The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 16, 1905, Image 1

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to Canada
Their Wives Summoned to Tell
About Plans.
Grand Jury Discovers Colony of Fif
teen Heads of Different Packing
Houses Has Formed in
CHICAGO, April 15.-The Federal grand
jury today made special efforts to secure
evidence sufficient for more Indictments.
Two women heavily veiled were taken be
fore the jury and examined at length.
Every effort was made by the Govern
ment officials to keep their identity secret,
but it Is said that they are Mrs. Irving
Vant, wife of the assistant secretary of
Bwlft & Co., and Mrs. Richard W. Howes,
wife of -the head of the casing depart
ment of the same" firm.
The husbands of both are in Montreal
in company with several other employes
of different houses In the combination. It
is said the testimony of the ladles today
had to do with a European trip that was.
being planned by them and an attorney
of a packing firm for themselves and
their husbands. Onq, man was also ex
amined at some length. His Identity was
not learned. The jury then adjourned un
til next "Wednesday.
Fully 15 fresh subpenaes, presumably
for witnesses, were made out this after
noon. Names of the Fugitives.
Among the important Chicago depart
ment officials who have been located at
the Windsor Hotel in Montreal are T. E.
Jones, "traffic manager for Armour & Co.;
Richard H. Lane, manager of the pro
vision department of Armour & Co.; A. R.
Fay, traffic manager for Swift & Co.; F.
A, Spink, traffic manager of the Natlona,
Packing Company; T. Filburt manager at
the hog, tallow and casing department of
Swift &, Co., and C. Coffin, one of the
general managers of the National Pack
ing Company.
The motion to quash the Indictment
against Superintendent T. J. Connors, of
Armour Co., was continued today by
Judge Landls until next Saturday,
t Although Indictments on the charge
named have been returned against five
persons, it Js claimed that efforts are still
being made to Interfere with Government
witnesses. It is reported that the first
intimation of the alleged interference with
another witness was gathered from the
testimony of E. B. Fish, on whose testi
mony four employes of Schwarzschild &
Sulzberger wore Indicted Thursday.
Six Women Are Summoned.
Subpenas have been issued for six
women, wives of men employed by vari
ous packers. All of these men are now In
Canada, and the subpenas for the women
have been Issued In connection with the
disappearance of their husbands. They
are: Mrs. Irving A. Vant, wife of the as
sistant secretary of Swift & Co.; Mrs. E.
A. Allen, whose, husband, now with the
National Packing Company, was form
erly secretary of the Hammond Packing
Company; Mrs. James Brennan, whose
husband is a department manager for
Swift & Co.; Mrs. A. R. Fay, wife
of the traffic manager for Swift
& Co.; Mrs. Frank A. Spink, wife of
the manager for the National Packing
Company; Mrs. Fred Wilbur, wife of the
manager of the hide, tallow and casing
department of Swift & Co. It could not bo
learned tonight whether or not any of the
subpenas had been served.
Beef Price Goes Up Again.
OMAHA, Neb., April 15. On account of
the sharp advance made by the packers
to retailers on prices of beef, the retall-
j ers today made an advance of 25 per cent,
raising, the price to local consumers 2
to 5 cents per pound: Retailers are now
paying $15 to $20 more per carcass than
they were paying two weeks ago. Porter
house steak is now retailing at 25 cents
per pound.
Independent Dealer Called on to Give
OBERLIN. O., April 15. S. G. Gibson,
a retail oil dealer whose sales are made
largely from wagons in the nearby coun
try districts, and who alleges that the
Standard Oil Company has waged a re
lentless war against him with a view of
driving. him out of business because lie
does not buy the product of the Standard
Company, has received from the Depart
ment of Commerce a request for full
Information with regard to this trans
action, stating the namof the represen
tative of the Standam Company, the
substance of his stKnt, the prices
charged by that compHPy to retail dealers
"before and since, and the result of the
reported competition.
Brooklyn Company Also Added $12,
000,000 to Total Capitalization.
NEW YORK, April 15. (Special.) To
day's session of the legislative gas in
vestigation committee; the most interest
ing and dramatic of, any that has been
held, brought forth the startling admls
sm that the Brooklyn Gas Company, the
mtroll!ng figure in the gas business
In Brooklyn, increased the pressure on
the mains at night, thereby causing more
gag to be consumed.
