The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 08, 1903, PART THREE, Page 23, Image 23

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f r -- n 4Ti T? r m n . 1 ff frt TP f) f
uarrlmnn Lines ana iiock mwhu
Northern Securities Cne.
tiinrr influence with tho very poor show-
e bank statement was lessened liy tne
aa Tvifh wWch loans could bo obtained.
in wcu unuttotuuu uwv -
. iiA.-'t Vt thA rhnnpft In
estimated that tho loan account s over-
reason of this readjustment- The loan
Tiiins'on lfe still left at a large fisurc.
the 533,000,000 Pennsylvania loan CXpan-
7TlPni I ( LCD tlUUUCaOUiJ KlkX tXTMUlllll.
the Central Pacific note was made last
a, -.A tfl - -& ffrt fltTl
nihl V aJJii,a. iui cucuuia iou iuhuhcumiu
e maiKei cjoseu. active ana una, ma
aoasnes were me ieaiures oi xne znar-
the news of the steps taken toward
-.-.II.-jut tew 1 V.M -.-.
i ir. nil i ii' i. inr uiH HVsLexxi- ijlii iucui
niizi rv cit .w Li iiit cir iik irn iji.ui - i H'i
nt n rnmnnrmi mm inn rorresnnTininir
so an extreme 3-j-J In the late dealings.
o final dea.lln.rg-
i nn uppk nHJi sppti snm nnw niirniriT
the stock market has not been en-
Is suspected, however, that the opera-
nouccabie also that the stocks most
uoiiv in tim maxiteL- aim in soma caaea
news developments in their favor. This
La iiiiuluiv i niH in l iin tuirH iMi:inn
lllng-, too, of Pennsylvania, following
e rather unexpected announcement of
ft nuttltnir fnfrrnr1 n vrnr nf tliA
ItUCtU UI lJII Vt:i III 111 l III IRT rpnL
gc earnings ot moss companies as a
anuiraciie sinxe are not Deuevea iuiiv
account for the large transactions.
tt nr nrcm ts-i nn rnirnn Tvninn iiii ttasja
chance in the status of the Erie road.
mnnrTnTinft i nfTnrnixi t inn awo e
arrangement between the Rock Island
tho one hand and tho Union Pacific
.i , . i i .
for Its trafflce to the Gulf of Mexico on
l'acinc lines zor somo ume past. This
towara an aajusuneni or community
interest on the subject Is regarded as
have been cleared up by the decision of
New Jersey court of Jast resort In
rPTnent nf rin rt if It a nrafAtvA atnnlr
f MI PTI nr Inn nnnlilnn on f na ainu
Of thft stntlifl nf thft Vnrthom SamiH-
Jted to free from obstruction the nro
rities are involved, ylt Js the conviction
Wall street that the lethargy of the Se
nt! es market for a long- time past has
condition In which these great projects
va Ha An VtAlrt
feature of the week has been tho flrv
L,r auu DuuiKui oi some ox ino metal
' " V .Ub W UIU
-w.wv. Oil C U-ilU
.wU(u ucuibuu iui moss Bixiircs in
marjcet. The underlying cause of the
advance measures for the requirement
- uou U4B VfAU1L(i
d b'uniu iu uio
their deposit banking business ha
- w Muwuun
wis aaequacj or tneir cash reserves.
June next, and ultimately to a minl-
Inted out that this will necessitate the
trust-company vaults by Juno 1 next.
- r uuua Ull
this additional security was demon-
irn nAVA nrurn iser ..ii T..a
- " Ik. o ucu
coming rim wiu Do reduced by a
and for currency begins to make Itself
t Is ft nrnhlpm rf irt-Mt
- -- -m O- .4M.WMmtO IU
w wuuujuiu, 4.C11U
t the price movement has been rather
d the 2s coupon H per cent. The new
registered advanced U per cent as com
red with the closing last week.
3Inch n Expected.
M'U' T". -f am. . .
ijw LfiiiiuiLMivi iuiiuih 1 1 1 inn RrnTAmM
the Associated Banks of New- York
me weeit enaxng x eoruary 7 was the
rcuuus iuuxud ui zu.ii.uu in inn no
t Km for over n. vcr. Th ln-raaeA
traceable for the most part to heavy
n trhlch has been advanced lnrr-Alv
11 ir 11 licw luiJk. ULLUuiiuutr iiifsnmn
for the Greater portion of the lndl-
unfavorably by the loss of V.i.VHi in
Is loss was duo to operations with the
Ceatraljjro- such
Pacific noto of C.000,000 having influenced
the adverse balance acalnst the banks.
Still, unofficial calculations made tho bank
loss In cash for the week was not more
than 33.000.000 on total account, or less
than half that reported In the statement.
The system of averages used in compiling
too omciai weekly returns Is responsible
for tho discrepancy and the merger of
two banks with a consequent increase in
capital or jlo,tXK. explains the rest.
The increase of J8.401.200 in deposits is
much less than the changes already noted
would seem to call for. As it was. how
ever, the addition to deposits called for increased reserve and this,
coupled with the loss of J7.I34,900 cash,
reduced tho excess reserve item of tho
banks by $9,333,100, brlnrlnir the surplus
down to JlS.5i3.C73. or very near the point
reached a year ago. At this season last
year. It is Interesting to recall, the de
posits of the banks passed the thousand
million mark, but while tho present depos
its are tW.CKM.a.0 less, loans are higher by
JG.OOO.OOO. while tho total cash reserve is
nearly 115. 050.000 less.
