The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 03, 1905, Image 1

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f PAGES 1 TO 12
Treaty Is Completed and Will
Probably Be Signed
Island Henceforth Free From War's
Machinery Manchuria, Will Be
Evacuated Immediately
Treaty Is . Signed..
PORTSMOUTH. X. H., Sept. 2.-With
the exception of a single portion of the
text, the "Treaty of Portsmouth" was
completed this afternoon at a conference
in Baron Komura's room, and It Is barely
possible It can be signed on Monday. It
consists of 1C articles. Tonight at 9
o'clock Mr. AVlttte and Mr. de Martens
and Baron Komura and Mr. Dennlson
began the reading of the text. The treaty
will not be engrossed by the two call
graphers sent by the State Department.
At the last moment, it was decided to
nnv attaches of the two missions per
form this work.
The articles relating to the non-fortlfl-cation
of the Island of Sakhalin and La
Perouse Straits and the evacuation of
Manchuria were settled. Both parties
bind themselves not to fortify the island.
La Perouse Is to be "open," and Japan
agrees not to erect works to command
the strait.
The article relating to the evacuation of
Manchuria provides that the troops, im
mediately upon the exchange of final rat
ifications, are to be withdrawn respective
ly to the lines of Mukden and Harbin, and
the number of "railway guards" in ordi
nary times is limited; but provision is
made for the dispatch of troops for the
protection of the road in case of disor
ders, upon condition that they are im
mediately withdrawn when their mission
is finished.
There are said to be four "annexes" to
the treaty, covoring matters which could
not be elaborated in the treaty itsolf.
Envoys Decide Imst Points and
Leave Host to Clerks.
PORTSMOUTH. Sept. 2.-(SpecIal.)-The
peace treaty between Russia and Japan
has been completed. The last revision of
the earlier drafts has been made, and
there is nothing now to be done except for
the secretaries to engross the treaty and
for the envoys formally to attach their
The last touches were put upon the doc
ument, which is to ond the most disas
trous war of modern times, at a meeting
or the plenipotentiaries of the two bel
ligerent countries tonight. The session
was held in Mr. Witte's apartments at
the hotel, and lasted about an hour. They
adjourned at 11 o'clock Baron Rosen, the
junior Russian envoy, was the first to
announce that the great work had been
at last completed. To a representative
of the Publisher's Press he said: """"
"It Is all over; the work Is done. Noth
ing now remains but the preparation of
the final draft by the secretaries and the
attaching of our signatures. The treaty
will be ready for signature, probably on
All Differences Removed.
The envoys, at an informal meeting
this afternoon at the rooms of Baron Ko
mura, went over the .first complete draft
of the treaty. They agreed upon certain
modifications in phraseology, and ad--journed
at 5:30 o'clock until tonight All
points of difference were so thoroughly
harmonized that an agreement was
roachod to dispense with the service of
the expert engrossing clerk of the State
"Department, In order to facilitate the
final drafting of the treaty for the at
tachment of the signatures.
Rumors of various characters were in
circulation today as to alleged differences
between the envoys, but the.y proved un-s
founded. Mr. de Martens and Mr. Den
nlson, the respective counsellors, with
their assistants, assembled early this
morning. The meeting of the envoys last
night removed all serious contentions and
enabled the treats'-framers to complete
their first draft earlier than had been ex
pected. Xot caring to waste the time and energy
to make the trip to the navy-yard and
back for what they considered work of
merely a formal character, the envoys
gathered in the private apartments of
Baron Komura at 3:30 o'clock this after
noon. There were present in addition to
the plenipotentiaries, Messers. Dennlsan.
Osako and Ontachai, for the Japanese,
and Messrs. de Martens, Plancon and
Yermaloff for the Russians. They took
np the articles of the treaty seriatim,
reading them for textual errors. The
treaty consists of 17 articles, some of
which contain two or more clauses. The
discussion at times became general, the
attorneys being freely called upon to elu
cidate obscure sentences of a technical
character, or explain the use of particu
lar words.
Evacuation of Manchuria.
The article relating to the evacuation
of Manchuria entailed the longest dis
cussion. It was formally decided that the
two armies should leave Manchuria as
soon as the treaty is ratified by the two
governments. But the exact details of
the complete evacuation were left to the
judgment of the commanders In the field.
Pending this, it was agreed that the Rus
sian army should fall back to Harbin and
the Japanese army retire to Mukden so
soon as the armistice goes Into effect,
which it has been agreed shall be imme
diately after the signing of the treaty.
