THE MORXTXG OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, XOVE3IBER 26, 1920 V K HEW CONCERN PLANS TLAND OFFICES First Vessel of Coastwise Fleet Loading Here. LUMBER CARGO IS TAKEN Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Corpora tion Schedules 2 0-Day Sailings. The Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Steam ship corporation, which has estab lished a coast-to-coast service in cluding Portland, the first of whose vessels to come to this coast is now loading, in the local harbor, expects to open an office in this city soon. It was stated by G. C. Foster, assist ant general freight agent of the com pany, who is spending a few days in this city conferring with Portland shippers and the traffic bureau of the port and dock commissions. Apaum Load in K Lumber, The steamer West Apaum, which arrived in the river a few days ago with a cargo of steel from Philadel phia for the G. M. Standifer Construc tion corporation, is now loading lum ber at the Clark-Wilson mill and will shift to St. Helens to finish loading, taking a full cargo from the Colum bia river. The steamer Cape Henry, which sailed from San Francisco Wednesday night, is bringing 4000 tons of shipbuilding steel for the Standifer company, as well as a smaller shipment for the Willamette Iron &. Steel .works. New Vensel en Route. The Cape Henry will be followed to this coast by the steamer Charles H. Cramp, which the Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Steamship corporation re cently purchased from the shipping board. This vessel is now en route from Philadelphia. The steamer Cape Romain, Mr. Foster said, is scheduled to leave Philadelphia December 1. The fifth vessel of the fleet is the steamer West Haven. Besides the fleet of five steamers in the intercoastal service, the com pany also operates fiv steamers in the Atlantic trade, according to Mr. Foster, and owns all ten ships. The plans of the company call for a sailing from Portland eVery 20 days. for the Philippine Vegetable Oil company. theNippoa l uen Kaiaoa steamsaip la- , jima Maru shifted today to the east wa- terway dcok. More than 16 S3 vessel, including Amer ican. United States government and Brit ish, arrived at Seattle last month, accord ing to the figures compiled by Fred M. loathe, port warden The total number of deep-sea vessels for October was 35, with a net tonnage of 347.412. During October, 1919. the arrivals numbered only 309. wtn a net tonnage of 284,137. Arriving laBt nieht at 9 o clock, tne Nippon Yusen Kalsha liner Kashima Maru completed her eastward run in schedule time, being dispatched from Kobe in place of making the customary round of orien tal ports. Return of the deep-sea trawler George L. Harvey, an ex-submarine chaser, seized by the navy department last Friday while held at a West Seattle dock by the United States marshal, under libel for seamen's wages alleged to be due. will be made by the navy department whenever desired, the United States marshal's office was in formed today. Seizure of the craft was made on orders of the secretary of the navy. COOS BAT, Or., Nov. 25. (Special.) The steam schooner Martha Buehner, which shipped a lumber cargo at the Bueh ner sawmill, departed today at"11:30 A. M. for San Francisco. She was the first craft to navigate the bar today. A new steam schooner to this port Is the Bertha M. Hanlon, which arrived at 11:35 this forenoon from the south and comes on special charter to transport lum ber from the Oregon Exports company mill. The steam schooner Prentiss, which had taken a lumber cargo from the Bay Park , Lumber company dock, sailed south this morning at 11 A. o'clock, bound for San i Francisco. i The steam schooner Yellowstone was among the departures today, having on board lumber from the North Bend Mill & .umber company plant. She left the har bor at noon. i The steam schooner Central! a was among ' the. arrivals toduy from the south and is here to ship a lumber cargo at the Smith ; terminal dock. