Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 23, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Additional Data to Be Sought
on, Valentino Wedding.
pleted for the graduation exercises
(or the 1922 class of Redmond High
school. The Rev. J. Edgar Purdu of
the Methodist church of Bend will
deliver the baccalaureate sermon Sun-
I will be conducted the following Fri
day evening at which time Eric U.
Allen of the University of Oregon will
deliver the address.
The graduation class of 18 follows:
Anita Schumacher, Lillian Van Ma
tre. Hazel Wright, Cynthia Hobbs,
Ruth Banta, Virgil Beckwith, Beryl
Brown, Mildred Miller, Georgia Woods,
Bartlett Kendall, Harry Hanson,
Ernest Hauser, Leona Park, Flossie
Park, Wayne Louderback, Myra Mead,
Fay Miller, Holbert Wallace, Mar
Jorie Wells.
District Attorney and Deputy Plan
to Make Trip of Investigation
to Border Towns. f
LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 23. Ad
ditional data on the marriage of Bo
dolph Valentino, film actor, and
Winifred Hudnut at Mexicali, Lower
California, May 13. and the marriage
of Frank Mayo, film actor, and Dag
mar Godowsky at Tlajuana, Lower
California, October J, 1921, will be
sought by Thomas Lee Woolwine,
district attorney, and Tom McClel
land, deputy. In a trio to the border
towns, which, they announced today.
they planned to make Wednesday
Valentino Is under arrest on a
charge of bigamy and awaiting a
preliminary hearing here June A.
No official action has been taken
in the case of Mayo.
"We propose to find out whether
the criminal code of California can
protect the sanctity of the marriage
relations," said McClelland.
"If these couples have lived to
gether as man and wife since the
ceremonies were performed, their re
lation has been, in the eyes of the
law, palpably bigamous. Section 1106
of the penal code reads:
' 'Upon a trial for bigamy . . .
when the second marriage takes place
outside of this state, proof of that
fact, accompanied with proof of co
habitation thereafter in this state, is
sufficient to sustain the charge." It
seems to me the intent of the law
Is so plain there can Be no question
ing of it."
Valentino obtained an Interlocu
tory decree of divorce from Jean
Acker here January 10 last. Mayo
married Miss Godowsky, the daughter
of Leopold Godowsky, the pianist.
four days after an interlocutory de
cree had been obtained here from
Joyce Eleanor Mayo. The California
law does not permit remarriage until
a final decree is obtained, a year
after the interlocutory is granted.
Washington Democrats Will
Convene Tomorrow.
ows and orphans in Germany and Aus
tria of. men who were killed In Wash
ington will probably be decided by
the courts.
Harry G. Rowland, Tacoma attor
ney, will confer Wednesday with As
sistant Attorney-General Dunbar and
Major E. S. Gill, supervisor of indus
trial insurance, in aa effort to reach
an agreement on the matter which
involves between 60 and 70 claims and
somewhere around $150,000.
Rowland is the legal representative
In this district for She alien property
custodian. He already has appealed
to the superior courr of Pierce county
from a decision of Supervisor Gill, de
nying his demand on two claims.
Relocation of Girls' Polytechnic
Building In East Portland
Also Is Considered.
Practically all of the grade school
buildings proposed to be erected un
der the school board's programme for
school betterments. If the special elec
tion carries for the proposed $3,000,-
000 bond issue on June 17, will be
in the east s'de districts, as also
would be the -relocation of the girls'
polytechnic school, the proposed new
Northeast high school and additions
to Benson and Franklin high, schools.
According to the summary of the
proposed building programme. Issued
May 13 by the school board, the Im
mediate plans1 for grade schools would
provide for the replacing of the port
ables by new buildings of the cottage
type at Beaumont, East Fortieth and
Fremont streets; Dunlway, East Thirty-fourth
and Rex streets; Gregory
Heights, East Seventy-fourth and
Siskiyou streets; Scott, East Forty
first and Royal court, and Holladay,
East Sixth and Clackamas streets,
and the location of a building of the
cottage type on a proposed new site
at Oberlin.
