The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 25, 1905, PART TWO, Page 14, Image 14

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Chicago, Boston and Perry Go
Down Today.
Largest Squadron Ever in the Har
bor Leaves for Pugct Sound
After a Visit of Ten
Days Duration.
By 9 o'clock this morning the cruteer
Chicago, with Rear-Admiral Goodrich on
board; the cruiser Boston and the torpedo
boat dostroyor Perry will leave down the
river, bound for Puget Sound.
Thus passes the most formidable armada
Portland ever saw in her harbor. Perhaps
one of the cruisers will return later in
the season, but this is not assured. Since
the cruisers came in ten days ago, several
thousand people have visited them. The
last distinguished visitor was Governor
Chamberlain, who boarded the flagship
yesterday morning. The Governor's sa
lute of 17 guns woke up the echoes In his
All day yesterday the vessels were re
ceiving stores. With one consignment of
freight went a live turtle, presumably a
pet. as it was too small for culinary pur
poses. It was payday on the Chicago, but
few of the crew had any chance to spend
their money awhore.
Word was. received yesterday that the
Italian cruiser Umbrla would enter the
Columbia oarly Wednesday morning. A
pilot will be on hand to bring her up. and
if there Is no delay tlie should reach Port
land late In the afternoon.
Tamar's Sailors Say They Suppressed
Drunken Captain.
SEATTLE. June 31. Sailors on the
British ship Tamar. of London, which
arrived In Seattle on June 18, 140 days
from Plymouth. England, state that on
Jtme 17, when the vessel was 2S days
out from Hamburg, the port from which
she cleared on December 20 for Seattle.
the captain, who was on the verge of
delirium tremens from drinking, attemp
tod to run the ship ashore and. when
the mate and sailors remonstrated, he
threatened to sh9ot any who Interfered
with the course of the vessel, which was
headed directly for the rocks on the
coast of France, off Ushant.
First Mate Madsen grappled with the
captain for possession of the weapon. The
crew seized the captain and placed him
In Irons. Mate Madsen sailed the vessel
to Plymouth, where Captain Griffith was
tried for attempted murder and sentenced
to three years' penal servitude. Madsen
left the ship at Plymouth and was re
placed by Mate John Flax.
The captain was replaced by J. C.
Hughes, wlto Is now in command. The
vessel made a quick passage in spite of
heavy woathor off Cape Horn.
Will Carry Lumber From Portland
to South Africa.
After waiting since February 26 for a
grain charter, the British ship Pytho
mene. Captain Splvey. was chartered by
the North Pacific Lumber Company yos
torday morning to load lumber for Port
Natal. South Africa.
The rate asked by the owners for a
grain charter to the United Kingdom was
around 82s Cd. The lumber charter was
for a lump sum.
As the Pythomene has a net register of
1796 tons, she will be able to carry about
1.G04.W0 feet of lumber. At present she is
lying at the Oregon Water Power dock
noar the Madison-street bridge, and be
fore going to the North Pacific mills to
load will take on ballast It will prob
ably be a week before she begins taking
on cargo.
With the withdrawal of the Pythomene
there Is not a disengaged sailing vessel
left in port. Shijw apparently find bus)
news quicker in Portland than at any
other port on the Coast. A number of
vessels have been in San Francisco for
a year and two have been there three
yoars. The bark Dunstaffnage has been
lying at Tacoma since July Si, INC.
Schooners Ponape and Diana Lost
Among: Caroline Islands.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 24. (Special.)
News of the loss of the Gorman trading
schooners Ponape and Diana was received
by the steamer Mariosa, yesterday. Both
schooners, which had gasoline engines,
wore trading between the Caroline and
Marshall Islands, and both were wrecked
during a terrific hurricane that swept
over those islands on April 2. The news
was carried to Tahiti by another trading
vessel. No details regarding loss of life
wore, however, received by the Mari
posa. Beth the Ponape and Diana wore
staunch am! new, and both were built
horo, the Pontine having been launched
only last March from the yard of Boole &
Son. She was feet long. 26 foot in
broadth and 10 feet deep, and had gaso
line engines of 150 horsepower. The Diana,
was of practically the same size and
Passenger on Fur Steamer Denies
Rumor of Massacre.
VICTORIA. B. C. June 24.-The steamer
Montara arrived at Comox today from
Petropavlovsky. on Kamchatka, with
furs, mostly sables, to the value of nearly
a million dollars, consigned to the Kam
ohatkaa Commercial & Industrial Cem
iwny of San Francisco.
Duron Bruggen, a Russian, manager of
the company, was a passenger for San
Francisco, lie said the recent report of
a massacre of 159 natives by raidors was
untrue. Nothing of this kind had oc
curred of late on the Kamchatkan Pen
insula. Last year some Japanese scaling
schooners raided Robbea Bank, the guard
of which ImmI gone. No raids had been
made this season, as far as he knew.
