Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 12, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Leaders Attempt to Win Last
Vote Needed in Senate.
Euffrafflsts Count on Georgia and
Mississippi Senators, AYhorn
"Wilson Supported.
ington, May 11. How to get the last
vote lacking for suffrage in the sen
ate is the problem faced now by suf
frage leaders.
Of the four votes still doubtful, three
ere democratic and one republican.
President Wilson actively campaigned
for the election of two of the demo
crats. Senator Harris of Georgia and
Senator Harrison of Mississippi. They
ran and were elected on a platform of
support of the president. Their vote
on suffrage, regardless of whether they
keep in line, will be the acid test, the
suffragists say, of the president's sin
cerity. The southern suffragists are work
ing for the vote of Senator Dial of
South Carolina in order to relieve, by
that much, the bad record of the south
en this measure.
Quick Action Forecast.
For the vote of the republican, Sena
tor Keyes, an active campaign is be
ing conducted by the woman's party in
bis home state, New Hampshire.
Republican leaders of both the house
and senate have announced that the
vote will be taken and the amendment
rassed soon after the opening of the
extra session. '
According to the present poll of the
National Woman's party, a suffrage
vote is assured in the coming congress
from the congressional delegations of
3 8 western and one eastern state in
hoth house and senate. Only one state,
Alabama, will, according to the present
poll, vote eolidly against the amend
ment. In addition, 19 states will send dele
gations in which a majority favors fed
eral suffrage, making 37 states giving
a. majority vote; while seven, all from
the southern democratic group, have
elected majorities against, and four are
equally divided or uncertain.
Senator Borah alone by his opposi
tion to the amendment prevents Idaho
from giving a unanimous vote for the
amendment. Senator Hitchcock creates
the same situation in Nebraska, while
in Delaware and Maine, which will
send complete suffrage delegations to
the house of representatives, Senators
Wolcott and Halo prevent clear records
In favor of the amendment.
Many States to Vote for Measure.
Iowa and Michigan delegations win
lie solid in both houses except for one
representative in each case. West Vir
ginia, already unanimous in the sen
ate, may also give a solid vote in the
Connecticut, Tennessee, Kentucky,
New York, Wisconsin, Missouri, Penn
sylvania and Ohio all have large ma
jorities in the lower house, with both
senators opposed in Connecticut and
Pennsylvania, both in favor in New
Jersey and Wisconsin and one senator
in favor in each of the other states.
North Carolina, South Carolina, Vir
ginia. Georgia ajid Mississippi house
delegations will, according to the state
ments of their representatives, cast
majority opposition votes. In Georgia
and South Carolina and Mississippi one
senator is still uncommitted, while in
Louisiana one is favorable and one
hopeful. Massachusetts, which gave a
majority against in the last congress,
it is expected, will give a majority in
favor, while the senatorial vote will
this time be divided instead of both op
posed. Alabama. Louisiana Opposed.
Alabama and Louisiana are the only
two of the five states which voted
unanimously against the amendment
last year in the house, which will again
give a solid opposition vote in the lower
The greatest change since the last
vote in any delegation is in Ohio, which
Jn the last house cast a two-to-one
vote against the amendment. In Mary
land and Vermont the vote is half and
half in both houses. In Florida, with
both senators opposed, the house dele
gation is three to one in favor. In
Texas both senators are supporting the
amendment and a majority in the house
is expected. Pennsylvania, whose dele
gation voted the last time 22 to 12 in
favor, is counted on for a majority in the
house. Both senators are opposed, but
there is a ray of hope on Senator Pen
rose since he once made the cryptic
statement that "There is more joy over
one sinner that repenteth than over
nine and 90 that have never gone
Though suffrage polls show one vote
still lacking in the senate, leaders are
convinced that the enormous gain in
sentiment throughout the country in
favor of the amendment will make it
impossible for the senate to defeat the
Preliminaries Arranged at Meeting
ot Executive Committee of In
! terstate Realty Body.
The executive committee meeting of
the Inter-State Realty association held
at Vancouver, B. C. recently, was at
tended by between 30 and 40 members
of the executive committee represent
ing Montana, Washington, Oregon,
Idaho, British Columbia and Alberta.
