THE SUNDAY QBEGOHIAR, PORTLAND, JUNE 14, 1903. WIN BY ONE. RUN H0GGWIN8HIS FIRST Pennsylvania., today., playing, the .fastest" game of baseball seen here this- year, the IRISH LAD AND GUNFIRE FIGHTING OUT THE BROOKLYN HANDICAP OF 1903 score being .9 to O. Clark struck out 12 ' R.H.E.I 'R.H1S. Harvard 9 13 Pennsylvania.. 0 2 8 Batteries Harvard. Clarkson and Qulg. ley; Pennsylvania. Grover and Carisch. Lundbom Pitches the Gfeen - gages to Victory. Seattle Was Helpless Before Browns5 New Pitcher. NATIONAL LEAGUE. HANLEY MAKES A GREAT- PLAY C-Hta OS Orenaaa a the Home. Plate After Malcfngr & Fast'- B-aatilas: CatcU of Stnnley'a Drive to Center. PACIFIC RATIONAL LEAGUE. "yesterday's Scores. , Portland. 3; Seattle. 2. Eaa Francisco. 7: Butte, 6. .Spokane. C; Taeoaia, -.5. Helena. ; Los Angeles.- 3. Standing of ifio- Clubs. "Won. Lost. P. C. Los Angeles S3 19 .635 Seattle 33 21 .588 Spokane 30 21 .6S8. 3utto 2S 22 .560 San Francisco s 25 28 .472 Tacoma 22 28 .431 Portland ... JS , 3? .3(50 Helena .....Vi."."..i8 32 .390 "Willie Lundbom was pitching the Green gages to victory at National Park yester day afternoon. Willie Ubgp, the Browns' new Blab artist, was doing the same thing In Seattle, and the result Is that both Portland teams tooK a leap In' th6 per centage column. " Opp6sIng"Euhabom was Buchele, and from" the" caH 6f:tlnie the game was a' pretty Infield and - pitchers' battle, with great .chunks, of credit duo to "Chicken" Fisher,' -Donohue ' arid Lund bom. Lundbom's credit conies to him because he twirled a clever game, and beoause he kept the six hits that the Chlnooks made so well scattered that they were only productive of two runs, and theso came In the second and fourth innings, when Hurley's long hits became' earned runs as the play progressed. The reason for the great credit due Fisher and "Shamrock" Donobue is because they were kept on their toes xnorgulng Chlnooks all during tho session. Hanley's Great Play. Hanjey, however, was-the lad who sent the Seattle baseballists to their soup and black -coffee In a rush. Runs were as ecarce as proverbial lien's teeth, and the three last men up for Dugdale's- crew put It up to the big center-fielder in fast style. Drennan was the first to slam a fly deep Into his garden. Hanley was hot after it, and, by a hard chance, he ran under the sphere and speared It. The play called out a glad hand and consid erable noise. Hanley had Just got his skypleco adjusted when Babbitt hit Into the same territory, but, if anything, ten or a dozen Xeet farther out. Hanley ex tended his digits, but they Just kissed the "Victor, and the fumble allowed Babbitt to romp around the bases until he was side tracked at third. Catcher .Stanley came next. He also thought the center -garden would be the better for a blngle, so he slammed out what looked" good for a Texas leaguer. Hanley was Itching to redeem himself, and at the crack of the hat ho came towards second, crouching like a lion bent upon a kill. Hanley was on the kill, all right, and, by his fact and extremely clever play, was also a lion, for he caught Stanley's fly Just as it was about two feet from the ground. Dren nan was -waiting at third, and as the ball struck Hanley's glove he broke for the rubber. He had supposed that Hanley's hard running catch was all tho center fielder could pull off, but he counted with, out figuring In tho cost, for, without checking his mad flight, Hanley whipped the ball to Anderson, and Drennan was caught at least three feet from the home paW. Games will be played on that diamond all this Summer, and perhaps many Sum mers to come, but' if is safe to say that there will never bo a faster or a more cleverly executed double play than that which Hanley pulled off. When' he made his long running catch he met the ball Just a couple of yards beyond "Chicken" Fisher's garden plot. Anderson Scores Winning: Hun. Anderson blngled safely in the second Inning, and it was, Fisher's timely hit that brought in tho first run for the Greengages. In the third inning,. Har mon, who seems good, enough " to pitch one day and then play a right garden the next, clammed out a liner to left that was good for three cushions. He scored on a wild pitch The third and winning run came in the sixth inning, and was mainly due to Babbitt's error. Anderson got to first on a fumble, and he was well sacrificed to second by Slats Davis. Han ley moved -Anderson borne on a.