THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY. JUNE 26, 191J. 23 BARLEY MARKET IS AGAIN ADVANCING Export Demand in California Strengthens Prices. CROP LESS THAN LAST YEAR Contracting on Heavier Scale Than Csnal -Northwestern Values Will Bo Affected. Bar!? ha bwm th atrnrst fearer mt thm vrmlB market. lnflanced by the boom that la bow en to California. Iceinbr barley aold at San rranclaco yaatarday at a cental and mpot prleea wra atronf. Kan axport demand for new barley a rMponalbla for th bnlce. The California erop ta eetimated at about ftOo.OOO ton, ai acainat 600.000 tona laat year, and mori barley has been bought on contract to date than for many yeara. It looks aa If the en tire eon th era crop would be dlapoaed of by early falL Aa Uie barley crop in the north west la email and California auppllea will feava to be bought up, the local market will naturally be voverned by prices south. , reed barley at the Merchants Exchange yesterday waa SOcOU higher on bid and! brewing barley was np 50 cents. The other cereals attracted little Interest. Corn and bulk oats aTeraged 80 cents higher. Sacked oats were unchanged. The government weekly crop report says there Is considerable complaint of army and cutworm In the central valley. The Price Current says: "Considerable damage to oats reported In Illinois. Missouri and Iowa from ex fees rain. Damage In northwest from drouth but crop not seriously Impaired. Corn reports are rery spotty, considerable replanting has been required In lowlands. Weather conditions In the middle west, as wired from Chicago: "Minneapolis part cloudy, TO. Winnipeg cloudy. 70. Duluth foggy, cool. Illinois clear, hot. heavy rain last night and Chicago. ' Nebraska, clear. hot. Kansas City clear, hot. Ohio valley cloudy, warm, rained last night. Forecast Generally fair, continued warm. Dakota cooler." Broom hall cables considerable damage waa done to French crops bj drouth. In India, the monsoon g now being expe rienced. Fairly good rains hare fallen over a wide area and these have facilitated prep arations for the autumn crop of native food grains. Returns of the wheat harveat are ery disappointing, being about JW.OOO.OOO bushels, compared with 8,000.000 bushels last year. Terminal receipt. In cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay at rnfll: bakers. fll.150U.3O; whole wheat. 10.5 910.49: craham. U0.05 S10.ZO. MlLLFEED Mill run f. o. b. mill, carlots. I-W per ton: mixed cam, fx. 50: ton lots or over. 40; less than ton. 41 ; ronea Daney, '-; rolled oats, ground barley, t. ton. CORN Whole, ton, 75; cracked. $77 per ton. HAT Buying prices . b. Portland; Eastern Oregon timothy, $3637 per ton; alfaUa, $26; vaJley grain hay. $- Dairy and Coutry Produce. BUTTER Cubes. P'J-score, MVc; 91 -score. 50c; 90-score, 49c; prints, parchment wrappers, box lots 53c; cartons, tc, nan boxes Vc more; less than half boxes, le more: but t erf a L. No. 1. 61 5c per pouno. CHEESE: Tillamook, f. o. b. Tiliamooic: Triplets. 84c; Young Americas, 3e; Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point, triolets. 3Jftc; i oung Americas. 31kc; longnorna, nt. atatton. POULTRY Hena. 7e. o rollers. geese, ducks and turkeys, nominal. VEAL Fancy, Zic per pouno. PORK Fancy. 26Hc per pound. Portland Wed. .... 6 .... 4 Year ago...... 5 11 1 6 Peason to date.Tfi.e in 2930 7iS 3247 Tear ago &29 145S 3373 2647 Tacoma Tuea. . 14 8 Tear ago 1 .... .... fason to date. 54 40 .... 203 1242 Tear ago OOCr. 109 .... 30 161 F-attle, Tues.. 8 3 21 Tear ago. 4 Feason to date. 549? us 1770 C4 S.r.07 Tear ago. . M . .sS 545 1790 1126 3147 DEMAND' FOB CfHE HITTER BETTER Outside Orders ITelp Reduce Loral Accumu lation Egg Market Uolds 8(em4y. The cube batter market was more active. but half a cent lower, with sales of 02 score In considerable quantity at 504 cents. I'ndergrades moved more freely at prices ranging down to 48 cents. The demand waa better, mainly for shipping account. Street stocks were lighter at 1610 .cubes, anddCci boxes. Receipts on Tuesday were: Pound. California ...J ...... 7.54S Oregon ---. &JKta Washington 4,845 Total 80.427 Cheese receipts Tuesday were 4550 pounds from Oregon and 1345 from Washington. The commercial egg storages are about filled and less, activity Is shown by the larger ecg buyers, but the market holds very steady with buying prices ranging up to 42 cents, delivered. Receipts were larger, 075 cases front Oregon, 205 from California, 136 from .Washington and 36 from Idaho. CAN'TALOrPES AND MELONS FIRMER, Nine Hundred Bases mt Cherries Received by Express. Nine cars of cantaloupes were received. The market waa firm, with standards selling at $3325 and pontes. at $2.