The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Additional Pay Promised Not
Requests for Information Re
ceived Daily by Com
mercial Bodies.
n8 rag,, z
lltfS B5-5 r -T'.W. JL. - Wmmv II IIH Magyar 2 ""(frfzll 1 UffW iTrm' : ."ffiTT ' B'E) 's. "riKajfiS I I
Close of the Fair, Despite X the
Gloomjr Prophecies of Pessim
ists, Sees Xo Slump In
Heal Estate.
"With the rise of property valueB and
the unprecedented activity in real
restate and building in Portland come
indications of a rapid growth in the
local industrial -world. Never before
In the history of the city have so many
letters of Inquiry been received from
the owners of manufacturing: enter
prises who are seeking locations upon
the Pacific Coast, preferrably in Port
land. Most of these letters of inquiry
are received by the Commercial Club,
Chamber of Commerce,, Board of Trade
'and Manufacturers' Association, and
these bodies at the present time are in
correspondence with as many as a
score of such enterprises, a part, at
least, of which are sure to locate In
this city.
Manufacturers Are Coming.
Portland has always held her own
as a- manufacturing center, and- with
the vast territory tributary to her, ex
cellent transportation and power fa
cilities, has promised to outdistance all
the Northwest points in this regard,
and Just at the present new conditions
are helping to draw manufacturing
enterprises to this city. In the first
place, the Lewis and Clark Fair has
been the means of acquainting out
siders with the great opportunities
open here. Among the Eastern visit
ors to this cltj' were many prominent
capitalists, who were pleased with
what they found in Portland and will
not be slow to invest money here. A
visit from such men as the lumber
men who were here at the Hoo-Hoo
convention meant much to the Indus
trial future of Portland. The an
nouncement that another transconti
nental railroad will mako this city its
terminus has been another factor in
increasing Portland's prominenoe as a
manufacturing point. Nothing else is
so potent in drawing factories to a
city as adequate transportation facili
ties, and in this Portland will soon
outrank all other cities on the Coast.
The fact that this city has the only
fresh-water harbor on the Pacific Coast
is another big drawing-card. Secre
taries of the local commercial bodies
Btate that the agitation for a deeper
channel to the sea, which is now prac
tically assured, is doing much towards
gaining the attention of Eastern manu
facturing .Arms, jq.
Some Projected Plants.
Detailed information is obtainable
about but few of the new projected
manufacturing plants. Men who intend
to invest capital this way usually pre
fer to keep their plans secret until they
are ready to build. One of the most im
portant of the new enterprises, how
ever, is the wool-scouring plant which
is to be established by Thomas Ross,
of Las VegaB, N. M., on the site for
merly occupied by the Portland Wool
en Mills, at Sell wood. Mr. Ross pur
chased this property over a month ago,
and will begin construction of the fac
tory buildings immediately. The plant
will cost approximately $20,000, and
"will have a capacity of 50,000 pounds
of grease wool daily. The establish
ment will give employment to S5 men.
Although 100,000,000 pounds of wool
lire produced in the country tributary
to Portland there are but two small
scouring plants in the state, one at
Pendleton and the other at The Dalles.
San Francisco handles 20,000,030 pounds
of wool annually, and Mr. Ross be
lieves that there is an opening in Port
land for a plant of equal capacity. A
great saving 'of freight can bo made by
shipping Oregon and "Washington wool
.to Portland for scouring before send
ing it to the Eastern markets instead
of shipping it direct as is "done to a
great extent at prosent.
Water Rights Secured.
Mr. Ross had 15 years' experience In
the wool-scouring business -in Rhode
Island before going to New Mexico,
where ho spent ten years in connection
with the Las Vegas "Wool Pulling and
Scouring Company and the Ross &
Brown "Wool Scouring Company. He
has purchased seven acres in addition
to the Bite of the Portland "Woolen
Mills, making in all 25 acres. The
water rights of Johnson Creek have
been secured and several acres will be
Bet aside for the establishment of
other factories than the wool-scouring
plant. A small carding and wool bat
ting plant has Just been started upon
the site by H. Clark, formerly of Ore
gon City.
