April 22, 2015 Page 9 9DQFRXYHU (DVW&RXQW\ %HDYHUWRQ 0LVVLVVLSSL $OEHUWD 1RUWK3RUWODQG A Sharp Focus to Controversy O PINIONATED J UDGE BY J UDGE D ARLEEN O RTEGA New documentaries worth waiting for I see a lot of feature-length documentaries throughout the year, and the few that achieve wide release are not nec- HVVDULO\WKHEHVWVRPHDUHRYHUO\VOLFNRUGRQ¶WUHÀHFWWKH careful editing that enables the best docs to make plain a complex story. The last 11 docs that I saw at the Full Frame Documen- tary Film Festival in Durham, N.C., this month represent a range of quality, too. None are in theaters or online yet, EXWVHYHUDODUHZRUWKZDWFKLQJIRU0\EULHIUHYLHZVUDQN them from best to least successful. 0\IDYRULWH¿OPRIWKHHQWLUHIHVWLYDOZDV³3HDFH2I- ¿FHU´ZKLFK,XQGHUVWDQGZLOOEHZLGHO\DYDLODEOHVRPH- time this summer. The picture won awards at both Full )UDPHDQGODVWPRQWK¶V6RXWKE\6RXWKZHVW¿OPIHVWLYDO in Austin, Texas addressing complex issues around the in- creased militarization of police. Its co-directors, Brad Barber and Scott Christopher- son, weren’t originally attracted to that topic, but rather to William “Dub” Lawrence, the relentless former sheriff ZKR IRUPV WKH EDFNERQH RI WKH ¿OP :KHQ /DZUHQFH¶V own son-in-law was killed in a brutal show-down with the same SWAT team that Lawrence himself founded back in the 1970s, Lawrence’s own investigation into the incident caused a major shift in his thinking about law enforce- ment, from trust to alarm. Calling on his long years of experience as a sheriff and his particularly dogged skills as an investigator, Lawrence became concerned about the increasingly violent respons- es of police in making arrests and serving warrants. For KLP LW¶V D PDWWHU RI WKH VDFUHG WUXVW RI¿FHUV RZH WR WKH public, which he sees getting lost in the escalation of as- sault weaponry and military gear that has become so prev- alent. /DZUHQFH GRHV LQGHHG PDNH IRU D FRPSHOOLQJ ¿JXUH DURXQG ZKLFK WR EXLOG WKLV ¿OP KH XQGHUVWDQGV DQG UH- spects law enforcement and appreciates the real dangers they face. He also credibly analyzes several incidents in which members of the public were killed or injured as a re- sult of police conduct and presents convincing alternatives to the justifying narratives put forth by police. Barber and Christopherson did not rest on the fact that they found a compelling spokesperson; rather they build DVNLOOIXOQDUUDWLYHDURXQG/DZUHQFH¶VFRQFHUQV¿OOLQJLQ GHWDLOVRIVSHFL¿FVWRULHVKHKDVLQYHVWLJDWHGDQGSDQQLQJ out to the larger issues around police conduct. They also give meaningful air time to the views of law enforcement. They have assembled an extremely compelling and nu- anced approach to a topic that demands but rarely gets that 7KHPLOLWDUL]DWLRQRISROLFHEHFRPHVWKHWDUJHWLQ´3HDFH2IÀFHUµDIHDWXUHGRFXPHQWDU\WROGWKURXJKWKHVWRU\ RIDIRUPHUVKHULIIZKRHVWDEOLVKHGKLVVWDWH·VÀUVW6:$7WHDPRQO\WRVHHWKDWVDPHXQLWNLOOKLVVRQLQODZLQD FRQWURYHUVLDOVWDQGRII\HDUVODWHU ´0DYLVµH[SORUHVWKHOLIHDQGRIJRVSHODQGVRXOPXVLF ´0DYLVµH[SORUHVWKHOLIHDQGRIJRVSHODQGVRXOPXVLF legend and civil rights icon Mavis Staples and her family group, The Staple Singers. NLQG RI FDUH ,W¶V D ¿UVWUDWH SLHFH RI GRFXPHQWDU\ ¿OP- making that I hope will attain a larger audience. Another award winner that deserves a broader audience LV³7(5525´$OVRDFRGLUHFWHG¿UVWIHDWXUHLWZRQ prizes at Full Frame and the Sundance Film Festival in Utah, and provides a gutsy look inside an active FBI coun- terterrorism sting operation. Filmmakers Lyric R. Cabral and David Felix Sutcliffe follow the story through the per- spective of “Shariff,” a former Black Panther turned FBI LQIRUPDQWZKRLUDVFLEO\QDUUDWHVKLVMXVWL¿FDWLRQVIRUDQG perceptions of the government’s counterterrorism tactics. It would be hard to imagine more treacherous terrain to DWWHPSWWRFDSWXUHDQGWKHVH¿OPPDNHUVLOOXPLQDWHSOHQW\ of reasons for concern about how the war on terror is being FRQGXFWHG7KH¿OPZLOODLURQ3%6¶V³,QGHSHQGHQW/HQV´ and on the BBC later this year. 2Q D OLJKWHU DQG TXLWH GHOLJKWIXO QRWH ³0DYLV´ H[- SORUHVWKHOLIHDQGPXVLFRIOHJHQGDU\YRFDOLVW0DYLV6WD- ples. Director Jessica Edwards was inspired after seeing 0DYLVSHUIRUPDQGWDNLQJKHURZQDGYLFHWR³PDNHWKH ¿OPV \RX ZDQW WR VHH´ FROGFDOOHG 0DYLV¶V PDQDJHU WR EHJLQWKHSURMHFWKHU¿UVWIHDWXUH7KRXJKWKHWUHDWPHQW here is standard, Edwards has assembled a wealth of won- derful footage of the performances of the Staples Singers DQG0DYLV¶VFRQWLQXLQJZRUNZLWK-HII7ZHHG\RI:LOFR DQG WKH ¿OP IHDWXUHV DUWLVWV OLNH %RQQLH 5DLWW DQG %RE '\ODQZKR³VPRRFKHG´ZLWK0DYLVZKHQWKH\ZHUHERWK \RXQJGLVFXVVLQJ0DYLV¶VLQÀXHQFH 0DYLV DQG WKH 6WDSOHV 6LQJHUV KDYH ORQJ GHVHUYHG D documentary celebration of their astonishing range of C ONTINUED ON P AGE 14