TJIE MORXIXG OREGOXIA TEID AY, OCTOBER 6, BUILDINGS ASKED E OF SCHOOL BOARD Action Deferred Until Next I. Session of Directors. HOSFORD TO GET RELIEF Tirst Portables Available Prom Vised to District and Perma nent Structure Later. "-An extensive recommendation of building- action for immediate con sideration was presented at the Wednesday meeting of the school Ijoard by the education committee and was referred for consideration to be acted upon at the next ses aion. One portion of the recom mendation was passed, however, etating that the first portables -available be released to Hosford pchool and a permanent building- be eupplied at the earliest possible 'date. Representatives of Hosford school, headed by Dr. F. H. Dam masch, presented the cause of the district. A new school site between Rose City Park and Mount Tabor headed the list of recommendations for im mediate consideration. Second on the list was the recommendation that Chapman be replaced by 20 sew rooms. Kennedy Addition Urged. V A six-room addition to Kennedy -Bchool was recommended, as also was the first unit of eight rooms for Beaumont school. The committee advised that Fern wood school be finished by the com pletion -of eight rooms and an as sembly hall and that eight rooms be added to Kellogg. It also ad vised the addition of six rooms to Woodstock school and four rooms to Capitol Hill, and it recommended for the new Duniway school 10 rooms and an assembly halL The need of an adequate site for Sunnyside school, comprising three blocks In addition to the one block already in use, was noted in the list. Recommendation No. 12 was that pertaining to Hosford school Recommendations for high schools included a southeast unit for Franklin high school containing 15 rooms and necessary laboratories, tThe committee also advised a gym nasium at Benson Polytechnic school, including 12 classrooms. All Items Xeeded. . '"The committee feels that every Item listed is absolutely necessary," said Director Clark, chairman of the education committee. "There is no question of the need." Following a lengthy discussion of the bond issue for school building, ;Jt was decided to rescind action "taken at last week's session and . . to issue and advertise bonds for $300,000 beginning November 1. Last week's action called for an Issue of $1,000,000. Play sheds will be built at Ala meda and Marysville schools, ac cording to action taken at the meet ing. There will be two at each place. allowing separate sheds for boys and girls. Office la Discontinued. ; The board voted to discontinue the 'office of superintendent of op erations, the new order to become effective November 1. The motion stated that the duties of the office will be performed by the superin tendent of properties. J. J. Donovan of Oakland, Cal., presented the matter of the Interna tional Health and Safety exposition to be held in Oakland November ,17 to 26 and invited the board to prepare an exhibit of work being done at the Mills school in Port land. The matter was referred to a committee. 120-foot width as the- official stand ard for the future. England's roads approached 100 per cent perfect long1 Tiefore any great accomplishment -in fiighwav construction had been recorder this country. Long before the war the highways of England had be come rivals of the railways through the use of motor trucks and steam traction engines, often hauling sev erai trailers, each with a capaci of tons. The roads bore this traffic well and their maintenance, which calls for almost daily inspection and continuous repairs, has enabled these highways to stand up under a nuch heavier traffic than 90 per cent of American roads receive. The plans of the government will involve a total- of several thousand miles of additional new construe tion, destined to make London the center of" the most adequately. roaded section of the world. T0N9 SLAYER IDENTIFIED MAX LIKE LIM KEB SEEX AT SCEXE OF KILLIXG. BONUS PROBE PROMISED SPECIAL GRAND JIRY SKS SIOX IS LIKELY. ' Deschutes Judge Ready to Start . Investigation, if Anyone j , Desires Action. fef " ; BEND, Or.f Oct. 4. (Special.) Should either the state bonus com ; mission or H. J. Overturf, discharged this week as a member of the Des Chutes county board of appraisers, desire an investigation as to the truth of charges made against Over , turf and his colleague, O. B. Hardy of Redmond, also summarily re moved. Circuit Judge Duffy will call ; a. special session of the Deschutes -ounty grand jury to make a thor 'ough probe, he said tonight. Over turf had stated a few hours earlier .that he would request such an in ; Yestigation. --In a statement issued this after "noon Overturf asserted that his dis ;nissai was the result of antagonism between himself and Governor Ol ;.cott arising out of