The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 10, 1905, PART TWO, Image 13

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    - ' T . 2
- i ' , -
' f-
. PAtiES 13 TO 24
30. 50.
Buy Merchandise Orders
If sou are in doubt what to fire, have no id what he or she wants, by aj
merchandise order lor the amount yen wish to sped and pretest that. Selectieas
'can be made from any stock in the store, and the recipient gets precisely the article
Calendar StorcrrMain Aisle Third Street
Kew life OatariMf, Xtw- OvyJd Calendar 1906, life V Gilbert Calendar ISO,-
Kew OarktT-Caleadar 1904. Kew TJsaerweei Oaleadar 1906, New Hutt Oalssdar
' 1H; all at less than smstfaheca' prices.
Pretty Belly and fahte Claw Oalindar Fads, all -rises, 3c and 4
Cipman, Udf e & Co.
On many garment! yon don't hw to pay even ftalf price. We: will allow nothing' to ittnd in the way of a ipccdj
clean-npof all thli aeaion's merchandlie. If yon appreciate Teal bartfalni, If yon are looking for real .bargain!,
yon will find them herein greatest abundance. Regardleii of coat, we will aell Highg&t-CUn Tallor-Madc Suits, erery
garment new this season, at prices far below the half-price mark.
Tailor-Made Suits, Values to $75.00,
at $30.00.
A limited quantity of fancy etamine, fancy tailor
made suits in tan only; made in Eton and blouse
styles -with drop silk skirts.
Tailor-Made Suits, Values to $45.00,
at $21.75.
75 High-class Tailor-made Suits in full and half
length styles, every garment new this season, of
broadcloths, cheviots and fancy, mixed men's-wear
materials; the colors are black, navy, gray, plum
Tailor-Made Suits, Values to $37.50,
at $16.75.
65 High-class Tailor-made Suits, all new this sea
son, made of finest broadcloths, cheviots and' fancy
men's-wear materials. in black, navy and gray; also"
of fancy mixed materials.
Tailor-Made - Suits, - Value to $20.00,
at$9.9&.7; "
50 Tailor-made Suits in jacket and coat "styles, all
new this season, of broadcloths and eSeviots, in
black, gray and navy. This' is an-up-to-date 'gar
ment at a phenomenally low-price.
f . .
Costumes, and Byening Coats.
The remainder of our entire" stock of highest-class
evening coats in white, tan, light blue and-champagne;
also evening and dinner gowns in white" and
evening shades. Every garment -new this, season
One-third off regular prices.
Walking Skirts; Reg. $10.00 and $12Xk),
at $4.75.
One hundred fine "Walking Skirts in tan, light and
dark gray, mixed men's-wear materials-made, in this
season's newest shapes, plaited, kilted and gored
$4,50-Waists $2,65.
Ladies' "Waists of finest quality, all-wool nuns
veiling, in white, light blue, redj and navy. The
front is made with large designs ef silk embroidery
and -has yoke of fine pin tucpng; full" new sleeves
with plaited gauntlet cuffs.
$4.00 Waists $2.33. -
Ladies' "Waists of finest quality all-wool nuns
veiling, in white, black, light blue and reseda. The
entire- fronl is made with embroidery, French knots
and fine tucking; full new sleeves with plaited
gauntlet cuffs.
$3.75 Waists $1.98. 4
Ladies' "Waists" of fine all-wool nunsveiling,. in
white, black, light bluer red, Alice blue, navy, tan
and gray. The front is. made with clusters .of grad
uating pin tucking, piped with velvet and'trimmed
with velvet buttons. Full new sleeves; with gauntlet
cuffs. - -
Great Holiday
Umbrella Sale
Our-Entire Stock
of. Holiday Um
brellas at price!
which cannot be '
duplicated.- En
graving free.