&Ofr 2.73. Watermelon receipts were three cars and rices were firmer at Z cents a pound buTk. Cherry receipts were large. TOO boxes by express from Ore con, 100 from Washington and 100 from California. Jobbers quoted the best Bingm all states, at 13 centa and Royal Anna at 8 91 cnta, Wheat Shipments Are Increased. Wheat shipments for the past and former weeks were: Wk. ead'g Wk. end'g Wk. end's June 21. June 14. Jun 22. 1S. TJ. Ii.-Canada ll.143.OO0 0.53S.OOO 2. $65. 000 Argentina 3.5T.V00O 2.0j 0O0 4.W.' not Australia .... 8.O4H.0OO 1.84S,oa 760.0O0 India 20.00 " Fruit and Vegetables. T-RCTTS Oranges. $'1.0006.75: lemons f7 1 115 box: bananas. 99c per pound; apples, new, 4 per box: grapefruit. $.t.7o&; strawberries. $2.&0;- cherries, oo ioc per pound; cantaloupes, $2.&u3.25 pr crate; apricots. $2.25 per box; peaches, $1.35 per box; watermelons, 8fc Pr pound;, plums. $2. so per box: pears. per. oox: rasp- herriea, 93.25? 3.50 per crate; loganberries. $J.-'i' per cmte. VEGETABLES CaBOagr. S4S.ou per ivv pounds: lettuce. $225l2.o0 per crate; pep pers. Oeftftne per pound; artichokes, 75c; beetm. 13 to 3.50 ner sack: carrots. :i.754.25 per sack; turnips. $3 3.50 per sack; cucum bers, $1.25 1.73 per dozen; tomatoes. 2.50 box; spinach. 6c per pound: peas, 11c H 13c per pound; rhubarb, ijsc per pouno. POTATOES Oregon Burbanka. best. $2(9 S.2..; new California, dc per pouno. ONIOXS California, red, 5 M Kt 6 c per pound. Maple Grocer!. T 1 Inbblnr euotations: KT-fiATt srk basis. Fruit or berry. 49.G5. bent. $9.55; Honolulu cane, 99.4ft; ex tra C. $3.15; powdered In barrels, $10.25; cubes in barrels, ioo. NLTb Walnuts, 2735o: Brasil nuts, 85c filberts. 2Sc; almonds, 34 9 30c; peanuts. 11 r 15c. SALT Half-ground. 100a. $16 per ton so 11725- cor ton: dairy. $25 per ton. KICK Japan style, c; blue rose, 10c; BEANS Buying price, large white, SO 5Vc pr pound: ren. 4c per pouna. COFFEE Roasted, in drama, 85050c Hons, Mofcmir. Etc, HOPS Oregon. 1018. 45M7Hc; loir crop, 32c; 1916 crop, 20c per pound; 1019 con tracts. S7?4c; three-year contracts, 80c WOOL Eastern Oregon and Washington, 40fi57c per pound; valley, 40 V 55c per pound. MOHAIR 1018 clip, 65c per pound. TALLOW No. 1. 8ec per pound; No. 2, gifec per pound; grease No. 1, 5fec; No. 2, per pound. CASCARA BARK New. 10e per pound. GRAIN BAGS In carlots, 13c. Fro visions. Local Jobbing quotations: - HAMS All sises. choice, 42H043c; stand ard. 41 S1 42c; skinned. 30 & 36c; picnic, 26 f201c: cottage roil, ooc. LARD Tierce basis, 36c; compound, 29c per pound. OKI SALT Bnort, ciear DftCKa ouvo.c. platen, 27tjr29c; exports. Sic BACON raney. k v ; stanaaro, to v 40c; choice, 943c. Bides and Pelts. HIDES No. 1 salt-cured hides, SO lbs. and up, 20c; No. 1 part-cured hides, 30 lbs. and up, 18 4c; No. 1 green hides, 80 lbs. and up, 17c; No. 1 salt-cured bull hides, 50 lbs. nd up. 14c: ro. I pari-curea ouii niaes. 50 lbs and up, 11c The price on No. 3 hides will be 1c per pound less than on rso. 1. No. 1 calf skins, up to 15 lbs, 45c; No. 2 calf skins, up to 15 lbs., 43c; No. 1 kip skins. 5 to 25 lbs., 25c; No. 2 Kip sKins, xa to lbs.. 2:tc: dry flint hides. 7 lbs. and up. JOc; dry flint calf hides, under 7 lbs., 40c; dry alt hide. 7 lbs. and up, 24c; dry salt calf hides, under 7 lbs., 84c; dry flint stag or bull hides, 20c; dry salt -hides, 14c; dry bull hides and skins, hayr price; dry horse hides, according to size and quality, each fl.5Ufc3: salt horse hides, skinned to hoof and bead on, $3tf6; horse hides with heads off. 50c less. PELTS Dry long-wool sheep pelts, per lb., 25 'fp 35c; dry medium wool aheep pelts. per lb., 20930c;-dry shearing sheep pelts. each. fi0ff75c; salted long-wool sheep pelts, each, $2&S: salted medium wool sheep pelts, each. SI ir2: salted shearing sheep pelts. each, 50 tf 75c i SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Eggs Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc, at Bay City. PAN FRANCISCO, June 23. Butter, 55Hc. Egsa Fresh extras, &4tsc: extra pullets. CWc- . , .. .. . - ;0c . Veeetablea Asparagus, graded, 10f?12c: esrirplant, 10i617Hc pound; pepera, bell. 15 4 1 w la r ire : 9 iuc small; chile, iui&c; squash, summer, SOcfel box; tomatoes, Mex ican. R.'Ofo 2.To - boxi potatoes, new deita. $2.502.75 box; rhubarb, $J 2.75 ; onions, green, $1.7501.85 box; new red, $4tf4.25 crate; green peas. Half Moon Bay. 94l0c; cucumbers, southern, $1.752.00, small; $3.50 kt 3.T5 large, box; string beans, 20 or 22 He pound; wax. 13lKc pound; pole beans, 12 Wi;!c; jima. l-tfi-Kr; green corn. Aiameaa, $0fT sack; okra, 10(12Mc lb.; garlic, 15 Itk- pound. Fruit Lemons. $67; oranges. $4.25 & 5; grapefruit. $44.50, fancy; bananas, 749 pineapies. .n4; pears, i.:fii. small box; plums. $1,5041.75 crate; fancy t $2; apples, Newtown Pippins, $3,500 .75; watermelons, 2Ur2Hc pound; currants. 