THE T7DAY QTGOTfTLAS PORTLAyP,- xTUKE 25, 1905'. 33 SUGAR 161 1 Market Takes a Drop Twenty Cents. of IS FOLLOWING NEW Y0R Heavy Receipts of Raws on the At lantic Seaboard Cause Depres sion All Over the Country. - e Eastern Eggs on Hand. SUGAR Coast prices drop 20. cent jn response to Eastern decline. HOPS Alarming reports r'eved of f I ravages 01 nee. FRUIT Deciduous varieties Is de mand. Carlots of melons and eanta Jnupes due Tuesday. POTATOES Fancy new CaWomta. white offering lower. EGOS Car of Mlnaesetao setta quickly. Stocks of Or-gons low. POULTRY No supply carried ovor. Good week In foreeaotod. GUTTER Cowatry More grade weak er. Croamefy doll. The downward nrogrer of the Mar ket It still wider war. Prteos of reoe4 took a tumble of 20 coats ytor4ay. alt pr4' and all points on the Cmk holne affoetod. The declino followed the 0Sfl-Fotttt droo In New. York on the orovtows day. which was occasioned by the forrtec of rawo ok the Baetern market The Mite of vatoon at the moment h weak. Since the preeent downward imvmmm be gan, in New York on Monday ovoiU. and on this Coast on Tuatdny ovorIkr. prlcee In a1 markets have decUofd 4 oents. A com parison with previous quotation shows that rncea today are 46 cents Iom than they were a year ace. M cost lea than at this time two yeans ago, and 24 cents leo than tbree years ago. fcowtoK a remarkably edy market in that period. In IBM. a year of Frrai ovrrproouciion n raw hw. wmos declined fl.S botwoen May and November. In 1000, when the 'nan a hrtKe, there was a phenomena! advance of J!. from April ti September, the createet advance that has taken place in V) yoars. Prices thou alnwot reached the point when the IVoMern rofinoro had to got their ewnpty of raw from New T"rk. Many persons think that the mpar market a ways goes ttf at this time of year. teAn enced by greater oonoumpUoH, but swch is sot the case. a a 4m4? of prices in the part 16 year shows that 4n three Summers prien advancod. in three of the yoars the' held steady, and in tewr of the years they de' lined. Values on the Pacific Coast are inflnonced soely b- Eastern conditions, no change hav lr,x taken place here for nearly a year, ex -op; on the basis of the Now York market. swgar 'are still owning to freely he Atlantic ports, and the indications are market may so lower. a stocks are pll 2nK up. hot the decline wilt ovonUHlty have the effect of ehccktoc" rroelbts. GOOD SALE FOR FRUIT. St earner Brings Fair Supply of Deciduous Varieties. The steamer brooght up a fair snpnt of deciduous fruits that met with good sale yesterday. With the express shipment the market was. fully atippliod. in fact, having to many plums and pnmos. Koth woakenMt t" TAtrfH) cents a box. New apples were more plentiful, and were offered at J1.W1.7S. Fancy poacboo wore hold at 7f cents. Chor riet were in good sttppty and rangod from 3 to T cents, aoeording to variety and qual ity. Another cor of mixed fruits Is dwe Monday, and in It will be the Urot let of yellow peach-. atermeions are going off fnirty welt in spite of the cool woather. Another cor will arrive Tuesday, and the Arst straight car cf cantatoopee l dw the mm day. Three cars of bananas will be on the track today. On the fltoamer was a smalt shipment of California tomatoes that brought $2.26 per f ur-basket crate. A f mall quantity of cauli flower and beans wore also on the boat, but most of this truck is now brought In from local territory- Some very line new white California imtatouc are offering at the name priee as Garnets. Sl.2MM.M. A ear of California onions arrivoa yesterday. MINNESOTA KC.GS SELLING. Strong Demand u I-wnl Supply In Is Short. The expected car of Eastern eng reached 'he city yesterday mot-ntus. and found aa active market, as local stocks were lew. The Imported article was pronounced to he first case. The eggs soM so readily that by the i lose of business hours the lot had boon prac tically disposed, of. Twenty coots woo quoted on the Eastern eggs, but this Agar was shaded or large lots, A large retailer also brought in a mixed cor of Ktrn eggs and butter yesterday. Other sMpmonts of egg, are on the way. Receipts of Oregon eggs wore very slim. . . . . and man- bouses had none at all to offer, The quotation was strong at 20 eents, and would have heea kicker but fr tfc. w.,. noma nave seen ntgner nut for the Kostern competition. Some wholesale groeors quoted 21 cents in a small way. POULTRY CIJiANS UP. Prospects Are for Good Business the Coming ! Week, Poultry receipts were not very heavy yes terday. and a the d'-mand was quit brisk, dealers hod a good opportunity to clean up. Trices were practically unchanged, cod ehiejk ens" bringing 12 crato and Spristgo K.W16 cents, according to sloe and condition. Other kinds of poultr' oid at former prices. Deal ers took for a good market in the coming week. Retailers have not bought heavily n the past week, and moot of thorn found no dtfnoulty In rieaatag up at the reasonable retail quotations asfced. and at therefore expected to be in the market a heavier buy rs In lot next few dapo. White aa active eek is promised, there b not much cer tainty as to the courts of prioes, but the general opinion Is tht they wttt rule steady. HOI" LICE SPREADING. Serious Reports Are Coming In From Val ley Ynrd. ' Serious reports are roceroed from the hop yards of the Mate of the spread of lice and honey dew. It Is feared that the crop may be sextouoly damaged unteM there to a sud den change la the w-oatber. The present cool, wot spelt it caueiar. the vtrniin to mul tiply rapidly, and ako pwents stsraytng rroptay- What is woMod nor- tc a hot spell to cheek the rajnges of the . Mee. and it zhouM came soos. or It aar bo too $ate. The. markrt was aaet yceero4'. the osiy transaction 'Of the dv being betweoa to dealers; A ckrtad of hw was Involved la U deal. nd the neJee was -aid to be within the jrfvt!Hfic of pricer. It w learned that th" tot of 150 bales bousht by Harry Han from Rah Wlssiaias on Friday was for Lllienthal Bros., "who K was not supposed were in the market. The hops were taken In yesterday. The price rM tor the lot was 2 cents. A total paper last evening staled that a dealer bad bought 18 bales from mi P. MaclH. of IsuUevflle. at 9 cents. j j in the ' There Is m -or grower ta this rate Cwr4 Krone, of Salem. 