THE SUNDAY OKEGOKIAX, POJtTUUfD, AP1X ttt ltt. IS 4 mm million S THE MARK SET (Continued. From Paare 1.) auspices of the Mayor and commercial or ranlzatloriA of the city will aid sufferers of Sari xFranclsco and- other California cities to the amount of S2SO.O00. Distribution la bt Int; made throuch General Frederick Funaton at San Francisco, with the co-operation of Mayor Schmltr. Tralnloads of provisions and supplies are belnr sent according to their t e commendations from day to day. General stores can be furnished from here aa re- , quired, with salmon, flour, lumber and tools for construction of temporary shelter In un limited quantities. Free transportation la be ins, furnished by the Southern Pacific Rail way and "Wells-Farso & Co.'s TSxprees. Any money- surplns-Srlll be plaoed In properly accredited hands. If the sen-Ices of this com mittee,, are desired they are at your command. ( "HAHUY LAJfE. Mayor. .. ' "R. R. HOGE. Chairman Finance Cotamittee." ' 'Sub-Committees Are Busy. The sub-coramltteea appointed to solicit (subscriptions from each lino of business represented in Portland started operations inearnest yesterday, and money poured into the office of "Secretary Glltner, of th Chamber of Commerce, who Is custodian of the fund, so fast that he had to have hpp to count IL Every one approached seemed anxious to give and to nlve Im mediately. Responses -were In every case very liberal and the spirit that marked the jjlvlrig Is r splendid feature of the raioinc of the fund. Leading business men of the city have temporarily given up their business In order -to help the needy San Franciscans. They are showing more real In helping others thsn they exhibit In carrying on iheir own affairs, and they not only stand' ready to continue to use valuable time anjf effort 'in the work but have subscribed large sums of cash as well. Sarir Francisco Js Grateful. Cnc committee held a session yesterday afternoon and read an Inter change .of telegrams between Chairman H. It. Hogc and the San Francisco au thorities. A. telegram of thanks from Mayor Sch.mltz, has been received by Mayor Lane.jn which the stricken city conveys i,ttf appreciation of the work be ing dope In Portland. Kjt message was received from Mayor Schmitz asking for automobile supplies, and the following -telegram was trans mitted by Chairman R. R. Hoge: "We are sending the following by ex press today: Forty-five casings. 48 tubes. 50 pairs goggles. AH obtainable. Above consigned to headquarters citizens' com mittee. The members of the committee deter mined to prosecute the work so ably be gun In bringing relief to the earthquake and Are sufferers, and adjourned yester day, ready to respond to the call of Chair man Hoge at any -time. Supplies Committee's Efforts. The supplies committee, which han dles relief purchases other than food, had two sessions yesterday. The mem bers gathered In the Board of Trade room 6 yesterday morning at 9:30 and considered relief purchases until noon. They gathered again at 2 o'clock P. M. and remained In session until 3:20. They then adjourned until Monday, al though the members are subject to an emergency call at any hour today. W. B. Glafke Is chairman of this committee and Julius Meier secretary. The committee has expended over $40, 000 for all sorts of supplies of a house hold nature, consisting chiefly of cots. blankets, stoves, cooking utensils, etc Total supplies sent forward up to to day are as follows: .Equipment for 30 automobiles, 20G stoves, 700 Joints of stovepipe, 16 boxes of lan terns and globes, 1202 mattresses, 740 cots,' 400 tents, 15.000 pairs of blankets, and frying pans, washbowls, knives, spoons and forks and all kinds of mis cellaneous cooking utensils In suf ficient quantities to supply 10,000 peo ple. Orders are in for additional quantities of similar supplies and bills should be sent to Julius Meier, secre ' tary. Purchases "Which Were Made. Purchases have been made by the supplies committee as follows: Flelschner. Mayej- & Co., 118,077.50; Keats"Tt Co., (1150.62; Loewenbera; & Going Co.. $671.21; Crlbben & Sexton Co., 4169.4; Bridge & Beach Co.. $240; TF. S. Harmon & Co., $1637.10; Meier & Frank-Co-. $2683.56; H. E. Edwards, $622.75;-' Oregon City Manufacturing Co.. $1806; Peters & Roberts Co., $327.50; F. S. Harmon, $460.45; Prael Hegele Co.. $288.97; Willamette Tent & Awning Co., $600; Marshall-Wells Hardware Co. $471.31; Neustadter Bros. $7628.10; M. Seller & Co.. $955.47; Ira F. Powers & Co., $42.50; Portland Stove Works, $529.76-; Honeyman Hardware Co.. $356.73; Portland Mattress & Up