Redflcld Receives Provisions From
Gray's Harbor Tug.
ABERDEEN. Wash., June 21. (Special.)
Captain Stream, of the tug Daring, of this
city, reports" giving aid to the schooner
Retinoid. 31 days from San Pedro for
Puget Sound. The schooner was mot 33
mites southwest of this port, and was
short of provisions. She was bound for
Port Townsend. but with practically no
wind was making slow progress. The
Daring gave her enough provisions for
the remainder of her trip.
The schooner Boreal! is now 31 day's out
from San Pedro for the Columbia. -It is
IrobabIc that she met a similar experi
niw to the Redfield in encountering head
winds. A sharp lookout for her is being
maintained at the mouth of the river.
Too Rough for Cable Work.
SEATTLE, June 24. On account of
heavy fogs and storms the United States
cableshlp Burnslde has been unabJo to
repair two small imperfections in the
Government cable near Sitka. The ves
sel arrived here today after an absence
of nearly three weeks, during which time
she experienced the roughest weather.
from the standpoint of cable engineer
ing, in the memery of her officers. The
weather was so Intensely foggy that the
ship could scarcely get her bearings suf
ficiently to locate the submarine wire.
and when the clouds of fog cleared away
the sea was running so high that the
cable could not be grappled.
Notice to Mariners.
Notice is hereby given that West end
Snag Point buoy, a third-class spar, mark
ing channel to Duttons P. O., Suisun Bay,
California, heretofore reported dragged
out of position and not visible at high
water, was permanently discontinued
June 18, It being no longer of use as an
aid to navigation. By order of the Light
house. Board. H. T. MAYO.
Commander. U. S. X.. Inspector Twelfth
Lighthouse District.
Iiuunchcs Arc Now Idle.
Scarcely a launch owner was yosterday
expecting to run to the Oaks today. Man
ager HurlburL of the Oregon Water
Power & Railway Company, has not yet
acceded to the launch men's terms that
he take IS per cent of the fares for the
privilege of landing at the resort. Where
two weeks ago was a rushing business Is
now nothing at all. The departure of the
cruisers will throw a number of launches
Into Idleness.
Canoes Capsize In Swells.
A creen canon naddlod t- rrinrV wni-
iams and Eddie Sammoos upset off the
Oak-street dock yesterday afternoon, but
other boatn trnvo mh
that the canoeists were not in danger at
any time. The boat was In the swells of
me nauey uatzert, which were too high
for her. BrOUCllt to shore the nannokt
balled out their boat and continued up the
Atlas Makes Extra Trip.
An CXtra trin to Portland la hnlnir maiU
b the Standard Oil ts nl- itoannp itl
on account of an accident to the tank
steamer Asuncion of the same line. While
going down the Columbia the Asuncion
struck a sandbar and on rfwifein San
Francisco went on drydock. It was found
tnat ner rudder bad been bent out of
plumb. The Atlas was on. her way up
me river last Mgnc
Steamers Sail for !Xbmc.
SEATTLE. June 21. The steamship Sen
ator left tonight for Nome with 207 pas
sengers and 1209 tons of freight. The
Oregon will get away Monday night.
Marine Notes.
All the available space on the steamer
iteanoKO irom 1'ort is Anroliw in
land has been taken except the San Fran'
clsco reservations for th
There are also a large number awaiting
an me souui-Douna steamers.
The barkentine John Smith has cleared
for San Pedro with 7rtoVrt ft nt u,my
The German hark fhrlainl with
for South Africa, left down yestorday, as
uiu me steamer bouth Bend, with lumber
ior oan 'coro.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. June 24. Sailed at 6:1S A. M
Steamer Northland, for San FrancIoo. Ar
rived at 6 and left Bp at 7:3 A. M. Steamfr
Atl&p. freman Pranetfee. Arrived at 10:15
, Ji.-Biearaw Elmore, from Tillamook.
feailed lit n r f PnftitCu. r A'ci
for San Francises. Condition f the bar
aJ . p- M" aweotlfc wind south, weather
Yokohama. June 2. Arrived British
isteatner Ferndenc. from Portland.
San Franctae. Jane 24. Arrived British
Mazner eiiington. HT hour from Lady
Malta; Nebrajknn. from Tacoma. Cleared
fitfflmor Cttv Tu ..Kin l-i.t.. ...
barge Santa Paula, for Pertland; steamer
miner, ior i-eruana; steamer Newport,
for Aneen nrui u'bv mrti' t.atri- n.t-Ai.
for Seattle. Sailed-Bark SC James, for Port
i ewnnna.