'he was ct las evening. hM he t ntowioted Ja a recent statement to wMch he i taJd to ve mm the growers to sell K the' rot a MCtofaeMn- p-toe. What Mr Kreh toM the guowors was that they hould -fit now t the- had. an' dofire to set the bottom priee. as the Market will soon advance. Store Butter Weaker. Th- market for csaatry owe butter I- re ported to be wekr. hot ouetattotvi as .yet have not been changed. Creamery butler hoMs at the former twice, hot is Mt aa lax- toeal movement to slow. The late rains premise to keep up the supply of cream. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yostorday wre as follows: Balances. ( Clearings. Portland. ?1MUS Seattle 76S.7S3 117,92 Taewaa . -les.twt 34.40A 50.371 Hp oka e ' 147.v9t Clearings of Portland, Seattle and Tacoma for the week were: Portland. Seattle. f tfll.R2 1 078.PI0 1.1VI.9RK 94S.1D7 fllfi.4B7 78K.733 Tacoma. fl.Mtl.7S0 95.252 MA.271 07.5S5 422.724 40S.4PG Monday.... SW2 Tweeda .. S42.222 Wotfnesday. MUt: TtHtrsnay.. 7i.zt yrtoay Saturday. . . l.6SJ9a Total. J6.SI.71 JI.725.M0 Js.et2.15S Clearings for the eorrefpondlag week in former years were: Portland. Seattle. 1S09 (l.M.7xe $r.&. 1 1 4 IPol l.fM7.t7 2.SJ1.27X 1P2 2.7a4.tl27 4,2l.2it l$m a.Db.M)i 3.647.91 144.. S.260.66S 4.0M.4SO Taeoma. I ll.OW.P77 l.pan.057 l.47.01 1.72S.S7S 122,673 PORTLAND QUOTATIONS, t drain. Flour. Feed. Etc. FLOUR Patents. S4.Sv&3.16 per barrel: straights. $JM.23; clears. I.7Stf4; Valley. SS H -.: Dakota hard wheat, 6.S7.59; Graham. (8.3(1!; whole wheal, $4 6 4.26; ne &our loeal. $1; Eastern. JS.S3.99; corn meat, per bale. 1.S02.2. WHEAT ("lute. StsflS&e per bushel; Wuestem. S&fffllc: Valley. 65c. BARLKY Feed. I22.22.6 per ton: reited. $2.W. OATS No. 1 white, feed. 334) per ton; gray, o4. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $19 per ton;, mid dlings. S24.8: shorts. $21; Chop. U. S.. Milte. $19; linreod dairy food. 51S, Axatfa moat. 113 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. JV0 pound sacks. $6.73; lower grades $396-23: oatmeal, steel cut. 3-poun4 sacks, $S per bairel, lu-pound. kacka, $4.23 per bate; oat meal (ground), 38 -pound sacks, $7.30 per barrel: 16-pound, sacks. $4 per bale; sprit peas. $3 per lOw-pouod sack: SSt-pound boxer. $1.4M; pearl barley. $4.23 per 100 pounds: 23 poo nd boxes. $1.25 per box; pastry flour, 10 pound seeks. $2.30 per bale. HAT Timothy. $14 016 per ton; dover, $11 -5 12; grain. $11&12; cheat, $1112. Butter. Eggs, roultry. Etc. EOG6 Oregon ranch. 20c per dozen; East era. lto$20c. BL'TTKR Clly creameries. Extra cresnt ery. Z 21 Sec per pound; state creameries. Fanc. creamer'. 17Jj 921 V.; store butter. lseiuc. CHEESE Oregon full cream twins. 11HS 12c: Young America. 12;tjl3,c POULTRY Kancj- hens. l212Hc; averacc hen. 12c; mixed chickens. UtMSc; old root. er. Stnc; young roosters. Mtfllc: SprtBgs, to 2 pounds. 13e; 1 to 1H pourvdi. lSVTlSe: dresed chickens. 134jf14c; tur keyr. live. ISdflMc; turkeys, dressed, poor. 174f2c: turkeys, choice. 2f22n; seese. live, per pound. 7feSc: geese, dretsed. per pound. 9910c: dooka, old. f7ffS: ducks, young as to itee. $3"f7.50; pigeonc, $ldfl.23; euabs. ?2. Vesetables Fruit. Etc DOMESTIC FRUITS-Strawberrie. $1.50f 2 per crate; apple, tabic, 51.5oCf2 5ii per box; .gooseberries. 30c4f$l; ner Calllortiln, $1.39 1.75 pr lox; apricots. S3cS$l rr crate; peaches, "fcc per crate, plums. TSSfPOe per crate: Logan berries. $1.23 per crate; blackberries. 73c per crate: cherries. 367c per m.. cantaioupoe. per riate; pars, il per box: Mack Ago, $1 per craur; currants. Sc per puund; prunes. 7tKc . raspberries, $1.73 per crate; watermelons, 2HT3c per pound. TROP1CAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. 33.50; choice. $S per box; oranges. fancy. 32.30C2.75 per box; choice. 122 Stf, standard. $l.ftutjl.75: Mediterranean sweets. $2,509 2.73; Valeacias. $S; grapefruit, $2.3of3 per box; bananas, 5c per pound; pineapples, $2.59 per dozen. FRESH VEGETABLES Artichokes. 50e per dozen, asparagus. 20c per box; beans, Stf 7c per pound: cabbage. ItflUi' per pound; cauliflower. 31 per dosen: cet or'. 0Oc per dozen; corn. 36 lr 40c per dezec; cucumbers. 40cfl$l per doeen: egg ptaat, 174c; lettuce, hothoute. 23c per dozen; lettuce, head. 10c per dov-n; parsley. 25e per dozen; peas. 2tt3c per pound; peppers. 23c per pounC: radishes. 104 13c per dezon; rhubarb. 1HO 2rrC per pound; tomatoes. $1.734 per crate, squash, 31 1.25 per box. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.23 1.40 per sack; carrots. $1.251.50 per saok; boots. $)fg'1.2S per sack; garlic, 12 be per pound. ONIONS-Californla red. Jl.2S4fl.50 per bun dred; ellow. $1.75. POTATOES-Oiecoo fancy, old. $If1.26; Oregon, new. $1.30. Eastern. fltfl.SO; CaH fornU. new. $1.23411.33. RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4 -crown, 7c; 5-1hj er Muscatel ralstHs, 74e; unbleached, seedlass Sultanas. c: London layers. 3 erown. whole boxes of SO pounds, $1.53; 2 crown. $1.75. "DRIED FRUITS Apples, evaporated. 6 6Vtc per pouno; sttndriod. sacks or boxes, none; apricots. 10llc; poaches. 3$l0Hc: pears, none; prunes. ItaKan. 4 5c; Frencn. 2Hf3iC; hgs. CalKornto. blacks. 3t4c; do white, none; Smyrna. 2c; Fard dates. 6c: plums, pitted. 0c. Groceries, Nuts. Etc, rtWFRK-ilociMi. 20tj2bc; Java, ordinary. 1S4T22C; Costs Rioa. fancj. lSjr2e: good. ltt ISc; ordlnar'. iv12c per pound; Columbia mast, cases. 100s. $13.11: iVe. $13.75; Ar buekle. $14.75; Lion. $14.73. RICE Imperial jApan No. J. 35.37; South ern Japan. $3.30; Carol. &9Ve; broken head, 2fiC. SALMON Columbia River. I-peund talr. $1.76 per doaen2-pottnd tallr. 32.40; 1-pouad hau. $1.83; fancy, lflVound Bats. $1.60; Is- I S&c; red, i-pound tails, $1.90; sockeyeo. pouac nats, AKfu pat -poubo w. j 'g'bosts. 100 pounds: Cube, jigs. powdered 33.G9. dry granulated. $5..VI; 1 extra C. $5. goMer. t 34 P0. fruit sugar. i ja.30: advance oier ck basis, as follows, j&rrel. 10c; half-barrcte. 26c; boxes. 