Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 29, 1912, Page 20, Image 20

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For A Jolly Christmas
Generous Provision Made for
Unfortunate and Happi
ness Made General.
l'ootball Game. Theater Attractions
and Motoring Provide Amuse
ment for Thousands and
'- Grills Scene of Gaiety.
" It was Thanksgiving in Portland yes
terdar sure enough.
Generous provision by the more for-
tions in tl! state. It is 50x70 feet,
and the ceiling is more than 20 feet
high. JIany good games are booked
for the season, all of which are with
teams of reputation. The boys are
anxious for contests and have issued a
challenge o any team in the state.
The locals have a better lineup this
season than ever before, having two
new players of ability from Eastern
V. M. C. A. Support Not Sufficient to
Warrant Opening. .
At a meeting of a few citizens of
Sellwood at the Sellwood Y. M. C. A.
Wednesday night Peter Hume, pre
siding as chairman of the committee,
it was found that only about 400 had
been subscribed toward the mainte
nance of that branch should it be re
opened. Peter Hume read the pro
ceedings of the Central V. "M. C. A. in
regard to the re-opening of the Sell
wood branch, showing that SS0O must
be subscribed and guaranteed, and
also that the management must guar
antee that the institution will be run
without incurring more debts. If this
is done the central organization will
pay $200 on- the debt of the branch
and keep the interest on the debt paid
After a long conference it wus ae
cided to again appeal to the people of
Orphans and Invalids Receive
Additional Attention.
Peace and Plenty Reign Bverj where
and Consideration for the Vn
fortunatc Adds to Happi
ness of Charitable.
For some Thanksgiving day now is
a thing of the past. The eternal call
of business drowns the voice of the
happiness of yesterday. But it is not
so in the case of the exceedingly
young and the old. the memories are
still with them. And nowhere more
so than in the homes for the aged
- j
tunate among the city's population for
; those, less favored served to bring hap
'. piness and sunshine into the lives of
; rven those whose daily lot contains
: more misery than gladness.
I The various charitable institutions
' harbored and fed hundreds who other
' wise would have passed the day with
; little more than is needed actually to
sustain them. Kven the prisons and
the public institutions where hapless
humanity Is detained were the scenes
of joyous Thanksgiving meals.
But this was only as it should have
hren and as it UBually is. In fact, so
fixed has become the custom among the
heads of penal and public institutions
to provide their charges with bounti
ful repasts on this yearly occasion that
the inmates have learned to expect
them. Nevertheless they are duly
-siateful for the kind favors and yes
terday's experience showed that they
4 id not fail to enjoy them.
Athletic Programme Varied.
; The hospitals, the homes for the
ised. the benevolent institutions and
ilie homes for destitute children In va
rious parts of the city were scenes of
Thanksgiving service equal to that
furnished in many of the city's private
Athletics and various other enter
tainment provided enjoyment for those
vho sought to pass a part of the day
but of doors. The annual football
frame between Oregon University and
Multnomah attracted a crowd of more
than 6000 holiday enthusiasts. For
hours before the game actually started
the supporters of either team passing
through the business streets presented
a brilliant scene of color and animation.
Kvery theater was crowded at each
Automobiling seemed to be quite
popular yesterday. While many car
owners found pleasure in spins over
the country roads, it seemed that about
ail the machines in town were con
tained in the streets surrounding Mult
nomah Field after the game. The chug
ging of engines and puffing of smoke
and steam made the place alive with
imalt Hoj- Active.
Besides the big game at Multnomah
Field numerous minor football contests
wero staged in various parts of the
city. These provided sport and pas
time for the small boy.
The hotels were comparatively de
srrted. Vnfortunate. indeed, was the
man who had to pass the day at one of
them unless he had family or friends
with him. Towards evening the pub
lic dining-rooms and grills became
alive with holiday pleasure-seekers.
Tortland people have acquired the
practice to a great extent of eating
their holiday and Sunday meals away
form home. Nearly every grill and
hotel dining-room had table reserva
tions made for weeks in advance.
Even the weather added to the cheer
of the day. Although the early morn
ing atmosphere was clouded and foggy,
the sun came out before noon and by
the time the pleasure-seeking crowds
began to appear was doing a good
business overhead. The Autumn air
was crisp, but not chilly.
Portland people generally are pros
perous, as usual, this year, and this
circumstance added to the numerous
vther causes for giving thanks.
Grants Pass Residents Celebrate
Thanksgiving With Mixture.
GRANTS PASS. Or.. Nov. 28. (Spe
cial.) Politics, religion and Thanks
giving were each part of today's events.
Thanksgiving exercises were held in
the Presbyterian Church under the
auspices of the Ministerial Association.
