Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 24, 1913, Page 19, Image 19

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Wool Market Will Open When
Sheep Are Shorn.
Kirst Pricos Will Probably Be Tliwe
Tbat Prevailed When Season Be
pan Ijit Year Course or Mar
ket Depends on Congress.
There will b no contraetinc for wool on
the here back in Oregon this year, ow
Inz to the uncertain tariff situation. This
Is the opinion of Charles H. Orefn. the irell
hnon wool buyer, who has recently re
turned from an extended trip through the
Eastern states.
"It ts the general Impression among the
dealers." Mr. fireen said, tbat there will not
be as much activity this year as last, but
T expect fine well-grown wool to be In
good demand. All the dealers expect to
clan up on last year's business before the
new wool comes In.
In my opinion wool prices will open
where they opened last year, not where
they closed. . Early buying will probably
be along the same lines as last year, but
I do not think there will be any contract
ing. I look for close and conservative buy
ing throughout the season."
E. J. Burke, of Pendleton, representing
H. C. Judd Root, of Hartford. Conn., does
not think there will be any radical reduc
tion In the tariff this year. "Nevertheless."
he said, "no one Is going to fly In the
face of the future and speculate In wool
with the certainty of some tariff revision.
.ast Spring the buyers came into the mar
ket with the possibility of a reduction In
the tariff and made their bids accordingly.
This year it la more certain the tariff will
be reduced and they are going to operate
In a cautious, conservative- way.
"What will protect the woolgrower. how
ever. In spite of any tariff change. Is the
scarcity of wool throughout the world. As
for the manufacturer! they are not fearing
foreign competition. The world is more
prosperous than It was In 1693. The foreign
mills are running full on European business,
and cannot afford to Install new machinery
and make goods for this country."
Growers' Slocks In That State Now Only 9.100
Bales Orders From London.
Recent heavy buying of hops In California,
largely of the lower grades, has reduced
stocks In growers' hands In that state to
n.100 bales, according to wires received yes
terday. For very poor Fonomas the buyers
paid 12 and 13 cents, while 18 cents was
bid and 50 cents asked for good quality.
The Oregon market was very flnlt, but
quiet. One deal Involving a carload, was
put through at 19 cents to 1 the grower.
There were London orders In the Salem
market. London cables came through firm.
There has been a revival of interest In
the 1913 crop. Three hundred bales were
bought in I'olk County on contract at 16
cents, but the buyer's orders have since
been reduced to 15 cents.
Dun's Review says of hops In the East
and general market conditions:
"There was little or no change in the
local hop market from the quiet conditions
that have ruled for some time past, busi
ness being restricted by the lack of offer
ings. Similar conditions prevail at up-state
points, where supplies of high-grade stock
have been about cleaned up and such as
now remain in the hands of dealers are
mostly of Inferior quality. On the Pacific
Coast notable activity has prevailed, a brisk
demand causing holders to advance prices
to such a high level that buyers refuse to
operate. At the same time anything offered
at a concession finds a ready taker and
this confirms holders In their attitude.
Available stocks are very moderate and this
fact, together with the Inslsten demand, is
reflected In the prices at which, contracts
for next season's crop are being made."
Full 1 rices Bid by Buyers With Few Sales
The wheat market In the Northwest has
lost none of its strength, especially at coun
try points, where full prices are still being
bid by the buyers. The amount of business
put through yesterday was light from all
accounts received. Former prices were
quoted by local dealers.
Conditions In other grain lines were not
Local receipts in cars were reported by
the Merchants Exchange as follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay
Monday 5 3 5
Tuesday ...... 63 6 2 3 3
neannusj .. ...... . . .
Thursday 17 1 1
Year no '
c...on lo date.l"lL'.1 ir.57 1:71 1041 1331
Year ago 3-l 1S11 1014 1963
With Large Stocks Available Prices Do Not
There was a better Inquiry for apples on
the local market yesterday, but stocks are
o large that prices show little change.
Fancy four-tier well-colored apples are do
ing a shade better, but buyers will not
stand for higher quotatlona on other grades.
The movement in oranges Is still limited.
The market Inspectors went through a
shipment of oranges and lemons at the
steamer dock yesterday and passed the fruit.
A car of celery was received and a full
assortment of mixed vegetables Is due this
ood Demand for Poultry.
Poultry of all kinds was In small supply
and firm yesterday. Good chickens, large
and small, sold at 14 HO Id cents. Meats
wore steady.
There was no Improvement In the de
mand for eggs and stocks tend to accumu
late. Butter and cheese were steady and un
changed. Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
vesterday were as follows:
Clearings. Bahtnces.
rortlsnd $1.7o:.7.m Jl'17.944
Settle l..-.S.4t3 lf.t.llj
Ts.-onia 41.V i:iT 17.'."-T
Spokane f-S4.S14 83.512
.rata. Floor. Feed. Etc
WHEAT Track prices: Club. S6c: blue
tm, PiSP&Hc; 40-fold. 67c; red Russian.
