r THE MORNING OSEGONIANi MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1913. K V V FIGURES SHOW WHO IS WHO I'l LEAGUE Johnston, Rodgers and Bayless Not Only Stars on Coast Diamonds. M'CREDIE TO KEEP KRAPP Fans May Hare to Pay Blj; league Prices to See Sox-Giant Game. (. Ijofter and Davis Go South for "Winter Series. If the, statistics are "proof of the puddlngr," Walter McCredle was rlsht when ha doped Johnston of the Seals, Rodger of Portland and Bayless of Venice as three of the most valuable players In the Paclflo Coast league. That there are others Is revealed by these same figures. Hating them according to their de partmental performances the following players were most valuable to their clubs during the 1913 season: Portland Rodgers, Chadbourne and Doane. San Franclsoo Johnston, Mundorff and MoArdle. Los Angeles Maggert, Howard and Pago. Oakland Leard, Coy and Zacher. Venice Bayless, Kane and Carlisle. Sacramento Moran, Kenworthy and Shinn. Just how valuable such players as Xlodgers, Johnston, Maggert, Ivan How ard, Kane. Bayless, Moran and Ken worthy are to a ball club Is shown strikingly by the following statistics: Flavor, olub. Rung BK SB 2BH 3BU HR Portland Hoagi (1 .. 42 S3 13 5 Chadbourne ... 0 ,. 42 80 0 Doane ST 21 87 .. 10 4 Korea 38 .. . . . . , 6 Derrick .. 23 .. .. Lober - . . SI . . .-. San Francisco JohnsNn 112 25 12tl S3 8 .. Mundorff IU .. 01 3 .. 6 McArdla 79 B2 . . :orhan .. 2ti . . .. 10 Fahmlilt .. .. 83 Cartwrlght 27 7 ohaller .. fi L)owna 6 Los Angeles Matrgert 12 .. 80 22 13 I. Howard . .-..109 33 71 25 25 6 Pass DO Kills 84 , e Tohnson ...... .. 27 .. .. 0 .. Moore .. .. 49 KrueRrr .. .. 81 Oakland Jard 101 .. 71 So Coy .' 100 .. .. 22 37 IS) Zacher 78 28 . , 30 S 6 I'oik 2H S7 OUMt 1 NeSS 5 Venice Playlem 108 M 24 21 13 1ft Kn Ill 29 81 81 J." n Carlisle 121 .. 30 .. 13 7 Lltschl 82 , ORourke 20 Kscramento Moran 10 3R 81 E0 12 10 Kenwmhy .,.,102 38 60 33 17 ' 8 S-hlnn 04 . . 70 . . . . Younit 27 , Tennanl 48 Le.via 9 12 m - Manager McCredle, of Portland, ' tied a canard title to another refulgent dream of a Pan Francisco writer yes terday. According to the story, Mc Credle has asked for wal-vers on Gene Krapp, and has decided to dispense with the spltballer'a services for 1914. "Nothing to tt." declared Mao last night. "I think Gene Krapp is one of the best pitchers in the Coast League, and Intend to rely upon him for next year. I have not asked for waivers." "While TV. W. McCredle has not re ceived box office announcements from the munagnrs of the New York Olants Chicago American touring party. It Is pretty well established that Portland fans will have to dig up big-league prices to see the stars In exhibition mood November 18 at Recreation Park. The scale throughout California is $1 for the grandstand and 50 cents for bleacher privileges. The real dyed-in-the-wool fans are those who Bit in the bleachers, and there is sure to be a howl when they learn of the scale of prices. Vmplre "Red" Held may not be on the Coast next year. Held confided to Triend3 a couple of days ago in Califor nia that ho expected to land a Job next year in the American Association or International League. "You can tell -the fans for me," said "Red." "that I have been treated royal ly by the fans, the players and the newspapers, and I surely appreciate It" Elmer Lober and Bobby t)avis, mem bers of the Portland Coast League champions, left yesterday for Southern California. The two speed merchants will play ball at Brawley in the Im perial Valley along with Dolly Stark. Both signed contracts for 1914 be fore leaving. BlUXS-ASDETtSOX MILXi OFF Tliankegivng Arrray Abandoned Af . tor Details Are Arranged. SAN FRANC1PCO, Nov. 2. (Special.) After vain attempts to bring about an understanding between Frankle Burns and Bud Anderson that would Tesult in a 20-round. scrap on Thanks giving day or some time In November, Jimmy Rohan has given up the match making as a bad Job. Rohan blames Burns for the failure f the match. He declared tonight that he was ready to throw up his hands in the air and cry quits. Almost the match was made. That is to say, the weight was agreed on, and the weight controversy was originally considered the chief ob stacle to be hurdled. But once that it was out of the way, there came an other objection from Burns, it might be mentioned and now there is no fight in sight." Rohan spent all of Saturday In an eendeavor to effect a compromise on the weight B-nd finally Burns said the very best he would do was to allow An derson to some in at 134 pounds at 11 o"clock In the morning for an after noon fight. Rohan rushod to Donald with the plea that there was only one pound difference. "Oh. well," replied Donald, "If that's all we will make the weight as Burns demands." Frankle was probably the most sur prised ohap in Oakland when he learned that Anderson thought he could do the weight without hurting himself. But Frankle Is about as resourceful as the next man when he is bent on getting out of a fight that he doesn't want. Immediately he Informed Ro han that he must have a 6 per cent bonus all for himself, and there -were other financial clauses that he insisted must be inserted. Anderson likewise thinks his Services about as valuable as Burns', and Ro han Vias agreed to call It, Quits. "There isn't a chance for me to make the match." said the Oakland pro moter, "and I have decided to drop all negotiations. It looks as If Burns rtoesn't want the match under any conditions and life is too short to fool with him any longer." Anderson has gone to Portland for short -rial, sum also t trade his Ml) automobile for a 1914 model. He left on the steamer Saturday afternoon, but is ready to return to Ban Francisco whenever he gets a telegram from Manager Donald that there is a fight In sight. Donald, of course, does not know what w-hape his affairs will take. He would like to show In San Fran