It Is understood that the meeting was
unusually harmonious. The Russians ap
peared somewhat insistent upon the use
of certain forms, but withdrew from their
position when it was made apparent that
it was distasteful to the Japanese. When
the meeting of the envoys broke up. at
5:50 o'clock, the tTeaty had been modified
to meet the views of both sides, and the
secretaries were Instructed to rewrite the
draft for submission to the envoys at to
night's meeting.
Dispense "With Engrosser.
Just before adjournment the discussion
turned upon the presence here of the ox
pert engrossing clerk from the State De
partment at "Washington, who had befen
sent for upon the request of the envoys
to prepare the permanent copies of tho
treaty upon the regular treaty paper of
the department. It developed that at least
two days would be required for the en
grossment of the document. It did not
take lung to discover a unanimity of
sentiment against such a delay, both par
ties being eager to get away. Fearing
that, if the work were to be at once be
gun, some unlooked-for contingency might
interfere with their early departure. It
was finally agreed to dispense with the
services of the expert and have the treaty
prepared by their own secretaries. This,
they thought, could readily be accom
plished by tomorrow, and make !t possi
ble for the formal signing of the conven
flbn to occur some time Monday. While
it was admitted that none of the secre
taries attached to either mission were
capable of producing such a copper-plate
piece of chirography as the department
clerks, it was felt that they could work
well enough to satisfy both parties.
Russian Diplomat Reasons Tide of
War Would Have Turned.
PARIS. Sept. 2. (SpeclaU-That Japan
has to have peace Is proven by the fact
that Japan has yielded. Therefore, tf
the war had continued. Russia " would
have enjoyed a reversal of tho 111 fortune
which has been her lot thus far. For
these reasons, the result of the peace
conference at Portsmouth has been only
another Russian disaster.
This is the reasoning at the Russian
embassy here, where it is insisted that all
patriotic Russians must consider the
Csar-"magnanimous" toward the enemy.
"The Czar has allowed his love of peace
to triumph over his national temptation
to continue the war, doing so in order
that he might obtain a brilliant revenge
which would also help the situation at
home," remarked a diplomatic official
who is a close rolative of Ambassador
"We cannot sec anything." continued
the same official, "in this talk about a
Russo-Japanese alliance. Such a thing
would be unusual. Despite the resIt of
the war, Russia finds herself morally
charged with the duty of becoming the
bulwark of the white race against the
yellow. England and the United States
will appreciate this fact some day, evon
If not now. The gossip about an alliance
with Japan is merely an excess of senti
mentality due to the reaction. The situ
ation is like that which so'motimcs .de
velops after a ducd, when the duelists
grasp each other's hands warmly, though
thoy had been trying to kill oach other
a moment before,"
Russian Paper. Blames Roosevelt for
Loss of Tci-ltory.
T. PETERSBURG, SpL 2. (Spcclal.)
Wlnter quarters are prepared for General
Llnlevltch's forces in their present posi
tion. There has been no suspension of
mobilisation or of dispatching troops to
the Far East. Messages from Portsmouth
In regard to the attitude of the Japanese
are causing anxiety.
The Xovoe Vremya declares that the
exhausted Japanese would have censonted
to peace without retaining any part of
Sakhalin Island, and that President
Roosevelt, by suggesting a division of
that island, prevents Russia from retain
ing the whole of It.
Treaty Will Not Give Him Credit for
Bringing: Peace.
PORTSMOUTH, Sept. 2. It is now un
derstood that the treaty will consist of
17 articles, preceded by a short preamble.
In which it is assorted on good authority
no allusion will be made to the action
displayed by President Roosevelt In bring
ing about the peace conference which led
to the conclusion of, the treaty.
Peace Envoys Decline Invitation of
New York Chamber.
NEW YORK, Sept. 2. Owing i th5
early date of their planned departure
from this country, the peace plenipoten
tiaries have been unable to accept, with
out qualifications, an invitation to a re
ception by the Chamber of 'Commerce of
New York. The envoys had been asked
to name a date convenient to themselves
after September 18, when they and their
staffs might be entertained in this city,
but in replying both Indicated that they
wouldsail before the time suggested.
The following telegrams received from
Baron Rosen and Minister Takahlra were
made public by President Jessup. of the
Chamber of Commerce today:
Mr. Witt and I thank you ftlncerelr for
your kind congratulations and Invitation. Mr.
