12 THE 3IORXTXG OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1913. SCOTTISH RITE f,i E Patronesses and Guests Are Prominent Folk in So ciety Here. LAST OF "AT HOMES" HELD Clusters of Carnations Tsed In Dec oration and Ballroom and Card room Made Most Attrmo tlra Throughout. SOCIAL CALENDAR. Events Planned for Today. Mn. W. R. Imr, elaborate la for Mm Florence Darts and Miss Jose- phlna Stapleton. Delta lota Chi ball at Masonlo Temple. Ml Miriam Todd, tea for Mlaa Helen Drain, of Tacoma. The Scottish Rite Cathedral housed a' brilliant throng of guests last evening, when the members of the order enter tained at the last of their series of "at homes" that have made the Winter sea son memorable. Handsome clusters of enchantress carnations were used in decoration and th ballroom and card room were most attractive. After the fiance an elaborate banquet was served. The patronesses were: Mrs. W. L Mor gan. Mrs. Frank Van Dtiyn, Mrs. JL P. Palmer, Mrs. r. G. Tomaslnl. Mrs. Robert S. Farrell. Mrs. John An Hand. lira. C. C. Newcastle and Mrs. C. K. Runyon. The committee arranging the festivities were H. P. Palmer. R. W. Pchmeer, C. R. Jones, R. S. Farrell. Ben jamin Gadaby, C. C Newcastle. D. G. Tomaslnl and Frank Van Duyn. Among the attractively gowned wo men noticed were: Mrs. Robert S. FarTell. In Nell pink, banded In sliver trimming and made with- lace bodice. Mrs. Charles B. Runyon. embroidered . pina cloth over rich Dresden brocade. . Mrs. Harold T. Hutchinson, white """""'" """ - Dfiuiy (wo at i'i. nu,r. Mrs. Bert Dennison. pink Bilk with bands of swansdown. Mrs. William H. Sea. black char meuse with point lace. Mlaa Martla la Rose Silk. Miss Jean Martin was attractive In rose silk, embossed In gold. She wore a bird of paradise In her hsJr. Mrs. K. F. Flke wore pink chiffon embroidered In rosebuds and trimmed with silver beads. Mrs. Richard Percy Knight's gown was In pastel shades, a foundation of pale blue being draped with painted chiffon of lavender and rose. Miss Nell Peterson was dainty In sink brocade with knots of rosebuds. Mrs. John Annand wore a rich shade of American beauty silk. Mrs. W. L. Morgan's gown was of rich emerald green charmeuse over which was an Oriental drape of chit f on embroidered elaborately. Mrs. F. Van Duyke was In golden charmeuse combined with blue velvet. Mrs. M. C Banfleld's costume was of black velvet with lace and rose trim mings In the bodice. Mrs. Bishop's Gens Handsome. Mrs. M. Bishop was gowned In a handsome costume of black enmon over lavender satin. Mrs. Carl Jones wss In a stunning gown of black charmeuse. Mrs. H. P. Palmer was in an imported robe of black combined tastefully with heavy cream lace and red satin.s Mrs. William Flledner was dainty In apricot charmeuse with bordering of liver braid. Miss Marjorle Read was charming In a gown of Dresden effects. Mrs. R. W. Schmeer wore an Oriental embroidered gown with fringe on the tunic and shoulder drape. Mrs. Albert M. Brown was in white brocaded satin with emerald green sash and paneling. ' Miss Alice Cameron was pretty In a salmon pink chnrmeuse with tunic of embroidered chiffon. Other Gnents Numerous. Among the guests of the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Povey. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Clark. Miss S. M. Hensel, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keen, Mr and Mrs. Alexander :. Rlddell. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mli:man. Mr. and Mrs. C. Chrlstensen. Mr. and Mrs. Gar rett N. Verteeg, Miss Madge Johnson. Vic tor Dantoff. Miss Manila Ralston. C. I Lindner. Mr. and Mrs. o. O. Koeppel. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E- Fields, Miss Willow May Fields. Mr. and Mrs. Arlle A. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Holman. Mr. and Mra. S. S- Jones, Miss Loraine Hart. Mr. and Mrs. V F. Fl.edner. Mr. and Mrs. I. Uer llnjer. Mr. ard Mrs. TV. L. Morgan. Mr and Mrs. I- C. McClintock. James P. Moffett. Miss Kenlx. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Pashrodt. Mr. and Mra Marion v rslh'j. ilr. and Mrs. R. W. Sehineer, Mr. ami Mrs. C. F. Read. Miss Marjory Read, Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Brown. Clinton S. Fletcher, Mrs. C. M. Wnltcomb. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge H. cellars I xi ... X' . I r nn.1 T.I r Vbti-h, t ohn. Miss L. Hart, A. J. Maclure. Mrs. M. F. Drake. Mr. and Mrs. J. Francis Drake. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Swett. Robert A. Miller, i Mrs. D. AiU-n. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Lea S.o phens. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hnfmann, Mr. and Mrs. Robert i. Farrell. Mr. And Mrs. Herbert Greenland. Mr. and Mrs. K. Mc Crlllis. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram K. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Ous Kuhn. J. uaadls Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram :. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. litis Kuiin. J. Gatldts Nichols. Mr. and and Mrs. J. Arthur Norman, W. E. Grace Jeiiison, Miss Harriett D. Jellison. Adaiph Neu, Miss Helen Mlnslnger. Mr. and Mra. L. 1'hllllber, Alien K. Job.