Kev. Mr. Teel delivered the principal
At the operahouse tonight the munic
ipal campaign was attended with much
speaking in order to reply to last
night's policies, outlined by an oppos
ing candidate's speaker. Much Interest
is being taken by. women, who listen
to promises being made by three can
didates in the Mayoralty race.
Si Ivor to n Club to Celebrate.
SlLYERTON. Or.. Nov. 2S. (Special.)
The Pllverton Commercial Club is
now occupying its new rpoms in the
opera-house buildtng and the gymna
sium will be formally opened Thursday
evening with a game of basketball
between the McLoughlin Club, of Port
land, and the locals. Silverton now has
ono of the best rooms for such exhibi-
Sellwood fqr the balance of the
money, about 5UO, to re-open uu
maintain the branch. The Women's
Auxiliary is ready to assist, and last
year raised nearly 1400 toward ex
penses. A committee 01 mc
authorized. to De composea 01
member from the Central 1, Ju U A,
three citizens of Sellwood and one
member from the Sellwood Women's
Auxiliary, to make a canvass of the.
suburb, "to ascertain if the balance can
be raised.
It is realized that this is a critical
period for the Sellwood branch. If the
present effort to re-open that brancn
does not succeed it may mean that it
will lose the branch. This committee
will get to work as soon as possible
and call on all business men of ti.e
suburb. Subscriptions will be with
the provision that the whole amount
required be raised and that the branch
be re-opened.
Errioiency of .Motor Vehicles for
Answering Calls Shown.
KtTiclency of gasoline in police work,
a pec idea of Chief SIoVer. was given
a thorough test yesterday, through a
flood of emergency calls received at the
station and answered promptly by
motorcycle men or officers in automo
biles. Chief Slover's contention that
self-propelled vehicles are the back
bone of good police work, was suc
cessfully demonstrated.
In four minutes Patrolmen Bales
and Coulter rode from the station to
Russell and Delay streets, on report
from residents that a man was annoy
ing children in that vicinity. They
found Patrolman Mallon holding George
Day, who was booked at the statin
on a charge of disorderly conduct..
Scarcely had this case been attended
to, when Thomas Dooney reported from
1248 Cleveland avenue, than four men
were making a murderous assault upon
him at his home. The .police auto
mobile, driven by Patrolman Evans,
with Patrolmen Coulter and Cason,
responded, going out Union avenue at
the rate of 45 miles an hour, on orders
from Captain Moore. They found the
trouble had subsided, but by being
promptly on the ground were enabled
to Intercept the four men at a distance
of half a mile from -the scene of the
affray. Dooney identified K. H. Downey
as his assailant and he was arrested.
Drunken Man Draws Knife and
Gnard Morelock Has Lively Fight.
For several minutes. In the corridor
of the City Jail early yesterday. Jailer
Morelock. locked away from other of
ficers, who tried to go to his assist
ance, grappled with a drlnk-lnfurlated
prisoner, who had drawn a concealed
knlfo and tried to stab his keeper.
Brawn prevailed against frenzy event
ually and the assailant was locked in
a eel).
Fred Love, a common police charac
ter, had assailed Special Officer Parker
at Fifth and Washington Btreets and
was arrested by Patrolmen Gouldstone
and Nutter, who took from him the
knife with which lie tried to stab the
special officer. When he was searched
the second knife was not found, and
a moment later he produced it and
lunged at Morelock. ,
Clatsop County Asks West for An
other Detail Xext Spring.
ASTORIA. Or., Nov. 28. (Special)
Such satisfactory results were obtained
from the working of convicts in the
operation of the county rock-crushlr.g
plant last Summer that the County
Court has requested the Governor to
detail another set of prisoners for
work here next year.
While the rock-crushing -plant will
not be started tip until the pleasant
weather of Spring sets In. the prisoners
probably will be used for a time in
clearing ground on the property re
cently purchased by the county for a
poor farm.
tsa than !.00 Europeans reside within
the 1'crsian empire.
and the poor, the baby homes and all
the charitable institutions.
A visit to any one of them or to all
of them was as happy a way of spend
ing two or three hours as could be
imagined, simply because the sight of
happiness in those with the least cause
to be thankful was In Itself a.pleasure.
All through the day, though more
especially during the later hours,
streams of people passed through the
doors of some charitable institutions.
Society people, wealthy business .men
and w-omen. working men. and. above
all, children, and the humble poor vis
ited tnis or mat nome, ui"i6fi
some gift, generally fruit or flowers,
and passing from one ward to another,
from bed to bed, or cot to cot.
Cklldrea Bring Gifts.
