13 THE SIORXIX6 OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1913. CYCLIST INJURED BY AUTO F. A. Dillon's Ribs Broken ana Maj Be Seriously Hurt. F.- A. Dillon, superintendent of the International Detective Agency, which has offices in the Dekum building, was knocked from his motorcycle and se verely hurt when an automobile driven and owned by David Cole, of 199 Ains worth street, ran against him at East Broadway and Williams avenue, about 7 o'clock last night. Dl!lon was riding nis macnine on the right side of the. street approach ing Broadway on 'Williams, it is said, when Cole, trying to cut the corner and turn into Williams from Broadway, struck him. He was- thrown into the gutter and his motorcycle wrecked. Persons who saw the accident tele phoned to the Ambulance Service Com pany and Dillon was taken in an am bulance to St. Vincent's Hospital, where it was discovered that he had several broken ribs and possibly other serious internal injuries. DAILY ' METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Aug. 20. Maximum temper-ture.- 88 degrees; . minimum. 55 degrees. RjTrrMf1ln at ft A. M . 414 feet: change in last 24 hours, 0.4 foot fall. Total rainfall 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.). none: total rainfall since September 1. 1W12. 30.40 inches; normal rainfall since September 1, 44.82 inches: de ficiency of rainfall since September 1. l91- 5.42 Inches. Total sunshine August 2", " hours. minutes; possible sunshine. 13 hours, ft minutes. Barometer reduced to sea-level) at 5 P. U 2.87 Inches. Wind s 3 To - - S 2 sr ' 3 2 - f 8 STATION! state el 3 5 H S Weatbe Is'- ; o ; ... Baker j 2 0.00; 6 NW Clear Boise , Boston 70 0.00 8,SE Clear Calgary Chicago O.oo' 4S Pt. cloudy 6 O.oo1 6 N Ft. cloudy coirax 87-0.00'. Clear Denver 90'u.OU U SW Cloudy Clear cinurfv DeS MO DM lJO.COl 4 8 Duluth I" 2 0.0V 6 NE Eureka 0.00! W IClear 92,y.0014 SE ;Pt. cloudy &2 0.00 lu NW, Clear 85 0.00' fc. N'E Clear i 0.o-;i0,E IClear 86 0.0UI..1 Clear 8J 0.00 4 NW Clear 75 0.00 10 t?W Pt. cloudy SS O.OOj 4 XWiCIear tHl O.Ooi 6 .V (Clear 12 O.OO Pt. cloudy Galveston 1 jieiena Jacksonville Kansas City. . . . Klamath. Falla. . Launer I,os Angeles. ... Marshfleld .... Med ford Montreal New Orleans.... 94 0.00, b Clear 74.0.C4M2'SE (Clear North Head 1 iz o.oo,i! w :iear North i ajcizna .. fctfO.OO, 4 W (Clear Pendleton (. V-t u.uu v :iea.r IIOI 0.001 4 XWICIear Phoenrx Pocatello Portland. ....... Rose berg- rcu.wi lWiW near hi o.oo iin ftO.0ll 4 x 102 0.00 S'S 90 0.00 4 E SS 0.4S 12.8 Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear acramento ..... St. Louis St. Paul Salt Lake San Francisco. . . r 0.00 32 XW Clear 64 0.00 Id W IClear 2 0.0O 4'X Clear "O-O.WIO'X JClear J2 0.00 6 X Clear 73.0.001 8 SE Clear , 9ft O.oo! 4 SE Clear 61 '0.O0!. - Clear SO 0.u0 6 SW 'Clear Spokane ........ Ticomt ........ Want Washing ton . . . . wetser vv entachee Yellowstone Park . WEATHER CONDITIONS. A moderate depression overlies California and Arizona, also the fiains btatea. Mitrn atmospheric pressure obtains In other parts nt the country. Light rains have fallen In Northern Alberta, Manitoba, the Dakota. ttrmtharn California. Tennessee. Kentucky, North Carolina, norma ana moaerate.y heavy rains In Minnesota. Thunder storms war renorted from ban D'eiro. Denver, Rapid Cty ana wiiiieion. in wwmer is -warmer In the Pacific Northwest, the Basin States. Mississippi Valley and British Co lumbla: It Is cooler In North Central Mon tana daiirfti phswin. Northern Colorado, on the north California Coast. In the Middle a. riantin fliatM ana jaaine. in arenerai. icu- peratures are above normal In the Interior portions oi tna unncu The conditions are favorable for con tinued fair and warm weather In this dis trict Thursday, with northwesterly winds near the coast. , " FORECASTS: ... Portland fid' vicinity Tain northwest erly winds. , - Oregon ana wasmngxon rair; norio. erly winds. Idaho Fsur. THEODORE F. DRAKE, Acting District Forecaster. AMTSEMTNTS. CIRCUS, PORTLAND TWO DAYS TODAY AND TOMORROW PARADE AT 10 0 CLOCK A. M.U asccsiaa tn nx esaroa-uNci Mt mnm Mt i s. m. starsaaaacas sismi r t m a Oit 63tTiekil Admits U All tliuw unpin ll ts tf esict AdmlsaiuB and Hesrrvfd eatn ale at Sherman. Clay A Co. Plaao tore. Sixth sad Morriaoa mt-, at same price caarsed at skew gnrands. MTBTUtO NOTICEa West Park and Yamhill sta Visiting Nobles cordially In Tlted. By order of lh. Po testata Sl'OH J. BOYD. Recorder. GENERAL RELIEF COMMITTEE, I. O. O. F. A special meeting Is called today IThurmay) at 1:30 o'clock . P. M.. Oddfel los Hail, 22 Alder St.. to conduct the fu neral oi Brother Dominic Iviano, a mem oer or Keota Lodge, No. 611. I. O. O. . eota, jo. Chapel services, 7th and An. keny. Interment Rose City Park Ceme 'ery. Oddlelloas and Bebekshs are invited to attend. J. c. JAM toU. Sec KEXTON LODGE. NO. 145. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this iThursdayl ex-rnlns. Work In M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. WILL H. EATON. . Sec. GOLDEN RVLE .ENCAMPMENT. KO. 3. L O. O. F.. meets this Thursday! even ing, St 8 P. M . In Orient Kail F.iisr Rth and Alder sta Patriarchal degree. All Patriarchs -eicoma. C. C. STAK, . Scrloe. " O W I Q iTTRVTIflV CHliens having Joined. Order of Owls past 3"ar pleas, mail tddrtss and nam. to Box A Oregoniau; instaUatlon of nest Au- i 1 1 , I fl LI L In THEQRCUS - iooo mfr wonders: BB1 Organiser. AXTSEMENTS. BOX OFFICE 8 ALE TO MO BROW, j M AIT. ARfiERA RECEIVED NOW 1 HEILIG THEATER 11th and MorrlMi SbSSSSo Next Sunday Baraala Mat. Toes Special Ma. FrL WILLIAM A. BRADY (Ltd.) PRESENTS READY MONEY A COMEDT OF LOVE AND ROMANCE Evenings: Lower floor. $2. $l-5. fit balcony. $1. 