-s. Mlaa Crysler. Miss K:ai Cramer. Philip Keu. Jr.. Mr. and Mra. H J. Blaesinr. Mr. and Mra. K. A. Bcala, M'rs. L. A. Bailer. Julius L. Bailer. Mr. and Mrs. A. C Callan, Mra. K. . Rraurh Mrs. H. Van Dyke. Dean Vincent. Mlaa Sallv Merrett. Mr. and Mra K. V. IJttleflel.1. sir. and Mrs. A. M. Shan non. Mr. and Mrs. t'harles fcL Runyon. Mrs. M. Bishop. Mls Davis. II. H. Mjcre, Mr. and Mra. H. 1 lalner. Mlaa Kubr Pare ntis. Mr. and Mr. Frank E. rmlth. Mr. and Mrs. Bert M. JJenlson, Mrs. Minerva A. Itenlsnn. Dr. and Mrs. A. Tiller. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Keyer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Fraley. Mr. and Mra. Georse V. Rooney, C A. Darlelson and Miss Lollta L. Grance. Mr. and Mrs. N A. Carpenter. Mr. and Mra. J. o Elrod. Charles Coopy. Mrs. M. Frank lin. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraiu, R. R. Hays, Miss Flier O Donne!!. Mr. and Mra. Carl K. Jones, Mr. and Mra. M l Ranflld. Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Sea, Oeore M Steadniaa. Mils Nellie Peterson. Mr. aud Mrs. Edwin j. Hall. M-ss Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. RedXirM. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Duyn. Mr. and Mrs H. T. Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. McKlnlrr Mitchell, v. A. Avery. L. F. Bock and Miss Jean Martin. Another notable engagement, an nounced yesterday, was added to the lit that has made this week memor able as one of social Importance. At an elaborately appointed tea at the res idence of Mrs. S. W. Church on Clay street. Miss Huth Church made known her betrothal to) Kenneth Robertson, a young business man of this city. The news came aa a complete surprise to the guests of the afternoon, as none had anticipated that the reception had any but ordinary social significance. Miss Church was an attractive picture In her gown of yellow crepe made !n the newest mode, gracefully draped and elaborately embroidered. With her Mrs. S. W. Church and Miss Genevieve Church received Others who assisted during the hours PARTY MEMORABL were the Misses Elizabeth and Eliza Parker, Mrs. Chester Griffin Murphy. Mrs. W. D. Crane, Mrs. Preston Smith. Miss Eula McCnily. of Hood River; Mibs Genevieve Thompson. Miss L-uclle Parker, Miss Far Nichols and Miss Alice Dabney. Miss Church Is one of the most pop ular members of the younger set. With her sister she frequently takes part In the affairs of smart society. Mr. mod ertson has only been In Portland a few years. He comes of an old and dis tinguished Virginia family. His moth er. Mrs. Kenneth Robertson, Sr.. and his two sisters. Miss Mary Robertson and Mrs. Rueger, are at present living In .New Tork. One of the most Important afternoon affairs of next week will be the meet ing of the Council of Jewish Women, which will be held on Tuesday at P. SI.. In the SeUuig-Hlrsch building. Miss Hellesterm. of Richmond. Va will give a talk on the work done by the Coun cil In her city. Miss Dorothea Nash win contribute an address on Puccini's "La Toaca" and Mrs. Henry William Metzger will play selections from the opera Mrs. Metzger has recently re turned from New York, where her skill as a musician received much praise. Altogether the programme for the. af ternoon will be of artistic merit. Chapter F. P. E. O., met Thursday at the home of Mrs. George E. Willard, 361 Schuyler street. Papers were read by Mrs. R. M. Gray and Mrs. s. WelBt. The subjects were "Oregon Laws Re lating to Children" and "Rights and Liabilities of Married Women." Mrs. Willard was assisted by George A. Car ter, of Chapte.- C. Mrs. Lindsay und Mrs. Willard A. Marshall were guests. The members of the night school of Lincoln High School win produce the play, "Rip Van Winkle," at the school auditorium next Tuesday night. Miss Miriam Todd will be hostess to day at a unique afternoon at which the features commemorate All Fool s day. Among the guests will be Miss Helen Drain, of Tacoma; Miss Margaret Welch, Miss Alice Dabney, Miss Martha Hoyt, Miss Eunice Blalsdell. Miss Dorothy Downard, Miss Helen Adams, Miss Florence Holmes. Miss Helen Bracht, Miss Marguerite Thompson. Miss Joyce Winslow, Miss Margaret Piatt, Miss Pauline Wolfard. Miss Edith Bracht. Miss Catherine Smith, Miss Hope Miller, Miss Pauline Jacobsen, Miss Edith Furbeck. Miss Helen .let ters. Miss Daisy Gibson, Miss Doris Dabney, Miss Maybelle Hefferlln, Miss Elizabeth Knight. Miss Phtla McDunee, Miss Julia HarrlBon. Miss Katherlne Knapp, Miss Dorcas Dunbar. Mrs. Ellery Seymour was hostess re- Icently at a "500" party, at which she entertained Mrs. F. S. Slmms. Miss Bernlce Stlmson. Miss Mary Abry, Mrs. r.,,.,.1. v'r. v'v (-.hi. Miss Mary PlpeI.