Among matters of importance to the
association that were discussed was
the completion of plans for the con
vention of the Inter-State Realty asso
ciation in Victoria, B. C, July 17, 18
and 19.
The programme is in the hands of
F.. S. Goodwin of Seattle, president of
the association, and will be devoted
to reconstruction matters. Speakers
will discuss the city zoning system,
taxation, own your own home move
ment, and the development of north
west lands. The entertainment fea
tures will be elaborate, the city of
Victoria looking after the matter of
finances for the convention.
Among important changes to be
recommended to the convention is that
of admitting all property owners as
active members, with a view to secur
ing a sufficient income to enable the
association to employ taxation experts
In each district.
Seattle, Tacoma. Everett and Belling
ham. as well as the smaller cities on
the sound, have practically completed
plans to lake their d"leeates to the
convention by boat. An attendance of
at least 2500 is expected.
Victoria people are anxious that this
convention, bm known as the victoi y
convention. It is expected that it will
be the largest convention held on Van
couver island this year, and the entire
population Intends to join with the
realty men in one grand celebration.
Among the entertainment features
planned will be a trip to Vancouver
island. Following the convention, the
Victoria and Vancouver people expect
to join in a special boat trip to visit the
city of Vancouver.
A general advertising campaign will
immediately be inaugurated by the Vic
toria real estate men, sending out some
30,000 letters of invitation to attend
the convention.
Among those who attended the
executive committee meeting from
Oregon were:
F. E. Taylor, first president of the
Inter-State association; Paul A. Cow
gill, secretary-treasurer; Fred W. Ger
man, director, Portland; Owen Beam,
director, Albany; and A. C. Everson,
director, Tillamook.
Members of 18 th Regiment to Go
to Camp Lewis Wednesday for
Companies E and F. 18th engineers,
recruited chiefly from Portland, and
company D of Seattle men, will arrive
in Portland between 9 and 10 o'clock
Tuesday morning, according to latest
advices received in. Portland yesterday.
Accompanying the engineers will be 13
Equipped with scores of messages of
love and greeting, 300 copies of the
Oregonian and 9500 cigarettes. Colonel
L. P. Campbell of the reception commit
tee left for Huntington, Or., last night.
If the men arrive early enough for
breakfast, they will be fed at the Port
land hotel. Luncheon is planned for
the Benson and dinner at the Multno
mah hotel. In the afternoon many will
make a sightseeing trip out the high
way and others will visit their relatives.
Following the dinner, a dance will
be given n the ball room of the Mult
nomah hotel in honor tf the engineers.
All overseas men have been extended
invitations to this dance, which will
begin at 8:15.
The entire contingent to arrive Tues
day is composed of 433 men, com
manded by Major Kenneth B. Hauser.
They will remain in Portland until 1
o'clock Wedneseday morning when they
will continue their trip to Camp Lewis
for demobilization.
Definite dates are not yet known for
other troop arrivals of the near future,
en route to Camp Lewis. One hundred
and sixty men, 162d infantry, old 3d
Oregon, are scheduld to leave Camp
Dix on May 13. One hundred men, units
not named, left Ayer, Mass., on May 8.
Fifty-six men. units not named, left
Yaphank, N. Y., on May 10. The 167th
ambulance company, recruited a La
Grande, "of the 117th sanitary train, left
on May 9, and will stop over at La
Bridges to Be Rebuilt on Govern
ment Railroad.
SEATTLE, Wash., May 11. (Special.)
One million feet of lumber, which
will be used in rebuilding bridges on
the government railroad between Sew,
ard and Anchorage, Cook Inlet, Alas
ka, will be shipped to the north next
month, as a result of arrangements
completed yesterday by officers of the
Alaskan railroad commission.
The lumber, which will be furnished
by J. M. Farrell & Son of Seattle, prob
ably will be loaded in Seattle and
Everett. It will be discharged in Sew
ard and sent over the government
railroad from that city as needed. The
bridges to be rebuilt are on the old
Alaska Northern Railroad, now a part
of the government line between Sew
ard and Anchorage.
Coos County Business Men Are
Boosting Project.
