The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 14, 1900, Page 16, Image 16

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To Golf, or "Sot to Golf?
T.O golf or not to coif: that is t-e question.
"Whether it is nopler in the mind to suffer
The stags and arrows of the scornful crltlc3
Or to take arms against a links of troubles
And by trying, leaxn not. To drive, to put:
To putt perchance to hole. Ays, thece's the
For In the efforts made, what strokes may come
"When we have cat the bah in half and eUrsefi
the lie
Must give us jjause. There's the .reproach.
Thai makes us monkeys all the livelong day.
For who -nould bear the whips and seems of
The professor's tongue, the best drl's con
tumely, The p&ngs of a poor approach, the air that's
The lnsalence of caddies and the scores
That p&tieat merit only make mow lengthy,
-When he himself might his quietus make
"With a bare brassie?
Tqm Masson in Life.
Gridiron Players "Who "Would MalEe
a. Graek-a-Jaclc Team Bog-Lovers
Organize a'Kennel Cieli.
January is a month in which sports, aa
in nature everything, sleepeth. The yeai
opens with the finest possible prospects,
but everyday work is marked by its ab
sence, golf ajone excepted. Indoor gym
nastics in the classes, together with bowl
ing, form the category. The gymnaslun
instructors, both in the men's and wom
en's classes, report full attendance, with
increasing numbers.
In the field of outdoor sports, in the
country at large, the question of -an All
American football team is being discussed.
There is also talk of an AH-Mlddle-West
an Ail-Southern team, and so on. It ma
not be out of place to choose an AHOregoa
team. The task is not an easy one, aar
there were strong, aggregations represent
ed on Multnomah field during the season
just closed, when team work, rather than
individual plas-s, predominated. However,
looking at the game with a view to select
ing a team to represent the state, several
players stand out in bold Telief.
All-Oregon Team.
Beginning with the center position, one
home player, "Watson, deserves the honor.
For sturdy work In defense, accurate pass
ing and especially for speedy and aggres
sive play, in helping the tackle-tandem,
and even in end interference, Watson's
work has had no equal here. Among the
cither centers pitted against "Watson, Eu
gene's man, Wagner, held him down tnt
best. Wagner is a strong defense roan,
but lacks Watson's dash and speed in
interference and offensive work.
For the guards, McKinnoh, of Multno
mah, ami Smith, of Eugene, will be se
lected. McKinnon's strong defense has
been a marked feature of tins year's play.
There have been quicker men in the po
sition on the offense, but for all-around,
Steady work, MdCmnon deserves the posi
tion ol right guard. Smith, of Etigene,
whose regular position on his team is
tackle, put up a strong, aggressive game
on Multnomah's team, at guard, against
Stanford, and clearly demonstrated his
strength mi the last-man tionod position.
He is a strong, heady,, quick player, and
showed himself the right man for left
guard oa the All-Oregon team.
For tackles. M. A. A. C.' two men
are pre-eminent Jerry Rush and Pratt
are among the most aggressive players
that have been seen on Portland's gridiron.
Rush came into the game late In the sea-
eon, but in his three contests proved
himself a star. Rush, as left tackle, la
hDsen. Pratt, as right tackle, s one or
the best f&otball men in the Northwest.
This athletic young fellow found no
trouble in breaking up any combination
placed before him tore holes In the oppos
ing lines, apparently at will, on the of
fense; made good, heavy plunges, -when
carrying the ball, and, on the defense,
was impregnable
The Ends.
At the -wings, Young, QfEugens, is given
the position of iet end, while Montague,
of M, A, A. G , has right ens. Barrett,
of the home team, has won hosts of
friends by his steady, consistent work,
but falls slightly below Young in speed,
in getting down the field, under punts, in
every other way, Young and Barrett aTs
a staad off. Montague is the conspicuous
end of the year. This youngster is a
crack-a-jack in every sense of the term.
Speed and pluck, and always his eyes
glued on the ball, are his distinguishing
Kerrigan, at quarter-back, is chosen for
the team. Edwards, of Eugene, is a gooa,
heady player, but falls short ef Kerri
gan in many particulars. Kerrigan's ac
curacy In passing has been a revelation
to old-time pla ers. In the games against
Salem and Stanford, Multnomah's posses
sion oC the ball was freeuent, and, m all
his plays, Kerrigan made no fumbles in
passing. In interference, he is always In
evidence. In the handling of punts, his
rterve in holding to the ball, in the facfc
of charging ends, and his speed in re
turning punts on the run, prove him an
invaluable man. This is practically Kex
rigaft's first season of footbajl. With
next reason's added weight and experience,
he should add to his already well-earnea
At the halfback position, the man "who
stands head and shoulders above all othorh
is George McMillan. McMillan, with, his
customary diffidence, wishes others to
have the glory, and, in the selection of
the team, this point of acceding to h:a
wishes is reluctantly assented to. Src
Mfllan is not only the best halfback tn
Oregon, but is, by all means, the best an
the coast.
The Halfbacks.
Iieaving George out of the question then,
the halfbacks chosen are Meyers, of M.
