Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 04, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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School Nurse Smells Smoke
at 4 A. M. and Inmates
Aroused in Time.
Damage Estimated at $50,000 Fully
Covered by Insurance Courses
for Year to Be Cut and New
Site May Be Selected.
St. Helen's Hall, an Episcopal acad
emy for girls. St. Clair street and Park
avenue, was gutted and almost entirely
destroyed by fire early yesterday morn
ing, at a loss of about i 50,000, fully
covered by insurance.
Mrs. E. Collins, a nurse of the school,
awoke at 4 A. M. and, smelling smoke,
she rushed to the rooms of other occu
pants of the building and sounded the
alarm. Five sisters of the Order of
St. John the Baptist and one student,
Miss Alma Houser, of Kansas City. Mo.,
were the only occupants and they es
caped from the rapidly burning build
ing. The fire Is believed to have started
under the stairway of the laundry,
which Is immediately adjacent to the
fire escape.
The building is of brick construction,
with a wooden interior. The attic,
which was used for sleeping rooms for
students, was completely destroyed
and the Interior of the entire building
gutted. Sister Superior Julia Francis
attempted to recover papers and other
documents from the office on the sec
ond floor, but a wall of flame encircled
the room.
Pupils Dae Soon.
"The pupils for the Fall term of
school were due to arrive here a few
days before September 13, the opening
of school," said the sister superior yes
terday, "and I dislike to think of what
would have happened had the fire
broken out a week or 10 days from now
Instead of this morning. It was for
tunate indeed that no more than seven
people occupied the building."
St. Helen's Hall was founded In 1S69
by Bishop Morris. It formerly was lo
cated on the present site of the Munici
pal building, but in 1890 was moved
to its present site. The Sisters of St.
John, an Episcopal order, took charge
of the institution eight years ago. The
building was four stories high. The
brick walls are still standing, but it is
not thought that they can be used In
rebuilding. Since the building was
'erected the property has Increased
many times in value and a sale is said
to be in consideration by the board of
Coarsen to Be Cat.
The school owns property midway
between Portland and Linnton and it
Is said there is a possibility that the
new location of the school may be on
this tract. An unofficial meeting of
the trustees was held yesterday, but
no action was taken. It was decided
to discontinue the elementary classes
for the coming year and to hold pri
mary classes only. These classes will
be housed In the St. Helen's Hall gym
nasium, Just across the street from the
burned building.
St. Helen's Hall bears the distinction
of being one of the best schools of Its
kind in Portland, as well as being a
pioneer Institution. Many of the lead
ing women of Oregon are graduates of
the Hall.
Owing to the long climb, only the
Portland Heights fire station was able
to fight the blaze successfully.
Mespage That Eastern Industries Want
Locations With No Saloons Starts
Register Campaign.
EUGENE, Or., Sept. 3. (Special.)
One hundred and fifty Eugene business
men, responding to the appeal of tem
perance from a commercial standpoint
following a banquet tonight, set in
motion a campaign to advertise Iane
County by the fact that it can return
the largest majority for state-wide
prohibition in Oregon.
A campaign fund of $1000 was start
ed. The campaign will take the form
of an effort to register the entire dry
vote In Lane County on the basis that
the Oregon dry campaign is in danger
of going by default through the ina
bility of the dry forces to bring out
the voters.
"Oregon is in danger of going wet,"
declared R. P. Hutton, sent to Oregon
by the Pittsburg Board of Trade with
the message that the Eastern indus
tries are seeking dry territory in which
to locate branch Industries. "On the
present registration we are whipped
to a frazzle. In the best residence
districts of Portland the drys are un
registered, but the wets are registered
to a man."
Hutton has figured that a wet vote
of more than 85,000 will defeat the
temperance cause unless a greater dry
vote can be induced to register. Sep
tember 20 is to be made a day on which
every preacher in Oregon is expected
to urge his church members to "become
Oregon citizens It is proposed to
end motor cars with business men into
the rural districts and hold registration
"bees" in the rural schoolhouses.
Wedding on Sea, to Avoid Red Tape,
Called Off.
MARSH FIELD, Or., Sept. ?. (Spe
cial.) Marriage on the high sea, out
side the jurisdiction of the State of
Oregon or the United States was hit
upon here by Kenneth Kelley and Mrs.
I-orna Cobb, a recent divorcee, as a
means of dispensing with the red tape
necessary to a wedding in Oregon.