Mc; valley, 7
rtOL'R Patent. M.Tt per b4rret:
straights. $4.10; exports. -,?5r 1 55: Val
ley. $.;; graham. $4-60; whole wheat.
4. S0.
BARLET-Fwd, f 24 $ S4..tO per ton: brew
ing, n-imina:; rolled. $2.JM2.H per ton.
COKK Whole. J7; cracked. M per too.
HAT Timothy, choice. $16ffl7; mixed.
Eastern Oregon timothy. $12 41&: it tno
vetch. 112: alfalfa, 11.30; clovor. 10:
straw. $17.
IflLLSTUFFS Bran. 22 per ton; short.
2 per ton; middling; $30 per ton.
OATti No. 1 whtle. 26.5J27.0O per ton.
Vegetable and Fruit.
FRRSH FRCITS Apple. 5(V"ff$;.00 per
box; pr. Jl-flOa pr box; grupes. Maia
gas. S P-P burr!.
POTATOES Jobbing price: Durban ks.
rotc per hundred; meet potatoes. SVi.
per pound.
TROPICA! FRUITS Oranges: Narsla
g.2504: Florida. $4; Japanese, ILL! per
l-und.o: California grapefruit. $2.75 $3.t.;
Florida grapefruit, $4.25: lemons, $7 OS
jr box; pineapples. 6c per pound: pome
granates, $2 per box: persimmons. $1.72 pr
box: targerne, $2.23 per box.
VEGETABLES Artichoke. $1.30 per
J ox n ; cab ba a-. 1 c pr pou nd : caul ifl o wer.
2 7" per crate; celery. $o.50 pr rrate;
rucumwn, 7Cc4& $- per dox.; vgsp'.ant. 10c
yuund; head lettuce. $2.JO per crate; pep-
10a per pound; radishes. 35c
doxen; sprouts. 10c: tomatoes,
Knv- w t KAfia nee Bound.
sack: carrots. 73c per sack; beets, 75o per
sack; parsnips. 75c per saclt
ONIONd Oregon. II per sack.
Dalrv and Country Produce.
Krj;s Fresh locals, candled, S-.'Sc per
CHEE?E Oregon triplets. Ho per poun
.....1. fi . mamrv ttlltl.r. fU t.
3'ttc per pound; prints. 3sisv9c Pr
pound. ... ,
POULTRY Hens. lsfilSe: broilers. H
ft 15c: turkeys, live. Ltlc; dressed, choice,
2c; docks. la14c; geese. Uc
PORK Fancy. 1'i H'l-c per pound.
VEAL Fancy. 14 14 tec per pound.
Staple Groceries.
SALMON Columbia River, one - pound
tails. SJ.2.i per dozen; hall-pouna
i An. iBr. ? 4K- Alaska nlnk.
one-pound talis, S5c; sllversldes. one-pound
tans, si.zu.
unvt v rvniKM 7 "r. 2 75 cer ease.
NUTS Walnuts. ISc per pound; Braill
...... t i - iihpfl uai5c: almonds.
ISc; peanuts. s'6ttc; cocoauuts, &yc1.00
per dozen; cbestnuts. lie per pouuu.
ory nuts, 6O10c; pecans, 17c; pine.
174 20c
BEANS Small white. S.0e; large wr
43c: Lima, evic; pink. 4.70c; ilex..
&c: bavou. 4.95c
SUGAR Fruit and berry. 13.45; Hono!t-.
plantation, $0.40: beet. SS.25; extra C. 4.i..
,..-.. TO- ..iK Harrels. S.I.eO.
SALT Granulated. 114 per ton; half
ground lOus. 10 per ton; 60s. 10.75 per
ton; dairy $12.50 per ton.
RICE No. 1 Japan, 55He; cheaper
grades. 4c; Southern head, avo-c.
DRIED FRUITS Apples, 10c per pound;
apricots, 12 14c; peaches. 11: prunes,
ttaiiai.a s .liver, ise. flss. whlto and
black. Vil?7c- currants, 9ic: raisins, loose
Muscatel, 647i,c; bleached. Thompson.
11V4C; unbleached Bultanas. Sfcc: seeded,
7H84e; dates. Persian, 7Vko per pound:
fard. $1.65 per box.
FIGS Twelve 10-ounce, S5c: 60 6-ounoe,
1.S5; 70 4-ounce. 12.23; 30 10-ounee. 12.25;
loose. 50-pound boxes. is7c: Smyrna,
boxes, 11.1048L25; canfllca. lessxee.
HAMS All elxes. 18919c; picnic
13c; skinned. ISttc: boiled, 2Tc
BACON Fancy, 272Sc; choice, 200 230.
LARD In tierces, choice, 14 c; com
pound. 94c
DRY SALT MEATS Regular short clears.
lSViSISc; short clear backs. 12 to 18 lbs..
13S4tlJC; short clear backs, 18 to 25 los
13 & 1 jc ; exports, 14c; plates. lOJJllo.
BARRELED BEEF Extra mess beef, 114 ;
mess beet. $13; extra plate beef. 117. oU; plats
beef. $17.50; rolled boneless beef, $30.
