ler TEE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAT, MAY 28,-1920 SI 10.10 BONDS FOR PORT OFFERED Bids on Harbor Issue to Be Opened June 24. INTEREST IS 5 PER CENT Salt Lake railroad as proposed by the har bor commission would involve the expendi ture on the part of the city of $1,700,000, or approximately 30 per cent more than the original estimate when the agreement was proposed. As a ettlment of the difference be tween the city and the railroad over the widening of th channel, the Salt Lake railroad is insisting that th city spend money for the construction of wharves along the new channel aa widened, before the old wharves are torn -down. The schooner Oceania Vance arrived yes terday in tow of the steamer Asuncion after having become waterlogged in the channel near Point Conception, A dredger working at the foot of the street tore up a telephone cable today, rendering the Southwestern shipyards and East San Pedro fisheries and industries without telephone communication HH1TSHB REPORT READY COMMANDER FOUND - GUIITY OF ERROR OF JUDGMENT. Indian Members of Commission De nounce "Terror" Inflicted on People by Troops. D. B. Sigler Employed as Repre sentative on Body of, Appraisal Bonds amounting: to $1,000,000. for the continuation of harbor develop ment work will be sold by the dock commission, and bids for this amount will be opened at 11 o'clock June 24, it was decided a.t a meeting of the ! commission of public docks yester day morning:. The bonds, which .will mature serially from 1923 to 1949,'will bear interest at 5 per cent in place of the 4 per cent borne by the bonds sold last March. The development work to be financed by this million-dollar bond issue is all now under way. It in cludes a new 15,000-ton drydock, bunkers for the handling of phos phate rock, coal and sulphur in bulk, the construction of pier 3 of munici pal terminal No. 4 and incidental dredging and filling. B. D. Sigler, ex-county asessor, was formally employed by the dock commission as representative on the committee to appraise the lands af fected by the proposed development of Swan island ant the adjacent low lands. Other -members of the ap praisal committee will be named by the Portland Realty Board, commis sion of public docks and the city commissioners. An agreement for the operation of the municipal street car line to be built by the dock commission to con nect the end of the St. Louis line with municipal terminal No. 4 has been entered into by representatives of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company and the commission cf public docks, it was reported by the committee which . has had this matter in charge for the commission. Application will be made today to the board of county commissioners for permission to construct this line "along Kellogg street and to increase the width of the street from 60 to SO feet. WEST NOMENTUM IS SLATED Vessel Will Load Full Cargo of Lumber for North China. The steamer West Momentum, the fourth regular vessel in the Columbia Pacific Shipping company's North China line, was delivered to agents of this company at San Pedro Wednes day. After being dry docked for in spection at San -Francisco, the West N'omentum will come to Portland for loading. A full- cargo of lumber for North China ports has already been booked for this vessel. The steamer The Angeles, the first easel in the line, was reported to the Columbia-Pacific Shipping company yesterday to have gone from Taku Bar, China, where she discharged the last of her outward freight, to rairen. Manchuria, to start loading for the re turn journey. She is expected to reach Portland about the end of June. Grower Predicts Bigger Apple Crop F. X. Arens. a Hood River apple grower, intends to ask the United ' States shipping board to allocate re frigerator ships for operation out of the Columbia in order to take care of the apple crop, he stated yesterday. Mr. Arens is authority for the state ment that because of the demoralized condition of the railroads and the shortage of refrigerator cars, a con siderablc portion of last year's apple crop was frozen before it could be marketed. The crop this year will be heavier than last year's, he said, and the condition of the railroaas is worse. pal terminal No. 4 yesterday for the first cargo of phosphate rock In bulk j to co out of thin norL Four wanes' of longshoremen will start loading' the Vancouver Mara this morning. Two will be engaged in loading lum her and two will load the phosphate rock, which is waiting in box cars in the terminal yards. As the dock operators of the com misslon of public docks have not yet decided what is the moat satisfactory means of loading this rock in bulk before the bunkers are completed at pier No. 5, the work of the longshore men will include some experimenting with hand shovels and ballast tubs, power shovels and chutes, and other mechanical loading devices. The Vancouver Maru is berthed at TACOMA, Wash.. May 27. (Special.) On account of the larg amount of freight here for the Robin (Joodfellow, this stum er did not get away this morning as had been anticipated, but sailed this after noon for oriental ports. The Eldrldge is the next vessel operated by the Pacific Steamship company to load here and due this week. The Manila Maru, expected during the night from the orient, will be in tonight some time to discharge and load here. On her outward voyage from Tacoma the Manila Mara had a fire on board which destroyed about $:!00,000 worth -of cargo. tThe Horace Baxter arrived here this morning from -San Francisco and after discharging freight shifted down sound to load some of the freight being taken off the Fred Baxter, which turned turtle a few days ago at Port Townsend. It is expected next week that the ma rine exchange ' being formed here will be fully organized- This exchange will be operated in connection with the grain ex change organized several months ago. Tentative arrangements have been made for an investigation by the board of riv ers and harbors engineers of the Tacoma city waterway, according to advices re ceived in Tacoma from Washington, r. C, today. ' Representative Albert Johnson today was advised of the board's tentative de? ctsion to visit the Pacific coast, but the date for the