Indications are that Portland's lum
ber output is to be materially increased
within the next year by the addition
of several large mills. The two saw
mills which burned at St. Johns re
cently are to be replaced by one large
plant to be erected by the St. Johns
Lumber Company, which was incorpo
rated this week with a capital stock of
$100,000. Several outside sawmill firms
ure also looking towards Portland as
A desirable location. Secretary Glltner
of the Chamber of Commerce, stated
yesterday that that body Is at present
in correspondence with three concerns
which, if they come here, will have a
total output of more than 200,000 ijeet
of lumber. The Chamber of Commerce
and Board of Trade are also corre
sponding with the owners of two largo
ladder factories who desire to estab
lish branches here.
May Start New Industry.
It is possible that a now Industry
has boen gained for Portland through
the success of the experiments in se
curing iron from black sand, mado by
Dr. David T. Day In the Mining build
ing on the Fair grounds. "This experi
ment proved absolutely " the practica
bility of this process." said Edmund C
Glltner, of the Chamber of Commerce, i
yesterday, and will be a large faotor In
influencing the establishment of iron
and steel plants in this city. Wo are
at present carrying on negotiations
with an Eastern firm that is practi
cally certain to establish a steel fac
tory hero soon." Secretary Laber, of the
Board of Trade has announced that a
steel drop-forging plant will also be
located here within a few -months. It
"Will emplay 100 men and operate ten i
machines. The parties interested reside
In Hartford, Conn., and will incorpo-
rate under the laws of Oregon.
The Board of Trade Is also In corre
spondence with parties representing, a;
woolen mill, silk mill, powder factory,
window glass factory and brewery, sHj
of whom are thinking of locating fac
tories in this city.
An industry which will prove of
value to this city Is the recently es
tablished Coos Bay Mining. Milling &
Transportation Company. Although the
factories of this concern will be In Coos
County, the warehouse and head offices
will be in Portland. It will be a valu
able addition to the Industries of Ore
gon, producing for the first tome in
this state Portland cement and hy
drated lime.
Xo Slump In Realty.
The first week after the Exposition
has produced nothing In the way of a
slump In the realty markot. On the
other hand dealers say that they have
been even more busy than usual anJ
several large sales have been made. A
notable feature of the week was the
filing on record of the deeds to the
property secured by the Northern Pa
cific for terminal yards. There were t4
deeds involved in the transaction and
the total consideration reached a very
high figure. The exact amount, how
ever, Ib not known as nearly all of the
deeds were filed at the sum of 51 each.
Because of this the records show the
realty transfers for the week much
below the real figure.
Charles K. Henry yesterday sold for the
Elijah Corbett estate a four-Btory brick
on Front street, between Stark and Oak
streets. Tho building Is one of two ad.
Joining structures occupied by Wad hams
& Kerr -Bros. The two buildings have a
total frontago of 75 feet, one-third of
which Is occupied by the building sold.
The price Is not made public, and the
deed will be recorded at fL The same
dealer also sold a quarter.-block. on North
Sixth street to R. W. Lewis, but the de
tails in this Instance are withheld for the
Sales of the Week.
During tho week the German Savings &
Loan Society, of San Prancisco. sold the
Tourney .building., at Second and Tavlor
streets, for $100,000. It was formerly knownThopanv
as tne A. o. u. W. building. The name
of the purchaser, who is a resident of
Portland, Is not announced.
Friday the site of the Hotel Scott was
sold by -E. Dvaney to Charles A. Malar
key & Sons for 550.000. Tho new owners
held a ten-year lease upon tho property,
and it would probably have brought a
still higher price if offered in the open
market unincumbered by the lease. Dr.
C. W. Cornelius has Just purchased two
lots at the northeast corner of Fourteenth
and Irving streets for $lt,000. The new
owner has acquired the property as an in
vestment, and does not intend to build.
Among tho Important deeds recorded
yesterday was that to the building occu
pied by the Baggage, Omnibus St Transfer
Company to L. A. Lewis for $90,000. The
transfer of two lots owned by W. E. Rob
ertson at Tenth and Burnslde streets to
R. B. Lamaon for $35,000 was also com
pleted yesterday.
"Work on Refuge Home.
