n THE .MORSIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1913. , - 1 ' " '. ' CTIY NEWS IN BRIEF OBZGOXIAX TZLZTHOXZSL rrttiOr.r Kcom ....777... -Mala T. A ? City Clreolatloa .Main T07O. A 5 lluiitil Editor Main A ; Cuadar Bdltor Main to.0. A J9& .i.. M.ln 7070. A (fS Cuxrlauaitent Bnlldlns. -Maoa is . aUTCBKMEXTS. Sim THTATrRfBreiflwiT and Iforrl rlaoa lreu Baku piayars in "The Bar rier." Tonifht at 8:li. nuDtirr-w tkeitcs rBntdwtr andTay- Ion Chiesfo Grand ODra Comsuj In Thais." Toalcnt at o'clock. vrvTiieaa theater rBroadwar and Tam hill l Vasdmlla, Tela altamooa at 1:1. Tonlcnl at 7:1 aad IJt. FiXTiOM THEATER (Broadway and Ai der! VandevlU, This afternoon at :! and toalsol at T.XO and a. 1.TRIC THEATER (Peorth and Stark) Musical corned. Tlie Torreador xan. This afternoon at 2:1S and tonlcbt at SJO to 10. J wropiri UTAH- mrinK OB JOT. TIVOLX AND CRTBTAL First-run plo turaa 11 A. If. to 12 P M CLOBB THEATER Elrttb and Waab lnloo Continuous fiisL-rua motion ple- WaTXfmi Damaosj Butt IoT A defendant's verdict was returned after )- than 15 minutes' deliberation By Jnrr In Judge McUlnn's court, yester day. In the personal Injury case of Aba Welnsteln. ajf-i . suing through his father. Jacob Welnsteln. against M- J. Je. The complaint charged that Lee had run down the lad with his auto mobile on First street In South Port land. The defendant contended that the boy. who Is partially blind, ran Into the automobile after It had been brought practically to a stop. Judg ment for 125.000 wu demanded. George K. Farrln was attorney for the plaintiff. Henry Westbrook defended! 4o ure was the latter of getting a Yerdlct in 1 Is favor that he did not employ a stenographer to report the cam In order to make a record on which to base an appeal In ease, he lost. 1 associations Cexinfi Acnvmrs. n effort will be made to bring a closer co-operative organization be tween the Portland Commons and the Oregon Prisoners" Aid Society, and Chaplain Bsuer. of the state peniten tiary, and W. a. MarLaren. of the Port land Commons, were appointed at the annual meeting of the Prisoners' Aid , Society at the Unitarian Church yes terday, a committee of two to lay r'ans for such reorganization of the activi ties of tha two associations. This com mittee will report at a second meeting to be held at 4 o'clock Monday after noon, at the Unitarian Church- The an nual eleetton of officers for the Prison ers Aid Society was postponed at yes terday's meeting; until the report from Mr. Maclxren and Mr. Bauer shall have been received. ahb iuk Buivy Oct or Bed. Qm presence of city Bremen. engaged ia a morning- drill, aaved the premises erf J M. Wiggins, an aged man. living at 11 Sainton street, when he was Ulowa out of bed yesterday morning ly the explosion of an oil stove, lie ad laft his bed and started a fire and retired again to wait until the room became warm. When the stove blew up he was thrown to trie floor and the bedding was Ignited. The fire men rushed In end extinguished the blare with little difficulty. Mr. Wlg glss was little hurt. Uxktox To Issue Water Bonds. Notice, was received by City Auditor Barbur vestorday that the City of Llnn- ton has voted to Issue IIOO.OOO In bonds for the Installation of a K-lnrh water pip from the Portland city limits to Ltnnton to supply that town with Bull Kun water. The city will extend the main to tha Portland limits and uinn ton will extend It from there to the Llnnton users who will pay for it at the same rate as fixed tor persons outside Portland. The proposition of starting the work will be considered at the next meeting or the water uoara. SiAJtSA to Hear Mcnc. The follow ing programme hus been arranged for this evening at the tfeamen s institute. t!9 Everett street: Soprano solo. Miss Leah lussar: tenor solo. R. C Mc KaWon: baritone solo, Ralph K. Lee: contralto solo. Miss Dorothy Lewis; reading. Miss Eugenia Craig: violin solo. Luc i a Barton Utlhousen; tenor solo, T. W. Williams: soprano solo. Miss Kva Wells. The concert begins at 8:16. All friends are Invited. StctUAi Lnan 8nrmn Hctz On account of the recent frosts In California lemons now are being shipped Into Portland from Sicily. The railroads have quoted a reduced rate to permit this commodity to move. From New York to Portland lemons In car load lota will take a rate of 75 cents per 100 pounds, a reduction of 50 cents. Much fruit already la in New York ready to move. BAjnutorr Booics. Closing out the remainder of atock of Jones' book store. Beclnning this morning will sell hundreds of volumes worth up to tl at 7 cents per volume. Hundreds of vol umes worth up to 13.50 at -19 cents per volume. Thousands of volumes will be sold at IJ cents on the dollar. You will have to come early. Stock will not last long at these prices. 