BARRELED PORK Best pig pork. fZJ;
brisket pickled pork. 123.
COFFEE Roasted. In drums, .24000
per pound.
Hops. Wool and Bide.
HnPfilfl15 rroD. nrlme and choice. 184
2oc per pound; 1913 contracts, lu&lOc per
pouna. '
MOHAIR Choice. S2o per pound.
PELTS Dry. 13614c; butcher, J101'i
short wooL 710c.
WOOL Eastern Oregon Z4 ISc per
pound, according to shrinkage; Valley. 31M
C2JVsc per pound.
HIDES Salted hides, 12c per pound;
salted calf, 18c; salted kip. 13014c: green
hides. 11c; dry hides. 22Q23C; dry calf. No.
1. 25c; No. 2, 20o; salted bulls. Sc.
CASCAI1A Per pound. 4tt6tfcc; car leu.
4 esc.
Unseed Oil and Turpentine.
LINSEED OIL. Raw, barrels, 50c; boiled,
barrels. 52c; raw, cases, 33c; boiled, cases.
OIL MEAL Carloads, $37.50 per ton; less
than carloads. $10 per ton.
TURPENTINE Barrels. 54Vie: eases. 57c.
GASOLINE Naphtha, In Iron barrels 18c.
In cases 23c; motor gasoline. In Iron barrels
17c in cases 24c; engine distillate. In iron
barrels 8Vc. In cares 13HC
Top Hogs Are Advanced 15 Cents to
$7.75 Cattle Trade Is Slow
and Market Is Firm.
Thprn was a sharn uplift In siieep price
at the North Portland yard yesterday, and
also a gain In hog values, in eacn case me
result of a lighter supply.
Trading In the cattle division was on a
small scale, but values wera maintained at
a firm level. A small load of steers was
sold at $7.75 and choice cows were taken
at $7. A load of good bulls brought $5.50.
Fifteen cents was added to the top price
on the best hogs over the rates of the
early part of the wek. Only a carload
brought this price, $7.75, the bulk of sales
being at $7.65 and $7.70, but the transac
tions showed a steadier market than has
prevailed for a week. Heavy hogs sold from
J. 5.0 to $7.25.
The sheep market continues to advance
without Interruption. A bunch of choice
wethers found a buyer at $6.50. which is
the best price realised on this class of
sheep this year. Lambs sold at a range of
$7 to $7.75.
Receipts were 176 cattle. 1 calf. 645 bogs
and 2175 sheep.
Shippers were: T. J. WedeL Aberdeen.
Idaho. 1 car of hogs; J. W. Hansen, Twin
Falls. 1 car of hogs: D. L. Cox, Eaton,
Idaho. 3 cars of cattle and sheep; H. R.
Peacock. Oak ley, Idaho. 2 cars of hogs ;
Peacock fc Sharkey, Oakley and Nampa, 2
cars of cattle; W. L. Turner, Nampa, 1 car
of hogs; F. E. Miller. Union Junction, 1 car
of hogs; J. E. Comstock, Union Junction,
1 car of hogs; James Dodd. Dillon, Mont..
3 cars of ca tt le ; M. J. Se vf er, 2 cars of
sheep; K. N. Stanfleld, Stanfield. 4 cars of
siieep; E. G. Adams. Pilot Rock, 1 car of
sheep aud s. . Stearns, rerreoonne, i car
of cattle.
The day's sales were as follows:
Weight. Price.
120 lambs SO $7.7;.
6! wethers &t 6.50
49 Iambi f.i 7.3."i
2:.l lambs 6fi 7.00
18 steers 970 7.75
12 cows 10"0 7.00
1 cow ..1130 7.00
1 cow 900 tt.75
1 calf lfrt 9 00
17 bulls 1X72 5.50
104 hotrs 168 7.70
3 hogs 236 6.75
3 hogs - 350 7.25
7 'J hosts 217 7.75
43 hogs 2l"tf 7.75
36 nogs 1 7.75
2 hogs 210 6.65
1 ho? 3S0 6.65
110 hoS 16S 7.65
1 hog 350 6.65
9$ hogs 11 7.6
10 hogs 3-5 6.S0
67 hos 166 7.50
IS hogs 244 7.65
The range of prices at the yards was as
Choice steer $7.80$8.00
Goud steers 7.00 0 7.30
Medium steer 6.50tf 7.00
Choice eo .&0 7.00
Good cows 6,wt)jj $.30
Medium cow 5.50 'tf $.00 I
Choice calves 8.000 S.uu
Good heavy calves -S0 & 7-50
Bulls $.0W 6.09
T.iarht - .".ill? 7.-
Heay 6.0vf 7.00
Yearling wethers 5.00 6.60
Etl 4.QUV
Lambs .00fc 7.75
Omalist livestock Market.
SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. Jan. 23. Cattle
Receipts 4000, market slow to 10c lower.
