tr , rr j V 'A' I'T T TTTf 32 THE SUNDAY OEEGONIAN, PDRTLAOT), NOVEMBER 15, 1903. pterin. arcen F'-f -Jlffi pp-f ffSf"-' il r T"i 1? i iBKj&i B" If immSJl n the nther ack y Albert Sonnichsen, 'T 7 IMHHHHHHiHlllSSSni fcFr m jtWtIW pOyfnE T-ii i mri TO BE familiar "with maritime affairs on the Pacific Coast means that you hare heard of the Hawaiian hark TAIeha. The Aloha has had many com "toanders, but it is not -worth whllo to bur den your memory with any of their names Except that of Captain Eric Larsen, who, I believe, sailed her until annexation krought her under American colors. .Cap fin Iarsen'e name will be handed down o local fame for many years to come, "fatea a master mariner has a reputation It means that Me Is either a most ertra fcrdlnary pood seaman and has a keen Cose for fair winds, or that he does things aboard ship not pleasant for de cent, shore-abiding people to contemplate. f!Titnin iruMi'R rpnutation was an ex ception; it was not especially due to ! Either cf these causes. His fame was i jgalned by his power to convert the wicked fit heart to the true course of righteous- j 21653. I Previous to Captain Larsen's advent on ! the Pacific Coast as mate of a large J British four-master, the Aloha had been ' commanded by a bold, hard-handed Irish- ) "jnan, who divided his time at sea bo- j tween drinking whisky and committing Ssault and battery on his sailors. This j tter pastime of his made life miserable to th6 marine hospital officials In San "panblsco and Honolulu whenever the Alo is, put into those ports. That sort of I Hhlng went a good ways those days, when ' jnarltime laws were vague and seldom en- I forced, but finally the Aloha became too I Siotorlous even for those parts, and tne wners were obliged by public opinion to uremove Kanaka Hogan from his com Jnand. From one extreme they went to nother. To take his place they engaged itbe tneek and gentle Larsen. On the first trip he brpke the Aloha's previous records between Frisco and Mcl bournfe, and that placed him high in favor with the owners. But by his brother commanders of other ships Captain Lar sen was regarded with supreme contempt. ik. religious master mariner is never re spected, more especially if he belongs to the SalTA.tion Army, as did Jhls' good and $lous Larsen. "When the Aloha lay loading or dis charging in Honolulu. Captain Larsen pent his evenings ashore at Salvation Army headquarters, and he even joined . the red-shirtcd soldiers of Christ in their Street corner demonstrations. There tho seafaring population of Honolulu would Often behold the Aloha's skipper, his bare ked and broad shoulders towering above &ls fellow-Salvationists. To the popular disgust he would some times step forward to deliver his testi mony, bashfully at first, later warming up enthusiastically, exhorting the scan dalized seamen to mend their ways and be saved. Ho invariably began thus: "Dearly belofed bredern and shipmates: It is almost impossible to express de joy pf true salvation. I haf never been so happy as sfnee I found Jesus. Vunce I yos a bad man, far from de road of righteousness. Vunce I drink vlsky and "vse bad langvldge, and vas not good to toy sailors, but now, tank de Lord, I have found salvation, and I don't be so vlcked tiny more." Naturally, such sentiments could not be wall received by "West Coast skippers. That a sallorman should declare whisky and rwearlng wicked was, to their minds, nothing short of treachery to the broth erhood of seamen. In San Francisco Captain Larsen's piousness proved equally objectionable. He always insisted that the boarding masters send him Christian, God-fearing teamen who never swore, and would not bjpet to prayer meetings in the dog watches. Such men were naturally scare, but eo long as the Aloha's owners stood tk4 for the large shipping fees they tried to humor the eccentric Norwegian Skipper. Those were the days of blood Jnoney. But one day there came a change of ALASKA'S WEALT-H IN eOAL Fitz-Mac LTTN't at different points along her 26,000 miles of coastline, Alaska pos sesses an amazing wealth of coal. The present yearly consumption of coal try all the world Is known to be not far from a billion tons. Alaska can supply "the whole of that demand 1,000,000,000 tons e. year for 100 years, from fields along her coast and accessible to deep craft cran vesselB without the intervention of H railroad. Not an acre of that Alaska coal land ts owned, nor in the present state of the Jaw, ean be owned, by any private party fr corporation. It Is etill all public property. Not a ton of It is mined for sale, and fet, standing there untouched, the coal "beds of Alaska are worth more every 4ew to the three Pacific Coast states Washington, Oregon and California than the of Alaska cost the United States in 1867, which was $7,200,000. The eoal of Alaska is worth that sum every year to those three states without bringing a ton of It into the market California has practically no coal. Ore gon's 1b not yet much developed. Wash