14 THE SIORNIXG OREGOXIAf WEDNESDAY, JTTLT 2G. 191G. VITI ATIONS WANTED FKMAT.K. Miscellan e us. EXPERIENCED worn an wan la d ay work Wt-dnesday, Thursday, Saturday. Room 1j. Main 925. W 11,1.. tare fop children in my un home. Sellwootl 4Q2. "WOMAN wants day work. Phone Woodiawn 471 J. EXPERIENCED woman laundress. Main 5224. wants work; good 3iET, TABLE woman wants day work. Phone Broadv.y 955. WANTED Day work. Mrs. 3d at. Fields, 51 K. WOMAN wants day work Wednesday and Thursday, washing, cleaning. East609L MUSIC lessons" given in excnange for sew ing or housework. D 71a. Oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. jJOUKKN small house or flat, pood furni ture, clean, bet. Jefferson, Stark, 3d and 12th; rent about $17. X 717, Oregonian. liHRBE adults want furnished flat or bun galow for Summer near garage. M 727, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wants furnished room; pri vate bath; West Side; walking distance; $10. K 729, Oregonian. HOME for 2-year-old child where mother can have large room, West Side, $13 month. H 74 6, Oregonian. lipoma With Board. " LADY with 15-year-old daughter desires home with married couple who have no children. H 745, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Rooms. ELTON COURT HOTEL. Yamhill at 11th St. Large, beautifully furnished rooms, with nnd without private baths, telephones, ele- ator service. $3 to $6 per week. Tran sients 50c to $1.50 per day. Main 6953. Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED ROOMS for young men In all fiarts of the city, also in V. M C. A. bulki ng, especially desirable during the Sum mer; fireproof, telephone in each room, shower baths, $1.75 to $4.75 per week. In cluding full association membership priv ileges, gymnasium, swimming pool, hand ball court and many other ciub privileges. Full information at Y. M. C. A. business office, or telephone Main 7065. A 6561. HOTEL RITZ. Park and Morrison. Beautiful furnished rooms, with or without bath, hot water 24 hours. Phone In every room ; elevator service. Special rates to steady roomers. FOR home comforts try TOURIST HOTEL: modern conveniences; reduced rate; front rooms. S3 week and un ; 50c. 75c and $1 per day; no extra charge for two In a room , tourist traae souuitea. juorrison and First sts. CORLNNE. 374 THIRD STREET. Main 110. A 1136. Modern, single rooms, equipped for light housekeeping, women only ; $10 and up. La und ries. parlors and se winjf rooms for use oi occupants. HOTEL EATON, West Park at Morrison. Can accommodate few more permanent guests. Attractive rates, central location, modern conveniences. AN SON I A HOTEL. 124 14th St., cor. Washington St. A fireproof, up-to-date hotel offering accommodations at very low figures tl permanent and transient guests. PALACE HOTEL. 12th and Washington Sts. Close in, fireproof, modern, light, airy, outside rooms; rates $3.50 per week up. PHONE MARSHALL 5040. STANDISH HOTEL, Clean, cool, comfortable rooms, $1.50 per ween; o per raoiuii anu up. HOTEL OCKLET. Morrison St., at 10th REDUCED RATES. f0c day up; weekly, $2.0 up; running water, free phones and baths; steam heat. HOTEL ROWLAND. 207Vi. 209 V 4TH. Rates 50c. 75c. 11 day; permanent guests $2.50 week up; for choice suites with connecting baths, $20, $-5 month. MOELY furnished front room, walking dis tance, both phones, reasonable. 402 y da st. The Warrenton. Main 7771. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th St. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; rooms $3 Up. Main 9472. A 4783. EXCELLENT modern rooms, reputable brick hotel. $6 mo. 227 Ms Larrabee. E. 849. Maxwell Hall, 207 14th; strictly modern, use of parlor; real home. $1.50 up. M. 1153. 475 MORRISON Desirable, new, convenient, large or single, also cheap basement rooms. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. REFINED woman to share fairly modern East Side bungalow with widow; one em ployed part of day preferred; comfortable home in exchange for companionship; give full particulars in letter. O 729, Oregonian. tH R E large alcove or two connecting rooms in well-furnished, modern home; vrv reasonable; board optional. Phone Marshall 1117. Mt'E LY furnished room in private home reasonable. Marshall 2204. 422 Hail su, corner 11th. MCELY furnished rooms, modern conven iences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, tiv-ar lOth. COMFORTABLE room for business man; very close in modern, private family, bath, phone, 322 H Broadway South. 4 N. 16TH ST. Clean, nicely furniched room ; vt ry reasonable. Rooms With Hoard. HOTEL CAMPBELL, 23d and Hoyt. Phone Marshall 861. THE CAMPBELL-HILL, 23d and Washington. Phone Main 7584. MODERN RESIDENTIAL HOTELS. American nlan. on carline. 5 to lO min uttss from business center. Attractive dining-rooms. Resident rates to permanent guests. THE VIRGINIA HILL, Alt excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. 1'ftnne Mainir.'S3, A flo-a. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella Street An American Plan Residence Hotel. Eults tomgle Rooms Excellent Table. A. 6211. Main 4611. 1'l.liASANT rooms, all modern conveniences, excellent home cooking; shower and tub ha t lis. Rates reasonable. 331 Jefferson, na r Broadway. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. Modern rooms; American and European plan; special rates to permanent guesis. KARL HOTEL, Broadway at Taylor. THE HEREFORD. 733-737 Hoyt st. Quiet residential hotel. Amertcan plan ; suites, single rooms. Itx rellent table. A 1772. Main 3305. PARKVIEW HOTEL, Sfi Montgomery St.. S mth. Parkway. Walking distance, modern family hotel, rates reasonable. Phone Main 3783. LARGE, airy front room, with fireplace, or sinai rooms witn board; home cooking w Hiking distance. 