Several Instances of real charity oc
curred in this Thanksgiving day. Two
tiny little mites, dressed all In white
and the palest of pale blue, with muffs
and little bonnets of a similar mate
rial, came with their great big father
and their kind-looking mother to the
children's ward of the Good Samaritan
Hospital. In their arms were bags,
and they had evidently been instructed
to go up to some little sufferer and
present their gifts.
But the first little person they saw
was a dusky maid called Leila, and
for a moment they hung back. Leila
looked shy and the little girls gained
courage. Shyly they held out their
hands and murmured, "We've come to
wish you a happy Thanksgiving,, and
we hope you'll soon be well." And
with that they placed a huge bag of
popcorn in Leila's hands. Two min
.. . thia HarV.evAil m m i il had a
U IC9 Idltl lino u. - -
terrible fit of the "chokes," all the
popcorn had gone down the wrong
way and lor a moment mere waa uun
.Lnitinn. Leila, herself was the first
to recover, and she knew what she'd
done, for she remarked naively,
That 8 wnat comes oi eaiiun iuu
Smartly Gowned Woman TVnrse.
Others came in. A smartly dressed
"grand lady" came and sat in the ward
o innn time. She talked to them
all. she asked their troubles and she
nursed them one by one, and when she
went she had to promise to come next
Thanksgiving day.
Mothers came, or course, ana ai uy
thai ..hllriren all the time. Or took
part in the games, for every child was
allowed to get up lor mis occaaiun,
some in chairs, some able to run about.
Tk. n;ht hfnr thift riav of davs
all the- girls of St. Helen's Hall, the
almost grown-up young women and
the youngest gins in me bchuki, km
marched down, each bearing a basket
of gifts. Fruit. grapes, oranges,
bananas, figs, those lovely animal
crackers that one cannot tell whether
It's a bear or a hippopotamus, flowers,
groceries, toys of all kinds, horses.
boats, dolls in tact mey uuv
K-..a-i.t .ith ih.m a whole store. Each
took some little patient and gave to it
... . . . j .. , . ..11 ,n
her basKer, ana me wonuer ut .
the,, unpacking, the air of play and
. 1 n a . wn nn e-rrnt that the chil
dren forgot their former desire to e
at home, and finally oecinea mat. wnen
mother and father came" they'd be Just
happier where they were.
Everybody Enjoys Turkey.
Of course the dinner was the main
th(nr it wa a the main thincr every
where yesterday. And everybody, who
COUlu eat ai ail, naa lurncy, iiuLiiiui,
so common as chicken or pig or any
thing like that. Turkey It must be,
and turkey it was, thanks to the gen
erosity of the people of Portland.
Naturally when the word turkey is
mentioned that includes cranberry
sauce, and it almost goes without say
ing that pumpkin pie and fruit fol
lowed. It was simply astonishing the way
the old people forgot their dyspepsia
or their neurasthenia. The hypochon
driacs for once managed to forget the
troubles that would accrue if they ate
too much, while the tiny tots just ate
and ate and hoped for the best, hap
pily Ignorant of all those horrible
troubles that are the special privilege
of the grown-ups.
Happiness Brought to Many.
It was the same story everywhere.
Children from some Sunday school or
Christian Endeavor, young people from
this church or from that, all devoted a
portion of their time to visiting either
the Babj- Home or the homes for the
old men and women. And right glad
ly wero they welcomed. Old eyes, dim
with age, glistened with the happiness
It costs but 15 cents
A Christmas Companion
Go to The Woman! Home Companion
for your Chritmaj ideas, and you vrtH
have a jolly Chnsbna.
Christmas is but ao idea, a state of nnnd,
a feeling of good wiL . .
Ideas as to the best way of celebrating
Christmas fill up the Christmas number of
The Woman's Home Companion, which
can bo bought for
A Christmas Picture
A painting by the famous American artist.
Francis D. Millet, is the Woman's Home
Companion's Christmas gift to every read
er. The picture is reproduced b afl its
original colors, on paper twenty-two by;
sixteen inches in size. It is the first of a
notable series of art masterpieces in color.
You get this handsome, big picture in the
Christmas Woman's Home Companion for
Read The Jik." Here is the most ex
citing novel the Woman's Home Com
panion has had for a long time. "The Jilt
is the story of a girl who was engaged to
two men at the same time. And she was
a nice girl too. It begins in the Christmas
Woman's Home Companion. There are
seven other jolly stories, enough to supply
Christmas reading for the entire holiday.
A Woman's Home Companion Christ
mas costs but
The Children's Christmas
Chadren tel about "The Best Gift I ever
Made." "Christmas Toys a Boy Can
Make" another page. "A Vis to
Santa Qaus in His Home" will help every
child to have a happy Christmas. The
page of Kewpie Kutouts is one of the
best pages in the lot. and in itself is a
Christmas toy that wfl keep the children
happy a long bine. There are many
many pages for children in the Christmas
Woman's Home Companion, for only
Christmas Cheer
Feasting has its part in the Christmas holi
day. " Good Things to Eat" are discussed
as only Mrs. Farmer can discuss them.
