TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAX, MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1920 7 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF AMUSEMENTS. ORPRrry (Broadway at Taylor) Van- Kdcville. This afternoon and tonight. o.vTn - iruvnthWRaker Stock AAn.iL.iv Aiacr . . . . . - - comply in Fenrod." This atternoon and tonight. .LYRIC (Broadway at Morrison) Musical comedy. "The Belle of Portland." Three shows daily. 2. 7 and S P. M. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tamhill) Vaudeville and movinlt pictures. S to 5, 6:43 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and holidays continuous, 1:13 to 11 P. M. PANTAOES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows dally. g:30, 7 and 9:0i. city. Later they 'will return to their home in Robinson. 111. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Krebs have re turned from an extended trip throughout the eastern states. They were entertained in Washington. New York, Chicago and other cities of in terest. They now are at home at 410 East Fifty-fifth street, Groveland Park. Women's Activities ItECEPTION UIVEN REED FRESHMEN. The freshman class of Reed college was given a reception Saturday eve ning by Dr. and Mrs. Knowlton. The entertainment included a short pro Rramme. after which refreshments were served. The reception is an annual social activity in honor of the incoming class, and was formerly given by Dr. and Mrs. Foster in their home. This year, however, it was held in the assembly hall, which was artistically decorated with flowers. The programme included a Dutch children's dance by Anna Nilson and Julia Harrison, Miss Nilson also ren dering a lullaby dance. Miss Bertha Young, dean of women, who has re cently returned from a tour of Eng land and Wales, related her trip abroal. Members of the faculty and tlieir wives were also guests. Captain Bealey to Meet Hill. Stu dents. Captain W. de V. Bealey, late of the Prince of Wales North Staf fordshire regiment, who Is visiting in Portland, will speak bn Wednesday morning at the Hill Military academy. Captain Bealey is a graduate of the academy. The family formerly lived in Portland, hut Captain Bealey en listed in the British army at the very outbreak of the war and served throughout the five years. He won his commission in the Royal flying . corps. He has been conducting a tiie;iking tour in the schools of New York city, and at his former school. Hill, he will tell of some of his ex periences in the war. The programme will be given at the regular Wednes day morning assembly, which is a fea ture of the school. SAT.VATION ARMT WORKERS VISIT City. John W. Cousins, lieutenant colonel in command of Salvation Army activities in Washington, Oregon and Idaho, and Mrs. Cousins were wel comed by Salvation Army workers here yesterday. Three special serv ices were held in their honor. Colonel Cousins has come from Denver, where he has been in command of the Sal vation Army work for more than five years in the six Rocky mountain states between the Canadian border and Mexico. Commerce Club to Meet. The For eign Commerce club will meet tomor row at a luncheon to be held at St. Jor.ns terminal No. 4. Visiting dele Kates to the northwest rivers and nar bcrs convention will be entertained and taken on a tour of the new docks. Tomorrow evening at the Multnomah holei the club will give a dinner to delegates, followed by dancing. At the request of the Oregon State Cham ber of Commerce the club is in charge of entertainment features of the riv ers and harbors convention. Train Service to County Fair. The following train service will be jriven between Portland and Gresham. t'.iily this week, for the annual Mult nomah County fair: Leave First and Alder 6:4f, 7:43. 8:45, 9:43, 10:43, 11:45 A. M., and 12:45, 1:45. 2:45. 3:45. 4:45, B:45, 6:45. 7:45. 