THE MORNING.' OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1921 CITYNEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main T07O. M0-5 (trnday Editor Main TO.O Advertising Department. .Main 70.0. R60-B5 f jerintendent nl Bldir . . Main 70 .0. S60-M AMUSEMENTS. ' ttbt n i Morrison) Musical fomedr. "Oar Now Mayor." Thre. .how. dally, 2. 7 and 9 P. M. v. n.i.ifin. -,a ,nvin? nlrturea. 2 to 5, :45 to 11 P. M.. Saturdays, Sundays and afondavs. rnnlinuntu. 1:15 to 11 L PA NT AGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Thre. .howl daily. 2. J 1 :u- P. JC irtrw n i x.-c AmnuFpt nark. Hawaiian Tmnh.i1.inn Tak ran at First and Alder. I I Visn.iD Prophets Elect. Charles E. ilinsinger of Portland yesterday was elected grand venerable prophet of the supreme council of Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the En chanted Realm at the convention of the order now In session, in Atlantic City. New Jersey, according: to a tele nam received today from W. T.. Hay by Harry A. McRae of Gul Reaiee Grotto No. 65. The selection of Min einser to the office in the supreme council is his first step thiough the unrrm. chairs. Mr. Minsicgrer is a past monarch of Gul Reazee Grotto end with W. L. Hay, monarch, and I E. Beach is a delegate to the supreme convention. Ad Club to Hear About Highways. With R. A. Booth, chairman of the state highway commission, and C. H. ; Purcell, district engineer of the : United States bureau of public works as the speakers, the regular weekly luncheon meeting of the Ad club to day promises to be a national road ' Information center. Marshall N. Dana ' Is chairman of the day and a musi ' cal programme by Hiss H. Tryon and ; H. R. Johnson. Portland's harmony ' singers who will introduce their new musical invention, the Vidian harp, will be a feature of the luncheon. Annoyeb op Womeh Fined .100. After he had fined aiichael Marusich, Austrian, 100 on a charge of dis orderly conduct yesterday morning Municipal Judge Rossman suggested that movie house proprietors furnish eomo of their patrons stuffed legs with which to amuse themselve durintr the performance. Marusich was arrested after he had been an Eoying women in the Union-avenue moving picture house at Union ave sue and Russell Btreet. uompi against him was filed by Mrs. Minni Smith, 1396 Boston avenue. Co-Operation Is Asked. Co-opera tion of business men and civic or conizations in aiding the newly created tax commission In the per formance of its work was solicited by F. W. Mulkey. ex-United States sena tor. In a talk before the Rotary club yesterday In the Benson hotel. Sena tor (Mulkey recently was appointed chairman of the tax commission. He emphasized the importance of re trenchment and declared that unless conservation is observed a serious condition will confront the people of the state, s Benefit Concert Announced. Mrs. Mary Gordon Forbes" is arranging benefit concert to be given Friday evening at 148 Thirteenth street, a 8 o'clock. ' The proceeds of this con cert are to assist In sending Rev. H Edward Mills to Denver to represent at the International New Thought congress the Realization league and other New Thought movements of Portland. After the programme re freshments will be served. Juvenile Circle to Meet. Wood craft Juvenile aircle No. 2 Is an nounced to meet Friday of this week, and hereafter, instead of Saturday The circle is working hard on ritual istic work, preparatory to putting on the full ceremonial for the grand circle representatives who are scheduled to meet here July 11. The meetings are held at Woodcraft hall. Tenth and Taylor streets. Produce Company Bankrupt. Ad mittedly bankrupt, the Cecil M. Hall Produce company filed a "Petition in the federal bankruptcy court yester day. Liabilities were said to amount to J S3, 