Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 06, 1913, Page 18, Image 18

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Martin Property, With Front
age of 320 Feet, to Be Pur
chased for $285,000.
"0 Fleet Now Under Lease to Martin
Estate tVill Be Bought lor $7 0.
ODO. Completing Xeetls for
West -Side Public Wharf Site.
NpROtiations have been concluded by
the Commission of Public Docks for
the purchase, of the Martin dock prop
erty, lytns north of the foot of Seven
teenth street nd having a frontage on
the river of 320 feet, the consideration
to be 1285.000; also a strip adjoining
that on the north, now under lease to
the Martin estate, having a frontage of
icol. uwnrii uy me csortnern I'acinc
Ttallroad Company and the Northern
I'acinc Terminal Company, each to re
ceive $3.', 000.
The land will complete the assem
bling of parcels that go to make up
the West Side dock site, and it will
hive h. frontage of lo7B feet, as the
Commission had previously secured 320
feet owned by the Star Sand Company
:ind 365 feet controlled by the Pacific
Btevmtor S- Milling Company.
The Lower Albina ferry slip lies be
tween the I'acinc Milling & Elevator
Company's ond the Martin estate's hold
ings, having a width of 5 feet, and
it Is proposed to shift the landing to
the lower end of the tract, occupying
tir feet on the Northern Pacific Rail
road and Northern Pacific Terminal
Company's land.
Plans carlus Completion.
At a meeting of the Commission
convened yesterday afternoon G. B.
llegardt. chief engineer, reported that
plans for the West' Side dock, provid
ing for heavy mill construction, were
about 80 per cent completed and that
they would be ready so that bids for
building could be advertised for the
latter part of the month. Plans for
the East Side dock, to be located at the
foot of East Stark street, are to be in
shape for advertising August t. While
the Commission will get control of the
West Side site July 1. the plant and
material of the Northwest Steel Com
pany may not be moved from there as
soon as expected. The Commission has
offered the company J35.000 as dam
ages in being compelled to move about
two years In advance of the termina
tion of its lease with the Star Sand
Company. The steel Interests placed
the estimate of their damages at J77.
345. The Commission has proceeded with
tho leasing of more space In the ter
minal block from the Spokane. Portland
Sr Seattle Railroad on which to accom
modate material of the steel corpora
tion, with the understanding that the
latter vacate a part of its premises by
luly 1 and the remainder by January 1.
On the other hand. It has been sug
gested that a temporary dock be built
at an estimated cost of $1000 for the
convenience of the steel company so it
can care for its material for a time, A
meeting will be held Monday to con
sider that further.
Klrr Boat Bertk Considered.
John Burgard reported that he had
conferred with Mayor Rushlight con
i erning a berth for the new flreboat
David Campbell, and that the latter had
received a proposition from tho O.-W.
1;. & N. to sell a strip of land north of
Montgomery dock No. 2, on the East
Side, having a frontage of 60 feet and
depth of 280 feet, for J6000.
It was made known that as soon as
the freshet subsides the L. A. Hicks
Company will commence on the Stark
street pier and motorboat landing. Jo
seph Supple has been given a contract
to build three pontoons.
In connection with steps that may
have to be taken In the future to ob
tain outside property for dock purposes.
City Attorney Grant filed an opinion
in which he stated that the present
charter did not give the Commission
of Public Docks authority to purchase
land beyond the corporate limits. City
Attorney Grant also said that the Coun
cil had the power to compel lines to
use one or two tracks on North Front
street so as to confine their operations.
The Water Board informed the Com
mission that the rates for water on
public docks would be the same as on
private wharves. For that reason the
Commission may adopt electricity for
From the sale of $2,250,000 of bonds
to Henry Teal, of this city, the Com
mission received $1,195,500 principal
and S46S7.SO accrued Interest.
docks, having a meter attached, and
ships could then take as much water
i as desired and pay a charge made by
tne dock owner.