Cisco, but unless It Is possible to send Aaevedo against tho Oregon scrapper there Isn't much in sight. TRAINERS "WTLIj OOJTFER Physical Directors of Y. t. O. A. to Meet In Portland. Physical directors of the Young Men's Christian Association will gath er In Portland today from all parts of the Pacific Northwest At 9 o'clock this morning they will open a confer ence that will continue throughout the week and which is regarded as the most Important gathering of Its kind that has been held In Portland. The conference will be of particular interest because of the presence of William H. Ball, of New York, head of the physical department work of the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Ball will appear on the programme every day during the meeting. Other speakers will be: A. M. Qrilley, of Portland; A. O. Douthitt, of Seattle; Harry Cook, of Taooma; George Maxwell, of Vancou ver, B. C; Carl H. Lee, of Spokane; Oscar B. Gingrich, of Salem; C. O. Keester, of North Yakima; H. G., BeaU. of Victoria, B. C; C. H. Wood, of Eu gene; Fred Applegate, of Walla Walla; W. I Cochran, of Belltngham; H. T. Smith, N. F. Skartvedt, I. B. Rhodes. Dr. C. JH. Dodge, Dr. J. . E. Else.. Dr. Norman C. Coleman and Dr. C. M. Chapman, of Portland. Tho programme for today follows: OrOO Devotional service with Portland staff. ; 80 Introduction and review of the Fall work. President Harry Cook In chair. 10:OC "Business Method for the Physi cal Deartmont." "William H. Ball, New York. 10:45 "Special Treatment tor Business Men," A. G. Douthitt, Seattle. Noon class Business men, A. M. Qrilley, Portland. - 1:13 P. M. Lunon. with physical aepan ment committee. 8:00 students. 4:30 Business men; A. M. Orllley, Port land. - 8:80 (Business men! N. T. . Skartvedt, Portland. 6:80 -EBusiness fcoys A.S W. 3. ekartvedt. Portland 7 :30 'Business bors A and B, Leader Club: N. F. Skartvedt. Portland. 0:15 -Supper with- senior leaders; talis, by William H. Mall, New Tork. 8:00 Senior leaders; H. T. Smith, Port land. FUN ENDS WITH FINES GOLDEXDALE GIRIiS TO "WASH STORE WINDOWS. Several In Party That Is Arrested for Celebrating Halloween toy Painting Postofflce.. GOLDEXDALE, Wash., Nov. 2. (Spe cial. A party of young people. Includ ing Orty Tolonen, Mable Tolonen. Alda Ah ola, Viola Wallman, William Jussila, Albert Jussila, Sophia Jussila, Paul Pingra, Hazel Ahola, Robert Wallman and Albert Wallman were arrested yesterday by Sheriff Fred Smith upon a warrant sworn to by Peter Ahola, a merchant and postmaster of Center- ville, on the Goldendale branch of the North Bank Railroad, in the lower Klickitat Valley, who alleged that Hal loween pranks of the party went sev eral degrees beyond the mirth limit. The defendants were taken before J. R. Putraan, Justice of the peace at Goldendale, charged with wilfully and unlawfully damaging and defacing the postofflce building at Centerville, the bank building of Glllett Bros. & Co. and the butcher shop building belong ing to Abshier & Niva. .The postmaster testified that the windowB.of the buildings were smeared with a heavy coating of a substance which appeared to be paint but really was a paste made of flour and water. Seven of the party admitted their guilt and were fined $5 each, with the understanding that the fines would be. remitted if within a week they cleaned up the "mess" they had made. NT TAKES LIFE BO!Y FOUXD IX STORE WITH nCIvLET IX BKAIX. Farewell Letters Left by Edward A. Jacobs to Sister, Friend and: Lawyers. Edward A. Jacobs, part owner of the People's clothing store at 106 Third street, shot himself through the head with a S2-caliber revolver early yes terday afternoon. Ho was dead when found. Ho left farewell notes to his sister, his attorneys and a friend. Jacobs had arranged with M. K. Weinstein on a business matter to meet him at the store at 2:30 o'clock. When Weinstein arrived he failed at first to find Jacobs, but a search of the balcony, used as a tailor shop, re vealed the body. Jacobs has complained to friends that an affection of his eyes Was giv ing him trouble and that he feared he would soon lose his eight. Detective Fred Graves, summoned when the body was found, took charge and it was moved to the undertaking establishment of Dunning & McEntee. Jacobs' sister, Mrs. Pauline Prager. of 149 Twenty-second street North, with whom he had been staying, was prostrated after the occurrence, and the Coroner Was not given tho con tents of the note Jacobs left for her. Another note was addressed to A. S. Ash, 947 Lake street. San Francisco. A third note to his lawyers detailed in structions concerning the disposal of his body and property. PORTLAND SURGEONS GOING Ten Will Attend Clinical Congress In Chicago This Month. Ten delegates from' Portland will at tend the first Clinical Congress of Sur geons of North America to be held In Chicago November 10 to IE. Tho con gress includes the surgeons of Canada as well as the United States. The aim of the oongress is the' elevation of sur gery In North America, One subject that will be the object of attack In the coming convention is fee splitting, which the congress Is pledged to elim inate If possible. The Portland surgeons who will at tend the convention are Drs. Andrew O. Smith, L. H. Hamilton, W, H. Skene, E. F. Tucker, K. A, J, MaoKennie, E, A. Bommer, A, W, Baird, Tt, C, Coffey, A, E. Hockey and E. B. McDonald, Ashland. lias StntiyClass, ASHLAND, Or,, Nov, 8. (Special.) As a result of the reoent lecture here by Dr, Young, jn conneotion with the Oregon University extension pourse, a university Btudy olass of 25 has been organised,- which will compete this Winter for university credits, Once a month D, Young will lecture to this class, and its membership also will have the benefits of addresses from several other prefesotsfs of the uni versity ?aoultyv E QASOMXE VESSEL HELD FAST OS CLATSOP SPIT. Cargo and 3Eaclilnry May Be Braved hut Fear Is