,s THE MOKMMi OKEUO.MAX, FRIDAY. OVMBEU g'J, 1913. .1 HEl7 .V.X . MAI.B. I HELP WA.NTKP-M1SCELLAXGOCB. 11 Ei 1" R A K K P. A BENEDICT. 502 McKay bids. M. HO. Beck. William G.. J1S-3H Falling bldg. Chapin 4V. Herlow. SJS.Chamber of Commerce. Jennings Co.. Ma i 188. 204 Oreronian. PALMER-JONES CO., IL P.. 404-405-40 h i:ci bid. Th Oregon Keal Estate Co.. Grand ve. at Multnomah st. (Hoiladay Addition). KK.lt. ESTATE. k or ftale Lots. LU19 BAbCi. Laurelhurst offers Ihe beet Investment opportunity ortered In Portland ridence property. Lota are from -0 to 40 per ceni cheaper than In any other high-grade residence addition In the city. Nowhere else In Portland can you go and buy a lot In a sub-dlvlslon possessing every possible requirement for comfortable living and lo. caied within 15 minutes from the center of the city for fluoo. Laurelhurst' la reached by four quick service carllnea. Two of these lines have toe owl. or aii-nigm icniva ., ' of the liac. can be reached from the cen ter of the city within 15 to IS minutes. There are inoie than $1,000,000 worth, of i.ew homes In Laurelhurst, and every lot i . ill JnM. In V 1 1 1 A In 1 II Ifie UUII. It'll Mm wMvas ... - - .' the next three years. We will sell ou a lot In Laurelhurst for ! per cent down and 2 per cent a month, and help you build a home. Make provision for your future home now. Make a start lo get away from the rent man. Laurelhurst Is located In the center of the btg rest.lcted East Bide residence dis trict and la In the one and one-half mile circle. MEAD MURPHY, Sales Agents, 270 S Stark street. Phones: Main J503 and A l1-. Oftlce ct tract. East 3uth and Glisan. De:abanty Clements. Agents. 1 .111 II e, imwi M-wwu. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. I need money; will sacrifice two levei lots, beautiful trees. Fern avenue, three blocks car. walking distance, iltoO. terms. Noluing so cheap In city. Marshall 4827 BROOKE. A 3S39. SS.-iOO. Cornell mad. head of Overton; east view- 100 feet front, cor. Summit Lane; all Improvements paid. Owner, 181 Burn side t. Phone Main 1317. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Fine quarter block, on Ravensvw. beautiful view, nice trees, about 2 feet above grade; among beau tiful homes. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 383. 2 ACRES METZGER. $750. T'tc fare on Oregon Electric Why pay this "price for a lot when you can get Iwj acres for the same. Fred W. German, 436 Cham, of Com-Maln JM45. W1LL give a few more second mort gage privileges to builders who can qual ify Hollyrood tract, adjoining Irvington; all 'street Improvements are in. tall East ima. 100x200 $470. $5 down. $5 monthly; extra One soil, cleared. X0 minutes out ; Ideal for a home; 'high and dry. A. C. Marstera. 202 Wilcox i idg. Main T. Tabor 17 o. A 1X40. ELK ROCK Rlverdale district, 100x230. on carline and auto road; fine view, $2!50; terms. Phone owner II. T. Duffy. Main 570. A 7070. 6.-1X11(1 COUNCIL CREST CHEAP. Cleared: water; 300 feet to car; some cash, balance to suit. Tabor 3237. Mar tin L. woodard. 1204H Belmont si. - SEVERAL LOTS. IRVINGTON. 1 cor. Russell street; Income $50 pr month, all cheap. East 273. W. H. Herd- 2 FINE lots on Slat and Tibbltt. and full lot i Wltn 2 gooo nouses wm " i ' tradi for acreage near Portland. Sell wood 1711. . . DANDY lot. Grimes Addition to SU Johns. close In. reasonable and best of terms. Owner. B. V. Burns. Sandy, or. Hl 5-fiot lota in Errol Heights, close to Iteed College: $1700 cash; rare bargain. K i-67, Oregonlan A SNAP $10 cash, $10 per month. $73 less than market value. In Irvington Park. 1.1 P),mBiV A V. fith. tiO MONTHLY 30xliH view lot. $4!'0. In cluding Improvements; carline. AT Sso, Oregonlan. TEN 'ot Council Crest Park, all or pari, cheap, phone owner. A 3036. VH1S week. $700 lot for $400 cash. O 551. Oregonlan " For Hale House. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Strictly modern, large roomy house and lot on Portland Heights: has five sletp rooms: beaulllul new overlooking city. Fireplace, sleeping-porch and hardwood floors. Owner must raise some cash and this Is your opportunity to get an ele gant home at your own price, if you have the cash and act Immediately. N 52. Ore gonlan. " BEAUTIFUL HOME. Restricted- district. Improvements paid, lot S'JxlOO. Built for owner, high aud sightly, furnace, fireplace, elegant hard wood floors. foot buffet, gulden oak fin ish. 4 French plate mirrors, lawn In. lot in exchange or monthly payment or cas.i. This house above the average. Vei-y pretty. 