261 13th st. 1HE HAZEL, 3S3 3d st. Nicely furnished rooms; not and cola water, steam heat board; home cooking; reasonable. THE STRYKER. 554 Couch Family hotel; rooms, single or n suite: reasonable rates. ANNA LEWIS HALL, 510 Flanders, busmess girls ana students. 54 to fo.ib week. Kom Wiih Board in lTivate Family. SLEEPING PORCH, room, board optional modern, tor 2 gentlemen. East .,i61. Atois .T1SHioa& Oml M) seTR ui-(Jomc& Ail7 They're istftAQm' tmOcTHbSs cot ieI VOUi to cTit The L - J rp rr Tn 'Re M Th-5 UflBW-ri 5UlTs.W I So H AHM& STRiPt Ol MTP MOST Co PTT-T ' 4 iTl Pf? Cojjyriglit. 1916, by Newspaper Feature Serrice, FOB KENT. Koomg With Board in Private Family. EXCEPTION A LLY good board and newly furnished room, suitable for two or more in an attractive home, one-hall block from Central Library; rents very reasonable; also young man wishing roommate. 209 10lh st. Main 6381. LARGE ROOM Finely furnished, with or without private bath; excellent board; new house; piano; 10 minutes' ride Haw thorne car; rates very low-; 304 E 22d, near Hawthorne. Phong East 0j36. LARGE corner room, elegantly furnished, congenial home, with jolly young peopie; excellent meals. 091 Lovejoy sc. Mar shall 2340. WILL give room and board to gentleman who. appreciates a beautiful furnished home in refined, private family ; close in; references. East 6422. ATTRACTIVE room for 1 or 2: bath at tached ; twin beds; good board ; central ; $25. 291 W. Park st. SLKEPINTf porch or room for men with double or single beds, good board, beauti ful home. 3SO E. Sth South. East 7796. PLEASANT room, facing park, w-ith board; 5 minutes' walk from fostoffice. 306V Park st. LARGE front room, with all modern con veniences, suitable for one or two; board oprional. Mar. 4410, 431 West Park st. Furnished Apartment. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank! store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outBide. with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, clean, safe. THE WHEELDOX ANNEX popular. 10th and Salmon Sts. well known, of highest standing. A house of quality, comfort and service. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Ta vlni Most modern apartments on the Pacific v.jtui, iurnisnea complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN .FURNISHED APT3., $16 TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE. . GARAGE CONVENIENT. MARSHALL APARTMENTS. 624 Marshall St.; take W cars. S cars or 16th -st. cars. Beautiful 3-room furnished apartments; all large outside rooms, pri vate baths; heat, water, phone, janitor service, etc. THE ALTAMONT, Fifth and College. Clean, cosy 3 and 4 -room furnished apartments; rents reasonable; heat water, phone and janitor service included. MONTGOMERY APIS., 3d and Montgomery; jiiuuem ones: ouiiaing, au outside iur nished 2-room apis. ; private bath, phone and automatic elevator; best service; close in; bummer rates. $18 and up. Main 9466. BARON APARTMENTS, 14th and C!aiiiftibia Two and 3-room apartments furnished. urst-ciass. reasonable rates. Main 7337. MADISON PARK APIS., Park at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apart mentfl, close in, by week or month. AVALON. Modern furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments; sleeping porcnes; corner oiacita mas and Ross sts. Phone East 3172. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. corner Beimont and Grand ave. New, modern 2 and 3-room furnished; service first-class; walking distance. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS One 4-room unfurmsned corner apartment; one fur nished 3-room. wall bed, on first floor. very reasonaDie. Mam out, A 3149. MAKE the Bushmark your home; lights, water, gas furnished. walkintr distance. modern. $2.50 week up. 56o Washington Birett. THE ELMS FURNISHED APTS. Nice iignt z ana 3 rooms, reasonable rent; min. walk from Fostoffice. 191 14th St., oei. i amu m ana x ayior. THE DEZENDORF. 203 16th, near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Newly furnished 5-room apts.; also 3 or 4-room furnished apartment, BOZANTA APARTMENTS, 189 23D. Summer rates, big reduction, 3-room 1;, 4-room jJl'.uO; private phone, batn. neat; -completely iurnisnea. Aiarsnail f'J4a. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2. 3, 4-room lurnisned and unfurnished, $18 up ; 'W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3-rm. apts., lo up: neat, light, oatn; clean, reapect able. 91 Grand ave.. cor. Washington, 3-ROOM furnished apartment; separate bath and phone, iast Mae. dooa location. $17. Tabor 6065. D 1035. MORTON APTS., King and Washington 3 ana 4-room iurnisnea apartments, reason able rent; walking distance. Main 1082. HAMMERSLEY COURT. 250 12th st. the day, week or month; modern, close to P. O. ; reasonable; references. Mar. 2052. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 2 and 3-room apartments: steam neat, electric lights. phone, etc. ; rates $11 to n. 334 5th St. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished 2. 3 ana 4-room apartments; lowest rates In city. Corner N. 19th and Northrup. WS have a beautifully furnished four-room apartment ior rent at tuj uvis su Apart ments. See Janitor. Dl EL APTS. 790 E Ankeny; modern, com pletely fur. apartments, large, light, sunny, clean, electric lights, heat, etc. E. 180S. GRANDEST A. E. Stark and Grand ave. 3- room ironi apt., private Data ana pnone. 