THE MOUSING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1914. 14 REAL. EtiXATE. Tor Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. 1, 0 and 10-acre tract. 30 minutes out on NEW BIG. RED, STEEL ELECTRIC CARS. 32c commuters" tare; very best ol soil water and community conven iences; $125 to 5w per acre, on installments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., Main 35. 102 4th St. A 3500. ACRES. J250. 110 down and $5 a. month buys 5 acre rood logged-off land, between Portland and Central.-, on main line o railroads, lu miles from town of 1000 population; sawmills, shingle mills and other indus tries; some of these tracts are hail cleared- beautiful trout stream; first-class bottom land, good soil; lies well, fine lo cation: 1C0 acres to choose from; perfect title, warranty deed. BELL HEAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Excuange. QUARTER-ACRE TRACTS ON WEST SIDE. Good soil. Bull Run water, 5o carfare j: down, s per month. Here's your opportunity to make a start. SHEFAKD & GEARLN. 462 Washington st- near 13th. Main 865. A. 4710. J&LLCTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station, chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision, near Greshum; 5 acres 4t)0 5ou. $ou; acres. $500, $700; lo acres. T50. $-00. SIOVO per tract; best soil free wood, spring water; acreage at fccappuose. Or.. $25 to $100 per acre. 1-jCANK M'FAKLAND REALTY CO.. 809 eon Bmlding, Portland, Or. " ftOft, BABY TERMS. 10 acres rich bottom land, partly cleared, on countv road, close to R. R. station and good town; reliable party can have stock and would aUo be willing to build house, work tan be had close to property. Call 626 Corbett bldg. Irrigated Lands. FINEST tracts In Willamette Valley, any size; your own terms. Get in on the ground tioor. Call e:. Stark St., near 4tn. Homesteads. TWO cood agricultural homesteads, some timber, water and close to market. Curry and Tillamook County; railroad building close. Marshall 334L0o Oregonian bldg. 40 VCRES, 500,000 saw timber, on Columbia River BaT. $184 Kts Government patent, no -residence required; will make Summer home Marshall gML 03 Oregonian bldg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 100 acres, in Clackamas County; cheap; must sell. Larin. lia Hd st. North. 16 &.CRES $160; some Improvements, good watt.r and level; 4 miles from a town. K 220, Oregonian. l or Sale Farms. A FIXE ranch of 83 acres In fertile, health ful Cow Creek Valley, 17 miles from rail road -n fine county road, mite from p o and school; trout stream front or house; 19 acres cleared, balance about 3,000,000 feet fir timber; all kinds bearing fruit berries and currants, CO apple trees; runn'ing spring water from four faucets; four-room bungalow. nearly new. fur nished complete; large work shop and storehouse, barn and other outbuildings; fine team, 2 sets double harness, buggy, wagon and all tools; 2 cows, 2 heifers and bull calf. 90 chickens, hay and crops; all can be bought reasonable terms. Barrett D. Randall, GalesvlUe, Oregon. SOME STOCK RANCH. UOO acres; 300 high state cultivation, balance in oasture and timber; abundance of water; two big new barns, good house, rrnmtnw water to all buildings; 700o ca pacity sawmill, fully equipped; all kinds machinery, including: steam threshing out fit: 100 head cattle, 13 horses, 50 hogs, chickens, reese, etc. ; household furniture, $200 worth preserved fruit; 100 tons hay and 4000 bushels oats in barn; In fact, everything needed on a modern, money maklnsr ranch. Price. 985 per acre, most of which can stand at low rate for long time. UMBDE.VSTOCK & LARSON CO., 2S0 Oak St. CALIFORNIA COUNTRY LANDS. California country lands In small tracts in the srreat Sacramento Valley, 22 miles north of Sacramento; three lines of trans, portatlon, deep sediment soil, ready for the plow, level as the floor, all in culti vation, with well and hog-tight fence; $150 per acre, small payment down, bal ance monthly or yearly payments; no In terest, no taxes for five years. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 2d Fir. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 60 ACRES, 26 MILES OUT. Just U mile from station, In cultiva tion; nice, level land, on fine county road, balance of land is slashed for burning, easy clearing; very productive; free from rock or gravel; good well, no buildings; price J 130 per acre, hi cash, balance 6 per cent. No trade. LUEDDEMAN. RULEY CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR TRADE. S00 A. wheat ranch with Improvements, food, house, barn, well and machinery; 24 mi. from R. R. town in Morrow County. $20 per A.; only $1000 cash, bal. In crop paymte.; will take a good trade In desirable city property for a portion of this; this is a proposition that can't be equaled in this city today. X 226, Ore gonian. RANCH STOCKED. IN CROP. 160 acres, 44 cultivation, 9 cows. S horses, 25 hoge, 50 tons hay in barn, root and other crop, good buildings, all tools, full dairy equipment, carpenter and blank smith shop and tools; compelled to sac rifice. See owner at 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. 80 ACRES fine. level land, chocolate-colored soil, no waste; fine for clover, timothy, al falfa; a place for stock and poultry; can't be beat for turkeys; $1000, $40 cash and $20 per month and no fnterest; get partic ulars at once ; these 80s are going fast A. D. LEE. 002 Title & Trust Bladg. 40 ACRES 3 COWS. Near Ridgefleld: all good soil; 30 acres cultivated ; has buildings, 3 cows, other tork and farm machinery; 18 miles from Portland. 3 miles to railroad station. The price. StSOO; $1200 down. See Mr. Ackley, 204 Failinn bld. BIG TRACTS. For colonization and stock ranches. In Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Geo. E. Waggoner, exclusive dealer. 805Yeon bldg. 40 ACRES, 15 in cultivation, balance open; all fenced; good spring; 1 miles from station; house, barn, etc: team, cows, hogs, chickens, wagons and farm tools, $3100; $1000 cash. 1-2. 2d,room 26. RANCH bargain for cash, near electric line, near Portland; must sell. By owner, 107 First st. 120 ACRES. 3 miles Camas, Wash.. $35 acre. Owner. 1118 Yeon bldg. WANTED RE.-VL ESTATE. "WANTED Modern house up to $;i50O; will give Interest in paying wholesale busi ness and clear lots in exchange; will not assume. P. O. box 571. Portland, Or. UNIMPROVED lots or acreage at first pay ment on my $3500 Laurelhurst home at 1221 E. GMsan st. Elmer S. Shank. Phones Tabor 4411. Main 2113. 