A, A. C, and Bishop, of Eu.- Mey
ers, at left half, made a. fine record air
season, for heavy line-bucking and strong
defense, and outshines his side partner.
Bishop, in this latter respect. Bishop is
a speedy boy, makes good. Ions gains, but
Jails a bit short on defense. His brother.
Bishop, of Salem, is his superior in this
latter respect, but lacks his big brother's
speed and experience. He comes a close
second, however. Had Stiles been able
to finish tbfc season, this strong young
player would undoubtedly have made th&
All-Oregon team, but a twisted knee put
him out of the big games, and this seasoi
may tell another storr.
For fullback, Sanders, of (he Chemarwa
Indian school, gets the position. Davey,
of M. A. A. C, is a very close secona,
the only paint wherein Sanders has su
periority Is In his quickness in getting hia
punts away. Otherwise Davey Us hia
equal hi breaking the lhie and in defense.
'Ehere Is a young man, Harding, of Cor
valiis, whoso work at guard or tackle
comes nearly up to Smith, of Eugene. Hs
style of play is quite similar, but fala
i somewhat short In aggressive play. The
j All-Oregon team then stands:
J AlI-GrcGron. Team.
' WaSson M. A.A. C.Ceftter.
i Smith TJ, ef O. Left guard.
, McKJnnon ...... M. A. A. C. .Right guard.
fRuSk M.A.A. C..Left tackle.
Pratt 1LAA C... Right tackle.
Yourtir U. of O Left end.
Montague M. A,A. C. .Right end.
Kerrigan M. A.A. C. .Quarter back.
Bishop .TJ. of O. Left half back.
Meyers M. A.A. C.Right halfback'
Sanders .-Chema.wa-.FuIl back.
The formation of the Portland Kennel
Ciub during the past week marks an
other very Important step in the progress
of sports here. Several previous attempts
have been made to form a similar organ
isation, but teok of harmony in the ranki
of the dog-lovers caused failures. Tha
present organisation Is compoBed of. the
very best element of the sportsmen of this
city and the surrounding country, ana
the harmony and vigor with which tha
work is already carried on augurs Well
for its future success. The primary ob
ject ia to protect and foster the breeding
of the pure-blooded dog; the secondary Is
to give this city the privilege of see'ing
i what fine dogs there are on this coast, the
I opportunity being the holding of a bench
ehow some time in the early spring.
Communications or queries concerning the
Kennel Club will be gladly answered Dy
the secretary, James A. Taylor, whose ad
dress is -gjh Honeyman & McBrtde, ol
thfe city. Already the charter member
ship Ilat, confined to A0 members, is about
complete, but dog'-lovers in general aro
invited to help out in the worthy cause.
Indoor Gymnastics.
The January indoor gymnastic contests
were held In the Y. M. C. A. gymna
sium last Tuesday evening. Four con
tests were- held the 50 and 160-yard dash
es, the standing high jump and fence
vault 3. A. WPson, at cratch, headed
the list, with 275 points to his credit E.
Parker Is second, with 282?i; W. Backus
third, with 220K; A. E. Jones fourth, with
21354. and A. O. Johnston fifth, with 205?i.
Wilson broke the association record Dy
Winning the 50-yard dash in 6U seconds,
the best previous performance being C2-5
seconds. Victor Paquet won the fence
vault and also broke the record, with a
vault of 6 feet 3 inches. Parker woii
the 100-yard dash. In 114 seconds. Backus
won the high Jump, Standing, with 5 feet
1 inch.
Basket-ball still holds sway at Y. M. C
A. Pacific coljego, of Newberg, plays here
February 2. THe Turn Vereln women's
team win play that of the Y. M. C. A.
the eomimr week, or early the following
week. The regular Y. M. C. A. was dis
appointed in nst going to Saletn last weeic,
as scheduled, on account of Salem failing
to make the necessary arrangements, lh,
door baseball is taking a new lease of life.
Another league will be in operation during
the next three months, with the old
league, T. M. C. A., Third regiment, Bat
tery and M. A. A. C. in the schedule.
In the handball handicap tournament,
now m progress at the M. A. A. C. court,
"doubles" have been completed, Watkfna
and Kerrigan winning first honors. Lom
bard and McAlpin pressed them hard, and
finished in second place. The singles are
in progress, with a very large entry list.
Football Matters in an Uncertain
State at the University.
"There are some big football problems
yet to be solved at Harvard," says the
New York Telegram. "Among these is
the question of a coach for next year. Cap
tain Daly refused to eonflrm the story
thai Cameron Forbes is to take the place
again. The only matter that Is self-evident
is that Harvard will go on with Penn.
The agreement with the college is that it
shall be lasting, with the option tha
either college .can break it before the 1st
of January. Otherwise, lUce a lease, It is
self-renewing. There has- been nothing
done in the matter so far as ea.n be
"Th.ere never was any real ground for
believing Harvard 'would drop Penn. Thfe
little Incident of Overfield's stealing the
ball was used as a pretext for the stories.
OverfieH and Pean made up for this hand
somely. It cannot be denied that HarvaTd
Is no$ altogether pleased with the present
arrangement. But why should Harvard
drop Penn any more than Yale should dTop
PriBceton and take up Penn. That woula
make a triangle. Yalfe does not like Penn.
