TILE MORNLXG OKEGO.MAX, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1913. LEADERS LIKE IDEA Democrats Would Divide Re j sponsibility With Wilson. TARIFF IS REAL PROBLEM f ember Feel It Bill Proves TTn pop ular It TV1H Be Convenient to Be Able to Place Blame on President. ' OHEGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ing-tan. March II. Many Democratic Senators and soma Representatives were Inclined, not many weeks ago. to resent the proposal of President Wilson to visit tna Capitol frequently lor in avowed purpose of shaping legislation. .Now that the time approaches when the Democrats must revise the tariff there Is a marked change of sentiment and the President's proposed Innovation is becoming stranajely popular. The truth Is that Democratic leaders are rather (dad the President is willln, to take a large share of responslblllt for the partisan lcplnlutlon to be pu through the 3d Congress. Preaiaeat Share ReapoaalbUltr. Now that President Wilson has taken an active hand In shaping the tariff programme for the special session, h will bear an unusually large share responsibility for whatever tariff bill the Democratic Congress enacts. While, if the bill proves popular, be will be entitled to a large share of the credit, by the same token. If the bill proves unpopular he will have heaped upon liim a large snare of the Blama. Till Ms why bis Innovation Is becoming pop ular, for the average Democrat la not particularly enthusiastic over the tar- off prospect, and there is consluerabli Tear that the approaching revlalon may not prove generally satisfactory. This Is about the way It will work The House, for illustration, la bent on rlaalng sugar on the free list. Five or f!x Democratic Senators from sugar rroduc!ng states are not in favor free sugar and are disposed to vote against It. If five, or even four. Demo cratlc Senators vote against free sugar :they can defeat the proposition. Y ha the attitude of President Wilson may '.he on this particular schedule Is not ret known, but If he is for free sugar jie doubtless can swing into line enough of the Democratic Senators from sugar mates to carry the proposition through .the Senate. The Senators in question, jo square themselves with their sugar jrrowlnn or sugar-manufacturing con ptltnenta, can shift the blame to the President. Weol Situation Similar. So. again, with wool. While It is thought net likely that the House will bring In a bill placing raw wool on the lree list, that may be done, though the probabilities are that the duty on wool will be reduced to something like Is jrr cent ad valorem. If the reduction on wool, no matter what It may be. piwe injurious to the wool-growing industry, the Senators from wool-grow ing states can explain to their wool tcrowlng constituents that they person ally were not In favor of the heavy re .( ,, 1 1 r,n maH hi- fntiirrM.C hut Were driven Into line by the President. I -So It will be through the entire bill conference frame the Democratic tar- x irt Dill, ne win to a large awgrre oe 1 blamed for the result, and those Demo- I orats who normally would receive the 1 large share of the blame will be able I to take refuge behind the President; OWERS TO BLOCKADE PORT JMubbornness of Montenegro Slakes ' ' Austria-Hungary Impatient. I.ON"DON. March 31. Stubbornness of Montenegro in continuing the bombard ment of Scutari, contrary to wishes of the powers and the dllatorlnesa of Servla in withdrawing her troops beyond the frontier of the future Albania, if not overcome by more peaceful measures. lll lead to a demonstration and I lorkade of the Montenegrin coast and tie ports of Albania occupied by Servla. Austria. Hungary Is losing patience with her little neighbors and is urg ing the powera to take action to en- fm-ce their demands. riervla has expressed her intention of complying with the powers' de manda to evacuate Albania, but has maae no movement in that direction. Austria Insists upon the Immediate re moval of the Servians from the coun try. A Vienna dispatch to the Dally Mail says: "Austria has three army corps on tita Hersoffovtna frontier ready to en ter Montenegro ahould the pressure frees the powers, which It Is Intended . ;e repeat and intensify, be ineffectual." Montenegro will reply