16 TIIE 3IOHXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, JULY 21. 1019. IOB SALE AtTOMOBILES. nuBLRTS MOTOR CAR CO.. INC. ONE-TON" FORD TRUCKS. ROTH CHAIN AND WORM IdtK, EQUIPPED WITH P.rr--IEe. WINDSHIELDS AND TuPS. OVERHAULED AND IN EXCELLENT CO NUITION. TAKE VOIR L'l.'K. PRICED J:' ROM 273 TO SooO. 1017 (JARFORD 11i-TOX ' IEASSJS IN PERFECT ME CHANICAL CONDITION. c, m. c. ",-ton with r;oor CORD TIRES AND EXPRESS BODT COMPLETE; FINE ME CHAOTICALLY, 191 R MAXWELL 1-TON, WITH FACTORY CAB. WIND SHIELD AND BODY: NEW OVER-SIZE TIRE 6; A BAii wALN. 750. BROADWAY 13fi9. PARK AND EVERETT STS. USED -CARS. 2 Port Toaflwtemj. 1 Ford tonrins. 0 Ford delivery. 1 Federal truck. : Onp-ton trucks. 1 3O0O-pound truck. All in good condition. Look them. over. Good buys. RUSHLIGHT Sc PENNEY. INC.. Authorized Ford Dealers, 363 E. Broadway, City. Fon E. 303 E. 367. C REAL SNAPS TO USED CARS. 1017 Hudson Super 6, 7-passenger. 1018 Studohaker, B-cyl., 7-passenscr. If 17 Maxwell tourint?. 1 rn 7 Buick 6 roadster. KM 7 Ford one-ton truck. 1916 Dodge panel delivery. 1 ! 1 Haynes 6-cyL, 5-passenger. HUG Over! and roadHter. 1118 Overland touring. 1015 Chalmers 6 touring. 1914 Speedwell 6-cyl., 7-paseenger. Convenient terms on any of the above. DEALERS rSED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. East Stark St. and Grand Avenue. USED CARS. We have decided to clean up our used car stock. First come, first served. Motto, "Every purchaser a booster." 101 8 Peerless 8 Seven passenger, beauti ful cherry red cord tirea; car like new; at big reduction. 1918 Velio Seven passenger; this car al most new. 101 S Vclie Thoroughly overhauled; new tii es. 1017 Velie Also brand new tires. H'lt Velie Snap at $400. ll Velie Snap at $325. Five-passenger Hudson No junk; cheap, 191.1 Mitchell A dandy; "7r. Series 5 Franklin Overhauled J 850. Oakland Touring Five tires S250. 1910 Cadillac Delivery 'body 200. Open evenings and Sundays. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 58 N. 23d. Main 780. LUXURIOUS 6-cylinder Stevens automobile, c.st over $ fit mm), looks like new, perfect condition, tires good, mohair beat covers, i ire extinguisher, always been driven by private driver, Sl2t0; will take liberty bonds; am selling thin car for lady who has purchased a limousine; it's a great bargain. M. Alanville, Marshall 867. 101.i Cadillac, S-cylinder. 7-passenger. A biirh-grade rar in fine condition. 1017 Grant Six, r-pssenger. Car has nw wear in it. Has run less than S0UO mi les. I'.tl Chevrolet 4-P0. in first-class shape. Overland touring car for a song. If you want an old car to ride to work in investi gate tills. WTITTE St STEVENS, 421 Burnside St. Bdwy. 521. DODGE DELIVERY SNAP. 1 will sell my Dodge panel delivery at a vry reasonable price if taken at once. It is in fine condition. Cash or terms. Phono Hast 7810. 101 OAKLAND, good tires and in fine me chanieal condition, at a snap price. AUTO SALES CO., 0th and Couch. Automobile Wanted. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will exchange two choice lots at Saltalr station. Tillamook beach, near depot and hofhl; adjoin board walk, county road nnd railruad; faces the Pacific ocean; also SO by about 140 feet; suitable for busi ness or for cottage ; will pay some dif ference. Address 15 L o5. Oregon ian. WANTED To buy 1311 or 1012 4-cylinder HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 7u7 Hawthorne ave. LONG & SYLVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you DO per -ent otr parts. Send in the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condition. Phono East GS40. 4H2 Hawthorne ave. WE FAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR IF IT IS A LATE MODEL. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, f27 WASHINGTON ST. PHONE BROADWAY 15SJ. WK CAN GET YOU MORE MONEY FOR YOU R C A Ft. SEE I'S B E FORK YOU SELL. CON LEY'S Ul'ED CAR CENTER. S W. COR. 13TH AND WASHINGTON. ILL take one or two good cars for . acres T-Vfar ppnrs, pVachrs, apples; Grants Pass: $;iouo. Phono East o71H. AF 1 rfgoniu n. T. A N T a good si -cylinder car in exchange huiee corner lot in Portland. E. W. Wagnr r. f .o?lia. Wash. W A NT ', l f.'heap auto. I have a good typewriter and fraxopbone, nearly new, iir?-t payment. Phone Sellwood 474. CASH lor your Ford, Maxwell. Dodge or Buick. Call Epple, Main 200. o0-o2 N. 20th "t.. west side, near Washington. WANTED ltte Ford or Chevrolet for ash. 2 14 K il'ing? worth ave., apt. 7. I'tump cveningf, Woodlawn 4'JS4. LIGHT TOL'.RING CAR OR ROADSTER. I.aie inod I. Will pay cash. C. G. Hleas (hil . ::.u Alder. LI, trade 8 horses tor Ford car; short of ie d is reatun. George Lee, Saamko, Or. WANTED A Ford car, condition no object, will pay ruh. M" Milwaukie st. fcell. 73'J. W A 'TKD I '."IS ttr latfr model auto up to $12IM caPh. Main 0JI7. Tt N truck body. Tabor 2213 Motorcj ciei. TOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-2O0 3D ST. MAIN 6130. Auto Tires and Accessories. HAE 4 cord tires. 4x34, for sale, bar gain, or exchange for 4x34. East 1942. 1 12 Grand ave. Atitoimh;ies for Hire. N EW C A RS FOR RENT, WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD and GLISAN STS. A 2629. "BROADWAY 2tl2J. NEW Al'TOd WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVliRLAXDS HUDSON'S. l.u W N SDALE G A R A O E. BDWY. 24t S 15TH AND WASH. 7-PASS. touring cars for hire by tlic hour, day or trip : Columbia highway trips a specialty. Main 134. AUTOS WIT 1U5UT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. I. 1. SULLIVAN'S FASH ION GARAGE Mar 232. luTH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. " New cars, reasonable ratea. City Garage. 10th st.. Broadway S40. fi-PASS. Docge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, high. v ay. Broadway 3547. SNYDER'S Auto Service; all highways any time; very refreshing. East 4to2. rCtR SALr TRICKS AND TRACTORS. ON E-TON Gar tot d truck, cheap for cash, or will ex . '.tan wo for runabout car. U. S. Stables. 24S Front -treet. "-TON Menominee truck in first-class con dition. Imiuiri1 The Breynian Leather 'o.. 2d and tak sts. i: El l BL1C 1-t.n. special motor, good tires and Lond it ion. or trade fur new touring ar. lox 2," 5. G res ham. Or. TWO --ei- nm!