That Hull Will Become Total Lows. ASTORIA, Or., Nov. ,S. CSpeolaL) As the gasoline launch Kake wat en tering the river about 1 colook this morning she got out of the channel and ran onto Clatsop spit Inside the jetty, where she Is high and dry at low tide. The launch belongs to the Kake Packing Company and was returning from Southeastern Alaska with a cargo of about 350 cases of salmon as ballast. She was built here last Spring and cost approximately $0000. -The cargo and machinery can probably be saved but It Is feared the hull will be a total loss. Marine Rotes. Xt is reported at the local offices of the San Francisco and Portland steam ship line that the steamer Beaver, which collided with the steam schooner Necanlcum In a thiok fog Thursday off Fort Bragg on the Northern California Coast, will not make her usual run to San Pedro this time, but will stay over In San Francisco to have her In jured bow plates repaired. The steamer Daisy Mltohell. from San Francisco, left up from Astoria at 10 A. M. yesterday. The steamer Caxnlno, from San Fran cisco, left Up from Astoria at noon yes. terday. MABIXE INTELLIGENCE. Steamer Schedule. DUB TO ARRIVE. Name. From. Date Bue H. Klmore Tillamook ...la port Roanoke. ......... San lileso. ...... .la port Alliance... Eureka... ...In port Breakwater. ...... Coos Bay. ........In port Hose City an I'edro -Nov. i Beaver. ..... .Los Angeles. .... .Nov. Yucatan. . . ... . Eui Diego. .kot. v TO OXPABT. Name. For. ' Data Klamath Los Angeles Nov. I Yale b. F. to L. A. Nov. 3 Breakwater. ...... Coos Bay. ...... . Nov. 4 Sue U Elmore. ... .Tillamook Nov. 4 Alliance Coos Bay Nov. Harvard . . . B. H ?. to JL A. Isov. . o I'.oanoke San Diego Nov. 0 Camlno San Francisco. . . . Nov. 6 Multnomah. ...... .San Diego Nov. 6 Rose City. . . .Los Angoies. .....xnov. i Bnaver .....Los Angeles Nov. 12 Yucatan..... San Francisco. ...Nov. 12 EUROPEAN AND " ORIENTAL SERVICE. Name. From. Date. C. Ferl Loelss. ... JMnnlla. . .........Nov. 4 Andalusia Hamburg. ... .....Dec. ' 4 Den of OlamU London. ......... Nov, 8 Slthonla Hamburg, Do. 81 Pen of Airlio London ....Deo. 8 Merionethshire. ... London. .........Jan. 19 Olenroy .London. . ,. . .....Feb. Id Crown of Toledo. . , Glasgow. , ,. ...... Feb. 2S Cardiganshire London ...Mar. 16 Name. " For. Date. C. Ferd Laelss Manila. ......... .Nov. 8 t-n of Glarols London ........Nov. IS Andalusia. . .Hamburg, Dec- 1U Den of Alrlle London .Dee. 81 Fithonla Hamburg. Jan. 7 Merionethshire. . . London. ..........Jan. 24 Olenroy London....' .Feb. 21 Cardiganshire London -Mar. 21 Marconi Wireless Reports. (All positions reported at 8 P. Novem ber 3, unless otherwise noted;) Senator, Nome for Seattle, 829 miles west of Triangle Island. Falcon. Everett for San Pedro, 14 miles south of Grays .Harbor. Atlas, Ban Francisco for Portland, oft the Columbia River. Roma, Port Angeles for San Franolsoo, tSOO miles north of Ban Francisco. Willamette, Seattle for clan Franolsoo, off Columbia River. Congress. San Francisco for Seattle, 16 miles north of Heceta Head. Leggett, Seattle for San Franclsoo, . 85 miles north of Cape Arago. Catania, Seattle, for Port Ban Luis, 644 miles north of San Francisco. Umatilla, BellinEham for Anacortes, off Elizabeth Island. El Begundo and barge 01, Seattle for San Francisco, off Point Wilson. Asunsclon, Ban Francisco for vauoouver, off Discovery Island. Aztec, San Kraucieco for Balboa, 284 miles from Han Francisco. Pennsylvania, bound for Ban Francisco, 777 miles south of San Francisco. Yale, bound for San Franclsoo, passed Hueneme. f eetsn. Port Harford for Barboa, 1080 miles from Port Jiarford. 8 P. 1. Novem ber 1. - Newport, Can Francisco for Balboa, 1000 milts from Ban Francisco, 8 P. M. Novem ber 1. Lurllne, Honolulu for San Franclsoo, Cos miles' from elan Francisco, 8 P. M., Novem ber 1. China, Orient for Ban Francisco, 2874 miles trom San Francisco, 8 P. M. Novem ber 1. Persia, fian Francisco for the Orient. 1950 miles west of Honolulu, 8 P. M. November L Robert Dollar, Ban Francisco for Japan, 8328 miles from Ban Francisco, 8 P. M. No vember 1. Korea. San Francisco for the orient, 1R11 miles from San Francisco, 8 P. M. Novem ber 1. Santa- Marai, Port Ban Luis for Honolulu, 17 5 miles from Port San Luis, 8 P. M., No vember 1. Honolulan, San Francisco for Honolulu, 1KiX miles from an Francisco, 8 F. &I. November 1. Thomas, Manila, tor 6ac Francisco, 2330 miles from San FTanolsco, 8 P. M. Novem ber 1. Sonoma, Svdney for San Francisco. 1972 miles from San Francisco, 8 P. M. Novem ber 1. Norwood, Aberdeen for San Pedro, 25 miles south of Point Arena. Chehails, Aberdeen lor San Francisco, 88 miles south of Point Arena. (tenlralia. aan Francisco for Grays Har bor. 60 miles north of Point Reyes. President, fian Pedro for Ban Francisco, three miles northwest of port " Arguello. Chanslor, Port San Luis for Portland. 180 miles north of Port San Luis. Oliver J. Olsen, San Franclsoo for Port land, ten miles south of Poitn Arena. Adeline smith, Marshfleld for 6an Fran cisco, ten miles north of Point Reyes. Drake. San Francisco for Seattle, ten miles north of Point Reyes, with barge M In tow. Porter, Everett for Monterey. 198 miles north of pan Francisco. Argyll, Port an Luis for Seattle, 170 miles north of San Francisco. Columbia, Portland for San Francisco, off Cape Mendocino. Topeka, Eureka for San Franclsoo, . 