THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TTJESDAT, OCTOBER 10, 1022 HUGE LIE PLANT TO BE CONSTRUCTED Josephine County Project to Cost $1,500,000. RAILWAY TO BE BUILT Beaver Portland Cement Company to Besin Development of Valuable Deposits. (5 RANTS PASS, Or., Oct. 9. (Spe cial.) That tr.e Beaver Portland Cement company of Portland is planning on extensive development work in Josephine county was indi cated today when the company in serted a call for bids in a local paper for the construction of three miles pf standard-gauge railroad and 6000 feet of tramway to the Cheney creek lime quarries to con nect with the California & Oregon Coast railway. It is also probable that a plant will be erected near Grants Pass upon the completion of the railroad, the whole enterprise to cost approximately Jl, 500,000. The new railroad will be known as the Marble Mountain railroad. There will be three miles of stan dard gauge railroad, the survey hav ing been compleud and the right of way purchased. The tram will be double tracked for a distance of 4400 feet, with 1500 feet of single track on the summit. The line rises 1200 feet. The main road is laid on 1.5 per cent grade. The railroad will be completed by January 1. accord ing to representatives of the com pany. Capacity to Be Doubled. The power line is to be built along the right of way. A huge 400-horse-power plant is being erected on the top mountain with air compressors machine shops and a steam shovel for the excavation of the lime. The proposed plant to be erected near Grants Pass for the manutac ture of cement will be double the capacity of that now in use in Gold Hill. The Gold -Hill plant is now turning out 1100 barrels a day, with a force of 85 men. At first the lime from the Cheney creek quarry will be taken to Gold Hill so that the trade of the Beaver company may be supplied. The new plant at Grants Pass, with all new machin . ery of the latest type, will be in stalled as soon as possible and when It is completed the lime will be orought here, doing away with the necessity of shutting down. When the plant here is in operation it is understood thafthe Gold Hill plant will be moved to Grants Pass as an additional unit. Arrangements have ulready been made for the factory site, it is understood, but its exact location is a matter of conjecture. It is known, however, that it will be on the railroad close to the city. Big Supply to Be Tapped. The railroad will open up a prac tically unlimited supply of 98 per cent pure calcium carbonate. , The lime is known to extend over 28 acres, with an estimate of 30,000,000 tons in prospect. The deposit is ex posed vertically to a depth of 750 feet, the whole being 98 per cent pure. This is the largest known lime deposit on the Pacific coast of this purity and rivals the Vermont lime in respect to its equality. In the mountain surrounding the lime are shale deposits nearly ten times as great as the lime. This insures plenty of material for the manu facture of the cement. Other prod ucts of the plant will be fertilizer and building stone. The new road, which has a grade of 1.5 per cent, opens a billion feet of merchantable timber, hitherto practically untouched. There is also a large clay deposit on the land owned by the Beaver company, which is suitable for the manufac ture of vitrified pipe. This may be come an industry here, it is said, as the clay is of high quality. The road also opens' up the area trav ersent to the local trade and through the introduction of electric power will make possible the use of electricity by farmers along the right of way. the federal court yesterday when Judge Wolverton held that they cannot be bound by terms of leases between owners of the warehouse and owners of the property unless they were fully apprised of the na ture of the leases. The decision sustained a demurrer by O. H. Reeder, Myrick. Or., farmer, who. lost a considerable supply of grain in a fire which recently de stroyed a warehouse at that place. Reeder sued the Northern Pacific Railway company, owner of the property, because the railroad com pany allowed the fire to spread to the warehouse. Terms in the lease held by the operators of the ware house, protecting the company against damage, were held invalid by the court. PROFIT BY PADDING LAID TO APPRAISER Own Property Held Valued Far Over Sale Price. OLD 'IT" STILL GOOD CRESSY AND DAYXE POPULAR AS EVER AT ORPHEl'M. Team Proves Just as Attractive as It Did 2 2 Years Ago When . First Big Hit Was Made. The average life of a vaudeville headliner is said to be three years. After that the "big-type" artist be gins to drop back and, eventually, down