So far as the changes of the past week
are concerned, half a dozen of the larger
banks seem to have contributed the prin
cipal gains and losses. Taking the state
ment as a whole, it will, ot course, be
called unfavorable, and it was expected,
from tho borrowers standpoint. More Im
portant than the temporary change of
the current week is tho probable absorp
tion by the Treasurer of a large surplus
to reduce circulation, the decrease for the
week in New York having approximated
Tho statement of averages of the clearing-house
banks of this city for the week
lA)ans SH.SGS.0W ..!
Deposits 9W.160.1CO 'S.-W1.200
Circulation 44,173.700 1.0CO.300
Legal tenders ........ 7C.S7o.S00 2.577.00
Splcle ?-?lt-X2 J-SJ'&i
Reserve SC,D97,0i 7.234.SCO
Reserve required SJS.CHS.03 r-3NS
Surplus .77. 18.545.C7S S.MO
EX.-U. a deposits.... 23.567.675
Brexrcrs In. Jcr Yorlc JInrUet nt Un
der 30 Ont.
NEW YORK, Feb. 7.-SpecIal.) Hops
closed firm, but trade is quiet. Brewers
are reported In the market for fair lots
of Pacifies at a shade under SO cents for
choice. State wires report strong views
on growers holdings." Foreign cables
quoto unchanged markets. New York
quotations follow:
State, common to choice. 1902 crop, 30
37c: 1901 crop. 2426c: Pacific Coast. 1902
crop, 27ge2c: 1901 crop, 23027c; old S
Prunes show some easiness, due to con
siderable rejections by purchasers of late
arrivals on account of quality and ir
regular count. Ono lot of five carloads
was rejected on tho ecoro of quality, the
goods ehowing up wet. Two cars were
refused by the buyer on irregular count,
and four carloads were declined, the buyer
alleging misrepresentation. These goods
now offer at concessions from the mar
ket: in the absenco of a Jobbing demand
the standard quality Is affected. The ex
port inquiry has fallen off somewhat, and
only a few scattering tales have been
made. One car of 4040s In 25-pound boxes
changed hands at TUc on Hamburg or
der. Coast wires note easiness on C0-90s,
those sizes offering from one packer on a
2Hc f. o. b. bag basis. Oregon prunes have
developed a little easiness, but no pressure
Is exerted to sell. Small lots offer at THc
for SCMOs in 25-pound boxes.
Salmon is quiet. Cheap grades continue
unchanged at the low basis on pinks and
the buying interest is light. Representa
tives of the association report little in
quiry for futures. Jobbers report only
moderate buying from distributors. Quo
tations are G5 cents for pink tails, and CO
cents for chums. Red Alaska fish Is firm
at $1.074 to n.10.
Lima beans are steady. Several cars
changed hands today at J3.05 per bushel
Mar Option Reaches lllnh Price nt
San Francisco and ChlcnRO.
SAN -FRANCISCO. Feb. 7. A new
wheat record was made today both in
San Francisco and in Chicago. In the lat
ter market, tho price reached SOJic and the
market closed there at EC4c to SOVic for
the May option. In this market, the same
option opened at 5L43H. but as soon as
the wires announced the upward tendency
In Chicago, the price quickly Jumped to
JL50 and almost immediately to J1X0H.
This is the first time May wheat has
sold up to JL50 in this market slnco May
26. 1S9S. During this interval the prlco
has been as low as 90 cents. The cause
for tho high price hero in 1SDS was the
great Letter deal in Chicago, which
reached its climax and collapse in May,
1S3S. During that month. May wheat op
tions sold here up to 1S5 per cental.
Import and Exports.
NEW YORK. Feb. 7. Total imports of
merchandise and dry goods at the port
of New York for this week wero valued
at J12.150.27L
The total exports of specie from the
port of New York this week were 945.650
In silver and $241,493 in gold. The total im
ports of specie at the port of New York
this week were $8,970 la sliver and $31,735
In gold.
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 7.-Todays treas
ury statement shows:
Available cash, balances $124,758,011
Goll lCS.W.OU
Bnay Men Short on Freab Air.
New York Bun.
Men of affairs m New York And It as
difficult to get'fresh air as exercise. Some
of them find time for an hour with an ath
letic trainer, but are too occupied to de
vote another hour to taking the air: that
Is a long process' nowadays In this city
Jt perversely happens that the men who
are absorbed by tae large matters of life
here are those who are most strenuously
urged by tho physicians to take the air.
Certain maladies to which the- are es
pecially subject are best treated by
periods of time passed out of doors. Gout,
for Instance, yields more promptly to such
a course thin to any other- But It hap
pens to be Just the thing that most busy
men are unable to do. One or two of the
athletic trainers whose services are so
much In demand at high prices have all
their clients work in what is practically
the open, as the windows are unclosed
and the patients protected from, the cold
by heavy clothing. But more usual Is tho
prescription of a doctor who has numbered
many well-known men among his patients.