ington has fine coal and a good deal of jt, but it 1b all owned or controlled by the railroads, and it cannot be dumped from the mines Into shape without a charge for railroad haulage. California and Oregon take most of the It eoal from Washington by rail and Tetter transportation, and the cost Is rea sonable and must forever remain reason able whllo that Alaska coal stands there accessible to all-water transportation as a possible competitor, with its great beds Kposed to the ocean ready to be dumped Into ships without the intervention of a railroad. It costs but a trifle more 10 cents a ton prhapB to ship coal by boat to San Francisco from Alaska, than from Puget Rouni. That's what must always keep the price of coal down to a reasonable profit in our Pacific Coast cities Wash ington mlneowners have no dead cinch on the market, and they cant work tho tariff racket against Alaska coal. But pa the other hand, neither can Alaska toesi, at the present cost of labor in Alas ka, be brought Into the market to compete with Washington coal at the present Bcale 3f prices for Washington coal. Washington coal will keep Alaska coal out of the Pacific Coast markets While the cost of mining in Alaska continues to much higher than in Washington. But let the Washington mines raise their price cn&Uh to offset the difference In wages, and Alaska will take their trade, for her coal beds are the moBt accessible in the world to all-water transportation. They lie directly on the coast, the beds visi ble from the decks of passing ships, and In places, even deep-draft vessels may run into shore, throw but the gang plank and go to mining. STbey actually do that very: thins at management in the office of the Aloha's owners, and, among other things Involved, Captain Larsen must henceforth manage the financial part of shipping his crews himself. That was the cause of the trou- ' ble. The religious scruples of Captain I Larsen and blood money fees wouldn't ' mix in the same pot. 1 In those days the boarding masters of Frisco stuck together as thick as thieves, and the shipping commissioners stood in with them. All this was for mutual ben efit. Any skipper that refused to put up their prices brought upon himself their united displeasure, and that waB some- , thing no sane skipper ever cared to do. Then, it was usually to a skipper's ad- j vantage in a financial way to stand in with the boarding masters; it was another' case of mutual benefit. But Captain Larsen conceived the idea that blood money did not chime in with the moral scheme of things, so he gave voice to that opinion just about as he voiced his testimonies on the street cor ners of Honolulu. Ho met Seattle Mike and Al Black, president and shipping master for the Boarding Masters' Association, in their office, partitioned off in the Fair "Winds saloon. "Two months' advance for each man," demanded Seattle Mike. "Just $40 J20 for us and $20 to square up the men's ac counts. You've got to pony up the same's the rest of 'em." "You bet," added Al Black, drinking his beer with a dark frown, "we doesn't stand no foolln'." Captain Larsen's mild blue eyes wan dered wearily about the dingy office. "Twenty dollars shipping fee is too much," he protested meekly. "I am will ing to gif the men a month's advance, but I von't gif you more dan $2 apiece as shipping fee. Dat is choost vat de law allows." "Two dollars!" snorted Al Black sav agely. "We say 520, and we mean It If you don't come up with that price, you get no men." But they came to no agreement. Tho Aloha's skipper returned aboard with a war against the Boarding Masters' Asso ciation on his hands. Next day he opened negotiations with Chinese Charley for a crew of Kanakas and Chinamen. The United Boarding Masters smiled that meant trouble for Captain Larsen with the union. For a while they decided to let It go at that, but Seattle Mike conceived a plan whereby they might have even a more complete revenge. This he at once communicated to his associates and they grinned more broadly than ever. It was a game they had played before, and always success fully. Perhaps you have heard of the mutiny of the Harvester. Next day they sent a note to Captain Larsen stating that they acceded to his terms a month's advance for each man. "And a nice Christian crew we'll send you," added the note. "We'll give him Three-Fingered Jack for bos'n," chuckled Seattle Mike sig nificantly, and the Idea sent the beer down Al Black's wrong throat. "An Lager Beer Pete," suggested Al Black, when he recovered. "He gets out of choky tomorrow; an we'll give him the five chaps oft! the Sioux Queen, an' Bill Simmons and Big Steve." Whereupon the two plotters chuckled immoderately over their beer and nudged each other In Joyful anticipation of what Cape Lisburna. and Point Barrow, and can do It at several points in the Cook Inlet field. The coal fields of Alaska lying directly upon the coast can hardly be less, I think, than 20,000 square miles; while remote from the