and out. Vaudeville means variety and variety means change. So the headline act of today fre quently becomes the "also ran" of tomorrow. But there Is one act in vaudeville that is just as fresh. Just as suc cessful today as it was in that . . K STATEMENT IS ISSUED Bonus Commission Denies Charge of H. J. Overturf That Dis missal Was Political. headquarters in Portland and capi tal stock of S50.000, has been in corporated by H. G. Freeman. A. M. Freeman, G. W. Carson and Charles The Rose burg- Country club has been incorporated by A. F. Sether, Charles McElhinny, W. J. Weaver, A. G. Sutherland. Nathan Fullerton, W. C. Harding- and A. N- Orcutt. The capital stock is $7000 and headquar ters are in Roseburg. The Stag- Club of the City of Port land is tiie name of a corporation orgranizel by O. S. Thomas. G. M. Payne. T. H. Williams, J. N. Manly and William Webb. Georg-e G. Parry, Dave Williams, B. E. Barron and Fred T. Merrill have incorporated the Plantation Coun-fcry club, with headquarters at Gresham. The capital stock is $1000. Home Builders. Inc., is the name of a corporation organized at North Bend, Coos county. The incorpora tors are Herbert Armstrong:, John H. Greves and Fred Hollister. The capital stock is $5060. The : Bell Digger company, with headquarters at Bell station,.Clacka mas county, and capital stock of $10,000, has been incorporated by Mark Hetrick, W. M. Cline and J. W. Schuld. - - "Will M. Crey, veteran vaudeville entertainer at Orpheam, still ffoing: iitronf?. memorable week Tl years ago, when, to quote from the programmes or that time, it went from the bottom of the bill to the top within Beven days. That "act" is Will Cressy and Blanche Dayne. It is said that there is no other act in American vaudeville with such a record. These stars are ap pearing in their newest entertain ment; "Without a Will There's a Way," as one of the three head line attractions on the Orpheum vaudeville programme, which closes its Portland engagement at the Heilig theater this evening. 'There are two steps to success in acting," says Cressy, who has shared in this astounding vaude ville record. "The first is to learn what to do and how to do it. The rext, and much more important, is to learn what not to do. Folk laugh at the burlesque, the ridic ulous, the overdrawn and over accentuated, but the things they remember, the things they ask for and come back to see year after year, are the true things of real folk." . ' Gump Supporters Nomi nate Municipal Candidates. St- Hrlen Mayor and Council man 1M Per Cent for People." ST. H cial.l CLYDE FISK QUITS RACE Eugene Council Candidate With draws In Favor of Incumbent. ETJGEXB, Or., Oct. 9. (Special.) Clyde Fisk, one of the three leading candidates who filed the latter part of last week as candidate for Eu- (tene city councilman, today with drew in favor of George W. Monroe, incumbent, who had also filed. Mr. Monroe is opposed 'in this ward by Kay Winff. While no announcement Is made to that effect, it is stated in city political circles that the Ku Klux Xlan has a full ticket in the field Councilman E. B. Parks, of the ls( ward, who has no opposition, is re puted to be the choice of the klan in that district, while A. L. William son, George Monroe and I E. Sim mons are said to be the Ku Klux Klrsn candidates in the 2d, 3d and 4th wards, respectively. Mr. Williamson is opposed by John T. Evans. Mr. Monroe by Hay Wing and Mr. Sim mons by E. E. Quimby, incumbent. AKa King and Fred Wentworth candidates for recorder and treas urer, respectively, are said to be in dorsed by the klan. They have no opposition. SOLDIERS PINE FOR HOME Tutfercvlous Oregon Veterans Ask for Hospitalization Here. Government officials still are try ing to keep Oregon tuberculosis sol diers hospitalised in other states than Oregon, is declared shown by tne raci tnat six patients of the Uhfted States public health serv ice hospital at Tacoma. Wash., have applied to Representative MoArthur for assistance in being transferred hack to Portland for entry into Pierce sanatorium. Zl have lived in Oregon all my life," said one of these patients, "arid naturally when I am sick" -1 would like to be as close to home as possible. Anything Mr. McArthur can do for us will be appreciated." Mr. McArthur at once communi cated with Colonel Charles R. Forbes, director of the United States veterans' bureau at Wash ington, requesting that these men be transferred immediately to hos pitalsin Oregon. GRAIN DECISION MADE Farmers Who Store in Quasi Public Warehouses Win Point. Farmers who store grain in quasi public warehouses won a point in HELENS, Or., Oct. 9.