50c per I IttO pounds. (Terms: On remittance within 15 I days, deduct 4c per pood; U later than 15 a. ..u. aa aavs. deduet tic oer oteund: no discount after SO days.) Beet sugar, graau. ! lated. $5.40 per 100 pouaos; maple eugar. I 134j4c per pound. SALT California, $11 per ton. $1.00 per bale. Liverpool. 50s. $17; Id, 16.50; 200f. -feaK.rnMMMl 100s. 37: 50s. 37.50. NUTS Walnuts, ISfcc pec pound by sack, lc extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts. 13e; nlberts. 14c; pecans. Jumbos, 14c; extra large, 13c. almonds. I X. L.. 10c; chesteuts. Ital lano. 15c: Ohio. 34.60 per 25-pound drum: pea nuts, raw. 7c per pound; roasted, 9c. pine nuts. lO012Mjc; hickory auts. 7c; eoceasutt, 7c: cocoaauts. 33900c per oesen. BEANS Small white. 3s&4ic: large white, V: pink. 3jjtfSc; bayou. 4jc; Lima. Cc Dressed Meats. BERF Dressed bulle. IfcCc per pound; cows, SW$4jtc; country steers; 4je. MUTTON Dreeoed fancy. 3c per pound; ordinary. 4 c VEAL Dressed. 100 to 133 pounds. &S7c: 125 to 200pundt. 4H5c; 2w peuncs and up 34c PORK Dressed. 100 to 330. 7Q7UC; 150 and up. 397c per pound Provision and Canned Meats. HAMS M to 14 pounds. SMc per pound; 14 to 16 pounds. IS: IS to 20 pounds. 1SV-: CatMernia tpicnle). c: cottage hams. Or: shouhlera. c: bolted ham. 21c; boiled pic nic ham. boneless. 13c HACON Fancy hreakCast, I3c pr pound: Kandard hroakfst, lOS; choice, l&c; Eng lish breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds. 14c: peach bacon. 13c. SAUSAGE Portland, ham. 16c per pound; minced ham. 10c: Summer, choice dry. 17Hc: bologna, long. Mtc. weJnerwurst, Sc; liver. 6e; pork. Sc: Wood. 3e; headcheese. 6c; bologna auaage, link, 4 He DRY SALT-CURED Regular short clears. JH,c salt. 1M.C smoked; clear backs. &He salt. 10 He smoked: dear bnlNet. 14 to 17 pounds average, none salt, none smoked: Oregon exports. 20 to 23 pounds average. 1V salt. U4c eoteked LARD--Leaf lard, kettle-rendered: Tierces PSc: tubs. "&c; 34)s. B'ic; 20. 10c; 10. lOSc; So. lO'nc Staadad pure: Tierces, 6Uc; tubs. H. : 20s. PHc; 10s. f He; 5s. Pfc Compound: Tierces, del tube, 6Ve: 30c. 6tc; 10. Kc;. 3. Cfcc PICKLED GOODS-Potk. Wrels, $15; hxl barrels. 9.50; beet, barrelt. $12. half barrets. CANNED MEATS Corned beef, rousd. per deten. $1.23: two poaad". $2.35: riz pounds. IS. Boast beef fiat, poo nil. SI Si: tw pounds, none: tlx pounds, none. Reast beef. taH. pounds, none; tw pounds. J2-3 ; six pounds, none. Lunch tongue, pounds, nose; two pounds, none; tix potindr. $5. 50. Hop. Wool. Hide, Etc. HOPSChoice. ItKK. 193 Sic per ponnd. WOOI- Eastern uregen. average beat. 2Jc; lower grader, down to 15c. aeeerdtsr to shrinxtge. Valley. roatTc per -pound, MOUA1R Choice. SlSSSHe Per poone. 1IIDES Dr aJots. o. i. io poeaoa aa4 up. IftQloHe rer round, dry kip. No. 1. b to 16 pounds, ll(Me per pound; dry calf. No. J. unifr 5 potmds. 17316s; dry ralttd. bulls and sicca, cnctblrd les? than dry Slnt. iculls. moth-eaten, badly est. scored, tsurrata. hair slipped, weather-beaten or trubby. -Sc per pound less); caltrd hides, steer, xotind. 60 poonds and over. PS 10c per pound. & to 03 pounds. SH3Pc per pound: under M poun&s and cewn, 639c per pound: salted Fixes and b1. sound 6c per pound; salted, kip. souix!, 15 to 36 pounde. 9t per pound; salted vtat. i sound. 16 to II pound.-. Pc per pound; salted calf, soood. under 10 poonai. ic per pounC; (grcea uasaltod. lc per pound left, culls, le per pound leas). Sheep rklns: Sheartfari. No. 1 butchers stock, ?S0c each: short wool. No. 1 butcher' stock. 40t7vc each: medium wool. No 1 butchers' stock. 60069c. leag wool. No. 1 butchers' atock. tlglO each. Murrain pells from 10 to 20 per cent less or 12gi4e per pound; horse hides, salted, each, aoeording to else. I1.S0S3; dry, each, according to size, II (JI N); colls" hide. Zb&SQc each; roit skint. coBtrnon 1091&C atb; Angora, with wool ea. SeHX1.60 each. TALLOW Prime, per pound. ShSIc; No. S I FURS Bear eklns. as to size. No. 1. 32.S0 10 each, cubs, 1S2. baoger. 5oc; wild cat. with head pet fed, 25pS9e; house eat, 6g0c. fox. common gray. .ooSToc; red. SS'J 6. crofp. 15S15. riiver and Mack. $lC?20d: fishers. 5fi6; lysx. fl.Seffd: mink, otrictiy No. 1. according to site. J1J2-M; marten, dark Northern, according to site and color. tietflS: marten, pale, pice, according to stzt and color. 1 2. SO f? 4: muokrat. large. 102 lie; skunk. 40050c: civet, or polecat. ZrglOe; otter, larxe. prime skin. SSfflO; panther, mith head and claw perfect. $2S5; raccoon, prime, 303 !Ae; xoountaln wolf, with bead perfet, ti M fJ5; coyote. GOeSJl; wolverine. JftSS; beaver, per skin, large. tr8; medium, ftgl; atsaH, I101..V); kits. Kg7Sc BEESWAX Good, eltaa aad pure, 20322c per pound. CASCARA SAGRADA (CbJttam bark) Good. 34 (He per pound. GRAIN BAG S Calcutta. 7c Oils. TURPENTINE Cates. &c per galios; bar rel. Me per gallon. WHITE LEAD Ton tots. 7e; 300-poand tots. 7c: Uet than 500-pound tot. Sc GASOLINE Stova TtooUne. casw. 23He; iron barrels. 17c: 66 tZ- txxMat. cases. 32c; Iron barrels or drums. 2fic COaL OIL Case. CO: Iron birr eta. lie; wood barrefci. 17c; 63 deg.. easoc. 22c; IroB barreSa. 35t-c. LINSEED OIL Raw, 3-barrel tots, 82?; 1 barrel tota, 5c; caser, 66c Boiled: 3-barrel total 64c. 1-barrel lou. 63c; eases. 70c SENTIMENT IS BEARISH WEAKNESS PREVAILS IX ALL CHI- ' CAGO GR.UX PITS. July Wltrat Closes With a Lost, of Over a Cent Good "Weather Cause Heavy Selllnjr. CHICAGO. June -4. NotwhhsUndinc add! t ional rain in Kannu and the North est. sen' ttment in the wheat pK was bearish the en tire seslon. At the opening, the July option wss a shade higher at SV tower, at 0,f lV,c During the first hour of trading price held comparatively steady, the market re ceiving fair support from eeauaisflen-housrs. From the tart pit-traders wore free tellers. the disposition deeming to be to take proAta preceding the Sunday hoMday. New damage reports were received, while on the other hand a number of advices from Kansas and Nebraska told of favorable yWdi. Later sell ing became general on an official predtrtten of bright neather In the harvest bet. As the result the market became extremely weak. At the same time poor demand for cash wheat In outside markets had oonriderabie effect on priceo here. For the July option the lowest point of the day was reached at ic. cav ing weak, IMMUc tower at Wc September was off He at StTic Sentiment In the corn pH was heart h. The market closed easy. July ctosod H8Hc at 33c. Weaknem prevailed In oats. July erased He tower at 317e. Provitlons were firm. At the etose. pork was off 7V- and ribs aad lard were un changed. The leading futures ranged as fottews WHEAT. Open. High. Low. do.