coast it probably possesses a vastly greater area not yet disclosed sufficient, I should think, at a guess, to raise tho total to CO.OOO square miles, or about one-tenth of the whole territory or about equal to the united areas of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The geological reconnaissance of the territory which the government is now pushing with most commendable energy reveal that the series of strata in which the coal occurs is very widely developed throughout the Interior. These strata are called in the Alaska survey, "The Kenal Series," because they are most clearly exposed, and were first studied on the Cook Inlet coast of the Kenal peninsula (long. 150). It Is the necessarily tentative and non committal custom In all preliminary geo logical surveys to give to any scries of strata studied the name of the locality where it is best exposed before its exact place in the geological column "has been determined. This is very confusing to folks who happen not to be aware of the custom, and who possess only a slight textbook knowledge of geology, but It is a necessary -expedient to avoid, in prelim inary geological surveys, the danger of compromising the work of such a survey corps by tho possible blunder of a single expert. Thus the study of the scries of strata containing the coal in the Rocky Moun tain states was first mode at old Fort Laramie, in Wyoming, and the strata was called "the Laramie Series," and their exact place in the geological column was, on the final correlation, found to be at the very top of a cretaceous age. In the same way It has now been pretty definitely de termined that the "Kenai Series" lies at the very bottom of tho Tertiary age, in the eocene. But the bottom Of the Tertiary age, and the top of the Cretaclous come together. The dividing line Is imaginary, a more or less Irregular blending, not a definite lino at all. So whether we call the Alaska coal Cretaclous or Tertiary, is only a matter of geological hairsplitting. The Im portant thing to know Is that its age Is substantially Identical with that of all other know Western coal fields of com mercial importance. Some geologists still call the Western coal Tertiary, while others insist that its horizon is the Cretaclous. But we may consider the Alaska coal series as prac tically. If not precisely. Identical with that of all the important coal measures of North America west of the meridian through Central Kansas, and also with the coal measures of Asia, Australia and New Zealand: while the coal east of that meridian In the United States, as also the coal of England and Europe was laid down some millions of years earlier In the Carboniferous age. , "Wfcen you have a coal field and know Mfluawggagga iinwfc wr. :v miex-c.h gjEgssgK"jr-r-- zsgggas sasss lVXXVfrXTte ,ZtUT. ?&&F f mtimw&m u IIP Deadly Beloved BREDERti AND 5H1PMATE5 a shore person would think a ghastly Joke. Next day the new crew of the Aloha went aboard 1G notorious ruffians. Trig Olafscn. the Alhoa's chief mate, received them at the gangway. Olafsen had been on the Coast a long time and he know most of the men. Perhaps he even then realized the game that was being played on his commander, but If he did, his stolid, high cheek-boned face betrayed no indication of the discovers'. That afternoon the Aloha was towed out to sea. On the glass-covered veranda of the Cliff House, overlooking Seal Hocks and the Golden Gate, sat two men, sip ping brandy an soda. Taking turns through a brass binocular, they were watching the Aloha- set sail. "They'll never get beyond the Farell ones," remarked Seattle Mike, as the big topsails of the Aloha were" being sheeted home. its extent, it Isn't worth one red cent to you to know to what geological horizon or age that particular field belongs. Its value depends on the quality of that par ticular field of coal and on the market for It. Geology Is of no use to you there. I But if you have studied the series of I rocks that underlie and overlie that par ticular coal field and are able to recognize them In a distant place, the knowledge may enable you to discover a completely j concealed coal field of great value. And I there is where geology counts, for most of 1 the coal beds of the world are concealed j mju Kcuiuy nus icu to ineir aiscovery. All of the numerous coal fields of Alaska bo far discovered (or most of them) lie at different points along Its 26,000 miles of seacoast and are pretty Impartially dis tributed, though the first-known and best known fUld is that of Cook Inlet, which is a great arm of the sea In longitude 152, about CO miles wide by 150 miles long, with ji series of great coal beds aggre gating a thickness of about 50 feet, ex posed the whole length of both its coasts and known to extend at least SO miles In land up the wide valley of the Susltna River. The workable coal field of Cook Inlet Is just about equal In area to the State of Massachusetts SOOO square miles. At a rough estimate this single coal