rmE MOItNTXG OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1913. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBEGOXIAM TEIEPHO?TE8. Prlnt!n-Room Mlo 707O. A SOSS City Circulation Main 7070. A09S lUudll Editor Main T070. A 6095 Sunday Editor Main 7070. A. 03 Composln-Roora Main 7070, A 60S Superintendent Bullfllnr. -" WO. A 604 ORPRETJM THEATER (Broawwar ana Tay lor! Vaudeville. Thi aliernooa at 2:15 and ton. mt at 8:15 PANT AGE 3 THEATER (Broadway and Al der) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15 and ton:(bt at 7:SU and 9. Empress THEATER (Broadway and Tam niu) Vandevilie. Tbia afternoon at 3:15 and tonight at 7:30 and 8. I.TRIC THEATER (Fnnrlh and Stark Atusieal comedy, "ii aloney's Weddinx. This afternoon at 2:13 an dtonlgbt at 1:10 to 10:e5 o'clock. PEOPLE'S, STAR. ARCADE. OH JOT, TIVOLI AND CRYSTAL First-run pic ture. 11 A. M. to 12 P. M. COLUMBIA THEATER (Sixth and Wssh lnston -Continuous tlrat-rua picture Irom 11 A. II. GLOBE THEATER (Eleventh and Wash- intto-i) Continuous first-run motion p.c- turea, OAKS AVTTKrvffNT T A R IT rra from First and Aider) Royal Italian Band and vaudeville. Afternoon at 2:30; evenings at a P. M. RECP.EATIOM PARK (Twenty-fourth and vaugon) Baseball. Portland vs. ao seiea Tftla afternoon at :ao. ORECOMA5 AT hKSORTS. For quickest delivery of The Ore ironlan at Summer resorts subscrlbj through the following agents, city rates. Subscriptiona by mall ar payable In advance. , Bar View, Or E- F. Jaekaon Bay C1t. Or Bf. J. Miller Bar Ocean. Or.. ..M. A. Shirley. Jr. Brightoat Beach, or. . . J. A. Baldwin Carson. Waah. . .Shepherd' Spring Casradia, Or. .. .G. M. Geiaendorle Garibaldi, Or C F. Alexander Loaf Beach, Waah Frank Hochfleld MaaaanKa Beach, Or. Emll G. Kardell Naheotta. Waah J. H. Bmn Newport. Or George Sylveater Oeeaa Park. TV ash... D. IS. Beeeher Rockaway Beach, Or. ..Frank MUlcr Rockaway Beach. Or..-.F. IL. WllViaa tU Martina Spring-, Waah Mrs. N. St. Martla Seaalde, Or Clark Strattoa Seavlcw, Wash.. Constable APntaam Tillamook. Or J. S. Lamar Wheeler, Or R. H. Cady WUhoit, Or F. W. McLeraa GRirma Talks Temperance. Mrs. M. E. Pugh. superintendent of railroad work, had charge of the programme at a, meeting of the Central Women's Christian Temperance Union Wednes day. She Introduced Mr. Griffith, presi dent of the Portland, Railway, Light & Power Company, who gave a talk. He emphasized the business basis of the temperance reform, and stated that no employe who Indulges In Intoxicants is retained by his company. He told of the efforts of his company for the uplift of Its employes. Mrs. Push spoke of the need of the men for a rest Sun day. Mrs. Ada Long also spoke. Mrs. M. L. Hidden will entertain next week. Special, Sundat Excursion. A special excursion to Oresham and the location of the new Beaver State Automobile factory, on the Mount Hood line, will leave First and Alder streets. 1:30 P. M., Sunday, returning at 6:30. Fine quarter acre home sites for factory employes and excellent Investment property near factory locations will be shown. The excursion has been arranged by the TJmbdenstock Larson Co. Tickets are 25 cents, on sale only at 286 Oak street. Positively no tickets sold on train. You may get seats on train by 1 o'clock at First and Stark streets siding. Milk Show Fcmu Contributed. O. M. Plummer. chairman of the finance committee, appointed to solicit funds from the public for the expenses attendant upon the Pure Milk. Show, which will be given under auspices of the City Health Bureau, already has re-' celved several contributions and Is awaiting more. It Is asserted that no money can be given to better purpose than to educate housewives In the mat ter of pure milk. Chairman Plummer committee will meet thla afternoon In the City Hall. Commissioners Will Attxxd. Com' missioners Delck and Daly will attend a meeting ol the Kobs City Park Ira provement League tonight at 8 o'clock, at Metcalf f Hall, corner Sandy boule vard and Fifty-fourth street. The peo ple of the Rose