departure has not been fixed. The hearing on the Tacoma waterway 1 will be held at Tacoma. Colonel James C Hanford will head the board on its trip to the west coast. The Lake Filbert of the General Steam ship corporation is due on the sound this week from the orient and win come to 'la- coma to load a cargo for South America. She will take the cargo intended for the Meriden, which obtained a full cargo at San Francisco and will not visit the sound .this trip. The lumber cargo intended ior tne Meri den will be taken by the Henry T. Scntt, of- the samn line, which is dun here this week. The Garland line steamer Justin is due in Tacoma June 15 from Shanghai with a general cargo and will load a cargo of cigarettes and steel at the Northern Pa cific docks. About June 5 the Javary of the same ine, is due from the orient with bulk oil. She will-load a similar cargo. The barge Henry Villard. which has been loading coal and coke at the Northern Pa cific bunkers, started"under tow today for Anyox, K. c. Approximately $400,000 represented in the claims of the Wright, Tacoma Ship building company and Babare and Seaborn wooden shipyards in Tacoma is affected by the action of the house last nisrht in sending the bill, asking for a settlement by tne government of losses caused by can cellation of contracts when the armistice was signed, back to the marine committee, and where it Is virtually pigeon-holed. me follow in a- approximate figures were obtained today and represent the amounts Tacoma's wooden shipbuilders declare they are out as a result of the house action : George P. Wright yard, $105,000; Seaborn yard, $185,000; Tacoma Shipbuilding com pany. $105,000; Babare Bros, yard $65,000. $ttT.000. oeorge P. Wright, who has but recently returned to Tacoma from Washington. T. C, where he attended the earlier delibera tion of the house on the wnnden nhio. building yards' claims for reimbursement, said that the Tacoma and other wooden yards affected have grounds for legal ac tion to compel tne shipping board to act. PORT TOWNSEND. Wash.. May 27. (Special.) The Japanese steamer Uralsan Maru, in theHervice of the Transoceanic company, arrived tonight from Kobe via ancouver. with a Dart car en for Pm?r sound. She discharged a portion of her oriental freight at Vancouver. She will ioaa outwara at Seattle and Tacoma. The Harrison direct liner Musician is scheduled to arrive during the night from ci (juui no way points. She made can at Vancouver, for which port she had freight. The steamers Eastern Moon and Eastern Victor, carrying wheat from Puget sound to the Atlantic, are now at Norfolk load ing coal for the navy for delivery on the Pacific coast. The naval station at which the coal will be discharged h;. nm haan announced. They will load flour on Puget sound for the Atlantic. Pending the settlement of the differences between the owners of the disabled schoon er Snow & Burzosi and th nnHAnt English sparrows have taken possession of itiucn nas oeen here since March 14. and r building nests on the cTufr inese little birds swarm about the vessel paying little or no attention to two watch men, whose efforts to drive them away prove fruitless. The wooden steamer Corone, launched at fu,4I,,u 1851 une, arrived tonight, hav- .. nasisnen to ihorndvke & Tren noime as managers. She will be loaded iui an oiis no re port. LONDON, May 27. (Special Cable.) The report of the committee ap pointed by the government to inquire into the rmitsar massacres will -fee pier No. 2, being; the third vessel to puousnea auringr tne parliamentary i use mis pier Deiore its completion. recess many weeks after Deing re ceived by the cabinet. The J-any j jj. S. Xaval Radio Reports, Herald, the labor one an. publishes an 1 authoritative forecast of the .report. I (au positions reported at 9 r. yes- This verdict of the majority "of the te"lay otherwise Indicated.) committee of inquiry is that General Dyer, who commanded the British troops, committed "a grave error of judgment" in "prolonging the firing on the crowd in Jallianwala Bagh (a suburb of Armitsar). This is prac tically the only serious censure ap plied by the majority of the com mittee to any of the terrible excesses SAN DIEGO, San Pedro for Tacoma, 108 miles from Tacoma. DE VOLENTE, Hllo for San Francisco, 715 miles from San- Francisco. WEST NIGER. Honolulu for San Fran cisco, JO0 miles from San Francisco. dillwood. Mahukona for San Fran cisco, 940 miles from San Francisco. DE VOLENTE. Honolulu for San Fran cisco, 435 miles from San Francisco. ADMIRAL FARRAGUT. San Francisco MEMORIAL PLANS - LI VETERANS SCSDAY WILL LAV TRIBUTE OX GRAVES. Vesper Services In Piedmont Pres byterian Cburch Wilt Be Attend ed by Old Soldiers. which took place in the Punjab in I for Seattle, 50 miles north of San Fran- Arjrll. Mav and June. 1919. cico. Th. o1n-ltv nnnrl Cafi-l-o- BROAD ARROW. Kn Frncisco for i ,." 7- i j ohanshal, cc.Bivo .u.lcv.,. , STEEL VOYAGER. Portland for San concerned, is signed only oy LuU. 18 miles west of Point Reyes. European members of the committee. I OLEUM, Port San Luis for Vancouver, Thprft is a atrontr minoritv report I B39 miles from Vancouver. signed bv the three Indian members! CLAREMONT, San Pedro for Willamette which condemns in most uncompro- Harbor, 302 miles from San Pedro. (jit vwn cue-i r ii ........ 4 c... r mising- language the "terror" inflicted I dr. ls ..lh . . on the people and the authorities re- I TOSEMITE, Port Gamble for San Fran sponsible for it- The bombing of un- I Cisco, 40 miles north of San Francisco, armed crowds and peaceful villagers I BAKERSFIELD, at noon, 32 miles from from aeroplanes is held by the ma- "'kAAKAlX San Francisco ior Cal- jority to have been invaluable. And culllL xl80 mllM from Ban KranciICO g the gentleman who careened about p. m.. May 26. with an unarmored train turning its KATORI MARU, Victoria for Yokohama, guns on vilagers who were not. as so miles from Cape Flattery, 8 P. M., .. , i. ; . m . , , . L I "Mi JbsiLn, fortiana tor xoKonama, anything wrong, is commended by the 612 mlleII from A,torU 8 P May 2a. majority report lor nis promptness URALSAN MARU, Nanaimo, B. C. for and decision. f or the rest tnere is I Seattle. TO miles from Seattle. some very mild -criticism of some of CORONE, Port Townsend