15c 50c Bargain Tuesday Matinee: Lower floor 1.; bslcoay. S rows 75C 4 rows 50c, 10 rows 45c Special Friday Matinee: Lower Xloor 11.50, $1; balcony, 75c. 50c MA1XXEE DAILY. Mala 6. A 10X1 BLANCHE WALSH Flanagan and Edward Bedford and Winchester Charlotte Ravenscroft The Feis Trio Wlnslow and Duffy bene Mailer Trio Broadway and Alder Street WEEK AFGC8T IS. Lottie Mayer. Divine; Queen, assisted by Vivian MsrbsU and Mx Water Nvropbi, Tojetti & Bennett, Bina berir. Marina A Day, Clayton and Lnnie. Alfredo Marschali, Billy Mann, Popular prices. Any Matloe. Beat, is l Ssitiei KVERT Jll BODY MOSS. G.. MOLASSO in "La Somnamt.ule" MRS. BATTLING NELSON (Fay Klnrl 4 Other Headline Acts t COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN LYRIC A Joyous Musical Hit, "Maloney'a Wed ding." A side-splitting cemMy, Interspereed with late song succeKe., elaborately stasea and coetamed. Tuelay night, Athletlo Contest. Friday night. Chorus Girls' Con teat. Prices i Sights. 15c, 26c s matinee, any seat. 15c COLUMBIA THEATER Sixth and Washing-ton 8ts. Open It A. M. to 11 P. M. 1'erfert Ventilation. Fireproof. ProaraJUirie. Weilnewday to Sunday "Breaklnc Into the Bis IraSTne" (Kalem Comedy); "The En-ins; Brother" (I'adie Irmma); "In and About Calcutta Vita graph Scenic) ; "Better Days" VltaRTaph jframa); Matt Dennis, Baritone, and .Harps Orchestra. lOc Admiwaion 10c. Attend The Oregon State Fair Salem, September 29. to October 4, 1913 REDUCED RATES ON ALL LINES. For Information Address FRANK ' MEREDITH, Secretary THE O AKS . Big- Free Bill at Portland's Amusement Park. Animal Cirrus , Ruxxi'e Orchestra Vaudeville Moving Picture I:0 and 8 P. M. -'!' ALL FREE "'" Admission to Park' 10c Launches, Morrison Bridge. Cars, First and Alder. BASEBALL Recreation Park Cor. Vansrhm and Twenty - fourth Sta. LOS ANGELES vs. PORTLAND AUGUST 19, 20. SI. 23. 23, 2a, Games Begin Weekdays at 3:15 P. M. Sundays 2:30 P. SI. 'LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers - Wednesday. Pendleton Round Up September 11, 12 and 13 Special trains on O.-W. R. & N. and North Bank. Inquire of agents zor fur ther particulars. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. AV ANTED Partner. Alton Tailor Shop, Lobby Alton 'Hotel, x.itu and stara. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker"! Auction House, Park St. Furniture, stc sie at ltf o ciock. m DIED. JOHNSON Aurust 20. Eliisbtb Johnson, aged SO years, beloved mother of F. F., W. M. and D. P. Johnson and grand mother of Mrs. Harry Ga raids, Mrs. Robert Athoa and Kerley Johnson- Remains at Dunning- A McEn tee's parlors. Notice of funeral later. MARBAP Aus-uat SI, Adolls Fon Msrbsd. aged 56 years, beloved mother of Fred erick Marbad. Remains at Dunning A Mc En tee's parlors. Notice, of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. ROSS The many friends of Joseph Morlson Ross were shocked and grieved to hear of his sudden death the evening- of Au- fust 3. at him home near Vollmer. Idaho, ie had been in Vollmer that day and talked with many of his friends there. He was anuarentlv in the best of health and expressed himself as never feeling better in his life, in tne evening ne par took of a hearty supper, then went out and assigned to each man his place in the harvesting of his bountiful crop. Shortly after retiring for the. night he called for help, as he was hi great pain In his left side. Medical assistance was called, but nothing could bs done for his relief, and In less than two hours he had passed Into the ureal Beyond. Funeral services were held In Vollmer, Tdaho. Sunday arternoon, Auauet lu. give the Idaho friends an opportunity to pay tnetr last trinuie to nis memory, jl procession over a mile long attested to the high esteem In which he was held In the community where ha had .lived for It; years. All that lovinp hands and hearts could do was done. Mr. Rosa was an honored member of Vollmer Lodge. Knignte or ytniaa - His sister. Mrs. Margaret Bncklnsham. fn,m Giffcrd. Idaho, accompanied his re mains to Hlusboro, Oregon, where Inter ment took Disc August 13 In the family plot at Tualatin Plains Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Carrlck, pastor, officiat ing at the services. Idaho vies with Ore gon In the beautiful flowers that cover hi crave today. Joseph Morison Ross Is the eldest son of the Rev. George and Eliza Mortson Rosa. He was born In New Byth, Scot land, rn the year 1$59. and died, near "Vollmer. Idaho. August S. 1913. Being endowed with sterling quail ties, inherited from his Scotch ancestry, he developed many noble traits of character- which gained blm many friends and made him a general iavoriie among nis leuowa. Spokesman-Review and Lew is ton, Ida- no, papers pi ease copy. LIN STROM The funeral services of Lilian May Llnstrom will be held at St. Peter's (. hurcn, u;ioert ave., Lrents. at 2 r. jl. Saturday. Au 23. Friends invited. Inter mm PORTLAND ACCORDION PLEATTNO. K. Stephan. accordion, side pleating, buttons covered, goods sponged. 3SS Alder. M. 9373. A&SAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 1SS Morrison St. ATTORNEYS. Sarrent (H. K.) Swop. (F. E ), general practlca, notaries-public, ftlg Ch. of Com. References: Harunan a: Thompson, b'kers. WM. J. ENGLISH, remoTedto B28 Lumber men's bldg. Main S714. Marshall 4641. BOAT BVILDING. O. P. GRAHAM Boatbuilding and repair ing. Marine ways, foot Aoernethy St. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RI."Q CO. Russ from old carpets, rag rugs: 153 TTnlon avc. CEUilXOlP Bt'TTONS. BADGES. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 92 5th st. Phones Main 312 and A 1254, CHIROPODISTS. William, Estells and Dewan Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists In the' city. Parlors, 302 aerlinger bldg.. S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices 429 FUedner bldg. Main 3473. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M'MAHOX. 121 th St.. $10,000 modern equipment. Terms: "iru prices expert adjustment and hatha Main Wo. Dr. Lehman, 317 Ablngton bldg., has no $10,- vw equipment; iu a wwi; ggpen wm. COAL AND WOOD. (9 WILL buy you the Hiawatha coal at .aieisen'a. Mine Agent. ALBINA FUEL CO., for Summer orders. green slabwood. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETH ic CO.. Worcester bldg. Maia 171)4. No collection, no charge DANCING. LEARN NOW. Prof. "y,lter WtUson Dancing School. Bummer dancing lessons, 25c; waits, two-step. three-step and stage dancing taught; morning, afternoon and evening; guarantee to teach any one who walks how to dance; failure impossible. 85 Vi 5th st. Phone Main 7637. Eight lady and gentlemen Instructors. HKATH'fi nsnclnc School. 100 2d St.. bet. wash, and Star sts. ; lessons daily; waits and two-stop guaranteed In four lessons; class Friday etenlng. 8 to 10. at 10ft 2d. DON'T be a wallflower: learn to dance prop erly. Ringlers Academy. Class and pri vate Instruction dally. Z3I H Morrison. DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING SCHOOL VALENTINE'S system ladles , tailoring. dressmaking taught. Steen, 153 Grand ave. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialist. Glasses fiLted. Dr. . F. Caaseday. 413 Dekum bldg.. BdAWaih AOVKKTISINn A(lEfT. BOTPFORD ADV. Co.. Board of Trade bldg AGRICULTURAL, IMPLEMENTS. Mitchell, Lewis at Slaver Co.. Morrison 2d. R. M. WADE st CO.. 322-26 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE A.ND IRON WRS. Portland Wire ok Iron Wks, 2d and Columbia AI-TO AND BI'CMiV TOPS. DrBRflLLE BUG'JY TOP CO.. 20 2d St. A TOMOB1LK8. Mitchell. Lewis Staver Co.. E. Mor. A 2d. Howard Automobile Co.. 14th and Davis. AUTO LAMPS AND RADIATOR ' KKFAlKJNti. . PORTIAND "AL'TO LAMP CO., 510 Alder st. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT. 7lh snd Oak sta BAGGAGE fliMKU) AT HOME. BagRAge A Omnibus Transfer. Park A Davis UAKEU CONFECTIONERS' erPPLlbS. GKAV, M' LEAN A PERCY, 4th and Glisan. RA RHF.R SI PPLlEei. OREGON BAKBKK SUPPLY CO., 72 th St. Lewls-Stenger Barber Supply Co.. lOth-Mor. BAR FIXTURES. Brunswlcke-Balke-Coilender Co., 48 Fifth St. BICYtXES, MOTORCYt'LEei MPPUto. BALLOL' 4 WRIGHT, 7lu and Oak atresia. POPE F. P. Keenan Co.. 1W 4th street. BICYCLES sVND SUPPLIES. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 247 Ash street. RIl.IJAKTt AND POCKET TABLES. Bninswicke-HaTke-Collender Co.. 46 Fifth St. B RE-AD BAKERY. Royal Bakery a- conf.. Inc.. lltrtand Everett BREW ERA AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEINHARD, fJth and Burnslde. CANDY MANUFACTURERS. COFVMA.VS CANDY CO.. 43 t font street. CA-St ARA BARK AND (.RAPE ROOT. KAHN BHOK.. 11 FRONT PT. CEMENT. LIME AND PLASTER. T. Crows & Co., 45 Fourth street. TOFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSETT A DEVERS. 1-11 K. Front at. nimr tvn f REAMER V SUPPLIES. Monroe Crlssel. 126 Front, M. 640. R &429. FUNERAL NOTICES. ERIC6EN By accidental drowning. sr Oswego. August II. severin r.riceen. ageu 23 years 21 dsys, beloved brother of Mlchsel snd Christ Erlcsen. Funeral serv ices will bs conducted today (Thursdayl. August II. at P. M.. from Pearson's funeral .parlors. 169-371 Russell street. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. De ceased was a member of Grslnhsndlers Lo cal No. 4. Interment Roso City Psrk, Cem etery. . VIVIANO August 1, Domenlco 'vsno. aged is years runerm "rl . held at Dunning A McEntee's chapel to day (Thursday). August 21. at 3 o clock. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City 'Cem etery. The deceased was a member of the Druids. Italia Grove No. 4, and ths L O. O. F. of Keota, Mo. ROTZOLL August 18. at the residence, 209 North Twelfth street, varonue wia... sged 5S yesrs. beloved wlfs of George Rotioll. Funeral services will be held at Dunning A McEntee's chapel today (Thursday). August 1 1. at 10 o clock Friends respectfully invited. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. MOSER In this city. Aug. 19. Margaret Moser, aged 65 years Id days, beloved wife of Gottfried Moser. The remains are at the new parlors of the skewes Un dertaking Company. Funeral today at 2 P. M. from the family residence In Staf ford. Or. WALLa6e Ths funeral services of ths late Ernest Russell Wallace will be held at the conservatory chapel of F. 8. Dun ning Inc.. East Side Funeral Directors. ;l4-Eas"C"Ald.r .-. at J P. M Friday Aug. a 2. Friends Invited. Interment Mount Scott Park. tnvr-r at Sherwood. Or,. Aug. 18. Exra Rovce sged ti years. The funeral services will be held today (Thursdsy). Aug. Jl. st 1 o'clock P. M. st the new chapel ot j p Flnley A Bon. Montgomery and 6th ts. 