MARSHJTE LD, Or.. May 11. (Spe
cial.) The Coos County Businessmen's
association has contributed 1300 to the
campaign fund, for the Roosevelt high
way and will assist the campaign in
personal appeals to electors for pas
sage of the measure on June 3. The
association sees the necessity of .re
ciprocity in various sections of the
state in voting for such measures, and
so will recommend support of all.
The campaign has received consid
erable publicity in this section of the
state and one of the aids now under
way is a special crusade for registering
Captain of Vessel at Kalama Pays
Assessments for Men.
KELSO, Wash.. May 11. (Special.)
Bootlegging has been costly in Cowlitz
county in the oast few months, and G.
Anderson and A. Mortenson. of the crew
of the steamer Daisy Freeman, were
fined $100 each and costs in the Cow
litz superior court this week for boot
legging at the dock at Kalama, where
the boat was docked. Sheriffs Hog
gatt and Taylor arrested the men end
seized 27 quarts of whisky.
The men did not have the money to
pay the fine, and the total fines and
costs of $210 were paid by the cap
tain of the boat, who could not spare
the men from the crew.
Man Knocked Down by Auto.
F. M. Marsh of the Edelbrau hotel,
suffered body bruises and a severe
injury to his leg last night when he
was knocked down by an automobile
at Fourth and Morrison streets as he
was crossing the street intersection.
L. G. Hiatt, driver of the machine, of
3920 Sixty-second street Southeast, re
ported to the police that Marsh sud
denly stepped from the curbing in
front of his machine. The injured man
was taken to the emergency hospital
for first aid treatment and later sent
to his home.
Klamath Lets Paving Contract.
(Special.) Contracts have been award
ed to the Warren Construction company
for bithulitic paving of Pine street from
Paine alley through to Eighth street.
Crescent avenue, Canby and East
streets. Spring street, from a point
near the Southern Pacific depot, to the
intersection with Sixth street, is to be
improved with oil mac-dam.
Dry si an wood ana inside wood, green,
stamps, for cash. Holmar Fuel Co,
Main 363. A 33E3 Adv.
Four-Day Period Holding the
Line Wearisome and Deadly.
American Advance Alons Line From
IJauIny Woods to Tronsol Farm
Stubbornly Contested.
American Red Cross Searcher with the
91st Division.
The remainder of the numerous deaths
in the 181st brigade in the charge on
Gesnes on September 29 will now be'
left hntil a later casualty summary,
so that the action of the division as
a whole may be proceeded with. By
daybreak of September 30 all the 181st
brigade, except the thousand dead and
wounded and except a small number
still scattered in hiding around Gesnes.
was dug in again on the reverse slope
of Miller Hill, or in the woods just
behind it. There it began that exceed
ingly wearisome and more or less
deadly four-day period of holding the
line without offense or defense, a period
that gave Miller Hill' the nickname of
Hundred-Hour Hill.
Meanwhile on Sunday, the 29th, the
182d brigade was attempting to ad
vance at the left of the 181st and was
not having so much success. The line
of the 182d at 3:40 o'clock ran just
north of the Baulny woods and west
onto Tronsol farm and during the day
had been occupied principally by the
364th infantry. The 364th and the 363d
infantry regiments, the 316th engineers
and the 348th machine gun battalion
had had a tough morning of it from
shellfire and from some machine-gun
fire on front and left. So severe was
the German treatment, in fact, that not
much advance was made by the infan
try beyond the line of 3:40. Some of the
brigade moved as far north as the road
running in front of the Bois de la Mo
rine, but were checked there.
Engineers Do Yeoman Service.
As the 182d brigade did not attempt
to march into and through the Bois
de la Morine as the lSlst marched into
and beyond Gesnes, its casualties on
this Sunday were only a fraction of
those of the sister brigade, and most
of them came from shellfire.
The 316th engineers did yeoman serv
ice on this afternoon. Companies A
and C were put in as infantry, an ex
perience that fell often enough to en
gineer units all through the American
army. The engineers of the 91st made
excellent doughboys. They showed
their stuff on the 29th and again on
the 1st and still again on hill 269 on the
9th of October. In Belgium, at Aude
narde, they demonstrated again that
the engineer is a good man under fire,
whether he is building a bridge or car
rying a rifle and bayonet.
