the . strap.Aic 3MSGOMMXjJtxam&te-ES& 3 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Eyes Tired From Reading Extras? This has certainly been a hard . THE OREGOXIAX TELEFH O NES. fountlns-Room ..................Main 7670 HaJiacini: Editor Mtla 7070 i-undav Editor Main 7070 i t- Editor Main 7070 Society Editor... ........... ......'Main 7070 ' ompoKlnc-Room ................Main 7070 Superintendent BcUdlng...- Mala 7070 lZprl Side Office Eut 01 AMUSEMENTS. HIKErt THEATER OA and YamMH "Tlic New Century Girls." 2:13 and S:13 V. 31. EMPIRE THE ITER (12th and Morrison) "A Thoroughbred Tramp," at 2:15 and 8:lfi P. M. wANl THEATER (Parle and "Wanlnr- ton) Continuous vaudeville. 2:80. 7:30 and 9F.1L VANTAGES' THEATER 4fh and Stark) Continuous vaudeville. 2:60. 7:S0 and 9 5. M. BTAR THEATER (Park and Wahlnirton) Continuous vauderlll. 2:30. 7:30. 9 P. M. BAPTI8T CLHRGTME.V "V'HO WILL. PREACH. Prominent pastors from all points of the Pacific Coast, who have been attending the Pacific Coast BaptiK. Conference, and who will occupy Baptist pulpits through out the city today are: First, the White Temple Morning, Rev'. J. H. Garnett. D. D., Santa Ana, CaL; evening, Rev. Ar thur S. Phelps, Los Angeles. Second Morning, Rev. Albert Hatcher Smith, Pasadena, Cal.; evening, Rev. J. B. Trav is, Grants Pass, Or. Central Morning, Rev, Arthur S. Phelps: evening Rev. J. H. Garnett- Third Morning, Rev. Fred E. Taylor, Seattle, Wash.; evening. Rev. V.'. C. Sale, Heppner, Or. Calvary Morn ing, Rev. A. P. Brown, Fresno. CaL; evening. Rev. A. M. Allyn. "Washington. Immanuel Morning, Rev. G. W. Griffin, Spokane. Wash.; evening. B. C. Miller, Brownsville, Or. Monta villa Morning, Rev. W. M. Jennings, Garfield, Wash.; evening, Rev. C. R. G. Poole, Snohomish, Wash. University Park Morning. Rev. B. C. Miller; evening. Rev. W. H. Fergu son, Dayton, Wash. SU Johns Morning, Rev. T. J. Giblettc. Tacoma. Wash.; even ing. Rev. Mark Noble. Corvallls, Or. Ar leta Morn-ng, Rev. J. 1. Whirry. High landMorning. Rev. C. P. Bailey. Grace Methodist Episcopal Morning, Rev. J. B. Travis. First Christian Morning.. Rev. E. H. Hcrmlston. First United Presbyte rlan Morning, Rev. LeRoy Dakin. Chris tian Alliance Morning. Rev. T. J. Collins, Spokane. Wash. Y. M. C. A. Sunday Club Rev. E. R. Hermiston and Rev. A. P. Brown. Masw meeting Sunday afternoon at the White Temple Rev. Albert Hatcher Smith and Rev. J. H. Garnett. Y. M. C. A. Meetings. A new plan will be Inaugurated for the men's meet ing at the Y. M. C. A. building this afternoon. The general meeting will be shortened so as to adjourn at 4:15. be ginning at 3 o'clock. E. R. Hermiston, the baseball evangelist, will speak at this meeting on "Watchman, What of the Night?" The association orchestra will play and Miss Evelyn Hurley will "be the soloist. At 4:15 o'clock two open parlla inents will be- held in different parts of the building. One will be under the lead ership of Mr. A. M. Smith, and will dis cuss the question. "How Far ShouId the Church Participate in Politics?" The ott er group, led by Mr. C M. Wood, will dis cuss the first of a series of life problem topics, viz.: "The Choice and Prepara tion for a JJfc Work." The men s meet Ing on the East Side will be conducted at the same time as the one at the West Side meeting, beginning half an hour later, at 3:30 o'clock. The speaker will be Rev. J. B. Travis, of Grants Pass. Spe rial music will be furnished for the oc casion and the large male chorus will sing. This meeting Is held In Centenary Church and, like the other, is free and for men only. Talked to Parents. A large audience was present yesterday afternoon at the Imams Avenue School, the occasion be lug a "bird" entertainment and an ad i-ok by City Superintendent Frank Rig- lot-. The programme was as follows: "Pe tltion to the Birds." Johanna McDonlod: -imposition. "The Bluejay," LJda Brown; song. "Like the Irfirk," Zcta Hollister at'.U Norma Johnston; bird quotations. four girls: "The Birds of Kllllngsworth," seven girls: recitation, "An Order for a Picture." Edith Wcdwick; song. "The Winter Lullaby." chorus. Following, Mr. RlKler talked for half an hour, in which lie undertook to show the relations of the parents to the public schools. He said. among other things, that he would not send his child to a teacher with whom he was not acquainted, and undertook to show the advantage of parent and teacher being closely Jn touch. Matoji Vetoes Three Measures. "Mayor Lane yesterday vetoed three meas ures passed by the Council at Its last ses sion. He returned Preston's ordinance. relating to the Imposition of a 32M quar lerly license upon all local merchants handling trading stamps, without his ap proval. upon the ground that It was un constltuikmaI. and disapproved the or dlnaium relating to the creation of a bailiff for the Municipal Court and the ap propilnHoi therefor for the reaspn that the ..!ifl5cle4l with Civil Service pro visions of the charter. Schoi:. Contract ib Let. The Estaca da School District has let the contract for the ore "t Ion of a schoolhousc to Al Lindsay for $4195. Daniel Nunemakcr had In a bid for JC3S. The building must be finished by September 1. It will contain four rooms, two of which arc to remain unfinished until the district needs them It will be r frame structure, with stone and concrete foundation. Trouubt Trips Todat on the O. W. P. to Oregon City Canemah Park. Gresham, 25 cents: all -points east of Grcsham to and Including Estacada. 50 cents round trip. Car leaves First and Alder streets for Oregon City on the odd hour and every 40 minutes; for Estacada. 7:30. 9:30. 11:30 A. M.. 1:20, 3:40. 5:44. 7:15 P. M. Tick ets on sale In waiting room. Will Discuss Primart Election Re- fults. The meeting of the People's For um will be held this evening at S o'clock in the Selllng-Hlrsch building. The sub Ject will be a general discussion of the re mits of the primaries. Everybody Is cor dially Invited. Change ts Date. Alliance sails from Couch-street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka Monday night at K. Freight re celved foot Davis street. Thompson's Ticket Agency. 32S Third street. F. P, Baumgartncr agent, foot of Couch street. Main S61. Tenant Wanted. Owner will build four-story brick on lot 50x100 on First street, between Stark and Washington streets, for desirable tenant. For partlc ulars Inquire the Hcaly Investment Co 210-214 Abington. 10S& Third street. San Francisco Benefit. Excursion Klven under the auspices of the Uniform Rank. Knights of the Maccabees, to Al bany and Corvallls. Sunday. May 6. The entire proceeds to be donated to San Francisco sufferers. This Wfu. Remind Tou that now Is the time to have your hair mattresses reno vated and returned the same day. Phone Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair Fac tory. H. Mctzger. proprietor. , The Annual. Auction Saix of un claimed personal property for O. R. & N Co. takes place (tomorrow) Monday at 10 A. M. at 413 Washington street. S. L. N. Gilman. Auctioneer. Beach Property for Sale. Two lots and house three blocks north of Long Beach Station. Main 3934. Seaside and Elk Creek Lots, also beautiful Seaside residence for sale. Ju llus Kraemer, Commercial bid?. Wanted. 200 girls. Apply Standard Shirt & Overall Factory. No. 2 Grand avenue and East Taylor streets. Standard Shirt & Overall Factort, No. 2 Grand avenue and Bast Taylor streets. Wanted. 