holBtery Co., $110; Pacific Tent & Awn ing Co.. $637.95; Portland Mattress & Upholstering; Co.. $126.20; William Gadsby & Sons, $546.60; Willamette Tent & Awning Co., $3731.60; Corbett. Falling-Robertson, $913.15; Hexter, May & Co.. $992.57: Salem Woolen Mills Co.. $13; total. $40,673.98. Congestion of Food Supplies. . Because of congestion of food supplies at San Francisco reported by General Funston to Chairman R. R. Hoge of the finance committee, the provisions commit tee did not purchaso any additional food stuffs yesterday. The committee met and discussed the situation and decided to. keep in close touch with the San Fran cisco authorities, sending word that when ever -they can be handled to advantage, more will be forwarded. The provisions committee, headed by Frank D. Glbbs, has spent about $35,000 on food so far that has been rushed south in special trains. Additional purchases will probably be made tomorrow. The supplies so far purchased follow: Seven hundred and sixty-nve cases crackers and pilot bread, 2200 cases canned meats. 31,000 loaves of bread. 545 cases breakfast food, 400 cases sardines, 200 cases oysters. 400 cases corned beef. 85 sacks of sugar, 645 cases of condensed milk, 1500 cases pork and beans. 490 cases soup. 25 dozen extract of beef, approximately 2000 cases salmon, 20 barrels salt. 10 chests tea. 10 boxes soap. Find Homes for Homeless. Refugees are flocking north, taking ad vantage of the generosity of the Southern Pacific, which has offered to transport them without tickets. Advices received yesterday by William McMurray follow: Oakland, Cal.. April 2L In order to enable people to leave here who are. In many cases, destitute, and also to re lieve on account of the scarcity of pro visions, we are sending people out of S&s Francisco a our tratas wKheat re quiring tickets -where they -are aps eatly unable to pay for same. fibfse of these people will probably arrive at Portland and Ogden and may seed as sistance from there. C. S. FEE. Passcnrer Traffic Manager a P. Co. The finance committee has oo-epe rated with the Southern Pacific officials In re gard to refugees and baa asked for advices as to numbers coming and the dates of their arrival here. It is expected the re lief forces will meet the situation by as sisting them wherever possible. It has been suggested by proprietors of hotels and rooming bouses that rooms can easily be furnished here free of charge for the accommodation of several thousand home less women and children, and many Port land people say they will be glad to open their homes for that purpose. James Horsburgh, Jr.. general pass enger agent for the Southern Pacific at Sah Francisco, has telegraphed Mr. Mc Murray, asking for Information regarding sources of employment in lumber mills in those parts of Oregon most easily reached from San Francisco, with a view to pro viding employment for many men who have lost everything In the disaster. Portland Chinese Assist. So prevalent is the idea of relief for stricken California that Portland Chinese have caught the Inspiration and sub scriptions from tho Chinese Benevolent Society now amount to more than $3009. and it is expected to increase the total to over $4000. Local Chinese hare named a committee to go to San Francisco to help their afflicted countrymen In every way possible. Chairman Hoge of the MAYOR THANKS FLEISCHKEB SAK FRANCISCO, April 21. I. X. Flelschner. Acting President of the Board of Trade: Teles-ram received and expreflelon of sympathy appreci ated. Cots, blankets and tenu; also bread, beans and potatoes In great de mand. E. E. SCHMITZ. Mayor. finance committee has written the follow ing communication to General Funston to enable the Chinese to gain access to the city: "Wc commend to you Lee Toung and Lee Lung, the bearers of this communi cation, and ask that you be good enough to extend to them every consideration consistent with the situation at San Fran cisco, in the direction of enabling them to render assistance to their countrymen as the bearers of a fund subscribed by the Chinese population of this city." Pittsburg to the Rescue. Chairman Hoge received a telegram last night from W. B. Schiller. Frick build ing. Pittsburg, placing $35,000 at the dis posal of the Portland relief committee. The money is contributed to the cause by the Pittsburg San Francisco relief com mit tea. A telegram was sent' acknowl edging the funds and the assurance given that it will be spent where It will do the most good and an account rendered. Foreman Bros. Banking Company, of Chicago, wired to the First National Bank