9:50 and 11:35 P. M. Fare 30 cents each way. Adv. Democrats Rally V eonesday. Un der democratic auspices a political rally will be held at the Woodstock suhoolhouse at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. The address of the evening will be made by Milton A. Miller, col lector of internal revenue, who will discuss issues of the campaign. Industrial Expansion. Opportunity is offered a limited number to take part in the expansion of one of Port land's best factories. Increased busi ness ha.s required an additional issue of common and preferred stock. Sub stantial dividends are assured. L S3, Ortgonian. Adv. Alaska Society to Meet. The Alas ka society will open its winter season by an entertainment at the assembly room of the Portland hotel Monday evening. October 11. These meetings will be held on the second Monday of each month following. No. 1. Driving Away Drudoery! We have convinced very many families that our laundry work is the kind they want. Palace Laundry "Family Economy Wash." at 7 cents per pound is satisfactory and economical. Adv. Opening Dance and card party at W. O. W. hall, 12S 11th st., Oregon As sembly No 1. United Artisans. Prizes, good music, live floor committee. Ad mission, S3 cents. Come one, come all Adv. Do Not Forget to call up East 30SS when you want the Salvation Army auto-iruck to call for cast off cloth ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture, etc. Address 24-26 Union ave. Major John Bree, district officer. Adv. Modern office systems devised aad Installed. Our system experts at your service, no obligation. Over 400 stock forms to select from, at a savins Phone Main 1971. Pacific Staty. &. Ptjj Co.. 107 Second street- Adv. During the absence of Dr. George Ainslie at the surgical congress in Montreal. Dr. A. B. Oillis will be in charge of his practice at 606 Orego tiian bldg. Adv. Democrats. Attention. Precincts -is to J-'b'.s will meet at headquar ters, Morgan building, tonight at 8 o'clock. Adv. Dance. McEIroy'a orchestra, Mur- lark hall, 23d and Washington fits, every Wednesday and Saturday. Adv Bhnj. B. Uoodman, attorney, has of fices now at 403 Henry bids. Adv. Milk Cure at Moore Sanitarium; the quick way to health E. 37. Adv. Kem merer Coal. Carbon Coal Co, mine agents East 11SS. Adv. Dr Geo II Buck resumes practice. Grand at Hawthorne ave. Adv. HOOD 1 RIVER, Or., Oct. 3. (Spe cial.) The Hood River Women's club held Its opening meeting- at 2:30 P. M., September 29. at Liberty hall, which was beautifully decorated with autumn branches and flowers. A re ception was held in honor of the val ley guests and the city school teach ers, a short programme being given. Mrs. Ralph Root sang two groups of songs in a charming manner and pleasing voice. Messrs. Sletton and Emel gave several numbers on the xylophone and piano and generously responded to several encores. Re freshments were served. The women's auxiliary of the car penters' union will give a box social and dance Friday, October 8, at W. O. W. hall on Eleventh street. The auxiliary will furnish the coffee. All women are requested to bring a lunch box. A good time is promised and everyone is welcome. The Richmond Parent-Teacher as sociation will hold its regular meet ing Friday afternoon at 2:45 at the school. An interesting programme has been planned and a large attend ance of mothers and friends of the schools is desired. Refreshments will be served. The Progressive Women's league will hold a meeting tomorrow after noon at the central library at 2:30, for the purpose, of arranging for a musicale to be given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Haak in Mount Tabor soon. PORTLAMDER GETS OFFICE C. S. Samuel Elected Vice-President of American Life Convention. The fifteenth annual meeting of the American Life convention Just closed at Kansas City. Mo., was the most successful gathering of that organi zation ever held, both from thestand point of attendance and the number of companies represented, according to C. S. Samuel, general manager of the Oregon Life Insurance company, who has just returned from attending that gathering. The American Life convention Is an organization composed cf 131 life In surance companies with insurance in force exceeding 7,000,000,000. At the election of officers for the ensuing year Mr. Samuel was chosen one of the vice-presidents of the con-- vention. TRUST KEEPS GEMS UP Ever thing Slay Drop in Price, but Diamonds Won't, Says Sydicatc.- No matter what happens to the price of shoes and ships and sealing wax. the price of diamonds is not going down, says the New York Herald and Sun. 