1 car lines, li mln. ride to Wash. st. Phone forenoons. Main 4144. LAURELHURST. Modern 8-room house and full lot, with all Improvements in and paid for: beamed ceilings, fireplace, hardwood floors and all conveniences. If you have $looo cash to pay, vou can get a genuine bargain if you see this piuce at once. B 50Q. Oregoniaii. ROSE CITY PARK. $150 CASH. $15 PER MONTH, e-roo.n. balh. flrt place, basement. Im provements in and paid. Price $2750. Na tional Reulty St Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce tldg. Phone Main 512St. 1500 WILL handle S-room and attic, modern. Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcaat-s. window seat, beamed ceiling, paneled dining-room, sleeping-porch, wash trays, fixtures; lot ioxlOO, cement walks, nice lawn; price $L-6oO. Take lit. Scolt to Woodmere. 7611 ;lst ave. p. E. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Attractive home, nearly new. with all modern conveniences, large grounds, tine views of city and mountains, on carline In best ncghbor hood. near schools and club. Price $14,000, verv easy terms. Owner, 1008 Spalding bldg. WHY LIVE IN A SHACK? A new. modern, artistic, well-constructed 5-room bungalow, near the Alberta car line, can be purchased from owner fr t-vOu: cash only. There is probably no: a betu-r bargain In the city. Address J 61::. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Beautiful 5-room modern house, with fireplace, full basement, nice corner lot .-i"xl'o. two blocks from atrcetc-ar. worth J:;.Ml If taken this week, i:;.'iii0; 1'"0 down, balance as rent. 411 Henry bidg. THREE rooms and bath, lot 5xloo. new. West Side, Tualatin Valley view. 2 blocks to car, walks, graded streets and water, good neighborhood, 15 minutes to Postof fice. $13o. easy terms. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS. Second Floor Belling Bldg. A SILENT SALESMAN. $2750 Absolutely complete bungalpw; almost li acre land; send for "our silent ralesman." Illustrated circular. See prop erty alone. SLAUSON-CRAIG CO.. S04 Oak St. b-ROOM bungalow on West Side, well built, commands fine view of Tualatin Valley, nearly H acre of ground, lawn, roses and fruit, close to car. 15 minutes to Postof l:ce. $4000. terms. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWXER3, Second Floor Selling Bldg. THKEE rooms and bath, corner 100x185. West Side. 3 blocks to car, $1S00, very easy terms. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS. second Floor Selling Bldg. BIG SNAP. Lot 40x124. on 64th su East, on carline, ore block from Hawthorne ave; bedrock price for ctsn or terms. See owner. G. Godfrey. Hood Hotel, Cth and Everett. 47iuOM house, moaern. new. restricted dis trict. In Rose City Park section. 7 blocks to car. $24uo. terms to suit. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS. Second Floor Selling Bldg. SEE THIS TODAY. 5 rooms, new. modern. 50x100. near car, 1 minutes out; .'25o: $100 lown. Take Sellwood car to Ellis ave. 724 Ellis avc phone Tabor 4320. - $2700 STRICTLY modern bungalow for J2IO0- cement basement, fireplace, gar age, borne broken. 1061 East 27th N. Alberta car. IRVINGTON OUR SPECIALTY. FINE HOMES $1000 AND UP. CHOICE LOTS $1000 AND UP. NEUHAUSEN CO. 703 LEWIS BLDG. Main fcOTa. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Choice location; 7 rooms; small cash payment. baL monthly. Eaat 273. W. H. H-rdirian. W NTED Sub-contractors to give bids on eight bungalows In ' Hollyrood at once, ts.l East 182i " SEVERAL HOME Irvington. 8 rooms, oak finish, perfect. very cheap. East 273. W. H. Herdman. HEIGHTS bungalow and two building sites. eacrlf.ee. $1000 below value. Write owner. 543. OregonlanJ MODERN 6-room house, lot 80xlo0. 2 blocks from Union ave. Price 430O0. Thle is a snap. Woodlawn 3221. PEASONABLE. bungalow. 17X32 feet. 209 E 12th. G. W. Allen. 