( M(SS Klna McKelsey. Mrs. Kay Bradiey Mrs. K. M. Emerson and Mrs. Henry Westermlre. The Masonlo Temple will bouse a tray assemblage of guests this evening, when Delta Iota Chi Sorority will en tertain at an elaborate balL A number of society matrons will serve as patron esses and the affair Elves promise of being well attended. V A number of a-raduates of "WeSlesley College met this week at the home of Mrs. Vincent Cook and organised the Wellesley Club, with Mrs. Cook as president. Miss Polly Hewitt was elected vice-president, and Mrs, King man Brewster, secretary. Mrs. Boswell, of the Barracks: Mrs. Gage Haseltlne, Mrs. Robert W. Lewis, Mrs. A. N. Creadlck and several others are char ter members. Master Edgrar Kline, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. I Kline, of Portland Heights, was host at the Empress yesterday af ternoon for 12 boy friends, who were chaperoned !n the theater party by M-s. Kline. Master Kline's guests were William Morgan, Raymond Whit comb. John Dinwiddle, Ernest Bchal llnger. Mowbray Tate. Walter Gates, Stewart Belcher, Tom McGarret, Ed ward Phegley. Donald Woodard, Orln Gamble and Harry Cornelius. The the ater party followed luncheon which was served at the Kline home on Lau rel and Chapman streets. The Hotel Multnomah ballroom was the scene of a smart affair last night when the Subscription Dancing Club met for their Easter dance, Tho at tendance was unusually large and the gowns of the maids and matrons were attractive and modish. A large number of Army officers from the Barracks were present. Several informal din ner parties preceded the evening's di version and a few suppers followed. The affair was notable, as there was an unusual number of the season's debu tantes among the dancers. B. F. Irvine, assistant editor of the Journal, who was operated on recently, has been removed to his residence, 724 Broadway, and Is making speedy prog ress toward complete recovery. Down to Date. Pittsburg Dispatch. "Why do you ring a bell every time you get a coin In your cup?" I believe In giving the utmost pub licity to all contributions," answered the mendicant with a significant smile. Mra. fnh A. Faulkner, of Brockton. Mass.. spends hundreds of dollars every year buylne and mailing postcards to people j everywhere. a TTTf G A.GEMENT OF PROMINENT 4 " m qi --..s MI5S RUTH 111111 Room with the MULTNOMAH llSlliSilil CHILD DANCER CHARMS LOTUS DOCTSE GTLVTKE IS BIO fTEATTJKE OP "TOUjTES." Painty Eight-Year-Old Portland Girl Is Miniature Geneo, Highly Versed In Terpslcborean Art. One of the delights of the "Follies" entertainment la the Spanish solo dance specialty given by little Doris Louise Gratke. She Is only S years old. and has received very little Instruction In the terpsichorean art. but Is a natural dancer and pirouettes, or dances rather than walk. Two of the most difficult steps In her Spanish dance are original with little Miss Doris. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gratke. of 264 East Thirty-first street. Mr. Gratke is proprietor and editor of the Astoria Budget. Doris goes to school and is In the third A grade. She Is an un affected, unspoiled little girl, and her love for the theater and dancing is fostered by being allowed to witness only the best productions. Tonight she will appear again with the "Follies" entertainment. Later when Manager Baker puts on another musical production at his stock house Lorls will appear hi some of her dance interpretations, of which she is versed In a dozen. MORE THAN 5000 SIGN UP Franchise Annulling; Petitions Ma; Xow Go on Ballot. Petitions for submitting to a vote In June the annulling of the franchises of the Southern Pacific on East First street and the O.-W. R. & N. on East Second streets have been signed by a little more than 6000 names each, and probably will be placed on the ballot. All canvassers were caned in yester day, as It was considered that the names secured will place both propositions on the ballot even If some of the signa tures should be thrown out. The petitions were circulated by the East Side Business Men s (Jiuo, ana I M. Lepper, who is chairman of the committee which bad then in charge, declared that the object was to put common-user provisions on East First and East Second streets so that other lines may come into Portland on those streets. He said that the companies would have to apply for new franchises with common users In the event the present franchises should be annulled. Methodists to Be Banqueted. A banquet In honor of the prominent YOUNG WOMAN ANNOUNCED - c A 1 "t-i CHURCH. Photo by Aune. Hotel Carlton Fourteenth and Washington St Fireproof Building Rooms $1, With Private Bath $1.60 Special Bates for Permanent Guests New Perkins Hotel In the Heart of the City NOTE OUR RATES Boom with Bath Privilege... $1.00 UP Two Persons S1.50 UP Private Bath $1.50 UP Two Persona $2.50 UP L. 4. 8WETLA.VD, at .5.' (Permanent Rate on Application.) PORTLAND'S GRANDEST HOTEL Absolutely Fireproof 100 rooms ... 