-biti'l S'.-tim I'afkard trucks. :ivv. euuipped with dump body and East S3 '. East 1st and Main s t. .TON Reo truck for sale. E 47th Ht. N. Tabor 932S. 31 1-TON truck body. Tabor -213. FOR PALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. WHILE THEY LAST. USED TRUCKS. USED TRUCKS. WE HAVE A FEW USED TRUCKS WE ARE OFFER ING AT PRICES THAT WILI, ASTONISH YOU. THESE HAVE BEEN THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED AND ARE IN A - 1 MECHANICAL CONDI TION. IF YOU ARE INTER ESTED IV A TRUCK. COME AND LET US SHOW VuU SUM E OF THE BEST BAR GAINS IN THE CITY. . IT. WALLINGFORD CO.. ATC FOR BART LETT. Alder St. Broadway I' 4 9 2. WE NEED THE ROOM AND MUST SELL THESE TRUCKS AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES. LOOK AT THESE! Three-fourths-ton G. M. C. in the best of shape, has delivery body, top and near ly new tire a. A snap at $700. Two-ton Reo. A-l shape mechanically, delivery body, top and curtains, foo. Two-ton Gary, has platform body, nearly new tires. Here is a real buy at $2300. Two-ton Gary, almost new. only been driven a few hundred miles. Take this one lor $2800. GARY COAST AGENCY. 71 Broadway. Broadway 2162. $300 CASH. BUICK: ONE-TON TRUCK. Pneumatic tires, express body, top and windshield; price J10OO. $:ou cash, bal ance on caey term.". Can be seen at 32J Alder tt., ask lor Bar tie lU 1-TON BUICK TRUCK, pneumatic tire.. CARY, 522 Alder. Bdw,. JilOS. FOR SALE by owner, 3-ton Denby truck, new tires, cab. lights and body; rollers for hauling lumber. Call Sundays. 11 to 1; weekdays, 8 to 5. 211 Slock Exchange bldg. Main 4121. AUTO REPAIRING. NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS. If your car Is not working properly, call at the HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS and our free service department will tell you Just what Is wrong witn your ma chine free of charge. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, 707 Hawthorne ave., cor. EL 20 1 a at. DIVISION . . . GARAGE. 1372 Division St. Phone Tabor oSlft. We call for and deliver. EXPERT . . AUTO . . REPAIR IN Q. OARAGES. NEW building, completed only a short time. line location lor a repair and accessory business. Present owner compelled to sell out. lnis is an unusually good oppor tunity for a garage man. Must have an excellent mechanic because of large va riety of work to bo done. For lull par ticulars call at 4U Jlatt bldg. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. S7.50 UP TO 25. Meyer the Tailor pays highest cash prices lor men s suits ana overcoats, suoes. etc. THE MADISON CLEANERS TAILORS. 2o3 Madison St.. Near Third. Call Marshall 1229. We call anywhere iu the city, day or eve. UP TO $25. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's ciothei OREGON CLEANERS St TAILORS. 117 2d St., N. W. Cor. Wash. Main 1314. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for gentlemen's aad ladies second-hand clothes. Try m before you call others. Phone Broadway oUiJJ. 240 Burnside, pet ween Ja ana 2a. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $ 10 up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get tne rignt casn price tor your gooaa, tw 1st t., near Morrison. Main i38. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men s cast-off clothing; highest cash price paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. WANTED MISFIT AND DISCARDED CLOTHES OF QUALITY. LIBERAL CASH APPRAISEMENT. A LTEK A i loN DEPT. PHONE BROADWAY l7y. WANT VIOLIN, BANJO, GUITAR, MANDO LIN. BRASS AND STRING 1NSTRU MENTS. 128 FIRST. TABOR t;u. MAIN 44DD. JUNK WANTED Full value- paid for rags, bottles, ola clothing, tools, old furniture, scrap metals and rubber. Call Main 734. 2UlVs First street. SD-HAND CLOTHING WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR CLOTHING, FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF JUNK. MAIN 477ti. 245 1ST ST. DENTISTS, ATTENTION. Will buy yojr 2-h. equipment for cash. What have you? Address T 312, Oregonian, .22-CAL. WINCHESTER or Remington pump gun wanted ; state tain price unci condi tion. H 721, oregonian. JUNK, rag, metals, tools, old clothing, rar pet, trunks, rubber. Good prices. East M71. WANT TOOLS. ELECTRIC FANS, TENTS, TYPEWRITERS. 12S FIRS. NEWMAN. MAIN 44'JO. WANTED Siightly used suita. dresses, waists, cloaks. Ladies' Dress Exchange, 406 Pittovk bldg. Broadway 1T8.". WANTED Portable garage lUxltf; state lowest cash price and w here located. N 7U, Oregonian. WANTED i.u good second-hand opera chairs. Address Walla Walla college. Co 1 1 e ge place. Wash. WILL pay top market price for your dia monds, any ize. H. D. Oliver, 122 Sec ond St. SHOTGUNS, RIFLES. CAMERAS WANTED. NEWMAN, 1-S X' lit i. .NLAK WASH. MAIN 44-3. PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS WANTED. 12b FIRST. NEAR WASH. MAIN 44Ua. TABOR 6708. WANTED Used furniture Main 5U64. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 &io WINCHESTER, Remington automatic and pump shotguns. Hotiileld, b5 3d. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx, 23 Washington. WANTED To buy a second-hand safe; state size ana price, o -i, isrcgoman. VICTROLA or Edison machine in firt-class condition, price rignt. i 4U. Ore.onlar. LADY'S fur coat, size 3S, good condition. AF 10. oregonian WANT .22 rifle (repeater). Washington. Main 4405. 12S Ftrbt, near BOX printing machine wanted. Main 3380. Furniture Wanted. BEFORE TOU SEr,L TOUR FURNITURE faEE US. We are in need of ail kinds of used fur niture. rue a. carpets, steves and ranges all kinds of gas stoves and oifice furni ture, and we will pay ab-olutely the top prices lor tame. call MAKbUAi.- oat. and our buyer wnl call at once with the GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205 and 2u7 First St. Betweeji Taylor and Salmon Sta. C ALL MALN 3i 9 1 Mil EDI A IK LY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE3 EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FUltNlTUKE CO. 192 Flr ST.. .NEAR. TAYLOR. MAIN U1- BE SL UE AN lT LET US SEE your lurniture and household good before you sell. We are in the market lor same and wit fay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. L'uS First st. Maiu 7723. I WANT used furniture: cash will be paid for stoves ana range- and all kinds of housthoia ftooos. a.i us ior one article or a housefull and a competent, courteous buyer wi' i call. Marshall 2G'.:t. Crown. I WANT used furniture; will pay a as any dealer can pay. East U417. Calef, dealer. Z40 Williams ave. much M. H. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE cf any description ; have the ready cash. Phono today. Main 4627. or 2"4 First St. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL FAY CAb-fcL ALAIN 333-. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture V anted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. We want your used stove, furniture, carpets and all household good and will pay highest cash prices. Our three large stores enable os to dis pose of these goods at once and therefor we can pay the top market prices. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, tents, bicycles, sporting goods, type writers, adding machine and ail office furniture. CALL Marx 0072. LEVTN HDWE. 4 221-3-5 i FURNITURE CO. Front St. FURNITURE WANTED. WE WILL BUT FOR SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING US TO YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE. OUR VALUATION 13 HIGHER THAN THE OTHER FEL LOWS. THERE'S A REASON. BE CAUSE WE SELL TODAY WHAT WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY. Phone. MARSHALL 60 8 L PhoBfl GEVURTZ FURNITURE COM PANT. 185 First Street. HELP WANTKD MALE. LOOK HERE. RETURNED SOLDIER! A new proposition and money maker; something a man with one arm or one leg can do and make from $5 to $10 per day; clean and honorable work; no fake. Sample for 2.'c. C. W. CEDARSTROM, Box 3. Portland, Or. SPINNERS WANTED Night work. 48-hour ween, no worn Saturday or Sunday nights; liberal pay. Oregon City Woolen Mi lis, Oregon City. 1 BOOM MAN, 1 trimmer man. 10 men for sorting table. tor night shift Monday night; report - worn Monua J a. Al. MULTNOMAH LBR. & BOX CO.. Foot of Bancroft ave. AN OPPORTUNITY. Wanted, in manufacturing plant, msn familiar with blacksrult h work : advance ment, steady work and a good salary for ine nsni man: siate experience and length of tirnw employed at on position. AN iilo. MAN DISHWASHER FOR LOGGING CAMP N t- AH. t OK FLA N D. APPLY M ON DA Y 1117 YEON BLDG. WANTED A first-class talesman, of good auaresi ana big capacity with engineer ing training, familiar with Irrigation and b.v d ran I ics : in answering Mate age. ex perience and reference from rast em ployers; permanent position to right party. W ANTED A manufacturing jeweler who can Giamonos, ao platinum work. A bplendid opportunity for right man. Ad- uress Hutt, The Jeweler," 324 Prov vldcnt tsuilulng. Tacoma, W ash. WANTED A bookkeeper who writes neatly and can, when necessary, operate a type writer; shorthand not necessary. Good salary. Address in own handwriting. AK urfgonian. lULNd man to have charge of catalogue dept. of largts store; must have had ex perience compiling catalogues; permanent pohKion, with good salary and future; Mate experience in detail. H 623, Ore con ian. WANTED One sash and door cutter 1 stick er man, 1 sash and door machine man, 4 bench men for sash and door factory In aetaii mi 1 1 ; sfauy work; state wages ex pected. AV 2-IS. Oregonian. WANTED Man bookkeeper, 2. to 30 years. single, state experience, reason for change or unemployment ana give reierences. lie ply in own hi- nd writing with pen. state s;i lary expecte i. ; ;'.. Oregonian. C'LKU'.v, good penman, who ha had office experience with largs corporations; state age, ciuaiiiicaiions, salary, in own nana w rltlng AL 4i:, Oregonian. FJRST-CLASa carpenter and general utility man wants work in hotel, office building or departmen t tore ; good, clean, u.uick worn man. r1- urfjtonian. i ACT and entertainerw. musical comedy peo Pie. ul! lines, cxp. performern. AddIv, Art Baker, booking offices, open day and evenings. i -1 Henry bldg. Main 4i3. A -N i wu Ji ig n senooi ooy over lj ears of a ge to work in hotel as bell boy. hours 3 P. M. to 11:30 P. M.. See manager i:ninpr not! Monoay. NIGHT CLERK for out-of-town hotel, salary f T.'i per month, room and board. See Mr. Dougherty at Crown Willamette inn. West i.inn, or. WANTED Flrst-clafs meia.1 polisher; good age, stoady work ; give ref&reneeH. Ke hoe Display Fixture Co., i41 Market St., Sun i-rancisco. Cat. WANTED Young man alive and willing to month to start with. street. over 18, must be work ; wages $ Apply 84J Corbctt WAN rLU Keirigeration engineer; alss steuy man to worK on lee tana. Anniv chief engineer Ice Hippodrome, 20th and .Marsh a 1 1 s'.s. FRST-CLASS barber wanted, out of town, $24 guarantee. Inquire Jacob Miller Bar ber fauppiy to., -M- sr. JANITOR for small hotel, work half day a. per weK ana room, iiqi particular as to race or coior. a. oregonian. WANTED Experienced kitchen helper, sil ver man ana vegeiaoie man at Juab, restaurant, 321 Stark st. WANTED Man with small covered trucg, from s to lO o clock mornings; steady worst, ijj r a i r. m. .i r. junnsion. WANTED First-class wncelw right; best of wages; appiy in person. Raymond Auto wheel w ks.. rj rt. utn st. M AN wanted for dairy ranch ; steady job, gooa pay. .ppiy ml xiuppenuenaor ranch Nenaiem, jr. WANTED Experienced janitor and wife foi jst-class apt. House; steady position, (Odd sa iar . i u in, urrgonian, WANTED Strong boy, steady work, good pay. Appiy Biinmot: u iovo Mig, Co. j'noenix piag., oin ana uuk. WANTED Fireman; Multnomah Lumber Bancroft ave. fire w ith sawdust. &. Box Co., foot of V ANTED A typist who is also a book keeper; stenography not required. Reply in own nanuwrmns iq aiv ---, Oregonia WANTED Janitor for hotel; one who un derstands oil burner- The Campbell, 23d ana woyt sts. WANTED Three young men on live orono sit ion ; soldiers and sailors given prefer ADVERTISING solicitors, state pocket maps. Kvcr.ange. BA K BER wanted Al workman guaranteed - ana ooc over steaay job. Th nest narucr nop. Astoria, or. WANTED A first-class, all-around b.k- mlxer and moulder in shop. Addreaa Koy ai uanery. cutiax. v an. A l t. L- uoor partner ana otner sas and door men. The Wheeler, Osgood Co., i acoma. asn. WANTED Combination high climber and hooktender for one side camp; good ground. James Cole. Devitt. Or. WANTED Operator on coats; good Job for right man. Lundquist Tailoring Co., 6u3 Abtngtou bldg., lut- 3d st. Alain 74o5. MAN with Ford car to sell auto specialties'; experience unnecessary. f7 Pittock blk. JANITOR in. R ind watchman for office buiid- n, Oregonian. NIGHT CLERK. Give age and experience. E 921. Oregonian. TAILOR for busheMng and pressing. Conley. Condon. Or. J. A. EXPERIENCED MAN for soda, cigar and pool hall. 351 First street. BOY n t less than 16 for chores on farm, $40 and board. 