Tlie I'erklnh Mrs. Carl Kelson. Pocatello,
Idaho: Sydney Latham. San FraBelaeo: J n
K. Welterstra4 and wife, H. J. Dunn and
iie. me uaiiec; . u. Miller and aa.
Cathlamet; Flora J. Clutter. Tualatin Or. :
W. A. CauRhanour. Payette, Idaho: Ada
Sweet. Madlaon. Wis.; Frank J. S. Conner.
La Camas. Wash.; John H. Hutchison,
Kendrlck. Idaho; C. E. Lackey. Seattle; C.
E. Dew. Chicago; Mr. W. F. RoWson. Mls
J. E. Toclaw. Mrs. BorpeRor. m. J. Will
iams and wife, Anaconda. Mont.; E II.
Wheeler and wife, St. Louis; Robert H.
Turner. Hed Oak. Ia.; J. F. Murphy. M.
Sumner and fstcr. Seattle;; E. R. Potter and
wife, Mrs. A. M. ration. Oleoma. Wash.;
Charles Locker, M. Simmons. Lewtoton.
Idaho; "W. T. Campbell aad wife. Seattle;
Louis Deyer. Dearer; C. W. Tone. Seattle;
X. A. Ha !Tori asd wife. Crockstoa. Minn.;
K. K. Frost. Los Angeles; J. C. Bloomer.
Denver; J. If. Pease, Budge Rurrelt. Alice
G. Foley. William Shea. Hancock. Mich.;
Robert II. Vaa Luat. Berkeley. Cat: Will
lam It. Davis and wife, Oakland; T. V.
Hubbard. Seattle; Mrs. Charles King. Los
Angels; Mrs. D. K. Thurber, Chinook.
Mont.; G. J. Brown. C. Jt. Hodge A. Halaes.
P. Dickson, V. J. Campbell. It. Beckton.
Kansas City; J. II. S. Morrison, wife and
child. Cumberland. Term. ; William Ghls. Jr..
Mrs. Fred Brown. Sattle; John Loepplng.
Youngstown, O.; S. W. Pearce. Mrs. H. II.
Shenk and daughter. San Francisco; K.
Blckerton. W. S. Matthews. Winnipeg; J. K.
Hayes and Uter. J. C. MeCulley. Ellensburg.
Wash.; W. S. Weston. Chicago. Grover M.
Kelr. W. B. Kelr. Ella M. Deyer. F. D.
Case and wife. Oeorse W. Klger. Centralis,
The Imperial F. A. Hart, Aberdeen; B.
Major and wife, Butte; Miss K. Dieter. San
Francisco; Mrs. C. J. Mathews, Spokane;
Mark A. Fullerton and wife. Otympla; U L.
Sparger and son. Seattle; Nina A. Chi Wren.
Council Bluff: Mrs. Mary V. Mai lory Maud
Mallory. Ethel Davis. Vernoa Davis. La
Orande; S. V. Vit and wife. Little Rock; I
w. 11. Mcxauchtoa. Saa Francisco; W. P.
Cressy and wlfu. Miss rar! Aglon. South
Bend; Madanae B. Ceakllng. Oklahoma.
K. B. BrenRer. L. Brenner. Albany: Miss
F. Park. Newberg: W. T. Shepard asd sons,
hRlem; Dr. H. T. Hoaple. Vale: Ira C Sharp.
Riverside; Dr. J. M. Carroll. Deaver; J T.
Kearns. Stay ton; Mrs. C. C. McDonald. Ru
pert McDonald. Illtaoto: John F. Gtvens
Roseburg: Miss Sue' Dorris. Miss Beueatte
Derri. Eugeae: Mr. and Mrs. F. Hunt.
Morwia. C. O. Cretchton and wife. Selma.
Mrs. T. W. Mann. Miss Mann. Seattle; L. A.
Long and wife, Joe Lonr. May Long. Nellie
Long. Mrs. S. Nolan. W. Nolan. Miss M.
Ashenfelder. II . lloyu Tacoma; L. Wllber
and wife. Snohomish; F. A, Roawltbee, Dick
inson. X. D.: E. G. Ruegrietta;' Jamestown,
X. D.; Russell JeCTarys. Xoate, Alaska.
The St. Charles C. D. Haruc. Aurora: E.
S. Wood, city; Miss Maude Brown; Mrs. F.
O. HausafOA, Mrs. Joe Barney. Arlington;
J. K Kilbora. H. F. Kllbora Sucene: W II.
Walker and wtfe. Astoria; J. W. Foryth.
Salem: H. E- Fartuti, A II Toung. Eadlcott;
S. Xelsoa. E. Nehos. Aurora; C. H. Kar
nath. Camas. Wash.: R. S. Harrington. Cor
valtln; Bdw. Corbley: J. Rose. Rldgeaeld; D.