All our $5:00 Umbrellas at 4 . $4.19
All our $6,50 Umbrellas -at.,.. $5.45
All our $7.00 Umbrellas at ,., , . . $6.00
All our $7.50 Umbrellas at. ... . $6;45
All our $8.00-Umbrelasat.' $6.85
All -our $8.50 Umbrellas stt, $7.25
All pur $9.00 Umbrellas at. $7.65
All our $9.50 Umbrellas at $8.10:.
Ail our $10.00 Umbrellas at. $8,50
All our $10.50 Umbrellas at. ... . $8.95"
All our $11.00 Umbrellas -at $9.25
All our $12.00 Umbrellas at $9.95.
All our $14.00 Umbrellas at $11.75'
All our $15.1)0 Umbrellas at $12.65:
All pur $16:00 Umbrellas at $13:50:
All our $20.00 Umbrellas at $17.00
Elegant Christmas Jewelry
Every branch of our great Jewelry Store is at its best now more novel
ties than ever, whether it, is gold jewelry, watches or silverware, we are ready,
to save yon almost One-Third Exclusive Jewelery Stores' Prices.
Solid Gold Scarf Pins $1.25 to $25.00
Solid Gold Brooches $2.50 to $20.00
Solid Gold Cuff Links $2.50 to $12.50
Solid Gold Cuff Pins $1.00 to $ 5.00
Solid GoldCollar Pins $1.50 to $ 5.00
Solid Gold Neck
Chains $2.50 to $15.00
Solid Gold Lorgnette
Chains , $7.50 to $25.00
Solid Qold Nethersole " ;
Bracelets $5.00 to $17.50
TSolid Gold Signet- "
Rings ...$L75 to ..$10.00
Solid Gold Baby -Rings, .set with bril
liant diamond ;' regular $5.00, spe
cial $2.95
Solid silver Hooks, Files, Horns,
Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes,
Darner, Seals, 35c, 50c, others 60c
to 91.00
Solid silver brooches, scarf pins, hat
pins, cuff links, tie clasps, thimbles,
very special 25c; others to $2.00
85 ,;if :
Hair Brushes, beautifully -pflt.?
Heavj' splid silver bon-bon, sugar and
olive spoons, pickle, sardine and
oyster forks, sugar sifters; cream
ladles, orange spoons, sugar tongs,
napkin rings and baby spoons;
Solid Silver
Solid Slver Match Boxes, in great A' :
vaneiy 01 designs 00c 10 90.011
Solid Silver Talcum and Salve Jars
at 25i to $5.00
Solid Silver Key-Rings, Bookmarks,
Rattles, Stamp-Boxes 50 to $2
Out Glass and Qsidraple Plated
Ware at Very Special Holiday
Everybody appreciates Cut Glass,
Fine Silver-Plated Ware as a gift,
and -we've priced them so temptingly
that tomorrow ought to see most of
our pieces sold. A very liberal dis
count will be placed on all our stock.
14. T m
Stationery Sale-Matchless Prices
This tSala Will Be Kore Than
"Unstual" It will be Greatest
Paper Sale ever held in Portland
1000 Boxes of Stationery in gilt,
holly, mistletoe boxes; regular
prices 25c and 30c, 1 fin
special , JLOC
10Q0 Boxes of ifine white Station
ery in silver mistletoe boxes;
regular price 35c, On
2000 boxes of 'fine white "Station
ery, with deep-cut -envelopes;
regular price ISc, ' Of
special, per. box.
-1200 boxes containing Bond-Tablets-
-with- Envelopes to' match
regular price 35c, , lOf
special .".
1500 pounds 'of fine ' linen lawn
Writing Paper, containing. 100
sheets; regular price OCn
50c, special.... LitJS,
SO0 boxes of fine Parisian Cambric
Paper, envelopes, co.ritaininf: 60
sheets, 60 .epvclopcs;
regular 75c, special 4JJSr
1000 boxes of fine" French Batiste
, Paper, envelopes in fancy, Jily,
violet and lilac boxes;. OAi
regular 50c, special .... y
1500 boxes of cream Stationery,
with envelopes to match ;-regular
price 25c, ' Ln
.Compete display of traveling
sets, .manicure, toilet and comb
and .brush sets, military brushes
triplicate mirrors
' Very pretty holiday perfumes,
in Christmas boxes!'