'That fact was made apparent when a cablegram was received from the Diamond Syndicate of London, which controls th.e output of stones, stating that its policy is to "main tain prices.' The Diamond Syndicate, which holds about 90 per cent of the entire dia mond output of the world, including the stones from the De Beers Con solidated mines, is probably the great est and strongest trust in the world. What it says goes in the diamond in dustry. When demand slackens the syndicate cuts off the supply. RED CROSS AIDS 7,000,000 Cost During War to Last June Set at $ I 0.000,000. WASHINGTON. Oct. 3. The Ameri can Red Cross gave aid to the coun try's fighting men -or their families at home in 7.000,000 cases from the entrance of the United States into the war until last June. . The cost was about $10,000,000. These facts are shown in a statement issued by that organization today. The Red Cross also describes how it is continuing in peace time to aid the world war veterans. The article is the first of a series based on the forthcoming anuual re port of the Red Cross and is intended to show what has been done with the funds given it. Ten New Houses on Market. In connection with the efforts to relieve the housin.tr situation in Port land the Title & Trust company has announced the completion of ten houses, located on East Eighteenth street between Klickitat and Fre mont streets, which have been fitted with all modern conveniences. FHEMEH LEAD! E PREVENT ON DRIVE Programme This Week to In clude Inspections. SCHOOL TALKS SLATED SOCIETY THE women of St. Stephen's Pro- Cathedral announce the quar terly meeting of their auxiliary for next Friday at 2 P. M. in the par ish house. Mrs. F. C. Malpas, presi dent, cordially invites all members of tiie organization to be present as im portant plans are to be made for the year. Marguerite Camp Coterie will meet at the home of Mrs. Bowman, 2S18 East Forty-third street South, next Thursday at 10 A. M. A pot-luck luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. All resident and sojourning royal neighbors and friends are welcome Mrs. George W. p. Ballou left Fri day evening for a trip to California. She will remain away about two months. - C'live M. Saiz. a student at' Albany college visited his mother, Mrs. Hila Saiz Newlen, over the week-end. Mr. Saiz will be one of the speakers at the Oregon City Christian Endeavor con vention. The president's association of the Ladies of the G. A. K. will meet to morrow at 2 P. M. in Walls hall (.Sell wood car). Mrs. Carl Maxwell and daughter Patricia who have been visiting here, lett Saturday for Enterprise, Or., to visit Mrs. Paul Ulair, formerly of this ' YOU CAN NOW AFFORD COMPLETE PROTECTION CENTS PER DAY .2.-,.4.-t Per lenr) Reduced hy A nnunl Dividends Pays for 7 $1,000 Life Insurance (At Age Twenty-eight) Older Ages Only a Trifle Higher OR $2,000 Double Face of Policy If Killed by Accident Oregonlifc Insurance Company Oldest in Pacific Northwest HOIK OFFICE Corbet Building;, Cor. Fifth and Morrixon, fori land A. I.. -MILLS, Presldrjlt C. S. StJIlKI,, l-rnrral Mnnaeer V.. N. STRO.Mi, Axst. Mr. Write for farther information, giving; aae and occupation Big Parade and Sleeting at Audi torium 'Scxt Saturday Will Close Campaign. Inspections by corps of firemen of downtown office buildings and stores, talks in all the schools and before many clubs, ending with a parade and meeting at the auditorium on Satur day, comprise the schedule for fire prevention week, which began yes terday. The firemen will inspect as many buildings as possible' in an attempt to locate any fire hazards, and through this means and also by displays In many downtown windows the public will learn of the rnany causes of fire which can be avoided. A clock 12 feet in diameter, sus pended about 50 feet above the ground on Sixth street, between Morrison and Alder, will record daily the number of flies in the preceding 24 hours and tre amount of damage from fire in the city during the same period of time. Each noon a fire truck will carry fire ladders and firemen to Sixth street to paint the latest figures. Pupila to Hear Talks. The grade schools will be covered by speakers who will explain the ways of avoiding fires. The schools have been divided among W. F. Wood ward. Rufus C. Holman, T. J. Lon ergan, Richard