He told them to ride always with the win
dows of their cabs open, whatever the
weather might be. But that means the
Journey to and from their offices could
always be made a method of taking the
air. And most of those who tried the pre
scription were so convinced of Its value
that they stuck to it. William C. Whit
ney attributes his general good health for
years to his devotion to this habit, and he
has not been seen in a long time riding in
a carriage with the windows closed, no
matter how cold the weather.
A Xew Lincoln Story.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
Jay Cooke, the financier of the Civil
'War, is at SO hale and ruddy, unaged save
in the whiteness of his hair and beard,
and with a fund of anecdotes hegardlng
the great Americans of the past.
"Speaking of gray hair and gray
beards." he said the other day at Ogontz,
Pa., his country-house. "I am reminded
of an occasion when, with Lincoln. Attorney-General
Bates and Secretary
Chase. I went from Washington to Tenal
lytown to attend a review of McClel
lan'a troops. Bates' hair had retained its
original dark color, but his beard was
snow white. I asked him how this hap
pened, and ho said he didn't know; but
Lincoln, with a laugh, broke In:
" If you don't know Bates, I do. It is
because you have always used your chin
mpra man your neaa.! e
Portland Cnatom-Hoase Collected
Over 9100,000 Duty on Imports
In January.
Lumber shipments from Portland this
month and in March -will bo large, though
tho business Is not ao heavy as it was a
year ago. A wider field, however, will bo
reached than is usually the case, the for
eign destination of the cargoes being
South Africa, China. Siberia. Liverpool and
tho west coast of South America. Oae of
tho largest cargoes to be sent out, that of
the Pak Ling, goes to Manila. Business
from Portland to San Francisco and
Southern California ports will be up to the
usual mark. The following lumber car
goes are being loaded or will be shipped
in this or the next month:
Elm Branch I.CWCO
Pak Ling 2.500.000
Peru l.ft-u.00)
Crown of India 1.OJ.000
Foyledale 1.333.O30
Taurus LOOO.00
Coloma 750.000
Arago 750,(XX
Virginia 4yj.a
Joseph Russ 250,00)
These shipments will represent a total
of 13,575.000 feet, and enough coasters not
yet listed will doubtless bo on hand to
owell the figures to over 15,000.000 feet.
In addition to the shipments of roush
and dressed lumber, three cargoes of piles
amounting to 4000 pieces will bo dispatched
to tho Chinese coast before the end of
March. One of tho ships, the Amaranth.
Is now loading, and tho big German ship
Alsternlxlo will soon bo here to receive
her cargo. The third -cssel will arrive
next month. Tho pile shipments will be
as follows:
Alstemlxto . 2000
Amaranth : 1000
Amazon 1CM)
Tho lumber cargo for Liverpool will be
carried on the German ship Peru, which
Is now at San Francisco. It will bo tho
first cargo of that description shipped from
roruacd to England In several years. The
rate Is understood to be 60s. Of the lum
ber freight market, the San Francisco
Commercial News of tho 5th said:
"Lumber freights remain steady, with a
good demand for cargo room in the coast
wise trade and a fair demand foreign. For
sailing vessels, prompt loading at north
ern ports, lumber rates aro as follows:
Sydney. 31s 3d0 32s Gd; Melbourne or Ade
laide, 37sJ?3Ss 9d; Port PIrle, S3sS36s 3J:
Fremantle, 47s 6do0s; Gcraldton, 60s:
Noumea, 40s; Suva, 40s; Hawaii, $3.50:
West Coast direct, 32s 6d035s; Guayaquil,
43s; Guaymas, JS; Santa Rosalia. $7; Bue
nos Ayres. 40sS42s 6d; Hong Kong. 403;
Shanghai, 37s CdSMCs; Port Arthur. 40s;
Tallen Wan, 40s; Taku, 45s; Nlu Chwang.
40a; Japan. 37s Cd; Manila. 40s12s 6d;
Calcutta. 47s Cd; Vladivostok. 40s; South
Africa. 51s 3dfl56s 3d; United Kingdom or
Continent, f. o., 00s.
Duties on Imports In January Were
Tho monthly statement of transactions
of the Custom-House in this district In
January show exports larger than for any
oi mo iour preceding months, except De
cember. The total receipts from -all
sources were unusually large. The Janu
ary statement follows:
Vessels entered from foreign ports 6
Vessels cleared for foreign ports 16
Vessels entered from domestic ports.... 25
Vessels cleared for domestic ports 17
Entries of merchandise for duty 145
Entries of merchandise free of duty 24
Entries for warehouse c
Entries warehouse and transportation. 1
Certificates of registry granted 2
Certificates of enrollment granted Z
Licenses for coastlnsr trade rrantnl
Licenses to vessels under 20 tons grant
ed i.
Documents to vessels issued 5
Value of exports"
Domestic 4L16LCS9
.ncceipi 1 1 a in aii sources
Duties on Imports $111.1C0l11
nncs. renames ana lorieuures. 3.45
Miscellaneous customs receipts... 4SL.20
Official fees 70.C0
Total .$U1.G25S
The value of domestic exports in the
past five months was as follows:
September $ 872.91C
October L447.S96
November ; SIG.292
Dectrnber 1,775,890
January L461.GS9
The total receipts of the district in each
month were as follows:
September $ C2.SS2
October 79.033
November CG.S12
December 73.093
January 111,C35
Sale of Pilot Brandies.