'Friends Invited. Interment at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. JOHNSON Funeral of ths late Elisabeth Johnson will take place from Dunning A McEntee's chapel Friday. Aug. 23. at II A. M. Interment Mount Scott Cemetery. Friends respectfully Invited. FUNERAL, DIRECTORS. MR. EDWARD HOl.MAN, ths leading fu neral director. tt Third street .corner Sai uua. Lady aaslatanl.. A loll. Mala 407. F. 6. DCNNING, INC. East Side Funeral Directors, -414 Alder St. East 6i. B DUNNING MENTEE, funeral directors. -t ud i'tue. russ awn tendant. Office ot CountyToner. I.F.RCH. nndertaaer, cor. East . Alder and Sixth. East 181. B lf. Lady T .7 t7i r t-v DFHTARIVll COMPANY. $d and Clay. Mala 4152. A 2321. Lady attendant. ' PORTLAND CREMATORIUM, M Glen wood ave. take Sellwood car. Open ts (U- ltors dally Irom u i..u oui i tjL.Pottlssd Marble Wsxka. ts4 4th. opposite City Haul. Main 364. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. 20 rNIOJI AVENCK. CORNER MARKET STREET, rhoae Ernst 1438, B SS19 Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cru elty to this office. Open day and night. NEW TODAY. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount t Current Rates. JOHN E. CE0NAN 03 Spaldlas: Bldg. Portland. Or. Free factory sites, served by rail and river, w est Oregon city. MOODT INV. CO. H. U Moody. Pre. 101 Chamber of Commerce. Mala 3T BUSINESS DIRECTORY ELECTRIC MOTORS. WE buy, sell, rent and eachang new and second-hand motors; repair work a spe cialty. Western Electric Works, 213 ih. ELECTRIC MOTOR8. MOTORS, generators bouru. soi j-ented ' Tepair- and renslred. e do al! kinds ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co. 31 First St.. North. Phone Main yi'lu. FURNITURE HOSPITAL.. BOWERS & PARSONS, 100 Front, M. .44.. Furniture hospital, yaciung and snipping. HOUSE MOVING. a, D. Moodie, 103 E. Water st. East 3s26. Latest Improved machinery for handling heavy bodies. Brick buildings a specialty. HAT FACTORY. EASTERN HAT FACTORY. 4-66 Sd atrset. Men's soft and Panama hats cleaned. Best $2 hat on earth for men. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. BETTER landscape and general gardening. SWISS FLORAL CO.. East 5370. C 1514. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. J. A STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- tablished 18 Front st. LIP READING. KING SCHOOL for the deaf and hard-of- h faring. 3i'S Central bldg MATTRESS FACTORY. MATTRESSES made over and to order; re uphoiaterins of all kinds. Marshall 26.7. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY Messenger Co. Day and night service. Phone Main 63. A 2163. MUSICAL. EMILi THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 325 Filedner bid. A 41tt0. Mar, ltii'tf. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICLANS. Dr. Grover, specialist In paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 7ti3 Oregonian bldg. M.3142 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. )r. R. B. Nonhrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and chronlo diseases. Phone, office. M. 348; res. East or B 10SS. PATENT ATTORNEYS. Patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law, late of the V. 8 Patent Office. Booklet free. 1010 Board of Trade bldg. R. C WRIGHT. 22 years' practice, V. S. and foreign patents. 600 Dekum bldg. PIPE. Portland 'WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sta Main 34 sO. PLATING WORKS. NICKEL, gold and silver plating. Portland PUg. Mig. CO., aiain a ojsj. PAINTING. FOR first-elass papering. palntlnc. tinting. reasonable prices, call Main 6426. REFRIGERATORS AND ICE BOXES. Built to order, any size, 97.50 up. C. P. Bed Co. 64 Union ave. South. Phone East 243. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS DRUG1ST8. CLARKE-WOODWARD DRUG CO.. Alder at West Park. DIES AND SHEET METAL STAMPING. WESTERN Tool A Die Works. Sotl Pine St. DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNER-MAYER CO., 207 Ash st. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. STUBBS ELKITKICAL CO., 6th A Ptne sts. KI.SII, OYSTERS AND ICE. HALARKEV A CO.. Inc.. H9 Front street. FLOUR MILLS. CROWN MILLS;. Board of Trade Mdg. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co.. Front and Marshall BALFOUR-GUTHRIE A CO., Board of Trade H. M. HOl'SER, Board of Trade bldg. NORTHERN GRAIN A WHSE. Co. Br. Tr. THE W. A. GORDON CO., Board of Trade. GROCERIES. ALLEN A LEWIS Est. 1S51). 4 N. Front. WADHAM9 A CO.. OU-75 4th St. HAIR GOODS. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO. WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKUM BLDG. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 63-5 Front it. HAT. J. H. Klostermsn A Cu- leading hay dealers. HIDES. FURS. FELTS. WOOL, TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO.. 63-65 N. Front St. HIDES. PELTS, WOOL AND FURS. KAHN BROS.. 1S1 Front sL HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEfF BROTHERS, 614 Worcester bldg. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East 3d and Burnslde sts. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. Complete Stock of BEAMS. ANGLES. CHANNELS. PLATES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. HERTSCHF BR0S.. $04 Pine St. CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front, lesther of every description, taps, mig. ringings. KOIIAKK AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 149 Id. NEW TODAY. Great Auction Sale OF" THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF THE Co-Operative Supply House ON SATURDAY NEXT, AT 10 A. M, AT 212 FRONT STREET AS FOLLOWS t 1 4 a. p. "Sindon" stationary en- Bl22"-GiLSOX" engines, 1V4. IK an 4H ""B.WSER" SINGLE BVGGT. 1 "MARSHALLT OWN " SINGLE DRIVING WAGON. KIBBER TIRES. 1 14-ln. GANG PLOW WITH 2 STUB BLE AND SOD BOTTOMS. 25 SPRAY PUMPS, VARIOUS MAKES. 