"Suggestions for the Christmas Dinner
and especially for "Christmas Presents
that are good to eat," are some of die
features in this department, any one of
which is worth
101 Christmas Presents
and how to make mem. The home-made
gift is the best Christmas gift LetusteU
you how to make Christmas presents using
every kind of talent sewing, crocheting,
embroidery, china painting, wood work,
cut leather, stamped brass. Whatever you
can do best, here is an idea for employing
your talent to make a Christmas pfexnt
which will make some one of your friends
nappy. 101 ideas, each idea
worth more than
Christmas Fun and Folly
For a joBy Christmas at home read
"Christmas Gifts that Grow," or "The
Christmas Playhouse," or "New Gifts and
Ways to Give Them,' or "Christmas-time
Fun for the Young Folks." For away
from home Three Christmas Bazars for
Church or Chanty, or 1
Your Church." Each
these ideas is big enough
entire Christmas, and each
is worth at least
Us tJ KawponlT
Jecoratmg X '
one of
for an .
All for 15c
C. n to vour
n own-stand or mail
thi Kewpon today
woman-s Home companion
J " 381 Fourth Arenac New Yoik
Enclosed find 15e sent at yo" rUk.
Scad me the Chrisraiss number oi the
f Woasn's Hons Companion.
Name -
381 Fourth Avenue, New York
that melts to tears when some present.
some little gift was pressed into their
hands half apologetically or half sor
rowfully, with Just a murmur of
The Salvation Army Corps, the Naz-
arene Army, the Volunteers of Amer
ica, the P. J. Mann home, the Fatton
home. the Boys and Girls Aid So
ciety, where 83 of them had a jolly
afternoon, Mn fact there Is no
need to mention the homes. In
one and all it was the same. An
entertainment, a dinner, a little extra
loving .care, and all given by people
who from their callinpr had their own
Thanksgiving in the service they ren
dered others, and would not have had
it otherwise.
Lewis May Be Rich In Oil.
- CENTRALIA, Wash., Nov. 28. (Spe
cial.) Ovei- 1000 acres of rich oil lands
have been leased., near Centralia by
the Mutual OH & Development Com
pany, a Centralia and Seattle corpora
tion recently organized under the laws
of this state, and the company is taking
steps toward making the oil industry
one of the chief resources of Lewis
County. The company has opened per
manent offices in Centralia. It has
long been believed that Lewis County
has rich oil prospects, and the result
of the new company's operations will
be watched with interest.
Aurora Votes to Construct $6000
Building at Recent Election.
AURORA. Or.," Nov. 28. (Special. )
At the recent school election called to
levy a tax to construct a new school,
a 16000 building was authorized and
. in av vnt,H in raise nart of the
funds. It was proposed to authorize
the school poarq m ncum-mmo
interest-bearing warrants to cover the
balance of the expense, but it devel
oped that the election notice did not
specify this as one of the objects. L.e
board has called another election for
December 7, either to levy a suffi
cient additional tax or to authorize
Make your cut glass
sparkle with
the board to issue warrants or notes
in the amount necessary to raise the
balance of the funds. The entire levy
necessary will amount to a total of
12 mill?. .
in a
Even a Child
Can Make
Good Things
Light, fine flavored, nour
ishing and perfectly diges
tible if she uses Rumford.
Experienced cooks every
where say that there is no
other Baking Powder in
the world to equal
mi mm
Tbe Best of the Hlgb-Grade Baking Powders No Alum I
i in nana a
Soap leaves a greasy film
on glass, which is hard to re
move; the following method of
washing will, however, make
glass crystal clear:
Take a wooden tub, or pad
the metal sink with soiled
glass-linen towls, or any soft
piece of cotton. Wash the
glass in warm suds, made by
dissolving a teaspoonful of
Gold Dust washing powder in
a pan of hot water; use a soft
brush to clean surface, then
rinse in water of the same
After the glass has been
carefully dried on glass linen,
use a camel's hair brush to pol
ish the cut " I"
f lac uold fust twins
Do not n Soap.
Naphtha. Borax.
Soda. Ammopia or
Kerosene with Gold
Dust. Cold Dut
hat all desirable
deanttntf qualities in
a perfectly barmleea
and laetinj form.
'Lei the COLD DUST TWINS do your work
An Exclusive
inating: man
A thing
you will
not do
out When once tried
Done only by
Union Laundry Co.
Main 398