Overturf's atti tude on the bill passed by the 1921 legislature to return to the Various irrigation districts of thestate ac- " crued interest and delinquency charges resulting- from special lev ies made on their respective proper ties. Oicott had opposed the meas- ( ure sponsored by Overturf, the Bend . legislator said, Overturf stated that estimates on property valuations are only a mat ter of personal opinion and that the ; state commission had the opportun- ity to cut down his estimates if it ' so de'sired. Frank R. Prince, republican pre- cinct committeeman, resigned today ; in order, he said, to be at liberty to express his opinion as to the action , taken by the state bonus commis sion in discharging H. J. Overturf j , or hena and o. is. Hardy of Ked- mond 8-s county appraisers. Trial of Chinaman on Charge of Shooting White Continued Until Today. Lim Kee, on trial for the murder Lof John Stevens last November, was pointed out in the circuit court room Wednesday afternoon by R. F. Heinig as a Chmaman who greatly resembled a man the witness- had seen walking at a rapid rate away from the scene of the tong battle in which Stevens, an innocent pedes trian, was killed by one of the bul lets fired at a fleeing member of a rival tong by Harry Chin, who has already pleaded guilty to the shoot ing and been sentenced to the state penitentiary for life. e The state, in its efforts to obtain the conviction of Kee, is seeking to prove that the Chinaman was-Chin s companion on the night of the gun battle. Heinig, a stationary en gineer, testified that he was stand ing in the doorway of an employ ment office near Second and -tsurn-side streets when he heard the fusillade of shots. He stepped to the door in time to see Harry Chin running away, he declared, and while there noticed another Chinaman walking past him on the sidewalk. He said this China man appeared to be the same age as Kee and of the same general build. John Anderson testified that he saw Chin shooting. The case will probably occupy the rest of the week. CAR SIGN IS PROTESTED Ijents and Mount Scott Demand Cluvnge ot Destination. ' Lents and Mount Scott people ob ject to the" designation "Mt. Scott," as applied to the street cars running to that section, and by a resolution. adopted Wednesday night by Mount Scott Improvement club, will asK that the name of 'the cars be changed to "Foster Road Cars." In addition, the company will be asked to in struct its conductors to call names of streets instead of stations.. The club by another, resolution, favored the Ross island" bridge site and pledged moral and financial support to that project. R. D. Wright ar.d J. K. Johnson spoke for the erection of the bridge. Mount Scott people also object to the practice of certain citizens of riding motorcycles on the sidewalks of that district. A resolution was adopted, requesting that the police end this practice and that additional police protection be afforded that district during the night hours. PflRT-lfiDli GETS YEAH HEIR TO $62,000 AM) LAND IS SESTEXCED TO ROCKPIXE. r Judge Tells Cherokee His Fortune Will Not Last Long Enough to Say "Jack Rabbit." Heir To ?62,00 and 160 acreS of land In" the Creokee reservation in Oklahoma, Raymond Clarkston, 20, one-sixteenth Cherokee Indian, will spend the .next year of his life a Kelly Butte rockpile.. He was sen fenced yesterday by Municipal Judge Ekwall when he could not explain to the satisfaction or the court how $140 belonging to Frank Allen, -a boilermaker, happened to be fo-jnd in his pocket when he and a soldier companion were picked up at Sixth and Davis streets at o'clock Wednesday morning. "A nice lot of money for you- to be turned loose with, ft won't last Ions enough for you to say jack- rabbit.' " said the Judge after Charleston had explained that he had not worked srnee ms discharge from the army a month ago be cause he soon wouia pecome moneyed man. He is-married and expressed surprise when questioned about his wiles work in a ureek restaurant, r 'Why shouldn't she work 7 be asked with real curiosity. ' "And to think," Judge Ekwall re marked as the man left the court room, "there are men working their heads off to pay taxes while the government turns over a fortune te man like that. Washington, D. C, was chief of the quartermaster department of the army during 1916, 1917 and 1918. Colonel Jones served in the Indian wars which followed the civil war. In 1909 he was retired ay deputy to the quartermaster-generaL July 9, 1518, he was assigned to the Port land branch of the department. H; is survived: by three daughters, nephew. Dr. Marion F. Jones of Portland, and a sister living' Courtney, Or. KLAMATH TARGET Grand Jury Declares Place Is Unfit for Use.... KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Oct. 