868 mites north of Point Arena. Coiusa, San FrancLsco for the Columbia River, five miles north of Cape Mendocino. AVhlttler, Coos Bay for Port Ban Luis, IB miles south of Caxe Blanco. Bookman, Ban Franeisoo for Seattle, 22 mllea north of St. tieorge's Reef. ; Movements of Vessels. ASTORIA, Nov. 2. "Arrived at 8 A. M. and left up at 8:S0 A. M. Steamer Johan Poulscn, from San Francisco, Arrived at 8 and left up at &:B0 A. M. Steamer Break water, from Coos Bay. balled at s A, M. Steamer Carlos, for tSan FranoUioo, Ball! at U A. M. Steamer Northland, for Ban Franclsoo, Arrived at 8 A. M. and left up at 0 A. If. "Steamer Roanoke, from San Francisco. Arrived at :li A, M. and left up at 10 A, M. "Steamer Daisy Mitchell, from San Francisco. Arrived at 11:0 A, M. and left up at 12 boon "Steamer Camlno, from flan Francisco, Arrived at 4 and left up at .' P. M." Yosemite, from San Francisco, Pun Franolson, Nev, E. Sailed at midnight Steamer Yucatan, for San Pedro, failed nt 8 A, M, Brititsh steamer Colusa, for Portland, (Sailed at 8 A. M. Steamer Daisy Freeman, fnr Portland, Arrived at 1 I'. 2d. Steamer Tamalpaia, from Portland, Marahfield, Nov, a. Arrived Steamer Alliance, from Eureka, for Portland. London, Nov, 1. bailed 'British steamer Merionethshire, for Portland via Orient. 3ah Franolaco. Nov, a. Arrived steam ers Redondo, from Coos Bay; Fifield, from Bandon Tamalpai9t from Columbia Rlveri Watson, A roil 7i i), from Seattle. Sailed Oli ver J, Olaon. Daisy Freeman, Colusa (Brit ish), for Portland Centralia, tot Grays liar bar Col, 13. L, Drake, fttarge 9o, for Seattle, Raymond, wash., Nov, 2. (-opeclal.) Steamer John A. Hooper departed at noon today for Fan 'pedra. Los Angeles, Nov. B. Arrived Jim But ler, from Taceraa, Balled President, for Puirei Mound, Seattle, Nov. 8 Arrived "Steamers Hyades, from San Francisco; Delhi, from Southeastern Alaska: Prince George (Brit ish), from Prince Rupert; Bpokauo, from Skagway. Sailed "Steamers Jeanie, for Southeastern Alaska; Catania, for Port San Luis; 131 Segunott, towing large. 01, for San Francisco; Prince Qeorge (British), for Prince Rupert. Victoria, Nov. 3. Arrived Steamers etratbandiclc (British), from Honolulu; Den of (?lam.ls rPrltfsh). frem Tokehamm. Galled 6Usmw Roma, for San Francisco. Tides at Astoria Mocfdaa-, . Hlrh. Low. 4,141 A. it... .-.. feetMA'OS A. M... . . 8.7 feet 8i44 P. II 9.4 feetflf:: :13 P. 'SL. 01 foot LANE'S RULING PLEASES Governor Telegraph Appreciation of Irrigation Co-operation. BAXar, Or., Nor. S. (Special.) Regarding- a Washing-ton dispatch In The Oregronian that Secretary of the Interior Lane favored state and Fed eral co-operation In Carey Irrigation projects. Governor West sent the Seo retary the following telegram tonlgrht: "Dispatch reports your favoring; state and Federal oo-operatlon comple tion Carey act projects. Wish to con gratulate you upon your stand. Ore gon so anxious to complete these projects has declared willingness to go It alone till Federal aid arrives. Our efforts meeting with success. Our showing will go far to support your contention." It is probable that the Governor wlfl communicate further with the Secre tary of the Interior In resrard to the proposition of state and Federal co operation. UNION FOR COMPENSATION Salem Printers Indorse Act and Urge Its Ratification. SALEM, Or., Nov. t. (Special.) The Salem Typographical Union has adopt ed tho following resolution Indorsing Lbs workmen's compension acti Whereas. Thore la to te submitted te the people of Oregon at the special election to be held on November 4, the Workmen's com pensation act, a bill providing for the auto matic compensation of Injured workers and their dependents, and Whereas, The plan oontemplated by this bill has been found to provide In other states and countries a more equitable and satisfactory method of caring for those maimed and crippled in the upbuilding- of industry, therefore. he It Resolved, That It Is the sense of Capital Typographical Union. No. 210, that the bill should become a law, anfl that this union and the members thereof should use all honorable means to assist In bringing about Its approval by the people at the speolal election aforesaid. JOHN G. THOMAS IS DEAD Gresham Musician Succumbs to Brlght's TM sense Attack. GRESHAM, Or., Nov. 2. (Special.) John Gaston Thomas died at his father's home in Gresham Saturday at noon. Mr. Thomas was a musician of consid erable ability and had been playing in Sacramento for the last five years. He was brought home from California early in October suffering with Brlght's disease. Besides his father and mother, he leaves three brothers and one sister. Harry Thomas, of Sandy, Or., and Ezra M. and Albert, and Miss Mabel Thomas, of Gresham. Funeral service will be held at the family residence Monday at 2 P. M. Interment will be at Gresham Cemetery. TALENT ENTERTAINS LODGE Ashland Rebekahs Ttnd Oddfellows Are Gneets at Banquet. ASHLAND, Or, Nov. 2. (Special.) Members of the Ashland Rebekah Lodge of Oddfellows Invaded Talent last night on a visit, which was semi official and thoroughly social. Mrs. Charlotte Woodman, of Portland, president of the State Rebekah Assem bly, was present. A banquet was a pronounced feature of the gathering, the visitors being royally entertained by the Talent members of the order. Incident to this meeting- plans were made' for attending the district con vention of Rebekahs, including delega tions from Jackson and Josephine coun ties, at Eagle Point on the evening of November 4. Rebekahs from this vi cinity will flrBt exercise the right of franchise and then leave for - Eagle Point In automobiles. CITY FRANCHISE IS ASKED Stephen Carver Asks Rlght-of-Way on Oregon City Street. OREGON CITT, Or., Nov. 3. (Spe cial.) Stephen Carver will apply at the next meeting of the City Council for a franchise for 25 years for right of way for an electric lino through the streets of Oregon City. The work on the line would begin within three months from the time that the franchise la granted, and the operation of cars within 18 months thereafter. The speed limit is fixed at 15 miles an hour, subject to change by the Council. If the company should fail- to live up to the terms of its fran chise and complete the work within the specified time, the franchise Is re voked automatically. It also contains a common-user clause for the Clacka mas Southern Railway. Sunday School Association Elects. CENTRALIA, Wash., Nov. 2. (Spe