1 1 L T 1 .1 ; Icq ua t s. 6 tt c : peac hea. $ 1 t 1.25 crate: fijrs, blapk. 7rtf5c. sin trie layer box; strawberries, $14qr 16; loganberries, rel. b.ack, as lu cnest: DiacKoerriea, sio ri:t; cherries. Royal Ann, 10' 12c pound; Ping. Irl4e: apricots. $lfl.50; crate; gooseberries. 9010c; cantaloupes, $- ft 2.50 standard crate. Keceipta Flour S2?m quarters; barley. 6?:i5 cen tala : beans, 3S69 sacks ; potatoes. 1400 sacks; hay, 2i tons; onions, 627 sacks hides. 732; wine, 40.5OO gallons. STOCK TRADE DIMINISHES TRAXSACTIO-S FALL BELOW MIIXIOX SHARE MARKS. Conrso of Prices Is Irregular, With Strength .ofv Money Rates Governing Influence. NKW YORK. Jan. 25. Operation, en the Stock Exchange today reflected in a more pronounced manner the extraordinary changfe. which have come over the specu- tit-e altuatlon with the approaching ratifi cation of the peace treaty. The turnover waa the smallest of any full session In many weeks, falline- to attain the familiar milllon- ahare mark. Aside from the moner market, which was the governing- Influence, there was little in the day's developments of direct interest or relation to Quoted values. Call money opened at 7 to "tt per cent, rose to 15 In the final hour and closed at 8 per cent. shocks had an lrrerular to heavy ooentnc om recoverea Derore midday on the strength ana activity of metals, those issues ahowin extreme gains of 1 to almost 6 points on re ports of copper sales at IStt cents. Aiotors. oils. shipplngsL tobacco, leathers and several of the food Issues recorded gains of 1 to 3 points, but these were largely aissipacea when the money flurry occurred. aomo popular stocks, especially ahtoDlnfrs. served to sustain the general list when money rates relaxed. Investment rails displayed little) of yes terday-s resonant tone, the few caina belm limited to minor or secondary issues. Paper, Chemical and affiliated Issues were mainly higher, the market showing an lrregulax mixture or losses and gains at the end. tales amounted to 835.000 sharea. The bond market followed the uncertain course of stocks, trading In that department also dwindling perceptibly. Total sales, par value, aggregated 7,275.000. Old United states bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last Sales. High. Low. 1.800 8A 8. 7,100 5H S5 8.300 11191, 10S 1.700 14 123 Am Beet 8ugar. American Can.. Am Car 4c Fdry aim n . i, pia. American Loco. Am Sm Kefs, ls.l'no 2IM 2.100 1.000 70 2.000 3.10 J.. TOO 2.1.400 17..-IOO 10.J00 2.100 1.7O0 l'"0 7.90O 1.100 1.51)0 ""soo 2.700 1.500 8. 700 S.000 2. lino 5, POO Vint Am Sugar Hefg. Am hum Tobac. Am Tel ac Tel. . Am Z L e Sm. Anaconda Cop.. Atrhisnn A O A W I S S L Baldwin Loco. . Bait A Ohio Beth Steel B .. B at S Copper . . Calif Petrol ... Canadian Pacif. Central Leather Ches A Ohio . Chi M & St P. . Chicago A N W. Chi R I & Pac. Chlno Copper .. Colo Fu Iron..' Own Products.. Crucible Steel .. Cuba Cane Sug. IMstlll bee corp. rjrin . General Klectrlc . . General Motors. 15,00 Gt Nor pfd .... 1,100 Gt Nor Ore ctfs. 1,700 lllnols Central. S00 Inspir Copper 21,100 lnt M M fd ... 4.B0O Inter Nickel ... 41. .TOO Inter Paper ... tt.100 Kennecott Cop.. 11.400 Louts ft rt asn . Mexican Petrol. Miami Copper .. Mldvale Steel .. Missouri Pacific. Montana Power. Nevada Copper. N T Central . .. NTNHAVH.. Norf ft Went . .. Northern Paclf. Pan-Am Petrol. Pennsvlvania .. Pitts ft W Va . . Pittsburg Coal. . Ray Consol Cop. Reading Reo Ir ft Steol.. Shat Arls Cop Sin Oil ft Refg. 24.S00 Southern acir. 13,.100 Southern Ry . . 0o Studebaker Cor. 2O0 Texas Co 1.900 Tobac Products. 4,00 t'nlon Pacific .. l.-'"" Unit Cig Stores. B.r.oo 17 S Ind Alcohol 7.00O U S Steel 10S.OOO do pfd rtah Copper ... . i00 Westing Electric 1.800 wnivn-Overland 2.RO0 9,400 000 1.600 '200 l.r.oo 1.000 'noo l.ioo 3.0OO 2,200 ' i'700 4.100 3 000 2,400 Royal Dutch 200 High. Si 50 H 109 i, 124 85 s-2'4 m 114 105 Wj 22 Vi 73S 101 177 104 Mi fto' V 2H'. 35 1. 102i 103 T. 6 421i "27 ' 4(1-, 47 Vs 7Uhi ill 14 34li 80 ii 2Si 97 V4 46 IKfi 01 4 1174 33 4 57 34 40 1S24 28 01 "77" 194 80-i 107i 07-!4 94 4 48 s -6.i" ' 24 V, 8B-, 89 "2 107 V, 201, 104 208 los 134 107 151 109 'J 110 sn 50 S5 111 7 1314, 111 10414 21 71 100 175 102 4S 85 27 3.1 101 102 65 l "27 45 47 77 90 33 7 17 2SO 97 45 8N .'.S 11 31 rr. 3S iso" ' 27 51 18 80 107 97 92 46 'r2 23 87 88 '6 io 29 101 25 !Ofi 133 104 14S 10.'. 11 87 56 35 110 Sale. 84 55 109 123 e 82 132 112 104 21 72 100 J in 102 40 80 . 28 34 161 102 . 