802 Ry. Exchange. ONE or two lota on Portland Heights. J. R. Turner, 904 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8820. LOT wanted for cash in Rose City Park or Belle Crest; must be a bargain. Call 835 E. 26th st. W. W. car to Gladstone. WILL pay all cash for lot in Rose City Park; must be cheap; give lot and block number. V 207. Oregonian. VACANT lot. good location, valued under $1500,' on second mortgage; terms. C 225, Oregonian. WANTED Small house on easy terms, not over $1600. 512 Stock Exchange. FOR SALK TIMBER LANDS. $4500 ONLY for 6,000,000 of heavy yellow fir and 2.000,000 of rtre-kllled timber back of Stevenson, Wash. A. E. Weber, Tim ber Valley. Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J- MCCRACKEN, 304 M'KAY BLDO. WANTED TO RENT F.MiMS. I WANT to rent a chicken ranch within 6 or 10-cent limit; must be In good con dition in regards to buildings; state price and location, also If stock can be bought. Answer. "Reliable." J 229. Oregonian. DAIRYMAN wishes to lease fully equipped ranch: 12 years experience; Portland and San Francisco references. Write full par ticulars to 76S Tacoina ave., Portland. WANTED To rent a farm; stocked; prefer Shares. Call Main 6394. ' FOR RENT FARMS. LARGE dairy ranch with hay. livestock, hnnluMMita hnuneho'.J soods. for sale ; can get lease and hay without stock. Address W. A. Matthews. Moiaiia. Jr. TO EXrHANOE REAL ESTATE. -i-haTw hiirher shon and bath: will trade for shOD or residence property; value $1000. Write box 251, Clarketon, wash. vrii,i.'H haut in irvlnrton district, for ex e nance. B. M. Lombard. 11 Madison bids. Main rssjrax, a wmm TO EXCHANGE, r?3 estate for an automo bile. M. E. Lee, coroett omg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, $75 DAIRY AND STOCK FARM $73 PER ACRE. Will furnish $1000 to buy stock and im plements and take In exchange $o000 in clear Portland income property, baL long time at C per cent for 200-acre farm near Eugene 120 acres bottom land in cultiva tion acres pasture, 25 acres timber, house, barn, orchard, good spring, near school, fine proposition to get a good farm all stocked, without any cash. See Sewer. 209 Stark st.. at , HARTMAN & THOMPSON FOR SALE OR TRADE. My SO-acre farm in the Willamette "Val ley; everything in cultivation; well fenced; 30 miles from Portland and 1 mile to important Valley town, on two railroads. The property is unincumbered ,my price below value and take good city property in trade up to $10,000. Owner, AE 223, Oreconian FOB SALE or trade at sacrifice. Fire In sawmill. You can do well to rebuild. Boilers and engine cood; also some other machinery; donkey on ground, but not included in this; 2,000,000 feet of timber, mora to be had adjoining. 200.000 feet of logs ready cut in woods, 2 t miles from railroad; would take auto in trade; terms. virc- Piv BSBT.T. rVR TRADE. If vou wish to seil your real estate for cash or trade for other property, it will pay you to see us for quick results; i years successful business is our guarantee for a square deal. MKENZIE & CO. 515 Gerlinger bldg. Main 2 SOI. I WANT a tract of partly improved land 1000 to 2300 acres in Willamette Valley or Coast counties, priced not over $-o per acre- have some unincumbered timber, some income property in good city; might assume a little. L, K. Moore, U1 Board of Trade. SAN DIEGO 6-room bungalow, strictly modern, lot B0xl50: garage, poultry-house and runs, lots of fruit and flowers; value $5200; for Portland property of equal value or less and take balance caeh. Pre fer Rose City Park or Irvington. Ad dress E. W. Spiegel. 47 First St.. Portland. 26 ACRES choice land, near Gervals: fence on railroad; all under cultivation; free of incumbrance; $130 per acre; will take house and lot in Portland as part pay ment. J. O. Elrod, owner. 515 Corbett bldg Ask for Mr. Crossley. BEAUTIFUL, highly-improved place, fully equipped with stock and machinery, with In 30 miles of Portland, right at R. R. station; price $13,000; want city income property on an even trade. I K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. EXCHANGE. We have houses and lots for farms, acreage and farms for houses. If you want to exchange on cash basis, see Mr. Epton. rT"MART RPAI.TV C'O.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE Drug store for Portland property; stock and fixtures will invoice $3000; located In Southern Oregon, popu lation 400, good surrounding country. Ad dress Box 64. Rogue River, Oregon. 40 ACRES on county road, close to The Dalles clear of incumbrance; value $2000. Want '4 or 3-room bungalow In good dis trict up to $3300. Smith-Wagoner Co.. s t ock Mcmmy b. WHAT have you to trade for 20 acres in Washington County and 10 acres near station, electric line; aleo city lots? AE 219. Oregonian. ( I WILL trade my five-room cottage (or a heavy team of horses, tee J. H. Nash. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Office hours between 10 ana r. ri 160 ACRES, 33 miles from Forest Grove, for Portland properly; price .o per uwo. W. H. SEITZ & CO., 310 Spalding Bldg. Main 65S4. WILL trado anything from a $15 horse to a section or lana worm iu,vuu. v John Bogue. La Pine, Or. 1912 4-DOOR car to exchange for clear lot or house with small mtg. or sen ieoui able. Mar. 2432. HOME in Seaside, value $3500, to exchange for Portland property: win assume imwi ortgapre. AG --t. uregonian. FOR TRADE Six-room, two-story house, restricted, a is trie i, ciuse m, iw j home. C 22S, Oregonian. LARGE vacant lot. In good district, as first payment on small nouse; owners niv. AE 228, Oregonian. FIRST mortgage, $2000, well secured, for good vacant lot up io jioou, piuanra HAVE equity in 4-room house, mtg. $400, to exchange xor auto or iumui.. $.!. 2432. WANT house equity or clear, cheap v icant must for large equity in o apieurn iuls; deal. O 223, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. MOTORBOAT Eva II for sale or trade for i a. a. i .-. r irnr f tlCt tiri?A IT! gOOU ftUlU , Uiia uva.1. - utt i - cruiser races, Portland Motorboat Club, at Butteville; large boathouse and up-to-date boat. Address H. G. T., box 63, Ore gon City, Or. . FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. PAIR big bay draft mares, full sisters. weign uiuu io " pullers, safe for any boy to handle, set good heavy harness, collars, all goes at low price $263; also team matched dapple grays, weigh 2750 lbs., low blocky chunks and true, reliable at all times to do any thing, with set heavy harness, price $27$; team matched browns, horse and mare, weighs 2650, set good harness, price $22o; team 6-year-old mares, weighs 2450 lbs., in fine condition and make fine ranch team set good harness, price $190 ; two good Studebaker farm wagons, heavy and light at your own price. Union Transfer Stables. 