22S Alder st. W ANTE D W ea v e rs. E. Mh and Taylor. Northwest Rug Co.. East 3580. Jr'lK-ST-CLASS colored porter wanted. Board of Trade barber shop. 4:h and Oak. OPERATORS wanted on ladles' coats and suits. Al Berglman & Bon, b3 Fifth su SALESMAN ton tt. and collector. 402 Washing- BAKERS helper. Apply Viking Baking Co., WANTED A cook, waiter. ttiO. f ,t of Taylor st. Monday morning. TINNERS wanted at once. pood wages. Yakima Hardware Co.. Yakima. Wah. WANTED All-around tailor or coatmaker; steady Job. 4: N. tth st. U00D carpenter wanted. ee L. J. Hagen at Boring. Estacada car. WANTED Busboy. Campbell Hill hotel. t x ivXNwD baker s hUpar. 20 4th su HELP WANTED MALtb INCIDENT. tOne of many.) Y. M. C A- Offlce of Pecretsry Advleorr and Employ ment Department. Y. M. C A. Toung man. stranger, out of work S?0 his total cash assets) If I pay you 97 for membership in the Y. M. C A. I w I have only 13 left between me and star vation. Secretary If you take out membership In the association you will have the Y. M. C. A., with all its influence, strength and resource, between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined the associa tion. In less than a week he had satisfac tory employment and a membership card In his pocket, which am urea him. aiong with Y. M. C. A. privileges, employment department service for one year. Calls for men since Jan. 1. 1B1 1 Im positions filled 7'J Shy the kind of men wanted oa The standing this department has with Portland employers Is due to the discrim inating service it has rendered them over a period of 15 years. If you will be guided by our Instruc tions we will guarantee thst ou will se cure employment or refund membership fee. Soldiers and sailors given three months' complimentary membership. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. u Anaeny m corner Second. OPEN TODAY. Free Employment, Come Early. SOUTH MILL CITY, OR. 10 mill and yard men, $4 20. Excellent room and board in company bote J. $3.40 week; fare advanced; no employment fee; men for woods, same eompany faliers .i.80-$.00; choppers, setters $.Yu; one sniper $4. SO. 4 wood buckers $4.30; fart advanced. SEAaiDE. OR. FREE EMPLOYMENT. THE BIG HUMMER CAMP. Timber Failers. Choker Setters, Burk?rs. Come Early. TTALCO. oft. HALCO. OR. HAMMOND LUMBER Co. BIG MILL. Rod man. SIimj and board: survey party. Eight mill and yard men, 94 20 up. Room snd board In best workingman's hotel on Pacific coast. This hotel has provided reading rooms, shower baths, hot and cold water, pool room. Big chance for ad vancement. Freo employment. Come early. 3o men shipped free during past week. Other positions coming In houro. Com today. Headquarters for loggerif and milt men. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 2 40 An ken y M.. corner 2d. MAKE MONEY. Reliable men to handle the famous Indiana Silo in territories in Oregon. Washington or Idaho. Does not re quire an Investment. A bona fide money-making proposition. Write for further Information, giving data as to experience and vapaOilltiea References required. K. SPALDING COMPANY. SALEM. OREGON. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. reoulra the services of an experienced salesman lor the silk department. An experienced drapery and shade banger. Also a night Janitor; one who baa bad experience preferred. Apply emplo) ment manager, 6th floor, Meier &. Frank Co. 61 IC young men to learn the lumber busi ness, rapia promotion tor young men oi ability, can start in the box, shingle, ve neer, spruce shop, shipping sheds or re pair departments. 4 Ac to aoc per hour to start, right In a good little town tn Wash ington, for one of the largest concerns of its Kind cn the coast. Sco Mercer tvUv. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., K35 Burn--ido L . WANTED Competent and experienced book keeper and stenographer caputxe i Tax ing entire charge small office manufactur ing plant at Misaoula, Mont. ; permanent tOH It ion. cuo'l opportunity for advance ment. In answering give age and refer ences from paat employers. AV -07, Ore gonian. WANTED Men for sawmill, lath mill and lumber yaras; gooa wages, aieaay work. Write or wiro Weed Lumber Co., Weed, California. Help Wanted Mlemrn. PA PUR SALESMAN. Experienced in printers' stock and fine pap-rs, to t'H u on printers ana miu( loners man of ability. god add rrw nnd person I appearand. Address with reference and phon" number AL 413. (Tccmuan. SALESMAN to call on professional inert. Established traae. hieaay, permanent in- tjine. Also one for outside city. Mats age, experience. 1. O. box 121, Phlludel p h 1 a . Pa. MAN for Insurance, sick and accident ; Ifavltig state ana win -u collections chap. Splendid opportunity, no invest iiii-ni. J Oregonian. WANTED Local and traveling salesmen throughout Oregon and Washington. When answ ei'itig state experience, salary and commission required. G 3ol, Oregonian. W A NT V. O A C K NTS. AGENTS wanted to sell our full line of trees and shrubbery. write us ror terri tory. SALEM NURSERY COM PAN. bALEM. OK. DISTRIBUTORS Salesmen, agents and can vassers t'.r ftate, county ana city, wall or write Aigrat Co., Oasco Mldg. AGENTS at once. Sell SOc per month hos sua! tickets. 20tt Cornell bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE- EN PERI ENCED waltresa wanted to work In sort drink place, iw wee a. 13j, lulu streeL 1 RLS wanted for light factory work, aood wages, steady work. Apply American Can Co.. Hth ana rront sis. SALESLADY for ladies ready-to-wear, per mai.ent position. Apply between 'J ana iu at 1-vitt' store, 4th snd wash. WANTED Girl for clerk and some kitchen w ork in conicctlonery store. inquire OUa K. Morrison. CH A M HER MAID wanted at Hotel Navarre. 