The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 01, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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TORIA'S ran.
Pot and Pans end Otlicr Pnrapher
. noli Urtc Already Gone
The Queen's Health.
LONDON. March 21. Tho Ufa
Guards, couriers, carriages, pots and
pans and other royal paraphernalia
have already gone to the Royal
Isle, which eagerly traits for Queen Vic
toria to follow. How Her Majesty will
be received and the prospects of her
doings In Dublin have quite overshadowed
all other topics,, even In a week which
has been marked by the annual Inter
varslty boat race, the resignation or the
Duke of Norfolk as Postmaster-General,
the announcement of the Delagoa Bay
Railroad award, and the rumors of pos
Elble war in the far East. Great Brit
ain's own war In South Africa has almost
been forgotten, so uninteresting has been
the progress of peace In the Orange Free
State, compared with the stirring accounts
of battles which the British people had
grown accustomed to read dally.
The Queen Is said to be In excellent
health, and well able to bear the strain of
the trip to Ireland. She commences her
Journey April 2, and sleeps on board the
royal yacht Victoria and Albert, landing
at Kingstown April 4. In anticipation of
Her Majesty's progress through the city,
the streets of Dublin are already gay
'With flags and decorations. A curious
feature of the preparations at the Vice
regal Lodge, where the Queen will stay,
are the pots and pans already referred
to. Her Majesty Is tremendously par
ticular about her kitchen arrangements,
and those at the Viceregal Lodge were
found to be quite below the royal stand
ard. Consequently no less than 309 cop
per frlcandeau pans. E4 saucepans, SO
copper stock pots and many other vari
eties of cooking utensils havo been sent
to Dublin especially for tho visit. The
Earl of Denbigh, who goes to Ireland as
Chief of the Royal Entourage and Lord-ln-Walting,
holds three Irish titles, and
was formerly Ald-de-Camp to the Lord
However, though the Queen is raid to
be full of excitement and enthusiastic In
regard to her approaching visit, she Is
not forgetful of South Africa. A story
Is going the rounds that the Queen re
marked that she was aware many peo
ple Imagined her anxiety about the war
would cause her death. "I may die."
added Her Majesty, "but it will be from
some other cause. I do not mean to let
Mr. Kruger kill me."
The United States cruiser Albany
remains at Newcastle, though her
.officers expected she would have
sailed long before this. Several weeks
will probably elapse before she leaves
England, no opportunity having yet
been secured for testing her guns, and
several minor chanpr are being made.
In the meanwhile her officers and. crew
are having a dreary time at Newcastle.
Captain Craig managed to get steam heat
put In for the crews, but the officers'
quarters are merely warmed by a couple
,of .stoves, which arrangement, during the
recent bitterly cold weather, has not ad
ded to the happiness of their existence.
Commander Clover TeUc-es Lleutenant
"Comacder Colwell April S as United States
Naval Attache here. The retiring Incum
bent has been the recipient during the
last few weeks' of many valedictory din
ners and on all sides there arc expressions
of regret that he Ieavlng the Naval and
social circles beMjfh be and Mrs.
Colwell are verHfKhe Spanish
'war devolved MsrinoTtant
-duties than cveMr lot
an American tHrils threo
'years' tenure. BQ passed
tfccaalswUeuaBBBBBBKder Colwell's
Is busv In T.nndnn
acts regarding the war and
h. EDeclal renort tn th Wat
at Wft-Oilmrtnn nvanHni. 4hn
lpflrapd fmm tmnQTvirt ttA Mnil.
TPA mflMpfW fAtinfil Cl-fira. l.u. hj.
r..:; r r"r- v"" "'"" "" "-
milieu oiait: jmuasy nis neaaquaners.
Military circles here are eomewhat
puzzled by the appearance of a volun
teer officer, specially commissioned by the
United States War Department to do what
Is generally considered to be the peculiar
function of the military attache, which
post Colonel Sumner still formally holds.
Charles Frohman has made good use
of the few daj he has been in London.
He has made a contract with Arthur Col
lins whereby he gets the annual Drury
Lane melodrama for tho next five years
In America. He made a contract with
D'Oyly Carte to produce "The Rose of
Persia," now playing at the Savoy. In
America In September. The cast will bo
made up from the present company, and
will number 63 persons in nil. They will
sail at the end of August. Mr." Frohman
further arranged to produce Relasco's
"Mine. Butterfly" at the Duke of York's
Theater, with "Miss Hobbs" April 3,
twlth Evelyn Millard as Mme. Butterfly,
and. finally, he fixed the date of Mrs.
Leslie Carter's appearance In "Zaza" for
Easter Monday. Mr. Frohman goes to
Paris Sunday.