This general practice, the excuse for
it and the way to prevent big gas bills
was reluctantly given to the committee
by Assistant Treasurer Arthur P. Stapdi
ford, of the Brooklyn Company,, who was
before the committee for four hours. His
showing that the book value of the
Brooklyn Union plants, franchises and
equipment was J3S.000.000 caused Counsel
Hughes to inquire into the separate
items. 1
Repeated questioning disclosed figures
that brought the total value, excluding
special franchises, only up to J17.O00.OD0.
It was shown that when the Brooklyn
Company opened up Its books it added
to the value of Its constituent companies
a total of $12,000,003.
Carnegie Will Soon Distribute $12,
500,000 In Seventeen States.
BELOIT, Wis., April 15. (Special.) An
drew Carnegie has denied the request of
Beloit College for $1,000,000, made along
with four other Western Institutions for
like amounts, but It is announced that the
college here Is to share In a distribution
of money that is to be made soon.
The first authentic statement of the plan
of Mr. Carnegie for distributing $12,500,000
to all colleges through the West are be
ing made on information from President
Bradley, of Iowa College. President Brad
ley and President Knox, of Galesburg,
were deputed to prepare for submission
to Mr. Carnegie a plan by which he would
distribute a number of ' millions among
smaller colleges, and this announcement
Is the result.
The plan looks toward the distribution
of $12,500,000 among 50 colleges In 17 states.
They are all west of New York.
Indiana Smokers See Big Stocks De
stroyed on the Streets.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind April 15. (Spe
cial.) The acts of the General Assembly
took effect late today, carrying with the
Governor's proclamation the enforcement
of the famous anti-cigarette law.
Local dealers anticipated the proclama
tion, and for several days have been ship
ping their stock to the trust, which agreed
to take back all unsold. Cigarettes not
made by the trusts have been sold by
the wholesale price for several weeks, and
tonight a cigarette could not be purchased.
At Princeton, Ind., one dealer burned
$200 worth In the street, and at Vlncennes
the stocks were given away when It be
came known that the law would take ef
foct today. At many places merchants
dumped their stocks- Into the sewers, and
there is every indication that the law will
be observed.
Girl Slaps Him, and He Strikes Her
Sweetheart! Before Congregation.
LEBANON. Ind... April 15. (Special.)
Rev. John Dodge, pastor of the Holiness
Church here, stabbed and wounded Oscar
Johnston, a member of bis congregation,
while services were In progress.
The congregation was discussing
whether a negro should be allowed to
preach, and th.e argument waxed so warm
that Miss Mamie Chambers bocame in
censed at the minister and slapped him In
the face.
The preacher's- wife then attacked Miss
Chambers, and Johnston, who Is said to
be Miss Chambers' sweetheart, came to
her rescue. The preacher then drew his
knife and made for Johnston, plunging the
blade into his back. Johnston was car
ried to a physician's office, where his
wounds were pronounced serious.
Dodge was arrested and gave bond.
Pacific Squadron- to Be in .Portland
During June and July.
AN FRANCISCO, April 15. (Special.)
The flagship Chicago and the United
States steamer Bennington have arrived
at Santa ' Barbara, with Rear-Admiral
Goodrich in command, and will remain in
port until April 28. The Pacific squadron,
consisting of eight ships, is expected to
leave on April 2S for Monterey, where It
will be anchored until May 5.
The squadron then leaves for San Fran
cisco, where it will remain until June 5,
when It sails for Portland, to be present
during the early stages of the Fair.
C. M. Chamberlain Wanders for Many
Years in Cuba.
LINCOLN, Neb., April 15. C. JkL
Chamberlain, cashier of the Chamber
lain Banking House at Tecumseh, Neb.,
who defaulted a few years ago, and
after getting away with about $75,000
became a fugitive, surrendered here
today. He has been a wanderer evor
since the failure of the bank, anj says
he was weary trying to escape the law.
Most of his time was spent in Cuba.
Gen. John Palmer, Albany, N. Y.
ALBANY, N. Y.. April 15. General
John Palmer, formerly commander-in-chief
of the Grand Army of the Republic,
died .here today, after a long illness. His
death resulted from a wound of the
spine which he received In the Civil War,
and from which he had .suffered ever
since. He was commander-in-chief in
1S92. He was elected Secretary of SJate
of New York on the Republican ticket In
1S95, and held that office for five years.