in the nega tive to tbe representations of the pow ers made collectively today that an en voy of the powera would convey a K-lpher message to Eaaad Pasha, the ri'urkish, commander in Scutari, con taining the porte's orders to permit the civilian population to depart. Thia information, which comes from at authoritative source, gives as a rea 'na (or this decision that King Nich olas on three different occasions has offered to allow the consuls and all the foreigners to leave the city, but teach time the commander of the town wejacted, the suggeatlon. -ERBS LAIT) COCTtAGE OF TURK Wounded Soldiers Tell of Gallant Defense of Adrlanople. BEUGRADE. March SI. The first train to bring wounded Servians arrived liare yesterday from Adrlanople. Their atory shows that the fighting which preceded the capture of Adrlanople was .the most terrible of the war. Tbe lurks fought with the courage of despair, but the perseverance of the ?rvlans and the excellent leadership of the commanders resulted In their gaining the day. Some of the men .-wore severely wounded, but the major sty were suffering only from slight bullet wounds. The press unfavorably discusses Rus sia's action in Joining the other powers in presenting a nots to Servia and Montenegro wltb regard to Scutari and Albania. It was hoped until the last that Russia would withhold ber sup port of the note. One of the wounded officer said: "The siege waa one chain of suffer ing for the siegers which reached Its climax in the bitter cold of January and February. The enow lay six feet deep and sentries died at their posts. Ths skin of every soldier was parched !y the Intense frost, while in the trenches the men's feet were cut by the sharp Ice breaking every morning under their steps. They slept in mud and water, covered only by canvas. "Some days doxens of men were frox en to death. There were snow plains for 30 miles around; no wood could be found and even when It waa brought (ires were forbidden for fear of be traying our position." .VI officers axreed on the terrible snfsined In the final attack. The fowrth battalion of ths Ninth Infantry lust per cent of Its men. which waa about the average for those regiments which attacked the important forts. The Turks kept up a terrific fire. The Servians made three attempts against Papastepe before taking that position and they succeeded only at a tremend ous cost of life from the fire of the Turkish machine guns. Fort Topyleu was another hard nut to crack. When within 60s yards, the Servians, who were accompanied by a Bulgarian regiment, met a terrible fire, accompanied by the explosion of mines. The Bulgars retired, leaving the Serv ians alor-. The Servians again ad vanced ulier cover of darkness, creep ing like cats and protected by hand bomb throwers. The Turks did not dis cover them until the bomb throwers were upon the trenches. The Bulgar ians then came up under command of a sergeant, having lost all their com manding officers, but again retired. After the fort had been taken the Turks made counter attacks and, with their machine guns inflicted heavy losses on the Invading force. TURKS DRIVEN FROM TRENCHES Montenegrin Artillery Dislodges Enemy Before Scutari. CETTIXJE. March SI. The Montene grin artillery on the main front before MATCHES KILL Tl! FOR ECZEMAS AND RASHES Three Fires Started by Chi! - dreft Within Week. ESTACADA TRAGEDY LAST Deputy Coroner Says Parent Ought to Take Warning; From Acci dents and Not Expose Families to Danger. VMTED STATES SE ITOR IS FATIKST AT BALTIMORE HO J PITA I 64 ML Edward C. Burleigh. BALTIMORE. Mi, March 31. It was learned today that United States Senator Edward C Bur leigh, of Maine, has been a pa tient at Johns Hopkins Hospital for several days. The nature of the ailment from which the Sen ator Is suffering waa not dis closed. He is 79 years old. Scutari since yesterday has been de veloping great activity. The Turkish positions In the plain before the town have been bombarded heavily and. the Turks have been driven from their entrenchments near the river Kir by the persistent artillery fire. T TELLS OF PLOT EXPLOSIVE DECLARED STILL B CRIED IN PRISOX YARD Pass the Vinegar," Signal Agreed On, Given Prematurely, So Delivery Is Frustrated. SAN QUENTIN. Cat, March 31. In the