200 girls. Acub Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oils and fine gasolines. Phone East 7S9 Beck, the Jeweler, moved to 205 Alder until May L Goods at reduced prices. Unitarian Church. Sermon this morn lng: "The Disaster in San Francisco." AVooBTWi's great fruit store. 408 Wash Gr&ad opealar Rebec's Park, .Sunday, 22. Week on the eyes, reading the many extras, and has proven to many people the need of glasses. IF TOUR EYES ABE STSONG reading should not hurt them at all. DOES THE SUN hurt your eyes and make them blink or wateri This is always a sure sign of weakness and the need of glasses. YOUR EYES SHOULD BE PROPERLY TESTED by an ex pert optician, one vrho understands every part of the eye, and has the proper instruments to examine them. YOUR EYES EXAMINED TREE OF CHARGE by our optician, trho is a member of the firm and a graduate optician from one of the finest Eastern colleges. We carry a compleie stock of optical goods of all kinds and can fit you np with any kind of a glass you vrish, and "we do not ask fancy prices. Remember the Place. JAEGER BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 290 Morrison Street Board of Fire Commissioners. Ordi nance No. 86, passed at the last meeting of St Johns Council makes the Mayor, Chief of Police and Chief of the Fire De partment a Board of Fire Commissioners. This board -will have full control of the fire department and the management of public property belonging to the fire de partment, and shall also pass upon build ings to be erected within the fire limits. The board will also decide whether a wodden building Inside the limits can be repaired. This Board of Fire Commis sioners was also established In view of the enlargement of the fire department, in cluding the purchase of a fire engine and the establishment of a regular department as soon as It can be done. Dacghterb of Confederacy. The Portland Chapter of the Daughters of Confederacy will meet with Mrs. W. 13. Hamilton. 430 Williams avenue. Thurs day. April 26. As it is Decoration Day as observed In the South, there will be a memorial programme. All Confederate veterans and Southern men are invited to this meeting. Women with Southern blood In their veins should attend. All will be Klven a most cordial reception. The meeting will be opened at S o'clock sharp. All are requested to be on time. Mrs. Elizabeth Craig, the president of the chapter, will read a paper on Jefferson Davis. Board of Trade is Organized. Citi zens of St. Johns met at the office of C. D. Rogers last evening and took steps to reonranlze tile St. Johns Board or Trade. W. H. King was elected temporary chair man and Harvey Brlggs temporary sec retary. W. H. King. J. H. Canrlght and Richard Shepard were appointed a com mittee on membership. All present were Invited to co-operate with this committee In securing new members and Interesting all citizens in the organization. W. W. Raser. L. B. Chlpman and D. C Rogers were appointed a committee to draft a constitution and by-laws. I Have Formulated a Business Sts- tem shortening the time in arriving at a correct diagnosis more In accord with ad vanced scientific knowledge and business ethics. P. S. My motto is not what I can do. but what I have done. Blanche E. Munsell, COO Columbia building. Lots in Reservoir Park Are Seluno Fast. Choice lot In cultivation in fruit trees and berries at 5125 and up: $5 down and 15 per month. Take Mt. Scott car to Kern Park. Call at office at Flatten, or at 226-228 Front streot, Portland, Or. Her man Metzgcr. Managing Owner. Change in Sailing Date. Alliance Kails from Couch-street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka Monday night at S. Freight re ceived foot Davis street. Thompson's Ticket Agency. 