11th at Hoyt at. Replacing with auto trucKs ONE pair heavy horses just from Eastern (jregon, guarnueu uw K""1- and ready for hard work. One covered wagon, with horse and har ness, also tent and stove; complete camp ing or hop picking outfit. One good light work horse. One good liou-pound mule at a bargain. Two No. 1 saddle horsea. Six heavv teams for hire by the month. 40 East 8th. Phone East 631i BARGAINS in mares as follows: Big dap- . i Unlirlum hrtrso. weigh about 1400 lbs. and is first-class brood mare, not lame or sore, price $8o; also chunky built mare, weighs about 1100 lbs., works any place or ride, price $6o; one brown mare, weighs lluO, work single or double, and ride, safe for lady to han dle price $45; one single harness, good order price $10; one single Spring wagon, good condition, $25; one farm wagon, nar row tires, all complete, good running or der, $25. Union Transfer Stables, 11th and Hoyt sts. ' WANT HORSES FOR AUTOMOBILE TRUCKS. Will take in your horses as first pay ment on automobile trucks of any ea pacit; give detailed destription, weight, age, price and where same can be found, the kind of business you want a truck for and the amount you can pay pet month on same. Address R 201, Orego nian. THE nicest Shetland pony and buggy in Oregon ior sxic -t mo "- pony is guaranteed in every way and trial will be given satisfactory to purchaser. McClelland & Co., 240 E. 8th. Phono East 315. FARM outfit $110; team mares, weight n . n.x . sat tr.tnii harness ii-iUV IUB., guw y. -- and narrow-tire farm wagon with box sear; au cuiuyiciw mmm. ':,;r Call. see this rare bargain at 129 N. 11th. BY gelding, a little sore in front, weighs mare, weighs 1100 pounds. ?o0. Thes horses at war prices. Irvington Stables, rc tuh and Schuyler. WAGONS and horses by day $1.25. I. Co- nen, joi v met ai. .mom M.vw. TEAM mares for sale, weight $3200; price $425. T 210, oregonian 5 HORSES, wagons and harness at Ji Flanders, near aroaaway. DEAD horses and cattle hauled away free. t none muui FOR SALE Pony and new saddle. Tabor Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. THIS WEEK'S NEW AND USED CASH PIANO PROPOSITIONS. r-jixv? ni'TERS' OPPORTUNITY. $400 H. C. Ftocher, large upright. . .$148.50 300 OolIardflcCoiiard. Louis XV mdl 5S-30 375 Prescott, new and modern.... 19350 :oo Par.lmnn Hnnznrlati ash 234.00 300 Ivers &. Pond, handsomely crvd .211.50 425 Vose & Sons, walnut upright.. 211.50 375 Cambridge, large mahogany... 148.50 650 Lessing player piano, mahogny 34.C S3 LeyBter player piano, Ss-note. 443.50 400 Emerson, large upright 144.00 450 Knabe, old model 65.00 And Many Others. Come tomorrow get firat choice. GRAVES MUSIC CO., 161 4th St. FOR SALE Upright Smith & Barnes piano, cheap If taken at once. Call at C O. Pick Transfer & Storage Co. WANTED Old piano, any condition, for cash. H 210, Oregonian. $40O Circassian walnut upright piano for $200. terms. Fred Williams, 92 rlrst st. GOOD electric piano cheap. C A. Richards Co.. Hood River, or. Doe. Birds. Pet Stock. WANTED Board for two Scotch collies; Kood pay for kind treatment. Address room on. . c n .ii . c AIREDALES, pups, cheap. J. J. Butzer Seed Co.. 1S8 Front St. AIREDA LES. great jals. guards and hunt ers. Laddx. Kennels, Estacada, Or, FOB SALE. Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. Studebaker, SO H. P.. 5-passenger. Owen, 6-passeager. 46 H. P. Cole, 2-passenger, 30 H. P. SEVERAL OTHER GOOD BUYS. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. WANT HORSES FOR AUTOMOBILE TRUCKS. Will take in your horses as first pay ment on automobile trucks of any ca pacity; give detailed description, weight, age, price and where same can be found, the kind of business you want a truck for and the amount yuu can pay per month on same. Address R 201, Orego nian. NEW MOTOR TRUCKS. Any capacity from 750 lbs. to 5 tons; you can pay for it in montly install ments; will sell without any payment dvwn providing you can give substantial security; let tho truck earn its payments and earn you good money besides; get the details. A 141, Oregonian. 1912 CHALMERS 30, 5-pass, $C90. 1013 Jackson 30. 5-pass.. $7&3. 1113 Overland 30, 5-pass., $590. 1912 Veile 40, 5-pass., $750. FRANCIS At KADDERLT. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. E. 1199. E. 1199. FOR SALE My 1913, 5-passeuger automo bile, completely equipped, electric lights and starter, demountable rims and in per fect running order; this car has just been overhauled and cust $2200 one year ago; first otter of $&50 cash takes it; see it. S 229, Oregonian. I HAVE a Federal truck and would like contract or work that will pay me to keep it, or will sell reasonable on easy terras, one year old and in fine shape; will stand inspection. Address J 1S4. Oregonian. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Price $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker building. Corner Chapman and Alder Sts. FOR SALE 0-cylinder. 1914 passenger car at a snap; car cost $2900; will sell for half price and take auto in trade; in perfect condition and paint not scratched; I must seil at once. V 225. Uregonian. 1913 FORD runabout, snap at ?325; in fine shape; no trade. 1914 touring, almost new, lot of extras, $525. Reynolds, Sell wood 2323. TIRES, slightly used, $3 to $1 each; tubes, jl.du to $3 each; tube vulcanizing, 25c. PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO., 325-27 Burnside St. SNAP for someone with cash, Studebaker 0-pass., late model, just like new ; dem onstrate today. Richmond Garage, Tabor 415S. WHITE DELIVERY. 1500-lb. White delivery, with panel top; best buy In the city; eusy terms. T 229. Oregonian. TWO-TON TRUCK Will sacrifice a two-ton motor truck with stake body and top, new tires. $floo, easy terms. AB 223, Oregonian. FEDERAL TRUCK. Second-hand Federal truck In No. 1 me chanical condition ; eaey terms. R 189, Oregonian. SMALL light runabout, engine overhauled; owner leaving; bargain $90. 10 No. 0th street. HAVE $400 equity Hyde Park lot. trade for 5-passonger Ford. Call Thursday evening at aoofe AXPjna ave. BRUSH auto, 1918, in good condition, for sale very cheap Apply Congress Hotel, room20U. FOR SALE Early 1910 Cadillac, In good condition. Apply Speedwell Garage, 14th and Couch sts. SMALL light runabout, engine overhauled; owner leaving; bargain $90. 16Vi No. eth L NEW Velie 40 for sale; electric starting and lighting. Call Main 291$. E-M-F in fine shape, $400; will give dem onstration. 43 ht N. 0th. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED Auto truck to haul door stock lumber from sawmill to railroad. Apply 83 1st st. TO EXCHANGE, real estate for an automo bile. M. E. Lee, 522 Corbett bldg. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE, Indian, 1913 model, A-l condition; must sell today: owner leaving city; will sacrifice for $125 cash. 1160 Union ave. N. Phone Woodlawn 1230 $40 CASH takes my Harley motorcycle, worth $80. Call Main 6554: Furniture For Sale. FURNITURE, almost new, for four-room apartment for sale reasonable. Call S05 Halsey St., or pnone z. xaoi G ROOMS fine shape, close in; cheap a sold at once. ;;o E. llth st. N. FURNITURE for sale, house for rent splen did location. 314 Main, Marshall 8220. Livestock. 10 YOUNG fresh cows, calves, besides Dur ham, Jersey, Guernsey and Jersey-Hol-stein; tuberculin tested. Call at 95 E. 30tb, cor. Wash., S-S car. 4 PIGS, weighing 900 lbs., 1 extra large beef cow. at 2001 E. Washington St., Mt. Tabor car to 82d, 2 blocks north. Machinery. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, contractors' machinery, all kinds. Railway Equipment Co.. 1st and Oak. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, SS Broadway, Portland, Or. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder, retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. sL TYPEWRITERS, all make, $10 to $65 NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark Street. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C 231 Stark st. Main 1407. Miscellaneous. GOOD, new wood range with water coil; bedstead, springs and mattress; kitchen treasure, dining-tatle, gas plate, new kitchen cabinet; oak typewriter desk, new: all cheap. 354 San Rafael st. WOOD PIPE, 300 FT. 1000 8-inch at 15c; 2000 6-inch at 10c; 1200 4-inch at 7c. St. John's Water Works & Lighting Co. FOR SALE Will sell cheap all tools, stock and fixtures of established tin and fur nace shop. H. L. Lyons, assignee, 003 Mclvay bldg.. Main 1201. . 4000 CORDS first-growth fir 75c per cord Close to Portland and R. R. P. J. Foran, 1SS8 Sandy blvd., cor. 72d st. Phone C 3272. FOR SALE Wild blackberries put up in quart Mason fruit Jars, sweetened ready for use, $3.50 per doz. F. O. B. Fallcreek, Or. A. T. Brewster, Fallcreek, Or. SAFES All slates, at cost ; safes repaired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 7676. HOCHFELD'S CAMERA EXCHANGE. I buy, sell and exchange kodaks, cam eras and lenses. 44 H North Sd St. FLOOR CASES. Six, eight and ten-foot cases, mirror back, $4 per foot. 243 Washington. TWO Superior hot-air furnaces in good con. dition. very cheap. Fred Williams, tt2 First st. HOUSEBOATS, launch and canoe houses, J. L. Gilham, builder, foot Spokane ave. Residence phone A o4x. A BARGAIN Showcases, peanut roaster, fountain, awning, clock, counters and shelving. Mrs. Rogers, Marshall 2009. FOR SALE 6-month pounsa at Behnke Walker Business College, value $60, for $45. 221 12th st. Phone A 4729. REAL bargain. Winchester arms, 35-bore magazine rifle, also 12-gauge pump shot gun. Call 406 McKay bldg. Main 934. REAL bargains, Winchester arms, 35-bore magazine rifle, also 12-gauge pump shot Ku n. Call 400 McKay bldg. HOTE L or barber ship bootblack stand ; quarter-sawed oak. marble top. bronze footrests; cheap. 432 Washington st. L'SE ISassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism. 50 tablets for 25c. All druggists. SAFES New and second-hand; bargain. 101 First sL B SALE Twin go-cart, good as new, ?hone Woodlawr 14S2. FIVE choice Orients I rugs must be sold to day: $321. 4P Morrison. $100 BUYS gentleman' diamond ring; big Darga.n mmm ' HOUSEBOAT tor rent or will sell. Boquist. iiain u&. $65 BUYS FINE PAIR DIAMOND EAR RINGS. 220 LUMBER EX. BLDG. 23-FOOT motorboat. 6 horsepower, running condition. $75. Main 758. room 227. BARGAINS in new and second-hand llx tures, showcases. 48 N. 10th. Mar. 7i4. LoWLR 6 rooms, modern, choicest location. West oiae. ltO iDin bl. aiaiu tiyo. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented 3 months for $4. Mam u-i a, a SANITARY roll -top desk and swivel chair Marsh, JUiiQers z 20 H P horizontal boiler, firebox, A-l con ation; a bargain. Erated. 24, 3d- $7$C WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE GLOBE STORE WANTBD. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING AND EVERYTHING. CALL MAIN 20&U. 285 FLRST STREET. And you will get highest cash prices, no matter what you have. Call M. 2OS0. ' SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYERS. HONEST DEAL. WE PAY THE HIGH EST PP-iCE FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHES. SHOES. TRUNKS. SUIT CASES. ETC. TRY US. CALL MAIN 0195. 203 MADISON ST. OR 251 FRONT SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYERS. HONEST DEAL, WE PAY THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHES, SHOES, ETC. TRY US. CALL MAIN 6195. 203 MADISON ST., OR 251 FRONT ST. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest prices paid for second-hand clothes, shoes, etc. 129 6th N. Main 2845. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front at., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranged, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. AT J. MYERS. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, $6 AND UP. SHOES BOUGHT. RELIABLE BUYER. 247 MADISON ST. MAIN 3585. TELEPHONE Main 4317. M. Glickman. Highest cash price for household gojds, clothing store fixtures, restaurants. 189 Front st. 2D-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don't give it away. Get our figures first. S tandard Fur. Co., 1S2 1st. Main 4778. DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House. 191 2d st. Marshall 4783. WANTED A small, second-hand fireproof safe; state inside dimensions of what you have. J 228, Oregonian. ENVELOPES addressed for campaigners; reasonable rates. Address AV 70S, Orego nian. NEAT kalsomlnlng, $2.30 room, woodwork cleaned, painting, etc.; guaranteed. Phone Marshall 3523. WANTED Comptometer calculating ma chine; must be in good order and cheap for cash. AV 689, Oregonian. WE tint rooms for $2.50; paint houses at your Drice. Phone East 171. WANTED Three National cash registers at once; will pay spot cash. Main 606. WANT several nice palms or plants at bar gain for apt. -house. Call Main 02S0. WANTED NaLional cash register. Phone Main SOOI. Address 696 Northrup st. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. CASH pid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg SPOT CASH For your furniture. Phone Sellwood16$2. BEST prices for everything. Call our Junk dept Main 668 or A 1663. Barde. HELP WANT ED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. All young men seeking employment In commercial, clerical or technical lines are cordially invited to consult the employ ment secretary. Record, 1913. Calls for men from employers 2S5j Positions filled W1 Employment membership $5 per annum, guaranteed member will secure employ ment or refund of fee. Includes two months full and 10 months' social privi leges. . Issued by Employment Secretary only. Second Floor Y. M. C. A. bldg. WANTED First-class automobile mechanic, must be thoroughly experienced and ex pert on adjustments; capable of running shOD: will consider only high-grade men; state references and salary expected. L 207, Oregonian. USE spare time to build up mall order busi ness of your own; we help you start for a share in profits; 27 opportunities; par ticulars free. Mutual Opportunities Ex change, Buffalo, N. Y. . WANTED By manufacturer, party to take exclusive territory for high-class article; some money required to establish office. This will bear investigation. O 226. Ore gonian. . HAVE you acerage intelligence and a neat appearance ? If so. you can earn $25 a week. Mr. Haines apt. 30, 187 17th st. Call 6:30 to S P. M. only. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock; excellent territory; hus tlers, make money. Washington Nursery (o., i oppenisn, vv a&ii. STENOGRAPHER and correspondent, fa miliar with collection business. $&. Live wire. Give qualifications and phone. L 22S, Oregonian. WANTED In railroad office, messenger boy, $25; answer in own handwriting, giving amount of schooling, age, refer ences and phone. L 229, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors; Ma sonic Oddfellow, trade and other publica tions; commission. Clyde Agency. Es tablished 1&96, 207 Stock Exchange. WANTED House-to-house canvassers; sta ple articles; premium inducements; good proposition; commission basis; chance for advancement. 448 Washington. ENERGETIC man for salesman, $25 week; experience unnecessary; must be willing to learn; reference required; no lazy peo ple wanted. Call room 108 Hotel Arthur. WANTED 10 woodchoppers to cut cord wood by contract, 30 miles from Portland. P. J Foran, 183S Sandy blvd. at 72d St. Phone C 8272. I HAVE a steady job, wages $50 monthly for an unmarried man 21 to 2S years old who will buy cood $300 lot on $8 monthly payments. AV 229. Oregonian. A FIRST-CLASS pants finisher; if not first class need not apply. 286 Wash. st. Mac leay bldg., room 413. SPECIALTY salesman wanted; typewriter experience preferred. Address M 226, Ore gonian. WANTED A man to work m meat market and sausage kitchen. Address P. O. box 266 Eugene, Or. WANTED Hebrew comedian with tenor voice; good act; mutual proposition foi three; give address. M 225, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, about 20; must have some office experience; state length time in Portland. M 22S. Orego n i a m OFFICE boy, wholesale house; state age, experience, references, phone number. N 223, Oregonian. BOY wanted for evening work. Apply Pub lic Library, 10th and Yamhill. WANTED Experienced labeler; steady em. ployment; good wages. J 226, Oregonian. BARBER wanted Saturday, near Holladay. 1S9 Adams st.. BOY to work in store and deliver packages. Grand Union Tea Co. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paldSarony Studio. Royal bldg. PHOTO coupon; new ticket for live ones. Cut berth stuaio, uesura mug. FARM manager wanted who can loan $500, gilt-edge security, j -j, uregouitui. WANTED Bright young man who can op- erate typewriter. H at, oregonian. Help Wanted Saleemea. WANTED A good, live salesman to sell our Staple line Ul LUueM, lco.o, oyii-co. vanius powder, etc., in Pendleton, Or.; also Pay ette Welser end other Southern Idaho towns. Address Grand Union Tea Co., Walla Walla, Wash. . HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL for general housework. 425 Tilla mook. East mi. c hid. Do You Need Any Machinery or Tools? You may be urprised to learn, if you are not a regular reader of our Classified Advertising section, that splendid bargains in machinery and tools are constantly being offered there. Just turn to our Want Ad section and see what is there. If you shouldn't find the tools or the machine you want, put a little three or four line Want Ad in this paper, describ ing what you need. You will almost surely find a bargain. Scores of peo ple regularly read and use our Want Ads. It is a habit that pays welL Use "The Want Ad Way" HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Young ladies with good voices to be trained for cafe and vaudeville work; no charge; opening engagement September iTS. Oregon Conservatory of Music, 343Vi Wasnington. cor. proauj WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; German preferred; 2 adults and 2 children in family, local reference! required. Phone East 3183. W A NTED Competent trimmers for out of town; salary, $1S; also five experienced millinery makers. Bradshaw Bros., Royal Duiiaing, WANTED Experienced unincumbered girl or woman for general housework: 3 adultJ and furnace. $15 mo. M HSX Call after 8: SO. GIRL or middle-aged woman to care for children and assist with housework. 41W East 27th st. North. C 1677. Broadway car. COOK, $40; second work. $35; waitress. $20 ; housework, $10 to $40. Bt. Louis Agency, 2 S3 Main st. A 7175. Main 2038. EXPE R I EN C ED g 1 rl for" general house work in family of three. Ml Halsey. East 332. LADY canvassers for city, $9 a week and commission; come prepared for work. Schwlnge Bros. Co., 220 Madison L WANTED Girl for cook and general house work; also second girl. Apply 705 x lan ders. WANTED A good cook to help with small amount of housework. Apply 626 Everett WANTED Lady to do about IVi hours' chamberwork In exchange for room rent. 231H N. 23d. WANTED A girl to cook; experienced; must have city references. 440 E. 20th st. N. East 6780. WANTED A competent maid for general housework for two- ladles. Apt. 1, Trinity Place Apts. Call Saturday morning. WANTED Refined, capahie woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Company, 423 Plttock block. 3S5 Washington. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning. 414 Dekum bldg. Sant- tary Parlors. MRS HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 Washington, room So, near 4th. Phone Main 8S36 or A 326. WANTED First-class tailor help; skirt and waist finishers; also errand girl. 206 Co lumbia bldg. WANTED Woman or girl for housework to work days and sleep at home nights. Call 775i Johnson st. in the morning. UNDEKGRADUATEnurse with some hospi tal experience for Institutional work. Port land General Hospital. 611 Love Joy. WANTED A girl for general housework ; must be a good plain cook. 611 Lovejoy, cor. 19th. - WANTED Competent girl for cooking and general housework in small family. Main 2A32-. WANTED Woman, with home, to care and board sick lady; give phone. W 22D. Ore, gonian. HIGH SCHOOL girl to assist with house work tor room and board and small wages. G 225, Oregonian. Woodlawn 85u6. PLEASANT outdoor work for dependable woman: experience unnecessary. AF 225, Otegonlan. EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers. Modern Confectionery Co., E. llth and WANTED Girl for general housework. Tabor 3421. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply at once. 345 E. S7th st. GIRL wanted, general housework and cook ing, for elderly lady. 547 West Broadway. GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply 70S 14 Johnson st. WANTED A good cook; references re quired. 572 Kearney st. Marshall 530. WANTED An experienced millinery sales woman at 353 Alder. GIRL to assist general housework, small family. 746 Overton ut. WANTED A first-class cook. Nesbltt San itarium, 616 Lovejoy. GERMAN woman for housework and plain cooking. 821 Sixth ut.t cor. Clay. LADY to take charge of small rooming-house on 17th st. See Peters, 15 N. 5th at. WANTED 5 dictaphone operators and sten ographers. 301 Northwestern Bank bldg. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED AT ONCE. Hoppickers for large yard; good camp ing ground ; free wood; camp close to river. Inquire 222 Couch st. Phones Marshall 1139. A 1406. WANTED Young or middle-aged man and wife to run suburban ranch ; must thor oughly understand care of fruit trees and farming In general; submit references; German family preferred. N 227, Ore gonian. PUPILS for dramatic work, singing, stage dancing. 409 Stearns Bldg. Fisk Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. CIS Journal bldg. Main 4835. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS-. LEARN to write advertising; big demand for experts; 6 months' course; low coat; only school of its kind in the West; course by practical man; get a start now. Write for information. Pacific Advertis ing School (613) Marsh-Strong bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. WE TEACH practically, with actual ma chinery in operation, electrical, gas and steam engineering, machine shop work and automobile repairing. Send for new catalogue. Seattle Engineering School, 100 to 110 West Roy street, Seattle. ' OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage a specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning; tuition reduced. l';3 aiaaison hi MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the trade In 8 weeks; clean work, percentage paid while learn ing, tools free; scalp and face massage a special t ; fiend for free catalogue. 48 N. 2d. WANTED Manager for branch lumber yard who will invest $2000 in the capital stock; good salary; Investment guaran teed. Address 400 Yorkshire bldg., Van couver, B. C. RAILWAY mail clerks. P. O. clerks, car riers exam, soon ; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific States School, McKay Diag.. city. WOMEN for Government clerkships, $70 month. Portland examinations soon; speci men questions free. Franklin Institute, dept. 703-0. RochesterL N. TT PREPARE to be firemen, brakemen ; earn $120 monthly; send age. postage. Rail way Educational Association, care Ore gonian GOOD man wanted for cash grocery who can invest some money; I have two stores. 1S9 Front st. LE RN the produce business, make $100 month while doing so; $400 investment re quired. Call personally. ah rtiucr WANTED Men to learn moving-picture op erating; day and night lessons; operators earn io to 90 qq IIZS WANTED Names of men, 18 to 85, wish ing to be railway postal clerks; $75 month AV 548. Oregonian. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bdg. Mar. 425. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE. 301 Northwestern National Bank bldg. All modern business courses, only $5 mo. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, $5 PER MO. 269 14TH ST. M. 3893. EXP. INSTRUC'N. LEARN moving picture operating; terms reasonable; steady work. 226 2d st. LEARN to drive an auto; expert Instructor. 86 10th at. Phone Marshall 406. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clwfcfc WELL-EDUCATED man. 43 wants position as office manager or accountant; leaving position aa manager because vice president assumes duties to reduce ex penses; will take position anywhere in Oregon or Washington. Pos toff ice Box 1169, Portland, EFFICIENT business man, of wide com mercial experience and adaptability, wishes to change ; trained correspondent and secretary; capable manager and busi ness builder ; references and bond. AC 212, Oregonian. POSITION by thoroughly experienced gen eral merchandise and clothing man; speaka German; best references; country pre ferred. AR 1126, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT wants evening work on small sets of accounts. AE 229, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MAN with family wants poaltlon on farm or ranch: capable of taking charge. Main 717. A 1517. BOY 16 wants work before and after school hours In exchange for board and room. Phone E. 190. HIGH scnool student from country wishes work out of school hours; does not use tobacco. H 220, Oregonian. LOTS to clear and lawn cutting; experi enced gardener. Phone E. 811. HANDY man wants Job as Janitor or watch man. P. Devenny, 8424 First st. YOUNG German, 25, flrat-clasa electrician, wants any kind of work. Marshall $4$6. W alf TED Carpenter work and painting Main 717. A 151T. WANTED Lawn work, odd Jobs, lot elear ing, J. B. Kennedy. Seliwood 182. SITUATION WANTED MALE- WANTED By man Just out of auto school. Job driving or repairing autos; refsrsnssa Write J. Miller. 454 Falling at., or phone East 162. WANTED. Position as nieatcutetr y man with several years experience; can give any kind of references. AV 640, Oregonian. MAN and wife without children wish ;.osl tlon on ranch ; can superintend and op erate same; best of reference. O 227. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED sroceryman tT yars. 25 years of are, wants position; best of ref erences; well acquainted with the city. Address J. EL M . 441 Falling st. GENERAL all-round handy man wishes p . sltlon in country or city board ano rooin. moderate wage. N 22S, Oregonian. MAN and wife, cook and helper, want work In or out of town. Howell. 611 Everett st. Mar. WANTED Position as horseshoer or black smith apprentice Apply F. Senn. 232 Front JAPANESE couple want position, man good experienced cook, wife will do houswcrk and wait on table. R 225, Oregonian RELIABLE young Chinese boy wishes where , nint . , r- lav rh if) 1 . lie can muih s iu ' - references. H 225. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants genersl housework, hotel or saloon, porter or dishwashing BOY, 16 vears. wants place to work for board and room while attending high school. Box 116. R. F. D. No. 2. YOI NO man. Just from East, wants steady Job on farm; experienced. M 329, Ore gonian. ' m EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires position, private or delivery; reference. R 220, Ore gunian. ' COLLECTING By middle-aged man; re liable; salary no object. AF 219. Ore gonian. YOUNG man, 21. wishes position driving car for private family, phone Tabor 1353, MOTION picture operator wants position. Address H 227. Oregon! i BARBER wants Job. C 229. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAUa. Bookkeepers and Menographer. WILL pay liberally for information result ing in a vvi in.iit-iit. - -- keeper; competent young woman; good rexei ences. laum srvm. STENOGRAPHER, slightly out of practice; 1 ....,-.). 1 . .. t ur ban 3411. O. K BOOKKEEPER, stenograimcr ana dictaphone operator ffauns permanent FUUPinuiu wwm. mmmmm sum THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper; best of references. phone Tabor 904 llrrsMimkern. MODISTE recently from San Francisco, using French styles without patterns, will make suits, gowna, dresses, capes, etc 246 East Broadway, apt. 214. Call Last IHi MAE MARTZ. modiste, for chic Individual sty lea suits, gowns, dresses. Phone Main $9J3. 3 2th audAlder. sTeWING by day, experienced seamstress In all lines of work; can give beat of ref. phone Marshall 2239. PLAIN sewing by the day. pJW. Phone Marshall 707. A 24K1. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, ressunabls. at nomt or uay. iuu im.ho ai. - NEAT quick dressmaking 1.7& day; rsf- nr 1 1 Tt,:oa EXPERT dressmaker by the day. Phont Pel 1 wooa uza. WET nurse with baby 3 months old would like to nurse baby of same age. H Oregonian. NURSE gives massage. Rhoumsllsm treated, pnone aiain oos. v UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants cape; any thing taken; terms reasonable. Malnd3. TRAINED nurse open for engagements; terms to suit; bent refs. Tabor J832. Housekeepers. WOMAN with bai.v 6 months old desires position as housekeeper or chamormatd. References. Matn 71 . A151T. , YOUNG experienced woman with boy 5 years wishes position as housekeeper or house- worn. io ri.' - - WIDOW with lrl 8 year. want, work housekeeper, with mall family ur elder ly people. V Mt OtSSJSSUMi REFINED woman deilrea houiekaeplns po sition; flnit-claaa cook. E ;8. Oronlan. RELIABLE mlddle-agci woman want, work a, kitchen helper In Portland or out. AO dreaa N.. 8U1 Bruadway. Main IHi. NORWEGIAN slrl want, feneral houe- WOrK. IUI). mtn ......... TWO experienced Kir'., want general home work, rnoae mm Mlacellaneoua. MAN and wife want permanent altuatlor, on nnch; experienced In all kind. of ranch work: would care for one or more Summer cottagi.; can give reference., call J. It. p., r,ew nu.iun T oood all-around hotel woman want. t?adv work, with little girl 8 year. old. near .chool. Call room 6. Main 1C4. IM Main at., portiana RKFI.NED. educated youns woman of SO, holding .tat. teacher.' certificate. MM po.ltlon aa governe.. to children. T iz. oregonian GIRL Japaneae. ha. good experience In gen eril housework and can .peak Engllah. want, position In .mall private family. X 227. OreKunian. WANTED, by a young girl, to do an kind of work for her room and board while go- Ing to school. 30S Halsey. fcaat Hi. HOUR WORK, cooking, mending. Ironing, etc.. by practical nurae; reference. Bell- wood my NEAT competent girl desire, po.ltlon In doc tor', office or general office work. Phon. East 281V FIRST-CLASS colored laundre.. want, .mall bundle, to take homo. Phone -Rood- lawn SfclU. POSITION to do up.talr. work In private family and as.lst a. ladle.' maid; good referenco. ti ... WANTED By experienced waltrex a posi tion lriprlvat. family; best referenc. given. Aajiy, EXPERIENCED German woman want, washing, ironing, cleaning. Call Last oiTi' ATION wanted, day work, cleaning, 0AU .r. . i genu asning nu " " - GOOD laundre.. wl.hes work Friday and Saturday. Main 20SK. Mrs. K. GIRL wants place, nousowor... iv. aota. EXPERIENCED lady wlahe. day work. Ta bor v.,. WOMAN want, work all day, M cent, per hour. pnone xauor ...o CAP BLE ' woman want, day work. Main 139 EXPERIENCED woman wanta day work. Marshall 6211 GIRL wl.hea day work. Call 1101 East 21st. North. WANTED Day work and laundry to take home. Mam 717. A ion. YOUNG woman would like regular places bv the day. Phone B 2406. LACE curtain, hand laundered lake home, or hour, by expert.. Seliwood 16. WANTBD TO BENT. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. Our wealth of dally Inqulrlea compel, ua to advertise quite frequently for more house, to rent. If you have property to let and It I. clone to car. modern and open for Immediate ln.pectlon. lbn It with F. K CLARK A COMPANY, n.nt.l Denartment. Title Tru.t Bldg.. 89 Fourth St. I WANT to rent for .everai monwi. u rw. nice, completely furnl.hed five or .Ix-room bungalow, houae or apartment In nice n-litnborhood. Addroa.. with full particu lar.. T. M J.. Multnomah Hotel. Refer ence, furnished. WANTED To rent (might buy later) for 1 year, atrlctly modern house of 10 rooms with garage, rur,i,u iirih.. . " ..)... .ir.t-rlass district: state rent. .treat number, slae of lot and full par ticular.. X 228, uregoni WANTED To rent 5-room unfurnished cot tage In Alblna district; prefer near fcroadway bridge; family of thraa; no children; reasonable rent; no flate con sidered. AK 212. Oregonian. WANTED To rent, furnished house, near car and .chool. In restricted district; ref erence, given; not over $36. K 229. Ore Ionian. W ST ED To rent. In Irvington. unfur nished house, near car and .chool: "Imt ence. given; rent rea.onable. J ore- Konlan. WANTED Modem 7-room hou.e In Irving ton, extra well furnl.hed, for two adult.; wlli lease. Jno. P. Weston Co., 1101 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED B-room modern bungalow on WR or Hawthorn carllne; no children; term, mu.t be reasonable. B IPSO. WANTED to rent. S-room house with fur race, near Hawthorn or Sunnysld. car. p 229. oregonian. HAMri-in KkM ROOM In apt. of private Jewish family. Wet Sid.. W 22.1. Oregonian. LADY, emplo In private reference, t BOARD and tleman wan la no other l h.r horn teed apply; Oregonian, clabla gen ivh.r. there I OK UK NT. rurul.brd Kooua. HOTEL EATON. West Park and Morrison Sta Large, comfortable rooms at modest price., single or en suite, with and with out private oath; every possible comfoat; apecial rat py th week and month. HOTEL AUTHl'h. llth. betweeen Morr..on and Yamhill. New, clean room, w.sii attain heal, boa and cold water, telephone, large cioaeta. three mirror., medicine chest, comfortable buds, large tiled baths, lute, for two par qui. Si per weok; SI per ui) and up. HOTEL BLACh.STO.NE, Cor. llth aud Mark. S3 we'k up, elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection, in each room, no extra cnarge for two iu a ruoni, room and bath, SI day. Tranalani. solicited. HOTEL FRANKLIN Washington St., at Thirteenth. 