P. Porter and wife. C. M. Fowlor; Mrs. P.
A. Miller. Los Angeles; J. K. Beezly. Dallas;
II Fallmaa and wife; Inez Vareer, Ft. Col
lins. Cole.; F. T. Moehler and son. Iowa. G.
M. Whltsoa. city: W. L. Svae. Kebo: Mrs.
U Boardmaa. Charles McBrlde; William
Smith. Clatskaate; John B. Wleet. Stella;
Victor J. MIUr. Stella; J. D. Leonard.
Brooks: G. At: M. B. Everett. Hlllbore. A.
Cole. Olyawia; M. Magrath. 1'. S. A : D.
Mallo': J. W. Gooding. St. Paul. Or ; F B.
Kettoeg. San Frandtoo; H. O. Reynolds.
Grant's Pass: S Latham. Sas Francisee, F.
J. Clutter. Tualatin. Or.; A. P. WUe and
wife, Lexington. Neb.; C. J. ne Ellsworth.
Wash.: P. AspFRw&ll, Guy Shaw. Brooks.
Or.; I- H. Erringtoa, Napa. Cal W II.
Cain; C. R. Watson. J. Baxter. Dayton. Or.;
E. P. Teek. Kelso; O Byerly and wife, Os
trander. Wash.: Mr. Charles Rarlck.
Shrfveport. La: James Hohan. Tacoma; J.
F. Shoup. Salem: E E. Burns and wife.
Vancouver; L. R. Lee and wife. W. E. Dlel
and. Ethel Lee; Thomas Boss. P. Baasen.
Qutncy. Or.; T. A. White. MeMlanrllle: R.
Tlttotsen. Carson. Wash.: W. W. Graves. De
catur. Ill : J W. Etreni:: S. J. Taylor. Ar
thur; R. Wsggener. Hlllibore; A. Xeubaer.
U. & A,
Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma.
American plan- Rates. $3 and cpu
Hotel Donnelly. Tacoma.
Flrst-claaa restaurant In connection.
A Tag On Every Article
No. 749
Regular cl 9 OC
Price pii--r.OJ
Special $8.40
No. 749
The Store That Saves You Money
The Tntz With the Coupon.
A Coupon to Each Customer
004 Weathered oak Arm with extra
high 8hnpl back. Spring seat and back
upnolstereJ in figured tapestry pn nr
Regular 15.60 OUiZO
loss Weathered oak Arm Chair of Dutch
design with curved arms, wide Oil Cfl
back and Middle scat. Regular H..0 1 liuu
2400-5 Weathered oak Hall Chair. Has ex
tra wide anna and saddle seat with Q7 cn
havy corner posts. Regular J1J...V I idU
5SI Golden oak Chiffonier, with 5-drawcr
bttse. Top lSxlS inches. Oval mir
ror on carved standards. 01 E Efl
Regular Jil.i OlOiOU
335 Extra, large gentlemen's Chiffonier. 40
Inches wide ana I Inches deep. Five
drawer and large hat box. Oval Frenca
plate mirror on carved stand- 10 Cfl
ards. Regular 522 59 OlOiOU
G01 Five-drawer Chiffonier, built of solid
quartered oak. vrith French plate oval mir
ror; top 2vx3t Inches. Solid brass 00Q 7C
trimmings. Regular JJ0.96 OiiOilU
311 Handsome quartered oak Chiffonier.
Five-drawer base with serpentine front and
solid brass trimmings. Top 21x32; shaped
mirror of beveled French plate. COO Cll
Regular S35.64 oZOiUU
104 Solid mahogany Chiffonier. Six-drawer
base, with French legs and solid brass
fittings; serpentine front; top 22x36. Oval
mirror op carved standards. 0M Cfl
Regular J3.9 04-1 i0U
200 Quartered oak Chcval Dresser, with
four-foot French plate mirror. Has "nlgit
Jrawers and cabinet on each side of mirror
and one large lower drawer with serpen
tine front. Hand rubbed and polished.
Solld braos trimmings. Regular rjfj QQ
220 Solid mahogany Colonial Drepscr. with
heavy French plate mirror. 48x30 Inches.
Three large drawers and two small top
drawers. Handsome scroll standards. Solid
brass trimming. Regular
107 Blrdscye maple Gibson Dresser, with
36-Inch ovnl mirror; serpentine front;
French J- Flve Jrawers. Reg- gg qq
217 Genuine mahogany Gibson Dresser, with
30-inch shaped French plate mirror; top
21x42 inrnee: serpentine front. Solid
bras trimming. Regular QQ
2S Blrd.eye maple Drosser. with sUaped
mirror 24x3 Inches; top 21x42 Inches. Ser
pentine front; carved Imse and head piece.