- single, but lio "himself was . afterward mowed down by almost every man on the Seattle team between home and third base. This one run was enough, although "a glance at the box score would indicate that they should have had twice as many, for there were errors enough made by the visitors and Buchelo was hit hard enough to have been productive of at least three more runs. Lundbom was twice caught off the switch,, and both of. his outs prevented runs. There nt tho Bat. Hurley was the only Chinook who seemed able to poke the sphere. The first time he faced the Swede he smashed out a double, and on his appearance in the fourth Inning he Jammed out a triple, and he was able to make them both good for runs later on. In fact, ho was the only visitor who graced the rubber with his. .footprints, "Chis afternoon, at 3 o'clock, the Green gages will make their last appearance for three weeks, as they leave tonight for Helena, playing Butte and Spokane before returning to Portland. The work of the nine during the home engagement has been very creditable, taking the series from Tacoma and San Francisco, and to day, with good luck, will .cinch lhe Seat tle series. Toda,y Quick and Maupln will pitch. Tha score: A PORTLAJUX " ab! k. IB. po a. e Donohue.-2b 4 0 ,0 2 8s 6 Deisel. 3 b 4 0 2 0 1 0 Parrott, 1. f. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Anderson, c 4 2 1 2 1 o Davis. 1 b 3 0 l 12 l o Hanley, c f. 4 0 2 3 l i- Fisher.,., s. 4 .0 3l 7 2 l Harmon, r. L. i q n o Lundbom, p. ...i......-2 , X) 1 i -3 0 Totals : 1....22. 3 "10.27 is "2. SEATTLE...: . McNichols. 3 b.:...... f T1?' Ei Hulen. 2 b.. ... 3 .,0. .0 3 4 1 Freeman. T. b.v. 3 0 1 ' 9 0 1 Treadway, r. 4 0 0 2 0 0 Hurley, 1. f. ;. 4 2 2 0 1 0 Drennan, J. f........... 4 0. -l'. ,4. 0 0 Babblu, s. 4 -'0 -1 -J- 4 1 Stanley. x 401130 Buchele. p. -3 0 '0 0-3 0 Totals 32 2 6 24 17 "4 . SORE BY, INNINGS. - ... 1.2 3 4 5" 6f7 S 9 . Seattle 0 1 0 1 0 0-0 002 Portland 0 UOU'OOS SUMMARY. Bases on balls Off Lundbom -2jt Base. -from being hit by.fpitched'ball By Buchple.L - Struck out By Lundbom Buchele 1. Two-base-hlt Hurley. Three-base hits Harmon. 'Hurley. Lef tari basest-Seattle "4, Portland 5. Sacrifice hits Davis, Freeman. - Stolen bas"e Anderson, Double plays Fisher to Davis; Hulen to Freeman;. Hanlev-to Anderson. "Wild pitch By Buchele. Time of game 1:20. Umpire Huston. Helena Dovrns Lot Angeles. HELENA June 13. Helena defeated Los Angeles yesterday in an exciting con test, winning the game in the ninth inning when Puttmann drove the ball over the fence and brought in the winning runs. Both, teams played star ball. Score: Los Angeke 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 03 S 2 Helena 0 0010100 2-4 9 1 Batteries Puttmann and Carisch; Leeb hardt and Hlldebrand. Spokane Win From Tigers. SPOKANE, June 13. By clever batting Spokane won today's game from -the Tig ers. Nichols and Blewett pitched masterly games. McKIbben. for Tacoma, made a home run. Attendance, 1000. Score: RHE Spokane 10 0 4 10 0 0 6 7 C Tacoma 0 0014000 05 8 3 Batteries Nichols and Zalusky; Blewett and Byers. Bnttc Lose to San Franclnco. BUTTE, Mont., June 13. Butte today played a comedy of errors, netting 10 to its credit, and- losing the game to San Francisco. Dowllng pitched good ball, but his support was of the worst kind. At tendance, 4000. Score: RHE San Francisco 21020020 0 7'10 1 Butte 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0-6 13 10 Batteries Pfeister, Glendon and Zear foss; Dowllng and Donahue. AMERICAN" LEAGUE. Standing: of the CInba. "Won. Lost. P.C. Boston 2S 17 .622 Philadelphia .27 18 .COO Cleveland 23 19 .548 Chicago 22 20 .524 St Louis 19 18 .514 Detroit 20 22 .476 New York ..19 22 .452 Washington 11 33 .250 Philadelphia 12, Cleveland 1. PHILADELPHIA, June 13. The banner crowd of the American League's career in this city today, 22,247 people, saw tho champions defeat Cleveland in the last game of the. present series.. Dorner was ineffective and retired after the first in ning. Score: RHE) P.HE Cleveland 1 6 3jPhiladelphla. 1215 0 Batteries Dorner, "Wright and Abbott; Bender and Powers. IVaahlnston 10, Chicago 0. "WASHINGTON. June 13. Orth's fine pitching enabled "Washington to score an easy victory today, "White retiring in fa vor of Dunkle at the end of the first inning after a home run and four singles were made off his delivery. Attendance, 1400. Score: ' B-HEj RHE Washington. 