The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 14, 1900, Image 1

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England In the Dark as to Doings
in Africa.
liEteet Story Afloat Is t&at Bnller Ha
Met With Another Serious
LONDON, Jan. 14, 4 A. M. The veil con
coaling the theater of war from the anxious
eyes of Great Britain and the rest of
the world Is still xinlifted. It Is Impos
sible to doubt that this absolute closing
of all the channels of Information is due
to the censorship, the strictness of -which
has been redoubled since the landing of
Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener, con
cerning -whom nothing has transpired
since the announcement of their arrival
at Cape Town, four days ago.
The -war office stated zx midnight that
ao further news from the front had been
received, and none f ron any other source
lias come to hand during the night.
As usual, when nws is scarce, tho
rumor-mongers .have "been busy. The lat
est story floated is that intelligence has
reached the headquarters of the Scots
guards that Genera. BuHer has again sus
tained a serious defeat. Inquiry at Wel
lington barracks shows that while such
a rumor had reached there, it was neither
official nor In any form deserving of cre
Unprecedented Outburst of Enthusi
asm as the Troops Left.
LONDON", Jan. 13. Though many stir
ring scenes have marked the departure of
the troops for the front during recent
months, today's outburst of patriotism on
the occasion of the starting of the Lon
don volunteers was quite unprecedented
since the jubilee. It Is the first time in
the history of the government that British
volunteers have been permitted to serve
elde by side with the regulars In real war
fare, and the people turned out in hun
dreds of thousands fittingly to celebrate it.
The crowds began to throng the route he
lore dawn, and Increased In such propor
tions that a detachment of the Lord May
or's Own were engulfed at various stages
of the route. Hanks were frequently
broken, and the men were almost lost
Bight of In the cheering, shouting, singing
mob. Every now and then a halt, had
to be made in order to reform the t'anks,
but only to be again broken, as the police
were unable to stem the excited, cneering
roass of people which again and again
broke through ull obstructions.
The hand-shakings and embraclngs were
so exuberant that the original -jmartness
of the volunteers was speedily impalrec,
"many uniforms being torn. But the troops
finally managed to struggle Tthrough to
the Mansion house. On the balcony or
that building the lord m?.yor, A. J. New
ton, the lady mayoress, councillors and
others awaited the arrival of the volun
teers, and witnessed thr m actually fighting
their vay through thf? dense crowds, as
sisted by male xrienls, and Impeded by
Ringing women. vhenyheforce Jwas rtlnuous sessioais;whlle,sltting as afcontest
Snsdiy roVmWlhelord,!mormpteJajboard nextT week. The sittings of the
to make a speech, b ut found it impossible.
Th& din was simply deafening and the
chief magistrate had to be content to In
dicate his good wshes by smiles and ges
tures, while the volunteers greeted him
with cheers anfl waving their hats on
their raised rifles. There was another
herculean effort on the part of the police,
and the detac'.oment resumed its march
to the accomprmiment of pushing, scream
ing, cheering and singing.
The column had hardly covered 100 yards
when It agai'a intermingled with the surg
ing crowds, who had undisputed sway
along the route. Many of the volunteers
escaped through side streets, and others
Btragsled along In single file by twos or
threes. By the time they reached tha
Thames embanlcment the crowds had be
come a conglomeration, women's hats be
ing as numerous In the mass as volunteers'
headgear. Oven an hour was consumed
In traerslng the mile to "Westminster.
There the police arrangements improved,
and the multitudes were marshaled Into
some kind of order. The windows, roofs
and eve ry otfier vantage point were crowd
ed with sln;Ing, cheering humanity, wav
ing banner., hats, and handkerchiefs.
Finally he column Teached Nine Elms
station, bearlng numberless traces of tho
d.fficulticrs of the march. The public was
excluded, the final leavetaklng being held
outside, and the volunteers entrained and
departed amid a commingling of bandmu
sic, cheering and singing of "Auld Lang
Syne.' "Rule Britannia" and "God Savo
the Q'ieen." The lord mayor, sharlffs,
councilors In their state robes, s.ccom
panioa by many ladles, took another spe
cial train for Southampton to bid farewell
to 'he volunteers on board the transport
Triton. The latter arrived soon ufter the
lofd major's party, and was saluted with
ringing cheers from a huge assemblage on
the quays as they boarded the liner.
A Movement In the Vicinity of Coles
Tmrgr. RBNSBURG, Cape Colony, Jan. 3. A
strong force of British troops advanced
this morning under cover of a brisk ar
tillery fire, and encamped at Stingarsfon
teln, on the Boers' eastern flank. The
Boers' patrol retired, but subsequently a
body of Boers attempted to seize the po
sition, threatening communication be
tween the British encampment and Rens
burg. The New Zealanders, with a bril
liant dash,, frustrated the attempt. They
raced and secured the position first and
fired olleys at the enemy, who retired In
the direction of Colesburg.
.Pretoria Believes the Garrison Will
Soon Surrender.
"VIENNA, Jan. 13. The Neue Frele Press
today published a dispatch from Brussels,
saying that news has been received there
from Pretoria to the effect that the Boers
have stormed all the heights around Lady
smfith and that capitulation of that place
is hourly expected. It Is possible that the
news received In "Vienna by way of Brus
sels' from Pretoria may refer to the fight
ing of Saturday last.