yesterday directions to expend on behalf of the New York American, for the Cali fornia sufferers, the sum of $7500, and draw on William Randolph Hearst or the New Tork Evening Journal for the GOVERNOR PARDEE TIIANKS OREGON. "General Finter. Portland. Oregon Answerlnc dispatch, medical supplies, welcome. Probably less need of hos pital corps. Thank Governor Cham berlain tor offnr of state troops and cay to him that situation so well In hand that troops not needed now. TVe appreciate the great things Ore gon Is fiolnr for us. "GEORGE C. PARDEE. "Governor." After this dispatch was received it was learned by General Flnser that the hospital corps would, be of great help to the suffering, especially since the lists of injured persons are growing. amount. Reply was wired that the local relief committee would handle the sum. but Foreman Bros, telegraphed that Mr. Hearst wanted to act Independently. This will probably be done. Canadian Assistance Given. The bead office of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Toronto, advises the local branch that it has authorised the pay ment In San Francisco of $25,00) for the relief fund. Prtneville business men have subscribed $1000 for the relief of the victims of earth quake and fire in Ban Francisco. The" Security Savings & Trust Com pany, whose donation of $10,000 to the re lief work was announced when the sub scriptions were first started, formally pledged that amount yesterday afternoon with the relief committee. The Mississippi-avenue Congregational Church has arranged to give a concert Wednesday night and donate half the pro ceeds to the California relief fund. The affair was originally proposed, for the ben efit of other work. Arthur Clifford has arranged a musical programme. There GENERAL FUND TO' DETAIL. The relief committee reported the following results last night for the aid of San Francisco sufferers: Cash tI21.t0T.J5 Supplies se.sio.oo Estimated value Lewis atTd Clark stock, surrender value ,. 1.653.00 Total of subscriptions registered up to Sat urday night S 158.872.23 A number of committees have not yet reported, and others only in part so that when all subscriptions are In It la confidently expected that the total subscriptions from Portland will equal, or exceed. S25O.OO0. In addition other funds have been placed at the disposal of the com mittee, inclusive of donations, from Pittsburg of $25,000. will be an orchestra of 30 pieces and a mandolin club of eight- Whist Party Benefit. The members of St. Ann's Charitable Society will give a whist party Tuesday evening at Cathedral Hall, Fifteenth and Davis streets, and the proceeds will be used to purchase shoes and clothing for those who need help in San Francisco. Arlington. Or., has raised $750. and will send one car of potatoes and another of flour to help the San Franciscans. F. T. Rogers announces he will donate the entire receipts of his barber shop. Alder street, between Third and Fourth, for one day. to the relief .fund. The em ployes of the shop will give their salaries for the day. Offers Carload of Ice. M. B. Rankin, of Portland, has offered a carload ef -ice tor the hospital depart- t. Tie er has Je .Mit t Gea-. LftraL rwirtnii. . aaa. It-jeaiafc. lay ,w4fi fee seat at eace. Officials aaa employes ef the Hxrri staa Maes i-a the Worcester ballteg de Bated eae day's salary to the relief faftd. The mosey was advanced from the fusda oa haad a&d aaaeaated to about $$S7. Meier Jb Frank Assist. Meier & Frank undertook to collect ar ticles donated for use In San Francisco, and receipted for clothes and other sup plies left at the Alder street entrance. The company delivered the goods to the Amory In Its own wagons, where it was packed by the women's relief committee. Two cars of cots and additional sui tresses will be shipped, s-osth today by the supplies committee. This shipment will be xsade In reply to a telgrasi received yesterday from Mayor Schmltx by the supplies committee asklag for cots aad bedding. Employes of Meier & Frank Cose pray started a suhscrlptles yesterday for the relief fend aad met with splendid suo cese. Within two hoars C1J bad been raised aad so much enthusttasm was shown that more money -will be re all ted for the fund from that source. Cash. remanent relief fund transferred by Heppner relief cornn-JUt $ 12.0G8.O0 First. National Baak -" 36.000.00 Mrs. C. IL LrwU 20.006.00 Security Savinrs Treat Co. 10.009. W United Slates Natloaal Bank. ,VX.OJ Merchants" National Bank. 6.000.00 Allen Lewis 6,000.00 Meier & Frank Co 8.O00.00 Inman. Poulsea & Co.............. Z.50O.OO Portland General Electric Co 2.500.00 Upaiaa. Wolfe J Co 3,ooa.oo Tull A. Glbbs 1,000.00 O. K. It N. Co. and Southern Padsc Co.. city ticket office and Talla Walla ticket oSlce. one day" Mi an 99.W Richard R. Hoge 00.tO Walter McKay KO.W Honeyman Hardware Co............ 00.00 Xan.baU-WeUs Hardware Co W.W Hazslwood Cream Co............... S00.O0 W. K. Barrell 600.00 Studebaker Bros. Co . 