Wltte ia quite unable to ay at pranent
whether he will still be In thin country aftfr
September IS. as he expects to sill with the
other delegates as soon as our business here
Is terminated. ROSEN.
Tendering yeu our sincere thanks for your
fclod messnxe, we extremely regret that we
shall not be able to accept your Invitation
so cordially extended to us. as Baron Ko
mura and his staff have to leave for Japan
many days before September IS.
Will Not Stop Moving Troops Till
Treaty Is Signed.
ST. PETERSBURG. Sept 2. (6:30 P.
MO-The Associated Press was in
formed at the "War Office at o'clock
this afternoon that no formal orders
have been "given regarding the atrnis
tlee, that no steps have yet been taken
to' terminate the movements of. .troops'
going .to the Tar. East, and that nore
ceht mobilisation 'has been dlscontlH-
f ConclllfijuJ on Pur 9.
Owners Say, However, They
Have No Desire to Sell
- Railroad.
Inst Spike In the Line Between!
Dallas nnrt "Diifirr Will .mfi
tember Elc'en. fWF'
. E. Lrtle would like to buy the Great
Southern, reaching from- The Dalles to
Dufur. with rights of way from that place
to Bend. The father of the Columbia
Southern evidently found that it pays to
build railroads into the central part of
the state and presumably is looking for
some project that has been under way to
a certain degree, as being one the more
sure and speedy of success.
The owners of the Great Southern are
not contemplating a sale of tho property,
so they say, and have not responded to
the advances made by Mr. Lytle. but, on
the other hand, are preparing in as great
haste as Is possible formally to opon the
road to the public and also to extend It
to Bond.N.
Ills Resignation n Surprise.
The resignation of Mr. .Lytic from the
presidency of the Columbia. Southern
came as & surprise and up to this time no
inkling has been given as to what his
intentions are. other than the announce
roont that he Intended to engage la rail
road building in the state. Hte Inclina
tion to secure the control of the Great
Southern shows at least that he has a
desire to become actively engaged in the
business of opening up the central portion
of tliu state, and that be considers the
Qroat Southern to be a good property.
The management of the Groat South
ern Is now rushing the construction work
to completion and in a vory few days will
have the line betwoon The Dalles and
Dufur entirely finished. One week from
Monday, if the present plans earn, the
formal driving ot the last spike on the
line between the two cities and the open
ing of the road to the wee' of the public
WW 1m cdrbt ..'!.
Grain Hauled to Road.
Already the road Is beginning to do
business. The farmors are hauling grain
to the lino throughout its entire length,
ready for transforation as soon as the
trains are running. Warehouses are be
ing built along the line to within ten
miles of The Dallas, and wheat te already
stored in some of these buildings. In
tho ptacos where the buMdtngs are not be
ing erected the grain is being hauled and
stacked ready to be lauded upon the cars.
The Great Southern now has offices at
The Dalles and has secured ten acres of
land In that city as a terminal ground
whore will be built the warehouses and
equipment sheds of the company. Prop
erty has also been purchased In Dufur.
Judging from the succors that win meet
the first portion of the road to be built,
the extension to Bend is a thing that I
certain. Eastern capital is becoming in
terested and offers have boon made to thu
management of money to take care of any
reasonable bond iseue that might bw
made. All conditions lead the men who
are back of the property to make the al
most certain announcement tliat the road
will be extended into Bend inkle of a
year. There will be no cessation in tho
work but as fast as it can be done the
track will be pushed mile by mile into tho
central jmrt of the state. As fast as the
rails can be brought from the East and
the men can be hired to put thorn in
plaee the work will be dose. The driving
of the last spike on September 11 does
not mean the cessation of work, bur.
rather its commencement, in the con
struction of the Great Southern.
j Will He Klrxt Jnpnnrae Sovcrcljrn to
Leave Ixlnnd Empire and Vlwlt
Korelam Court.
TOKIO. Sept. 3. (Special.) There Is
a well-founded rumor that the Mikado,
with the establishment of peace, will
do an unheard-of thing. In that he In
tends to visit the various courts of -Europe.
If the Mikado does go on the
visit. It will be the first time that a
ruler of Japan has ever left the empire.
It is said that King Edward has sent
to the Mikado a pressing Invitation to
come to London. When the invitation
was presented to the Mikado, he Is said
to have been greatly Impressed and It
created" his desire to travol.
Royal Arcanum Provides Relief for
Aged, Indigent Members.