It Is not yet known whether George Ed
wards will appeal against the decision
of Justice Kekewlch, who Starch 20 de
livered judgment in tho suit of the lato
Augustln Daly against Edwards, giving
the plaintiff possession of Daly's Theater
He has until April M to do so. The de
cision, as it stands, gives Mr. Daly's heirs
absolute possession, and they propose to
run the theater, and not transfer tho
t lease.
Edna May is announced to reappear here
In April, and the papers are taking up
the New York story of the alleged heir
looms of famous English families which
ere said to have been presented to her.
The Star says:
"If they are legally heirlooms, the slld-
-ed youth who have thus adorned Mls
May are likely to have tho family lawyers
"after them."
In an Interview concerning his appear
ance on the stage. Sir Robert Peel says
the nOO a week which he is to receive in
no way Influences his decision, adding that
his affairs point to a settlement by which
he will havo 1200 yearly. He asserts he
,1s merely "going on the stage to fill time,"
as he Is going to Parliament at the "next
election, three constituencies having asked
him to stand.
In consequence of hearing that Klralfy
Intended to have a beautiful-woman com-
"petition with money prizes. Lady Henry
Somerset withdrew her name from the
.list of patronesses of tho woman's cxhl'
bltlon at Earlscourt, but peace was patch
ed up by Klralfy's withdrawing the pro
jected feature.
George TV. Ledercr. tho well-known New
.York theatrical manager, has leased the
Shaftesbury Theater for a long term, be
ginning tomorrow.
London, or rather that great reslden
tlal part of It which is outside the city
'"Better Be Wise
Than Rich.
Wise people ate also rich when they
ftnov) per fed remedy for alt annoying
diseases of the Hood, kidneys, Ever and
bowels. is Hood's SarsaparHU, 'which
is perfect in its action so re gobies the
entire system as to bring vigorous health.
a. grlevanci
.Itself. ForfiJBKihs'
ieen in the habit WKkln7Ea aul
, streets hideous at 'Wl hours day aid
nifini wun enoeavors to oawjt exvraa,
often with nothing in 'them. The' London
County Council has Ww stopped this
nuisance, and any newsboy shouting hU
wares Is liable to arrest.
The Duchess of York was accouched ol
a son this morning. The child was born
at York cottage, Sandringham. at 7:31
o'clock. The Duchess and Infant are
doing -well.
Stenncnberff Presents the Petition of
the People of Coenr d'Alene.
"WASHINGTON, March ZL Governor
Steunenberg, of Idaho, today called at
the War Department and presented la
person to Secretary Root the petition to
which he referred while under examina
tion before the House committee on mili
tary affairs. In favor of the retention of
the Federal troops In the disturbed min
ing districts. The Governor had refused
to produce the petition before the commit
tee until he had first submitted It to tha
Secretary of War, to whom It was ad
dressed. The petition bears about 2300 signatures,
and recites that all of the signers art
citizens of Idaho and of the County .of
Shoshone and the Coeur d'Alene mining
district. They petition that the Secretary
of War allow the small force of Federal
troops to remain In the quarters provided
fpr them and occupied by them at the
town of Osburn. Shoshone County, for ai
long a time as Governor Steunenberg may
think their presence necessary for the
preservation of peace and order. The citi
zens also erprcss their approval of all the
acts that have been done by the Governor
and the officials of the state to preserve
peace and order, and to bring criminals to
The petition says that some of the acts
of the state authorities may appear to
people at a distance to "be drastic and se
vere, but the signers, who arc familiar
with the conditions which existed for sev
eral years prior to the declaration of mar
tial law last May, know that drastic
measures' were necessary to stop the band
of conspirators who, shielding themselves
behind the name of labor organizations,
had created a reign of terror and tyranny
seldom equaled In the history of the com
munity. In conclusion the signers beg to state
that the efforts of the Governor and the
state officials, assisted by the military au
thorities, have brought peace and good
order to the district, and given an Im
petus to all business Interests, and a
sense of safety to all people, which are
highly appreciated, and for which the.
signers are grateful.
Anntrnllnn Mnil Contract.
WASHINGTON, March 3L The con
tract for carrying mall from San Fran
cisco to Sydney, N. S. W.. touching at
Honolulu. Apia and Auckland, N. Z., will
be awarded by the Postofflce Department
to the Oceanic Steamship Company, of San
Francisco. The compensation will amount
to about $16,000 a round trip, 17 trips each
year. The contract will be for 10 years,
from November 1, 1300.
For 3Ii.rlne Hoapltnl Service Fond.