100.00 Ben Selllcr 300.03 The Gauld Co 290.00 I. IwfcExart .......... v. .......... S&0.O9 .Roberts Bros. 2S0.00 ills Flora Jacobs i.'O.OO R. B. Lamron 260. CO Portland Flourlna; Mills office em ployes ............................ 14.00 Honeyxnaa Hardware Co. rmployt 11A.M Williams, Wood & Unthlcum 1W.00 Willamette Iron &. Steel work em ployes lSft-O1) Willamette Tent & Awning Co ITS. 00 M. L Kline 172.10 Brown Jt McCabe 100.00 EL EL Lytle 100.00 George Taylor. Jr.................. 100.00 George T. Myerc 100-O9 Carter & Morse, agents Aetna Life. 100.00 F. J. Richardson : 100.00 Willamette Lodre. Nol 2, A. F. . A. M. 100.00 McCarrer & Bates 100.00 P. Belllnr 100.00 A. B. Stelnbacb 1O9.O0 McAllen lc McDonnell 100.03 J. R. Bowle-a 100.09 Martin Winch 100.00 A. Berg 100.00 Ion Lewia 100.00 Seville Packing Co 1O0.O3 Royal Bakery 100.0 C L. Mastlck & Co 100.09 Weotern Investment Co............. 100.00 Mason. Ehrman & Co. employes.... 7S.SO Thanhauser Hat Co 7J.00 Dr. Candlanl (from Italian relief rand) : rt.M Edgar M. Laxarua 60.O W&thlnrton Lodge. No. 44, A. F. b. A. M &0.O3 Frank It. Chambers................ &0.00 Willamette Tribe. Order of Red lien M.00 Keating tt Flood KM Alblca Camp. No. 1M, W. O. W... &0.O0 eorce F. Heusner SO,00 A. 8. Watt. S0.00 Wonder Millinery Co JXOO . Rosenblatt & Co M.W BuSum & Pendleton W.OO Mrs. L O. Cottel W.OO Edward Cooklngham ............... 60,00 Lutke Manufacturing Co............ 60.00 D. C. Lewis.. 60.00 Rosenthal & Co M.00 Goddard-Kelly Shoe Co 60.U Dougherty. Flthlan & Co.. SO.O0 Egrert. Young & Co............... 0.00 Kravse Bros. 60.00 C, J. Cook Co 60.00 Prosperity Camp. No. 84. W. O. W. LGO Butternut Bread Co. 0.00 Portland Union Stockyards.......... SS.00 Wise Bros 25.00 Georce M. Crane................... 23.00 E. P. Geary 23.00 Paclflo Tent & Awning Co 23.00 Jaecer Bros. 23.00 Foeller & O'Neill 23.00 F. C Hageman it Co.............. 23.00 G. A. Lowll 23.00 R. M. Gray 23.00 I- J. Glcm!th 23.00 Dayton Hardware Co 23.00 J. J, Kadderly 23.00 Avery & Co 23.O0 Seaouest Bros. ..................... 23.00 F. R. Chowa 23.00 Krothroan &. Hartman 35.00 Columbia Hardware Co 23.00 A. A. Dekum 23.00 F. D. Chamberlain 23.00 & Blrkenwald Co 23.00 Dr. Stephen S. Wise 23.00 J. B. C. Lockwood 23.VJ Paul Strain 23.00 Labowltch Bros. .................... 3.00 H. J. Hefty 23.00 E. W. Hendrick 23.0J United States Bakery 23.0) Lor Cabin BaUnr Co 23.00 Gus Mankertz 23.00 Merchants Hotel 10-00 Oreron Transfer Co.. in behalf of employes 100.00 W. J. Burns 600.00 Cash l.OO Earl Hammond (IS years old)...... 1.60 Julia B. HoSmaa.. ................ 600. OO Journal relief fund................. 2.745.75 Acme Mills Co.. 200.00 M. Seller Co 03.00 Pnael. H'rele & Co............... 150.00 Eastern Manufacturers Co......... 20.0o Employes County Courthoum...... 2O4.S0 Employee Pacific CoaM. Elevator Co. 38.00 C. S. Scofflns s.00 Moore Bros. ....................... 2.00 A. J. Gill 1.00 G. Graham ........................ i.OO R. Butlkofer 2.00 Robert B. Jacks 2.00 Aur. LAldwlg. 1.00 Aldon Candy "Co 0.00 Modern Confectionery Co........... 23.00 F. F. Harradon & Sons............ 60.00 J. N. Matschek Candy Co......... CO.O0 Russell & Gilbert 23.00 Henry Rebe ................ ....... 10.00 The Bonbonnlere ................... 10.00 L. E. Wooster... ................... l.OO . A. Monroe .................... 2.00 Metier ........................ i.oo J. 34. Hansen i.oo a. upe 2.00 A. J. CofTman... ....... 10.00 John O. Millan.. 6.60 J. S. CancmoM..... Z.OO n. rauner.. ..................... H. h. Rogers ...................... i.oo Cash x .M Mrs. M. Lewis Cash io C C C Co 2.00 C P. & J. W. Jones ..: 2.O0 J. D. Ab rams 2.O0 J. M. Tranch 1.00 Cash .50 8. C Stemmer 6.00 Kirk land ........... ljOO B. E. Mott l.W unanea Hide 1.00 S. Nudleman ....................... J6 C L Eckhardt t.OO Lott Q. S wetland. 2CO0 WlUtam Gadsby & Sons 600.00 Toernbcber Furniture Co 276.00 Orrron Furniture Co 223.00 Henry Jennings & Sons 200.00 Ira F. Power Furniture Co........ 300.00 Henry E. Down 23.00 J. Pollvka & Co. 23.00 Prince Shoe Company 23.00 Knlrht Shoe Company 2S.O0 J. A. Reid Coaapasy ac.00 J. O. Kllgreea 23.00 R. J. Stewart 36.00 B. Fallows 2S.00 Lasrford & Walker 23.CO C H. Sholes & Mitchell 23.00 T. C Little 20.00 Psxl Van Frteagh and E. H. Halt.. 20.00 Coleman Hardware Company 20.00 Joseph Jaoobberger ............... 