TTTE3I O "R XING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1914J 15 HELP WANTKl) MISCELLANEOtS. TBACH Draetirallv. with actual ma chinery In operation, electrical, gaa and St-am enKineeriiiK. machine shoo work ana automobile repairing. Send for new catalogue. Seattle Engineering School, 100 to i iu v est Roy st.t .Seattle. OREGON BARBEK COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the barber trade in 6 w eelts; position guaranteed ; tools tree; paid while learning : scaln and face mas sage a specialty; modern method teaching unfa ; tuition reaueed. 233 Madison st. I'HEE PENMANSHIP LESSONS with our courses in bookkeeping and shorthand by mall ; low cost ; no charge Tor books and supplies. Write today for free lesson. Central Commercial College, Portland, Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers ana Clerks. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher would like position. A-l references. N 4--, Oregon ian. "YOUNG man wants position as hotel clerk, bell boy or usher. Marshall 164, room 20?. Miscellaneous. TO Ll'MBERMEN. Bookkeeper, stenographer, experienced In lumber ofiiee work, both wholesale and mill, desires position; familiar with freight tar ffs. uric maKing, cost accountli.e. etc. Clean record, highest local references; bond If desired. Address Ol i Ten:no ave.. Port land. LINOTYPE operator-machinist and printer, pressman, seeks position In West. Com po le .'it. temperate, reliable ; 15 years' experi ence. Address George Fisher, lock box 79. Norfolk. Neb. WA NTED Position stationary fireman, all-round handy man. or ianitor; do pipe work, plumbing; married man ; needs work; give reference?. Call Last 4oi0. YOUNG man, lim ited means, trying to get education, wants a place to worn ior hoard and room. AB 420, Oregonlan. YOUNG man, experienced in restaurant work, wants position. Mr. Griff in, Ibl Jth st. P1AMO player for moving-picture wishes engagement, city or country. G 42S, Ore gonlan. JAPERIENOED houseman, 16 years en gineer apartment-house; take anything. J. if.. 274 Wheeler. MAN and wife want work on farm; experi enced i no children. Address K. P. Holler, is Couch st., Portland, Or. JAPANESE boy wlfthes position in a pri vate family; mall wages required. J 428, Orogonian. CONTRACT to rlear land wanted by ex perienced persons. Address K 4 25, Orego nian. FIRST-CLASS plumber; full kit tools; will go an where. E 4 2 7, Oregonlan. CHAUFFEUR wants job; will give $1000 bonds. 1st st. J A PANKSK boy wishes work of any kind In evening or morning. T 427, Oregonlan. JAPANESE boy wants day work. Main C014, A 4323. SITUATIONS WANTED 'KM ALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG LAD'i sienoKrapher desires to act as com uanion and cart tor children part evenings in refined borne In exchange for board and room. Main 7703. WANTED Position y nographer. Tabor 3T0.V expejjenced ste- D resHmaK r rs. MODISTE, recently from San Francisco, us ing French styles without patterns, will make suits, gowns, dresses, capes, etc 245 K. Broadway, apt. 214. Call East 6651. DRESSMAKING. Room S10. Ramapo HoteL Main 8601. Norse. INFANT'S outfits, $5 per set and up. Mrs. Meier. Tabor 3b78. GOOD practical experienced nurse; doctor's references. Main 697. IfcURSE would like a few more engagements, maternity caas a specialty. A--105-0. Uonsekeepe rs. EXPERIENCED girl wants position general housework. phone C i: 4 1 . Douiestle. HIGH school girl, lj, wants place In nice home; no children; where can help with light work for room and board. Call even ings after 6. 87 Eyth st. Phone B 2373. SWEDISH woman, with boy 5 years old, wishes position, housekeeper or housework; respoetable, good cook; references. Mar shul) 3ai5. EXPERIENCED girl wishes general house work in small la inily. Phone East 1220. NEAT, experienced girl desires housework; r.hy reference. A 7175. Main -OH!. Miscellaneous. GERM.VN FRENXU. Well educated lady, married, give con versation to ladies aiid children ; I'm not fraid to do light housework. D 427, Ore gonlan. ; NEAT young widow with girl 4 years old. would like position as housekeeper or housework In small family. V 420, Ore gonian. It K, Li ABLE German woman wants wash ing, ironing, cleaning; references. East OO.'J.' , THOROUGH LT experienced w oman wants work by the hour. Phono Main 515)1', DAY work wanted by eood working woman. Call Tabor 5S34. HATS to make over at home, reasonable. Call Marshall Z'AZ?. WANTKU TO RENT. Aimrtmenla. WANTED 3 or 4-room furnished apartiueut, not over $20. Tabor 012. Rooms WANTED C omf ortable furnished room by young man, with private family in good home, close to city preferred ; .itate par tleulars and terms. H 42$, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wishes room and board in pri vate home, walking distance. West Side, Reference if desired. G 427, Oregonlan. Ill' SI NESS M AN desires room and break fast In respectable family. West Side; state particulars to V 42M, Oregonlan. Business Places. WANTED Small suburban store with living-rooms, suitable for grocery. home ha kery ; well populated district. Seliwood FOR BENT- Furnished Koonii, HOTEL FORD. 735 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone In every room; rooms without bath, $10 up; with bath $la up. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 652J Washington st. New, fireproof brick, every modern con venience, all outside rooms, quiet and homelike, some with private baths, $2.50 week up. HOTEL RAINIER. Two blocks from U nion Depot. Modern, clean and homelike; the house that treats you right; 60c up per day; $13 up per mo. Tourist trade solicited, M. $413 HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St., at 10th; central location; RE DUCED RATES. 50c per day up; weekly, $2.50 up; neat rooma, running water, free phones and baths; steam heat. STAXDISU HOTEL. $43 H WASHINGTON ST., OFF 18TH. Outside rooms, steam heat, free phones tad bath; $2 week; $8 per mo. up. 11 0 TEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and East Belmont Rooms $12 month, $ J 2.60 up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby; cafe In connection. Phone East 823. HOTEL WEAVER, 710 WASHINGTON ST. Light, pleasant rooms, private bath and phone m each, large parlor, $15 and up. Marshall 5170. 'A Quiet Place for Quiet People. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison bl, near Grand ave. Beat accommodations for least money. LARRABEEHOTEL, 227H Larrabee st. It you want an exceptionally clean, homelike room below regular price, phone East 849. YOUNG man rooming at Y M C A. wants oommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire Y. M. C. A. office. HOTEL CORDOVA. 