He held many other posts of . trust, and
was one of Albany's most prominent
citizens. A
General Halbert E. Payne.
WASHINGTON, April 15. General
Halbert E. Payne, a Union veteran of
the Civil War, and a lawyer of National
reputation, died nere today, aged SO
year's. He was a law partner of Carl
Schurz in New York for several years.
. Rev. Michael Burnham, D. D.
DENVER, Colo., April 15. Rev. Michael
Burnham, D. D., formerly pastor of the
Pilgrims' Church, of St. Louis, and for ten
years a resident of that city, died today in
this city of pneumonia, aged 63 years.
He came to Denver a few months ago.
John N. Wolliscroft,
CINCINNATI. O., April 15. (Special.)
John N. Wolliscroft, aged 58 years, a
leading general dealer and distributer,
died today in Covington, Ky, He was
prominent In Kentucky poltlcs.
King to Meet Emperor.
ROME, April . 15. A telegram from
Messina to Giornale dl Stala says that
King Edward and Queen .Alexandra'-are
expected rto meet Emper.or-Willlamvat
Messlra about Aurll "20. '
Plan, of Campaign
Still a Mystery.
Let It Go to Vladivostok and
Then Besiege It,
Hopes of Naval Victory 'Give Rus
sian War Party the Ascendency
Britain Is Accused of
Aiding Japan.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 10. (4 A.
31.) It Is rumored the Baltic squadron
met and engaged tvro Brltlnlt cruisers
In the China Sea under the impression
they Trere Japanese, and sank them.
PARIS, April 16. The correspondent
of the Petit Journal nt Hnlfonp, French
Inclo-Chlnn, cabling under date of
April 15, nays i
"I am informed that the Russian lleet,
40 vessels strong, running nt 12 knots
and Trlthout lights, ttos sighted In the
17th decree of latitude, steaming? In a
northerly direction'
LONDON, April 16. Up to an early
hour this morning no news had been
received from the opposing fleets In
Far Eastern waters and the belief Is
growing that there will be no general
engagement for some days, at least
This fact Is urged by naval strategists
who profess to have discussed the mat
ter with Japanese naval experts and Is
said to be owing to the desire of Ad
miral Togo not to risk his fleet against
the Russian battleships until absolutely
compelled to do so.
It- Is stated that, If Rojestvensky
shows a desire to sail direct to Vladi
vostok, he will be permitted to reach
there without having to fight the main
Jajfanpse1 fleet With tlie Russian Ad
miral iii. the harbor at Vladivostok,
Togo would resume the tactics he- so
thoroughly carried out at Port Arthur
and would try to pen him up in the
harbor until the siege guns could be
mounted on land and placed where
they could be directed against the Rus
sian fleet in the harbor.
By this method the Japanese could
retain control of the sea and their lines
of communication to Manchuria would
be safe.
Russians Expect Togo Will Resort to
Night Attacks.
ST. PETERSBURG April 15. (11:26
P. M.) The week closes with the gov
ernment's eyes and hopes centered on
Vice-Adralral Rojestvensky, and grad
ually something like genuine enthusi
asm has been aroused by the Russian
Admiral's hardihood in sailing straight
for a combat with the Japanese.
There are many naval officers who
do not believe that Vice-Admiral Togo
will accept the challenge. In their
opinion the Japanese will bo too pru
dent in such a crisis to risk the de
struction of their fleet They believe
that Togo's tactics-will bo to avoid an
open-sea fight and that he w.lll launch
a series of desperate night torpedo at
tacks in the hope of throwing tho Rus
sian fleet Into confusion, scattering the
line of ships and giving his faster bat
tleships and cruisers an opportunity to
surround and destroy them individu
ally, and. If some of Rojestvensky's
ships escape to Vladivostok, to bottle
them up there.
For the moment the conservative
counsels of the peace party, which
realizes that the military situation will
be utterly hopeless If Rojestvensky's
fleet Is completely destroyed, and con
siders it best to opei negotiations be
fore the issue is put to a test, are
rudely thrust aside. The Admiralty
clamors for a chance to retrieve its
reputation, and the war party generally
seems to be convinced that the Em
peror of Russia's position will not be
worse If the battle Is lost, while the
destruction of Togo's fleet would spell
ruin for Japan. The Emperor himself,
it is understood, expresses great confi
dence in victory, and. should victory
come, he will undoubtedly fix the Im
perial seal to the big naval programme
prepared "by the Admiralty.