20.00 R. Xenlsort 20.00 E. O. Glas & Co 30.00 M. Slchel 30.00 Robinson & Co. 90.09 Henry Fassbrnder ................. 30.00 Ames Mercantile Agency .......... 20.00 J. D. Thresham 15.00 W. Lb Buckser .................... 13.00 SUverSeld Company 16.00 R. R. Tell 16.60 Hlnschberrer & Sweeny 15.00 H. L. Chapln . I. 00 Alex. Kuni 1.(D Dr. William Jones law D. W. Minor 10.O9 C T. Xeren 28.69 Frank K. Reeves 10.06 Esismsi Jt Emmesa .............. 10.OS E. S. Jacksea tc Co 10.00 Dr. C Ge Wo ie.oa Portland Optical Cesapaay 10.00 Gertrs4 aletcair ia.O A. M. Johron lo.eo arar W. Rosa .................... IU8 A. Welch 10.00 r. u Pettu iaoo The Merre 'Hardware Cespaay .. 10.60 Coloae) William Crooks 16.06 Whiting A. Rountree.. ...... 18.06 Rallwsv Eulpsieat Cofasy ..... 16.00 Allen W. Senlth 1S.OS A. C D. Berry 16.6A Fribrr Bra D. L. WUllasna 10.0S Osar KsW ?. ..... Dr'W: MerrtCJr! ....r. Tra-os We jukb Jvrtrar ztaatrr .... K. P. PXssaa Mayer Jk Llafeaef K. Lska C Rabel J. Ratcfclags C A. Sstv --- C Swett Vaa Days A Water .......... C M. Merealth Fcllllps saoe casapaay Hewitt. Braaley It Ca. Rerrec Sso Cesaar ......... Hertscbe Bret Marks Shoe- Cosaay Barea Shoe Coist?aay ........ F. O. Srkes Mrs. L. A. Browa A. J. Bt&gbaa Lester Kofeklrk O. A. Gracf Oeorge W. Gordea ............ Jasses L MarafeaU Jetn Fbete ................... Garrett A. Petersoa ... ........ F. L. Lttherlasd - J. F. Hand Nickam Kelly Colasabla Dicrer Cotsjaay ... J. TrsabaU T. J. Jeaas .................... Kits Brea, T. C. TsmSaea ............... Marts A Xappert ............. Labcwttch Bros. ealoyes Dr. McGertn ............... .. E. 2. Carr W. L Northrop - Bsll Waanens4err ............. M. J. Walea a- Co. P. J. Coeaey Georr X!ar .................. Captala J. Reasser ............ W. B. Cum E. E. McOarea ............... McNasxhtoa A Raysoed W. C Kntghtea C C. Robbie EsbII Maehllx J. H. Groanlafr .............. F. Rsusntry Vlnsa Bakery Bender's Bakery J. A. Meter S. 3. Berwick Top aad Bottom Shop Peter Hareaer ............... Theodore Bartasan ............ L. Mayer A. Dreyer Bectgen A Frxry .............. Io Selling A. Fleshman .................. C H. Meesdorffer C H. MruSo.-TIer. Jr Oism X: Chr5stses ........... ChrUtenfen Petersen L. C Jameson ................. N. Kennedy George K. Wcodsau .......... Hepp A Fisher ................. J. M. Merchant W. J. Lyons John Bingham Elleratb Son H. B. Loveridge ,. W. B. St) John Gardatr ................. W. R. Grinth J. D. Monism ................ J. R. Brldxea P. J. Flynn ................... J. O. Hare F. C Straugh .-. T. N. Rial Larbrr tt Traver Ml6H 1m. J6.66 M.66 Ml66 10.69 16.00 16.09 i.e M.09 M.e M.09 16.6 laeo laoo 1.69 10.09 16.09 iaeo laeo laoo ie.69 14.09 M.6S 16.09 laoa 16.09 lOJM 18.03 M.09 19.09 laoo tM 6.09 ceo 3. DO 3.00 S.09 6.GC &.09 &.09 3.09 S.09 5.04 8.00 6.09 3.00 &.O0 6. CO 5. CO S.09 3.60 9.00 5.00 5.O0 S.0O 3.00 5.09 6. CO .eo 5.f 5. 5.00 5.0O S.C0 5. CO 5.09 8.09 5.09 5.0O 5.09 5.00 6. GO 5.00 5.CO S.0O 5.CO a. co 5.00 5. CO 3.00 6. CO 5.00 5.0O 5.00 COLLECTIVE aTBSCKimONS BT EMTLOTES. The Portlasd relief camaltt bt llef It will serve your desires by di recting general attention to the fact thai substantial tress of money bars been received froea the collective aab fcriptloas of the employes of a num ber of corporations for -the aid of San Francisco and California aalferers. If each corroratloa, oSlec. stare. Bill, factory, shop, lodge, union, vessel, etc, will follow out this plan of contribu tion a very large additional susa can be rained. Opportunity to give seems to be all that la dtelrsd. R. R. HOGE, Chairman FInanc Cctasallte. Portland Relief Commute. William Richardson Phelps tt Bertroche H. Relnnea U. C Prudhoinme W. P. Adams ..................... J. A, Wolf Taft a Co. J. J. Hawea J. A. Bader J. Bims!) Portland Sheet Metal Works Cash .................. ............ H. EL Edwards Company X? Q Tiarnwi CannksT CoreU Furniture Coapaay tjurjm tuuiiuaz; .tavT ....... Portland Mattress Company I r. UlrV l COL Calef Bros Taubenhelraer Eehmeer Abbott a. Church Company Cohen Bros. ....................... 