The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 22, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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The Meier Frahl Stdre
200 Women's Spring Suits
In Eton, Pony, Tight -Fitting Styles
$32 Values at $22.85
This season's handsomest Suits so on sale tomorrow at a
greatly redMced pri ce Qpa ortimity is offered to by the
most attractive garments shown this Serial at a saving of
about $10 The Uteat fa&hfoa and Materials ayaaM repre
sented Eton Suits, Pony Salts, scml-fittfag aad tigbt-fitting
suits in Pamama cloths, serges, voiles and worsted!, alala
tailored and fancy trimmed novelties in rose. AKce Hue,
navy, black, green and fancy mixtures, in large assortment
and all sires Suits we have sold thousands of at $30 and
$32; other stores would say $35 aid $40 for garments of
equal style and quality Your choice at
this unusually low price tomorrow
Crepe de Chine Costumes at $27145
Special sale of "women s Crepe de Chine Costumes, in beautiful styles for
dress and evening wear; lace-trimmed yoke, box-plaited and shirred waist,
skirt tucked, silk drop skirt; handsomely made and finished; black, white,
gray, pink, blue and lavender: all sizes; value extraordi- LC
nary at this low price tomorrow mfl fJ
Greatest showing of new Shirtwaist Suits on the Coast. Every desirable
style and material in all grades is included. Best values in the city. New
White Linen and Bisque Skirts Second Floor. New high-grade Linen
Suits exclusive styles.
25,000 Yds. New Silks
1 .50 Dresden Silks 97c yd. $ 1 .00 Foulard Silks 69c
36-in. Black Taffetas 83c, 98c $1.25 Foulard Silks 97c
Four grand special silk bargains for economical buyers- Best styles and hast grades at
a saving everyone will appreciate Mail orders promptly filled Order today
2500 yards of beautiful Dresden Silks, in the best designs and color combinations, for waipts, costumes and
shirtwaist suits; silks selling regularly at $L25 and $1.50 the yard; your choice this week at. yard.. 97
5000 yards of new Foulard Silks, Cheney Bros.' best styles and qualities, in dots, figures and allovcr Q
patterns; the coolest and most serviceable" of all silks for Summer wear; regular -$1.25 values, yard. C
Cheney Bros.' .$1.00 Foulard Silks, in all the best styles, at this low price, yard 69
Two grrat special values in 36-inch black Taffeta Silk of superior quality quality that usually sells at .$1.23
and $1.50 the yard; on sale this week at the following low prices, yard 83 C and 98
200 Tan Covert and Black
Broadcloth Jackets, $9 Values $5.85
Another great purchase of those jaunty Spring Jackets to
be placed on sale tomorrow at a tempting low, price Very
best styles in Tan Coverts and Black broadcloth, well made
and perfect fitting, stitched and strap trimmed, coll arl ess,
piped with silk and fancy stitched, fly front, satin lined, all
sizes; most usefal garment included in the tT O C
woman's wardrobe Regular $9, choice at y '
Mail orders will be promptly filled Order today
Silk Petticoats $7 to $35.00
An immense showing of new Silk Petticoats in every late style and shade,
made with deep tucked flounce, ruffles with shirring and stitched bands
or accordion plaiting with niching; finest quality taffeta silks, in grays,
Alice blue, navy, lavender, tan, red, white, black and changeable colors;
best values in the city, at prices ranging from, each. .$7.00 to $35.00
2000 50c to $1.50 Belts for 25c Each
Special lot of 2000 Belts of shirred taffeta silk, with and without buckles; all colors and all sizes; OC
good styles; values ranging from 50c to .$1.50 each, on sale at this remarkably low price, each
Special lot of 200 high-grade Handbags, fitted with card case and coin purse, strap and buckle trimmings,
patent clasps, riveted frames. Vienna handles, leather-lined: regular .$2.50 and .$2.75 values, to$ .1 OQ
be cleaned up tomorrow at this phenomenally low price, each - r
Complete stock of new white "Washable Belts, at prices, ranging from, each 25 to $3.50
New Gold and Silver Belts; novelties in Belts; all prices, ranging from, each 50 to $5.00
Largest and best display of new Parasols ever shown in the city. Every pretty styleis included. All grades
from $1.00 up to $15.00 each. See them Main Floor, near Morrison-street entrance.