Ten Commissioned in Four Days to
Worry Rojestvensky.
WASHINGTON, April 15. Informa
tion has reached Washington, through
Europe, that the Japanese navy has
fvlthin the last four days commissioned
10 new torpedo-boat destroyers built
'4n Japanese shipyards. It is believed
that within six weeks 25 additional
destroyers, building under rush orders,
will be put in commission.
Three hundred and eighty-one mines
planted by the Japanese in front of
Port Arthur have been taken up and
placed elsewhere.
Sailing of Orel Cuts Communication
With Fleet.
;. ST. PETERSBURG. April 15. (11:2S P.
3d.) With tho departure .of the hospital
ship Orel from Saigon, the last cord con
necting the Baltic squadron with St. Pe
tersburg was severed, and the Admiralty
expects no further direct news until a bat
tle has been fought and determined.
"Henceforth," said a prominent naval
officer, "the press probably will be our
only source of Information. Rojestven
sky's next message may not be written
until he meets the enemy.
"Under the circumstances, many rumors
take shape in St. Petersburg, aside from
those relating to encounters with the Jap
anese at various, places and with varying
results, but the most fanciful Is that say
ing the Baltic squadron met and engaged
two British cruisers under the impression
that they were Japanese, and sank them.
Officer of RussianFleet Says It Will
Fight to End.
ST. PETERSBURG. April 16. A letter
has been received here from an officer of
the Russian Baltic fleet In which he re
views the chances of the fleet's defeating
(Concluded on Paso S-)
The Weather.
TODAY'S Showers. Southwesterly winds.
TESTE RD AT' S Maximum temperature, 5T
deg: minimum, -IS. Precipitation, 0.22
The War In the Par East
Togo's probable strategy against Russian
fleet. Page 1.
Russians accuse British ships of spying on
their lleet Page l.
Small successes claimed by both armies.
Page 1. i
Russian fleet sighted going northward.
Page 1.
Ross law
Riot expected today In St Petersburg.
Page 3.
Wltte resigns because his peasant commis
sion Is abolished. Page 5.
Cartoons show Czar's family all dead.
Page 5.
Warsaw rioters sentenced to death. Page 5.
Plot to murder Governor of Warsaw. Page 5.
Germany and France negotiating on Mo
roccan question. Page 18.
Kaiser wants to settle scores with the Pope.
Page 2.
President arrives at Colorado hunting
ground. Page 2.
Windy land agent rebuked by Richards.
Pase 3.
Bids opened or .new- cruisers. Page. 0.
Shonts tells policy on Panama railroad rates.
Page 0. - -
Identification of Paul Jones' body complete.
Page 8.
Beef trust witnesses flee to Canada and
their wlves are summoned. Page 1.
Chicago will own car lines within .three
mo'ntbs. Page 2.
Woman sues iathcr-ln-la-w for cremating
husband's body. Page 3.
Hrde and Alexander, renew Equitable war.
Page 2.
Further violence ends peic confpnce on
Chicago t-ifractx stsi:ce.-Pae J,
. - PacUc. Coast
Spreckels will fight Rockefeller-Addleks stw
combination to a finish. Pago 4.
Sand island seiners will fight before they
' lose their rights. Page 4.
J. Wilbur Chapman compares Seattle and
Portland. Page 4.
Because he ostracized wife of master me
chanic. Lieutenant-Commander of trans
port Solace may be transferred. Page 1.
Mrc Torturloi happier in Jail than she would
be outside. Page 5.
Woman in Southern California thinks she Is
millionaire's wife. Page 5.
Portland and Vicinity.
Needful work of the Travelers Aid Associa
tion Is shown. Page 10.
Bids for lease for Sand Island prove Us
value. Page IS.
Big realty deal foreshadows construction of
14-story skyscraper. Pago 10.
Dr. Grant likens Rockefeller to a hog.
Pago 24.
Trail now has the limit of concessionaires.
Page 11.
Mormon choir from Ogden wlll come to Ex
position. Page 11.
Less than a half of the electors , of Portland
registered or the primary. Page 24.
Strong deal made to aid Albee's candidacy.
Page 13.
Central Oregon will soon have a railway.
Page 18.
Six families and a cow live In one house In
"Little Italy." Page 14.