While fighting with the engineers on
the 29th, another University of Wash
ington graduate was wounded, dying
afterward In a base hospital from pneu
monia following flu. This was Lieuten
ant Lester B. Pickering, son of A. C.
Pickering, formerly of Ohesaw, but
now of Monroe. Wash. "Pick." as his
associates called him, was an engineer
ing graduate. He married Just before
entering service, and at Camp Lewis
he helped survey much of the site. Miss
Florence Pickering, a teacher at Oro-
ville. Wash., and Mrs. Will Turner of
Chesaw are sisters still living in east
ern Washington.
Pickering's Woond Slight.
There was something of a gap on the
left flank of the 91st, on the far edge
of Tronsol farm, and companies A and
C of the engineers were sent over to
guard against counter-attacks from f
three German companies that were
threatening. A and C advanced nearly
a mile in the afternoon, driving the
Germans back, and during this ad
vance Lieutenant Pickering was struck
Just below the right knee by a ma
chine gun off at the left. It was not
a serious wound and Pickering stayed
with the company in the advance; in
fact, he Btuck with the company till
Lieutenant-Colonel Powell, command
ing the engineer regiment, ordered him
to the hospital. Death came October
15 at Vittel.
A hard-fighting engineer sergeant,
who died on the 29th. was Richard L.
Luey of San Gabriel, Cai.. in company
A. At 4:30 P. M. company A and units
of the 182d infantry were trying to get
forward amid machine gun bullets
from positions 700 yards ahead. A
burst struck Luey's legs and he went
down. He rose to his knees and was
struck in the body. Corporal John
Shannon of Butte and Corporal Dennis
finally got over to him and he was
breathing his last.
Sniper Gets A Company's Pride.
Sergeants Thomas J. Lake of Los
Angeles was known as "the pride of
company A." He was a fine big fel
low, and was the company's represen
tative in boxing and wrestling: and
besides he was a first-class soldier and
sergeant: yet it was as easy tor a bul
let to kill Lake as to kill the puniest
man in the division. He and Frank
Wilder of company A, another Los An
gelan, got separated late on the 29th.
and while hunting the company went to
Stops Tuesday Midnight to Let In
"The SHk-Lined Burglar"
f - A
' -VV J ?
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
These figures are interesting, showing how the lesson of
thrift has been learned by Americans. But there are adults
who have not yet learned to save, and thousands of children
who must be taught the lesson.
One of our home savings banks will aid in saving loose
change that might otherwise be trifled away. It holds all
sorts of coins, also bills, is convenient in size, and good looking.
Start the family on the thrift road. It leads to success and
the top of a knoll where there was a
round rustic bench built by the Ger
mans. Lake had a can of roast beef and
Wilder had water. Lake asked Wilder
if he was hungry! so they opened the
can and began to eat. They were glad
they had the water, one of them re
marking on how dry they would be if
they ate the beef. Lake had taken one
bite when a sniper shot him in the
right side near the back, the bullet
emerging at the left Jaw. He fell on
his face, saying, 'They got me. Wilder."
Wilder said, "Where?"
He said, "in the back. I'm gone."
Wilder said what always is said to
those who are going west: "I don't
think so, Tom," but the pride of com
pany A was gasping and dying then.
Fatalism Prevailing Illustrated.
The case of a company A private
named William Pierce of Mellville, Cal.,
although Pierce had been killed two
days before on the 27th, will be de
scribed here because it illustrates tfi
fatalism that grew up in the 91st be
fore the men had been in battle more
than two or three days. Men got to
feeling that death was an accidental
sort of thing in most of the cases. If
a man was a foot to the right he es
caped: if a foot to the left he got it;
but there was no way of knowing
whether to be at the right or the left.
If he left his pit for a match, a shell
might fall there during his absence; if
he stayed where he was, it might fall
where the match was; and so on; he
had no way of knowing and he speedily
gave up trying to figure it out. He
got to eaying, "Well, if they get me,
they get me." He was fond of remark
ing about shells that fell close that
they did not eeem to carry his number.