Fear of legal complications, however,
arose after the tug Standard had been
chartered by Cupid and a minister had
been asked to perform the ceremony.
The cruise was cancelled and the pros
pective bridegroom obtained a health
certificate here and applied for a mar
riage license, as required by the Ore
gon law.
Relatives and friends of the bridal
pair had arranged for the trip to sea,
and attorneys had passed their opin
ion on the legal phase. The minister,
however, asked the opinion of Judge
John S. Coke, who did not encourage
the carrying out of the arrangement,
and the sea wedding was called off.
The legal point was the question of
Mro. Cobb's recent divorce. Mr. Kelley
Is an employe at the Bay City sawmill
and Mrs. Cobb Is a young woman well
known at lioseburg and Junction City.
MBS "ife. fflfflsnsmsrT Hlffla? r' saWH nl
itj MalgM m ' 1 1 p 1 iliii 111" 1 ii ' BMPsgg""gff tKFyTiLy BaarasSflBn
'p''' wm fiat?lMBtKiaalasasaimal JBBsnEflMpMl
Tramp Chartered to Carry
Wheat to Islands.
Several Vessels Cancel Trips, but
English Monarch Essays to Make
Journey With Cargo for Port
of British Waters.
Not since hostilities were introduced
beyond the Atlantic have grain ex
porters evinced interest in charters
until yesterday, when it was talked
here that a tramp steamer had been
fixed for early loading at 35 shillings.
The reported engagement was a live
topic, as it tended to show that all
hope has not been abandoned, that
there will be opportunity soon for send
ing wheat cargoes to the United
ehilling fixture was an indicator that
freights were not going to jump wildly
oecause 01 me
British Steamer From China.
The engagement of the tramp En
glish Monarch was at 35 shillings In
j .aa tVia lii p-hout
freight reported. The British steamer
oaxon jvionarcn arnvcu in liio iivci
yesterday from Hongkong, which she
was reported to have left July 27. She
is consigned to M. H. Houser and prob
ably will load at Irving dock. The
Norhav, which came into the river from
Santa Rosalia August 21. is to start
working wheat at living dock today.
The ship is equipped with water bal
lats tanks, and, while that fact saved
her from going to the Linnton ballast
i. .... .. ..... tViA tanks.
aikci -
time had to be allowed for them to
dry, and then lining had to be com-
Th. "VnrM-Acinn hark Alcides.
which finished Tuesday and was cleared
Wednesday, is not to leave unin to
morrow, and her departure may be de
layed beyond that time.
The charter of the British tramp
Baron Tweedmouth, on the way from
Woo-Sung for the Golden Gate, is re
ported canceled and others are expected
v. - j tn lkt ass Rnmft owners
LO UH auurju m
are unwilling to take chances in send
ing ships to sea in these troublesome
times. '
Idle Boats May Come Here.
There is a report from the East that
owners of tramp steamers tied up at
, hAcancA of the war are
considering sending them to the Pacific
side, figuring mat oy ine a"
around here there will be opportuni
ties for spot chartering, also that there
will be less risk shouldered in dispatch
ing them lor cngianu.
mi,nnc lr.Tphanffft Was in-
formed yesterday that the German bark
Kurt sailed from Santa Rosalia for the
Columbia River August 4, her master
probably not being aware that war
prospects were so near, one itai
21 from Ham
burg with general cargo. The German
bark Dalbek arrived irom oiii
11 n t.,i s Dud was to have loaded
grain for the United Kingdom, but her
charter was canceled at ue mwan
of her owners.
mL ha-lr 5tplTlhpk. loaded
with lumber at Bellingham that Is
destined for Liverpool, is uewi
v. ,. v. - . .. ... Comvn. Mackall
& Co. are the charterers. The Ham
burg-American steamer oa.yoma. i-
1 rtrt 'Ptirt Sound, and they
llldlllS VI, B
are the only carriers that appear to
have no cnance 01 saiims o
the war holds on.
Yellow Stack Packet Grahamona
Has One Inch to Spare.
When the Yellow Stack steamer
Grahamona passed through the locks
and canal at Oregon City yesterday
there was a depth of 19 inches in the
lower lock, and the vessel drew IS
inches. Needless to say she had little
freight aboard. The water there was
at an unusually low stage, and it is
promised there will be greater depth
today by four or five Inches, as some
of the water used for power purposes
win be diverted into the canal. The
river stood 4.2 feet above zero here
yesterday and .6 above at Wilsonville.
