The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 03, 1905, PART TWO, Image 13

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    PART TWO 4
NO. 36.
Famous Black Taffeta Silks
On the Bargain Counter
5000 yards of our well-known black Taffeta Silks, qualities that arc known
wherever good silks are used. A big, generous supply at irresistible prices as
follows :
75c 19-inch Black Taffeta at '5S $ 27-inch Black Taffeta at 89
85c 23-inch Black Taffeta at 68 $1.25 35-inch Black Taffeta at" 98
$1.50 36-inch Black Taffeta at ?1.29
Portland's Leading Cloak Store
LTlfTinTif fitTA Displayed Tuesday in our Cloak and Suit Rooms you
AUtlLUliiatiVw -will find a full, representative series of exclusive styles
A HtrnnnA TLfrrfjalo in- Fal1 suits and garments designed for early Fall and
ilUVaUtC JLTJLUUClb Winter wear, strikingly stylish and developed in the
newest fabrics, skillful tailoring and novel touches introduced exclusively in these gar
ments insure distinctive styles and excellent effects.
Raincoats Fur-Lined Goats Evening Coats
.Women's new Raincoats in
tan, castor and Oxford, at
$15.00, 17.50 and ?20.
Women's Fur-lined Coats of finest
quality light-weight broadcloth,
with squirrel lining
at $40 and $50
Women's Evening Coats of fine im
ported broadcloth, in white,
black, champagne and reseda,
at ?35, f 40 and $o0
Latest Models
Walking Skirts
In Panama, Cloth, Cheviots, Broadcloths and Fancy Men's Wear materials,
in black and colors at $5.00, ?7.'50 and $10.00.
In Addition the Following Special Offerings
Special Value at $27.50
Women's 45-inch single-breasted, tight
fitting tailormade suit of fine all-wool
Panama cloth, in the most popular
shade-of gray. The coat is all lined with
fine quality gray satin, velvet collar
and velvet trimmed cuffs. The skirt is
made in the newest plaited style. Spe
cial at $27:50
Special Value at $25.00
Women's 27-inch jacket suit, of fine, all
wool Pan Cheviot in black and navy;
made in the new model fly front, col
larless style, piped with silk and trim
med with velvet. The skirt is made
with the new silk piped slot seam and
fan plaiting. Special at $25.00
Special Value at $10.00
Women's 36-inch Box Coats of all
wool tan covert cloth, lined
throughout; made in the full fly
front, loose straps with new leg-o'-mutton
sleeves and notch col
lar. Special at $10.00
Dress Goods Bargains
Below ybu will find the result of some shrewd buying by
our resident New York buyer. Bargains in up-to-date Fall
Dress Goods tjiat no one .pari afford to miss.
3000 Yards $1.50, 51.35, $1.25
Dress Goods at . . ,
The assortment includes diamond weave cheviots, new
Fall fancy Sicilians for shirtwaist suits in new greens, navy,
browns; new all-wool creme storm serges; new fancy
weaves in black.
2500 Yards 65c, 60c
Dress Goods at . . .
All-wool Suitings in mixtures and checks and snowflakes,
new Devonshire serges in navy, brown, olive, myrtle, car
dinal, black all-wool storm serges, Venetians, Panamas and
granites in black.
More New Scotch Plaid
Dress Goods at ... .
All-wool Scotch Plaids in authentic tartans, all leading
clans shown. Plaids are all th e rage tKis season. See
our Panama cloth plaids for shirtwaist suits.
$6 and $5 Ready-to-Wear
Hats Special at $3.95
For Tuesday ire have prepared a
Millinery Bargain that will be of real
interest to the women.
300 Trimmed, Eeady-to-Wear Hats,
embracing all the new toque, polo
and continental shapes, made of
light-weight materials, also velvet
and felt; trimmed with velvet,
quills, wings, fancy breasts, etc.
The colors shown are many, includ
ing all the latest tones and combi
nation effects; extra good values
at $6.00 and 5.00, spec at $3.95
September Sale of Lace Curtains
2very housekeeper in our city should be interested in this
great lace curtain sale, comprising all this season's newest
patterns in renaissance, Irish point, Battenberg, Arabian, Not
tingham, Brussels, Cluny and novelty effects in white, cream
and Arabian color.
