c r THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1922 13 r i t . t t i i 1 1 (. i i REAL ESTATK. Fur Kale 72 ACKKS $4500. 72 icrei, rich creek bottom and sec nd bench land, 15 under plow, 1 beaver dam. 50 tillable and very eay to clear, balance blLs.de pasture. Sou cords of woid. 2 nrltifi. 2 acrej orchard. 1 - log ana, 2 imim of buildings, 5- rom bouse witb pantry and closets, woodshed, fruit cellar, chicken houae. big barn; alo nice 8-room houM, fruit cellar and dryer; lo cated" on macadam road, 3 .miles of Canby. i to K. R. station. 25 to Portland. This would make two datidy farms or fine dairy. Land all sealed to grass and clover. Price $4500, terms. 6 ACRKS, sandy clay loam rlverbottom land. SO under plow, 10UO cords standing timber; land fronts on river ih1 main county road. 2 h mi lea of town and R- i mile to school: lare 4-roorn house, 2 barm, granary, ben houe, woouhed, orchard and berries, com plete set of farm Implements and tools. This choice farm is near the Pacific highway. Ownr not abie to farm any longer. Price $7500, on easy terms. FKLYTAU-MKEPS CO.. Gladstone, Or. Drri,n liiv Caw Line. Phone Oregon City 2D-J. "WITCH HAZEL LITTLE FARMS." 5 to 10-acre tracts, beautiful iy situ ated in the prosperous Tua.atin vaiiey, at Witch Has? I station, only 80 min. drive from our office. Priced from $150 to Dr acre, with only 1 down . and 1 per month. I am leaving our Cilice aDoUt d o Ciock cuauay mernuun for the tracts, so combine pleasure with business, meet, ma In your car or ride with me and ee some acreage that ha the best future of anything around Port land. Remember, that this property has 4i K NTJ IN K M ERIT and the time la 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. See Clair Lt. Pennington, COU A. McKEN-N'A & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Phone Broadway 7522. 1'HE CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. CO. has " recently opened up for settlement their last largo block of fertile para lands In ths Lloydminster and Batueford dis tricts In central Alberta and Faakatche wan, where grain growing and mixed farming conditions are ideal. These lands can be bought on 20-year terms at an average price of $18 per acre. 10 cash, with no further payments of principal until the end of the fourth year; 6 In terest; under certain conditions of occu pation and development only 2 Interest first two years. Personally conducted part lea of landseekers with reduced rates. For further particulars apply or write Canadian Pactfio Ry. Co., 2o Kail way Exchange bid., Portland. Or.; L. P. Thornton, district representative. JtEAL BARGAIN Must sacrifice rny 24 acre farm located 30 miles west of Portland; ffene 4I, H In cultivation. 2 acre more slashed, res 1a fir timber; rail road station on place, milo of school and 2 milea of high school; new Ivoune, Large barn, all necewtary out buUdinire; fine water system ; 100 fruit trees, grape and berries and with this place goes 2 horwea 2 cows, 2 calves, 25 bens. 1 heavy wagon, 1 heavy set of work larnrM, 1 plow, 1 harrow, sortie, feed and wood; aU goes for $2700, $1400 down, balance on term from 8 to 0 years. AV 024. Oregonian. A SPLENDID 20-ACRE HOMfci. Very slfhtly, fruits of all kinds, 8-rm. plastered bouse, f irenlsce, Dutch kitch en, bath, toilet afi stationary wash trays; barn 36x40, another 20x24. two chicken houses and runs, hognouses, water tower and lank, other necessary buildings. Two miloa east of Oregon City. In miles from Portland. The best of land. Price $7000; will exchange for bouse In Portland or Oregon City up to $4000. Soma caah. 0 per cent on the balance. A. C. II OWL AND, 620 Main St., Oregon City. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT, OAKUEN RANCHES, near Portland. $."i0 to $."(00 per acre, easy term, best Boil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, realtor, 2QS Falling Mdg. Jo-A. RANCH, 65 grain, 3 A. frultf trees, good barn, ier.ee. Mrs. Bishop, Junction City. Or.. R. 1 MUST SACRIFICE alfalfa ranch on ac count of sickness. By owner, East 8IUL WANTKD BF.Aa, KSTATF. WANTED GOOD HUM EH. We have prospects for Portland homes at right prices. If others failed to sell your property, list immediately witb us. We Belt service. FRANK McCRILLIB, 324 Henry Hldg. Bdwy. 779. WE HAVE BUYERS For modern bungalows, any good dis trict, not over $4500. If you can make the terms we enn make the deal. CITY HOMHH DEPARTMENT, R1TTER, LOWE A CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Hldg. BUILDERS. We have steady call for new bunga lows. Munt be In good district and on paved streets. List yours with us. CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT, BITTER, LOWE A CO., Realtors, 201 -2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Hldg. WANTED SHERMAN COUNT V RANCH. Wanted, not less than 640 acres on Cordon ridge or west and north of Wasco. Have got a party with $10,000 cash for first payment. The balance crop payment nf 6'. Call 2ft Grand ave. WANTED CHICKEN RANCH. Have Portland home to trade for Im proved 2 to a acres near car line, Bia verton or Newberg. not over $4500. Write full description, llesgard. 320 Swetland bldg VB WANT lota in any approved district for residential or bustneHs purposes; llat your property wtth us for result a. COE A. McaENNA A CO., R3 Fourth St. Main 4522. 1018 STUDEUAKER touring car. good run ning order, first payment ou modern 6-room bungalow. 1'oindexter, 207 Sel ling bldg. RESPONSIBLE party would pay $100 down, $75 per month, on 3-room modern bungalow In pood district, close to car line. AO 3s7. Orog-onlnn. WE, HAVE BUYERS AT ALL TIMES IF YOUR PRICE IS HI CUT. PORTLAND HOME CO., 633 Ry. Ft. Hldg. Hroadwuy 2571. FINEST corner" view lot In Carleton Park, Magnolia Bluff, Seattle, to apply with cash on Portland home or lot. I. M. Olson. 6M: F.ast 29th N. HAVE buyer for furniture or lea of rooming house or hotel up to 40 rooms; not over 820.0OO. John 11. Payne & Co., Renltors. Main 0012. WANTED Lot In vicinity of E. llTLh and Hawthorne av. State location, block and number, dimensions, lowest caah price. BI S7H. Oreponian. ft UK I-Hwuil and Karate, garden and fruit, near street car. Oive location, price and telephone nuntber. F 31MJ, Orvgoman .' VOODED lot. tuner Beaumont, Rotisinere, Irvington or Alameda; rtd foot preterred. Ca-h if bargnin. AO S2. Oregon Ian, W ANTE Li Lot in Aiaiiwda district. Write dwrlption and pru-e or give adlresa and . 1 w-ill mil. HUO Skldmore. WANTED to purchase, limber In Clacka mas county : large or small tract. M JH7, Orenonian. LATE u.odel car ana csab for homo tti restricted district. Ull Uasco bide. Broadway 124 WANT good .ot and cuU for huuao equity. Phono 227-1U. Wanted to Itenl Fa ruin. W A N T E O TO RENT M A L L PLA C E S. Have several iieople wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy ths place alter leasing for year or more. We make Jots of sales this way. Will buy equipment l( priced right. JOHN FKRtil'SON, Oerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. fcM A LL farm with good buildings, running water or good well water; not over 10 mile from Portland. AV 142, Orego nlan. KXPEKliNCED daiiy man want to rent an equipped dairy ranch on ahare. AR 31, oregi'nian. WHAT h.tve you for reiit iu stock ranch? 275 14th at. Main 4519. FOR RFVT FARMS. 