4. (Special.) Caustic criticism of the city jail, the only place for .incar ceration of Klamath county prison ers, was contained in the report of the county grand jury filed tonight. The grand jury declared the jail is Inadequate to the needs or the coun ty, is insanitary and unfit for the confinement of human beings and unfit for Jail purposes. The report specified that a copy. Ci-lling attention to the jail's .condi tion, be filed with the county coi)rt. Public dances in this city were condemned as improperly regulated and leading to immoral conditions. Five true bills were returned charging Mrs. OUie Blowers with the murder of Tom Montoya. Mexi can sheepherder; William J lscner and William Barke with criminal syndicalism, and Tom . Richardson and Juan Valencia with larceny. Three Arrested Still. BUXTON, Or., Oct. 4. (Special.) George and Merle McCormick, brothers, and another man were ar rested at a still in the hills about two miles west of town by Sheriff Alexander and a deputy at dusk yesterday and lodged in jail at Hillsboro. Mr. Eastman, uncle of the McCormicks, went to Hillsboro today to arrange for bail. George McCormick said the still . was his and took all the blame. RADIO TRANSMITS POWER Electric Light Bulb Ignited at Distance of 2000 Feet.' SAM FRANCISCO. Successful transmission of electric motive power by radio, a feat much sought after for years in wireless aeveiop ment. but hitherto unaccomplished, announced by the Lnited htates Radio corporation, a San Francisco rnnr.ern. The discovery of a method oi sucn. nnnrAf transmission. accoruiHK lu Wallace F. Vail, president of the Ban Francisco company, was iirst maae wo weeks ago. As a result of successful demon- tration of the new discovery. Vail also announced, government autnor- ties at Washington have oraerea n immediate, investigation Dy nited States navy engineers at Mare Island with a view, it is be lieved, of further development and utilization of the invention for grov- rnment purposes. The demonstrations already given, nd which are declared to be a con- derable improvement over the first discoveries made two weeks P"o. are said to consist in transmit- titng sufficient electrical energy a istance of 20-00 feet to light bril liantly two 130-volt 50-wa-tt tung- ten bulbs. , Another- successful experiment which is said to have been made in the ringing of an electric doorbell in Berkeley by radio power sent out from the radio corporation's plant. President Vail of the local radio concern yesterday refused to make any forecasts as to what further de velopments anight come from the new invention or to predict that it was the first development in the transmission of electric energy in sufficient quantities for commercial purposes. "The discovery was the result of experiments, and, although we have given some highly gratifying dem onstrations, it is still in the experi mental stage," he declared. "The greatest distance that we have been able to transmi t suffi cient electric energy to light large electric bulbs is only 2000 feet. When it is remembered that the first experiments in radiophone transmission showed even a lesser range, and that the distance has been increased to thousands of miles since that time, the new discovery might be said to open up a wonder ful field of possibilities." According to officials of the radio concern- the successful experiments so far made have been carried on with an ordinary high-power radio broadcasting outfit, together with a special "hookup" on a receiving set. RAILWAY FILES PROTEST Southern Pacific Objects, to Low ering Tracks. . ' SALEM, . Or Oct.' 4. (Special. V Lowering of its tracks ten feet for a distance of approximately half mile in connection with the proposed construction of an overhead cross- ing:on the route of the Pacific hign way, near Creswell, was protested by representatives of the Southern Pacific Railroad company at a hear ing held here today. Application for the overhead cross ing was filed by the state highway commission, and has the support of the Lane county court. The rail road company estimated that the cost of lowering its tracks would total. J37.500, while, the construe tion of the proposed crossing would Increase the aggregate expenditure to more than SoO.OOO. It was said that this -is the first time that the Oregon public service commission has been asked to pass on the question of ordering a rail road company to lower its tracks in connection with the establishment of a crossing. , LODGES GOING TO FETE Several Invitations of Vancouver Prunarians Accepted. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Oct. 4. (Special.) The Salem Cherrians and the Newberg Berrians, have ac cepted invitations of the Vancouver Prunarians to attend th annual prune harvest festival to be held here the lat three days of next week. This announcement was made at the weekly luncheon of the Prun arians today. A luncheon will be kiven in their honor booster dav. October 13. . . . Plans for the festival are going along very well, according to the general director, M..-S. Cohen, who predicted that this year's festivities will eclipse anything yet attempted. Invitations have been issued to a number of uniformed lodges of, Portland to take part in a big pa rade to be held on Saturday night. October 14. ' Latvia Joyful Over Harvest,. RIGA. Reports of good crops in Russia fills Latvians with bright hopes for the future. Men are say ing: "The great comrade will soon conquor the capitalist," meaning that the good harvest will soon van quish hunger. It is expected that Russia will export corn. Prepara tions are making for great gather- ngs to celebrate the bringing in' of he harvest, a festival of thanksgiv ing. ' . RADIO MUSIC P1SED MRS. lAXTEN'S SOLOS ARE HUGE SUCESS. Miss Margaret Laughton Plays Flute Obligato' for Vocal Solo Artist. The soprano solos of Jeannette Boyer Xanten, with flute obligato by Miss Margaret Laughton, broad ast from The Oregonian radio tower Wednesday night, were pro nounced the most beautiful music ever sent out over the air in Port land by dozens of fans. Mrs. Xanten took part In the sec ond concert, -which had been ar ranged, by Paul Petri, her teacher. The first concert, wh,ich was of a different type, but also as nearly perfect as possible,, was given by Miss Marjorie Trotter, violinist; Miss Eda Trotter, pianist, and Mark V. Ianiels, baritone. Very few of the all-star double programmes which The Oregonian has broadcast on Wednesday nights have raised as much enthusiasm among the radio audience as this, the concert's last night. The second concert" consisted of violin, flute and soprano solos, and two of the artists were new to local radio fans. These were Miss Ines M. Chambers, violinst, and Jeanette Boyer Xanten, soprano. Miss Chambers was an excep tional find, and her four violin solos went out clearly and dis tinctly. At the piano was Mrs. Alvina E. Knowlton. an unusually able accompanist, and her solos did much to make the solos the master pieces they were. It was Miss Laugnton's mth radio concert as a flute soloist and she scored the same triumph that has accompanied her on all the others. She played two solos, and each was enthusiastically applauded. station at Salt Lake with the same crystal set. As the crystal set will receive, as a rule, only up to about -5 miles, his reception of stations from SO' to 500 miles with such & set was out of the ordinary. It was probably due to extraordinary conditions at tending both transmitting and re ct'iving station localities. A dozen more letters were re ceived Wednesday from distant points-that heard one or more con certs from The Oregonian during the last week. AH together, nearly 10C letters have been received in a week from fans living in Califor nia, Washington, Canada. Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Ne vada, and Oregon. JAMES M00RE IS GUILTY Jury Recommends Leniency After Conviction of Assault. OREGON CITT. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.) James Moore, indicted last March on four statutory counts, today was convicted in Judge Campbell's court on the sec ond charge, citing him for an of fense against the person of Violet McKinnis, a girl under 1. The jury, which returned the verdict of guilty after exactly one hour's de liberation; recommended extreme leniency. The recommendation was not em bodied in the verdict, but the plea was made verbally from the box by Robert T. Appleby, foreman. . . Runaway Boy Caught. Dean " Rose, 12, ran away from home at Raymond. Wash,, yesterday, taking train to Portland. He was picked up by inspectors when the rain arrived. His father, E. .F. Rose, will arrive for him today. WYOMING NOW IX AUDIENCE Many Western States Get Orego nian Radio Concerts. Another state was added Wednes day to the growing list from which letters have been received lately. reporting fine reception of The Ore gonian radio concerts. From Bur lington, Wyo., a letter came yester day written by Alfred Hague, who listened to the concert of September 7, broadcast from The Oregonian tower. 'I was surprised at the strength of your station, for the volume was as great as if you were only a few miles away," declared the Wyoming fan "It was the first time that I happened to catch your station out of the many that are available to me." Mr. Hague was using at the time a three-circuit tuner with three steps of radio frequency and two steps of audio frequency amplifica tion. HJs outfit brings in stations as far east as Chicago, he wrote. An unusual feat was reported by Holt Stockton of Sheridan, Or., Wednesday by letter. Using a sim ple crystal set on the evening of October 2, he picked up The Orego nian concert 60 miles away and enjoyed several numbers. Later in the evening he also tuned in a sta tion at Medford and heard the new I 0. F. SHINTAFFER WEDS Ex-Resident of Clarke County Takes Bride In Vancouver. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oct. 4 (Special.) O. F. Shintaffer, 65 years old, formerly ot this county and Mrs. Sina Mason. 63. both of Portland, were married here thl afternoon by J. L. Garrett, county auditor, In the office of the county commissioners. Mr. Garrett, who also has the title of minister, issued the license and took the couple into the com missioners' room next door and per formed the ceremony. Mr. Shintaffer was candidate for sheriff on the republican ticket here four years ago but was defeated. Girl Struck by Automobile. Louise. 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Wagner, 455 Twenty-third street, was knocked down at Thirteenth and Main streets Wednesday night by an au tomobile driven by Jennet House, 452 Vista avenue. At St. Vincent's hospital Louise was found to have a fracture of the left ankle. I , 4. A Neat 'i 7 "h Educator V ' ' r XV 0 for Men Jf' j M- New 3Ieyers Hotel Raided. The New Meyers hotel. 112 Fourth street, was raided by morals squad officers Wednesday afternoon and 11 inmates, men and women and all negroes, were taken to headquar ters. They were charged with vag rancy and T'ith b'lng drug addicts. S. Yamajuchl, landlord, was arrested and held. Mrs. J. B. Wirt Dies. ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.) Mrs. J. R. "Wirt, formerly a resi dent of Astoria, but now of Port land, died tonight at the home of her daughter in this city. She was 63 years of age and Is survived by her widower, one daughter, Mrs. s Qladdcn Your Feet WHY treat your poor feet roogh? I( you pinch and cramp five toe In room for about three, you must ex pect them to complain. Put on a pair of well made, aerTlce able Educator and learn what foot comfort really mean. Give your poor old feet a chance in hoy that "let the feet grow aa they should." Educators are made for every mem ber of the family. RICE Gr HUTCH1N3 DUCATOPv HOE c). ue . era. fit 7 i ' bent. Bones 'ivrt w. S.nt By Point d Bent Don.s that wots baot by poinwd BOM v Straight BoibI j That Gr4 iau'aior I Btralfbt Bonn that grew straight In Edorator SnoM Vml tM it FOR MEN AND WOMEN MERCHANDISE RELIABLE neTHObt. 1 J Tonot m r. wttt imp TtrH rrrTl RELIABLE Joseph Grlbler. Astoria, and two sons, A. J. Wirt, Tacoma. and A. R. Wirt. Centralis. She also left one slater. Mrs. K. K. Ijirn. Portland. Th. body will lis stripped to l'ort- .l ! r ll i Direction of Jensen and yon Herfrerg BALL CUT FROM STOMACH Unusual Operation on Kansas City Barber a Success. KANSAS CITT, Mo. Galen B. George, a" barber, is improving at he General hospital following an un Usual operation. A ball of wood ulp and hair seven and one-:half inches in circumference was re moved from his stomach. George tr'ld the surgeons he had been a barber for 35 years and had been in the habit of chewing toothpicks. The physicians say he probably swallowed bits of the toothpicks and inhaled fine particles of hair while at work. Surgeons said while they often rernoved foreign accumulations from stomachs, the size of the ball taken from George was most unusual. Re covery will be complete they say. George is 51 years old. OR ROW SIX STARS IN : WIDER ROADS PLANNED I I Britain ; Thoroughfares in Great LONDON. Country roads and city treets to be laid out hereafter in Great Britain win have a riyht-of- wav 1-0 feet wide in most instances : and 100 feet wide as a minimum, if present plans of the government are 1 1 carried out. The same dispatch states that ! because motor traffic has made it j obvious that the old narrow country roads are not In these days safe, j and because unemployment in many lines makes the time seem a favor able one for the construction and improvement of hiirhways, public enthusiasm has greeted the official Will Direction, of Jensen and Von Herbert V ffc I J i ONE PICTURE l: j!" , m :r: i il imLB fellJjNJ ; ;; J:vjj.;i ! ;!'!; c 3 eL- ' ' v SUA ! removed foreign accumulations from . 4 . Hp ' 1 C f 1 F y?V y-X'"'' ' 1' '- - I ' i I 1 f 1 ztrUL??t : A Iremendous Drama oi Lire and Love r r M'i.K ' covery will be complete they say. , - iJgif ' 1 " ( " J , I George Is 61 years old. ZK M? -I''' i ' ' ' ' ' "'" ' I retired, who died September 20 at . - -' FA tkjy 3 , ' i - i TODAY v-lM (MmM mmBm. (This picture will not be shown : t Jl K I ' again in Portland for many months.) JL Jj i t 11 Vi0 yWfoV&0 S 'CSlZ ,V ,p)an for the widening of existing- roads &ad the establishment of the I y 'S f ... ....... . .. . - A