And for that matter the relations ei
Princeton and Harvard are net as cor
dial as those of Harvard and Penn. Har
vard sees nothing to find fault with Penn
now, and Princeton has hardly as good a
claim to Harvard's company.
"Tha. question of adding Cornell to the
list of games is a mooted one. There is a
disposition among the students and eomt
of the graduates to begin relations with
hem again. Much of this feeling- Is due to
the aid Harvard men, notably Haughton
and Lewis, have given Cornell during the
last season. The main trouble has been
the question of return games. To reach
Ithaca, Harvard Is compelled tb leave
home on Hiq Thursday before the gara&
and to undergo a fatiguing raIlway-jour-ney.
The j'ourney Is equally rigorous for
Cornell, and it naturally objects to taking
th& long end of the proposition by playing 1
at Harvard every year: Harvard, on the
other hand, cannot risk the final develop
ment of the team for the sake of playing
any one institution.
"When the two universities split, In the
winter of 1S97-'9S Cornell offered as a com
promise game m New Tork, hut this was
impossible, owing to the Harvard tfegqla
tlon, which forbids the team playing on
-other than college grounds. Now It to
possible to arrange a game with Cornell
to be played on the Columbia grounds in
ICew York city, which woujd meet the
desires' Of th TTnrvnrrl mpn In TJottt Vni.Tr
I to see thgir team play, and at the same
time allow tile two universities to have
the -satisfaction of playing an annua
Little Faults in Golf Implements
That Unset Calculations
Golfers, particularly beginners, often
times fail to realize how much depends
upon the clubs they are "Using for the
best results In a round of a course. A a
larger number, however, seem ignorant 6f
the fact that a capable elnbmaker ean
remedy hi a few minutes, particularly in,
3 wffl ilrv " ll 1(1 In
terhym'govbrn, of Brooklyn, w. y,
Terry McGovern, who, by defeating Pedlar Palmer, of England. Johnnie Ritchie, Harry
Forbes and a host of other more or less clever men, had earned the tHIe of bantam-weight
pugilistic Champion, and by Ms decisive victory oer Georca Dixon, the Boston colored hoy,
who for nearly nine years stood at the head of the feather-we'g-hts, before the Broadway (N.
Y) Athletic Club, the other night, went to the top of the heap in that class and became cham
pion of the world, Is a. Brooklyn boy, and his rise as a fighter has been simply meteoric. Only
within the last year or two has tho lad beg-uft to aesert his cupsriotlty, but dnce he knockea
out George Munroe he has- vanquished a score of fighters, winning most of his victories
Inside pf half a dozen rounds each He Is a thinker and tactician, and body blows are his
forte, as was demonstrated In Slo fight wlh Dixon, when he punished the latter terribly about
the ribs, heart, kldness and stomach, not neslectlng. In sparring, to nearly smash the plucky
riegro's nose. He Is tlrelesw, swift and crafty, will take a blow on the chaneo of getting
oni In, and generally attends strictly to business, employing short-arm 3olts m a "mix-up"
in preference to spectacular swing3 end other gyrations intended for the delectation of the gal
lery. He is an aggressive fighter, from the tap of the satis In fb"e first round to the finish,
and has made a small fortune einee he started In to wipe up the "Squared circle" with all
the bantam and feather - weights have Reretofpre adorned It. He is making $400 to $500 a
y, eok gi Ing exhibitions with a show, and is devoted to his family, having provided his moth
er and two brothers with a eomfdrtable home out of his winnings, and likewise bought a
handsome residence for his wife in Brooklyn, where, with their 6-monthB-Old boy, thoy live
in contentment.
McGovern, in a reeent interview, declared that he never drank, smoked nor cbewad, and
that he knew the time would come Uhen some one would bert Kim In the ring, as had been
the case with every champion heretofore; that, therefore, he was making the most of his pres
ent opportunities to provide for the future of tbose belonging to him. teie eketch of ifcGevem
accompanying this article was taken from the Dcner Republican, and represents him as ha
appeared in his latest photograph, taken quite recently.
the" wooden elubs, !tVUe faults which a
novice cannot see and for which he has
discarded the club from his Hag.
How often one hears a player say:
"This is my pet driver or brassey; I have
triad a number of others, but cannot get
the same results." If an accident hap
pens to this particular club, he is all
at sea, and attributes ni poor play to
the fact that he has no other equally
cood. in his opinion. With one chip he
slices, with another he puDs, and in an I
elfOrt to get straight, be qnanges xus
"stance" or his swing to remedy a fault
with tho club, slight though it may be,
and by so doing gets "off" his game,
with the pleasing prospect in view of
haying to begin all over again.
The eecentricitles of a club $xe like an
open book to the eye of a good club
maker, and it Is surprising how quickly
ho will detect anything wrong. A wellr
known golfer, in telling ef an experience
to the Baltimore Ameriean, gives a good
example of this. He said: "In playing
a reuHd the other day, I used a new
driver, which t had selected With much
eare. In spite of everything I could do,
howeer, I kept slicing -from each tee,
and finally discarded the cjub for the
rest of the round, being already five down
io my opponent, for no other reason. On
getting back to the clubhouse, I showed
it tii nrofesslona.1 and said
" vThat is the matter with that dubr
He looked at it critically for a moment,
and said: This is a guid cToob to sltee
wi', won.' He locked it In his vise,
and "with a few strokes of the rasp, land
ed it back to me, saying: No0", it'll nae
slice again ' On the nest round I was
pleased to find he was right."