41 101 27 45 47 18 90 33 ": 17 103 97 45 60 116 33 30 39 319 181 27 51 32 17 19 8l 30 107 97 93 40 40 62 -.1 87 89 13 61 100 29 102 100 133 165 149 100 116 88 56 sr 110 Bid.- ROVDS. 99.2S:Am. T. ft T. CT. 6sl03 95.00 Atchen cen. 4s.. 81 994.00ID. & R. G. ref. 5s 58 95.40IN. 1 . c. 94.24 Northern Pac 4s tl 95.12 Northern Pac. 3s 59 94.22'Pac T. ft T. 5s.. 91 Victorv 3s...lo0.02iPenn. con. 4s. 95 Victory 4s... 99.8S'So. Pac. cv. 5s. ..107 TJ S ref 2s. reg. '99-So. Railway 5s.. 94 U S ref. 2s. cou. "99 U 8 Lib. S.. do 1st 4S... . do 2d 4s. .. . do 1st 4s.. do 2nd 4s.. do 3d 4s... do 4th 4s.. C S con. 3s. reg. S9 U s con. ss, cou. D S con.4s. reg.10rt V S con. 4s cou.106 Pnlon Pac. 4s... 85 IT. s. Steel 5s 100 Anglo-French 5s. 87 Bid. Boston Mining Stork. BOSTON, June 25. Closing qootatlons: 13.443.000 8.49.0n to date com- TotI ...16.76S.000 Shipments for the pare a. follows: Total sine Total since July 1. '18. Las season, r. S. and Canada 244.911 o-4 Argentio. ........... 86.2O5.0O0 56.143.0oc Australux India, .w. ..... ...... 5.101.000 15.235.000 Te!s 513.064.000 355.994.000 Smaller Potato Crop Moving. Three cars of new California potatoes cam. fn and were quoted steady at 43 cents. Old stock was steady at S2f2.25. The potato acreage planted in states now hipping or about to ship Is estimated at 17.490. against 270.110 last year. The esti mated production is 3.1.305 cars, compared with 48.934 cars last year. Tanking Oil. and Shortening Higher. Compound lard prices, local make, were ,dvancd half a cent yesterday and a brand t shortening was raised 2 cents. Cooking oflt sdvanced sharply. 30 cents a case for the .mail and 81 tr 1.50 for the larg. tzea. Further advances in soaps and wash ing powder, were also announced. I In- d Oil la Advanced. . A. mrivanc was announced yesterday of ft cents in linseed oil to th. following quota. tlcn: Raw, barrels, 12.05; cases. 12.13; boiled, barrels. (207; rases. 82.17. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: ( Cleaiinga. Balances, Portland ............. ..$4.46.910 (SS5.360 feattl. 5.047.44 2 812. 0O9 Tacoma 713.4SI 136.424 Spokane 1.762.200 611.143 rOBTLAVD X1EKII OTOTATIONS. 4; rain. Flew. FmhL l:tc. Merchaxta exchange noon session: -Eids- June. ..852.30 July. $52.50 Ito S whit. feed.. B.rley Fandrd feed S3 50 84 fcl.ind.rd "A- 33.50 84.50 Ks.lem oata and com In bulk: Oats Ko. 8 whit. - 4950 SO.OO S--lb. clieped whit. ... 50.0 30.50 Ant. $52.30 54.30 35.0O 49.50 50.00 No 8 yellow err AO 69 58 69 50 Ko. 8 mix.d 68.00 68 00 68.00 WHEAT Government basis. 82.20 per busb.L 1-i.OUB ratanta. $11.43 dtUr.r.d. $11.30 CDFPEE SLUMP CONTINUES FlTTrRES DROP 150 POIXTS IX XEff TOKK MARKET. Spots Are Down One to Two Cents From Recent Top Qnotatlon. The New York: coffee market rontlnned to decline yesterday. Spot Rio 7a were offered cent lower and Santos 4s cent lower. making a decline of 2 cents on th. former and 1 cent on th. latter frum th. top quo tations. Futures went off 150 pounds, th. full limit for a single day's trading. The continued liquidation waa du to the ex pectation of further dectlnes. NEW YORK. June 23. Ther. waa re newed liquidation in the- market for coffee future, her. today and pricea again scored the maximum decline permitted by th. ex change regulations. Brazilian cables, re porting a altghtly steadier ton. in the pri mary markets, had very little effect and after opening 25 to 70 point, lower, the mar ket closed at a net decline of 150 points December contracts sold off to 20.63. mak. tng a decline of 835 points from the high record of Monday, under continued liquida tion and selling in expectation of further re actions. Closing prices: July. 2l.20c; Sep tember, 21.10c: October. 20.93c: December. 2tv5c; January. 2O.60c: March. 20.43c; May, The spot market was unsettled with quo tations nominal on the basis of 23c for Rios 7s. and 29c for Santos 4a Metal Market. NEW TORK. June 25. Copper and Iron unchanged. Lead, steady; gpot, 6.17e bid; July, 6.25 $ 5. 55c. Spelter, firm; spot. 6-S0e bid; July, CSOO 7.13c Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. June 25. Evaporated apple,, steady. Prunes, unsettled. Peaches, firm. Cotton Market, NEW YORK. Jun. 25. Cotton Spot, steady. Middling. 33.95c. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. June 25. Sugar, unchanged. Duluth Linseed Market, DULUTH, June 25 Linseed. $4.9885. Cherry Fair Head Xamed. COVE. Or.. June 25. (Special.) The board of directors of the Cherry Fair asociation. composed of A. A. Antlea, orchard is t. chairman; J. W. L. Kauf man, secretary; John F. Dean. Judd Ceer and Pewis Bloom, at its last meet In b, elected Mayor Weimar manager of the fair. Alloucx 41 North Butte 13 Ariz. Com 14 Old Dominion... 