cial.) At the annual convention of the Lewis County Sunday School Associa tion, which closed at. Vader Friday night, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year; F. E. Meyers, of Chehalis, president; Rev. F. E. Dorrls, of Centralis, vloe-preBt-dent; Mrs. Millie Wilson, of Chehalis, secretary, and W. R. Smith, of Vader, treasurer. The time and place of next year's meeting will be set by the ex ecutive committee later. Lumber Company to Rcinme. CHEHALIS, Wash, Nov. 2 (Spe olal.) The Meskill Lumber Company, of which F. M. Zufelt is owner, will start cutting again tomorrow after a shutdown of about two months. The output is about 80,000 feet a day, and 55 or 60 men will be put to work again. Mr. Zufelt recently bought the store at Meskill from John Robinson, the post master, Mrs. Zufelt being made assist ant postmaster. Condemnation Bait Is Vp. CHTEHALIS, Wash., Nov. 8. (Spe cial.) The Ptiget Sound & Wlllapa Harbor Railway Company, the Milwau kee railroad auxiliary, offered evidence yesterday in Lewis County Superior Court in Its condemnation suits for right of way In Chehalis against Mrs. Laura Carrtthers, George Lehmeier and Henry T. Hill. Work of tearing down buildings for the right of way of the new line already has begun. Meskill Plant to Reopen, CENTRALIA, Wash., Nov. S. (Spe cial.) The -Meskill Lumber Company's plant at Meskill will resume opera tions Monday, according to employes who were in Centralia yesterday. The mill has been shut -down since its log boom was carried away a month ago. F. M. Zufelt, owner of the mill, has taken over the general store at Meskill, formerly owned by John Robinson. Colfax Invites Senator Jones, COLFAX Wash., Nov. 2. (Special.) United States Senator Wesley L. Jones has been invited by Falouse irri gation project committee to deliver an address at Cnlfax in the near future. The State Legislatives , -appropriated PORTLAND ACCORDION PLKATIX. K. BTttFHAN Hemstitching and scalloping. - aoaord. side pleat, buttons oovered, goods . sponged) mafl orders. HHa Alder. M. 87. ARCHTtlCOTS. ftiCBIDENCS and bungalow designs a spe olaltT; reasonable. AN b3, Oregon Ian. ABSAYKR, AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA AS4AT OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing works. ISd Morrison St. ATTORNEYS. J. K. OKEEXFIELD General praetloe, ab stracts, contraots, collections, divorces, eto. Removed to new offices. TO-7. 70S. 70 Belling bldg. opposite Oregonlan. tiargent (H. K. ) & Swope (F. .), general practice. Removed to 415 Piatt bldg. Ret erenoes; Hartman & Thompson Hank. BOAT BCTLDINQ. O. P. OhAKAii Boat building and repalr Ing. Marine ways, foot Abernethy St. CARPET WEAVING. NOKTHWKST RUO CO. Rugs from old carpets, rag ruaa. 1S8 Kast th. CELU'LorD BCTTONS, BATX1KS. Tllia IRVV1N-HODSON COMPANY, 92 5th St. Phones Main 812 and A. 1234. CHIROPODISTS. VliMain, Kstelle and Dewane Deveney, tbe only sclentiilo coiropodlsts In the eity. Parlors, 8U2 Qerlinger bldg., 8. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Mill. Offices. 429 Plledner bldg. Main B473. BK- and Mrs. Fletcher, painless chiropodists, over the Haselwood. Main 8T13. A B12A CHI ROPRACTTO PHYSICIANS. Lit. M'MtHO.N, 121 4th St $10,COO modern equipment. Chronic cases 14 "trust" prices. Results guaranteed In writing. CtRCULAB ADDRESSING. THOSHl circulars addressed In one-tenta. the usual time. Rosenthal. 82 14 8d st. COAL. ROSLYN Cascade coal, wholesale and retail. Portland & Suburban Coal Co. A 64, L S58, for furnace use. mine run. COAL AND WOOD, KNIGHT coal has no equal; a clean, hard. . quick-firing long-burning Utah coal. Al. bina Fuel Co.. sole agents. OAK and fir cordwood. Cannon coal. Mult- nomah Fuel Co. Main 65-10, A 21JO. (J.M Wll.L buy you the Hlanralua ooal at Edlefgen's. mine agent. COLLECTION AORNCY. N"STH : CO.. Worcester bids. Main 17B8, No collection, no charge. DANCING. PROF. WAL. WILSON School Lessons 26c, waits, two-step, three-step, stage danolng taught, morning, afternoon and evening; guarantee to teach anyone who walks how to dance. 85Vi 6th St., between Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7637. HEATH'S SCHOOL. 10 2(1 St., between Wash, and Stark Fancy, stage and social danclnn taueht; waits and 2-step guar anteed in 4 lessons; striatly private; class Friday evenings 8 to 10; lessons 2SC. HK ATH'S DA NCI NO SCHOOL. Aiisky bldg.. Sd and Morrison sts. Lessons daily; waits and two-step guaranteed In 4 strictly prl vate lessons; class Wed. eve., 8 to lo. RIN-or.EE Danoins Academy Social and fancy: tango, one-step. Boston; private and class. 231 Morrison. Marshall 313. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Co., Morrison and 2d. R. M. Wade Sc Co.. 332-26 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTURAL WIItF. ft IRON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wks., 2d Sc Columbia. AUTO AND BTTOOY TOPS. DUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 id St. ACTO.MOBri.ES. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.. IS. Mor. A 3d. AUTO LAMPS AND RADIATOR REPAIRING. PORTLAND AUTO LAMP CO. BIO Alder St. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOT7 WRIGHT. .7th and Oak eta. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage A Omnibus Transfer, Park ar Davis. BARBER SUPPLIES. Lewls-Stenger Larber Supply Co.. lOth-Mor. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES ft SUPPLIES. Ft A L LOU Sr WRIGHT, 7th and Oak streets. POPE F. P. Xeenan Co.. 190 4th street. BICYCLES .AXfl SUPPLIES. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 247 Ash street. BREAD BAKERY. Royal T3akery & Conf., Inc., 11th and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1.VHARD, 18th and Burnslde. CANDY MANUFACTURERS. COFFMAN CANDY CO.. 43 Front street. CARRIAGE WORKS. PORTLAND CAI'.IIIAGH; WKS.. BODIES, WHEELS. SPK1.NG3, 10 North Fourth Street. Main D333. CASCARA BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAH.V BROS.. 191 FRONT ST. CEMENT. LIME AND PLASTER. F. T. Crowe Co.. 45 Fourth street. COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES. CI-OSHET DEVEKS. 