22.50. East 208 KOSELYN APTS, 110 N. 21st. ; 2 modern brick, walking distance. 4 1 40. rooms. Mar. CAM AR. 704 Lovejoy. 2 and 3-room apart ments. J15. $20 to $27.50. Marshall 2917. NEW furnished apts.; concrete block; $10 and $12. ll2fa union ave. wain. 512. NEW HART 1. 2, 3 rms., lights, phones, gas. S3 up. io -a, nr. jnorrison. 1, levator 4in. ARDMAY TERRACE. 395 12TH First-class in every -respect; attractive rates. NICELY furnished apartment. 5 large rooms, pleeping porcn. iQf .Nortnrup. apt. 3. TH E LAURETTE Furnished nished 3-room apartments. and unfur 229 11th st. TWO rooms, sleeping porch, 2 closets, bath and heat. 551 E. Yamhill. E. 1710. Unfurnished Apartments. WESTMINSTER APTS., 6th at Madison. 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, light and airy, private bath and phone in each apartment. 25 10TH, near Clay, 5-room apartment: large sleeping-porch, front veranda, oak floors, gas range, refrigerator, heat and hot water, new. modern, unfurnished. SHEFFIELD APTS.. 270 Broadway S. One 4-room unfurnished first-floor corner apt.; separate bedroom and wall bed in living room; very desirable. Main -2506, A S149 STEVENS Most comfortable apts. In the city, 6 large outside sunny rooms; plenty of heat, hot water, phone, front, back and sleeping porches. 791 Northrup St., nr 24th GRACE A PAR TMEN TS, 24th and North rup. 5-room modern apartments. Marshall 1079. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson 3, 4, 3 rooms, reasonaDie. Jiarsnaii jjou. MEREDITH. 3 rooms, folding bed, front, $24. Washington and 22d. Main 7134. Greet Britain FOR RENT. Unfurnished Apartments. IRVING-TON Bowman Apartments 16th and Hancock sts.; fine 5-room apartments, among the finest homes in Irvington ; hardwood floors. tile bath, gas range, steam heat, janitor service, modern, up to date, every convenience; one block to carline. F. E. Bowman &. Co., 213 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 3026. IRVING APARTMENTS. Three and 4 rooms, unfurnished, all out side rooms, verandas, good service, low rates to permanent tenants; parage in con nection; reference required. 069 Irving at. Pone Marshall 2743. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall 2559. Mod ern new building. 2. 3, 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. FOR RENT 2-room strictly modern apart - "'ema, noi-waier neat, new orictc ouiia ing; rent only $2o a month, incluaing heat, hot and cold water. Chapman Apts., 355 Chapman bU BRUCE APARTMENTS. 6-room apartment and sleeping porch , modern. 26U X. 25th at., cor. Northrup. Main 4008. KEELER APTS., 14th and Clay sts. Hand some unfurnished apartments for perma ncnt tenants only. TeL Marshall 5753. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. Large. light. 5. 6 rms., reas. M. 7516. A 2676 Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Washing ton; large, attractive, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, superior serv ice, unsurpassed view, walking distance. HIGHLAND COURT APTS 2 2D AND G LIS AN. Largest, most homelike, high-class apart ments in city; furnished and unfurnished; sleeping porch; walking distance. MARSHALL 31S1. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4 room ; rates moderate ; good service ; spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phones, Marshall 2961 and 2064. Walking distance. 21st and Irving. LUCRETIA COURT. Lucretia su, near 23d and Washington sts. From 2 to 5-room apts., most modern apt. house, with let-class service; rents reasonable; ref. required. Mgr., Mar. 1513. WELLESLEY COURT. MELCUFFE court. REX ARMS. Sunnyslde carline, close In ; 2 room; desirable and reasonable. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 110L IRIS, 362 THIRD STREET. MARSHALL 2188. A 3017. Modern 2-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished ; $15 and up. ' THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison Strictly modern ; all outside apartments; ideal location; references. Phone Main 1091 and 4052. PHE-LETA High-class, 5 rms., sleeping porch, large balcony; walking distance. Marshall 3267. KING-DAVIS APTS., rooms; high-class; 54 King st. 3 and 4 references. Mam 2053. ROSENFELD (brick). 14th and E. Stark, 3 ana rooms; private pnones; quiet. 658 FLANDERS. 5 and 6-room furn., Unfur. apts.. $32 mo. Main 8251. $45 mo. Flats. FOR RENT One 5-room flat; one 3-room flat; East Side, on carline; in very good condition. Low rent water included good neighborhood. Call 424 Chamber of Commerce, or pnone Main 8939. MODERN 6-room upper flat, in Al condi tion; furnace, gas range, water neater, 15th and Davis. 2 blocks of Washington. fhone Main 3isS. 8-ROOM lower flat, modern In every detail, ideal location. West Side. Marshall 1411. 490 Harrison st. BEAUTIFUL A-l 6-room gas range, garage; 1 blk. 1137. lower; furnace. to Broadwaj. E. $10 A MONTH, 4 rooms, desirable location. close to school and carline. Ogden, 10 Shaver. Woodiawn 202. 743 . OVERTON Choice sunny, 6-room flats, garage. location, with or modern. without 6-ROOM modern flat, near Hitrh School. walking distance. West Side, newly tinted. Call 24S htark St. Mar. 2lo. IRVINGTON New 6-room flat and sleeping porch; gas range; cnoicest location. la bor 3S11 6-ROOM heated. UPPER Strictly modern, steam 307 11th st., apartment A. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt st. In quire 130 6th. Phone Main 6278. FOR RENT 6-room flat; 529 Couch. Main 3737. Furnished Flats). 4 OR 5-ROOM well-furnished flats; clean, desirable, eas stove, wood ranee, electrio- lty. sleeping- porch, well lighted, cool, nice lawn; walking distance; two car lines. 