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 25. (Special.) In tow of the tug Sea Queen, the steam schooner G. C. Lfndauer, which was pulled from -the beach at Albion, where she went aground November 15 during a gale, ar rived here this morning. Although water logged, the lumber in the vessel kept her afloat. She will be repaired1 here and re turn to the coastwise lumber trade. With 9O0 Chinese on board and a heavy shipment of sugar and other miscellaneous cargo from Java and oriental ports, the Dutch steamer TJikemhjtng Is due to ar rive here tomorrow morning. Alter a long cruise of the waters around the Japanese coast, the little Japanese fishing schooner Masahige No. 1 arrived here today with a full cargo of codfish. The General Steamship company's steam er Silverado arrived from the west coast of South America today with a cargo of general merchandise. In the coast-to-coast service of the Luckenbach Steamship company, the steamer Hattie Luckenbach arrived' this afternoon with general cargo loaded at New York and other Atlantic ports. EH6IHEER PRESENTS OPEN OHIHEL PUN North Portland " Industries Said to Favor Scheme. WING DAMS PROPOSED W. G. Brown Representing Inter ests, Holds Closed Route Favored by Gilbert Impracticable. Capo Henry of the Atlantic, Gulf Pacific Steamship corporation All of these "vessels should arrive in Port land tomorrow. The steamer Mount Berwyn of the Societe Generale de Transports Mart times a Vapeur, represented by Nor ton. Lilly & Co.. also left San Fran cisco Wednesday afternoon, but will go to British Columbia and Puget sound ports before coming-to the Co lumbia river. The steamer Lake Filbert of - the General Steamship corporation's serv ice - to the west coast of South America, left Seattle at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and will be due here today to complete cargo. Curacao Sails on Schedule. Thanksgiving day was generally observed on the Portland water front yesterday. Though the giving of thanks was not particularly notice- able, there was an almost complete cessation of activities. The only ves el working cargo was the steamer Curacao of the Admiral line coast- ise service, which left down at S clock last night with a full cargo of freight and a full list of passengers. One Hundred and Eighty Million Acres SIBERIAN VOYAGE IS MADE BOLSHEVIKI I& EXCOUXTERED BY VKSSEL OX JOURNEY. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. TACOMA. Wash.. Nov. 25. (Special.) The marine Interests of Tacoma were all tavine heed to Thanksgiving today and little was doing along the waterfront. The only arrivals listed were the Quadra, from British Columbia with ore. and the Teuger, of the Blue Funnel line. The West Togua, taking lumber here, worked till noon and knocked off for the remainder of the day. The steamer Santa Kit a and barge W. J. Plrrfe sailed last night for west coast ports via Han Francisco. The vessels have been loading here for the past week. The Pirrie will flnlHh her cargo at San Fran cisco. From Tacoma the vessel took 700, OuO feet of lumber and the Rita took all of her cargo here. On her first vtnit to Tacoma in tout years, the Blue Funnel liner Teuger. Cap tain Gordan, arrived this morning and is discharging oil consigned to the Philip pine Vegetable Oil company. It is un derstood with the new tanks for this cargo now bting placed lu the vet-eln of thin line they will handle oil Into Tacoma to a larse extent. The Kndicott is due here tomorrow morning to- load wheat for Europe. The Kndicott, it ia believed. Is replacing the Yosemite, fixed last week to load here. ASTORIA, Or.. Nov. 2.V (Special.) The schooner John W. Wells arrived at 130 o'clock thi afternoon, lo days from Ips wich, En gland, in ballawt. She comes for lumber, but her loading point has not been announced. Laden with a full cargo of lumber from the Hammond mill, the steam schooner Union a:iilori ut 11 !: turl 11 V fur Run Pedro. ' After discharging a part cargo of oil at Portland, the tank steamer Salina sailed today for San Pedro. The uteam schooner Wahkeena. with lumber from St. Helens, sailed at 3 o'clock thin morning from San Pedro. The tank steamer Wm. F. Herrln sailed at U o'clock this morning for California after discharging fuel oil in Portland. Laden with a full cargo of lumber from St. Helens, the steam schooner Daisy Put nam sailed at S o'clock this morning for Lou Angeles. Coming to load lumber at the Hammond mill, the steam schooner Trinidad arrived at .1 o'clock this morning from San Pedro. The nteum schooner Celilo arrived at 7 o'clock this morning from California