Eastman's welLknown odors in
fancy boxes; spec. 35c and 45
Eastinanrs, HilberTs and Hud
- nut's, odors in pretty -boxes' 50 $
Eastman's nd' "Brown's well-
known .odors,, in nfoire;fiilk..a'nd
padded boxes, speeial..,....75'.
Four new picVuires -by W-. It. Tay
lor of " Hanging" of .the -Crane,'
and. 4Jn. ,01d "yirginia1 fame
These new pictures are amongst
the best tbinjs "this fainaus'art-I
"ist has done; price, I $1.25
Kew Christy .'Pictu'res, for the holi
days, very pretty; price 75
New.Jessie Wilcox-Smith pictures
of little girls and boys..... 85
Leather Goods Store
Have you seen our new Leath
er Goods Department? It, is,
without a doubt, tie most
department on the Pacific
We are showing a very-large va
riety .of men's" biil books, let
ter cases, card cases andmem? .
orandum books; prices rang
ing from 75c to.. . . .$5.00
-New playing card casesj travel
ifag cases, collar and- cuff
.boxes, leather flasks,, military
brushes, medicine cases; rang- ,
ing in "prices from 75c 11 t -
to .r-vrrvJ..4..:$25.O0i
"Nerqr hanabags;. .a. very 'complete "
- 'assortment in -;all 'leathers.
We call "particular ..attention
to our Handbags at. .$1.39
Kew beaded opera bags, new
?silk opera bags, new gift belts
(not" shown anywhere, but this
store). (. T
Kew stock of: men's. Suit 'Cases,
ranging in price fronl '$2.25
to $25.00
Welcome Ribbon Bargains
1-inch fancy Ribbon, white, pink or
blue1; 10c value - 5
1-inch fancy Dresden and self-color; 15c
value 7$
314 to 5-inch fancy Dresden warp print
and striped Ribbons; 35c value 19
6 to frinch warp print, self color, fancy
and ombre heavy, all silk; 65c value
for 37
5 to 9-inch fancy striped and figured
Ribbons, all xiew, heavy silk, best qual
ity ribbons; 75c, 85c and $1 vaL 58
5-inch all-silk soft Messaline Ribbon for
bows and' millinery, all colors"; 35c
valuo 22
6- inch lustrous, all-silk Failletine, a very
popular Ribbon, all colors; 40c value
for .27
4- inch moire Ribbon, heavy silk; 50c
value .v 37
5- inch "moire Ribbon, heavy silk; 65c
value 47
All silk satin Ribbons in all shades
and widths we are going to discontinue
this particular make, therefore the great
-inch, 25c piece value, for, piece 19
-inch, 5c yard value, for 3 per yard,'
or per piece 25
-inch, 6c 3'ard value for 4Vs5 per yard,
or per piece 40 i
1- inch, 8c yard value, for 6c per yard, or
per piece 50i
1-inch, 9c per yar value for 7c per
yar, or per .piece 60
l-incb, 10c per yard value for Sc per
yard, or per piece 7
2- inch, 12c per yard value for 10c per
yard, or per piece 90
2-inch, 16c per yard value for 12c- per
yard, or per piece.. $1.10
Heavy all-silk Satin Taffeta, in all
shades, at an opportune time, 5 inches
wide; 45c value 27
Heavy all-silk Taffeta, a beautiful high
luster finish, 5 inches wide; 35c value
for, yard 19
Every Ribbon in the stock reduced in
like proportion.
We tie bows free of charge of any-
Ribbon bought here.