It also proposes additions to the
school buildings at George, Fessenden
and Newton streets, St. Johns; Ken
nedy. East Thirty-third and Jarrett
streets; Mount Tabor, East Sixtieth
and Ash streets, and a new struc
ture at Woodstock, Fiftieth street
and Fifty-seventh avenue Southeast.
The programme also would replace
the worst of the old frame structures,
these being the Chapman school,
Twenty-fit'th and Wilson streets;
Linnton school, at Linnton; Ockley
Green, Ainsworth and Interstate
avenues; Sunnyside, East Thirty-fifth
and Yamhill streets, and Sellwood,
East Fifteenth street and Umatilla
Purchase of a site for the proposed
Northeast high school would be nec
essary, it is announced, but the girls'
polytechnic high school can be built
on land now owned by the school
district at East Twenty-fifth and
Couch streets.
Pistols Declared Pointed at Head
as Threat Against Victim's
Cries During Punishment.
PELHAM, Ga., May 22 The Rev.
B. C. Temples, a holiness preacher
who for several weeks has been con
ducting meetings in a tent eight miles
west of here, was flogged by a party
of masked men early Sunday, it be
came known today. County authori
ties announced they were investigat
ing and expected soon to make ar-
About an hour before sunrise Sun?
day, it was said, the preacher, a crip
ple, was awakened by the men who
had surrounded his tent, and com
pelled him to arise and dress. He
obeyed and was taken some distance
iway, where he was forced to lie face
downward across a log. A severe
beating was administered, he declared.
and when he began to cry out in
prayer pistols were pointed at him
and he was threatened with death if
he made further noise.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., May 22. Fed
eral, state, county and city authori
ties today continued investigation of
the flogging of Dr. J. D. Dowling, city
end county health officer, by a band
of men Wednesday night. Dowling
reported he was lured from his home,
taken to an isolated point in the
country, severely whipped and abandoned.
Rewards totaling approximately
$3000 for information leading to the
arrest of Dr. Dowling's assailants
have been offered.
COLUMBUS, Ga., May 22. An
anonymous letter and a postcard
signed "K. K. K.," referring to the
bomb explosion at the home of Mayor
J. Homer Dimon early Sunday morn
ing as "our last warning, and de
manding that "you and Hinkle go at
once, was received by the mayor to
day. Hinkle referred to in the letter
Is City Manager H. Gordon Hinkle,
who was attacked a month ago on one
of the principal streets of this city.
Douglas Gets $39,230 Premium.
ROSEBURG, Or., May 23. (Spe
cial.) A premium of $39,230 was re
ceived by Douglas county today on
$500,000 worth of 6 per cent road
bonds sold -by the county court. The
combination bid was made by the
beattle National bank, Lumbermens
Trust company, R. K. Moulton & Co.,
Smitn & Strout and the Vermont Loan
& Trust company. The bonds are to
be delivered on June 1. Eight combi
nation bids representing 22 firms
were presented to the court. The
bonds are a part of the $1,100,000
issue authorize by the voters of the
county a year ago. The court can
sell only $500,000 each year.
Child Nearly Causes Calamity.
ABERDEN, Wash., May 22. (Spe
cial.) A 6 -year -old girl and a
match nearly caused a calamity yes
terday. The tot wnt Into the garage
of the Cunningham & Becker store,
struck the match and placed the flame
against a piece of paper on the floor,
which was partially soaked with oil
and gasoline. The flames were ob
served by two men who pulled the
youngster to safety and extinguished
the blaze. A gasoline tank contain
ing 70 gallons 'stood about six feet
State Chairman Asserts Attack Will
Be Made on Civil Adminis
trative Code.
Wash., May 22. Reduced taxation
will be the keynote of the platform
to be adopted by the democratic state
convention in Olympla Wednesday,
according to the prediction of George
F. Christensen, state chairman, who
arrived in Seattle today on his way
to the convention city. The platform
will also pledge repeal of the poll
tax law and denounce the civil ad
ministrative code passed by the last
republican legislature, at the instance
of Governor Hart.
C. C. Dill of Spokane, ex-representative
in congress, and now ex
pected to be the democratic contender
for the United States senate, arrived
here with the state chairman and will
attend the convention.
High Taxation Big Feature.
"High taxation is the one absorb
ing topic of interest in the state,"
said Mr. Christensen. "It overshad
ows all other issues, and the demo
crats are going to meet it in a way
that will inspire public confidence.