with lright and went to Portland. The steamer Lake Filbert In due from Seattle and goes to the Jnman-Poulsen mill to load lumber. After undergoing repairs at a Portland drydock, the schooner Oregon shifted to the local harbor at 3 o'clock this morning. She is en route to Nehalem to load lumber. GRAYS HARBOR, Wash., Nov. 25. i (Special.) The highest tide of the year in this harbor was recorded today. The water reached Its crest at 12:30. The Chehalis and Wlshkah rivers overflowed their banks at low places and a consid erable area along those rivers was flooded, but no damage was reported. The steam schooners Avalon and Hart wopd arrived from San Francisco at 9 o'clock this morning. The Avalon will load at the American mill in Aberdeen and the Hartwood at the Uulbert mill there. The steam schooner Hornet cleared for San Franeisco at 9 o'clock this morning She loaded at the A. J. West mill, Aber deen. PORT TOWNSEND. Wash.. Nov. 25. (Special.) The steamer Gedney, formerly a coast surveying craft, which was sold and placed on the southeastern Alaska run, has been taken off the northern route and is now operating out of Seattle to points along the Strait of Juan le Fuca Saturday she was libeled In the federal court by her master and several members wi n?r rrew ror WMges alleged due. Carrying lumber, flour and canned .goods the steamer Wallingford sailed this morn ing for Valparaiso. i owing tne barge W. J. Pirri steamer Santa Rita, in the service of Frank Waterhouse A Co.. sailed this morning for vv i.-.. n. aiop win oe made a Han rrancisco, where the Pirrie will com plete cargo. VANCOUVER. B. C. Nov. 25 (Spe- vi .no r.fw r.ngmnd Kish company's ......, .vft.iiiK ireignter Washington, Captain Jennings, is 48 hours late from Ketchikan with fish and the company is beginning to worry, though it is felt the vesbel has been delayed by fogs and storms. She was recently purchased from Seattle owners. Steamsh Melville Dollar arrived to day from the orient and will load 80,000 cases of salmon, 1300 tons of blister cop per and a half million feet ot lumber for New York. , The Canadian Pacific Ocean service liner Monteagle will have an odorous cargo of 3 (Wit tons of herring when she go us to sea Sunday. Manila Maru arrived today from Tacoma to load 1000 tons assorted general cargo for Japan. SKATTLE, Wash., Nov. 25. (Special.) Departure from these waters of the Ari zona Maru la the Seattle-oriental trade of the Osaka Shosen Kalsha has been announced for December 1. The Hawaii Maru. of the same line, will arrive De cember 11 at pier No. 6. The steamer Northwestern, of the Alaska 8ieamship company fleet, Is due to ar rive in port from Southwestern Alaska on Tuesday. With a shipment of lumber to be loaded at Belllngham Friday, the Isthmian line steamship Steel Ranger, w hich has taken on general freight here, will vail for New Vork and Boston the end of this month. After unloading 50tH tracks of copra cake and 745 tons of cocoa nut oil at Tai-oma, Wash., the Manila Maru. of the Osaka Shorten Kalsha, which arrived at Seattle Sunday, will sail for - the orient Decem ber 13. To uiiiuad 1G.00A aaoa o copra cake 'Ship That Always Comes Back Once More Puts Safely Into Home Port. Instead of the closed channel, rec ommended by tt L. Gilbert, project erglneer employed by the Port ot Portland for a survey of North Port lard harbor, the industries located on this body " of water desire an open channel controlled by wingr dajns, ac cording to a report completed yester day by W. G. Brown, engineer for the North Portland industries. Commenting on Mr. Gilbert's report. Mr. Brown writes r , "The report is an excellent one and the result of careful surveys and ac curate data covering- all phases of the situation and the quantities given are dcubtless correct. I have accepted as accurate, all estimates of Quantities, and except in one or two instances the unit prices used in arriving at costs of the alternative projects proposed. "The representatives of the indus tries located in the district affected by the proposed improvements are united, in their preference for an open cnannei, and therefore, other consid erations being equal, preference should be given to this form-of improvement. I believe that some of the advantages of the open channel, as to