WASHINGTON. March 2L Secretary
Gage has submitted to the House a request
for 1200,000 additional to the fund to pre
vent the introduction and spread of epi
demic diseases. He says that the Surgeon
General of the Marine Hospital Service
reports that on account of the continued
and increasing danger from plague, medi
cal officers have been stationed at United
States Consulates in Europe from which
emigrants depart,
Subsidy IIU1 Reported.
WASHINGTON. March 31. The House
committee on merchant marine and fton
cries today approved the report on the
chipping blH'prepared by Chairman Gros
venor, who later presented It to the House.
It was decided, however, not to make It
public until Monday, when a synopsis will
be given out.
Gnicc Wants Bnnk-Xote Paper.
WASHINGTON. March 31. Owing to
the enactment of the new financial law.
Secretary Gage has sent to the House a
request for an appropriation for 7.807,504
sheets of distinctive paper for National
bank currency, to cost Jll.SK.
Exchange of Monil.
WASHINGTON, March 31. The amount
of gold bonds so far received at the
Treasury for exchange for the new 2s Is
Jia5.46G.2M. of which amount $21,915,500 was
received from Individuals and Institutions
other than National banks.
I o I
Roberts Reports the Dntch Army
LemlnR Ilrnndfort.
LONDON. March JL The War Office
has posted the following dispatch from
Lord Roberts, dated Bloemfonteln, March
30, evening:
"Reports point to the enemy's leaving
Brandfort and proceeding In a northerly
direction. The casualties In yesterday's
engagement were more numerous than at
first reported. Officers killed, two: wound
ed, ejght. Rank and file: Killed, 10;
wounded, 159; missing, 3."
Even the details of the engagement yes
terday at Karee Sidings station fall to
Instill much Interest. It appears to have
been a one-sided affair, although the
Boers stoutly held their ground against
a force threo or four times theirs, for threo
hours, when, foreseeing the danger of
the British cavalry enveloping their flanks,
the burghers withdrew In good order nn
their main body nt Brandfort, which, ac
cording to Roberts, they seem later to
have decided to relinquish with a view
doubtless of occupying a prepared position
further north. There will probably bo
a general shifting of camps on account of
tho Britishers' new position being made
a base of a further advance as soon as
the railroad is repaired.
Roberts today reported to the War Of
fice that he had received news from
Mafeklng up to March 10. The general
health of the garrison and Its spirits were
good. A locally-made gurrand the search
light and ammunition were working well.
the food was "holding out well and the pa
per currency which the British Command
er had Issued was satisfactory.
From Cape Town it is said President
Stcyn has gone to Pretoria, after, accord
ing to refugees, issuing on order that all
British burghers refusing to Join the army
shall be shot. Stories of the refugees are,
however, notoriously unreliable. News
from elsewhere la meager. The last re
ports from Natal Indicated a speedy clash.
lng of tho armies.
Sruntu Commanded the Boers.
KROONSTAD, Orange Free State. Fri
dayGeneral Smuts today engaged th
British at Mafet Kop, south of Brandfort,
and held them at bay for six -hours. The
burghers fought well. The casualties are
unknown. The Freo State Raad will as
semble at Kroonstad April 2.
Elliott Ajrnln Defeated.
NEW YORK. March 31. William B.
Crosby, of O'Fallon, I1L. defeated J. A.
R. Elliott, of Kansas City. In a 100-blrd
match at Interstate Park. L. I., today, by
a score of 97 to 93. The match was for
the Review medal and J100 a side. Elliott
had harder birds in the first part of the
match, and had a little of the worst of
tho luck throughout.
1 . m i i
Broke the Hammer Record.
Plaw, of the University of California,
smashed all American Intercollegiate rec
ords for the 16-pound hammer throw this
afternoon. He sent the missile 158 feet, 6
Execution of Morales and Gonsalea
Marks the Inauguration of a
jrerr Poller.
WASHINGTON, March 31. The execu
tion of Morales and Gonzalez, the Philip
pine leaders, marks the Inauguration of a
new policy In the Philippines. This is the
execution of the death sentence by order
of the military officers In command in the
lases of persons, natives or others, con
victed and sentenced by military commis
sions organized under the rules of war.
Moralez and Gonzalez were convicted by
a military commission of the murder of
Filipinos, and were sentenced to be hanged
near Dayambang March 30, and 'the press
dispatches from Manila show that the sen
tence was carried Into effect. No official
report of the cases has been received at
the War Department. There have been
several cases where the death penalty
was Imposed by military tribunals, but up
to the present Instance no case where the
death sentence was carried Into effect. All
the previous cases were submitted to the
President for final action, and in every
Instance the sentence was commuted "to
Imprisonment for life. It is stated that
General Otis' action Is undoubtedly Intend
ed to suppress brigandage' and outlawry In
the Philippines, but some conservative
officers fear that his summary action may
Jeopardize the safety of American pris
oners now In the hands of the Insurgents.