Boys' Waists-
Great Assortment
Oi Second Floor.
Novelties in Boys' White Blouses, with or without collar; stripes and figures; ages from
5 to 16 years; every new, pretty style at 500,750, $1.00, $1.25, $1,50 2a Floor
Boys' Blouses in white linen and pongee with attached collar; 1 C
ages 8 to 16 years; handsome' stjies: great values at mf
Boys' Blouses in light percales and madras, with or without collar; f
light or dark stripes; G to 16 years; grand value, each
Boys' Blouses in light, striped percales, with or without collar; 1 tf
ages 7 to 16 years; grand values at 85c and W
Boys' White Blouses, made of fine lawns; embroidered collar and 50
front; ages 2V2 to 8 years; big variety; at prices from 75 tc
Boys' Blouses in dark blue cbeviot, light percales and chambrays; ftf
ages 6 to 16 years; best values offered at this popular price JA
Boys' Russian Blouses in, light and medium percales, cheviots and madras;
blue, pink or tan stripes or figured; .ages 2V2 to 9 years; splendid Qy
values at this low price, each VV
Boys ''Russian Blouses in pink, steel, light and dark blue chambrays;
ages 22 to 8 years; great values at this popular price ... JV
Boys' Washable Reefers very pretty styles- Best values.
Bo3's' Washable Suits in every new style and material; all grades from:98 to $10.00 Second Floor.
Hot Weather
la the laamsmt SaImtmb.
5000 Window Screens, best grade,
all sizes, on sale at special low
prices. Mail orders filled
15x33-inch for, each JZl.p
18x33-inch for, each 25
24x33-ineh for, each 2S
2Sx42-ineh for, each J37$
Lawn Sprays 35 to $1.00
Hose Reels for, each .90
Pull line of Garden Hose, in 25
and 50-foot lengths; all hose guar
anteed for one season.
Wire Cloth in 26, 28, 30, 32, 34
and 36-inch; low prices.
Special lot of 20 genuine Philadel
phia Lawn Mowers, solid blades;
regular $6.50 value, aC Tbt
on sale for JO
Philadelphia Lawn Mowers, at
prices from, each.... $5 to $9
The Meier k Frank Special Lawn
Mowers, ea..$2.75 to $5.00
Rakes. Shovels. Spades, Shears,
etc., at low prices. Basement.
Full line of White Mountain Re
frigerators, in all sizes and grades.
Ice Cream Freezers all sizes.
Screen Doors, etc, etc, all sizes
and grades. Basement.
Gas Staves and Gas Hot Plates
all the new models; all prices.
Demonstration of Asbestos Irons.
New Extra Special Value.
200 dozen women's and children's
hand-embroidered initialed hand
kerchiefs, all letters; best
10c values, otfsale at, ea...
50 dozen Swiss embroidered Hand
kerchiefs, hemstitched and scal
loped edges; large assortment of
patterns; regular 40c Ofcf
and 50c values, for aVJw
The famous Exceldo Handkerchiefs
for women and children, and
$-inch hems; good school hand
kerchiefs for the children; reg
ular 10c values, at. each 5
Women's colored Kimono or fancy
work Handkerchiefs, 50 styles to '
select from; regular 10c fL-s
values, at, each wC
Fancy Goods
Powder and Puff Pads; great spe
cial value at this low price..l2
Powder Puff Boxes of alu- 1 Q
minum, assorted colors.. -C
65c Whisk Brooms with AjQ
silver-mounted handles. . HCr G
Fine silk Toilet and Bath 1 Q
Sponges, great value at..