128 Third street. F. P. Baumgartncr, agent, foot of Couch street. Main 861. Rev. Arthur S. Pheups preaches at Central Baptist Church this morning, and Rev. J. H. Garnett In the evening. Insurance Notice. All telegrams and mall sent to Oakland, Cal. Mann & Wil 163 Eilers Piano Certificate. East 453. 560 EiLERS certificate f20. Main CS13. WILL PAY ALL LOSSES GERM AX IXSUHAA'CE COMP.VXY WILL SETTLE CLAIMS PROMPTLY. ANOTHER FOR ST. MARY'S The Dnllcs Academy Selects Another Fine riano at KlIcrK In no other institution in the West docs music form so Important an educational rart as in St. Mary's Academy at The Dalles. No less than two fine Webors. a Hobart M. Cable and a Chlckcrlng arc now In use In that Institution, which were purchased at Ellers Piano House. Last week another beautiful Chlckerlng piano was purchased. In order to more adequately equip the musical department of this Justly famous academy. WHERE JO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for parties. 205 Washington, nr. Stn. The Scott Restaurant, Seventh and Ank- cny. serves this Sunday dlnnor, 12 to S P. M.: Olympia Oysters Raw. Chicken Soup. Lettuce. Olives. Baked Salmon. t Fried Chicken, Maryland style. Asparagus Points. Mashed Potatoes. California Zlnfandol. Shrimp Salad, Mayonnaise. Ice Cream. Strawberries and Cream. Oranges, Nuts and Raisjns. Cafe Noir. 76c per plate. Music i to 7. A chicken dinner will be served at the Perkins Restaurant today from 12 to 8 P. M. Price 35c Louis E. Martinez, Mgr. For your Sunday dinner, go to the Naeve Rest.. 128 5th st. Turkey dinner, 40c Chicken dinner, 30c Served from 11 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. The Empire. 182 Third street; chicken dinner, SOc; turkey, 35c; finest In clty Genuine French dinner, with wise, 59a, at fJ Fifth street, near Stark. Heme Office of HnmbarB-Bmnen Dec Xot Walt for UctatU Before o DecldlBsr. There seems to be a disposition among- the leading- insurance compa nies of the world to act honorably with policy-holders In the matter of loss sustained In connection with the San Francisco disaster. Last night Spe cial Agent Banks, of the Hamburg Bremen Company, received this dis patch from -the New York office, which. it ts asserted, reflects the sentiments of all the important companies: New York. Anrll II J. JL Bank. Spe cial Asnt. Portland. Or. All telegraph lines from San Francisco choked. We have received no advices, neither ban any other company here, therefore impeulble to esti mate extent of our lose, bat hav cable advice from home office that all lostea. no matter to what amount, will ins protaptlr paid. . H. C BUCHENBEKOER. Manager United States Branch Hamburg- uremen Fire Insurance Company. Henry Evans, president of the Conti nental Insurance Company, of New York. wiring from Chicago to Rountree & Dia mond, the Portland agents, says the loss to the company by the San Francisco fire cannot exceed TXS00.OCO. and that the com pany Is abundantly able to nay It. Vice- President George E. Kline, who was In Portland at the time of the disaster, re turned to San Francisco Thursday night. Sale of Maynard Hotel. The Maynard Hotel. located on the west side of Fourteenth street, between Wash Ington and Alder, was sold yesterday to J. S. Crane for 515.000. II. P. McNary was the owner. The building was constructed last year, and contains 22 rooms. E. J. Daly made the sale, and reports several other transactions under way. which were temporarily held up by the excitement following the San Francisco disaster. An Appeal. The newspaper people and printers- all over the country should rend Immediate financial relief to