Comrrensmnn Drlcc. After nn Inves
tigation, Says the Stories Are True.
NEW YORK. March n. The transport
Sumner started on her voyage for Manila
with troops and supplies today. Congres3.
man E. 1L Driggs. of Brooklyn, after
making a thorough inspection of the
transport, declared that the charges of
extravagance and lavish expenditure of
money on the Sumner were true. He de
clared that the officers In command of the
ship had taktn the best rooms, and crowd
ed Colonel Davis, the officer In command
of the troops for tho Philippines, Into In
ferior quarters. He examined every part
of the ship, making copious notes Of all
he saw. Congressman Driggs condemned
the unsanitary arrangements for the sol
diers. The 7S2 volunteer soldiers went on
board about noon. The CO commanding"
officers were on the ship early this morn
ing. The vrssel will truch first at Gibral
tar, and continue ts.ugh the Suez Canal
and arrive at Mauda about June 25.
Kempff n-U Renter Go to Manila.
SAN rttANCISCO. March 3L The
steamsh'p Hong Kong Mam, which sailed
this afternoon for the Orient, carried a
passengers Rear-Admiral Kempff an1.
Rear-Admiral Remey. who. go to Join tha
squadrons of the United States Navy at
Manila and In Japanese waters. Rear
Admiral Rcmcy will relieve Admiral Wat
bon. and Rear-Admiral Kempff will take
charge of the ships on tho China and
Japan station.
Innnreent General Pnnn Surrendered.
MANILA, March 31. The Chinese Gen.
eral, Pana, who has been terrorizing and
devastating the Province of Panay, has
surrendered at Lcgaspl, to Brigadier-Gen.
eral Kobbe, who is bringing him to Manila
Judge Tnft at Lou Anerlcn.
LOS ANGELES, March Si: Hon. W. R.
Taft, chairman of thePhlllppine Com
mission, arrived heroafonlght. Judge Taft
will spend several aajT at iCoronado be
fore taking a steamer ct-Aaj; Francisco
for Manila. "
Puerto RIcana Complaining; of the
21. During the past 10 days the Puerto
RIcan people have evinced unusual In
terest In their affairs, and in tho future
of the Island, as It Is being handled by
Congress. Until the tariff question is
settled, business In Puerto Rico will re
main at a standstill. The laboring classes
are on the verge of starvation; 'there is
work for them to do, but the planters
who need their services are without funds
with which to employ them. The people
here say: "Let the tariff bo settled, eltner
a free-trade bill or a 15 or 23 per cent bill,
and the feeling of uncertainty will be
raised. Trade will be revived. Tho banks
will advance to the planters, the plant
ers will employ the starving, and Puerto
Rico will boom."
The 17th Inst, the Chamber of Commerce
held a special meeting, at which it was
decided to call a mass meeting for Mon
day. March 19. and to present a petition
to General Davis, beseeching him to do
all In his power to Influence legislation
In Congress for "Puerto Rico. The mass
meeting was held March 19. nnd 1000 peo
ple assembled nt the plaza an orderly
quiet crowd. Headed by Major EJosenne
and President Crosos, of the Chamber of
Commerce, and six members of the body,
they submitted a written statement to
Governor-General Davis, setting forth the
critical conditions under which the Island
Is of Little Benefit Cnleis It Is Di
gested. Nearly every ono will admit that as a
Nation we eat too much meat and too lit
tle of vegetables and the grains.
For business men. office men. and clerks,
and in fact every one engaged ln sedent
ary or Indoor occupations, grains, milk
and vegetables are much more health
ful. Only men engaged In severe outdoorJ
manual laoor can live on a neavy meai
diet and continue In health.
As a general rule, meat once a day Is
sufficient for all classes of men, women
and children, and grains, fruit and vege
tables should constitute tho bulk of food
But many of tho most nutritious foods
ore difficult of digestion, and It Is of no
uso to advise brain-workers to eat largely
of grains and vegetables where the diges
tion Is too weak to assimilate them prop
erly. It Is always best to get the best resutts
from our food that some eimplo and harm
less digestive should be taken after meals
to assist the relaxed digestive organs, hnd
several years' experience have proven Stu
art's Dyspepsia Tablots to be a very safe,
pleasant and effective digestive and a rem
edy which may be taken dally with 'the
best results.
Stuart's Dyspesia Tablets can hardly be
called a patent medicine, as they do not
act on the bowels nor any particular or
gan, but only on the food eaten. They
supply what weak stomachs lackt pepsin
diastase, and by stimulating the gastric
glands. Increase the natural secretion of
hydrochloric acid.