PUT-IN-BAY. O.. Sept. 2. The commit
tee on assessments appointed by the Royal'
Arcanum to hear the claims of the pro-
testing delegates concluded its hearing tc-r
day. The committee now has the matter
K under consideration! and Is discussing the
main features of the. report,
jA resolution has been introduced for
levying a fraternal tax of 10 cents a year
yri each member of the order, to be used
ln-pasrlnr the assessments of those aged
members who are unable to pay them. A
special order is to be made by the supreme
regent. This was referred to a committee.
Supreme Secretary Robinson authorized
the following:
The rpeclat committee on assessment ot
the Supreme Council ef the Itrfral Arcanum
reported to the body this evening on the
various petitions, resolutions and protests in
regard to the new rates. The report re
affirmed and defended the action of the su
preme council at Atlantic City In Mar and
recommended that no chance be made In the,
They farther recommended an amendment
to the laws providing that any member 85
years old or over or hereafter reaching such
age may pay only one-half of the pre
scribed amount of assessment and the bal
ance with -4 per cent Interest compounded an
nually shall be charged against his certifi
cate and deducted therefrom on, payment of
the benefit.
Tbey also recommended that a special fund
be raised by the payment of 20 cents a year,
to be used only for the relief of members of
the ase of 03 years br over vrheM circum
stances are such that they- are unable to pay.
a portion "or the whole of their assessments.
The expenditure from this fraternal runtl
Is to be under the direction of the supreme
rsnx In accordance with rules laid down
tfiftie -oc entire committee.
Dunne Will Toast His Hobby.
H1CAGO. Sept, 2. (Special.)-The date
tt Jefferson Club's bauauet in honcr
William J. Bryan on the eve'oJs
democrats of the United States rrtnt
to respond to toasts, .Mayor inane m
respond to a toast. "TTieJErorreki.of Mu
nicipal Ownership.
The Weather.
YESTKKD.VY'S Maximum temperature. 63
deg; minimum. 60.
TODAY'S Possibly showers. Westerly winds.
The Peace Conference.
Final agreement reached en text of treaty.
Page 1.
Treaty will be signed tomorrow. Page 1.
Plans for evacuation of Manchuria. Page 1.
IltMfia prepares for flrst national eleotlan.
Page 3.
Iabor party in Russia orders general strike
on election day. Page 3.
Alliance makas Britain and Japan supreme
la Asia, l'age
Mlkade may make teur et world. Page 1.
Cholera spreads -from Prussia te Gallcla.
Page 13.
Postal clerk confesses robbery ef dead let
ters. Page 13.
Complaint of delay In reopening Reseburg
Land Ofttce. Page 2.
Foremen la Public Printing Office refuse te
regn and appeal to President. Page 3.
Taft golBg to Canton despite hostile Chi
nese placards. Page 1.
Jerome refuses nomination for Mayor ef New
York; political mix-up results. Page 1.
John R. McLean abandons candidacy for
President. Page
Split la Chicago Labor day parade averted.
Page 2.
Scottys Death Valley mine subject of ridi
cule. Page 1.
Maniac commits suicide after terrorizing
section of Ohio. Page 3.
Beef trust will use dilatory tactics. Page 2.
Yfoftow fever on decline in New Orleans;
te Atlanta! Page 3.
Dr. Hunt,- or Igrrete fame, accused of big
amy. Page 1.
Tommy Btiras wants to meet McCormlck.
Page 10.
Vxnoouver and Pertlasd lacrosse teams play
tie game. Page 1U.
Giants hit Pitcher BJexrud hard. Page 10.
Lightweights to battle at Celma. Page 17.
Irvln;ln Tennis Club te give tournament.
Pag f. 17.
Gocctp f the fans. Page 17.
Sysonby wins another race at Sheepshead.
Page 16.
Mrs. Deerlng Is Western golf champion.
Page 10. ,
Mtes Sutton wins trl-Mate tennis ohamplon
sblp. Page 10.
Pacific Coast.
Arrest of negro whose testimony may send.
boejlNng California State Senators to the
penitentiary. Page i.
Humphrey Jones, bis daughter Kate and
Miss Bona Irish hit by Southern Ptfolde
train at- Oregon City. Page 3.
Washington brewery combine and strikers
Arranging pac terms. Page 4.
Los Angelm shaken by an earthquake.
Page 1.
Rules must seen be established 'for settlers
on Irrigated Oregon lands, l'age 3.