553. with assets of but $3865. . a. J ores ana l-ouis K. Geil, owners of the Pacific garage at Albany, Or., filed a voluntary petition in bank ruptcy, giving tneir llatmities as 4a01 and assets of 12925. Men s Resort Service Planned. Kev. Norman X. Tully, the new asso ciate pastor of First Presbyterian church, will speak at the Men's I.esort tonight at 8 o'clock. There will also be a programme of motion p'ctures, songs and music. The meet ing Is open to the public. Church Lecture Tonight. A stere opticon lecture, 'Over the Land of tne vikings and the Midnight Sun," will be given at First Norwegian Danish Methodist Episcopal church tonight at 8:15 o'clock under tha auspices of the Young People's society of the church. Admission will be free. Open Forum Meets Tonight. The open forum of Democracy will hold Its regular meeting this evening in room K, central library at 8 o'clock. TJe topic for discussion will be "The World War: Its Aftermath." Dr. J. S. Hardy will introduce the. subject. Steamer Excursion to Astoria. Artisans and friends, Joseph N. Teal leaves foot of East Yamhill Btreet 12:30, July 2. Returns Monday night. Fare J3 and war tax for round trip. Tickets on sale 608 Artisan bldg. Phone Bdwy. 1220. Adv. Do Not Forget to call up East 3088 when you want the Salvation Army auto truck to call for cast-off cloth ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture, etc. Address 24-26 Union ave.. Major John Bree, district officer. Adv. Regular 15c French Pastry Ec. For today only, the Royal Bakery will sell regular 15 cent French pastry for 5 cents. This price applies to orders in the lunch room or to take home. All varieties. Adv. Keeps Business Men Fit. ftnr.i cf life cells defers old age and keeps you fit for business. A new method patronized by our best business men I)r. Dee. 413 Artisans bldg. Adv. Change or Telephone. The telephone number of Drs. Coffey, Sears, Johnston & Payne, 11th floor of Stevens bldg., has been changed to Marshall 2256. Adv. Btk. Iralda, for Astoria, $1.50, pas sengers only, leaves Portland Tues Tturs.. Sat.. 9 A. M.. Alder-st. dock" Main 8323. Leaves Astoria Mon . Wed Fri.. 9 A. M. Adv. Shipherds Hot Spring. Carson, . Wash., dancing in our new hall Sat urday. July 2, and Monday, July 4 Special music. John E. Kellv. man 1 ser. Adv. Charter the Bluebird. Wonderful Pleasure Boat. Accommodations for lOOo Persons. Full Particulars, Tabor 4203. Adv. Hotel Seaside Seaside. Or. Ocean Beach resort, excellent meals, dining room faces ocean. Open all year; aov. ' Oriental Rugs stored, rep'red. wash cleaned. Cartozian Bros. Inc. oriental rugs and carpets. Wash., near 10th Adv. Tired, aching feet can be relieved; consult Dr. Ingalls, Knight Shoe Co.. Morrison, near Broadway. Adv. One Room makes two rooms with Oscillating Portal Wall Beds. Timms Cress & Co.. 184 2d St. Adv. Lewis-Stenger, Morrison at Tenth, grind razors, scissors, knives perfectly Adv. Kemmereb Coal. Carbon Coal Co., mine agents. East 11S8. Adv. DR. W. G. Scott will return Wed. evening. Adv. Chiropractic MclLahon (Hellas.), Two Brothers Sentenced. Bruce j Enyart, 44, and Edward Enyart. 46, brothers, were sentenced to SO days , in jail and 850 fine each on charges of disorderly conduct and possessing I liquor, in municipal court yesterday J as the result of their arrest follow ing an escapade in an automobile with a quantity of moonshine and a 16-year-old girt A charge of contribu ting to the delinquency of a minor still hangs over the two. They were arrested with the girl in a secluded part of the Alberta district late the night of June 11 by Motorcycle Pa trolmen Tlmm and Davison. Two Ask Divorces. Divorce suits filed in the circuit court yesterday were: C. Alice Carroll against 13. William Carroll and Mollie against John J. Becker. Bombing Purposes