People who make a dally practice of
taking one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets after each meal are sure to have
perfect digestion, which means perfect
There Is no danger of forming an Injuri
ous habit, as tho tablets contain abso
lutely nothing but natural digestives; co
caine, morphine and similar drugs have
no place in a stomach medicine, and Stu
art's Dyspepeia Tablets are certainly the
best known and most popular of all stom
ach remedies.
Ask your druggist for a fifty-cent pack
age of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and
after a week's use, note the Improvement
la health, appetite and. nervous energy.
strurrUnr. Thcv were told that they
had the slncerest sympathy of General
Davis, and his hopes that an Immediate
settlement will be made. The , crowd
cheered, shouting, "Viva la Estados
Unldos," "Viva El General Davis."
Throughout the day and during the fol
lowing days telegrams reporting similar
proceedings In other towns began to ac
cumulate on the Governor-General's desk.
For the past 10 days hardly a day has
passed without a visit of a delegation of
country people begging for work. The.
transport Kilpatrlck arrived yesterday
with more than 600 tons of rations. But
it is not rations that the people want; It
Is work.
Finishes the Los Ana-eles Hearing;.
Interstate Commerce Commission
LOS ANGELES, March SL F. T. Fay,
of the Fay Fruit Company, testified today
before the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion. He has received rebates from th
three fruit car lines doing1 business In Cali
fornia, both when cars were refrigerated
and when they were not, the rebates
ranging from 310 to CO. the latter being
for refrigerated cars to the extreme East.
Samuel Westfall, of Westfall Bros.,
said his company has had rebates for sev
eral years from the car lines.
Leland Lyon, of Rediands, testified that
his company has received rebates from
fruit car lines for orange shipments, and
small rebates from Eastern roads, par
ticularly the Clover Leaf line.
The secretaries of a number of local
fruit exchanges testified that they have
protested against California Fruit Union
cars on the ground that they did not want
to put their affairs In the hands of a
competitor, but the railroads have forced
them to use the cars.
The testimony of E. Earl, president of
the Earl Fruit Company and the Con
tinental Fruit Exchange, closed the ses
sion Ib this city of the commission. Earl
was led to admit that he has paid rebates
to the -shippers of citrus fruits. He was
put through rigid questioning by the com
missioners ns to the source from which
the money came which enabled him to
pay the rebates, and he stated that he
received a mileage generally from the
Eastern roads of of a cent, and In cer
tain cases, where there was a keen rivalry
between the roads, they had made him spe
cial allowances, though this never cams
In the form of what he called rebates, but
as additional mileage allowance. He
could not remember any of the roods
which had made such allowances except
the Clover Leaf line. Acting President
Clements protested against leaving this
road to stand the brunt of making the al
lowance alone, when the testimony showed
that many Eastern roads must have made
similar allowances.
Counterfeiter Arrested.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 31.-Robert
Bradley, alias Barclay, a would-be coun
terfeiter, has been arrested In this city
by United States Secret Service Agent
Hazen. The man was apprehended In a
room at E2 Clay street and a display of
revolvers was necessary to Induce him to
surrender. Bradley was armed and told
the officials frankly that they were lucky
In having secured the "drop."
Agent Hazen captured with his prisoner
a complete outfit for the manufacture of
counterfeit dollars. The die's were of steel
and are pronounced by Hazen to be among
the best he has ever seen. He was well
supplied with metal. Including Mexican
dollars, which he had Intended to melt
and transform Into coin of the United
States. At the time of his arrest, Brad
Icy had a fire In full blast and had his
crucfbles and metals In readiness to pro
ceed with the process of manufacture.
The prisoner came here from Montana,
where he is said to have an Interest In
several silver mines.
Oit Record Droken nt Tncoma.
The Grlggs-Tidmarsh match on the Ta
coma Club links last FrldayXwas the most
notable one that has been played on the
course this year. Mr. Grlgga beat all pre
vious records In thl3 match by scoring
the lS-ho!e. course in 81, while Mr. TW
marsh showed both nerve and skill in fol
lowing hlra with the excellent score of
SS, says the Ledger. To appreciate this
play, it must be remembered that changes
In the course since last season have added
two strokes to tho "bogey." The" best
previous recora over the old course was
a. also made by Mr. Griggs, so that the
new record of SI Is the equivalent of do
ing the round of .the old course In 79. and
Mr. Tldmarsh's SS. minus tho added 2.
comes within 3 of the old record of S3.
Theso are two remarkable scores to bo
made In one competition, and will proba
bly stand on record for some time as tho
most exciting game tn tho history of tho
Too Much Timber nt Fort FlnRler.