1. Gerurtx & Sons William Taylor FUchner A Bel now A. A. Lindsay MImi Leila McKay Charles E. Slolte and Robert F. Weadllng George H. Nottage M. F. Fenton E. L. Lase aad R. O. Moss R. W. Benjamla ................... A. C Lucker George A. Marshall W. C Cam mines Dr. Ney Churchman E. L. Meuchan Dr. B. E. Wrlrht Dr. J. H. Tuttle George D. Pliers Earl C MacFartand William Kavanaugh D. 8. Wadrwortb ............. .. J. O. Rlgga r- E. Himit D. E. Loomla Joseph Hlckey A. R. Watson M. C Hoi brook W. A. Cox H. 8. Skiff H. N. Smith A. C Froom R. O. McFarland J. N. Howe F. N. Steven E. L. Ross W. A. Robert A. F. Knoder F. O. Rancher O. C Wagner W. C Scherer W. ft! era " H. A. Harr - J. C Welch ' Georrce IL Wardser A. J Brock. S. W. Stryker Norris R. Cox S. M. lUaby ---- W. J. Van Schayver & Co. Blumaser-Hocb ............ ...... Fleckenaieln. Mayer it Co. RothschUd Bros Henry Fleekesstein It Co. H. Varwlg tt Sen Sam VlgTieux Georrt SchuJU B1usen i. Veiter A. Netrferger : W. R. Cody r. S. aspoa Maciier a Meyer TH, m. 'R-ltarwi ....... . Oregca IaaorUg Ocspanyy T. A. Stewart . F. R- Huber -. : Gus Wahlgren .................... R. A. Praadfoot - C. C Wilson J. W. Conrad Charles Conrad H. D. Griffin - : Stone it HowUad ..... Geonre Glsty CaawelT A Failows".! Raymond tc Rice .................. R. M. Taylor Son Buck lc Enelr - BartroEB tt Wledesaaa Thossas Jt Reed - Brian ti Co. Jaeger Bros. -2-hotBa O. Day A. Denovage Charles W. Goodman F. D. Flora " A. Mariet CncJe Meyers A. Vollleealer J. lesser v Abesdrnlh Bros. v D. C Cbaanbera J. P. Scfeas . I. V. HaUeaaa - E. W. Vlatt -. Bea'assta B6aekmaa - fi. Carfiakel ' L. fSfcrj M. Ker Hotxman Brat T C HearJcksea CMpaaqr B. WsSfer . O. Heitkewoer -CasHPaay Orgea Ontleal Company John A. Beck....". R. KrBSSf ---- - . WlUlasa Klump , Fty Bras. J. M- Fischer E. J. Carr Arthsr Dealy - Karl OlWaer Charles F" . A. N. WrUtat- Cta.acr.O.i Aadersoa KarTi Hecmaa j K. J. Merck.-..: - ff A--piKhir.--v- Alfr Merte A A. L. IHsae t . . . . L Sdtaa --j----j -.-i. Boys eaployed at Fcitahtlmtc's 6.00 5.00 6. CO 3. CO 2JO 2.30 2.M 2.00 2.CO 2JO UW 2. CO 200.00 100.00 loaco 100.00 109.00 160.00 60.W 50.00 o.eo 36. CO 23.0 iaco laco 36.00 2.30 13.00 X50 S.CO 5. C0 2JO 5.00 5.00 10.00 230 1.00 39.00 5.00 2J0 V0O 5.00 6. CO ZJA I.OO 2.00 10.CO 2.60 2.30 3.69 5.00 1.00 5.C0 l.CO 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.60 1.00 . 2J0 2.0O ZOO 10.00 2.00 5.CO 5.00 5.00 3.00 isaoo 160. CO 1&9.00 130.00 50.09 100.CO 29.00 29.00 20.00 10.00 5.00 10.09 IOjOO 10.09 18.03 23.00 35.60 20.00 20.00 6. CO 6.00 EO.00 39.00 5.C0 2.00 2.00 30.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 19.00 5.00 10.00 23.Ce W.OS 12J0 5.09 x 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 6. CO 10.09 3. CO 10,00 X50 2J 10.00 5.09 saoi 1.00 io.oa 19.00 S.M S.00 2.M 5.0S l.on I. 56.06 xoa 1.66 5.66 5.6A X66 2.SO .Works-atDesk Nrt DecUrs, .t tke lifat TUml f rjM Ix TOut He Xm1 If Xt ; WtXiiir His HsaHk. Tou wefk at a desk aad you are shut up in aa oSlce all day lose, your brain overworked, yaur body absolutely Idle. Tea get "out of sorts' and yaur ratals den't please you aad what you eat doeaa't agree with you. We waat to give tou seise teside tofor raation. 3-Xarbe yeu think yeu are sick, but you aren't. Too seed one of two things ercie or better food. It may be impossible for you to get the exercise. It's the easiest thing la the world to get the right kiad ef food. J cat ask your grocer tor Malta-Vita, the famous whole wheat food. Thea eat It at least osce a day for breakfast with creasa or fruit. It will strengthen and re fresh your body and mind and fit you. for the day's work, and you win be glad we told you about It. Every nutritive element of the best white wheat" grown Is found In Malta Vita. This famous food is the whole of the wheat thoroughly steamed and cooked In absolute purity and raized with the finest malt extract that was ever made, the flaest. richest, strongest food la the world. Tou understand, of course, that the cooking and steaming of the wheat gelatinizes Its starch, and then the malt extract, a powerful digestive agent, quickly converts this starch into Maltose malt sugar. Maltose Is great food, and the weakest stomach digests and assimi lates it without effort- Physicians re commend it and Mai La-Vita is rich In It. The malted wheat having been rolled Into little flakes. Is baked under such in tesaa beat that whea it castes from the great ovens, every flake Is crisp, brown Malta-Vita the taost delicious food In the world. Alwayr ready to eat. A perfect breakfast Is impossible with out Malta-Vita and It's good three times a day. All grocers sell IL Now M cents per package. Albert Bess LOO L. B. Thomson................... I.OO A. G. Miller 2.SO Beldlnc Bros. 10.00 Max Barrell 2.30 R. A. Bremen 2.00 M. D. Smith LOO Marcla Bull LOO G. Arthur Clark LOO" Employes of Butterfleld Bros.... 21.00 H. S. Tuttle 23.00 Mrs. Robinson .................. 