the action ol the proposed wing-dams and con struction methods, and as to possi DUity of immediate construction of channel, have not been fully covered in tne report." Wing Dams Have Parpoxe. The purpose of the wing dams, ac cording to Mr. Brown's idea, would be not to produce a channel of the re quired width and depth, but merely to maintain such a channel after it had been dredged. That work upon the open channe project could be started with much less delay than upon the closed chan ne. is one argument brought forward i;y jyir. Brown. Another, is that ex pensive sewer construction necessi tated by the closing of the channel, oniy to prove inadequate with the growth of industries on North Port land harbor, would be unnecessary witn tne open channel. Mr. Brown estimates the total cost of the improvement under the open cr.annei project, calling for a channe 5 feet deep and 300 feet wide, a 9JL,oJ.2. "This," he says, "is less than the cost of the closed basin. evn after deducting the cost of the sewer as Mr. Gilbert suggests should be done, and very much less if the closed channel project is required to bear the cost of protecting the piers of the interstate bridge as would doubtless be insisted upon if a permit were g.vniea to construct the proposed dam at tne head of Oregon slough." Dredging Overlooked in Krport. ine urgent need of dredging in the local harbor and the fact that both vnc i;uii8 "reuses are now tied up for lack of funds with which to oper ate them are both overlooked by Mr. Brown in his arguments to nmvp that, contrary to the statement of the port commissioners and ene-ineer. the necessary plant for making the north r-ortiana naroor improvement is im meaiateiy available. He savs: All of the larger dredges when In SEATTLE, Wash.. Xov. 25. The pdwer schooner Bender Bros., known as the "ship that always comes back," is -in port now. being overhauled in preparation for a voyage next year to the Arctic regions. She has just returned from a 16.000-mile voyage that began last April and took her along the Siberian coast from Petro pavlovsk to Anadyr, thence to Nome, where Ice conditions halted her ef forts to get into the Arctic. The vessel is used as a trader by a Seattle firm and departed northward April 14. She arrived at Petropav lovsk the middle of May after a 27 day run. The bolshevik! had control of the Kamchatka port at that time, and two red guard boarded the Ben der Bros, and remained on the vessel for several weeks. Then a Russian volunteer fleet steamship arrived fronr Vladivostok with representatives of the Vladi vostok government, who ousted the rprla fpnm ennt ml anil tnnlf over the port. On the way home from Bering ' commission are employed on channe strait the Bender Bros, made a sec- ond call at Fetropavlovsk, arriving i there last month, and the Vladivostok government seemed to be firmly es tablished in control of the Kamchat ka peninsula. The Japanese had a 7000-ton war ship in Fetropavlovsk and also an 8000-ton transport. Both ships, it was stated, would remain there all winter. Other Japanese warships, including a number of destroyers, are scattered along; the Kamchatka coast, protecting the Japanese concessions, the men on the Bender Bros, re ported. After the first visit to Fetropav lovsk the schooner continued north along the Bering sea shores of Si beria, trading .at the villages and out posts for fur's and other products. She arrived at Anadyr July 15, being the first vessel of the year to put into that roadstead. From Anadyr the Bender Bros, carried eight Rus sian refugees to ome and then head ed for the Arctic ocean. Ice halted the cruise. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Nov.' 23. Arrived t 7 P. M. Steamer Celilo, from San Francisco Sailed at i P. M. Steamer Curnrm for coos Day. cureKa ana ban Jvrancisco. ASTORIA Xov. 2S. Arrived down at 3 A. M. Power schooner Oregon. Arrived at o A. M. Steamer Trinidad, from San Pedro. Sailed at A. M. teamer W. F Herrin. for San Francisco. Arrived at and left up at 8:30 A. M Steamer Celilo. lrom ban Jfranclsco. Sailed at 7:r0 A. M. Steamer SalJna. for San Pedro, sailed at 8:l'." A. M. Steamer Iiaisv Putnam, for San Pedro. Sailed at 8:40 A. M. Steamer Wahkeena. for San Pedro. Sailed at 11:40 A. M. Steamer Halco, for San Pedro. Ar rived at 1:30 P. M. Schooner Jonn W. wells, irom ipswicn. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. S3. Arrived Steamer Silverado, from Arica for Port land: steamer Hawaiian, from Portland tor New York. BALBOA, Nov. 24. Arrived Barge Grllfson, from Portland in tow steamer Griffeo. Nov. 22 Arrived Steamer West Cahokia, from Portland, for St. Thomas for orders. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 24. Sailed at 4 P. M. Steamer Bearport. for Portland. Sailed at 5 P. M. British steamer Mount Berwyn, for Portland via Puget sound; Dutch steamer Moerdyk, for Portland. Sailed at 11 P. M. Steamer Cape Henry, for Portland. maintenance between Portland and me sea loiiowmg the annual freshet, it Deing the usual practice to be tne cnannei work when the f res he nas receded to about ten feet abov low water, occurring usually abou "si ana, wnen necessary, to continue until the spring rise has reacnea a neignt of about ten . feet, being from May 1 to May 15. During me summer, wnue tne river remain aoove a ten-root stage, the fleet usually uvernauiea and lalff llr iirk- der short crews but nevertheless at a consiaeraoie fixed overhead ex pense. Any work therefore which can De performed at this time)ay b considered of off-peak character nn, particularly advantageous as to econ omy. Channel Maintenance Light. rne 1J0 freshet havine- barel reacnea a sand carrvine- else. h little shoaling of channels occurred and the work of channel maintenance in ms oiumoia river has been un usually light. The engineer Hm ment dredges will have practically completed their quota, of channel work by November SO, 1920, and it is probable that both could be had for the North Portland harbor work by February 1. 1821. about th earliest date that arrangements for such work could be made. By this time the port dredges should also be available for other main channel work. "The pile driving arm preliminary timber and rock work, estimated to cost $37,000, can be performed at low water stages and as this work is not extensive, could easily be com- ipieted before dredging operations ; have commenced' of forest lands, is only one of the resources that is security for these ' Steamer Celilo Arrives. The McCormick line steamer Celilo rrived at the Couch-street dock at 7 'clock last night with passengers nd freight from Lot Angeles and ban Francisco. Slilp Reports toy Radio. (Furnished by Radio Corporation of America.) Positions reported at 8 P. M.. yesterday. unless otherwise indicated, were as foilows: ABERCOS. Yokohama for Portland, 905 miles from Columbia river, 8 P. M.. No vember 24. WEST NIVARIA, Portland for roko- ama, 1850 miles west ot uoiumon river. 8 P. M. November 24. EL SEGUNDO, towing barge 3, Ban Francisco, for Astoria, U5 miles from Astoria. OKEGONIAN, San Francisco ror seat- tie. 25 miles south of Cape Flattery. WEST KEENB. Belllngham lor Hono lulu, 181 miles southwest of Tatoosh. WALLINGFORI), Tacoma lor oan 243 miles from Tacoma. HORACE X. BAXTER, San f Tanclsco for Seattle, 422 miles north of San Francisco. SALJNA, Portland for San l-earo, sal miles north of San Francisco. EVERETT. San Francisco for Tacoma, 350 miles north of San Francisco. WAHKEENA. Columbia river ror Kan Diego, tto miles south of Columbia river. CHARLES WABAflr Han rrancisco w eattle. 615 miles from San Francisco. UEORQ1NA ROLPH, San Pearo lor asi- llncham. 32 miles north of Cape Blanco. W. F. HERRIN, Linnton for Ban r ran- i Cisco, 258 miles from Unnton. MOUNT BERI.V. San Francisco ror Van couver. ISO miles north ot San Francisco. GRIFFDU, towing Henry Vlllarui bell lngham for San Pedro, off Point fct. George. ASTRAL. San Francisco for Harravia, o miles west of San Francisco. BEARPORT. San Francisco ror rort- and, 353 miles south of Portland. JOHANNA SMITH, San rrancisco ior Coos Bay, 2o8 miles from San Francisco. HYADES, San Francisco for Seattle, zuu miles north of San Francisco. ADMIRAL SCHLEY, Seattle lor ban Francisco, 244 miles from San Francisco. SANTA FLAV1A, cailao lor an rran cisco. 83t miles south of San Francisco. CORDOVA, Everett for San Pedro, Zo miles from San Pedro. WEST CAMAK. San Francisco lor San Pedro. 101 miles north of San Pedro. WEST MAH WAH. San l"edro lor ew Zealand via Honolulu, 3& miles from San Pedro. HUMBOLDT. San Pedro for San Fran cisco. 