March 31. The Secretary of War has ap
pointed Captain W. W. Robinson. Quar
termaster; Captain Harry Taylor, Engineer
Corps, and Captain John D. C. Hosklns.
Third Artillery, to perve on a board or
dered to meet at Fort Flagler. Wash.,
for the purpose of reporting upon and
making recommendations regarding the ad
visability nnd approximate cot of clear
ing the timber and underbrush from a
portion of 'the reservation of Marrowstono
Point In order to afford direct communi
cation between the batteries In the post.
The board will also report the approximate
cost of the construction of a road be
tween the garrison and .he batteries at
Fort Flagler.
Private C. H. Forborg. Company E.
Fourteenth Infantry, has been ordered to
report to the officer In charge of the re
cruiting station In Portland at the ex
piration of his present sick l;ave.
Printers Slay Strike.
INDIANAPOLIS, March 31. A general
strike of union printers employed by
members of the National Typothetao
may he ordered, as the result of a meet
ing of the Executive Board In Chicago
Tuesday, when seven of the nine board
members voted to levy an assessment of
JM.0O0 for the purpose of carrying on the
Usui, against tne union printers in Kan
sas City: The Executive Council of the
International Typographical Union, now
In session In this city. Is considering the
defiant attitude of the Typothetae. Presi
dent Donnelly today said his organiza
tion Is prepared to fight.
Kentueklnna After FInley.
INDIANAPOLIS. March 31. It is be
lieved by prominent Republicans that
Kentucky Democrats are here waiting
for , a favorable opportunity to take
Charles .P. FInley, ex-Secretary of State
of Kentucky, and carry htm to Kentucky
to be 'tried for complicity In the Goebel
assassination. FInley Is known to be In
concealment here, living at the resi
dence of the Sheriff In the County Jail
here. Republicans say any such effort
wilt be restated, 'and that, if the two fac
tions meet, there will undoubtedly be
bloodshed In this city.
i o
Eicht-IIoor Day Celebration.
PITTSBURG. March 31.-Celebration or
the establishment of an eight-hour work
ing day by the coal miners brought about
almost complete Idleness In the Pittsburg
district today. The thousands of cele
brators held moss meetings at many
places. Nearly 30.000 men will be benefited
by the new scale, which goes Into effect
Monday. It calls for an advance of about
20 per cent, and the establishment of the
eight-hour working day.
Cleveland Strike Xot Settled.
CLEVELAND, March 3L Contrary to
expectation, the striking machinists here
decided today that they would not return
to work pending arbitration. It is de
clared the strikers here will hold out un
til the nine-hour day is granted.
Stops the Couch and "Works OS the
Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tablets cure a
cold la one day. No cure no pay. Price 26c
Compromise Xcgotlatlons on Meat
BUI Commission to Adjust Eco
nomic DlSerences With Ts.
BERLIN. March 31. The various legisla
tive branches here have now adjourned
until the end of April. From the discus
sions before the Reichstag budget com
mittee. It Is plain that the government
does not deem It likely mat the special
taxes will cover the expense of the fleet.
An Increase Is necessary, but the govern
ment has yielded to the Center, which
wishes to provide for It, In that case, by
new taxes by the Bourse, etc
The Lex Helnze will probably not be
taken up, but will be allowed to fall Into
Compromise negotiations arc constantly
occurring about the.meat.blll between the
government and the Agrarians. The gov
ernment believes the negotiations will end
successfully, tne Agrarians dropping their
demands tor the exclusion of sausages and
canned goods. The Agrarian council, how
ever, has Just passed a resolution to reject
such a compromise. An Interpellation
signed by 140 Conservatives In the DJet
and aimed against Prince Hohenloho is
to come up In the Diet after the Easter
holidays. The government. In the mean
while, hopes a compromise will be effected,
and that, thereby, an interpellation will
be unnecessary.
A bill has reached the Reichstag against
the spread of epidemics.
In view of the publication here of several
special dispatches raying Germany has ap
pointed delegates to a commission which
President McKlnley recommended, to ad
Just the .economic differences between
Germany and the United States, Inquiries
were made by the correspondent of the As
sociated Press. The Foreign Office offi
cials said they knew nothing about the
appointment of delegates, and United
States Ambassador White raid the same.
The Foreign Office. In addition, pointed
out that in any case tho difficulties against
accomplishing the objects mentioned orig
inated in America and not in Germany.