Explained. The purpose of the aircraft bombing ex periments now in progress off the Chesapeake capes under the direction of the navy department was outlined to the Kiwanis club at its meeting yesterday noon in the Multnomah hotel by Lieutenant-Commander Ray mond E. Kerr, newly appointed naval recruiting officer for Oregon. Lieu tenant Commander Kerr declared that the experiments should provide in valuable data concerning the possi bilities of destroying battleships and other vessels by means of dropping bombs and explosives from aircraft. He intimated that the future policy of the navy would probably be in fluenced by the results of the opera tions. Ad Club to Meet. Information on various highways leading to Portland and Oregon will be given to the mem bers of the Portland Ad club by speakers at the luncheon of the club this noon at the Benson hotel. The speakers will Include R. A. Booth, chairman of the state highway com mission, and C. H. Purcell, district engineer of the United States bureau of public works. Marshall N. Dana will be chairman of the day. There will be special music by Miss H. Tryon and H. R. Johnson. A new in vention, the violin harp, will be demonstrated. Auto Theft Charged. Fred Wing. 16, and Floyd Stafford, 18, were brought back from Hood River yes terday by Patrolmen Meacham and Shimp of the auto theft division on the charge of the larceny of an auto mobile belonging to Daniel Holm, 10303 Sixty-first avenue Southeast. The two boys were said to have taken the machine and to have gone on a joy ride out the Columbia River highway. About two miles this side of Hood River they ran out of gas and a speed officer came along and arrested them. Cook Fined $200. Nicholas Yaclch. cook at 48 North Third street, was sentenced to a $200 fine and ten days in jail on a charge of violating the prohibition law by Municipal Judge Rossman yesterday following his ar rest in a raid by Patrolmen Smith and Green. According to the police, the mah threw a bottle of moonshine out the transom when the raid was made. The broken bottle with a lit tle liquor in it was obtained. Attor neys for Yacich gave notice of appeal and his bail was set at $500. Dr. Schu'rman Invited Here. Dr. Jacob Gould Schurman, newly ap pointed American minister to China, has been invited by Senator McNary to visit Portland on his way to the orient, according to a letter received yesterday by Acting Mayor Bigelow from benator McNary. Senator Mc Nary assured Dr. Schurman that the courtesies of the state and city would be extended to him in case he could arrange to spend a few days here The date set for his departure for China was not announced. Ross Ledford Held. Ross Led ford, who, with Albert Salgardo, attacked Charles M. Ferris, messenger boy. last Friday night, was held to answer to the grand jury by Municipal Judge Rossman yesterday on a charge of assault with intent to kill. His bail was placed at $1000. Salgardo, who is still in the hospital as the result of a bullet wound inflicted by Spe cial Deputy Sheriff Paul when he resisted arrest, will have a hearing later. Police Get Moonshine in Raid.- When the police raided the room of Violet Kerns in the Spokane hotel and arrested her on a charge of selling liquor she swallowed a marked bill with which, liquor had been purchased from her, according to testimony of Patrolman Hatt and Ser geant Oelsner in municipal court yesterday. She was fined $75. The police obtained a bottle partially filled with moonshine. Christian Endeavor Delegates Leave for New York. At 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon the Christian Endeavor delegates will leave th Union station for the 1921 interna tional convention in New York city. Interest is being taken in this event, as the delegates carry an official in vitation