Native ste-rs, $!. 1 8.60; cows and helfera
$4.00 7.tH: Western steers. io-TrOr S.00;
Texas ethers. $4.756.35; cows and heifers,
$3..V$ 6.5; calves. $5.758.20.
Hnics Receipts 16.000, market weak,
cloned strong. Heavy. $7.25sir 7.35; light,
$7.Hf 7.30; pigs, $5,50475; bulk of salea
$7.15(i 7.30.
Sheep Receipts 850. market 10 to 15e
lower. Yearlings. $7.?0tiS.15; wethera
$5.75T5.00; lambs, $S.0O,)8.75.
Prices Quoted at the Bar City for Vege
tables, Fruit. Etc
SAX FRANCISCO. Jan. 23. The follow
ing produce prices were current her today:
Fruit Apples, ch olee, 60c ; common. 40c ;
Mexican limes. $76 S: California lemons,
choice. $7 ; common, $3..: navel oranges,
11.2501: pineapples. $2$3.S0.
;heee Young America, 16 ISc
Butter Fancy creamery. 36c
Kegs Store. fancy ranch, 30c.
Hav Wheat. $2425; wheat and oats.
$21.MC?23. alfalfa, $12-50 a 15; barley, $1S
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks. S5c$l 10;
Saltna Burbanks. $19 1-S5; sweets, $1.S5
(J 2 0t.
Vegetables Cucumber. $1. IT 1.25; green
peas, Sxt; string beana nominal: to
matoes. 00?7ftc; eggplant. 10O12Vsc; onions,
Receipts Flour, S344 quarters: wheal,
rentals; barley. lt5 centals: oats, 200
centals; potatoes, 13 sacks; hay. 1VB tons.
Pressure Against Steel Weak
ens Other Stocks.
Harrimuns Depressed by Intimntions
of Obstacle in "Way or Carrying
Out IMssolntlon Order Late
Kally Erases Tart of loss.
XEW YORK. Jan. 23. Weakness -of
Steel was the conspicuous feature of today's
market. Pressure was directed steadily
against this stock, and its loss of more than
two points was perhaps the principal fac
tor in the unsettlement of ' the whole list.
The selling converged on Steel.' ' Reading
and the Harriman stock and standard In
vestment issues and specialties sold down
'with the sDeculatlve leaders. A spirited rally
late In the day lifted prices consmeraoiy
above the low point.
The sharp upturn just before the close
yesterday, following announcement of Tur
key's acceptance of the peace proposals,
aroused hopes of bull traders that the up
ward movement would receive further Im
petus today, but the course of the market
Indicated that tne announcement nas Deen
discontinued. Resignation of the Turkish
Cabinet In conseauence of the action made
known late in the session was a further
unsettling Influence.
Pressure against Steel was associated with
the revelations made in the Government's,
dissolution suit, particularly the admission
of, a former President concerning an inter
national rail pool.
Harriman .hares were depressed by inti
mations of serious obstacles In the way of
carrying out the dissolution order. Weak
ness of the general market seemed to radiate
from these issues, the technical position of
the market having been weakened by ex
tensive short covering on the previous two
Offerings of SX3.000.000 convertible 4'4
per cent U Paul bonds caused a break in
both the stocks and bonds. The stock broke
1 and the outstanding 4Hs two points.
Bonds were irregular with a lower trend.
Distillers' 5s made up the recent loss. Total
sales, par value, 12. 786,000. United States
bonds wore unchanged on call.
Reported by J C. Wilson & Co., Lewis
building, Portland.
Sales. High. I.ow. Bid.
Amal Copper .. S0,M Vl 7414
Am Beet Sugar. 3t1 87 4 37 37
American Can .. 4S.;oo y3l L'S1.. 32"4
do preferred.. S,.VK 113H
Am Car & Fdy. MO S3 ."3
Am Cotton Oil.. 1 ,"( 51 4
Am Smel & Ref 4.70O 13 i-a
do preferred.. '. 105
American Sugar 10t llttls 116ii 115
do preferred.. - 115
Am Tel & Tel.. 1,3(H 133 13SH 13314
Am Tobacco pf. l0 2JV5 2S-'i 21-8
Anaconda tW 3V 87 . 38
At! Coast llnc. ISIiHi l-8' lTJhi
AT & Santa Fe. k"0 lt'.r" 104 104
do preferred.. 300 loa lo) 102
Bait Ohio .. 2,(H) 10!4 106 106
Brook R Tran.. 3.400 814 fO'i
Canadian Pac . 6,1"J 24s 244 215S
C A O 700 7S 1 77 1 1 Is
C & G W Z SIH 31Vi 31
C Jtr X- A' 3 '
C, M & St Paul. S.600 114i 112V4 112H
Central Leather 000 :g 2s
Central 01 a J.