10 13 0Chlcago 0 4 2 Batteries Orth and Drill; "White, Dunkle and McFarland. - Beaton 7, St.. Louie O. Boston, June 13. Boston had no trouble in batting Powell today. Young, on the other hand, was very effective. At tendance, 7000. Score: RHE RHE Boston 1 15 SjSt Louis 0 4 0 Batteries Young and Crlger; Powell and "Xaboe. Xcvr York 3, Detroit 2. NEW YORK, June 13. New' York de feated Detroit today, scoring the winning run in the ninth. Elberfeld made his first appearance with the local team, playing against his former clubmates. Attend ance, 2100. Score: R H El RHE New York.... 3 7 TJDetroit.... 2 3 2 Batteries" Chesbro and O'Connor; Deer ing. and McGuire. Colanthia University Defeats Mora, MORO. Or., June 13. (SpecIaL) Colum bia won the second game from Mora by a score of 8 io 7. J. Carmody pitched a fine game for, Columbia, despite the heavy rain in the 'last two innings. He allowed the home team but eight hits. Columbia pounded out 15 scattered hits off the Moro pitcher, making a total of eight runs. It was an exciting game from beginning to end; but the superior team work of Columbia showed Itself throughout the game. Engrene "Wlas From Albany. ALBANY,. Or., June 13. (Special. Eugeno ' defeafed Albany today in a very exciting game of baseball. Eugene; won out in tho last two inplngs. "R.'H.Bj R.H.E. Eugene .... 5 6 .3JAlbany .........2 5 5 Batteries Eugene, Strnb and ilahoney; Albany, McFarland. and Kiel. Aberdeen Gets a Good Player. ABERDEEN. Wash., June 13. (SpeclaL) Will Campbell, who Jumped the Seattle Coast League team today, arrived here to Join the local team. Campbell has been offered good money to play with other teams but finally decided to play here. This will greatly strengthen the Aberdeen contingent who play OlyHapia. tomorrow. ' THREE FEET FROM THE BRITT MEETS EQUAL O'Keefe Fights Him Twenty Rounds to a Draw. FOULSCHARGED TOCALIFORNIAN Sheriff of Bntte Enters the hlng in the Third Ronnd and' "Warns Him That the Battle iluet Be Fair. BUTTE,.. Mpntk June. 13. This after noon, before at least 7000 people, mostly miners on a holiday celebrating Miners' Union day, Jimmy Britt, the crack Call- lornia lightweight, and Jack O'Keefe. In . a battle for the white lightweight cham j pionship of the world, fought to a draw I after 20 of tho fastest and fiercest rounds I ever witnessed in the Northwest. Britt I declares that he fractured a small bono in nis ngnt hand early In 'tlftr- second, and that the Injury prevented, him from knocking out the Chicago lad. Many Cries of Fonl. In the early part of the fight many cries of "foul" against Britt were heard from the audience, and Sheriff Qulnn Jumped dramatically into the ring and warned Britt to be careful. Britt had made a vicious left Jab at O'Keefe's stomach and landed, and as the latter tried to ward it off he threw Britt's hand so low that when they clinched It looked as if the blow had struck the groin. In tho eighth round O'Keefe caught a' hard Jab on Britt's left eye, and "when the latter went to his corner at the gong bis face was covered with blood. From that time on both men were bleeding,- Britt from his eye, -which was badly blackened, and O'Keefe- from the nos and mouth, both pretty -well-swollen. O'Keefe Goes to Ills Knees Twice. O'Keefe went to his knees twice, once in the Hth round, when Britt landed a terrific left on the "face, and again in the 16th round, in which honors were even on that score. In the 16th round the two men were mixing It up, both going at It as if after, the knockout, when O'Keefe suddenly shot out his right hand and landed on Britt's Jaw wUh force enough to knock him to the ropes. As Britt hit the ropes O'Keefe grabbed him and pre vented his falling, and the crowd cheered. Britt, however, returned the compliment, and as O'Keefe went to his knees sprawl ing, Britt reached down and kept him from lying' on the mat. In the 12th. round Britt got after his man and bad him almost going. One punch landed In the stomach, and O'Keefe stooped as If In pain and tried to claim a foul. The 20th round ended with Britt hanging onto O'Keefe. following a. hot' mlxup. BRITT-O'KEEFE FIGHT BY ROUXDS. Sheriff Warns' CaUfornlan to Quit Fonllngr la Third Ronnd. BUTTE. Mont, June 13. The Brltt O'Keefe fight, by rounds, was as follows: 2:42 P. M. Men are entering ring. Abe Cohen has tried to read articles