Once an Elevator Boy, TTow Ruffles
iVith Best of 'Era.
Of the outside betting" speculators at the
New Orleans races, Hugh Kane, a former
associate of Dan Stuaxt hi Texas, is, by
common consent, the leader.
Kane, according to the Denver Repub
lican is a modeat, retiring man, who does
a largo business in a quiet way. He was
one of the fclg betters in the clubhouse
at the race track at Saratoga N. Y:, last
summer, hut it was not until the "Bri
gade" de coup was brought off that the
Sew Tork crowd deigned to notice him.
One night he gat in front of a faro lay
out, at which Jimmy Wakely, the New
York sporting man, was the star player.
Without knowing each other, Kane and
Wakely were stringing together and mak
ing the same size bets. Wakely lost
&500 and concluded to quit, though ho
continued to look on.
Kane was out a like -amount but he
kept on playing, and dropped ?2000 more
before his luck turned. When It did turn,
the Texan had the game oil to hhnself.
The 9100 "pikers" dropped out one by one,
and tho dealers shifted. Within n. eouple
of hours Kane had $22,000 worth of brown .
checks in front of him. Then he looked
at his watch, ordered a bottle of Apolln
arls and eashed In. When Kane had Teft
the room, Wakely turned to Jack- Meln
erny aBd asked, "Who is that guy?"
"Oh, he's- nobody," said Melnerny, vAh
a little Western sarcasm. "They don't
inow hjin on Broadway. When "he left
there six months ago they had to throw
nlm down to- get a pair 6 shoes on hire,
arid he hasn't yet got used to sleeping to
doors." -'
Kane is not a Texan, although he
chances to be- regarded as one. Eighteen
r 20 years ago he ran an elevator in the
Hoffman house, fa New York. Ha as-
l sumes no airs about the betting rmir. and
takes his place fai the Una with the $2
erowd when it domes time to cash h'3
Victoria. Malces Money at Her Brec3
iner Establishments.
It may be news to many people that the
queen of England breeds racehorses. Not
only does she do. so, but she does It sue.
cesstuHy, many horses who have made
their mark in turf hi3tory having been
foaled In the- royal paddocks. These ar&
at Hampton court, a palace acquired by
Henry VHI, on the downfall of its" builder,
the. great CaTdlhai Woisey.
For many years the eourt, has how
ever, ceased to fee a royal residence, its
ftKteioaB apartments being used, as a sort
of alHishoujre, for superannuated retain
era of the reigning sovereign. yhe queen's
favorite sire was Springfield, a magnifi
cent bay, Bon of St, Albans and Virgie,
who, during his racing career, carried the
green and gold of the millionaire Man
chester spinner, Mr. tfouldsworth. Hei
majesty's judgment was not proved to B&
correct till her pet sired Sainfoin, in his
old age, but the season following the vic
tory of the latter, ehe had the pleasure
of seeing her corps of 31 yearlings realtzt,
the magnificent average of $i76d.
Kor do3 the queen confine her attention
to thoroughbreds alone. At the home armk
near Windsor, only a few miles from
Hampton cpurt, she raises pigs, sheep
and cattle. Just before Christmas the fat
etock from the farm is sold by auction,
and, needless to say, moat dealers from
all over the country are eager purchas
ers, more, though, for advertising pur
poses than the intrinsic value of the
stock. The champions of the sale last
month wets the little white Windsor Pigs,
none of which ean be obtained for breed
ing purposes. Though they weigh consid
erably less than 200 pounds at maturity,
several sold for $50 each. The prices for
the queen's black-faced Hampshire Dowh
sheep, and rich, red Devon steers, w$r&
proportionate, the sale netting In ail over
Victories of American Joelcey
targfoly Dne to tlie Faet.
Vivian Gooch, who has been in this
eountry purchasing eobs and driving pairs
for the reyal family of England, is an
enthusiastic admirer of Tod Sloan. He
has this to say concerning Tod:
"Sloan is a phenomanal aockoy, tor
physical reasons, if no other. He pos
sesses the judgment, the brain of a man.
and has with It a hoy's body. But his
victories on English: race courses have not
been because of his own generalship,
game- and audacious rider though he
be. He is signed with Lord William
Beresford, and the terms of the contract
provide that he shall follow Lord Witl
lam's instructions to the letter. If he
deviates a hair from those instructions
the contract beeomos void.
"Lord Wililiam Is the greatest racing
general in England. He learned the art
hi Indidi, where they race horses as no
where else. The English In India are the
greatest sportsmen in the world. Beres
ford puts Sloan on a horse, tells him f o l
get all he ean out of the' mount, never
to eaase until the end. Sloan follow his
lordship's directions to the letter and the
two, ipekey and lord, make a team that
is well-high invlneibie."