Eagle Fountain Syringes, 2-quart
size, white rubber; grt
special value at J
Regal Fountain Syringe, rapid
flow, hard rubber screw pipes. 3-
. quart size, great spe-a 1
cial value at f .aV
Sapoline' Wire Screen Enamel,
black and green, a can 16
Okayed Toilet Paper, large rolls;
great special value, each 5
Dennison Crepe Paper Napkins,
all new designs, dozen 4
Fine Stationery, the best things in
Writing Papers; 75c value. 59
Choose from our entire stock of
Hercules fine Scissors and Shears
at 20 per cent off regular prices.
Collar Pins, plain or en- Oftf
amel ; great value, pair, .awt
Fancy Brooches, new nov
elties; great values 28
Gold-filled Hatpins, plain and fan
cy patterns, large variety; great
values at this low price... .53
Multnomah Pins, special 59
The Meier (8b Frank Store
400 New Lace Waists
Values to $8.50 Each for $3.95
Oae of oar famous Waist sales is announced
for tomorrow's selling, starting promptly at
10 o' clack We wast to give every woman
an opaortaaity to get owi town ana share
in this grand offeriag 400 of them secarcd
from the largeet ana' best aaawrfactgrcrs we do
ausimess withNet Waists aad allovcr Waists
in ecrn ami whke trimmed in heavy or fine
lace ana insertions and one-inch tncks, fancy
round, spare or moated yokes, silk or chiffon
Uacd.Joag-or short sleeves, handsome styles
1m vary large assortment and all sizes Re
member none will he sold ontil 10 o'clock-
No mail or phone orders filled.
Valnesup to 8.50 each for
See Fifth-Street Window Display.
Great special values in popular priced Cotton Waists,
Lawns, Mulls, Doited Swiss, trimmed in lace, embroidery,
wide or narrow tucks, long or short sleeves; grand values
at 79c, 98c, S1.18, f 1.48, S1.68 and S1.82 each. 2nd Floor.
Another Week of Great Bargains in New
Laces and Embroid'ries
$1.25 Allovers 59c Yard
2000 yards of handsome allover Embroideries, Swiss
and cambric, in the daintiest designs, values up to
$1.25 a yard, on sale while it lasts
at this exceptionally
vard ,
low price,
65c Embroideries 25c Yd.
5000 yards of Swiss and Cambric Embroideries and
Insertions, in a big variety of the best patterns,
2 to 9 inches wide; values up to 6oc
a yard; on sale at this wonderfully
low price, yard
Italian Val. Laces 25c Doz.
Italian Valenciennes Laces and Insertion; also machine-made
Linen Laces, 34 to 1 1 2 inches
wide; daintiest patterns, great va- a .
riety; best values ever offered at 25c V
dozen yards, at. dozen aW W
Great bargain in Lace and Embroidery Robes,
magnificent styles: all grades: best values.
New Dress Trimmings arriving daily. See them.
$2.25 Embroideries 98c
Beautiful Batiste Embroidery, English- eyelet arid
imitation hand-embroidered effects; 15 to 18 inches
wide: magnificent styles; values up
to $2.25 a yard, on sale at this low M
price, yard
1 .25 Val Laces 59c Doz.
Round-mesh Valenciennes Laces and Insertions, 1 to
2 inches wide: very best patterns in large assort
ment, for trimming Summer apparel,
etc.; values up to $1.25 doz. yds.; on
sale at this unusually low price, doz. .
Short Lengths of Laces
Great special sale of short lengths of Venise, Baby
Irish, Cluny and Net Top Laces, Galloons and
Bands: black, white and cream, very best designs
grand, bargains "at these low prices:
Values to $0.40 yard on sale at, per yd 19
Values to $0.85 yard on sale at, per yd 39
Values to $1.50 'yard on sale at, per yd 69
Values to $2.75 yard on sale at, per yd 98
2000 Pr. Irish Pt. Curtains
Sale extraordinary of White Irish Point Lace Curtains The staple of all Lace Car tains.