course of his testimony before the prison inquiry committee of the Legis lature one of the convict witnesses de clared today that a can of ultra-glyc erine Is now burled In the prison yard, It was to have been used, this convict said, in ths bread riot of several months ago. Plnns for a wholesale escape on the occasion of the riot failed, said the witness, because the signal for the up rising waa given prematurely. The ringleaders, he went on to explain, had arranged to smuggle into ths prison larpe quantity of dynamite and nitro-glycerlne. The rank and file of ths plotters understod that this had been achieved and was ready for use. So the signal the words, "Pass the vinegar' was given, but the jail de liven" did not materialise. Balked In their first effort, they decided to try again the next day. But the ringleaders still had failed to get ths explosives Into ths prison. The convict said the plotting had been go ing on for six months. Warden Hoyle said tonight he be lieved that when the witness told of can of burled nitro-glycerlne he had In mind a small bottle containing it. hich was found in the yard some Ime ago. The warden said, however. he would ask the witness to show where he thinks the can is buried. About IS convicts gave testimony before the committee today. Those on the stand today made no especial complaint about the quality of food provided. The early charges of harsh- ess and oppression against Captain of tbe Yard Randolph were said to be ntrue by today's witnesses. RAILROAD WORK TO START Construction of Mount Hood Line Awaiting Fair Weather. SANDY. Or.. March U Special.) t was announced here Saturday by En Ineer Walter Inch that work will be resumed on the Multnomah Central Railroad between this place and Cot- ell, on tra Mount Hood line, as soon as the weather moderates. Twohy Bros, save the contract for grading six miles between Cottrell and Siicuy and they will start grading as oon as some surveying has been made. Their grading plant will ba moved to Cottrell. Right of way has been secured over 1 the roads crossed from the Clack- mas County Court and has been cleared preparatory to grading and track-laying. Residents here are hope ful of getting railway connection with Portland during this year. POLICE DISCOVER PLANT Alleged Counterfeiters Are Identi fied by Vancouver Victims. VANCOUVER. B. C March SI. With the arrest of William Smith and K. Strand this afternoon, the police believe they have succeeded in appre- ending the men responsible for the rcu'.ating or the raised American bills hich have lately flooded this city. A complete outfit, consisting of dies inks, numbers, etc.. used in changing SI bill to a S10 bill waa found In their room on Hastings street together ith a quantity of lead tt "gold pieces." Both men were positively Identified y a string of their victims who viewed hem at tlio statlou. They say they arrived here recently from Seattle. DISASTERS OF WKEK. CATffED BY CHILDREN P LA VINO WITH MATCHES. March 28. Fannie Xake, S years old. 220 H Hall street, burned to death while playing with matches. March SB. Children of R. A. But ton, Z70 Sixty-fifth street Southeast, set house on fire with matches. March 30. Kora Kennell, 3 years old, living at Wilson station, burned to death walls playing with matches. Within five consecutive days, two children have been burned to death In and about Portland, four others have narrowly escaped the same fate, and one residence has been set on fire, through little children playing with matches. The most recent disaster oc curred yesterday, when Nora Kennell, 3 years old, living with her parents at Wilson station, on the Estacada line, was burned to death, and two other children of the family escaped only through timely observation of the neighbors. The mother of the family had come to the city and the father was working at his barn, while the children, aged 2. 