41 Cal. ft Ariz 68 Osceola 53 Cal. ft Hecla..08 Qulncy i Centennial 10 Superior 7 Cop. R. Con. Co. 51ISnp. ft Boa. Min. 3 E. Butte Cp Me- 14 Shannon 3 Franklin 4 Wolverine JO Isle Roy. (Cop.) 85 Oranby Cons 71 Lake Copper 4 Greene Cafjanea. 48 Mohawk 67 I Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, June 25. Mercantile paper, unchanged. Sterling 60-day bills. $4.56; commercial bills on banks. $4.56; commercial 60-day bills. $4.55; demand. $4.58; ca bles. $4.59. Guilders, demand 3S;- ca bles. 39 13-16: francs, demand 6.46, cables $.44: lire, demand 8. cable. 7.98. Time loans strong, unchanged. Call money strong: high, 15 per cent: low, 7 per rent; ruling rate, 7 per cent: closing bid, 6 per cent: offered at 10 per cent; last loan, 8 per cent. Bar silver. $1.10. Mexican dollars. 85 c LONDON. June 25. Bar silver, money and discounts, unchanged. BULGES AT CLOSE STRENGTHENED CASH DEMAND LIFTS OPTION PRICES. Peace Newsand Weather Conditions Hare Little Influence on the Market Oats Strong. CHICAGO, June 25.. The corn market to day ran an uneven course, early weakness evidenced by many selling orders being over corn, later, converting an initial break 'into a bulge. The market closed firm, lc to 2c net higher with July $1.80 to $1.81: September. $1.76 1.76 and December $1,544 el. 54. Oats gained c to 1C and provisions closed 15c lower to $1 higher. Peac. news, apparently already sufficient ly discounted, and favorable crop conditions noted in different localities were held to have had little Influence on the market, greater stress being laid en a strengthening cash demand. Oats were relatively stronger than corn and recuperated from an early sag more rapidly, though within narrower bounds. Provisions worked away from somewhat low levels Influenced by strong hog marketa Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Low. Close. Sept. $1.74 $1.76 $1.72 $1.76 Dec. 1.5a 1.54- 1.50 L54 OATS. Sept. .68H -69 .7 .69 Dec 69 .71 ,6S .71 . MESS PORK. July 51.00 51.O0 50.60 51.00 Sept. 48.25 49.23 48.23 49.25 LARD. Jnly S4.2S 34.25 33.95 S4.10 Sept. 34.00 34.23 33.S0 34.00 V SHORT RIBS. July 27.55 27.63 27.40 27.62 Sept. 27.65 21.80 27.60 27.80 Cash prices were: Corn No. 3 yellow. $1.77 1.80 ; No. 4 yellow. $1.75: No. 5 yellow, nominal. Oats No. 3 white, St)70c. Rye No. 2. nominal; No. 3, $1.43. Barley $1.14 1.18. Timothy $9 812. Clover Nominal. - 1 Pork NominaL Lard $34.05. Ribs $27 6 27.75. Grata at 6ua FOMscJac. 6 AN FEANCWO. Jun. 3fe Flout; $12.00 f. e. b. warehouse Grain Wheat. $2.20: oats. red feed, $2.202.40; corn, California yellow, $3J5 3.23; barley. No. 1 feed. 1313 crop, $2,709 2.75. Hay Wheat or wheat and oats. $16918: tsme oat, $17819; barley, $11914; alfalfa, $15619; barley straw, SOSOc bale. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June 25. Barley, $1.02 CLIO. Flax. $505.00. ' NAVAL STORES. SAVANNAH. Ga June 25. Turpentin firm. $1; sales. 294 barrels; receipts, 65 barrels; shipments. 1570 barrels; stock, 6088 Darreis. Rosin,- firm; sales, 1126 barrels: receipts, iov Darreis: shipments. 2390 barrels: stack. 54.6,9 barrels. Quote: B, $1415: D, $14.50 n io.iv: js, si.-iaia.i5: F. 8ic.10S15.15: G. $15.15; H, $15.20: I, $15.20 1 5.30; K, $16.25 M. Sltiao; . $16.73017: WG. 317017.25 w n, 4 X 1 . WHEAT IS READY TO CUT CROP MAKES GOOD PROGRESS IN WILLAMETTE VALLET. SHEEP MARKET IS LIVELY IS STRONG AXD ITLL PRICES ARE PAID. Ry Harvest Xearly Completed in Lane County Grain Requires Rain East of Cascades. The weekly crop bulletin of the Ore son weather bureau says: Moderate to low temperatures, with light and insufficient ahowers m scattered lo calities. There was ample sunshine and some high day temperatures, but generally the nights were too cool for rapid growth. Winter wheat prospects are excellent In the Willamette valley, but dying winds and lack of moisture are causing anxiety re gardlng this crop east of the Cascade mo'un tains. Some wlil be ready to cut In Linn county during the coming week. Bye Is mostly harvested In Lane county and is be ing cut In other sections. Spring-sawn grains as a rule are In need of moisture, and un less rain comes soon the prospects for these crops will fall below the average. Corn Is still backward, owing to cool nights, but Is making fair progress and la now being cul tivated. The June crop of apples and pears In the Hood river valley has been father heavy. which will cut down somewhat the earlier estimates regarding these fruits: most or chards, however, are setting a well-distributed crop that is exceptionally free from disease and insect pests. Late cherries are ripening and a fair crop Is indicated. Blng nd Royal Ann cherries are abundant in Douglas county, where