85 patterns embracing every good style and design shown this season Entire snrplgs
stock of q large importing house to be sold this
week at prices far below mannfactaring cost.
White Irish Point Lace Curtains, all this season's designs,
plain centers, detached figures and scroll patterns; 15 de
signs to select from. Grand bargain. fk
Reg. $6.50 and $7.50 Values tp3OaJ
20 patterns of white Irish Point Lace Curtains; heavy wide
designs, with scroll centers, magnificent styles and quali
ties, at wonderfully low prices. A
Regalar $8.50 to $9.75 Values 97
40c Ribbons For 21c Yard
3000 yards of fine French Taffeta Silk
Ribbons, in all the leading shades;
regular 40c quality; on sale 1 -at
this special price, yd
5000 yards of 5-incb all-silk Taffeta
Ribbons, in all the staple shades:
the quality of ribbon olher stores
ask 40c a yard for; our O
special price, yard mfJ
4-inch all-silk Taffeta Ribbons, in
, hand-embroidered effects: black,
white, rose, light blue, cardinal, as
sorted designs; best 3oc
values, on sale at, yard-...'
Veiling Specials
50 pieces sew Maline, in black, white,
cream, brown, red, navy, gray,
light blue, pink, old rose, Kile,
raab, lavender, etc, 25c 1
mi.TJK- of -ran? 1 Uw
New lot of AatoBobUe Vftls, feeactiful styles 1.50 and $2.00
Special lot of Tapestry Pillow Tops, in assorted Bagdad de-
ngBs; exceptional -raise at this low price, each .21u
Special lot of Stamped Shirtwaist Patterns, of fine linen; beautiful
styles; great special valae at these lowprice $3.43 and $2.98
1000 Enameled Iron Beds
$3.94, $5.65 Each
500 white enameled Iron Beds,
trimmed with brass knobs; r
full size, strongly constructed; reg
ular $5.50 values: on 5 QA
sale all this week at...Pya
500 white enameled Iron Beds, brass
rail on top. straight front or bow
foot; the best $7.50 values, on
sale all this week at $5.65
Snrines. Mattresses, Pillows, Blan
kets and Comforters, sold at the low
est prices. Third floor.
Garnets. Rues. Mattings, Linoleums
r the greatest stocks; best values in
the city. Third floor.
"White and Arabian Cluny, Renaissance, Brussels, Domestic
Arabian and Soutache Lace Curtains; all the very best
patterns, in great assortment; $5.00 values at $3.85
White Madras weave Lace Curtains, Brussels patterns, 3
yards by 45 inches wide; regular $2.00 val- ej 1 IQ
ties, on sale at this low price P
$250 and $2.75 white Nottingham Lace Curtains, 50 to 60
inches wide, all styles of patterns; grand val- i 1 QQ
ucs at this low price, pair jlw
White or Arabian color Cluny. Renaissance, Irish Point, Ca
ble Net, Corded Arabian and fine Nottingham Lace Cur
tains; regular $3.50 and $4.00 rallies; on sale at $2.77
r. ... - n T- :L 1 1 .',AUe- nP tliA nma na
A. O I loniert Araoian oonne remrae, iui huck mum: ui mo omuo yv
jrret Oille OI terns handsome styles; gTeat special values at the following prices:
3(-inch. $3.50 values, on sale at this low price, each ,..$2.79
Rrtnrif TTmrrlPC 50-inch, $5.00 values, on sale at this low price, each $3.85
IIVIIUP a lUlUJ 72-inch, $9.25 values, on sale at this low price, each... $6.95
$30 Ostermoor Mattresses $18.50
Great special lot of the celebrated "Ostermoor" patent elastic Felt
Matfress, full double-bed size, 5-inch inseamed borders; best covering,
full 60 pounds' weight, French rolled edges; every one guaranteed,;
regular $30.00 value, on sale all this week at the won- C 1 Q Kf
derfnlly low price of $18.50 each . 1JUJV