of agree ment, but the crowd will not listen to him. Pugilists are fighting their way through the crowd. Britt entered ring first at 2:43 and took the southeast cor ner. O'Keefe took the northwest corner, after first shaking hands with Britt. The crowd cheered both men. In O'Keef&ts corner Is Sig Hart, tols. manager. Jack Daly and Abe Pollock, in Britt's .corner is Willie Britt, Doc Flynn and Mauro Herrera. Dune McDonald Is to ferere'e. Round L McDonald calls the men to th& center of the ring and instructs them. They shake hands and return to theft- cor ners. Time called at 2:51. The men come quickly to tho center of the ring and fiddle. O'Keefe puts his left to face. Tbey clinch. Britt blocks left to face. O'Keefe puts hard right to head. Britt lands bard left on wind. They exchange,rlghts. Round 2 Britt is- cautious. They fight fast and clinch. Britt lands bard left to stomach. The crowd howls foul, but the fight continues. They fight .fast, ex changing rights and lefts. The crowd claims foul again. O'Keefe lands right and left to face. Round 3 Britt lands left to face ana Tight to body. They exchange left to face and clinch. They exchange hard rights as they come to the clinch. Refe ree cautions them. and. O'Keefe lands left fo face: Sheriff Jumps In the ring and warns Britt to cult fouling. It was fast round, but closed with honors even. Round 4 They come to tho center and fiddle. Exchange lefts to face. Britt lands left to face in clinch. Britt lands right to body and O'Keefe left to head. Britt swings right and left to body, &ndx O'Keefe J&bs left to face. They clinch. Hot mix-up In which honors are even. They are fighting as the gong eounas. Bound 6 They exchange lefts to the FIXISH - "IRIS1I LAD "WINS." neck At the ppenlng of the roundr O'Keefe misses left swing, and Britt puts right to stomach. Brijt mixes but O'Keefe blocks well. They exchange hot lefts to head, and fight furiously, rights and lefts to the head and body. Britt ducks a swing cleverly. Betting is 1100 to 575 that Britt will win. Round 6 Britt misses hard swing for head. They exchange lefts. O'Keefe puts left Jab to face and then again. Britt puts left to head, and O'Keefe counters to head. They clinch. Britt puts left and right to Jaw, O'Keefe puts hard right to ribs. They exchange hard lefts as the gong sounds. Neither has the better of the round. The Fight Grows Faster. Round 7 O'Keefe lands right to face at the beginning of the round. O'Keefe swings hard, but misses.- They fight furi ously, but break at the call of the refe ree. t Britt leads to face and O'Keefe left to head. Britt hits low swing to body. O'Keefe puts right to body as they .come to the clinch. The fight grows faster. The hard fighting continues as the gong counds. Round 8 They como up quickly and fight fast as the gong sounds. They clinch. Both land right and left to face. They fight so fast It is hard to follow' the blows. They mix it furiously, with honors even. They exchange hard lefts. Britt puts left to neck. Both are going fast and willing to mix. , O'Keefe puts left to neck and follows by right to head. Both men are bleeding badly. . Round 9 They came up quickly, and started the fast gait again. O'Keefe has Britt's head bleeding. They are exchang ing rights and lefts to the face. O'Keefe misses a swing for the head. Britt lands a terrific right to the ribs. They fight furiously as they come to the clinch. Britt swings his right but O'Keefe count ers again. They clinch as the gong sounds. This was a shade Britt's round. Round 10 They fiddle and clinch. Britt ducks left to head. Britt lands left to neck. O'Keefe lands a left hook to face. They both miss swings for the face. Britt Is doing the leading. They clinch, with honors fairly even after mixing up. O'Keefe straightens Britt up with a left They are fighting fist O'Keefe lands hard left to neck. Both men are a little tired. They mix It with rights and lefts to head. They are fighting furiously as U19-gong 'sounds. Tbey have to be sep arated and brought to their corners. Hon ors even In this round. Claim of Fonl Xot Allovred. Round 11 The crowd cheers for O'Keefe before the gong sounds; They exchange lefts for the head as they come to the clinch. They do fast in-fighting. O'Keefe puts a fierce right to head. Britt puts right to low. body. Britt, after a clinch, puts another right to body, low. O'Keefe goes down, and