112 miles south of San Francisco. STANDARD ARROW, San Francisco tor Beaumont, 31H) miles from San Francisco. SAN DIEGO. Raymond ror San Fedro, a miles from San Pedro. W'APAMA, San Francisco tor San Pedro, 100 milts west of Han Pedro. ATLAS. Point Wells for San fearo, 23 miles from Point Wells. 3 Yr. 6 General Obligation Gold Bonds Province of BRITISH COLUMBIA : ' Den. $500, $1000 PRICE 96.03 Yield 7.50 Behind these S-yr. & Gold Bonds stands Canada's weaHhiest Province. ONTARIO DE.V. aiooo PRICE 96.68, YIELD 730 onuses Undor- Supervision Ortcm. siabz Banking DcpuixuaxL, Broadway and Oak Attractive Yields Northwestern and Canadian Issues II 6 Improvement Bonds. . City of Vancouver, Washington Local Improvement, District No. 161. r,aAlJ! He Exempt Frftra Federal Yielding 7 Vo income Tax. Dated Oct. 1. 1820." Due Oct-l. 1021 to 1B30. Optional on and after Oct. 1. 1921. Prices from 2.4 to M.40. Denomination $5uO. Principal and semi-annual interest payable at the office of City Treasurer, Vancouver, Wash., or at the offices of Morris Brother., Inc. fil IeDominmtiom 9500 in an outline drawn tip by oommHtee of the Canadian Council ot Agrlcultere. Under the proposed plan, which em braced half of Canada's wheat territory, or about S, 000,000 acres, a board of repre sentatives of grain growers' organizations would control distribution and prices of the 1921 crop. Contract holders will bind themselves to sell wheat only through the pool for a period of five years. Egyptian Business Paralysed. LONDON, Nov. 25. Continued fall in cotton prices Is helping to paralyze Egypt tian business, says a Cairo dispatch, to the Central News under Wednesday's date. Banks are faced with a large deficit on merchandise and the situation has been aggravated by unsettled conditions in the cotton industry in America. .London Metal Markets. LONDON, Not. 25. Standard copper. 78 7s 6d; tin, 220 7 6d; zinc, 32 15s; thers unchanged. Discount Unchanged at London, LONDON, Nov. 25. Bar silver 47 d per ounce. iioney ana aiscounc unchanged. Ident Wilson, according to a special dispatch to The Chronicle from "Washington, I. C. today. He had served 12 years and six months of his sentence. TRAVELERS' GtlDB. JEWISH HOMELAND URGED Appeal for Co-operation In Pales tine Is Made. BUFFALO. N. Y.. Nov. 25. An ap peal for the co-operation of all Jews in America toward converting Pales tina into a "true Jewish homeland' was made here today by Julian W. Mack, president of the Zionist orsran ization of America', In an address opening the 23d annual convention of the organization. Mr. Mack declared that the time for theoretical propaganda in favor of the principles of Zionism had ended with the creation of a free jewisn state in the Holy Land under the guarantee of a British mandate; that it is a definite and concrete prob lem now the upbuilding of the Jew lsh homeland. "For decades to come this will re quire the united effort of the whole Jewish people, he said. SLAIN DEPUTY BURIED Victim of Italian Political Riot Is Iiald to Rest. BOLOGNA. Italy. Nov. 25. Nearly 100,000 persons yesterday witnessed the funeral of Deputy Giordana. the constitutionalist who was slain dur- infir the riot at the municipal hall Sunday. The wife and mother of the dead man followed the hearse and as they passed adong the street, many weeping women kissed their hands. The nationalists have removed tne name plate from a street called by the socialist administration after Spartacus, substituting for a plate bearing the inscription "Giordana Street." In revenge socialists fired dozen revolve!- shots at street car employes who declared themselves anti-socialists while passing along this avenue. There were no casualties. WHEAT POOL IS PROPOSED Canadians Plan Co-operative Mar ketin-r for 121 Crop. CALGARY. Alta., Xov. 25. Co-operative marketing of Canada s wheat crop through a fHrnlPri' phol was prnpo--ed her- today MONTEREY, r F. It. Buck. Nov. IIS. Arrived Steam from Portland. 