hand Bags, Photo Frames,
Chatelaine Bags, Bill Cases, men's Wallets, etc., etc. Immense showing in all
grades. Grand values. Mail orders promptly and carefully filled.
Great Annual Holiday Sale
Tomorrow starts the Great Annual Holiday Sale of Handker
chiefs 10,000 dozen All styles All grades Matchless bargains
in Handkerchiefs suitable for Christmas gifts Economical shop
pers will profit by these splendid values Mail Orders promptly filled.
200 dozen women 's pure linen hem
stitched Handkerchiefs 1-8 and 1-4-inch
hems. Regular 25c values on sale
at this low. price of, each 12V2
300 dozen women's mercerized lawn
Handkerchiefs in the latest checks and
cross-bar effects, Jo-inch hemstitched
border. Regular 15c values at 9
500 dozen women's pura linen hem
stitched Handkerchiefs, 4-inch hem.
stitched border. Regular 12X2C values
on sale at this low price, each 6
1000 dozen women's sheer Swiss Hand
kerchiefs. Prettiest designs in hem
stitched and embroidery effects, with
scalloped edges. 150 patterns to select
from. Regular 25c and 35c vals.,r 19
Women '8 pure linen Handkerchiefs, hem
stitched and embroidered in cross-bar
effects. Large assortment.-. Best 25c
values on sale at, each . .' . '. 15
Women's pure linen hemstitched Hand
kerchiefs, colored embroidery border,
dainty bowknot, f lenr de lis and French
knot designs. 35o values at, each. .22
Women's fine linen hemstitched Hand
kerchiefs, beautiful hand - embroidered
designs. Each one in a fancy box. 75c
and $1 values at the low price of. . 53
Women's pure linen unlaundered Hand
kerchiefs, hemstitched and embroidered
designs, 35c values at, each 22
Women's finest quality pure linen un
laundered Handkerchiefs, Vi-inch hem
stitching, hand-embroidered designs in
the corners, 65c values at, each. . .46
Great special values in children's
Handkerchiefs. All styles. All grades.
500 dozen women s pure linen Handker
chiefs, trimmed in' fine laces r-Vals. and
Mechlin edges and insertions. Beautiful
variety to select from, 35c vals., at 22
300 dozen women's sheer linen lawn
hemstitched Handkerchiefs, hand - em
broidered initial and i-inch hem. 25c
values on sale at the low price of. .14
300 dozen women's fine quality sheer
Swiss Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and
embroidery effects with scalloped
edges. 20c values on sale at..... 11
200 dozen' women 's fine quality sheer
Swiss Handkerohiefs, prettily trimmed
with Val. lace and insertion, also lace
and embroidered effects. 20c vals.,
100 dozen fine quality shee Swiss Hand-
kerchiefs, - beautiful variety in hem
stitched and embroidered effects. 65c
and 75c values on sale at, each. . . .41
Values to $75 All Reduced
Special Holiday Sale of women's
high grade Coats All this season's
exclusive models selling at prices
from $32.00 to $75.00 each3
and 7a length garments in loose,
tight-fitting and semi-fitting backs
Plain colors, plaids and mixtures,
in blue, brown, red, grays, tans and
mixtures Beautifully made and fin
ishedAll sizes and great values at
$32.00 Coats reduced to $25.00
$34.00 Coats reduced to $26.00
$40.00 Coats reduced to $29.50
$44.00 Coats reduced to $33.00
$52.00 Coats reduced to $38.50
$55.00 Coats reduced to $41.00
$58.00 Coats reduced to $44.00
$75.00 Coats reduced to $58.00
New Fur Scarfs
$3.95 and $5.45
Special lot of 75 women's Franch Coney
Scarfs, in the elaborate new "Zaza" style,
trimmed with two ornaments nicely lined with satin a style and Q
quality scarfs the exclusive furrier asks you $6.50 for. Our price. .. Nr1
Special lot of 75 blended river mink Scarfs, four tabs finished with tails, chain and
silk ornaments. A style and quality scarf the exclusive furrier P C
asks you $8.50 or $10.00 for. Our special price for them is, each. ..tp1-
200 heavy fleece down dressing Sacques with deep, square collar trimmed in one
inch satin band. Pretty effects in figures and polka dots. Pink, blue, QR,
gray and tans. All sizes. The best $1.50 values on sale at this low price, 'l
We Are showing a magnificent assortment of attractive styles in Kimonos, Dress
ing Sacques and Tea Gowns suitable for Xmas gifts. All grades. All sizes, and
at reasonable prices. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention.