claims foul, but rises again, and they fight They arer fighting fast McDonald, refuses to allow, the claim of foul. ' Round 12 O'Keefe puts right to Britt's face They swing and clinch for a sec ond time. Britt puts" a hard left to neck and then to body. O'Keefe hooks a light left to head. Britt leads left to body again. Britt lands left on face as they clinch. O'Keefe puts hard right to body as the gong sounds. Tho round is even. Round 13. Britt Is the aggressor. Each tries left for face but falls short Jimmy puts left to O'Keefe's cheek and right to head. O'Keefe puts right to head. They exchange awful lefts to face. They clinch, both working hard. Jimmy puts hard right to body and left to face. They exchange hard rights antl are mixing it as the gong counds. Thi3 Is Britt's round. Round 14. They come up quickly to cen ter. Britt lands hard right to face and O'Keefe light left to neck. They are again fighting fast O'Keefe puts right to neck. Jimmy puts left to face and follows by left uppef-cut to chin. They exchange lefts to face. Jimmy lands one 'of his haymakers on the ribs. Jimmy misses left awing and O'Keefe lands hard right to face. They are figtiting in the clinch. This was a shade Britt's round, as he was the aggressor. O'Keefe Has the 'Best of It. Round 15. O'Keefe puts hard Tight -to face as the round begins. He follows it by a left Jimmy ducks left, for head. They exchange hard . lefts and rights. O'Keefe blocks left to body. They mix It up fast. Britt misses left for head and OKeefe Jabs him in the face with left Britt leads right for Jaw. O'Keefe lands leffr-on the head. They-are mixing it In the clinch and exchange left jabs. Jimmy puts light left to body. The crowd cheers foir'Keefe, who had a shade the best of the .roundi Honors Even In Last Three Roands. Round 16 Before the round, began Britt's seconds urged .him to go in and finish the fight Britt puts left to face and right to body" as they come to the center. O'Keefe put left to face and fol lowed it by left hook, to face. Britt goes into the ropes, and O'Keefe helps him tip. O'Keefe lands left on face. O'Keefe goes down and Britt helps his up. They slip. They start furiously at once. Britt lands left to face. O'Keefe lands right on head. Britt lands hard right to mouth. This was a shade in Britt's favor. Round 17 They get to the center fast and counter with lefts to head. They are fighting in the clinch. O'Keefe lands light left to body. O'Keefe lands right to bead. Britt swings' heavily but misses. In-fighting follows. Britt is getting in the greater number of blows with his right, but O'Keefe evens matters np with, his left O'Keefe puts right to head. Britt puta left to body as they clinch. Both are fighting as the gong sounds. It was a trifift Britt's .rouud. Fjound IS They counter, hard right and left to head. Britt lands left to face, and a moment later stiff left to body. They clinch. O'Keefe puts" light right to head. They exchange and come to a clinch. Britt lands left to neck. They mlv in the clinch, but do no damage. O'Keefe lands right to head. Jimmy misses left swing. O'Keefe puts left to head. They exchange rights to face.. O'Keefe hooks left to .face as the gong sounds. Honors even this round.. At this stage O'Keefe looks strong. Round 19 O'Keefe leads right for head. Jimmy puts right to neck. They mix It and clinch. O'Keefe puts stiff left' to face. O'Keefe blocks prettily. They ex change rights. O'Keefe leads for head but goes over. They mix and O'Keefe puts right and left to head. They mix it in the clinch and exchange hard lefts to face. Round closed with honors even. Round' 20 The crowd Is yelling for O'Keefe as they come up for the last round and shake hands. They exchange lefts for the face and clinch. O'Keefe puts right to head and Britt right to neck and again clinch. Jimmy lands light left They exchange rights to Jaw. Jimmy misses left for head. O'Keefe puts right to body In clinch. They exchange lefts to face. O'Keefe puts right to body In clinch. They exchange lefts to face. O'Keefo puts hard left to face twoce and Jim left to neck. O'Keefe puts left to neck and Jim hard right to head. O'Keefe misses right swing. Britt tries for knock out but misses. Britt puts left to neck as they clinch and fight In the clinch. They exchange hard lefts to face. O'Keefe tries for knockout but misses. Jim puts left to body and O'Keefe right