29 11th st. Strictly Truxiern: private Dams; en suite; rooms, $3.5Q up. Main P472, A 4783. NEW, sunr.y, steam heat, hot water, bath, free phone: walking d lata nee. no carfare Carlotta Court, Everett and 17th. HOTEL NORRIS. 533 H Alder; cheerful out side rooms, modern, $3 per week up. Furnished Rooms In Private r truly. CLEAN, cheerful, well furnished room In good home. Nob Hill district; bath, fur nace, phone, electricity; $10- and $12. Mar shall 433. 741 Glfsan. WARM south room, hot -and ccld water. ieeiii porcn, separate beds, line loca tinn. 301 W. Park. Mar. 4215. I. A RUL front loom or suite in birdseye iiiuuio: BtricLiy modern; 300 12th St. cor. 12th and Columbia. Marshall 4031. NEATLY furnished front room In private ":"uc- tun.Auw neat, gas, oath and tele phone; walking d, stance. 495 Montgomery y BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room in mouern nome. lurnace heat. East IT.r. 31 E. 10th N- FURNISHED room, running water, walking uisiancc, rou intauuu. no noyt. Mar. 4753. COOD room, good bed; heat, bath and pnoue; waiamg distance. 3o 12th, FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. HOTEL MANITOU, WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 261 13TH ST., BET. MAIN AND JEFFERSON. Easy walking, light, pleasant room and quiet; free phone and bath, steam-heated, hot and cold water, delicious home cook ing and plenty of It; rates $1 a day; no extra charge tor two In room. Phone Main 11S4. ELTON COURT, 11TH AND YAMHILL. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BATH. SINGLE OR EN SUITE, STRICTLY MODERN. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington SL at Thirteenth. 60c per day up; weekly, $2.50 up. Single ana en suite, witn private bath. Moderate rates. JaOJJi&ttN CONVENIENCES. ail night service. Business Is good. HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 4TH ST. 100 .ROOMS. Modern brick building, centrally located, nice, clean rooms, hot and cold water: rates 50c. 75o and $1 per day; $3 per w een ana up. HOTEL BLACKSTONE, Cor. 11th and Stark; $week and up; ele vator, hot and cold water, steam heat- telephone connection in each room; no xLra cnarge ior two in a room; room and bath $1 day. Transient solicited. HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th, between Morrison and Yamhill; a very aesiraoie location; new, clean rooms, with every modern convenience; well heat ed; rates for two $4 and $5 per week, $1 per day; no extra. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleveuth st. New modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate bathe, not and cold water, comfort ably furnished; transients solicited. Rooms Willi BoardL ALEXANDRA COURT. RESIDENCE HOTEL 53 ELLA STREET. A 621L Main 4 OIL An American plan Hotel. Suites and single rooms. Excellent table. Attractive terms to permanent guests. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson streets. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to' transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 2fio3, A 662b. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 886 Montgomery st., at West Park Mod ern conveniences; room with or without bath ; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular, or transient guests. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 253 Oth st., has fine table board, modern roonin, sun parlor; a real noma; reasonapie rates. BUSINESS women and students will find good board and room. $4 and $4.5o week. Portland Women's Union, 510 Flanders. 47r MORRISON; desirable, newly furnished, witn or wiuiout board; transient or per manen t. THE HAZEL, 385 3d Bt. Modern rooms, with or without board ; special rates. ELEGANT front room, facing the park, and best board obtainable. $74 Park L Rooms With Board In Private Family. LARGE, attractive rooms: steam heat, hot and cold running water; suitable for two or more; twin beds; separate dressers, every modern convenience; excellent board ; also large room, with alcove and porch. Main 63tl. 601 Harrison t., near 14 th. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate; good board. Main 63SL &01 Harrison sc. near 14th. NICELY furnished rooms with board In beautiful home, walking distance. 3il llth st. $4.00 WEEK, new, modern conveniences. piano, teiepnone. restricted district, close in. East Side. Phone Seliwood lquo. FURNISHED room, bath, phone. E. 7th and Morrison. Phone East 4179; breakfast . and dinner if desired. ELEGANT rooms and board ; lovely loca t ion : reasonable. ttiJS Everett st. Phon Marshall i.'70i). ROOM for gentleman In fTrst-class apart -iiM-nt. private family, breakfast if desired. Phono Marshall 1453. PLEASANT room for ient, with board; walk ing liisiance; nome privileges, imii union ave. N. East 4400. NJCELY furnished rooms, with board, la ucauiuuj uuiuc, waituiig uistaice. oil llth. PLEASANT, nicely furnished front room, modern, with board, walking distance; reasonable. 348 Mill st. Main -S686. IF you wish room and board in good, home call East 3 51:6. ROOM and board, 2ZA 10th sL, walking dls- wo. muiir mam ovjv, a zbds. FURNISHED room, with or without board, Irvinirlon Call Rnnt 431 WEST PARK, beautiful" room for couple. npwlv Til rnUhfii hnma r L- I n rr ROOMS with board, strictly modern; walk- ingoisiance. uz v landers. Main 1647. FRONT room for 1 or 2 gentlemen with board. 8B E. Broad w ay. East cl.2. ROOM and board for gentlemen. t90 Flan- uers. ROOMS WITH BOARD. ob Mayior. Furnintiedj Apartments. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th iew, modern 2-room apartments, fur nished complete, every detail; steam heat, hot water all hours ; moderate rates ; 10 minutes business center and theaters; men walk home to lunch; references. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ment; linen, silverware, private phone and bath; sleeping porch; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments. 2&5 Ross st. Phone East 3172- DENVER APTS. See them before 1- atlng for W Inter- i i . i . . ,, iae room; private bath and pnone, hard wood floor; new managerf-ref erences. Take "w" c1". -'4 N. 21at st. Marshall 3S0. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. v-wmer i hi anu i ayior. Best location in the city; cosy home; wen furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room suites f irst-class service. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient, 6-minute walk tu PostofTice. Furnished 2 and 3-room apartments Marshall 0108. References. A. 4326. East llth and Morrison, opposite East Stdo Public Library; walking distance, 2 and 3 rooms, modern in every way, rates reasonable. WESTFAL. 