92i Sixth street, near Stark. Isaac Bloom's 'Est at IKOO. Isaac Bloom. Front-street commission man. wbo waa shot and killed by James Hammond March II. left an estate of owy 11500. lie died Intestate. Sablna TB'oorn. the widow, and two children. Xavtd. ased a years, and Kthel. aged IS months, are t. heirs. Mrs. Bloom has been appointed administratrix. Crrr Concert Contha(T Awarded. There will be 42 band concerts In the parks of Portland during the com ing Summer. The farn mar.i at a meeting yesterday let a contract for tbe season of W. E- McKlroy. who has a band of 31 pieces. He had the con tract last year. Jarutssn Coxsri. to Speak. The Japansee Consul at Portland. M. Ida. will tavk at the tinner of tbe Men's Club of Sjnnyside tomorrow at s:3rt P. M.. on the subject of "Reminiscences" or tfce relations of Japan and America. All man are welcome. Mrs. H:dpE! to B Honored. Mrs. XL L. T. Hidden will be tendered a banquet by Portland women's organiza tions Thursday night at :3) o'clock at the Portland Hotel. R. A. Miller will preside. A number of addresses will be made. Mrssnai. to B Gives Toscioht. All friends end strangers Invited to at tend tae musical given by the Ladlesof Central W. C T. L". tonight at head-gaar-rs la the B.-hnke-Walfcer build ing. Fourth and Yamhill streets, at 7:30 o'cloek. Emm CorNT Incokforatfo. James A. Pourherty. K. J. Cavanaugh aad Chester vl. Murphy are Incorpora tors of the Umgaerty Shoe Company, articles f wiilch were nled yesterday at the Courl'a&tte. Tbe capital stock is s:o.no. For Sals. A 4S-horscpower. SSO-volU Crocker-Vhe!er motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage re lesse and 7i-ampers over-load I-T-E etrc-Jit break. In A-l condition. Ad dress room roi oregonlan bldg. Pcttth Cot)NiL HorjBC In Itrlngton. oa Broadway canine for sale by owner at socritlce account leaving city. Five largu rooms and sleeping porch: thoroughlv modern: ll'jOO cash will bandle. phono East S3i!. Ecososnea DrrRTstE?iT to Mm. The home economics department of the Portland Woman's Club will meet to day at S P. M- in th Women of Wood craft Hall. All members are requested to be present. For ai. A 40-K. W, foe-volt. Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete with Held rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Address room I0S Oregonlan bldg. Want ZD to Lease, modern, unfur nished. 4 or 7 -room home with garage: Nob Hlli district- AS . Orgonian- CSLXSRATrD QlTLU CRAWFISH at the II of Brail. 50c a doz.. to take home. IjiTXU Bi.i" ClSord. MaIb illX Stores Wtu. Eeli. Oavx Licenses- At the request of State Game Warden Finley fishing and bunting license blank books have been distributed to the principal sporting goods stores of the city by County Clerk coney, inis system was in vogue under County Clerk Fields, but Mr. Coffey did not inaugurate it until specifically asked to do so by Mr. Finley for the reason that there is no authority of law for it. One of the books has been sent to Lents. It was found that not nearly as manv licenses were being Issued this year as last and the conclusion was reached that many persons n rarg to take chances on being caught sngling without licenses rather than submit to the inconvenience of going to the Courthouse to get them. Milk Tests to Bb Axkothced. For the benefit of mothers and others desir ing information on pure milk the Board of Health yesterday authorized the city milk department to issue monthly a bulletin showing the class of milk being put on the market by the various dairies and creameries of the city. The report will be based upon tests of milk taken by City Milk Chemist Calloway. The Board has found that there is great demand for authentic information on the question of how and where to get good milk for babies. A copy of the report will be mailed to each new mother reported in the