The steamer Oregona took about 125
hoppickers from Taylor-street dock
yesterday, thought to be the last crowd
of size to leave for the hopyards this
season. A few are straggling back,
having worked long enough to realize
that there are many knacks about
picking profitably that an amateur is
to master. As soon as picking season
ends there will be a flocking home of
the individuals and families who make
the period their annual outing.
Soutli American Liner Grounds on
Paget Sound During Fog.
W. R. Grace & Co. gave out informa
tion yesterday that the Norwegian
steamer Cuxco, of the West Coast fleet,
would not sail from Puget Sound for
Portland until September S. though it
was Intended at first to have her here
this week to take on heavy, consign-j
mcnto trT Sntltll AmeHffln TWirtS. The
vessel went aground at 6 o'clock
Wednesday morning at Marrowstone
Point, a mile from Port Townsena,
V 111,0 lutilliiitj 1 .7 O
-KTrnr'j fm- Tacnma A nhp waK float
ed early in the afternoon and proceeded.
it Is assumed mat sne sustained no
The vessel has 1000 tons of nitrate
for Dupont and a lot of ose to be dis
charged at Tacoma and then begins
loading for the southbound voyage.
The steamer Santa Cruz, of the Grace
New York-Pacific Coast service, ar
rived at Municipal Dock No. 1 late last
night and begins discharging 2750 tons
there this morning. The vessel takes
on New York freight before proceed
ing to Puget Sound.
Crown or Seville's Master Gets First
News of Touhle at San Pedro.
Captain Alexander M. Smith, master
of the Harrison Direct Line steamer
Crown of Seville, which is discharging
at Municipal dock No. 1. thinks he has
been given abundant evidence that
ships of the American Navy preserve
neutrality, for he says that after get
ting through the Straits of Magellan
on his way from Europe, he was in
communication with two Yankee war
ships at different times and neither let
him know that England and Germany
were at war. The wireless plants were
used for general topics and official in
formation, but no inkling of the Euro
pean tempest was imparted to him un
til his vessel reached San Pedro.
The Crown of Seville has about 500
tons of cargo for Portland and goes to
British Columbia and Puget Sound,
starting her return cargo in the north
and finishing at San Francisco. She
will get away from here tomorrow. An
other steamer that moved into the har
bor last night was the British tramp
Cape Finisterre, which proceeded from
St. Helens to the bunkers, and after
taking on coal will drop down to St.
Johns to finish taking on lumber for
Vessels Well Known on This Coast
Seized as Spoils of War.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 3. (Special.)
British war vessels have seized six
German sailing ships in European
waters, according to word that was re
ceived this afternoon by the marine de
partment of the San Francisco Cham
ber of Commerce. All the sliips taken
are known on this coast, for which
they have cleared many times. Those
vessels taken as spoils of war are as
Ship Carl, seized at Cardiff, Wales,
and the ship Chile, at the same place;
the ship Elfrieda, seized at Bristol,
England; auxiliary ship R. C. Rlckmers,
seized while en route from Cardiff to
South American ports; ship Schwar
zenbeck, taken at Cardiff, and the ship
Terpsichore, taken off Limerick, Ire
land. In addition another ship equally well
known at Portland is the German bark
Barmbek, recently reported seized and
which left here on her last voyage
April 21, 1914. The Carl's latest sail
ing from Portland was March 3, 1905;
the Chile's, February 6, 1914; Elfrieda,
November 26, 1912; the R. C. Rickmers,
December 21, 1912, and the Terpsichore,
February 8, 1913. The British steamer
Kumeric, at one time in the Water
house service from Portland, has also
been reported among those taken.
United States Steel Corporation Ship
Expected Here.
Collector of Customs Burke was In
structed yesterday from Washington
that one section of an oath to be
taken by persons purchasing foreign
tonnage and making application for
American registry was canceled, which
"The transfer is not made to evade
the consequences to which a ship of
one of the countries at war, as such.
Is exposed."
No information was included in the
telegram as to why the step was
taken, but it is supposed that sections
of the new law fully cover the point.
In line with news from the East that
the United States Steel Corporation
would immediately place Its ships under
the Stars and Stripes comes word that
arrangements are being made to for
ward at least part of a cargo of steel
here. Considerable steel moves here
regularly and on the Grace liner Santa
Cruz, arriving last night, are 1000 tons
of building steel and hardware sup
Wearers of Cinderella Shoes to Test
New Gangplank Today.