21 Mulkey bldg BARGAIN S-room house, owtter leaving city. Telephone Woodlawn 1158. IRVINGTON 8 rooms, new and modern; ' $5ahn: terms reasonable. rUat SSiMt. rOR FINE HOM5S Sea Ielsaiul, Eaat I273 I v vet T - m e . r i Aid. . i For Sale i - nm kiiil.t vnn a horn. In Laurelhurst. We have the best building plan that has avm. kjtc .1vl-,l In Portland. It saves you all of the trouble of looking after the work, and protects you against liens and otner ouuuing annoyance. llntfa villi nt nil lh KfltTV. of all th talis and stand between you and all loss. We can build cheaper than you can get i Ki.ii. .nu n-, urn -i u in Portland. and much cheaper than you can build It yourself. We buy building material in large quantities, at big discounts, and you get the advantage of this discount. we employ only the best mechanics. our pian Is as follows: Tou select your jot ana decide upon ine uko -.hi.i. . ..... u- -.in have our arch itect draw your plans, then we v,'ll take .Ha-,, nf tli enrmtrUCtiOU. lOOK alter every detail, build the house exactly as you want It. give you your full moneys worth and tuin the house over to you a finished Job you to make us a cash pay ment of only about 10 per cent of the value of the property. The remainder you can pay in monthly Installments, "hlcn will amount to very little more than your present rent. No other .ub-dlvislon oper ator!! have ever made such a liberal offer as this in Portland. h Think of getting a house built In "a an addition as Laurelburet on such lib eral terms a we have outlined above. It Is an unheard of propostion " "'",",: Come around lo our office at 2i0 .Blr1K street. In the Railway Exchange ouna ing. and let us explain It to you fully. MEAD MURPHY. Sales Agents. 270! gark street. Railway Exchange bldg. . . 1 'j I J 1.113. Office at tract, E 39th and E. G"l street: Deiahanty & utmsu'i Phone. Tabor 3433. a ROOMS. FLOORED ATTIC AND SLEEPING PORCH. $60 CASir."$30 PER MONTH, INCLUDING INTEREST. ii..T..n i . . i. x:r ummvoon FLOORS. BEAMS AND PANELING, buffet. Dutch kitchen, double construction, f u"'e'nen' basement: 50XIOO. cju-" r.n " KNOTT STS. PAVED district. - PRICE. INCLUDING SHADES AND FIXTURES, 13500. L L SAUNDERS. Owner, care COLUM BIA ' TRUST COMPANY. BOARD OK TR VDK BLDG.. 82 4th St. Main SJW. A 1163. O-KOOM modern bungalow. Rose City Park. built-in outlet, oooKcusee, ui.i.u ..vj.---, two large beorooms, flue batn, large attic, walls tinted. electr c light fixtures In, lireplace. furnace. lull cement basement, view of city and ill. Hood, cement walks, curbs, water, gas in and paid, near fireproof school, J blocas to car. $3300. terms. , PROVIDENT TKUST CO.. OWNERS. secona r ioor aeiung pms BUILD ON YOUR VACANT LOT. TURN THE BUrfDEN INTO 1NI.OJE. WE FURNISH PLANS, FINANCES AN O BUILD APARTMENT OR RESlDENCa. AT LOW COST. lfB GIVE BOND. SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEB US BEFORE YOU MAKE PLANS; IT WILL PAY YOU L. R. BAILEY CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 1124 ABINGTON BLDG. BUILD NOW. W3 DESIGN AND FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AND BUILD YOUR HOME U1COAm'eA MAKE YOUR SELEC TIU.N FROM OUR MANY ARTISTIC DE SIGNS OF HOMES. "SWISS CHALETS AND BUNGALOWS. 506 M'KA Y BLDG., 3D AND STARK STS 7 ROOMS and finished attic- two-story, new, large reception ball and living room, beamed and paneled dining-room, Dutch kitchen, four large bedrooms, light cloaets, all built-in conveniences, fireplace, fur nace, full cement basement, east (rout, near Catholic school, one block to Broad way car. rt!00; $1000 cash. , PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bids. YOUR VACANT PROPERTY. OWES YOU AN INCOME. 1 WILL BUILD YOU A HOME, APARTMENT OR STORE BUILDING. MONEY LOANED AT LOWEST MARKET RATE. SEE ME AT ONCE ABOUT PLANNING YOLK BUILD ING. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. 629 HENRY BLDG. CASH OFFER. If taken before December 10th, will sell my strictly modern 0-room home for $3,100. If you are in the market for this kind of a house It will be decidedly to your advantage to see this property be fore buying. For full particulars address owner. J 014. Oregonlan. ' NtiW modern 5-room house with reception halt, fireplace, full cement basement, built in wash trays, lot 50x100, built-in Dutc i kitchen and buffet. Improvements all paid, excellent car service and good locality; al for only 250o; term3 $22.50 per montn. Including interest. Call Marshall ltta2- PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Beautiful l-room modern house, 3 level lots, unique situation, with splendid un obstructable view. $5500. . Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A ItSt FORCED to s-ll my new 0-room house and garage In Irvington: $4650. $1600 cash, Dal. $18 a month. Phone East 1872. For Sale Huslnesa Property. TO FETTLE AN ESTATE. A fine art- house site facing 200 ft. on 16th St., 140 ft. on Clay St.. and 80 ft. on Columbia at., will be sold at auction at the Courthouss Dec. 2 at 10 o'clock A. M This property Is Improved with 4 houses and 1 barn; nil renteiL ONE of the best corners on Williams ave., bringing In $300 pr mo., for sale by W. H. Payne A Co.. Woodlawn 2100. WEST SIDE business corner, good Income, will sell at a sacrifice. East 1628. 1-or SaleAcreage. BEST INVESTMENT IN MONTHS. Two sections of raw bunchgrass land in Eastern Oregon, close to new railway line between Bend and Burns; $0.50 per acre, in 10 equal annual payments. THE BIG BEND LAND CO.. OLD NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. SPOKANE, WASH. ACREAGE on West Side, inside 6 is -mile circie, excellent soil, good drainage, largo area of beaverdam soil: part of this tract Is under cultivation, part in stumps ana some heavy timber. -4, 5 and 10-acre tracta: prtcea range from $375 to $uoo per acre: ao.d on eaty terms: we wlil build to suit purchaser. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. , 22 ACRES, near HHI'boro. 2 miles from Newton, on S. P., 1 fx miiea from Farm ington; 16 acres cultivated; small spring branch across one corner. level, and is the very best of Tualatin Valley land, onlv 17 miles by auto road from Portland; si is per acre; 4 cash, balance to ault. It muKt be sold by January 1. G. A. Nichols. P07 Wilcox bldg. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCHES near POKl'LAND. Best coll. good roads, spring water, free wood, settled country. 10 acres $40O, $500, $60O per tract; 2U acrea $800. 40 acres $1200; 80 acrea $2000; 40 acres timber $2400. Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy lei ma. Frank McFarland Realty Co . aotf Yeon bldg., Portland. Or. CLOSE-IN ACRES. 1 1 acres, fenced, new hard finished modern house. 2 chicken houses, barn, all painted: small fruit, orchard; 5c fare; city water; $1400 will handle, balance very easy. F. W. Newell. No. 502 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 312 acres, level, improved, adapted for grain, alfalfa, vines or hogs; some oak timber; northwest Tehama County, California; cheap at $22.50 per acre; terms; 7 miles from railroad. Ad dress M. F. Wall, Cottonwood, Cal. HAVE YOU $35 IN CASH ? If so. It will make your nrst payment on a 10-acre tract ot good land ; one hour and 30 minutes from Portland. Room 215 Lumbar Exchange bldg., cor. 2d and Stark sts HALF ACRES. $475. No interest; $100 down. $10 per month; extra fine soil, cleared ; good school hand?; half-hour from 1st and Alder, 6Ho fare. A. C. Marsters. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3317, A 7340. Tabor 1770. 10-ACRE tracts at St. Joseph Junction, in high slate of cultivation; price and terms right; hourly service to Portland over two electric lines. 503-4 Lumberraens bldg. Main 3118. 1. 2, 3 AND 5-acre tracts, -close to Portland, on electric car line and auto road: $200 to $400- earv terms. J. W. Hefferlln, S07 Railway r.xcnnae ums. SACRIFICE for cash, acre tract, near new carline building, for $1200; must be sold at once; lots selling adjacent to this tract . . -twi h -nll 7ti4 Kellinr hlriv. FOR SALE 5 acres. S',4 miles eaat cf Wil lamette. 1 mile north Base Lino Road Ciwner, 2415 Smalley Court. Chicago 111. WOODSTOCK acre tract; must be sold at !,.. ll.MUl 1 -o n nt,in. ham Hotel. ( Ult BAI.B viie Hi,, 81st St.. Irvington, district; $4500, terms. p. O. box 400. ASK for circulars land excursion. Marys vllle. Cal.. Dec 7. Round trip $34.50. A. M. Hishhouse, 517 Board of Trade bldg. LOOK. LOOK: 10 acres fine oll. $350; your own terms. 1203 Yeon bldg 2Vi ACRES. $675: fine soli, part cleared; carline; $11 monthly. P 614, Oregonlan. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE SNAP. 12 acres, afl In cultivation, on Oregon Electric, near station; has new. modern 5-room house, cost owner $2500; also new barn and chicken-house: running water: land lies fine; price $6500, with terms, including a fine cow. chickens, veg etables, fruit and household furni ture; taking out cost of Improve ments It leaves the land less than $275 pr acre. If you want an -ideal suburban home, see this. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 171 Fourth St. Between Morrison and Yamhill. Main $915.- A 2815. BRADLEY DAIRY FARMS Units of 5 to 20 acres at $23 to $4C per acre; 23S0 acres of very rich black leaf loam, logged-off yeara ago, stumps well rotted, no underbrush, all ready fur the settler, near Portland on the Colum bia. Dally boat service. See Even Mounce. CIIAPIN HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO.. 3d Floor, Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE BARGAIN. 