3 and & years, were alone In ths house. Matches, with which they were play ing, set fire to some clothing in a closet. The garments blazed up and then fell on the head of the little girl. burning her so that she died soon afterward. Neighbors saw the smoke in the house and gave the alarm, so that little damage was done to the building. The body of the child was taken in charge by the Coroner. Strikingly similar to this tragedy was an Incident which occurred toaturday. when two little boys, 3 and 4 years old. In the family of R. A. Button, 3704 Sixty-fifth street Southeast, while their mother was downstairs, obtained matches and Ignited the contents of a closet. Then they closed the door and ran outdoors. Last Wednesday Fannie Dake. 3 years old. living at 230 4 Hall street, climbed on a chair, in the absence of her mother, got hold of a box of matches and set fire to her clothing. She was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital, but was so badly burned that she died the same day. 'All parents should learn from these tragedies that matches should be kept well out of the way of children, sal a Deputy. Coroner Dunning, yesterday. Use CUUCDMSOilP ANDOITMENT The itching, burning, suffering and loss of sleep caused by eczemas, rashes and irritations of the skin and scalp are at once relieved and permanent skin health restored in most cases by warm baths with Cuticura Soap followed by gentle applications of Cuticura Ointment. Cuuonra Soap sad ointment sold throuxhoat ths wwtd. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 33-p, bjak. Addreaj CuUcara." Dept. 11R. Boston. av-Mea who soave and Bhacapoo with CatieaTa asp will Had 1 1 beat lor sua sad scalp. ARMY INCREASE CERTAIN Germans, However, WlH Increase Tax Burden on WelMo-Do Classes. BERLIN. March SI The suggested Increase of the German army will be voted practically without opposition, according to the general opinion ex pressed by the newspapers here. The government's financial proposals to cover the necessary expenditures, how ever, will be subjected to severe criti cism. Tbe lmporlal parliament, it Is argued. will demand radical modifications of the new tax proposals to place tbe burden more heavily on the well-to- do classes. After the passage of the army bill the land forces of Germany on a peace footing will comprise 33,800 officers, 119,000 non-commissioned officers, 661. 176 privates and 15.000 one-year vol unteers. The remalndor of the total of 870.000 will include medical, veter inary and pay officers, the hospital corps and other non-combatants. BANKER'S WIFE WILL LIVE Young Highwaymen Admit Attempt to Hold Vp Automobile Party. j and gas were put out of commission and the city is in darkness. No disorders have yet occurred, but it is feared by the Mayor that with trie city In almost total darkness, looters will begin their work. The weather forecasters said they expected the crest of the flood to reach here tomorrow morning and that the stage would be between 69 and 70 feet. after which the river would gradually subside. The property loss In the Cincinnati waterfront section will be very heavy. There has been slight suffering so far. The inundated district is being patrolled by extra police force and also by officials of the city health department. On the south bank of the Ohio, op posite this city, many manufacturing plants are completely flooded and much money will be required to place teem In condition for operation. At Newport. Ky.. there are already under water nearly 120 square blocks, located in the section along the south bank of the Ohio River. The other towns, Bromley, Dayton and Ludlow, report no Immediate need of assist ance. TKAIXLOADS LEAVE CAIRO, ILL. Women, Children and Infirm Ad vised to Seek Places or Refuge. CAIRO, 111.. March SI. Trainloads of persons left ,Ca'ro today following receipt of news that the Ohio River was expected to reach a higher stage than In the disastrous flood of last Spring. R. T. Lindley. the local weather forecaster. Issued a statement saying: "As a- prudential measure, it Is ad visable that women, children and tbe Infirm seek more secure refuge." The Ohio tonight reached 61.3 feat. An appeal was sent today to Governor Dunne for help and he responded that he would send 1000 men. 300 National Guardsmen, 10,000 rations and 200,000 sacks. BURGLARS SHOOT IN DARK Politician Wounded In Ear In Re volver Duel In Bedroom. OAKLAND, Cal., March SI. In a bat tle with burglars In a bedroom, Eu gene Stachler. a politician, received a bullet through his ear tonight. Mrs. Stachler awakened to find two men In the room. She aroused her hus band. Then the