11th and Aluer. l H not apply unless expo rlenced and competent. EXPERIENCED chambermaid for first- class hotel. Out; good w ages. W 33 7, Oregonian. WANTED Girls to learn sorting: pleasant work; gooa wages: steady employment, ale Laundry, r-. .viurn-on. WANTED Girls for shirt line. Good wages steady employment; experience not neces sary, lalu Laundry, ioo tu. Morrison. WANTKD A graduate nurw, with suralca experience, for out-of -tow a hospital. A V 20, Oregonian. WANTED Power machine operators, steady work. Apply Simmons uiove ju ig. to. l'hcwnlx bldg!. Oth and Oalt. EX PERIENCED custom shirt makers. wagfS 2U per weeK. Jacobs lnirt Co., Raleigh bldg.. 327 Washington St. AN elderly lady to care for 2 children while mother works. Call Monday morning. 3 Eait Hancock. East 32 04. CHAMBERMAID, one that is experienced in first-claa hotel work; good wagea and a permanent position. Conradine hotel. WAITRESS, from 6 to 8 P. M. Campbell hotel. WAITRES3 wanted. University and Jefferson. Club. 6th WILL giv music 1! -ht housework. Itt-Mons for few Main .tol 8. WA NTED Experienced Tifft's Hat Shop. 128 millinery maker. Tenth street. WANTED A young a hnolgirl to take care of little boy. Mar. 2'10. WAITRESS for country hotel. Fare ad vanced. Mtr. 31 4rt. It . OrfRonlan. W ANTE fith &t. Irl for root beer stand. Sunday before 1 o'clock. FIVE women to work at the Coffee Cup lunchroom. 133 Park at. WANTED Housekeeper: no one child. 2NO N.. lth st. objection to GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box Co.. E- .th and Holladay. BODT ironer at once ; good wagea lunch. Multnomah Hotel laundry. WANTED Working girl as companion, age not over 3U. J , Oregonian. CHORUS GIRLS Highest Wages, long en S igemer.ta; no traveling. Casino theater. EXPERIENCED telephone eperatora may be ootalned by calling Mhtn 102. A 2dS7. W ANTE D W a I tress. Col N. 2Qth st. Chester bury Hotel, GIRLS wanted. i2 Front st. Portland Paper Box Co., EXPERIENCED makers and Dimmer. King At. Co., 144 Park St., city. V. A N Tim Sales ladies; gocJ money to right party. 2S Fleldnwr bldg. TWO housemaids; good wagea. board and room. Sellwood Hospital, Sellwood 34 7. EXPERIENCED girl wanted, taurant. Apply 114 3d St. Jerry s res- N IG HT woman for local hospital. Tabor W A NTED Woman to do light housework and take care of baby. East 6482. WA ITRESS wanted. 211 Morrison. Klels Sweet Shop, WANT EL Dishwasher. Campbell Hill hu MEI.P WANTED F KM ALE- EXPERIENCED CASHIER: GOOD SALARY TO RIGHT PARTY; STATE AGE AND PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. AC 73. ORE GONIAN. THE MEIER A FRANK CO. requires tha errtces of experienced millinery r.akers and saleswomen for the coming season; steady work for capable people Lb as sured. Apply cmplo) meat manager, sixth floor. LARGE local retail store has splendid po sat Ion for an experienced woman to take charge of candy dept. Must hae execu tive ability and retail candy experience; excellent salary to start; communicate with box 747. stating ago, experience and salary expected. THE MEIER St FRANK CO. reo u Ira the services of an experienced saleswoman for the silk department. Apply employ ment bureau. 0th lioor, MEIER St FRANK WANTED One waitress. $34 per month and board fir-t month. Ift. per month and board second month and thereatter; work tt days per week and ss late aa 12 P. M.; good rhance lor promotion to girls who apply themselves. Apply Broad w a v Hasei wood. 127 Hroadwav, after V A. M. WANTKD Kxperleneed hemstitching op erator. Apply employment manager, fath floor, Meier as Frank Co. CHEF cook want woman partner who has had some experience tn pastry work; must be wiKing to leave city, no money re quired ; good wages paid. Write full par ticulars, experience, age, etc it 76. Ore gonian. WANTED Experienced dictaphone oper ator and stenographers tu r-fc inter tor w ork at The 1 Mctaphone. 420 Spalding bldg.; 2 permanent positions now open at Sinn per month, also temporary positions; machines for practice. POSITION open with large well-known firm; applicant must ba well educated; not office work; state education, expe rience acd phone number. 1J eL Ore gonian EX PER I ENCED millinery trimmers an1 makers wanted for positions tn w arhlng- t Oregon and Idaho. Apjyly to Lowvn- gart Ac Co. WANTED Girls for mangle and hand Iron d part me nt . cmxl w ac . steady employ men l ; ex per it- nee not necessary. Y a. Laundry. E. Morrison. AN experienced girt wanted for a confer ttom-ry, grocery and lunchroom; refer ences required; sa.ary 116 and board. A p- p.y at "-'. . st. STENt GK A I'll Kit. bookkeeper: position ncr- m.'unl and rt-iirali:e. Apply In own nann- writing. giving references, experience ana sal.iry dratr.d. f 1 1 472, Oregonian. WANTED Applications from. girl, to work in w iou - wctki i.g mciory at jm. jonn Steady work and good wages. J 704. ore WANTED Two girls for combination eham bermaid and dining room work in modem hot!; wages 3 and board. JJalcn hotel, Dufur. Or. ACT and entertainers, musical comedy pro- nle. all lines : chorus siria. A DOly Art. Haker. booking offices, open uy and evening. 2 1 Henry bldg. Main 343. .ANTED Experienced markers and dis tributor, also lecuc-rs and folders, alsu In M"Tionccd help wanted. National Laundry o.. K. sth and 'lay sta. A 1 DICTA PHOV E for sale manager larse wholesale house: state age. experien give references and salary wanted. 1C 241. Cr gonian. WA NT ED Experienced stenosraphcr. one with bookk'-' pliiK knowlrilRp. tate perit-ncn and l-Kiniilng salary expected. AK 4il, r-gonian. WANTED Hv wiioU'wa'e grocery house. Al filing clerk to operate the Remington Wati 1 machine ; state atre. expcrieUce and reference-. i 1 oregonian. WA NT ED Capable ner g' 1 1 omen for gonial. rtnun-ru .i spat -i lime. A K 4 r employment; all '. OreitontHn. THE Floren c C- lt:--nion Home ts ready 14 help any girl lit Cist jjo E. Gliaan. M. V. ar. K.i st 3 1 'I W A NT ED Girl for general housework. Phone Main 0540 or apply to D 42i, ore goman. WANTED 2 maids. 1 waitress. 