to face. A furious mlxup, though men show evi dence of being tired. The round ended at 4:15. So furious and wild were the" cheers that the decision could not be heard for several seconds. Dune McDonald announces that it Is a draw a .decision which pleases the crowd Immensely, though O'Keefe was the favorite In the fighting. O'KEEFE'S SHOWING A SURPRISE. Bat Portland Men Still Believe Britt Can Whip Him. Jack O'Keefe's showing against Jimmy Britt was a general surprise to Portland, flghtifollowers', and they are now Inclined to believe that Sig Hart was telling the truth when he stated after the fluke fight between Britt and O'Keefe that he had not allowed O'Keefe to wade Into the Callfornlaii. When 'the two men met in Portland, Britt until he fouled the Chica gqan, seemed to have the fight all in his own hands, and there was general regret when the fight was awarded, to O'Keefe on a foul. While there were a few people in. Port land who thought well of O'Keefe's chances, for the most part they did not expect to see Jack stay longer than ten rounds, but the fast fight that he put up against the San Francisco lad has made them think differently. While the reading of the fight by rounds would Indicate that Britt landed most of the telling blows. It will also be ' noticed that O'Keefe wa3 ever ready to mix matters, and did not seem to fear Britt The Sheriff, It seems, took a hand In the battle and jumped Into the ring and warned Britt This would have a tendency to keep Jimmy from fighting at his best It Is hard to believe that O'Keefe, since his battle here with Britt has so greatly improved that he has better than a look In with Britt It will take another battle between these two men. to decide Just who is the better man. In San Francisco, where Britt's style of fighting is understood, he will have no trouble In whipping O'Keefe. In one of the rounds, it will be noticed. Jack flopped to the canvas and tried to claim the fight on a fouL Brltf can beat O'Keefe in spite of tho result -of yester day's, battle. Y. M. C. A. Boys Enjoy Good Sport The boys 6t the Y. M.- C. A gathered at a very entertaining social at the As sociation club rooms at Fourth and. Yam bill streets last Friday evening. The young members participated in all sorts of games, and every style of amusement was well patronized. Beanbags, Shuffieboards, quoits, ping pong, ten-pins and nigger-baby were the. principal forms of amusement and lem onade and popcorn were sold for Asso ciation money, each member being equipped with $1 worth of the currency. Professor W. J. Standley's fife corps rendered several selections, and later in the evening all enjoyed a swim In the tank. ColHnVbla Second. Teasa Wins. Yesterday afternoon the Columbia sec ond team won a 13-lnning game from the Blancbet institute 'by a. score of 2 to 3. The features ot the game .were the pitch ing of Douglas for the institute and the fino batting of Smith for the sicond .team. Tho score: K 123 4E6 7S310111213 C. U. sec. teairi..O 00 012000 0 0.0 2r-3 Blanchet lnst....0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Umpire Walte. Rsla Stops Cricket Hatch. LONDON, June 13,-rThe visiting Phila delphia, crieket players today bad -scored SS runs for eight wickets down, in their second inning against Oxford, when rain stopped the play and" 'the match was abandoned. VIGHEUX PLAYS RIGHT FIELD Injunction Keeps Hnrlbari Oat of the. GaxneTvro Rnns Scored la the Seventh on an In- -. field Hit PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE.' Yesterday's Scores. Portland.' 4: Seattle. lv Los Angeles. 5; San Francisco. 1. Sacramento. 7; OaKland, 3. Standing: of th'e CInbs. . Won. Lost. P. C. Loa Angeles 44 22 .606 Sacramento j. 39 25 .600 San Francisco .... 38 31 .551 Seattle -. 