shooting in the dark began and endd only when the in- tey home. Over the cork of every bottle of the Best Rye in the Field, Uncle Sam places his "Little Green Stamp." By this he brands the whiskey he has seen made, aged and bottled. By the same token you can make sure that the whiskey is just as it left the distillery the same quantity and quality of perfectly aged, absolutely pure ibratl ol3 , vUVw..wi,'H.. Bottled jn J3o&d The Best Rye in the Field R0THCHILD BROS., Distributors, Portland, Oregon. truders backed through the window by which they had- entered. A special po liceman encountered the two near the Stachler house and a pistol battle In the 'street followed, but the burglars escaped. Two suspects were arrested later. STATE SENATOR ARRESTED California Solon, Accused of Speed ing-, Doesn't Plead Exemption. SACRAMENTO, March 81. State Senator George W. Cartwright. of Fresno, was arrested today for vio lation of a city ordinance regulating the speed of automobiles. Members are exempt from arrest while the Leg islature Is in session, except for trea son, felony or breach of the peace. The Senator, however, aid not pieaa exemption and waa released, on his own recognizance. Candidate Quits Race. Ben Relsland, who last week: an nounced himself as a candidate for Councllman-at-Large on the Frogres- slve party ticket, yesterday issued a statement withdrawing from the race. He gave as his reason that he believed C. C Craig and Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden, also avowed candidates, were suf ficient and saying he wished them success. TAFT LEAVES FOR YALE Ex-President Goes to Take tip Work as Professor of Law. AUGUSTA, Ga., March 3L Ex-President Taft, who has peen at his Win ter cottage here since March E, left yesterday for New Haven, Conn., whers he will take up his duties as professor of law at Yale. Theatrical Benefit Nets $5000. DENVER, March 31. A flood suf ferers' benefit performance, given by theatrical companies playing here, with Sarah Bernhardt and John Drew as the leading attractions, tonight add ed $5000 to Colorado's contribution to the Ohio and Indiana relief funds. The grand total of Colorado's contribution in hand and subscribed tonight Is more than $36.000. Delicious Saratoga Chips ' made with LOS ANGELES. March SI. Mrs. C. A. Walker, wife of a wealthy Salt Lake City banker, who was seriously injured Saturday night by being thrown from an automobile when her hauffeur attempted to run down two highwaymen, will recover, according to physicians attending her. Carl M. Baugher and Arthur Nelson. both young men, were arrested by motorcycle policemen shortly after he attempted holdup and both are said to have admitted to the police that they attempted to hold up the automobile. SULPHUR BALKS FIREMEN Fumes Render Fighters Helpless Vntll Oxygen Helmets Arrive. SAX FRANCISCO, March 3L Efforts of firemen to fight a blaze in fa sulphur works were balked today by the fumes, which kept them at a distance. The fire started when a ton of sulphur in retort exploded and it was still burn ing at a late hour tonight. Chemicals and water were played on the flames with no other result than spreading them. The fire was con trolled when a fireboat arrived with an equipment of oxygen helmets. KING TO VISIT SALONIKI Action May Mean That Greece In tends to Hold to SioiIs of War. ATHENS. March JL Immediately after the funeral of the late King George, which will take place Wednes. day. King Constantino will go to Sa lonikl and remain there until peace has been declared. As in the case of King George, Con- tantlne's presence may be taken as notification to Bulgaria that Greece Intends to hold Salonlki as part of her polls of war. COVIXGTOX, KY., FACES PERIL Lighting Plants Pot Out of Com mission as River Rises. CINCINNATI, March 3L Two com panies of the Ninth United States In fantry, stationed at Fort Thomas, Ky are being held in readiness to march at an instant's notice to Covington, Ky.. where Major-General S. Phillips fears the city may be In need of mili tary protection, due to high water that virtually Is surrounding the town. When the river stage reached more than 8 feet today the lighting plants Baby Loves ZEf.10 for Skin TroiiSIa Stops Itching at Once. Cores Irri tated, Chapped