--(Spe ) The Andy Gump-for-Con- gress club today fHed petitions with City Recorder Goatrey, nominating J. W. McDonald and W. H. Brower, incumbents, for the city council to oppose the four men whose names were written in at the recent pri mary. Although there are four va cancies to be filled, the club decided to name only two candidates. The candidacy of A. F. Burnett for mayor way indorsed by the Gump supoorters. The club now has a membership of 186 but Mayor Brower declared it was certain that there would be at least 500 persons in the ranks b Saturday. The mayor made a trip to Port land today in -the hope of obtaining 500 Gump-for-Congress buttons but declared that Colonel Bush, prom inent taxpayer and politician of Bull Run, manager of the Gump cam paign, had informed him that there was none to be had, the demand far exceeding the supply. The mayor, undeterred by the an nouncement, said on his return here that he had placed an order for the buttons and that they would be re ceived by the Gump supporters in this city In the near future. WOMAN DOCTOR SUICIDE (Continued From First Page.) took the chance of sending the vic tim to the hospital. The phial that contained the fatal dose of morphine was found in a waste paper basket beside the couch. The contents of the victim's stomach, pumped out by the other physicians, has been saved and will be analyzed to prove the actual cause of death. Little is known of Dr. Klecan's past. She told little of her family connections, though it is known that her relatives are prominent in Po land. She was brought to America 10 years ago to act as bacteriologist and pathologist for the Doctors Mat son in Portland. Several years ago she left their employ and opened offices in the Stevens building. Be ides her general practice she spe cialised in pathology and bacterio logical work. In these lines she became well known in the local medical world. The body, which was removed to the morgue, has been taken in charge by Dr. E'qui. who will make the necessary funeial arrangements. In explanation of its reasons for dismissing H. J. Overturf of .Bend as appraiser for Deschutes -county the world war veterans' state aid commission at a meeting in Port land yesterday gave out a statement specifically charging that Overturf had not only been guilty of nu merous other derelictions, but in one instance had actually padded an appraisal of property owned by him in order to sell it to an ex-service man. The name of the ex-service man was not mentioned. "Overturf filled out the soldier's application blank," said the state ment, which was signed by four members, Governor Olcott not being present, "and in his own handwrit ing represented 'and caused the service man to swear tnat ne was nurchasing the property from Over turf for $4100 when in truth he was l.uvinsr it for $3200 from Overturf, without putting up a dollar of money, having, pursuant to Over- turf's suggestion, according to the sworn testmiony of the service man, represented the value and purchase price at $4100 in order to obtain the maximum loan of $3000 from the state." Statement la Issued. Following is the commission s statement in full: At the reeular meeting of the world war veterans' state aid com mission, attended by all five com missinnore on October 2. the com mission summarily removed H. J. Overturf of Bend as appraiser for rho nmmi!.;inn in Deschutes county Mr. Overturf had been one of the commission's agents since the be ginning of the state's operations in administering the soldiers' home and farm loan law, which appoint ment was unanimously made by the commission. In removing Mr. Overturf from this position of trust the commission was moved by a firm and unani mous conviction that he had not represented either the best inter ests of the state of Oregon or of the ex-service men of Deschutes county, but had interested himself in the disposal of his own property in recommending the lending of money voted by the people for the benefit of ex-service men. Mr. Overturf subsequent to the commission's action has issued a public statement charging that the action was the result of political animosities between himself and the chairman of the board. Governor Olcott. In addition" to being an unwar ranted and wholly unfounded at tack upon the governor this is also a reflection upon the integrity of every member of the commission. The motion for Mr. Overturfs prompt dismissal from his position of trust in connection with the han dling of soldier aid moneys was not made nor was it seconded by the chairman of the board. However. aU members of the commission were of one mind ana, alter nearing me mass of facts and circumstances whic