the printers at Santa Rosa. The conditions are (Imply awful, and aid Is necessary at once. Every newspaper office and printing office In the city is completely destroyed. All remit tance should be sent to Arthur Eno, president Santa Rosa Typographical Union No. 577. T. J. BOYD. "Christian" Company Benefit. "The Christian" Company, now tour lng under George L. Baker's direction. Kave a benefit performance for the San Francisco sufferers yesterday af tornoon at Butte, Mont. Several mem bers of the company are from Port land. The tour lias been very success ful thus far. Governor Tnlk.s at Damascus. Governor Chamberlain delivered an address at Damascus, Clackamas Coun ty. last night, to a good-sized audi encc. The Governor Ignored partlsai questions, and spoke in defense of the Initiative and referendum. AUNE'S JJFE-LIKE Likeness taken dally from 5:30 to 530 Gallery Washington and West Park. SOc Special for Values to 83c Gowns, drawers, vests, corset covers nnd neckwear, special SOc this week at Becks. MINING STOCKS BOUGHT And Sold. Coppcropolls. Cascadla. Standard Con., Marconi Wireless. DeForcst Wireless, Oregon Securities. Highland. Golconda, Galice Con.. Hurst Switch, Alaska Cen tral. Oregon Smelter, and all other stocks and bonds. Call or write room 23 Lafay ette building. Sixth and Washington. STANDARD SECURITIES CO. MRS. CARRIE P. MONTIN 178 Gucrra St., San Francisco. Are you damaged? Do you need help? Answer, my expense. J. A. MONTIN. 22 Fourth St., Portland. Or. cckwcar Given Away This "Week. With every waist bought of us this week we give a neckpiece crratls. Beck's, 272 Washington street. Portland Brewing- Co. Select Beer. Edel Brau, For sale everywhere. Phone Hsia 70S. Illgh-Craae riasos for Kent. And sold on easy payments. Piano tunln and repairing. H. Slnshclmcr. 72 Third at. : Your Children's Children ? Will find the GABLER PIANO you buy now and to which you give " ordinary care as sweet and powcr r ful in tone as smooth and elastic " In action, as free from "rattle" and as perfect in every way as you find Z It today. Z CAI1I.KR PIAXOS. a, Arc built for more than one ordl- nary lifetime. They are Just as a, good as brains, money, long expert- a encc and honesty in manufacture at can make them. The "Gablcr" tone full, rich and silvery lauglis at time and only Improves with use. The ' KARTZMAN. DAVENPORT & TREACY, MELVILLE CLARK and BEHNING PIANOS Are also sold by us. Send for particulars of THE SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. PLAN OF PURCHASE. : SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. : 271 vrnimiRn?; st. Phone Main E77. Cor. West Park. J Flavoring extracts are gen eraUy fictitious or weak; Schil ling's Best .are true and full- gtrength. Your grocer's; money back. chwai Printing Co jttr traxc. xzjttoitjtxLz rziext S4.7H STARI STJtXXT Men s Outing Suits $ 1 0 to $25 Suits and Topcoats $ 1 0 to $35 Refinement is the mark of a gentleman and a gentleman's dress. Our high-grade clothing is the most splendid interpreta tion of attractiveness, taste, dignity. Sum mer models in handsome cloth patterns and attractive weaves now on display Children's Clothing $2,15 Up Youth's College Suits $10 $25 Juvenile and youth's apparel of marked in dividuality and exclusiveness. A few of our numerous models are herewith shown. The trimming and style of finish is in ev ery instance exceedingly attractive. Two departments brimf ull of tempting bargains WE INVITE "SHOPPING BY MAIL." ASK US TO SEND YOU OUR NEW SUMMER STYLE BOOKLETS TOGETHER : WITH SAMPLES and SELF-MEASUREMENTS. PJease State Whether MEN'S, YOUTH'S or CHILDREN'S Are Desired In order lo dispose of the many beautiful Pianos in our salesroom and