-. July September . . December ... .$ -filU 3 .P1V1 $ .SOU $ .W . .S5S .65H 64 S . .6M h5t .Stli .64H CORN. July (new)... July fold)... Sept. foWi... Sept, (new).. . .Vi .334 .33 -3S . .S3f .t -3 .? . .:.2J .32H .32S .S2i . .32V .32 OATS. . JKK .3214 MK .31 July September December . . JOS .30U JPf .304. . .am JtS Jitb iH MBS PORK. July 12.67 12.676 12.37 12.37H September 18.W2H 13.86 12.S7H 12.S7h LARD. July 7.30 7.30 7.23 7-trfe September .. 324 7.5TS SHORT RIBS. July 7.72S 7.75 7.171, 7 7f. September 7.03 7.08 7.Stj 7.W October S.0o S.W 7-;Va 7-95 Cash quotations were as followa: Ftour Easy; Winter patents. $4.3064.40; stralghto. $404.20; Spring patents. $34j3.70 straights. 33.75f3: bakers'. $2.4A$O.50. Wheat-No. 2 Spring. $1.101.12; No. 3. $1 ftl.i; No. 2 red. Jt.. Corn No. 2. 54jiHe: No. 2 yellow. S44c Oats No. 2. SindfJSc; No. 2 white. B2ir 33V: No. 3 white, 31c. Re No. 2. 7frNc Barley Good feeding. 404Se: fair to choice malting. 4(V49c Flaxseed No. 1. $1.26; No. 1 North totem. $1.43. Timothy seed Prime. $, Mess pork Per barrel, $12912.). Lard Ior 100 pounds. $7J0S-?.22S. Short ribs sides Loooe. $7.66f?7.60. Short rtear sides Boxed. J7.5O07.HSU. Clover-Coatract grade, $11.73912.23. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels .......... 15.000 14.11 Wheat, buohels Com. bushels 67.fXm Oats, bushebi .....152. SOU Rye. bushels I.Y0 Barley,, bushels 27.300 52.70 4-i7.1oi 200,900 1.000 12,600 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. June 24. Ftour-Reoeipts. 21 000 barrels: exports, 13.100 barrels. Quiet but firm. Winter patents. $4.!fr3,25; Wl ler straights. $4.6034.S6; Minnesota patents. $5.3086.20; Winter extras. $3.1008.6: Win ter low grades. $343.53; Minnesota bakers. $3.7534.15. Wheat Receipts. 32.S00 bush-is: exports. 1S.9O0 bushels. Spot Irregular. No. 2 red. 31.03 elevator and $1 06. nominal f. o. b afloat; No. 1 Northern Doiuth. $1.2eU f. e. b. afioat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, $1.13 f. o. b. afloat. Options at first were higher en foreign bying and room covering, but event ually weakened under Itqutdatloa due to Im proved crops and weather conditions and an absene of further bull oupport. The market closed SCe net tower. July doted 4e; September closed 0c; December closed fSHc Hops Steady; Pacific Coast, 1904. 234J2SC; 1MO. 19921c: olds. 10g2c HMes Steady; CaMfornia. 20 to 26 pounds. lf- v Wool Firm: domestic Sceee, 324$6e. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. June 21. Wheat aad bar leyFirmer. Spot Quotations: Whtat-Shlpplng. $1.474413; mtrMIng, 11.33 Feed. 9f97iC Oats Red. $1.15IJ10. . Call-board salts: - ' Wheat December. $tJr$i. Barley December. SSWc Cora Larre yoMow. $ 1.3745 1.4 4. Wheat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. June 24. Wheat. Jutfe 6s M4d: September. 6s 9i: December. U '44 Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. June 24. When. U"Jh-i-r4. sUfl 1st Mutiteni, P0c; club," S2c LULL IN ADVANCE War Clouds Cause-More Cau tion in Stock Speculation, BREAK IN FRENCH RENTES Disposition Shotvn to Reduce. Com mitments Over Sunday In View of Possibility of -Unfavorr able" Developments. NEW TORK. June 24. There was a paM today In the activity of the operattoos for advance la prices of stockr.- -and 'tat two hour session of the nock exheange was Quiet- a' disposition was shows to re duce ccmrnltrrjrnU In the market In view of the Sunday Interval. The clouds on the European political hori zon accentuated Ihls -tendency. A further sharp break In French rente and the further running off of the sterling rate at Paris were testimony to the acuteness of the anxiety over the relation between France and Germany. -British console were 'affected In less degree. Both of thes government securities rallied before the tlee cf the mar kets In London and Paris, but there was free selling here for foreign account and the possibility of unfavorable" developa'tits be fore Menday was canva-sed. The wheat and cotton markets showed a yielding tendency, and prospect of clear ing and warmer weather in the wheat bet were regarded with tatlifactton. but the commodity markets were ' also affected by pecul-itlve realizing IncMenr to the dosing of the week. The bank statement revealed a replenish ment of- reserve mueh larger than was an ticipated, the increase in cash averages reaehlng $7,512,200. At the same time a $2.000.0 toaa contraction operated to re lieve the reeene requirement In proporttoa. The favorable bank statement, however, was taken advantage of to pursue the prevailing disposition to realize and prices ran off afttr a partial recovery, clewing easy and at a soot the lowest all around. Total sales of bonds. par value. $1,457,000. A speculative leadership for an advance ia prices has asserted Itself In the slock mar ket this week and has moved prices upwards with aggressiveness and determination. The leadership is evidently in the hands of prac tical and skillful operators supplied with abundant means and organized to attempt aa extensive speculative campaign. Large orders have been distributed In concentrated form and give evidence of coming' front aa organized source. The advance In prices has rncouatered an important volume of realiz ing sales and ihese hate rather Increased as the advance extended. But offerings were absorbed and the boldness manifested by the buying has Impressed observers with the power and resources of the conductors of the campaign. Speculative sentiment has beea the more Impressed by the aggressiveness of the leadership owing to the fact that some of the Immediate news of the week has been unfavorable to the movement and has been Ignored. Probably the most