SAN FRANCISCO,. Feb. 7. The Cad
says that Governor Pardee Is the custo
dian of evidence tending to provo that
bribery and corruption have lent a full
measure of Influence in the appointment
of pilots for the port of San Francisco,
and he has inaugurated an investigation.
A summons. It Is said, has been issued
to a prominent pilot of this port, directing
him to appear before the Governor next
Tuesday and tell what he knows of the
charges that gold brought him the ap
pointment. It Is alleged that his position
cost him JSCOl The Call asserts that un
successful negotiations for the sale of a
position as pilot were carried on directly
with Pilot Commissioner Charles H. Pratt
by Captain Charles Hall, master ot the
South Portland.
It Is .alleged that a revelation of .this
fact prevented the appointment of Pratt
as Harbor-Master by Governor Gage.
The Call asks for an investigation of the
causes of tho retention of Pilot Jordan
after the wreck of the' Rio de Janeiro,
and also requests an Inquiry into the ap
pointment of Captain von Helms as a
Vllle de St. Kazalre Libeled.
In the United States District Court yes
terday a libel was begun by The Dalles,
Portland & Astoria Navigation Company,
of which Rufus Mallory Is president,
against the French ship Vllle de St. Na
zalre. The complaint alleges that on Feb
ruary 3 the Regulator! a steamer owned
by the plaintiff, had been employed to
tow the Vllle from, the Oceanic dock on
the East Side to the Columbia dock on
the West Side, and In midstream and
under the direction of tho pilot chosen
by the captain of the'Vllle. tho Regulator
crushed against the French ship Desalx.
The result was a damage of $1900.. Includ
ing the time tho boat was oui of service.
Columbin Crashes Into Dock.
ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. 7. Special.) When
the steamer Columbia arrived down tho
river at an early hour this morning and
was attempting to make a landing at tho
O. R. & N. wharf, the vessel took a sheer
and crashed Into the west end of the
wharf doing damage to tho amount of at
least $300. Besides breaking the wharf
the steamer struck a dolphin of 10 plies
driven deep Into tho bottom and bound
together with a steel cable and broke it
completely off. Tho steamer was not
damaged to any extent, but the passen
gers were scared by the shock, many of
them being thrown from their bunks,
but no one was injured.
Pleiades Had Bad CoaL
TOKIO, Jan. 19. via San Francisco. Feb.
7. The steamer Pleiades arrived safely In
Yokohama, her Journey from Tacoma
having occupied 38 days. Her delay was
caused by bad coal. In consequence of
which she had to put in at Dutch Harbor,
In the Aleutians, where a week was spent
in refilling her bunkers. She arrived in
Yokohama January U.
Meaanreraent of the Arrow.
Deputy Collector of Customs Barnes yes
terday took the official measurements of
tho steamer Arrow, which was launched at
Paquet'a shipyard January 3L The offi
cial figures follow: Length, 147 feet;
beam, 225 feet; depth. 9.2 feet; gross ton
nage, SIS; net tonnage, 190.
Wreck of Leiden Due to "Foe.
NEWPORT. R. L. Feb. 7. Tho court of
Inquiry on the wreck last month of the
United States tug Lcyden concluded its
session today. The testimony went to
show that fog was mainly responsible for
the wreck.
Marine Nates.
Tho WIscombe Park finished loading
wheat at Oceanic dock yesterday.
The Emelic. in tow of the Queen, .and.
ice comma, towed by the ocklabama, will
leave down this morning.
T. M. Stevens & Co. have chartered the
British ship Westlothlan to load general
cargo on Puget Sound for South Africa,
The four assistant engineers Huston,
Burpee, McCauley and Foley -who re
fused to testify before United States In
spectors Edwards and Fuller In regard to
tho striko on the steamers Geo. W. Elder
and Columbia, have left San Francisco for
this city to testify, as required. Their
llccmvs were suspended last Fall becauso
they refused to testify.
Domestic and Forclfrn Ports.
ASTORIA. Feb. 7. Sailed at 7:30 A. St.
Strainer Columbia, for Bn Francisco. Arrived
down at 2 P. M. Schooner Samar. Condition
of the bar at 4 P. 1L. rouch; wind south;
weather muallj.
San Francisco, Feb. 7. Sailed at 11:30 A. M.
6tean)er Geo. W. Elder, for Portland. Ar
rives Schooner Virginia,, from Portland;
tchooner Alllo J. Alger, from "Victoria.; steamer-Mackinaw,
from Tacoma. Sailed Barken
tino Gleaner, for; Wlllapa. Harbor; schooner
&rapa. for Umpqca; steamer Areata, for Coca
Liverpool. Feb. 7. Arrived Cltia and No
xsadlc. from New York.
Southampton. Feb. 7. Arrived Frttilaci
from New York.
Qucecitowa, Feb. 7. Arrived off Etrurla,
from New York for Liverpool, and proceeded
without commcidaulnc with tb rnore on ao-,
count of severe weathtr.
Cherbourg. Feb. 7. Sailed Philadelphia,
from Southampton for New York.