Timely Handkerchief. Bargains
17c Values at 11c
Ladies' scalloped edge em
broidered Swiss Handker
chiefs. A J wge variety f
25c Values at 14c
Ladies' scalloped. and hem
stitched edge embroidered
Swiss and Lawn Handker
chiefs. Very pretty patterns,
35c Valaes at 21c
Ladies' all linen hand em
broidered demi-laundcred or
soft bleached Handkerchiefs.
35c Valaee at 17c
Ladies' all linen hand em
broidered, scalloped and hem
stitched edge Handkerchiefs.
S5c Values at 15c
500 doren ladies' very
sheer all linen hand embroid
ered Initial Handkerchiefs.
Very Pine Hasi -Emhroidered
Linen Handkerchiefs.
Regular' 75c it 47
Regular $1-00 at 68
Regular $1.50 at. : . . . .98
Regular $2.00 at.... $1.68
Regular $3.00 at. . . .$1.98
Children's Handkerchiefs
5c Values at 3c
Child's bemsjitched, colored
.border; Tegular 5c special,
each, 3c; dozen 35
Child's white hemstitched
. Handkerchiefs'; regular 5c,
spec. 3VCJ dor..... 40
Child's -Baiter Brown or
Bunny Handkerchiefs, spe
cial, each, 4c; dozen.. 45
25c Values at 14c
Chili's Handkerchiefs, three
in fancy box:; plain white,
colored border and initial
20c Vals . at 11c
Ladies' plain white hem-:
stitched all pure linen Hand- -kerchiefs,
-inch hem.
25c Values at 17c ,
Ladies' plain white hem
stitched very fine, all pure
linen Handkerchiefs, and
-inch hem.
Sale of
. $1.50 vj&uii''Ai 98.
Corset Cover Embroidery, one in a
box containing 1 yards embroidery
and 3iryar beading'to match. .
$2.35 VALUES'-AT $1.:48.
Same as above "but in much finer
quality; regular -$2.25 to $2.00
at "... i ....... 1.48 -
Sale of
Valenciennies Lace
10,000 pieces Valenciennes Laces and
Insertions a great special purchase on
sale tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock
sharp. Lace bargains that will be ap
preciated by everyone.
Y to 1 inch, wide, 25c value at 12
Vz to 1 inch wide, 40c value at.... 25
34 ted inch wide, 50c value at 38
.to 1 inch wide, 85c value at 58.
Y to VA inches wide, $1.10 vaL at 78 .
$-t iy2 inches wide, $1.50 vaL at 98 )
Hand-Embrder ed Waist Patterns:
A -wide variety of Embroidered White Lingerie Waist patterns for holiday fgiftsij;
special vaiue at $7.50, 8.00, $9.00, $10.50, $12.00 and $12.50
Machine Embroidered Waist Patterns, as pretty and dainty as hand work; special
value at .....-.,. '. -$3.75 and $4.00
A Superb Gathering of Fur
nishings for Men
Our collection this Xmas season
surpasses anything we have ever
shown in the past.
Pl-w "Robes $5.00, $6.50, $7.60
to $10.00.
House Gowns $11.50, $14.50, $17.50
to $45.00.
Smoking Jackets $4.50, $5.00, $6.50
to $15.00.
Holiday Suspenders in silk,
satin or lisle, with or without :$
silver mountings.
White or black satin Suspenders
ready to embroider
Men's silk web Suspenders $1
Men's fancy silk web and fancy
ribbon Suspenders $1.50, $2
Men's fancy silk web and fancy
ribbon Susp'd'r $2;50, $3.50
Men's, fancy silk web, sterling
buckle $3.50 to $7.00
All k;the above'' are made with
extra Sne .kid efids.
Xew Keckwear also at, special
$L00, $1.86, , f 1.50, etc
We shew temerrew a special eel
lectiesi of soveitiec im. Xw'i
Keckwear; et rwarkaMe
vslaes at .....50
Busy Days in
Dress Goods Store
Iftterestiag Kews ef Dress Geods Bar
gaiM Interestisg Kews of Kew Ar
rivals in Dress Geods.