Reg. $1.00, special at. .79
Reg. $1.50. special at. .?1.19
Reg. $2.00, special at. .1.49
Reg. $3.00, special at. .$2.39
Reg $3.50, special at. .$2.68
Reg. $4.00, special at. .$3.19
Reg. $5.00, special at. .$3.98
Reg. $6.00, special at. ,?4.79
Reg. $6.50, special at. .$4.98
Reg- $7.50, special at. .$5.95
Reg- $80, special at. .$6.59
Reg. $10.00, special at. $7.95
September's Great Sale of Linens
Every article in the line of Table and Housekeeping Linens at surpris
ingly low prices. The shrewd housewife, hotel and boarding-house keeper
will find money-saving opportunities here. Following you will find a few of
the many great bargains offered:
64 and 66-inch Bleached Table Damask;
regular $L00, for this sale 79
66-inch Bleached Table Damask; regular
85c, for this sale 67
22-inch Bleached All-Linen Napkins;
regular $2 dozen, for this sale $1.49
12-4 Marseilles White Bedspreads; regu
lar $5.00, for thjs sale $3.25
11-4 Fringed Crochet White Bedspread;
regular $2.00, for this sale $1.49
Full size White Crochet Bedspread;
regular $L50, for this sale. ...$1.25
30x30 Hemstitched Drawn-work Squares;
regular 65c, for this sale 35
1Sx45 Hemstitched Drawn-work Scarfs;
regular 65c, for this sale 35
Bleached Huck Towels, 18 inches wide,
36 inches long; regular 12&c, for this
sale 7 9
Bleached Hemmed Huck Towels, IS
inches wide, 37 inches long; regular
20c, for this sale 16
Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, 21
inches wide, 46 inches long, extra
heavy; regular 25c, for this sale 19
Unbleached Turkish Bath Towels, 20
inches wide, 33 inches long; regular
20c, for this sale 15
Jewelry Store
More Souvenirs in this department than
in tall other stores put together, and our
prices are about one-half what you pay
500 Sterling Silver Sppons, variety of
handles, Fair buddings in bowl;
special 25
1000 Sterling Silver Spoons, Mount
Hood -and Salmon handle, goldV bowls
with Fair buildings; special 35 $
1000 large Sterling Spoons, Salmon and
Mount Hood handles, with Fair build
ings in bowl; special ST
Souvenir and
Picture Store
New Forestry Building Pictures framed in
bark frames, special 75
New photographs of all the Fair Buildings,
mounted on heavy mats; regular price
everywhere 25c, special 10
2500 Colortype Pictures mounted on white
mats, an exceptional collection of beau
tiful subjects, both landscape and Tna
rines; special 10
Victor Talking
And 12 records of your own choice de
livered at your home for $1.00. Bal
ance easy weekly payments.
, woife 00
Existence of the Plague De
termined in Two Dif
ferent Districts.
Authorities Fcnr a Sprcnd of Epl
demlc Because of Boatman Erom
Infected. Prusslun . Sec;
Hons Drills Stopped.
WEICHSEL. -Silesia. Sept. 2. The ex
istence of cholera In two different dis
tricts of Gallcla Is confirmed by medical
Investigation. The first five fatal cases
occurred In the village of Padewnarodowa.
In the district of Mledeo TannowvesI, and
a sixth case In the village of Grodzisko, In
the district of Lancutt.
A sick raftsman, his wife and two chil
dren and a peddling watchmaker were
attacked by the disease in Padew. In the
MIelec Tarnow district, and also n rafts
man In Grodzlako. The local authorities
fear a spread of the epidemic, as boaU
men In floats are coming uninterruptedly
down the Vistula. River from the Infected
PrusslaA districts. The first steps taken
by the local authorities against the epi
demic were evidently Insufficient, as after
the burning of the belongings of the. first
victims at Padew the disease developed
there, but now the central and local au
thorities are taking up the work energet
ically. A high official dispatched to
Padew returned to Lemburg today and
ordered physicians to go Immediately to
threatened villages and the formation of
a, sanitary cordon In Nadhrzezie and
Chwalowlco. both of which villages are
situated close to the side of the VIstuIu.
Every raftsman returning from Prussia
Is subjected to a medical observation of
five days.
At present the districts of Nisko and
Landcutt arc mostly threatened as most
of the raftsmen of the Vistula belong In
these districts.
Russian Scientist Says 'Germ'an'Pre
cautions Are Rigid in Extreme.