Antwerp. Feb. a Sailed Vaderland. for
New Tork. Feb. 7. Sailed La Lorraine, for
Havre: Zeeland. for Antwerp, via Southamp
ton; Prlncees Victoria Loulfe. for'
Minnehaha, fcr London: Saxonla. for Liver
pool; uieucner. for Plymouth. Cherbourg and
Liverpool, Feb. 7. AVrlved Wlnlfrian. from
Seattle. Feb. 7. Arrived Steamer Valencia,
from San Francisco.
Yokohama. FA. 7. Arrived previously In
drapura, from Portland. Or.; Korea, from San
(Continued From Pace. 17.)
the Cascades, the factors which com
bined to admit of Its indorsement last
Summer havo since been eliminated or
Hovr Conditions AVere Changed.
The voluntary reduction of grain
freights by the railroads last August
brought the rate down to within a frac
tion of the figure named in the maximum
freight bill which the railroads put to
sleep in the Legislature two years ago.
This reduction of the rate by the rail
roads, together with their assurance to
tho farmers that they would make fur
ther reductions, if they would come to
them Instead of going to tho politicians.
removed ono of the strongest arguments
In favor of the bill. The passage of -any
one of the proposed bills now before the
Legislature for the purpose of compelling
Assessors to do -their duty will deprive
tho commission forces of another strong
argument In favor of the bill. Under such
a handicap it will be practically an Im
possibility for the bill to muster another
such a showing ot, strength as his been
made during tho last campaign.
No Successor for Preston.
Another serious disadvantage under
which tho Governor will labor two years
hence will bo the lick of Senatorial tim
ber to bo used as trading stock for a
commission bill. The experience ot Har
old Preston, who acted a cowcatcher on
McBrldc's political locomotive, was un
pleasant and It will bo no easy matter
to replace him with another King County
martyr. It would bo easier to securo a
helpful Senatorial partner if the Gov
ernor would agree to fusion. This has
already been suggested to him by Colonel
Bletben, of the Seattlo Times, whoso deep
solicitude for the welfare of tho Republi
can party was so great that during the
Senatorial election his Democratic paper
contained dolly exhortations In full
faced typo urging tho King County mem
bers of the Legislature to stand on the
Republican platform and to keep out -of
caucus. Colonel Blethen would be an
Ideal fusion candidate for Senator and he
halls from King County, this latter quali
fication in his mind being pre-eminent
over all others. Governor McBride, as
stated above, is not looking for fusion and
unless Colonel Blethen practices what he
has been preaching during the Senatorial
fight and becomes a Republican, he will
look elsewhere for a successor of Preston,
who jvlll not again play tho role of SInbad
the Sailor with a railroad commission
bill for the "Old Man of tho Bea."
Both SIdca Relieved.
Both tho friends and the opponents of
tho bill feel relieved over Its eirly re
moval from further legislative action at
tho present time, for had the victory" of
tho antl-commlsslon men been less de
cisive, the bill might have caused serious
trouble In obstructing much needed legis
lation. B. W. W.
Deathbed Bride Loses Estate.
CINCINNATI, Fob. 7.-Judge Nlppert
tnflnv refused to rccelvo for probate the
copy of the will of tho late John Mc
Cormlck Gibson, millionaire, Jn which he
made Miss Henrietta Cecilia Wolfo his
heiress. Miss "Wolfe married him on his
deathbed, and ho died a week later. The
original will could not be found, and a
copy made from stenographer's notes was
presented. Tho courtsald the copy shown
was a true one, but the evidence did not
show that the testator had not revoked
the will. By this decision the estate of
Gibson Is inherited by his mother and
brother. The case attracts wide attention
on account of the legal question mvoivea.
Mnr.onio Service Over Ferrlne.
RAT.Tai. Or.. Fob. 7. (Special.) At mid
night tonight the .Scottleh RIto Masons
conducted tho solemn and Impressive fun
eral services of the order over the body
of the lato Flnley C. Perrine, bailiff of
tho Supreme Court. Chief Justice F. A.
Moore, the only 33d degree Mason in
Salem, had charge of tho ceremonies.
Burial will bo had tomorrow.
Dr. John Hoinnns, Noted Surcreon.
BOSTON. Feb. 7. The death occurred
today of Dr. John Homans, of this city,
one of tho leading surgeons of the United
States. During tho Civil War he was as
sistant surgeon in the Navy. Later he
was surgeon-In-chief of the First Division
of the Nineteenth Army Corps. Since
the war ho has been lecturer at Harvard.
indorse Bill to PensIon Slaves.
BIRMINGHAM. Ala. Feb. 7. Camn
Hardee. United Confederate Veterans, to
day unanimously passed resolutions In
dorsing the blU Introduced by Senator
Hanna to provide for the pensioning of
Cattle Mny Graze in Safety Where
the Fish Have Previously Ranged
Discovery by Portlnnd Man.
ington. Feb. L An important discovery Dy
a Portland man appeirs In the ISth annual
report of tho Bureau of Animal Industry.
This report U prepared by Zoologist
Charles Warden Stiles, Ph. D., who gives
Dr. E. N. Hutchinson, inspector of the
Portland station. Bureau of Animal In
dustry, full' credit for directing attention
to the new view of the matter. It is sim
ply that carp destroy the liver fluke which
causes so much trouble with cattle and
sheep. The published report runs as fol
lows: "Thero have been a number of sugges
tions mado in regard to methods of pre
vention of llver-fluko disease (dlstoma
tosls), and some of them, especially the
free use of salt, appear to bo valuable.