to the trustees of the united society to hold the 1923 international convention in Portland. Education of Foreigners Advocated. A greater Americanism brought about through education of foreigners so that they may become ideal citi- ens is advocated by Mrs. Nellie Good man of Boston, national president of the Daughters of Veterans, who is n Portland. Mrs. Goodman has just returned from the Washington state convention of her organization held n Olympia. Angry Hubby Arrested. When he became angry with his wife yester day morning J. Grentz, 768 Hood treet, went out to the garage and began venting his spleen upon that structure with a hatchet, according o the story told the police. He was rrested by Motorcycle Patrolmen Fleming and Jewell on a charge of isordf rly conduct. ' Employer fined $2o. On com plaint of Labor Commissioner Gram, Sam Harris, proprietor of the Busy Bee restaurant on North Sixth street, was convicted in District Judge Haw- ins" court yesterday of employing girls in his establishment for more than 48 hours a week. He was fined REV. JOHX W. VSZER BOOKED AT WHITE TE3IPIE. .Minister to Speak at 3Iorning and Night Services Ex-SoIdier9 Asked to Attend. - Rev. John W. Inzer, national chap lain of the American Legion and pas tor of the First Baptist church of Chattanooga, Tenn., who comes to Oregon to open the legion convention at Eugene tomorrow, will speak both morning and night Sunday at the White Temple. Special efforts have been made to persuade as many ex service men and Legion members a possible to attend both services. - At the Sunday morn'ng service ; j i 1 f- v ' f MetSa - " T So I? ' '' Rev. John W. Inaer, nntlonal chnplnln of American Legion, who will speak In Portland. Rev. Mr. Inzer will speak on "Where Is Life?" and at night his topic will be "Your American Citizenship," the latter being a subject that has made the chaplain famous since he as sumed a leading part in the Ameri can Legion. Rev. Mr. Inzer is a young man. He was born January 6, 1890, in Texas, and at the age of 19 entered the min istry in a pastorate at Birmingham, Ala. At the outbreak of the war he entered the service and served with the1 14th infantry in the northwest. He was transferred to Camp Dodge, where he was senior chaplain, and after the armistice was moved to Camp Grant, 111., where he served until March, 1919. When the American Legion was at tempting to perfect its organization, Chaplain Inzler became a member of Its executive committee and spent much time lecturing Jn behalf of the organization. He became pastor of the Chattanooga church in November, 1919, and less than a year later was made national chaplain of the legion in the Cleveland convention. Friends Working for fWoIe. NORTH BEND, Or., June 28 (Spe cial.) J. C. Cotter, a former Western Union telegraph operator, who worked in this city and afterwards embez zled money from the company, is Deing assisted in securing a parole by North Bend Knights of Pvthias and othors. The San Francisco luritre "America's CarP Good all through ! Ideal for work and play! It's helping 'make low cost homes and bigger incomes! By long odds the lowest cost car so far produced! Your neighbors know! They're buying it! JVhy walk? It has all you ask of a car and more by far than other cars give you for equal money! The $200 price reduction has set the nation buying. Buy now for summer! Now They're all talking it! Try it out yourself! Any way any where! It triumphs in any test! Holds world's record for miles per gallon of gasoline. Average 25 miles per gallon! Low oil and tire consumption. Power to spare on the hills! Speed as you want it! Comfort such as you never saw in light cars before! What do you ask of a car? Here it is! quick if you want to get a summer of profit and happiness! Buy the car you. II be