striking feature of the I present stock market i its close conformity to what from past experience might be called the financial time-table. A mere or less protracted rise through the Winter aad early Spring; a more or less violent reaction, oc- ' earring In May; a, warm period during the I early part of June and then another term of j rising prices, these are the successive pro cesses through which Wall street has passed almost evey year since 1S0S and it Is pass ing through them again jhU season. The xpianatlon commonly given for the dull spell In tardy June Is that the market is walling on the crops. If the-crop euilook by the end of the month is good, the time has arrived when speculation can begin to dis count the effect that a prosperous harvest is to have upon dhe business of the country for the ensuing year. It is the promtae decidedly above the ordl nar' for a plentirut harvest next Autuma that has afforded the mala inspiration to this week's operating for the advantage of tae stock exchange. The chief point -that the price movement of the week has emphasized is that a market that has been liquidated arvc where holdings of securities have become strongly concentrated U la a position to dis tinguish the really important determinants of value and give them precedence over every thing else. The plain reasoning that has gov erned Wall Street for the past few weeks 1 that the outlook for the cropn Is excellent: that bountiful harvests mean beyond reason another year of great business prosperity; that this in turn will bring larger dividends to holders of stocks; that prices. In spite of their great advance, have not yet discounted these prospects for dividend returns. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. bid. Adams Express ..... 243 Amalgamated Copper 15..V-0 Mtj SI S4 Am. Car & Foundry. " 3IS 3414 3IH do preferred 06 American Cotton Oil 31 do preferred !) American Express 215 Am. Hd. & Ltb. pfd. 2.500 36ft 34 .13H American Ice 23 Araer. Linseed Oil IS da preferred 41 American Locomotive 2.300 4S 47H 47; do preferred 2v0 113 113 112 Am. Smelt. & Refin. $.00 117 1164 "H do preferred HOU Am. Sugar Refining. Am. Tobacco pfd.... Anaconda Mining Co. Atchison do preferred 10O 137 137 l"Mi OS. 3t0 106 1M3 HW t TV.1 5Mt too loss 104 1004 Atlantic Coast Line. 15U Baltimore Ohio... 13.200 1114 110S 111 do preferred P6U Brook. Rapid Transit 0.600 65 67 674 Canadian Pacific 3,50) 150; ISO 13OS 1 enirxi 01 jersey. ...... ..... . puo ja-rapeaxe t unio l.iw oi'i 3i?i At Chicago & Alton 33 75 19K do preferred 100 7Mt 7SV, Chicago Gr. Western. 30O -9V1 Cbl. A Northwestern Chi.. Mil. & St, Paul S.l'V) l7oi 176 Chi. Term. & Trans. do preferred 1964 1764J, Ji 31 C. C. C. St, I... Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado & Southern. do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred.... Consolidated Gas ... Com Products do preferred Delaware Sc. Hudson. Del.. Lack dt West. Denver A Rio Grande do preferred Distillers Securities. 96 1.200 100 lH 43i; 43 27H 27U 27 43U 274 2XO 3t " 37" 364 .". j-r iv- 94 364 1.100 1S74 1ST 370 2a 200 3.100 1.600 soo RS4 SS4 43 424 41i 414 73 H 67i 67 42U 4lL Erie do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred.... General Electric .... Hocking Valley .... Illinois Central .... International Paper.. do preferred International Pump.. 174? 91V 1.500 1604 163U 1634 100 100 trvt toti itL nf 784 7IS 7S? co preferree ...... Iowa Central 100 23; 23; do preferred ..... SO 23 40 Kansas City Southern do preferred Louisville & Naehv. Manhattan L 100 34 54 54 3.000 147S 1464 17 164 Met. Securities .. SO0 61 RH so: letropoiiian nr. i,-'" ii is Mexican Central ... 300 214 21 214 Minn, dr St. Loo us 74 M-. St. P .& S. S. at 1104 do preferred no; I0ii 1004 JI .uu..l Te4A . TftTl C 9 w-t- Missouri Padfic 274 Mo.. Kan. A- Texas. . do preferred National Lead Mex. Nat. R. R- pfd. . 1004 -4 314 New York Central.. -100 1434 1434 143: X. T. Ont. & West. 1.900 514 31 31 Norfolk St Western do preferred .... North American .. Northern Pad fir .. 62S S2t; S2V 024 100 ; 90 994 1S34 100 30 S 30 Padfic Mall Pennsylvania 62.700 139S 13Si lS7i People's Gas 700 1014 1014 1014 P.. C. 1 . fcl. t. Pressed Steel Car... do preferred Psltman Talaee Car. Reading do 1st preferred do 2d preferred.... Republic Steel do preferred- Rock Island Co do preferred "Rubber Goods do preferred ..... Et, I dtS. T. -i "F.'i 3S V2 236 37.200 954 974 974 91 S9U 500 IB4 15H IStC 734 T.4W 3S4 294 2fea SOO- 774 77 77 700 33H 33H 33 ....... .. .. icq 200 674 ST 67 St. Lonls Soathwtst, do preferred SCO Southern Faclic 15. POO 0 do preferred . . . Southern Railway 100 120i 12C5. 123, -S00 31i MS " oo prr.erreo , Term. Coal 3i Iron. o Texas Pacific 100 Tot. St. L. t West. 5C 87 P7 6H 61 33H 3SH ass 3SS 33H do preferred . Usioa Pacific. do preferred . V. S. Exrress . 200 37ti 3i 41.200 12-JS 123S 125, ::::: ::::: - 121 10-iH U. S. Leather., do preferred . V. S. Reaky.... 100 30O 92 S3t U. S. Rubber do TjreCerred 37H 'J' l 1MH lMH lesu U. T?. Steel do preferred . --.too ani 30 30 7H 074 ioo" 07H .IS lot lU SH 2S3 16S . 03 11 2SH 51 Virr.-Ca ro. CheAlea t ' . . do -preferred .; 400 109 Wabash do preferred'- 30 40 Wests-Forgo Express....... ... Westtnghotsse Elect.. Western Union 1 ... WheeWpc U Eri. . , Wisconsin Ou;ral 10O 23U 23U do preferred. Tout saleo for the day. 263.200 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK. June 24. Closing quotations: V. S. ref. 2- feg.104 'D. R.'G. 4s...l02H do coupon lOIVsiN. Y C. G. 3tjs.lf0H TC. S. 3s reg ...104 Nor. Pacific 3.. 77 do coupon.. ..101" Nor. Pacific 4s. -106H U. S. new 4s reg.132 So. Pacific Is. .. 03H .do coupon L12?tUnlon Pacific 4s.l23K V. fL old 4s reg.104 IWls. Central 4s.. 05U do coupon 103. Llap. Cs. 2d set.. 90 Atchison Adj. 4s ($-lJap. cer. .. 7Tt Stocks at London. IOJNDON. June 21. Consols for mcney. ST 13.16: Consuls for account. fO. Anaconda 3-t Norfolk & West. 64 Atehlsen 64 SI do preferred... 03 do oref erred.. .100 lOr.tari wst. szfs Baltimore O-. 113S'Fennsylvanla .. IH Can. Pacific. 134-vRand Mines.. Ches. Jc Ohio... 52 S .Reading C. Gt Western. 