11.00 per day 100 rooms J1.60 per day 200 rooms (with bath)J2.00 per day 100 rooms (with bath)$2.S0 per day Add 11.00 per day to above prices when to occupy one room. VEEtf ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR PERMANENT GUESTS R. C. rnWF.R.l, Manager. GAINER TH1GPEX, Aast SIr. Portland's" Famous Hotel Noted for the Excellence of if Curiae. European plaoj members of the Methodist Episcopal Church will be given by the Ladles' Aid Society under the auspices of the Men's Social Union at the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Third and Taylor stieets. tonight. Bishop F. J. McCon nell, of Denver, will be the principal sneaker Dr. Benjamin Young, pastor, will preslMe. Among those who will be present are: Dr. H. R. Calkins and Rev. A. A. Parker, of India: Dr. Fred B. Fisher, of New York: xc. H. B. John son, Berkeley; Dr. J. W. Hancher, New Tork; Dr. F. H. Wright. New Jersey; Mrs. A. R. Fisher. Portland, and Miss Bertha Fowler. Philadelphia. Tickets may be obtained from B. Lee Paget, 304 Falling building. CLUB TO PRESENT SLIDES Souvenirs of Oregon Scenery Will Be Given. Foreign Speakers. Twenty-four sets of 100 colored slides. each of Oregon scenery, will be pre. sented to the 24 foreign speakers who will have part on the programme of the second World's Christian Citizen--ship Conference, to be held In this city June 29-July 6. The slides will be the erift of the Men's Club of the Third Presbyterian Church, of which J. E. Werleln Is president, action to that ef fect being taken at a dinner of the club Wednesday evening. Mr. Werleln was made chairman of the committee appointed to order the slides. Besides serving as souvenirs of their visit to Portland, It was the thought of the club that these notables from Italy, Germany, Sweden, Switzer land, France, Norway and other for eign countries wll go back to their native peoples to exploit the beauties and wonders of Oregon and to turn Into the tide of emigration from their lands such classes of men and women as Oregon desires to acquire among the foreigners seeking homes In this state. Xo Photographs on the Eye. New Tork Press. Out In Iowa some people are still foolish enough to believe that when a person is murdered a picture of the slayer Is thrown on the epread-out screen on the Inside of the back of the eyeball, and they believe It can be so photographed that the murderer will be recognized. About all folk In far away places nsed to, and some few In cities now, believe in this old "scientific" fake. And every once In awhile it crops out in a mysterious murder story. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, March 23. Maximum tem perature, 67 degrees; minimum, 36 deirreea River reading at S A 11., 8.6 feet; change in last 24 hours, 0.2 foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M-), 1.02 Inches; total rain-, tall since September 1, 1B12, 2S.2T Inches; normal rainfall since September 1, 86.29 inches; deficiency of rainfall since September 1, 1912, 8.02 Incnes. Total sunsmne marcn 2.3. CI minutes: possible sunshine. 12 hours, 36 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea- level) at S P. M., 2.0 inches. THE WEATHER. a W)na- el I 2 ? - S 8 State of STATIONS. J5 J S Weathet tr- ? it o 2 . Baker Boise Boston ......... Ca'sarr 6O'0.02 8 SW iCloudy 6O'0.4Ol 6lNE iRain 44;0.00 SiW IClear 42 0.uo;iO;NW,Pt. cloudy 44iO.00r2OS IClear eJi0.0012'N' rPt. cloudy 52 0.0014 S Pt cloudy 42 0.00114-SW Pt. cloudy 54 v-62 0 SW Rain 6:o.Ofll201E Cloudy 4H0.U2 12 SW Clear 6UO.0O'12:NE Cloudy 64 0.00 22, S Cloudy 46;0.00j. .1 Cloudy 68 0.00' 6 SW Pt. cloudy 620.78;iO'SW Rain 66 0.04 . .1 Cloudy 64 O.OOI 4'SE iPt. cloudy 42 0.0O14N Pt cloudy 46 0.58,24iS Cloudy 68 0.00 10 NWCloudy 7R'0.wi 4 NW Clear Chicago Denver ....... Dea Molnea. .... Duluth . , Eureka ....... Galveston ..... Helena ........ Jacksonville ... Kansas City ... Laurier ........ Los Angelea ... Marshfleld Medford New Orleans... New York North Head . . . North Yakima. Phoenix ....... Pocatello .....i Portland ...... Roseburg ...... Sacramento ... St, Louis....... St. Paul Salt Lake San Flranclsco. . Fpokane ....... Tacoma Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla... Washington ... Winnipeg .! 46 O.0i;i2 SWiCloudy ! 67il.02 12 SW .Cloudy 66 0.88' 4 E Rain I eS'O.Oi 10I3W 'Cloudy ) 4s;t.00 14 PE Clear 4M 0.00 20.S ICloudy 1 62 O.OOl 4 SB ICloudy 5 0.001 6 W Cloudy 40 0.04' S IRaln 60 0.10 22 SW Cloudy 44O.22 20S Rain . 54 0.ini g'SW tCloudy 460.001 6 N 'Clear 88 O.O0!22iNW'Pt. cloudy FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain; southerly winds. Oregon, Washington and Idaho Rain; aoutherly winds, moderately high along the coaat. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A storm of decided character overlies the Canadian Northwest and the barometer is relatively high over the Atlantic States and also over California. Light rain haa fallen in th. North Paciflo States and In extreme Northern California. Fair weather prevails elsewhere in the United States. It Is much warmer In the Mississippi Valley nearly to tho coaat line. On the Pacific Slope mild weather continues with no marked changes In temperature since yesterday. The river at Pittsburg reached a stage of 80.4 feet, since when It haa fallen rapidly and at 6 P. M.. Paciflo time, the gauge reading was 28.6 feet. Th atafroa at the same hour at t i PORTLAND ACCORDION PLEATING. i. Stepbaa. accordian, side pleating, buttons covered. goods sponged. SS3 Alder. M 9373. ADVICE. JOHN A. BERRY, att'y, collection, ab stracts examined, written opinions on legal questions. 817 Allsky cldg. Marshall 3826. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSIS. MONTANA ASSAV OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work, 186 Morrison st. WELLS & CO.. mining engineers, chemists and asaayera. 2Q4i Washington st. ATTORNEYS. A. E. COOPER, removed to ault 00 Yeon bids. Phone Main 1038. AUCTIONEERS. WaJ buj furnirure tor cash. Geo. Baker Co.. IBS Park. Main 3332. A 256,'. liUAT KILDmi. IX P. GRAHAM Boatbuilding and repair, lng. Manue ways. loot Abercethy su BRASS AND MACHINE WOKai. HARPER S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. 6th. Main 8754 CARPET CLEAN EN O. WITHOUT removal by exprt; aU work guaranteed. East 6171. B 2734. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Russ from old carpets, ray rugs. 153 Union ave. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors i02 Gerllneer bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Aider. Phone Main 1301. DR. DANIELS, New Tork State, Palnleal Bunions, Ipgros'lng Nails, Corns. Terras moderate, lit Park at. Phone A 60i. Room 3. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices 42 Eiiedner bldg. Main 347S. CHIROPRACTIC PHVS1C1ANS. DR. M. H. M'MAHON, SIC.vvo equipment; I0 a month. 121 4th. COAL AND WOOD. COAL ALB1NA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. S3D ST. WOOD EDLEFSEN FUEL CO., East 303. C 2303. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. No collection, no charge. Main 1786. DANCING. PROF. WAL. WILLSON'S Dancing School Waltz, two-step, three-step, schottische lessons 25c; every morning, afternoon and evening; all dances guaranteed first les son. Do you know that anyone who walks can learn to danoeT Stage and fancy dances taught dally. Soft 5th St., bet. Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7637. HEATH'S DANCIXO SCHOOL, Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts., and lOtf 2d St.. be tween Washington and Stark. Lessons dally; waits and two-Btep guaranteed In four lessons; class Monday and Friday evenings. S to lO, at 109 Second St. RINGLER'H Dancing Academy Private les sons daly; class -Monday, Friday evenings, social dance Wed.. Sat. 231 Morrison. DERMATOLOGIST. MOLES, wrinkles, surerfuous hair removed. Mme, Courtrlght, 711 Dekum. Main 5042. DETECTIVE AGENCY. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency Re sponsible, conservative, satisfactory. Night E. 4384; day. Main 6424. 610 Dekum bldg. DRESSMAKING SCHOOL. VALENTINE'S system ladies' tailoring; dressmaking taught. 152 Grand ave. Holster's Ladles' Tailoring College and School 01 XJressmaKlng. 143 H LUh St. ADVERTISING AGENCY. BOTSFOP.D ADV. CO.. Board of Trade bids: KATE Adv. Co., Inc.. Commonwealth Bldg. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Co., Morrison A 2d. JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.. Morrison ft 2d. R. M. WADE A CO.. 822-28 Hawthorne ava. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE AND IRON WK8. Portland Wire & Iron Wks.. 2d and Columbia AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DTJBRU1LLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 2d st, AUTOMOBILES. Mitchell. Lewis At Staver Co., E. Mor. & 2d. HOWARD Automobile Co., ith and Couch. N. W. AUTO CO.. 617 Wash. Reo. Hudson. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOU si WRIOHT, 7th and Oak. HAflAl CHECKED AT HUME. Baggage Jk Omnibus Trauler, Park A Davis. BAKES A CONFECTIONERS' SUPPLIES. GRAY. M LEAN at faCCl, 4tn ana uusaa. HAR&ER SUPPLIES. Lewls-Ste&ger Barber Supply Co.. 10th Mor. I1AR FIXTURES. BTOnswIck-BaTkc-Collender Co.. 46 Flfta St. BiLKLCLES. SlOl'ORCYCLliS tt SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT. 7th and Oak. RILLLtKll AND POCKET TABLEH. Brumwlck-Balke-Coiienaer Co., 40 Fifth St. niWiTS AND SHOES. GOODMAN BROS. SHOE CO., 30-81 Front. PKUNCE SHOE CO.t 80 N. Fifth. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & conf.. luc 11th and Everett RRKWIB8 AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEiNHARD. 18th and Burnslde. GAMBR1NUS BREWING CO.. 24th - Wash. MrTCH HRli' SliTPLIES. 6. BIRKENWALD CO.. th and Flanders. BUTTER. EGGS AND ICE CREAM. 6. Townsend Creamery Co., IS Front at. rvax-riv MAMiFAL1l'kKS. Tins at. dom candy CO.. 12th and Gllsan. J N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO., 270 Tlrst St. COFFMAN'S CANDY CO.. 43 Front street. CANVAS. WATBR PROOF LRNlaBJLNG GOODS. Willamette Tent Avning Co.. 205 Burnslde. riOTUIXIl AND GENTS' FURNISHING. N. at 8. WEINSTEIN. 6-7 N. 1st at. Mar. l5fl CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER. F. T. CKUVVE at CO.. 4a rourtn st- f LOTHING MEN'S A-ND 30YS'. BARON - FL LOP CO.. 82 and 34 N. Fifth. DAIRY AND CREAMERY SUPPLIES. Monroe & Crlsell. 145 Front. M. 640. A 642H DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNER-MAYEH CO., 207 Ash St. DRUGGISTS. Clarko-Woodward ui ug Co.. Alder at "V. Park Blumauer-f ranK urm rt. .,. a via UUFKT METAL STAMPING. WESTERN Tool St Die Works. 