for Seattle, the other excesses, such as Colonel r' Lnsena. - Johnson s treatment of Hindu stu- FranclB.0 crossing bar at Grays Harbor, dents. But excuse is found for the anyox. fiv miie off c.n Rinro. young oiiicers wno were acting unuer i oouna rrom Kan Pedro for Anchorage. Memorial-day services will start at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, when the Grand Army of the Republic mem bers will journey to the G. A. R. cem etery near Kiverview to- decorate the graves of the fallen soldiers. After returning from the cemetery the vet erans will attend vesper services in Piedmont Presbyterian church. Memorial-day exercises on Monday will begin at 8:30 in the morning. Members of the Grand Army of the Republic will go to Mount Calvary, G. A. R., Riverview. Greenwood. Odd fellows, Ahaval Sholom and Mount Zion -cemeteries and decorate the graves of soldiers and sailors. At 10:30 there will be serviees at Lone Fir cemetery. Scout Young camp No. 2, of the United Spanish War Veterans. Scout Young auxiliary No 3 and Veterans of Foreign wars will hold their memo rial exercises at 12 o'clock noon at their monument in. front of the court house. The grand marshal of the day, Adjutant-General George A. White, will have charge of the parade, which will start in front of the courthouse on Fourth street at 2:30 o'clock. robbed the Oregon-Washington Itail- here today, were caught at Castle, Or, after a chase on a railway speed er and then by automobile. They were taken to Heppner, the county scat. They returned $37. fl of the stolen money when Questioned "by Deputy Sheriff Voyen, and a partial confession was obtained. x The robbery occurred at noon but was not discovered by N. Seaman, station agent, until an hour later. A railway speeder was taken to Messner and there tracks of an automobile were discovered. An automobile be longing to the telegraph operator at Messner was pressed Into service and the y ouths were captured near Castle. SAFE BATHING IS OBJECT . - i PRECAUTIONS , DESIRED BY RED CROSS AT RESORTS. MBS..MENSWC RELEASED GRAND JCRY-EAILS TO FIND EVIDENCE OF MURDER. TRAIN SCHEDULE CHANGES North Bank to Use Union Depot Beginning Sunday. ' Spokane, Portland & Seattle trains j will arrive and depart from the Union station, beginning Sunday, according to announcement made yesterday.1 Under the new schedule announced, train No. 4, which now leaves the North Bank station at 7:65 A. M.. will depart from the Union station at 9:16 A. M. No. 2. the North Coast limited, leaving Portland at 7:10 P. M., will connect with the Seattle through sleepers for this train at Spokane in stead of at Pasco as at present. West bound, a new train. No. 3. will arrive at Portland at 8 A. M. No. 1 will ar rive as at present at 7:46 P. M., but will come through from Spokane in stead of from the separation of the train at Pasco. The new limited train will carry the through sleeping cars for Chicago that will be a part of the equipment of the Great Northern's Oriental limited. orders. The effect of this report on the ndian public will be most grave, the Daily herald predicts. LUCE ON BOARD WANTED SEATTLE PROPOSES AVESTERA MAX FOR SHIP POST. Farther Appointments Unices Rec ognition Is Accorded Pacific Coast Is Protested. SEATTLE, Wash., May 27 (Spe al.) The Port of Seattle commission protesting: against any further ap pointments of members of the United States shipping1 board until recoarni- on is- given the Pacific coast and w "nt Wells, 20 miles from San Pedro. ulf states, at its weekly meeting: to day decided to communicate imme diately with Washington's delegation in congress. An effort will be made to influence the president to give the Pacific coast na gun states representation on me 1 Maru, from Seattle. Sailed at 5PM board as soon as the opportunity I steamer Daisy Putnam, from St. Helena, rises, and if he does not act in ac cordance with the desire of the port, the senate will be asked to refuse to confirm any appointments made. 'We have joined with the gulf states in a movement to have a snip ing board which will represent the reat centers on commerce in the south and in the Pacific coast," said teamer Vancouver Maru. from Seattle. T. S. Lippy, president of the port com mission. "This, course of action was decided Schooner Hoqulam to Be Repaired Repairs to the steam schooner Ho quiam. which bumped on the Grays Harbor bar a few days ago and ar rived in port here yesterday, will re quire four or live- days, according to surveyors who inspected the vessel yesterday after she had been lifted in the Port of Portland drydock. The rudder and rudder post are compJetely demolished, and) part of the keel under the stern post is missing. Captain Howes, of Bowes & Andrews, owners of the Hoquiani, arrived here yester day by rail to inspect his crippled vessel. Pacific Coast Shipping Xotes. SEATTLE, Wash., May 27. (Special.) Xuo to the death of Rev. A. R. Hoare, Arc tic missionary of the Point Hope associa tion, of Santa Barbara, CaU, who was shot and killed by James Maguire Jr., April 27, at Pomt Hope, Alaska, the 62-foot ketch-rigged cruiser which the association is having built in Seattle will not be sent Into the Arctic this year. The vessel, which will be launched in two weeks by the Maritime Boat & Kngine works, was do sLgnea especially -for Mr. Hoare's use In covering the i:00 miles of Art: tic coat under his jurisdiction. ' Declaring their action would.' -help con siderably In steadying labor conditions throughout the country. Hear-Admiral W. S. Benson, chairman of the shipping board. today telegraphed the representatives of the Marine C ookjj and Stewards assoc. la tton, the Eastern and Gulf Sailors' associa tion and the Marine Firemen, Oilers and Watertenders union, congratulating them on their action in signing a new agree ment for the coming 12 months on the basis of the present wage scale and with minor changes in the woralng rules. Because of the heaviness of cargo offer ings for the' shippnig boards new rervlce from -Seattle and other coast ports to the River J'latte, South America, the board's operating division this morning egan al locating larjcer freighters to the route. announcing that the SOOO-ton West Notus will handle the new services third sailing Th vessels