City Park section will present the needs of that portion of the city to the Commissioners and they will address the meeting on the gen era! subjects of interest to that grow ing suburb. Everybody 1 cordially In vlted. Metschan to Undergo Operation. Otto Metschan. one f the stockholders or the imperial Hotel company, was taken to Oood Samaritan Hospital last night to undergo an operation for ap pendicitis. Drs. Homer I. Keeney and A. tL Kockey will perform the opera' tion. Mr. Metschan was seized with an attack at his home In the Rosefriend Apartments, Broadway and Jefferson street, Sunday night. Rev. Mr. Montoovxrt Returns Sep tember 15. In a letter to Walter Johnson, of this city, a personal Triend, Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery, who has accepted a call to become superin tendent of church extensions In the Portland Presbytery district, writes that ha will arrive In Portland from Chicago September IS, -and enter at once on hi duties. Charles Wakrpield' Funeral Held. The funeral of Charles Wakefield, wno was accidentally killed on Mon day, was held yesterday at the Dun ning undertaking parlors. The service was attended by a large number of xnends and associates. Mr. Waka Held was the son of Robert Wakefield, a contractor. The floral offerings -were in great numoer. Ernest Wallace Funeral Is Fridat. The funeral of Ernest Russell Wal lace will be held Friday at I P. M. from Dunning" chapel, 414 East Alder street, and the Interment will be made in Mount Scott Cemetery. This young man was connected with prominent people in England and was the nephew of Sir William Wallace. Miss Southwick Will Speak. An open meeting of the Consumers' Uim. will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock at the loung omen i Christian As sociation, miss Clara Bouthwlck, of .Boston, win give an address on the league label and its importance to the consumer. For Sals. Dental -practle In town of Iiruu, nne xarming country, all electric equipped; this proposition will stand closest Investigation. Reason for sell ing. AV 131. Oregonlan. For Sale. A 45-horsepower, 650-voIt Crocker-Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage re lease and 75-ampere over-load I-T-E circuit break. In A-l condition. Ad dress room 203 Oregonlan bldg. For Sale. One 115-volt, direct current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. This machine Is In good repair. Ad dress room 203 Oregonlan bldg. For Bale. A 40-K. W, SOO-volt, Crocker-Wreeler generator, complete with field rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Address room 203 Oregonlan bldg. Dr. J. s. Moors has returned from bis vacation and may be found after noons at his offices In Medical bldg. For Rent. Madame Bauer's home, KS North 19th st. Main 2518. Ice Creak delivered to all parts of the city. Phone Washington Cream Co. Dr. Coma T. Cat-bet returned. Dr. Ksavp; Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. CrviL Skrvtcb Exam Dates Set. The United States Civil Service Com mission announce that on September 15, the following examinations will be held In this city: Entomological as sistant (male) for position in the bureau of entomology. Department of Agriculture at 12250 per annum, elec trometallurerist (male) for position In the bureau of mines. Department of the Interior, from $1800 to 13000 a year. On September 17, examiner of surveys (male) for nosltion In the Forest Serv Ice, Department of Agriculture from $1200 to $1500 a year. Pressfeeder for position In the Government Printing Office from 25 to 27 14 cent an hour (eight hours constituting a day's work). PreDarator of textiles (female) for position In the National Museum, Washington, D. at J6 per montn. Record examiner (male) in the Depart ment of Agriculture from $1500 to $1800 a year and assistant In botanical laboratory work (male) In the bureau of plant industry, yepwuucm vi ash culture at $1600 per year. On Septenv ber 17-18. 