11 ACKES of land, 1 S null's east of Grehmi, rooflii for 4)0 chiokwi. cow barn, lioiws well with gs pomp, 1 acre In 2-year-oJd fruit treea S acres wed In oats and retch. Inquire 223 RukmM. TIMB Fff I.AVnW. TIMBER LA N D. For sale 2o to S million feet of rood green logging timber; will sell half or all; fine logging show, part niile cf river, nearly all good level land ; price land and Umber 12 per thousand. Write or phone Harry H. HuW, 631 Washing ton ave., ChehaMs. Wah. 60-H).iK0 FE ET of acifsible timt-cr in Oregon to trade for unincumbered Port land real eorste or Interest bearing se curities. G P. Harrington, Title A Trust bMg fuR SALE 2020 acres Oregon limber, all or part. C. D. Jones, 123 E. 4atb il, Chicago, 1 IL TO FrHAVC.F RFAL FSTATK. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit. Lota, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of m t rchandlse. E R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 120 acres In Trout Iaka valley. Wash., 20 in cultivation, balance Umber, out aide range, fantli r orchard, good water, fine buildings, plane fenced. Wrlie 1 C Waug. box 2, White Salmon. Wash. W ILL exchange lots near Irving ton for lnte model automobile, or will sell. AO S1 V t recon tn n. i540 EVIt'ITY In ft -room Mt. Scott bunca iow ; $SH rash or exchange f-r furni tuxe; Unuiediato acllou. Auto. 633-2d, TO EncnANGF RFAL ESTATE. K'EW -2tOOM modern bouse near Ken ton. Price $4750. Cash S loOO or might take lot on first payment it In East Moreland. Ten-room house arranged for 1 families. Income $80 per month. Want Improved ranch. Close in on good. road. Vaiue about $8000. 230 acres near Kelso, Washington. Good aoiL Near saw mill and within one mile of highway. Price $ia00. Will exchange for house in Portland. JOHNSON A BROTHERS, 44ft Washington BIJg. EXCHANGE SEATTLE FOR PORTLAND. Corner residence lot, loOxl35 fet; 8 acres ean side Lake Washington, con venient to station and between two high ways; real esi&ta 7 per cent contract; furnished house and unpaid balance, $VJM, payable $30 per month. Clear and worth SMKJOl Want Portland, sub urban preferred, and will aeeume. Own ers only. AP 37S. Oregonlan. AL'TUilulilLE FOR LOT. Oldsmobil 6, touring, perfect mfimlnaj condition, new tir-s, value $U00, want sightly lot up to $1250; Portland Heights, Irving ton or Alameda preferred. P. O. Box 2!. , A FINE warehouse site right on railroad track, 1 block of lots, between 6th and fltfth St., on Halsey at. X all Improvements In and paid for, will exchange for rancn suitable for stock or a good business in country town, 275 14th st. Mnin 4519. SALE or exchange tor Portland property; ideal Hood River orchard, 18 acres in 12-year trees; Ortleys, Spltxenberg and Newtowns; 7 acres hay land; good farm houses, horses and Implements. By owner. Tel. Main 339, INCOME city residence property, unen cumbered, value $12,000, to exchange for Improved farm of equal value. What have you? Deal witb owner. AL 82. ( re eon t a n . $o0O FIRST MORTGAGE for buiMUns Dot. Main 8109. TO EXCHANGE MPCET.T.A VF.Or. FIRST-CLASS Aldlch upright piano for Ford touring car In good mechanical condition, good tires and 1922 license. Cai! Auto. 324-34. 2 BOATHOUSES, 1 Cadillac car, 1 station ary gas engine and several motor boats. B. H. Craig, ft. E. Cherry st. East H'50. DO DO IS SEDAN. Want groceries, house equity or ee- urfd papf-r. Tabor 04H. I-PASS AL'TO. worth $1000, for JOOO; first mortgage. AN 3'.5, Oregonlan. EXCHAN OB painting, kalsominlng for what you g-ot. Aut. 628-40. FOR SALE. Hurte. Vehicles, Livestock. JUST ARRIVED FROM MY RANCH AT WALLOWA, EASTERN OREGON. Carload of choice draft horses and mares consisting of some closely matched teams and aingle horses, from 1200 -to 1904), all well broken to work and In splendid condition. Call at East Side T ran si or Stables, laO E. 8th streeL H. HANSEN. Owner. SPAN chunky built big bone Percheron mares. 5 and 7 years old; sound and well broke; weight about 2600 pounds; with nearly new breeching harness and 8 hi farm wagons; must be sold; price . very reasonable. Inquire for Todd's outfit. Keystone Stables, 881 Water st corner Montgomery. R.EG1STEHEO Jersey bull for sale. Son of register of merit cow, Noble Emerald; splendid Individual, ready for service; price elOO. See this fine bull at my "Hal cyon Farm," 2Vti miles east of Gresham or write for full pedigree and particulars to J. L. Bowman, care Brownsville Wool on M 1 11 store. Po r 1 1 a n d , Or. TWO carloads eawtern Oregon horsts and mares, weight 1100 to 1800 lbs., 4 to 8 years old ; matched teams; 2 fine sad dlo horses; harness and wagons. KEYSTONE STABLES. 81 Water St., Corner Mont g o mery SL FOR SALE One carload horses, weight 1500 to 1S00 lbs.. 4 to 8 years old; all halter broken, some broke to work. Can be seen at Waterman, Or., 60 miles south of Condon, or write for particulars. Strauoe Proa., Waterman. Or. fOK SALE 1 young Guernsey cow, 2 fat pigs about NO lbs. f':h, 15 chickens and diia B-y ear-old Mocky-bullt mare, wt. 15oO lbs., sound and true. Must be sold at once. Call Sunday. East 4433. TEA M pure bred Shire mares, young, sound and true; well matched; weight about 8400 lbs. KEYSTONE STABLES, 8S1 Water St., Corner aiontgomery St. TEAM, 8000 pounds; mare, 140O; colt, age 4. 130O; mare, 1100; mule team 2300; harness and wagons, reasonable. b30 Jefferson st.. near 21st. $185 BUYS team chestnut sorrel Belgians, horse and mare, about 8 years old, weight about 2000 lbs.; aound, true, gen tie. 3.sl Water st., west side. 16 HEAD fret-h and coming fresh cows; all nice Jerseys except 2 young Hol Hteina ; all tubercular tested. Call 381 Water st. FOR SALE Several good Jersey cows, just fresh; some hea vy mllkors; must sell at a sacrifice, E. 04th and Gllaan. Tabor 8004. 1 PAIR matched bays, G ytuLrs old, weigh ing 3000 I bp., absolutely free of blem Urhes. Inquire George Brown, 504 N'orthmp t. FOR SALE ti good farm teams, priced cheap; harness for all. Can be seen at I our las veterinary barn, 14th and Alar- shall. REAL bargain, 05, mare 1500 lbs. Good worker; also 2400-1 b. team, 8110; sev eral other very cheap horses; harnees and wagons of a'l kin. Is. 240 E. 8th. BARGAIN Three fresh Jersey cows, heavy milkers. 10417 E. Stark St., cor. 78th st. Also one young family cow, just fresh; $50. FRESH COWS Fine Jersey, Holstein, Ayrshire and black, all young, good milkers. Richter. Tigard, Or. 10 TEAMS good work horsea for sale cheap; are working every day. ' 1029 E. Yamhill st. FOR SALE Good family cow at your own price within reason. John Sc braid, Tlgard on Bull Mountain. FAMILY cow, Jersey-Durham, with calf & days old; very gentle, giving 5 gal lon ajtested6Mitteja FRESH Jersey cow. milking 4 hi gallons daily; tested 61 butter fat; priced very reasonable. 248 Mill sL BAX TEAM, about 24O0, fat, blocky built, good workers; harneaa and farm wagon; $ 1 ;. 