PARIS, SepU 2. Professor Ell Metchnl
koff was seen at the Pasteur Institute to
day, and gave the Associated Press an In
teresting impression of his views on the
outbreak of cholera In Germany. The
professor added the important Informa
tion that the Pasteur Institute had just
received special detailed1 reports upon the
actual cholera cases In Germany, and
said he considered from the bacteriolog
ical examination made under his personal
direction that tho cases are unquestion
ably Asiatic cholera.
Notwithstanding this proof. Metchnikoft
expressed the most posltH'e convictions
that the German authorities could cope
with the disease and prevent Its spread
In Europe. MetchnlkofTs position as chief
of the Pasteur Laboratory during Its most
famous contributions to science and his
works on phagocytosis and Immunity,
give him a recognized place as one of the
foremost authorities of the world upon
cholera and other epidemics.
"I can assure you." he said, "from the
inquiry I have made and from personal
familiarity with the cholera cases In
Germany, that there Is no ground for
anxiety relative to a general outbreak
of cholera or its spread through Europe.
This opinion h? bassd . on knowledge of
the extreme rigorous and effective meas
ures the German authorities have adop
ted to prevent Its spread. From the meas
ures they have taken I am satisfied they
can prevent a further outbreak within Its
present HmltA Therefore, there Is no
rean to believe that the disease will
become epidemic as In 1SS2. I have re
ceived minutely detailed reports upon the
cases In Germany, which are really
Asiatic cholera, that fact being thor
oughly established by bacteriological ex
amination. HoweYcr, there Is "o fear
concerning a general epidemic, owing to
the thoroughness of the precautionary
measures adopted."
"Could there be any danger to the
"United States owing to the steamship
lines connecting Hamburg- to America?"
the profewor was asked.
"I do not- think so," was the reply.
"When everybody In Germany Is on the
alert to prevent the spread of the dis
ease, and It Is my opinion that extraor
dinary precautions will not be necessary
In the United States."
Visits were then made to Dr. Saint
Yves, director of the department for the
prevention of epidemics, and to. Dr. Au
bert. director of the bureau of public
health. Dr. Saint Yves said: "You may
be sure there Is not any cholera In or
near Paris, and thus far we have had
no occasion to adopt any precautionary
Dr. Aubert stated that there was not
the slightest apprehension of an attack
of cholera In Paris. .
Disease Reaching Across Empire
From Eastern Borders.
BERLIN, Sept. 2. The deadly plague
of Asiatic cholera Is sweeping over Ger
many from the country's eastern hnr-
Tiers. The Relchzanger officially an-
nouncea mis morning that 430 cases of
cholera and, 17 deaths had occurred In
Germany up to noon today. The health
authorities of the government are
taking- every precaution to check fur
ther spread of the epidemic. Tho Min
istry of the Inferior has Issued a no
tice assuring the public that there Is
no reason foranxlety, but It Is appar
ent that there is alarm even In gov
ernment circles.
The United States Board of Immigra
tion at Bremen hns ordered that all
steerage passengers for . the United
States shall be at the port .of embarka
tion six days prior to sailing.
Health Department Again -Denies
Empire Is Inrected.
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 2.-The health
department gave Its assurance today that
there is no cholera Jn the empire. Includ
ing the Vistula district. The Minsk dis
trict has Just reported again that no
cases of cholera have been discovered
there. A special investigation Is being
conducted in the Warsaw district.
The authorities are again tracing the
course down the Vistula of the raft on
which two cases of cholera occurred In
April Inst, while descending the river
from the Government of Minsk to Culm,
West Prussia.
All States Wnraed to Talce Precau
tions Last January.
BERLIN, Sept. 2. The government has
long reckoned on the present situation.
A circular dispatch was sent "by the Im
perial Department of the Interior to the
Confederate States in January, calling at
tention to tho possibility of cholera, and
requesting them not to be unprepared to
deal with an Infection.
"Resisting the spread of cholera," the
official direction says, "has become much
easier under the Imperial epldemic-law'of
June 30. 1SO0. giving the health authorities
proper powers. These powers have been
fully exercised In sequestering persons'
that have cholera or have been exposed to
it, or who have doubtful symptoms, and
In watching over persons .and property
employed In traffic on the rivers. Welch
sel, Brahe and Netze, and on the Brom
berg CanaL"
Another Death at Hamburg and
High Rates of Mortality..