12 V4 acres, 1 mile from Gresham carlluc; 8 acres cultivated, balance easily cleared; 7-rooin house, barn and chicken-house; good macadam ized road to place; an ideal poultry and fruit ranch; the price la right; only $3300. and give terms. THE .LAWRENCE COMPANY, . 171 Fourth St. Between Morrison and YamhilL Main 6915.- A 2S15. ACREAGE. . The largest platting (4000 acres and the largest and oldest acreage Arm in-vicinity of Portland Insure you. Modern transportation, mountain water, electric lights, low commut er's fare, are all assured. Let us snow you. Any sized tract from one-half acre up. at $250 to 1500 per acre, and up on monthly payments. Proper re ductions for cash. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main S5. 102 Fourth Sr. A 3500. $230 , . 10 acres of timber that can be sold for cord wood: if you have $250, will prove to you that you can make money by buying thla land; property Is on good transportation: close to Portland; also excellent macadam road. A 548, Ore gonlan. . ' Irrigated Lands. ' K BUSINESS PROPOSITION. Would you like to locate In the richest part of the Willamette Valley If ; ou were sure of plenty of water for Irrigation dur ing the Summer dry spell? We want to tell you of the special Inducements that we are offering the first settlers in a big new Irrigation project that has already Interested many experienced farmers. They are going into small dairy farming, hog raising, poultry, alfalfa, clover, market gaviuning. fruit and berry-raising. It pays to get In on the start. Call for booklet. WILLAMETTE VALLEY JRR. LAND CO. 8U4 OAK STREET. NEAR CTH. l or tali tloiMentcna. FREE GOVERNMENT LAND. We will locate you on 320 acVes Of good, rich valley land, near timber and plenty good water; a special rate of $75 Is offered for one week. 411 Henry Bldg. JOIN California land excursion, December 7, . r- . K. ..-.,,., A Xf Ul.hhnniia Ft 1 7 Boanl of Trade bldg. For sale -I ruil Lands. FRUIT LANDS. Goldendale. Klickitat County, Washing ton apples took first prize at the North west Land Producta Show last week over ALL other entrants from every great apple-growing district of the Northwest. Goldendale took honors for general dis play of agricultural products. Tiia prices of Goldendale apple lands are within the reach of anyone, no matter how modest in means, at reasonable terms. If you would like to meet several per sons who own orchards at Goldendale and hear from their own Hps Just how they are becoming independent raising apples at Goldendale. and this, too, from a very small initial investment, address AF 654, Oregonlan. For Sale farms. FOR SALE or trade, 15fl-acre farm with good buildings ana fences, in oillman County, near Grand Sleld, Oklamoha. Call or address owner, E. Schoen, Concordia College, Portland, Oregon. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. IS miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner 182 Morrison su DESCRIPTIVE folders, land excursion to Marysvllle, cal., Dec. 7; round trip sji uu. A. M. Highhouse. 517 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HOUSE WANTED. Wish to buy a home in Portland of from 6 to 8 rooms: must be at least a 60 by 100 lot, or more ground; will make small cash payment and good-sized monthly pavments; price should be from $15oO to $2200. For full particulars In ans. werlng address P. O. box 1131. Portland. WANTED. Tho best piece of property for a good home that can be bought for $5000; $1."00 cash, balance liberal monthly payments: .asi Clue prricucu. v. n 1 1 iciu,v ..i. WANTED To buy G to 10 acres Improved West Side; must be inside or o-mlie circle; give description, location and price in first letter. P. O. box316: WANT 5 or 6-room modern bungalow in exchange for my $3.00 equity In beauti ful West Side $5000 lot. 600 Journal bldg. WANT 50-ft. business, int in Bend, Or.; lowest casn price, lot ann diqck io, a-i-dresa P. O. box 807, Portland. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LAND8 ' BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. 3000 AND 4S40 acrea fir, accessible, well located, river and. railway. AV t. ora gonian. ABOUT 2000 cord of first growth stand ing: uinurr im mii .,. . - Plains. E. Fisher, North Plains, Or. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT 18 acres, about three miles rrom city limits, oooa M-room nouse. big barn, fruithouse. splendid orchard, with best kind of apple and pear trees, storeroom for a general merchandise, well established. Will rent the place very rea sonable providing the party is well ex perienced in orchards, and will take proper care of it. Inquire 291 Morrison st. TO EXCHANGE. WANTED To buy from owner, modern, un incumbered 7-room esidence, on East Side, in 'exchange for modern 53-room apartment-house in line close-in location, do ing good business. Very cheap rent. Ad dress owner. B 591. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or exchange. 320 acres very best farm land. Lake County. Oregon, $5000 good Improvements; let me tell you abou' It. W. L. Powers, 3319 S. E. 41th St. 35-ROOM rooming-house, in the heart oi the city, to exchange for farm; equity $3500; mortgage $1KH. Thla is new and clean. A.J 5S4. Oregonlan. HAVE nice quarter section of land to ex change for - well ' located apartment house. See ma at 914 Chamber of Com merce. SALE OR TRADE 2R5i First, photosjraph gallery, completed for night and day busi ness: rent $12.50. Including light and water. e"ARM, $5000. Improvements, buildings; ex client soil; Portland 18 miles', mortgage ,. $2000; equity for residence. Owner, 10SU Grand. North. BEACH lots to exehange for automobile. Give full description and price ot cai AM 60S, Oregonianj ' WANTED Stock merchandise, good village-, for good suburban property. R till, Ore gonlan VISIBLE typewriter for piano. AL 67 Oregonlan. WHAT have von lo trade in as first pay ment on 5-room bungalow 7 Tabor 4326. iin irpra iiniR wonDBHRN. A fine dairy farm of 150 acres, of which 123 acres are in cultivation and 23 acres in timber, right at the town of West Woodburn; barn for 40 cows, fair house and other oul buildings, family orchard, etc- price $23,500: $500o cash, balance at lu per cent, or will . take some city property as pari payiueuu im Berrlam, with GRU.SSI & BOLDS. R18 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. nilBV RANCH. Dairy ranch of 173 acres. 28 miles from Portland, good, running water, stocked end equipped: price 120,000; will accept trade up to one-half ana give time on oaianc. Will consider real estate or stock of goods; give full particulars In writing. J. E. Smith, box 1131. portianu. ur. vnlT'I.I. I.IKE OITR SUNSHINE. Choice forty, one mile from Caldwell; trarfe for acreage near Portland; all kinds or trades: irrigated fruit and farm lanHiL where the his: red atnle grows. Give full description in first letter. The A. L. Murphy o.. rainweii, iqano. BUNGALOW. $3200; paved district; $2000 equity for ranch, owner, luu -oranu North. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Ktc HORSES AND -WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and solo, new wagons and auto beds made to order. Livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES. 420 Hawthorns Ave. Phone E. 72. B 1369. FOR SALE or tratde for work horses, bay pacing gelding; sound and city broke, gentle for lady to drive; paced a mile in 2:17 this Summer. Room 001 Carlton Ho tel after 3 P. M. Phone Main 3435. FOR SALE Team of mares. 3200 lbs.. 8 and 9 years, sound and true, working on county road at Roiky Point. G. W. Rhodes, Scappoose, Or. FOR SALE Horse. 1100 pounds, fine condi tion, works single or double; price $C0. W". Sarae, phone 128 Odell Exchange, Hood River. 2-YEAR-OLD registered Jersey Bull, kind and gentle: will trade for dry cows o." 1 200-1 b. mare. Phone Tabor 758. S 578, Oregonlan. . EIGHT big work horses and 4 small horses for sale cheap. Olson Ice Co., 267 E. Ankeny, FOR SALE Horse, weight 1400 pounds, or would like to buy one to match same. 334 Front st. EIGHT big work horses and 4 small horses for sale cheap. Olson Ice Co., 267 E. Sth st.' ; $125 BUYS team, mare and a horse, weight 2100 lbs. Good pullers any place; farm wapon. Call Woodstock Blacksmith Shot WANTED 4 or B young, sound horses, weighing 1700 pounds. J. W. Sweeney, 1)01-2 Lewis bldg. - BAY team. 7 years old. weight 2700 lbs.; farm wagon and harness. 207 E. Ankeny. FUR SALE or trade Hack and boarding .stable, for srrrali farm. AS 645, Oregonian. la AY mare, aged 7 years, weight 1630 lbs., sound and true. Tabor 4023. LARGE pastures near Portland for con traitor's hordes. PI. one Main 1410. TO BE sold cheap, one nice saddle pony; gentle for children. 