Work will begin tomorrow upon the ex
cavation for a new building to be erected
for the Florence Crittenton Refuge Home
at East Thirty-first and vBist Gllsan
streets. The building will be upon the
corner property adjoining the present
home, which is an old structure
be torn down upon tho completion of the
new. xne coot win do m the neighbor
hood of 120.000. There will be three sto
ries and a basement, giving ample room
fbr the needs 'of the institution
vidtog much more pleasant quarters than
mo present, xne managers of the home
have been working upon a building fund
for several years, but additional con
tributions will have to be solicited to
cover the heavy eroen th -n-m v
curred. Richard Martin, Jr., has prepared
uio fium jur tne structure.
S. L. Goldschmidt yesterday sold to
Charles Herrall the two-storr hulidinw .
tho southeast corner of First and Ash
streets for $13,500. Tho building Is occupied
by the J. M. Arthur Company. Mr. Gold
schmldt bought the property one month
ago from Mrs. A. Bronaugh for $12,000.
Transfers for "Week.
Octobor 16 j S2.0SS
October 17 38 975
October 18 77.S54
October 19 ; 72,221
Octobor 20 36.921
October 21 41,204
Total .- .$303,273
Permits for "Week.
October 16 4,10a
October 17 i 3,S50
Octobor IS 15 SM
October 19 50fS63
October 20 1425
October 21 10.S15
Total .$ S6,C55
Used Pianos Received at Ellcrs in
Part Payment for Costlier Ones.
Elegant rosewood Steck, splendid! case,
a trifle out of date, $550 style, $235; largest
.walnut case, latest-style Fischer, $215; ele
gant largest-sized mahogany Knabe, usual
price $500, now 52S5: splendid modlum-sized
walnut Vo8e, regular price $3(3. now SySZ;
oak case, largest-sized. $350 Everett, S1S6;
beautiful Omaha Exposition style, mottled
walnut, $575 Kimball, shows but little use,
$31S; splendid little $300 Emerson, $14S; an
other Emerson, mahogany, $200; very
showy brand-new walnut Starr, $215; three
Hamilton pianos that were once so popu
lar, even one like new, $155, $165 and $172,
respectively; splendid large walnut-cased
Hardman. $236; beautiful little Victor, $133;
largest-sized, nearly new, mahogany
Kingsbury. $137; elegant mahogany Bailey,
only slightly used, $196; good fancy tna-
r Jacob Doll upright, $210; Winr &
Son, new. $115; another Knabe, rosewood
case, $235; great big oak-cased Ludwig,
$163; spTendld English mottled walnut
cased Kimball, colonial, squal to now,
$264; splendid mahogany-cased exhibition
sized Lester, case somewhat marred, tho
$575 style, for $325; other uprights, in good
shape, of more or less musical value, at
prices ranging from $135 down to $GS. Wo
want all of them out of the way. Will
never again be able to make such low
prices. Will ship subject to examination
and approval anywhere. Pay one-tenth
down, balance at $4. $5 or $6 a month.
Arrested for Forgery.
Arthur A. Lo Garde, alias C Wilson,
was arrested last night by Policeman Scal
len and Detective Hartman, charged with
forgery, and when searched a pocket full
of gold and silver was found on his per
son. La Garde succeeded in cashing a
check on a First street firm, and many
other firms .who have evidently not yet
found that they have been buncoed.
Le Garde has been positively Identified
by tho First-street firm. He procured
several rubber stamps Imitating those of
the Oregon Brass Works and of tho Port
land Wire & Iron Works, it Is charged,
and used these, in stamping blank checks
of the Oregon Trust Company of Portland.
He also used a punch for Impressing the
paper with the amounts of his forgeries.
Three of the checks found on his pel-son
called for $72-50 each, and one for $17.
The checks found on Lo Garde were
signed In the name of A. J. Prler Bros.,
of the Oregon Brass Works. "When -the
detectives searched his room last night, a
check stamp was found, with a revolver,
a dark lantern, rubbr stamps, several
cameras and a large quantity of silver-
Attorneys Have Bitter Verbal
Judgo Cameron Disposes' of Several
of the Cases and Continues the
Others for. Further Con
sideration. A sensational clash took placo in the
Municipal Court yesterday morning be
tween Charles Schnabel. counsel for
Gus Hagen, and Deputy District At
torney' Adams, who is Just now en
gaged In a vigorous prosecution of a
dissolute class of men.