axMKned for the first two sailings are i0O0-tonnrs. The, 4700-ton steamship Adria will de part tonight or tomorrow morning for British Columbia to load a full cargo of lumber Tor South Africa. tone lormatiy was turned over "yesterday afternoon by her owner, the National Oil company of ' cw )ork. to the L niversal bhipping Trading company of Seattle, which has been appointed managing agents. ASTORIA. Or., May 27. (Special.) After discharging fuel oil in Portland, the tank steamer W. F, Herri n sailed at A. - M. for California. The Japanese steamer Vancouver Maru arrived at last night from Seattle and proceeded to Portland, where she is to load Dhosphate rorK. The tank steamer El Segundo and barge OS arrived at 3:50 today from California, bringing fuel oil and gasoline for Astoria and Portland. The steamer Eastern Cloud finished load-J Ing SlluO tons of flour at the port dock this afternoon and sailed at A this even ing for the Atlantic coast. The tug Storm King, towing the schoon er Oolden Shore, arrived from San Kran cisco at 3 this afternoon. The schooner goes to Portland to load lumber. ' SAN P&DRO. May 27. (Special.) Ma jor James Griffin, city engineer, has made a report which now is in the hands of the harbor committee of the city council, con cerning a'l proposed Improvements for whicli bond money will be expended. Re cently TAa. ior Griffin was declared to be final authority in harbor work. He said that the proposed agreement with the SAN FRANCISCO, May 27. (Special.) - .. '""V oicamsiup uM-ners asocia- ...... W1 ALiamic ana tne Pacific Amer ican steamship association here hnvi unt a oint Protest In Wushinnn u-hih . Clares against the rider attached to the Jones senate bill. The amendment Pro vides that the army transports may carry civilian passengers in addition trt frih 11c ami operators oeiieve that It is not fair to have comnetition from riMmm...,! ships after they make an attempt to oper ate the new passenger ships of the gov ernment under restrictions and conditions wnicn are oeiteved to be more than diffi cult even if there is no competition from the government. With general merchandise fi- fhm aiw nros. aiming company, the steamer Rain ler. Captain Mangeland. arrived from Pjnta Arenas and ports on the wrst rnt 01 ouin America this morning. j ne moiorooais cnity and Albany, bound Tom oeaitie ior tne bower California fish ing banks, put In here todav for fuel The motorship Sierra, Captafn Jensen, en muie irom ociiinRnam ior Peruvian ports, nas cauea nere to taKe on a supply of iUfl Oil The shipping board steamer Wil Captain Hansen, arrived today, bringing lo.nuw Daps or sugar irom tne Hawaiian isianas. bne is operated by V ilHnmw ri, The steamer Las Vegas. Captain Hond lette, with a cargo of general merehan dise consigned by J. D. Spreckels fe Bros, company, departed this afternoon for Aus trail a. The government tux haJlens:e. Cantal Southall, bound for the Bremerton navy yara, put to sea tnis morning1. The tanker Broad Arrow, Captain Jon assen, sailed this afternoon for Shanghai witn a cargo 01 iuei 011. The Japanese steamer Ayaha Maru, after having taken on fuel here, en route from tne Atlantic to Japanese ports, pro- ceeaea toaay. GRATS HARBOR. "Wash., May 27. (Spe rial. me renaiem amvea. - irom Sa: Francisco at 10 o'clock and began loading at ine riuiuen mi 11. The Raymond and Tamalpais cleared for San Pedro at 5 o clock today. The for mer loaded at the v estern mill. Aber deen, and the latter at the E. K. Wood mill, noqmam. Marine Notes. Because all other towboats in the har bor were otherwise engaged yesterday aft emoon. the little dredge tender McCrakei was pressed into service to move th steamer Silverado from the St. Johns Lum ber company a mm to tne Pacific Marine Iron works, and from there to the Inman Poulsen mill. Although the Silverado. which is loading for the west coast of South America, already has considerabl cargo aboard, the MeTraken performed the task without mishap. The sailing schooner Golden Shore, cha tered by lant & riusseu to carry lumber Australia, arrived in at Astoria yesterda; from San Francisco and started up tb river at 10 o clock last night In tow of the stern-wheeler Portland. She will load at the Inman-Pouieen mill. The steamer Pawlet of the Admiral line oriental fleet finished her allotment of lumber at Vv auna last night , and started ud the river for the - Clark-Wilson mi where she will take 'on another- consign xnent. sne win sau next w eanesday. The wooden steamer Boynton. built by tne i:oast tnipouuamg company and di: patched to Cuba with a- load . at lumber by the Columbia-Pacific Shipping com pany, sailed from the Panama canal for Cuba May 3, according to a wire received by her operators yesterday. CAPTAIN A. F. LUCAS. Port San Luis for Seattle. 410 miles from Seattle.- HBRCULES, tug. Seattle to Oakland. drydock pontoon in tow, - 277 miles from Tatoosh. ATLAS. San Pedro for Ketchikan. 426 miles from San Francisco. VV ALL1NGSFORD. Tacoma for San Pe dro. 155 miles south of Cape Flattery. W. F. HERRIN, Linnton for San Fran cisco. 248 miles from Linnton. . COSTA RICA. 4S0 miles west of San Francisco, bound for Unimalt Pass, 8 P. M., May 2 A. ADMIRAL SCHLEY. Seattle for San Francisco, 118 miles from San Francisco. WAPAMA. San Francisco for Portland. 200 miles north of San Francisco. CITY OF TOPEKA, 10 miles north of Eureka on May 27. LA KB FLYNUS. latltnH 4a-OA north longitude 124:31 west, boung for Tacoma from Balboa. PORTER. Gavifrta for Everett 1o2 mil from Gavjota. WEST NOMENTUM. San Pedro for Kn Francisco, 149 miles south of San Francisco. MISKIANCA. San Pedro for Manila. 20S miles from Richmond. ASUNCION. San Pedro for RiohmnnH 12-"i miles south of Richmond. KiLHMU.ND, towing bargs 95, San Pedro Husband Accidentally Killed Revolver Held by AVife, but Thought Xot Loaded. by Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. May 27. Arrived at 8 A. M., steamer Hoquiam, from Grays Harbor, for drydock;- rudder smashed.