772 E. Taylor. East 52S0. FOR RENT 6-room furnished flat. Port land Heights. hardwood floors, view. piano. Call Main 4007. References. ONE 6-room. upper, up-to-date, sleeping porch, all outside rooms; 629 E. Madison st. Telephone East 234. 1 6-ROOM upper, up to date, sleeping porch all outside rooms. 629 E. Madison st. Phone East 234. $15 MODERN 4-room furnished flat, 6 E 12th N. East 1351. Housekeepine Rooms. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites, walking a i stance, both phones; $2 per weeK ana up; newiy renovaiea. Main iitx. The Warrenton, 4u2fr 3a st. AT THE KELSO. 3S2A Hawthorne Sing and d-.uble housekeeping rooms, $1.50 to $2.iH; clean and convenient. Phone B 1196. 269 BROADWAY, near Madison, nicely fur nished housekeeping rooms, with sleeping porcn. itent iu. THE GILMAN 142i 1st st. Furn. H. K, rboms for bachelors and families $1 wk. up. FURNISHED front H. K. light free. 314 Mill St. room, gas, phone, Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. -ROOM suite, all front, everything fur nished, $23.50. Doubler-room suite. $11.50. Elegant neighborhood. 335 Montgomery. 1 TO $2.50 a week: furnished H. K. room. free heat, laundry, bath, phone. East 6039. 4uo ancouver, near Broadway. ONE and two -furnished H. K. rooms, hot and cold water, gas, electric light, phone. 370 6th st. LARGE, front, airy room with kitchenett running water, gas, elect, light. 226 13th st. .Mam -a i l tan evenings. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one" two-ioom housekeeping apts.; reasonable. THREE pleasant housekeeping rooms, fire place; deMrabie. 690 n.. Burnside st. $1 WEEK Clean, quiet, close grounds, phone. 80 E. Sth. In, large $1.50 WEEK up; fine H. K. suites, bath. 207 Knott, near Williams. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 1 oth st., corner Salmon. LARGE, airy housekeeping rooms, single or en suite, cneap. 2"6 l.tth t. LARGE ROOM. $1.50 week; gas. stoves, free electricity, bath, pnone. 392 4th. FOUR furnished housekeeping rent cheap. 309 Columbia st. rooms fo COOl pleasant 4-room suite; flowers, parage 81 E . 3 5 1 h pia no. yard, md Ptark. FURNISHED housekeeping room. 2 week laundry, phone, bath. 147 13th, near Alder. WELL furnished housekeeping room, in eluding wood, $2 per week. 314 Main st rights reserved Registered in U. S. Patent FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. NEWLY furnished 1 and 2-room apart ments; modern; come early and tak your choice at your own price. Mar shall 3212. 326 Hall St. House. Phone Marshall 4600. A 610L MEIER & FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU- 7TH FLOOR, We have at all times a reliable list of houses, flats, apartments, etc.. in all parts of the city. Avail yourself of this FREE service. Information cheerfully furnished. A MONTHLY payment of $27 takes my love ly new bungalow in Rose City Park. You can't afford not to own your own fireside on these terms. J. II. Hartog. 269 Stark, near 4th. OUSE. 6 rooms, good condition, furnace. fireplace, pantry, gas. electricity. 2 blocks to Rose City cars ; 2 lots ; garage near. 1067 E. Broadway. Call Tabor 4470. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored tree, expert movers, packers and snippers Man-ling Warehouse A. Transfer Co.. 9th and Hoyt sts. Broadway 70S. ROOM house, close in. modern conven iences, fireplace, garden and fruit trees; newly painted; only $15 per month. Call at 512 Piatt bldg. for partlculars: - WO 6-room houses, modern, 912 Cleve land ave. and Skidmore st.; houses fresh ly tinted ; good car service; cheap rent. Call owner. Main 2151. A 2151. " PER month ; new. modern. 3-room bun galow, Dutch kitchen, bath and toilet; Just completed. Call at 512 Piatt bldg. for particulars. -ROOM house, fireplace, all built-in con veniences, strictly modern, $10 per month. Call at 512 Piatt bldg. for particulars. WILL rent my new 6-room bungalow to gooa tenant, it quality ana location appeal to you, phone Tabor 17 92. -ROOM house, newly tinted, new shades. walking .distance, $20. 447 5th, near Col lege ROOM house, modern and clean, $15. 11S8 v-iinion bl van iast ZiifT. ROOM modern houee for rent, furnished or unrurnisned. can at 20 East I2tn st. ROOM lams a cottage on carline $14. e. Woodiawn 2091. 690 EAST OAK. modern, clean. 6-room house, with garage. Phone East 776. -ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy. hear zza. inquire JaO 6tn. Mam 0270. ROOMS, modern. 76 Marshall rent. Phone Main 5290. MODERN i-room home. 103 E. ISth st-; rent $20. East 1922. fireplace; MODERN 9 -room home, corner, lawn, walk ing distance, fc.ast bide. J.ast D96Q. NEW bungalow, hot-water heat, garage aesireo. iba Overton, near 24tn. MODERN 5-room bungalu 1114 E. Sher- man st. Main 76(7. Furnished Houses. HOME, nicely and completely furnished. paved street, block from car; desiraoie neighborhood : lease to desirable tenant. 1108 Woodward ave., 37th and Woodward ave. IRVINGTON. Modern six-room house. 456 East 10th North, until October 1. priced $30 per mo, Including water. CALL AN & KASER. 722-4 Yeon bldg. LARGE modern suburban home to man and wife (only); rent principally care of house and grounds; best of references required. tnone Tabor 1260. ROOMS, nlcelv furnished, modern, all con. veniences, lawn, chicken yards, 1 block to car, $20. 6031 42d ave., S. E. ML Scott car to Myrtle Park Station. ADULTS ONLY Nlcelv furnished house garage, nice lawn, close in; will lease to responsible people. 