1913, assistant engineer In forest product (male) for position In Forest Service at MaOlson. Wis., from $1200 to $1500 and preparator In ento mology for position In the bureau of entomology. Department of Agricul ture at $60 a month.. Persons desiring to , compete In these examinations should apply to Z-.'X. Leigh, Fostoffice Department. Mazamas Will Resume Local Walks. The Mazamas' will resume their local walks next Saturday and Sunday by week-end outing. The members will leave over the Southern Paclflo from, the Jefferson-etreet depot at 4 P.' M. and 6:45 P. M., Saturday, and will go to Springbrook. From there they will go to the farm of E. W. Burke, a mile and a half out, where they will camp for the night and have a country dance. On Sunday they will take a walk along the high ridge for a few miles, from which beautiful views are obtainable. and will strike the railroad again at Sherwood for the return to Portland. Persons desiring more detailed Infor mation should call on C E Woodworth at the Ladd & Tilton Bank. Unclb Sam Seeks $4500 Man. The United States Civil Service Commis sion announces that on September 15, 1913, the following examination will be held in this city: Professor of phar macology (male) for position In the hygienic laboratory, public health serv ice, Washington. D. C. at about $4500 a year. On September 17, statistical clerk for position In the Departmental Serv Lflce at Washington, D. C. from 30 to $1200 per annum. Persons desiring to compete In these examinations, should apply to Z. A. Leigh, Fostoffice De partment. Union to Meet Fridat. Wlllard Union will hold an all-day meeting Friday at the home of Mrs. Gillette, 1200 Jarrett street, corner of Twenty- second, Mrs. Stark will have charge of the programme. Rev. Mr. Thomas, of the Woodlawn Methodist Episcopal Church, and others will speak. A basket lunch will be served. Purs Milk Meetino Is Tod at. The Joint committee meeting to be held at the City Hall, Council Chambers, at 11 A. M. today, is open to all who are Interested In pure milk. All committee members and the public are urged to attend. Man grows all the fonder of horse back riding from practice. He Is happy when riding for there Is neither room' or time for sad thoughts. Ride at Kramer's Riding School, where the environments are most pleasing. Six teenth and Jefferson streets. Earlt Crawford Peaches, direct from our Ashland peach farm, for putting up and also highest grade for table use. H. Jennlng & Sons. Telephone Main 319, Home A 1230. Dr. Wic. G. Keller, of 608 Taylor st, has returned from a two weeks' vacation In California. Orncs for doctor and family. A 304, Oregonlan. Duck Shoottno Places for two. Particulars, 318 Worcester bldg. Dr. A. C. Tucker, dentist, has re turned; 611 Oregonlan bldg. WATSON'S INCORPORATED Baltimore Dairy Luncheons are the re sorts of the most exacting pebple at lunch time. Whether It is a salad or a more substantial meal, they get it, and the absolute cleanliness of everything Is an assured fact. Watson' Five are popular because they supply the best, and because they are conveniently lo cated. Look for the name Baltimore. GEARHART 'BY- THE -SEA" Oregon' best ocean resort. Go down and spend a week, and you will want a Summer home. Lot $200- and up. Terms 10 per cent down and S per cent a month. Special building discount to this season's purchasers. For full par ticulars call at 100 Fourth street. Portland. Phones, Main 1293. A 7268. WHAT JO EAT the subject of the free Bible it the Tent Tabernacle, Thir will be lecture teenth and Morrison, tonight at 8 sharp. Everyone welcome. SIX TONS HIAWATHA FREE! by guessing weight of Edlefsen's large block, coal at Meier A Frank's. D. M. WATSON RESTAURANT, 108 Fifth St.. Perking Hotel Block. Oregon Is a Logical State for the Operation of a Superior Life . Insurance Company PROVIDING ALWAYS 'That the company is not a stock-selling scheme and is 1st. Founded on sound principles, as a policyholders' company. 2d. Started right. 