Mlstabron for Tnrlcey.
Sfcjn la wild tar-key shooting' probably
AM Ta1M ntfaV 9 'DjMtfMrituhtAN 1.1m 4
i " "" vljroi, a w.oyi.ini(niJ, UO I
life, cjuyer was found dead in the woods, i
with a. bullet wound through the abdomen.
. .?..! . r
As he b4d heeo calling turkeys, it Is s"up
posed tftat some hunter mistook him for
one of the great birds and shot him.
Fine Individual and Team Flaylns
Developing on Many of the Alleys
of rho 2?orthvresr.
The standing of the teams competing
in the "Big Four" and association cham
pionship bowling contests up to and ra
fiiadlng January 11 is as follows:
BIsr Fowr."
Won. Lost. Cent
Hilhee .M... 3 l .750
Y- M. C, A ." !.... 3 1 .TSft
The Dalles ,... 1 3 .550
Astoria :.. 1 8- .250
Association Cnanrfionrfhro.
Won. Lost. Cent
Astoria ., 3 1 .ToQ.
O. Rv C..j.......-...... 3 1 ,?50
Y. SI. C. A , 2 6 .SO
The opening games of the tournament
season- were bowled at Astoria, on. the
6th hist. Four association championship
gamea were played in. the afternoon, and
the "Big Four' series In the evening.
The afternoon games developed some sen
sational work on tha part of Richards,
captain of the Y. M. C. A. team, who
tied the association four-Rame record of
j 223, made last year by Rossite. of the
Road Club, and brolje the record for per
centage of missed and wild balls, former
ly held by Wells, of the Road Club. Rich
ard's percentage was .125, which is 25
points below the former record. Richards
Ulissed but four balls in the first three
.games, but missed five In the final game,
otherwise Ms reeord would have been
even better. He scored one game of 82
and one of 74. Notwithstanding this big
score, the Astorians won three out of
four games In the association champion
ship, although Y. M. C. A. had a majority
on total pins of 61.
"Big: Four" Rcsnlttr.
In the "Big Four" games at night, Y.
M. C. A. took three of the games, win
ning two very close ones by six and two
pins, respectively. Astoria put up good
games in both contests, and showed them
selves strong in tournament work. Cap
tain JLaws has the utmost confidence in
this team, and, announcing his intention
of winning all future games, advisas com
peting teams to confine their efforts to
the struggle for second place. This claim
may prove somewhat wild, but Astoria
will be in the race all the way through.
The Astorians are scoring very even and
consistent games, and the value of thl3
kind of bowling was never better illus
trated than In the association games,
where they took three games, with 61
pins agalrist them. Berger led Y. M. C.
A. at night with 203 flat, a very fine total,
the balance of the team bowling goed,
but not high scores. Burroughs, with 176,
and Burkholder, with 175, led Astoria.
On Wednesday night the Oregon Road
Club and Y. M. C. A. teams met on- the
latter's alleys, in the second subserles of
the association championship, and the re
suit probably puts the home team out of
business, so far as that contest is con
cerned, although It is possible to recover,
but not at all probable. The Road Club
took all but the first game, which Y. M.
C. A. won by 11 pins. O. R. C. won the
second by one pin. and the last two by
large margins. Although Y. M. C. A.
secured a fine team average, O. R. C.
had 75 pins to the good at the finish.
Rossiter, of the Road Club, was high
With 202, a single score of 83 in the last
game pullitig him out of what might have
been a rather low place on tho team.
He had a fine start for a 90 score, with
10 strikes up, but a "center" spoiled it
Berger again led Y. M. C. A., and main
tained his reputation as a tournament
bowler. The next association champion
ship games will take place between O.
R. C. and Astoria at Astoria tomorrow
Disappointment at Salem.
The games between The Dalies and H
lihee at Salem Thursday night were a
great disappointment, so far a$ size of
scores Is concerned. Neither team scored
its usual average, but The DalIi-3 bowl
ers fared miserably, with a team total
of but 779. This is 200 to 250 pins below
what might be expected of them. Al
though the home team had long odds
on pins, the visitors secured ono game
out of the four by a hcrdic pick-up fn the
last game. Salem bowled a good aver
age, not as high as the team is easily
capable of doing, but it was far ahead
of that made by the visiting team. It
seenied to be an oft! night for The Dalles
team, which -Is a very unusual occurrence,
although there are usually one or two
men on any team to bowl low. ?7e com
plaint was made about the alleys, as
everything was In excellent condition. It
was a case of "fall-down" all around, ihe
effects of which win no doubt be over
come later on. McNary, of JIHhee, with
175, Was high man. Illlhee is somewhat
weakened by the loss of Some of its more
experienced tournament men. but slfll has
a good team. Captain Barker, of niihee.
is in goed form, and has been doing soma
great work in practice, having Secured
an zrveragf) well above 415 for 200 eonseetr
tive games.