16 37 . ,113 Oakland 2S 43 .304 Portland 21 3S .356. SEATTLE. Wash.', June 13. Speclal.H Hogg showed better form. today than hel has at any time this season, and the io eals were helpless before him. He had so much speed that Denny Shay had a hard time holding- him, and with men on bases he was almost Invincible. ' An Injunction was served on Hurlburt Just before. the game began, so Sammy Vlgncux had to go out In right field again. He got down on his knees trying to catch a little ppp-up fly, and then, dropped It but when a long drive was sent out In the ninth, with two men on bases, he hung onto the ball and ended the same. Until the sixth inning Hogg allowed but one hit, and that was made by Zeigler, the. first man who faced him. Portland broke Into the run column In the fourth on Anderson's three-bagger and Vlg neux's single. The latter scored on a couple of outs. The other pair came, in the seventh, Hogg and Van Buren scor ing when Nadeau beat out an infield hit Wilson thought he had the runner and rolled the ball to the pitcher. Tan made a dash for home,, and landed safely. Tho scorer B H E Seattle 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 6 3 Portland ...0 O0200200-4 3 4 Batteries Hogg and Shay; Kllnkham mer and Boetteger: ' Seraphs Aealn Defeat the Saints. LOS ANGELES, Cal., June 13. The Seraphs repeated yesterday's .dsfeat of San Francisco by the same score, 5 to 1. Both Corbett and Llndsey were In fine form, the former allowing four scattered hits and the latter live. A bunch of er rors by the San Francisco Infield in the third Inning, aided by a double from Cravath's bat yielded three runs for the locals. Cravath and Corbett were In bat ting form, and hit the ball when hits were needed. The locals played a much bet ter fielding .game than the visitors. At tendance, 2500. Score: San Francisco .......0 000 0010 01 4 4 Los Angeles .....103 000010-5 5 1 Batteries Llndsey and Leahy; Corbett and Spies Umpire Levy. Sacramento Takes Oakland In. SAN FRANCISCO, June 13. Two costly errors by Oakland gave Sacramento the game today. In the fourth Inning Gor ton's mlsplay gave two runs, and a bad throw to the .plate by Devereaux also al lowed a couple ot runners to score. In the seventh three hits and errors gave Oakland three runs. Sacramento 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 37 7 2 Oakland 000000300-3 3 3 Batteries Cutter and Graham; Herr and Gorton. PRIXCETOX DEFEATS YALE. Tigers Have One Tally the Most at the End of the Game. NEW YORK. June 13. A crowd of 0000 persons saw Princeton's baseball team de feat Yale by a score of 7 to 6 on the Na tional League grounds here today. Score: R.H.E.I R.II.E. Princeton 713 9Yale 6 8 o; Batteries Princeton, Stevens and. Reid; Yale, Shevlln and WInslow. Harvard Shut Pennsylvania Ont. CAMBRIDGE. Mass;. June 13. Harvard completely overwhelmed the University of MALARIA Germ Infected Air. Malaria is not confined exclusively to, the swamjis and marshy regions of the country, but wherever there is bad air this insidious foe to health is found. Poisonous vapors and gases from sewers, and the musty air of damp cellars are laden with the germs of this miserable disease, which are breathed into the lungs and taken up by the blood and .transmitted to every part of the body. Then you begin to feel out of sorts without ever suspecting the cause. No energy or appetite, dull headaches, sleepy and tired and completely fagged out from the slightest exer tion, are some of the deplorable effects of this enfeebling malady. As the disease progresses and the blood becomes more deeply poisoned, boils and abscesses' and dark or yellow spots appear upon the skin. When the poison is left to ferment and the microbes and germs to multiply in the blood, Liver and Kidney troubles and other serious complications often arise. As Malaria begins and develops in the blood, the treatment to be S. S. S. is a guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, mild, pleasant and harmless. "Write us if you want medical advice or any special informa tion about your case. This will cost you nothing. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, ATLANTA, GAm t ' . loUNO Mfev trotaW4 Vfim.?iS"L SjB!SDENf strains have let their MANLT PBLoon Avn SKIN DISEASES. Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody , -arise. DRUGS. Catarrh and Rheumatism CURcD. ... DnWalkeis methods are regular and scientific He uses no patent nostrum " refidy-raade preparations, but cerwtsfc fllseaM by thoroagh medical treatment HIa New Pamphlet on Private Diseases seat free to all men who 1 ascribe trouble.. PATIENTS cured at home. Turms reaijable JuJref plain envelop. Consultation free an Jsa redly contWeatieJ. Call eft or address DR. WALKER, 181 First Street, Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or Siaadlag: of, the Clab'a. Won. Lost P.C New York 34 13 .723 Chicago 33-- 15 .673 -Pittsburg 35 17 .673 Brooklyn 24 23 .511 Cincinnati 26 .436 Boston IS 2S .391 St Louis 14 35 .238 Philadelphia 12 32 .273 X"evr York 4, Cincinnati O. CINCINNATI. June 13. Hahn was ef fective up to the eighth inning, when he was touched up Sot a single, a double and a home run by Bresnahan. Attendance, 4000. Score: RHE RHE Cincinnati.... 