- Arrived at 9 A. M., Japanese steamer Vancouver for San Pedro. Sailed at 9 P. M. Johann Poulsen. rom Westport, for San Francisco. Sailed at 3:30 P. M-, steamer Tahoe, for San Pedro, via St. ' Helens. Sailed at 4 P. steamer Daisy, for San Francisco, via St. Helens. ASTORIA, Or.. May 27. Arrived at 7:15 last night and left up midnight. Japanese Sailed at 7:10 A. M.. steamer W. E. Her rin, for Gaviota. Arrived at 2:3S and left up at 9 P. M., schooner iiolden Shore, from ban ffranclsco. Arrived at 3:50 P. M NEW YORK, May 27. (Special.) Mrs. Kdna Alensing, 17-year-old wife is at home in Paterson. N:- J., free of all blame for the killing of her hus band, Henry, on Monday morning:. The April panel of the Passaic coun ty grand jury heard testimony in the case at a special session Wednesday and failed to find sufficient evidence to warrant an indictment of murder. Later in the evening: Judge Watson signed an order for her release. Her mother took the order to the county Jail. The door of her cell was thrown open and Mrs. Mensing was told sh might go. She fell sobbing into her mother's arms. She and her mother went to their home at 508 Main street. The funeral of the husband will be held at the home of his mother, Mrs. Caroline Mensing, high avenue, Clif ton, this afternoon. Burial will be in Cedar Law n cemetery, Pater son. Mensing was killed Monday morning when his wife attempted to awaken him by clicking the trigger of a revolver near his head. She did not know the gun was loaded and the bullet pierced his brain, killing him instantly. VETERANS ARE INVITED Memorial Services to Be Held at Vancouver Post Monday. VANCOUVER, Wash., May 27. (Special.) Colonel Koester. in com mand of Vancouver barracks, has in vited the Grand Army of the Repub lic, the Spanish War Veterans and the World War Veterans to take part in memorial cervices to be held in the post cemetery at 10 A. M. next Monday. Many soldiers are buried in the post cemetery and flowers will be gathered and received at the Red Cross building at Seventh and Re serve street Sunday. Transportation will be provided for the old soldiers who desire to attend the services. Committees Named to Investigate Xoeda Along Willamette and Columbia Rivers. That Portland's waterfront may be made safe for the water sports this summer, the examining board of the American Red Cross met yesterday to appoint a committee to investigate the needs of the bathing resorts on the Willamette river. Dr. N. I Smith. Fred Lawrence and C. F. Werner were the members named. Oaks beach offered the Red Cross a life-saving tower and a lifeboat. This will help greatly in making swim ming safe at this point on the river, as the Red Cross hopes to co-operate with the owners of the Oaks by forming a life-saving corps, to be at tached to this beach. Windemuth will be well protected, as Lew Woodward will do all that is possible to guard against . drowning at this resort. Oak Grove will furnish a boat for a life-saving corps, and perhaps a tower wilL be placed at this p'oint. The committee was unable to reach Mr. Joseph Rieg, manager of Colum bia beach, yesterday, but it is ex pected he will offer two or three boats and a tower, as this is the most dangerous part of the river, as shown by the drowning records of the last five years. At this beach the danger is increased owning to the undertow and the many step-offs that are so characteristic of the Columbia. Oswego lake has made quite a start in their precautions for guarding the campers and the Sunday crowds by having their lifeguards instructed by Mr. M. G. Douglas, who has been making trips-to the 'lake for the last month. It is expected that a picnic will be held at one of the beaches the first Sunday in June, where all the mem bers of the Red Cross life-saving corps may meet to find just what ma terial the organization now has for the work that will be necessary to patrol the Willamette and Columbia. 8 Follow the TraU IVhlch IUvcral Have Made Going east on the Canadian Pacific Railway you follow nature's high way built a million years ago. For all the way through the Canadian Pacific Rockies from Vancouver- on the coast to Calgary in the foot-hills of the Rockies your train trails one water way after another Fraser, Thomp son, Kamloops Lake, Shuswap Lake. Columbia, Kicking Horse, Bow and fo twenty-four hours you ride through an Alpine Fairyland truly "Fifty Switzerland In One" Stop off if you can at any Canadian Pacific Hotel at Victoria, Vancouver, Sicamous, Glacier. Lake - Louise, Banff, Calgary, and eastward. E. E. PEXN. Gen. A'gt, Pass Dept. Canadian Pacific Railway 55 Third Street Portland, Or. Cmadlan nmpaptn mnd Infbr motion regarding OtunvWi CM JU4 WOPJIAN STRUCK BY AUTO Mrs. Ferris ot Oregon City Gets ' Kieft I.cs Badly Bruised. OREGON CITT. Or.. May 27. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Ferris, widow of the late James Ferris, of this city, was struck and run over this afternoon by an automobile driven by W. I. Duffield. of Oregon City, route 4. The accident occurred near the sus pension bridge. Mrs. Ferris attempt ed to cross the street and it is be lieved she became b.ewildered and caused the accident. Her left leg is bady bruised, but no bones were bro ken. She was carried to the office of Or. W. E. Hempsteau and later was removed to her home. WRECK CLAIMS SETTLED Aftermath of Bertha Disaster Re corded in Court. First settlement of claims arising out of the Southern Pacific wreck near Bertha station on May 9 was pon at the recent national trade con- I steamer El Sexundo. tow-in barrn na. from ventioi in San Francisco. Pacific I saa Francisco. SAJS- FRANCISCO. May 27. Sailed at 7 last night, steamer Wapama, for Portland. PORT SAX LUIS. May 26. Sailed Steamer Oieum, for Portland. coast and gulf ports decided to join forces in an effort to get proper rec ognition by shipping men on the ship ping1 board who are familiar with the problems of the south and west. Not since John H. Rosseter's gov- rnment service has the Pacific coast had representation on the' shipping I Steamer Wawaloaa, for Portland. board and the Seattle port commission has decided to take initiative in igrht for recognition not only for the ports on the western ocean, but for the centers of commerce on the gulf. VLADIVOSTOK. May I. Sailed OREGON PINE STARTS LOAD IXC I Vessel Is Expected to Stow A bo at 4,500,000 Feet of Lumber. SAX PEDRO, CaL, May 27. (Special.) Arrived Steamers J. A. Moffett. from Ocean Falls, 1 A. M. ; Humboldt, from San Krancisco, A. M. ; Curacao, from San Francisco, 9 A. M. : Katherine. from Kti- reka, 9 A. M. ; Phyllis, from San Diego, 1 a. m . ; vueen, irom an UieRo, 9 A. M. : Wahkeetia, from Graya Harbor. 