410 5th, near Hall; 3 and 4-r. apis., oy weeK or mo.; concrete bid a. ele vator, thoroughly renovavod. electric vacuum cleaner free, steam heated; $2 up; best in town; easy walking distance. MADISON I'AKK APTS. Park st.. at Madison. Modern B and 4-room furnished apart menta, close in, by week or month. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. 1S9 N. 3d, Nob Hill district; modern 3 and 4-room apartments, completely fur nlsned, $2Q per month up. Marshall 2t45. GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave New building, nicely furnished; private, moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 208. NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall st. New, most modern 8-room furnished, unfurnished in the city for the price; $20 up; 8 minutes' walk from Postofflce. Main 4299. A 40o0. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apts., furnished, first-class, reasonable rates. Main 7337, A 3615. HIGH-CLASS 8-room newly furnished apart ment, corner, excellent service, $43. Mar shall 518. FAIRMOUNT APTS., 238 11TH. Modern furnished tw o-room apartments, $22.50 up; close in. Main 2280. BANNER APARTMENTS, 4S9" Clay St. ju.uu.eiu iu louiua, completely lurnished. $ltt, $18 and $20. Phone Marshall 2074 THE WINSTON APARTMENTS 841 14th at., at Market New 2 and 3 rooms, furnished, reasonable. Main 1730 3-ROOM apartment. East Side, completely furnished; all outside rooms; private bath and phone; $20. phone B 1035. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th St.. near Taylor. Marshall 2324. floLrnntlv fnmlsViBil K.nA . T" ajta.1 umenu HAMMERSLT COURT, 250 12th sU. 2 and 3-room apartments, close In; modern rea sonable. Phone Marshall 2052. References. THE FLORENCE. S-room completely furnished, up to date with Janitor service. 388 llth . CAM AR, 704 Lovejoy, 2 and 3-room fur nished apartments, $18 to $27 50 Mar 2917. DR1CKSTON, 44S llth st., modern 2 and o-twiu pio., .in.ii5 uuHiance, all out side rooms. Mar. o7, A $804. ARDMAY TERRACE, 39i 12th St. Larae GRAY GABLES 1 and 2-room; close in. KEARNEY APTS. Nicely furnished 4-rm. anta $27.. AddIv manae-r t- rr- , " - " 'toai llBjf COMPLETELY furnished apartments In con crete block. $12. 1162 Union av hj NEWLY furnished 2-room apts., all modern. 421 6th st. Main 1028. rn- JACKSON bungalow, all newly ' furnished janitor service; walking distance. 454 llth. ABLINS APTS., 220 North 17th. Main 21o" 2 nnil R-rnom apartments roaanmni. THE ELMS. 14th. near Yamhill 2 and $- rouux, Lvi) , v ijkiujc uuiaag; 1o Up, ItR RENT. 'nrniHhed Apartments. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor.. Most modern apartment on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. Keferences. CUMBERLAND. W. Park and Columbia eta., very choice 2 and 3-room completely fur nished apts. ; all modern conveniences, beautiful location facing the parks; 5 min utes' walk from business center. We al ways maintain our reputation for first class, clean apts., with bast of service, at reasonable prices; references required. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. (Apartment Hotel) Tenth and Salmon fits. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rates by the day, weeis. month op year. HlSLOP HALL Corner East ttth and Haw thorne; 2 and 3-room apts. ; private bath and phone ; also single rooms; well Xur nished. $12.50 up. East 6b2. Unfurnished Apartments. SHEFFIELD APTS., 270 Broadway South 1 3-room apt., hrst floor, unfurnished, $22.50; 1 3-room front apt., third floor, unfurnished; 2 wall beds, 3 closets, each room has access to front door, bath and kitchen without passing through other rooms; all modern ; $32.50. KINGSBURY. 186 Vista Ave., off Washington St. 8 and 4 rooms, with private balconies, unfurnished or furnished; high-class neigh borhaad; best of service; reasonable rates by m on t h. THE WASHINGTON, i9u Northrup 5 -room unfurnished apartments, with bath and all modern conveniences, telephone, steam heat, gas, electricity, etc Take "W" car to 21bi and Northrup. phone Main 4876. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson High-grade 3, 4 and 6 rooms, with porches; high-class tenants who appreciate service. Prices reasonable. Phone Marshall 3360 or A 2076. CLAYPOOL APTS., llth and Clay sts. The very best 3-room apartments, large pri vate balconies, line vie w ; eastern expos ure; 1 2-room, front, $U7.50; 8-room. $30. Main 5fa9L WELLINGTON COURT, 15th and Everett Easy walking distance. private barn, , phone, etc.; 1 2-rtn., $16; including elec tric lights. 1 8-rm., $19; 1 4-rm,. $22.0; 1 O-rm., $32.50. Main 1245. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders 5 and 6 rooms, large and homelike; more service and conveni ence for the price than you will find in the city. Phone Main 7516, A 266. STEVENS APARTMENTS, 6 rooms, front and back pore lies, heat, hot water, tele phone; all light outside rooms. 791 North rup, near 24th st. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated o and 4-room apartments, $20 and up; good Janitor service; walking distance; refer ences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134. MAYO APARTMENTS, &03 Union ave. N near Broadway ; new, strictly mod. 3-room apts., reasonable. THE ORMONDE, 5 and 6-rooraTf rontpart" ments. 6i6 Flanders st-. .Nob Hill. Main 8251. KEELER APTS., 14TH AND CLAY STS ences. " SPLENDID bachelor apartment, two bed rooms, kitchen aatid living-room, for rent on fifth flour. Apply 705 Davl WALDORF COURT. Irvington. East 6th and bchuvler sts. Five rooma and sleeplnT porch; modern. East 547. C 1008. 7-KOOM duplex apartments, 4 bedrooms 2 baths, in tire proof building. Apply TOo Davis st. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef f erson-Eiegant unfurnished apartments ; ti rst-clasa service; private phone; ref. 6-ROOM family flat. West Side, 10 minutes' walk Postoffice; full information 643 w 5th st. Marshall 103$. 6 SUNNY outside rooms; hardw ood Xloors; references. A 3 827. Marshall 1758. 421 WEST PARK 3 and 4-room apartments. KING-DAVIS APTS.. 54 Kln St. 3 and 4 mvmo. in. .1 .io.oo. cici cuui-a. aiain zuos. KEELER APTS.. 14TH AND CLAY STS.- - .jih. omtc. II'ICICUUIW. J Mi-pinned or Unfurnished Apartments. MORGAN. FLIEDNER BOTCE, 813-821 Morgan Bids. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all iarts of the city; great . variety of locations, size and Price. Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting anv of our apartments. Main 2015. A 2015. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving 2. 