2.00 Alnslee Printlnr Co 3.00 Baker Lydell 5.00 Baltes tc Co 100.00 Brown & Emallty.. .............. 3.00 Buahong & Co 100.00 B. Chancy 1.30 H. Eckhardt 2.50 Glasa tt Prudhomme. ............ 100.00 Golshal! Printing Co 5.00 A. 8. Hawk 2.30 Hlcka-Cbatten 23.00 Holly Press 5.00 Howe. Dart Jfc Kllham 23.00 Irwin Hodson Co. ......... ....... 10O.6O James Printing Co. 10.00 E. Kern o.ixi Kllest te. Schuele 5.00 William Klump 5.00 uncoin & Lovejoy.. ............. 10.00 Mann lc Beach : S.0O Metropolitan Printing Co 10.00 Multnomah Printing Co 10.00 A. W. Nash 5.00 Ogleby Bros... t.OO Pacific mati a printier co 10.00 Peaslee Bros. .................... 10. OO Portland Linotype. Company...... 5.00 J. R. Rogers , 10.00 F. J. Ryder 2.30 Union Printlnr Company 10.00 Welch. Davis it Carson.......... 5.00 E. U. White 2.00 F. C. Stettler 25. CO Oreron Papr Box Company..... 5.0O Portland Paper Box Company.... 5.00 L C Stewart .' 5.00 Blake. McFall Company 230.00 Pacific Paper Company.......... 230.00 J. K. GUI Company 100.00 Xilhaa StaUonerr t Printlnr Co. 25.00 J. R. Ewlng LOO H. M. WiltUmson , 3.00 Crescent Paper Company......... - 3.00 incepenaent Pacr Company..... 5.00 J. W. F. McFall Company........ . 10.00 IL K. Finch. 5. CO The Pacific Scandinavia 1.00 0. R. Ball 25.00 Cameron Smith 3.00 Portland EngravlBg Company.!.. 3.00 Portland Branch Pacific Press Publlahlnr Compinv. 5.00 German Publlshlnr Company.... 5.00 Gantenbetn & Bathgate 2.30 1. N. Meyer. LOO G. McKlbbtn 5.00 Anderson & Dunlway. ...v.. 25.00 Pacific Farmer .................. 3. GO EL A. Madden LOO Beattie tt Hoffman - 10.00 Total cash............. 1121.207.23 Prevbloas aad 5 applies at Estimated Values. Theo. B. Wilcox, cash and flour. . I 3,000.00 McMillan Grata Co.. 25'hbla. flour 100.00 Pacific Grain Co, 75 bbl. floor... 2O0.UO Portland Flouring Mills. Co.. 2000 barrets flour S.OOO.O0 J. W. & V. Cook. 100 casts salmon 270.00 North Padftc Lumber Co.. lumber 2.30O.0O Inman. Poulsen Co lumbar...... 2. 500.00 Ladd & Ttlton. flour 12.30O.on M. J. Brandenstetn. provlaloss.... 1. 000.00 T. M. Warren & Co.. 30 cases sal mon .......................... 135.00 St. Clair & Co.. goods S0O.O0 Albera. Sayder Co- provisions.. 75.00 Cannerymen of Astoria........... 2. 1 SO. CO G. W. Fletcher Co.. groceries..... 200.00 J. W. & V. Cook, additional 100 cases salmon .................. 270.00 Flelschner. Mayer & Ca. blankets 3.000.90 Total, provisions and supplies...! 38.310.00 ' Lewis aad Clark Stock Subscriptions. U. S. National Bank S 25a 0-1 Welts-Fargo tt Co. Bank 250.00 Atnaworth National Bank... 230.00 Lambert. Whitman & Co 12.30 Willamette Tent It Awning Co.... 123.00 W. C. Noon Bag Co 230.00 Ames it Harris 125.00 B. Le Paret 13.00 Paul Van Fridagh 12.30 Foeller It O'Xell 12.30 Cha. F. Beebe Co.. 123.00 Frank M. Warren 2.50 Chat. H. Glelm 12.30 Thanhaoter Hat Co.............. 23.00 Western Clay Mfjc Co 125.00 Henry Fasshesder ..... 2.30 EaIElIf 1 j CLOTHES Total stock aubacripttons g 1.033.00 Cash 121.07.25 Provisions and supplies 3010.00 Grand total,,.... 1159.372.25 DOX'TS FROM MAYOR SCHMITZ 'Warns Feopla to Adopt Sanitary MeasHres and Not Get Shot. Mayor Schmitz. has issued the following proclamation, which citizens are lnarruct ed to observe: "Do Hot be afraid of famine. There will be abundance of food supplied. Do not use any water except for drinking and cooking purposes. Do not light any fires In houses, stoves or fireplaces. "Do not use any house closets under any circumstances, but dig earth closets In yards or vacant lots, using, tf possible, some dUlnfectanL This is of the greatest Importance, aa the water supply Is only suSSdent for drinking and cooking. "Do not allow any garbage to remain oa the premises. Bury It and cover im mediately. Peatileace can only be avoided by complying with these regulations. Ton are particularly directed not to en ter aay business hease or dwelling except year own. as you may be mistaken for one of the looters and shot on sight, as the orders are not to arrest, but shoot dews aay one caught stealing-." HUSTLE CONVICTS TO PHISOX Jadges .WUL Grant Xo Stays Co art 'Becards .Preserved. SAX FRANCISCO. April 2L A meeting- of the Suaerter Judges of this pity was held today- fer the pngpef ef set tling; several legal . ewMtWM - axislBg; from thttterrrtfttlea eCcjwsscml pro ceedings. It was agreed 'that' e fur ther stays ef Vxaca tioa be granted In the- cases of convicted' criminals who already have been sentenced and granted stays for definite' periods. - This order applies to Gjarga D. Col-. Has. ther'adtV3nie- steced .te. li years' lUtnmt1mrf tsVft tent the order la' J-sssMT6'altTaed by Judge Bf2H4UTjjWmLt3L Reaa. who was the trial 4JwTK-rfafrs.