Mr. Adams was seeking to prove, by
the testimony of the keeper of a rooming-house,
that Hagen had lived with
a woman, and that they dwelt together
as man and wife. He wished to call
tho woman, he said, to the 'court, so that1
she might be Identified as tho alleged
wife of the defendant, by tho witness.
"What kind, of proceedings Is this,
anyway?" angrily demanded Mr.
Schnabel, rising to his feet and point
ing a finger at Mr. Adams. 1t
strikes me that my client Is the victim
of pernicious persecution at the hands
of the District Attornoy. Wo have
been here every morning for a week
and have danced to Mr. Adams' music
every day. I shall strenuously object
to the giving of testimony, or even the
appearance of Ha gen's wife for such
she Is in this room."
"Tou wouldn't put her out of exlst.-j
Fnak Talker, SeateBoed to ReckaUe. "
ence to keep us from calling her.
would you?" sarcastically asked Mr.
"I would like to put someone else
out of existence, though." sharply re
torted Mr. Schnabel, casting a glance
at Mr. Adams.
The clash between the attorneys was
bitter, so far as they were concerned,
but very amusing to the spectators,
who laughed heartily,
Mr. Adams came off victorious In the
affair, however, for tho woman was
finally identified as sho who had lived
with Hagen for several months as his
"She is his wife, too. isn't she?"
sharply demanded Mr. 3chnabel of the
"Yes." was tho reply.
"Since when?" asked Mr. Adams.
"Since he was arrested for thia of
fense," replied the witness.
Tro case wa3 then continued until
E. Wockrow, partner of Hagen In
the saloon business, waived further
hearing and was held to tho grand
Jury. He is charged also with living
with a dissolute woman.
"Intoxicated!" exclaimed Ethel
Rome, when arraigned on that charge.
Her face fairly
shone with indig
nation. "It's a He.
Tho woman who
had me arrested
lies; she a "
"Hush", madame,
you may disturb
tho tranquility of
the courtroom,"
said Deputy City
Attorney- Fitzser
ald. "Just mako
your plea suilty
or not guilty, and
then wo will pro
ceed." "I'm the victim
of that Minnie An
derson, 'sitting
there," thundered
Miss Rome. "She's
dogged my foot-Etel Korae, Who I) fa
stens this lonar HOass Arrest.
while. I can't move but she's there to
make me trouble. I wa3 not drunk.
She's a"
"Hash, madame," said Mr. Fitzgerald,
"don't disturb tho tranquility or shock
our sensitive ears. We are unaccustomed
to harsh language la this room; hold
your peace."
"She was, too, drunk," spoke up Minnie
Anderson, who had Miss Rorao arrested.
"You bet sh'o was drunk; she's the drunk
enest woman ever let loose. She's a reg-
"Hush. hush, my good woman." Inter
rupted Mr. Fitzgerald. "Don't speak ovil
of her. Recall the golden rule."
Miss Rome demanded time to call wit
nesses, and tho caso will bo heard later.
"I will give you a hard sentence." said
Judge Cameron to Frank Tucker. "It's
breaking rock for the county, and six
months is the length of the service. Do
your work well, and may you win the
respect ana. admiration of your em
ployer." '
"Gracious!" sighed Tucker. "I was
rborn and raised in this town, and this
is pretty nam."
"Yes. but you pleaded guilty to steal
ing a lawnmower from a Belmont-street
residence, and you can't expect to be
sentenced to sleep on a feather bed for
a term." replied Mr. Fitzgerald. "
Tucker was captured, after removing
the mower from a barn and starting
lr.wn Belmont street with It, by Attor
ney C H. Bell, who took him to police
headquarters and locked him up. The
prisoner had been before the court for
drunkenness on a nrcrlous occasion, and
said he wjis Intoxicated when ho stole
the mower.
"I'm a sea-faring man," explained Os
car Berg to Judge Cameron when ho
was arraigned for
being drunk.