Coos Bay Interest;, Make Jetty Work
Coos Bay marine men have con
cluded to devote less consideration to
jetty matters on that waterway at
present and work for the assembling of
a battery of dredges with the hope of
having a 25-foot channel from Smith's
mill, above Marshfleld, to the sea, says
Captain Macgenn, master of the -steamer
Breakwater, which sailed for Coos Bay
The bar dredge Colonel P. S. Michie,
which Is under way at Seattle, is to
be placed in commission next month
and every effort will be made to have
the dredge Oregon, which was sent to
Grays Harbor, returned to Coos Bay to
be operated on the channel inside, while
a contract has also been let to a
Puget Sound concern to do dredging.
Captain Macgenn says that the inside
channel project offers few difficulties
Due to Arrive.
Name. From. Date.
Bear L,os Angeles. . In port
Alliance Coos Bay In port
P.OK City. ..... San Pedro... June O
Breakwater. .. -Coos Bay June 7
Geo. W. Elder. .San Uiego June 8
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook... . .June 8
Beaver Les Angeles. . June 11
Roanoke j:an Diego. ... June 15
To Depart.
Name For. Data.
Bear Los Angelei. . June
Merced San Francisco June o
-Norwood Lh Angeles. .June 7
Alliance Coos Bay June 7
Harvard S. F. to L A. .June 2
Camlno .Han Francisco June 7
Breakwater ... .C oos Bay.... June 9
Sue H Elmore. Tillamook lune 10
Hose City Los Angeles. . June 11
Geo. tv. Elder, .ban Diego. . . . June 11
Beaver Los Angeles. . Jane 16
Koanoke J3an Diego. ...June 18
Kuropran and Oriental Service.
Name. From. Date.
Flintshire London In port
Klna Vancouver. .. June 15
Falls of Orehy. Condon June 24
Saxonia Hamburg.... June US
C. F. Latin. .. .Hamburg July 2
Cr'n of C'stle. . Antwerp Aug. 15
Brisgavla Hamburg Aug. 27
Name. For. Date.
Flintshire London June 7
Falls of Orchy. Orient .June 30
Saxonla Hamburg. ... July 1
C. F. Laeisz. ...Hamburg Aug. 1
Brlsgaria Hamburg. ... Sept. t
and that It Is fully expected the Colonel
P. S. Mlchle will be all that could be
expected as a bar dredge.
After Moving to Highest Points
Residents Forced to Bring
Livestock to Mainland.
Record of 23.3 Readied in Willam
ette and Witu Hot Weather Pre
dicted 24.3 Is Anticipated.
Beacons Are Washed Out.
Says He Thinks Plant Juice Is a Won
derful Remedy for Stomach
Hornclrn ut Honolulu and Notting
ham Is "Returning Here.
t:p to date the Navy Department has
-MRagfid 17 tramps to carry coal from
the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific and
Vectusp of the larpre number taken a.
tory has been circulated that aome of
the cargt to be moved will be muni
tions of war. With few exceptions the
steamers aie under charter for June
loading; and one has sailed from Nor
folk. The coming of tlm steamers will pro
vide additional tonnape on this side for
arly Fall loading: and by the time some
of them report and discharge coal new
whea will be about ready to move. The
Hornelen. a Norwegian tramp recently
fixed to load lumber for Australia, has
arrived at Honolulu and will come here
in ballast. She loaded coal at Tv -t-astle
for the Hawaiian port. The
schooner William Nottingham, which 1
remembered by many through having
made a lengthy stay here after being
nicked up in a waterlogged condition,
has been fixed to load lumber again
for Valparaiso. Her charterers are
Hind. Rolph & Co.
W. R, Grace & Co. have engaged the
s hoonr Lottie Bennett for lumber to
Valparaiso and she probably will work
argo on Grays Harbor.
Harbormaster Will Report Docks Not
Having Pipes.
Docks not equipped to supply Bull
Hun water to vessels of the coastwise
and offshore fleet are to be listed, by
1 1 arbor ma ster iSpeier and reported to
the Commission of Public Docks. Re
cently attention was directed to the
fact that all passenger vessels operat
ing between Portland and California
porta could not obtain water, and most
of them filled their tanks in the south
for the round voyage.