In this connection the chairman
says the administrative code will
come in for denunciation. Mr. Chris
tensen hinted that the platform mak
ers will be able successfully to refute
the claim of Governor Hart and the
state administration forces that the
code has saved $1,000,000 in govern
mental expenses in one year. The
democratic "state committee has had
experts at work on the figures quoted
by Governor Hart and others in
speeches regarding state expenses
since the legislature adjourned.
Modified Primary Favored.
The state chairman was Interested
In the stand taken by the Clarke
county republican convention last Sat
urday against the direct primary and
advocating a moamcation, ii not re
peal, of that law. Mr. Christensen
said he favored a modified primary
law, one that would permit state con
ventions to nominate candidates and
have these candidates go on the
ticket, but not necessarily to the ex
elusion of other aspirants.
"In this way the people would
know who the convention Indorsed
for the offices and be guided accord
mgly," he said. "I would not, how
ever, shut out other candidates.. Any
one should be perm tted to file who
wanted to run.
Mr. Christensen said he would op
pose any radicalism in the platform
but that it would be progressive
enough to attract the many thousands
of progressive republicans, who are
not in harmony wit- the present re
actionary policies of that party.
William McAdoo Jr. Married.
NEW YORK, May 22. William G.
McAdoo, junior, son of the ex-secretary
of the treasury, was married at
the municipal building today to Mrs.
Mollie Tackaberry Ferguson. The
bride, who said she was born in Eng
land, was divorced last March from
Armour Ferguson of this city Both
gave their ages as 27.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Effort to Be Made to Bring New
Mexico or California to Port
land for Occasion.
An effort to bring the United States
battleship New Mexico or the Cali
fornia to Portland for the Rose Fes
tival in June will be made by Captain
Speier, harbormaster of Portland, who
left last night for Los Angeles, where
he will confer with the commander
of the Pacific fleet.
Dispatch of as many ships as possi
ble to Portland for the Rose Festival
has been directed by Secretary of the
Navy Denby. Eric V. Hauser, president
of the Portland Rose Festival asso
ciation, called on Secretary Denby and
won his approval of the plan for
Bending vessels to this port for the
A careful survey, fully outlined in
reports which Harbormaster Speier
will carry to California with him,
has been made by Frank M. Warren,
president of the Port of Portland, to
show that depth of water in the har
bor during the festival period will be
sufficient for either of the two large
6hips of the Pacific fleet.
The data which Mr. Warren has
prepared for the naval officials were,
presented to Mayor Baker yesterday,
who said, after reading the report,
that he was confident that water
depth in the harbor would be suffi
cient for any of the vessels.
Bend Pastor to Deliver Baccalau
reate Sermon Sunday Evening.
REDMOND, Or., May 22. (Special.)
Final preparations have been com-
t '
Finest of
Merchant Tailored
Ready to Wear
Art, not chance,
makes a man well
dressed when he
wears our Brook
or Erbec model.
Designed in our
own shop and be
ing original, they
cannot be pur
chased elsewhere.
Fundamentals of Tailoring Never
Change, Says Expert, Who Is
at Meier & Frank Store. '
The fundamentals of dressmaking
and tailoring never change, Mrs. Ju
ditha Blackburn told 600 women who
gathered in the seventh floor audito
rium of the Meier & Frank company's
store yesterday afternoon to hear her
first- lecture. "When you know how
to put a sleeve in correctly, you al
ways know how to do it. Styles
change, but not the underlying princi
ples of dressmaking."
Mrs. Blackburn, who has traveled
in America and Europe studying and
lecturing on women's dress, will give
a four weeks course at Meier &
Frank s on dressmaking and tailor ng.
This afternoon at 2:45 o'clock she will
speak on the elementary work. Her
first class convenes tomorrow morn
ing at 10 o'clock. The students will
be divided into three sections, each
section to meet three times a week.
There are 12 lessons in the course.
Mrs. Blackburn has just completed a
course at San Diego.
Women should observe more Indl
viduality in their dress," said Mrs.