3 and 4 rooms; four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing becA, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room : vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2961. THE BONNIE BRAE. Choice, new, corner apartment, 4 rooms, large dressing-room and bath, all In white enamel; hardwood floors, disappearing beu. Pacific phono, heat and janitor service, llth and Hancock. THE IKls APTS.. 3d and Mill sts.. are now completed : rents from $ 17 up; 2, 3, 4 room: all modern improvements; the largest heating plant in the city ; furnished or unfurnished; no charge gas for cooking. THOMPSOV APTS- 149 Monroe Street.-" Just completed : one. two and three roous. furnished and uufurmsneti; all out side, rooms, with private bath and phone. Phone VVoedlawn 2216. liL'ENA VISTA Apartment. 12th and huimou sts. Mod ern, highest class 2 and 3-room apartments In city ; w alking distance; references. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. XH E HOUSE OF TONE, 411-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 110L THE CHETOPA, lSth and" Flanders, 2, $ and 4-room apartments, furnished or unfur nished; plenty heat and hot water. 4-ROOM f urniihed or unfurnished apt., rent reasonable; modern, 3 blocks from P. O. The New Westminster. 6th and Madison. Flats. $27.40, WEST SIDE, G-room corner flat, fine location, furnace, fireplace, gai. elec tricity and ail modern improvements; look this up if you want something good. Phone East 449$ mornings and evenings for further particulars. NEW modern lower flat, & rooms and sleep ing porch furnace, rent $15 to adults; located 3S4 East 4 2d St. Hawthorne car. Rear door open. Owner at 13a N. bib. Phone Main 7o4l. W EST SIDE, 5 -room ana bath upper flat, private balcony to front room; newly pa pered and tinted; $13. Also 3-room lower flats, $iu and $11. 82u Vfugha. Main &3o3. BEAUTIFUL 4-room modern flat in Wainut far; linoleum, gas range, garage. 314 Wygant st. Woodlawn 2750. MODERN 8-room residence; fireplace, fur nace, gas, electricity. E. Buxnside. near -u ; xaoor vuis. 6-ROOM family flat. West Side, 10 minutes' walk Postofflce; full information 64$ 6 th st. Marshall 1089. ON December 1. a modern 5-room lower corner flat. East 13th and Buxnside st. East 235 or B-2385. NICE 6-room heated fiat. Nob Hill district, suitable for dressmaking shop. 120- N. 23d Mala 1359, A 7U31. SIX rooms, lower, modern; choicest loca tion. West Side. Inquire 175 16th st. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath 733 Hoyt st Inauire 130 6thst. Phone Main 6278. 666 HOYT ST.. near 21st Upper fiat, six rooms; large, light rooms: $15. Main 24)15. SWELL 7 -room, modern. 444 Park st. $30 Phone Tabor 703 or East 1431. 5-ROOM lower modern, ahso "-room upper, walking distance, 251 Halsey. 4-ROOM modern flat. 179 Green" ave., near 2id and Washington. Main 3 S3 J, A 2076. MODERN 4-room corner flatT 394Benton, near Broadway, reasonable. C 2021. Famished flats WEST SIDE First-class furnished upper flat, modern, yard, basement, light and cheerful, walking: distance. &93 MMn at near N art! 11a.. DURING owner's absence will give free use of my furniture in modern flat to respon sible people. 703 Hoyt st. CLEAN, neatly furnished 4-room flat, with sleeping porch, cheap to quiet, respon sible tenant. 6714 Belmont, near 18th. UP-TO-DATE, close-in 4 and 6-room is. free phone. East 3737. $15, $20. 4-ROOM modern flat, walking distance. 383 Ross st. 2 blocks Broadway bridge, c 3109. MODERN houses and flats in all parts of FOUR rooms, nicely furnished, close in, car lines; light, clean. Phone C 26L House keep in gr-R ooms. $3 UP, WEEK, absolutely the cleanest housekeeping suites in towu; completely, nicely furnished; hot water, baths, lights, every convenience, free; single housekeep ing rooms $2 up. 288 A so, sU near Jef ferson. 461 EAST Morrison; furnished one and two. room housekeeping apartments, reason- " able. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg.. 3d. cor. Morrison. $1.25 AND up; furnished housekeeping roomi The Gilman, 1st and Alder sts.' . 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening "and 9 o'clock other evenings is the closing hour for accepting ' Classified Ads, for proper classi- v fications for the next day's issu9. Classified advertisements ac cepted after these hours will be run under the heading TOO LATE FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. $1.50 TO $2.75 week; clean furnished housekeeping-rooms, suitable for 2 or 4 ; free hat, laundry, bath, yard. Phone East 60.H9. 406 Vancouver. 20.1 Stanton. "U" car. 328 MILL; 1 room and kitchenette, all con veniences ; $15 up; walking distance. Housekeeping-Rooms In Private Family. DESIRABLE. Young couple will share furnished mod ern steam-heated apartment reasonable to young couple ; close In ; walking distance. 553 E. Stark. East 107, $15 THREE completely furnished iiouse koeping rooms; clean, neat and homelike; close in : gas range, priva te bath and phone. East 5546. Call 128 East 19th. near Morrison. TWO very clean woll furnished front rcoros, ground floor, gas. bath, good neighbor hood, desirable: 2 car lines, walking dis tance. 772 E. Tavlor. East 5260. MODERN 2 rooms for H. K., clean and everything furnished; phone, bath, elec tric light, licat free; $15; best value in city. 1163 Belmont, cor. 39th. REDUCED Nice, completely furnished rooms and fine large bay window front sleeping room with fireplace. Sell. 1109. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, clean and light. 335 Clay st., corner of Broadway. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms $1.50 per week up. 308 Main St., near 5th. CLEANEST h. k. suite in town; rent. 104 Mth st., near Wash. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $1.50 per week up. 308 Main st., near 5th. NEWLY furnished housekeeping room, hot water. 1144Vs Union, North. TH REE attractive housekeeping rooms; adults; close in. ft5." Yamhill. Main 4415. Houses. t HOUSES. $1S 6 rooms, cement basement, furnace, close to Jefferson High School, at 997 Commercial t., near lUandeua. 117.50 4 rooms, walking distance, at 467 Market St., near 13th. $17.50 7 rooms, fireplace, 7S9 E. Ash St., near E. 24th. $20 5 rooms, 549 Overton st., near 16th. $20 6 rooms, 594 Raleigh St., corner 19th. $-0 5 rooms, 548 Pettygrove t., near 17th. $25 7 rooms, new and modern; hardwood floors, at 599 E. 27th st. N. $30 8 rooms, modern, hot-water heat, fire place, on Irving Ft., near 23d. FLATS. $15-$17.50 4 and 5 rooms, modern, gas range, linoleum in kitchen and bath room, at corner E. 2sth and stark sts. 11. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcor Bldg. Main St99. A 2658. MEIER A FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. lOLh Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable lint of all vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the ritv: make use of this service when you desire: this does not obligate you In any manner to this store. You will find us ready and wiiilng at all times to help you in locating. New comers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property- are invited to list their unoccu pied apartments, flats and houses at Meier 4k. Frank's Free Rental Bureau. IF YOU want to see something worth while, go to East 83d and Hawthorne ave. ; an upper corner ilat for rent. 6 rooms, fire place, built-in sideboard, hardwood floors, upper porch, modem, w ith every con venience; rent has oeen reduced to $18. See It at once. Key at 1025 Yeon bldg. LAURELHURST HOUSES FOR RENT. Wo have some new, strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, we will build Just what you want on easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co 270 Stark st. Main 1508, A. 1516. $li AND $1 22 lovely, neat, clean, 4-roora cottagerj, gas, electricity, 1 block of- Union ave.,. close in. Alberta or Woodlawn car to Ivy st. Call at 412 Constance St. FOR RENT $10; C-room house, corner lot, 2 biocks to Irving Lon car; basement, elec tric lights, bath. Tel. C 432, Woodlawn 583. 172 N. 18TH STREET, fine residential dis trict, easy walking distance business cen ter; 6 rooms, furnace. $27. 50. Key, Janitor, Ionian Apts., lbth and Couch" Main 2015, 188 NORTH 21ST ST. 9 rooms, hardwood floors, beam ceiling, fireplace, furnace, etc; $35. Key Janitor, SL Francis Apts.. lst North and Hoyt, Main 2Q1S. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, 00 Hue h tel ave., or East 31. Furnnce, fireplace, sieeping porch, large garden, chicktn house; rent $16. Inquire H73 East couch. THREE houses on loth and Bacon streets, near Brooklyn School, near two carllnes, at 10, $11 and $ L2 each. E. Wills, U03 East Uth st. Phone Seliwood 87S. $20 HAWTHORNE HOME. 7-room house; garage; large corner lot. 100x120. 961 Hawthorne. Owner, 221 10th, Main 7635, or Mr. King. Main 5376. 482 EAST 25th, North, near" Thompson Strictly modern U-rouin house, hardwood floors, sleeping-porch. Phone East 8. 10-ROOM house suitable for two families Sunny aide location; will rent for $25 to re sponsibie party, gee trustee, 012 Piatt bldg. MODERN new house. 475 E. 24th; fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch; $22.50. 208 Stock Exchange. Main 3055.- ' SIX-ROOM house, 5-room cottage, 4-room flat; all modern; excellent locality. 780 Williams av e. W oo d 1 a iv ft 4 26 . WEST SIDE 8-room house; fireplace, fur nace, yard, electric lights, gas. 66 Everett St., near 21st st. Main 5U36. OWNER of beautiful homeslte on Cornell road will build residence for suitable tenant. AP 311, Oregonlan. $15 4-room modern. East 21st, walking dis tance, gas range, bath,- electricity, "room ior auto. jo. am bbju. NEAT 8-room home. West Side, walking dis tance, small yard. 2bS 13 th, near Co- I UlU UAA , ItUl W'J- . UldlU I1V PIEDMONT district, 6 rooms, all modern conveniences; piano, near car, rent very reasonable. Woodlawn 1918. FOR RENT A 9-room residence, 447 Main st.. In perfect order. Inquire 615 Corbett bldg.. or phone C716. SEVEN rooms, modern, furnace, walking distance. East 3d. near Holiaday, Tabor 4206. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, $15; l block from Mt. Scott car. Morgan, Flled&er & Boyce, 613-21 Morgan bldg. Main 2 J 16. 9-ROOM. WEST SIDE. $15. 942 Thurman St.; large lot, lots of fruit Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. MODERN HOUSES. ' CLARK RENTAL SERVICH. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. Main 5428, MODERN, freshly painted. 6-room house. 771 East Davis, $21. Main 8176. MODERN 6-room house, large lawn and gardenjL2 blocks car. Tabor 160&. 9-ROOM house. 712 Lovejoy, neax 224. 1m- Qulre 130 6th. Main 6278. $12 SUNNYSIDE. 5-room cottage. 1 block to oar; bath. Phone Tabor 16o2. FOR RENT 6-room mod era Johnson st., near 22d, W. 6. house. 710 COSY, homelike cottage, walking distance. 628 E. Madison; MT. TABOR home, new, xnottem, on car Una, rent very reasonable. 1572 Belmont st. Furnished Houses. j $18 8 ROOMS, electricity, bath, chicken pens. aisvin oo t oacv ariana, guv x eon. TO CLASSIFY' FOR RENT. FarnUued Houses. 192 CHAPMAN st., near Taylor. 4-room apartment, elegantly furnished; new fumed oak furniture, upholstered in Spanish . , , r, uieiftucv, rent o. BEAUTIFUL bungalow. 4 rooms, comnletefv furnished, basement, furnace, garage. 350 n.. 48U1 o. before 10 mornings, after 6 FURNISHED house to rent; modern ; close in; references required. Phone East 6109 IRVINGTON; furnished 6-room house; mod ern In every way. Phone C -556, East 1039. 1R INGTON residence. 6 rooms, modern, block to car. will rent partially furnished or vacant: rent reasonable. East 1616. BUNGALOW of 6 rooms, furnished, Willam ette Heights, tine viaw, near car; rent only $ 10. Jackson. Main 8429. FOR RENT Furnished o-room bungalow Call Main 3633 or A 6119. 5-ROOM furnished cottage at S41 Sherman st.. near 6th; rent $22. 50. Main 867. FOR RENT Large, up-to-date store and basement. 207 1st st., between Taylor and Salmon; reasonable rent. Inquire at 205 Offices. FURNISHED private office, roner top desk, chairs aod rug $12.60 month; also a few vacant offices reasonable. Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. DESK ROOM in laige. light office. In Mor - gan bldg. Apply manager 818-21 Mor ian bldg. PRIVATE office with privilege of reception rooro, telephone and stenographer; reason. inquire a mock Exchange bldg. WELL FURNISHED private office, also desk room. $ti and $7. 73 Chamber of Com merce. OFFICES, $10 and up; furnished offices and desk room very reasonable; Portland's nusiewt corner. ua Swetland bldg. It 1 I U W T" . - J V, 1 - flees or musical studios. Sherman, Clay Co. Halls. HALL for rent ; centrally located ; good dancing floor for parties or lodge pur poses; rent reasonable. Ill 2d st. Phone Main 183. WareoouKf. 4-STORY brick building containing about 20,000 sq. ft., known as 44 and 46 E. 6th t. N., well located for wholesale pur poses; attractive lease to responsible ten ant. Prigmore & Younger, 849 Morgan bldg. Main 7t25. OPEN storage (60x350) on dock with use of hoisting engine, rail connections all roads. Central Hawthorne Dock Co.. E. 2063. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED Young man to take working in terest in ren. store out of city; must have several h undred to Invest. If interested, write X 424. Oregonlan BAKERY, down town, doing goad business; sickness; will sell; $600 cash for saie, 0x8 furnace oven; will give trial. AL 859. Oregonlan. WEteT SIDE cash grocer v ; apartment-house district; riallv receipts $S0 ; excellent enuinment: invoice $2uon; $luuo cash will handl. 