peach trees also are loaded with fruit. Loganberries are begin ning to ripen, with prospects for a heavy yield. Generally the fruit situation Is satisfactory. The weather has been ideal for haying In practically all districts. The first crop of alfalfa Is .mostly cut and the second crop la getting a good start. Pastures and the low er ranges are dying rapidly, but the moun tain range is still good and stock continue in prime condition. Potatoes are doing nicely, but would be improved by rain. Truck crops and gardens also would be benefited by ygood rains and warmer weather. HORSE SHOW IS PLANNED Camp Len-ls Events to Be Held From July 23 to 27, TACOMA, Wash., June 25. (Special.) Plans for the horse show to be held at the Remount depot. Camp Lewis, were made today by officers at the of fice of Lieutenant-Colonel B. L. Bargar camp headquarters. All organizations in camp were represented and it is planned to give a show on July 23 or July 27 similar to that held by the 91st division in France. Events for the show are largely military with comedy features thrown in for good measure. The show is primarily in tended for men in uniform but citizens will be welcome also. A number of former Eastern Oregon horse wran glers now in the army will participate in the rodeo. Lambs Sell at $13.50 Yearlings at $9.25 and Wethers'at 99 Top Hogs at $20.25. Thors .was a fair run of 16 loads at the stockyards yosterday and a food market with the trading mostly in the sheep di vision, whero full pries w.r. realized. Hoks were quiet but firm and a quarter higher with tops quoted at $20.23. Cattle were about steady with only a few sales. Receipts were 130 cattle, 1S5 hogs and 12.1 a sheep. The day's sales were as follows: Wt. Price. V t. Prle. 040 $7,501 22 hogs. . . 205 $111.00 900 6.00 8 hoes... 274 29.00 1010 8.50 20 hogs. .. 850 7.00! 3 hofirs. .. 8110 6.75j 17 hogs... 710 7.50 2 hogs... BIO T.OOl 5-h0BS... 5Hrt 6.0o! 1 hog. 400 5.501 2hOKS... 1(150 8.001 27 hoKS. .. S2 8.501 41 hogs. .. 4:1.1 T.OOl 10 hogs... l nog.... 1 hog.... 6 hogs. .. 30 lambs. K9 Iambs. 197 lambs. 17 lambs 6 cows 2 cows... 1 cow. ... 16 cows. .. 1 cow.... 1 cow 1 bull 1 bull 1 bull 1 steer. .. 4 steers. . 3 steers. . . 1 steer. .. . 2 steers.. 6 mixed.. 11 mixed., 1 calf 1 calf. 1 calf.... 196 ewes. .. 53 ewes. .. 8 ewes. . . 251 wethers. 101 231 yearl-gs.. 104 16 yearl'gs 92 lambs... 250 yearl'gs 7 lambs. . 199 lambs. . 1.1 lambs. . 90 lambs. . 13 lambs. . 3 hogs. . . 9 hogs. .. 3 hogs. .. 14 hogs. 990 6.501 8S5 7.50! 526 6.801 440 210 13.001 19013.00 130 13.001 105 8.001 93 lambs. tamos. 2 lambs. 5 lambs. 70 lambs. 3 ewes. . 2 ewes. .. 3 ewes. .. 11 ewes. .. 3 ewes. .. 1 yearl'g. 23 ye'rl'gs 9 ye'r-lgs 1 wether. 2 bucks.. 3 bucks.. 102 8.001 125 8.00 9.00 9.25 101 9.00 S4 13.50 103 63 13.501 71 13 51 10.00 78 13.50, 65 10.00 200 20.2.1 130 18.00 860 18.00! 200 20 00 Prices at the yards were as follows: Good to choice steers .....$10.50 sieoium to choice steers...... Fair to good steers. .......... Convnon to fair steers Good to choice cows, heifers. Medium to rood cows, heifers. fair to medium cows, heifers. Canners ..................... HUllS ... Calves ..... Btockers and feeders.. ....... Hogs Prime mixed Medium mixed Rouzb. heavies Pigs Sheep Prime spring lambs Fair to medium lambs. ........ Yearlings Wethers Ewes 196 20.00 140 20.00 100 18.25 80 15.00 20 00 IS. 00 2O.00 20.00 19.70 17.50 IS. 00 20.25 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.00 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.25 .50 20: 520 100 185 215 272 430 370 213 Liberty and Victory Bonds IF YOV MVST SKLTj TOO- T.TOKRTT AND VICTORY BONUS, 8KTX TO T8. IF VOU C AN BLY MOKE LIISKRTT AND VICTORY BONDS. Bl Y FKOH I S. On Wednesday. June the rios ins New York market prices were as given below. They are the governing prices for Liberty and Victory bonds all over the world, and the hifrheat. We advertise these prices dally in- order that you may always know the New York market and the exact value of your Liberty and Victory bonds. ' Victory Victory 3 Vis 1st 4a 2d 4s 1st 2d 4V4s Sd 4Via 4ti 4Hs 3s 4s Market price $99.23 $95.00 $94.00 $95.40 $94.24 $9."i.l2 $94.22 $100.02 $ 9.SS Accrued Int. 11 .12 .46 .13 .43 1.19 .S4 .38 .48 Total $99.39 $95.12 $94.46 $S.VM $94.72 $96.31 $0.V0 $100.40 $100. 3 When buying we deduct 37c on a $.10 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. We sell at the New York market plus the accrued Interest. Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes fsr Rent. MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. THE PRKMIER MrXlTIPAT. BOM) HOUSE. $09,311 Stark St., Bet. 5th and 6th. (Ground Floor. Telephone Broadway 2151. - . tbiihed Or or S5 Tears. 