BERLIN. Sept. 2. (7:40 P. M, The
cholera record tonight stands at 51 new
cases and 19 deaths, a steady Increase
and a high percentage of mortality. The
most uneasy news f or America Is that
1 a second case exists at Hamburg. It
was officially reported late today that
a laborer In 'St George's "Hospital,
where the Russian emlnrrnnt dtad has
eholera, but it 13 added that the seizure
is or a milder form than the previous
one. Two of the other fresh cases are
In, East Prussia, indicating that the in
fected area has widened.
The Imnerial Health Offlr n shnwn
by the statement made today to the
Associated Press, Is confident that it
has the disease in hand. The most re
cently reported victims are among the
Russian river men In quarantine.
Germany's two greatest bacteriolo
gists. Professor Robert Koch anrt K.
von Leyden. are out of he country, one
In Africa and' the other In the Tyrol.
Professor Adolph Kafka, also an emi
nent man, 13 -troressor Koch s successor
as head of the Institute of Jnfectlous
Diseases, and he has gone to the Infect
ed district to direct the
confine the disease.
Six Deaths Occurrpd on Bug River
Near Frontier. ..
ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 2. Although
It Is officially reported that no 'cases of
cholera have occurred In the Vistula dis
trict Itself or In Russian Poland, yet the
Russian Government Was notified by tele
graph of the presence of cholera In the
district of Vladimir Volhynsky. In the
Volhynsky Government, In the Upper Bug
''River, a tributary of the Vistula, close
to the Austrian frontier. Six fatal coses
have occurred. Wood rafts descend this
region along the Bug and Vistula Rivers.
Hamburg-American Lino Refuses
Them Passage Abroad.
HAMBURG, Sept. 2. On account
of the appearance of cholera, the po
lice authorities have forbidden the
transportation through Hamburg of
Russian emigrants until further notice.
The Hamburg-American Steamship
Company- has Issued Instructions to all
Its Russian agencies to refuse steerage
tickets to Russian emigrants.
Tracing the Infection.
BERLIN. Sept. 2. The Institute of In
fectious Diseases will be open all night
examining secretions taken from the di
gestive tubes of persons who died under
circumstances suggesting cholera. From
time to time couriers arrive from some
port of Germany with portions of bodies
done up hermetically. The Ministry of the
Interior has Issued an order covering all
Prussia, requiring physicians. Immediately
after the death of any suspected patient,
togpnd a messenger with sections of the
alimentary canal to the Institute of In
fectious Diseases for thorough examination.
Gallcla Is Also Infected.
WARSAW. Russian Poland. Sept. 2.
It Is reported here from Tnrnoff, Gall
cla. that cholera has appeared In the
neighborhood of Tarnoff. Three deaths
from the disease were registered In one
VIENNA Sept. 2. The Abend Post re
ports that two cases of Illness thought
to he cholera have been discovered In the
commune of Grodzlako, Gallcla.
"Warsaw on Guard.
WARSAW, Sept. 2. A "session of the
special committee to devise measures for
fighting cholera, should It -make Its ap
pearane In Warsaw, will be held next
Monday. Proposals to purchase water
bolllng "apparatus and to supplement the
the medical services will be considered by
the committee.
Military Drills Must .Walt.
FORDON. Prussia, Sept. 2. Prince AI
brecht of Prussia, who arranged to visit
this part of the country pn a tour of mili
tary Inspection, has given up the plan
because of cholera.
Schools Have Been Closed.-
LANDESEERG, Prussia, Sept. 2. The
schools here have been closed on account
of the cholera.
Chicago Family in Rags and Sleep
ing in Alleys. '
CHICAGO. Sept. 2. "If President
Roosevelt could only see the condition of
.some of the families brought to the at
tention of the police of the larger "cities,
he would, I believe, hesitate In his pet
championship of large families." said Jus
tice Woods, in the Chicago-Avenue Po
lice Court today. .
Before the court stood Frank Frieberg,
his wife and four small children, their
clothes' In rags. For a week. It 13 said,
the family has slept In alleys. 'olkainlng
only such food as they could oeg or
gather from garbage boxes. The chil
dren were held to the Juvenile Court,
and the Justice continued the cases
against Frletierg and his wife until
Wednesday. The couple spoke no Eng
lish. Frieberg Is just out of the hospital,
having-ben confined there suffering from
Manager of Igorrotes Accused
of Bigamy Committed
' in Islands.
ArrjBste'd In New. York on-Complaint
. of Woman Who Says She Is
True Wife Was Mnrried
at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Mo- Sept. 2. (Special.)