birth certificates filed at the City Hall, to all the doctors in the city and to others desiring copies. SiaiirooD Mat Get Freight House. Secretary Bollen. of the Sellwood Board of Trade, has received a com munication from the officials of the Portland Rail way. Light & Power Cora pany to the etfect that they are In vestigating tlio matter of establishing a freight house and agent in that suburb. The freight house may be established on the railway on the waterfront, where freight may be re ceived and sent out- A. J. Hennlman. W. II. Uoldlng and J. W. Campbell are the committee from the club, and they are collecting data as to the amount of business that might be expected from this freight house. IrjTItT MICITT TONIGHT. TT. B. E. Loom is wIM.hoM a clinic on Inlay work at the regular meotlng or tne Portland District Dental boclety in tne Medical building tonight at S o clock. nr. B. N. lUmm will offer a paper on The P.rUtion of Oral Pyorrhea to Human Efficiency." which will be fol lowed by a general discussion led by W. C. Shearer. Pr. A. B. Bailey will talk on the "Relation of the Dental Arch to Na.'Hl Obstructions." and In the discussion following Pr. William Cava- naugh will bo the lender. Rtri-ets Wtu. Be Sacred to Chiuiren. Roping the streets to keep teams off while children play, is tne inicsi play ground Idea to be tried out In Port land. At a meeting of the City Park Board yesterday. Superintendent Mlsche was authorized to select some of the streets In tho residence section which can be rioseo witnout miencnug seriously with traffic. It Is the plan to close the streets to traffic during certain hours uf the day. 'Sellwood Drt." Is Slogam. The netltlons to submit to a vote the ques tion of making the four precincts at Sellwood dry at the June election are being signed up, and the indications are that enough will be secured this week to insure placing the question on the ballot in June. Tne rotnerneoa of tlio Sellwood Methodist Episcopal Church has the subject In charge, inder the direction of Rev. J. K. Hawkins, the pastor. Chapsiax Goes to Waixa Waij.a. C. hunman left last night for Walla Walla, where he will represent the Portland Commercial Club at the an nual meeting of the Walla Walla Com mercial Club. The Walla Walla club Is conducting in Southeastern Washing ton promotion work on extensive lines, organized in s manner similar to tbe promotion work for Oregon that has been carried oa by tne rgrunnu oi ganization. s .School. Buii-dino Fcuioateo. Owing to the appearance of a case of diphtheria In a family In Mount Tabor district, from which two children were attending school. Health Officer Wheeler had the school dismissed yes terday afternoon so that the building might be fumigated. No fear of any snread of the disease Is entertained and the school will be opened again tomorrow. Meat Notices Posted. "Don't Handle the Meat." This is the wording of a slzrn which the City Health Ltepart meut has Instructed butchers to place on their counters, where meat Is dis played In such manner as to be within reach of customers. The sign Is the outcome of complaints that women handle meat on the open counters and in so doing often render it unfit for food. Revokixo Fraxchisb Movs Made. Becuuse of the alleged failure of the Heights Trust Company to extena a carllne along Barnes road to Macleay Park within six months from the date of the Issuance by the City Council of a franchise for that purpose. City At torney Grant yesterday sent letter to City Auditor Barbur asking the Coun cil to consider revoking the franchise. Co.staxisatiojc Is Reported. Con tamination in the plunges at the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. was reported yesterday to the City Health Board by City Health Officer Wheeler. Tests of tho water, made by Chemist Wade showed the presence of colon bacilli, which causes typhoid fever. Dr. Wheeler will require the two Institu tions to remedy conditions at once. Charter Talks to Be Give. W. C Benbow and City Attorney Grant will be speakers at the Rotary Hub luncn eon at the Commercial Club today, on the proposed commission charter. George L. Baker, who has been in structed o preside over the campaign of publicity for the measure by the charter committee, will be chairman of the day. Tca'hsical Club to Lunch. The