Germaa Cruiser at Delngroa Hay.
Genrfcin cruiser Schwalbe has arrived here.
MJHirnulcee fc St. Paul's Plans.
OTTi'MWA, la., Jan. 13. The Ottumwa
Press "?ays:
"General Superintendent Earllng, of
the ducago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
ra lroa4 who Is to succeed General
Manager Collins on February 1, Is said to
be engineering a scheme to secure control
of the Pittsburg & Gulf line, and then
cpen up a through line to the Gulf. A
survey has been completed between Daven
pcrt and Ottumwa, and an almost air line
Wil be bt'Ilt between the two points.
"The sbjeme of the Milwaukee to absorb
the Gulf line Is considered by railroad of
ficials to be one of the most Important
projects ever attempted by the Milwaukee
railroad. This information comes from
Chief Engineer Baker, of the Milwaukee
Republicans Refuse to Vacate, Not
withstanding: the Ueffislature.
FRANKFORT. Ky.. Jan. 13. The situa
tion in the contests for governor and the
state offices and the question o what' is
going to happon when the final result is
declared are tonight fruitful of the most
extravagant speculation. If the adher
ents of the contestant, the republican In
cumbents of the state offices, carry out
the line of procedure they now threaten
by refusing to vacate, even In case the
legislature decides in favor of the demo
cratic contestants, the situation will be
serious, and" If the statements of some of
the men hfeh In the councils of the state
are to be -credited, this is what they pro
pose to do.
K. J. Hampton, secretary of the repub
lican state central committee, predicted
tonight that several thousand antl-Goebel
men from all parts of the state would be
here 4o protest by their presence against
unseating Taylor and Marshall, and to
susaln them if the legislature voted to
turn them out. He denied that any of
those now here are soldiers In citizens'
oiothing, as charged by the Goebel demo
crats. James Andrew Scott, one of the
attorneys for the contestants In the mi
nor state contests, said tonight:
"The Importation of soldiers and thugs
here for the purpose of Intimidating the
legislature will not work: they are bluf
fing, and no trouble will occur. Atf for
their threats that they will hold tfn in
spite of the decision of the legislature,
they may do this for a few days, but the
courts would recognize the regular state
government, and If Mr. Taylor does not
then give in, he will subject hftnself to
prosecution, and all the penaltics against
usurpation, which I have no Idea he will
want to encounter."
Most of the democratic leadars coincide
with Judge Scott. Ex-Governor Bradley
and all of the republican leaders hold
that the contest proceedings are being
conducted in an arbitrary manner, with
out regard to the law, and that for these
reasons the decision, If adverse to Taylor,
should not be binding on him. They file
a bill of specifications as to their objec
tions to the trial of the contests and the
reasons why the proceedings are illegal.
These are:
That the democratic members of the
legislature, with a few exceptions, had
their minds made up and were committed
in advance of the filing of the contests
t6 vote to seat Goebel and Beckham; that
the committees trying the contests were
fraudulently constituted and can have no
just powers, because of the fraudulent
manner in which they were drawn as
charged by the republicans and not de
nied by .Clerk Leach; that the time al
lowed for Introducing evidence is so short
as practically to amount to a denial to
the contestants of the right to prove tneir
cases, and that the refusal to accept dep
ositions as evidence operates in the same
manner. The sum total of these, accord
ing to Governor Taylor's attorneys,
brings the case within some of the inhibi
tions of the 14th amendment to the fed
eral constitution-'
The contest committee In the case of
Goebel vs. Taylor and Beckham vs. Mar
shall mnt todav Mid decided to hold con
tinuous sesslonswhllevslttlng as afcbntesV
board will be conducted In thehall room
of -the captyol.
There Is talk here today of an. Investi
gation next week by the grand jury of
the alleged use of state militiamen in
citizens' dress.
Republicans and Honest Democrats
of Kentucky Issue Statements.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Jan. 13 The repub
lican state committee, through its offi
cers, and the organization formed by dis
affected democrats during the recent cam
paign, have issued statements giving their
views of the political situation In this
state and calling upon their constituents
for their support. The appeal Issued by
"the honest democrats" says:
"The men who, in June, deprived a
third of the democrats of Kentucky of
representation at the democratic conven
tion are, in, January, preparing to reverse,
by the action of the legislature, the de
cision of the people made at the polls.
The general assembly of the sovereign
state of Kentucky Is subject to the mere
whim and caprice of one man, whose or
ders are Issued to your representatives
through a caucus intimidated by force
and debased by treachery. All of the rules
of evidence that prevail in civilized com
munities have been repealed; every prin
ciple of justice has been repudiated in
advance. The candidate who was defeated
by a decisive vote by the subserviency of
certain of your representatives and by the
subjection of others, through promise of
official spoils, has been made the master
of the legislative department of Kentucky.
The democratic party has been put In pos
session of an enemy to the public peace,
and a menace to popular institutions, with
a record of unparalleled outrage during
the past year.