A special to the Globe-Democrat from
New York states that Dr. T. K. Hunt,
who managed the Igorrotes at the Louis
iana Purchase Exposition, and who was
to have exhibited them at the Lewis and
Clark Exposition. ha3 beep arrested on a
charge of bigamy, preferred' byMrs. Mary
Hunt: of New York, who claims she-is his
lawful wife.
In the complaint Mrs. Hunt alleges sha
and Dr. Hunt were married beforit he
went to the Philippines. and tfyit z&s. has
Just learned that he inarrioira Thmpplne
girl. Shortly before the close of the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition Dr. Hunt
married a young Louisville woman, for
merly emploved In a clerical capacity in
the Igorrote village. At the time of his
marriage t was. understood that the
Louisville girl was the second Mrsi Hunt
and that the first had been divorced when
visiting friends In Germany.
Trouble With Former Wife.
Colonel John Hopkins, who Is interested
In Dr. Hunt's Igorrotes, was seen at
Forest Park Highlands, where the group
of Filipinos Is onscxhiblt!on. He said he
had received a message from Dr. Hunt
telling him to Ignore the story that he Is
In trouble. Colonel Hopkins, who recently
returned from New York City, says that,
when there, he heard the same story of
an effort being made to secure a financial
settlement withDr. Hunt for some al
leged trouble with his former wife, but
he knows nothing of the matter person
ally; Soon Return to Philippines.
BY. Hunt I said to be about to return
to the PhfHpplne Islands, taking with
him the bodies-of two Igorrotes who have
died In this country, the contract with
the insular government requiring 'the
bodies of dead Filipinos to be returned to
their native country-" Colonel Hopkins
says that Dr. Hunt has closed out all his
Interest In the various bands of Igorrotes
now on exhibition In the United States.
Manager Plilllpps of the Igorrote colony
at Forest Park Highlands, who was with
Dr. Hunt during the World's Fair, recalled
Dr. Hunt's marriage to a young woman
employed in the concession. He knows
nothing of any Filipino Mrs. Hunt, and
had never- heard the natives connected
with the concession mention the doctor's
having an Oriental matrimonial experience.
Took Rnllrond Ticket and Forelgs
Stamp From Dend Letter
Makes Strange Explanation.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2. Charles Q.
Moore, of Colorado, for ten years a
clerk In the Postofflce Department, has
confessed to taking railroad tickets
from letters In the dead letter office
and hns been dismissed. Besides tak
ing .railroad tickets, Moore also is ac
cused of taking foreign -stamps from
letters and selling them. He was In
charge of the minor branch of the dead
letter office and received a salary' of
51400 a year.
Many letters which reach the dead
letter office contain railroad tickets.
These are kept on file for a certain
time and then destroyed. In his con
fession Moore said that there was no
chance of the tickets reaching the per
sons for whom they were Intended:
that they had been paid for and he
thought he might as well reap the rev
enue from them. . .
The Inspectors, missed tickets from
envelopes marked to con tain, them and
traced the theft to Moore. When he was
confronted wltn the evidence, he con
fessed and, when the case was laid be
fore Acting Postmaster-General Hitch
cock,. Moore "was dismissed. It Is said,
at the Postofflce Department that
Moore will not be prosecuted.
New Railroad for Nevada.
RENO, Nev., Sept. 2. Articles of Incor
'Tjoration have been filed at Carson City
for a railroad from Goldfield Into Bull
frog, a distance of SO miles. Work will
start at. once, the aim being to have the
line In operation next Spring. It will,
connect direct with the Southern Pacific,
that company completing Its line into
Goldfield next Monday.
Requisition Out for Glassford.
SPRINGFIELD. I1L, Sept. 2. Governor
Dineen today issued a requisition to the
Governor of Oregon for the return to
Peoria of Albert Glassford, under arrest
In Baker City, Or., on a charge of mur
der. It is alleged that on. April 2S. 1904,
Glassford shot and killed his wife, Jennie
Three Lives Snuffed by Fire.
LITTLETON, Mass., Sept. 2. Two, wom
en and a little girl were burned to death,
tonight In a fire which destroyed a house
owned by Warren "Fletcher, two miles
east of Littleton. Four other occupants
of the house escapedl The victims were:
Mrs; Nancy NInds, SO years old; Mrs.
James Knox, 50; and- a girl 12 years of age.