319 Lumber Exchange. SNAPPY confect ion ery -grocery ; aw ay from competition; low rent covers more and 5 ronm bungalow : !umn or invoice, about IKrjia Lumber Exchange. FINE West Side confectionery, clearing bet ter than JilO dailv: reasonable rent; excel, lent eauipment: $1200 cash and terms. 319 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER In established loan and rental business; email investment: the ability counts: thorough investlgattou Invited. 31 Lumber Exchange. FIN E rrocerv. lone established. In excellent location; receipts average $25V monthly; will invoice and take oart cash ; balance terms. 8l! Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE A prosperous saloon business, price $15,000 cash; good location; tran sient trade; owner in poor heal til. P. O. box 1049, Sacramento, Cal. WANTED LADY OR MAN. With cash from $3000 to $50o0, make $-50 ana 4oU per montrt. 414 Lumber Ex change bldg. Archer. WANTED Family physician, take up an office practice next to dentist; vacancy Dee. 1. Give phone number. J 417, Ore gonlan. DRUG STORE doing good business; subur bs n location; liberal discount; Invite closest inspection. 16S1 E. 13th st. Phone beiiwooa isi, To EXCHANGE: West Side property, walk ing distance, for merchandise stock or sais easy terms; $u000 to $20,000; no agent. L. Robinson. 581 First St. BAKEliT xoods. etc.; this store Is clearing $16o month: on account of sickness will sell very cheap. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. . STRICTLY cash meat market for only $000; clears $50 week: can try the business be fore you buy. Call room 329 Morgaii bldg. SOLID fuel business; rare opportunity for onerceuc man ; win pay yo i month. call room Morgan bldg. 3-CHA1R shop; must sell; cheap for cash; some and see at once. 232 Burnslde st BEER and whisky can be made at home from pure extracts. Stamp for particu lars. Box 538, Portland. I ii rrv x umirikei. uyeuuis. r mc snop; I equipped ; fine location, low rent. fully Full - particulars at 512 Piatt 31dg. HALF interest in wei;-located cigar stand, doing gooa ousiness; money invested se cured; $350 required. 2-8 Stark st. CIGAR stand, good stock and fixtures; good location, cheap rent; $164. Call at ?.!. 1 l Ctarlr at $250 GETS you In pleasant office business, if satisfied with $25 per week. Call 420 ludi- I WILL sell my poolroom and restaurant, good location, part cash and trade. Wood lawn 2320. FOR SALE Three pool tables with ball cues, racks, all complete; a bargaiu. 123 Grand ave. CIGAR and bootblack stand; busy street; good eteadv and transient trade; price 303-4 Lumber Exchange. Terms. RESTAURANT Busy street West Side: cheap rent; price $450: $200 cash, balance easv. 303 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. STEADY man who can invest $200 and go to work: itood oay: must have references. 303 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. GROCERY, worth $450. only $350; livlng rooms : snap. 303 Lumber Exchange., GOOD cigar store for sale cheap; low rent. N. 1 N. 3d st. MOVING picture and theater for sale: bar- Bain and snap: terms, i 429, Oregonlan. WILL sell $10,0 00 Home Telephone bonds Tor jn6uu. u oregonlan. PICTURE show business for sale or rent. cneap; terms, aj -o. uregonian. MUST sell tailoring, cleaning and pressing, 223 Jefferson sU SHORT ORDER restaurant and poolroom cneap ior casq. al uregonian. VERY neat cleaning and tailoring parlors, 601 Northwest bldg. Swank. Main 4190. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERY STORE. Stock at invoice, fixtures at their rea sonable value, or wi!I lump the whole for $1700; a good place to do business; very little competition ; sales $1200 to $1500 per month; reno $25. POOL HALL AND CONFECTIONERY. Clears from $75 to $loo per month; well equipped nlace. with 3 pool tables com plete confectionery, fixtures and good stock on hand: rent only $20 per month; price $1100: nart time. LADY'S OPPORTUNITY. One of the most centrally located and best1 equipped BEAUTY PARLORS in Portland for sale at a sacrifice. Here is a chance for you to step right in to a pavins- business for little money. If In terested call at office. No information given over phone. CASH BUSINESS. One of the moat profitable businesses ever offered for sale in Portland. You handle no perishable goods, snd the busi ness runs from $18 to $60 per day cash. Price $2000. Clear property will be con sidered. gftOO CIGAR STAND $600 Uptow n location. West Side ; snappy Place; well stocked: elegant fixtures; sales $14 to $20 per dav: will invoice or lump. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor. Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4th and Pine Sts. POOLROOM, card tables and lunch coun . ter. good fixtures and a good stock of cigars and tobacco, doing good business aiiiX can be Increased by the right party; In a good payroll town, working three shifts: on account of it 1 health will sell reasonable. Address P. o. Box 341, Camas, Wash. DANDY HARDWARE STORE. Well located in big residence dlftrict. East Side; owner called East at once; must sell in few days; business iacreasitig ; good, clean siork, about $ltu0. Including fix tures; room for more sock ; only those ready to buy now if suited need answer. No trades. Tabor 5475. FOR SALE. Lease, furniture and fine auto 'bus, 46 roQm hotel, steam heat, hot and coid running water in all rooms; fine, large dining-room and good bar in connection. Address owner, D. C Davis, Santa Cruz, California. PICTURE THEATERS. Are you in the market for this business? No traders wanted. Let me sxpiuin to you how $600 to $5000 will pay the in vestor. 414 -Lumber Exchange bid?., 2d and Stork. CAUTION. BUYERS, Before closing deal for so-called interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary. 532 Chamber of Commerce Bids. FOR SALE One of tlie best paying family liquor stores (no bar) in Oakland, Cal.; excellent location, long lease, reasonable rent; licenses are limited. Apply A. S. Kaul. 4&S 7th St., Oakland. Cal. I WTLl., sell my 30-room hotel, a team heat, new furniture, also: also the nronerty. 6-x 1 00 ; I will take part cash and trade for valance, the owner. Woodlawn 2320. G 426, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. $ 4 j0 BUYS 13 ROOM S. West Side location, not far out; good furniture, 2 baths, electric lights, furnace heat; rent $0u a month; good income; big t;nau at $450. $700 HANDLES APARTMENT-HOUSE. 