Green Point mill at Hoed River Is to be
rebuilt. Page 8.
Warden Kees does "not get expeeted soft
berth. Page 3.
Commercial und Marine.
Heavy purchases of wheat for shipment to
Japan. Page 35.
Financial powers baek of peace treaty.
Page 35.
Firm undertone te Chicago wheat market.
Page 35.
New York bank reserves show heavy cash
loss. Page 35.
California cured .fruits In seoend hands.
Pag 35.
FTotir and wheat for Japan. Page 10.
Telephone to take her first excursion up the
river. Page 19.
Marine notes. Page 10.
Lewis and C';irk Xxposltlon.
Admissions, 18.102. jjo 8.
Modern Woodmen celebrate. Page 10.
Library of Congress has Interesting exhibit
at Exposition. Page 31.
Works ef art in plaster and bronze at the
Exposition Art Museum. Page 32.
Longfellow's home In replica at the Exposi
tion. Pag 33.
K. B. Hardt will not be on the Jury of
awards. Page 2.
Seattle cads itsiteek at the Fair by cele
brating patriot's day. Page 8.
Wind proves too high for airship and In
descent tree tears hole In 1L .Page 8.
Portland and Vicinity.
Lytle wants to buy Great Southern and
build to Bend. Page I.
Educational Congress closes. Page 10.
Letter-Carriers prepare for convention.
Page 0.
Real estate activity more marked than 'ever
Page 23.
New Westminster will have big Exposition.
Page H.
Job-chasers grew hungry and besiege the
.uayor. .rase zi.
J. D. Lee resigns as secretary of the Board
of Trade. Page 24.
Federal grand Jury returns two more Indict
ments. Page 10.
City Engineer Taylor must paxs on his own
btlt Page 15.
Plans for Labor day celebration. Page 21.
Features and Departments.
Editorial. Page 0.
Church announcements. Page 30.- .
Ciaf-slCed advertisements. Pages 10-23.
Portland physician's opinion' of the new
consumption "cure." Page 4S.
Halite Ermlnle Rives Impressions of the
Fair, rage 4S.
Personalities, of men of real power In- the
world today. Page 3S.
Osiar II. the different King. Page 30.
Frederick Hatlclns letter., Page 41. .
Chronology of . the Russo-Japanese war.
Undoing the Summer's mischief. Page 45.
Sherlock Holmes. Page4C.
Birds of the-Oregon woods. Page 40.
Social. Pages 20-27: 'if- !
Seaside notes. Pnges.C0;31. t . ,
Dramatic Pages 2S-20. . , "
Murical. Page 20. .
Book reviews. Page 34.'
Household and fashion. " FageOiQs.4-.;- -?
Youth's department, Page "47. "
1dejarure for a trip around tl . ' world las
teS? changed to September "iV Arrange
'mentrf are being made tohuve le&ing
Would Not Vote for Himself
for Ruler of New York
City, He Says.
FtislpnlstsUndly Mixed ojglirilce or
Antl - Tamninny Candidates.
Phelps Stokes Proposed by
arict Attorney William Travers Jerome 1s
now in much the same position as was
Speaker Joe Cannon at the last Repub
lican National Convention. Cannon had
no ambition on earth except to stay
where he was. He objected strenuously
to the efforts made to draft him for Vice
President, and would not consider tt for
a moment.
"I know Vice-President Is considered a
higher Job," snorted Uncle Joe, "I know
all about it, but"
Jerome is like Cannon, inasmuch as
he desires to retain his present place.
And the Citizens Union leaders are like
the Republican shouters for Cannon. The
Citizens' Union has met and formally
named Jerome as Its candidate for Mayor.
They will meet other .anti-Tammany or
ganizations within the next few days, and
try to bring them around to the same
point of view.
And all the time Mr. Jerome Is saying
publicly, privately, officially, unofficially
and in the strictest 'confidence that he
does not want to be Mayor, that he Isn't
lit to bo Mayor, and he wouhln take the
nomination if every voter inline ""city,
v. .
Won't Be n Two-Cent Mpr. v
"The Mayor of New Yorksaid Mr.
d Brume me oincr aay, " can De, made to
look like two cents by the District Attor
ney of New York, provided the Utter
wants to do It. The District Attorney
has a chance to do real good and to
ovtucrtv lame. e nave never'-naa
a Mayor of New York who wasVa' Quartet
he bad been before he was s'womut..