basin of Alaska contains nearly 250,000,000, 000 tons. But the Cook Inlet coal basin, though the first discovered and the largest yet known, Is by no means the only Important one in Alaska. On the Behring Sea coa.t of the Alaska peninsula, from the -vicinity of Bristol Bay southward toward the extremity of the peninsula, there is a coastal plain. varying from ten to 40 miles in width. known to be underlaid with workable coal veins of excellent quality. This field Is very convenient to the needs of the Nome region (Seward peninsula), where the principal part of Alaska's present population and business enterprise is cen tered. It is equally convenient to the whole Yukon River country, and there are several good "harbors along that coast which will facilitate the shipment. The Pacific-Alaska Transportation & Coal Company, of San Francisco, has staked an extensive area in that field and Is now opening a bed of fine, free-burning coal at Herendeen Bay (Port Moller) in about latitude 55 north, longitude 1C0 west, to supply the Nome and Yukon markets and the Government coaling station at Dutch Harbor on the Island of Unilaska to the southward. This coal, and. In fact, all the coals of the Pacific and Behring Sea coasts of Alaska can, at the same cost of mining, by reason of the all-water transportation, bo laid down in Portland. San Francisco and Southern California nearly as cheaply as the coal of Washington, and mpre cheaply than any coal from east of th6 Sierras. The harbors of this part of Alaska arc open all the year round and the ground freezes only to about the same depth as I In Colorado and Utah the climate being Tho tue had left her. nnd ninno aha ducked' to the big blue Incoming rollers. One by one her white sails were loosed and bellied out to the northwesterly breeze, driving her through the water at Increasing speed. All the square sails were set; then, one by one, arose the topsails. The two boarding masters watched with keen Interest. "Why fell don't those fellers begin the fun?" growled Al Black Irritably. His companion took the binocular. "They're at lt!'exclaimed Seattle Mike suddenly. "The ball Is openln' up!" Aboard the Aloha strange things were happening. Her foreyards, braced up on the starboard lack, swung loose, sway ing until the wind had them aback. Through the binocular Seattle Mike made out figures on deck In violent commotion. The poop was clear, but amidships some great event was taking place. A confused mass of mm were surging about the deck, but distance made It Impossible to dis tinguish Just what wa3 taking place. Sud denly the lee clue at the mainsail, which had been raised to the yard, came down on the run, and hid the scene of trouble from view. "Now he's getting It," chuckled Seattle Mike. Al Black seized the glass gleefully. "They'll be raising police signals pres ently," he remarked. "Yes, or squaring In for shore," pro phesied Mike. But none of these things happened. To the amazement of the two boarding mas ters, the foreyards of the bark were suddenly braced up again and she ploughed on to the southward, sending out long foam whiskers from her cutwater. Smaller and smaller she dwindled, until she was hull down on the horizon, beyond the Farellones. Then Al Black and his companion arose and returned cityward, much perplexed and not well pleased. The Aloha was gone for almost a year. The usual reports of her safe arrfval at Melbourne and Port Adelaide were cabled by the underwriters, but -beyond that no news came to 'Frisco of Captain Larsen and his crew for a long time. One day the Hawaiian mall steamer came in, and the passengers aboard told that the Aloha had reached Honolulu. But more astonishing was the report that she Asserts' That It influenced by the great Japan current. With the cost of labor equalized, the Herendeen Bay coal can be laid down In Nome as cheaply as the coal of Wash ington can be placed at San Francisco. What that means to the development of the mineral wealth of the Seward penin sulathe region lying between Behring Sea and the Arctic 'Ocean, which is tree lessmay be Judged when it Is said that Nome now pays from 525 to 550 a ton for coal, and the other camps of that golden peninsula about double those prices. But Seward peninsula, where there Is practically no wood, Is not actually de pendent on any coal fields to the south ward. There Is a great coal field at Cape Llsburne, north of Kotzebue Sound In the Arctic Ocean, knpwn for a genera tion to the steam whaling fleet and to the Government exploration boats which .have mined It for their own use from the beds exposed on the beach. The quality Is said to be very superior and the field extensive. The Arctic Ocean Is open for four months In the year and the camps of Seward Peninsula can draw i their supplies from that field whenever the cost of labqr admits of mining the coal, which at present It does not. L The highest quality of coal yet dis covered In Southern Alaska is at Con trolers Bay, near Kayak