The big interstate match contest opens
next Saturday night with Multnomah at
Arlington and Seattle Athletic Club at
Taeoma. Games will be played thereafter
evry Wednesday and Saturday night
until the Spund teams come here, when
there will be thrba consecutive nlehts of
play. The Commercial ana Seattle Bowl- .
ing Clubs appear first on Wednesday, the
sn mst., the former at home against
Arlington, and the latter at the Seattle
Athletic Club. The association cham
pionship win finish on the 26th, arid the
"Big Four" on the 37th mst. There are
seven set's of games scheduled for this
week, as follows:
Game Schedule.
Association championship O. R. C. at
(Astoria on Monday. "Big Four" Thurs
day, Hlihae at The Dalles; IMday, Illihee
at Y. M. C. A.; Saturday, Y. M. C. A.
at The Dalles, and Illlhee at Astoria. In
terstate nnrtch-aturday, Multnomah at
Arlington, and Seattle Athletic Club at
The Seattle Athletic Cjub i3 holding a
"tryout" to select Its team fofr the intej
state match. 11 men being candidates. The
games are Bowled on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday evenings. In the first try the
scores were excellent, and give some idea
of the probable strength of the team. The
six high men were: Huggfns, 197; Bowes
186; Cole, 185; Barragar, 173; Nelson, 171,
and McKenzTe, fE9. As these alleys are
three pins slow, this makes a pretty fine
team average.
A surprise was developed at Multnomah
Moftday night, When the weekly team
tournament took place. Craft's team, the
winners for the four previous weeks, put
up their usual hjgn seores, and, at the
end of the third Kama, were 45 nlns nheaH
of the nearest competitor, and supposed,
as everyooay else did, that they had an
easy thing. Consequently. It was a hard
jolt to thexa. when the official count
showed Buckley, Alien, Bailey and Hoeg
to be the winners by ight pin?. The lat
ter team put up a high total in the final
game, which put tham. on velvet. Their
victory caused great enthusiasm, as
L Craft's team had done so well previously
that they "were considered inrineibie.
Summary of Scores.
As considerable misunderstanding seems
to exist concerning the summary of de-
x1j -iA . V lin lv.
t" "u m "".... """"-
-. -Tml nMMAAlnfA-. 1 w,I1 Mr Ti1 VAt
of the association, it wHl be stated, for
the benefit of team captains, that the
summitry should glye the name of each
bowler; his score for each game; total and
average, and then a summary of his de
tailed scora for the four games. The total
f amounts of each item for the whole four
games, and not for each game separately,
should be given, A. point In scoring that
was inadvertently overlooked in the scor
ing instructions is that, where the first
i baJL after two consecutive strikes, is
f missed -or wild, a "spare lost" is scored.
Mr. E, R. Brady, representing the Busi
ness Men's Club, of Hoqulam, Wash., is
in the cltyi and has completed arrange
raats for the application by his club for
membership In the American Cocked-Hat
Association. The bowlers of that organi
sation recently met the Seattle and Ta
oonia teams and made a very creditable
snowing at both places- They were roy
ally treated, and, desiring to continue in
eommerltlVB contests, have determined to
tenter the association. The elub 1b a rep
resentative one. and It will no doubt be
welcomed to mmbership. The club, wane
new in bowling, has some excellent ma
terial. One ef Its members. James Hull,
made the alley record a few days ago
with a score of S3,
Washington PoUce Get the Paw-ivord
and Raid, a VoTser Game.
There was a poker emporium In Wash
ington D. C., fast winter which thrived,
says the Chicago Tribune, under the pro
tcptorate of a elub of colored men. The
elub was extremely careful, and for a
long time the poTIee of the district could
not gain an entrance or make a raid on
the place, although they were morally
certain that eraps and poker flourished
nightly In the elubrooms. One night a
colored preacher, not a member of the
club, turned up at a police station, an
nounced he had just been fleeced, and
filed Information against the elub. He
told the police they could only gain ad
mittance by using the password, and that
the password for the night wa3 "Wahm
Soon afterward a -file of Id polleemen
surrounded the cltf&, Tho sergeant
knocked on the door and the squad stood
listening. From the Inside came a sol
emn exchange of salutations. The guar
dian of the outer portal said:
"Mos worthy ruler, some one at ds
"Mos" wuTthy sentnal, who at de door?"
"Who out dar?"
"Warm Babies."
"Mos' wurthy rulah, wahm babies at
de door."
"Mos' wurthy sentnal, admit wahm ba
bies." Then the door flew open, and the
"wahm babies" did the rest.
Effort Beins Made to Secure World's
Cyeliner Event fn 1801.
Whether under the present international
Cycling Association, or under the new
body, the International championship bi
cycle meet of 1501 will probably go to
Buffalo. Powerful influences are at work
to secure it for the pan-American exposi
tion. Europe has it next year. America
will claim it the next season. Tha Cana
dian Wheelmen's Association had it in
1S99. The TJ. V. F. of France is sponsor
for 1900, at the time of the Paris exposi
tion, and the National Cycling Associa
tion Is anxious to bring the meet to Amer
ica th6 following year. Th international
meet has not been held in the United
States, since 1S33, when it was held at the
World's exposition at Chicago..
Goli, the Gay Deceiver.
Jack Sloggerby of Brazenface
By the nine gods he swore
Thnt nrwr Yip had hf en bowled ten times.