Pierce was riding an engineer wagon
in Very Canyon and was Just at the
fork of the road north of Very. The
canyon, as usual, was being shelled. He
was smoking a cigarette and was so
little afraid of shellfire that he de
clined to get off the wagon to Join
a dozen other A men at the side of the
road under some cover. "If any of
these shells have my number, they'll get
me anyway," he remarked. Then one
fell into the wagon ahead. It killed
seven horses, injured a number of men
and it also killed the fatalist Pierce,
fragments riddling his Flicker and hit
ting his head and stomach. He fell
down on the seat without speaking and
the boys climbed up and lifted him off.
Private Sam Port Killed Instantly.
It was on the night of the 29th that
Private Sam Port of company A was
killed. Port was on guard while 40
or 50 machine gunners, engineers and
doughboys, all mixed after the hard
29th, were sleeping along a 60-yard
stretch behind brush and trees on a
hillside. They were in the line of an
enfilade fire, however, and about 10
P. M. a shell came in, killed Port in
stantly and added to the number of in
jured already there. The boys got up
to attend the new wounded and .more
shells came, after which two company A
men were missing.
About 50 men were killed or fatally
wounded in the 316th engineers in Ar
gonne and Belgium. A number of them
died in the great air raid on Very
canyon on October 2. '
The next installment will deal with
the four days of holding the line after
the 29th.
"The Home Breaker"
Mult and Jeff Cartoon
Wild Geese in Ontario'1
Plenty for .Twenty
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The Country
savings deposits have in
creased per capita 27.3 per
cent during the four -year
war period. The Pacific States
have increased 46.9 per cent.
Washington and Third
Protests Sent Secretary Lane; Pro
posed Project to Raise Water
of Upper Lake.
ington. May 11. Protests are pouring
in upon Secretary of Interior Lane
against the project of the California
Oregon Light & Power company to
build a dam at the head of the Link
river In the Klamath irrigation project
and thereby raise the water of Upper
Klamath lake.
A contract for this purpose appar
ently has been closed between the
United States reclamation service and
the light and power company. The
protests set forth that such a dam
would cause to be Inundated many
thousands of acres of the most fertile
land, the greater part of which Is
Much of this land, it is said, is sus
ceptible of reclamation and that the
farmers already have gone to great
expense in diking and drainage. Be
sides the large area which would be
flooded it is declared that the drain
age of other extensive areas would be
impaired by holding back the flow of
water of William river. Wood river.
Seven Mile, Four Mile and Crystal
The settlers say that the desired re
sult can be obtained Just as satisfac
torily without impairing the present
irrigation system by deepening the
channel at the outlet of the lake from
eight to ten feet and placing a dam so
as to maintain the present water level
at the intake of the canal.
Tombstone Stolen From Salesroom.
EUGENE, Or.. May 11. (Special.)
For many years E. C. Lake, a Eugene
marble worker, has had no door to his
salesroom, as he thought no one would
steal tombstones. Yesterday he re
ported to the police that a headstone
had been stolen. It was a stone with
out marking, and Mr. Lake said he be
lieved the person who took it is pre
paring for the future decoration of his
own grave.
These Are
Marie (Violin)
7453 fAve
Jascha Heifetz
Waltx Etude (Piano)
.- Alfred Cortot
Quartet In A Minor
Klman String Quartet
My Wild Irish Rose
..John McCormack
La Caplnera.
44S I
I Amenta Galli-Curcl
M7S5fDcar Old Pal of Mine
( John McCormack
647:2 Thou Art Near Me. Margarita..
L - Emilio de tiorgorza
How Ta Gonna Keep 'Em
Down on the Farm?
1S537 Arthur Fields
How Are Ton Coin" to Wet
Your Whistle?. Billy Murray
'Don't Cry, Frenchv; Don't Crv
1S53S Hart and Shaw
I Know What It Means to Be
Lonesome Henrv Purr
18522 f Ja Da Arthur Fields
Alcoholic p.lus Billy Murray
'A Good Man Is Hard to Find..
1S535 Marian Harris
For Johnny and Me
Marian Harris
fChone (Medley Fox Trot)
S5eS4 I Smith's Orchestra
Sometime (Medley Fox Trot)..
Smith's Orchestra
I'm Always Chasms- Rainbows
35S2 Smith's Orchestra
Head Over Heels (Fox Trot)...