Carpenters at Ainsworth dock uttered
uncomplimentary remarks pertaining
to women's shoe styles yesterday on
completing the first double gangplank
to be tried on the "Big Three" steam
ers when it was pointed out that spaces
between the strips would be veritable
traps for prevailing modes in heels.
Captain Nopander, of the Bear, which
sails this morning, expressed the opin
ion that women should wear "sneak
ers" and ."Mary Jane" footgear as the
most comfortable and less likely to
cause trouble on gangplanks. Fred
Heywood, purser, took issue with him,
contending French, Cuban and military
heels were becoming, even though they
might catch In the gangplank. First
Officer Dunning remained neutral and
suggested covering the spaces with
rubber strips. Chief Engineer Jackson
vouchsafed the declaration that the
present shoe models of narrow toes,
low vamps and high heels would make
it easy for the wearers to navigate the
plank by walking on one board. At
any rate the plank will be in service
this morning and demands for damaged
heels may be filed with the claim de
partment. The Bear will have every pound of
cargo that can be accommodated and
all berths are taken.
.News From Oregon Porta.
ASTORIA, Or.. Sept. 3. (Special.)
The discharging of the canned salmon
cargo brought from Nushagak River,
Alaska, on the ship St. Nicholas was
commenced today at the Columbia
River Packers' Association wharf.
The steamer Yucatan sailed for San
Francisco and San Pedro with freight
and passengers from Astoria and Port
land. The tank steamer Maverick sailed
for California after discharging her
cargo of gasoline.
The steam schooner Daisy Freeman
arrived from Wlllapa harbor, and after
taking on lumber at the Astoria Box
Company's plant, returns to Willana to
finish loading.
The steam schooner J. B. Stetson
sailed for Southeastern Alaska with
general cargo.
The steamer Breakwater arrived to
day from Coos Bay with freight and
The cannery ship Burgess left for
Portland to discharge her cargo of
canned salmon.
The Columbia River Packers' Asso
ciation steamer Oregon sailed from
Chignik Bay, Alaska, on August 29 after
towing the cannery ship Reuce to sea
She should arrive here within a few
The British steamer Saxon Monarch
arrived from Hongkong in ballast. She
is under charter to M. H. Hauser, and
after being fumigated will proceed to
The American steamer Santa Cruz, of
the Grace line, arrived from San Fran
cisco en route to Portland with part
cargo from New York.
The steamer George W. Fenwick
sailed tonight for San Pedro with lum
ber from the Hammond mill.
COOS BAY, Or., "iTpt 3. (Special.)
The Geo. W. Elder, which arrived from
Eureka, made a round trip to Portland,
back to Coos Bay, to Eureka and re
turn in 4 days and 17 hours, a record.
The Elder carried 88 passengers from
Portland when she sailed.
The steam lumber schooner Adeline
Smith arrived from San Francisco.
The steam schooner Paraiso arrived
from Portland today with freight and
35 passengers.
Marine Notes.
Official information has been fur
nished the Merchants' Exchange by C.
D. Kennedy, of the American-Hawaiian
fleet, jaat under the present schedule
the steamer Oregonlan is due here from
New York September 6. the Washing
ton September 10 and the Ohioan Sep
tember 15.
Work has been resumed aboard the
steamer Rochelle at the Vulcan Iron
Works and it is hoped to finish repairs
next week.
In ballast from Nushagak the tug
Akutan was entered at the Custom
House yesterday. She will be prepared
for her stay at Goble during the Win
ter. Because of an overflow of freight
the steamer Tahoma, of the People's
Transportation Company, was ordered
to load and return to The Dalles last
nlgbt, though she arrived here early
In the evening. The vessel usually lays
over Friday and she is to be here to
night so as to go out on time tomorrow
To begin the work of dismantling the
steamer Kansas City, of the San Fran
cisco $ Portland fleet, she has been
towed from Oakland to the Union Iron
Works, at San Francisco, according to
'reports arriving here. The vessel was
sold recently by the company and it Is
understood the hull will be used as a
Harbormaster Speier and his force
were engaged all of yesterday in try
ing to raise a submerged log 10 feet
off Municipal dock No. 1. which was so
firmly imbedded that it resisted all ef
forts and broke heavy chains made fast
to it. A tug with equipment of suf
ficient power will be secured to remove
the obstruction.