The Chamber of Commerce referred
; be matter to the Commission, and
. or Captain Speter investigates some
inaiM will b considered of remedying
Uio situation. Virtually all of the
docks have water connections, but
mostly for rlre purposes. One Bcjpeme
suggested is for the laying of direct
pipes from mains to the outside of the
Marine Notes.
Bound for Antofogasta the schooner
Luzon was cleared yesterday with 731,
323 feet of lumber valued at 59443.
Light men were signed on and she was
shifted through tho bridges from the
Portland Lumber Company's dock to
an anchorage below and probably will
leave down today.
Her cargo -having been discharged
yesterday the Danish steamer Ktna left
down last evening, bound for Vancou
ver, B. CL to unload the remainder of
tho freight she brought from Europe,
after wh ich she will return here to
take on grain for the United Kingdom.
She loaded a few shingles and doors
Returning from Puget Sound yester
day the lighthouse tender Manzanita
was ordered, to proceed to Tillamook
Rock with two keepers who came
ashore from there early in the week
and were washed on the rocks at Elk
Creek, when their boat was damaged
in the breakers. The tender then will
load for Coos Bay and Orford Reef. At
the latter point she will replace the
big gas buoy.
On completing loading lumber ready
for her at Inman-Poulsen's today th
tramp Baron Xapler will haul down to
the bunkers and after coaling is to pro
ceed to St. Johns to finish her cargo.
The British steamer Bessie Dollar will
leave Kalama today for sea, lumber
laden for the Orient, and the British
steamer M. S. Dollar, which discharged
sulphur at St. Johns, left down for St.
Helens to load lumber for the Far East.
In tow of the steamer C. Minsinger
the British ship Port Caledonia was
shifted yesterday from Montgomery
dock No. 1 to the Xorth Bank dock to
finish loading grain.
To finish working lumber the steamer
Siskiyou shifted from Rainier to Wauna
yesterday. The steamer Klamath went
from Llnnton to St. Helens and the
steamer .Tohan Poulsen shifted from
Oak Point to Westport ang will go to
sea today.
On a bid of ?3.10 a ton at the mines,
the Pacific Coast Company has been
awarded a contract for the delivery of
7500 tons of coal at Celilo, to be used
there in construction work. Five bi3a
were opened yesterday at the office of
Major Mclndoe, Corps of Rngineers,
IT. S. A., for supplying 2000 tons of coal
at Fort Stevens to he used on loco
motives and other plant operating on
the Jetty. "
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Juris .V Arrived. feteRmers
Ta.hoe and "Willamette, from San Fran
cisco: steamer Alliance, from Eureka and
Coos Bay. Sailed Danish steamer Klna. for
Vancouver, B. C.
Astoria, June 5. Loft up at 1 :80 A. M-.
steamer Alliance. Arrived at 2 and left up
at 5:30 A. M.. steamer Tahoe, from .San
Francisco. Sailed at 3 A. M., steamer Stan
ley Dollar, for Hoquiam. Sailed at 4 :30 A.
If., Steamer Roaiuk, for San Dieg-o and
way ports. Sailed at 7 A. M.. steamer Tlios.
L. Wand, for San Francisco, via Ta coma.
Sailed at 7:10 A. M., steamer Sue II. Elmore,
for Tillamook. Arrived at t and Wt up at
ll:2o A. Af.. steamer Willamette, from San
San Francisco, June ft. Arrived at 2 P.
M., steamer Saginaw, from Portland. Ar
rived Ht noon, Etaamer Geo. 'W. Elder, from
Pun Diego. Sailed at noon, steamer Shaver,
for San Pedro-
Coos Bay, June r. Arrived at A. M. ,
steamer Breakwater, from Portland.
Queens town. June 5. ArrivedBritish
bark Iverna, from Portland-
FaJmouth, June 4. Arrived German baric
Barmbek, from Portland.