74 74 80 80 66 82 72 120 120 153 121 126 120 92 86 110 140 170 7.50 S.50 7.50 6.50 9.00 9.O0 9.00 9.00 6.00 5.00 (11.00 10.00 10.50 8.va9 v. .a 7.75(9 8.75 8.000 9.00 6.50 0 7.50 4.50 6.50 8.00 9 4.00 B.00(i 7.50 9.00 13.00 7.00 10.00 19.2320.25 19.0019.25 18.00918. 75 17.25 017.50 Government and Municipal Bonds Bought and Sold F.t.nevereaux RfimpanV 87 Sixth Street Broadway, 1042 Ground Floor WeHs-Fargo Building 11.5013.50 9.0010.00 6.00ft) 9.25 6.00 9.00 6.0019 8.00 STATE ORIGINS OF MVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to the Leading: Markets of the Pacific Northwest. Cattlo, Horres,Mlied CalveaHors.Sheep.51ules.Stock. For Portland Oregon 1 .... Ono week ago,. .10 2 2 Four weeks ago 6 C 8 One year ago 1 2 i-or. other markets- Seattle. Wash... 6 3 2 Spokane, Wash. 5 6 - . . . . Total U. S 1979 2139 811 One week ago. -.2050 2521 937 Four we'ks ago.2735 2477 631 One year ago. ..2257 1766 910 103 111 93 93 3 4 2 . 1 2 470 525 648 384 IDAHO GIRL SETS RECORD Mlsa Caroline Seldcl Packs 70 Boxes . or Cherries In Day. LEWTSTON. Idaho, June 25. (Spe cial.). Miss Caroline Seidel, daughter cial.) Mis Caroline Seidel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Seidel of this city, broke all local records for cherry packing yesterday, when she filled 70 20-pound boxes during the day. Misses Florence Payne and Susie Steele, packed 61 and 65 boxes in a day, re spectively, and Miss Seidel's feat easily makes her the premier cherry packer of Le wist on and Clarkston at the pres ent' time. Miss Seidel Is employed at the Bailey and Wicks packing house in Lewis ton, and was paid $10.50 for yesterday's work. Read The Oregonian classified ads. Chicago .Livestock Market. CHICAOO. June 25. Hoes ReceiDts 22.- 000, steady. BuJk. $20'(f21 : heavyweight. $20.4021; medlumweight. $202L10; light weight, $20.2521.15; light light. $13.50? 20.75; heavy packing sows, smooth, $10.73 ia20.25; packing ' sows, rough, $191U.63; pigs, $17.2518.30. Cattle Receipts 9000, steady. Beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime, $14.5015.83; medium and good, $12.23 14.60; common, $10.75ft 12.50; lightweight, good and choice, 513.2315.25; common and medium, $10g 13.25. Butcher cattle, heif ers, $7.75 & 13.25; cows, $7.50 12.50; can ners and cutters, $6.25&7.50; veal calves, light and handyweight. $15.7518.25; feeder steers, $J.25 12.75; stocker steers, ?812. Sheer Receipts 14,000, steady. Lambs, 84 pounds down, $1517.50; culls and common, $814.50; yearling wethers, $10$ 13.50; ewes, medium, good and choice, $6.258.25; culls and common, $2.50z5.75. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. June 5. (U. 8. Bureau of Mar kets.) Hogs Receipts 16,000, generally steady, Top, $20; bulk, $20.45920.60; heavy weight, $2U.4520.65; medlumweight, $20.60 20.90; lightweight, $2C.5020.y0; heavy packing sows, smooth,' S20.40& 20.55; pack ing sows, rough, $20.2020.40; pigs, $1819. Cattle Receipts 7200. Beef steers, me dium and heavyweight, choice and prime, $1314.50; medium and good. $1113.25; common, $1011.25; Jightweight, good and choice, $12.2514.50; common and medium, $9.7512.50; butcher cattle, heifers, $7.50 12.75; cows, $7.25 11.75; canners and cut ters, $5.50(97.25; veal calves, light and handyweight, $1314.75; feeder steers, $10 13.25; stocker steers, $S12. Sheep Receipts 16,000, strong to 25c higher. Lambs, 84 pounds down, $1416.50; culls and common. $10013; yearling wethers. $11.5013.50; ewts, medium and choice, $6 &7; culls and common, $36. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Wash., June 25. Hogs Re ceipts 467. Strong. Prime, $20.500 20.65; medium to choice $20.25 0 20.50 ; rough heavies $18.25&91&.65: Digs $18.25019.15. Cattle Receipts 126. DulL Best steers $11(3:12; medium to choice $10911; common to good $710; best cows and heifers $8 10; common to rood $507.50; bulla $5Q7.50; calves $712. - COAST AXD EASTERN DAIRY PRODUCE Butter Market Conditions at Lea dins; Dis tributing Points. San Francisco and eastern dairy produce reports received by wire by the Portland office of the bureau of markets yesterday follow: rhiraeo Market firm, Ue higher on 92- score without much change in underscores. Ninety-two-score not meeting reaay saie, buying almost all at 51c. Undergrade;! in good demand. Centralised cars very firm and wanted. New York. Market firm and in seller's favor, with fair activity today. Good de mand for centralised cars at 51 52 cents. Firmness mostly sentimental, . Storage in crease heavy. Receipts and street stocks moderate. Philadelphia. Market weak, prices full c lower. Fair amount of trading, but speculative interest lacking. San Francisco. Prices are nearly He Tower on an unsettled market. very mue trading is reported and a majority of deal ers are etill in favor of lower prices, al though some firmer feeling Is noticed. Ninety-three-score, 53c. Eastern Dairy Produce. NEW YORK, June 25. Butter firm, un changed. Eggs, steady, unchanged. Cheese, steady, unchanged. CHICAGO, June 25. - Butter, higher. Creamery, 46 51c. Eggs, higher. Receipts 20,694 cases; firsts. 