Great Values in
Laces and
45 - inch all-over Batiste and
Swiss Embroideries for ling
ergie waists; handsome de
signs. Values np to $4.50 yd.
on sale at this phenomenally
low price, per yard.. .$1.89
White and cream Appliques
and Medallion effects for
waist decorations in Venise,
Batiste, and imitation Irish
crochet. The very latest novel
ties. Values up to $3. $1.87
18-inch Swiss and Batiste Em
broidery, including Corset
covering and skirt flouncing,
English eyelet and designs in
blind embroidery. Values up
to $1.25 yard, on sale at 63
3000 yards of Swiss and Nain
sook Embroidery edges and
insertion neat, dainty pat
terns for children's and in
fants' wear; widths from 1
to 5 inches. Values up to 40c
a yard, on sale at, yard. 19
Great special values in round
mesh and French Val. Laces
and insertions, 14 to 4
inches wide great value:
Vals. to $3.50, doz. yds., 89
Vals. to $2.50, doz. yds., 59
Real Laces for holiday gifts-
superb showing all styles,
and all grades. See them.
fir.iT.fiw iv . wl. .- fk umw aiv; nr-.'jv.-'A ce:.-- .?.u.f .svisiv wia.'' iii.-ntt .-f'!i,m"iwT
Santa Claim' Lrtr Box Is located oa
the third floor. He pernonally replies
to alt communications. . Write him today.
P:j$ -gvYK-si syiKjisssSfi skkk fWSflJi SS-.ttS iiW-yja awst.: m,v$3 "twsassw0 ro sssiwatt so ?g 5$g
The opening of "Toyland" yesterday attracted q great multitude of women, men and iffj
children It was a difficult proposition taking proper care of all children who came to
greet Santa Clous during the afternoon hours, but we managed somehow so that not
one was disappointed The Old Fellow was nearly smothered with orders for Christ
mas delivery In person, by phone and by mail came instructions as to what each lit
tle tot desired Santa made careful inspection of our great Toy Store and pronounced
it the largest and best he has seen in all his travels He was delighted with the im-
mense assortment and the good class of merchandise we have collected, and if we are
able to please him it will be easy to please you, for Old Nick is a very fastidious buyer Now a word to the wise: shop early while stocks are complete
Immense varieties to select from at your leisure, careful attention by salespeople and last but not least, avoiding the rush and crush incident to the final
days of Holiday shopping - A large force of competent salespeople, extra cashiers, increased delivery service If you want we will pack and store
your purchases and deliver same any time you say All Mail Orders will be promptly filled Send for Christmas Toy catalogue, it is free for the asking
Christmas Gifts for Ja
pan. China, Philippines
Should be mailed before December 5 to insure
delivery before Xmas Day. Purchases made
here will be properly packed and mailed for
you. Packages for European countries should
be mailed before December 10th.
Women's Ruffs at Low Prices
Our entire stock
attractive styles, in
brown, white, black
$2.75 values on sale
$3.00 values on sale
$3.50 values on sale
$5.00 values on sale
$6.50 values on sale
of women's Neck Ruffs at greatly reduced prices today; very
chiffon net and liberty silks. Pretty effects in pink, light blue,
and white and black; Ruffs and Capes grand bargains at
at, each $2.00
at, each $2.19
at, each $2.79
at, each.... $3.79
at, each $4.89
$7.50 values on sale at, each. . $5.63
$10.00 values on sale at, each. . $7.69
$11.00 values on sale at, each. . $8.69
$11.50 values on sale at, each. . $8.89
$16.00 values on sale at, each. .$12.49
In the Art Department
Special lot of pure linen Momie Tray Cloths,
with fringe and drawn-work borders. fKf
Great special values at, each
Special lot of Roman striped tapestry Pillow
Tops, assorted colors. Best 40c values, 19
Fine . lawn stamped Aprons for shadow embroid
ery, 50c values at the low price of 39
Stamped Pin Cushion Tops for shadow em
broidery work. Great value at, each...lO
Specials in
Holly Box Papers best qual
ity linen paper envelopes to
match. Great value at..l6
Dennison's Holly Seals. Tags,
and Xmas Cards sjecial 8
Fountain Pens everyone
guaranteed $1 values, 79J
Triplicate Mirrors best
French plate glass in oblong
or square shapes, hardwood
frames, $2.23 values, $1.59
Xmas Perfumes East man 's
best odors, 50c packages in
faucy boxes or baskets, 39J
Gentlemen's gold-filled Vest
Chains 15 years' guarautee.
Regular $3.50 values, $2.49
Women's adjustable Bracelets
with signets, $1.23 vals., 98
Lily pattern sterling silver Hat
Brushes, $1.50 vals., $1.09
Sterling silver Cloth Brushes.