1S do 1st pr-f. C. Jf. 4'St. P..170S- do 2d pref. , PI 30 47 45 32H 00 DoBeere 1 So. Railway D. TL Grande. 20 n, jJo preferred.. do preferred... 01 fSb. Pacific 3 Erie 42;iUnloe Pacific. ..129 do 1st pref ... Sl'i do preferred... 04 K do 2d pref.. . 60 U. S. Steel 30", HHnois Central. 170H do preferred. . .100 Louis. A Nash.. 151 '. Wabash 20 Mo.. Kas. T. . 2S-- do preferred.. 41 N. T. Central.. .147i Spanish Fours... 914 Money. Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. June 21. Money on call, nominal, no toaas. Time loans, easy; 60 and W days. 3 per cent: six months. 3STJ3 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 448" per cent. Sterling exchange, firm, with actual business in btnkers. Mils at 4..715ff4.572a for d maad and at $4.852594. f.V tor 60 days; posted rater. 5I-S6 and $I.SS. Commercial bills. $4S3 Bar silver. SSSc Mexlcan dollars. 43V. Gcverament bonds, steady; railroad bonds. irregular. LONDON. June 24. .Bar silver, quiet 26 15-164 per ounce. Money. 1HBIS per cent. Discount rate short and three month bilts. 2 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. June 24. Sliver bars. JShe- Drafts. sight. 7Hc: telegraph. 10c. S.-erttsg. 60 days. $i.S3i; sight. 34.6Ti. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. June 24. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances In the gen era! fund ibews: Available cash balance .3137.F02.2R9 Gold 63.609.3O4 GOOD BANK STATEMENT l.CH&5t. i. t:A-tt L.uibi,ii CEEDING EXPECTATIONS. Our to Excoaa of Receipt Over Ship menta of Currency on the Interior Movement. NEW YORK, June 24. The Financier says this week: Though - a favorable bask statement was anttdpaied. because the' preliminary est! males which were based upon th traceable movements of money indicated a large Increase In cash, last week's official rtturn of the As sociated Banks disclosed a cash gain grtatly exceeding expectation. It being about $1,750. 000 more than the highest estimate. The toaa Item was. however, disappointing, in that it showed a contraction, whereas an ex paaston was looked for. The Increase In tur olus reserve was so large as to make the total more than double that shown In the previous week. The cash gain was $9,512. 200. and It was chiefly due to the excess o receipts over shipments of currency on the Interior bask movement and also to heavy disbursements by the sub-Treasury. The currency Influx was augmented by shipments hither by corporations of funds preparatory to the payment by them threugn the banks' of July dividends and Intereot; th sub-Treasury payments were heavy because of pensions, redemption of bank notes and settlements for mall transportation Incident lo the dose of the fiscal year. The deposits Increased $6.35.100. which was $933,900 be low the sum of Increase in cash less the contract too of loans; hence the statement made only a fairly good proof. Loans were reduced $2,048,200. which would seem to Indicate that contractions largely off set the expansions resulting from the loan ing of the proceeds of foreign financial bills, and also of the temporary deposits by cor porations of money preparatory to the later disbursements of dividends and Interest. It Is expeeted that la the current week such corporation deposits will largely Increase, and this gain should correspondingly Influence loans. The statement of averages of the clearing house banks of tnU rity for the week shows: Increase. Iv-ann .$1. 10212.700 . 1.146.7!2.90i 45.00.700 S7.423.30O $2.i48.200 6..W.10O 701.700 1.000,000 8.51200 4.512.20O 1.627.025 7.S65A73 7,696.423 Deposits . .... Circulation I .era I tendero Specie 214.369.600 301.792.90O 2Srt.6nS.22X 15,004.673 11M 55,323 Reserve Reserve required.. Surplus Ex. U. S. deposits. Decrease. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. June 24. Wool, unsteady: West ern mediums. 2&82Sc: fine medium. 24327c: fine. 10f21e. WHAT MAKESJHEM LAZY Porto Ricans Have Lazy Worm, but Doctor i'inds Cure. WASHINGT&N. June 21. Accordins to a rsport received by the Surgeon-General of the Army from Captain B, K. Ash- ford. Assistant Surzeon ana head of the Porto Rlcan Anemia commission. So per cent of the 1C0.CC0 Porto HIcans Ilvinp; In Use vicinity of Aibonlta. near the center-of the island, are afflicted with the "lazy worm." Headquarters and a field hos pital have been established by the Com mission at Aibonlta. and an appropriation of J1S.0C4 will be expended in tbe eradica tion of the disease, according; to the meth ods so successfully applied by Csjitaia .ahfAT-i tost vtar. His record then -ran 4SO) cases treated with an appropriation of J30CO- The treatment adopted has proved successful 'In nearly every case. The Porto Ricans have never understood tbe disease, and believed it incurable. The many cures have aroused the popula tion, and the afflicted are applyin? in large numbers for treatment. Preserve Paul Rev e re's Home. BOSTON. June 24. Prominent citizens of Boston have undertaken a. movement looking; to tbe purchase and preservation of the home of Paul Revere, -which is sit uated in North Square, this city. It is intended that the building, which is no-s Bsed as a tenement-house-, shall be re stored to Its original condition as neariiy as possible. The house was buitl prior to lfisi. aad' Is the eldest la B - -till stasdlag in iu entirety. i Downing, Hopkins & Co. EstabMahed WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4 Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce VERMIN INTHE HOPS ikely to Become Serious Un less Weather Turns Hot. YARDS NOT LOOKING WELL E. J. Smith Makes a Prediction as to 19 05 Market Values Early Buying by Brewers Can Be Looked For. PORTLAND. Or.. Just 21. iTo'the Editor.) I wsnt out yesterday aad examined tho RIs- j ley hopyard of 20 acres, b-tween Portland and Oregon City. I examined this yard sv- eral times last Summer, and then found near- j ly every hill alive and perfect, but now 1 find considerably over half of th hills ab solutely dead. On a row of 51 hills long run ning through the average part vf the yard there were- 43 dead hilts, la another row of 64 hills. 