50c per uay. weekly $2.ov and up. Running walei, pho... in .-acll room, steam heat, nreproof bldg.. ground floor lobby. all-night sarvlca. Bualneaa la stood. HOTEL RAIN It; it 2 Block, fro.n Union Depot. Modern, clean and homelike, the house that treat, you right; luc up per day. $11 up par mo. Tourist trad solicited. M. S41S HOTEL RO W LASii. 2ui iTtTkTst, 100 ROOMS. Modern brick building, centrally locat ed nice, clean rooms, hot and cold water; rates 30c. 10c and $1 P r day ; $3 per weak and up. HOTEL OCK. LEY. Morrison St.. at loth; central location, "tinman TT rale." ftoc per day up: weekly $2.0o up. neat rooms, running Watei, trv phone, and bath, lUam heat. HOTEL FORD. 3o Washington. Fsmlly hotal; hot and cold water and phone In every room, rooms without bath, $10 up; with bath. $1.. up 82- l'KH W11KK up. latge, weil-iurnipni. absolutely clean room.. W cater to good class workinginen; auiet. decent place, no rowd'lea. no .ports; baths free. Hotel cad. lilac. 3d. near Jefferson. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and East Belmont Rooma $12 month up. $22.30 up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe In connection. Phone Eaal 323. HOTEL A.NSON1A, 124 14th St.. corner Washington Nicely fumlslied rooms, strictly modern, rale. $8.60 week and up. Phone Marshall I4i0. HOTEL SAVON, 121 Eleventh at. Ntw. modern brick building, steam heated, prl vat baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnished; transients aollclted. HOTEL Buckingham, 0i2 Is Washington; new, fireproof brick, quirt, cool, clean out side rooma, H. aud 0. watci each room; phone, private or public bath; $VSo week. STANDIbH HOTEL. 648 S, WASHINGTON ST.. OFF 18TH. Modem, ally, out. ide rooms. Ire phone, and bath.; $2 per wk., $a per mo. up. LA KHA11H M 11 you want an room below 1 1 an J phoie hot and coiu water, waiaiog tanco. $1. $2. 4u, 4lh.Marshall 1022 H3Tei7COKD0VA. I'U at. Strictly modern, private bath., an suite, rooms $3.:m HP. Main 9472. A '8.1j HOTEL N ORRIS. 6334Alder st.. cor. lith. Modern rooms $; to $3 porlt I 'urnl.lii-tl I!. i- in I'ri.ale Families. ANYONE dealrou. of having a room with refined, quiet family whet thy can al ways b warm and have plent) of I'Sht and air In nice neighborhood, about 1" minutea' walk from tltb and Morrison, brraktan If d.lrd, reference, apply S3 12th L COMrOlii AltLE room, hot and cold water, breaklaat If de.lred. walking dlalano. 4.12 East loth st. North, near Tlilamwuk. Hf ranoa. BRIGHT room. Portland Height.. 24 mln. u ... location, breakfaal if daalred. Phone Main 6461 LAltilE trout room, modern home, with or without board, walking distance. 421 Main .L SriTE of two rooma. liandomel tui ulshed. Apply 22$ loih street. Kfrn. requlrd. FL K. lfcli iTu rooma $1.6o and up; Mats. keeping alao, lie phone, bath and heat. 206 17th at- Call Main 7931. NEWLY renovated and furnished larg Iroiit. alio cheaper room., tonvanlenc.a. 476 Morrison. I GET one of thos nice front room at 228 13th at.. Wt Sid; they ar nn and ra. sonabl. NICELY furnlahad front room; modro, cheap. 34 N. loth, uear Washlngton! ROOMS, modern convenience, board op tional, walking dlsiauc. 3W 14th St. $ NICE room In fa.hlonabl apartmant for young lady. Marhall 172fl. SINGLE front room .$2, beat, bath and phon; walking dl.tance. $26 12th at. NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis tance, $1.60 par weak. 411 Sth at, LARGE front room rea.onabl. prlvat fam ily 248 N. 20lh at. NICELY furnlahed front rooma, mod.rn. Nob Hill, tm and $12. 741 Gllsan at. LARGE, light .leeplng-room, $1.60 and $2; free phon. 660 Taylor at. room and board, walking dlatanc. 2 blk. from Hawthorne. Ladd'. Addition. IS. 442. TWO unfurnl.hed room.. Nob Hill dl.trlcl. lifchl, water, bain, su. tou uiwas. ROOM, bath: prlvato family. Phono East 224V NICELY furnished rooms In beautiful home; board If daalred. $09 llth st FURNISHED rooms. 81.60 per week and up. 180 West Park. A NICELY furnished room with sleeping porch and bath, $10. A 79. N e W LY furnished room. $ mo. $10 Main at. I mill nlidird 424 JEFFERSON Two clean houekpliig room., prlvat nlrance, close In, reason able. Rooms With Hoard. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jcllurson si. An excellent residential hotel . atlracllv rate to tranaleul. or permanent gue.ta. Main 928$, A $828. PARKVIEW HOTEL, 3811 Montgomery at., at West Park Mod ern convenience; room with or without bath; excellent tabl .ervlc; raonabl ra tag for regular ur tranlnt guata. ' A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE The Whitehall, 263 lh at., haa nn tabu board. modru rooma, aun parlor; real home; teasonaoi r... BUSINESS woman and atudanu will find good board and room. $4 aud $4.60 week. Portland Women'. Union, $10 Flandera. THE HAZEL, Sao d St. Modern rooma, with or without board; apjeial rat.. BEAUTIFUL corner front room, nrat-claas i.Liesrvlc. 374 Park at. rfo..iii. Uilb iloaid in III. ate famine. LAURELHURST Large, pleaaanl furnlahed room, near carllne. board If desired; term reasonable. Tabor 264a forenoons. LARGE front room for on or two $nll men with or without board; vry reiaon ablu. 288 Ulay. Phone Marshall 681$. LARGE front room with board In prlvata home in Laurelhurst; Southern cooking; near two carlln.. Tabor$4S NICE room with wllh no children. good board by widow 422 jaWWJ 07 40. FIRST-CLASS room and board. gfr.t In prlvat horn. 188 North BSC Main 22u. LARGE front room In beautiful nw homa; axcellent table; vary reaaonabla for two. Tabor 2921. L . BOARD' and room In prlvata horn. !'- tleman. all home comforts. $26 month. 424 Sa I mon, corner of 12th. FOR two or business girls, steam heat, warning distance; West Sid; rlr. ence. exchanged. Mar.h.ll 1122. $6. $o.iu. walking dlat.nce, new. clean. 4M8V v.nwnt; balb any lime 3$ North 17th. FURNISHED room with board, $20 llth nt Phon A jjfjj PLEASANT. relind home for -hoo! girl; reasonable rala, Woodlawn $i7. liOAKD and room with bath In lgant r- lined home. 49 Clay t. ELEGANT room, and board, reasonable. TWO xcllnt board; two ry rwaonabl. bt . Eaat 401$. ROOM and board. $$2 10lh St.. walk tince Phon. Main 09.9. A IMS, walking dla- PLEASANT rooma with good hoard; young ladls. raaonabl. 70$ lrvlns su " FRONT room with aclint board, bom V nrtvll.g... 211 North SOth. Marshall 1PTS. l FRONT room Wllh Doara per wk walking dlstaneaMala 7788. ROOMS with board."71S Flaadara. Main 1847,