4Q10 K7th st. Mt. Scott car. THREE fresh dairy cows. Take Oregon City car, 1 Vs Concord Sta. Wm. F. Oethen. HAULING contract; cord wood; have good tam; will go anywhere In Oregon. H a.so, Oregonian. THRIFTY Duroc and China pigs. 7 weeks old, at $5. Oscar Cash, Sunnyslde, Clackamas, route 1. box 103. VETERINARIAN. PR. HOWES. TABOR 8566. DEAD hoists and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-64. K'L'H BLED DOlS and 1 buck, $5. Sea wood 3500. FOR SALE or trade, mtlch cows for Ford nwdster. Route 1. Box t!21. Portland. pinuo, Ori'iiflH aim Musical Instruments. PIaNoS moved, $3, ground floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call H roadway 1207. WANTED Boehn system clarinet, A or B .at. 211 Sherman at. i'huue Ala.rahall 22f3. $105 CAfli. Secures $450 Hallett Davis upright Security Storage Co.. lo3 loth, cor Stark. $o5 AND $73 CASH. Buys two small upright pianos. Security Storage Co.. 103 10th. cor. Stark, BEAUTIFUL wainui Wliiard piano, as good as new, $205; terms. O. b John son Puno Co.. 149 6th st. KRELL piano in walnut case; a splendid bargain. $200; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co . M" 6th st. $dJ0 11. M. CABLE piano, latest, brand new, real cheap: make an offer. Termi. 312 Worcester bldg. $575 KOHLLU & CAMPBELL piano, latest mahogany. $250. terms. 312 Worcester birig $6V0 J ESSE FR ENCH piano, latest ma hogany, only $275, on terms. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worces ter bldg.. 8 d and Oak sts. JdJO LIN DERM AN A SONS piano, just brand new, 8275, terms. 312 Worces tar bldg- Ji50 JEWETT piano, mahogany, only $100, t e-ms. 312 Worcester bl dg. $175 BUYS fine piano, Kimball make. 12 orct-Mer u.u. v-a m. sis. WANTED IstJ piano for aU oajb. Call 1 i d wy. 1548 weekdays. $2ou BUYS $7ou McPhail piano. 812 Wor caster bldg. Brokerage Co. $150 BUYS fine $550 Smith eV Barnes piano, upngni. ai nurctw.Br PlQg. $iiuo McCAMON piano, nice upright. 8100. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester b.dg. W A N 1 ED To buy piano for spot cash If reasonable. East 882- . WANTED Bargain in used piano for spot casn. ian proaaway io-is weeK gays. $150 lib i s iine-ionea imcKenng a Sons piano, on terms. 312 Worcester b 1 d g. PIANO wanted, cash proposition, but nTust be cheap uawy. no o. WILL TRADE new vicLrol for usd piano, l ,. w y. 6576. PIANO wanted from private party; will par cash for bargain Marshall 1532. $125 BUYS fine-toned upright piano; terms. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE Hawaiian guitar, very reason Able. Call mornings. 273 North 21si st. WANTED Cab.net phonograph, cheap; will pay CHinh. Call East j054. WANTED to buy. Edison phonograph, 323 m ode', preferred. Tabor 621' 6. ViLi- pay cah for used piaAO. Bdwy. 7124, FOR SALE. jPlanoe, O rgans and Music al Instruments. WE HAVE1 a fine line of use d phono graphs at prices that will suit your pocketbock. Brunswick cabinet, man., $100 and $75; Columbia cabinet. w&- $3; Ed; son. man., cabinet. $05 sty.e, $173; Victor table macnltivs at $50 and $45. Columbia table macblnea at $37. 60 and $-0; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano CO., 14H flth St. LI PM AN, WOLFjS St CO.. CLOSING OUT Martin Bros., upright piano ....... .$1 liinzn.K lmh.ll unrirht hlaBII ltf5 bailett Davis upright piano. Wellington upright pano BrhnhAi-f a Cn nnnrht nlann 215 105 205 Smith A Barnes upright piano uiin m xsames upngai p" Liyman, v one at o. t'lRA R X VOK 1JT fSKIl PI A NQS. $425 Halltttt c Davis upright I18? 450 H. P. Nelson, large jta.nut ... 21 tKH Steger A Sons, mission 303 900 Steinway 4k Sons, rosewood .... 305 750 Kranlch A Bach, oak ........ 23 ParJor organs, 18. $25. $o3. $45o $o. Terms, $10 or mors cash, $3. $6, $8, $10 monthly. Scnwan Piano Co . 101 10th st. $ 35 GRAFONOLA. 10 used record 23 03 Stradivara and 10 uaea records. 45 140 Paths, .cabinet, 20 used records. Ha 173 Son or a, caoinet. 20 used records. 143 140 Brunswick, 20 used recoros 5 173 Columbia, cab., zsi used records. 115 $5 sends one home, then 33, 13 and Up monthly. Scliwan' Piano Co.. 101 Tenth st., at Washington st. L'SEi PHONOGRAPHS. Vlctrola, etyie X, with records $100 Brunswick, with records, new 120 i with records 240 SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 4th St., Bet. Wash, and Alder. NEW LOCATION. ' HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 WEST PARK. BETWEEN STARK AND WASHINGTON. PIANOS. PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED, RENTED. SOLD. WILL trade piano, player piano or phono graph, your own selection, for e lee trie a wiring and lighting fixturea Foley Meanly alualo Co., 106 5th su Bdwy. 6309. KINGaBURY plain mahogany case piano; first-cias condition ; only $30O, this is a real bargain; terms given. Seiberling Lucas Miuic Co., 125 4th sL, bet. Waso. and Alder. $20, $30, $40, $08, $90 and $100 closing out new and used phonographs. Terms 5 cash. $3, $4, $5 and $0 month. Schwau Piano Co., 101 Tenth at Wash, and Stark. GOOD PIANOS at prices aod terms you can afford. Reed French Piano Co., 12 Lh and Wash ington; PIANO TUNING and repairing by expert workman; all work guaranteed. Seiber-ling-Luca Itlusio Co., 12J 4th st. Bdwy. 6.VT0 l LARGE period design phonograph, lightly shop worn at a big reduction; only $185; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 tit ri st. PLAYER ROLLS, 68-note special this week, $1 for package of 5; every roil guaranteed, no duplicates. G. F. John son Piano Co., 14it 6th st. JAiiZ drum outfit, Inciuues bass drum, snare drum, foot pedals, cymbals, drum stand, wood block and triangle, $73 G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 14: 6th st. $200 CASH buys $730 Planista player piano, Includ ing bench and 40 player rolls. Security Storage Co.. 103 10th. cor. Stark. STORY A CLARK, beautiful walnut case, equal to new $300; terms given. Sei-beriing-Lucaa Muaio Co., 123 4th iu. Wash, and Alder. 150 MARSHALL WENDELL piano, up right; Steinway $150; Hinxeraan $125; terms given, Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st., bet. Wash, and Alder. PHONOGRAPHS repaired; any make; quick service; work guaranteed, betber llng -Lucas AJusic Co., 125 4th st. Bdwy. 6570. CAMBRIDGE piano, plain manogany case; equal to new and reasonable; see it; terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St. MARTIN "C" saxophone, silver with gold bell, complete with case, $161.75; termi G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 110 6th St. $1000 CH1CKERINO piano, upright, fine condition, only $32o, eay terms. Broker age Co., 312 Worcester bldg. STUDENT'S violin outfit, lnciudes violin, bow, case, rosin ana extra strings, $18. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6:h st. FOR KENT Piano, Graf, late records, . 3 month; let rental apply on purchase price. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155. BOY SCOUT drums; made by Ludwlg; two sizes, $6.50 and $7.50. G. F. John son Piano Co.. 349 6th st. , WE WILL trade you a new Victroia or Cheney phonograph for your old piano. G. F. Johnson Piano Co- 14ft 6th st. KIMBALL ptano, m-w, $305; terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Mualo Co., 125 4th St., bet. vt asn. ana Aioer. SCHILLING & SON oak case piano; only $275; terms given. Seiberling-Lucis Mu sic Co., 125 4th St.. bet. Wasn. and Alder. Furniture for Sale. DAVENPORTS. We manufacture a line of overstuffed davenports and chair equal to the best lines ma da in the east, superior frame construction; best filling material used . expert workmanship; you can see your davenport built; many style, large as sortment of coverings in mohairs, ve lours, tapestries and denlma. Few sam ples at rock-bottom prices. Phone 635-27 evening and Sundays, Tabor 67U7 or 635-27. Michaelaoa-Mayaon. Inc., 3433 Foster road. . BEAUTIFUL oak dining table with 6 chairs, $50; oak bullet with mirror, $30; Columbia Grafonola. oak cabinet, with about 30 records, $00; brass bed, springs, new mattress, cost $85, sell $35 ; roc it ers, chairs, birdeye and oak bedroom furniture; almoet new h ating; stove with pipe, used 2 weeks, $15; Alcazar 3-burner oil stove, cost $45, sell for $15; range and kitchen furniture, will sell separately at ridiculously low prices. No dealers. H30 9th, near Market. save money. Try our sales department If yon want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and ref in Jailing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance- rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 62 4th St., Opp. Mutnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. QUARTERED oak dining room set, 54 Inch table, unusual ueeign, ffrst-class condition; set complete. $110. Also Cope man electric range cheap. Woodlawn 4071 DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our throurh cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Ol&cn Transfer & Storage Co.. 2-1H Pine atrert. LEAVING city, will sell furniture of 4 roorn apartment, mahogany, ivory, wal rut, silverware, luiens, bric-a-brac, at drastic reduction ; nothing sold sepa rately. Call 0-12. 5-8. Broadway 230S. DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. New and second-hand, exceptional bar gains Call or phone for salesman. I RWIN-HODSON FURNITURE DEPT. 10! h and Stark Sts Bdwy. 3144. FOR SALE Large Round Oak stove; burns wood or coal. Will keep fire overnight. Phone Wdln. 6282. 018 East Both North. FURNITURE lovely 5-room fiat for sale; rent $30; walking distance; newly tint ed, all outside rooms; must sell at once. 502 Market st. FOR SALE 1 -TJuk Napoleon bedroom suite, 1 ivory bedroom suite. 1 library table and some odd pieces. Phone Auto. 616-18 7H6 56th ave. S. E. VERY beautiful, overstuffed davenport, mohalr-velour, new, best made; bargain. Phone Main 5072. LEAVING city, will aell at sacrifice my imported, exquisite oriental mandarin rues i2. S10. SxS. 3x6. Main 5072. FOR SALfcl Twin beds, springe, mat tresees. dresser, chiffonier, costumer and chair in Ivory finish. f2H. East 4075. WHITE rotary sewing machine, nearly new, also other furniture. 086 Mallory ave. Sell. 1167. ; THIS week only, for cash, furniture ol 12 room s. h. k. ; lease. $40. S40 N. 23d st. BABY buggy. baasint. buffet, chest of rtrwTT an-d other. 5.11 Columbia st. BED DAVENPORT, oak and leather. Mar. lol3 5io CASH Nice 0 rooms of fiae furniture. owrrer. 710 E. Burnside. Office fnrnitnrf. SEE OUR LINE of new and used desk, files, tables, chairs, etc., and you will find the prices lowest in the city; type writes, add. machines, dictaphones, time clocks, office furniture. Rented. D. C Wax. 24-26 N 5th. Bdwy. 2739. Typewrit era. REBUILT typewriters, ail kinds, for saJe, rent, exchange: w are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $.0 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repair of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 94 Fifth St. Main 36S. FOR KENT L. C. Smith typewriters; spe cial rate to students. L. C. Smith 6c Bros. Typewriter Co.. 806 Spalding bldg. Bdwv. 075. UNDERWOOD typewriters. No. 5; also Mutt! graph Xunlor with full printing at tachment. Only uied a few mouths. Se Mr. Dell. B'ackstone hotel. FOR SALE One -new adding- machine, use-d a few months. Telephone Wdln. CORoN A typewriter, like new, $32. 5y. Empire Transfer. 254 Broadway. Bdy. 15-5. UNDERWOOD, Re.-nh.inon, . a month. Empire Transfer. 254 Broadway. Bdy. l.Vt. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Siark. M. 554tt. NEW, rou:li .cond-iiar.d rer.ia'.s at cut rates, P. I). Co., 31 Stark st. Aiaia 1107. FOB SALE. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IKON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR. WRITE FOR XEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington SL Alain 6Q&L Do k 9. Ra-hblta. Birds and Pet Stock. 1 FLEMISH giant buck. 1 Flemish giant doe, 5 youns Flemish giant, months old, all pedigreed slock, 4 double hutches. WiU take White Leghorn laying pul lets In part payment. Tabor 24W1. V75 E. Yamhill. PERSIAN cna for service; splendid large blue, black, white and orange males for service. Orange male kitten for saUe. 470 E. 53d st. N. Auto. 321-37. AIREDALE puppies, registered Stock, strong, healthy, fine specimens. Tabor SI. AMJKEASflhlKU singers and femaies and Himalayan rabbits. 141 Union are. North. East 4 41' ft. FOR SALE Boston terrier puppiea &15 Court ave. Wdln. 44C4. AT STUD Imported Pekinese, son of Lnglanu s Lhampion. Call East 0101. BosToN terrier puppies at a bargain. ioo aimpwp at. N oodiawn car. Poultry. TAN C RED and O. A. C. White Leghorn chicks, $15 per hundred. Hatching egK. Incubator lota Tabor 8822. Parkroee Hatt:hery, Portland. FOR SALE 3J0 S. C. White Leffhorn pul leu; also a Newtown brooder, louO-chick capacity. Inquire 0014 40th st. 8, S. I'lione Auto. 645-36. S. C. ENGLISH White Leghorn setting eggs for Bale, $7 per hundred; our 18 year 100 or 1000 lots. Jos. Saunders. Route 2, Portland, Or. to, VVHiXE Wyandotte- cockerela, some beauties, all for $10, delivered. Col. 615. ttoals. Launches and Marine J-lquipmeut. FOR SALE 24-foot launch, good condi tion; bangain if taken at once. Call Seii- vock! 3128. Kegs ami Barrcka. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. W estern Cooperage Co., 300 N. 14th hL, near Petty grove. Phone A. 610-iy. Coal and Wood. $4. PEit LOAD $4. 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-Inch fir block and siab, runs partly dry, ready for furnace or neater. We also save you money on 2-load orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and east side, Oregon Fuel Co., Wood la wn 4 1 02. $4 PER LOAD $4. 16-inch, partly dry block and lab mixed. Fine lor furnace or healer, de livered In 2-load lots for $3. Single loads, $4.50. Washington lump coal, $11 too in the basement. NATIONAL FUEL CO., East 204L FREE 1 tack kindiing with each double load of 16-ln. bloc a and e.ab mixed; runs partly dry; 1 cord to double load. 2 LOADS $S.0V 1 LOAD 34.50 Wdln. 13W) or Wdln. 3021. COAL! COAL! COAL I COAL! $11 per ton, put In your basement, lty weight, direct Irom mine to consumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot; burns to fu.e ash ; try a ton. PHONE EAST 134 OR EAST 9126. NICE 16-inch slab. $3 75; best fir. sea soned, heavy or merely graded, $5 a load, anywhere, bargain ; dry 12 and 16-lnch country slab, 7.25; box, $4.30. bell wood 1760. FIRST-GROWTH lir. Rock Springs. Royal Owi Creek coal. Standard Brick & Tile Co., 33 Pifta st., between Stark aad Oak. Phone Broadway 18. CORDWOOD First growth, dry; also dead wood; on graveled road, . mlies south Cotton station. C D. Cat hey. Phone Gresham 97. PARTLY dry block and siab. $5; dry wreckage, $6.50; planer trimmings, $5.50. Wood. awn 4122. BOXWOOD $4 PER LOAD. Fulton Wood Co., dealers in box and 1 ah wood. 1201 Macadam. Main 4173. GOOD dry fir cordwood. S7.25 cord; heavy country slab, $5.25; Rock Springs. Utaa lump coal. Eaat 1750. COAL $11 PER TON. In Basement. CI ean Domestic Lump. East 193. PLANER trimmings $3; heater wood $4.75; dry block and slab $0.50. Wood lawn 608(5. BEST dry cordwood $ and 8 cord; block und slab, $y, double load; a;l block wood Sl. fluunie !