Germany, afte' giving a satisfactory reply
to the United States' request for the main
tenance of tho "open-door" policy In
China, thus showing her good will towards
the United States, has several times
broached the subject of America recipro
cating by granting a similar privilege In
the Philippines. This matter has been un
der discussion, though Informally, both
In Berlin and Washington. The American
answer has been that tariff matters are
not regulated In the Philippines and must
await the proper time. Besides, the
American argument Is that If reciprocity
be seriously considered, the Insignificance
of trade with Klao Chou cannct be com
pared with the enormous volume of trade
with the Philippines, and America would,
at least, expect Germany to throw open
all her colonies to America, not only
Klao Chou.
Prince "Hohenlohe's Slst birthday was
celebrated today tn the usual way. Flags
were displayed, and at the banquet Em
peror William personally congratulated tho
Chancellor and pent him a handsome pres
ent. The British Ambassador, Sir Frank
C. Lascelles, glve3 a big soiree tonight.
The Russian Ambassador, Count von Os-ten-Sacken,
Is to give a big dinner
Wednesday next, which the Emperor will
All the private postal companies will be
abolished tomorrow, and the imperial post
will take their places throughout the Em
pire, one private, Berlin postal company
alone -receiving '1,000,000 marks In dam
ages. Simultaneously, the postage will
be reduced for local postal cards to half
a cent and for local letter's to 1 cent, In
cluding all the suburbs.
An unveiling of a Bismarck statue oc
curred today, at Mannheim. The Grand
Duke of Baden was present.
Hevnnndcx Defeated.
NEW YORK. March 3L A dispatch to
the Herald from Port of Spain, Trinidad,
Tho Venezuela Government officials re
port that severe fighting occurred near
the City of Bolivar March 22. General
Fenalosa. commanding the government
troops. It Is announced, defeated General
Hernandez. His forces' killed 221 of the
revolutionists, took 80 prisoners, and cap
tured a large quantity of arms and am
m,unltIon. The government loss was
Extra Pay for DepartmentCIerks.
WASHINGTON. March 31,-Secretary
Long has recommended to Congress that
the employes of the Navy Department be
paid for their excessive time In office from
January 1, 1S9S, to January 30, 1SJ9. The
Secretary of State will make a similar rec
ommendation. The Secretary of War led
the way In this matter, calling the atten
tion of Congress to the extraordinary la
bors Imposed upon the employes during
the Spanish War. It Is expected that
Congress will make suitable provision for
the reward of theso employes.
Seattle Printers Raise Prices.
SEATTLE. March 31. A combination
has been formed by the Job printers to
raise the price of Job work 30 to 50 per
cent. One of tho leading business men
refused to pay the Increased prices asked,
and Issued an order1 to an outside city to
do his -work. The printers give as a rea
son for raising prices the increased cost
of stock and high rentals and expenses.
Murderer Gets 00 Years.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. March 31.-John
Haysllp. a horse-trainer, has been found
guilty of murder In the second degree and
sentenced to 90 years In the peniten
tiary. Haysllp murdered his wife and
Maud Mitchell, and tried to kill Charles
Barrer, an ice-wagon driver.
Dally Trensury Statement.
WASHINGTON. March SL Today's
statement of the condition of the Treas
ury (exclusive of the tl5O.0CO.COO gold re
serve) shows:
Available cash ba'anco JlC.tTS.Ol
Gold 9S,eC3,SS7
Tvro Thousand Immlfrrnnts.
NEW YORK. March 31.-The Hamburg
American Line Steamship Phoenicia,
which arrived today from Hamburg and
Boulogne, brought 203S steerage passen
gers, the largest number of Immigrants
arriving by any steamer In many years.
Botha Succeeds Jonbert.
NEW YORK. March 3t A dispatch to
the Herald from Pretoria says:
General Louis Botha has been appoint
ed to succeed General Joubert as Commander-in-Chief
of the Transvaal forces.
Perished. In nn Oil Train Fire.
VLADIKOVKAS, Caucasus, March 3L
A mall train collided with a freight train
today. The petroleum tanks Ignited, and
the engineers of both trains, postal clerks
and many of the passengers, perished In
the flames.
Ex-Senntor Snvyer'n Funeral.
OSHKOSH. Wis.. March 3L The funeral
of 'ex-Senator Sawyer will be held, Sun
day afternoon at tho residence of his son,
Edgar P. Sawyer. The remains .will lie
In state from 10 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.
UnTrte. Economy.
Henry Clews, the New York banker,
writes that he once knew a farmer whose
wife had a desire to have her photograph
taken. It was partly through harmless
and perfectly proper 'Vanity, and partly
through a desire to have her children re
member her at her best that she wished
It for she was then young and beautiful.
9 -in i ii
Says Peruna, the Catarrh
Gives Strength
r"--T'?V''M !BSssfcv sssssssssssl
Vr""' "-" , 7t'V-NvVs atflAVBSSSSSSSsWssssasV
Hon. W. N. Roach, United States Senator from North Dakota.