Commissioners S. M. Mcars. D. C.
O'Reilly, J. W. Shaver, Fred Pendleton
and E. W. Spencer left on the tug John
McCraken yesterday morning to in
spect dredges working along the river
as far as Tongue Point. The Port of
Portland Commission meets Thursday
and will consider bids for supplying
new equipment when the machinery of
the dredge Columbia Is transferred to a
new hull shortly.
President Floated, to Be Drydocked.
ANACORTES, Wash., Sept 3. The
steamer President, which went ashore
two miles south of here at 10 o'clock
last night, was floated at 7 o'clock to
night. It is believed she is undamaged.
The steamer will go into drydock at
Seattle for examination.
Steamer Schedule.
..In port
. . . In port
. . Sept. 4
. . Sept. 4
. . . Sept. o
. . . Sept. u
. . . Sept. 13
Bear Loa Angeles. . .
Breakwater Coo Bay
Qeo. w. Elder Eureka
Beaver L" Angelei. . .
Roanoke Ban Dleco
Rose City Lo Angele. . .
Yucatan. San Diego
Northland . .
. - Sept.
. . Sept.
, . Sept.
. -Sept.
. . Sept.
. . Sept.
. . Sept.
, . Sept.
. . Sept.
. . .Los Ana-i lea. . . .
. .S. F. to L A....
. . Coos Bay. . .
. . .San Francisco . .
. . San Diego
.. B. F. U L. A
Oeo. W. Elder
Paraiso San Francisco
Roanoke "n
Beaver Los Ang uea.
Klamath San Diego
Rose City Loa Angelea
Yucatan -San Diego
;-J. From
. . sept.
. Sept. 14
..Sept. 14
. .irepi. ID
..Sept. Id
. . Sept. Za
...Oct. Z5
..Oct. -a
..Nov. 10
. . Nov.
..Cnd'f t
. .. Oct
. . Nov. j
. . Nov. t
..Nov. Ik
..Sept. -2a
. . .uv. -
Andalusia Hamburg
Monmoutnshlre. . . .London
De:i of Airlle London
Merionethshire. . . . London .
Belgravla. Hamburg. .
Cardiganshire London. ......
i'l-asllia Hamburg
Namo. For
Andalusia Hamburg
DenofAirile London
Merionethshire. . . . London .
Uelgravla. Hamburg
i-ardlganshlra London.
Monmouthshire. London
Brasilia Hamburg
i.askam SEKVIC&
Nam a or
Quinault Skagway
Thos. L. Wand .Skagway
J. B. Stetson Skagway
Sept 10
.Sept. IS
Sept. 1
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Sept. S. Arrived Sleamer
Breakwater, from Coos Bay; bark Levi G.
Burgess, from Nushagak.
Astoria. Sept. 3. Sailed at 6 A. M..
steamer Y'ucatan. for Sen Diego and way
ports. Arrived at 7 and left up at 8:10 A
M. steamer Breakwater, from Coos Bay.
Left up at A. M.. bark Levi G. Burgess.
Sailed at 9:15 A M.. steamer Maverick,
for San Francisco. Arrived at 1 P. M., Brit
ish steamer Sasoa Monarch, from Hong
kong. Arrived at 2 P. M. and left up at 3:40
P M., steamer Santa Cruz, from New yorK.
Sailed at 1 P. steamer J. B. Stetson, lor
Skagway and way ports.
San Francisco, Sept. 3. Arrived Stean.r
Roanoke, from San Diego, for Portland.
Sailed Steamer Hose City, from Portland,
for San Pedro. September 2 Arrived at 6
p M steamer Catania, from Portland.
Sa Pedro, Sep', 3. Arrived Log raft,
from Columbia R.r. September 2 Arrived
Schooner W. F. Jewett, from Columbia
Coos Bay Sept. 3. Arrived and sailed at
noon, steamer Geo. W. Elder, from Eureka,
'"sRo'salla. Aug. i Sailed German bark
Kurt, for Portland. i-
Astoria, Sept. 2. Arrived at 10:30 P M.,
steamer Daisy Freeman, from Aberdeen.
Left up at 10:30 P. M.. British steamer
CNew orSk.V"sept 3.-Salled-Santa Clara,
'"san" 'pranclsco. Sept. 3. Arrived Schooner
Hugh Hogan. from Sluslaw River. Sailed
Steamers Wllmliigton. for Seattle; Lnter
prise, for Hilo.