Astorln.. June 4. Arrived at 9 P. M. . r?
ollne schooner Anvil, in tow gasoline schoon
er Patsy, from Sluslaw. Arrived at 10 P. M..
steamer Alliance, from Eureka, and Coos
Seattle. June 5. Arrived Steamers San
ukl Maru v Japanese from Yokohama: City
of Seattle. Jefferson, from Skagway; Watson.
i Jim Butler, from Pan Francisco: Catania,
! from Port San Luis; Northland, from South
) eastern Alaska. Sailed Steamers Bertha, for
I Southeastern Alaska; Buckman. for San
Francisvo: I ,a touch for Southwestern Alas
ka; Col. E. L Drake, towing barge 95, for
Stn Francisco.
San Francisco, June 5. Arrived Steam
ers Olson and Mahony. from Everett; Grays
I Harbor, from Gray) Harbor; Fairhaven, from
fort Luaiow; Winnebago iBrltlshi, from
Moji: Saglhaw, from Columbia River. Sailed
Steamers Isthmian, for Seattle; Acapulco,
for Ar.con; Hilonian, for Honolulu, via Seat
tle and Tacoma.
Residents of Portland have suffered
no material losses as a consequence of
the June freshet, save time and incon
venience on the part of dock men in
shifting from lower to upper docks and
among business houses in getting goods
from basements and working pumps to
keep elevators clar, but on islands
along the river the situation is as
suming a grave aspect.
Late reports yesterday from Sauvies
Island, were that only a few ridges re
main above water and. occupants are
hastening to reach the mainland.
As the water overflowesl on hay
land the crop was out green, though
inundated, and. raked to high ground,
where cattle were also assembled with
the hope that they would be able to
escape the flood and! avert the neces
sity of moving them.
I i -hi Changes Noted.
Advices to the headquarters of the
17th Lighthouse District yesterday were
that the front light on what Is known
as Slaughter's range could, not be main
tained longer and until the freshet
subsides a red light will be shown from
Slaughter's dock.' Tho Washougal light
was carried out by the water and will
be discontinued until a normal stage
Is reached, and the Gray Island light,
on the Middle Columbia, has suffered
likewise. A continuation of the rise
will wipe out other beacons.
If there is more snoy in the moun
tain regions it will, no doubt, come
down the Columbia River basin in the
form of water soon, for E. A. BealB,
district forecaster, said last night that
tho temperatures in the Interior were
going up slowly and there was every
Indication of a warm spell approaching.
Low land everywhere is gradually being
submerged and in tome places ranchers
and dairymen have been cut off from
the river and are sending products here
by rail. Numerous "mud" landings that
are customarily made by river steam
ers are obliterated these days.
Slight Rlnc Comes.
The official gauge here registered 23.3
feet above zero at 7 o'clock last night,
having gained two-tenths of a foot
since 8 o'clock in the morning and by
today Mr. Heals looks for a stage of
23.6 feet. Though having altered his
estimate slightly he thinks the river
will be 24.3 feet above zero Monday
Cool weather in the mountains had
an effect and yesterday's reports were
that there was a fall of six inches at
Lewisrton where the Snake River stood
at IS feet.
More basements in the business dis
trict were flooded during tho day and
it is a common sight to see pumps
working on the streets, some being
operated by small gasoline engines on
the sidewalks and others by steam
plants in the buildings.
Mills at Ridegfield Closed and Docks
Are Weighted.
RIDGEF1ELD, Wash., June 5. (Spe
cial.) Lake River is still rising. It
is higher than it has been for 19 years.
People are busy moving stock and
household effects from farms on Sau
vie's Island and Bachelor's Island to
Ridgefield. Boats and scows haye been
in great demand.
The Lc wis River Navigation Com
pany moved to the Beaver Shingle Mill
Company's dock, but this can only be
reached by boat now. A pile of washed
gravel owned by the city has been
sacked and is used for weighting down
the dock and other buildings. All the
mills are closed temporarily.