Four drawers with solid brass OOC OC
trimmings. Regular J31.e OLUtLO
10-1 Golden oak Dresser, with shaped mirror
24x3o Inches on carved standards. Four
drawer base with serpentine top and top
drawers; solid brass trimmings. Q17 C
Regular J22.i 0 I I iJU
71 Golden oak Drosser. with oval mirror 21
x24 Inches, supported on carved standards.
Four-drawer base with serpentine top
ami top drawers. Regular $15 00
AOZVi Ash or white maple Dresser, with oval
mirror Mx24 inches. Four-drawer base,
with two swell front top drawers. Solid
trimmings. Regular fg jjQ
"IMPKIUAIj 3IATTRESSBS. the kind that
wear for years. "Good service" sateen
tick. Full Ire and regular thickness. Full
of comfort and durability. Regular PC 7c
$8.0 OJiIJ
and soft. Full length and width. For com
fort, combined with economy they.n cn
arc pocrlef. Regular $9.0 ........ OUiOU
"KI.OXIlIKE SPRINGS" for Iron beds only.
Similar to the celebrated National Spring.
The bolical springs at top and bottom
make them extremely comfortable. Need
a xprlag? Better ree those. Regu- -J nc
lar 01 1 lO
C32 Full slse or three-quarter Iron Beds, In
blue. pink, green or white enamel. Has 3
pIllarjajBd chilled Joints. Regular 2,40
on Pretty Iron Bad, with tfc corner posts,
angle Iron head and foot, chilled joints and
corner knobs of polished brass. In blue,
pink, green and white. Regular -Q
003 Handsome Iron Bed. with brass top rail
at head and foot and brass knobs on cor
ners. Ia blue, pink, green and Ifl
white enamel. Regular 37.50 tfOilU
3271 Massive Brass Bed. with curved top
rail at head and foot: 2-inch tubing with
nontarnlsa lacquer. A handsome. OCQ Eft
dlgnlfiod bed. Regular 375.66 OdUiUU
ll2 Hatafctome Brass Bed. with six-foot
head posts. Built of seamless tubing, fin
ished In fine lacquer that will not tar
nish; corner posts 2H inches P07 cn
in diameter. Regular S4S.50 OOliUU
042 Brass ami Vermis Mnrtln Bed. A verj
pretty bed simple in pattern. Just the
thing when you want the effect of a brass
bfd at less cost. C1C Kfl
Regular 322-t OlOiUU
We will award some lucky customer the handsome Dining-Room Set. In the meantime we would be glad to receive suggestions from our customers
as to the best method of making the award. Watch our advertisements for the announcement of how the prize will be drawn for. Will
be glad to adopt the fairest method. Will be glad to receive suggestions by mail.
you money FIRST AND TAYLOR STREETS you money
Tomorrow we commence the merchandising event of the season in housefurnish
ings. A clearance sale with the most attractive bargains ever offered in Portland.
We've got to reduce our stock before inventory, so we've made merciless cuts in prices.
On every article we've placed a yellow tag like those above, each tag has a numbered
coupon attached. When you buy an article you get the coupon that entitles you to a
chance in a Weathered Oak Dining-Room Set worth $100. This set now on exhibition
in our front window. Take a look at it and see if .you wouldn't like to have it in your
dining-room free of charge. Remember, we'll be glad to see you, just to look around.
You never saw such a feast of household bargains. Of course we can't list all
these bargains today. Below you'll find a few we've selected at random. You'll
find hundreds of others when you call.
430 Round Hall Mirror, with golden oak
frame. Elghteen-Inch glass and tlree
Bolld brass coat hooks. OA nc
Regular Stf.OO C4-iZ.O
420 Weathered oak Hall Mirror, with
. French plate mirror 12x22. Three coat
hooks of solid bronze. Regular gg
700 Oral Hall Mirror, with golden oak
frame and French plate mirror 17x24.
Four brass coat hooks. frn nn
Rogular 310.60 OOiUU
iOS Large golden oak Hall Mirror, with
Frenca plate mirror 14x18 inches. Four
brass double coat hooks. 7 c
Regular $$.50 ODiIu
-400 A Handsome carved Hall Mirror of
weathered oak with French plate mirror
12x20 inches. Four double coat C7 Kfl
hooks of 30IIJ bronze. Regular J10..0 1 1 JU
soy- Weathered oak Hall Seat, quarter
sawed throughout. Seml-Mlssion design
with hinged seat. Regular CQ 7K
312.50 f Owifu
78 Golden quartered oak Hall Seat, with
high back and flat arms. Hinged on cn
seat and deep box. Regular 312.30.. .guiOU
5SVs Weathered oak Hall Seat, with cathe
dral back and dowellcd. arms. Deep box
scat with hinge. Regular yjj
MV Massive quartered oak Hall Seat, with
high solid back, scroll arms and claw feet.