Chlno 9.6O0 44 43' 4.11s
Col Fuel & Iron 1.5"0 35 33 i4 34
do preferred.. 100 150 150 140
Colo Southern - 31
Consol Gas 4'0 13S 137 138
D L & V 300 4311 435 43S
D & K G 20 21 21 21
lllstlllers' Secur 0O 1S1 18 1
Krle 80 31 31 31
General Electric 4'" 142 142 144 4
at North Ore .. 400 40 3 SH-i
Gt North pf ... 3.1W 12M4 127 12e
Illinois Central. j-i J-i
Interboro-Met .. l.WH) 17 1 1 'i 1 1
do preferred.. 2.5W til ' 80
Inter Harvester 600 108 IOT W7
K C Southern... 2'M 20 26 ,-;
Lehigh valley.. i- "i iY.iiJ
Louis A Nash.. 4UO 13 4 1SS 3-t.
Mexican Central 4oU 24 24 li'n
11. b r i S E 11 "J
Mo. Kan Tex r'
Mo Pacific 1.600 41 41 41
National Lead.. 400 50 4 ,40
Nat Biscuit
do Drererreo.. ri..
N y Central... SS0O 107 107 10;
N 1 . Ont &. we ,,Xff
Norfolk & West (iOO 112 112 112
Northern Pac. 2.000 119- 118 H
Pacific .Mail "Vs
Pacltio T & T "J
do preferred
Pennsylvania ... 800 122 122 121
Peoples uai . - i .
Reading 51.10O 163 13 14
Republic S & I 50O 24 24 24
T.lnnil Co 1 .0.0u 22 22 22
Southern Pao .. 7.20C 106 103 105
Southern Ry ... l.'-"" ,r'J .ii
Texas Oil 10 110 H H
Union Pacific .. 30,100 .160 13S 13
do preferred.. 500 8 00
United KUs S F. 100 . 3.1 .;3 3i
U S Steel ..... 98..VW 64 12 64
do preferred.. 700 10H lo H'?
Utah Copper ... 2.600 36 t5 5o
Wabash i:;,- A
Western Union.. 100 1 '1 7.
Westing Elec .. 300 741s 74 i4
Wis Central '.";
Total sales for the day. 374.100 shares.
Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co., Board
of Trade bids.. Portland.
Amer Tel & Tel conv 4s 106 110
American Tobacco 4s ,5,.
American Tobscco 6s 1S-.'? ai"
Atchison general 4s
Atchison conv 4s 104 lv-'
Atrlilson adi 4s stamped !!?..
Atchison conv 5s '. 104 104
Atlantic Coast Line com ......
At Coast Line "L & N coll" 4s. 90
Baltimore & Ohio 3s 1 '
Dolttmnr Kr flHlO 41 .......... . "131
Brooklyn Kapia i raiisn
r-S.nlse A Ohio 4s 1M
C B & Q .Ten mtg ,4s 93
C B & Q joint 4s 'j
C B & Q Ills 4s
tf. r TUanl-I il. W.Ti
Chicago & East Ills 4s 7i i
Chicago R 1 & P ref 4s Si SS
Chlcato R I P Co! trust 4s. .. 63 1.4
Colorado & Southern first 4s... 01 1
Denver & Rio Grande 4s S7 Sb
Delaware & Hudson conv 4s Ji i it
Erie first cons P L 4s S; M.
Int Met -!s !
Japanese 4s J J?
Japanese first. 4s. 0 o
Japanese second 48...... 8 e.'
Iulsviue & r.ajsiiwi, um -
Mo Kan & Tex J Stu.
New York Central 3s J J"'
Northern Pacific 3s hi J
,-iron Short Line 4s 91 2
Oregon Ry & Nav 4 94
rena Ry 4s of 194S 101 101
Philippine Railway 4 sn
Rea.llng general 4s 9 9
Republic Of Cuba 3s 101 102
Somhern pacific first ref 4s... 93 ..
Southern Pacific col 4s M 91
Southern Railway 4s '7
St I. & S F ref 4s "
Union Pacific first 4s 9S P9
Union Pacific conv 4s : i
Union Pacific ref 4s.... ) 96
United States Steel S os 101 11
ITnited States 2s registered 101 0
Unite,! States 2s coupon 101 l"I
United Railway S F 4s
66 6
United Katiway m u s.
Wabash first 4s
Western Union 4s.....
Westlnghouse conv 5s...
Western Pacific 3s
Wisconsin Central 4s...
West Shore 4s
.. 62 63
.. 93 96
.. 93 U 94
.. 86 87
.. 90 93
.. 9S 93
Stock, at Boeton. .
BOSTON. Jan. 23. Closing quotations:
Allouea 39'Miami Copper... 24
Amalg Copper.. 94 Mohawk M
' I L Sin... 29 INevada Con .... 1SH
trlior.a Com .. 3'North Butte 81
A c C S M. 3'North Lake 2
Cal t Ar'onaT. 67 lOld Dominion... 48
cl it Heel..:. .493 lOsceol. 96
C?ntfnnlal 16 Quincy 73
Cop Ran Con Co 4S shannon 12
E ulte cop M. 13.Superlor ........ 32
Franklin ....... ISup Bo. Min.. ;.