Hon, W. N. Roach, United States Senator from North Dakota, personally
Indorses Peruna, tho great catarrh cure and tonic In a recent letter to The
Peruna Medicine Company, at Columbus, Ohio, written from Washington, D. C,
Senator Roach says:
"Persuaded by a friend I have used
testify that It has flreatly helped me
been advised by friends that It Is remarkably efflcacloiJ
most universal complaint of catarrh."
Senator Roach's home address Is Lorlmore, North Dakl
Mr. Ed J. Maklnson. contractor and
builder. 610 Grand Block, AVabash street,
St, Paul. Minn., says:
"Many doctor
bills can be saved
by tho use of Pe
runa. I have all
my friends taking
Peruna, and I have
heard nothing but
pralso from them.
Last Fall I had a
bad cough. I took
four" bottles of Pe
runa and It cured
me. I am Inclined
'towards consump
tion, as all my fam
ily have died with
it. I welsh 1S5
Mr. E. J. Makinson,!
rpounds. and I be-
contractor anu
lievo It Is Peruna
that has given me
such good health."
Peruna Is not a guess, nor an experi
ment; It Is an absolute, scientific cer
tainty. Peruna cures catarrh wherever
located. Peruna has no substitutes no
Sa"tf.n! Half Price
a world-wide record as the grandest remedy for RHEU
NESS of man and woman.
I challenge any one to dispute the above. I am now selling these Belts
at half price, and have no connection with others claiming to sell Sanden
Belts. Call and examine these Bells and test them, or send for prices and
book, "Three Classes of Men," mailed free.
Hr Q HA! I 253 Washington St.
Ui O. O. I IrALLj Portland, Oregon
Something that It will pi ease jrou
trt tiar if You value life in perfect
rrtnta! ana wno uocs uvi
to take. -,. f cm-tritntr that will
miner ii riii uicuso yw --
. u l..tti hnrlf he&ltti
presarva your u -. -----
back to you health i always pleasant.
, ABBEY'S SALT i ple-piiSjJS
i take and pleasant in i -- "I? - -
ISALIwhicnis mauc uum . "-- -
tracted Iron the-jaice. of Frb Fruits
,1 positively P'C,"'K'd.
unDieas"- ". . ..
.e.'iranvof the evilsTwmcn louow
L?r.t2i-iMTaid. swear by It. Physician, en-
dorse it. You should use lt-at once :
"ABBET3 DI- '"! ;w?r; TpVTn.i
L known to PPUI
k to wnoro l "VJ-IFTT
kspealc very nigmy
ABBEY'S SALT Ii sot only
jemtay lor me msoi
gists. sc,
But her hard-fisted husband put oft the
gratification of her most cherished wish
until routine farm life had done Its in
evitable work, and she was no longer love
ly to look upon. She suffered her disap
pointment In silence. She brooded over
lhe matter to such an extent that a
l&Alehlll was magnified into a mountain.
and Appetil
Peruna as a tor
im glad ta
b la
In strength, vlgori
rivals. Insist up
no ono persuade
remedy will do n
no other system!
Mr. Byron J,
:ounsellor at 1
w r 1 1 e s from
Jatcs avenu
Brooklyn, N. Y., t.
"I have U3cd
Peruna for cai
jnd find Its cur.
powers all you
omracnu. It c
me of a very bac
tfiV finrl thnii?r
suffered for years tf
feel entirely relieved
and it It will bene
fit others I gladly
givo it rpy endorse
Byron J. Klrkhuff,
Attorney ana
at Law.
ment." Address Tne
P o r u n a Medicine
Comnany. Colum
bus. Ohio, for a freo book on catarrh,
written by Dr. Hartman.
HAVE purchased the right
and title for the sale of
the Dr. Sanden Electric
Belt. This I guarantee on a
S5000 bond to be the gen
uine, original and only pat
ented Sanden Belt. This is
the Belt made exclusively
for me in the yeaA1898, and
having a 30 years' reputa
tion. This is the Belt with
- . -
Tt- T.t... XT. rfnftinatt O..
Jr. iuuu itaj
. kit A.MlaAV AW
SiaiCSC 1 D'VD UUUIucu ..w.
lent results irora adbu 9 oai-i A
tn cases or Lonsupauoa, auu. .
DCiieve 11 1 uacuuwicu - .
mild and emcient laxative.
Spring wiaedy. as a
v" ,k ..". fc.Vir
guw "" -"
50V "" v- - -
and eventually led ta
of husband and wire.
of the family. His
What a dreadful
one think of the enu
ship who would
come disabled thj
economical applied
- .. 1
. Wu