8 to 12, East 31 1 4 1 to 4. East 6070. WANT to rent my nicely furnished mod ern 8-room home ; excellent location, on a corner; walking distance and reasonable rent to a reiiaDie person, can x xitn w 555 TAYLOR, corner Chapman. 5-room fine ly furnished flat, piano, rent $21. do; also 4-room iurnisnea iiat, piano, rent References. MODERN furnished 8-room house, with piano: arranged to rent rooms; will lease. Call Marshall 771. NICE furnished house for rent in Alameda irark; no objection to children; reasonable, East 5116. NICELY furnished house; will lease for year or longer. e4 rsortnrup. ROOMS and bath, large yard, on Kich mono canine, $1:. 49? e. sstn st. NEW furnished 5-room bungalow, near cor ner. Rose City Para. Phone Marshall 547o, NEW furnished 5-room bungalow, near cor ner, tose city Para. Ftione Marshall 5475. 1 314 BROADWAY, furnished 4 -room cot tage; electric lights, bath, central. FURNISHED 5-room house; 3 5-room flats. 510 E. 21st. Summer Resorts. TO TRADE One-room cosy beach cottage ana lot. lust a step rrom postonice at Rockaway, for second-hand Ford. AddressA ior lninrmaiiuo, jtuinann az. bcuidio, nuJk 42, Rockaway. Oregon. NEAH-KAH-NIE COTTAGE for rent fo August. 7 rooms, on beach front, sleeping porcn. nam, large 11 re pi ace. fnone Mar' snail 000 in business nours. WHITE COTTAGE, at the Flshlne Rocks be low fcea view Be near the water and get lull benerit or trie ocean; rent reason able. phone Marshall 1652. SEAVIBW 4-room bungalow; 1-room cot tage; nouse-tent; completely iurnisnea. Main S.i!. FOR SALE or rent at Seaside. 7 -room mod ern house, iurnisnea. is ear Moore Hotel. Phone Main 8777. GEARHART Modern cottage, four rms., bath. Address lor particulars "Hiawatha,1 uearnari, ur. CANNON BEACH Most picturesque: most accessible; furnished cottages. Marshall 1523. 7 to 8 A M., 6 to 7 P. M. NEAH-KAH-NIE BEACH cottage. 5 room for rent first two weeics in Aug., Phone Wdln. 2931. $17.50. SEASIDE 1 lights, bath. t-room furn, cottage, electric fireplace, pnone bast 5038. LONG BEACH COTTAGE for rent for Aug usi. t,asi joiir. TWO furnished Beach Center. housekeeping rooms Woodiawn 1307. COTTAGE on the ridge at Sea View. Phone Tabor 763 or East 1481. SEASIDE Modern furnished cottages over looKing ocean ; reasonaDie. xaoor 4 sis, FOR RENT 4-room cottage at Seaside fo: season. Call r.ast 44. COTTAGE for rent, Tioga, Wash. Phon Main 1554. FO R REN T 1 -room Call East 644. cottage for season. EXCEPTIONALLY nice cottage at Seaside well located, pnone last 6.J47. FOR RENT Seaside, modern furnished co tage for August, near ocean. East 54 Stores. THREE lofts at 142H 4th; electric elevator and steam heat; suitable for llsrht menu facturing. Jobbing or storage, $50 each. Owners, aus Mctvay oiag. aiain 1W4. Offices. PRIVATE furnished office on lease; will su let at loss: also half light office. $7.5 furnished office $10. Stock Exchange bid WELL-FURNISHED private off lee, also desk room, $3 ana $7. 723 Cham, of Com. OFFICES $7 up. Furnished offices, desk room reasonable. 803 bwetland bldg. POLLY AND HER Office. FOR RENT. Offlc DESK ROOM, Excellent telephone service, light, clean office, and capable stenographer; terms reasonable. 3o7 Henry blag. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $3000 HANDLES MEAT AND FISH MARKET WITH ICE PLANT IN CON LCI ION. SALES $5000 TO StkHk PER MONTH. Net profits from $550 10 $WK per month; thorough investigation Invited and nonaf ide nurchaser has privilege to try the businesa before buying; full particu lars and statement at 207 Hoard of Trade bldg. Mr. De Forest. CASH CUSTOMERS. ATTENTION. Confectionery, clears $20 weekly, fr" Cigars. pool, nets $125 monthly, at $tw. Cleaning, dyeing, nets $25 weekly, at $500. Light grocery. H. K. rooms. $900. Garage repairs nets $2H) mo ly, $1400. Full particulars at 329 Morgan bldg. N account of death, will sacrifice nest paying little restaurant. oaa-ry, iuncn. eoft drink, ice cream, cigar and tobacco in the state: transfer Junction and Jitney terminal. Come see, make offer; deal with ow ner ; save commission. 1392 Haw thorne ave., cor. 50th. FURNITURE and fixtures of well-estab lished hotel in the heart ot ine maiii ette Valley for sale. Only a 2 hours ride from Portland. Will give long lease on bldg. Write owner, Mrs. L. E. Hathaway, McMinnville. Or. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business, get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A, COWGILL. Sec'y. 202 Henry Bldg. WANTED Grocery store, rooming-house or clear house ana lot ior nv acres unim proved. 5 miles from Grants Pass; lots of cord wood and ready sale; good farm ing land; price S400O, mortgage $5uO. Box 754, Grants Pass, Or. S2500 HANDLES CONFECTIONERY. BUSINESS IS CLEARING $400 PER MO. TocatpH in Idaho town of 500u popu lation. This store has real class and is one of the best In the state. See photo and statement at 207 Board of Trade Diag. DO you want to enter a nice, clean business and be your own boss? if so, 1 nave me place for you; $100 per month guaranteed. Ill health causes me to sacrifice. $350 re quired. O 726, Oregonian. PAHTXV.R wantp.l for a. profitable business want you to keep plain accounts ana neip In store. uwner guarantees salary 1 o month, besides share of profits. Call 248 Stark st. WILL EXCHANGE $2000 confectionery storo for clear prop er 1 - This More Is clearing $ 1 25 per month net. Mr. De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. BLACKSMITH shop, complete, w ith tools. much nt-rv and Btoclc. sell ior oeiweeu $500 and $6O0. according to terms; shop rent $15 per month. W. Brunswig, Che- halls. Wash, AUTO repair shop, one of highest grade in Portland: Dest location; dissolution, "i Dftrtncm forces sale : clears over all ex penses $30O monthly; $1400 required, 329 .Morgan biag. WELL established grocery business; stock and fixtures at Invoice; a very sale, gooa itavinar Investment: can use an auto part payment. 