;lroux Con 3 Tamarack .. 32
Grail by Con ... 69 U S S R M... 41
S Tcananea. 8; do preferred... 4
t Rovalle (Cop) 2S Utah Con 10
KrV Us . -' 21 Utah Copper Co. 53
Lake Copper.... 20'Wlnona 3
La Salle Copper 4'Wolverln 6.
Money, Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK. Jan. 23. Money on call,
steadv 2i3 per cent; ruling rate. 2;
closing bid. 2: ofTered st S. t
Time loans, weaker; 60 days. S percent;
New York Central L s "s
New York City 4s .'f? ,"1
New York City 4s of 1057.... 1 o 10
Norfolk & Western 4s.... MS OS
Norfolk & Western conv 4s 111 1W
N Y On'. & W 4s...... 2 4
6- and Safety
We arc offering two particularly attrac
tive investment securities of unquestioned
merit, yielding the interest rates stated
These securities are well adapted to the
requirements . of small investors, being iu
convenient denominations of
$100 $500 $1000
We will be pleased to furnish descriptive
circulars containing detailed information
upon request. '
Railway Exchange Building
80 days. 3 61 per cent; six months, 44Vi
Prfme mercantile paper, tamper cent.
Sterling exchange strong, with actual busi
ness in bankers' bills at J4.B375 for 60-daJ
bills and at 14.8773 for demand.
Commercial bills, 4.S3. .
Bar silver, 62c.
Mexican dollars. 4c.
Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds,
LONDON. Jan. 28. Bar silver, steady.
lo'loa per ouiicv, uimiw, .- - - . .
rale of discount for short bills, 4 11-16 per
cent; do, three months' bills, 4 per cent
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23. Sterling on
London Sixty days. 4.S3; do, sigllt, S4.88.
Sliver bars, ezsc.
Mexican dollars, nominal.
Drafts, sight .0.1, telegraph .06.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. The condition of
th. i-nireri states Treasury at the beginning
of business today was:
Working balance bi..h,a'
t! l.-UL ihlllonln Treaaurv 31.844.2&7
Total Of general fund 136.000.246
Receipts yesterday f'l?T'S,A
Disbursements - - IJ;'1'':'V
. . . i-ani ia Si 4ftl .f20 as
X no tieijuii. mi .m-... .. . .
against a deficit of 27.050.O71 last year.
The figures tor ratmn u....
deficit exclude Panama Canal and public
debt transactions
Reported Drouth in India Respon
sible for Steady Cables From Liv
erpool Corn Is Down.
. nr it Whuitt. corn and oats
LH1I.AUV, . " - " - r
declined on tne uii '
Wheat experienced a moment of firmness
a.. T ..hla. hnM(l DD
early on oioauy ... . .
reported drouth in India, but thereafter
ruled under yesteraay in"j "
cash market. The speculative " also
lacked two support oi cor.i
. , , i .i (-.1 anm.whiLt lately. Ar-
wnicu i - mm ... - -
gentlna was offering freely for export. Spot
markets tnrougnoui iub wu....
portea uuu o.
uenerai rtnuoi iciw, .v ... ,
tne local w.u ...... . - -- -
. . at m.a n lur
May. The spot market was oui. ana
line, although one concern reported 100,000
bushels soiu ior cauv.,,-
Provisions were auu anu mo nui.iii..-
were very narrow
The leading ruture. ranged a. louows.
Open. High. Low. Close.
May .93 I .93 .
Julv 90 .I""-. Ml -
Sept. 88 .88 .88 -88
May 52 'J
juiv ...... .5 .jv14 .'rk
lepl .84 ..-.4 .53 .53
fa :::::: l :p f :
Sept 4 .34 .00.. .JJ
Tan 18 52
Ma,: ::::::i8.s5 is.s.-.
Tan- ..10.12 10.12 10.07 10.07
May ::::::io.i5 10.13 10.12 10.15
Jan -.W.A iY
May lo.l'i n.i-i
Cash prices were: v- .
Corn No. 2 yellow. 4960c; No. 3.
4S&49C; de. white. 5051c; No. 3 yellow.
4S49c; No. 4. 464Sc; do. white. 49
frt0c; do. yellow, 4ti48!4c.
Rve No. 2. 464c
Barley 50 c 73c.
Timothy 34.15.
Clover H2420.
Pork Mess, $18.50 18.6: .
Lard 10.10. ,,-,,
Short rtos 3.oj.-.,7:-
Clearances of wheat and flour were 1,-
036.000 busneis; primary icctih..
1"5 000 bushels, against 596.000 bushels last
" .L T.t.-.A ...inta for tomorrow:
Wheat. 65 cars; corn. 470 cars; oats, ISO
cars; bogs, 28,000 neaa.
MinraealKtllB Orain Market.'
MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 23. Close: wheat
Mav. S7 July. S8eSc Cash No. 1
hard. 87 NO.-1 Northern, S. 6S6c: No.
2 Northern, 3 6 84 c; No. 2 hard Mon
tana. 86c; No. 3 wheat, 8182c.
Corn No. 3 yellow, 42i&4c
Oats No. 3 white, 3Iife31c.