Mr. William Ashmead. of tho United
States National Museum,
upon returning from the
Hawaiian Islands, told of.
a method which had been
tried there with good re
sults, namely, the Introduc
tion of frogs and toads into
infected districts to devour
the snails, which act as In
termediate hosts. This
method is entirely new to
me, and appears to be a
good one.
The common Dr. Ernest N. ,Hutchln
llver nuke son. an inspector of this
ifilS n2?T bureau, stationed at Port
auca), natural ,and 'Qr bajf recentIj.
called my attention to a
decrease In llver-fluko disease following
the introduction of carp into an infected
district. These Interesting notes by Dr.
Hutchinson are worthy of serious, atten
tion, and. as Dr. Evermann. ichthyologist
of the United States fgsh Commission, has
recently expressed it, they 'Justify us In
scoring ono more for that much ma
ligned but exceedingly useful fish Dr.
Hutchinson writes:
I desire to acquaint you with some peculiar
points concernlncr Fasdola bepatlca which pre
vail In the minds of stockralsers pasturing: on
the Columbia Itlver bottom, and to which you
may be able to attach some practical signifi
cance. Professor C V. Piper, fit the Washington
Agricultural College, In conversation with me,
mentioned the theory which I And Is. as be
said, extant In the minds of many farmers
along this" river, namely, thdt "leeches" (liver
Portion of a grasa stalk with three encap
suled cercarlae of the common liver fluke.
flukes, -nhlch were formerly numerous In the
livers of cattle and sheep, have to a consider
able extent disappeared since the Introduction
of carp into the waters of this river.
"While, of course, the farmers' Idea is that
the cam now consume the leech which, ac
cording to their view, the cattle formerly
swallowed with the water while drinking. It Is
possible that there may be a practical connec
tion btwcen certain peculiar habits of this
flih and the noticeable freedom from fasclolla
sls among the cattle and sheep ranged on the
bottoms adjoining streams In which theso fish
are found, compared with animals coming
from other sections where carp are unknown.
About 75 per cent of the cattle and sheep
coming from the western slope ot the Cas
cades, exclusive of this Columbia River bot
tom, are Infested with Fasclola hepatlca; hut
from this particular portion only about S per
cent are so infested.
All the bottom lands of this river are sub
ject to annual overflow, and at this time the
carp clean the meadows as thoroughly as a
firo. Every spear of grass, up to the very
water's edge, will be eaten by them. They also
have a habit ot rooting all around the adze ot
this overflow as It gradually recedes.
It has occurred to me. therefore, as possible
that they destroy the final cyatla stage ot this
parasite with the grass, and perhaps In their
rooting they may also destroy some ot the
snails. Letter dated December 2. IDOL
Replying to your letter No. 4092. ot the 10th
ultimo. I have to Inform you that lnqulrlei
addressed to certain small butcherlnjr estab
lishments whose main source of supply would
be lands adjoining carp-bearing streams, to as
certain the frequency with which they encount
er the liver fluke, has failed to secure a single
The carp were Introduced Into the waters of
the Willamette River at Portland, Or., about
eight years ago. They have
multiplied very rapidly, and
are quite numerous In the
lakes and sloughs adjoining
the loner Willamette and Co
lumbia Rivers. They have
not, bowevtr. gone upward In
these streams more than a
few miles, seeming to prefer
sluggish waters and stagnant
Mr. A. H Gebhart. secre-
t tary of the Oregon Fish Com-
c a t u 1 a en- mission, in describing- their
largcd. feeding habits, likens them to
the bog, saying they will eat
anything that Is eatable In the way of vegeta
tion alone the edges ot sloughs and on the
meadows at the time of overflow. They also
root about In search ot roots and such animal
life as may be within their reach. He also
says they will eat clams, as he has tried them
as bait.
I cm able to say that fasclollasls Is much
less common In animals from the lower Colum
bia and "Willamette slough lands than from any
other swampy districts ot Oregon or Washing
ton. Letter dated January 4. 1902.
Referring to correspondence No. 4003, I have
to report to you that while at Itidgefleld.
Wash., on the 17th Inst., I was able to confirm
somewhat the theory that tho carp In the
waters of streams reduce the dangers of fascl
ollasls In sheep. Mr. J. Ii. Campbell, far whom
I Inspected sheep for passage Into Oregon,
states positively that since the introduction of
carp the flukes bare entirely disappeared, and
are no longer found In sheep posturing on the
bottoms, but that they ore to be found as com
monly as ever In sheep which feed upon the
moist vplands.
As Mr. Campbell Informed me that he had
lost about 30 sheep from some mysterious dis
ease, and that other sheepowners in his vicin
ity had also lost many. I endeavored to find a
cause for this mortality. I made postmortem
examinations ot three sheep from as many
different bands, each Individual showing a
roarksd degree ot cachexia aquosa. with no
acute Inflammation ot any organ. The mus
culature was pale, flabby and watarr. The
retroperitoneal connective tissue was saturated
with X.semUrelatlnous. clear, transparent ma
terial. A conalderable collection of this semi
fluid substance followed the attachment ot the
mesentery and tbe Intestine; The blood was
palish, and. while ot a quits clear red when
discharged from the vessels. It did not make a
marked stain upon the white clothing with
which It came In contact. Great numbers of
tho Strongylus fllarla were present la the
lungs, and much ot the lung tissue was col
lapsed and In a state of ca rn location, particu
larly the ventral border and caudal third of
the principal Iobea. Strongylus contortcs was
alio very numberous In the fourth stomach, the
submucosa of which was the site ot the same
clear. eemlgHatlnous Infiltration noticed In the
abdominal subserous tissues. ,
These animals had pastured contlnsally upon
the loir bottom, lands, and were tnUidy Irce.JJa
Downing, Hopkins & Go.