Regular $3.25 values, $2.59
Sterling silver Comb, Brush
and Mirror Sets, at. .$7.98
Silver-plated Jewel Boxes, silk
lined, 95c values for. . . .69
75c Scarf Pins for, each..59cs
$5 Meerschaum Pipes. $3. 69
Beauty and Collar Pins, 12
Women's Regular $38.00 Suits $15.85
Women's Regular $45.00 Suits $32.45
Sale extraordinary of Women's Tailor
ed Suits for Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday Best bargains of season
Lot 1 100 Women's Tailored Suits in
Jacket, Pony, Prince Chap and Blouse
styles in Homespuns, Tweeds. Cheviots
and Serges Solid colors and mixtures
This season's Suits in the most desirable
styles and materials Suits we have sold
thousands of all season at $25.00 and
$28.00 each All sizes in the lot Plan
$ 1 5.85
to come early if you want the
values. Choice at the .
very low price of
Lot 2 1 00 high grade women's Tailor
ed Suits in blouses, bolero, pony, tight
fitting and semi-fitting Jacket Suits
Trimmed with braids, velvet and gimp
Checks, plaids and mixed goods in all
the newest weaves and colorings Suits
that find ready sale at $42.00 and
$45.00 each Your choice while they
last at this moderate-
ly low price per suit
Chafing Dishes, Silverware, Etc.
Nickel-plated Chafing Dishes
medium size, fancy cover.
Regular $10.50 value.. $8.39
Nickel-plated Chafing Dishes
wrought-iron stand, plain cov
er. Reg. $4.50 value, on sale at
this low price of, each, $3.78
Chafing Dish Trays plain
edge, 12-inch side. Regular
$1.75 value on sale at. .$1.29
14-inch Trays, $2 value, $1.62
Nickel- plated Nut Bowls. $1
value, on sale at, each....79
Great special holiday sale of
glazed Jardinieres and Umbrella
Stands. Best styles, all sizes.
grand values as follows. Base
ment. Mail orders filled:
6- in. glazed Jardinieres at 21 6
7- in. glazed Jardinieres at 32
8- in. glazed Jardinieres at 49
8- in. blue and gold Jardi
nieres on sale at, each... 89
9- in. glazed Jardinieres, $1.22
Blue and white glazed Umbrella
Stands Best $2 yalues, at $1.49
$2'.75 glazed Umbrella Stands. .$2.19
$3.50 glazed Umbrella Stands. .$2.78
Metal Candlesticks, at, eaoh 19
Nickel-plated 5-0 'Clock Teas on nickel
stand. .Great special values at.. $2.19
90c brass Candlesticks on sale at..71
I. J. A
5-0 'Clock Teakettles on wrought-iron
Stands. Regular $3.50 values at. $2.80
Child's silver-plated Mug, fancy en
graved. Regular $1 value, at. . . . .79
Child's silver-plated Set in lined box.
Very pretty styles. Grand values.
$1.25 Set at 99 $1.75 Set at $1.42
Cracker Jar,
iancy decorated cover.
Regular $2.50 value, at, each.. $1.99
Great holiday stocks' of Solid Silverware, Silver-plated Ware, Novelty Glassware,
i Cut Glass, Vases, Brass and Copper Ware, Electroliers, Gas Lamps, Candelabra,
T omn "L1.. rv.;n- rt;nn- r..i. t . i
jjauio, xaui:j vuiuo, t'limti ucto, vuuici, cll.j etc, civ. us DUUW KMX.
Holiday Sale Black Silk Waists
Great special holiday sale of fine black Silk Waists in messaline and taffetas;
also black lace and net Waists trimmed in lace, ribbon and velvet. All new and
attractive waists for middle-age and elderly women. All sizes. Grand values.
$ 1 5 Waists reduced to $ 1 1 .85-$ 1 6.50 Waists reduced to $ 1 2.95
$ 1 a Waists reduced to $ 14.25 $2 1 .00 Waists reduced to $ 1 7.25
$24 Waists reduced to $19.85 $30.00 Waists reduced to $24.25
$40 Waists reduced to $29.50 A sensible article for Xmas gifts.
Great Holiday Sale of Ribbons
1000 yards of high-grade fancy Ribbons; beauti
ful effects in eilk warps and fancy weaves; 5 to
7 inches wide; suitable for opera bags, coat
hangers, etc., etc.; values up to $1.00 C'Im
a yard, on sale at this low price JV
5000 yards of fine all-silk French taffeta Ribbons,
light and dark shades, in great assortment, 4 to
5 inches wide; wonderful values at this 1
Rrpial low rrif Vflrd .. '
No. 1 colored satin back velvet Ribbons ;
10 yards in a bolt; 35c values at, bolt.
3000 remnants of Ribbons, satin taffetas and silk
taffetas; all colors, all widths, all O
engths; values up to 60c apiece, at....
15,000 yards of beautiful all'silk taffeta Rib
bons, in black and all colors, all widths; grand
bargains at the following low prices :
Ko. a 7c Talne, yard . .
No. 81 Op value, yard..
No. 12c value, yard
No, l 1." value, yard .
No. 12 18c value, yard
No. 1 20e value, yard .
No. 22 2: to value, yard .
No. 44 '17c value, yard .
No. 3Te value, jnrd .
No. lOO SOc value, yard