3d. Conducted right and by men of ex perience. ' 4th. Does business exclusively in . healthful Oregon. " Orcgonlifci pany which answers all of the above requirements. Discriminating Buyers Give Us Preference Horns Office, Corbett JSuIlding, Fifth and Morrison, Portland. A. L. MILLS - L. SAMUEL ' O. S. SAMUEL President General Manager Assistant Manager T r "Y- an JjClOrC I OU algTl any 1 '- ma FREE FUN PROMISED Nine Hundred Homeless Chil dren to Be Oaks' Guests. BIG MEAL IS INCLUDED Traction Company and Mr. Cordray Give Park anil' Cars, Concession aires Will Open Places Wide and Merchant Send Food. " Nine hundred children from the vari ous charitable organization in Port land will have the opportunity of be coming epicureans at the "Happyland" garden party to be given today at the Oaks Amustment Park by Franklin. T. Griffith, president of the Portland Rail way, Light and Power Company, and John F. Cordray, manager of the Oaks. The youngster are to feed on the best there Is and business firms of Portland have sent out to the Oaks their best in the food line. R. K. Lee, manager of the Swift Packing Company, heard of the picnic "Orphan children?'' he queried. "That means we must send them the best grade we have." So Swift A Co. are sending their best grade of hams. President Colt of the Union Meat Company delivered some of his most choice brands. Manager Mack Un, of the Cudahy Packing Company, and Jones' market did the same. Great Variety Received. The youngsters will have the oppor tunity of settling In their own minds Just what brand they prefer, knowing Uiey are getting the best In each case. The Royal Bakery, through Manager Heusner, sent out a wagonload of bread. Other bread donor were Haynes' Vegetarian Bakery and the United States Bakery. Armour Packing Company donated salmon. The Damascus Creamery pre sented all the butter required. The Paclflo Paper Company gave paper plates. Case of cake and cookies have been sent by Allen & Lewis, the Independent Cracker Company and the Paclflo Coast Biscuit Company. Ice-cream comes from the Weather ley Ice-Cream Company and Donnelly Brothers, owners of the Ice-cream con. cession at the Oaks. Aldon Candy Com pany and the' Ideal Candy Company willingly catered to the children's col lective "sweet tooth." Unlimited "pop" will be served. The catering arrangement were made through the courtesy of Manager Barnes, of the Oaks Tavern, who has donated the service of his chefs and staff in serving the immense meal. Barnes Proaalsea Plenty. "I want to see every child leave the Oaks Just simply 'stuffed.'" said Mr. Barnes, "and they must eat u out of house and horn before they shall want for a bite." Mr. Barnes, Incidentally, provided a large quantity of pastry from his Lambs' Club. C T. Zlrkle will give a souvenir from his notions counter to every child in the party. Every concessionaire has donated bis amusement place and the children will visit each as often as they desire. Mrs. Jones will be hostess at the Old Mill and the roller-skating rink; Alex, ander and Barnard at the Barrel at Fun; the Tickler Company at the at traction of that name; William Bath, at the House of Mirth; Ira Bhellenberger at the Blue Streak and C. L. Salisbury at the Carousal or Merry-go-round. The United Amusement Company do. nates the balance of the concessions. Including the Chute. Joy Wheel, Jail and Rodeo. Mayor to Be Present. Mayor Albee has announced that he will say a word to the youngster rn the middle of the vaudeville programme and Immediately after the programme the children will be carried to town so that the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company can send them home before the evening rush. The lunch will be served at t o'clock on the lawns, after the children bav worked up an appetite on tun. Manager U RuzzU of Ruzzt's Orches tra, has secured a number of rollicking children's tunes to play, and "Tiney Snyder will sine- a song for children. Viola'a circus will show specially for them, so will Punch and Judy. Everyone concerned has . Joined to make the day the greatest for-chlldren that Portland has ever known. AUTHOR IN REED FACULTY Miss Josephine Hammond to Give Education and English Courses. Miss Josephine Hammond ha been added to the faculty of Reed College. She is a graduate of Boston Normal School and of Columbia University. 