12 noon : Daisy Gadsby, from Grays Harbor. 1 p. M. Sailed Steamers Phyulis. for Puiret sound. 4 P. M.; Brunswick, for Fort Brass. 4 . M. ; vanguard, for Eureka, 4 P. M. ; curacao. ior boutti America. 4 P. M. ; Dil CLATSOP FAVORS JOHNSON Official Count Shows Big Lead for ' Californian. ASTORIA, Or., May 27. (Special.) The official count in Clatsop county on republican and democratic state tickets srives: Rpnublli-an deleirateji at larsr to autnorized by Circuit Judge Tazwell national convention Boyd 906, Butler I yesterday when he appointed John rerry, lamer ot t-isie nose ferry, as ner guardian and issued an order au thorizingr him to settle in full with the bouthern Pacific company for 805 for injuries the srlrl received. Charles Adrian Crooks, widower of Mrs. Lillian A. Crooks, killed in the wreck, was appointed administrator or her estate and authorized to set tie with the railroad company for The eix-masted sailiner schooner I worth, for Honolulu. 2 P. M.; Queen, for Oregon Pine, the first of the shipping Seattle'1p-M-:J- A- Moffet. for Puset board wooden hulls to be completed a?und- 2 1' "i!lb?.,ft- fr Fr?n- as a sailing vessel in this district, left Jb p.' u the Port of Portland drydock, where she underwent final conditioning, and I shifted to the Peninsula Lumber com- SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. May 27. De parted Ayaka Maru. for Kobe: Port An ,!! (.,J, ,o ch. will 5"'. .u, rarrasut. ior J J J ' " " I Seattle. Arrived Hanta Barbara, Ior wil load a full cargo of lumber for Aus tralia. Loading is expected to start this morning. lapa; Albany for Seattle. TOKOFTAMA. May 23. Railed West In- The Oregon Pine and her eister 'iP. for Seattle; Toychishi. tor Seattle. .. . " " """., I SEATTLE. Wash.. May 27. Arrived sailing vessels ever built on the WU- Admlra, Evans. from Anchoraee;. Santa lanieiLc ui v.uiuimiia nvcia 'iu -lAna, spoKane. irom soutneastern Alaska expected to stow about 4,500.000 feet I Ernest H. Meyer, from San Francisco of lumber each. Both are under char-1 Governor from San Pedro via San Pran- ter to J. J. Moore & Co. to carry lum-I elseo; corona, irom Portland; Kulton. from ber from the Columbia river to Aus tralia, and both have already been fixed with return cargoes from New castle, Australia, to Honolulu. The Oregon Kir is expected to be ready in about 10 days. HIP TAKES PHOSPHATE ROCK First Cargo of Sort Loading- In Bulk In Portland. The Japanese steamer Vancouver Maru, owned by Suzuki & Co., and operated by Frank Waterhouse & Co. ot Seattle, arrived at Portland munici- Columbia ports. Departed Admiral Dewey, for ban Olego via ban Francisco; North' western for southwestern Alaska. Columbia River Bur Report. NORTH HEAD, May 27. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M. Sea smooth: wind south. -0 miles. SHULL. ASSURED BACKING CAMPAIGN' FOB SCHOOL DIKEC TOESHIP IS OJf. 769, Cameron 835, Carey 868, Compton 389, Harrison 847, Hickey 517, Kol- lock. 412, MacDonald 1188. MacLean 640, Maris 683, McCamant 818. Olson 763, Rand 733, Stewart 634. District delegates to convention Adams 1180, Booth 998, Kendall 743, Tooze Jr. 1271, Wrightman 1109. For president Hoover 345, John son 1877, Lowden 323, Wood 887. For vice-president Lodge 1551, Washington 535, Webster 616. Presidential electors George 1206, Hendee 1095, Hotchkiss 1801, Hume 1926, Ivanhoe 1111, Lockwood 1476, Richardson 1621. Robb 1S18. united States senator Abraham 847, Stanfield 1922. Representative in congress Haw- ley 2464. Secretary of state Coburn 114. Jones 278. Kozer 1910, Lockley 187, Parsons 248, Schulderman 216, Wood 207. Justice supreme court Bean 2271, Benson 2114, Harris 2115. McBride 245 Food commissioner Hawley 2426. public service commissioner Buch tel 1485, Cousins 1155. Democratic delegates at large to national convention Baldwin 237, Crawford 253, Drain 193, Haney 164, Harry 128, Hidden 232. Holman 184, Montague 86, Purdy 256, Reddy 101, Schuyleman 192, Smith 151. District delegates to national con vention Downing 192. Frazier 129. Travis 218. Waugh 110, Whitehorn 221, Wortman 186. For president McAfloo 465. For vice-president Vaughn 372. Presidential electors Gavin - 339, Shayter 456, Hedlund 393. Miller 407, Reames 358; Watkins 414. United States senator Chamberlain 445. Starkweather 195. Public service commissioner Ben nett 405. Port Calendar. To Arrive at Portland. Vessel From. Due. Srr. City of Topeka.. .Ban Fran May 30 Str. West Ivan fceattle ....... May 31 str. Waoama. ...... . .San Fran. ....Mav 30 Str. Delisle- San "Fran May 30 Str. Oleum fort ban Luis. May il Str. west somenram.fan rran.. June 1 Str. westwlnfl ...... nonoiuiu . Str. Eastern Glen Seattle ... ..can rearo. ..Boston ... . . San Fran. . . ..Orient . .. U.T. via S.F...Jun ,anc vr. ts.c Jan ,n r ran . r an Fran. Committee Representing Many Or ganizations Plans Vigorously to Push Candidacy. Str. Crown City Str. Artisas Str. Bakersfield Str. Coaxet .... Str. Dewey Str. Hantu Sch. Kath'n Mackall. Str. South Bend..... Juno 2 .June & June 7 .Juna 8 .June 8 June 9 s 10 str. Higho ... San Fran. Str. Wawalona Shanghai Str. Horaisan Maru. ..Seattle .. str. Elfins-ham New York Str. Westward Ho. -. -Baltimore .. Str. The Angeles. ... .China . .. To Depart From Portland Vessel For. Str. Rose City Pan Fran. Str. Elkton ..Japan ... Str. City of Topeka ..San Fran, Str. Pawlet Orient .. Veel in Port. Vessel Berth. 3eh. Cecelia Sudden . .East. & Western mill. Str. Daisy Freeman. .Mult. Lbr. & Box Co. str. uaisy Matinews. ,&t. Helens. Str. El SejcundO- ...Linnton. . . .inman-Poulsen mill. . . .Inman-Poulsen mill. . . -I'ryoorK. . . .St. Helens. Tides at Astoria Today. Hish. Low. 10:18 A.M. ..6.7 feet ! 4:24 A. M 0.8 foot 10:1 P,i...S8 feeti:13 P,aL...2.l feet ' Bge. No. 3. 