-aa iiav.-y. 4110. liONE-Dit Y boxwood, ideal kindling, $4; block and slab, $4.73; heavy wreckage, $5; large loada. Wdln. 364i. HEAVY block and eUb mixed, dry, 12 and 16 inches No. 1 fir, hardwood dry slab. Call Woodlawn 2019. BEST green and dry fir cordwood and dry siabwood from country mill. lmoie diute delivery. Tabor 7228. LINCOLN CoAL, $10 egg, $ll lump; in vest $1 In a sample sack, save $5 a tun WEST COAST dry box wood. $4.30 per load. Call Wdln. 3004. iiEaT o.d-growin ury fir, $7.50, seconfi-growtn. gen, an. DRY CORDWOOD, $6.50 and $7.50 per cra aulivereu in --coru iols. wain. tiAii FOUR-FOOT block and railroad ties; also 1 6-in. stove wood. Mar. 2643. $5 A LOAD. 16-inch dry piank and small timber. Sellwood 3130. Al FIRST-GROWTH fir cordwood. deliv ered at $7.05. Tabor 5933. or East 377. CLOSING my office, up-to-date furniture for pale cheap. R 30O, Oregonian. BIG LOAD of partly dry block and slab, planer trimming tS.SO. Wdin. 4122. r'IRST-GRoWTU wooUT dry. $7.50 cord; eec-or.d-growth, dry, $0.25 cord. Aut. 629-77. NO. 1 old-growth fir that IS DRY, $7.30, $S. Automatic 616-S7. 1G-1N. WRECKAGE wood, load delivered $n. Residence phone East 3254. COAL Utah or Rock Springs; sack orders deli vered quick ly. Bdwy. 3123. DOUBLE load 16-ln. mill wood, $9. Call East 8084 or Auto. 647-90. GOOIJ green blub, del., $4.25 per cord; senson-d, j.V extra dry. ?tt. Bdwy. 4S6. OAK WooD, $0.50; old growth fir, $7.30 cord, delivered. Broadway 2768. BIG LOAD of dry boxwood, $4.50; dry block and siab, $3.50. Call Wdln. 3004. 4 -FT. DRY SLAB, $0.50; also CoaL East 4451. 4-FOOT country slab. Mam 6133. Machinery Wanted. WANT to get in touch with party that has Fay and Egan 6-roll 4-side planer; am In need some parts. G. F. Elliott, Yamhill, Or. LARUE sieam tractor or self-propelled boiler, tractor qualities no considera tion. A F 4trO, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WELDING outlit, acetylene tank, V. K. gage, hose and torch. Before noon, 200 East Oth S. VULCANIZING outlit for sale. For further information see Charlet Trowbridge, Omni uy notei. -jy 4tn st YOU CAN buy fresh English walnuts. Oregon. Franquettes, at 25c per lb. at 161 16: h si. N. VER Y lure Jewel gas range, $15; baby cradle, $2. 87 East 10th St., near East W-shincton. LICL.SEL Independent dectrlcian wires 3 rooms for $12. 5 for J20, guaranteed to pass inspection. Wdln. 3701. FERTILIZER. Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any part of city. Woodlawr. C233. DANDY 3-light shower fixture, complete with shades, only $5.33. at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. FOR SALE or rent, sewing mchines. two months $5. Empire Transfer Co., Bdwy 155. FOR SALE Almost new Bridge-Beach combination rauge and Radiant fire, ' "Wdln. 5473. SAFES 70 Sixth st.. near Oak. New and secondhand Herring, Hall, Marvin. SAFES AND VAULT POORS. Bdw. 1U4. HALL gas iloor Heaters fur sale. $40 ap:ece. Lynch Bros., 110 6th st, Bdwy. 2HS. . . OFFICE writing desk and chair, $22.50, and leather conch, $12. 50. Will sell or trade for good davenport. Main v0. FOR SALE Two Uxi2 light gray fiber rugs. Phone East DIAMONDS wanted, to carat. Pay spot caah If bargain. Bdwy. 1548. STOCK YARD manure delivered anywhere. Wnndlawn 2303. FOR SALE Cheap: Vulcan gas range. good condition. Phone Main 67H5. SPECIAL sale Beauty parlor equipment. Mi 6th. between Stark and Oak. BEt'OND-HANO tents ana covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. No. 1 1st st. VoR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, -showcase. 43 1st St.. near Asn. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for Fords, 110 to Sio. J3iuwy ti. VE LADx S SHOP. 605 Bdw. bids., heni- FthMTLivhi repairing, mirrors, medicine cabinets etc. Call Woodlawn 1487 SAFE and filing cabinet, second-hand, but g.-ind as new; cheap. H 344, Oregonlan. GooD home made canned fruits; leaving city. Phone 216-28. WESTERN most new. ileetric sewing machine, Bdwy. 385. LADIES' USED APPAREL of all kinds la a home. Bargains. Tabor 2826. FoR SALE Complete nurwry and break er. iau:e. .k... r i ti-t.'o. iioi-L' eg alee, $75. Bdwy. 1877, room 410. FOR SALE. 31 Iscetlaneous. NATIONAL, CASH REGISTERS. SECOND-HAND. FACTORT REBCTlT. TOTAL ADDERS AS LOW AS $50. Mechanism and title cuaranteed. Repair service by company mechanics. NEW REGISTERS AS LOW AS 375, EASY TERMS. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. Broadway 1816. 390 Stark St. ROSE BUSHE.S Now is tne time to plant them, Ths Portland Rose Nursery Is the place. All the newest, best varieties at the lowest prices. Also a large assort ment of ornamental shrubs. We do landscaping. Let us figure on your Job. Telephone ua. We do the rest. Phoue 636-70. 1S82 Division sL. corner of 73d. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, finest se lection. Come and see; you are under do obligation to buy. STANLEY LTJTZ. 207 Chamoer of Commerce Bids;. Broa&way 4253. IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or Jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Blar Little Jewelry Store Sella for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. LAD 1KS. Are you weary or exhausted after standing all day on your feet7 If so, be fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water wah wit h Takara Antiseptic Powd-er; 6uc and $1 box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. DOORS, w.ndows. lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lum ber store. 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 4213. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes; n.a chlne repaired and rented. SEWING MACU1NZ EMPORIUM. 1P0 Thrd st., near Taylor. Main 9431. MAKE a small payment and wear ymif eyeglasses and pectaclee as you pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, second, floor, Oregonlan bldg. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof ale, new and second-hand, at right prices; bought. Fold and exchanged; easy terms If de sired. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Broadway 7043. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store, fells for Less Gifts That LaL Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. USED DESKS, CHAIRS, FILES, SAFES. All in fine condition and priced to sell quickly; typewriters, adding machines, dictaphones. D. C, Wax, 24-26 N. 5th. rm wy. 'au. ornce lurnuure renieq. L.jAHX root, cm very BBKrvauii, in deed. Why not a permanent and com fortable roof? We repair Rubber Bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. TtUt Tl-n-A-a- TO LADIES, we have new, slightly used gar ments, best of material, suits, 33 to 125; plush coats, ( exclusive line btoues Vogue, 4th floor, 403 A 1 laky bldg.. Third near Morrison. Main 3132. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired Portland Caah Register ac Scale Ex change. 226 Stark sL, beL 1st and 2d sts Broadway 7534. HOT WATER tanks. 30 gal., 97; 40 gal.. $9; tested, guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gas heaters Installed ; plumbing. East Side Weld. Sh.. 203 Adams. E. 8516. ROOFS repaired at any time, rain or shine; eave troughs cleaned and repaired Portland Roof Repair & Palut Co., Vain 6",20. REMOVAL SALE. Show cases, computing scales, cash registers, safe, adding machine, many others. 