306 Pine at. Louisville and Memphis were S9.9 feet and 83.7 feet, respectively. The conditions are favorable for rain In this district Saturday. W YOU FEEL GREAT Gently Cleanse Your liver and Sluggish Bowels While You Sleep. Sick headache, biliousness, dizziness, coated tonirue, foul taste ' and foul breath always trace them to torpid liver, delayed fermenting food in the bowels or sour, sassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogrged in the In testines, instead of being cast out of the system Is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison readies the delicate brain tissue it causes conges tion and that dull, throbbing;, sickening; headache. Salts, Cathartic pills, oil and purga tive waters force a passageway for a day or two yes but they don't take the poisons out and have no eaffect upon the liver or stomach. Cascarets Immediately cleanse and rearulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting" food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poisons In the bowels. A Cascaret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while yon sleep a l-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels clean and regular far months. MEETING NOTICES. THE FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD, Oregon Lodge, 367, will give their regular dance April 1. at Third and Madison Sts. Members and friends invited. W. R. NUGENT. Chairman. BUSINESS DISINFECTANTS. Oregon Chem. & Disinfectant Co., germacide. Sweek comp. kills buss. 321 Ablngton, M. 2170. . ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators, bought, sold rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co. 31 North. First st. Phone Main 210. WE buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors; repair work a spe cialty. Western Electric Works. 213 6th. PCBNITURE. HOUSES furnished on installment, new or fine second-band furniture. Western Sal vage Co.. 545 Wash., bet. 16th and litn. FURNITURE HOSPITAL. BOWERS A PARSONS, 100V4 Front. M T443 Furniture Hospital: packing and ahlpplng. UAT FACTORY. EASTERN HAT FACTORY. 64-66 Sd. at. Men's Hats Cleaned and Blocked. Best 2 Hat on earth for men. INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon fire Insurance company. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. BETTER landscape and general gardening. , SWISS FLORAL CO.. East 6820. C 15T4. PACIFIC Landscape Gardening Company, 615 Rothchild bldg. Phone Marshall 2o08. G. H. SIEBELS, landscape gardener, Eaat 6th st. Phone Seilwood 1107. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHAS. L MASTIC & CO., 74 Front. Leath er of every description, taps., mir. mmis-. J. A. STEOWBR1DQE LEATHER CO. Es- taoiisnea jsno. ion riui UP READING. KING SCHOOL for the deaf and hard of hearing. SOS Central bldg. MEN'S TAILORS. WERNER-PETTERSON CO.. S13H Wash. at. cor. th. New Spring Woolens. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY Messenger Co., day and night serv ice. Phones Main 53. A 2153. MUSICAL. Mo rison Main 2387. All branches taught. 10 lessons S4 up. Philip Pelz. director. Pearl Sutherland, accompanist and piano teacher, am steams pius., qui im PIANO STUDIO, modern methods. 269 14th. Main 3S93. Arrangements for practice. EMIL THIELHORK, violin teacher. P"P'' Sevclk. 325 Flledner bldg. A. 4160, Mar. 16J9 NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. GROVER, specialist paralysis nervous chronic diseases. 703 Oregonlan bd. M. 3142 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. I Phone office. M. 849; res.. East or B 1028. PAINTING AND PATERIXG E. T. CRANE. THE PAINTER. Interior decorations, wall paper and tint ing, leth. bet. Morrison. Yamhill. M. 23-'6. PAINTING AND rAPEBHANGINO. FIRST-CLASS papering, painting, tinting. Phone Metropolitan Decorating Co. M. P4-6 PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. COAST-MADE paint and yarnlsn if I oeai adapted to the .Coast climate. BASS HEUTER PAINT CO.. 101 1st St. PATENT ATTORNEY. . h, .1. ic. Mock, attorney .- VL. XT s Potent Office. I'K't 'fVe.. iol0 Board- of Trade bldg. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. STTJBBS ELECTRIC CO, 6th and Pin, ata. K DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT. A. G. LONG 16th and Marshall. . VT RP PROOF WINDOWS AND DOOR3. J. CBAIM Front and Marketsta. . , . ., ,,x-T l, TOi AND ICE. MALARKEX s CO.. Inc. 149 Front St. PORTLAND FISH CO.. 34 Front st FLOUB MILLS. A CROWN MILLS, Board of Trade bldg. ' FRUIT AND PRODUCE. M'EWEN at KOSKEY. 129 f rum. Liiuvirtv. WARM AIR. J. C. RAYH.R, Front and Market sts. .umtiikk AND SCHOOL SUI-PJLIES. Nortaweat School Furniture Co.. ' ! GRAIN' MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Mliaus Co.. Front and Marshall L-ruB OIFEOHD & CO.. Lewis bldg. &fL6uPKUTHRlE & CO,. Board or Trad. 5 H. HOUSER. Board of Trade. ALLEN Jt LEWIS (Esu lsl). 46 N. Front WADHAMS at CO.. 6a-7o 41h at. HAND-POWER VACUUM CLEANER. DO-uKSWO Vacuum cleaner Co, 312 N. w. bidg . HARDWARE. Marahall-Wells taaruwaie Co.. 5th and Pis HATS AND CAPS. THAN HAUBEtt HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. BAY. J. H. Klosterman at to., leading hay dealers. HIDES, PUKa, PELTS, nuox iU'Wi ... THE H. F. NORTON CO., 312-15 Front at. HIDES, PELTS, WOOL AND ICRs. BISSlNGER & CO.. Front and taimoa. Ka8N BKOS.. 191 Front St. HOP MERCHANTS. wNEFF BLi-iiilLiia.' on Worcester bldg. lltlkV WORKS. PACIFIC Iron Works, E. 3d and Puraslda, Complete stock structural steel. Architectural iron. IBON STEEL, HEAVY HARDWARE. Hiiij-hTSON Hardware & Steel Co., 68 5th JEW ELK a, IJlAJUu.i, S. MendelBQhn & Co.. 424 Worcester. M. 6353 .... . . .....'I.U ,,' . I'l'll 1' , ,,i,iue avn fHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 149 d. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. HERTSCHE BROS., 304 Pine St. ' LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Nottingham & Co., iv rrom. u ina.lVIl MACHINERY. T. B. MALLOKY & CO.. 231 Pino St. Lodgers Sr Contractors' Macn. Co.. itoth ft. LUBRICATING OILS. Balfour. Guthrie & Co., Board of Trade, MEETING NOTICES.- WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 46. A. F. AND A M. Special mmiinicatlon this (Saturday) evening 7 and 9 o'clock, E, 8th and Burnslde. E. A. degree. Also .natter of relief for Eastern rood sufferers will bo taken up. Visitors welcome- oraer w. aa. welcome. v J. H. RICHMOND. Boo.' COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114, a e A x D A. M. Special com munication this (Saturday) even ing at 7:30 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Labor in the F. C. de gree. Vbiitlng brethren welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON, Bee OREGON LODGE. NO. 101, A. Aicn a. M Sneclal communi cation this (Saturday) evening at 7-30 O cioca. ai jnaaumu West Park and Yamhill sts. Work ,ng . brethren 'cordially Invited By rd-r OZ VY. aa- " DIED. . nrf-m-vf v in this city, March 23, lsie th Gorman, agef S years, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Mark Gorman. Bema'ns are at tho new parlors of J. P. Flnley at Son, Montgomery and 5th sts. CARSON At tho Portland Sanitarium, March 28. Frank Patterson Carson, age 81 years Remains at Lerch'a undertaking parlors. East 8th and Alder. Funeral an nouncement later. PEARSON March 26, Annie Pearson, aged 28years beloved wife of Montle Pearson. Remains at Dunning 4 McEntee. par lors, where they have been prepared for shipment to Deep River, Wash. TOBIAS At tho family residence. Reed villt. Or.. Ella Bartlett Tobias, beloved wife of L C. Tobias. Remalna at Dun ning & McEntee's parlors. Funeral notice later. TREN'L Mrs. Louil Trenl died at 9 ;03 P. M. after a lingering illness, 66 years of age. Funeral notice later. Denver, Durango and Silverton papera please copy. GREINER March 28. Paul Grelne r. d 5 years. Remains at Dunning & McEntee s parlors, where they have been prepared for ahlpment to Condon, Or. O'MEALY March 27, Lena D. O' Mealy. aged 33 years. Remains at Dunning 4 McEntee's parlors. Notice of funeral later. BURTCH March 28. Andy J. Burtch. aged 6 years. Remains at Dunning & McEn tee's parlors. Notice of funeral later. FLEMING March 28, Win. Flemimj. aged H years. Remains at Dunning It Mc Entee's parlors. Notice of funeral later. DIRECTORY PATENT ATTORNEYS. WASHINGTON. D. C. VelaU Bldg. O. O. MARTIN, PORTLAND, 40S-9 Cham, of Com. Bldg. PATENTS. R. C WRIGHT, 22 years' practice U. S. and foreign patenta. 600 Dekum bldg. PHOTOGRAPH E R3. LE ROY'S studio, 313 ft Wash, st- Main 8979. Makes photographs that give satisfaction. PIANO AND FIKNITURE MOV1XO. W. M. JOHNSON. 41 Union ave. Phone S. 4441. B 2060. Res.. Tabor 3, B 3269. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factoryan4 office near 24th and York sts. Main 4i.i. PLATING WORKS. Nickel plating, polishing, enameling. Ore 'lating Works, I6th-Alder. M. 25.5. ton P RUBBER STAMPS, bEALS. BRASS Sll.NS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wash. at. Phones Main 710 and A 27 lo. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY, 92 5th st. Phones Main 812. -A 1254. bHOWCASLS, BANK AND SHOW II VI IKES. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand ItaP ids Showcase Co.. 6th aud Hoyt. R. Lutka. manager. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new and ord window display and cabinet work. SIGNS. SIGNS. SIGNS. SIGNS This means any old sign. G. H. Simpson. 225 Salmon. Main 0141. STORAGE AND TRANSFER, PORTLAND Van & Storage Co.. cor. 15th and Kearney sts.. Just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles contains separata fire and vennin-proof rooms, steam-heated pianoroom. trunk and rug vaults, track age for carload shipments; vans for mov ing; reduced freight rates on household, goods to and from Eaat in through cara. Main 5040. AH departments. C. O PICK Transler & Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.: Finnos and furniture moved and packed or shipment, special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 5116. A 2l"i. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Ollsan st . cor 13th. Telephones Main 9 or A 1161. General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two large class "A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In the city. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO., General transferrin and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. H7-S9 Front St. Telephone Main 647 or 224j Occidental Warehouse Co.. 9-11 N. 4th st. Merchandise storage, bonded and free transfer and forwarding agents. Mar. Stiff. United Transfer Co.. 251 Jefferson; storage, bag gage, piano, furn. moving. Mar. 2S94. TRUNK FACTORY. THE Trunk and Suitcase Factory; parcel post orders a specialty; big sale on, 8T Fourth st. E. J. Phillips, mgr. TYPEWRIT EiiS. 11.1 TO 35 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choose from at O'll's. 3d and Alder; terms to suit: every machine guar anteed Call or phone for representative. Main S50O or A 6068. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on the Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. Tho Typewriter Exchange, 351 Washington st. T.-T,, i.,,,!! Mmtid-hand rentals at cut I mea P- D- C ' : t, f "'( 1 ctsrlc Main 14n7. MAIL ORDER, JONES CASH STOKE, Front and Oak. FRANKLIN & CO., 132 Front St. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA neckwear Idfg. Co.. 83 Fifth at, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. NEU3TADTER BROS. MILLINERY. B. O. CASE & CO.. 6th and Oak. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison end Tth rttj MINING MACHINERY AND DREDGES. HAMMOND MFG. CO., Inc., 64 1st St. NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER. SIMINGTON. Calhoun Co.. 45 4th. ORNA.MENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire & Iron Wks.. 2d and Columbia PAINTS. OILS AND VARNISHES. RASMUSSEN 4i CO., Jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sash and doors, cor. 2d and Tayloe. W. P. FULLER A CO., 12tb and Davis. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEEK PAINT CO., ISO First su PAPER BOXES AND SHELF BOXES. Portland Paper Box Co.. 92 Front. Cartons. PERIODICALS. BOOKS AND POSTCARDS. THE OKEGON NEWS CO.. 71 Front st . PICKLES AND VINEGAR. KNIGHT PACKING CO.. 474 East Water. PIPE. PIPE PITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front st. M. BARDE 4t SONS. 240 Front st POULTRY. EGGS. CALVES. HOGS. HENRY EVERD1NG. 45-47 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrop. POST CARDS. C T. Photochrome view post cards published by L Schelner, 86 N. 6th st., Portland. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDINO at HARDING. 140 Front str.et, ' SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., Foot Anksny at. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis. SAWMILL MACHINERY. POPTLANU Iron Works. 14th and Northrop. SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY. Paciflo Coast Tel. Inst.. 5U5 Commonwealth; sllili FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., 68 Front nt. SPRAYING MACHINERY. THE HARDiE MFG. Co.. 49 N. Front t. WALL PAPER. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co., 172 1st st MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 2.10 Second. WINES A'l LIQUORS. JOHN ECKLUND. 123-125 Front St. BLUMAUER St HOCH, 105-107 12th .t. WIRE AM) WIRE ROPE. . Roebllng's Sons Co.. 8 5th St. mire AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire it Iron Wks.. 2d and Columbia FUNERAL NOTICES, WOODS March 28. Michael A. Woods, aged 82 years, brother of Patrick Wood., of Beaverton, Or. -Funeral service will b. held at the Catholic Church at Beavertoa today (Saturday) at S;30 A. M. Friends Invited. Interment ML Calvary Cemetery. Arrangements In charge of Dunning and McEntee. M'LEOD The funeral services of the late Jennie McLeod will be held today (Sat urday). March 29, at 1 o'clock P. M., at the new chapel of J. P. Flnley & Son. Montgomery and 5th sts. friends re spectfully Invited. Interment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. EHRCK In this city. March 28, at his residence, 170 12th su. William F. Ehrck. aged 08 years. The body will bo for-. warded to Hood River, Oregon by J. P. Flnley St Son. where services win be hold on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at tho Pine Grove church. Interment will bo made in the Pino Grove Cemetery. Frlonda invited. HOLMES In this city, at tho family resi dence. 686 Wilson street. March 2i, Tolga Holmes, aged 46 years and 20 days. Fu neral services will be conducted trom tho above residence tomorrow (Saturdays, March 29. at 2 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment family plot. Rose City Cemetery. MURPHY The funeral services of the late Professor John Murphy will be held, at Holman's funeral parlors at 2:30 P. M. tomorrow (Sunday). Friends Invited. In terment Mt. Scott Park Cemetery FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leaillaj funeral director, 220 'ihlrd street, comaf balwuu. Lauy aiiaiu. A 1511, Alalia wUl. J. P. PIN LEY 4 SON. It Nt 11-41. BLUV1CL. Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at i-lfth St, F. 8. DUNNING, INC. Eaat Side tuoeral Directum, 41 East Alder st. Eaat ui. U 262J. . DUNNING 4t M'KN'l'E.. funeral director., th and Pino. Phono Mala 4S0. Lady at, leudaut. Office of County Coroner. LURCH, undertaker, cor, Euht Alder aa4 hum. i.ast ibi, d in. b&EWES UNDERTAKING cfljIpANV. 33 ndtJIay. Main 41o. A 8321. I.ai alteniiaas A. K. ZELLElTcO.. Eaat loss. C 10s. jaajr atieausnt. nnm MEMORIALS Portland Marble Works. 264 4th, opposite City Hall. Main 8564. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK PMiiinn'. prnetual Care Cemetery. Lara;e, Permanent, Modern. Both phono A