Deich, H. R. Albee, Hamilton Johnstone, Walter H. Ev ans, B. Lee Paget and Elton Wat kins. The speakers will visit one or more schools each day. J. H. Schively of the fire-prevention bureau of the Pacific will arrive in 1-crtland this morning and will give all of the talks in the high schools and before the various clubs of the city at their noon luncheons. The week will end with a parade on Saturday afternoon at 2:30, in which trucks from the fire depart ment, many civic organizations and business houses will enter floats and automobiles. The industrial section, ia which fire-extinguishing equip ment and fireproof material will be shown, wrll be one of the largest In the parade. Movie to Be Shown. In the evening a meeting will be held at the auditorium, at which mov ing pictures showing fire-prevention methods will be shown and talks made by Mayor Baker and others. A programme of stunts also is being pla rined. The Portland Association of Credit Men is planning to take an active part in the programme of the week. The lire-insilrance committee of the asso ciation is preparing a float to repre sent the credit men in the parade, and representatives of the association are being urged to ask their firms to take an interest in the week." The slogan of this group for the week will be "More Adequate Fire Prevention and Fire Protection: More Credit." F. I. Finley is directing the associ ation's activities for the week and Shoes Tor Men Nationally Famous Ralstons At Four Feature Prices $10, $12.50, $15, $16.50 Fall showing of newest black and brown models. All leathers. Special models in Trupedic and combination lasts. Other models with cushion soles, or rawhide winter welts for outdoor men. Every pair guaranteed for reaFsatisfaction. See them in our windows. Exclusive Ralston Agents S. & H. Stamns Given ii Morrison ir I at ourtn ETSn Buy CALIFORNIA Direct from the Producer will be glad to assist anyone in plans for the parade. Kiwanis Topic Fire PreTentoln. Fire prevention will be the topic of discussion at the regular weekly luncheon of the Kiwanis club, to be held tomorrow noon in the Tyrolean room of the Benion hotel. The speaker of the day will be J. H. Shivley. for mer insurance commissioner of Wash ington, now representing the fire pre vention bureau of the Pacific north west. There will be a special musical number, featuring Miss Eunice Parker, mezzo soprano, accompanied by Paul Hutchinson. The chairman of the day is K. A. Holloway of the H. M. C'arlock company. PRINTERS STUDY TRADE Washington Publishers to Consider Problems In Near Future. CENTRALIA. Wash., Oct. 3. (Spe cial.) Friday night a meeting of the Washington State Press association for the sixtn district, comprising Lewis and Pacific counties, was held in Centralia to work out plans for a closer co-operation between publish ers and Job printers and to submit difficulties encountered by them. These latter will be thrashed out at an institute to be held ,in Seattle in January under the auspices of the state association. Clarence Ellington of. Chehalis, president of the stateP?Tss associa tion, opened the mee(ng, and the following officers werS elected: Kd Of Fine Decorative Papers Off On every paper in the store. Beautiful designs for living and dining rooms. Special line of fine English bedroom papers. roSo Broadway 500 Berger 108 Tenth, Pittock Block 1 ioday i Call at the Gas Office, Alder, near Fifth, and feast your eyes on our wonderful line of Gas Ranges M. Connor, South Bend, chairman, and R. W. Edinger. Centralia, secretary. The meeting was well attended. Fred Kennedy, of the University of Wash ington department of journalism, be ing among those present. Coal Engineer Lea-es Centralia. CENTRALIA, Wash., Oct. 3. (Spe cial.) Richard Ober, who has had charge of development work on the coal mining property in Bucoda owned by the Mutual Lumber com pany, left Thursday for Rock Springs. Wyo., where hj has accepted a posi tion as chief engineer in the Union Pacific's mines. The development work in Bucoda has progressed to the point of establishing the fact that the property in question is underlaid with rich coal deposits. O H Waffles And Maple Syrup And the Best ' Coffee You Ever Tasted 20c One could hardly eat for less or get a more satisfactory