it had gathered affecting Mr. Overturfs operations as an ap- nraiser. it was the prompt flna unanimous decision that he be dis missed. Grand Jury Probe Considered Tn reaohinsr this decision the com mission also decided that it was its duty to refer the facts and circum stances in connection with land appraisals in Deschutes county to the attorney-general of the state with the end in view of having the grand jury for Deschutes county make a thorough investigation The commission made no charges of crime against Mr. Overturf any other person. But it did con clude that the facts ithad consid ered in reaching its decisions ought to be made the subject or lurtner inauirv bv the Drooer autnonties for the purpose of determining whether any further action beyond the removal of the appraiser was necessary further to safeguard the proper interests of the . ex-service men and of the state. The commission's action in regard to Mr. Overturf was final and con clusive and no further investigation was needed in order for the commis sion to determine that he had not performed his duties with a proper regard for the interests of the state or ex-service men. 'In concluding that Mr. Overturf had, padded the values of property for 'the purpose of gaining state loans the Commission was unable to minimize that dereliction in its o.wn mind on the grounds of his possible sympathy for the ex-service men, since one of the'most flagrant cases was one in which Mr. Overturf was disposing of his own property and therefore stood to profit personally from the transaction at the manifest expense of both the eX-service men of Oregon and of the taxpayers of the state. Other Transaction Charged. This particular case, which- is re ferred to onljr as showing the true reason ior Air. uveriurie dismissal CIS ARE RIO STARS TALENTED ARTISTS PLEASE THE OREGOXIAS FAXS. Miss Jeoffrie and Miss Sharkey Are Headliners at Excellent Concert Last Night. Miss Ffeurette Jeoffrie, coloratura soprano, and Miss Kathtyn Sharkey, violinist, were the stars inan inter-estine- radio programme broadcast from The Oregonian tower last night between 7:30 and 8:30 o'clock, which was heard by radio stations many miles from Portland, according to telephone messages received during and after the concert. Miss Jeoffrie is a youthful singer appearing at the Pantages theater this week. She has a voice of astoundingly high pitch and last night demonstrated her wide range with a series of three solos. Every note of each sons: was heard dis tinctly by the radio listeners and the brilliant young soloist was gener ously applauded. She was assisted at the piano by her mother, Mrs. Itasca Jeoffrie, and her lhree selec tions were Thrane's iiicho ong,T which acquired its fame as one of Jenny Lind's favorites: Meyerbeer's "Shadow Song" from "Dinorah, and "Coming Through the Rye." The last number was an arrangement by Miss, Jeoffrie herself. Miss Kathryn. Sharkey, accompa nled at the piano by Ida May Cook, played in brilliant fashion three vio lin solos which went out in splendid fashion. Miss Sharkey never before had played in The Oregonian tower and her introduction to the radio audience proved that she is one of Portland's most able violinists. She is a pupil of. Harold Bayley, and her selections were "Swedish Melody' (Wilhelmj), "Spanish Dance" (Gran- ados-Kreisler), and Weber's "Waltz No. 2." G. H. Jessup and Earl Stimson, banjoists, played three novelty num bers during the programme: the first banjo duets that The Oregonian ever had broadcast. Both players used instruments made by G. H. Jessup. Another part of the programme was a speech read by F. D. Weber, electrical engineer with the Oregon Insurance rating bureau, on fire prevention. This speech was writ ten by George B. Muldaur of the National Underwriters' laboratories. and last night was broadcast from 20 different stations over the country. CAUTORSIAXS HEAR MUSIC The Oregonian Concerts Delight Fans of Golden State. Radio fans living in every section of California are now listening reg ularly to the concerts broadcast from The Oregonian station, accord ing to the many letters that are being received every day. K. D. Dudding, living at Bakers field, writes: "Your radio pro grammes come in here frequently with good volume and clarity." From Los Angeles several letters were received yesterday. In one of them John Layton - writes that he is able to tune out the stations broadcasting near by and bring in The Oregonian station. Commending The Oregonian for its high quality programmes, F. H. Lambert of McCloud states that the Friday night, October 6, programme was one of the best he ever heard. Letters also were received yester day from Berkeley, San Francisco and Brawley and from Nanoose bay, British Columbia. PRUNE FETE PLANS LAID Vancouver Is in Gala Array for Week-End Harvest Jubilee. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Oct. 9. (Special.) Vancouver is In gala at tire for the annual prune harvest festival, which will be held here Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Main and Washington -streets have been dressed in flags- and. pennants from th-e river to Eleventh street. UP TO VOTERS, MAYOR POINTS OUT Every Move of Committee Is Reported, Says Statement: .1 - t SCOPE TO BE CURTAILED Exhibition Is to Be on National Basis Instead of World-Wide. Great Benefits Foreseen. A statement intended to clarify in the public mind the present staus of the 1927 exposition project and to make known the plans of those who are working for it was issued yesterday by Mayor George 1. Baker in his capacity as director of the publicity campaign now under way throughout the state. The mayor declares that final verdict on the actual question of holding the exposition is up to the voters and will be decided at the coming November election; that the committee in charge of the prelimi narles is doing its utmost at all times to acquaint the public with everything that it is doing; that the scope of the project has been defi nitely changed in the minds of the promoters and those of all informed people from that of a world's fair to that of a national fair, and that the people of the state at large need the proposed exposition even in greater degree than do those of Portland, in order to bring in more people to fill up Oregon's empty acre and eventually to lower the tax burden by distributing it among a larger population which is. ex pected to materialize from the hold ing of the exposition. Voters to Decide Date. The statement says: "It is proper at this time that a plain statement be made defining the attitude of the exposition execu tive committee toward the proposed 1927 enterprise. Questions have arisen recently that have been con fusing to the people generally, but the committee has succeeded in re moving the serious obstacles and there is nothing, apparently, in the way now to prevent the matter be ing submitted to the electorate in November. "Whether or not the exposition shall be held in 1927 is a matter that is squarely up to the voters of Oregon. The people are pretty thor oughly acquainted with all facts pertaining to the proposed exposi tion and it is an insult to their in telligence to assume that they can not decide a question that means so much to the future welfare of Oregon. "This was the position of the com mittee when it decided to go ahead and place the measures that will decide the fate of the exposition, on the November ballot. Once the people of Portland expressed them selves in favor of the exposition by a vote of four to one. If they have changed their minds since then or if they object to the way it is be ing financed, they have a powerful and direct way of expressing them selves on November 7. It is their enterprise; they will have to fur nish the funds, the energy, the in telligence and the enthusiasm that will be necessary to make it a success. , Every Move Is Reported. "This committee understands that it is representing the people in this matter. It has taken pains to ac quaint the public with every move it 'has made. Its great purpose and .only thought has been to .exercise its best judgment in the interest of the state at large. I have no hesi tancy in thus declaring the feelings of the committee. Every member is taking this matter most seriously, for all realize the responsibility that has been placed on them. They have expressed themselves freely and weighed all questions that have arisen. The action they have taken is regarded by them as a duty they owe to the public. As for myself, as director of the campaign, I simply have been carrying out the wishes of the committee and executing its orders to the best of my ability. It has been apparent for some time that the scope of the proposed exposition has been settled in the minds of the people. All thought of a stupendous world's fair has been abandoned, and the Owners who have driven the good Maxwell many thousands of miles have found that it is not only most comfortable and eco nomical, but so well built that it requires practically no expert mechanical attention. C.ri tire. ao-akU froat mm4 rears Ih ateel wheel. irnolabl at rial at aaai dram type 'an pet Aleaalte laartratlaai eaolor-elrlvea electric aeral aaaaaallr ! aprlacai b.w lypa waer-tl-at wlndeaielaV. Prieea K. Part, laarfi