306 Oak st, TeL Broadway M L'LTIGR APH I NO business, established 4 years ; clearing over 9 100 montniy ; a 1 opening for energetic man. 329 Morgan bldg. SOLID automobile garage. Partner wanted to wait on customers, sell sasonne. etc pay $150 month and your money will be secured. Call 24SM. Stark St. WILL sacrifice my. halrdressing parlor at $150 if taken the rirst or tne montn account of illness. 307 Northwest bldg.. 6th and W ashlngtotu MUST sell at once, on account of poor health, rood oavine Karaite business: will pay you well to investigate. Addrees A V 4 1 o, Oregonian. SOLID business opening for energetic man used to farm oroducts: pay you nearly $2)0 month now and can be Increased. Call 24HH Stark St. MAN or lady partner to travel. Ford car or cash; can show better man iu per u . give phone number. Address O 49, urogo nian. POOL tables and barber shop. sale, old stand, or will sacrifice pool tames oniy, which ere in A-l condition. Portland Cut lery & Barber Supply Ck SELECT office business, especially suited to a wide-awake lady who wants to clear $75 to $ H'O monthly above expenses; $250 require. 329 Morgan bldg. WANTED At once, man and wife of good appearance, to work together on a nice, clean, money-making proposition, for par ticulars call 'labor u-st. WANTED Barber with ow n eaulpment to locate at Alvadore. Or. : small pool nai with fixtures for rent or sale; can com bine business. Box 178, Eugene. Or. HOTEL FOR SALE Known as the Hotel Rector at Wheeler Or., dolne a line. first-class business. For particulars write A. J. Zimmerman, w heeler. jr. TAILOR shop for sale cheap; doing good business: eood reason Tor selling, k. te- phan. 22S Pittock block. Broadway 1099. BUTTERMILK. fKCB. butter route, with stor In connection; price reasonable, wooaiawn 1 '3J. MILLINERY store for sale: stock and fix :ures; only millinery store iu town. Mrs. Lillie Miller. Athena. Or. FOR SALE Barber shop. for sale: Kood cation: 3 chairs ana ftooa business, writ' D ep. Williams, 215 East 2d. Eugene. Or. FOR SALE Dressmaking shop, good loca tion, ,'OOd business, $100 win nanaie. East 433. GROCERY and soft drink establishment will sell out at less than cost, can at 284 North 17th; . OPENING for energetic man in a grow in business: must he satisfied to start at month; $300 required. Call 24S Stark s FOR SALE Tailoring and dry cleaning shop running $ u a week. 256 CENTRAL AVE. Marshfield. Or. FOR SALE OR RENT Three-chair barbe shop ; good location. Peter Rekas, 106 4th st., Vancouver. Wash. RESTAURANT on Morrison St.; good trade will sacrifice for quicK aeai; oniy $z 309 Yeon bldg. MEAT MARKET with established trade 1584 East Stark. Money furnished to re liable person to run. E. Stark. FOR SALE) Auto laundry and filling sta tion. Mar. 2639. HOUSES, farms. stores. moving picture shows, rent, sale or iraae. tui itorncnua FOR SALE A good barber shop at a bar sain. Apply to uien caie, .tiaoej, . MUST sell growing manufacturing businesa. Call 94 iitn st. HALF interest in Ford accessories business. 94 11th St. GROCERY, ice cream, cigar and confec tionery store at 5 N. 10th for sale. GROCERY and confectionery, wit h living rooms: big bargain. wain. 4n.. SHOE repair shop. Spokane, $200. Room Auditorium Hotel, city. WE buy general merchandise or shoe stocks. any size; casn. v j-o, oregonian. Bt'SINKSS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED w x T'El) To rent a small furnished mod ern hotel; must bear investigation. Mrs. Schoenberg, 2-2 11th st. PALS ROOMING-HOUSES. SO-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. Handsomely furnished at a cost or $f0; price reduced to $3250. part time; West Side location; brick building, consist ing of 25 apartments, absolutely modern: rent reasonabla Mr. De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. $750 HANDLES ROOMS. Modern hotel, brick build mg. on West Side, very close in : rent only $ 1 25; big snap. The whole price is only $2250. Mr. De Forest. 207 Board of Trade bldg. 5i ROOMS Will trade for clear lot in good location. This is a good house, on the West Side, well furnished and modern. Mr. De Forest. 207 Board of Trade bldg. MRS. M. e'lENT Leading Hotel. Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. B24 N. W. Bank Bldg.. 6th and Morrison. LOST AND FOUND. HE following articles were left iu cars or Portland Railway. Light & Power Co. July 24. Owner may obtain property at station. First and Aider streets: 4 pack ages, 1 pin. 1 suitcase, 3 grip, 1 umbrella. 2 rolls paper, 1 pair overalls, 1 purse. 1 basket, 1 strap. 1 brace. 1 lunch bucket. 1 cane. 1 Home telephone outfit. 1 bag violin strings, 1 watch. LOST Ou East Side, cold locket. en graved w ith . O. W." emblem and in itials "E. tV; reward. Finder please call Woodiawn 4332. LOST Monday. between piedmont and Beaumont, black leather handbag con taining glass, gloves, purse. Phouc Tabor 2791. m LOST A gold watch fob. Initials C. A. L.. very valuable; please return to 724 Wilson St. and receive reward. Marshall 3053. LOST Monday, a nine 9 link friend ship, between Highway and Piedmont. Re ward. Oregonian. FOUND Purse containing money. Phone East 2551. SPECIAL NOTICE. 1'ropoMtla Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OS THE UNIT ED STATES for the District of Oregon In the matter of Parker-Jordan Company, Bankrupt I will receive closed bids on the stock of merchandise In the above es tate up to and including 10 o'clock A. M. July 27. 