"The policeman
says you had about
three sheets In the
wind when he
overhauled you,"
said Deputy Fitz
gerald. "Is that
"I may have been
a trine unsteady,
but I know my
rourse. I thought.
However. I hit on
an uncharted rock.
I don't know yet
whether or not my
craft can be rais
ed." "From what you
have said, I am in-
Oscar Berg, Mariner, cllnod to the belief
that you aro also a
way-faring man." remarked Judge Cam
eron. "Throw out your anchor till Mon
day, and we'll hold an investigation hero
to determine."
"I'm ready to sail in, right now," said
"You'll havo to heave to until Monday,
as we're pressed for time," replied the
"I'm sorry, Mlstah Burton, but I'so got
to Throw You Down," would bo an ap
propriate title for a new coon song, to
be "sung with great success" by Mrs.
Cella Anderson.
She admitted to the court officials that
she knew Messrs. Burton and Hudson,
and that, although she met Burton first,
sho had passed him .up of lato for Hud
son. She was deserted, she said, by her
own husband last August, and did not
know his present whereabouts.
"How long have you consorted with
Hudson?" asked Mr. Fitzgerald of Mrs.
"Ah has knowed dat man 'bout sebral
months, sah)" she replied.
"And how about Burton?"
" 'Bout a little longah, sah."
"And both have supported you some?"
"A little, sah."
"You are a bone of contention between
these two men," said Judge Cameron to
Mrs. Anderson. "They have had three
fights over you. What do you think
ought to bo done?"
She didn't know.
"Can't you 'shake' both , Burton and
Hudson, and settle tho affair that way?"
asked Mr. Fitzgerald.
She thought she could.
"I'm going' to put this over to Mon
day." spoke up Judge Cameron, "so that
a little more information may be gath
ered." Messrs. Burton and Hudson went back
to a cell, while Mrs. Anderson, the causo
of It all. went back to her home at 207
North Eleventh street.
B. J. McMahon. who engaged In a fight
with Conductor Nelson Thomas and oth
ers, on a Mlsslsalppl-4venue car, Friday
night, was fined $5.
Exhibits 3fovo by Hallway.
In order to facilitate the removal of
exhibits from the Lewis and Clark Ex
position grounds, railway tracks are being
laid up the main avenue In front of the
exhibit buildings. A spur is also being
built Into the Machinery building, that
the heavy exhibits contained therein may
bo removed with facility. By the end of
the week nearly all exhibits will be out of
the way, and the work of tearing away
buildings will then be commenced.
After an all-night fight the freshmen of
the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Dela
ware. O. worn ?ArTirori fhn ln.. -.
Ltha sonhomorcs In the annual flasc rush.
Voted by Taxpayers, hut the Ex
pected Remuneration Falls
Them When They Call
for Their Salaries,
Last Spring the taxpayers voted an in
crease In the salaries of teachers who had
served the city five years and had a Ufa
certificate, the amount of $20,000 being set
aside for the purpose of Imburslng them
to the amount of approximately $5 a
month, under the so-called "merit sys
tem." When the first payday of the new
school term rolled around, the teachers
presented themsclve's at the office of the
School Clerk with expectant races and
spirits. But. alas there was nothing do
ing. The same old salary was handed out,
and, merit or no merit, the question of in
crease was nil. The question uppermost
In the minds of the Instructors of youth
ful minds In Portland Is "Why?"
Get No Increaso In Pay.
At tho time the question was at fever
heat a merit system committee was ap
pointed, consisting of City Superintendent
Rlgler. Principal T. T. Davis, of the High
School, and Ward Principals J. Bumham
and J. T. Gregg. It seems the merit sys
tem was adopted merely by tho School
Board, and until the named commlttea
reports the list of teachers entitled to the
Increase the Board cannot tako declslvo
action. The committee has never report
ed bo It Is Bald. But the taxpayers voted
their money, expecting It to go into tho
pockets of deserving Instructresses
throughout the city, and now both the
teachers and tho taxpayers want to know
why this money "Is not used as Intended.
Has hut One Meeting-.