Mr. Ernest Lupberger. a well-known
conductor on the electric line, who
lives at 609 Eighth avenue, Seattle,
"I have lived in Seattle for over
seven years and most of that time I
have spent as conductor on the elec
tric line here. During the past two
years I have had considerable trouble
with constipation, my stomach was in
bad condition and my bowels very irre
gular. Cathartics relieved, but did not
regulate. I have heard so many good
reports on Plant Juice I decided to try
It and am well pleasod with the results.
It has regulated my bowels, It als-a.
acted on my stomach and kidneys. I
am feeling much better in every way.
With me Plant Juice was the right
thing in the right place at the right
time, and I am glad to recommend it
to others,"
As a corrective of all disorders of
the stomach, kidneys and liver. Plant
Juice is the best to be had. It stimu
lates the liver to normal action and
eradicates all biliousness from the sys
tem, corrects constipation. regulates
the bowels and clears the blood of all
poisons. Those who suffer from Indi
gestion, bloating, pains across the back
or in the joints, headaches, dizzy spells,
spots before the eyes, too scanty or too
highly colored urine, should lose no
time, but try Plant Juice now. It will
do all and even more than we claim
for it. The Plant Juice man is at the
Owl Drug Company's Store, Seventh
and Washington: call and get a bottle
from him today, and if it does not help
you he will refund your money.
burg. have taken apartments at the
R. A. Booth, -of the Booth-Kelly Lum
ber Company, of Eugene, is at the
S. H. Huey, a Roseburg Jeweler, and
G. A. Johnson, also of Roseburg, are at
the Cornelius.
W. A. Gellatly, Sheriff of Benton
County, is registered at the Carlton
from Corvallls.
John Hampshire, a railroad construc
tion contractor of Great Falls. Mont., is
at the Portland.
i.ver Johnson, of Seattle, Is at the
Perkins. He has extensive real estate
holdings in Portland.
Dr. H. F. Leonard, wife and brother
have left for Galesburg. 111., where his
mother is dangerously 111.
W. J. Kerr, president of the Oregon
Agricultural College, is registered at
the Imperial from Corvallls.
May Arkwrlght Hutton, a leading suf
fragist of Washington, is registered
at the Oregon from Spokane.
A. T. Baum. president of the Pacific
Coast Baseball League, is registered at
the Oregon from San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ireland, of Moro,
Or., are at the Oregon. Mr. Ireland 1s
publisher of the Sherman County Ob
server. Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas, of Lon
don, England, with their valet and
maid, are at the Multnomah and ex
pect to remain indefinitely.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wayemaker and
two daughters, of Grand Raolds. Mich..
are at the Multnomat. Mr. Wayemaker
is a turniture manufacturer.
William Hanley, of Burns, Or., and
W. P. Davidson, of St. Paul, president
of the Oregon- & Western Colonization
Company, are registered at the Oregon.
Bruce Fair, of San Francisco, is at
the Multnomah. Mr. Fair is a cousin of
Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, Jr., and
Is one of the principle heirs of the
Fair estate.
CHICAGO, June 5. (Special.) The
following from Oregon are registered
at Chicago hotels:
From Portland R. L. Adams, at the
La Salle.
From Baker J. P. Heyes, at the La
Salle. 9
CHICAGO, June 5. (Special.) The
following from Oregon are registered
at Chicago hotels:
Portland Auditorium, Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Melserau, Earl C. Bronaugh, Mrs.
Bronaugh; Great Northern, C. W. Pat
erson; Grand Pacific, Mr. and Mrs. G.
E. Ma so .
Salem La Salle, Lowell T. Will.
Arrives Gearhart and Seaside for luncheon: allows all after
noon at the ocean; leaves after dinner, arrives Portland
10:25 P. M.
Arrives Beach Points for dinner, gives Saturdaj- evening and
all day Sunday at the ocean; leaves after breakfast Monday,
arrives Portland 12 :30 P. M.