1-11 N. Front at. OIKS AVD SliEKT ifcfllTAt. bTAMDl'vn WESTERN Tool A Die Works. 806 Pine st. money to bo used on this survey and Congress has been, asked to aid In tho work. Senator Jones has taken an active part at Washing-ton in behalf ot this survey. Xew Logging Block Tried. CENTRALIA. Wash., Nov. 2. (Spe cial.) Frank Montgomery, a member of the N. & M. Lumber Company, operating a bigr -mill at Rochester, has Just Invented a butt block and swivel for use In logging camps. One of the blocks la In use in the N. & it. camp and Is said to be an improvement over the old blocks in every way. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Nov. 2. Maximum temper ature, 89.6 degrees: minimum. 8S.0 degrees. River reading at A. M 3.8 feet; change in past 24 hours, 0.7 foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P. &L to B P. M.), none, total rainfall slnos September L 1918, O.Sil Inches; normal rainfall since September L o.SO Inoheet ex cess of rainfall since September 1, 1013, 0.43 Inch. Total sunshine November 2, 7 hours, 34 minutes; possible sunshine, 1Q ho-ura. B minutes. ;nrornnter (reduced to sea-level) at B F. M 80.10 inches. THE WEATHER. Wind It tf o O B 1 State ot STATIONS. Weather. Baker ,.. Boise Boston ,,,.. Calgary Chicago Denver Des Moinea. , , , , Duluth Eureka (lalveHton Helena 440.04' 41W 62-0. 1(1,10 NW f.4 0.00 4;s 4h 0.0O 4 HW S4 0.PO 24'8 6010. 0U 4 SW UOjO.OO 24ISW 62 T, 14, SW 62'0.0l 4lN ti4 0.(i(l!12 H SSi0.8Si tt SW 700.00 li;N0 52 0.00 12 a 48 0.00 4 VV 70 0. 12 IflW Be'O.Ol 4'N W 84'0.00O'3 68 O.OO! 4 HH 64'n.OO lOiW 68'0.O0!l4iE S2!o.O014"NEI 80 O.O0 4'NB KlVfl.) 4:?tf Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clouay Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Jacksonville Kansas City,.,,, Laurier ,,,,,,,, Los Angeles.,.,. Marshfleld ..... Montreal New Orleans..,,, New York. North Had , , , , , North Yakima,,, Pendleton Phoenix Pocatelln t t . t , , Portland Roseburg i . I , . . t Sacramento , , . . . St. Louis..,....- St. Paul....,,.., Salt . Laka. Ran Francisco.., Spokane ...... T . Taroma ........ Tatoosh Island., Walla Walla..,, Washington Winnipeg Clout.y Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. oloudy Pt. cloudy Rain 44'O.KOI g;NW nu ii.uij ij m (tn'n nn jlv (Clear Pt, cloudy rt ()'.04l 4'NW clear Clear Clear Rain Pt. cloudy Clear Clear C.lourtv 62IO.OO 13;SH! 58'0. 00112 8 52 O.OO1 16; NW 60'0. 14!12'W liOlO.OO'lO'N fj2'0.00l 4 N 64 O.00!0!B B2IO.OO! ejBW Cloudy r4'U.tnn in a0.00 10NW! Clear Cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. A moderat high-pressure area' overlies the Nirtli-:rn 'iocky Mountain states anil another high-pressure area of great magnitude over lies the Atlantic States. There are no dls tlactlva low-rpressuro areas with la the field BUSINESS DIRECTORY ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repalr- - ing and reminding: all work guaranteed. K. M. H. Eleotrto Co, 81 First at. North. Phone Main t21. WIS buy, sell, rent and exchange new and eooad-hand - motars; repair wot spe oialty. Western Electric Works, 218 eth. KMl-LO 11IKNT AGENTS. HANLKT Employment Agency, 25 North Second. Main 727. A 220. t. J. Hanley, prop. Res. phones. East 190, C 37. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialist, GlaBses fitted. Dr. F. F. Cagaeday, 41S Dekura bklg..8dafe Wash, KIKE INSURANCE. LET OWEN PLTMMERa write your fire in surance. 833 Morgan bldg. Main 8-423 - IQLNURV AND. MACHINE MlOItj. PHOENIX Iron Works. E. 8d and Haw thorne. General machine and fnvndry work. FVRN1TIRE HOSPITAL. BOWSK3 & PARSONS. 100 Front. M. 7443. Furniture hospital. packing and shipping. GENERAL ESfeCRANCE. INSURANCE of every description. Mallorv & Co., Inc., 810 Wilcox blcfg. Main 230. HO CK MOVINU. CLAY S. MORSE, INC., Sis Pine St.; houses moved, machinery, boiiera, tanks, safes, etc.. hauled and placed in buildings, smokestacks s-it. Ask us for estimates on your work. A D. Moodie, 103 hi. Water sU East SH'i. Latest Improved machinery for handling heavy bodies. Brick buildings a Specialty. KODAKl KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES. Developing, printing; and. enlarging. BLUM.AUER PHOTO SUPPLY CO., 845 Washington st. LEATHER AND FLNDEVUS. J. A. STROWBRIDOE LEATHER CO. Km tabllahod 1858. 189 Front St. MACHINERt. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co., Portland. MASSAGE. MAH8AGE treatments given at residences. Mrs. Haydn. Phone Main 0302. 221 18th st. MATTRESS FACTORY. MATTRESSES made over and to order: ro-upholsterlng- of all kinds. Marshall ES.1T. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY Messenger Co. Day and night service. Phone Main 03. A 21SS. MUSICAL. PIANO STUDIO. 209 14th, Ph. M. 8S93. . Ar rangements for practice; modern methods. T. E. LAWSON. 422 4 Morrison. Main 6459. Plaro lessons f.Oo ; beginners a spwalty. EM1L THIELHOr.N. violin teacher, pupil SovMk. 207 Flledner bldg. A 41tW. Mar. 1629. MtSIC SCHOOLS AND TEAClfERS. SCHOOL OF MCSIOStafr of teachers. Ore. gon Conservatory of Music. Ml'LTIGRAP-HINO AND TYPEWRITING. JACK B. THORNTON, stenographer, type writer, multlpraper. advertising letters. mailing, etc. Mnln 3879. 811 Morgan bldg. .NATI ROI'ATIHC PHYSICIANS. Dr Orover. specialist in paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 7HS Oregonlan Mdg.M.S142. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. LI. Northrun. 08 Morsan blda.. Broadway and Washington sts. Office pnone. aiam a4; residence. East 1028. OPTICIANS. MUNSE'LL Optical Co. Quality glasses, 2d floor, N. W. b:dg;.. 327'j Washington. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS DRUGGISTS. CLARKE-WOODWARD UKUO CO., Alder at West Parle . DRY GOODS. FLSISOH N FR-M A Y F.K & CO.. 207 Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Sfubbs Electrical Co., 6th and Pine sts. FISH, OYSTERS AND ICE. MALARKEY & CO.. Inc.. 149 Front street. FLOUIt MILLS. CROWN MILLS. Board of Trade bldg. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE & CO.. 353 Oak It H. M. HOUSER. Hoard of Trade bldg. NORTHERN- GRAIN & WHSE. CO., Bd. Td. THE W. A. GORDON CO.. Board ot Trade. GROCERIES. WAPHAMS A CO..- 69-75 4th St. HAIR GOODS. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO. WHOLESALE OXLY. 411 DEKUM BLDG. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO., 53-5S Front St. HAY. J. H. Klnsterman & Co.. leading hay dealers. HIDES. FURS, PELTS, WOOL, TALLOW. THE H. F. .VORTUN CO.. 63-55 Front St. HIDES, PELTS, WOOL AND FURS. KAHN BROS. 191 Front street. Jiur .HtKtlLUITS. i'XEFF BROTHERS, 011 Worcester blflg. . PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East 3d and Burnslde sts. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IKON. CASTINGS. Complete Stock of BEAMS. ANGLES. CHANNELS, PLATES. KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.i 149 Sd. LEATHER AND SilOE6TOKE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. MASTIC CO., 74 Front; leather of every description, taps, mfg. findings. of observations this evening, but the morning reports showed an extensive disturbance ovor Southeastern Alaska. Light rain has fallen in California, Southern Oregon, South ern Idaho, Utah, Western Colorado and In portions of Montana and the Dakotas. It la much cooler In Southeastern Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Southern Montana and the west err, portion of South Dakota. The conditions are favorable for fair weather In this district Monday, except in Western Washington and Northwestern Ore gon, where eloudiness will increase and be followed by rain. FORECASTS: Portland' and vicinity Increasing cloudi ness, followed by rain; southeasterly winds. Oregon fair except Increasing cloudiness followed by rain northwest portion; east to southeast winds. ' Washinjiiun Fair east. Increasing cloudi ness followed by rain west portion, south easterly winds. Increasing' along the coast. Idaho Fair. EDWARD A. PTCALS, District Forecaster. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 40, A.- F. AND A. M. Special !-A - communication this (Monday) QVX Burnslde. M. M. degree. Vls N Itors welcome. Order W. M. J. II. RICHMOND. Secretary. X AST GATE LODGE NO. IBS, A. V. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Monday) even ing. 7:30 o'clock. East &0th and Olisan. Labor in F. C ahd M. M. degrees. Visitors weloome. M. O. ROSE. Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening at 7:80 o'clock. Visiting brethren welcome. W. fi. WEEKS. Secretary. II ARM ON I" LODGE. NO. 12, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Monday) eve. at 7:10 o'clock. Work In the M. M. degree. Vlsltlnc brethren welcome. W. M. DeLIN. Secretary. C AMELIA CHAPTER. NO. 27 O. E. H. Stated communication this (Monday) evening at Masonlo Tem ple. Degrees. By order of worthy xnatron. MARIETTE ROBINSON. Seo. PIED. SCTCLIFF In this city, November 1, Hamer Sutrllff, aged 76 years, at his late realdenoe, ObB East Washington St. Re mains at the reHidenoe establishment of J, P. Finley Sk Son., Montgomery, at Oth. Funeral notice hereafter. DICE Nov, 2, at the realdenoe of his sister, airs. Mury UnaCauley, 4aou 07th st. s. E., Benjamin C, Dice, aged 46 years. Remains at Dunning & MoEntee's parlors. Notice of funeral later, HICKS In this city, Nov, B, at tha 'resi dence. uaS'j East Yamhill street, llalley V, Hicka, Remains at Holman'i parlors. Funeral announcement later, LOVE In this city, Nov, a, Samue H, I .eve, aged 47 years. Remains at A, R, Zeller'a parlors, pua Williams ave. Funeral an nouneemant later, HTJLBERT In this city. Not. 8, at 80H Fair, fax Terrace, William p. Hulbert, Remains at the residence. Funeral announcement la tec, DAVIS Nov. 8, at the Blortnn A partmentsi A. V. Davis, aged 81 years. Remains at Dunning sc AlcEntea's parlors, Netloe uf PATENT ATTORNEYS. Patents procured by J. K- aiock. attorney-at-law, lata of lbs U. 8. Patent Office. Booklet free. 1010 Board of Trade blflfc. R. C. WKIOHT, Its years" praollce. U. fc. and foreign patenta. 600 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. W. R. WRENN, physician, nervous flls saoea, 4 N. ll'th at. Mar. 42:!(t, A 7014. I'EfE. PORTLAND-WOOD PIPE CO. Factory ami office near 24th and York sis. Main 8-sa. Kt HHl.lt STAMPS, SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WOUKS. 231 wash. st. Phones Main 710 and A 27H1 THE 1RW1N-HODSON COMPANY, 02 3th SU phone Main 812. A 1204. SEWING MACHINES. Machines of all makes, new and 2d-hand. for ale. rented and repaired. M. S431. Sewing Machine Emporium, 110 3d st. nr. Yamhill. SHOWCASES. RANK A STOKE l-T.YTCKES THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap Ids Showcase Co, 6th aud Hoyt. K. Lutke. manager. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new and old window display and cabinet work. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. .PORTLAND Van & Storage Co., cor. 15th. and Eearney sts., Just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effects. rlanos aud automobiles; contains separate Ire and vermin-proof rooms, siesm-bsated piano room, trunk and rig vaults; track age for carload shipments; vans or mov ing, reduced freight rates cn household goods to and from East In through oars. Main 6140, all departments. C O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co., oftloes and commodious 4-story briok warahouae, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. pianos and furniture moved and paokeci for-shipment, special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main Bt0. A 298. K'HTI-AM 1 HAN3FF.il STORAOI CO.. Main 610. 2M! Washington. A 10O4. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Special rates made on goods to domestic and foreign ports. Through .laar servloe. Storage. Low Insurance, OKfUON TRANSFER CO., 474 Oltaan St.. cor. 13th. Telephone Main 6 or A 1169. General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two large class "A", warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In the city. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO., general transferring and storajro. safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Teams and auto vans for long-distance moving. S7-89 Front St. Main 547 or A 22T. FOR good, cheap storage In fireproof build ing, central location, call Marshall 4873, We pacK, ship and store all kinds of furniture. lm Second jil. C. C. YETT SON. 208 Alder. Marshall 289, East a4& Furniture, piano moved and packed for shipment and storage; general transferring ; 1 month's free storage. PORTLAND AUTO. DEL.. CO., drayage and storage; furniture moving and racking. 27 No. Front. Marshall 1730. A MBU. TRUSSES. EXPERT TRUSS FITTING at the Uu Davls Drug Co.. 8d and Yamhill. I PlUILTEHINi.lT RN1TCRK KKIVAlItTNG MATTRESSES made over and to order; car. pets cleaned, laid. A. Silverman. Main 4554. WATCH REPAIRING. BW183 watch repairing. C. Chriatensen. seo ond floor Corhctt bldg. - WOOD AND COAL. WrKCKl.NO wood, cut stove lengths, 3 and $3.60 per loal, delivered. Inquire 44 N. 6th. Vm 04117. LOGGING MACHINERY. MALOlty & CO.. 23 1 Pine St. F. B. LUBRICATING OILS. Guthrie & Co.. Hoard of Trade. Balfour, nuH AV" WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 83 Fifth st. MILIJNEKY. g- O. CASK .4 CO., 6th and Oalt. BRADSHAW BROS., Morrison and 7th at. ., . NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER SIMINGTON. Calhoun Co., 45 4t)l. ORNAMENTAL I RON AND WIk"e! Portland Wire & Iron oiks, id & Culumbia. PAINTS, OILSAND VARNISHES. "" RASMUSKEN t CO., Jobbers paints. olU. glass, sash and door. Cor. L'd and Taylo.. W. P. FULLElt CO..12tliand DavjS; PALXTS AND WALLPAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 1st; First St. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS-! ANDVai.VEs7 ILL. KLINE, 44-SS Front st. PLUMBING. AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. S4-S8 Front St. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTEd A CO.. 1ST AND OAK STS. PRODUCE COMMISSION MEKCIIANTST EVEUDING St FAUltKLL. HI) Front St. POULTRY, EGGS, CAi.VES. HOGS. HENRY KVBHtllM), M-C; Front st. ROPE AND HINDER TWINE. Portland CorilaKe Co., 14Ui andNprthrup. SAM) AN D O lttVEL, COLUMBIA UlUOKIt CO., Foot Anlteny st SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. W. P. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works, 14th and Northrup. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., 61 Front St. WALL PAPER. Ernst Miller Wall Papr Co., 171 1st st. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 331 !d WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wks., 3d and Columbia AUCTION SALE TODAY. Ford Auction House. 211 1st. Furniture, carpets, eto. Pal at 2 P. M. .t Wion's Auction House, at 10 A. 'J Furniture. 160-8 First St. FUNERAL NOTICES. NEWBERY St. Vincent Hospital, Oct. 81. Mrs. Sarah Ann Newbery, aged 78 years. 17 days, beloved mother of Mrs. Anna Smith, Mrs. Jennie Smith, of Flandoran. South Dakota; Charles S. Newbery, ul Thief Falls, Minn., and John P. Newljerj. of Brookfleld, Wash. Funeral services will be conduoted today (Monday), Nov. 8. at 2:30 P. M. at the family plot in Multnoma'i Cemetery, Friends r-spectf ully lnvlteil. Remains at Pearson's Funeral Parlors. HOWARD In this city. Nov. 2 Mary A. Howard, aged 71 years, 9 months. 6 cays, wife of Gilbert S. Howard, at the resldenco of her daughter, Mrs. A. A. Wliarfleld, :!.. E. 78th st. Funeral aervlce will be helU tomorrow (Tuesday). November 4, at 1 o'clock P. M. at the residence establish ment of J. P. Finley A Son, Montgomery, at Fifth street. Friends Invited. Inter ment ML Scott Park Cemetery. ROHKRTS In this city, November 1, Doro thy Elizabeth Roberts, aged 0 years a months 11 days. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Roberts, of 1134 Hall streei. Funeral services will be held from th.: above residence Monday, November 3, st 2 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited. In terment River View Cemetery. SMITH In this city, November 1, James Wood Smith, aged o4 years, of 6&1 Clack amas St., hust,and of Mrs. Lotta Chase Smith. The funeral service will be helu tomorrow (Tuesday), Nov. 4, at 8 o'clock P. M., at the residence establishment "f J. P. Finley A Son, Montgomery, at Fifth. Friends Invited. BAKER In this city. November 1, at the residence, 147 E. 28th st., Alfred Avery Baker aged 41 years, 8 months. IS days. Friends Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, which will be held at Holman's parlors, corner 8d and Salmon strts. Wednesday, November 6. at 2 P. M. Con cludlng services at Portland Crematorium. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Mil EDWARD HOT. MAN, tbe leading fu neral director, 20 Third street, corner Sal mon. Lady aaHlstant. A 1S1L Main 607. F. 8. DUNNING, INC. Fast Hide Funeral Directors. 4 Efet Alder st. East St. B 262S. DUNNING A M'ENTEE. funeral directors. 7th and Pine. phone Main 430. Lady at tendanL Office of County Coroner. 6KEWF.S UNDERTAKING COMPANY'. 8rl and Clay. Main 41.12. A 2821. Lady attendant. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK. Its beauty Intrulnrly itpprojirlnte. It care peculiarly nuKKCstlve at affection and memory. FZlcxant nnd commodious visitor' reat room. Perpetual care. Ke nned pleating? aervlce. Keached by Mt. acott or Ctiailero cars, iiotb phones. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. 820 UNION AVENUE. CORNER MARKET STREET. P-boae Esct a 2315. Horse ambulance Tor sick or disabled tnlmals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable, Report all cases ot cruel-. tt ta tbla office, Opoa dor and night.