Rye No. 2. 57 59c.
Bran $19.50.
Flax 1.30.
Barley 46 g 60c.
meet Sound Grain Markets.
TACOMA. Wash.. Jan. 23. Wheat Blue
.t7m. 95cf fortyfold. SSc: club. sc: red
Russian. 87c. Yesterday's car receipts
Wheat, 7; corn, oats and hay, each 1.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 23. Wheat Blue
stem. 93c: fortyfold. 80c; club. 86c; fife.
66c- red Russian, 84c. Yesterdaj s car re-
it-..... com. 2: oats, 3; rye, J.
flour. 3: barley, 2; hay. 2.
Grain. In San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 23. Spot quota
tions: Walla Walla il.5S91.o3X: red
Russian. $148 9 1.51 ; Turkey red. fl.62
1.32 1.35; brewing barley 1.40 1.42 ;
white oats, jt.ii.;i.i: V..-"
mlddlinga $314332: horts. $i).50fe26.
Call board sales: WheatNo trading.
Bar ey uecenwjci, " 7 . ' ,
asked; May. L30 bid, tl.31 asked.
Knropean Grain Market..
Ln'ERPOOL, Jan. 23. Wheat Spot firm.
Futures, steady. March, 7s 5d; May, is
2d; July. 7s 2d.
iriih country market., dull; French
country markets, firm.
London Wool Sales.
t nvnnv Jan. 23. There were 13.033
i..inrerri at the wool auction sales to-
dav There was brisk buying by Americans
and' the home trade, and fine crosabreds
hardened 5 per cent over the November
average. Scoured merinos were eagerly
taken at nigner
Naval Stores. y
. . .... . it .. Tan t3 TnrnnnMna
MVAAn- - "- - ' " :
Firm; 4lc to 41c; sales. 103 barrels; re
h.rr.U: shlnments. 108 barrels:
- - - -
stock. 22.350 barrels.
Hosin Firm; aaiea, wv; "wi1", ww.
shipments. 1300; stock, 123.300. Quote:
A B. $4.95 to 5.3; C D, B.40 to I5.8u; f,
$3.65 to 5.75; F. $5.75 to 5.S0; d. 5.85:
H, $5.80 to 5.90; I. 5.90 to 6K, 6.80 to
$6.70; M N, $7.15; WO, $7.20; WW. $7.80.
Metal Marketo.
NEW YORK. Jan. 23. Copper Firm;
standard spot and January, 15.62c bid;
February to May. 15.62S' 16.12c; electrolytic,
16.50c; lake, 16.50tfil6.76c; casting, lb
16riii' i Weak; spot. 5O50.25c; January,
49 85 K0.25c: February. 49.50 4.75c;
March. 49. 30 5 49. 60c.
Lead Steady; 4.245?4.3Bc.
Spelter Weak: 77.15c. ....
Antimony Quiet; Cookson'e, .io10c.
Iron Unsettled, unchanged.
Copper arrivals. 100 tons; exports this
month. 16,707 tons. London copper, weak;
spot, 70 10s 9d; futures, f70 15s. Local
exchant; sales of tin, five tons; London tin,
weak; spot, 228 5s; futures. 225 London
lead 17 2s 6d. London spelter, 26 2. 6d.
Iron Cleveland warrants, 66s. 6d in Lon
don. Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK. Jan. 23. Coffee Futures
opened barely steady at a decline of 5 to i
points, under liquidation. Prices rallied on
trade buvlng and short covering, with the
close firm, net 1 point higher to S points
lower Sales, 106,250. January. 18.04c;
February 18.08c: March. 13.20c; April,
13 28c; May, 18.47c: June. 13.54c; July,
13 63c- August, 13.6Sc; September, IS.iSc:
October. 13:72c:, November, 13.69c; Decem-
bes'po'duil. Rio No. 7, 13c. Santo. No. .
15c Mild, quiet. Cordova, 1firal8c.
Sugar Raw. nominal. Muscovado, 89
test 2 98c: centritugal. 96 test. 3.48c; mo
lasses. 89 jest, 2.73c. Refined, steady.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 23. Cotton Spot
closed quiet. Middling uplands, 12.85c; do,
Kulf 13.10c Sales. 1700 bales.
B Futures closed steady. . 14 to 21 points
lower. January, 12.15c: February. 12.05c;
March. 12.07c: April. 11.88c; May, 1190c;
June 11.74c; July' 11.70c: August, 11.68c;
September. 11.50c; October, 11.23c; Decem
ber. 11.26c.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 23. Spot cotton
steady. 1 l-16c off; middling, 12c. Sales.
1385 bales.
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 23. Wool, steady. Ter
ritory and Western mediums, 212oc; fine
mediums, lSC20c; fine. 13l7c.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK, Jan. 23. Evaporated apples,
dull; prunes, steady; apricots and peaches
and 'raisins, quiet.
Duluth, Unseed Market.
DULUTH. Jan. 23. Closing: Linseed.
$1.29; January. $1.29 bid; May, $1.2
Hop. at New York.