- OerdeUar Appeal to the men who care more for style and good quality than for cheapness. They are exclusive in style models, one season in ad vance of other clothes -makers. They are designed by style-makers. They are exclusive in pattern. The tailoring is done by the most skilled artisans. The fabrics used are all of pure wool and reliable qualities. The trimmings are the very best, silks and serge linings. The prevail ing shades for the season are blue and gray effects of which we offer a magnificent selection to choose from. Single and double-breasted sacks and English walking frocks of latest style creations. Priced $18.00 and up to $45.00. Chester field Suits Guaranteed to retain shape. If coat of any Chesterfield Suit sold curls at edge or canvas breaks in front in one years we&r customer gets a new suit abso lutely free. Fine Hats, finest and best of everything in Haber dashery. Pleased to show you through the finest store and the finest stock on the Pacific Coast R. M. GRAY 269-271 Morrison Just Style and Quality Botkin. convicted of the murder of Mrs. J. P. Dunning. Is exempt front the order, as her case has been ap pealed to the Supreme Court, she will remain in cuatqdy of the Sheriff until a decision Is rendered, but Collins, with a number of other prisoners, will be sent to the state penitentiary at San Quentln. Some trouble was anticipated by tho Judges in the criminal departments, owing- to the destruction of .all their records, but Attorner-General Webb announced that certified copies were intact in his office In Sacramento, and these can be substituted for the orig inal documents. The Judges have made an order ex tending the time of filing- papers for 30 days from April 21. Raising Pearls for Market. Technical World Magazine. The systematic culture of fresh-water pearls may easily become an Important Industry in the United States, as the mol lusks from which they are taken are very abundant In our lakes and rivers. The Mississippi basin, especially, teems with them, presenting many forms "which dif fer from those of the Atlantic watershed and other parts of the world. The meth ods of culture aro exceedingly simple, as It Is necessary only "to openx slightly the shell and Insert a very small, transparent glass bead, putting it between the mantle and the sHell. Great care must be taken to avoid Injury to the little animal: and In opening the shell a thin, flat, Iron tool, with a" wooden handle and a bent point, should be used: a knife might answer for this purpose. When the point has been Inserted. It is turned around to an angle of about 90" degrees, the shell being thus partially opened without Injury to the life within. After treatment, It must be returned to the water for a year or two. while the process of Incrustation goes on. Earthquake Shocks In Tuscany. ROME, April 21. Thirteen earthquake shocks were felt In succession this morn ing In the province of Siena. Tuscany. Several buildings were damaged, includ ing the city hall "at Poggibonsl. 19 miles south of Florence. The Inhabitants of Poggibonsl were panic-stricken. It Is not yet known how badly Siena was damaged. Devises Property to Son. The will of Sarah Liinihan. deceased, was admitted to probate In the County Court yesterday. The property is de vised to Hugh MacCabe, a son. The rhinoceros is the thickest-skinned quadruped, its 'hide being tough enough to resist the claws of & Hon or tiger, the blows of a sword or the balls of an old-fashioned musket. e .6 Don't you take our word for it But use your own judgment. We claim that the beautiful GEARHART PARK Clatsop Beach Property With all modern city conveniences is the finest investment for people of wealth and moderate means. Particulars write or call 'on Wm. Bruess, 270 Stark street, or Theo Kruse, owner, Fourth and Stark streets M(MIlfMM l . . - aSaVlTHl' TWEHTY-F1YE YEARS OF SUCCESS III PM) la the Treatment Taf Chronic Diseases of Mea aad Weraea. - Female Complaints Treatedby Lady PhysiciiQ Dr. Walker's, methods are regular and sclentlflc He uses no patent nostrums or ready-ma"de prepa rations, but cures the disease by. thorough med ical treatment. His new pamphlet on private dis eases sent free to all men who describe their trouble. PATIENTS CUBED AT. HOME. Terms reasonable. All letters ..answered In plain en velope. Consultation free. and. sacredly confiden tial. Call on or address Mb WUiiK, 111 First Stmt. Oner TmMI, Ph1I; Jrtfti ,