Smith's Orchestra
Kentucky Dream Walts
18538 ...Nicholas Orlando's Orchestra
Velvet Lady (Medley Waltz)
..Nicholas Orlando's Orchestra
Sand Dunes (One-Step)
1S536 I Waldorf-Astoria DanceOrchestra
Arabian Mghta (One-btep) . . . .
..Nicholas Orlando's Orchestra
HO Mth, flet. AMfT ! MiT-,ot.
if J,Vm
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Vessels to Operate Between Portland
and JjCw iston, Idaho.
LEWISTON. Idaho, May 1. A tele
gram received Saturday from Captain
C. Raabe, of the Oregon City Transpor
tation company, announced that on
June 1 that company would establish a
steamboat line between Portland and
Lewiston, the steamer Grahamona to
make the initial trio. The river run is
500 miles, one of the longest in Amer
ica, and the Celilo canal, constructed
by the federal government at a cost of
t4.000.000, is traversed.
Prior to the war a boat line was in
service and. in connection with sea
craft passing through the Panama
canal, freight was delivered direct by
all-water route to Lewiston from Xew
York and other eastern points.
Lewiston is the farthest point inland
on navigable waters west of the Rocky
Repeal Law Urged by Council of
Mothers and Teachers.
OLYMPIA. Wash., May 11. Repeal of
the "daylight saving" law at the next
session of congress was demanded in a
resolution adopted yesterday at the con
cluding sessions here of the ninth an
nual convention of the Washington
branch of the National Council of Moth
ers and Parent-Teachers.
A J16 weekly minimum wage for
womon and restoration of. Immune edu-
Porcelain Crowns...... S.5.0O
Porerlaln Killings. . ............. .1.00
32-K Gold Crowns. .............. .s..00
Gold Bridge .VOO
Extracting. . ..SOc
A complete set of teeth makes one look
natural. It is astonishing how good
teeth will change a person make old
look young, the young look more at
tractive. Then, too, not only aro good
teeth essential to masticate food, but
they aid in the proper articulation of
words, xsow, isn t that worth investi
gating. 231 Vz Morrison, Cor. Second
Flatlr Comer.
Rooms With Bath
$2 Per Day Upward
Under management of
(Formerly Manager of Hotel
Benson, Portland. Oregon)
A 31ile of S
A Ton of
Thot.H.Ince ptnu
and Our
Mack Sennett's
"When Love Is Blind"
A Comedy W ith a Kick to IU
ration in the public school"' curriculum
were among other resolutions adopted.
Flour Mill to Open in Eugene.
EUGENE. Or.. May 11. (Special.!
A new fiour mill will begin operation
in Eugene early this week. Oharles W.
Starr, for -0 years head millor for the
EuKone Mill & Elevator company, and
Charles Warrock of this city have es
tablished a &0-barrel plant and hav
it about ready for operation.
COMMUNITY spirit is a
great builder. The sup
port which Oregon's indus
tries get at home strengthens
them in their fight for busi
ness abroad.
And the home people bene
fit, in turn, by the growth
of these industries bringing
money from distant markets
to be distributed in our own
state in GREATER PAY
Home Industry Iafae of Oregon
Mrs. King Was Made Well by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound.
Iola. Kansas. ' I was a constant suf
ferer from femnle; trouble for about a
year. I had pains in
bark and stomach,
in fact all over me.
andws8 all rundown.
A friend of mine was
cured of the Earns
trouble by I.vdia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound. I
took it and it gnr
me health and
strength and made
a new woman of me.
I cannot praise Your
Vegetable Compound toohighly, and you
may publish my testimonial as it may
be the means of helping some other
suffering woman." Mrs. Irenk King,
105 West Campbell Street, Iola, Kansas.
The great number of unsolicited tes
timonials on file at the Pinkham Lab
oratory, many of which are from time
to time published by permission, are
proof of the value of LydiaE. Pinkham
Vegetable Compound, in the treatment
of female ills.
Every ailing woman In the United
States is cordially invited to write to
he Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.
onfiderti!), T.7nn. Mass.. for special
-ir. Tt is free, rea jj' o hri-.t you
-HL odJ irj- save ; cur life.
i i
Hit :1
lUV.v i -w . $v