0 7 lNew York.... 4 9 3 Batteries Hahn and Bergen: Matthew son and Bowerman. Umpire Johnstone. St. Loals 4, Boston 3. St Louis. June 11 The St "Louis team won a ten-Inning game from Boston to day. In the last part of the tenth, with two men on bases. Brain knocked the ball under the bulletin board, driving In the winning run. Both pitchers were hit free ly. Attendance, 7000. Score: RHE 'RHB St. Louis 4 4 fliBos-ton 3 9 1 Batteries Dunleavy and J. O'Nell; Pit tlnger and Moran. Umpire Holliday. Pittsburg: a, Chicago 2. CHICAGO. June 13. Two wild throws gave- the Visitors today's game In the eighth - Inning without the aid ot a base hit Attendance, 6500. Scora: ' RHE RHE Chicago 2 7 4Pittsburg. 3 7 3 Batteries Sparks and Kllng; Taylor and Roth. Umpire Moran. Game at Orcgcon City. The Monograms journey to Oregon City today to meet the Oregon City team for the first time In the Interstate League. Both teams are' evenly matched, and good baseball will jio doubt be the result The batteries will . be: Monograms. Hoyt and Brown; Oregon City. Lettlo and Kreitz. Charles Glels will umpire the game. The Schlllers and Vancouvsrs play at "Vancouver today. Aberdeen Downs Honalam. ABERDEEN, Wash., June 13. (Spe cial.) The Aberdeen baseball team de feated Hcqulam today in a slow and un interesting game by the score of 10 to 3. Aberdeen took the lead and kept It all through. Ford's catch In right was a feature, and Harlow's catching and throwing won applause. The batteries were: Meade and Barlow; HulL Collins and Ford. Played and Quarreled Till Dark. The baseball teams of the Ladd & Tllton Bank and of the Clearlng-House met on Multnomah Field yesterday afternoon and proceeded to do things to each other. Af ter several hours of rapid playing tho members of the opposing nines fell Into an altercation In the sixth Inning, and by the time the squabble was settled It was too dark to play any longer. No one remem bers what the final score was. STAR. OF Y. 31. C. A- FIELD DAY. L. Connell Takes Six Firsts; F. Smlthson Ranks Next. The Y. M. C. A. field meet at Irvington race track yesterday afternoon was suc cessful in every way. Some good records were made, and the association athletes are to be commended upon their good showing. L. Connell was easily the star performer, winning six firsts, and F. Smlthson was second, with one first and six seconds. Following is the summary of events: 50-yard dash L. Connell first. F. Smith son second, H. Livingston third; time; 5 seconds. Throwing baseball L. Connell first, F. Smlthson second; 265 feet 6 inches. Twelve-pound shot put L. Connell first J. F. Roberts second; 37 feetl Inch. , 100-yard dash L. Connell first F. .Smith son second. J. F. Roberts third; time, 10 2-5 seconds. Running high jump W. Backus first F. Smlthson second; 5 feet 3 Inches. One-mile run L. Connell first J. O'Con ner second; time, 4 minutes 57 seconds. Running- broad jump L. Connell first F. Smlthson second; 20 feet 2 inches. 440-yard dash F. Smlthson first. J. F. Roberts second; time, 5S 3-5 seconds. New York and Chicago Races. Direct wire's. Commissions accepted. .Portland Club, 130 Fifth street Mr. Tucker What is it. Tommy? Toothachs? Well, we'll go to the dentist's tomorrow. Even at your age a boy ought to begin to save his teeth. Tammy If I save up enough do. I git somethln' for 'em. paw. Chicago Tribune. effective must begin there too. S. S. S. destroys the germs and poisons and purifies the. polluted blood, and under its tonic effect the debilitated constitution rapidly recuperates and the system is soon clear of all signs of this depressing disease. TWENTY YEARS OF SUCCESS la the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney and stomach disorders, .constipation, dlaxrho, dropsical swellings. Bright s disease, etc KIDNEY AND URINARY Complaints, painful, dlnicult too frequent milky os bloody urins, unnatural discharges speedily cured. DISEASES OF THE RECTUM Such as piles, natuia, nam. ulceration, mucous aad bloody discharges, cured witnout the Icnlfe, pain 04 confinement DISEASES OF MEN Blood poison, yiccL, aLTn-'tLi-c, uuuiural losses. Lis potency, inoxoughjy cured. K failurtw. Cure guar csiyna, areams. i"r