Skin. Buy a SBe Bottle Today and Prove It. Try one application of ZEMO on the baby, and see the poor little fel low jubilate with his toes, and chuck le. If be could only talk, he'd thank you for the heavenly relief. ZEMO la guaranteed to stop itching immediate ly or money Is refunded. ZEaf Is Guaranteed to Give Baby and Grownups, Instant Relief from Itching and Skin Troubles. For rash, tetter, and all the skin tortures that babies suffer, ZEMO has no equaL For tbe skin troubles that men and women suffer, for all the itching, raw, scorching eczema, dandruff, inflamed or reddened skin, it has proven its astonish ing results In thousands of cases. The im mediate relief it gives is almost heavenly. ZEMO is a clean, antlseptlo solution ap plied to tbe skin ; no oily paste or ointment. "My feet would scald and crack into the blood. Could hardly walk. Tried one bottle of ZEMO, 25c, and it cured them." F. W. Flowers, Jeweler, Oak dale. Va. All first-class druggists sell ZEMO, 25c a sealed bottle, or sent direct on receipt of price by E. W. Rose Medi cine Co. SU Louis. Mo. Sold and guaranteed in Portland by Woodard. Clarke & Co- Alder at West Park St. SUGAR I I J$io place it on the I I i table is to compli- LI f ment the guest M g In 2 and 5 Pound . Sealed Packages I '. iil I THE AMERICAN SUGAR REFINING COMPANY I Hi 1 New York City Have you &&?r& Jiyy tried the JSmJSV '' half-size TfSjP k pieces? &Sjry y Saratoga Chips made with Cottolene are never greasy, as are those made with lard. The reason for this is that Cottolene heats to about 100 degrees higher than either butter or lard, without burn ing, quickly forming a crisp coating which excludes the fat. Your chips, therefore, are crisp, dry and appetizing. Cottolene costs about the price of lard, and will go one- third farther than either butter or lard. Cottolene is never sold in bulk al ways in air-tight tin pails, which pro tect it from dirt; dust and odora. It ia always uniform and dependable. TEE N. K. FAERBANK COMPANY EUROPEAN RESORTS AND HOTELS ENGLAND ENGUND f Chamberlain's 1 Cough Remedy 1 I IS UNIQUAL.EO FOR - 1 1 Coughs, Colds and Crorrp. I TELL your friends before you sail to write you at the WALDORF HOTEL LONDON And Stay There Booklet Free From Dorland Agency, 303 5th Ave., N. Y. For Loss of Hair We wffl oar for what yoa use If iRexaO "93s Hair Tonic does not promote tba growth of your hair. In all on experiraes with ball tonics the one that has 4one most to Ksin our oonfldenos ia Bexall ,"933 Hair Ton! a. We hare such well, founded faith to it that we want you to trr it at our risk. If it dose not satisfy yoa in erar? partieularj ws will par fot what T use to th extent of a 30 day treatment. I If Reran "91" Hair Tonfe dosa not remove dandruff. relisTe sealp irritation, stop the hair from faluog and promote a new growth of hair, corns back to us and ask us to return ths money you paid for it, and wo wilt promptly hand it back to you.- Yoa don't sign anything, promise any thing, bring anything back, or in any vayobligateyoursclf. Isn't that fair 7 Doesn't it stand to teason that w would not make such a liberal offer if wa did not truly believe that SexaU "S3" Hair Tonio will do ail we elaim for it that it will do ait and mora than any othas nmsdyrr We hare everything then is a ds mand for, and are able to judge tha merits of the things wa sell. Cue . tomers tell us of their sue ens. The: are more satisfied users of Rsxall V93" Esir Tonio than any aimuas preparation we sell. Start a treatment of Rexall "93'? Hair Tonio today. If you do, wa believe yoa will thank us for this - advise. Two aise bottles, 60e and 31. l'ou can buy Kexall Dyspepsia Tablets In this community only at THE OWL DRUG CO. Portland, Ore. Stores In Portland. Seattle, Spokane, Sas Francisco. Oakland, Los Angeles and Sacramento. There is a Reisll Store In nearly every town sod city in tbe United States. Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remed for nearly every ordinary human lU -seen especially desicnea for the particular ill jar which it Is renommsnried. i The Ssaall Starve are America's Greatest1 , vrua I Bronchial TROCHE For Coughs Can'be used freely with perfect safety. Contain no oFiatee. 25c, 60c. (L00. Sample Free. JOHN I. BltOWt SON. Bmtoa, Mass.