( Hl'lH A pwrt Mtnlfc WKl.LE'I.ET COI RT, F.aat JVh and Belmont. t Mock of Mor rann. H ttl and bent on Kast Side; 4 story. rnwru. IihjiIoo. furnlsned aud un furnished, walking distance. IH- .NOKuMi. 1""' and Marshall Swell et :-rjom apartments In city; walking - dif4oc; diaappeanng beds, private phone, beta and dreesmg-room 1 all outside room. wn venti.sted. Summer rate. Marshall 4W.4 or t3. NEW I'UKK Apartments. 61 Pettygrove, btiT-a Uth and- 20th. U-ronra apart-nienre- everything new and modern; rent Wo and $-2; everv thing furnished. Tela f h one Marshall 5" .".it. Ri'Sr'.NKKt.D APARTMENTS, cor. East 14th and titark; flue modem 4-room apartment, unfurnished, a!) outside rooms, private bath, free private phone, steam heat, vary drilrable. $-17.5). East J7vlt. SAN JIAKCO APARTMENTS. Corner East Coach and 8th sta.: easy wajtlng distance; modern, quiet, reason able. Phone East -77, THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, between 20 and Ella gta. Furnished G-room apartments, with all mo.lern conveniences; walking distance. MU.NTIiOMtllV APARTMENTS. Third and Montgomery; new. modern, out aide furnished J-rooru apartments; auto matic elevator; close In: $,'5 up. Main 943d. ORTNOMAH APT.-?.. East 13th and Tay lor; largo rooms, hardwood doors, phone, bath, etc.; $-'3: also 2 rooms. $16, unfur nished, talking distance. IHt uRMO.VUiv 4 and 3-roorn apartments. furnished and unfurnished, modern. Mim-ni-r rates, teio F.andera sc. .Noa H11L Main MIL . HAMMERSt.EY COURT, 7V 12th: nicely furnished 3 -room apts.. irfU; mod-m; very low rates. Marshall 3u&2. A 2J1Z. TUB NORTHAMPTON. 40f Hsll s:. Main 423M. t rooms, furnished, $20 up; single house keeping, furnished. IH EJELLAND. HVH AND LOVEJOV. and 4 rooms; summer rates; should h seen to be appreciated. Owner. Main 17. A W'7. Janitor. A 137. 1-RUOlI apis., furnished, modern; refer ences. The Cromwell Amu. 2i'l Columbia. Mats. 1RVIXOTON. Modrn upper Hat. five rooms and sle-plng. poecn. two spare roonis In attic, harilwo.-d floors, btnlt-ln bookcasea and buffet, furnace, flrepiace. ga range, lin oleum In kitchen and lath. ga heater. col-r, every convenience. r-7i E. bin North, corner Knott; rent f. Phone East ili. - IttVl.Xu TON". Nw building. h.rdwood floor, large porches, large rooms, tile be:h. st-ain fi'a'eo aninug fine hum s. V. E. Bowman Co, E. C 222. Ci3.ce i:d and ilra lee. . H-l;ioil utptr flat, tinted, varnished, good lot a: lift. li minutes" walk from Washing ton; linoleum, shad's. gs range, heater, niie yard. Phone Msin H475. yir, u;per c'.rtrr. sei-cl mi hborhood. d ronfflt. hath, furnace, fireplace, gas range. L-ardwood fioors. .".4 2.'.tll corner North rip. Apptv 7 j yorthrup. Adults. you KfcNT Plat, ciodein s-room lower, nice location, front and back yard, front and back porch, rent reasonable to right parte. Msrsliail 31i. ( -jj Ec " Sllr: -rm flat, furnace, fire place. ever coneeuieuce and 1" fine or cer. 7-i Kearney si. Phjue Main 14j, A 113d. IT io N r.W modern llat. 4 large rooms. 1 small breakfast room, gas range, phone, water free, went smai f.emlU with reier-e-Tes. Ma:n tK ! JiviNVTOS f.at, lower ft rooms, modern, 3 blocks Uroadway car, 4 Hancock St.: rnt Phone P.ast &.70. 764 OLISAX aiT . clean &-rooru flats, ' therougnlr modern; upper or lower; rent cheap. M. 44l. lE.--lRAh4-K f.t. Nob Hill dstrlcu near buin" s and churches, particulars. In quire s North ltth. MOlERV 4-roora upper; furnace, fireplace in.) screened porch. 717. E. sjalmon at. Kast T4it. or siellwood 4i3. -rlOo.U t.l- c.oee In, Vsi. lde. aew.y fnie an1 cleaned up. in CArfre; rent eiJ.ft. Phone Marshall Blstf. i-l.OoM OJt. etra hue. slevp.hg porch, furnace, hreplacr. gif range, water h-at-rr. Hrnicum, -;ij E. -'Isi. TiIkt 1.7. ic. WE.m 11K. k-rooro lower f.at, perfect condition, vvo'iy convemen.e. 1 -4 blocks to Washington, lirh and Davis sts., ft bocks to olds at Kings. Kast STM v-Ki-M-.w mderri tint, est tiie. Inquire Yamhill. clio.cee: location. 17i Joth. comer 4- RutiHl upper llat: ee-plng porch, gas etove. e-." Northrjp. Miln -"-'.- MoDEUN 7-roorn upper flat. StVs N. lilh st. Rent . MoOEKN 4 room upper flat, furnace, rent $;v pnone c 3. H I4Q4. L'PPER (.room flat, E. Utn. near Belmont; furnace and fireplace. yi.AT of i rooms and bath; 7o 1 Hoyt at. Ir.'iulre lllo I'.ln St. Phone Main tiTe. L,,l KENT Lower or upper fiat, modsrn. newly tinted. Inquire SUw Everftt st. ft-l;oo.wl upper flt, gas stove and beater. At-'! 27.'. 14th St.. corner Jef 'erson. 76S- lKVI.Si;. hear Slid tt-room modern fiat. Key at corner grocery store. MoDERN a-room f.nt. ',77 East -1st St., ftlej per month. HrooKIn car. TO rent, on Portland Heights. 4-room mod ern fist Inquire ;i Mil Bf. t-l'.i v.4. st-anneate.i. V5l r-tde, walking o't-iDce Ken.l. .Varshitli .V'o. Furnished ft late. 'LAT for rent, furniture fcr sate; fine lo cation: r-'Ss: West Side, walking dis tance: csrllne; i rooms, bnth. gli. rent raid to June; must aelL oi Chamber of 4'rmmerce. M.!,!.!' fiiihi-hed i-nwm flat, nealy tint ed: water, nhone and bath; S-S. .10S N. lih. . ViiIiKll.N sia-rcim flat, furr.ace: beril.-s; garden Diantet ; rent l-j. r.ast juain. snar -i'h. Hitiwrrie ave. and 3 cars arceitlc. t K 4 and one i-room newly furnished flat, f.tclng river, wa. Xing' d .stance. Call I'M M.irrm t K. 2111. TWO furniMhed rooms in flat. Taoor or B 4 27. 4-KmjM lower f -al ctteap. Tabor Zi or IJ7T Ifoueekeeplng Kni. Tt:K hUAtllH. l-:r and Marshall sts. Furnished for housekeeping, gas range, electric l.ghts. hot water, hath, laundry - f -ee S13 per month trp: a clean pia-e: best In the city for tlie luortey; snort distance from Iriop Iepot. Take S or 10IC.-SC. vsrs north, get olf at Marshall st. e deys. M'lTt. em.p-iely f'trnishd for l.ousckc-p-. ins. lars- . light rooms, clean as was, gas tange. sink, hot water, avljoins bain; ft. onab. desirable people omv; save car-r-re St.. pear JfHrrein. ftl.So To 4-.7A weea: clean, rurnls.ied house-aeep-ig rooms, suits b.e for or 4 . free ret:. iauolr. t atn. yard. 44s. phone E. a.'.e. 4o Vaneeuver. 2'J Hlanton. "I car. 1, 1 EAST MoRRHON. cor. Kast. Mb, nice v fum:Qed 7-room housekeeping suites; alo sit-.ele housekeeping r mhps. iie VPSHLR. 40US ,'ith St., furnished '. roots apta. steam hat. light: 117 up. Ma'a S3 Take "S." ".Jd" or "W" car north. 2ii.iv fur.iishsd housekeeping rooms, aeat, i't'tt. betas. 1V H44S 1 nlon. TUB KiLUAN. First St.. cor Alder Fur. It. K. roms. emgie or ea suite: e.oewp rent. CAMHRIlKlK bid. 3d and Morrison: fur. and unfur. n. a. rooms, 1 . .' week up. yi HNIsiiED h. k. roon.s. rent raasonabie; "o and ur. cose in. 42' caimoo st. iv;;.K it. to g!."i we an.l plt'pir ro.-ms. l.ift !-tu House. :rl "d st. Howo-keeptait Kiswns la private family. LAKMl, ilisn. completely furnuhe.l h. k. mini, kitcnenetie. gas range, eieetrlette. laundry, amalt cliild taken. -'iv Oraud a., s v.. cte .nkeny. TWO or threo bet;er-than-or Jinary r-rtis. clean, all conveniences, nice vard. walking oisiance 413 Browne er 7th St.). LAK;E. clean, llit'it. well-furntshed house. Seeping nv.tc; bath, gas, phone. lio s n.iT.t1!. I4'h It ;V'i elee.v furniKhed liouseUeeMlnic rovms: 1 hote r;gti'.n. reasouatle. 71- Hoyt. cor. $Iifc TWO furnished rooms. 