22 I N C U B A TORS, 73 TO 250 EGG SIZE. 28 BROODERS AND BROODER HOISES. NO. 1 AND 3 KEW SUPERIOR" FANNING MILLS. NO. S "RACINE" DTJSTLESS SEPA RATOR. BAOGER3 FOR "SEW SUPERIOR" FANNING MILLS. POWER WASHING MACHINE". FEED GRINDERS. CHATHAM, KELLY DUPLEX AND MONITOR. I -EAGLE" CIDER MILL AND PRESS. CARLOAD OF "DISC HARROWS, ALU SIZES. DEEP -WELL PUMPS. LIFT AND FORCE. "MILLER" BEAN HARVESTERS. 1 GOOD STRONG DRAG SAW, EQUIPPED WITH 24 II. P. GASOLINE ENGINE.' 1 LARGE BURGLAR AND FIRE PROOF SAKE, measures 60 Inches niga, 20 laches wide and ltt Inches deep la side. ' 2 L. C. SMITH BROS.' TYPEWRITERS. LARGE PLATFORM SCALES. WEIGHS TO 1200 LBS. ALSO FIYE AUTOMOBILES, ' "STANDARD MAKES." FOUR AND FIVE PASSENGER CARS. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Cash paid for furniture, stocks of merchandise, etc. Main l2i, A 4241. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK. Portland's Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Larce. Permanent. Modern. Both phones CITY & FARM LOANS ' 1000 and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZAD0W 414 Corbett Bids'. A 141SV Marshall S3. MORTGAGE LOANS Oar Own Money at Carreat Rates. WESTERN BOND 4k MORTGAGE CO- Commercial Clnn Bldjt- Portland. Or. g MORTGAGE LOANS. S S Amounts to Suit. Real Estate Security. " Prompt Service. GEO. H. THOMAS. X8T Oak SL, Reesi 2, Alnsworth BI4a SEWING MACHINES. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. New, s:i makes, factory pricea, second hand. $2 up; machines rented and re paired. Main 1431. 190 3d. "r Yamhill. RCBBER STAMPS. SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 2S1 Wash. st. Phone Main 710 and A. 2.1". THE IRWIN-KODSON COMPANY. 92 5th st. Phones Main '312. A SHOWCASES, BANK st STORE FIXTURES. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Orana nsp- Iris Showcase Co., tun ana noyu x. manager. " ,r MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new ind oiu window aisp.ay anu uumrt ' WESTERN FIX. A SHOWCASE CO.. lutn and Davis, stiowcaaca to orcer anu iu STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van A Storage Co.. cor. lota and Kearney sts.. Just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effects .pi anos and automobiles; contains separate Ire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano room, trunk and rig vaults; track age for carload shipments; vans or mov ing, reduced freight rates on household goods to and from East In through cars. Main 3ft40. all departments. C. O. PICK Tranafer Storage Co.. offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms snd fireproof vsuits for valuables: N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.; pianos and furniture moved and packed For shipment, special rates made on goods In our through cara to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 50fl. A OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 4.4 Glisan St.. cor. ISth. Telephone Main 6 or A 116a General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two large class A warehouses on terminal tracka Lowest Insurance rates in the city. PORTLAND TRANSFER 4 STORAGE CO . Main 610 30 Washington A 1604. Pianos and furniture moved, packed lor shipment. Special rates made on good to domestic snd foreign ports. Through car service. Storage. Low Insurance. OLSON-ROB . TRANSFER CO.. general transferring and storage, safes pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment Teams and auto vans for long-distance moving. t7-se Front st. Main Mi, or A -ti TRUSSES. EXPERT TRUSS FITTING TRUSS FITTING Davis Drug uo.. oo anu mi.iim.. TYPEWRITERS. lo TO 55 will buy a Gill rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes to choose from and workmanship guaranteed: terms to suit; catalogue mailed on request. THE J K.' GILL COMPANY. Third and Alder Sta. Both phones. .Main S.WO. A 606. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on ths Coast; Investigate: all makes, all pricea The Typewriter Exchange. 3.M H Washington St. NEW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut Tates. P. P. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 140i. LUBRICATING OILS. Guthrie A Co.. Board of Trade. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY A CO.. 231 Pine St. Loggers & Contrsctors' Mach. Co.. 71 6th st. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 83 Fifth St. MILLINER V. B. O. CASE A CO.. 6th and Oak. BRADSHXW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sta NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER SIMINGTON. Calhoun Co.. 45 4th. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire A Iron Works. 2d A Columbia. PAINTS. OILS AND VARNISHES. RASML'SSEN A CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sah snd dpors, cor. :d snd Taylor. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davls! PAINTS AND WALLPAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 136 First St. PAINTS. OILS. VARNISHES. 8ASS-HUETER PAINT CO.. 154-lSti Id St. PIPE. P1PF, FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 64-c Front st. PLUMBING M. U KLINE. AND STEAM SUPPLIES. 6 4-s$ Front st. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. W. BALTES A CO.. 1ST AND OAK STS. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDINQ A FARRELL. 140 Front at. POULTRY, EGGS, CALVES. HOGS. HENRY EVERDING. 46-47 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portlsnri Cordage (j 14tn and Xcrthrup, SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO.. Fool Ankeny St. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO., 13th snd Davis. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works. 14th and Northrup. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. 68 Front st. WALL. PAPER. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co.. 172 1st st. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 Id St. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire A Iron Wka. 2d and Columbia NEW TODAY. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 3-STORY BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE WELL LOCATED CORNER We are authorized to sell or ex change this three-story modern brick apartment-bouse, consisting of 24 apartments. ' Well located, close in, corner, loO feet irom carline, and a good revenue producer. Owner will sell' or exchange equity for close-in cacant property. Might consider well- located illamette Valley farm. Properties will inflated values will not be considered. Xo phone iaformation. assneasaassasalasattBUBaian. Henry Building. Mortgage Loans 6 TO 7 H. E. M00NEY Iain 210. Roans 421 Falllnsr Bids. f.l LlfJEY Til Llli'll on improved city or eountry prop erty. Ask for Mrs. Ridings. HACKEE, & TTTERKELSEy CO. Main 7592. 20S Spalding Bldg. Edward E. Goudey Lewis Bnllrllns, MORTGAGE LOANS Ob lHi-ine-M mnA clos-la resldenc properttoB. MORTGAGE LOANS FARM AND CITY Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co. 9X Third St- Cham ot Cam, Bldg. VL'RNITl'RiS and undertaglng buiineM In crowins Columbia River town: rlrh, bacit country, rapidly daveioplcs. AV 32W Or-gotxian. NEW TODAY. Business Property NFor Stile Improved corner, yielding: grood In come now: leased for five years: val ues In district rapidly increasing. Price 17000: terms.- AB 29S. Oregonian. FREE FACTORY SITES AT WEST OREGOX CITY 6000 feet frontaee on Willamette river. good railway facilities. Let us show you. MOODY INVESTMENT CO, 101 Chamber of Commerer. Mala ST. TO LOAN $25,000 at G3 Tb 1 Inside Income Property, SHInl.E A HAI.I 2K Ablna-toa BldK. REAL, ESTATE DEALER, Beck. William a, 15-S1 Falling bldg. BRL BAKER. C. 817 Railway Ex. bldg. Jennings Co Main 188. 208 Oregontan. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404-405-406 Wilcox bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON WEST SIDE. Glenelyn Addition. restricted district. Inside 3-mlle circle, commands an unob tnicred vlfw of Tualatin Valley and Mt. Hood: walks, surface graded streets snd Hull Run water m and Included In price; Fourth street I.lne runs In front of prop erty, the electrification of which Is now In progress Prices range from $350 up. Select your lot and we will build to suit you for a small casa payment uowu. PROVIDENT TRVP'S COMPANY. OWNERS. 2nd Floor. Selling Bldg. BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY on West Side, overlooking the entire city and mountains: 7 rooms, all modern: will sell for $500 cash and eaay mo nt lily pay ments. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. OWNERS. 2nd Floor. Selling Bldg. TVT-ITAt. RAI-R1FICE. North Portland, on 21st at., with trsck- 100xlOO comer. $12,500. 50x100 adjoining. $3000. Fine for warehouse or any other pur post; strictly confidential. AL 29U, Ore goman. fir.vino rnnvER. East 9th St.. close in. Hoi. ladays Add., for seou; tnia is a-a prop erty snd a bargain, but we need money and must sell. Full information at 730 Chamber of Commerce. IF you wan to aee the home aitas tor sa Oa run 1 L A . U nmn i o, mn BROOKE. Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Manhail 4S27 or A 3S39. TWO lots with I antra 2 -room bouae. nice.y furnianei; atao, woooineu ma uun. trea: ciieao for cash. Owner. W. Jackacn. 2d ave. South. Lenta. FOR SALE. 100-foot front corner on Cornell road east view: bead of Overton; JTooo. phone Main 1517. TOT SACRIFICE. On caved street, near car. restricted district, worth $1000; yours for 600, Phone Main 8990. !.-. nsH takes mv 590 eouity In 5-roora nouse in iinwinuiuo u .( ,- E. ."lM. near Hawthorne. Tabor 4Kt. LOTS near car. I376-. $a monthly, (jwnar. 720 Chamber or commerce, aim IRVINGTON LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAU6EN . Sl CO. MAIN 8078. 100x100, SOCK); or 5oxl(M. 20; terms casa. AJ Xtfi, urefonisn. $275 BUYS 50x100 In restricted district; all casn required. a ,Lmjm. FOR SALE at bargain, choice view lot on West Side. Owner, fnone j-,aa. A NEW .ot next Peninsula Prk. is for sale -Beacb Property. XViCiHT DeaUllIUI lou. raju can ""'"t "" for 800: 1 corner lot. xsesuiaanio. fiw. terms. 34 worceater b.a. For 8ale Business Property. nrcivrR PROPERTY. Other business requires owner to leave Portland. Will turn his noiaings wmw In of 34iOo lot close in on the East feidi Hn ..rllr,. Imnrnvarl n'llh a. t WO-ltOiT store bulldinj and fine grocery atock of about $2o00; store doina; about 11SW business monthly; will exchange for farm or other Drooerty that he com a .ease price S700-J. ALVORD 4 CO.. 218 Board of Trade bids- pop kat.f- Sniendid business Jot in Klara ath Falls, best town in Southern Oregon: cheap for cash. Thoa. G. Aitlcen, Uem Ing, N. M. ei 1 4uaTkT nt r.ovi(tO. atnres and acartments nrnminssnt street, close in. West Side; well rented. nQwncr. 824 Worcester bldg. 'or 6mi -H omesteada. GOING out to the choice homestead or des ert claims, free, 160 acres, near Vale, coun aa- nf ii-Aihur county: will leav about the 3d of next month. Information riven free about this land. Call 6 P. M- or Sundays. 548 Commercial st. W. H. u. HOiiESTEAD to trade: achoolhouse on the groand and spring ciose ny ; nouw w srouna: suu or awu. uoiuuibh-h w. n. u. HOMESTEADS in "Western Oregon. Lumber Exchange. 