3 STEAMERS EX ROUTE HERE Vessels of Different Lines Depart for Local Port Three steamers of different lines sailed from San Francisco for Port land Wednesday afternoon and even ing, according to advices received by the Merchants Exchange yesterday morning. They are the Bearport of the Columbia-Paclfie Shipping com pany's North China line, the Moerdyk of the Holland-American line and the Port Calendar. Oregon Municipals City of Marshfield City of Forest Grove to yield 6 PRISONER GETS PARDON President Frees Man Serving Life Term for' Murder. SPOKANE. Wash., Nov. 25. (Spe cial.) Anton Clausen, Berving a life sentence in the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth Kansas for the alleged murder of Robert Ford, a saloon Keeper at Nome, Alaska, was given a Thanksgiving day pardon by Pres- Lrr-ysUeMosAiRts STEAMSHIP LINES , Regular Express Passenger and Freight Service 8. S. Alarth Wanhinton 15,000 tons (b) Jan. 1 6. S. Huron, 17,000 tons &) Jan. 14 (a) 1st, 2d and 3d class; (b) 1st and 2d cla-s. Steamers of U. S. Shipping Board.) 82-92 Beaver Si, N Y. Branch Offices at Philadelphia Baltimore Chicago St. Lools Mobile a IIIHIIIIII Improvement Bwbi II City of Seaside, Oregon 6 General Obligation Bond. 7 to 7.50 Yield .m Dated Nov. 1, 1920. Maturing serially from 1021 to 1831. Price from 92.41 to 8S.5S. Denomination 300. Principal and semi-annual interest payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon. Kew York city, or at the offices of Mortis Broth ers, Inc. MHMHHMHbs'bs'MI Denomination S5O0 IsIHHHbIHBbIsIbI The Unsold Portion City ot Edmonton, Alberta Province 6 General Obligation Gold'Notes yl-IJ Q c Exempt From All Xtominlon X leiU V o Government Taxation. Dated Sept. 1, 1820. Due Sept. 1, 1922. Price 65.04. Denominations $100 3O0 and 1000. . Principal and semi-annual interest (March 1 and Sept. 1) psyable In United States Gold Coin In New York city or at the offices of Morris Broth ers, Inc. t 'Telephone or Telegraph Orders at oar Expense. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Established Over Quarter Century "The lremler Municipal Bond House Portland, or. morris bldg. 309-11 stark broadway 2151 Other Offices at Seattle TaComa, Wash. and. San Krancisco, Cal. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Capital One Million Dollars iniiiL SKATTLB, Nov. 24. Sailed at 4 P. M. Steamer Luke Filbert, for Portland. SAN PKDRO, Cal., Xov. 26. Special.) Arrived. Cjueen. from San Diego ;, Willam ette, from Portland." -Sailed, Queen, for &un r ran cisco. SEATTLE. Wftfh.. Nov. '25. Arrived Xorw ood, from San Francisco. Tv parted- Admiral Dewey, fom San Diego via San Francisco; Wallingford, for Peruvian porta. Tide at Atttoria Fridar. Str. Alaska. HiKh. Low. Abercoa l:0S A. M... 8 0 feet'6:4 A. M 3.1 fet ( tr- ?rca tKiil x . jw....u.t i " l 1 1 : f. JU... x.'Z reel To Arrive at Portland. Vessel From Htr. Atlas Pan Pedro. . Str. Bl Seirundo San Fran..r S O. Barge. 9S San Fran... 6ch. Jonn W. Well. . Jmrnlngham Sir. Bearport San Fran. . Str. Mount nerwyn r ran. . Str. Cape rienry. . Str. Paraiso Htr. Lake Filbert Str. Moerdyk. . .San Fran t.San Fran. . . Valparaiso , . San Fran. . . San Fran. . . .Orient Date. .Nov. 25 -Nov. 2rt -Nov. 2 .Nov, 8 .Nov 7 .Nov. 27 -Nov. 27 .Nov. 2T -Nov. 27 Not. 2T -Nov. 28 . . .Nov. 2J Report From Mouth of Columbia River. NORTH HEAD, Nov. 25.' Condition of the pea at 5 P. M., moderate; wind south, 12 miles. BANK EXPERIENCES RUN Small Japanese Establlslinint Is Getting: Help to Ride Storm. TOKIO, Nov. 25. The Akaki Bank of Tokio, a small establishment with deposits of 300.000 yen. ia experienc ing a run. The Bank of Japan is assisting- the Akaki establishment and the run is' subsitliUeT- .uironei ... Nov. -H Str. Cape Henry . . . . . Hsltimore Nov. 28 Str West Togus .....Boston Nov. 21) Str' Eldorado Serr ,rleaI--Nov. 30 Str West Nomenturo. Yokohama. .. Dee. 4 tr. Oresonian New York ...Dec 8 Str Fort Wayne ....8,n Fran. ....Dec. 10 Str Silverado V alparaiuo . . . Deo. 14 fitr Elbergen ...Antwerp ..Dec. IS Btr. West Camargo . Australia ....Deo. 13 To lepart From Portland. Vnncl -For Data. Str. Multnomah n A. ..Nov. 2 Str. Celilo s- F- 1 A. Xov. 30 Vessels In Port. Vessel B"th; . Str. Celilo Couch-atreet dock. ir. 1. A. D. O. 7 -vontffomery clock. ..Columbia dock. . Drydock. ..Peninsula mill. .. St. Helens .. Clark-Wllaon mill. tttr. Daisy Str. Forst Ukt Hawaii Sch. Meteor j-'tr Multnomah. .. ctr. West Apaum. I "lfP SMITH ! I GROUND FLOOR CAMP g I LUMKSMaHS OUlLl" rf B I riFTM AND Tlt KVJ. I av B'vao h OUBTH Cr- WASHINGTON STREETS Consemrailve ifj The Hibernia belongs to the