Citizens aroused over garbage dump In Al
blna. Page 10.
Desertion ground on which several divorce
suits are tiled. Page 36.
Contractors who delay street work will suf
fer financial penalty. Page 38.
Civic Improvement Board determined to put
a stop to unsanitary conditions. Page 48.
Delegates from four Republican clubs assem
ble to devise plan to down Williams, but
do nothing beyond wrangling. Page 1.
California defeats Stanford in track meet
Pace 16.
Two world's Indoor records broken at Colum
bia meet. Page 10.
Ormonde's Right wins $7000 purse" In Carter
handicap. Page 10.
Seattle not willing to meet Multnomah boxer.
Pase 10.
Portland has a stronjr team in the Giants
Pase 17.
Firnt fans wonder If Brltt and White will
meet. Page 17.
Multnomah men write of club's bright pros
pects. Pase 17.
Business men will root for Giants on opening
day. Pace 17.
Commercial and Marine.
More' trouble between Hawaiian planters and
sugar trust. Page 33.
Profit-taking salw weaken stock prices. Page
33. i
California prune crop will be smaller than
expected. Paga 35
Chicago wheat prices fluctuate on crop re
ports. Page 35.
Favorable weekly statement by New Tork
banks. Pace 35.
Admiral Kempff Inspects nine steamers at
Astoria. PT -
Features and Departments.
Editorial. Page 8.
Church announcements. Page 31.
Classified advertisements. Pages 10-23.
Books of special Interest to Oregonlans.
Page 30.
Pope Plus X in bis magnificent prison.
Page 38.
The Romance of Labor, by Andrew Carnegie.
Page 38.
Immigration up to tb Million Mark. Page 34.
Easter Pilgrimage to the Tomb of Moses.
Page 40. v
Stamping Out Tellow . Fever' at Panama.
Page 41..
Sherlock Holmes. Page 46. ;
The Belmont Family of Millionaire. Page 30.
Tales from Dickens. Page 44. ,
Social. Page 28. . '
Dramatic. Pages 25-26.
Musical. Page" 29. .-
Household and Fashions. sf Pagea'42-43. 1 ":
youths' Department Page 43.
Yet They Reach No Com
mon Ground.
Failure Jo Combine for That
Each Club Delegate Has His Own
Separate Plan of Salvation for
Party, and "Nothing Re
sults From Meeting.
Inspired by a common spirit of opposi
tion to -"Williams for Mayor, and agreed
that all his Republican rivals must' with
draw save one. else go down to defeat,
yet unable to stand together on common
ground, envoys from four Republican
clubs met last night in the New Deal
quarters, at 109 Second street, stewed In
a cauldron of debate an hour and a half
and adjourned, after having accomplished
nothing except to vent themselves of a
vast amount of breath.
The conference was of nearly 30 braves
from the clubs, assisted by several self
sent outsiders. They were to point out
to all the Republican hosts of Portland
a common road to party harmony. But
the gentlemen could not point out such
a common road, even to one another.
They debated and haggled, some propos
ing that the conference then and there
indorse one of the anti-Williams candi
dates; others that it simply feel the com
mon sentiment of the gathering; others
that it call together the hosts Into
mass meeting, so that "tho rank and file
of the party might select their own can
didate for the nomination; others that
they call together a mass meeting of the
clubs or coalesce them for that puropse;
and still others that they bring the rival
antl-Wllllams candidates together, and let
them choose one of their own number for
the running.
But the braves couldn't agree.
Amid the battle of notions nof one val
iant buckled oi) his- armor for Williams.
RowearK Glafke Champions.
Rowo and Glafke had champions; per
haps Albec. too, but scarce a voice was
raised for Tilm. Merrill, Fisher and Coop
er were not of grace in the sight of the
The clubs represented were the New
Deal, the Republican Club, the Young
Men's Republican Club and the Glafke
Republican Club.
When one stalwart proposed this, an
other proposed that. Just as often as
somebody suggested that the conference
decide by straw vote or otherwise whom
to b6ost for the nomination, a Glafke man
bucked unless his candidate should be the
one boosted. When a Rowe man proposed
that the candidates themselves pick out
the one to be boosted, a Glafke man de
clared that the candidates could no more
readily agree than the elements then at
wrangle. When a New Dealer suggested
that the other three clubs than his own
go out of businss and be absorbed Into
the New Deal, the others refused to be
swallowed. And so the debate kept up.