2d snd Stark. 420 REAL ESTATE. For bale Houses. NEW. STYLISH BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, most up-to-date in city, re stricted district, beautiful music-room with French doors. 7-ft. beveled plate glass buffet, hardwood floors. 3 French mir rors beautiful mantel, solid brasa hard ware select grain finish, lot 50x100. JO-ft. parking, block to car, IS minutes to city; terms. Phone owner. Tabor 1H00. WELL-BUILT house. 5 rooms, cellar, on concrete walls. 4 lots, good land, chicken house, etc.; price $lOo; call first 2-story house on Middleton ave.. Northrop acrea Take Capitol Hill car; also 2 lots on Capi tol HI1L P. O. sddress, Samuel Terrill. general delivery. Portland. FOR SALE New bungalow. 5 rooms, sleep ing porch. Faience tiie fireplace, hardwood floors. 5-ft. tile walls snd tile floor In bath and kitchen, tile shower, furnace; lot 64x 180: owner leaving city; good bargain. Inquire 41 East &id, nesr Oak. or call Tabor 8204. FOR SALE S-room, modern house, corner lot 50x100; splendid neighborhood, flrst clasa condition; roses and fruit; a good buy, close In: any reasonable terms ac cepted. Phone Tabor 180u. No agents. Price $4r,00, will trade. IF you want to see the homes tor sale on PORTLAND HEIGHTS, see BROOKE, Desler In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. j- Marshall 48L'7 or A 883B. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FORCED SALE To save foreclosure; 5 -room bungalow, , beautiful view; $2750 for few days; fetched tl5o two rears sgo. Marshall Ml'. BHOOK-E. A 3S39. a"BARGAIN if sold this week; nice 3-room house, full lot. nesr Piedmont car barns, cheap for cash or easy payments; if you need s home, look st this snd see what it Is worth to you. 8" W. Jessup st. IRVINGTON Fine 10-room house, close in, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, tiled balh, beautiful yard: $'.00O. easy terma Will consider some trade. Main S82L iloti Stock Exchange bids- - 113V) $2.". DOWN. $10 MONTH. 6 per cent; new. modern, 4 rooms; wired, plastered; near school, car; big attic. fmlth-Waroner Co.. 512 Stock Exchange. FOR FAI.E Beautiful home, restricted dis trict East Hide. 125 ft., lawn, roses, trees, garage; $4500. It you mean business, cull Wood'.ati n 2215. A BUNGALOW. Finest thing in Irvlnglon, cheap: don't fail to ses it; elso 2-story realdenca East 2T3 W. H. Herdmsn. WE have three beautiful new-, modern Cali fornia bungalows; will sell st grest re duction, on your own terms or rent or change. Msln 4M9. HOME for sale, 5 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, with or without furniture; easy terms- e4d E. oO'-h st. N. C 17J3. NICE 6-room house, ail Improvements. 43 by 200, chicken-house, fruit trees, on easy terms Address owner. 4t10 6Qth St. S. E. WILL sell at a sacrifice. Rose City Park, $5000. $432. 5-roora bungalow. Phone Wood la an FOR SAL3 $2000: new, modern 5-roora bungslow; close In. 24 Ivy St. IRVINGTON HOUSES OUB SPECIALTY. 1 NEUHAfSEN st CO. Msln 07S. ir.-.TT uil.K New. nodern 5-roora house. West Piedmont. Phone Sell. iL HEAL KSTATB far .Sale -Hoards ALFEP.TA BUNGALOW. 1SS3 J-KM. ilOuEES CoKNER. Bl-iC from car: nw ana cozy: full bameiit; tst piumbinc; rooms are ait large ana conveniently arranged. Has Uutcn kitcn en, pane.ed dinins-roni : medicine cht,i. wood lift and bunt-In eat: eotric drop ahower fixtures, and beautifully tinted. This is not only a house, but real huzne. Amid beautiful neighbors and homes, no ahajka. Circumstances requ.re an imme diate reduction from f'JOiHJ to Slo. Bist value ever. Se it. Term OWNER, m(l EAST oliT NOK7H. ' Aloena car to o'.trt a:.d Sumner. Then just a Mock east It s on tu comer. HIGH-CLASS ONLY JSOOO NINS ROOMS. Will sacrifice mucU below cost dwelling in restricted, "paved district, with all im provements in, steam neat, oak finish and floors, two touets. enameled kitchen, costly decoiatlona. large lawn, full cement basement, walks and fence: liberal terms, on insiailmsnt basis, to responsible par ties Horn lnsta-iiinant Co.. 401 Jacswas bids. Wain 122. . THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TLl'.N A BCHDETN INTO INCOME? WE WILL. KL'KNliU IMS WONliV. BL"1L.1 APARTMENTS. Rtrl DENCE OH ANYTHING. FLANS FKLrL WE ABE RfccSPONSiBLE. WE iLNOkV HOW. TALli TO Ol"K CLIENTS. StB Ol'R WORK. WILL GIVE iSONDS. L. R. BAILEY 4c CO.. COMKACTINCI AI1CH1TEC1S. 324 ABLNGION Bl-DO. LAL'RELHI RST Fine to-story modern home, i lirepiacea. uardwood tluora. e.e gant fixtures, cement basement, furnace, modern plumblns; saa range, linoleum and stair carpet Ibroun in; price So.M. terms I1(XH csh. Ho montli'.y. no in terest, taxes, insurance or street im provements. 208 Stuck Eichause bids, Gd and Yamhill. NEW. tnodtm ti-room houe. lot 5uxli0. at barrain. woodlawn llis i-or I? air Acrr.se $100. I N CAS H. $100. And 113.00 monthly invested In ONE . of our WEST SIDE SUBURBAN HOME TRACTS will lnclease faster and earn more money for fori In lha next three years at tbe prices we are selling; them now than ths same amount Invested aaywaere you couid p.acs it. . Investigate this land; look It over; see the graded roads, plank walks, school buildings, stores snd lumber yard; ask the people living in the community about the phone service, free de'.lvery of mail and merchan dise and the quality of the soil, snd you w'll be convinced that we mean Just what we say. Any sized trsct fronting on graded road. 350 to $300 per acre; one tenth of purchase price cash and. small payments monthly. The new electric cars will soon take the pluce of steam on Fourth Street running through thia tract and will maUe the distance only ai minutes out. THE SHAW-FEAR COSIPAXT, slain 35. 