Established 1893.
Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerco
from Fasdola. hepatlca. Letter dated Febru
ary SO. 1902.
"In corresponding with tho United
States Fish Commission on the subject,
the following letter has been received
from Dr. Evermann:
Your letter regarding the carp is very Inter
esting, and It justifies us In scoring one more
for that much maligned but exceedingly useful
I do not know of any observations which
have been made specifically for 'the purpose ot
determining whether -the carp feeds upon lim
ns ex (swamp snails which serve as intermedi
ate host of Fasclola hepatlca). but there Is no
doubt In my own mind but that It does so.
Carp will teed freely upon all sorts ot small
moll asks and crustaceans which It finds la the
water, and when carp are able to go out In
overflow ponds they will certainly dean up
everything edible In the way of animal and
plant material. I would be very glad to know
more ot this matter. Can you give me the lo
calities to which you refer, and any more de
tails? Letter dated December 11, lSOli
"The action of tho carp in .this case ap
pears to be very strongly supported by
tho facts stated, and It seems that the In
troduction of carp into fluko districts gen
erally would result In a great decrease of
liver-fluke disease."
Merita of the Brovrnlovr Good Roads
BlU Discussed.
The fact that the United States Govern
ment has taken no substantial part In
building or maintaining public highways In
this country for tho last two generations,
is accepted by many people as final proof
that tho General Government is forbid
den, cither by constitutional limitations
or by sound public policy, from engaging
in any such Internal Improvement. On
the other hand. It ehould bo noted that no
system of public highways was ever built
up or maintained in any country without
the substantial aid of the general Gov
ernment of that country. The almost uni
versal lack of Improvement In regard to
our public road system is directly refer
able to the fact that there has been no
well-established system or policy pertain
ing to tho question. Those who have done
most to agitate for permanent Improve
ments have found that the farmers of the
country have almost invariably been op
posed to any general plan heretofore sug
gested for tho bnlldlng up of permanent
and durable roads, although it Is gener
ally conceded that tho farmers would bo
benefited so much, if not more, than any
other class of people by such roads. The
real reason for the farmer's objection Is
found in the fact that according to the
ordinary scheme of Improvement he would
bo called upon to pay the entire burden ot
cost, which he Intuitively feels to be
greater than he ought to bear, if not
greater than he is able to bear. Consider
ing this long-continued opposition by the
people in the rural districts and the lack
of policy on the part of the general Gov
ernment, and especially considering that
roadbulldlng is undoubtedly a public duty
which rests upon the Government In some
form. It seetn-j likely that the farmers are
entitled to some assltance In bearing the
necessary burden of cost to Improve the
public highways; and that the United
States Government should step forward
with some definite policy and assume
somo share of the burden and responsibil
ity -which Is necessary to produce a cred
itable system of pubUc highways, and
which has, as stated above, never been
effected in any country at any time with
out tho substantial aid and encourage
ment of the general Government of the
Tho Brownlow bill, H. R. No. 15,369, seeks
to establish such a policy to be followed
by the United States. It Is a .policy of co
operation and seeks to bring In the gen
eral Government as a co-operating factor
to work In connection with any state or
political subdivision thereof, so that the
United States should furnish one-half the
cost of Improvement and the state or po
litical subdivision thereof, co-operating,
should furnish tho other half. Sections 5,
6 and 7 are quoted from tha bill, as fol
laws: See. C That any state or political subdi
vision thereof, through Its proper officers having
jurisdiction of the public roads, may ap
ply to the director of . said bureau for
co-operation in the actual construction of
a permanent Improvement of any public
highway within the said state In the fol
lowing manner: Every, application for the co
operation herein provided for shall be accom
panied by a properly certlflcd resolution stating
that the public Interest demands the Improve-'
ment of the highway described therein, but
such description shall not include any portion
ot a highway within the boundaries ot any dty
or Incorporated village.
Sec C. That tha director of the said bureau
upon receipt of any such application, shall In"
vestigats and determine whether tha highway
or section thereof sought to be Improved Is of
suAdent public Importance to come within the
purposes ot this act, taking Into account the
use. location and value of such highway or sec
tion thereof for the purposes of common trafflc
and travel, and for the rural free delivery of
mall by the United States Government, and
after such Investigation shall certify his ap
proval or disapproval of such application. If
he shall disapprove such application, he shall
certify his reasons therefor to the publlo officer
or officers making the application.
Sec 7. That If the director of said bureau
shall approve such application, ho shall caose
the highway or section thereof therein de
scribed to be mapped, both In outline and pro
file. He shall Indicate how much of such high
way or section thereof may be Improved by de
viation from the existing lines whenever It
shall be deemed of advantage to obtain a short
er or mora direct road without lessening- Its
usefulness, or wherever sucb deviation Is of
advantage by reason ot lessened frradlents.