Toariaa; tar. lOMt Heaa.lrr. 10SO Coape, 1435 1 Bedaa, flSSO. Covey Motor Car Co. Washington at Twenty-first Phone Broadway 6244 $1050 Hlie Good MAXWELL seems to be general that uregon should produce an exposition that would attract visitors from all over the United States. This nation is enjoying unbounded prosperity, and millions of dollars are spent by tourists every summer. The rush of travel by train and automobile has been mostly westward, and many of these people are seeking new locations, new homes. Oregon has not been getting its share of this traffic notwithstanding the su perior attractions we have to offer. If such an exposition as is proposed will "draw national attention to our resources, its greatest purpose will have been accomplished. Development to Be Soncht. 'The people of Portland and of the state must realize at this time that some sections of Oregon are facing an economic crisis and un less some relief is afforded, disaster threatens. Farmers are in a des perate plight. Their taxes and ex penses are mounting out of all pro portion to their incomes. I am not one to censure them for their past attitude toward the exposition. I have been among them and under stand their predicament. When this exposition is held the most strenu ous campaign must be made to in duce visitors to go into these rich and promising districts that need population to speed development and reduce taxes. "Portland does not need the expo sition so much as the country. Di rectly we will reap much but our great concern must be for the out side sections. This city is pros perous and growing. Some parts of the state are at a standstill and some moving backward. Portland cannot continue to prosper under opinion puch conditions. Unless the entire state advances, every Industry In Portland must soon suffer. Port land cannot proceed succeisfully alone. "There are eight person to the square mile in Oregon. In Mult nomah county there are 673 to the square mile. Outmide of Multnomah county there are but - five to the square mile in Oregon. This does not balance; it is out of proportion. It Is a condition that threatens Tort land and should be seriously con sidered by millionaire and day laborer alike. "What can be done to correct such a wrong situation? I believe the exposition will help Immensely." Iorsl members rf the fair board Intimated today that a lurrcMor i Mr. Iva will not be flfri4 until the annual meeting- tn January. In the mfantlm the htiMln will b handled by Mr a. Ks la W llon. mm mint h n f ? I ii r v Here's Relief For Neuritis FAIR BOARD TO CONVENE Resignation of tk-cretarjr Lira to Be Accepted Saturday. SALEM, Or., Oct. 9 (Sp.clal.) Members of the Orraron state fair board will meet In Salem Saturday. when they will accept the reaisna-! tint. tion of A. H. Lea, for the past aeven quickly r.ponrt i. Ha h.aiint jn' years secretary of the board. Mr. Lea submitted his resignation the last night of the recent fair, hut no official action was taken by the di rectors at that time. Mr. Lea also will present to tha board a finan cial report showina; receipts and dis bursements in connection with the fair which closed here a wek mn Never mln! whvr.. wh.n or kn thts awful, atabblns pain, nf n.wrstla st start you want rail.f from tha tortur. right now! atop at any firt-rla.a drus afer. r4 S't a supply or Ty.mnl. Apply quantity of thla .nnthlns pr.paratta ovar tha ppot that huna mnA In a .hart time y.u ahould be fr. from fais. Tyrmol la taken up throush tha pnras cf tha akin, soln dlr.l to tha thrnh. Sahibs' peripheral nrta. ahtr There la no "dope" In T.mol n. danferbua druse of any kind. Ouaran. teed to be abeolul.ty hsrmlaa. I'.np a everywhere ear trtst nothing aver save them euch wonderful relief. Trlr. $l at Woodard at Clarke and tl Lfrur r. and all other leading druasteta. Tvtmol Company, Mfg- oo Sutler hi.. Pan Frmrlirn AO v. In the Esther Short pa.rk. a irrand- as bein for the best interests ofjstand has been erected and here the ex-service men and the state, was throne will be erected for the crown- ICKf School Head at Post. SALEM, Or.. Oct. 9. (Special.) O. E. Mclntlre of Fulton, Mo., who recently was appointed superinten dent of tha Oregon state school for the deaf, assumed charge of the in stitution today. Mrs. Mclntire will act as matron of the school. I'hone your want' Oregoniaa, Main 7070. ads to The one wherein Mr. Overturf, as owner and seller of the property, proceeded to act as appraiser himself, and. after entering into a contract with the purchaser to sell the same for 32uu, tilled out the soldier's appli cation blank and in. his own hand writing Mr. Overturf represents and causes