3tr. Elkton Sch. Oolden Shore Str. Hoquiam ... Str. Klamath Str. Kayseeka . . . Str. Olen - Sch. Oregon Pine Str. Pawlet Str. Pawlet Str. Rose City . - str. Silverado ... Str. Tahoe ...... sch. Thistle At a meeting in the library yester-' day of the committee appointed by the women's central organization, representing scores of the clubs and societies in the city, plans were made to advance the' candidacy of F. L. Shull for school director. The per- .Junklt annnal nf V, ininmittA wnji phnun -June 15 . ... . . . . .j ,.... June is I parent-teacher associations, church .June 25 I j ,.,k- . .Jun 30 1 meeting in ' the Portland hotel Mon- ' w I day. Mrs. A. M. Webster, a former presl- rlovtt nf fiiinnvitlilA P9rnt.Tmhip nA- " " vty yo I sciation, presided. Addresses were .June s I and W. L. Brewster. It was the gen eral view of the speakers that Mr. Shull's business ability and fairness would make him a suitable director. The committee to take up the ac tive campaign includes Miss Henri etta Failing, Mrs. A. M. Webster, W. L. Brewster, Mrs. Charles A. Hart, A. M. Work, Harry Coffin, Mrs. C. W. Hayhurst. R. L. Sabln. Mrs. A. F. Fie l-ortlana Hour, mills. 1 KMwrarrl vMac-Lfan H W Kniiln ...Terminal N'o. . . .Peninsula mill. ...Inman-Poulsen mill. .. lark-Wilson mill. . ..Ainsworth dock. . . .Inman-Poulsen mill. . . ,bt. Helens. . . . East. & Western mil!. str. Vancouver Aiaru. terminal o. 4. Sch. Wm. H. Smith. . .Inman-Poulsen mill. linnton. Otto Kraemer, Mrs. K. S. Myers, D. A. Pattullo, Samuel C. May, Herbert Gordon and Dr. Frederick A. Kiehle. Mr. Shull, the speakers said, had not sought the nomination. He is not out against any candidate, but isrunning as a representative business man, said R. L. Sabln. MILLIONS LOST BY FIRES Destruction in 1919 Is Estimated at $325,000,000. NEW YORK, May 27. Fire losses in the United States in 1919 approxi mated $325,000,000 as against $356 000,000 in 191S, eaid F. C. Buswell. president of the national board of fire underwriters, at the 54th annual meeting of that organization here today. While the fire losses of last year showed some improvement. Mr. Bus well said the total was far higher than that of any other year in the country's history, save those of 1918 and 1906. the latter being the year of the San Francisco disaster. Mr. Buswell also reported that the total estimated loss by fire of in sured properties alone during the last 20 years was S4,407,941,6S9. - DOCK LADEN WITH SUGAR 19,8 00 Sacks Piled on Wharf in Los Angeles Harbor. LOS ANGELES. Cal., May 27. Nine teen thousand eight hundred sacks o cane sugar that arrived from Mexico today were stacked on the dock a Los Angeles harbor because the two local warehouses bonded for suga were full to capacity, according to John B. Elliott, collector ol customs. Most of the sugar was consigned to eaBtern points. The collector has em ployed ihree men to guard it. ft -V 1 a native of Cincinnati, O.. born May 22. 1828. and -wSts married April 4. 1849, to William Keiser. iThe Keisers came to Walla Walla in 1872 and set tied near Waitsburg. Mr. Keise in ISiS. Two children, Jerome L. -.r ranK. a., survive. lMrs. Barbara Pruett, aced i5. died here this afternoon. She lived near Weston, Or., on a farm for 32 years. Site was a native of Illinois. She leaves a son. Hugh Pruett. and a daughter, Mrs. Delia Barnett, of Port land. d set r died U. and Veterans to Get Salmon Dinner. ASTORIA, Or.. May 27. Special.) One of the features of the enter tainment for the Grand Army of the Republic at the state encampment here on June 8 will be a big salmon dinner for the veterans, their ladies and the members of the affiliated or ganizations. The encampment will continue three days and in the neigh borhood of 1000 visitors from vrious parts of the state, are expected. TRAVELERS GTJ1DB. Obituary. WOMEN TO MAKE HATS Effort to Cut Cost of Clothing to Be Made at Vancouver. - VANCOUVER, Wash., May 27. (Special) Women of the Clarke county farm bureau met today and decided that on account of the high cost of millinery end clothing that they would make' for their own use this year at least 100 hats, either new or remodeled, and 200 remodeled dresses, and 100 new dresses. Patterns for children's clothing and making their own dress forms were two other topics discussed. Mrs. Harriet Stowe io home dem onstrating agent for Clarke county. TABLE MOUNTAIN GOAL Trails Club Announces "Decoration Day Schedule. The Trails club trip on Decoration day will be to Table mountain. The first party will lepve the North Bank station tomorrow at 5:45 P. M. Sun day morning the second party will leave at 7:35 o'clock. Return may be made from Hamlin, the station for Table mountain, at 4:50 P. M. or the next day may be spent in the Red Bluffs region. Members are asked to note the changed time table on North Bank road. The old table will be in effect Saturday and the new "one from Sun day on. ALLEGED ROBBERS CAUGHT Five Vouths Accused of Robbing Irrigon Railway Station. IRRIGON. Or., May 27. Special.) Five young men, accused of having DAILY CITY STATISTICS Vaoeouver Marrlsuce Ureases SIMMONS-HUMKE Frank Simmons 1- ftai. ot fortlana. and Inez Humpe, lecal of Portland. I.KHRBASS-DU ROSS Hlrrv H. X.rhw. bass. i!4. of Portland, and Gene L. Du Rosa. o. ot foritana. ETCHISOX-BARRETT William EUhison. 21. of Portland, and Ruth M. liarrett. IK. or I'ortlana. WHITE-BURCHARD James White of Portland, and Syntha C. Burcbard. 44, oi I'ortlana. Marriage Licenses. RICKERT-GREENE Nick Riekert. 3 li-'l Division street, and iolly Greene. 35 1721 Division street. UOMM-ll ILLS Victor C. Domm. 29. Eacle Creek, Or., and Mabel Mills. 25. 7511 55th avenue southeast. MILLER-RYAN UeorEe W. Miller. "2. 61-5 i&Lst Alder street, and Luwenna P. Ryan, 19, 801 Kast Taylor street. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT, v PORTLAND. Or.. May 27. Maximum temperature. 66 dcjrrees: minimum tem perature. 48 degrees. River reading. 8 A. M., 12 feet: change in last 24 hours, 0.2-foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to S P. M.). 0.7-inch; total' rainfall since Sep tember 1, .1910. 31.18 inches: normal rain fall since September 1, 41.92 inches; defi ciency of rainfall since September 1, 1919. 10.74 Inches. Sunrise. 4:27 A. M. ; sunset, 7:49 P. M.: total sunshine. 11 hours 2i minutes; possible sunshine, 15 hours 22 minutes. Moonrise. 