Tides at Astoria Friday.
High. l-ow.
0:17 A. 11 S.3 reet;7:08 A. M
1:04 P M. 7.9 feet7:22 P. M
0. 0 feet
1. T feet
Columbia Biver Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD, Sept. 8. Condition of the
bar at 5 P. M.. cloudy; bar, smooth; wind,
southeast. i4 miles.
Slarconi Wireless Reports.
(Ail positions reported at 8 P. M. September
3, unless otherwise designated.)
Yucatan, Portland for San Francisco, off
UnvvTameKue?rsan Francisco for Everett, off
CGeoMwr Elder. Coos Bay for Portland, 15
miles north of Taqulna Head.
Beaver San Francisco for Portland,
miles south ot Yaiiulna Head. .,
Maverick, Portland for El Segundo. ,75
miles north of El Segundo.
Queen. San Francisco for Seattle. 82 miles
north of Cape Blanco. I
Geo W Fenwick, Astoria for San Pedro,
10 miles south of Columbia River
Klamath. San Francisco for Portland, -o
miles south or Columbia Rlyer.
Santa Cruz, San Francisco for Portland, 45
miles from Portland. .... i.
Stetson, Portland for Alaska ports, off De
struction Island. . . ...
Lucas. Seattle for Richmond, 55 miles
north of the Columbia River. .,,,
Alameda, Seattle for Alaska, due at Ketch
ikan at 1:30 A. M., September 3.
Richmond, Seattle for Richmond, 740
miles from San Francisco.
Santa Rita. Seattle for Port San Lula, o
miles west of West Point
Santa Clara, Santa Barbara for San Luis,
15 miles west of Santa Barbara.
Redondo. San Pedro for San Francisco, 18
miles north of San Pedro.
Santa Cecilia, San Francisco for Balboa.
467 miles south of San Francisco.
Lansing. Port Harford. 10 miles south of
Point Sur. .
Yale, San Pedro for San Francisco, passed
Point Hneneme at 8:31 P. M.
Herrln. Monterey for Linnton, 318 miles
north of Monterey.
Grace Dollar. San Francisco for Bandon,
322 miles north of San Francisco.
Chansior, Monterey for Honolulu, 883 miles
from Honolulu at S P. M.. September 2.
Lurllne. Honolulu for San t ranclsco. 17o0
miles out at 8 P. M.. September 2.
Sonoma, San Francisco for Honolulu, 441
miles out at 8 P. M.. September 2.
Hvades, Seattle for Honolulu, 41 mllea
from Cape Flattery at 8 P. M., September 2.
Manoa, San Francisco for Honolulu, J.4
miles out at 8 P. M.. September 2.
Vance, San Pedro for Columbia River
points, 10 miles south of Point Sur.
Lansing, Oleum for San Luis. 10 miles
from San Luis.
Bulk, San Luis for Everett, 31 miles
from San Lula. ' .
Celilo, San Francisco for Portland, five
mllea north of Point Reyea
Nann Smith, Coos Bay for San Francisco.
30 miles north of San Francisco.
Admiral Dewey. San Francisco for Seattle,
off Point Reyes.
Hanalet. San Francisco for Eureka 35
miles north of Point Reyes.
Rose City. San Francisco for San Pedro,
14 miles south of Point Sur.
Sierra, Honolulu for San Francisco, 187
miles from lightship.
Htlonlan. Hllo for San Francisco, 288
miles from lightship.
Speedwell. San Pedro for San Francisco.
120 miles south of San Francisco.
Did you think it possible to buy a
$650 up-to-date 88-note Player Piano
for 9335 cash? You can do so at Graves
Music Co., Ill Fourth street, provided
you buy this week. Adr,
Vast Domain Covered by Old
Wagon Road Grant Sought
by 158 Claimants.
Oregon History Dating as Far Back
as '89 Cited Suitors Proffer
$2.50 Acre Southern Oregon
Company Joint Defendant.
The State of Oregon, as a political
corporation, Oswald West as Gov
ernor, and A. M. Crawford, aa Attorney
General thereof, are made defendants
with the Southern Oregon Company, a
corporation, successor in interest to the
Coos Bay Wagon lload Company, in a
suit filed in the United States District
Court yesterday by T. S. MInot. a San
Francisco attorney, representing 15S
claimants to quarter sections of timber
laud In Coos County, now held by the
Southern Oregon Company.