6he has been for some year head of the department of English of the Girls' I High School of Practical Arts in Bos- Is the only life insurance com application lor Life Insurance in other company, exam- frrnmT:fM we superior aervice ol yjivciu fiy flflONEYIS lVi WORTHLESS When it is tied up in property in volved in expensive litigation. Protect yourself before you buy by insisting upon a GUARAN TEED CERTIFI CATE OF TITLE. Investigate. Call for booklet. Title & Trust Company, 4th and Oak Sts. We also issue Title insurance. ill ill ton. She Is the author of "Bvery- has been received with (treat favor In Boston, New York and Washington. Miss Hammond will give a course In .jt.a.lAn an4 a prnina In lne-Huh lit erature the coming- year at Reed Col lege. She will be chairman of the faculty committee on oramatics. . , CARD OF THINKS. We wish to express our thank 'to the many friends who so kindly as sisted during- the late Illness and death of our beloved mother. (Signed) MR. & MRS. T. U. PETERS, IRENE BOONE. R. DANIEL. BOONE, MRS. F. L WHITE. Be Rood and you will be happy, tin less there are some bad one bothering you. Grand Mid-Summer Clean-Up Sale Pianos and Play.er Pianos Sight now is your opportu nity to secure the World's Best Makes at a saving of from $100 to $250 We also have some special bargains in used pianos, ranging in price from $85 to $198. $10 down, $6 or more per month. Soule Bros. 388 Morrison St Opposite Olds, Woxtman & King The Family Jewels Nearly every family has its old jewels. "Why not have them remounted, in new designs, for someone to enjoy t We have special facilities for remounting of gems in New French platinum and np-to-date mountings. Special ideas and designs gladly submitted. Jewelry af nalltr Est. Over 40 Year. A Message From the Store of Quality Portland's Exclusive Handlers of "EVEBTTBING GOOD TO EAT" LMAYER & CO. "Portland's Oldest and Best Grocers." 143 Third Street. - A 4432. Main 943X WE HAVE INSTALLED AUTOMOBILE SERVICE Thus improving our already quick delivery over each route. . x WE DELIVER TO Portland and Kings Heights, Daily, at 10 :30 A. 11 and 2:30 P. M. East Portland aad Suburb. Daily, at 10:30 A. M. and 2:30 P. M. North, South Portland, 8:30 and 11 A. IL, 2:30 and 4:30 P. M. Give ns a chance to cater to you and give you the service you have been looking for. WE OTTER Y0D" TOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Crosse & Black-well's Lucca Oil regular 85c bottle 80s Kingsford'a Gloss Starch, 6-lb. boxes, regular 65c a box. .55 Shaker Salt, three packages for 25? Cliquot Club Ginger Ale, a dozen S1.65 O. P. S. Rye or Bourbon, full quarts, 7 years old, bottle, S51.50 0. P. S. Rye or Bourbon, per case $16.50 OUR FIRST MAGDEBURG STYLE 1913 DILL PICKLES are ready. We offer you this Quality Pickle at So a dot en. VISIT OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT And make your selections of Cooked and Cold Meats, Cheese, Smoked Salmon, Imported Specialties, for your "Hot Days Luncheon" or week-end outing. Bezitr Boneless Sardines have arrived. A nw shipment of Jordan' Smithfield Virginia. Hams we offer at 40 a pound. ."TRY US TOR SERVICE" PEOPLES THEATER Offer omethin; new In the art of motion pictures Some thing; extraordinary almost In conceivable. Secured at great expense. The International Mechanical Motion Picture Company, In whose presentation of scientific and educational plotures a Company of 24 Persons Required There is a large company of mechanics. The picture transport you to the spot they are taken. Stag effects are inconceiv able. NEXT; SUNDAY You'll Do Better Work these warm afternoons if you enjoy the well served cold luncheon at the Imperial Grill The food and the serv ice combine to please AnnexHotel Washlaartoa Street. Coraer lit a. Mala 5081 