"We are about to enter upon a national
campaign; the probable leader In this
campaign has made himself the associate
and the supporter of men who were repu
diated at the polls. He is to return next
week to Kentucky to aid the conspirators
in driving from office men who have been
elected. The success of the schemes al
ready devised at Frankfort would bury
the democratic party for a decade In Igno
miny and popular contempt. The success
of these schemes would be a temporary
surrender of a republican form of govern
ment. The future is dark with threatened
danger of the gravest character. If the
people of Kentucky will speak directly to
their representatives In commanding
tones, they may jet spare the state and
party from Irretrievable disaster and un
exampled disgrace.
"We appeal to you, therefore, to read in
the record of tho past 12 months the dark
record of defeat and disaster that may
follow during the 12 months to come. If
you are still loyal to the platform of 188G
and desire this year to give your candi
date for president the electoral vote of
Kentucky, you must not permit the polit
ical desperadoes In control of the demo
cratic caucus at Frankfort to make the
party responsible for the action of the
reckless and desperate leaders now in con
trol of the legislature."
The republican manifesto follows about
the same linen.
Internal Revenue Receipts.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. Receipts from
Internal revenue for the month of No
vember last were 521,457,355, an increase as
compared with the corresponding month
in the preceding year of $2,052,959. The re
ceipts for the five months ended November
30, 1899 show an Increase of $U,43h2G7 com
pared wtlh the corresponding five months
in the preceding year.
Snnto Domingo Settled the Claim.
SANTO' DOMINGO. Jan. 13. Another
French warship arrived here today, tut
the difficulty between Franco and Santo
Domingo has been satisfactorily arranged
through the"French admiral and the offl-
j dais of tho government. v
Balfour's Statements Resented
by Englishmen.
Nothing: Will He Too Good for Kitch
ener If He Is Successful t
Criticism of the War.'
LONDON, Jan. 13 The frivolity dis
played In his recent speeches by Mr. Bal
four, the government leader In the house
of commons, has landed what has been
lenown as the strongest government ot
modern times in the slough, from which
extrication is difficult, if not doubtful. His
light-hearted remarks, which were pleas
antly accepted by the nation when times
were good and all was well, are offensive
ta a people mourning for lost sons and
deeply angered by the unprecedented, re
verses. Mr. Balfour, if he had tried, could
not have more successfully put his coun
trymen on edge, and when Lord Salisbury
speaks he will have much to atone for.
The memory of Mr. Chamberlain's "alli
ance" speech was dying away before Mr.
Balfour put his foot still deeper in the
mire. The conservatives hope that Mr.
Balfour will follow Mr. Chamberlain's ex
ample and keep a discreet silence. As the
Saturday Review, one of the govern
ment's stanchest supporters, puts it: "The
administration is now face to face, not
with the opposition, but with the nation.''
It is a crisis out of which several must
come with reputalons smirched, and may
possibly result In the wreck of the govern
ment. In any case a reconstruction of
the cabinet seems Inevitable.
The Spectator protests against making
Mr. Balfour the scapegoat, and declares
that, although Lord Salisbury Is still the
wisest mind In the empire, It Is impossi
ble for him to continue much longer both
as prime minister and foreign secretary.
It advocates his retention at the head of
the foreign office and the appointment of
Mr. Balfour as premier, the Marquis of
Lansdowne being succeeded at the war
office by H. Arnold Forester. The same
paper, gravely reviewing the serious mili
tary condition of the country, advocates
an elaborate plan for home defense, In
cluding a volunteer army, recruited from
civilians and ex-soldlers, which would not
actually be called out, except In case of
Invasion, but which would form a nucleus
to enable the standing army to be sent
abroad without qualms.
"If we are to escape conscription," says
the Outlook, "the public must be educated
to take a more serious, discriminating and
self-sacrificing interest In the army."
In the meanwhile the Associated Press
learns that Lord Salisbury does not mean
to be Inactive. He believes the salvation
of Great Britain's military system de
pends on General Lord Kitchener, In
whom he has long had implicit faith. It
has already been planned that If Lords
Roberts and Kitchener bring the cam
paign to a successful termination, the lat
ter will be brought home to honors almost
equal to those of the Duke of Wellington.
He will be put into the war office, and
frcrlll a trlan ft frefl Viari tt VitmicVi mxmv
'the cobwebs thatlogitheBritlsharmy
' Lordf HobeSsof course,' wlirribrbe nig-
lected, but then be wouia be too 014 tor
such work as Is outlined for.. Lord Kitch
ener. ,
Perhaps before this can be accomplished
Lord Salisbury will be out of power and
Lord Kitchener will be 'discredited, but
upon such rehabilitation by means of a
young and brilliant general has tho heart
of the British premier been set. It re
mains to be seen whether fate will enable
him to carry It outT
The extremist view Is well voiced in a
public letter written by Henry Broad-
hurst (liberal labor), member of parlia
ment for Leicester, formerly secretary
of the parliamentary committee of the
trades-union congress, in which he says:
VThe. amazing confession of ignorance,
incapacity and almost indifference made
by Mr. Balfour makes the stoutest hearts
feel that in the hands of the present gov
ernment the safety of the empire Is not
worth six months' purchase."
Ijnclc of Organization.