regular Tuesday luncheon of the Ore gon Technical Club will be held toduy at the Portland Commercial Club. E. F. West, of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company, will be the conductor. Emil Barnhurt. French bridge engi neer, will speak and the Metropolitan Quartet and M. Schirllzh. a recent stu dent of Paderewskl, will be on the pro- : gramme. Women Mhet Topat. The Women's Political Science Club will hold Its regular meeting at S:30 o'clock this afternoon In the Medical building. Park and Alder streets. Mrs. Sara A. Short, the new president, will preside. A spe cial address will be given by V. V. Jones on park needs and the JI.OOO.OOO bond Issue. All women lntarestsd are invited. Hioh License Declared Illegal In an opinion rendered by City Attorney Grant yesterday the license committee of the City Council is advised that It will not be possible for the city to enforce the provisions of an ordinance aimed to prohibit tranrlent merchants from operating In this city by imposing upon them an excessive license. SACRincE. Suburban home on Oregon City Electric, on bank of Willamette River: one acre, nearly new six-room bungalow: running water, electric lights: owner must leave: no reasonable offer refused; a real snap. P. H. Knee land. IS Oak St. Main 7750. A 7374. I'srvERStTT or MlCKIOA Glkb and Mandolis Clubs Concert, new Lincoln High School auditorium, Tuesday even ing. April 8. Seats at Sherman. Clay A Co. music house, cor. Sixth and Mor rison streets. Tickets, SL. For Kent. Fine six-room flats, with every convenience. 127.60 for upper, $:S for lower: West Side, best nelghbor aood. Phone owner. East 44S. Shesrt Bros, painting and papering, removed to 12 12th. Main 3072. A Ills.' Silverware, one-half off. Aronson's removal sale. J94 Washington sL Anion's Wagner memorial concert. ApL I, Masonic Temple: remember date. Px. S. M. Gelltrt has left for the East to be son several weeks. Commission Form Explained. City Attorney Grant spoke last night at Atkinson Memorial Church on the proposed commission charter which will be voted upon at the special city elec- ; n xfnv i Ha YniAind the provi sions of the measure Indicating the .hsn a wfciti i ! nmnflRMl to make in the administration of tbe city's affairs. His purpose, be announced, was to ex plain the charter and not speak for o i . t . un-nif im cwdf Tdiami it a meet ing will be held at tho Sellwood public school at 8 o'clock tonight to discuss the advisability of organizing a co nnnrlv .tnr. A CI ThomDSOn. Presl ne Vnnn fii-rttt MutUulist SO .tv atviI n T . Vfuvktr. manager of the Albino. Mutuallst Store, and others will speak. It is planned to nave uouu sides of the question presented before decisive action Is taken. North Portland Club to Meet. The North Portland Commercial Club will meet in the auditorium of the North Portland Commercial Club. Kllllngs- wirtl, Avmt und Commercial streets. tomorrow night. Sewerage nd other business will be considered. RETJEr SocrxTT to Mebt. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Belief Society will be hew at 2 o clock mis aiTernoon i- .- ....Inn rnnm the First Presby terian Church. Twelfth and Alder streets. Members are requested to at tend. Cir rtrtm ISE-VOlfc. direct current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter ana circuit. orm"- This machine is in good repair. dress room J08 Oregonlan bldg. New Bills Open at the Vaudeville Houses Empress. 1 GRAY-HAIRED woman Is the hit i- of the Empress bill. She Is Madame Berlo. 63-year-oM swimmer, who dives into a big tank hat, clothes, snoes ami all after stepping up on to tne stage i -1. ,.... wA. .if th audience .. . .i h - t nf "Tlio Diving Girls. no realistic was .uaaamo xcnu o . . lha u..t of "Thn Diving Girls" yesterday that one of the ushers tried his utmost to keep the woman away from mo iair sKimiucia Madame Berlo .had to wrestle in earnest with the theater attache to go through her part or me aquatic pcnuunum. nrjul.n iiul Ijilira MllTTftV both shapely young women, open the . i.i. - ...1.. nt .1 1 V K of PVPTV variety and many of the double kind as Miko Troy, manager, announces feats to be performed. Everything goes on swimmingly- until a sound of protest Is heard in the audience. To all appearances a woman patron of the theater has discovered that