50 rooms, consisting of 19 2; and ;:-roora apartments, built-in Holmes beds and pri vate bath in each apartment; brick build ing, sirictlv modern: rent SI75 per month. House lull and has w aitir g list. Price $3500: $700 down. I&U0 BUYS 42 ROOMS. Positively clears $125 per month: all furnished tor housekeeping; rent only $120 with lease: must sell quick; all goes for $S0O. $1000 HANDLES THE BKST 42-room transient house in Portland. All rooms have hot and cold water, steam heat and largo closets; S roms with pri vate baths: ax minster and wi It on carpet, brass beds and solid oak furniture; the Tlace clears from $25 to per month jit price $.;500; cash down $-loou, bal ance monthly. $loo0 HANDLES 15 ROOMS. The best little transient house m port land: all rooms on one floor; brick build ing: steam heat and hot water furnished hv the landlord: rent $75 per mouth: new furniture. SECi: R IT Y D E V ELO PMENT COM PAN Y, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4th and 1'ine Sts. HOTELS AND APARTMENTS. We do no fake advertising; our hotels, rooming-houses and apartments are Just as represented; we get the best lease and prices. Home Brokerage Co., 322 Henry bldg. Phone Main 567. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel-Apartment-house Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. h09 N. W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrison. TEN rooms, fine locattion. rent $20, money maker, $150. Owner, 3u8 Main st. LOST AM) FOUND. LOST Whllo poodle, dark ears, answers to the name of Toto, white collar and license Strayed from 6th and Washington. Liberal reward. No questions aked. East 0M4 and Main 302b or return to Dr. Grill, 313 Wash, ington st. LOST Ou steamer Lurline, 3 bankbooks and bank draft on Bank of California, Port land, favor of Ed Plggott. Reward If re turned to 2 Si 4 th BL PUBLIC IS WARNED NOT TO CASHJTHE DRAFT. LOST Thurwiay evening at National Thea ter, black handbag, contain in g keys, thea ter ticket and small amount of money. Reward for return to 1. 1 pin an, Wolfe A Co.'s accommodation desk. LOST Le welly a set ter, 3 months old ; answers to name of Prince. Finder p'ease return to 3i Glenn ave. No., or phone .m arsuau ljy. e w aru. LOST Monday, a gold sunburst p small amethyst center. Phone Marshall ri Kcturn oupan. Reward LOST Orcn auto rug on Burr road, bet. 72d and 82d. Marshc.Il 2487. SPECIAL NOTilTICS. Proousals lnviteu. STATE OF OREGON Proposals for Sup plies. State Institutions The Oreuon Sta.te Board of Control will receive sealed bids for furnishing supplies for the vartou: state institutions on December 17, l!14. at o nocK l M., consisting of dry goods, clothing. furnishings, groceries. shoes, hardware, brooms, drugs, paints, ol 1 sta tionery, crockery, plumbing, etc., for the semi-annuai period ending June 30, iai5. Specifications and schedules will be fur nished upon application to the aecretarv. Each bid to be accompanied Lv a cer tified check Jii the sum of 10 per cent of wie wnoio amouiiL or oia, payable to the Oregon State Board of Control, to be held as a guarantee uf the faithiul performance of the contract. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any part of a U1U, R. B. GOODING, Secretary. Oregon State Board of Control. Salem, Or., November 21, 1914. I WILL receive sealed bids at my office, 740 morgan uunaing, ior a stock or merchan dise, consisting principally of men's and ladles' furnishing goous, dry goods, shoes, groceries, etc. located at White Salmon, Washington, of an Inventory valuation of $lO,3ll.0S. together with fixtures of $442.50. UD to 12 o'clock noon of Monday 1 m- ber 7, 1914. Terms cash. Certified check or cash deposit of 10 per cejit of amount onered must accompany each bid. Right .s reserved to reject any and all bids. Inven tory may be seen at my office and stock is open to inspection at White Salmon. R. L. SABIN. Dated Portland, Oregon, November 24. 1914. BONDS FOR SALE. $2500 of School District No. 2. Clatsop Co., Oregon, bonds for sale. Said bonds to run for 20 years from date of payment thereof and to bear interest at the rate of 6 per cent, bald bonds to be redeem able at pleasure of said district after 10 years. Bonds to bear date of July 1. 1014. Best of security. For further informa tion communicate with Ida B. MalarKey, Clerk of District No. 2, Warrenton, Or. U. S. EXGR. OFFICE. Portland, or., Oct. 28, lyi4 Sealed nrooosals for 8 steel swing brlasres for Dalles-CeUlo Canal will be re ceived here until 11 A. M. Df.-c. 7, 194, and then publicly opened. Information on application. Jay J. Morrow, Maj. Engrs. FINANCIAL. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO- 4in sl, coara ox irace Jtfidg. LOANS on Improved inside property ; pienty of money: low rates; no delay; principals only. Robertson & Ewing, 207-2V; North western Bank bldg. $2500 SECOND mortgage on $10,000 prop erty. Forest Grove; first $3500. cue 5 years second due 1 years; make olier. ' 71Q Lewis Bldg. MONEY for good city loans, 6 and 7 per cent. J. A. Cunningham. 832 Morgan bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also aeliers' interest in contracts purchased ; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble. Luinbermens bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, xnort gages (first and second), equities, pur chased. F. H. Lewis sc Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson e Ewing, 207-8 N. W. Bank bldg. FARM LOANS, 7 to S per cent; no delay Howard & Jones. 215 Panama bldg. Money to Loam on Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS,' 6 AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 229 STARK bl. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. TO LOAN ON CITS $ soo. $1000. $1500. $2t'00. $2500. $3000. $4O0O. .REAL ESTATE AND FARM PROPERTY. HARTMAN-THOMPSON . BANK. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. B1RRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg, Mar. 4114, A 4118. MONEY TO LOAN 2--IMPROVfc:A REAL ESTATE FOR PtkTD 1 PL" R POSES ; VER Y FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE Ac TRUST CO.. SPALDING BLDG. ON, JROVED PROPERTY OR FOR BLILDING PURPOSES; LIBERAL PAY NT p KIV1LEGES; MONEY AD lN,CK1 AS BUILDING PROGRESSES. HE EQUITABLE SAVINGS &. LOAN ASSOCIATION. 140 STARK ST. MONEY; TO LOAN, 6 TO S PER CENT. Any Amount. .wwPRC04PT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 4 23-424 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOA.Y Lowest Rate Money oa business property, apartments, dwellings and farms. R. H. Blossom. lb Chamber Commerce, , MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city and farm property. and 7 per cent. MALL t VON BORSTEL, 104 Seco id St.. near Washington. $louy TO LOAN on PorUaadreal estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO., INC. Stock exchange Bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. 