3!fc 40Hc; ordinary firsts. 38fe3Sttc; at mark, cases included, 3839c; storage packed firsts, 4242Hc; extras, 42Hr43c. Poultry, alive, unchanged; fowls, 2fc. Odd Lots Short Term i Municipal and Corporation Bonds SALT CREEK PRODUCERS This great Oil Producer and mar ket leader is stated to have nearly 100 producing wells capped await ing passage of the Oil Leasing Bill. Our latest Wyoming Oil Resume, Letter No. 2. fully describes this company. Also gives latest Infor mation regarding; the OIL LEASING BILL now before Congress, together with an up-to-date map of the Wyoming oil districts and latest reliable data concerning Merritt Commonwealth Elk Basin Boston-Wyoming; Midwest Ret. Midwest Oil Northwest Omar Glenroclc , Allen Copies Free Upon Request TEXT BOOK OF WALL STREET THIRD EDITION Now Rady for Distribution INVESTMENT SECURITIES 20 Broad St, New York Philadelphia HarrUbura DIRECT PRIVATE: WIRES $50 $100 $500 $1000 TMl BOO attorls. Or.... 8.10 1,250 Marrnllls, Cal..... . S ZB 150 " " B.30 650 " " ; . . . B.40 1,1 B0 Tub City, Otl B.S7B , 1,160 " " ." B.40 1,160 " v B.60 1,160 " " B.S2S 10,000 Mw Wastmlnstsr, B. O. ..... S.126 17,600 Burnsbr, B. C 6.26 3,000 Wshklskuin, D. Dltt. 8.26 3,600 Suwsrt ler. . . . 7.00 Full details fdrnished on reqoest. Freeman Smith Camp co. noons mjaem ssmumi Bmsk Blds. it At the Rate of 150 a Minute S it would take you 3333 minutes or considerably more than two whole days to count 500,000. Yet the Lumbermens Trust Com pany hasihat many dollars in capital $500,000 and in addition to that it has a paid-up surplus of $100,000. - For every man, woman and child in the City of Portland this company has two dollars in paid-up capital and surplus. These facts furnish one reason why the Lumbermens Trust Company is able to send its buyers all over the West, from Oregon to Wyoming and from British Columbia to the farthermost parts of California and the Southwest. i A Secret of Success If the Lumbermens Trust Company was limited to small capital it could not afford to maintain a large organization of buying experts and it would be obliged to confine its activities to a more inferior grade of securities. This ability to cover the entire Western market also serves to broaden the variety of investments on the company's offering list. We can furnish you with Oregon, Washington, Canadian, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming or California. Bonds all of them investigated by our representatives in person. VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE. Quite so. And DIVERSIFICATION IS THE MOTTO OF THE FARSIGHTED INVESTOR. Lumbermens Trust Company Lumbermen Bldg. Fifth and Stark Half Blillion in Capital Hundred Thousand in Surplus CLAKK, KENDIL S CO. Government. Municipal and Corporation Bonds Corner Fifth and Stark Street. LIBERTY BONDS We recommend the pur chase of Liberty Bonds and are prepared to fill orders in any amount. If you have Liberty Bonds to sell, we will buy them from you at highest prices, depending on New York market quotations received by wire daily. m i'lllMIIIIIIlIllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIllllllllllli E HEADQUARTERS E I LIBERTY BONDS E We BUY and SELL, any amount. New York quo- Z E tations bywireerery morning, Interest in- sz eluded: E 3s. .$99.38 s E FIRST 4s.. 95.11 SECOND 4.. 94.44- FIRST 4Hs.. 96.58 - SECOND 4.a.. 94.71 THIRD 4i4.. 96.30 E FOURTH 4fcs.. 95.04 E VICTORY 4a. .100.35 E E If necessary to sell your bonds, E bring them to us. We pay ZZ highest local prices. I ROBERTSON &EWING I 207-8 N. V. Bank BIdff- Frank Robertson U. C. Ewing nilltllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflfr The New Oil Fields of Texas PitUbsrih-Texss Oil i Gas Stroauicrf Carbareter Co. oi America Standard Oil Stacks Hi(h Grade Diversified larestnMat Tread ai tlw Stack Market These subject, as well as other financial topics, are covered in our semi-monthly publication. "Securities Suggestion" Sent free upon rcquetL Ask Jo 30 "BP" ivcMEGARGELaca 27Pine Street-Necufok. Stocks Bonds Coto Grain J.B.Steinbach & Co. 201-2-3 Railway Eirtssgs Bid. (4th and Stark) PRIVATE WIRES TO A LI. FRINCI PAL MARKETS. Phones Main 283284 Phone your want ads to The Orego- nlan. Phone Main iviv, a vjb. 4