her daugh ter is one of "The Diving Girls" and Is about to put a stop to the aquatic entertainment. That Is when Madame Berlo makes her appearance. Not until she Teaches the stage, falls into the tank, and does every species of dive exhibited by the Misses Woolard and .i h. u M.i t .nc "cAtrh on." Diuira weo . " " - - Then thunderous applause is won by the veteran mermara. wnu m .ummnvra as being the "mother oi ten omisnui The bill opens with spinning novelty In which a trim man and a. pretty girl spin plates, trays, doylies and even . . . .Mi.tli.Bllv Thin ia the DUlKy msB .. - J entertainment of Stlth and Gamier. The act Is closed with a peautuui, spinning multlcoloreo array. ..T-w- t ( t ,. v.iinvt" Burns. Arm inn , ...,. . . strong and Fullen were the greatest hit after ino giving umo, jmus- from applause. These young men are fresh from the University of Washing ton at Seattle. Their act, called "A Campus Rehearsal" consists of lively songs. Jokes that really are new and several - ' - - - The sketch of the week Is presented by Mr. and Airs, w aru utumuu. t a vivacious playlet teeming with Iri.ih humor In which Caulfield is "The Section Boss." Neil McKlnlcy devotes all his time in "raving for fun." Pad- , 1 T-Ajrfir u mun and B WO- O.OCK. "M ......... . . , man, present song and dance diversions. Lyric. . v HATEVER guise Ed S. Allen W comes out In at the weekly of fering at the Lyric Theater, he Is fun ny, and never more so than this week, when he essays the role of a Mexican bullfighter. As always at the Lyric. .1-- 1 ... . lnn.alv -A-nVn AlOUnd thS me iiwi . . j - - - comical predicaments in which Izzy finds nimseii. A Jilted Mexican girl (Hortense Travers), to have revenge upon her faithless lover, the toreador man, the title role played by Jack Wise, pre vails upon Izzy Cohn to take the place of the Jilt In the bullring, which, after many qualms of fear, he does with great acclaim. Playing opposite him Is Harry Hart as Mike Brady, a much-be-medaled Irish-Mexican General. Reece Gardner plays the part of a French tavernkeeper, who has lost his i .. Ktillflc-htlnir. Frances White and Honors Hamilton's parts are feed ers to tne comeumue. uui uum applause by their charming gowns and Incidental patter. The rosebuds make a fine showing In Mexican costumes. All have fetch ing songs and the audience was par ticularly pleased with the coloratura number of Miss Hamilton. The same bill will be offered all week, with the usual Tuesday and Friday night features. Pa mages. NO single act stood out much above the others at the first performance at Pantage3 Theater yesterday unless It was the short sketch of Eva Will iams and Joe Tucker, entitled "Sfcinny's Finish." For the rest the numbers showed variety and not a little, origi nality. The moving pictures of the Omaha cyclone arrived in time for tbe evening performance. LToyd and Black, the former as an overgTOwn youth with long legs and short pants, the latter as an ingenue, were the curtain-raisers, followed by Willie Hale and his brother. Jugglers. They have more than the usual number of new tricks. A tall tale-teller walks siowiy onto the stage when they are through with a ditty, in which he apologizes for his presence. This Is Ed Gray, wno mono. loguea along quite at nis ease, wiui MORTGAGE LOANS First mortgage loans on im proved Portland real estate. We are also prepared to name building loans. TITLE and Trust Company 4th and Oak sts. Portland, Oregon new sags and old. and a catchy little musical effusion to close his act. For ten minutes after his departure the audience is treated to some genuine slang in the playlet "Skinny's Finish." Eva Williams has genuine dramatic power and is winsome in spite of her makeup. Leonard and Drake, especially the former, give some good imitations, one of which makes every man in. the audience remember he lias a thirst, and another recalls the old log-sawing days, while the four Prevosts present a gymnastic and tumbling ludicroslty which is staged for some reason or an other in a Turkish bathhouse. The whole thing Is a pure farce. -but the men are agile and combine well in their acrobatics. Pictures, including those of the Omaha cyclone, conclude u well- rounded-out bill. 1 cut down ! I tire bills UNITED STATES TIRE If II COMPANY II 1 84 Seventh St. IS 