43 were dead, and 1 saw plenty of other hl!b that would run even sorse. As this is the only yard that t have had an or port unity ol thoroughly examining In Oregon, of course. I cannot say whether this feature Is general throughout the state. However. I am ie'termed by some of the most reputable and conservative dealers in Oregon that, thto : feature of dead hills is mere or lose general. and that there' are 3 great many spotted and pwieoKinK Jiw. Tae uee question win soon Become a se- rious problem, unless Oregon has several days of boiling hot weather, and that must come toon, a- the lice are rapMty drawing the vitality from the viae. A month later the vine would he mere hardy aad could better stand the effects of hce. but every da now under the present lice rood tea retards the future growth of the viae. The coaJtttns ..- lice In California are also reported much worse than in Oregon, especially in the Sonoma dis trict, which-- is the choice district of Cali fornia. I was. in Ca:ifcrE.a Ust wtik. ard the hlghu figures 1 ou.i g: i-n ihe 1903. erop from dealers was ab.vt trie rme as to 1Vj4. 3 nian of iiwm p.i it dc w m 5-XOOO bales. From all th aexs I get of th EnglUh ar German croca. they .-r look .a? unusuaHy veil for this time f yesr. But w must cot forget the fact that .H England Ukes 40.000 to 30.000 bales of American Hops every year, regardless of any conditions jhe may have at home. Thto fact i aceooat-d fo.- in this way; There is a class of English brew ers who have become partial to American born, and they demand 40.00 to 30,006 bales of our hops every year, r'gardless of any conditions or values they may have at hcirw. New York State, at the best, will not have to exceed 50.000 bales la '1903. Altowlnz Cr- gsn 100.000 bales for 1P03. and Washington 40.000. we are then short of last year's pro duction in America about 23.0n0 bale. One year ago at this time there wer 13.He bales of oW olds in New York State which have r.QT all been used up. 1 came Into your market h-r t June at 20c for 904 contracts, and. in fact, was the first man that paid this figure, buying th Dobion crop la Washington. In a few dai Mr. Schwartz and others paid the same price. The priee gradually advanced to over 30e. On leaving the Coast for New Tork. in October. I advised the Oregon growers that !f they would stand together they would get stHl higher prices. The result was hy would not stand together and values began to decline. I will make a Dredletlon again for 1905. which Is this; Judging everything from the present outlook, there wlH be a time be tween now and September 15 when every grower who wants to sell will easily obtain 20 to 23 cent". It Is a well known tact that the market this year to full of short sellers, who have been waiting, ex pecting to cover their sales at 13c through contracts with growers. But I believe the Krebs movement wilt check further eemract Ing. I am basing my Meas on exltinz corMsHlons. Aa It Is now between hay and grass, there are a hundred aad. one things that might yt happen to further shorten the wortd'a crops. There will undoubtedly be heavy bwym by dealers early la the season, owing to the fact that brewers will be out of alt kinds of hops, and they will all want some early. I have bad the situation figured right, for tunately. for the past few years. However, this may be a year that my Judgment will be reversed. If It to. In the face of all the facts that are welt known today, I wlH make no further predictions. E. J. SMITH. LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Prices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyards Yesterday. Receipt at the Portland Union Stockyard yesterday were 2X7 cattle. SnT sheep. 3. hogs and 33 eatves. The following prices were quoted at the yards: CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers, $3.50: cows and helfeto. J2.504jf2.7S; meo4WK. J1.50O2: carves, best. 125 to 2O0 pounds. $3. HOGS Beat large fat hegs. $6: block and China fat, J3.23H3.SO; steekers. $3. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley. sheared. $3: medium. 32.73; tombs. $4 f 4.25. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Price Current at Ksnws City, Omaha and Chleazo. KANSAS CITY. June 24. Cattle Receipts 500: market steady. Native steers. 34.256 3.70: native cows and hdfers, $2.2384.73 atockers and feeders. $2.4331.50: bulls. $2,238 4.0O; calves. 53.0084.33. Hogs Receipts1; 50G0: market strong Bulk of sales. $3.274S"-32H: heavy. J3.23f3.3e; packers. $3-23-83.324; pigs and lights, $3.20 05.13. Sheep Receipts. 3000; market steady. Mut tons. $4.2385.30; lambs. $3.7597.00; range wethers. $4."Cfl3.23; fed ewes. $4384.00. SOUTH OMAHA. June 24. CatUe Receipts. cone; market unchanged. Native steers. $3.73 j 5-.30; cows and heifers. $3.0084.36: Western steers. $3-25e--3; canners. i m,z toe leers and' feeders. $2.504.65: calves. $3.00 83.75; bull. sUgs. etc., $2384.23. Hogs Receipts. S500; market, 24c higher. Heavy. $3.0083.20; mixed. $5.17483.20; Hght J3.20tJ5.i3; pigs. $4.0083.00; bulk of sales, $3.17483-224. Sheep No receipts; market nominally un changed. CHICAGO. June 2I--Cattle Receipts. 400. Good- to prime steers. $5.253d.0: poor to me- 1 dlum. 33.7385.10; stockers and feders. $2,509 4.50; cows. $2.5034. 60; heifers. $2.30713.00 canners. Jl.40fl2.50; bulls. $2.2584.00. calves. $3.0086.50. Hogs Receipts today. 9000; Monday. 43.0G0 market strong. 3c higher. Mixed and butchers. $3.1355.43: goo! to choice heavy. $3-23. 174 rough heavy. $4.7083-20; Mght. $3.2083.42 hulk o' sales. $3.3083.424. Sheep Receipts. 2000: sheep and Iambs steadv. Good to choice wethers. $4.608&J3 fair to choice mixed. $3.3034.4O; We iters iheep, $3.7383.10; native Iambs. J4.50tf7.65 Westtra. Umbo. 33.0C86.5O. SanTraadsco Markets, SAN FRANCISCO. June 21. The market closed yesterday as follows. VEGETABLES Cucumbers. 3O80c: garttr. 364c: zreen peas. 7583L2fi:- MciEg bea. 283c: 1 parages. 397c;. tomatoes. 1101. JO; tr lan 3fi7c P0ULTRT Turkey gobblers, 15220c; roost. 1S93 r. old $4.36ifl. do young. $.037.50; bron 'erj. JthaU. "$1 ifrfi2.J0. do Urge. C 50-5X30: fryers- $3. 53 6. 50: hens. Jl.303S.SOr ducks, old. JW do young. ". 