246 Washington st. WE REPAIR anything locks, electric lights, vacuum cleaners, electric irons, etc. Keys made. Barretts, 154 4th Main 3131. BIG REMOVAL SALE. Showcases, wall cases, scales, cash register, safes, adding machines. 246 Washington. 1 SUIT CASE, 1 club bag, leather, good condition, cheap. Call room 106 Ameri can hotel, 92 N. 3d st., after 6 P. M. today. 1 WHITKfIawless 2-karat diamond set In platinum; 1 cluster diamond set In platinum. S 378, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Wardrobe trunk, few months old, $40. 12th and Stark, Bristol hotel, room 30. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also v ac u um cleaning done. East 4045. LUBRICANT carbon remover, more speed, k- gas; $1 by mail prep-aid, 8826 Eet 73d ave. S. E. Automatic, 641-3S. KODAKS We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sanoy. wasnina-ton su FOR REN'f Electric vacuum cleaners. 85 cents per day. delivered anywhere Woodlawn 1250 PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. DIE BOLD sates, new am' second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale & Supply Co.. 43 Front st- Broadway 10ti6. GENERAL ELECTRIC and Westinghouse Mazda electric light globes, 2o0 to 1000 watt. Call Main 3204. FOR BALK AITOMOBILEH. THB FOLLOWING CARS were taken In by us on special sales of new cars at less than cost prices. You Can appreciate that the allowance price had to be right, as our margin on the new cars was small. We offer these cars to you at no profit for quick sale; 1918 Iexlngton, 7-passenger. 9 6S0 1&19 Velie. repainted, over hauled 673 1917 .Buick. repainted 873 1019 Liberty, repainted, good condition 673 1917 Studebaker, repainted, new cords 875 1918 Saxon Six Chummy .... 875 1020 Baby Overland 350 1920 Premier, new cords all around 1750 1917 A p person 8 Chummy ... 4uo Terms If desired. Can use light car as part payment. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS CO., Broadway 788. 33 N. Park SL - Open Sundays. BCICK SNAP $B50. Practically new Bulck car. In best of condition; spotlight, cord tires, Gabriel sn ubbers, bumper, sunshade and many other extras. For quick sale, call Mr. Pendergra&s, Bdwy. oOoG. LIGHT roadster, has been run only 4OO0 miles; sold with a guarantee; has nearly new rubber and will make from 2o to 28 miles on a gallon of gas. This car looks just like new and Is a 21 model. Some snap. Call Propst, Bdwy. 4675. DON'T wait, come now, this car won't last at this price; 1920 7-psss. Paige, like new, run only ooO miles; cord ttrea, 3 extra, new; if you want a snap see this one; only $1250. 449 Burnside. Bdwy. 8455. HERE'S A SNAP. Late 1920 Oldsmoblle 6, 5-pass , like new; original finish; $750, terms. Writ ten guarantee as to mechanical condi tion. If von want a snap, this is It. Cook GUI Co-. 11th and Burnside. FORD TOURING BARGAIN $250. Fine mechanical condition, just over hauled; Hasaler shocks, speedometer. Mr. Ensley, Bdwy. &21. Evenings Wood lawn 1 657. LATE model Liberty chummy, new paint, nearly new cord tires. This car is in A-l condition; also has 22 license. Some steal; small payment down, bn lance easy terms. Call Propst. Bdwy. 4675. HUDSON SUPER, 7-PASSENGER. IN FINE MECHANI CAL CONDITION; A REAL BARGAIN AT $433 TERMS. CALL ADAMS. MAIN" 46ST. APT. t. IABY grand Chevrolet touring, looks and runs Tike new. Will taKe small car as first pavment and give easy terms. FORD touring, $123; good shape, shock absorbers, good rubber, a bargain. Call Mr. Nichols bet. S and 6 P. M. Marshal' 2ii39. A SNAP. 1922 Chevrolet, run six weeks, $73 ex tras, $525. 344 Gliaan. Phone Broadway 4417 or Tabor 3267. LATE model Ford touring with starter. In fine shape, for $375. Easy term a Call Odyers. Bdwy. tt-'i. $231 TAKES 1018 Ford touring In finest shape; new tires and license. Call Wocdst at Woodlawn 3163. We PUT steel teeth In your old flywheel; crankshaft turning. H. B. Black Ma chine shop. 534 Alder. Bdwy. 2081. LATE 1020 Ford touring, starter and many extras; excellent condition; win sell at raa:n end give terms. Phone Col. 65G. CliALilEItS touring car. Just a good as rw. 3'VO, easy terms. Call Wdln, 2461. HUDSON super 6, cannot be told from new, $825s easy terms. Wdln. 2461. BUICK light 6 in perfeot condition $373, eaer tfrrms. Call Woodlawn 4U FOR SAI.B ACTOMOBIT.KS. WINTER BARGAIN SALES CONTINUE AT VERT LOW PRICES ON USED AUTOMOBILES. We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Kwsex: auto .mobiies. Thee are In the best of mechanical condition; they are also warranted the same as fac tories warrant new cars. In addi tion, we give 90 days' free me chanical service. Other makes of used automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put in first-class condition and sold with a 10 days' free trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal price mat customer may select. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have lt In spected, and we want only satis fied customers. 1917 Maxwell $ 250 1020 Maxwell 473 1919 Grant six 300 1919 Chalmers six 650 1917 Buick 575 lt17 Dodge 450 1919 Olds sW v . . 675 1918 Ohis eight 850 1919 Liberty sport model.... Wo lit 20 chandler 975 1118 Overland chummy 42. 1019 Chalmers 600 1918 Cole b. sport model.... 1150 1916 Hudson super six, re built and repainted; 'sold with standard factory war ranty T85 1917 Hudson super six, re built, refinlshed and paint ed; sold with standard fac tory warran ty 373 191ft Hudson super six tour ing' car, rebuilt, reflnished and repainted : sold with standard factory warranty. 1059 1919-1920 (model O series) Hudson super six touring automobile, has been over hauled, reflnished and re painted; sold .with stand ard factory warranty fur. . 1175 1920 Hudson speedster, over hauled and repainted; sold with standard factory war ranty 1430 Largest TJsed Car Branch Store In the City at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store Broadway 3739. Also a Display at Our Salesroom, 613-617 Washington SL C. U BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. USED FORDS. BUT THEM FROM A RELIABLE AlITHORiy.RIJ KORIl bEALEH. 1922 Ford Sedan, almost new $650 1921 Ford Sedan, like new 585 1920 Ford Touring;, new tires 363 1920 Ford Tourlnt. dandy motor .... 323 120 Ford Truck and body 450 1917 Ford Roadster 150 1913 Ford Delivery, new open express body, a sweil job 32! Ford Roadster, new rubber 12 Ford Chasein, good rubber 90 These cars are In good shape and will sell on easy terms, or trade for Other pnrflji, ARM ENTROTJT-WICK H MOTOR CO., Authorised Ford Dealers, K2d and Foster R"d. CADILLAC TOURING. 1919, tvpe 57-B. 7-pasaenger, run 15, 00O miles, fullv enuipnd with Westing house shock absorbers, renr-vlew mirror. four new cord t-res, two re-lreadj never on the wheels, hamper, spotlight, rain wipe, snin visor, lock motormeter, seat covers, horsehair mat In front, ventila tor on cowl, tire covers. H'22 license nlates: car was painted six weeks ago; will defv pny mechanic to find anything wrong with this car; will take smaller mr in trade, oau air. crown, rww. 1614. VflTiri.' VOITN'O BLOODS. I have a 1920 Ford coupe that will make vour heart beat faster: equipped with a light 8-cyl. motor, regular gear shirt, starter, generator, spoi hk"l. shock absorbers, special wlah hone, speedometer. electric cigar lighter, dark, vacuum tank, foot feed, wind shield cleaner, demountable rims, tire carrier, 5 new tires and other extras. The classiest Ford on four wheels; price onlv $300, eusy terms. 