1 bloc' from -earlines. gas range, f-ee water, phone and ba-h Woodlawn IM ; I.MHT. nee reoma batt) y furmahed hocselteeplng snd gaa. Tabor l-'lu;. luv4 K. Taylor. IVI R pleavtant front rooms, private bath. .". per month. Phone Marshall li43- 414 lirll st. ee4 S.VLlioN Two desirable rooms, ground Poor, f'iriiish-d for h. k. ; other rooms. - NKATl.Y fiiri-lshed hous.-ki-eping rooma: ga. batn. aril. Thurman st. K. K. ROOM, all conveniences. JIO month. 44; Jerrerson. NI rJLY furnished housekeptng and aingie -...p, clo,e in. 1711 A'rier. si. .; f'irr.h-'d housekieri!na-rvoms: eiec irieitv ass. il'.t lo orrion. TUii furnished n. k. rooms, modem con veniences. gl7. tr'' E. Hurrstoe. T HREE very large, strictiv modern for ulthed h.-k rootris. Ut 2d. at (10. THE 31QRSIXG OREGOXIA1V, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1913. '' ' -Z- i LOST AND FOlD - FINANCIAL. Housekeeping tjoonis f ITIvate Family. ti KEARNEY ST.. beautiful newly fur nished rooms; can be rented either for housekeeping or sleeping rooms; board opt. una!; desirable location, near hospital, modern hmie; contains bot water; rea sonsale. "W" car. . SINGLE housekeeolnr rooms and two-room suites. $10 per month up; everything In eluded: newly furnished, modern dwelling, clean, light rooms, best apartment district, walking distance. 633 Flanders, near 2uth. TWO desirable housekeeping rooms in fam ily of two. large yard, cosy fireplace, gas furnished for cooking -and lights, only t klncliB from Rrnartttav bridae. Call 2.a Hancock, cor. of Vancouver ave.. or phone K. Hit. FlR.-T-lLASS single outside rooms; Dutch kitchen, heat, lights, bath, launary. Anlenflnl location. walkina- distance to city proper: 'V car from Union Depot or v asningion-si. ci. o rates bv month. 575 Couch, corner 18th. BUITS of housekeeping roms. neat u K ana completely lurnisneu. ea distance, close In 011 West Side. $18 Per month: gas for fuel, lights, water and pnone free; private ramlly. 614 4th at. Main 27.12. ' XWu cosv and clean housekeeping reoms, $15: also j large bedrooms, $10 and el each: suitable for 2 or s young men; 2 'carllnes convenient. 14 E. latU SU North, near Hurr.side. MONTH, completety rurnlshed suite of 3 rooms, close In. neat. cosy, clean and comfortable, gas range, private bath and phone. Call 12S Usst liKh, near East Morrison. Phone Kaol Sw. 1. i Oil large clean, completely furnished front H. K. rooms, nice carpets, linoleum, gas ran.fi. fret plioi.. porcn. yard, suiail child taken. 7MJ B. Yamhill. TEACHER In fine neighborhood will rent first floor, yard, basement, porch, piano, iail after 4 on schooldays. 65 E. An keny. i Fl'RNISHE! front housekeeping- rooms, Vnion or Williams ave. carline. walking distance, private entrance, light and bath Included; S12 month. 3-"iO Ivy at. TWO clean connecting housekeeping; rooms, gas. electric lights, phone, bath, furnace heat, uso cf laundry trays. 473 Main, bet lltth nnd 14th. i .SEAT1.T furnlshud rooma with private e-itrance; gas. light, heat. bath, phone and use of laundry trays; easy walking dis tance; reasonable. C" E. Salmon. NrlATl.Y furnished downstair front house keeping suite, conveniences, water In, walking distance; 3.7.". per week. 6c Johnson st. THKKF.-K00M furnished, entire upper floor. rlosvts. txircti. bath, sas rente, elcctrlo . Itvhts. private residence, 1 block from It.-vwlhorne car. Phone H 1!41. PART of seven-room newly furnished mod ern flat, very light, large front porch, open grate, gas. electricity. West Side. 14 loch st. phono Marhnil 41,'J. SL'NNY front housekeeping rooms with alcove, newlv furniancd and tinted, yard, close in. West tide. Mnln 4471X KltoNT housekeeping suite, well furnished, large, light and pleasant, with heal, light. phone. ..0 a week. 3-v Htn su PLEASANT home for housekeeping, central. Phone, aaa. buth. laundry come free. 3J N. 11m st. NICELY' furnished housekeeping rooms. 2.Z0 per Week aud up; lo minutes to uusinesa. o"4 lavls. .i.iKltl.-iN. clcuti, llcht rooms. h and glll.'Ki month, walking distance; gas. bath, phore. T 1 . furnished . hous-?keeplng rooms at Mt. Tabor: bath, gas and phone; nice yard; Pr montli. phone Tabor 2S4. 3 NICE connecting h. k. roonis: sink, gas range, wa.klng dutante. 44J oth, Mar shall 34JO. t.Airiv- iiffht newlv renovated, furnished housekeeping rooms, cheap; close In. ii t-lay su 1. A 1 1 1. cieao, wll-furntshed suite; gas range, hath, phone, ere.: $2u per month. r.U Co'.unibia St.. near i;h. TWO larae, nicely furnished rooms, running water, ail conveniences, large yard, close In. .t.Vf l"ih st. Marshall 4410. 114 Kour furnished h. k. rooms: gas plate, steel range. 14 7tli ST. Main 4.'.J1 lions CALL AT THE OKFICE for one of our PRINTED RENTAL LISTS. That s the l.est way to KIND A IAX ATjoN. THR KHKh A. JAiOBS CO.. Nfafn o.i.:. -tilt Washington st. A e"n7. k'Oit KENT Ao oid-stvle houso on tne West Side. n good condition and within easy walking dtstsj:ce of ."th ami Wasu tngton. large grounds and a line neighbor hood; rent $.13 per montn. Key at WINTHROP. HAMMOND ft CO., 43 Ci.amher of I'ommerce. 2 ACRKS cleared ground, new 4-room bungalow, barn and chicken shed, near Multnomah .station on the Oregou Elec tric, to rent for S '..' per mouth. See oar agent at Mui'noiuan. tne v csisru Hrc. Co.. 73v Ch. of Com. V'dg. 43! 0KEO0N HT.. hetween East ttth and 7th sts. North 7-room modern nouse, fur r.ace, good basement, t.replace. every con venience; accessible to several carllnes; rent fiV Call up K. N. Tufford. 4o Sraldlng bid.-. Main 8141. I HAVK a new live-room bungalow to rent; one block from carllue; closu In; eli Per month, V. M. PHELP:. Main 7141. .04 Kalllng Blrtg. ONE 7-room houe. girt: two 3-room flats. all and $10: two 5-room cottages, xitiatui I.".; all on Tll.auiook St.. beu I'nlon and Williams aves. Inquire Lanius Coal ec 1'ranirer i'o.. 14t 4th st. Phone Main leM . VOH KENT 2 O-room houses on 10th and iieacon m.. near Brooklyn school. Prices tie and $1- near 2 carllnes; app.y to K. Wl.Us. CvJ East StU at. Pnone 2eUwaed (.7 FOR KENT 171 East 7th st- North, bet. Ksst Irving and tiregon. Holla. lay Add.. 4-rooin modern house. Io first-class con tilt. on. Call up owner. Tabor 1S00. or cail neat nw for key; rent REN r. 1 o a-room iifuse. r. . a-o, n Clara; turn. ice, ww im..vT, . . gas. waiKiug distance. Apply room. Jul. the Deum tdc. HOLFEfl AND FLATS FOR RENT. WAIsON t THF.RKEn.3EN CO vd paldirg bids. Main WEST SIDE lood J-room house, small yard, porcelain bath, toilet and lavatory b'lng installed. -ulJ Market, near 14th, phone Main 2H&. A 402. FC'R RENT, 117 Cosy six-room cottage, abundance of fruit, large garden. Take Rose Ity car to East aiM st. Cail 740 Ore gon at. e-KUiiM modern house. 4Di San Rafael. f-'O; eas- walking dislsnce to Btoadway bridge. Vacant May 1. Phone C -UilS. MODERN foroom house In best part of Nob district. 741 Eierrtl st. Wood ward. 1U4-2. ft'viK K r.N'T Modern k-rootn house, flu lawn and roses. ii Hawthorne ave. In-oiil-e of house In rear. MOOERN -room house. Irta East lata st-, near Belmont: price -. Walking dis tance. NEW Mt. Tabor house. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, every convenience; chse to car; rent IJS. Phone Tabor 2st. luwi KELLT 9T.. o-room cottage, gaa and fireplace, beautiful view, cheap rent. M. J44L FOR RKNT ft-room lodglng-bouse, newly painted and papered. tJU per mo. Apply 17 Frent St. MuDalKN 7-room houee. West hide; fu.i basement, f urua. e. with w ater colt Phone M.vln 4"u7. A 4S1. MOOEKN o-room house. K4I E. 2.".ttt t. near al. P. shops; rent $17; or will sell for 2JvO, easv terma Phone Mar. --in. U A r T S1DK 1-rwrn buugalow. walking d.a lance. rtoom I'.ul The pekurn. 4J2. 7rvOM. suitable for boarding and room ing, close p. West Slue. Main ISoO. I-JIOUM h-'iise. near Weat Side high acnoek Inquire 17 itlth. corner Yamhill. ft iTTAil K. No. North 1 7 1 1. near GUsan; kev at sa North lnth St. 4-ROtiM cottage, nice jarti. til; Je Russll St. rater paid. uK 7-room unfurnished modern hous ' ail Main 1114 . b-KtOM modern house. Iav.irelhurst. $20 montl.lv. Mtln !I44:. A 31.V1. BHAl'TIKl'I. 4-room house with garaew; l-aurelhurst; K4 monthly. Main I44t. iiv-iksa; of 3 riHittil and bath. h E. luth N. lr..;u.re 13' Oth '. Main fJK Fe'R RENT Modern 8-room house. J:5 'asco. nrir First. Phone E. -1 . MODERN 7-room bouse, also 7-roOm flat; yard, roses. West bide, Marshall eng. 037 EAST ALDER, near 14th; D-room mod ern house, walking distance. S-ROOM house: fireplace, good condition. r.Va E. Washington. Main 32-."i. WtoOM modern house. 23th and Raleigh, Phone owner. Main IKM, bEVEN-KOoM modern house on Portland Heiahts rarllne. Phone A 3149. ft-ROOM house, half block from car, rent $12. Inquire .121 Ablngton. $1 7-room houe, 303 E. llth. block south rlawtnome. .viain jo. or e. ?x. 4-HOOM houne. c,;,i 3ti5sissippl and Monros St. VS'n livi. A ,31. S-kOOM house, gas, bath, reaaonable la good tenanta Main 4Ua. 7 ROOM house, 4:-2 oth.jitsr College. $30. ilousoa. MODERN 7-room house. 16T East lsthst. Ftr.ulwhrd lloue. TAKE a Woodstock or Richmond car. get off ut "oth st.. walk one block south. hnuHe- No. 034 East "0th St.: five rooms, nicely and. completely furnished. good house fixtures, fullv modern except fur nace, dandy fireplace, laundry trays in basement, good loefttlon, good neighbor hood. 125 per month, party on premises to show It. go today, you will like It W. O. IDE. -19 I.umbermens Mdg. " ELEGANTLY furnished private home for rent, account of leaving city: SI rooms, den, bath and pantry, roses, etc., hot and colli water uo ard down stairs;, rent very reasonable to richt party. 11US Ells worth, corner S7th. B o0d". FOR four months, beginning May 1, or part thereof, furnished 9-rooin modern west 6ide home, including grand piano, hard wood fioors and Oriental rugs; rent 10 per month: references required. Inquire 71)8 Marshall St.. or fail A lHo. A 32. MODERN 7-room house in fine location, pood furniture, cement basement, fur nace and fireplace. East Side: very rea sonable to responsible party. X 17, Ore gonlan. COZY ti-room bungalow, Irvington. 47i-1 East 12tb St.. downsuilrs, nicely furnished, full lot. -'7.5 per month. Inquire on premises or room 11. Mulkey blug., 2d and Morri son st. Mnln 6H21. i-ROOM moueiu furnuied bungalow with plnno. Bos East 7th N'.; $"h per month. Phone WooJIawn I or C 1807. Call ti5 Vnion X. - XKW modern bungalow, ft rooms, good furni ture. S64 E. "Mil t-. near Holsate; rent IJ1. or will sell at bargain on very easy terms. Phone Mar. "aoU. MubERX 7-room house, well furnished, at tractive, for Summer or longer. 18 E. 13th. B 17"S. References. V2 1-ROuM strictly modern, completely furnished flat. Seeing It means renting It. "7U Mill. Main B447. Kolt KENT Modern furnished S-room hous-. furnace. SHJtlnO lot, ,56. Call 405 Haisev. Phone East iyrtOS. MODERN furnished o-room electricity; convenient 8. East lst. W H car. cottage; gas. P. shops. t14 6 ROOMS, suburban. Whltwood Court, for garden and chickens, on river bank; Se". Marshall 113-'. MOOERN (-room house, nicely furnished, L'S month. 407 Beech. Woodlawn 213. i'ort RENT for Bummer, elegantly furnished r-room modern bungalow. Call B "4-0. l-ADY" and daughter will sliare home with congenial couple. Phone B 124M. 4-ROOM cottage, furnished. IIS. Call today, to3 K. Mil St. N. Phone Main 9i2S. MOPEHN fi-room llouse, furnished. 714 E. u:h. Brooklyn .Heights, phone B 1-4S. CLOSE-IN strictly clean modern furnished R-ronm Tat. Phone Sellwood A MODERN o-room house, nil furnished, for rent. Cor. 11th and K. Grant Bis. Hummer Keeorta. ftXiR SALE OearhMrt. ."S-room cottage, fur nished, all conveniences; cheaper than renting: terms. AT n, oregnnlan. YVANTED To rent beach house, four rooms, with fireplace. Seaside. AL IS, Orego- nlan. aitorea. "WASHINOTON-3T. store nar llith. splen didlv fitted for dellcHteasen. fancy gro ceries and liquors. Has tile floor and malioganv woodwork. Is surrounded by hotels and aoartments; very reasonable rent. Morgan. Flledntr ac Boyce. 0u3 Ab ington bldg. bPACE In modern baaemeiit. Ventilated and well lighted. N. W. corner 4th and Aider sts.. suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc Morgan. Flledner 4. Boyce. oU3 Ab Ington bldif. FOR RENT Store with basement and large upstairs very reasonable. Apply 117 Front FOR RENT dtorea, Noa. "4S and 2&0 Haw thorne are., east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Doek Co. Phone East 20 oj. 8TOiTeh TORES, BTORKS. XV. 11. WEBB. 4ul Yeon bldg. Main 4S1S. FOR 1SENT Part Mar. 77. A 71.11. of alore, 4oJ YYaaiu. toil light mis. retail with power, cheap rent. 1M fet front. Call 147 North flth st. Offices. FOR RENT. Rooms. Sterns bldg.. corner 6th and Morrison sts. sultablo for musical or art studios, offices or sample salesrooms. Iu- quire office Sherman. Clay it Co. CONNECTING offices, overlooking Morrison St., for rent In Tllford bldg., reasonable terma: ask at elevator any hour. Phone Marshall IIS between S and t. AKC1! ITECTrt. dek room with lots of north light for drawing tables, j hone, reception, etc.. 1- per month. 7-11 Chamber of fommerce bldg. MOST centrally located office: very reason able; all-night elevator service. 303 Swel ls nd bldg. Fifth and Washington sta. ROLL-TOP desk ana cnair, both phones, ail office equipment. Call b37 Chamber of Commerce bldg. DESK ROOM Heat, light, both phonsa tio per month. 815 Oregunlan bldg. FINE location for light manufacturing, tall or or offices. A 14 1&, Oregonlan. WANTFD TO 1.EAMK. KESPONSIBLE parly with souiu aecurity and excellent refcrencea desires to communi cate with prospective builders who will remodel or build house containing 30 to do rooma suituule for family hotel. Address T 80, Oregonlan. MOVrNO-FUTrilE HOCSF.S. PICTURE show, partner wanted; experience not nocessary and very little money re quired; pay good salary and share of profits. Call old Dumber Exchange, 2d mid stark. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. IK ou uro looking for a good established restaurant and lunchroom business, you will Jo well to see us before you buy. Pour health cause foe selling; located In busv pari of city. West Side: price rea soiutMe If taken at onco; no brokers. 6 :i oregonlan. HERE is a chance with small capital and low rent. You can buy an old, estab lisned, prosperous busineas that will make you an Independent living In the best lit tle town in ti.e state. Call on or address K. N. Staehr, Forest Grove, Oregon. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter ests in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Rialty Board. F. I PCRS.E. Secretary. MS chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Or j goods and fnrniehlng store, good location, cash tiade. i.i.m stock, re ceipts last vear 114. ism: wtll sel at In voice for caiii only, owner, ti 1, Orcgo- TO hankers aud incsioie. financial asbt- ance to form smail contracting oompany .wanted b3 superlntemleiK of large paving con-.ern. former contracting engineer; lib eral Interest. AV fl.. Oregoiimn. RKSTACK-VNT. close in on Washington St.; this la a first-class piece and Is doing a big business; will sell this week lor 41 J. .11. 5011 Lumber Kxchange. CASH BUSINESS Chance for steady man, pay you $4 day; mostly outside work and requires very little money. Cail-oltf Dum ber exchange, -a ana etara. $130 WILL give you partnership In a solid s cash business that will pay you $100 month and business la easily learned. 328 Lumber Exchange, 2d and KtarK su. A Ge.or rooming-house on East Hide, S2230; will n"t 9 Mi per month: will take lot up to $7.") balance $40 per mouth, c 20. oreroaian. WANTED Ideas, write for prizes and list of Inventions wanted by manufactur ers. Four books free. Randolph 4r So., patent attornes. Waahlngton. D. C. UTKIUTLJ" cash grocery, no delivery, will pav $!O0 month above expenses: only 3"0 required. 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and f tark sta riirt dvl.r; i'ool and barber business, mak ing goviil money: reason for selling, have other buslncs East; $1MH; $lll)0 will handle. A J -o. iregnniaii. FINE commercial hotel in Northwestern ri;v; niust be sold in next oO days; every tliliig flrat-clats: bar. lobby and grtlL Ad lres. AY' 2d. Oregonlan. r'l'KNITURE aud hardware atore. In good town, no competition; about $3a0 will handle; line opening for undertaker. See owner, room 476 Multnomah Hotel. MANUFACTURING Partner wanted, duties eitsily learned and 0:O required. 3T9 Lum ber Exchange, 2d and Stark. OFFICE buslues, opportunity for man who Is used to farms to get Into old-established business. Particulars 248-4 stark at. LONG established cash business, legitimate, highly profitable and desirable; Unix) re quired: no agents. D ll. Oregonlan. GROCERY with i good llvlnx-rooms, rent (40 for all; this IS a good one for 1 2 00. SOS Lumber Exchange. RESTAURANT: have two; must sell all or half of ene. See owner, after 4 p. 31.. 104 Ktlllngeworth ave.. opposite car barns. WANTED Partner: $iO required; Investi gate. 247s .Taylor, room .4. GOOD local trade mill with plenty of tim ber. John K. Brewer. Sllverton. Or. 8ALOON, independent license, doing good business, cneap -rent. t.-"w. r.aet m. FOP. SALE Restaurant, doing good busl- ness. cheap, lino. Phone Tabor 22. R, H. GOODKIND CO.. INC.. 401-40-403 Wilcox BldS.. Cor. eth and Washington Sts. Thones Marshall 4'1S. A 10VJ. MEAT MARKET. $4is). rent e-5; ceipta t40 to "" per day. almost all cnsK trade: dandy good location; caters to high-class trade. Goortkind CO HOME BAKERY. DELICATESSEN AND GROCERY". "500; rent ,3.); receipts $:.' to el" per day; stock on hand $15110: has 0 line living rooms overhead: sub rents part "o per month: this is an old est a b 1 1 s h e dliUBinssGootlkimlCo. MILLINERY'. TUo; does repair and dressmaking also; rent ?JZ; clears $100 to H2S per month,: this is an exclusive business. Goodkind Co. GROCERY. lJ0O: rent ?i3; receipts av cruga per day; all cash trade; new Si tu res and glock. Goodkind Co. POOL HALU RESTACRANT AND CONFECTIONERY, SloOO; busy suburb, re ceipts e-o per day. 3 pool tables and other good fixtures; good stock. Goodkind Co. DRUG STORE, sibOO; country town, KiuO population, near Portland; rent 15; receipts 15 to e-Operday; all cash trade; Lhis i'-.-n dandy up-to-date little store, clean as a pin. Good kind Co.- WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. J4000: good country town. 10.0O0 population; busi ness JM12 was gJo.ooO; license 5o0 per year, stock and fixtures worth the price asked; has Exclusive sale good beer to sell a? el per dosen. Goodkind Co. COUNTRY HOTEL. 13000. has 45 rooms, sample-room, lobby ana kitchen: rent tlOO: population 8(K)0; clears from ,i00 to t000 every month; partners don't agree cause of sale; will trade for Jmproved farm. Goodkind Co. HAIR DRESSING PARLORS, 70; jTe Coast town; rent 0; receipt eOO per month; good stock and fixtures: this Is a liitie gold mine. Goodkind Co. CLEANING AND DYE 'WORKS, ZZ0; rent "S; receipts 30 to $40 per week: one good sleeping-room, good brick build ing; central location. Goodkind Co. CAsH 'GROCERY. t'-IO; rent 15; re ceipts 12 to fit) per day; 2 living rooms; ciean stock, concrete building, busy loca tion. GoodkindCo. GARAGE AND SALEti AGENCY, :J500: one of the best in city; receipts off car sales and repairs average $3300 per month; rent 1M; sub rents $140; leaves net rent only S4i; nas me egency tor a sooo car, owner has other interests that compel him to leave the city at once; will make good t-rms to right party: for the amount In vestor: this can t ue peat. ooooKinu v.o. DYE AND CLEANING, fMO buys M IntHrML: nice clean niaco. brick building owner old and the work Is too hard for him; good hustler can easily clear lo0 per month. Goodkind Co. BAKERV AND CONFECTIONERY, Itir.ir irood country town 500 population. car Portland; rent S15; two good living rooms: recilDts aaAlo to S4tiu per montn this place wil! In v. SS50; old age causa of .aie. linouKiiiQ -o. F.I.EC1TRICAL SUPPLY" STOKE. 1 200 receipts- 13 to 20 per day, besides the otitalHe contracts: brick building, nice clean stock: will couslder exchange Goodkind Co. BATTERY AND CONFECTIONERY, 4i0, rent $23: has 4 fine living rooms; re ceipts Is -to $10 per day and can be dou bt. ..l- will inv more thnn the price quoted; lady owner sick and must soil. Goodkind to. V,-E iJ AVE SOLD OTHER PLACES. WHY NOT YOURS? FEE GOODKIND CO.. INC. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., tils Y'eon Bldg., oth and Alder. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. Also stock of groceries: laeal location for Ice cream parlor; fully equipped; fix tures the verv best; business averages 130 a day; will Invoice 12O0O. Sue this If you are looking lor a .uu.Ni.i-jiAivs.ii. RESTAURANT. Rente iV- avrraci business $.10 to f3.' day: line 'French range and all other equipment the BEST. Price J030, part cash. . xrnvtvn-PIt-TI'RH SHOW to trade for city property; seats 200: I'eerlesa electric plnno, clears f5o a week: A-l location: reasonable rent; years lease. What have you to offer? MEAT MARKET. vieet-claaa location: no competition: marble top counters; fine office: electric machines; National cash register. 2 wag ons; rent 1'20: business averages $60 to $70 a day; $12." on Saturdays. Price $530. SEE THIS FOR A BARGAIN. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. 01S Yeon Bldg., Mtt nnd Alder. REMOVAL NOTICE. ON ACCOUNT OF THE INCREASE OF OUIl BUSINESS WE WERE COMPELLED TO SEEK LARGER uUAKTtlKS u.'.. APRIL 21'. VVJa CAN BE FOUND IN imnui: v-o a,n 401 .10a WILCOX BLDG. SAME PHONE NUMBERS. MARSHALL 4t, A 1039. It. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC. 1003-1008 WILCOX BLDG. COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON. YOU.VO MAN Consult Advisory and Em nlnvment Denartment of tha Y. M. C. A. before investing. We never tell WHERE but frequently are able to advise where NOT -to Invest so as to save money. Y. M. C. A. members also have the privilege of securing rooms ut reasonable - rates In the fireproof association building; use of . gymnasium, swimming pool, shower baths and 100 other features. cflx-crcTION-KiiY FOR SALE. The best-located and puylng suburban confectionery in the city; ail high-class trade; equipped with new, modern, up-to-date furniture and all accessories; com plete candymaklng-outfit, etc.; good open ing lor matting own ice crwnu, muoi at once and for cash, as anothor propo sition presents Itself. Address AK li, Ore- goman AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL with nigh-grade. expert teachers. Complete $10,000 equip ment to train for this coming vocation. Not run to make money, but fur the good of men. See or write Supt, of the All the Year Round 1. M. u. a. oay ana -mjui Schools, corner 4th and Taylor sts. HAVE excellent opening for doctor and druir store, new town on electric line, within 20 miles of Portland: country well settled un: eood roads In all alrections special proposition to right party. Ad dress Frost. Pleasant Home. P. O., Gresh- 11m. R. F. D. No. 2. Box 1HO. Wlf.T. EXCHANGE. General merchandise located in good farming community, miles from port land on railroad, larae. new store build- liic and water system. Will trade for farm or stock ranch or any good real es tate to $Ji.oo0. V n Oregonlan. MOVING-PICTURE SHOW FOR BALB. 50. one-half cash, will buy this mov Ing-plctnre outfit; good furniture, cheap rent; good lease ana ooing a nice oust ness. HARGROVE SONS, 122 North titli St., cor. 6th and-Glisan. THEATER FOR SALE. In a good lice show town, seating ca pacltv 1'2.Y Modern equipment for pic tures and vaudeville; doing good business; reason for selling, domestic troubles; for quick sale, price only aiiuu. Aaareas aii 16, oregonlan FOR sale Weekly newspaper and Job of fice; located In the Tualatin Valley, 24 miles from Portland; plant almost new ana doing goon business, in town of flOO: tine location ana gooa community; price exoou. If you have no money do not anawer. AV i40, Oregonlan. FINEST equipped loe cream, confectionery ami bake ahup in tne ctty; clearing iruiu $200 to $2.o montn; line wnoiesaie iraue, which can be doubled during the Sum mer. 617 Henry bldg. INSURANCB BUSINESS. Agency for old line flro Insurance-company and office furniture for sale cheap. Owner must leave city at once. Phone Marshnll 7. HAVING other Interest, will sell my adver tising and novelty business, togetner with office furniture; splendid opportunity for specially man to get into business with little money. Owner, 607 Couch bldg. GOOD buslnes.". little money required, no experience necessary, clears $35 per week; owner will leach you the business. IOWA REALTY CO.. St Chamber of Commerce. KAItTlkV, confectionery and small gro ceries for rale in good Oregon country town; good business and open to Investi gation: will teach buyer the business. Ad dress AV b.'i.S, oregonlan. GROCER y business and property that will bear Investigation, for man and wife or lady; $4r0o, half cash; no agents; people who mean business. AO 22, Oregonlan. PHOTO STUDIO, city, best location, good outfit, established business, or -fill ex change for rooming-house or suburban lot. AT 17. Oregonlan. CIGARS, confectionery and poolroom cheap; owner leaving lown;.uoing goou pusiness; cheap rent- IOWA REALTY CO., 629 Chamber of Commerce. CHANCE for energetic man In the automo bile business; par you tun a nionta now and this can be Increased. Call 319 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. FOR SALE Blacksmith tools and business W en1 innri shon for rent at Surlnafleld. Or. A BARGAIN. Owner out of health. H. J. Reynolds. 630 12th ave. W.. Eugene. Or. $150 TODAY" will sell restaurant for this amount, worm .r.'v. onuer uot auie t,o attend to business, must sell. Cail 243 ; Stark St. BOND Issues negotiated, stocks and bonds bought and sold, companies incorporaiea for $25. Rosenbaum. & Co.. 2U1 Halgat bldg., Seattle. Wash. CHANCE for active man to make $25 week is partner in a paying business; money ae :ured. Call 248 Vs Stark st. FOR SALE California drug business, old established, corner, on the main street and the best city in the state: clean stock, good money-making business; stock ana fixtures invoices 10.0OO; sell for s.00; a bargain for a live man. Address P. o. box 1161, Sacramento. Cal. ' FOR SALE Small cigar, confectionery, light groceries and school supply store with livirc rooms; rent $25 In trade; price $iOO; doing good business; will bear Investiga tion. Phone Main ior parvicumin- IF vou have $S00 and can leave city, can use you as equal partner in money-malt in-r business, wholesale and retail; your money fully secured by stock in trade. AK. 19. Oregonlan. BAKERY' and delicatessen doing from $40 to $.",0 a dav; fine location. West Side ana can-t be 'beat for the price. 517 Henry bldg. . FINE business opening for sale or trade, manufacturing plant, complete. KINNEY & STAMPHER, 331 Lumber Exchanger FOR SALE Grocery stock worth $.n. with store to rent, one block from Broad way bridge. East 349 Benton St.; two liv ing rooms. SOLID BUSINESS Owner wants a reliable partner to tend office, check supplies, etc.; will nay vou $125 month. Call 10 Dumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. POOLROOM paying $200 month above all expenses in first-class location: you can try this before buying. 323 Dumber Ex change, 2a ana aiarn sta CURIO and novedty ship: right In the hub; at a bargain: owner must sacrince. bee Worthcn & Angell, 0H Chamber of Com merce. PLUMBING shoo for sale or trade; owner leavlntr citv: best location, low rent, doing good business; $130O cash or trade. M 20, Oregonian. FOR SALE Leading general store in live Eastern Washington town; invoice about $15,000: a money maker. Address AJ is. oregonlan HALF Interest In office business that you . j An -1...I-- ejn n.r week : s?:u can uepeuu 011. . - " r, - - - 1 -- ---- . required; must be a rustler. 303 Lumber Exchange. ,vw, uire AT A BARGAIN. On account of sickness, an established real estate business in Sunnyside. on Bel mont st- can at xii r-ast. 00 -o- VTi. vntr innkltiv foe an uo-to-date cor ner cigar and candy store, that la making money, address owner, o mcsmiw WILL exchange confectionery, ice cream and light lunch parlor for unincumbered house ana ioi. rMione vvoouiaoo r.um'EHY ooimr 140 per day. and will In voice or sell for 1750 if sold this week. 303 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Enterprising man for established office business; $loo Investment- R 20, Oregonian. a cwT7r.T. ciirar store. Dosltively the best locution in Portland, sickness cause of selling. Address owner, N 25.