One Day, Week-End or Season Trips Wo Vacation Place like the Seashore. No Seashore Trains like these.
Observation Parlor Cars. Large Modem Coaches; Columbia River Scenery All the Way.
P. M.
Tnmc 4 tvtRY DA
1 K I r 0 $15 FIVE ROUND TRIPS Individual
Daily evening train leaves at 6:30 P. M.
Parlor car seats, tickets and details at offices.
City Ticket Office, Fifth and Stark Streets. North Bank Station, Eleventh and Hoyt Streets.
morrow. Graduating exercises of the
high school -will be held In the Kelso
Reports Worn Lewlston Show Con
siderably Lower Water.
LBWISTON, Idaho. June 5. (Spe
cial.) The Snake River stands tonight
at IS feet, a drop of six Inches since
The Clearwater River stands at 20
feet tonight, a drop of one foot since
Columbia River Krvr Report.
Condition at the mouth of tho river sit 5
P. 1st smooth; wind, northwest. 3o miles;
weather, clear.
Tides at Astoria Friday
High. Low.
1:10 A. M 9.5 feet :S3 A. M. . . 1.5 feet
2:59 P. M.....7.1 feet S:19 P. M 3.9 feet
Lenta Plans to Celebrate.
Arrangements are being made at
Lents for the proper celebration of
the Kourth of July. The Lents Base
ball Association has taken the lead and
appointed committees to take the mat
ter up at a meeting. It has been de
cided to have foot races, sack races,
greased pig. wheelbarrow races, climb
ing greased pole, potato race, girls'
race, boys' race ana other contests.
These events will start at 1 P. M. In
the ball park, corner Beech and Fourth
strbets. in Lents. After the contests
are concluded there will be a ball rame
between the Piedmont Maroons and the
Lents Giants. Prizes will b given the.
winners in all the contests. An or
chestra will be engage! to provide
music'for the afterooon and evening.
Heavy Ixses Reported at Kelso.
KELSO, Wash.. June 5. (Special.)
The water in this vicinity still con
tinues to rise, and has now reached
Fifth street, three blocks from the
business center of the town. The loss
will be considerable, as much acreage,
planted to potatoes and other crops, is
under water. Dairymen and stockmen
are being compelled to feed their cat
tle and horses, as pastures are flooded.
P.esidents of La Du. a farming center
about four miles from Kelso, have been
forced to abandon their homes.
John S. Drake, of Los Angeles, Is at
the Carlton.
O. A. Perry, of Cook, Wash.. Is at
the Imperial.
D. M. Macleod. of Forest Grove. Is
at the Perkins.
Dr. A. E. Wrightman. of Silverton. Is
at the Carlton.
M. C. Stern, of Vancouver. Wash.. Is
at the Carlton.
Ralph Chatham, a Seattle broker, is
at the Portland.
Arthur B. Lee, a Spokane attorney,
Is at the Portland.
M. Jfalvorsen, a business man of lone.
Or., la at the Perkins.
Mr. and Sirs. Ti. E. Parker, of Den
ver, are "at the Annex.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harlln. of Miles
City, are at the Carlton.
M. Gorman, a banker of Cathlamet.
Or., is at the Imperial.
D. Steele Is registered at the Cor
nelius from Vancouver, B. C.
J. II. Manners is registered at the
Portland from Vancouver, B. C.
B. R. Ordway. a flour manufacturer
of Denver, is at the Portland.
T. B. Reed, a lumberman of Carlton,
Or., Is registered at the Perkins.
E. Byrom and family are registered
at thf Carlton from Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Rice, of Bel
grade. Mont., are at the Annex.
G. B. Hall, a real estate dealer of
Eugene, is registered at the Cornelius.
C. W. Talmage. a Tillamook attor
ney, registered at the Imperial last
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Long are reg
istered at the Annex from San Fran
cisco. Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson, of Rose-
One of Largest Classes In History to
Take Various Degrees Assembly
Comes to Close Tomorrow Nisln.