Mr. Balfour's statement that three army
corps were placed In the field without a
hitch has given the critics an excellent
and not wasted opportunity of pointing
out that, though enough individuals to
make up three corps are on their way to
South Africa, they have only the artil
lery requisite, according to the British
regulation's, for one corps, while In cav
alry they are almost equally deficient,
proving the lack of organization so fre
quently laid at the door of the war office.
Advices to the Associated Press from Li
beria indicate that Germany is emulating
France In her endeavor to grab territory,
and is working strenuously to persuade or
coerce Liberia into accepting a German
protectorate. The latest attempt has
taken the form of a demand by Herr
Humplemeyer, German consul at Monro
via, who has just returned from a visit
to Berlin for Immediate reparation for
the alleged maltreatment of a German
subject in 1897 The case Is that of a
German planter named Koch, who, refus
ing to obey a civil summons, was taken
to the court by force. He claimed dam
ages, the matter was taken up in Berlin,
has since been pending between the two
governments, and, though not settled by
the Llberlan courts, Herr Humplemeyer
threatens to take severe measures unless
Herr Koch's claims are paid. The Ll
berlan officials fully believe that both
France and Germany wish to take advan
tage of Great Britain's war to force them
to accept a protectorate. The little re
public Is shut off from cable communica
tion from the rest of the world, and is
anxious to learn the feeling existing at
Washington toward it, as there Is a grow
ing sentiment toward requesting an Amer
ican or British protectorate In order to
put an end to the harassing demands.
Such is tho Koch case, and the French en
croachments have been referred to in pre
vious dispatches.
Edward Blake, nationalist member of
parliament for South Langford, formerly
chancellor of Upper Canada, has been
speaking very plainly on the subject of
rumors that members of certain Irish so
cieties contemplated an invasion, of Can
ada. Ho said to the people of Langford
that if he believed it was true, he would
have borrowed a Mauser, have learned
the new rifle practice, and have taken
passage to Canada to "help defend my
wife, children and grand-children frpm
my brother home-rulers." The former
Canadian leader has no sympathy with
the more advanced section of his party.
The time has come when tho peo
ple of Great Britain no longer keep
silent regarrdlng the mismanagement
of the war. The floodgates of criti
cism have been opened, and under the
stream of adverse comment pouring forth
reputations are wilting. The stern rup
braiding of the government by papers that
almost for a century haVe been conserva
tive has already been touched upon In
these dispatches. Abuse of the war office
has always existed, and now It Is only
a few degrees more bitter than it was
What chiefly marks the passing of the
British from a period of passive discon
tent to most severe faultfinding is the out
spoken, abuse of their generals in the
field. There are unpleasant stories of
fierce service jealousies, and, In short, all
the army's shortcomings which hereto
fore have been secretly whispered in
clubs are this week finding their place in
print, and not in disreputable journals,
but in organs that a month ago would
have fiercely denounced such tales as
unpatriotic, whether they were true or
It Is now well known that General Bul
ler despises Field Marshal Lord Roberts
and hates General Lord Kitchener that
Lord Wolseley, the commander-in-chief,
shares General Buller's feelings, and that
Wolseley is scarcely on speaking terms
with the secretary of state for war, Lord
Lansdowne. To such a flagrant extent
does this cmnity go that Lord Wolseley
wrote to Lady Buller that he knew noth
ing about Lord Roberts' appointment to
command the British troops in South Af
rica, and he disapproved of It.
Without enormous obstacles to overcome
In the way of tho Boers' strenuous resist
ance and initial advantages, this condi
tion of affairs between the army leaders
would constitute a stupendous drawback
to the success of the British. One paper,
usually well Informed on service mat
ters, declares It Is quite likely that Gen
eral Buller will throw up his command
and come home, and be a thorn In the
side of the government. This is probably
an exaggeration, but it is admitted on
all sides that he Is likely to make him
self as disagreeable as possible to Lord
As if this was not enough, it Is openly
said General Lord Methuen has gone
mad. that his mother died Insane, and
that all his life he has been afraid he
might share her fate. Hence, It Is added.
his unceasing restlessness. Only this week J
a high cavalry officer returned from
South Africa with complaints against
Lord Methuen that tho general during
one of his first actions had ordered him
to advance with his cavalry and that,
upon the colonel sending the general word
that his horses and men were too ex
hausted to be physically capable of doing
so, Lord Methuen is reported to have
said: "Well, you had better go to hell."
The officer to whom this remark, was
made has come home demanding a- trial
by court-martial, but it is probable that
he will not get it, as he has been slated
for another command.
Generals White, Gatacre, Clery and
French all come in for their share of
abuse, and there is evidenco presented
that the senior generals are divided
against themselves.
Wolseley's Resignation Expected.
How all this will end if the campaign
drags on much longer without- serious
change for the better, no one. can tell.
The resignation of Lord Wolseley would
not surprise those who are cognizant of
the Inner working of the war office. A
great victory would probably quiet the
feeling of discontent till tho day of reck
oning In parliament arrived. But lack
ing that, there seems pending an up
heaval which bodes 111 for the govern
ment, the war office and some of the gen
erals in the field, for these rankllngs are
current not so much among the lower,
sensation-loving classes, but among the
highest-born and most even-minded of
Great Britain's best citizens.