30. "75GGS Senre. 164ft74c; fancy ranch. 20c. R UTTER Fancy creamery. 13c: creamery seconds. 15c; fancy dairy. 174c: dairy second-. 17c. WOOL-5rtng. Humbotit aad Mendocfcao: 2$f?3; Nevada. 16f 20c. I HOPS l!MJf 22c. MILLSTUFFS-Brart, 32MJ2L50; middlings. SJ.g2S. HAY-Wheat. $1S14.30: wheat and oats. $0013.30: barley. J7Q10; alfalfa. $73O.0; clover. J7f0: stocks. $3$7.50. straw. SOJOc per bale. FRUTS Apples, choice. $1.50: commas. 4 or: bananas. 7cJ33: Mexican Mmes. $4fj4.30; Caltiorota lemons, choice. $3.50: common. $1; ranges, navels. $1,2343: pineapples. $280. POTATOES Early Rose. 6c$$1.2S. CHEESE Young America. 104811c; Em era. 13lS4e. RECEIPTS Flour. 9070 quarter sacks: wheat, 70 centals; barley. 2921 centals: oats. 333 centals: beans. 320 sack?; earn. 700 centals; potatoes. 3110 sacks: bran. 205 sacks: mid dlings. 1M6 saeks: bay. 256 toss; wool, 112 bales; hides. 372. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. June 21. Ther efrlct-i etoslng quotations for mining stooks today wore as follows: Alpha ..Con $ ; -OSUustlee $ -M -21lMexlcan 1.93 .17iOcidental Can. . .90 l.OJlOphh- 6.23 .lOIOverman .1.6 37:Potost .12 .2 l:Sa are .'43 . 17iSeorpioe K) -JJMiSog. Belcher JM 1.40tSterra Nevada 30? .llfSMver HHI .53 .oOiUnton Con .44 -ISICiah Con 10 1.33!YeHow Jaeket .24 Best A Bele1 3l)W8 " t'aledonla Challenge Con .-hollar Conadonce Con. Cat Va.. Crown Point Exchequer Gould & Curry. . NFW YORK. June 21. Closing cjootationss 'darns Cob $ .20ILlttle Chief $ .05 A rice .31 Ontario 4.00 Breeee .2rOpMr .04tPheentx .OMJPotosl L35Sava;e 1.7Sterra Nevada... S-OOlSmall Hopes &2? .02 .K: .30' .20 .23 ' 1.20 ! xjtoh-wick ion. : ; ' i Horn Silver. 1 jR siK-er. Leadvtlle Con .03tStandard . BOSTON. June 24. Closing quotations: Adventure $ 3-3 Mohawk $ 30.00 Altouer 24.00'Mont. C. A l'.. Amalgamated.. M.rti04d Dominion. Am. Sin S-0DrOseola Atlantic 13.63.Parrot Bingham 23.331CiolRcy ........ Cat. &. llecta. . 0.00.ShanncR Centennial .. t7..0lTamarack .... Copper Range. 6.00Trinlty Daly West lS-OOiU. S. illnlng... Dominion Coal SO.Ou U. S. Oil Frank Ha S.KlIUtah Granby 3.73i Victoria ...... Isle Royal lo.oorwinona Mass. Mining. . 7.30Welverine Michigan 13.75! 21.30 02.66 2t.0U 03.60 T,25 105Ari aw 20,23 107 43.30 X00 1Q.50 109,00 Dried Fruit at New York NEW YORK. June 24. The markst for evap orated apples continues firml Common to good. 4itMHc; prime. JHc; choice. &36Hc, aad fanye. 7c Prunes for future delivery show an ad vandng tendency, but the local spot mark-r, while firm, shows no material change- Quo tations range from 2 to 6c. according to grade. Aprtoot- are steady and unchanged: cho'co are quoted at 10S104c; extra choice. He and fancy. 12913c Peaches are firm with chotoe quoted at 10U lc: extra choice. 104810ic and. faney. llfeS 12c. Raialcs are fas moderate demand at rtcenU prices. Loose museatels are quoted at 436-ic: jreded ralslas. 5;St5Hc and London layifs. $181.13. Co fTee and Sugar. NEW YORK. June 24. The market for coffee futures closed with a deeiine of 3. points.- Total sales. 67.000 bags.. June aad Jul dosed 6.3386.60: Deeember. 6.90c; March. 13e: spot Rio steady; Ne. 7 invoice. -16c; mHd. steady; Cordova. 10813c Sugar, raw. quiet: fair refining. 3H$3 n-lAe; centrifugal. f6 test. 4 15-16c: molasses sugar. X488 7-16C. Refined, quiet; No. 6. 4.S5c: No. $t.S9; No. S. 34.70: No. . $4.63: No. 10. $4.60; No. 11. $1.30: No. 12. $4.45; No. 13; $4.33; No. 14. $4.30; confectioners A. $3.30: moid A. $5.80: cut leaf. $8.10: crushed. $6.13; powdered. $5.50; granulated. $3.40: cubes. $3,70. Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO. June 24. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady; ereanjery. lftftlOHc: dairy. ISfllSc. Eggs, steady; firsts. 134c; prime firsts. 13c; extras, ltc. Cheese, firm. 94810c NEW YORK. June 24. Butter, steady, un changed. Cheese, quiet and unchanged. Eggs, quiet and unchanged. Imports and Exports. NEW YORK. June 24. The total IraporJ of merchandise and dry goods at the port of New Tork for the week ending today were valued at $10,313,331. Total Imparts of spede at the port of w York for the week ending today were $76. 936 silver and 34S2.937 gold. Total exports of specie from the pert of New Tork for the week ending today were $672,201 in silver, aad J403.SCO gold. Metal Markets. NEW TORK. June 24. The metal markets were quiet and without special feature, aside from further reports of weakness In iron. Some dealers quoted Ne. 2 foundry Northern 23 points lower on the Inside priee. or at 13.30816.25c. Tin was unchanged at 30.403 36.63c. Copper remaina quiet with lake and eleotrotytle quoted at 13c. and casting at 14.7SO. Lead. 4.3084.60c. Spelter, easy, 5v35c TXciv York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June 24. Cm ton futures dosed steady; Jane. S. 63c; July. 8.70c. August. 3-77c: September. S.S3c; October. 8.90c; Novetabor. 8.94c: December. 8.99c: January. 9.04c; Feb ruary. 9.06c; March. 9.09c; April, .Hc; May.. 9.14c Wheat at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. June 24. Wheat, July. Jl.054: September. 8948S34c: December. S64e: No. X hard. $1 134. No. t Northern, 31.11S. No 2 Northern. $1074. No. i North era. $1 024 Eviry Wimim Is liirreeuo ana ssoaia saaw asoax we wosoemu MAXVEL MrStM Spray T- new Tiriu ljrir issc- naa ana owrmrt. ueei 01- est Meat co-matas-. , mum isttassry. iix Titr rszxst far n. It be cannot supply th MARVCi, sccect BO ether, bat ssd staao for lllBxtnlsd Tsook seu. It ran oartlcniaxs and ttKfBs tn- -raluaMetn laitin. MARVEL CO.. 44 C 7HST.,.TiKn 1 UKH. Woodard. Clarke J Co. Portland. Oresoa, ENNYROYAL PILLS T-v OriaUal u drmly tSeasUa. aw uaxt.jaax&K' 1 11 1 anal is 1UCB ai ld mxuSit taxis, -mlmt -Ui aM rfki. Tiki u rikrr. ,f. i. Baaasi tesMtatlses aad Uau. SayryawlRsOEt.rHnt'.ia Xeras r Partteuton. TairTwrsisls -t - KsHcT tVr LaOIss," tm Utur. r r tara llall, 1 a. Sue TnttmraUU. SL9 UttZim Csi w- Csda un PI sa SPECULATION and InTcstmeat is RAILROAD STOCKS Send for Investors Guide and Manual mailsd FREE upon application. GEO. SKAXLEX CO. Tnk"tn aad Bcoker 413 CallferaU Street, Sn. Frj-ncisco, CaL. VaaTsaW "- K'UsaTSBBTBTaTsTSB