Crotch veneer back; hand rubbed and pol
ished. A beauty. Regular Q07 cn
S4S.G0 OuliJU
831 Golden oak Ladles Desks, with wide
writing bed and extra large paper rack.
Large drawer under desk. Qr cn
Regular 33.60 00-JU
830 Golden or weathered oak Ladles' Desk.
Boudoir size; hand rubbed and 7 c
polished. Regular 3S.56 OJiIJ
840 Ladles' Desk in weathered oak, golden
oak and mahogany. Extra large writing
bed and deep paper racks. One drawer
with brass handles. Regular QQ 7c
313.50 vu'I J
5S3 Weathered oak Ladles' Desk. In' puro
Mission design. AH quarter-sawed. Dow
elled Joints. Large drawers with 7C
brass handles. Regular 312.50 OOilJ
0I3S Golden oak combination Book Case.
Six-shelf book case with glass door;
French plate, shaped mirror. 15x14. Roomy
writing desk and large cabinet. 01 P nc
Regular 319.30 OlO'ZU
1SS?4 Quartered oak Combination Book
Case with carved top and shaped mirror
12x12 Inches. Four-snelf book case with
bent glass door. Large writing desk ntted
with correspondence rack and three largo
drawers with brass handles. OO-i nn
Regular ?27.59 O&I-UU
30S0 Three-piece Library Set (rocker, arm
chair and settee) of solid weathered oak.
Mission design with seats and backs made
of laced leather, studded with CQQ Cfl
heavy copper nails. Regular 356.50. . 003' UU
77 Three-piece Library or Hall Set, built of
weathered, quartered oak, with Spanlsn
leather seats. Very solid and rn
durable. Regular IS7.D0... OOI'UU
S7SS-6 Weathered oak Arm Rocker, with
curved back, wide arms and spring scat
upholstered In red leather. CQ 7K
Regular 311.00 OOilJ
2554-0 Weathered oak Mission Rocker, with
flat back and arms and cobbler seat of
embossed leather. Regular $8 50
1054 Mission Rocker of weathered oak. wllh
flat panel back and wood seat. C7 OK
Regular 310.69 0'ZJ
322-8 Extra large seml-Mlsslon Rocker of
weathered, quartered oak with spring seat,
upholstered in genuine Spanish Cl Cfl
leather. Regular 329.6 i 0 lT JU
S247 Mexican leather Fireside Rocker,
spring seat and back, best hair filling;
wing arms studded with big cop- CO fin
per nails. Regular 370.00 OdZ'UU
S367 Massive Turkish Rocker, with plat
form base, with-oscillating springs, spring
seat, back and arms, deep tufting: uphol
stered in guaranteed leather with ODC nn
tine hair tilling. Regular J7S.aO....OO JUU
35A--AH-reather Rocker with platform base
and high back. Spring back and seat with
deep tufting; upholstered In fine black
leather with hair filling. 007 nn
Regular 350.00 00 UU
3S Full Turklsn Arm Chair, with spring
seat and back, upholstered In fine black
leather with tufted arms and back; steel
frame with deep fringe. Regular gg qq
8S3 Golden, quartered oak "Sleepr Hollow"
Rocker, with tufted black leather seat
and back. Full of comfort. COO, flfl
Regular 33S.OO OiLUiUU
3S3 High-back quartered oak Arm Rocker,
with spring seat covered in fine black
leather. Leather head rest on back. All
woodwork hand-rubbed and ClQ Kfl
polished. Regular 325.00; spec... 0 1 uiJU
2303 Massive quartered oak Arm Chair,
with black leather seat and back. Has
shaped back and high head rest. All hair
tilled. Hand-rubbed and pol- (on nn
lshed. Regular 341.00; special... OOZiUU
S4S3 Mahogany Colonial Arm Chair. Very
massive In appearance, with deep spring
seat. Upholstered in two-toned green
embossed velour. Regular. COG Cn
350.00; special OOOiOU
3346 Mahogany Roman Chair, with carved
back and arms, upholstered in rich two
toned green embossed velour. 001 Cn
Regular. 327.50; special... OZliOU
20SH Golden, oak round-top Extension Table,
clawfoot pedestal base, quartered oak
throughout, hand-rubbed and polished: ten
foot extension. Regular price. CQQ cn
352.00; special ..........OUOiOU
254 Quartered round top oak Extension
Table, with hand-carved pedestal base and
scroll feet. Hand-rubbed and polished.