Nor is the discontent confined to the
inaction of the generals. Several of the
most nowerful
fat-Sw-WL -atfiL&r
cially interested in the future of South
Africa as the government itself hayo re
peatedly urged certain reforms in, the
methods of carrying on the war, not
meddling with the purely military phases,
but offering, for instance, to purchase
horses for the Cape, pointing out a bet
ter method of transport, urging a more
vigorous campaign, giving Information as
to the best routes towards the objective
and supporting everything by expert wit
nesses brought, often at a great expense,
from the Cape.
A representative of the Associated Press
learns that a distinguished body, includ7
Ing an ex-governor and about a dozen
men who have held civil, military or
irregular positions of control during tho
recent troubles in South Africa, waited
on MajDr-General Ardagh, director of the
military intelligence department of the
war office, the very week previous to
that which marked the three disasters to
the British arms. These men begged
General Ardagh to accept certain offers,
and Intimated that he had underestimated
the opposing forces. The general listened,
and replied:
"Thank you, gentlemen. But you are
wrong. We outnumber them- at every
point, and we have got 'em like that."
Thereupon General Ardagh banged his
open palms together. In spite of thjs
discouraging reception, the men referred
to re-peafed their otters, and the war
office now seems to have awakened to
the seriousness of the position, ahd the
officials are likely to accept one of the
most daring projects ever undertaken,
the full scope of which the Associated
Press is not at liberty to disclose, but
which, if perfected, will work independ
ently of the war office, to achieve one
of, the most Important British objectives.
The Yeomanry's Equipment.
The Imperial yeomanry, after the first
flush of public applause, Is being gauged
gingerly. It Is dawning upon the minds
of all that what Great Britain wants are
crack shots and rough riders after the
type of the American cavalryman, and
frequent comments appear pbintlng out
that the average yeoman, 'who is a
farmer, does not come up to this stand
ard, while the average lordling, who adds
brilliancy to the force, Is not generally
much nearer the mark In this respect than
his yeoman tenant; that both have far
less military training than the members
of the volunteer force, and it Is a fact
that a large percentage of the enrolled
imperial yeomen have never served even
In the yeomanry. What Is being forced
upon the war office Is that 100 colonials ac
customed to bushwhacking, cowpunchlng
and scouting, aire worth 1000 English
clerks and farmers.
To find Instances of the appalling im
practicability distinguishing the forma
tion of Great Britain's irregular corps, It
I3 only necessary to read the list of tho
kit being taken out by the city of Lon
don volunteers. The officers of this body
carry to the plains of South Africa an
air pillow, cork mattress, danvas basin,
bath bucket, a tin box of candles, a lan
tern, a filter and a host of other im
pedimenta that an American officer would
burn before starting on a 10-mlle march,
while the men are laden down with four
pairs of pants, four pairs of shoes, three
caps, pajamas, two large Turkish towels,
p. Alter, a- clothes brush, a writing port
folio and other domestic articles. No
wonder die British forces are not mobile.
Beer Sympathizers in Iotva.
DES MOINES, Ia. Jan. 13. The T. M.
C. A. auditorium was crowded his after
noon at 'the mass meeting to express sym
pathy for the cause of the Bofers. Judge
W. A, Tirsr presided. Judge Sp'urrler de
clared that Iowa ought td raise 5000 men
anil $100,000 as its contribution to the cause
of Transvaal Independence, ana he was
cheered to the echo. The" speakers, all of
them leading citizens, were received with
j the greatest enthusiasm. r
At Least Three Lives- Lost at
Kendrick, Idaho.
Railroad Destroyed for Miles In Pot
latch Valley Thousands of
Bushels of Wheat Gone.
MOSCOW, Idaho, Jan. 13. Last even
ing' at 5:30 the town of Kendrick, in the
south part of Latah county, was almost
floated away by a. deluge, of water which
rushed down the Big Poilatch river and
submerged everything in its path. Dur
ing the preceding 36 hours a chlnook wind
had melted the snow on the mountains
and the waters filled tho gulches and
little streams leading to tho river.
Kendrick is located in a deep
canyon on a narrow bank of the stream,
and the homes of many of the citizens
are along the banks of tho river. The
water came down without warning. In a
few minutes after the first alarm the
streets were submerged, and houses were
floating down the river. Thirty-ilve fam
ilies were driven, out of their houses, and
they lost their furniture, bedding and
other household effects. The loss of life
cannot be ascertained.
The three children of Charles Hamlin
were drowned. The father was attempt
ing to reach higher ground, when his
wagon was overturned, and the occu
pants were thrown Into the current of
tho rushing waters. He managed to save
his wife, but the children were lost. The
body of one of the children was found
last night.
The water has subsided to some extent
today, but Is still a raging flood. It Is
three feet deep In business houses. The
loss of merchandise will be considerable.
The .farmers' elevator was washed out
and with it a largo amount of wheat.
The citizens are panic-stricken over the
suddenness of the deluge, and the sus
pense is intensified by the fear that there
is much loss of life.
The citizens of Moscow held a meeting
tonight to arrange for relief to be sent to
the afflicted people at once. The assist
ant superintendent of the Northern Pa
cific is on the scene. He soys the damage
to the road is severe, and that for miles
a new track and grade will have to be
constructed. The trains run down as far
as Vollmer. Both telephone and telegraph
connection with Kendrick Is destroyed.