1 upstair ma hi. 01 Filth street, i'hon Alain .3d. A I ;i0. WANTKD Woman lo do aecond work In kitchen for board and room lor self and htibhand. Woodlawn 3727. COMPETENT abMractor. experienced In probate and court work, l nion Abstract 'o. of Portland. Corhel t bldg. ANY grl in need of a friend apply to th s.t!vat Ion Army H''ie iiouc, j;2 al l.'tth st. N , f.r phone East 12.'. ANTBI' -tiirls for fa. tory. cMll between 0 and 1 A. M-, 105-107 TwelflU at. Celro Kola rompaii.v. NIGHT chambermaid for the Portland ho tel, t all at room 2u. W anted lomeatlca. GOCD girl or w onm n to arlst In general houi!v ork tn modern mun try borne. 2 utiles from I'rincvtlle. No children under Irt to care for. Electric lights, hot and told water and all modern conveniences. Permanent employment with good wages to right appih ant. Foreigner preferred. Faro paid. Write at on. e to 11. S. Cram Ar SonM. Prltieville. Oregon. MAID for cooking and housework, no laun dry. 2"i miles oat, wages li per week. 22S A Ide- M. W A NTED Girl for general housework : I small family and agreeable place to work. Call today. IK'S E. Yamhill St.. cor. 31 th. WANTED Girl to awist with housework and care of 2 children; good home and wages. Tabor ftlOtt. l.m lUwthorno ave. WANTKl -Girl for general housework, no objeetion to married woman. Phone Main 214. ! Dlth. near Taylor, west side. WANTED Competent girl for general house work, amall family, good wages. 7M E v e reft St. EX PERI ENCED ce ond girl; small family, it 00. 1 w ages. K$4 Kearney iu Marshall ati7.. GIRL w anted for general housework ; good wag, no wa.li I ug. c:5 H 1 g h ta Terrace. l'oitland HeiKhta. Main 3222. MAID for second work or seamstress wanted in private family; references required. Call Main C2W. A COOK for a family; no ot ner work r quired. Apply to Mrs. Shevnn. S2 Has thorne ave. Phone Kat 37. WANTED Experienced second maid; small family. Kood wagvs. Call iSellwood 0i3 or 4'Hi K 2 1 1 h st. G1KL for general housework, bor 32tL I'hone Ta- WANTED- Good girl for general houaewurk; will pay bet of wagea. Uftl A ins wort h a e. WANTED Cook at the Patton Home. Call Woodlawn 1 7o0. WANTED Good cook; small family good wage Call Sellwood y3 or 4Q6 E. 24th st. ,1 RL to assist with general housework. Overton. WANTED Mam H2 -RcllaMo alrl for second work. 7g Northrup. WANTED A girl for genera! stnn'l family: good wages. i. housework; 0 Hoyt. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work, evening- free. 3K loth st. HELP WANTKD MALE OR FF.MU.K 100 HOP PICKERS WANTED. MALE OR FEMALE. To pick 40 acres of as fine hops aa there Is in the valley : ground perfectly clean ; no weeds. All clod mashed and smooth. Yard close to camp ground. As fine a camp ground as there Is In the state. Three driven wells and the best of water. Plenty of wood ail cut In sto e wood len gth. Also plenty of straw put in the tents lor Deo dintr. There wlii either be a store on the ground or a good grocery wagon once a cay. Also fresh bread dally. Good hall for anv kind of amusement. will haul ail pickers to and from trams free. Will pay t he going price for picking, no matter w hat it is. I ll be at the St. tTharies notei on Tuesouy. t he ud of July, to remitter and make arrangements for transporta tion to the yard. T. B. Jones. 417 N. Commercial Ft.. Salem. Or. Phone No. P13, U REHH Y bickers w anted on Cotton farm il res ham : f re tent. wood. water and r.riw; check camp luggage to G res hair. : blackberries Just coming in, raspberries st best. Phone reham 21 lor tent reset vat ions. H. W. Strong. WEAVERS WANTED GOOD PAT. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILL. OREGON CITY. LOGAN BERRT pickers, 2 weeks' good pick- "ng, gooa aceom mooationa. (.an ci Charles hotel alter 11 A. M., July 11 C. C. Falsu ll A I L W A V mall clerk examinations August 23; $1100-SDW)0 year; sample questions free. Franklin lutltute. Dept. J70 R ocbtvr, -N. X. MK.I.P WANTFDM Al.E OR rr.MAl.K. WEAVERS. AND PPINXERS WANTED. Steady work; 4 hour week; good wages Apply Portland WooUn Mills. tDrCATIONAL. ARE YOU AMBITIOCST re you wish to increase your earning rapacity, or are ou aatialied with the ru: you are In ? Lam to operate and repair automobiles. uto trucks and tractors. The pay i bi and the demand for mvo s greater hsn the supply in t hla field. You can qualify uur-eif through a short if ur of prac tical instruction urMfr evperta at HKJdl'Hll.lS TRADE SCHOOLS, t Haw tborne ae. at E uih Branch oidca. 121 N. lh aU, near L'nion Depot. HOTELS need trained men Post ions wait ing, oemana x ar xceeus tha supp y; we w i,l train you at home by mail in your Pare time for this f-ctnat!ng prof-sion: big pay. fine living, spleclid oppor-.unuies for advancement. Send for f-e I. 'nitrat ed book, "tour Rig Future In Hotel Work Lewis Hot! Training icuooi. 327 Mather b'dg.. W sshington. D. C. liAWTlloKNE ALTO SCHOOL. 4M Hawthorne A a. Automobiles, trucks, tract or. Ignltloa and starter work. Vulcanixtcg and re treading, special summer latea. Day and evening elastic THE tiClItOL THAT TEACHES TOU TO BOSS THE JOB. LEARN ALTOS AND TKACTORS, HVE DAYS' KREE TRIAL. PAY TC1TION WHEN SATISFIED. W'e teach Auto. Tractor. Gas Engf-a snd Auto Electrical Work RIG lA-pAGk CATALOGl'E FREE. Address Adtox Auto Tractor hchool. Dept. K. Inlon ave. and Wasco s:.. Portland. Or. Phone Eat T44. POSITIONS ASSl RED. EVERY i'iHAITATK OF HEHNKE -WALKER Buslne?- Coiiece. Portland. Enroll any time. Telearraphy. stenography, banking, bookkeeping, -et-retartal. free catalocue. LEAKN TELEGRAPHY Young men and womeu wanted. Call 21 H Railway Exchange bldg. Splend id oppnr tunity to learn a well. paid prufowton. Free booklet. - Rallw-av Telegraph lniiitute. MOIII.KR RARRKR COLLEGE pays ou while learning, gives ou a set of tool. Pon ions iui-. Send for cata logue. 34 Iiurnsltie st. Rroadasy 1T3I. DECKER'S Ht'SINKSS COLLEGE. Typew nting, bovkkeeping. comptometer, all other mod. buMne-s cour?e. Day. night school. AlUky bldg., 3d and Mor. Main 324. "DR. DKI.ORT Concentration breathing reconstruction. 19th St., Portland Heights. Main 7 4 til. EN I KRT ehot (hand intttrut tioiuv. bumej Engiii.li and l-t b iter ru inc. reasouabl nppe. KaM t--rttH. Vte' PORTLAND BARBER COLI.KGK teaches trade in 8 weeks; pay while learning; po Miinn guaranteed. l'.lt Couch t. MEN. Wit MEN learn barber trade, free; waarea while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 13.1 Madiron st. ROCKY MOVNTAIN TEACHERS AGENCY. Frank K. Welifr, ex - Pt State fuit.. mar. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly. KA ST F I D KCOM M ERC Fa l7SC H OTL Mif-s Bucket's private school; Individual Instruction. 1 22 V Grind ave. East 427. MR Si H ANNVM'S short h snd srheol open during summer. East 3tk, 230 Tillamook streeL TKACH ERS wanted: resist ration free. Inter Mountain West Service, Inc.. Ogden. I tah. TEACHING p4w-ttion. free registration. ' Main 43.V Ftfh Teachers Agency. Journal bidg. MISS MATTINt I LYS S h orih a n dT y pew ri t -I ng school; fl mo. 2tT 14th. Main :.i.t THE International Correspondence Schoois can rale our salary. 191 Broadway. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free reglxtration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. SITFATIOV WANTFO MALE. AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALIST. AMBITIOUS. ENERGETIC, EXPERIENCED BXFfUTtVK ABILITY. OOOD 1'ERSON AL1T1". 10 -ears' active and practical' a ocla tion with the automotive business, han di ing both passenger and commercial equipment. l-ully ennversant with all branches, from mechanics to merchandising, including sales, both wholesale and retail. Seek a permanent as-oclatlon with a real live, organisation, where there is an opportunity lor brain?, experience and ex pert knowledge, jiitclligcntly directed. Am associated with a successful dealer ship In a popular line of cars and trucks, but for ample reaoa am compelled to consider a change Addresa communications irand Junction, Colo. to box 1 52. RESPONSIBLE position by thorough bank er, past 4o. -iiy or country; wi ling con nect ot her wise ; top references, bond ; can invest. Address Bunker, 02 Spokane ave.. ei y, Fel l m 00 1 2 A-l CARPENTER contracts, new or od work: get my figures. I save you money and worry: house raising and concrete. Marshall 1 220 or A I0T:, evenings or pe;ts leae number. M 1 PDI.K-AtiRD man would like to b work In tha forenoon ; experienced in clerkship and other linis; references. L 413. Oregonian. EX PERT bookkeeper wit h largo bulnes experience desire position, adaptable and bard worker; lair stenographer. AO 440. Orcgoaian. FIRST-GLASS hotel chef wanta plate where efficiency, economy and reliability will be appreciated ana paid fur. An. ore gonian. V 4 l Ll Ilka a position with a large cor. poro.1 ion as stenographer or general of - f.ir work: long experience; good penman. .1 22. uri-conun. Yol'Nt man. ex-soldier. with camp and shipyard timekeeping cxp.-rience. wanta position as timekeeper in logging ramp. trj Washington St.. Yancouer. Wash. PRINTER All round, wants Job. State sal ary. W 111 learn machine off lime. 'printer. tiO Whitman Avenue, city. FoKKIGN China painter wants position: has 10 years experience. Call -U14 64 th at. H. K. MARRIED MAN with famt'y wanta steady job on ranch: experienced; thickens pre ferred. N . OreRonian. Ot"NG married man wanta position as grocery clerk or something similar; two years exp. Prefer eact side. Tabor "OV7. t LKY CAPAHLE young man with best of referencea wishes to drite car lor private party. Call East oi74. TAYLOR'S express, light hauling of all kinds done reasonable: stand First and Wah Ington streets. Phone Main 44W.V BY sn xtensle. experienced bookkeeper and accountant. A-l local references. Addreaa "J." I. O. Box W,!i. city. MAN of good address, retired, not on lent without something to do. wants work from 2 to ft hours a day. AN 31t. oregonian. WILL repair your car In your garage or at mv -place, low rates, cm 11 me aay or nignt. private car. also tow you lr. Sell. 1 1 41. NEAT young man wants work a few hours evenings at tor r. - -aiur-r i"r noons and Sundays. K R3. oregonian. YOUNG married man wanta position ; will start at Dot torn ana w or up ior gooa wages; references. B 2PJ. Oregonian. CHAl'KKtt'R wants private driving, am icood mechanic ana can taae care 01 youi -mr. N ft, Oregonian iHlNGLERS FOR RESHINGLING BY CON TRACT OR THOUSAND. MARSHALL 1072. ROOKS repaired. thlngled or tarred . work guaranteed. F.ast 34M AUTOMOBILE mechanic wants track private driving. r- .n utt itonisn. ii AV K 5-passenger car and services; want steadv pcsinon. Fast 1 142?. Oaylord. PLUMBING expert Repair any plumbing, very reasonable. McCurdy. SelL 1123. WANTED Position by experienced man as Janitor or watchman. miiwooo .io, CEMENT work, rcp.iir or new. Call even- ini;s. Hroaoway Hookk re pern. Stenographer-. Office. PUB B LIC accountant will keep your books posted, make out your monthly state ments and do your corresponding at reas onable charge. AE 202. Oregonian. EiXPERT accountant desires books to keep In evening : A I referen-es. Cail after ti even iocs. Marshall 104H. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper will keep your books; daytime or eveulnga II 1 1. ore gonian. BOO K K E E P E R with general experience In lumber line la open fur position. AC 737. Oregonian. Soldiers and 8allorm. EX-SOLDIER. K- 27. with several years experience operating IO.'mKJ to LYO00 mill wants job: wil. take Job aa setter or en gineer until can 00 better. Phone Main Ma-s. mornings T to 9. and evening. Writs C. It. Georg;. IS I4th SU WANTED-A job; discharged chief elec trlctan 1 radio U. S. N- delra position, electrical work or automobile work. 4 years' truck and private driving experi ence. What have you? AG 14. Oregoiuan, EX-8OLDIER wanta kind after 4 P. L; larshaU 633. employment of any 4 or ft hours' work. SITU ATIONS T ANTED MALE. Soldi, era and SaUora. D I C I i A KG EI cvreas aold ir want- ru . tion w here good work will aecure proniv- fion. It-v ha road tspnni and ant 1 am single, ace .; m-i ill take interest la wrV. talk with )ou. AN 41 a giod MlfMiian. a dead one. and Iet me have a Oreronian. WANTKlv sId lr-r , goman lot it tort as chauffeur V :p or steady job. A JUi... SlTt'ATION WA NT K D E M A I. E. L.V DV or ha f j pri-ne d rm. r .Mre of vhi'dreu by lbs ho.r reii.i: e. com t- er, t . OTlg C V - n ciitifiren. lv . t"rf.in:in. POSITION a K erneF- or tutor by fT. ad t-ade Kacher: ru-ni -vl nunc ii rr m c u j eu AtlJl box IteJ, Put- la cooit lth dsughter por.tion ss cook it Ink gnat -mp or saw m: 11. Cs 11 et 2t 2l'n ' north. r-! Ivr.loy i,u Kern-v A X T K I -A e where a n v. oi;ia rto oih r work lor self m1 hu i-an.i m iKtu and board. AJ Of c - i.J IroTi.ng 1 day llo-' J anil I '.