Ten times they marked his score as "nought"
"Beg before wicket." "bowled" or "caught"
Cricket for him was "off."
"Oh. for some simpler game1." he cried
A mocking demon at his side
Whispered malignly "Golf!"
"Spirit of Alrt thou marshaVst mo
The way I fata would go.' said he;
"That simple game with sticks
Where whiskered generals, bowed with age.
And Amasonlan maids engage
In rounds Of drowsy pilgrimage,
On that my choice I'll fix.
"Hal" Thomas, run, thou wily scout
Into the High street quickly out.
To Joskin's lordly store;
Bring weapons of the Golfing sort
Cleeke, drivers, brasseya. long and short
Spoons, puttees, all a man may sport.
And niblicks stout galore.
Such brawDy arms as mine may well
From Jericho to June propel
The light, obedient sphere.
To strike a hall at rest, good lack!
That twlsteth not nor breathe back,
Shorn Of the bowler's fierce attack;
What easy task; is herel
'TIs done! la garlah garb, whereon
The son dlscieetly wfnks,
With club-crammed bag he hle him down
To where, outside the peaceful t6wn,
Feaeefafly smile the links.
o! en the teo the caddie's hand.
Framed him a monticule of send.
Ahd poised a while ball there;
A moment's: hush a prayer to Jove
On high the whistling club ha hove,
Then headlonff down the weapon dro9.
And smote the ambient air!
Sniggered, I ween, that caddU boy
With scarce suppressed and impish Joy
At Slasserby's sad fall;
While scarlet-coated elders smiled
Superior on the novlee riled.
Gnashlnir his teeth with fury wild
At one poor simple ball.
Yet. "tmreraoved as- Atlai" still.
Or Pilllccddy on hia hill.
It blandly showed Hs face;
In front behind and all around.
Bltftd lashing- stroke fore up the ground
Like rock amid tiis surf Is found
That white ball in its place.
Jack Sloggerby of Brasenfaoo
Paused, and he wiped his brow,
Where sicklier hues than "east of thought
E'r spread were stsallng now;
Back In the bag the club he plaeed;
Home to hia rooms In College paied,
Then "sparied" fast his "oak."
Of Sloggsrby men saw no triiea
For two Inag days in Brascnfaee;
"Vacant In hall, at wtee, hia place,
Till thus at last he spoke:
"Game! do they call It? Game, forsooth, plzy such gamea. who pilose;
'Twere hettr named In honest truth,
A nlghtnore of dlsaase!"
And so poor Jack, returning to his crlcktt
"VFith milder woe surveys hte shattered wicket;
"At least," he cries (reirovlng pads and glomes).
Bowled "nought," as usual, "thank heavan this
ball moves." Denver Rapubllcan.
TJneflncatea Slay- Joelceya.
Perhaps nlne-tentlis of the boys who ride
race horses have no schooling. Their
career begins usually when they are tots
arotmd the stable. They learn to exer
cise horses and later to ride them in
r.aces. If they are In the least success
ful,. It means money both to them and
their Barents, and they xstay until ruled
off the track or they become Incapaci
tated. Although money Is the attraction Tihich
keep? jockeys in tha business, few of them,
unless they are under the direct care of
their parents, or mature early in life, save
money from their large incomes. Often
parents, whose share of the world's wealth
is Small, see a chance to live comfortably
on the incorao a mere boy can make on
the turf, and they encourage sons to
Boll-Bcaring; Hammer.
John Flanagan, the champion hammer
thrower, has Invented a new ball-bearing
hammer. It is much like the ordinary
hammer, with the exception that the wire
handle Is so inserted that the hararaer,
When In the air, continually revolves on
e series of ball-bearings. From the few
times he has tried, it Flanagan is con
vinced at least eight or ten feet" ean be,
added to his present record.
"Phrady," in the Broo&Iyn Eajclc,
Directs Attention to Fact That
the Coast Can "Flay Ball.'
"Phrady," the well-known sporting
writer, In a review of the college football
season for 1SS9, has considerable to say
about the situation of affairs in tho West,
as affecting the status of the game
throughout the country in the future. In
the Brooklyn Eagle of recent date. He
makes no reference to the splendid show
ing made by the Multnomah Cltfb's team,
in its gam3 with the Olympics, of San
Francisco, and tho Stanford eleven, but
confines his remarks concerning play on
the coast gridiron to the California field.
Prababjy he will hove other matter for
surprise-, when he shall have digested tha
figures showing what the Portland boy3
have been doing with some of the teams
from that territory, although, of course,
the Multnomahs do not come within, the
province of a review of college play mere
ly. But just watch us, all tha same,
"PhraSy," when, the boys are donning the
moleskin again next fall! Meanwhile we
note what you have to say:
"The 1899 football season." writes tho
Eagle man, "maintained, to the very end.
its well-earned reputation for furalsairg
unexpected and surprising denouements.
The gam which was played on Christ
mas day, at San Francisco, between the
Carlisle Indians and the university of
California, was one as to the result of
which the critics -were very uncertain. No
one doubted for a moment the ability uf
the strong Indian team, to run up a largo
score against the Westerners. That they
did not has opened the eyest of the East
to a new light In the football firmament
Unlike tho meteoric rise of Columbia up
on, the gridiron, the progress of the uni
versity of California has been very grad
ual. Stanford and Berkeley..