Synopsis of the Wrangle.
Here's a synopsis:
W. B. Chase (New Dealer) Let's decide
by vote whether we're going to indorse
R, G. Morrow (Glafke boomer) Where's
our authority?
John M. Mann (New Dealer) We're not
here to indorse any candidate.
W. R. McGary (New Dealer) The di
rect primary law gives the people the right
to name their own candidates.
F. B. Beach (Republican Club) This ri
valry between the candidates will give us
a weak nominee and a Democrat will be
G. C. Moser (New Dealer) Let's have a
mass meeting of Republicans.
B. F. Jones (Young Men's Club) Let's
form one big club.
Dr. Norris R. Cox (New Dealer) Yes;
let's unite the clubs.
E. C. Robbins (New Dealer and Glafke
boomer) A mass meeting of 500 or 1000
persons has no right to tell others of the
party how they shall vote.
Thomas Hislop (Rowe boomer) Let's
vote now and Indorse somebody.
W. B. Chase (New Dealer) I'm willing.
D. J. Qulmby (Republican Club) So
am I.
W. R. McGary (New Dealer) Come;
Join the New Deal. I raove'all the clubs
Join the new deal. (Motion killed with a
C. E. Warrens (Glafke boomer) We're
in no position to join. We're for Glafke.
Thomas Hislop Why let the Glafke
Club tie up the other clubs?
C. EL Lockwood .(Republican Club) The
plan to unite the clubs with the New Deal
isn't germane to the present purpose.
F. B. Beach Glv6 us a new club.
D. J. Quimby Keep out of the New
H. L. Nevelle (Republican Club) Why
so much talk? Let's get down to business.
George W. Stapleton (Rowe's manager)
Bring the candidates together. Let
them pick the man to run. Otherwise,
D. J. Quimby I move a committee con
fer with the candidates, so as to induen
'all but one to withdraw. (Motion forgot
R. G. Morrow Only way Is to eliminate
candidates at primaries..
C, M. Idleman (Young Men's Club)
Can't pull candidate away except by a
big organization of entire ctiy. Anybody
has right to be candidate.
G. C. Moser Call mass meeting of the
whole city; can't Influence the thousands
of voters any other way.
W. B. Chase Merge all the clubs- in the
New Deal.
Hugh McGuIre (Glafke boomer) Let's
compromise on Glafke.
Thomas Hislop Let's take a vote right
C. E. Lockwood Minneapolis got a
grafting Mayor out of a fight between
candidates like this at Portland.
B. F. Jones Call a mass meeting of all
the clubs.
G. C. Moser Call a mass meeting of all
Lou Wagner (New Dealer) Give the
primaries a chanced What are.they for?
R.' G. Morrow A mass meeting would
only be packed with howlers of each can
didate. Thomas Hislop There's no more repre
sentative body than this. Let's vote.
Edward Newbegin (Glakfe worker)
We're against machines and for Glafke.
G. C. Moser We're opposed to any in
dorsement ' Adjourned.
Envoys of the Clubs.
The envoys who lent their brains to the
occasion were:
New Deal Lou Wagner. W. R. McGary.
F. C. Middieton, G. a Moser, John M.
Mann. C. H .Thompson, W. B. Chase, E.
C. Robbins, J. T. Gregg.
Republican Club Dr. Norris R. Cox.
George W. Hoyt, D. J. Quimby, F. E.
Beach, W. P. Kcady, Thomas Hislop, H.
L. Nevelle.
Young Men's Republican. Club Dr. yR.
E. Preston, A. W. Allen, C. E. Lockwood,
C. M. Idleman, B. F. Jones, H. C. Smith.
Glafke Club R. G. Morrow, Hugh Mc
GuIre, C. E. Warrens, George W. Hoyt,
Edward Newbegin.
The conference had been planned for
s6me time, and was Intended to lead the
clubs Into a brotherhood wherein they
could dwell In unity. The clubs have be
trayed in time pa3t a tendency to carp at
one another, as if forgetful of the ties
that should bind. And the spirit of dis
cord broke out even last night when they
wero before the Republican shrine.
A New Deal brother, W. R. McGary by
name, had proposed that the other clubs
come over to the Now Deal faith and
coalesce under its banner and dwell in its
house. To this such stalwarts as Thomas
Hislop and C. E. Warrens and C. E. Lock
wood made strenuous objection, when F.