With one of the largest classes in
history taking the various degrees, the
-8th semiannual reunion of the Anciei.,
and Accepted Scottish Rite which was
bgun yesterday at the Scottish Kite
Cathedral, wiii be one of the most
important affairs of the kind in the
history of Masonry in Oregon.
The reunion began at 10 'o'clock at
which time the class took the fourih
degree or Secret Master degree led b
J. Frank Drake. The fifth and sixth
degrees were carried out later in the.
morning. In the afternoon the degrees
from the seventh to and including Hie
14th were staged.
In the evening beginning at 8 o'clock
the 16th degree was conferred on the
class. This morning beginning at t'
o'clock the 16th and 17th degrees wlli
be taken up. The 18th will follow be
fore noon. During this afternoon hh
tonight the degrees up to the 31st wil.
be conferred. Tho 32d degree will bt
taken up Saturday morning with P. S.
Malcolm and L. O. Clarke presiding.
A feature of the doings of Saturday
morning will be an address' by K. G
Jones in the main auditorium of thi
Scottish Rite Cathedral on "Highet
Philosophy of the Scottish Riu
Degrees." A cordial invitation has b'-er
extended to all members of the or
ganization and all visiting Scottish
Rite Masons to inspect the Cathedra
during the morning.
The reunion w-ill come to a close Sat
urday night with the formality of
burning the" $55,000 mortgage Which
has been against the Cathedral since its
complexion in 1902. The programme for
this has been completed. Afterward
a banquet will be held which will be
the largest and most elaborate affair
of the kmd ever held in Masonic cin
cles in Oregon.
P. S. Malcolm head of Scottish Rite
Masonry in Oregon will serve as toast
maser at the banquet. Addresses will
be delivered by Louis G. Clarke, master
of Knights of Kadosh: B. B. Beekman,
commander of Knights of Kadosh;
Robert A. Miller, venerable master of
Oregon bodies and the class orator who
will be selected tonight.
Consumers' Representative in Serv
ice or Portland for Five Tears Is
Appointed Under New Law.
To take the position of State Sealer
of Weights and Measures, F. G. Buchtel.
City Sealer of Weights and Measures,
yesterday tendered his resignation to
Mayor Rushlight to take effect June 16.
Mr. Buchtel will at that time move to
Salem and take up his new work under
State Treasurer Kay. At the time of
his resignation he w-ill have been in
the city's service five years.
The State Treasurer In the past has
been the State Sealer of Weights and
Measures, but no appropriation has ever
been made to cover the cost of neces
sary apparatus. There was no state
law giving him the power to Investi
gate weights and measures and there
was no law to prevent fraud. The last
Legislature enacted laws to cover these
The state law, which became effective
June 3, 1913, provides for the appoint
ment by the State Treasurer of a
Deputy State Sealer, who will have
active charge of the office. It requires
the appointment by County Courts of a
county Sealer in each county, who will
have the power to investigate trade
conditions, test weights and measures,
and, wherever violations of the law
are found, it Is the duty of the County
Sealer to Institute criminal proceedings.
The State Sealer Is to have general
supervision throughout the state over
the inspection of weights and meas
ures, and is to have authority to in
vestigate all trade customs or prac
tices which might have a tendency to
ward dishonesty In the use of weights
and measures. He also will have
authority throughout the state to enter
any place of business at- all reason
able hours to make Inspections.
The new law Is general in Its terms,
and while not covering anything spe
cifically, in reality it is so worded that
it covers the sale of all commodities
usually sold by weight or measure.
Kelso Schools Close Today.
KELSO, Wash., June 5.--( Special.)
The public schools will close here to-
Mother's Advice
To Her Daughter
A Real Live Doll to Fondle Is Woman's
Greatest Happiness.
Missing Insane Man Located.
SALEM. Or., June 5. (Special.) Dr.
R E. L. Stelner, superintendent of the
Insane asylum, received a telegram
from the Chief of Police of Seattle yes
terday giving the information that
Lawrence Holland, who escaped from
the insane asylum here about a week
ago. was living near that city with his
mother. The board of control decided
to ask the Washington authorities to
return the man to Oregon.