"It was In 1S91 fhatLeland Stanford and
Berkeley (California) first began to play
their annual championship games. Stan
ford won the initial game. In 1S92 a 10-10
tie was played. The next year saw an
other tie game, this time with the scora
S an. Stanford won the following year,
and then another tie game was played. In
1SSS and 1S97 Berkeley showed up very
poorly and Stanford was victorious both
years by big margins, shutting out her
rival. The season of 1398 found bo'H
teams In charge of Yale coaches WiU
happened to be great personal friend.
Berkeley developed a team which showed
an all-around superiority, and for the
fh-Bt time she defeated her sl3ter college.
During the season which has just passed
the Berkeley team has been, coached by
Cochrane, the Princeton star, while Burr
Chamherlin, Yale'a 'B3 captain, has beeT
In charge of the Stanford Interests. Berk
eley again proved herself an easy victor
In the big Thanksgiving day game at San
Aside from a general interest In the re
sult of the championship games, tho peo
ple of tho East have known very litt'o
about the football which was put up o-i
the Pacific slope. Frank Butterworth. toe
old Yalo crack, coached tho Berkeley
team some years ago, and reported when
ho came East that the style of footbai.
put up on the coast would mean about a
40-O defeat for the Westerners, at tho
hands of the West Point eleven. Doubt
less this was the case when Butterwor"!
fwas on the coast Certain it 13 that the
opinion which was derived from Butter
worth's reports and those of other East
ern coaches has prevailed up to the pres
ent time.
Rude- Axvakcninff.
"It Is probable, however, that the game
on Christmas day has rather rudely dis
peHed all such views as to the ability of
the football kickers of the Far Wes
Aided by the beat of coaching, the team3
of Leland Stanford and, Berkeley havo
gradually improved until today the latter
eleven has shown itself capable of meet-
l ing and holding Its own with the strong
est teams in tne country. j.c win not oa
long now before the universities of the
West will be able to dispense with hired
coaches, using In their stead the services
of their own star graduates. This will, of
course, be a long step forward toward
the higher plane of amateur athletics
which the next few years are bound to
I bring about."
This closes the reference to the college
teams of the coast, but the balance of tha
article Is devoted to an equally Interest
ing subject. Referring to the fact that
the past season In football was chiefly
remarkable for the wonderful develop
ment shown by many of the minor col
lego football elevens of tne East. "Phra
dy" contfnuesr "This minor team excel
lence oermlts of two ways of treatment.
. or, to" ho more concise, brings up two
questions: Does it forebode a eonunuea
I superiority among the smaller college
teams, or has this Been a year wnen xaey
were exceptionally strong?
"In my opinion the latter view Is tho
correet one. Small coneges will continue
to beat the big teams, as long as the
game of football Is played with anything
like the present rules. The very essence
of tho game is such that the strongest
team is likely to" ba scored on by the all
feared fluke. This year several blunders
in the arrangement of schedules and other
mistakes, added to the fact that several
of the big teams were especially weak,
has made the scaring of the small teams
ususually large. In my opinion no prece
dent has been established. I fully expect
another season to see the same superior
ity shown by the big teams which has
so long been exhibited.
Larger Colleges Should Win.
"In this I dp not wish to be under
stood as disinclined to give to the smaller
teams their fall share of praise, or to
seem to deny them, credit for the great de
velopment which they have certainly
shown during the past season. What I
mean, is thai as long as the large uni
versities can draw from the thousands In
picking their team, whne the smaller
colleges has only the hundreds to sift
from, just so long the ordinary university
eleven will be able to vanquish the ordi
nary college team, unless the former be
unusually weak, for some reason or othc
"In brief, I do not look to see Colum
bia triumph over Yale In 1300. nor Cor
nell over the Princeton Timers, nor the
Indians and Lafayette over the univers.ty
of Pennsylvania. I shall not be surprised
if Chicago, with her large enrollment of
students, succeeds in the near future la
winning from some oeg of the big four
She has already vanquished Cornell ard
Brown and has this season shown herself
a rival worthy of the best Eastern tearr
"I look for a pretty struggle next season
among Columbia, Cornell and the Indiana
These teams seem to be about of a cla33,
despite the hard drubbing which the Ii
dlans thl3 year administered to the blio
and white. Wisconsin and Michigan
seem, too, to belong in thi3 same ca"
g"ory. I hope to see both these latter
teams in the East during the coining i ear
Brown has degenerated somewhat ths
year, and does not seem to be qxft" la
this class. Brown. Dartmouth and Wes
leyan should arrange to meet in 1900.
International Shoot.
It seeing likely that thera may be art
International rifle contest ne-:t year. Gen
eral Bird W. Spencer, executive head of
the New Jersey State Rifle Association,
has written a letter to the custodian of
the famous Palma trophy, won by the
American team in 1S76. asking if he will
hold the trophy subject to an International
winner, at the next meeting, at Sea Girt,
N. J of the National Rifle Association,