"Besides this, I can appeal to the people5
for re-election on my record. I have been
District Attorney for four years, and
either the people approve what I, have
done or they do not. They can easily ce
clde whether 1 have been a good D&trict
Attorney or not, but how can they tell
what kind of a Mayor I would make?
Why, I don't know myself, and it I can
not tell, how can I expect lont else to
Jo so? ' f
"Frankly. I think t have made, and
will continue to make, a good District
Attorney; but f-do not think I could con
sistently vote for myself for Mayor."
?.Ilx-Up Among Fuslonlsts.
The Fusion cause is really in a terrible
mix-up, and few people have any real
hope 6T" defeating Tammany Hall. Here
is the situation as It exists at present:
The Republican organization has ex
pressed a willingness to accept any candi
dates that may be agreeable to other
organizations. It suggests that the can
didate for Mayor be a Republican, but. If
adverse conditions should arise, may even
yield that point. 8tate Chairman Odell
and Xew York County Chairman Halpln
do not expect lo see Mayor McCIellnn de
feated, which is why they are so willing
to let other people do the nominating.
They expect, by virtue of the Fusion
movement, to elect an additional number
of Assemblymen, and thereby make a
Republican majority at Albany certain.
The Senators are all hold-overs, and are
three to one Republican. Odell also ex
pects that fusion will make possible the
success of the Republican County ticket
in Kings (Brooklyn). There Is a good
deal of anti-Tammany sentiment over
there, and It may cause the defeat of the
Democratic nominees. t
Republicans who are spoken of In con
nection with the nomination are Charles
A, Schieren. ex-Mayor of Brooklyn: Tim
othy I. "Woodruff, three times Lieutenant
Governor of the State, and Louis Stern.
It is a significant fact that none mt these
gentlemen are candidates. They are sim
ply "mentioned by their friends."
Citizens Union Is Split.
The Citizens' Union, which has been a
power in years past, is badly split up.
Robert Fulton Cutting has ruled It since
the start, and controls the "orcanlza-
tion." The "Cits" have no real primarlesT
being against bosses, they are "ruled by
public 5entlment." which means 1y what
3Ir. Cutting and a coterie of his friends
think is the proper thing to do.
In justice to Mr. Cutting it must be
said that he Is In no way swayed by
selfish or mercennn mntlvp. ' tia.
'what he thinks Is right, but often other
people disagree with his views.
Of the active members ofthe Citizens'
Union fully one-third believe that Mayor
McClellan should be Indorsed for re-election,
and an equal number are followers
of the "strange god." Municipal Owner
ship. The disciples jjf Mr. Cutting are
decidedly in a minority, , numerically
speaking. but they control the organiza-'
tion. and are In a position to make a good
deal of trouble. . ,
Mr. Cutting has announced that he will
not confor with the "Greater New York
Democracy," John C. Sheehan's organiza
tion, because he. does not believe It "has
the interest of fusion at heart. Sheehan.
however, has already been invited to meet
with the others at the harmony confer
ence called by the. Republicans, nnd this
means a merry mix up right at the start.
The Sheehan men have no candidate fdr
Mayor. What they .want is a share of the
rch county offices, and will probably, be
allowed to -select at least one candidate.
The Municipal Ownership "League will
also figure loadly In the conference. The
Hearst organization wants to name the
platform and the candidate for Mayor
that's all. Its platform, of course. Is tho
one with the famous "ownership of eity
utilities" plank, but Its candidate Is not
Anally agreed upon. It Is prepared, how
ever, to present these three names; John
Ford. Samuel Seabury and J. G. Phelps
Ford Is a Republican, a former me
chanic who became a lawyer. 'and an ex
member, of the State Senate. Seabury. kj
a Judge of the City Court, being elected
on the fusion ticket four years ago with
Low. lie calls himself a Democrat, but
Is" a follower of Henry George, and b
Ileves in single tax. municipal ownership
and many other things. Stokes claim to
fame Is that e murrled Rose PaHtor. the
cigarette wotker whom he met during his
settlement 'labors on the East Sate. His
advocates declare he has "won the hearts
of the common people" (that sounds like
what they used to say about Hearstl and
that he woulrfnn like wildfire m the
East Side. VoMtlclans approve of
this candidate. Because lie has mmegr.
while Ford and Seabury are poor. It te
aid that the former cigarette girl wants
to be "Mrs. Mayor. Despite the numer
ous articles portraying her as a 24-krt
"lady philanthropist" she ha yearnlngx
after the society which she has read
about but never seen.