He shall aim cause plans and specifications ct
such highway or section thereof to be made
for telford. macadam or gravel roadway, ot
some other suitable construction, taking Into
consideration climate, soil and material to be
had In the vicinity thereof, and the extent and
nature of the traffic likely to be upon the high
way, specifying la bis judgment the kind of
road a wise economy demands. The Improved
or permanent roadway of all highways so Im
proved shall not be less than eight nor more
than 21 feet in width, unless or special reasons
It Is required that It shall be of greater width.
Tho constitution of the United States
puts no sucb limitation upon tho Govern
ment as to prevent the co-operation pro
vided for in this bill, and so far as public
policy Is concerned that remains to be set
tled by the concensus of opinion by the
people, of the United States. It was not
considered good publlo policy, until very
recently, to undertake to deliver the
United States mall to the people living In
tho rural districts, but It has been found
upon trial to be very useful, very econom
ical and very beneficial to those living la
the rural districts; and ,yet for 40 or 50
years the people In cities have been fav
ored by having their mall delivered at
their doors, while people living In the
rural districts have been discriminated
against because we -had not discovered,
until lately, that It is good policy to de
liver mall allko to people In the country
and in the city. One is almost as easily
obtainable aa the other. There Is no rea
son why the mail could not havo been
delivered to the people living in the rural
districts 40 years ago as well as at the
present time; as a matter of fact the roads
were as good then, for the most part, as
they aro now and the population In very
many of the older states was less sparse
In tho rural districts at that time than at
the present time. Now that the people
are manifesting their desires to have the
mall delivered in the country and have
demonstrated that It Is possible, their
representatives in Congress are eager to
appropriate almost any sum of money to
bring about this result.
What we have seen and are seeing in the
development of rural free mall delivery
iuwi to az regeaieo, is, jna matter 01
making permanent improvements to the
highways. Opco let It be understood that
the desired result can be accomplished
through a system of co-operation, aided,
fostered and encouraged by tho general
Government, and then let the people of
tho country express themselves In favor
of tho plan, and you will find that Con
gress and the constitution will not bo
against but for It. What members of
Congress want is an expression from their
constituency showing what Is desired In
the several districts. Thero are many
rural districts that have no great rivers
or great harbors or great cities which n
tltlo them to public buildings, but there
Is no district but that has many miles of
public roads that need to be permanently
Improved. Let tho people ask for it and
they will receive the assistance which)
they desire and deserve.
It Is a remarkable fact that the United.
States Government has already appropri
ated a million dollars to Porto Rico for
roadbulldlng. and another million to the?
Philippine Islands; and the Secretary of,
War lies just made an appeal to Congreasf
through the President of the United States,
who strongly Indorses that appeal, to have;
$3,000,000 appropriated for the use of tha
Philippine Government, The following is
quoted from Secretary Root's letter:
""Previous experiences indicate that suobJ
an appropriation could be made the moot
Useful by giving the Philippine Govern
ment discretion to apply It in such pro
portions as they deem wise in the direct
purchase and distribution or sale of uj'
plies or through the employment of labor
In tho construction ot Government wagonl
roads, railroads or other public works.
Ironlnsr Board Her Fire-Escape.
Chicago Journal.
Mrs. Mabel Palmer escaped from thef
fire in her rooming-houso, at 1275 North,
Clark street, early today by laying aa
ironing board across tho court separating
her building from tho one adjoining anoj
crawling over.
Mrs. Palmer was awakened by the)
smoke which entered her room near tha
top of the stairs through an open tran
som. In her night clothes she hurrlea
through the hallway, stopping at eaca
door to tap vigorously and shout en
alarm of fire. When sho saw the last
roomer emerge from his emoke-fttle4
apartments and half run and fall down
the stairway she thought of her own
safety. She ran to the stairway, but only,
to see the narrow passageway light up
with a blaze of fire. Almost overcome
by the hot smoke which she had breathed
Into her lungs she staggered back to
her own apartments, and raising o win
dow, caught a few breaths of fresh air.
Then she seized an ironing board and
made her way to tho roof. She placed
tho board so that it was supported by tha
roof of the burning building and that of
an adjoining structure. This accom-v
pushed she drew the folds of her night
clothing about her and made her way to"
safety. After the ordeal was over and
steady nerves no longer required she,
Her act was "witnessed by a score of
persons who had been aroused from their
sleep by tho gong of the fire engines. Two
policemen, who also witnessed the pro
ceeding, were soon on tho roof and car
ried her down to the street.
Tettus Easily Bent the "Kids."
Washington Evening Post
When Senator Pettus, of Alabama. 81
years old, announced that he was a can
didate for re-election, he had as compet
itors cx-Governor Oatcs, aged 65. and two
other Alabamlans, aged respectively 71
and 75. Senator Pettus won hands down.
After the election ex-Governor Oates.
made a speech at a gathering attended
by all the candidates.
"The trouble with us," said the ex-Governor,
indicating with a sweep of his
hand tho 71 and 73-year-old candidates "la
that the State of Alabama thinks we are)
too young to go to the Senate."
Death of Major Donaldson.
BALTIMORE, Feb. 7. Major Walter A.
Donaldson, superintendent of the National
cemetery, here, died today.
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