6 TO 7 MTG. LOANS. Private funds, amounts $iutH to $15 000. i'romot Service. Fair Treatment. A. K. HILL. 4H Henry btdg. MORTGAGE loans on city and s no urban, real estate at I aud 8 per cent, W. M Nunn, 448 Sherlock bldg. SEE us today tor loans on improved city property, tl to 8 per cent; $2ot and up. i-el.ars-Murton C3., 25 Yeon bldg. MONEY TO LO A N0 NR E ALT E S T A T E WALLACE INVESTMENT COMPANY." 50t Prehuman Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. WAKKl'lEUL), FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth Street. TO LOAN $40,000 OR LES, FAR it INGTON, 80 4TH ST. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG $2UO,UOO TO LOAN in sums to uit; build ing loans; lowest rates. V". G. Beck. 3fi- 315 Failing bltlg. MONEY ts-aned, real estate contracts bought. II. Miicy, room 204 Geriiuger bldg. CITY MORTGAGE LOANS FR KD S. W I LL1 AMS, t2 First St. $1jU0 To $3uo0 on improved city realty J 4 2 ti, Oregonlan. ALL amounts at low rates of interest. 414 Yeon bldg. Ore. Bd. & Mtg. Co. Mar. S3. CITY and farm loans; lowest rates! J. j. lahalln, 6.3 Chamber of Commerce. $1500 TO AB 34L OREGONIAN. $20,OCJ. $00 TO $I0O0 for Jmiuediai) loan, 7 per cent. AD 350, Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, A. H. HARDING. 31S Ch. of Com. $louo TO $7uo0 for city or farm loan, la bor 2520 or V 170, Oregonian. $1600 TO $20,000 at 7 per cent. Main 6J3sV 11. L. Murton, S17 Worcester bldg. STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent7 v7 E. Thomas agent Multnomah Coumy, 4 mo Ch. of Com! $2t.O. $350, $000, $.)00, $1200. $1800. Fred W German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce' MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount;-no delay. Henry c Prudhomme, 807 Wilcox biUg. MONEY', any amount, 6 to 8 per cent W. H. Sens Ac Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. Moury to Loan 4 hm tela ami eSalaries. THE PORTLA Nl3 LOAN C6 20 5 Rothchild Bldg. WILL LOAN YOU MONEY IN 6 HOL'IU' TIME. This is t lie only nou-ciiaritablo loan of fice in the city that is licensed by the State ot Oregon to loan money at 3 per cent per utuiiili cn diamonds, household goods, piuiiob, auui. lite, insurance police or an tiling .alin. riii.-iy-L'a v liatea ot row $ Borrow $ Borrow S uack-$ 36.05 ray uack f .". 1 . 5 0 pay back $ t Borrow i luo. pay back $1 U3.0O iheat rates uety comp titiun. We pay off loans with high rate mouoy leudera. Set us today. IMMEDIATE LiANS. ON DIAMONDS AND JKUCLUY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the. finest retail jewelry stores in the city A loan department is conducted in connection with fcame, mak ing business STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, absolutely no sigus designating loan busi ness Kiiplayed in front oi our stoic Ail nierchauuine pledged is held lor a period of seveu months, whether or not Interest is paid when due. We are Uceii&ed and have been established bine IJu. No con nection with auy ouer iuuu establishment in this city. A. & AL DELOVAGE. JEWELERS, 324 Washington St. LOANS 10 TO $100 QUICKLY. L T A 1 E i'liC U R IT Y CO.. LICENSED. LOANS ON SALARIES ONLY, BEST PROPOSITION IN PORTLAND. CALL AND LET US EXPLAIN. OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN. BUSINESS STRICTLY ONFi DENTIAI STATE SECURITY CO., 3o0 FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. PRIVATE PLACE To OBTAIN LOANS. Diamonds, watches, musical lnstrum'ts, SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. E LB Y COMPANY tLicensedj. 3-U Lumber Exchange Bldg., Second and Stark Streets. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at halt the rated charged by brokers. Marx A Bloch, 74 3d st. LOANS on diamonds and jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 3d st., near Alder. MONEY LOANED on diamonds and jewelry. S. W. King, room 4. Washington bldg. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. BoH, room 8. Washington bldg. LOA NS on chattels or anything of value, 317 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 58b. Loans VVenlexL $ : " 0 o , 1 0 V . 1 0 c,f . 10. rtOxtOO-fuot lot and .Vruoio cottage. 3 romns ti uis lied, value $75. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 014 Cham, oi Cm. $1000 TO $tU00 on first mortgage bonds and personal indorsement; interact quarterly or monthly; will pay off in installments If preferred. A 418, Oregonian. WANTED $1800 tor three years at 8 per cent on two acres of ground and modern 8-room house; choice security. See at torney, 512 Piatt bldg. PERSONAL HAIR-HA1R-H AIR-HAIR, 26-inch convent hair switches $4.95 26-inch convent hair switches, gray. 4.85 Halrdressing .25 Face massage ........................ .2o Shampoo .85 Manicure, 25c: 5 for l.OO 12 salu treatments 5.0O Superflous hair removed by electrio needie ; g uaranLeed not to return. Cut hair, in any shade; sw tches, any length; urices half. Sanitary Parlors, 40O 412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience ; best reference; treat ments for rheumatism ana lumbago, etc.. massage and baths; lady assistant. 4 .'2 Salmon, corner 15th. Marshall au33. Open Sundays. FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leadins wia and toupee makers; finest stock human hair goods; switches from 95c up; nairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment ; combings made up to order. 147 Broadway, near Morrison. Main 546. DIVORCES Lawyer of 25 years' experience reliable advice given free. 04 Rothchild blug., 2o7 2 Washington. MASSEUSE, with latest European education; face and seal a specialty. 250 N. lath su Marshall 42L MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. 05c; cuilsand puffs. 75c Sani tary Beauty parlors, 4t0 Dekum. ELECTRIC vibrator for rheumatism, neu ralgia, facial and scalp treatment; rea sonable. Phone Marshall 20. SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A. Price. Clrch-w Tues., 2; Wed. and Sun- S P. M. Reading dally. 603 5th bl Marshall 30O0. MRS. STEVENS, 21 years Forelands re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, author of Palmistry Made Easy." 291 H Moriieon st. SOPHIA B. PEIP, mental and spiritual scientist, teacher and healer, 302 Alisky bltlg. Questions Wed.. S P. M. Main S225. THE FUR SHOP. New orders and remodeling; best work, lowest prices; trimming. 717 Swetland bl. MOLES, superf iuous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 420 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. B A LM OF F IGS compound Royal Tonio Tablets. 501 Davis st. phone Main 2303, KTH LL BRG. steam baths, massage. 507 508 Northwest bldg. Hours 10 to 3. LESSONS in phrenology a:id card readings. 2:." Gth st. phone Main 754S. Chiropractic; chronic esses, 31 t.atment $15. Others less. Steam baths, m 4th,