Tyden lock. Eight-foot exten- PQC flfl
sion. Regular. 349.00; special.... OODiUU
182 Pedestal base, quartered oak. round
top Extension Table, with round pedestal
and fiat Corinthian base. Hand-rubbed
and polished. Eight-foot exten- OQQ nn
si on. Regular. 340.00; special... OuiUU
338 Handsome quartered oak Extension Ta-
oie. with square pedestal base and carved
scroll feet. Forty-four-inch top. with
Tyden lock. Six-foot extension; 000 flfl
Regular. 332.50; special OZOiUU
241 Six-foot golden oak Extension Table,
with polished top and carved clawfoot.
pedestal base. Regular price. ClC 7C
322.50; special ..OIDiU
GCO Very pretty quarter-sawed oak round top
Extension Table, hand-rubbed and pol
ished. French legs and easy fitting- slides.
A beauty. Regular. 322.00; $14 50
241 Square top weathered oak Extension
Table, with hexagonal column and claw
feet. The prettiest pedestal table ever sold
for the money. Regular. 322.50; 0i 7c
special 0 1 0 Id
2S7 Six-foot Extension Table, built of se
lected weathered oak. with heavy square
lees. All quarter-sawed. Reg- ClO Cfl
ular price. 326.00: special OluidU
2S7 Round top six-foot Extension Table,
built of quarter-sawed oak In weathered
finish. Plain but handsome in COfl flfl
appearance. Regular. 327.50; spec. OtuiUU
150 Pedestal Table, with six-foot extension;
made of solid weathered oak. Heavy ped
estal base with scroll feet. PlC flfl
Regular. 323.00; special OlOiUU
330 Six-foot weathered oak Extension Ta
ble, with square top and Dutch legs. A
great table for the money. Ifl Kfl
Regular. 315.50; special OlUidU
7 Square top hardwood Extension Table,
with six-foot slides. Six-Inch turned and
fluted legs. Handsomely fin- (?Q 7 c
lshed. Regular 314.00; special Ovhfd
535 Six-foot Extension Table, made of pol
ished hard wood. Just the thing for the
Summer cottage. Regular. 35.50; OA JC
special Of' I d
D75 Massive Sideboard, built of selected
auartered oak. hand-rubbed and polished.
Heavy claw feet, with scroll supports. Two
large silver drawers. Forty-four-inch
linen drawer. Heavy French plate mirror,
40x20 finches. Regular 338.50; gg QQ
332 Handsome quartered oak Sideboard, six
feet high, with French plate mirror. 36x20
Inches. Two large silver drawers. 45-Inch
linen drawer and two large cabinets.
Hand-rubbed and polished. RQ fin
Regular. 375.00; special OduiUU
275 Semi-mission Buffet, built of selected
quartered oak. hand-rubbed and polished.
Has deep top shelf and French plate mir
ror. 45 by 15 inches. Three sliver drawers,
one linen drawer 4S inches wide, two china
cabinets with leaded glass doors. OAQ Rfl
Regular. 360.00; special 0H"UidU
405 Quartered oak Buffet, built on a com
bination of Colonial and French designs.
Top stands six feet from floor. Heavy
French plate mirror 40x20 Inches. Two
silver drawers, one wide linen drawer and
two large cabinets. Regular. MQ Cfl
353.00; special OOOidU
432 Quartered oak Buffet, with four-foot
top. Has hand-carved top with 40-lnch
oval French plate mirror and, two small
side brackets. Three silver drawers, one
wide linen drawer and two cabl- QOQ nn
nets. Regular. 342.00; special... .0diUU
177 Very handsome quartered oak Buffet,
built on new lines. - Very massive In' ap
pearance. Has two silver drawers, wide
linen drawer and two deep cabinets. Mir
ror. Lined china and silver closet on top
with bent glass door. See this if you want
something handsome. Regular 00 (in
price. 3S3.50; special OOZiUU
535 Semi-colonial weathered oak Buffet
Has pretty carved top with 36-lnch
French plate mirror. Base stands 16 inches
from floor with French leg". Three silver
drawers, one wide linen drawer and two
cabinets, with leaded art glass COD Cfl
doors. Regular. 350.00; special OOOtdU
330 Weathered oak Buffet, built on mission
lines, with low. wide top. French plate
mirror. 40x16 Inches. Three silver draw
ers, wide linen drawer, and two side cabi
nets with leaded art glass doors. QAC fin
Regular. 358.50; special OHUiUU
475 French design weathered oak Buffet,
with carved top and large plate mirror.
Two drawers and two cabinets with leaded
glass doors. Regular. 335.00; vnj tn
..................... .vl ww
A Chance With Every Tag
No. 746
Pr?cfr $15.00
Special $10.25
No. 746
The Store That Saves You Money
The Taj? AVIth the Coupon.
A Coupon to Each Customer
1 Weathered oak China Cabinet. 34 inches
high. 2S Inches wide and 13 inches deep.