Island, In lati tude about G) north, longitude 145 west. This exceeds JO per cent in fixed carbon and grades as a semianthracite. The three principal veins aggregate over 50 feet in thickness and it lies almost di rectly on tho coast, but is under the dls- nr?T"T"tf"i f tt tH nnAMief Vni'Hrtiiifrtlri j deed about the only poor harborage In How extensive the area of this coal basin may now be Is not, I believe, very definitely known. It probably ex tended originally southward to Yakutat Bay and perhaps to Cross Sound, but subsequent mountain-making and glacl atlon have burled or eroded 1L Patches discovered along the coast line all the way southeastward to Cross Sound sug gest that the basin was originally con tinuous for several hundred miles. It wllli require the planting of a large capital to handle the fine coal of Con trolers Bay, but the product can' hold its own against competition on equal terms in any market in the world. Its development on a large scale will be un dertaken as soon as title to the land can be obtained. Coal has also been found in many of the islands in the Sitka Archipelago, on several of those in Prince Williams' Sound and in a number cast and south of the Alaska Peninsula; but in view of the valuable and expensive fields men tioned, such patches are unimportant be cause to be mined and marketed cheaply enough to meet competition coal must be handled on an extensive scale, requir ing large capital, and capital can be interested only where the beds are exten sive the quality good, and the title set tled. That the Interior of Alaska contains J still retained the same crew shipped in I 'Frisco. By this time the game put up , on Captain Larsen was common knowl i edge among seafaring men all over tho i-casi. uut tne laugn seemed to b turn ing on the Al Black gang. Then one dav the signal station nt Vnrt Point reported the Aloha standing in for I the Gate. The Custom-House offlpprs started out to meet her in their launch. Impatiently anxious to learn the state of affairs aboard. They, too, were on to the rome. They boarded the Aloha a few miles off shore. Captain Larsen received them at the gangway with his habitual Chris tian smile, and mild blue eyes. But when the Inspectors beheld Three-Fingered Jack, Lager Beer Pete, Big Steve and their equally notorious shipmates briskly pull ing braces, yehoing and clewing up sails In as orderly and shipshape a manner as ever obtained aboard a man-o'-war, they swore aloud In their amazement. Finally one of the Inspectors got Three-Fingered Jack aside for a moment. "I say, Jack, what happened?" he asked. "Didn't you everlastingly lambaste him?" "You're a child of. wrath," retorted Jack Indignantly. "We've learned the ways of the meek and lowly, thanks to our noble captain." "Oh, come oft!" exclaimed the revenue man. Impatiently. ."Don't come any of that guff on me. What happened?" "Go soak yer head," responded Jack, with a return of his old-time manner. "Ye want to know more'n what's good for ye." And that was all the Information that was forthcoming. BIcr Trlf ninfenn smiled significantly as the boarding-house 1 . u....v.. wwU.ul.u Aii tut uuj, uuu me crew refused to have anything to do with them. The Aloha dropped anchor oft Mission Flat, and with a seamanlike promptness the men furled sails and cleared up decks. "The Lord loveth dose who are indus trious," said the skipper, with pious meek ness, to the harbor officials about him on the poop. That eveninir Seattle Mlko nnrf Al ninir sat impatiently smoking big black cigars i in tne latter s establishment on Pacific street. They were waiting for the appear ance of the Aloha's crew. The mystery must be solved. At about 10 they showed up the entire ean Supply the very extensive coal fields hardly admits of a geological doubt, because the re connaissances made by the United States Geological Survey Bureau have shown that the "Kenal Series," in which the coal m'easures of Alasna (and all the western part of the continent) occur, is developed over a wide interior area In the drainage basin of the Yukon. In fact the coal beds have been found at several places on the Yukon Itself, on the Tanana, its largest southern tribu tary, and on the Koyukuk. Its largest nothern tributary, at points hundreds of miles apart. The quality of the coals of Alaska has been much disputed and the disputation for the most part has been marked by an oceanic ignorance of the subject or a reckless disregard of facts. There Is an altogether needless amount of confusion in the unprofessional mind about coal, which the text-books and even our excellent and energetic geologi cal survey, It must be confessed rather foster. The experts of our geological survey corps ought to know and of j course do know that it is not geological i position which determines whether a Coal j Is In the condition of a lignite, a bitu minous or an anthracite, and they ought not to permit themselves the use of a term which utterly lacks scientific pre clseness and is