proud to own. Touring, f . o. b." Toledo, was, $ 895; now, $695 Coupe, Roadster, f. o. b. Toledo, was, 895; now, 695 Sedan, f. o. f. o. b. Toledo, was, $1425; now, $1000 b. Toledo, was, 1475; now, 1275 All "Present Models WUl'Be Continued Willys-Overland Pacific Co. Broadway at Davis Phone Broadway 3535 Ask About Etctremefy Easy Payments whose court Cotter was convicted as implied that repayment 01 ine nney would result in the parole. North Bend has raised $300, and like amount is being raised by a Elks lodge at Seattle COMING . SATURDAY EVENING o Shows Daily 2il5 and 8:15 1. M. $25. S. & H. green stamps for cash Holman Fuel Co., coal and wood. Main 353; 560-21. Adv. Phone your want ads to The Ore conian. Main 7070. Automatic B60-9S. HEILIG1 Broadway at Taylor. Phone Mala 1. TODAY, TONIGHT week LAST TIME KBIT SAT. MAT. CONTINUOUS SkTr.M. D. W. GRIFFITH'S FASCI.VATI.VG FEATURE FIL.M. STREET PERFORMANCES BEGI.V 1:20, 3:10, 6:00, :50, 8:40. POPI.I.AR PRICES (Including- War Tax) 4FTER.VOOXS TO 6 P. M., FLOOR, 6Sei BALCONY, 30c EVE'S FLOOR aad BALCONY, 65c 3 ferTVer p. m. f Where Your Check Will Be Reasonable FOR INSTANCE Cream of Tomato Soup 10c Ham Sandwich 7c Pie, all kinds 7c Coffee 5c Total ..29c j i j s riB-x- IJl AND BAKERY CAFETERIA 2.69ALDER ST BETWEEN THERDAND TOTIH 1.7,091,50 Who got it? The people who ordered 17,0911 tons of Gasco Briquets at the Special Summer price of $15.50. We are about sold up. Very soon the hammer will drop and the Summer Price will be a thing of Memory. For September the price is $16.50, but you may yet be in time to get in at the lesser price. This may be very likely is our Last warning A Mary Cnrr am the Mother THE PREMIERE PRESENTA TION IN THE NORTHWEST OF THE MASTER FILM OF ALL TIMES WILLIAM FOX Preaenta OVER THE A Storr of Mother Love. Adapted From Will Carle ton's famous "I'arm Ballad" Seats on Sale Friday ETrnlngs 50c, 77c, t.00 Matinrra (Any Seat) 60c (Plus War Tax) , THEATER Broadway and , Taylor HEILIG MULTNOMAH HOTEL fin offers for your convenience Ballrooms, Committee, Banquet and Exhibition Rooms Service Hospitality and Distinction Orchestra 6 to 8 and 9:30 to 12 in the famous ARCADIAN GRILL The Annie Wright Seminary Tacoma, VVashington BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Thirty-eighth year begins September Fourteenth. College Preparatory and General courses. Special advantages in Music and Art. Adelaide B. Preston, Principal Rt. Rev. Frederick W. Keator, Pres. Bd. of Trustees Better order your Gasco Furnace NOW and get it installed before the Fall Rush, as the outlook is that we shall be swamped with orders. You needn't pay NOW. Terms can be arranged. PORTLAND GAS & COKE CO. See us and we will see you about YOUR Banking: Business HOURS-8 AM TO 530PM SATU RDAYS-8AM TO 8 PM Safe Milk r Infanta Invalid NOOOOKXNQ rns Food Drink" for Ail Ages, Quick Lunch at Horn et Office, and Fountains. Ask tot HOUUOCS. jspArcidi&ii&UoQ) & Solufitalei 1. .iMaHIifci2 r Spend yourVacation in SAN FRANCISCO axtSe hotel STEWART On Geiry St, jait off Unlos Squire, close to everything vorth while. Good accommodations at moderate rates. The best known meals In the United States. Municipal cu pastes the door. Stewart Motor Bus meets principal trains and steamers. It is advisable to make reservations In advance of arrival. Coas. A. snd Margaret Stewart, Props. ir. Over 400 Stock Forms AT A BIG SAVING i Oar ferric Ds. m6mn vtluab's Mfit r tioM im dcrUiac approve frauocM tora. B..r, CT.T.nNr.v & Printing Co. 107 2nd St. " Poarvaao r''3i!iM'jiL.g.K.iL"'i'.,y. THE SENSATION OF THE SEASON SEE IT THAT'S ALL- 3EAVFR RflAT?ri btS FOR BETTER WALLS ClS AND CEILINGS Ml N. RASMUSSEN & CO. . Cor. Second and Taylor Sta, Phone your want ads to The Ore goniao, Main 7078, Automatic 660-33. V 102.0v BaSBBBVatwaMMBiaTaai