She is wisdom itself who knows of or
learns of that famous remedy, Mother's
x nend. It is an ex
ternal application
for the abdominal
muscles and breasts.
It has a wonderful in
fluence, allays alt
fear, banishes a 1 1
pain, is a grateful en
couragement t o the
expectant mother, and
permits her to e a
through the period happy in mind, des
tined to anticipate woman's greatest hap
piness as natnre intended she should.
The action of Mother's Friend makes tha
muscles pliant and responsive to expansion.
Thus all strain and tension upon the nerves
and ligaments is avoided, and, in place of s
period of discomfort and consequent dread
it is a season of calm repose and joyful ex
pectation. There is no nausea, no morning sickness,
no nervous twitching, none of that constant
strain known to so many women.
This splendid remedy can be had of any
druggist at $1.00 a bottle. Write to Brad
field Regulator Co., 232 Lamar Bldg., At
lanta. Go., for theiq book to expectant
Do You Want a
'Good Complexion?
YOU esjs. have one if you take
care of yourself. f
Overeating" and sluggish cir
culation clog tha bowels and af
fect the skill. Nature has pro
vided an ideal laxative which pa
rifles your blood, cleanses your
intestines and relieves constipa
tion the real cause of pimples,
etc. Get a bottle of
today at any Drug Store,
take u, glass on arising or
at any time on an empty
stom&cu, ana you'll
see the difference in
your complex
Low Round Trip Rates
Portland Rose Festival
I uODln eeSKASTA 1
AND P. R. & N.
The Rose Festival will be bigger and better than ever. Gardens
are full of roses and the Festival Association will spend thousands
of dollars to surpass previous years. Big delegations from California,
Washington and surrounding states will swell the crowds.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, June 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
McMinnville to Portland
During the Rose Festival, special trains will run between McMinn
ville and intermediate points and Portland on the following
11:00 A. M 1 Lv. McMinnville Ar 12:30 Al
11:06 A. M St. Joseph 12:33 A. m!
11:10 A. M Lafayette 12:20 A. M.
11:15 A. M Dayton 12:12 A. M.
11:35 A. M Newberg 11:55 P. M
12:00 Noon Sherwood 11:25 P. M.
12:25 P. M Oswego 11:00 P. M
12:50 P. M Ar. Portland Lv .10:30 P. M.
Jefferson Street.
For further particulars, with programme, on appli
cation to any S. P. agent or from
John M. Scott, General Pasenger Agent, Portland
Great Northern Railway
Summer Excursions to the East
Tickets on sale daily until September 30.
Going limit fifteen days from date of sale.
Return limit October 31: stopovers allowed in each direction.
Atlantic City and return. .$111.30
St. Louis and return 70.00
Boston and return 110.00
Detroit and return. $ 83.50
Pittsburg and return 91.50
Montreal and return 105.00
Baltimore and Washington and return $107.50
New York and Philadelphia and return
Chicago and Milwaukee and return
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pneblo and return
Toronto, Buffalo and Niagara Falls and return
St Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutb, Winnipeg, Omaha
Blum, Kansas City and St. Joe and return 60.00
Go East on the ORIENTAL LIMITED; leaves Portland daily at
7:00 P. M. Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers to Chicago in
72 hours. Return same way or any other direct route if desired,
without extra charge.
Ticket and Sleeping
Car Reservations .at
City Ticket Office,
122 Third St., or at
Depot, 11th Hoyt.
H. Dickson, City
Passenger and Tick
et Agt. Telephones
Marshall 3071, A
Theater tonisrht. w hnn n class of l:
members will receive their diplomas.
"Vlsrit fXT. A nTVT? V4TTnWAT. PAW . . .. CJ.. c? t
- " " ...ii. ,i.i..uii. i.i a . .-.w-u. uu.n mini ulg . OCMDQ J 1 1 n g j
to September 15. Ask for Booklet.