E. Beach raised a loud laugh by asking:
"Ib the New Deal an organization of old
Whereupon the New Dealers took pains
to explain that their organization was a
coalescence of all factions, of whatever
Lost in the Fog.
At this point the brethren seemed lost
In fog without compass. Then George
W. Stapleton threw the light of his In
telligence on the scene and chased away
the clouds by declaring:
"No matter how we differ as to candi
dates, we are united in this we want the
present condition of things In the city
government changed. Isn t that so?
Cries of "Sure!" "You're right!" fol
"You have Glafke men and Rowe men
and Albee men and Fisher men," went on
Stapleton. "Your common object Is to
change the Williams administration. You
are not going to do it with all those can
didates. But you can do it with one.
You've -got to call them together and let
them decide among themselves who shall
be that one. You've got to unite the op
position to Williams or go down to de
feat Indorsement of any candidate
wouldn't amount to that," snapping his
Eliminate by Primaries.
At this a motion of "McGary's that tho
other clubs coalesce with the New Deal
at a big meeting next Tuesday night was
lost thus putting1 an end to a. long debate.
At once. D. J. Quimby moved for a com
mittee to confer with the opposition can
didates and to pull away all but one, but
the motion was drowned In a babel of
voices. fcA. loud voice mdved to adjourn,
but" iT Too, was drowned out, and' R. G.
Morrow- took the floor.
Mr. Morrow drove Into the brethren that
the only way- to eliminate any candidate
was by the primaries. That was what the
lav was for, ie opined, and ail the talk
of uniting on any one candidate before
tnat time was waste of breath.
C. M. Idleman .advised that one big or
ganlzatlonlof the" entire city be created.
If that were "done, he said, the candidates
could be pulled away by its influence;
otherwise, not
Moser came back with his proposal for
a mass meeting of citizens, but it fell on
deaf ears, and Hislop moved that the
conference proceed to vote for a candidate.
This motion, at the instance of F. C. Mid
dieton, was laid on the table.
Edward Newbegin suggested that one
way to avoid a machine was for the sev
eral clubs to come over to the Glafke
Club. But hardly had this sentiment been
uttered than the conference suddenly ad
Casket of Mexican Ambassador Is
Given All Military Honors.
ANNAPOLIS. Md., April 13. (Special.)
Theh remains of Don Manuel de Asplroz,
the late Ambassador to the United States
from Mexico, were brought to Annapolis
from Washington today on a special train,
and plaqed aboard the United States cruis
er Columbia, which sailed at 6. P. M. for
Vera Cruz.
They were accompanied by Mr. Loomls,
acting Secretary of State, with Mr. Gam
boa and Commander Winslow, U. S. N.,
ja.nd members of the diplomatic corps. A
marine escort also accompanied the body.
Full military honors were accorded the
dead Ambassador, the official escort con
sisting of a battalion of marines, one of
seamen and the officers stationed at the
Naval Academy. A salute of 19 guns was
fired. The casket was draped In the Mex
ican and United States flags.
Capitalist Says That Plaintiff Several
Times Massaged Him.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 15. (Special.)
W. F. Whittier, the capitalist who has
been sued for $50,000 for breach of prom
ise by Miss Nellie T. Henry, wants to
see the old love letters which she says
he wrote to her, and Judge Kerrigan
ruled yesterday that she would have to
produce them. When her deposition was
being taken lately she declined to show
the carefully preserved epistles by the
.advice of her attorney.
"Has Mr. Whittier written you any
letters?' asked Attorney Van Ness.
"He has written to me from every
place that he has been to, from Boston,
Italy, Paris and other places. I got lots
of letters from New York," she said.
Whittier met the woman when he was
undergoing treatment, and she acted as
his masseur.
Court Orders Jerome to Surrender
Evidence in Nan Patterson Case.
NEW YORK, April 15. (Special.) Law
yer Timburger, late this afternoon secured
a peremptory order from the Supreme
Court through Justice Gaynor obliging
District Attorney Jerome to surrender the
letters and other property taken from Mr.
and Mrs. J. Morgan Smith In Cincinnati
after their arrest Timburger declares
the action Is criminal, and he believes
he can punish him for larceny.
Ambassador Meyer Well Received.