the service man to swear that ne is purchasing the property from Overturf for S4100. when in truth and in tact he is buying it for 32O0 irora uverturr witnout actually put ting up a dollar of money, having. pursuant to Overturfs suggestion. according to the sworn testimony of the service man, represented the value and purchase price at $4100 in order .to secure the maximum loan or rrom the state. After filling out the application blank referred to Mr. Overturf maKes, signs and returns to the commission an appraisal of $4T00 upon the property which he Is sell ing for $3200. There are numerous nthpr tra. actions that guided the commission in dismissing Air. Overturf. In ar riving at its .decision the commis sion found no other course that was consistent with the proper perform ance of its duties. The members of the commission can only regret that there has been consequent in convenience to the ex-service men of Deschutes county erowine- our of the derelictions of duty of its agents and invites attention to the fact that it acted promptly and fully the instant that all the facts in this case had been determined. SAM A. KOZER. Secretarv of State. GEORGE A. WHITE. Adjutant-General. ARTHUR C. SPENCER. Member LYMAX G. RICE, Member. NEW COMPANIES FORMED Artlcles'of Incorporation Filed at State Capital. SALEM. Or, Oct. 9. (Special.) The Pacific Jag company, with. tng of the queen. A popularity contest is on and will end tomorrow night. A queen will be elected and the other con testants will be princesses. There are four running. Miss Henrietta Shoemaker, Miss Lidwin (Toots) Dillon. Miss Bernice Russell and Miss Beryl Woodruff. INFANT IN LIQUOR RAID Portlanders Arrested When Auto Yields 8 4 Quarts of "Whisky. . VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 9. (Special.) William Ramsdotham, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armstrong' and infant child of Portland were placed iri jail here tonight following their arrest in an automobile in which were 84 quarts of moonshine whisky. The liquor was confiscated by Deputy Sheriffs Deman, Kemp and Paguse. The party, driving a light automobile, waa arrested justJ after they had crossed the interstate bridge into Vancouver. The bottles were wrapped in paper ready for delivery. Hubbard to Get Route. THE OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU Washington D. C, Oct. 9. Rural route No. 1 . has been ordered es tablished from . Hubbard, Or., effec tive November 1, Senator McNary was advised today. 1W, NIGHT 6 MORNINGS KEEP YOUR EYES CL1AN .CLEAR AND HEALTHY wans n rat in ttJuhiatviun UkUKfBU i FLORSHE1M SHOE J the city's grinding wear the scuff of many miles The Flor sheim Shoe easily survives, giving long, reliable service with comfort at every step. The Pathfinder A STURDY FALL FLOESHEIM The Florsheim Shoe Store Co. ' 350 Washington Street, Near Park Street FOR THE MAN WHO CARES i i 1 Ncwbro'sTerpicidG Brings Out The Life and Beauty of Your Hair For hrinjHnr oat th natttral twwmty mr4 htw nriimwof your hair and rmmurnttm your rJp to fa .thy eoodiUoo. pottung wili equal Uvrptcicta, If roar hair i not vn-hwrty. matt and linritrtant It man that tha natural atMn ia hfktaft. Hmrpt cida will bring out tha natural anann and bvk your hair fairly irleani with lifa and baauty. Tha day of your faddut kkmg htr will hv it rrf inilrrnTiri irrrinTTil' raoiiri proved that ft will ba a MtrpriM to yea u4 rwraiatma a jour frianda. Newbro'slferplclde Rmutvmt Dandruff Stop Fatting Hair 'batrl IfuL but it quickly miwita ail yvur vnatahily dandruff, stopa ynnr ItrhtasT aralp and prwmmta HarpieMa will Bat nh tnaka your hair from failink out. Your scalp will umm jafrs. Amnm Cswsjsr up and hocorao haalthy a healthy scalp ta tha sniy true hair aruoaf. H'rplrtde has a mast dainty and exquisite odor. Mao ladies use it as a part uaaa, Herptcida Is anarsntssd to da all tha lo claimed tor it or your deataw will rf and pwrheeo pnea. Bmr m botttm roatay aasf kmwm aeusfioi, uuatwimmt kmir. Sold By All Drnr and Dapt, 5 tors Applications At Barbar Shops The Owl Drug Co. SAY "BAYER" when you buy Aspirin Unless yon sea tha nam "Bayer" on packaira or on tablets you are not retting" the sranulns Bayer product prescribed by phyntciana over twen ty-two years and proved aafs by millions for colds, headache, tooth ache, neuralgia, lumbago, rheuma tism, neuritis, and for pain la its- rat. Accept only 'Bayer parVsae which, contains propar dlrwrtiona. Handy boxsa of twalve tablets cot faw cents. Prusrlsts alo sell bot tles nf ti and 1mA. Asptrln la tha trade-mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monrtacetlcacldeaier of Ballcyhcacld. a.