There are other bodies which will Join,
in the deliberations over the composition
of the fusion ticket, but thw r small
fry organlzsftlons. and do not count. So
It will be seen that the RepubHcaiw Hnjfe
no candidate, the Cltzens' Union has oms
who declines to serve, while the Municipal
Ownership crowd has three.
Phelps Stokes a Tilkely Mini.
It would surprise nobody If J. G. Fnls
Stokes were tlpally chosen to lead the
antl-Tnmmany forces, but if he is. he win
be called upon to pay liberally for the
No th ui Is known as to the Tammany
ticket, except that Mayor McClellan will
b. renominated by acclamation. Although
Murphy lias made no slatement. the In
dications are that Jerome will be Indorsed
for District Attorney, and it would sur
prise nobody if his name appeared in
every column on the ballot except the So
cialists and Prohibitionists.
Some months ago I wrotev you that
Jerome was being considered as a . Guber
natorial candidate' for next year. If he
ran for Mayor against the Tammany can
didate and lost, he woukl be dead for all
time tn pnmci Tf ha pWtml Yit
nitlfl lwiiV. ttrftii njftfs that ufruilff
Kbo resented by regular Democrats should
he try to lead their army on another oc
casion.. But a nonpartisan District At
torney ' can run for - re-election without
'giving offense, and instead of losing votes,
would make them.
Oh, no! Jerome isn't anxious to be
Mayor of New York.
Why should he?
-jTeronio Positively &yL He Will Not
Be Candidate.
NEW YORK. Sept 2. In a statement
Issued nt his home in Lakeville. Conn.,
tonight. District Attorney Jerome, men
tioned a. a Citizens' Union candidate for
Mayor of New York in the, coming elec
tion, said:
"I will not under any circumstances bo
a candidate for Mayor at tho coming
Mr. Jerome said he desired to be an
Independent candidate Tipr re-election to
the District Attorneyship.
Return From Stampede Skeptical
About Meteoric Miner' Tale of
Fabulous AVenlth.
RENO, New, Sept. 2. (Special.) The
mining men of Southern Nevada look
upon the announcement that Walter
Scott has a treasure mine as a huge
Joke, probably Inspired by the hero of
the Coyoto special and lacking evon
a foundation. W. B. Wyrlck. Coroner
of Churchill County, arrived here to
day from a prospecting- trip through
the Funeral Range and Into the re
motest parts of Death Valley. He found
plenty of mineral, he says, but the
hardships that must be endured to
reach it are beyond human capacity.
There was- a rush into the district,
caused by the announcement that
Scotty's mine, bubbling- springs and all,
had been discovered.
"Why," said Mr. Wyrlck today, "a
spring- In Death Valley would be woi h
more than the richest mine In Nevada.
If Scotty had it, he certainly would use
more effort to protect it than, all the
mine In that heat-cursed district. No
one In the south believes he has a mine
there. They all think it is just a 'hot
air story, fostered by egotistical
Several Smnll Fire Started, nnd One
Man I Pinned Under
HIM Bed.
LOS ANGELES. Sept. 2. An unusually
heavy earthquake shock was exporlenced
here at 9:40 o'clock tonight. The disturb
ance was of about six seconds' duration!
The police were besieged with telephone
calls from people who believed that a dy
namite explosion had occurred. At second
and Spring streets a crowd of 2000 people
had congregated, believing that a terrific
explosion had occurred In the vicinity.
Several small fires resulted from the
shock. At one restaurant the flue .was
tumbled down, and a blaze started which
brought out the fire department. In mak
ing the run a nre engine ran down a garb
age wagon and a. pony and phaeton, the
latter being dragged beneath the engine
for half a block,
Assistant City Electrician Colburn,
sleeping in thetower of the City Hall,
was thrown from his bed and pinned be
neath It by a falling bookcase. He. tele
phoned to the police that the City Hall
wag being dynamited.
Despite Warnings, He Contin
ues Trip From Hong
kong, to Canton.
City's Walls Placarded With Offen
. sive Cartoons Viceroy Invites
Party to. Banquet, lnifWlll
Xot Attend Ilinisclf. .
HONGKONG. Sept. 3. The transport
Logan, with Secretary of War Taft and
party on board, arrived here at 10 o'clock
thla morning. All tlie .party are well.
Owing to the unpleasnnt anti-American
demonstrations and the display of posters
in Canton, there were lengthy arguments
on the Logan as to whether the party
rihouHl go to Canton, as planned, or not.