ST. PETERSBURG. April 15. Amer
ican Ambassador Meyer has been cor
dially received here and Is making a
splendid impression In diplomatic and
government circles. A brilliant career,
both diplomatically and socially, is pre
dicted for him.
Ostracized Wife of a
Officers Rebelled at Commair
der's Unheard-of Action,
Now They Are Determined That He
Shall Not Captain Next Voyage,
and Mrs. Costello Has Re
ported Her Wrongs.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 15. Naval cir
cles are dally expecting open hostilities
aboard the transport Solace, now getting
ready at Mare Island for a voyage to
the Philippines. Trouble Is brewing among
the officers of the vessel as a result of
Lieutenant-Commander John J. Knapp's
action In ostracizing Mrs. Costello during
the last voyage from Manila, because of
social discrimination.
An. effort Is being made through In
fluential persons at Washington to have
the Lieutenant-Commander, who is the
executive officer,, detached from the trans
port before she departs for Manila. Lieutenant-Commander
Knapp ostracized
Mrs. Costello, a passenger, for no other
reason than that she Is the wife of a
master mechanic In the employ of tha
Government at Cavite.
A number of the officers of the trans
port personally went to Knapp during the
voyage and protested against the discrim
inating order issued In Mrs. Costello's
case, and this is said to have been the
cause of the Ill-feeling which has since
developed among the officers, a number
of whom have taken- sides with Knapp.
The feeling against the executive of
ficer has spread into the forecastle, and
reports say the .',nn are- becoming very
sullen when orders are issued by the"
Lientenant-Commander, who Is now In
command of the vessel during a leave of
absence being enjoyed by Commander
Her Room Wa3 Unsafe.
Several days ago Dr. Cordero, surgeon
of the transport, who Is said to have been
one of the onfeers who protested against
Knapp's treatment of Mrs. Costello, on
the ground that Isolation was not only
humiliating- to the woman, but dangerous.
In view of the fact that the location as
signed to her aboard the vessel might at
any time be washed by seas, was, by the
authority of Knapp, sent to his cabin for
ten days.
This was followed by an order prohib
iting junior officers from enjoying wine
with their mess. Other annoying instruc
tions were Issued to officers that are sel
dom heard of aboard well-disciplined ves
sels like the Solace.
Complaint to Navy Department.
Mrs. Costello has already presented the
facts In her case to Washington authori
ties, but, fearing they might not be acted
upon before the Solace leaves for Manila,
a number of the officers of the transport
are endeavoring to Impress on the officials
of the Navy Department the fact that
Knapp's personality has reached a degree
where it may provoke a scandal should he
remain in his present position on the
coming voyage.
Most Brilliant of Bay City's Opera
Season Is Closed.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 15.-(Special.)
Tonight "La Giaconda" closes the most
brilliant opera season San Francisco has
ever seen. The season has been Caruso'a.
There will be au revoirg tonight, not fare
wells, for Conrled will send Caruso West
again. Last night Caruso sang Canio to
the largest audience that has ever gath
ered in the Grand Opera House. There
was a big audience tonight
Henry James was there. With some
friends the famous author sat in the cen
ter of the orchestra. The' season has
been a profitable one. The total receipts
for the season of 12 performances wa?.
close to $20,000. The "Parsifal" matinee
brought in $16,000. '
Physician Says His Mind- Is Clear,
and He Rests Easily.
WASHINGTON, April 15. (Special.)
The condition of United States Senator
Piatt Is more encouraging than it was
since his illness became sarious." He Is
resting comfortably, and his mind Is
clear. William J. Ford, his physician, sold
"Senator Piatt has passed a very satis
factory day, I think. The fluid in the
chest Is being all absorbed. His mind is
clear and unless some unexpected compli
cations occur, I see no reason why he will
not eventually get well."
Keep Out American Surplus.
WASHINGTON. April 15. The Cana
dian, government is proceeding actively
to prevent the practice of "dumping'
surplus American manufactures into
Canada. Commercial Agent Johnson, at
Stanbrldge, has reported to the State
Department that the Canadian Depart
ment of Customs has issued a new set
of instructions which provide for the
imposition of a special duty on such,
goods entering Canada.
Fire 8oon Burned Wire.
CHARLOTTE. N. C, April 15. A Are
which broke out about 1 o'clock this
(Sunday) morning is said to threaten
the business portion of Chesaw, S. C
The telephone connection was lost be
fore any particulars could be learned.