Federal Reserve System TOYO RISEN KAMA Freight Service . Portland to Japan and Chin. For Yokohoma, Kobe and Shanghai. Freight and Passenger Service. SS. AJVVO MARU, 12,000 tons, loadinc For rates, fares, space and information Address OREGON-PACIFIC COMPANY General Agents Wilcox Bldg Main 4565. FRENCH LINE Compaernie General Transatlantlqae Express l'ostal Aervice. NEW YORK HAVRE PAKIS. FRANCE Dec. 2 ROCHAMBEAU Deo. 4 LA LORRAINE Dec. H LA TOURAINB . Dec. 18 LA BAVOIE . Dec. 24 Flic-asi Brae.. Pacific Coast Agents, 109 Cherry St.. Seattle, or Any Local Asent. HIDES, CASCARA BARK, PKLTS, SULLIVAN HIDE & WOOL CO. " 144 Front St., PORTLAND, ORHGON. id Shipping;-TALLOW. Write for Prices, u Toes. WOOL. Astoria and Way Points STR. GEORGIANA Round trip daily (except Friday) leaves Portland 7:10 A. M.. Atder-Htreet dork, Leaven Astoria P. M., Flavel dock. Fare V'J.OO each way. Special a la carte dining service. - IMrect connection for 80 ut li tit-acheH. Night boat daily, 8 P. 31., daily except Sanduy. The H h rkln Transporta tion Company. Main 1422. o41-22. STEAMER For LOS ANGELES Sailing; Friday. 2:30 P. M. CHEAP RATES M. BOLLAM, Aa-ent. 122 Third Street. Phone Main 2a. Rate Fixing California hydro-electric securities are particularly fortified by the eminent fair ness of that state's rate-fixing body the 'California Railroad Commission. The Nevada-California Electric Corporation has recently been granted rate increases which will increase its annual revenues (based on present electric sales) approximately $312,000, or 10. We offer that corporation's 10-year 8 collaterally secured bonds at 99 to net nearly 8.15. Call, write or phone , for complete information today. Blyth. Witter. & Co. VmtD 5WTE3 GOVERWIEirr MUNICTPAI. AUD C0RPORAJ10H BONDS YEON BUILDING, PORTLAND Telephone Main 8183 San Francisco Seattle New York - Los Angeles l.-l..VA.M-7A'ka.lll.-Jil 248 Washington St.. Portland. Orecon. Climatic Conditions Manr tvpea of pavement are seriously affected by Climatic varying conditions. Expan- - sion and contraction due to - extremes of heat and cold FCTS play havoc; even if the traf- M, fio does not warrant de Mi, terioration. A pavement that has withstood every varia tion of climate, that will not buckle In hot weather, nor crack In cold weather. Is WARRENITE BITULITHIC WAKBKV BROTUKUS COMPAQ V. . ; - ; . 'IlK'SJ ikinjiliillUIIUllii'illlUllllk'UlU' Dependable Freight and Passenger Service California Service ttesilar Freight and Pasienrer Service tn COO BAY EUREKA and SAM FRANCISCO Ballinff from Portland,- P. M. S. S. "CIHACAO." Nov. 25 and Dec. 7. Connecting; at San Francisco with Steamers for Loo Asreles and San Dleffo Aesialar Vrelaat and PaaacnKer Serriee to Mexico, Central America and Alaska. INTERCOASTAL TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE to all Oriental Ports. U. S. Shipping Board A.-1 Steel American Vessels. SalllnK From Portland q K. ABKHCOS Deo. 18 5" s PAVVLET Jan.- 18 5 k! COAXUT Feb. 18 For Further Information Apply to till TUIBU ST. SERVICE Bos. ton and Philadelphia. Nawsco Lin. ague-ion bteel American vessels. Sailing; From Portland S. S. WEST TOGUS Nov. 30 S. S. SPRINGFIELD Dec. 81 S. S. M. C. BRUSH Dec. IS phone: main aasx. Canadian Provincial and Municipal Bonds Liberal Yield Principal and interest payable in New York and prices .... . . t t r . . rr J are Iigurea lor payment in iview iotk lunus. unereu, subject to prior sale and change in price. Price to Yield Per Cent Province of Ontario 5s. . .g.MM4ei'J 7.25 1926. x Province of Ontario 4V2-- -7.25 . May 1, 1925. . . Province of Manitoba 6s. . . . ,7.30 - April 1, 1925. Province of Quebec 6s.. . . .u 7.30 March 1, 1925. Province of Nova Scotia 5s. .;. M ..;. .7.30 January 1, 1926. Province of New Brunswick 5s. .M . .7.30 December 1, 1925. Province of New Brunswick 4Vis. ..a.7.30 December 1. 1925. City of Toronto (Ont.) 4y2s. . . . . 7.30 January-July 1, 1925. Province of Alberta 4V2S .......:. .-..-. 7.50 December 1, 1923. Greater Winnipeg Water Dist. (Man.) 5s. .8.00 July 1, 1922. Circulars, giving full description, furnished upon request. The National City Company Correspondent Offices in more than 50 cities. Portland Yeon Bldg. Telephone Main 6072. Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian Main 7070 Automatic 560-95