1916. said stock consisting of gen eral merchandise of the Inventory value of $1 1.000. less certain Items shown in the summary of said inventory. The in ventory may be seen at the office of A M. Cannon, referee In bankruptcy, S:o Northwestern Bank building, or the of fice of the adjustmentbureau of the Port land Association of Credit Men, 216 Rail way Exchange building. Bids will be opened at 10 A. M. July 27. 1916, at the office of A. M. Cannon, referee in bankruptcy, S30 Northwestern Bank building, Portland. Or. All bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid. All sales made subject to confirmation by the referee in bankruptcy. THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU Of the -Portland Association of Credit Men, Receiver. Miscellaneous, MARY. E. HANSEN having left her bed and ooara 1 win not be responsible lor any bills contracted by her. (Signed) GEO. HANSEN. AM not responsible for debts contracted by any person except myself. Mia. Mabel Malloy, 220 N. 17th st., city. FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property 6 to S per cent. Business property 5 to 6 per cent. Farm property 7 to e per cent WH1TMER-KELLY CO.. 711 Pittock blk. We buy mortgAKea. bonds and notes. WESTERN BUND & MUKTGAGE CO.. feO 4tn St.. Board of Trade Bldg. FIRST and second mortgages; also seller's interest in contracts purchased ; Oregon or ash. H. E Noble, Lumbermens bldg. ilUKl GAGE loans, notes, contracts, mtgs. purcnaseo. Lewis Jfc uo.. 4 Lewis biag. HOW much cash for $3000 Home Telephone oonas.' 11 i.i!, oregonian. Money to Loan on Keal Katate. NEW YORK FUNDS and lowest interest rates ior mortgage loans on Portland rest deuces, apartments or business property. intuuDi. attractive term ana priT lieges to borrower. Prompt action. Residence loans at 61 per cent. CLARK. KENDALL ft CO.. ?05-2o6 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRRELL ft CO., -.17 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOAN. Any amount on improved city and farm property ; will cou aider good build log loans. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. M. 6915. 171 4th St. A 2S15. & PER CENT LOANS will be made on cen tral retail business properties, 6 and 7 per cent on other securities. EDWARD E O UDEY CO.. Northwestern Bank bldg, PER CENT money. Willamette Valley farm loans; no delay; no commissions. pevereaux .Mortgage Company. U7 Can cord biog., 2d aria Stark sta PRIVATE party will loan $1250. $1500, $3000 on improved city or farm property 7 per cent Vanduyu ft, Walton, 515 L'nanjDcr commerce. LOW RATES ON GOOOD SECURITY. Portland property or Valley farm loans. H. L. AKCULn, 404 Northwestern Bank oiug. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV ft MORTGAGE CO.. INC- piock s-coanis oiug., aa ana z aromiL. LEND YOU A MILLION. Farm loans. Low interest rates. Earl tanley Smith. Portland or Eugene, Or. $20,ihO iO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, low est rates, w. 1. necK, 314-013 316 Falling bldg. Phone Main 3407. ;EE us today for loans on improved city property, t to per cent; Ui ana up. ceiiars-jdurton 00., i:; 1 eon biag. $luo. uOO AT 1 per cent on choice Oregon larms or city property; ure insurance. M'KENZIE ft CO., 615 Gerllnger bldg. 6 PER CENT. 7 per cent on first mort gages, city or tarm property; auick tion; no delay. Krebs-Logus Co., 110 10th, MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. ft MORTGAGE CO., INC, Stcck Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. $5uu, $1000 AND upwards on improved real estate; xavoraoie terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain, dot apaiding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR FARM PROPERTY. WILL CALL IF INTEREST ED. Phone Tabor Z626. UNLIMITED Eastern funds. S to 7 per cent. city ana ivm property. POOLE Y SV CO., 312 Board of Trade Bldg. TO LOAN. $55oO or less, improved city or tarm property, ap 21&. oregonian. LOANS on city and farm property, a percent up. r . r ucna. 10 Loimor ox commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON ft CO.. 300 OAK ST. $2U0. $35?, German 4 S9O0. J 1200. S1S00. Fred W. Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Harding, 313 Chamber oi Commerce. MONEY Any amount, ti t H. Seitz. 31Q Spalding. Mi 8 per cent. W, tin h.-4. $lu0O TO $10,000 to loan oncity or tarm no commission, tr. kj. oox ei., city. 110O0. SlOO and upwards to loan; no com mission. Deshon ft Hawk. Main 1166. MONEY to cent. O- lend, any amounts. 5 to 7 per . rtryan. rr. cnamber or t'om. MONEY TO -LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Cora. IINANO.VL. Money to Lean uo Real Estate. OUR installment plan Is turn best and surest method of payu.E a loan. $:i2.i per month Ior 36 months or $21.25 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 mouths pays a $1000 loaa and Interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loaa on impro t-d city property Or L.r buildli); put pois. No cointnlvsmn charged. EQUITABLE SAVGS & LOAN ASSK 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. MONEY TO LOAN. $1000 to $100,000 oa Portland Improved real estate 6 to 7 per cent. Farm loans Lowest rates. MALL A VON BOR ST EL. 104 Secon d St. Money 10 Loan on Chattel and Salaries. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY 3W-S07 DEKUM BLIMl. An Oregon Corporation. Operating under State License. SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motorcycles automobiles, diamonds, etc. Legal rates of interest, without any brokerage or appraisal charses; favorable monthly or weekly instalment terms of repayment if desired. Installment loans may be repaid at any time with interest charged for actual time money Is used. Business strictly confiden tial. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO S17 Falling Bldg. Salary loans on plain rotes. Also loans on household furniture, pianos, etc.. at the low-est possible rates. REMEMBER We do not remove furniture from your home. Salary loans are strictly confi dential. You can repay us monthly payments. In small weekly or COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO SIT Failing Bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. CARRIE MVERS HEKRMAN. Manager. 394 Stark t. Between West Park and 10th Sts. LOAN'S ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry, legal rate; an articles neia i yr.; estabitsnea since 18SS. Dan Marx, 283 Washington. Wanted, WANTED Owner of Improved business property assessed at $11,540 and producing income of $2m per month desires a loan of $11,0410 at 6 per cent eecured by first mortgage thereon. No broker reed answer, as wish to deal directly with lender. Will furni?h details upon request. Address K. 725. Oregonian. CHOICE MORTGAGE Lua.n At PLC A- IONj First-class security, 7 and ORESON iXV. ft MORTGAGE CO., INC.. tlock Exchange blug . 3d and Yamhill sts. MARSHALL 25. A 4144. LOAN of $500 at 8 per cent, for 6 months or a year on business and fixtures; wanted to enlarge my business with. D 573, Ore gonian. WANTED To borrow $15.tu0. 1 year, commia- per cent; security $60. 000; no sion. M 726. Oregonian. WANTED $3ioo loan at 7 per cent on Portland rvsiuence; no commission paid. R 74 7. Oregon inn. WANT $2t.oo ou h-room bungalow; modern; psvea street; near anuy niva. uvj 66th St. 17'0 WILL pay per cent; good security. curlty ; no brokerage. M 728. Oregonian. " $3uu WANTED, mahogany and grand piaiio s security. o .. oregonian. W A N T E D $ 6 0 O 0 al per cent, property F. Fuchs, 420 C. of C. va;Ued at 2t.OO0 PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 3o-iuch wavy switcu, 2 sep. ...... ..$1.50 24-mcli wavy bltch, 3 Sep......... L0 All-around iransioruiaUon L45 Bairdressing. snampooiug, face massagt hair boobing. manicuring. 25c Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made oC combings, i5c We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 4UO-412 Dekura bldg.. ed and vXusningion. Marshall 1702. FEB V EX ft HANEHLT. leading wig and tuupe makers; fineat stock human hair goods; hairdresslng, manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combings made up to or der. 147 Broadway. Main 046. UESTO promptly relieves all forms of dys pepsia, near t uurn. bloating, inaigestion. aeid fermentation and pulu existing after eating. For alu by Portland Hotel Phar macy, cor. 6tn and Morrison. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORl teaches truth. Circles every night. i-U-auings daily, bpirlt ualism, obsession taught the cure. 412 10th ' St.. bet. Harrison ana Hall. Marshall 2674. BtAL'Xli'UL private sanitarium for nervous ca.es, in council crest. iaa ciarasw 15 years experience. U5& Hinsdals ave. Marshall 216. LOR A C. LITTLE, health expert. Health foods. healtn coacmng. Health books; mornings only. 7110 43a ave. S. E. Tabor 64Z1. IF YOU have common sense, have your horoscope cast," quotes Ella Wheeler Wil- cox. Adams Astrological School, 350 1 Morrison st. Write or call, best references. ELECTRIC and vibratory treatments, facial. staip. 111.1 nieuring ana snompooing. 420 Nort h western Bank bldg. NORWEGIAN trained nurse takes cases la own home. 3ub 3d. Apt. C Main 104. Reasonable. GERMAN trained nurse gives treatments for rneumatism. lumuago. iicurami. eic, massage and baths. 256 11th. Mar. 5033. SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental and spiritual sci entist. 3U9 lourney Diug., -a ana layior. Marshall 3096. Questions Wed.. 8 P. M. DR. EATON. Painless Chiropodist Exam I - nut mu free. Olobo Theater bldg. Main 5314. MRS. STEVENS, 24 years in Portland; 20th century science m palnustry taught; spirit ual readings daily. 73 Taylor st. UMBRELLAS, all colors and styles; largest stock; recovering; new handles put on. Meredith's, 29 Washington st. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for poor circula tion, rheumatism, lumbago, face and scalp, salt baths. 426 Ciay st. Main 8359. SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mai y A. Pric-; clrc.e Tuesday, 2; Wed. and Sun.. P. M. : read ings dally. 202 Clay. Marshall S'jOO. CHIROPODIST ments only and Main masseuse. 5o4. Appoiat- EXPERiENCED chiropodist, sca!p specialist -and masseuse. 506 Panama btdg. Mn. 906S. BALM OF FIG COM POUND. Royal Tome Tablets. 504 Dans st. Phone Main 2393. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs, M. D. Hill. 429 FUedner bldg. Main S473. SU P ERF LUC US hair, moles, warts destroyed. Mile. De Long. 504 SwetlanCf I'ldg. MENTAL scientist's advice, treats rheuma tism, skin diseases. 167 West Park. ELECTRIC Room 213, treatments for rheumatism. 350 Morrison St. MAY IRVIN". facial and scalp treatments. 291 H Morrison st., room 30. SLBCTRIC treatment and manicure, mas. sage. Room 19. Lafsytte bldg. Mrs. BurK. R SE N A TAYLOR masseuse and seal p specialist. 169 Park ft. Marshall 3136. MRS. JOHN A. WHITE wants to herr from Mr. White 21 N. 9th st. MANICURING for ladies and gentlemen. Room 22. 350 Mr AM. r street. GENTLEMEN Manicuring or shampoo 35c; 9 to :30. 707 Rothchild. 2S7V Wash. st. THE AWM0 STRIPE STITF IS TOO MICH FOR PA BY CTLIFT- STEBRETT.