NEW YORK, Jan. 23. Hops Steady.
Proposed Ivaw to Regulate Discharg
ing and Faying Employes.
STL-EM, Or., Jan. 23. (Special.)
State Labor Commissioner E. O. Hoff
announces that his department is fram
ing a bill to regulate labor conditions
in respect to laying off of employes.
As the Oregon statutes now stand
the employers must pay their hands in
full before they are paid off, but no
penaity is provided for violation of this
provision. Mr. Hoffs bill will copy
the Massachusetts act in this respect
and provide that the' employe's regular
wages will run until such a time as he
shall be paid in full.
is friendly
to horses
and autos
Canadian Bank
of Commerce
Toronto, Canada.
Established 1867.
Sir Edmund Walker, President
A general banking business
Interest paid on time deposits.
Corner Second and Stark SU.
F. C. MALPAS, Manager.
The magnitude of that success depends largely upon the
bank selected. The ready access to the officers of this bank,
assuring advice and counsel to business men, is a feature
not to be overlooked.
Snmlus and Carjital. $2,000,000 Third and Oak
Satisfied Customers
The steady growth of this bank is significant in
dorsement of the sentiment "A satisfied customer
is the best indorsement."
National Bans
Established 1859.
Capital Stock $1,000,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 1,000,000.00
Commercial and Savings Accounts
Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, availabla
in all parts of the -world.
W. M. Ladf , PreBlde nt. Kohert S. Howard. Asst. Cashier.
Edward Cookingham, Vlce-Pres. J. VV . Ladd, Asst. Cashinr.
W H Dunckley, Cashier. Walter AL Cook, Asst. Cashier.
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 900,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
The Bank of Personal Service
The account of every customer of this bank has the attention of
a "perfectly organized force of competent men and the personal
supervision of its officers.
Let us serve you.
Four per cent interest paid on savings accounts.
Merchants National Bank
Under Government Supervision
roundef1. 1886 Washington and Fourth Streets
Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street
Phones Marshall 4120, A 4187.
jl jr.. a.
Sbu Franclico and Lo Angeles
S. S. Rose City sails 4 P. M. janoarr 26.
CO., Ticket Office 13t Third Street
' Phone Main 2805. A 25S9.
San Francisco, Los Angeles
and San Diego Direct
S. S. Eoanoke and S. S. Elder.
Sail Every Wednesday Alternately at
S P. M.
122 A Third St. Phones Main 1314, A 1814
Balls from Atnuworth Dock, Portland, at 8
A. M. December 3, and thereafter every
Tuesdav evening at a x. sa. reiu
cefved dally except Tuesdays vj? to & P. M.
Tuesdays up to 3 P. M. Paseenger far:
First-class, (10; second class, $7, incluc &K
berth and meals. Ticket office at A l
worth Dock. The Portland Coos Bay
lAne. L. IL Keating. Agent.
Low Rates. Schedule Time.
SIS Railway Entnn Bids.
Part land. Or.
Main asTS. A
Railroad or any steamer to San Francisco,
the Expo City. Largest, fastest and ths
ON'LT strictly first-class passenger ships on
the Coast. Average speed 26 miles per
hoar: cost 2.00O.0O0 each.
S. S. CO.,
Main 23. Frank Bollam. Ag-ent. A 459A
124 Third Street.
San Francisco $ 6.00 and $10.00
Los Angeles $11.00 and $18.00
San Diego .' ..$13.00 and $20.00
including berth, meals and baggage. Ship
sails Saturday 2:50 P. M.. Jan. 25. San
Francisco. Portland Sc. L. A. S. S. Co.
Main 26." FRANK BOLLAM. Act. A 4S96.
121 Third Street.
in business is at
tained by few men
without the aid of
some bank.
ta the World
London, Paris,
tPMn.vlmil. .Tan. SO. 1 P. M.
Pres. Lincoln Feb. 6, 9 A. Jl.
fPatrlcia Feb. 19, 9 A. M.
tHamburg direct, 2d cauin oniy.
Uadelra, Gibraltar. Algiers, Naplea,
8. S. HAMBCRG. .Feb. 32, 10 A. M.
S. S. CIN'NATI. March 11, 10 A. M.
tJ.l,uvv VUUS.J
FEBRUARY 6, 1913.
f.S. S. CLEVELAND tons?
110 DAYS S650 and dp.
I Including all necessary expenses
I i anA ahtrf .nllirav. hotel.
I shore excursions, carriages, guides,
fees also railway fares lo and from
your home, with the privilege of
returning iun
a. s. imperator. ....
., . n ihm U'Mrir Indies
I and Panama Canal.
Write for booklet, stating cruise.
160 Powell st.. San FrancUco. CM ;
O-W BAN. Co., Nor Pacific,
D R. G R- Burlington Rout,
Teat Nonnern ' 1 "
is. euliin, o r in-' omt v k-
iana, u8"-
Copyright 1912.
Th Oric-nt rapactty for usinc our mother
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tun J
Largest 8. S. Co f
ships a