102 Fourth Street. A 3000. SMALL tracts on Germantown Road. rolled crushed rock ail tne way to city, only 2 miles west of Willam ette River and 5c car fare; 9 miles northwest of Portland Court Houfce and these in any sized tract from one acre up at $lso per acre oil payments; ses us at once. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPAXT. Main 35. 102 Fourth Street- A 3500. THE LAST FARM IN MVLTNOilAll COUNTY Closer to tne counnouse iui Rose City Park, where average price of a city lot is ISOO. I sm offering 1.0 acres highly improved snd sll cleared. miles from Courthouse, on West Side of river for $iK0 per acre, including a new. modem house, cost $6000; garage, bam and other buildings; Improvements in cluding 15-acre orchard, water system, septic tank; a gentleman's country hums an excellent buy for the shrewd in Testor. Ideal for subdividing: quick ac tion Is essential; easy terma. E. C Hears, Sl yeon bldg. ELCCTRIC LINE, eight blocks of sistien: chicken snd fruit ranches nesr Portland: new subdivision, near Oresham; 5 acres. $40i). $5u0. $T"0: 6 acres. $500. $.00; 10 acrea. $730. S00. SluOO per tract: best soli, free wood, spring water: acreage at bcarpeose. Or.. $5 to $lv0 per acre. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO.. 3o9 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. RYAN PLACE now has city water, beautiful home sites, surrounded by nice hones and nice peo ple; sold in sere trace or less. Sea."--A Hlnes near atatioi Phone Mala -or B S Cook Co., Corbett bldg. TEN ACRES, $T30. $75 cash, balance $10 per month; good soil, prosperous neighbors. t mile to R. R. station, school snd postoffice. C. W. DsvU fc Co.. 60U Commercial bldg. - IF YOU1 want a bargain for a country home, i vT.v. T-t .c-res. 2 milee from Buner. Wash --sood house and some young appis . Richmond, fctev- trees: 1L' ... - ... - enson. s asn. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water, cioso to carline. eaay terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15S5. or Sellwood 4.C. JSO. H. GIBSON. OWNER. FOR SALE 1 acre near Stanley, on O. W. p - good soli: price right, any terms. Must selL Mala 3M3. LOTS or scresge st Manhattan Beach for sale or trade. ee F. J. Gattreil. 22i Stark st. ONE acre, very best of soil; go Jd trans portation; $400, $S per month. AC 800. Oregonian. BY OWNER 20 acres finest cranberry bos. close to transportation. Washington; snap If takenjjulckly. O 305, Oregonim. 2fe ACRES, good soil $875; very easy terms. AB litrj. Oregonian. For Sale Fanps. If you would know ths truth about WESTERN CANADA see ths CANADIAN PACIFIC EXHIBIT of priie-wlnning products of the fertlls Canadian plains Full personal informa tion free maps and literature yours tor lh 1 PTHORNTOX. Lsnd Agent. 271 Pine St.. Multnomah Hotel Bldg. - s ACRES on P. E. &. E. Electric Small house, barn. etc. louns orcnaru. iins garden. Price ice eu (2000; easy terms 10 ACRES sdjolnlng above. New 7-roont bungalow: 5 acres, in orchard; nice grove: running stream; lli acres strawberries, jtt acres potatoes, lots of other garden. Cow, 2 pigs,- chickens; all for $2500; half C"h' 604 SPALDING BLDG. SACRIFICE SALE. ' An undivided half -Interest In 4Scr sc. In V E Oregon; 3-room house, barn tor 12-14 head; being farmed; S miies from R. R Tel., R. F. D.. in best district in Pacific N. W. : an A-l gen. mdse. point. If this appeals to you writs me-- Pries $5500, way below value. ...... Some town, A-l, to trade tor store fix tures, scales, etc. I. B. C. Fisher, owner, Llnnton. Or STOCK FARM. Klickitst County, Washington; BIO seres. 2(10 in cultivation: well-built s-room two story house, 2 large barns, blacksmith shop and other outhouses; half mile to railroad station, P. O. and stores; plenty strtings snd running wster; price $20.oo0: cash SsOuo, balance to be arranged. O. C. H. ELLIS tc CO.. .109 Board of Trade. FOR SALE iO acres, about 2o miles, on a -direct line from Portland; 32 miles on an automobile rosd; rural free delivery, tel ephone line, all level lend, sbout 5 miles from R. R. station, 10 miles from eiectrlc line- easy to clear, close to good neigh bor snd school: worth $0u per acre, can os bought for sbout i Its vaiuo, on terma. See the owner at 4 N. 6th SU " ANY TERMS. RIVER BOTTOM LAND. HILLSBORO. 30 acres. 23 under cultivation. few stumps on balance, beautiful knoll for bulluings, ner iiou..s. ... R.reain price and your own terma 4 Rth St.. ntar '-'a"- HOOD RIVER fruit and berry farm. acres peaches, apples, pears; best shot soil on Belmont Road. Good house, pine grove water shares, view Mt. Hood and ilt damr- H Ton want something nice at vv prl.-e: $'0. cash snd terms. Call V McFarland. ?."9 Yeon b.dj.. Fortlend FOR SALE 24'0 acres, N. E- Oregeon land, good Improvements, best place for hogs and cattle In the West; will take some Portland property: . might divide this tract to suit. Apply AT 310. Oregonian- FARM LANDS ALONG GRAND TRUNK Pacific in Central British Columbia, lie S hatko SV Gallup. 9-4 Cham, of Coai. RANCH 9 acres, with buildings: IS miles from Portland, near electric lire; bargain for all cash. By owner. 18? Morrison st. TRADE $10,000 in good securities and tal ance cash up to $16.i.G0 for improved Wll- lsmette Valley 2t'2 Wilcox blrg. 160 ACRES first-class wheat land for sa:s or exrhsnRe; price $3iv0. Owner, L. 1. Deffenbacher, Low Gap, Wash. ment Muitnoman cemet""