basement floors, we are offering instruments at tbc lowest prices and on the easiest terms. STEINWAY And ten other best makes to se lect from. DUNDORE PIANO CO. 13 6tk St., Opp. Orrjronlan bids;. ANGELITS PIANO PLAYERS. ANGELUS PIXNOS. VICTOR TALKING MACHINES. RECORDS. SHEET MUSIC. ETC.. ETC. ! POSTPONEMENT I Graham String Quartet Th recital to have been given on Tuesday evening, April 24th, bas beea postponed. ! Date Will Be Announced Later ! i : If You Want Good : ICE CREAM CALL UP Irebe'sI I TELEPHONE MAIN 1701 I Locksley Hall SEASIDE, OREGON UnderNewManagement Opens Sunday April 15th HARRY T. BlTTEnWOUTH. CURIOS, AulicruIties,EeHglat and Sola. ladua Stooe Knnres Rcucs. Canris asd Idols In Irorr, ikoce. Breeze, ctr War Qatn. Spears. Bows. IXBIAN STS.HZ AJLS0W AND S?AX PORTS Masks. Baifci:tt. Dolos Mats, Sculls of all Nations. HZABS &b B0RK5 er Aaimals. War Metals. Native Body Oraasests and Droa. Ararat Flint Cess xsd ftsteb. Cotss, Shield. Acutree Sihrrr and Armor, ShctU. Send for Pbotcs. Wbolesatc Dealer. h'aiiai topi, H4 Merctait SL S.F. Cat HOMEOrATinC KE3XEDIXS CoapleU f lock. modent prior. Mall orders solicited. Catalocas- tree. WOODAKU. CTAKKK M CO. rortlaad, Or. "At Fashion's Headquarters" Lesson of the Frisco Fire "All must be Fireproof or nothing will be Fireproof Flat and Roll Top Desks Typewriter Desks Use all Check Files Wardrobes and Lockers Bond Boxes (heavy) with Yale Locks Card Index Cases . . . Document File Cases Steel - "' All are carried m stock for immediate delivers -. r ' . ,, at. our Salesroom, 123-25 First Street, Portland CComplete Equipments for Banking Rooms, Business Offices and Vault Interiors in Bronze, Marble and Steel in most artistic effects. The finest high-class Steel Product in the World Manufactured br Art Metal Construction Co., Worksi Jamestown. N. V. and St. Lonis. Mo. CLASS (S5, PRUDHOMME COMPANY 133-125 First Street Portland, Oregon, U: S. A. : Genuine j Panamas j $4.85 Genuine Panamas $4.85 OUR Stock of Diamonds, I Watches and Jewelry and Novelties" is com- Z plete. Our Watch Repairing " Department is in the hands of experts in their line, second to none in the city.. A Graduate Optician is in charge of our Optical Department. A. N. WRIGHT THE IOWA JEWELER 293 Morrison St., near Fifth ! Nobby Straw Hats IN ALL THE NEWEST SHAPES Our Famous Special Split-Braid Yacht Hats Only Paper Weight Sold by (TA A A Most Stores for $5.00. Our Price UU SALSBURY OUR SPECIAL HATMADE OF . . THE IMPORTED SPLIT-STRAW $2.50 ' We Have a Complete Line of Porto Ricans, Manilas and Splits at $1, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 GET BUS Y THESE PRICES ARE 'RIGHT Famous Clothing Col I CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND STS: ' Combs and Dog Collars Just received a fine new assortment of the latest styles a fine and beautiful line of j goods at the right prices. -7 ' ' Come early and. get the xJUR-WSt M beat selection p ilanlnOreQi 284 Washington t bet. 4th and 5th. Why - Are - Kryptoks - Popular? Because they are entirely free from the aggravating defects of Old-Fogy bifocals COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. (Denver, Oraabs. Kuuu Gtr, Salt Liks, Dallas, Texas; Portion J, Orexas 133 Sixth SL Succesior to Walter Reed Orezoniaa BIdg. sIsbJl1s9shs1 Or. W. -lu WW. A FILLING THAT LASTS Means tooth comfort forever. There's nothing easy about fllllnjr a. tooth the right way. but when the filling Is made with absolute attention to every tiny de tail. It's there to stay. "We have a repu tation for Ailing that we can't afford to lose. ' WISE BRQS., Dentists . , Failing" bld, 33 and" "Washington. S A. M. to 9 Pi M. -Sundays, "to 12. itaih 203. tie. T. 7. yru.