-o) . W ANTED Mhioc Mr. t. -l'- work by colored Wj!: . n.l ironing. Phone Kaat 4 w; call 3 dava KELlAlil.E ladv wi Pnuav Sa turde v P. m li.iw ir. die- work for Monda , 1'hone between a a apt. s IIP .li-ci. vss ocraphrr w li-e. Mam oookkeepor and uiL fe. ritf an out-of-town iutnrer ai Wanted a pure to tke ,--r cf ehropcu " " - momrr is away; rccnr-tfe 2' Mtti) miniiii el u a ; ttm. uc a loriipaiuoii or secretary. E 2 row- and rnp .1 Oregonian. ooktng .r small T.nhor 75 J AK r con i j n. P 1 1 1 n .! POSIT 1 atid it i ier li d'-'toatr-nt .eri-noed. Ea.-t Nf U' "'Ii n try w uiiun . re i ere m e. AN i:itl ENCi nlwr an. I iraphrr tn 1M7. ill com, line liokk-eperw. si e nog ran h era, Offt-. S T E M h ; K A P 11 K K e n I n c s. A 4 ' MSS. tp-d; ronvi cperined. wanta woaa Oreeonian. mg done. Room 12. Chain - M. 14o;i ot Cony:if n e. Pm-matrm. HEFtUtE having your oid dress- or nea ones intde f.r remodeled con mi! t lr A c. Kinder. :,4J Morris. in t. Bdwy. 4 FIHST-CLAs rewirg i rr day. AgoasH ColweH. 1'hone Ka-t tvOO. DRESSMAKING tion guaranteed. nd pl-iln sewing. 1 if . c--V-'S N. 2lst X. Main U WORK guaranteed. luMnsa d. cm My. tall Ka.t 4 .. DH ESM A K E!i out by day. ay 2710. ifter rt P. M. No Ii A I N ED nur-e will take limited numher of M.k or convalescent patients at own lione. bet of care, maa(q given. Ca.l at :;. K. h st . "RAINED nurse (VsTvs evening employ ment tAhi'e atterxiinc ornt il co' ,ege. ama.l refnunen t inn. A ' Crrsonian. PRACTICAL nursing, invalid and confmr- ment c.t.teg preferred. Tahor l2ol. giv eS f per ia 1 at tent ion to :nva)tds 7.1 Hawthorne ave. -are. 1 1 ou ae kee pera. WOMAN -rtith 2 children wants work in couni ry ; houf keeping or rooking pre ferred M. K. H.. box route 1. As ter 1 a. Or. ii 11 E K EE PI NG In (derl y w idower nat. respectable widow. T 42 r - n 1 . - WI L0 W w iwhes houHekeeping for w tdower "' ranch w hero boy 1 5 can work. Main DEPKN DA RLE tn 1 d il Ie- iced w m n r kill hen a.-ttaltt. Mjint : C AK.X, hmi -ekeeper C t ircgnninn. WIDOW, Kod Ctok. ekeeper. clerk. 2t 4iit'a jeffer- wihc position. Ma r- on s t . 1 til'Nti w oman w it h little Rirl wanta post tion doing hout-ework hm -he will hat o a good hmc. AH 4l. regonian. L.IY wnts houjiecleaning in other work; hour dsy; satisfaction guaranteed. Wood Is n ti.m.Y LAfY wlies bundle washing to do at her nome. fancy laundry a specialty. Tabor el 14. WAVrKI) TO BENT. I louse a. DESIRE A IVKLL-KITMSHED MODERN ." TO 7-TTtK.iM COTTAGE OR BUNGA LOW W ITH HAKDWiHiD FUMlKS AND PREFK.P.APLY LIGHT INTERIOR DBCO RATli'N. Ml ST HE IN A ;0D NEIGH lit iK ii.m D; K K LIABLE. K LSPONsl Ml.K. PKKM AN ENTLY Li 'A TE D YOUNG C-tCpI.E WITHol'T CHIIJKEN. PHONh, BROADWAY 4'io.V VV A M ED T. rm with r m : i e li t i nihed home ste.p ; ne p-r h . ly renponsibl peop . en. a modern. wll.:u - - r h rocini, gaai;e an 1 r ing ton. A la meda l.aureihurt dit. bet ot reierences. Call M 1 l"at 2rt:"i. lohKHN or g-room furnished bungalow, with garage preferred: can give i-t of ref, n-Tii-m and will pay si- month;" rnt in advance if deired. Adams. Tabor fiU5, W A N T E I Hv reltablo party. or --room buncaiow, with garage preferred: will iak ei-eiint care of premises. Hums 1'oW'CiL Ta I'nr ' 2. WANTED A small furnished hoie or lower f.at near Rose City car line. Tabor IHiss. rie want to re 1 modern 4 or ncalow; dietanre out no obje -r ore fumtshed. Ksst !. Fl'P.NISHED bungalow for summer; Ir -Ington. Alameda, Laurethurat or Roe City; 3 adults and 1 child. 2420 D at, Vancouver, Wash. I'hone 334 J. BY AUG. 1 ." Couple wlh 4 or i-room fur ntuhed bungalow to rent for month. with option renewal. IV ':.v., Oregon U n. W ANTED i-room boute, w est side, gar - preferred: responsihln tenants: will pay u to l"t." rent. Cm 11 Hroadwav 31 7. &-KO0M modern hou In good locaMD; will lease it rent and neighborhood right. Tabor S"S2. WOULD l'ke to leaso 4 or ."-room bungn. with garage, if poi!h. or would conaid r s'lhneban bnme. Tahor r.!i2r. WANTED To leasa r or -room house In suburtKK: Mulr.ioiimh station. Oswego, or what h ve tu ? Call Marshall 1 7. Apartment a. WANTED TO RENT. September 1. email modem unfurnished apartment, with gas stove and bath: mi over 12 biocks from Oregonian b'dg. Phone Mr. Firk. Main 77". or Marshall 41. Pl'P.N ISH Ei 3 t ft-room furnished f la., hour.' or apt. Will rent until spring .1 r-onabIe; good reference. D 443. ore K' man. Rooms With Board. Yi'L'NG woman emploed with boy f years old would like board and room in refined private family where boy would be caret! Tor during the day: must bo reasonable. Address 7 12. reponian. WANTED Board snd room In C. S. home bv young buini ss girl. Call Monday, lidw y. o.. 27. I!ouekreping Kooma. WANTED bv retired gentleman. large, airy room with kitchenette, phone, electric lights and bat h, by th- end of July, on went side; state price. F 3M. Orepronian. YOUNG lady wants 1 furnlih Lt H. K. room or 1-mom apL In apartment house. K . Oregonian. ltulnc 11, WANTED Window space for demonstration purposes: preferably in auto accessory store. A u.'trt, Oregonian. FOR RENT. KumUhed Rooms. HOTEL NAVARRE. 427 Alder st.. Corner 11th, Elccantiy furnished, central location. 1 an and orderly. Rates by day or week. c' ANbOMA, 14th and Washington- With hot and cold water and phone. Transient. SI up ; parminan t, 4 up. Private bath, tt. HOTEL OCK LE Y, Morrison sL ai Tenth Rates SI per day up: weekly. S4 up; run nng water, free phone and bath. , R00MS Urst side, hot water h-aL pnvaie lavatories, beautifully furnished honic. brcawla-t if deired. Mam 42l3. PALACE HOT EI. 4 14 Wash. St.: downtown location. rtpectat'la and strtctljr anoder eat. rooms large, clean. THE PENROSE 143 Grand ave.. at mont: choice smg.e rooms for men. Bel- BUSH M A RK hold. fC3 Wash. st, large, clean, modern rooms. 3 week up. SARGENT HCTEU 271 apt. and slepmg room?- Grsnd a e.. BjM 2VI. HI LI-CREST HOTEL Hath. phor.e ; ., month u ; without bath, f 1 up. 733 Wjan. J CLEAN, nice'y furnUhed rooms. &6 Flaa- Otrs CI Kl.. m i:e pOflt I..Q LA y ihr petent. r.nMc !ret arr.-. i