Three shelves. Plate glass sides and
doors. Leaded art glass In top of CnQ flfl
front door. Regular 542.00; spec.vWiUU
202 Handsome golden oak China Cabinet.
Built of selected quartered oak. hand
rubbed and polished. Six feet high. 38
inches wide and 14 Inches deep. Small
plate mirror In top. Three shelves with
olate class door and curved ends. OQ1 Cn
Regular. $28.00; special 0ldU
211i Pretty quartered oak China Cabinet,
hand-rubbed and polished, with French
plate door and curved ends. Has plate
mirror behind the two top shelves. Five
feet six Inches high. 35 Inches wide and
15 Inches deep. Regular. 334.00; 50
70 Three-piece Parlor Set. with pretty
carved backs. Fine mahogany finish.
Spring seats covered with dainty em
bossed veolurs. Very light and COfl Cfl
graceful. Regular 327.50; special. ,0-U'dU
143S Three-piece Parlor Set. upholstered In
prettv silk damask. High carved backs
and scroll arms. Regular. CIA Cfl
321.00; special OIH-'dU
7411 Three-Dtece mahoganv Parlor Set. with
medallion back pieces, scroll arms and
heavy claw feet: spring seats covered with
two-toned embossed velour. C7Q Rfl
Regular. 3100.00; special 0(udU
7012 Three-piece Parlor Set. upholstered in
"cloth of gold" tanestry. Solid mahogany
frames with French legs. Regu- ?7C flfl
lar. 3108.00; special OlChUU
7557 Handsome three-piece mahogany Parr
lor set. Hand-carved backs, with matched
veneer panels, high scroll arms and Dutch
legs, with claw feet. Spring seats uphol
stered in fine" two-toned embossed COC Cfl
velours. Regular. 3117.50; special. 0U0dU
70S1 Five-piece mahogany Parlor Set. with
carved backs, scroll arms and straight legs.
Spring seats and tufted backs, upholstered
In fine embossed velours. Regu- flfl
lar. 353.00; special O'UU
407 Folding Bed Davenport, with fine ma
hogany finished frame. Has large box
underneath for clothing or bedding. ITp
holstered In two-toned velour. COO Cf
Regular. $27.50; special 0dU
CO Folding Bed Davenport, with polished
frame, upholstered In two-.toned C1Q Qfl
velour; Regular. 325.00; special. ..0 wUU
406 Weathered oak Davenport, with mas
sive frame, upholstered In rich embossed
velours. A beautv for the money. COD Cfl
Regular. 335.00; special O.OidU
3-12 Handsome golden oak Davenport, with
scroll ends. Heavy Corinthian base with
richly carved end columns. Upholstered In
fine embossed velour. Regular. C01 flfl
340.00; special 00 liUU
017C Weathered oak mission design Couch,
with loose cushions, made of fine Spanish
leather filled with silk floss. ClC fin
Regular. $53.00: special Ot-OiUU
024G Quartered oak Couqh. All steel con
struction. High head and claw Xeet. Up
holstered In chase leather, tufted all over.
Handsome and comfortable. CQQ Rfl
Regular, 540.00; special -. 0widU
140f? Golden oak Morris Chair, with wide,
flat arms. Loose cushions, covered with
two-toned velours. Regular. CO" EC
511.00; special OOidd
14DS Weathered oak Morris Chair. CO RR
same as above. Regular 511.00.. ..00'dd
140S Mahoganlzed birch Morris Chair, same
as above. Regular. 311.00; CO CC
special OOidd
X240 Handsome Morris Chairs in golden oak
or weathered oak. Very substantial in ap
pearance, with wide arms and deep spring
Beat- Loose cushions covered in pretty
two-toned velours. Regular. 10 Rfl
$16.00; special 0dU
248 Heavy weathered oak Morris Chair,
with scroll arms and claw feet. Loose
cushions of Spanish leather filled CQQ Cfl
with silk floss. Regular. $28.50. . .0&idU
OS Round top golden oak Parlor Table,
hand-rubbed and Dollshed. Heavy turned
legs with brass claw feet and glass ball
floor rest. Regular. $15.00; Cll Cfl
special VI I dU
717 Golden oak Parlor Table of French de
sign, with shaped top and carved cross
braces. Hand-rubbed and pol- 011 Rf
lshed. Regular. 518.50; special.. ..0 lridU
350 Golden oak Parlor Table, with hand
some pedestal base. Built of selected
quartered oak. hand-rubbed and ClO 7R
polished. Regular. 525.00 0 I Qi 1 d
008 Mahogany Parlor Table. Authentic Co
lonial design, with' heavy base and scroll
legs. All genuine mahogany. CQ7 Cfl
Regular. 535.00; special 0lidU
500 Golden oak Parlor Table, with shaped
top and French legs. Hand-rubbed and
polished. Regular. 511.50; $8 00
164-r-Round top golden oak Parlor Table,
with French legs and base shelf. Hand
rubbed and polished. Regular. C7 (1(1
$9.50'; special 0UU