11 Portland, Oregon l -decidedly new effects have just arrived. Straight front athletic shoulders boxey or English backs; worth seeing they are most timelv. The value is there at twenty five dollars. Others $15.00 to $40.00 Play ball, boys You want a New Suit for Spring Ball and bats, mitts, catchers' gloves or uniforms FREE with your suit. SPECIAL TODAY Fifty-cent Silk Bos. See them in the case at the door of the Fourth- OC etreet store aiiiJl RALSTON -The Shoe for Now New Spring models. They fit the foot without forcing. Oth- 1JC crs at $4 and $6 PJ Save Money On . TIRES I tm 1 Don't hesitate about buy ing an automobile on ac count of the tire question. Tou will get full value out of any reputable make of tire if you use our SERV ICE DEPARTMENT. Bring your machine around from time to time. We can fit it with any make of tire you wish, or, when re pairing is an economy, we repair it to give you the maximum service. Let us be your tire doctor. II A WESTERN HARDWARE & AUTO SUPPLY CO. Everything for the Atito. Pine and Broadway. Take Along a A Year's Prescription for Perfect Health- Drink mife Water ss -Tl XT T (hnt mi MteriMJic, TWi. tmtic-v. mod Uukittl Muhnnt mi ihm UaiwiT oi thm City mi Nw to 4 rim watva, Mjraf "I bey mrm inf. KtfwMlOi. Brownie The camera that is so simple a child can use it. but which makes pictures so good that the grownups are proud to preserve them as a record of the Sum mer's pleasures. We have all the Brownie Family. $1.00 to $12.00 Columbian Optical Co Se dThe Kind That Grow! "Vmi Hon a v u v Keep Them in the Gound" J. J. Butzer 188 Front Street, Portland, Or. Frank Chance, Ty Cobb and "Red" Murray BAT-WING Ties for the -ivcll-dressed fan . ..JVJ Morrison at Fourth Street Stamps Given on Request Third St. Just Off Morrison Successor to A. B. Steinbach & Co. CLHollidayCo. 355 Alder, Cor. Park Announces magnificent showing of unusual novelties in Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Coats, Suits and Dresses (of the better class), garments that cannot be duplicated and are not to be seen elsewhere. Different and distinctive from the usual, with an individuality all their own. COATS $12.50 to $75.00 SUITS $22.50 to $100.00 DRESSES ' $12.50 to $150.00 BLOUSES $2.00 to $75.00 f1 it I REAL LUNCH for the Busy Business Men FIFTY CENTS HOTEL OREGON Rathskeller Eleven Thirty 'til Two Broadway Service Broadway Cuisine 'WrlKBt-XHoklBaoa Hotel Co. . HOTEL WASHINGTON Grant Avenne and jLi SAJT FRJLXCISCO. K TJf European plan, "Down Town," loca tion on quiet corner; , furnishings of hlgh- est quality: quick, courteous service. steam heat; free 'bus CHAS. H. ROWLEY, Manager. Room and Bath Privilege S1.0O. ' Room With Private Bath 11.50. HOTEL MULTNOMAH Headquarters of THE CHICAGO GRAND OPERA CO. During Their Engagement March 31 April 1 April 2 ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMME IN THE ARCADIAN GARDEN Maxell 31 Re serrations May Now Be SCadft for, .Tables After .the Opera. THE PUNCHINELLOS DAVIS 6 LEIGHTON Musical Entertainers . miss violet Mcdonald Singing Soubrette and- THE GREAT RUSSIAN DUO Dancers H. 0. B0"WEBS, Mgr. GALNEK THIGPEN, Asst-Mgr Nothing adds more to the attractiveness of a neighborhood than well-selected street trees. We give special attention to this branch of onr but iness. and can sup ply on short notice a large assortment of the very best trees. Our Maples are es pecially fine. Send today for beautifully illustrated catalogue Tieo. ShttM. Vmo Ddflma." Mention ihls paper. SET-! The Line Is Open Six Daily Trains TO CORVALLIS VIA C I tun I Oregon Electric Ry. OBSERVATION PARLOR OARS ON LIM ITED TRAINS TO SALEM, ALBANY, CORVALLIS, EUGENE T.va Portland.. FIRST-CLASS COACHES ON ALL TRAINS Trl Limited Local Local Limited Owl 6:30 a.m. 8;40 a.m. 11:00 a.m, 2:2a p.m. 6:00 p.m- ia:ui a.m. ... - - - - . - .An a n v m C -n t- m 9 -OK am. S.:!tf. 2-.o5n-.rn: iiiis: ?;i.5:s: miza Ar"Jf:?"-H.:i.5i5: 2:S0. ?!!.S:S: sSS fIS: Js UgBUn.i. - " Portland time shown is Jefferson-Street Station; time at Norti Bank Station is twenty minutes earlier. "The Owl" carries a standard sleeper, open to passengers at 9:30 P. M. at North Bank Station. - CITY TICKET OFFICES Fifth aad Stark Sts. 10th and Morrison Sts. 10th and Stark. PASSENGER STATIONS Eleventh and Hoyt Streets. Front and Jefferson Streets.