An assortment of Fall and Winter col
ored Shi tings, Cloths, Kovelties and
Mixtures; real value $L25 to $2.00
yard, at 79
$1.25 plain and shadow-check black
Panama at 89
$L25 black Crepe de Paris, pore silk
warp, at 98
$1.75 and $2.09 eabroidered black Crepe
de Chine and Novelty Voiles $1.23
Kew Tnmdt OhsHiss Koechiin Freres
imported French Ch allies, ew desifas
for drescas, kiraonos, shirtwaists, etc,
polka des, Persian and floral effects;
best quality 50 and 60
Kew Gray SsitfS Just arrived. Gray
Panaaaa overplaids, shadow efceck
worsteds, swell stripe tweeds, advaace
Sprisg styles, in light and medium
grays, 56 inches wide at $15. fl'-50
asd .$L75
44-inoh New Frwech ChUFe Te4e fer
cveaig.warv ery sheer, aU.$1.3S
A Surprise in Silks
Great Heliday file ef Silks; both black '
and celertd tilks are efered at prices far
belew whityeu erdiiarily ay.
Here are seme ef the Mtik bar tains:
$l.aS 5IW IIIJU, 9c
3000 yards hew Bseeealine Silks for separate
waists and evening gewns; colors are pink,'
light blue, nile, plum, garnet, mais,-Iav-
cader, white, cream and black.
1000 yards Back TaiTeta, 19 iaches wide,
chiffon finish; best 75c quality, to-
ay , 53
1800 yards 27-inch'Black Taffeta,! best $m'0 '
quality, at ..: :;j....s
1000 yards Black .Taffeta, 36 inches wide ; I
best $1.25 qlity, at " 91
751 yards Blade Tafeta, 36 iaeKes1 wide;
best quality..'. i:.$i.3
In the Notion Store
la m ether sUre'wfflym imi. et-fjHc-ter
the itserf mt ef OHILDKXK?I Of
We have a very larffa- aseertasent, over 3t
differeat styles, ,in leeiher, iiaen aad
wieker bjexes aad baskets. Nethgppl 01 pe n
ehildrea as mm of these hexes. Prises,
2y 35e,-Sc, 75c to $5.00
Hundreds' ef usefal gifts t he
fesd'im er Idmem iters. The grtit
est'disfky ef hand-ssabrs4dsred '
Uhes - and JapajMSe haad'-dra'wn
liisBs. ever shewn 'in Pertksei Ye
.caxjMrect frees, a iiKalf 3-inch Dsflis
U x a 54-inci Teacloth, roU. ' ad
Ha-SHhreidend ; DoOiss.
fcvifk.l special' value ......,....25
iT-lsch, special value.......... .35
froiichy. special value.', T.50'
KjutdTdrairn Japiaste Je.areDetHes.
6-inch, special value '....15
. S-inch, special value .35
12-iuci, special value 35.
S-8 Bfeahed Cloth, all. lfmea with
doea"34 Kapkuis to match.; special
raise at, set....... $.0
8-10 Cloti, with dozen Napkkw t
match; speoal vI. at, set $700
S-12 Clc, with Napkiasvto
rnsteh f special -vaiTat, set $7.$
Eiderdown Comforts
. Uhderpriced
- LTtrts Comforts of eiderdown cevered with sateen
or , rich silks andr satins. The'highesfrade down-com-ferts
that we cam procure.' -
sv H I
r -
Satsen'Eiderdown Comforts, special $7.79
-Sflk Eiderdown Comforts, special..., ....... $10 J50
'SstkBtdf3own ComfQrts, special .V. $22.50
- spejwn-'ahsolutely odorless aad of highest grade:
Fiaiih aad1 workawaehip o highestielasf. .