The town is the scene of the recent rail
road wreck on the Northern Pacific, In
which five trainmen lost their lives. The
flood removed all traces of the wreck.
Northern Pacific Trains Sent East
Over tiie O. R. & N.
TACOMA, Jan. 13. Floods on the
Northern Pacific have interrupted traffic
for 24 hours, and it is not expected the
tracks will be clear and the road opened
Stheefforts of a crew of men, to cTear
avyay bibsui aiiaea ana. repair) damage
done at Hot Springs and Crocker by
floods. The track was washed away at
Crocker and the water has been over the
tracks at Hot Springs. The damage at
Crocker kept the Carbonado loca.1 in the
yards here last night. Between Tacoma
and Portland there has been but slight
damage by floods, and, though railroad
officials have been uneasy over the situa
tion, the line has been kept open.
The eastbound overland that should
have left Tacoma last night went as far
as Orting before it was turned back on
account of the mountain floods. After
waiting 24 hours to clear the tracks east
of here, tho Northern Pacific sent the
train out via Portland tonight. As soon
as the tracks are clear tonight today's
train will be sont direct East.
Valley streams are swollen and out of
their banks at numerous points The
Stuck has cut a new channel for itself
near Sumner, and the county bridge was
washed away at the same place, two
others being damaged. The Puyallup riv
er Is out of its banks doing damage to
farming lands.
Another Story of the Freshet.
KENDRICK, Idaho, Jan. 13 As a re
sult of the sudden flood In the Potlatch
river three lives are known to have been
lost, fears are expressed, for others, 20
houses here have been swept away, stores
are flooded, railroad tracks and bridges
have been swept away, and many people
have fled to the adjacent fills.
Street Commissioner Hamblln and fam
ily tried to escape from the flooded dis
trict in a buggy. The vehicle was over
turned, and threo children were drowned.
Mr. Hamblln was brought to the bank
after a daring rescue by John Long. Mrs.
Hamblln was found this morning in the
top of a dwelling, half dead from expos
ure and anguish. The flood carried away
half the warehouse of the Kendrick Grain
Company in which was stored 50,000 bush
els of wheat. At midnight the flood be
gan to recede slowly, but there is still
three of water Iti the stores, and the
telephone operator who is sending this
message is standing waist-deep in cold
Great Damagre to Railrond Property.
JULIAETTA, Idaho, Jan. 13. Railroad
men say that for miles along the Potlatch
there is no vestige of track, ties or road
bed. Some believe the Northern Pacific
will not be able to run trains over this
branch before March. A man just ar
rived from Ferguson's construction camp
on the Potlatch, six miles below here,
says the flood carried away the tents,
provisions and everything movable. 'AH
the men are safe. This informant says
every bridge and every yard of track
between Jullaetta and tho Clearwater riv
er has been washed out.
Willamette High at Salem.
SALEM, Ok, Jan. 13. The Willamette
river at this point has been rising con
tinuously for the past 36 hours, and Is now
at the, 17-foot mark. A continuance of the
rise may interrupt steamboat traffic, for
some of the larger boats will be unable to
pass under the steel bridge. Reports from
Jefferson tonight state that the Santiam,
Which had been swollen by the heavy
rains, was falling, but at Eugene the Wil
lamette Is still rising.
High Water in Ynklma Valley.
NORTH YAKIMA, Jan. 13. The rains
of- the last few days have caused un
usually high water in the rivers .of tho
Yakima valley. Today both the Yakima
and the Natchez are out of their banks,
and still rising rapidly. It Is feared that
considerable damage will be done by the
floods In the next day or two.
Hljrh Writer at Junction City.
' JUNCTION CITY. Or., Jan. 13. The
oast few days thererhas been a ftsady
. I downpour of rain, which has caused thej
Willamette river steadily to rise, and water
Is now running through the streets of the
town and is still rkdng.
Umatilla River Overflovrs.
PENDLETON, Or., Jan. 13. Last night's
rain and the warm weather of the past
two days have melted the snow In the
mountains, and last night the Umatilla
river rose six feet, and it continues rising.
At Thorn Hollow, IS miles east, a railroad
culvert was washed out and the river
spread all over the bottoms. Extensive
damage to railroad and wagon bridges Is
Proceedings in the Chambers Were
Chiefly Formal.
PARIS, Jan. 13. Politically, the week
has lacked Interest. The chambers were
opened, but thus far their proceedings
have been chiefly formal. The nationalist
press insists on regarding the re-election
of M. Deschanel to the presidency of the
chamber of deputies as a rebuff to the
government, because M. Brisson was the
candidate of the extreme radicals and the
government Is nothing if not radical. M.
Deschanel, however, refused to consider
himself a party to this spirit, and his
opening speech is warmly commended as
an appeal for peace and for the co-operation
of all the parties to enhance the
grandeur of France.
Pending tho discussion in tho chamber
of deputies of the government's action In
the conspiracy trial, Interest in the latter
has almost died out. Only the reactlonary
organs try to keep the excitement alive
by publishing full accounts of the doings
of MM. Deroulede and' Buffet In tbe
"land of exile." M. Deroulede has now
taken up his quarters at San Sebastian,
Spain. A few of his followers provided
the expected ceremony at the railroad
station on his arrival, presenting him with
a bouquet tied with trl-color ribbons.