This commltteo has had but one meet
ing, and did nothing deflnlto, as Profes
sor Burnham was not present. Tho rea
son for the delay of the commltteo Is said
to be tho unsettled state of mind of tho
members of the Board regarding putting
tho merit system into effect. When tho
system was adopted, tho vote, according
to reports, was 3 to 2 In its favor, and
slnco that time the views of the mem
bers regarding the plan have changed until
H. Wittenberg Is said bo tho only mem
ber who still favors It. J. V. Beach. Rich
ard Williams and Mrs. L. W. Sltton havo
openly expressed themselves opposed to
tho system.
Under the proposed system, a teacher
who remained In tho school departrment a
stated time and passed a crcdltablo exam
ination before the merit-system commit
tee would recelvo 3 a month advance In
salary. Provision for this Increaso was
made In the annual tax levy, and the
funds aro now on hand.
"The merit system Is not in operation."
said Director J. V. Beach yestorday, "and
In all probability It never will be. Every
member of the Board with tho exception
of H. Wittenberg is opposed to tho plan,"
The teachers aro very much wrought up
over the non-payment of what they con
sider Is rightfully theirs, but no ono of
them'' will talk' for publication. There Is
trouble brewing, however, and unless th
intention of the taxpayers regarding tho
disposition of the money they voted for
increase of the teachers' salaries Is car
ried out. more will be heard of tho pres
ent quietly-conducted wrangle.
Annual Election at Officers Takes
, Place, W. L. Brewster Being:
Chosen President.
The annual meotlng of the University
Club last evening was on of tho most
enthualastio gatherings of tho club slnro
Its Inception. The occasion was enhanced
by the report of tho committee to the
effect that the club would soon be able to
occupy Its own quarters. The club re
cently purchased the lot at the north
west corner of West Park and Stark
streets, and as it hag also acquired tho
old Pfundcr rryld-'iicc. that building will
be mqved to tho sl'c as xoon as possible,
and, according to Architect D. C. Lewis,
the club will be able to occupy their new
quarters by the first of February by the
very latest.
The rounder residence will be moved to
the property of tho club Immediately, and
tho work of reconstruction started as soon
as possible.
In addition to the discussion of the new
club quarters, the annual election of ofll
cers consumed the attention of tho mem
bers. Tho result of tho election was sec
ondary in importance to the business at
tendant upon the securing of new quar
terT which will bo the property of the
club Itself, nevertheless the members
evinced a deep Interest In the choosing of
the new officials.
W. L. Brewster was chosen president
for the ensuing term. B. C. Ball vice-president,
E. J. Falling secretary and R. A.
Lelter treasurer. Tho four officers, to
gether with H. H. Herdman, Jr., F. B.
Riley and Dr. A. S. Nichols wero chosen
as a board of counselors.
W. L. Brewster, as chairman of the
building commltteo. read his report of tho
action of the committee In selecting the
Plunder building as an adjunct of the
proposed new clubhouse, and the report
was adopted, amid great enthusiasm.
The club Intends to add somewhat to the
building, and a basement will also be con
structed, to that everything In connection
with the structure when It Is completed
will bo modem In every particular, and
accommodations will be furnished for the
purpose ot housing visiting members, as
well as local men. who desire to remain
at the club ovi5r night.
Particular attention Is to be paid to tho
construction of the club's dining-rooms,
which are to bo It3 pride, for the members
tire believers In the old adage that the
best way to reach a man's heart Is
through his stomach, and their efforts will
be centered in an endeavor to gratify the
most fastidious.
The University Club now numbers ISO
t)cmbers on its rolls, and on account ot
tho securing of its own quarters, a ma
terial Increase In this membership Is
looked forward to In the next few months.
Washington-Street Sale.
The triangular corner bounded by Wash
ington street. Twenty-third street and the
Cornell road, 8 feet on Washington, 110
on Twenty-third and 115 feet on the Cor
nell road, was sold yesterday by E. J.
Daly. This Is the second time Mr. Daly
has sold this property in 60 days, which
shows the great activity manifested in
.upper Washington street during tho last
few months. The name of the new owner
and the price are withheld at present.
The charge against Charles M. Cham
berlain of wrecking the Chamberlain
Bank, ot Tecumseh, Neb., has been dismissed.