misleading and injurious. Thla began when the coal fields of the Rocky Mountain region were first stud led. The finding of extensive coal fields In so late a geological horizon took American geologists, familiar only with the coals of the carboniferous age, by surprise, and they foolishly insisted on lumping it all as lignite as mostly they still do without any apparent conscious ness of the absurdity of the designation, for there is probably no more lignite among the coals of the later than of tho earlier coal age. To lump the cretaceous or tertiary coals of the West as lignite is false and confusing and' unscientific, and there fore the designation ought to be aban doned by our survey corps. Lignite means, literally, woodlike, an,d is properly used to designate a coal of low value In which the woody fiber still shows. It is an old designation for In ferior coals of the carboniferous age, and of course Is" properly applied to some of the coals of later age," but by no means to all or even to any considerable part of them. Such terms as anthracite, bituminous a,nd lignite do not Indicate kinds of coal, but only conditions. Every variety nam able may be found within a mile In the samo coal basin of any age If the condi tions were there to produce them. Any coal may be anthracited If the conditions i for altering It to anthracite have been present, and, in fact, some of the best anthracite coal In the world is found in Colorado and New Mexico of the same j geological age as the coal of Oregon. I Washington, British Columbia and 1 Alaska. . That anthracite coal will be found in I Alaska Is hardly to bo doubted. It Is 16 all more or less drunk, and with Three Fingered Jack In the lead. The two boarding-house masters received them with sinister smile- of welcome, barely concealing the Impatience and anger with in them. They were, of course, too tact ful to broach the main question at once. An hands crowded about the long ta ble, and Al Black's bartender was kept busy serving, first beer. Dut later whis ky and rum. The men were hilarious, noisy, apparently In excellent humor, but not a word referring to their late voyage came out. The two masters waxed more and more Impatient, especially as the drinks were as yet not being paid for. Much against their wills they had been obliged to drink with the crowd. Finally Al Black could no longer contain him self. He determined to demand an ex planation. "Boys," he said, rising and hitting the table with a mug, "I think It's up to you to tell us what the devil all this means. Did you fellers flunk out there?" There came a pause all hands turned towards Three-Fingered Jack. He arose, shovins away his drink. "Well," as ye ask an explanation." he said, "I might as well tell ye we've" come up here to have a few words with you." "That's what you bet," broke in several of the others. "Yes," continued Jack, "we have come up here to make you see the sinfulness of yer ways. We've come to offer ye the salvation we got through you. Ye once shipped us on a craft wot ye said would be a home for us. Ye told us the skipper was a kind, fatherly ol man wot would look well arter our welfare. He did. He looked arter us all right." Here Jack pushed back the long hair from over his forehead, revealing n long, white scar. "But ye sinned against that same kind, fatherly ol' skipper, Al," he continued, "an we want ye to repent. It was a sin, Al, to work off a lot of wicked, world ly men like us on that kind ol man. But, thank the Lord, he showed us the sinful ness of our ways, just as we're goln' to show you." "What damned rot Is this?" broke In Al Black, purple with rage. "What fell d'ye mean, ye drunken swabs?" "Hear the child of wrath." said Jack, World's Meeds next to impossible where the coal beds have been so involved in subsequent mountain-making that some of It should not be found completely anthracited. The existence of this Cook Inlet coal field has been known since the year 17S5, when It was discovered and tested by English navigators at Graham Bay or Harbor, near the mouth of the inlet, on the east, or Kenal peninsula coast. It became known and was worked a little by the Russians early in the nineteenth century and in 1852 It was again opened to supply the San Francisco market, but the demand was small and the difficulty of getting coal miners so great that tho enterprise was abandoned. On both coasts of the inlet the wide coal veins can be seen from vessels in the high and abrupt coast. The field offers all the advantages of safe and deep harbors, great and clean veins, and the healthiest of climates; therefore, though the quality of the coal of the Cook Inlet field Is not, so far as yet opened, of the highest, grade. It con stitutes an Immense source of natural wealth for Alaska to fall back on nt some future time. Its actual, ultimate value can be stated only In billions. As a merely curious calculation of no practical value, of course it is Interest ing to reflect that If Alaska were