Consul-General Bragg advised that the
visit he not made.
Secretary Taft, however, decided to go.
on at 9 o'clock tonight. He will arrive
there in the morning. Only men will be
guests at the bamtuet which will be given
by tho Viceroy, who will be absent. In
teresting developments are -liable to result
as an outcome of Mr. Taft's "visit.
Miss Alice R(Mt'Yf!t. having obtained
the content of Mr. Taft, will leave at 3
o'clock th& afternoon for Canton on a
visit to Consul-General Lay. Miss Roose
velt will be accompanied by Miss Board
man. Miss McMillan, Mrs. NcwlandTs and
Representatives Longworth and Gillette.
They will return to Hongkong Tuesday.
The Governor of Hongkong. Sir Matthew
Nathan, and the British colony are feting
the visitors.
The British Admiral has ordered a gun
boat to accompany the Callao tip the
West River.
Consul-General Lay has demanded an
apology from the Viceroy for the insult
ing costers displayed. The Viceroy hns
given ample assurances that the loaders
will be arrested and given severe, pun
ishment. Mr. Taft and Miss Roosevelt will bo
entertained today at a luncheon by Sir
Matthew Nathan, Governor of Hongkong
General Cortln andfrtatjjlUErnj tho.
calls of. the military aniigiav-tl wramand-
Veterans Pour Into Denver for the
Grand Army Encampment.
DENVER. Sept. 2. Arrivals of Civil
War Veterans and of tourists who have
taken advantage of the cent-n-mile rata
made by the ralirods for tho 39th annual
encampment of the G. A: R., to be held .
In Denver September 4 to 9, were heavy
todny on all liner entering the city. Com-
mander-ln-Chlef John R. King- and party,
who -came West in a special train run over
the Burlington road, arrived at 9 o'clock
today, and were escorted by a band and
the local reception committee to the
Brown Palnee Hotel, where official head
quarters were opened.
"From reports I have received," said
General King in an Interview today, "I
believe the Denver encampment will be
one of the most successful and memora- "
ble In the history of the Grand Army."
One of the motit Important works of tho
encampment. In- which the G. A. R. and
all Its auxiliaries are equally Interested, is
the revival of the pluns for a new Na
tional Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at
Washington, D. C. The most enthusiastic
supporters of the movement are members
of-the Department of the Potomac.
Nearly 10.000 strangers arrived in the
city during the 2 hours ending at mid
night tonight, and the arrivals during
the last three days are estimated at 20.000.
The decorations and illumination of tho
city's main streets In honor of the old
soldiers are t?aid by visitors generally to
be the most elaborate and handsome ever
witnessed in any American city.
KANSAS CITY. Sept. 2. It is estimated
that 15,000 excursionists bound for Denver
passed through the Union station here
Colonel Wall Resists Absorption of
Utah Copper Company.
SALT LAKE. Sept. 2. To prevent the
passing of the Utah Copper-Company to
the control"of the so-called Smelter'Trust
is the object of an injunction suit filed
todajt In the State Court by Colonel B.
A. Wall, director and vice-president of the
Utah Company. Colonel Wall owns one
fifth of the capital stock.
He alleges that at a recent meeting of
directors in Colorado it was voted to in
crease the capital stock from $4,500,000 to
$6,000,000, and to issue $3,000,000 of bonds
for improvements. Coolnel Wall alleged
that he has been denied his proportion
ate share in the proposed issue of new
stock and bonds unless he shall agree to
Join with the other officers and directors
of the company lit a sale of 51 per cent
of Its capital stock to the American
Smelters Securities Company, controlled
by the-Guggenheims, at $20 a share.
The present market value of the stock,
he alleges, is $26 to $30 a share, and a sale
of his stock at the terms whjch the di
rectors are attempting' to force would
mean a toss to him of $439,000. A tempor
ary restraining order was issued.
Kansas Millionaire Found Dead.
WELLINGTON. Kan., Sept 2. A prl" 4
vate message received here tells of the
death at Plain View. Tex., of John T. '
Stewart, a multl-millionnlre, who was
found dead in bed at a hotel. He died
of apoplexy. Mr. Stewart probably wa3.
the wealthiest man in Kansas, having
immense holdings of farm lands in this
state and Oklahoma. He also was prin
cipal owner in several banks and had
large interests in lumber and flouring
mills and other eaterprlses. ;