- Oregonlan tcr.u kai.tc Woodworking Diant. bargain for 30 days, cheap power and timber. For particulars aaurrna oox ion, ptarto", v- T ,'AM .hnur tb.. het OmDOSttlon in POT! land to a wide-awake salesman who knows the tailoring game. S 29, Oregonian BARBER SHOP, down town, doing $1.i0 a week; this place is a snap. et onucu oc gcll. till tnamoer 01 .pinine. ..c. PARTNER with little money to buy H in terest in estannsnea maiiuiuciuiiiie ou. nexs. V 20. Oregonlan. MILK, butter and egg store, including milk mine horse and wagon. Tabor 22 or B 1279. ' u.ivivn-MfTl-EE SHOW Want a dandy? Write me your telephone or address care Postoffice box oi.i, i ortianu. punTn STUDIO, including building, for ale. $300: fine location. AH 18, Orego nlan. nimv ce ante: will brine $1500 a month reason for selling, got other business. AM 22, Oregonlan. POOLROOM and confectionery for sale, on account or sicanesa. e v,ioo ae. FAILING eyesight compells me to sell my machine shop ana tounury. riivuc amu 3S21. AF 21. Oregonian ion T5ITKINESS CAttDS.- $L ROSE CITY PRINTER Y, l2t 3d at AT sacrifice, small grocery and confectionary store; must sen iuu,j. a.nn .,o. tjlIANING and pressing store to he sold at once; am leaving Clt. iw ocuernon. LADIES' barber shop for sale, $2O0. AK 15, RESTAURANT for sale. 141 Russell St. good location. 8 years In business. BUSINESS OPPOBTCNITIES WANTED. WANTED Pool hall, restaurant, rooming- house, or clear mi, i' iiij .,.rv - j East Side bungalow; no agents. V Si. Oregonian. u.-iVTF.n Small sawmllL aood locality, with timber or stumpage. AV V28, Orego- nion. . WANTED Bakery, city or country. D 20 Oregonian. KOOMlNG-HOrSES. COMBINATION ROOMINO AND Alii HTM K N'T-HO USE. CLEAR OF INC. We offer a gilt-edge proposition in this line of business, sometning mat owi can suaraiTteu. making from $200 to $ a month clear prortt for the past 4 years; right now la clearing over $200 a month; house Is located near the Lincoln High School; contains 50 rooms, well furnished; rent $225; has 3 years' lease; the full nriM is g.l.VlO. which Includes $750 cash up on lease; owner has made plenty of money, la old and ready to quit- If ypu have tiNINCTJMBERED REAL ESTATE to the same value we will prove every tatement made: remember, will not sumu a mortgage; his houso is clear of incumbrance. APARTMENT-HOUSE. WANTS CHEAP ACREAGE NEAR CITY. 120 rooms, close In, cornur. West Side; rent 1575: lo-vear lease; very nne xurni ture; will trade for anything worth $10,- 000. SPECIAL APT.-HOUSE BUI. CO rooms, tine, cluse-ln West aide corner; extra weU furnished: low rent, long lease: Just think, full price only $4000. terms or trade; we sold this house a year ifgo for $3004. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? 50-rooin rooming-house near Oregon Ho tel: steam heat: rent $5 a room; full price only $:tooo; take $500 cash. $1000 in prop erty, bal. mortgage. Act quick; this will not last long. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC., 401-402-403 Wilcox Bldg.. Cor. Oth and Washington Sts. REMOVAL NOTICE. ON ACCOUNT OK THE INTRKASK OF OUR BUSINESS WE WERE COMPELLED TO SEEK LAKGKK Jt Alt I r.ns APRIL 20. WE CAN BE FOUND IN ROOM3 NO. 401, 402. 403 WILCOX BLDG. FAME PHONE NUMBERS. MARSHALL 408, A 11150. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC., 10O5-1006 WILCOX BLDG. ' COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON. l ' FRANTIC APPEAL FOR A LITTLF. CASH. . A dandy apartment house that Is pay Ing well. In splondld location, good furni tore and lone- lease at a sacrifice price small cash payment. Investigate this at once, as someone will get a bargain. CONSERVATIVE REALTY CO., 214 Board of Trade. APARTMEN-T-HOUPB. FURNITURE AND LEASH FOB S ALB. I will sell my completely furnished 55- room apartment-house with good lease at cheap rent; doing a good paying Dusiness, to the Derson making best bona ilde of fer before May 5; investigate at once, AC h, oregonian. SNAP IN ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 rooms, good location. West Side, close in. $200; balance terms to suit you: will come very easy as rooms always full; house pays well; walking distance: beautiful yard; no agents. Call Marshall 3019. wo r KlXflMEN'S hotel and mill boarding house, 23 rooms, factory district; rent tor hotel and cigar store $30; S years' lease; a splendid opportunity for someone; cheap for caah, or will taae part traae. . Ja. Freed, 743 Tlbbetts St. Sellwood 664. HOTEL, well furnished, one of the best lo cations In poruana, wen nnea wiin per manent guests; splendid transient busi ness: must sell on account of other busi ness: SloOO will handle. Owner, AT 148. Oregonlan. FOR SALE, with terms, apartment-house of UN rooma Long lease, cneap rent, gooa location. Would trade for house and lot. G 7, Oregonian. 12 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clear i0 above all expenses: cheap if tagen betore May 1: terms. 442 Jefferson. 17 ROOMS, all housekeeping, in good con dition, clearing Sbo ana my rent, lawn, roses and fine location. 394 11th. p-j:OOM rooming-house. furnlshed for house keeping: price aoo: near uarnson, at -40? 4th st- Phone Main 28SO. 14-ROOM modern house, rooms all rented. price $500, easy- payments: must sen by first; rent $45. 403 2d St.. corner Harrison. TWELVE-ROOM house furnished for house keeping; muse tie sola tnis wet-H, $400; easy payments, cheap rent. 271 Salmon st. 9-ROOlI rooming house furnished . for housekeeping- raw .uo. io- 4tn st. I.O.'ST AND r'OlTND. LOST Hand crocheted handbag, handker- chier and powaer pencil ana small purse with $10. Marshall HOP. LOST Female canary. B. Sth and BurniJde. 1'b.unc Phillips Hotel. Reward. . THE following Is a list of articles louna on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may se cure same by applying at barns as indi cated. " . , . Ankeny barn. April 2S. 1513:T pair of gloves. 1 suitcase. 1 bundle of clothes. Piedmont barn, phone A tilSl: 1 suit box. 1 ax. 3 umbrellas. 1 lunch box. 6 misc. articles. . Savier-street carhouse, phone A 6131, - trunk line: 1 pkg. seeds. 3 umbrellas. Sellwood barn. April 28. 1!13. phone A 6131: 2 purses, 1 pair of gloves, 1 key. 1 umbrella, 1 lunch box, 1 box eggs, I valise. STOLEN Buggy, white horse about 1100 lbs., high-headed, short mane: rubber mounted harness, rubber-tire buggv. black top and red undergear: tires well worn in front. Columbia Stables. 302 Front St. Phone Main "QUO. WANTED A good-paying restaurant or a good storeroom to lease for that purpose. If you have a good thing bring it in. F Ft'CHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. LOST White and black Llewellyn setter pup without collar. Left E. 24th ajjd Da vis. Reward. Phone B 2581 LOST On Sixth and Alder, a brocaded opera cloak; liberal reward and no ques tions asked. Phono Main 3"0S. SPECIAL NOTICES. Jfroposals invited. SEALED bids will be received at tho office of R. H. Thomas, school clerk, 402 Tll ford building, Portland, Oregon, until P. M., May 14t 1IU3, for supplies and equipment for School District No. 1, Mult nomah County, Oregon, for tho school year of 1013-14. A certified check of o per cent of the amount of the bid, pay able to R. IL Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal, as must also samples, cuts or descriptions of materials called for. Copy of specifications may be ' haH at the office of the undersigned. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. manors win place on the envelope the firm name and the words, "bid on school supplies." R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated Portland, Or.. April 2tf, mill. SEALED nroDOsals will be received at the office of the undersigned, 402 Tllford bldg. untrl 1 M. Wednesday. May 11. 19n;i for the heatina- and ventilating of the Holladav and Thompson Schools. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore. supt. of prop erties, 408 Tllford bldg. A deposit of $2 is required for each set of plans ana spcci fiallnnr Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any auu an iiiujjuoaio, R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated. April 2. 11113. SEALED proposals will be received ut the office of the undersigned, 402 Tllfurd bldg.. until 12 M. Wednesday. May 14, lsllt. for the plumbing and painting of tho Hoffman School. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office or i-. a. -arainuR-, not of nrnnerties. 4M Tllford bldg. A deposit of $0 is required for each set of plans and specifications. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payaDie to rt. n. Thomas School Clerk, must accompany each nronosal. Board of Directors re serve the right to reject any and all pro posals. . . , R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated, April 29, 1913. I WILL receive scaled bids for a stock of merchandise located, at Troutdale, or., up to 12 o'clock noon of Friday, May J, Aio, consisting of dry gooas, notions, drugs, groceries, hardware, shoes, glassware, etc., of inventory valuation of $4001.140, to gether with fixtures of Inventory valua tion of $074. Terms cash and a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of fered must accomp: ay each bid and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and property may be Inspected atg Troutdale. No. 7 First street. Dated Portland. Oregon. April 21. 1013. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned. 402 Tllford building. Portland, Or., until 12 M-. Wednesday. April 30 1013. for buildings situated on mi. a and 4 Mock 67. Sellwood. at 17tll anti Harney sts. The houses bear the nnmliorfl of 67 Harney St.. 1003 E. 17th at and 1680 E. 17th st. Check for 10 per cent of the amount of each bid, pay .. to R H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. K. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated Portland, Or., April 25, 1013 OFFICE. Q. M.. FORT STEVENS, Or., April 3 1013. Scaled proposals In triplicate will be received at this office until 11 A. M. May 2. 1013, and then opened, for consmction of ono reinforced concrete cistern at Battery RusselL this post. Fur ther Information may be obtained by ap plying this office. R. J Cox, 2d Lieut., C. A. C. Q- M. FINANCIAL. WE will furnish the money at a low rate of interest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent If we do the planning and building tor you. It will pay you to ee us. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., 324 Ablngton. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or sellers', equity in contracts of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermeca bldg. Loans. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES, W'estern Bond it Mortgage Co., 410 Commercial Club Bldg FIRST and second mortgages and building contracts bought, E. B. Miller, 410 Au Ington bldgj MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (1st and 2d), equities purchased. F H. LEWIS CO., 8 Lewis bldg. MONEY to loan on real and collateral se curity. Nelson Bros., 804 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan Real Kwlate. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OK FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE AND TRUST CO., 016 SPALDING BLDG. MONEY to loan on real estate. GEARIN & GEAR1N. JM Stark St. MONEY on hand to loan at lowest rates on Improved city and suburban property. It will pay you to see us first. A. K. HILL CO ilS Henry Bldg LOANS from $1000 to $10,000 on good Port land security. WATSON THF.RKELSEN CO.. 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. ON improved city property or for building purposes. 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings Loan Association. 240 Stark st. $1000 TO $100,000 TO LOAN Portland City and Farm Property. Current Rates. MALL & VOS BORSTEL. 304 Second St., near Stark. WB have money to loan on your real es tate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 43 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. Money to loan on real estate security. N. A. HENDERSON. 706 Selling Bldg. MONEY to loan on improved city residence psoperty: no orogerage. Appiy own land bldg. SEE US TODAY for loans on improved city property, o to o per cent, eooo auu up. CELLAR9-MURTON CO.. 823 Yeon bldg. TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDO. $300, $1000 AND upwaras on improved real estate. jtavoraDie inns, no uni. brokerage. John Bain, 214 Spalding bldg LOANS on Improved arid unimproved city and suDuroan reai muuuaiie, bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bidg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. Ai, liirreii v,w., vj .iic.ji.ey siui., Third and Stark sts. MONiY to loan on Improved city property at current reica. 4-a.ere Auiiiw-i e. Trust Co., room 6. Board of Trade bldg. CITY and FARM loans, any amount. Henry C. Prudhomme. 60S Wilcox Bldg. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew- airy. Wm. noil, room v yt eeiuna mil omg. MONEY to loan on city property, $1000 and up. F. W. 'lorgier, mo onerioca oiug. $65,000 OR part, to loan on downtown come real estate, jiem uvu. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. rlAKi-ii.c, aid t,n. or .-om- MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L. H. MAA.Wr.LI., oil) i.nBiiiuer vi commerce. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Miiey, room iwi vreriinger oiag. STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent. TV. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah county. 4Q0 on. of com. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Selts A Co., div Espaiamg oiag. $2700 TO IOAN on Improved city property. 7 ner Cent. jjcaru ot a i mu..-. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS UAIAJAAtJi, ZUH n lAKlt Bl. MORTGAGE loans on real estate, Eecuriiy. M. Billings,. 300 McKay bldg. MONEY to loen by private party. Marshall $20,000 IN SUMS TO SUIT. 1? 23, Oregonian. a i we. Money to Loan Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security al reasonable rates In sums from Kioo nnd up. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 171 Fourth St.. Between Morrison and Y'amhllL HARTMAN-THOMI'.SON BANK, chamber of Commerce Bldg. If you wish to borrow on your real es tate, confer with ourmurigage loan dept. $200,000 io loan In gums to suit; building loans; lowest raves. w. v. J - - . . K .tiling bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. WE WILL LOAN YOU 10 to $200 TODAY On Your SALARY. PIANO, AUTOS. STORAGE RECEIPTS. FURN1TLKIS OR LIVESTOCK. NEW RATES: $ .80 Weekly Pays a $10 Loan. f.7u Weekly Pays a $25 Loan. 1.10 Weekly raa a $50 Loan. Other sums in proportion. Full Rebate Allowed. RECEIPT IN FULL GIVEN la CSJS ti Death or Total Disability. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. 413 Macleay Bldg.. Bet, 4lh and Sth on Wash. MONEY MONEY MONBY. We have plenty of money on hand which we are authorized to loan to sal aried people in amounts tit 110 to $100. Loans may be repaid in Installmenta as best suits your convenience. We solicit a call and invite you to investigate our confidential methods. We assure you of courteous treatment and quick service.' All we aik la a fa" return for our services. Call, teiephoue or write STATE SECURITY CO.. 3US Falling Bldgj PRIVATE. PARTY LOANS On furniture, pianos, storage receipts watches, diumonds, jewelry, kodaka. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 320 Lumber Exchange. ELD Y COMPANY. A DESIRABLE place for ludies and gentle men to borrow money ou dlamonda and jewelry at Eastern rates. Diuinond Pal ace, 334 Washington, ppp. Owl Drugstore. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANo. You can get 13 to $100 today al cheap est rates, best and most private terms in Oregon. D D. Drake. 38 Henry bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE, and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; conlideutial. U. 11. Tolman. room 317 Lumber Exchange. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans ou chat tel security. BAUER. SCti Alder St. WE LOAN money ou diamonds aud Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx At Bloch, 74 3d st. MONEY sold on Installments; conlldontlal ; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. M ONE Y loaned on diamonds and Jewelry: strictly confidential. 141 ta 3d. near Aider. FOR LOWEST rates on chattel loans tele phone Geo. Harvey. East 1172. Loans Vaiitsil. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY', 423 Chamber o Commerce. We offer tho following approved appli cations for rirst mortgage luuns: $0000 on largo 12-room Irvington home on 7Vi a 75xloo lot; total value of security $15,000. $2000 on income-producing property on a'.c West Side; total value $4300. $1800 building loan to responsible party; S',c will give bond against liens; secur ity $3000; money disbursed if de sired. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. WANT TO BORROW $13O0-on modern residence valued at $35tl. 8 per cent. $1iiimi on improved quarter block vnlucd at $5ioo. for short lime, 8 per cent. $15no on modern bungalow valued at $:;iino. 8 P'.-r cent. $7000 on quarter block valued at $-0,-000, 7 pi r cent. HAKTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, .Mortgage Loan Department, Chamber of t'omm- rco Bldg. Main 208, A 2030. WANTED from private party, $5000 at 8 per cent, for 3 or 5 years on vacant prop erty 130 feet frutllage on upper Washing ton street; value 115,000; no agents; per fect title. Box O 000. Oregonlan. RESPONSIBLE party wants loan of 1000 on $tiuuO automobile; will pay liberal tats of interest but no brokerage. AV 1". Ore gonian. . , $ ' a 0 0 V A N TED: w ill give Improved city residence pruperty value $ii000 us security.. V ,'X, Oregonian. WANT to borrow $i!0O of private party; good stcuiity; will pay bonus. Box M2, city. $300 WANTED for one year. 10 per cent interest, liberal commission, gilt-edge se curity, phono East 3QU2. WANTED land for -To borrow $850 on out-of-tow n 2 or H years. 1. 2o. Oregonian. WANTED $4,100 on close-tn East Side lm proved property. Main 1 166. TEItSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. $12 31-Inch switches $4.43 $ 2ti-lnch switches e !; llairdre.ising --. Face miujSMKO Shampoo N. Manicure. 25c, 5 for , 1 no 12 scalp treatments - ""' Superfluous hair removed by elcctrlo needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length Prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 40U-412 Dekum blilg., 3d and Washington. GERM AN "TRAINED NURSE AND MA SHU USE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc., massage and baths. 220 13th st., between Main and Salmon. Marshall 5o33. Open Sundays. SCIENTIFIC electro-magnetic ' treatment! for all nervous diseases, paralysis, lung and stomach troubles, rheumatism, fistula; nervous headache cured in a few minutes : one free ireutment: consultation free. U0 Buchannn bldg.. 286 V4 Washington St. RADIUM, Light, Heat and Electric Treat ments, Baths, Massage, Manipulations and Adjustments, Best Office Equipment and all Acute and Chronic Diseases Men and Women. Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath. 312 Rothclilld bldgj SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE HelstliKfora graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th St., second door south from East Ankeny car llne. phone I'.ast 200, B 1803. "" FKBVET & HANEBUT, " " lending wiu- and tuupo-inakers: finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 03c up; h.-iirdres.ilng, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings made up to order. 147 7th. near .Morrison, mam Mrs. Stevons, IS yrs. Portland's leading palm ist, has her late book, "PalmlBlry Made Easy," on sale. 5774 Williams ave.. co . Knott. Office hours io A. M. to 9 P. M. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips 'repaired; $1.50 month; prompt calls and deliveries, unique Tailoring Co., SOW Stark. MRS SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spiritual scientist; dally, office 302 Alisky bids Main 0S24. Meetings Wednesday, 8 P. M. BOSTON graduate 1 nurse, sanitarium treat ments, medical gymnastics. 387 Yamhill St., up one flight. Room 7. LORENZ Nerve Tabids restore lost vitality. 25c per box, 0 boxes S 1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., so Morrison St. JOHN SLATER will hold spiritual macllns in "women of Woodcraft Hall, 10th and Taylor. Simmy nignt, jmy i. DIVORCES. $.-,n ji DOWN, $1 week. Free advice. Wood. 430 Chamber of Commerce. mTss STOCKS. treatments; rheumatism, lumbago 555 'i Morrison St., cor. Chap man. W car. I'hone A 0tl. TREATMENT for rheumatism, trained nurse. Select patronarxe; references. Goodnougil bldg., room 321. " DR. Olca Nechyba. chiropractor, steam Dutns. hvperenie, all aliments ireatea. cpen Run days. 412 Northwest bldg. Main 37S0. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts pfrma- nently removea. o"s onetiaua uma. x-oonc Main 13)8. MRS. S. C. MORRISON steam baths auu massage for rheumatism, lumoaKo, eic. 333 Madison. A 4470. Marshall 3WH. MADE OF YOl'R COMBINGS. Sw-itches. 05c: curls and pHffs, 73r; san itary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price. Read ings, healings uany. circles lues, vteo. and Sun. S. 304 Montgomery. Main 7227. LADY" barber shop now open on Couch st . net. 5th ana bin. r nee massage. e-c. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment. Fhampo. 4nt -Miriuwesi ning.. lormrriv MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mr. .M. D. Hill, Fiieiinei- pidg, .nam sii-i. BALM OF FIGS. Compound Royal Topic. Tablets. .n l-iavis si. i none ivinin :.i i. EASTERN trained operator glveg irtasitaee. 125 6th St.. room ''. - USE Bassets Native Hirbs for constipa tion; 50c tablets ror ..c: an tlrtigglsTs. DR. WRKNN, spiritual adviser: reaii- dallv. 34 N. 10th. Mar. 423P, A 7614. GEO 109