sup ALWJffS XI NEVER To be tired out from, hard work or bodily exercise is natural and rest is the remedy, but there is an exhaustion without physical exer tion and a tired, never-rested feeling a weari ness without work that is unnatural and shows some serious disorder is threatening1 the health. that "Always-tired, never-rested condition" is impure blood and bad circu lation. Unless the body is nourished with rich, -cure blood there i InrV of nervous force, the inus- . pies become weak the di- 5oroveiXourye5rilI sed with general debility, CiespecomeweaJv.xneai- causing a thorough breaking down of my system. My gestion impaired, and cousin, who had boon benefited by S. S. S., told mo General disorder ocpiir? Sbout lfcj i HS l and lfc curel mo- I heartily re- generat disorder occurs commend S. S. S. to all who may feel tho need of a throughout the system, thoroughly goodblood tonic. Yours truly, Debility, insomnia, ner- 4 w. ninth St., Columbfa? 'SSg A B:MTAIir vousness, indigestion, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, strength and energy, and the hundreds of little way to get rid cleansing thebloodand toningup thesystem. Itis a vegetable blood purifier and tonic combined, that enriches the blood, and through it the entire system is nourished and refreshing sleep comes to the tired, never-rested, body - 1HE SWIFT SPEGSFIG GO., ATLANTA, GA, piously. "Boys, the time for the Lord's vengeance has come." The bos'n kicked back his chair, and as though this were a signal, all hands sprang up, and In a moment the room was in a savage turmoil, in the center of which were Seattle Mike and Al Black. Both of the crimps drew revolvers, but their weapons were hurled across tho room before they could uve them. Down the two went under the feet of the mob, fighting fiercely. The bartender and two runners attempted to help them, but the first went down with a split scalp and the other two were trampled insensible in a second. Next the infuriated sailors dragged the two boarding masters into tho kitchen, where they ducked their heads into the dishwasher's tub, full to the brim. Dishes, pots, pans and even the lamps were piled on top of them and scattered over the floor. Shattering glass and trampling feet raised a most unearthly row. Ducked Into insensibility, the two board ing masters were then dragged into the barroom, which was wrecked In a similar manner. There would certainly have been murder done had not a squad of police burst In the front door just then and charged the drink-crazed sailors. Most of them were rounded up after a desperate fight and hauled off to the police station, but not until a squad of reserves had re inforced the original patrol. Al Black, Seattle Mike and the bartender were taken to the hospital. Next day Captain Larsen appeared at the police station and paid the fines. "It griefs me." he said, as the men fol lowed him meekly out Into the street, "to fint you In dls condition. You haf glfen avay to sinful wrath again. Vat did you do to dem?" "They're In the hospital." replied Jack, with a sickly smile. "Veil." continued the skipper. "In dot case, I see de hand of de Lord, who smit eth In his anger. 'Vengeance Is mine,' salth the Lord. You have been his In struments of vengeance, and so shall bo forglfen. "Say, boys, dis afternoon I ship again for de next voyage. You vant to sign on again?" "Aye. aye. sir," they all responded. (Copyright, 1003. by Albert Sonnlchsen.) for 100 years plying the world's present consumption of coal (1.000,000.000 tons a year), a tax of 1 cent a ton on the output would give her 510.000,000 a year to support a state government a sum not to be sneezed at by politicians looking for a graft. The question will naturally arise, why is Alaska taking all the coal she uses from Washington and British Columbia at a high price. If she has this vast opu lence of good coal at home? The answer Is that It takes capital to open coal mines on a commercial scale; that the present demand for coal in Alaska does not exceed 60.000 or 70,000 tons a year, and that capital cannot be en listed In opening the coal mines of Alaska till a title can be secured to the coal lands and finally that, as the law has stood and still stands, no one can secure title to an acre of the coal lands of Alaska. Much of the best and most accessible coal land that Is known In Alaska is already "staked," but such staking counts for nothing. It gives nobody even a preferential right. Nobody has any color of title to an acre of coal land in Alaska, nor can have, till Congress authorizes the extension of the public surveys to the territory. The Ideal child of 6 weighs 45 pounds. Is 44 Inches high, and has a chest measurement of SS'-j Inches. One of the chief causes of ailments weotten have are due directly to a bad con dition of the blood and circulation, and the Quickest of them is by purifying and building up me uioou, ana ior tnis purpose no remedy equals S. S. S., which contains the best inorrpdipntc f-T-