The colonial party Is intensely pleased
at the news of the French occupation of
the oasis of Insalah, In the Sahara, on
the Southwestern Algerian frontier. The
French have long complained that In
salah was the center from which the
Tuareg Arabs raided the caravans and
Algerian villages, while the massacre of
more than one mission was organized.
Tho only .question la whether Morocco
will acquiesce to the occupation, which
the press urges the French government
to maintain.- Tha occupation party was
attacked outside Insalah, but defeated its
assailants with heavy loss.
The government has not quite settled
the details of Its naval reconstruction
programme. But only another council
probably Is needed before the bill will be
submitted to the chamber.
. M. Lockroy, ex-minister of marine, In
tends to submit a counter proposition to
the chamber, demanding that 400,000,000
francs be spent, not on big ironclads, as
the government proposes, but on the con
struction of fast cruisers, which could
prey upon Great Britain's commerce In
tho event of war.
Tho reciprocity treaty with America
meets with the same objections here as
in the United States. It is considered by
certain industrial classes as being too fa
vorable to the United States. The meas
ure is still in committee, and there is
no chance for Immediate action.
Frank E. Drake, director of electricity
and machinery In the American section,
has arrived here to hasten the construc
tion of the building and machinery nau
totted to American machinery at the ex
position. The structural iron came on the
Prairie, with a gang of American work
men, whope rapid work and improved ap
purtenances create Interest among the
foreign workmen. Mr. Drake expects to
have tho building under its roof In a
month, and ready to accept exhibits. He
says progress on all the buildings of the
exposition Is further advanced than at the
Chicago fair, at the same time, and he be
lieves the exposition will be ready at the
promised time.
Jules Cambon. the French ambassador
to the United States, will sail next Satur
day, for New York.
,. ii 0
Secretary Root Will Institute Sirecp
Inu Reforms nt Once.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. Secretary Root
has taken steps to institute at once sweep
ing reforms in the judicial system in Cuba,
tho animating purpose being to correct as
soon as possible the Cuban prison abuses
that have already been the subject of
representations to the w&r department.
General Wood has been giving thl3 mat
ter h's attention, and hi3 investigations
into the condition of the prisons and the
Cuban judicial situation generally have
confirmed Secretary Root In his deter
mination to apply corrective measures at
the earliest possible moment. To accom
plish this purpose the secretary has de
cided to appoint a commission composed
of three Americans and an equal number
of Cubans. This commission will consst
of Horatio Rubens, E. L. Conant and
Mr. Runcie for the American side. They
are all lawyers, who are well versed in
the Spanish code, as well as thoroughly
acquainted with American practice. The
Cuban contingent will probably be selected
by Governor Wood from among the mem
bers of the Havana bar. The commis
sion will meet at the earliest possible
date In Havana and begin at once a re
vision of the criminal methods, following
this up later with amendments of the civil
code where necessary.
a 0 r
Mother and
Two Children
to Death.
NEW YORK, Jan. 13. Three people
were burned to death in a fire tonight In
a two-story frame dwelling on Pine street,
Corona, L. I. They ore:
Elizabeth Campbell, 49 years old.
Jennie Campbell, 21 years old.
Archie Campbell, 10 years old.
Tho cause of the fire is unknown. The
damage will amount to but $1000. The
house was occupied by Thornaa Campoell
and his family, Campbell escaped at the
first alarm, and Mrs. Campbell followed
him. She reached the road In front of
tho house, and then, learning that her
four children wore all In the burning
house, dashed into the flames and was
seen no more, until her charred body was
found after the fire was extinguished.
Campbell's back was badly burned, and
Grace and Nellie, who followed him. wer
burned about the face and neck. The
firemen entered and ascended to the sec
ond fioor, where the body ot Mrs. Camp
bell was found beside those of her chil
dren, Jennie and Archie.
Railroad Men Unable to Ajcree.
CHICAGO, Jan. 13. The conference of
general passenger agents of transcontin
ental roads, which has been In progress
here for the last two days, has been un
able to solve the knotty problems under
discussion, and adjournment was taken
until January 22. The principal obstacle
to an adjustment of the Pacific coast rate
troubles to the rebate question.
Daily Treaonry Statement.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. Today s state
ment of the condition of the treasury
Available cash balance $2S3,oGl,W?
Gold reserve
They Will Be Prosperity andf Ex
pansion, Says Hanna.
Hanna Believes McKinley Will Be
Renominated Unanimous! Fight
for the Second Place.
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 13. Th sub
committee of the republfean national com
mittee today began laying plans for Ute
work of the presidential campaign. Sheet
ly after 9 o'clock the committed vfsittd
Mayor Ashbridge. In the party wars Sen
ator Hanna, chairman; "Joe" Mantey, M.
C. Payne, of Wisconsin; Senator N. B.
Scott, of West Virginia. Richard Xarans.
of Missouri; and Charles Diek, of Ohio.
the secretary of the national committee;
President Henry Burke and. Chairman W.