Pheaes A. 621. CHAS. H. ROWLEY. Mar. Rate per month, one or two persona In same room, $16 to $3S per month with bath privilege, 130 to $45 per month with pri vate bath, $50 to $76 per month, for two room with bath be tween. SPECIAL RATES FEB WEEK AJfD REASONABLE RATES PER DAT FOOK SANG & CO. rt Flaw St, fartlaad, Orim. Phrae A $77. CHlSKsJt PERK J AUK fTKWKUtX. Also (old bracslvta. signet t4nga and Ws'l toaoklsa la an j dalsn, mad to ordor, with nsmts ar irooa iucx tjniaoao ensrMHn on' ri, A thtraaa. Pliooo sr. Tory roaaonabls. Ordora promptly ozscutsd and sane prepaid to an? part of th U. a. We are skilled tThlnsss lewolera. MX TO CHOWO. HAMAGXB. What W Sap It la. It la. Expert Optidama. Every strikes he exact . mntina enter every time . Ball Bearings .give minimum operating effort Think of everything that is modern and useful in " typewriter construction then add twenty to thirty per cent for increased efficiency due to ball bearings that's The L. C. Smith Ifs compact, complete, proof against inexperience Ball Bearings permit closer adjustments without bind ingthan any other form of bearing. Expressed in human effort, this means that the operator can do more work better work, with the strain. Mall thU Coupon Outkbtt tht kind Gentlemen : I am Interested In a Typewriter far General Correspondence ' Card Writing O Tabulating . Kime Address To L C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER COMPANY esc met al Fas at 306 OAK STREET PORTLAND, OR. SCHOOLS AXD University of Oregon Department of Medicine Chartered bj Recent. 18ST. Rated as Class "A school by ths Conndl of Education of th American Medical J-sso-clatloat. Twenty --eve nth annual session ens Oc tober 1, Ills. Curriculum A eonrse of four years' du ration, of ei.ht and a half months each, leadlnar to the decree of Doctor of Medicine. Requirements of Admission A snooessfal ly completed approved nln school course, and In addition one year of university work embracing- chemistry, biology, physics and German or French, Laboratory Facilities Ample facilities for practical technical training In the depart ments of anatomy, - physiology, pat lio logy and bacteriology, cnemis try ana pn arm ecol ogy under full time professors and Instruc tor. Clinical Advantage The large city Hos pitals, including the Good Samaritan, St. Vincent's and the Multnomah Hospital offer excellent facilities for clinical teaching, and the Portland Free Dispensary In North Port land and the Neighborhood House Dispensary In South Portland conducted under the au plces of the University of Oregon offer spe cial facilities for practical teaching, classes being divided Into small groups with a view to more Individual instruction. Opportunities for Internships In the various hospitals are offered to graduates oz tnis scnooi. Vnr iislns no and BSIcwlmrs address Dr. Km ith Departmesit, University of Oregon, 23d and Lovejoy streets, rortiana, w COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Portland, Oregon. A eplendld boarding- and day school for younr men and boy. High school ana college course. Grammar grade taught to boy over eleven year. Catalogue Free School Opens September 9. Her. Joseph Gallagher. O. B. C Freatdeat. School f tae PORTLAND ART ASSOCIATION Winter term begin October . CLASSES In Life Drawing and Painting; Elementary Drawing and Painting: Illustrations; Composi tion: Sketch; Modeling; Design, Weaving. Wood-Carving. Special Saturday and Evening Classes. For circular apply Museum of Art. Fifth and Taylor. For Cirta. Coediuu bj the SiSTEflS OF THE HOLY M"W Uf JtftUS aau MART. GnM, AiMdimkmmd CMUttMM Cm-mm. Mask. Aft. Hecna see Casus del Peso. KmUmm mU A- fc-fcas. Refiaes Men! sas hKUetaal Trsislsf. WrlKrerAasaaaorsMat. aesrssi UtTEK tUrEHtO. m. . rWW MM I BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINOTON AND TINTH SJT. PORTLAND, ORISON WRITE FOR CATALOG f4 ttaXeos that Plmom Ten 4 m Qod Pirtm St. Helens Hall lOBTLao, Oasooa Resident and Day School for Ctrl la aha of Bleters of BtJtfca