'Machine cost $150. Ten uays free trial. Can you beat it? Bdwy 1823. Kelly. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BIT OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. W E FURN 1 SH THE MON BY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU". OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 2W7 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. BUICK SIX. S.PASSEXUEK $4S5 TERMS. NEW TIRES. NEW PAINT AND FINE MECHANICAL CONDITION. CALL MAIN 4Q'7. APT. 31. MUST s 11 my new f old car; gone joss than 6 miles; my wife just died and munt take her body at: I want cash, i but will give termu to responmblo parly. ; H 231. Or.'gf.njan. YOUR CHANCE, My Studebaker car in good shape; new tires, electric starter and lights; only $100. East 8S70. FOR SALE 1020 7-pass. Paige, run only 4000 miles; cora tirLjn. one extra new This car Is a snap. See It at 440 Burn n ide st. 1'hone Broadway 3455. SAVE $100, 1922 Chevrolet touring, run about 600 miles; must sell ; t'-rms to responsible party Cull Tabor 3i'13. S7.- CASH buys an old model Buick in splendid running condition. Dandy car lor a outt. v-DUk at. ui.i, inn auu Burnside. OAKLAND ROADSTER. $230 A sacrifice; good salesman's; car. Terms. down. Cook & Gill Co.. 11th and Burnside. 1020 CHEVROLET touring; looks and runs like now; need the money and will sac rifice; terms If desired. Phone Tabor 8913. WHY NOT own a nice little C-cyllnder car. 1919 model, all in good shape ? Only $X0. T terms on half. Briggs at Bdwy. 7H. FRANKLIN SEDAN". 1021 LET ME DEMONSTRATE THIS BEAUTTFUL CAR. EASY TERMS TO RESHONSI BLR PEOPLE. MAIN 2142. 1021 CHEVROLET demonstrator; will give regular new car guarantee and lake In your old Fora or mev. as part payment. Phone Cnl. 656. HUP SEDAN. $750 buys It. Model N. Terms. Writ ten guarantee. Cook & Gill Co., 11th and Burnside. LUMBER haultnif contract with purchase of truck; steaoy worn in city; stand in vestigittlon. See Mr. Kiltun, 430 Burn si tie. w-st s'd HUDES AUTO 1 ARTS CO. Auto wreck ers; parts ail matte cars ror less. 62 Alder, corner 16th- Bdwy. H038. UAKLA5U mooei o-paMa., good run ning orrter, o gooa tires, 220 cash. Phone Woodlawn 54-14. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland auio rcaing o., 031 Alder, 17th. Broadway 6254. tOR SALE Velie touring car. 120 modei, excellent condition. Call Marshall Hi or MarahaI6U8. 1918 STUDEBAKER four, fine mechanical condition; bargain. Phone Tabor 4770. 1152 I von at. 1921 CHEVROLET touring. 99 per cent new, JU-- iicenMw nnu extras, '.id, ui will take cheap Ford in trade. East 4376. LATE model Chevrolet touring. A real bargain. Will take Ford and some cash In trade. Wdln. 10V8. CHEVROLET touring, '17 model, good condition, only $50 down, baL $15 per month. East H79. MUST sell my Oakland Six. first class throughout; -oo; some terms. Wdln. 1213. , 1020 OAKLAND 6 Run very little; new tires; inufi sen. iuur own price and terms. E - at 8879. CHEVROLE T 400, late model, excellent shape; can give easy terms to respon sible party. Wdln. 2387. 1020 FORD touring car, some extras, good tires, car in good shape; leaving city: mut sell. Phone East 6407. VERY late 1019 Cfcev. iour.. in flrt-cla snape; criitw iui vjo, mrmi. Jr'noue Col. 656. 1017 HUDSON super fl, new tires, only $400; an absolute gift, but I need money East 879. 1921 BUICK six roadster, six cord Urea McDonald, Main 7537. $100 BUYS MY 1018 Chevrolet touring' some terms If desired. Call Wdln. 25. SACRIFICE niy ly22 Dodgi e touring. bumper, spotngnt. laoor l4 CADILLAC. 1914. 7-pass.. perfe tnn, $500: terms Lyman Bdw ct eondl- B757. If YOU are going to buy a new Dodge, gee mo " " r i gier. CHEVROLET 400 sedan demonstrator; terms. East 9u68. 1H6 DODGE touring, good shape, $225 " Vrangon'a. 150 TTr.lon ave.. upstairs. iOlii) bug. a dandy, will sell cheap. Vran- SOn B, IQO l nmn atr:., ujiniaira. IaTE 118 Dodge, looks sell. East 6552. like new; must $iOO DOWNS'. $20 monthly U a light FOR PAI.K ACTOMOBTLFS. USED FORD SALE. We hsve today reduced the pdoa of every USED FORD In our stock 30 or more. There are on display in our ellow room 53 1HED FORDS. The lowest priced car is H5. The highest priced car is 3530. 33 TTSFD FORDS AT AK AVER AGE PRICE OF .M0. A ITHK f FORD FOR ANY SIZED FUKStt. A Few Samples: 1913 Pug: needs some re pairs S 3ft 1915 Touring 76 1016 Touring R9 1917 To-irlne 140 1018 Ri-.dster 2'0 1018 Touring 209 1018 Ooupe 30 1018 Truck chassis 163 1H19 Touring 183 1019 Sedan, starter 345 3020 Touring, starter 8o3 1920 Sedan, starter 630 MANY OTHER GOOD BTJTS. We have reduced the price as shown above in order to move ths cars and convert to cash. It will be to yew interest to eee these oars before you buy elsewhere. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Are. and Enst Yamhill BL East 471. COVET MOTOR CAE BASEMENT. We display , here only what we are certain are very excellent buys. Among other makes we have several Dedge Bros, road sters and. tourings, good cars, wtth years of service yet In them. We have some large cars suitable for camping trips or stage work. EXAMINE Ot'R STOCK. NOTE OUR PRICES. These Cars Are Not Rebuilt: 1913 Bulck big 4 touring, very fine $285 191C Hudson super six, very fine 43S l-t Overland touring 123 1018 Maxwell, being painted.. 195 117 Maxwell 110 1920 Maxwell. 1022 license. Is very good 823 191ft Dodges from $350 to.... 450 1U lodges from $426 to.... 325 1020 Dodges 625 1913 Cadillacs 6o0 1017 Cadillacs 300 1020 Ford sedan, being pointed 483 1020 Ford rcadater, very fine. 8o0 1018 Chandler 405 1917 Bulck little 0. very good. 475 1020 Dort touring. 1922 license. 475 1018 Chevrolet touring 173 1917 Haynes 7-pausenger. new license 8QS 1911 Pierce touring 473 1U18 Buick coupe 783 DELIVERIES. 1918 Bulck 4 215 1018 Dodge Bros, panel, 1022 license 200 ALWAYS "THB BEST CARS AT THB LOWEST PRICES." Open Sundays. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Twenty-firHt at Washington St. Broadway 6244, 23-30 N. Bdwy. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! 1919 Chevrolet tourlnsr $295 1920 Chevrolet touring 375 1017 Maxwell touring 225 1920 Ford roadetor. starter 295 1020 Ford tourirwc, starter 350 1021 Ford touring, starter 450 1021 Ford touring, starter 475 3019 Ford touring 285 1!'1H Ford touring 235 191S Ford touriix ' 183 1918 Ford roadster 250 1017 Ford tturlng 225 1913 Ford touring 135 1918 Ford touring 215 1019 Ford roadster 285 1021 Ford sedan 505 1020 Ford sedan IS 5 1919 Ford sedan 485 DELIVERY CAR3. 1918 Chevrolet panel del 223 .1017 Chevrolet delivery 175 1019 Ford de-Hvery, expren 885 1018 Ford delivery, express 225 1915 Ford delivery, expreee 125 1020 Ford chase la, starter 285 Over 50 cars to choos from. Open every evening until 9 o'clock and all day Sunday. Tonus, FRANCTS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. East 3770. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. REBUILT BUICKS, when purchased from ua are GUARANTEED the same as new Bulcka. The most IMPORTANT THTNCI to consider In the purchase of a REBUILT CAR Is the RESPONSI BILITY of the SELLER. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. Largest Distributors of Automo biles In the World. Alder at Twelfth fitreeL Broadway 1130. AUCTION SALE. Two tales a week, Thursday evening 7.30 P. M., Monday 7.80 P. M. This la the place to buy yodr automobile. We sell about 40 automobiles a week. Different makea There's a reason. Come and see. JAKE'S AUCTION HOUSE. Corner 6th and Everett. Phone Broadway 2329. AUCTION SALE. EXTRA SPECIAL. PREMIERS AND H. C. S. BE LOW FACTORY PRODUCTION PRICE. IF YOU ARE IN THB MARKET FOR A HIGH-CLASS CAR I CAN SAVE YOU OVER $1000 ON EITHER CAR. I HAVE ROADSTERS AND SPORT MOD ELS IN EACH MAKE. FOR AP POINTMENT AND DEMONSTRA TION WRITB 8 132, OREGONIAN. LO0K1 LISTEN I Sport model Jordan, new paint, new cord tires; has been overhsuled from urn to stern, and sold with a now car guarantee. Will accept car In trade and give easy terms. A real Duy. Call Prnpst. Bdwy. 4673. 7(0 EXTRA SPECIAL $700. A $22o &-past.enger touring car, ma roon body. This car never been o!d or licensed, used only for demonstrating-. Cajrh or terms will take this beauty. For quick deal will consider Ford ae part pavment. Ta,bor 18oQ. 83 Glenn ave. PAIGE, five passenger, new paint and good tires, and Is mechanically good in every way. This car is for sale, so don't overlook It, for It is right. Small pay ment down, balance easy terms. Call Probst, unwy. vhj 4-00 CHEVROLET touring 1920 model. In excellent condition. Price cut to $300 for quick sale. Very easy terms. Tabor 5033. liilX PAlU 4 if co. cap, Wdia. 4UUU. ft FOB PA I K A rTOMORILFS. TJSED CAR PHOW AND SALE WEEK AT C0VKT MOTOR CAR COMPANY. We want the people of Portland aad the out-of-town visitors to the Automobile Show to come up to our plant we want you to see our stock of rebuilt can to iee how we prepare them for isle, snd most of all. WE WANT YOU TO COMPARE OUR CARS AND PRICES WITH ANY OTHERS IN THE CITY. It Is this comparisoa which sells our cars. Covey Motor Car Company has Just lowered used Dodge Brothers ear prices very materially, follow ing closely upon our last reduc tion, we are going to kk- DUCE OUR STOCK. In addition to used Dodge Brothers cars have many other makes repre sented among our rebuilt auto mobiles. They are all priced so low that you who are In the market for a good machine are overlooking something by not vial Ung,, us, CADILLACS. - Again we wish to emphasis the desirability of these cars they are the recognised "Standard of the World." Our renewed Cadillacs have been put In shape to maintain this reputation and era fully guaranteed. 1921 1919 1920 Bulck 4 -pass. coap....$l7 Bulck roadster 700 Cole 7-pase., repainted. disc wheels " Dodge Brothers sedan.. 1150 Dodge Brothers touring 67ft Dodge Brothers roadster 5I Dodve Brothers touring 55 1920 1020 3 92 1919 1919 191ft 191ft 191 S 2016 1920 1920 1921 1920 1919 Dodse Brothers sedan. 7a Dodsje Brothers roadster 875 Essex rondater 3 Haynes 7 -passenger, re- painted 115 Marmon speedster; Uaa new 2730 Oldsmoblla T-psssenger. Bos Roams r, newly painted 1200 REBUILT CADILLACS. 1918 tetrrlng. new ttre. parnt. top $2099 1918 roadster, new tires aad paint 180 191T touring, sew top and paint 1W 1918 touring, new top and paint 1400 ALWAYS HKfT CARS AT LOWEST PRICES. THB THE COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 21st at Washington Sts., Urea d way 6244. 29-80 North Broadway. 200 CARS 500, ALL LATE MODELS. OPEN AND CLOSED CARS. WE HAVU BEFN ORDERED TO. EMPTY ONE OF THE LARG EST WAREHOUSES FULL OK CARS, AT ANY PRICE AND ON ANY REASONABLE TERMS. A FEW DOLLARS' OR YOUR OLD CAR WILL SECURE FOR YOU A NEW OK LATE MODEL CAR, TO LOCOMOBILE. DO NOT WATT; NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. OPEN EVENINGS. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO, PHONE BROADWAY 2994. 132 BROADWAY N. OPPOSITE NEW POSTOFFICB. FORD VALUES. 191ft Ford roadster, good tires, me chanically good, needs paint 4185. 1921 Touring, a car full of service; starter eli5. 1917 Touring, 1920 body, good tires $175. 1920 Touring, starter type, overhauled In our shop $205. Five 1019 roadsters, all In first-class condition, with extra equipment. $225, two $205. , 1920 Ford roadster, starter and good equipment, $1115. 1919 Ford truck, eorfl tires and good, body, overhauled and repainted $.150. 20 OTHERS ALL PRICED RIGHT. ; DUNNTN'O MOTOR CO., INC., E. Broadway and Union. East 303. FORI' SEDAN. NEARLY NEW, $f0; OWNKU MUST LEAVE CITY J 3 WHITE WIRE WHEELS. NEW EXTRA TIRM SPOTLIGHT. HPEKDOM K TIC II. SPFCIA L PISTON'S ETC. ; EXTRAS COST OVER tlJO- 1022 LICENSE. TERMS f'Vl.Ti HROADWAY 2I7H. DO I u: to.irin in A-l condition, new too and curtains, has good rubber; hat th-i oriKlnal cost of paint which Is extra good. Srnull p:i vnu nt down drives i hln mr awav, bainnee easy terms. Call Probst. Bdwy. 4H7'. WILLYS 6-pnpKTiKer sedan at a snap, prlre of $loou; exre;ient mechanical condition; 5 good tires; hater, humper, etc, Bon 6500 mlUs. Call Mr. Ryan at Vi.ln fl16 after 7 P. M. WE CARRY a full line of auto acc ssorles, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc.; alsu do towing. Op'-n 'lay and night. 1, N(i & H1LVA. p h one Knwt "4Q 462 H a w-1 h a rn " 2 CARS AT AUCTION PRICES. 1915 Franklin tourini;. starter $275 11116 Overland touring 150 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY E'ist 8770. Grand a w and H.i wi home. "" HODGE SEDAN. 1919 tnortf 1, all new tires, paint and upholstering like new. mechanic ily guaranteed. Will sell at a big ,icrlfl and give you your own torms. East HH79. i"MFrrTrRv a lp ks in garagks. giVd STYLE WELL BUILT. DELIVERED. VRECTED, STAINED. 10x16, $33; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PR ICE. 299 W E 1 D L E R. EAST 88t,6. Fo;l DELIVERY. 1917 Ford d"llriy. od tire ! around. $75 cash. Celt Woodlawn T I I or fe car at Piedmont gaiage, 1130 AlMr.a jRD SEDAN $- In perfect condition, A wnito wire rhe"1s, cord tire, 1022 llcenea and other .Mule FORD tourhiK. U 1920 mod. I ; Man'!, good tires, good mechanical shape, wt!l take In older mudrl v n d us part pay -merit. Phone Tabor 3l.'t2 JIPPMOHILE Model N. 1017 touring in good condl tlon, at the give-away price of $2.'3 Stllwood 3071. " JM22 STEPHENS SPORT MODF.L, Tirand new, at big dtxeount. Pee ffplldahoel and Rawlins, the Step hum si" cki'lwtw. SiMh and Everett. WILL accpt any reaonn.blj offer on my. 1017 Packard 12-cylinder; 6 good - cord tires A-l condition mechanically. Own er Tnh'.r 8976 1921 CHEVROLET touring, bargain; will accept Ford in trade and give sasy terms CD balance. Phone Auto. 32 -05 10' I FRAN KLIN, ptrieci con anion, nej cah Will take cheap car or Font t ruck on trade- M 36, Oregon ign. MUST sacrifice Olds 8, 7 -passenger 1010. mechanically perfect. 2 new tires, new tp 34Q cawh. Woodlawn 3QQ4 l'ORD sedan, buuid n w, never be. n tun; will aell at discount or take In small car- eny trnm. Tnhnr 5aB. TO TRADE- 'A mot, old Ford to.-dmi dt.-iv for 1020 or '21 ciipe body; mun be in p-nod conditio". Hnker. KiKt hilti HAVE 4i0 Chevrolet tourin.' for Ford roadeter. F.ast 17 70, (Jak St il truttt 728 K LIGHT 6 Haynes chubby roadnter, cheap, enwh or t-rmi. K20-23 WESTMORELAND corner lot to eacUunge for Ford car. Broadway 6729.