S. P. Shields, of the local Citizens' Con-.
ventlon Association, and a number of eth
ers. From the mayor's office the com
mittee went to the exposition to inspect
tho auditorium in which the convention.
Is to be held. All tho visitors expressed
their satisfaction with the selection of te
Senator Hanna, regarding tho conven
tion, said:
"Ot course, President MeKInley will bo
renominated, and without doubt he wWl
receive every vote In the conveattoH ; bt
when It comes to choosing his running
mate and deciding on the platform, there
Is likely to be an abundance of exette
ment." The Manufacturers' Club has offered the
facilities of its building to all of the re
publican national committeemen who may
bo In the city during the campaign, and
also to extend the same privilege to eaeh
delegate and alternate In attendance on
the convention.
During the conference with Mayor Ash
bridge, Serator Hanna madtr the Jtest
statement that he has uttered In his capa
city as national republican chairman en
the issues and plans of the comtor earn
palgn. He said:
"The national issues will be, 9?38, the
prosperity of the workmic people of the
country; second, the retention of the Phil
ippines. The republican party i in. press
ing and immediate need of funds to earry
on the work of the campaign, and It nwtet
bo begun without a moment's ftetey. Tho
democratic party has labor agitators at
work throughout the West, and the ?
Hcan campaign committee Ands It neces
sary to meet them at every point."
Recent Interview Contained Things
He Did Not Say.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Jan. 13. Wv J.
Bryan passed through Kansas City tWs
morning for Columbia, Mo., where he
spoke this afternoon. Asked about his
Interview in which he was reported as ex
pressing views favorable to expansion, Mr.
Rrvrin stlltlr
"I have not seen the tntarriew m
mrf hvrtthft jtssoalatwftBsejsfc BMMiBN'
tf oSnffI ffiflnW olflb Mini
pars, and it contains some things I dill sot
say. I have for one year oeen uracwamK
Imperialism, and. I have tried, to dtetingntoa
between such an extension of the naiton'3
limits a3 would not change the diameter
of the government and an expansion "whlca
converts a homogeneous republic Into a
heterogeneous empire. When the annexa
tion of any given territory is under con
sideration, the question is first, whether
the people aro capable of sharing In the
government and destiny of the nation. I
believe that all people are capable of gov
erning themselves, and that the FMlpnoa
should be allowed to govern themselves;
but I do not think that they are sunleient
ly advanced to share with ns in the gov
ernment of the nation. If the Phillppino
Islands are annexed, the people there muet
either be citizens or subjects. I am not
wllllnr: to admlfr them as citizens, and do
not believe that a republic can have sub
jects, therefore I want this nation to vq
them independence and then protect them
from outside Interference. Each propeeed
annexation must be considered upon te
own merits, but In considering these mer
its, the condition of the people should have
more weight than geographical position or
commercial advantage,"
Bryan on 3rce Wool.
COLTTMBIA. Mo.. Jan. 13. Colonel W. J.
Bryan addressed an audience of over 80
people ton'ght at the university chapel.
His subject was "Pending Problems." awd
he also discussed at length tln questions
of Imperialism, trusts and finance. Colonel
Bryan was accorded an ovat on at the eon
elusion of his address. After the addneirt
he was the guest of honor at a dollar din
ner given by the Century Club. Her he
made a brief speech along political lines.
When questioned tonight regarding the
recent statement of the Boston Commer
cial Bulletin to the effect that he had
changed his views on the subject of ftsee
wool importations and had stated that he
would, if elected president, favor a tariff
on wool. Mr. Bran declared most em
phatically that he wished to deny all
such reports, and that he had made no
statement whatever that he had changed
his former views on the question.
Ncvr Yorlc Democrat Hope Bryan
Will Not Tall: on Silver,
NEW YORK, Jan. 13. In connection,
with tho approaching visit of W. J. Bry
an to New York, the Evening Poet says
"It was learned today that great effort
will be made to get Mr. Bryan, to speak
while here on the lines Indicated In recent
Interviews by Elliott Danforth, chairman
of the democratic executive committee.
That is, to treat Imperialism and trusts
as the main Issues of the campaign and
avoid giving undue prominence to the. K-to-1
Issue. Mr. Bryan has made several
speeches already on these lines, and Ik Is
believed can be induced to leave free sti
ver In tho background while he is la what
Is called 'the enemy's country.'
"The dinner to be given to Mr. Bryan
by O. H. P. Belmont, January 22, will
be a sort of preliminary. Many of the
party leaders of the state, as well as rep
resentatives of the Chicago platform dem
ocrats, will sit at the Belmont table, and
it is said an attempt will be made to bring
both wings of the party together in oeder
that a harmonious delegation can be sent
to the national convention. Mr. Bcyan
has given many indications lately that ho
desrires harmony in New York state. Me
has curbed the enthusiasm of his stiver
followers here, and ha3 shown a disposi
tion to court the favor of Tammany. Me
has also been in close communication: wtth
Elliott Danforth. who has tatton mHm
himself the task of harmonizing th pas
ty so that Bryan will get New Yekra
electoral votes.'
Further War Credit.
LONDON, Jan. 13. The Sun reports" that
on the reassembling, of parliament. Jan
uary 30, the government vriH Immediately
askr for a further war credit of 3)fiflea,