Blackburn. "They should adopt the
styles to their own personalities, in
stead of blindly taking up every fad
that comes along. ' If more women
understood how to modify styles to
suit themselves, there would be fewer
women looking like comic valentines.1
The expert emphasized the impor
tance of the proper lines in determin
ing the styles women should choose,
illustrating her remarks by describ
ing the types of clothes suitable to
aifferent women.
1 : NEW IeSSi 30
I'. jPRICES ExtraS
If MfDefenJerMil .Tramk 1 Iff Ragged Mpf Cord l H
1 1
Knotty Question Up to Federal
Property Custodian.
OLTMPIA. Wash., May 22. (Spe
cial.) Whether the federal alien
property custodian act, which pro
vided for the seizure of money and
property of alien enemies In this
country during the war, extended to
payments of industiial insurance by
the state under the workmen's com
pensation act of Washington to wid-
Fairfield Organization's Capital
Stock Given as $5000.
SALEM, Or., .May 22. (Special.)
The Fairfield Telephone company,
with a capital stock of $5000 and
headquarters at The Dalles, has been
incorporated by J. F. Hillman, H. R.
Richards and D. P. Ketchum.
The J. A. Campbell company, with
headquarters in Portland, has been
incorporated by J. A. Campbell, R. H.
Campbell and E. Vanderberg. The
capital stock is $5000.
The Langlois Dairy Products com
pany has been incorporated by A. W.
Cope, F. J. Hofsess and C. T. Guerin.
The capital stock is $5000 and head
quarters are at Langlois, Curry
The . Willamette Valley Canneries,
Inc., with headquarters in Portland,
has been incorporated by C. V. Stater,
B. B. Fleckenstein. The capital stock
is $15,000. -
Attractive prices on all other sizes
: w
Start the season right! Outfit your car with these standard quality tires at the wonderfully
low prices offered. Four types to select from. New stock just received. f
Leavens & Howard, Inc.
331 Couch, Near Broadway jj
Broadway Tire Shop I
Broadway and Williams Ave. Sf
Seven Applicants Out of 36 Pass
for Washington Accountants.
OLTMPIA, Wash., May 22. (Spe
cial.) Seven applicants out of 36
passed the state examination for cer
tification of public accountants last
Friday, Fred J. Dibble, director of
licenses, announced today. Those
successful were W. V. Atwood, C. F.
Larson, L. W. Roelm, E. G. McCoy,
A. V. Nelson, N. Scott and H. E.
Kayaemyer, all of Seattle.
Four others, R. A. Kendall of Seat
tle, Edward Brady of Seattle, J. R.
McArdle of Takima and Edward H.
Plttwood of Spokane, passed in audit
ing and commercial law, out failed
in the remainder of the examination.
Sanity League of America to File
New Papers in Washington.
OLTMPIA, Wash.. May 22. (Spe
cial.) The Sanity League of Amer-
.ca, the principal ooject of which is
tb work for the return of light wines
and beer in the United States by
amendment of the Volstead act. will
be incorporate! in Washington within
the next few days.
Articles of lncornoration were of
fered for filing to Secretary of State
Hinkle today, but because of a s ight
technical error, were rejected and re
turned to the national headquarters
of the league at San Francisco for
correction. The league already is in
corporated in California and Oregon
and many other staffs.
Established 1901.
General English Tailors
and Clothing Ready
for Wear
Second Floor,' Selling
Bldg., Sixth and Alder
EALTH is your natural reward if
you conswer neaim in lining your
.mar Ret taasKet. -c
?BREAD is nature's premier
food and tfr&nz HEALTH BREAD
is a natural choice for those who keep
health always in mind. And it is
15 ht and appetizing, too. SoldbyallJaDd
grocers, always in its sanitary wrapper.
Bakers .jut.
J ueL -T-i d j
f 1
Quality Loaves
a Day -
if I
- .
At the telephone when you ask
for "Long Distance" you are on the
magic carpet of today. A wish ex
pressed and your voice is where
you desire to send it.
In this service distance is elimi
nated and inconvenience is avoid
ed. The answer is prompt and
time and money are saved.
For detailed information as to
rates and classes of service avail
able consult the telephone direc
tory, or call the "Long Distance"
Every Bell telephone is a Long
Distance station.
The Pacific Telephone
And Telegraph Company