meal. Ham and eggs 35c Buttered toast. . .5c Cream of Wh eat wi th half and half. 10c Baked beans 5c-10c Macaroni and Cheese . . . .5c-10c Apple sauce 5c THREE PLACES 295 Washington St. Washingtt,.i St. at West Park Liberty Theater Bldg. Sartorial excellence, magnifying personal pulchritude -the best definition we can give of Joy's tailoring for men. Overcoats and Suits for Men, Tailored From All-Wool Fabrics "Pay as You Wear' Make Your Own Grape Juice Tou will save considerable money and secure the world-famous Napa County Grapes bv ordering Stag's Leap Brand 192j pick Dehydrat ed (Dried) Grapes direct from us. These are the same grapes from which rare California juices are made. They have been carefully blended for quality and color of juice. The varieties of Black Grape blends are Zinfandel. Bur gundy. Carlgnane. Alicante Bouschet. Petit Syrah. In Whita Grapes: Sauvigrion and Chassellas. The grapes contain about sixty f er cent sugar and are well packed n 25 and Ou-pound boxes. There is already a shortage of grapes. To be sure of getting your supply you should order from us immediat ely for September or October delivery. Write us for prices, stating Quantity and va riety desired. Grange Company youktyille. napacounty California P-r 1 I 1 i ; . j Pll'i 'i ' ' ; ? ( 1 I Sft I jp-H Ha i ,i f i - i 1 ? I11 msl J m KITCHEN SINKS A Comparison Twenty years ago the housewife's kitchen was equipped with a plain iron sink encased ia unsanitary, "vermin-inviting, moisture holding woodwork. Today she may have a beautifully enameled one-piece fix ture no cracks or crevices to afford breeding places for vermin; adjustable from 30 to 36 inches from floor no weariness in working over a sink that is too low. The Most Exacting Demands Met by Our "FAULTLESS" PLUMBING FIXTURES For Sale by Leading Dealers Visit our showroom and make your selection from our display of sinks, bathtubs, closets, washstands, showers, laundry trays, etc THE M. L. KLINE CO. WHOLESALERS 84-89 FRONT STREET "ART . METAL" steel Filing Cabinets and Safes are "standard" with the country's greatest com mercial and banking con cerns because their trained purchasing agents knew the best. Art Metal has the larg est line of Steel Filing Cabinets, Safes, Desks, etc., to select from. When you buy Art Metal you make an investment service is the dividend. Ask for catalog Glass &Prudhomme COMPANY Printers - Bookbinders 63-67 Broadway Portland You Cannot Enjoy Life unless you are sure your fam ily will be properly provided for when you die. You can easily provide for their needs after you are gone and for your own pres ent peace of mind by a life in surance policy in the New World Life INSURANCE COMPANY Assets over $3,200,000.00 Portland Office, Stevens Bldg. 51 II rJWf MEN! Let your pocketbooks tell your feet to walk uptown and slip on a pair of these Banister's or Boyden's SHOES $14.95 A 1 1 leathers ! All styles ! . All widths ! A 1 1 s i z e s ! Single soles ! Double soles ! In Quality They're at the Head. Why Pay More?. 129 Tenth Street, Washington and Alder 1 1 T?f 104 Fourth Street, Bet. Washington and Stark '-'niiiiT liViiiii an III T Y" il a Part-time Services of Expert Accountant and Office System Man available at your convenience as much or littlg as desired, at a . very reasonable price S ' for the Business or Professional Man who does not require -all the time of a j competent man. Address P. O. Box 243 All Night TIRE SERVICE Our Tire department is always open, and in case you should need a new tire on the road, we are in a position to deliver it to you any time, any place. If stuck or wrecked, call our Cadillac "8" towing car, equipped for the most difficult jobs. WE NEVER CLOSE COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Salesmanship and Public Speaking For every man who uses the art of persuasion FREE OPEN LECTURE Thursday, October 7 By J. P. Jaeger, Jaeger Bros., on the subject "The Salesman and His Job" Oregon Institute of Technology Fourth Floor, Y. M. C. A. Bldg. The United Artisans Tour Home Society for over quarter of a century. New 20-pay lite and whola Ilia certificates. Larg-e membership In Oregon. Assets nearly Jl.o00.000.00. Home for dependent members. Ucailqnarfprii Artlnan Bolldlas, BroadnaT and Oak fetau