The bill of complaint alleges non
compliance in the execution or the
terms of a land grant made tlrst by
Congress to the State ot Oregon In
1869, on condition that a military wag
on road be constructed from the navi
gable waters of Coos Bay to Koseburg,
in Douglas County. This grant was
made on condition that the lands
"should be sold to one person only in
quantities not greater than one-quarter
section, for a price not exceeding
$2.50 an acre."
105,120 Acres granted.
The bill of complaint recites that In
the years 1873, 1874 and 1876 the Coos
Bay Company was granted "qualified
and restricted patents" to the land,
comprising in all 105,120 acres, the
company having always assented and
agreed to the provision of the original
grant as to the disposal of the lands.
It is alleged that the Coos Bay Com
pany, after receiving the patents,
failed to comply with the terms of the
"On or about May U, 1875." tbe
complaint proceeds, "the Coos Bay
Wagon Road Company executed and
delivered to John Miller, alias Ambrose
Woodruff, in fee simple, a void deed
of conveyance" covering 35.533 acres,
and at the same time deeded to the
same man tbe Government wagon roao
in aid of the construction of which the
grant was originally made.
Notables Are Imvolved.
It Is alleged that In these transac
tions Miller, or Woodruff, was simply
acting as the agent ot Collls P. Hunt
ington, Charles Crocker, Leland Stan
ford and Mark Hopkins, who, the com
plaint asserts, were the actual parties
in Interest
Other transactions are named where
by this tract and the balance of the
lands passed through various hands,
finally ending up with the alleged
"wrongful" title vested in the South
ern Oregon Improvement Company,
with, in 1884, "a fraudulent and nuga
tory deed of trust or mortgage" to
the Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Com
pany. In these transactions, It is alleged,
the principals were In conspiracy, act
ing for the benefit of "certain pre
ferred stockholders In the Southern
Oregon Improvement Company and the
Southern Oregon Company.
It Is contended that true title to
the lands now rests in the state, and
that neither the statute of limitations,
nor the "doctrine of laches" applies
in tbe case.
l.-.s Claimants) Sue.
The 158 claimants named in the bill
of complaint offer to pay Into court
$2.50 an acre for the lands they claim,
and further offer to reimburse the
Southern Oregon Company for all sums
rightfully expended by it as trustee,
with offsets for "all timber unlawfully
removed and all lands fraudulently sold
to other partiea"
The prayer of the complaint Is that
the court difinitely settle and adjust
the rights of all parties interested;
that an Injunction issue against "any
further depredations on the property
Involved; that a decree be entered re
quiring the Southern Oregon Company
to relinquish title; that a receiver be
appointed to wind up the affairs In
volved in the suit and that Judgment
be granted to the complainants for
their costs and disbursements in the
Sheriff Qnlne Arrests Mas at Kloreare
Who Had Ben Near Scene
of Robbery.
ROSEBURG. Or., Sept. 3. (Special.)
After tracking the men suspected of
robbing the safe of the Gardiner Mill
Company of nearly $6000 to Florence,
a distance of about 30 miles. Sheriff
George Quine today arrested one of
the suspects as he was about to board
a boat bound for Yreka, Cal. The pris
oner, who is described as being about
35 years old. Is known to have been
In Gardiner on the day preceding the
robbery. On the day following he was
missing. When searched by Sheriff
Quine he had $300. He gave no expla
nation as to how he came Into posses
sion of the money.
Because he fears it will Interfere
with his plans to capture the other
men Implicated in the robbery Sheriff
Quine has refused to divulge the name
of tbe prisoner. The Sheriff said,
however, that he was confident that
he was one of the men implicated in
the robbery.
The suspect is believed to be a for
mer pal of Frank Vaughn, now serv
ing a term in the penitentiary and who
is suspected of being Implicated In the
robbery ot the Myrtle Point bank last
November. Vaughn formerly lived at
The Gardiner Mill Company Issued
a statement today that the robbers
secured nearly $6000 iu cash, as well
as jewelry and other merchandise
valued at $1500.
Hock Island Foreclosure Begun.
NEW YORK. Sept 3. Foreclosure
suit against the Chicago, Rock Island
& Pacific Railroad Company was
brought in the Federal District Court
here today by the Central Trust Com
pany. Default of Interest to the amount
of $1,426,000 on the road's 4 per cent
gold bonds of 2002 Is alleged. The ac
tion is regarded as formal.