3:C7 P. M. ; moonset, 1:48 A. M. Barometer (reduced sea level) 5 P. M., 30.12 inches. Relative humidity: 5 A. M.. SO per cent; noon, 43 per cent; 5 P. M., 35 per cent. THE WEATHER. Mrs. Hester Ann Galloway, widow of George Galloway, who died 16 years ago, passed away Tuesday at the family home. 5 East Twenty fourth street North. Mrs. Galloway was distantly con nected with the late Judge William Galloway, Oregon pioneer. She came to Oregon in 1890. She was born in Pennsyvania, but has lived all over the United States. She was 80 years old. The funeral will be held at the Portland crematorium at 4 P. M. to day. Mrs. Galloway is survived by W. S. H. Galloway, Missoula, Mont.; A. B. Galloway, Seattle; Ida E. Galloway and Mrs. W. I Grinnell, Portland. STATIONS. - a o 3 s-o C O O . e I o . B i ilM s . c '. '. Baker Boise Boston . . . .. t'alfcnry .... Chicago . . Denver Des Moines. Kureka ..... Oalveston Helena ..... tjuneau Kansas City. Los Anceies. Marahlield . Med ford ... Minneapolis . New Orleans! New York . . North Head. Phoenix Pocatello Portland ... Roseburg ... Sacramento . St. Louis . .. Salt Lake .. San Diego . . S. Francisco. Seattle Sitka Spokane .... Tacoma Tatoosh Isld. tValdez Walla Walla Washington. Winnipeg . . Yakima . . . , 401 7O!0.OOI12iN 48 S0:o.OI. .I.S'W 54 W0.0O!l2'S 34 '0.0ll:22lXW 6H 6 O.OOilO.NE 4SI 6rt.0.0O . . NE Sol 70 0.OOI. .IN 44 56 0.OOI14 N 7Si 86.0.OU!. . S 421 7S'u.on..kw 40:66 O.OOl . Ol K11.2S-U N 6KI KSlO.OOl. ,iSW 46) 82.0.041. .,NW 47 76 0.00 . . W 40 6SiO.O(L .ine 72 SS0.O0 . . S H 74 0. 001 . .ISE 52!0.14(20:S 46 6210ni0.0"J. .NW 48 60.n7i..iW 50! 70 0.O0. .NW 4S feVU.OO 14'S 6S S4 0.0OIJ0 N 4S SO 0.00 ..iSW 581 76 0.001. .1W 50) 66 O.OO 24 W 46! as o.ns iBiSW 38 5liK0. .!NW 541 66 O.0H2O W 46 6U0.12 lO'SW 441 52:0.58 20 S 42j64 O.OO . .IXE 54 70 0.01 10 W SO 800. oof. .IE 36 6S O.OOI. . NE 46! Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy i.tear Cloudy Cloudy ft. cloudy t: r Cloudy t:touay Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy ft. ciouav near Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Pt-' cloudy Clear Clear r-t. cloudy Clear Pt, cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear WALLA WALLA. Wash.. May 27;- (Special.) Mrs. Roxcla Keiser. 92, who reached Oregon City, Or., Septem ber 18, 1849, on her honeymoon trip. died at Waitsburg today after a long illness. Mrs. Keiser, with her hus band, the late William Keiser. moved o Portland in 18.-0. Mrs. Keiser was FREE FROM LIFE-, LONG TROUBLES Oregon City Man Well For First Time in Practically His Whole Life Gires Tanlac Credit. 14 jyAe ADM IKAU iUU S. S. "CITT pF TOPEKA" Sails from 'Portland 9:0 P. M., May 31. for Marshtlwld. Kureka and San Francisco, connecting with steamer to Los Angeles and San Diego. SPECIAL EXCCRSION BOCND-TB1P RATES. Seattle to San Francisco $44.00 Seattle to Los Angeles 69.00 On sale June 1 to 30. limit of 90 days. Ticket Office 101 Third Su Freight Office Municipal Dock No. 2. Phone Main S2S1. PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO.MPA3TF. ASTORIA AND WAY POINTS Str. GEORGIANA Round Trip Dally (Except Friday LEAVES. PORTLAND 7:10 A. M. Alder-Street Dock. LEAVES ASTORIA 2 P. M. FLAVEL DOCK. FARE 1.5 EACH WAY. Special m In Carte Dlnlns Service. 'Direct Connection for South Beaches NIGHT BOAT DAILY, 8 P. M. The Hrkina Transportation Co. Main 142 S41-23 7OI0.0OU .(NWiciear tA. M. in it day. today. P. M. report of preced- FORECASTS. -Portland and vicinity -Fair; southwest erly winds. Oregon Fair: Ihoderate southwesterly winds- . . . Washington Probably showers In the west portion, fair in the east portion; moderate southwesterly winds. "It vae six months agro that Tan-1 lac set me right and. It's a fact, from then until now I have enjoyed abso lutely the best health I ever did in my life," was the emphatie statement made recently by R. M. Wallace of Oregon City, Oregon. "I have never known what good health meant, for practically all my life 1 have been a sufferer from stom ach trouble. I tried everything any body told me and at times would be a little better but right away my. old troubles would come baclc on me. My appetite was so poor that for as long as two days I have gone without touching a bite hardly, and every sin gle time I did eat anything I had to pay for it In suffering. Naturally I lost weight and strength and finally I became so weak that for two and three days at a time I was unable to get out of bed. My stomach pained me day and night and very often I became almost deathly sick and turned as pale as a ghost. My head ached so bad sometimes I thought it would burst and I was subject to frequent spells of dizziness. "But Tanlac came my way and I am mighty glad it did. Right away it began to set me straight and in a few weeks I had gained 14 pounds and for the first time since I can remem- My stomach is now in the finest kinV of shape, 1 have a big appetite and am eating anything" and everything set before me without a sign of trou ble. Those headaches and dizzy spells have all disappeared and I simply feel like I have been made all over again into a new man. I am working every day and I feel strong and healthy like a man ought to feel. 'Tanlac has done the work for me and i believe it will do it for anybody else if given a fair trial." Tanlac is for sale In Portland by the Owl Drug Co. Adv. Let us help you plan the best itiner ary for your trip, either in this coun try or abroad. You secure the bene fit of experienced information and get the services of a world-wide or--ganization. Tickets and tours. Dorsey B. Smith, Dist, Pass. Agt AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL DEPARTMENT, ' Sixth and Oak Streets Columbia Pacific Shipping Company "OBTH CHINA. LIXK." Direct serrlca without trans-shipment. PORTLAND to Kobe, Yokohama, Shans hai. Talofftau. Taku Bar and Dalrea. S. 8. "The Anrete S. h. "Wftit K.eato 2. b. "Wcbt lvarlmM Early July Loading Lte July LoaditMC Early Auk. IxMfcdiaa: The aCore-Damed vesaela are now oefnf hoosMd. For further Information regard In spaa, raea, tc apply Traffic Department Board of Trade Building FortlantL O reran. FRENCH LINE Compavnle Oenerale Trmnsmtlantlqu, Express Postal bervice NEW. YORK-HAVRE Further sailing to be aanoaneed later I.A MAVOIK June 5 LA 1.0RRAINK June 1 I Till KAIM: June 10 KOCH AM BEAC June 13 iuitaii Bros.. Pacific Coast Aaents. 10 Cherry hu, beatUe, or Aoi local AenL. Astoria Route S. S. "ASTORIAN" S:S0 P. M. DAILY Except Thon.) FAEK 11.65. including: tax. Taylor St. Dock. Pbones Main 8065, fill-46.