Beetlas (Kplsssl) umiiiuw, .Mian see si.si enffT jMpertSMBte, Hule. Art. aieeetlea. riraneitl. IrL Ti .in - Srasnlssi got welsloe sddiee THE SISTER SUPERIOR. Office 11 St. Helens Ball 28r- HILL -E MILITARY ACADEMY A SoUct Noa.Sectsnaa Boanlins and Da v School or DOTS. " r I rn mi-1ms 1 lie.ru Mre Tree Ken. Careful stishsiao secures results that an act attained elsrwberc Send tor catalog. O RTLAN D t OREGON Christian Brothers Business College Portland. Orea-ea. Monthlr reports of stu- deats sent to parents or sufcrd111 Gym nasium with competent Instructor In eharfe. Grammar arades and commercial eoursss. Graduates suaranteed positions. Limited number of Doaraers laaen. ran term aesms TuwJi.. Seot. 2. Send for Broipectus T. APW. r. &- C, Prestdeat. L. C Smith & Bros. Ball Bearing, Long Wearing Typawrttar & Bros. Typewriter easy to operate, durable and and carelessness. least physical and mental of work yem hw to dot Billing Label Writing S LI COLLEGES. DeKovenHall OFFERS exceptional advantages in pre paring boya for college or business life. Faculty of specialists. Beautiful location, spa cious buildings, extensive grounds and healthy com munity. SUMMER CAMP NOW OPEN. "Write for catalog. Ad dress D. S. Pulford, A. 1L, Principal, South Tacoma, ."Wash. PORTLAND ACADEMY Tweaty-Ortk Year Osess September 13. . OIIlco Hours July and August s' to 11 Dally. Fits boy and girls for Eastern and Western colleges. Well equipped lab oratories In Chemistry and Physics. A Gymnasium In charge of a skilled director. Field and Track Athletic. The Academy Includes a primary and grammar school which receives boys and girls as young a six, and does the work of the grade In seven year. Emphasis on essentials. Physical train ing and free play la Gymnasium and on playground. All departments In charge of thor oughly qualified and experienced teach ers. Catalogue on application. Thirteenth and Montgomery. t . . r K vRoroagh School for Girts Over fourteen SSo West tsd Street. Jjoo Aarelee. Oab forala. Ettth Year Opens bop. tember SOth. . OTJT-OF-DOOKS STUDY On anaslnm . Tennis, etc- CERTIFICATE admits WITHOUT EXAMINATION to Welloo ler, Vassar, Mt. Holyoks, Smith, Berke ley and Stanford. FRESHMAN ANT) SOPEOMORJ COI LEGE WORK; special courses In LIT ERATURE. HISTORY OF ART, ETC DOMESTIC SCIENCE CLASSES. LTtt ITED TO 6 EACH. Work In prettily furnished family kitchen and dining room Sewing, millinery, ete. MUSIC DEPARTMENT la chars of MR. WAXDO V. CHASE. MRS. GEO. A. CASWELU MISS ORACB WILTSHIRE, B. L- Prlnelpala For eataloans and Informs tion. address Secretary Marlborough School. .Law Department University of Oregon Portland. Oregon. Fall term oDeaa Sep tern ur 22. 1 fil 8. Courn of threa year, lemdjnrf to deffr of ulo, n. ana emoraciov orancnes oi tnm law. Including moot court and dKattA rnr)r Candidates prepared eapeclailjr for admlaslon to bar. Faculty of aeventeen instructor. .Lo cated In heart of city. Adjacent to courts. For cataloruo ff.vlnf entranca, requirements and full Information address x. Walter lmrd. feecrgteary. U Central Bldg., Fort land. Miss Catlin's Boarding and Day School Opna Its third year Bsptambsr IT. Fra paros for Eastern schools and collet eat, Pri mary and tntsrmadtata departments. Mob teasort department for little children. Spe cial primary for boya. Courses in art, muslo and dramatic work. Open to visitors during Summer at ltl .North Twenty-third street. Portland, QT. Miss Blan chard's School 2315 Sacra mem t Street. Su Fraacrlsces. Horn and &m.v school fop arlrla. Num ber Of house pupils limited. Upper and Lower School. General, College Pre paratory and lDeclal Courses. Musi a and Art. Fall term opens September 18, 111. For (catalogue address MISS ELISABETH B LAX C HARD. Principal. PreDares for colleaa or technical schooL Next term opens Aug. 2S. 1913. Forcaia. loaru ana spectr.c intormation addrea w. A, SHCDn. Head Maatnv f fl" ' j, m. mup .j" 1 Assrcsfieei ts CeDtes Grsassr a sMbultt Cfssss. Twcma year - Aoft. 21, 1911. I l" ' " ,- I ' (VMNAJIVM