Counterfeit Clrarso Placed.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Sept. I (
cial.) Charged with passing counter
feit dime at Stevenson, Robert Pur-
A Little Chat With
William Hanley,
Candidate for Unitec
States Senator Hi.
Views on Education-
He Does Not Shy al
Bis Men Who Are
Long on Education
"If You Believe in My
Platform Climb on
My Bandwagon Be
fore All the Seats Are
Gone" His Views on
the "Full Dinner Pail"
Argument :
Whether maaaara by the Feelers!
Governnsent or the stale, the niw
eeeds from Oregon's renwurrea, lends,
wsirr-sowrr, etc., hmilil he ne
cured to Oregon, snd. If serfaaarf,
rapltsllsrd or borrowed saslnsl. last
s n prltste rnrporsllon would do.
NO MONorni.i.
Nslursl resonrces Hhttuld lie held
Is trust for the peonlr snd lessrd
for use oa flexible terse. We have
the greatest deposits of soda and
potash In the world In Uaatera Ore
goa. California's deposits have
passed lato private haaaa. Make
this Impossible In oregoa.
The Federal tioveromenl hss res
atltntloaal powers ta hulld post
roods. (iiHMl ronds are the very
baekbone of civilisation aad mm.
aaeree. The ssme rensoa that lead
the general Government to develop
Alaska apply to oregoa.
"IT MUST bave been someone who
a wants the Senatorial Job to go
where It will do the most good to ths
Incumbent and his friends who said my
education was 'too short' to get mo
anywhere in Washington," said William
"Whoever it was. It reminds me of a
couple of graduates from an Eastern
college whose fathers sent them, and
to me, for some Western experience, t
told the foreman to put them on the
pay roll, give them something soft to
do and keep the other boys from rid
ing them too hard. In a few days he
sent them to build a fence around
some hay stacks. About a week later
we were riding by those stacks, and
the foreman got off to examine thu
fence. He put his foot against one of
the posts and pushed the whole thing
over. Ills first comment will not besr
publication; but after he was relieved
of It he said, with a kind of hopeless
despair: 'I couldn't expect anything bet
ter, the poor fellows, they're educated."
So It depends on the meant point
ssJ VEltYBODY knows that my lan-a-
guage bas never been rianlcured;
but I can put over an Idea with It, and
that's what a MAN wants, or a WOMAN
either, and I don't care for the other.
wjUT I want to add this about my not
0 getting somewhere: My trouble,
particularly In Eastern cities, has al
ways been to keep from getting some
where too much. A few years ago all
the Western Governors went on an ax
curslon East and took me along, and
none of them got anywhere that I
didn't In fact. I think they over
worked me when it came to answering
questions about conditions In the great
Northwest and the hopes and needs of
the people out here. They seemed to
consider that my long SUIT. and. being
MEN and not NEAR-MEN, they wera
not shocked at my delivery of goods.
fF THE things I noted down In my
1 platform are what you want climb
on my band wagon before the seats are
all Rone ana leave n m s"
with tnem. oig men i - -
. . . I mrm tn Mill
Say at, noweior sssss - "
cation, for I don't think education
spoils that kind: and. as imrr-- worn
say. A man a a man tor "'-
"You can pick up The Oregonlan
every day and find that full-dlnner-pail
stuff. You may just as well say. 'We'll
keep your stomach full and you keep on
working,' or 'We'll restore confidence
and you keep on working." "
Opportunity makes people Bbut out
any chance of vision or betterment and
you make the outlook of the people
An election is nothing but a stock
holders' meeting. The poor man has
got as good a share as you hsve and
you have got to recognlxe It.
A man had better have the oppor
tunity to throw away than never to
have bad the opportunity at all, for.
after all. he is a better cltlsen because
he has had tbe experience.
(Paid Advertisement by Hanley Cam
paign Committee. O. C. Pol tor. Manager.)
cell was held to answer to the charga
to the Federal Court before E. M. 8an
lon United States CommlsUner. in
this city. Punell was arrested In Ste
venson by Treasury Detective V A.
Glover, of the Kedersl Secret Service.
John Secrlst. Deputy United States zoos mfmiiw
No More"
luoundod 07
p. DA via.
for aate oy all u: ugslste