426 E. Yamhill st. TEAM of mares, well matched, true pullers, 200 pounds. $160. 426 E. Yamhill. lt!r tlill. Pel MUCK SABLE Mend fur coat worth $150, will sell for $35; splendid condition. 137 East Goth st. Mt. Tabor. Ai L-fc. .errtera for protection, sport and pals. Laddix Kennels. Estauada. Or Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE The furnishings of a well furnished three-room apartment in first class canditidn. at a sacrifice for cash. For particulars call East 2777. or Mrs. W., at Main 1156, between 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. FURNITURE six rooms; good piano, "motor cycle, brass beds, rugs, absolutely clean, no sickness; private family; en blcc or pieces; leaving city at once. I'M Easi 24th st., N. Phono East S073. Take Broadway car to door. FOR SALE Roll-top desk. safe, typewriter . desk, oak counter, gate and hat rack. Ap ply John Pauer. 603 Rothchild bldg. FOR SALE cheap, furniture of a 6-room . modern house, rent $25. 369 X. 20th St., near Thurraan. HOUSEHOLD furniture of 4 rooms at once cheap; going East. 425 E. 45th st. ffURNITUKE of 7 rooms, full of roomers: price $225. 175 17th St. FURNITURE of 7-ioom bouse Woodlawn 31 W. Automobiles. BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED CARS. We have a few snaps In slightly used ears and MICHIGAN cars taken In ex change; all cars fully guaranteed. Ca. or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO BCGGT CO Phones: Last 1-Kil. B i34J. 8HH-37' Hiwthorne ave. FOR RENT The Ruby, all-steel, PORTA BLE private garages: FIREPROOF, burglar-proof, storm-proof, weather-tighL Placed at your own convenience. Consult T. F. HIGGINS. 615 East 60th St. North. Phone afternoons. Tabor 34S5. RUNABOUT 1912 model, $1000 car, 25 h p., fuiiy equipped, demountable rims, speedo meter, chains, etc. ; run only 700 miles. Can be seen either day or night at 17o 21st st.. near Washington, or address U 665, Oregonian. USED-CAR BUYERS aaould examine our stock before pur chasing. The values r-w offer ARE UNEQUALED. NORTHWEST AUTO EXCBANG3 511 Alder st. 4 LOWEST RATES. LOANSXJN AUTOS. PRIVATE PARTY. 613 AFIN3TON BLDG.. 106 3D ST. MAIN 852 . MAXWELL runabout, full equipment, fine condition. 4 cylinders. 22 H. P.ij $450 cash. H 54o, Oregonian. MOTORCYCLE for sale; in flrst-ciass con dition. Call 27 2d st. North. Phone Main UtllH. A 2134. WANTED 4 or 6-passenger late model au tomobile up to $1000. to .trade fcr vacant property. Owner, Woodlawn i9& FOR SALE One 2-cyIlnder Oldsmoblle with delivery body and extra 3-paaseuger body. $250. Call126 E. 0th E-M-F 80. 5-pass., exceptionally well equipped, sacrifice. $450. X 461. Oregonlan. AUTO for rent without driver, by the day or month. W 570, Oregonlan. Poult rjr. RARE BARGAIN Choice R. I. Reds. 696 Market-street Drive. Phone A 1289. Miscellaneous. ONE. New Way engine. li tj h. p., with drag saw outfit, complete, in first-class shape. Price $300. One Davenport steel wagon, gear only; used 10 das; wooden fellys. Prico $00. Inquire 25 Albina ave., or phone C 1003. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W.. 660-volt Crocker-Whesler generator, complete with field rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Address room 203. Oregonian b!dg. LOCOMOTIVES FOR RENT. We will rent you a locomotive for $5 to $10 per day. Write for Hsu Will sell on easy terms. Nisqually Iron Works, Ta eonia. Wash. SAFES Special prices; new and second hand. Are and burglar proof; combinations changed. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co.. 85 Sth St. Phone M. 6309. TYPEWRITERS Oliver, No, a, $25; Rem ington, Nos. 6 and 7, $25; No. 4 Under wood, $40: No. 2 Smith Premier, $20. AH 2, Oregonian. BARGAIN 3 nearly new pool tables: also have gaocery and confectionery payin good: leaving city. Tabor 1640; SAFES, new. second-hand, large assortment, low prices: safes opened, repaired. Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d St. Main 7676. BEAUTIFUL sealskin ooat (baby seal), old style, but scarcely worn, $175. N 568. Oregonlan." CASH registers, credit registers, scales, etc bought and sold. The Pacific Store Serv ice Co.. 227 Stark St.. Main 7711. FOR SALfci 8 feet corner cigar case, round, also gum case and small cash register. In quire Elks Club. FOR SALE 280 shares of Peoples' Amuse ment Co. stock, pays 1 per cent per month dividend. Inquire Main 8986. FOR SALE OR RENT Losging and hoist ing engines. Contractors' equipment. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO.. 1st and Oak. HIGH-GRADE typewriters. all makes, bought sold and exchanged. Korthnc: Typewriter Co . 262 Stark. ANNU4.L SALE of unredeemed pledge 'UNCLE MYERS. 40 years la Portland, tl Sixth St.. near Oak. VISIBLE typewriter and roll-top make offer. B 589. Oregonlan. desk; REMINGTON typewriter. No. 7. at a bar gain. B 586, Oregonlan. ROLL too desk, office chair and typewriter stand, 20. 207 Allsky bldg. LATEST model. No. 5, new Underwood tpye writers, cheap for cash. 411 McKay bidg. FOR- SALE" Invalid's rubber-tired tricycle. 1449 E. Koyt St. DERBY desks and office furniture. E. B. Haley Desk Co.. 210 Seventh at. Main 587. WELL-ROTTED fertlllzar. Phone East 426. Miscellaneous. PAY ME $2.00 LESS For every ault or overcoat you buy pay me $2 less; thus my $25.00 to $30.00 val ues marked $18.75. pay me $2.00 less; my $15.00 to $18.00 values, marked $12.7o. va me $2.00 less. Jimmy Dunn, room 31 Oregonlan bldg., and Majestic Theater building.. FOR SALE. , A 46-horepower. 550-voH Crocker TVheeler motor, complete with standara blade starttr, no voltage release and 70 ampere overload L T. E. circuit breaker. In At condition.' Address room 30S. Ore gonian oiag. f kill One 125-volt direct-current generator, complete with Held rheostat, am-metr and circuit breaker. This machine Is la good repair. Address room 2o Oregonlan oldg. MEN'S PANTS Th men's trousers I sell at $2.50 and $3.50 would cost you $1 to $2 more in ground-floor stores. Jimmy Dunn, room 315. Oregonlan bldg.; also second floor Majestic Theater bldg. TOU can rent an Oliver typewriter three months for $4. delivered. Call phone Main 6273 or A 4441. The Oliver Type writer Agency. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNZTURtt AND TOOLS. Highest price paid for ladles' and men cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, hard ware and bicycles: if you want to be sure to get the full price for your goods, call up Main 2080 and you will surely get It, The Globe Store. 290 First St. VISIBLE typewriter. Underwood or Rem ington; must be in good condition and cheap; also one roll-top and one flat-top nesK. ruuiio mmu WE BUY FOR CASH second-hand National Cash Registers and sell thhem on easy terms. W. J. MACAULEY, 354 Burnside st. Phones Main 1816. A 1S16. WILL buy any kind of hair comolngs; high, est casn price paid. Sanitary Beauty pr lors, 400 Pekum bldg. t MECHANICAL drawings, tracings and blue printing done at reasonable prices. Clyde Dlllabaugh. 113 N. 23d at- W E pay the highest casn price for second hand furniture. Seater & Martin. Pbons East 8134. 818 Hawthorne ave. WILL pay part cash and fine talking ma chlno outfit for piano or motorcycle. Port land Phonograph Agency, ouu Aioer. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for kind of furniture. Main 8951. A 2445. r-AKH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. Martin, 320 Lumber Exchange bids:. SECOND-HAND electric meat cutter want ed. AV 443, Oregonian. HELP WANTED HALE. ARE YOU A GOOD SALESMAN In an ordinary Job making an ordinary or even small salary "r If you are, you no doubt have an ambition to make more money and you beiieve you have the abil ity to do it, -but )ou lack the one thing to make you a success and that is NERVE. You are not satisfied you know you can't expect to earn but little If any more money at your present em ployment, yet you hang on to the small salary Just hoping. Now, Mr. Salesman, hoping won't get you anything you're the fellow that must make the move. GET OUT OF THAT RUT. If you are not actually lazy you can make many times your present salary with us on commis sion. Our salesmen are averaging over $5000 a year without a dollar of invest ment on their part. You can do the same If you try. This has been our most pros perous yeaf and future prospects were never brighter. If you ' belong to the class ot salesmen wno acic-aiux rc LIEVE they are receiving less than they are canable of earnincr. see Mr. Cleve land. Sales Manager, The Fred A. Jacobs Co., 269 Washington St. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35; must be native born or have first pa pers; monthly pay $15 to $69; additional compensation possible; food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free; af ter 30 years' service can retire with 76 per cent "f pay and allowances; service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Re cruiting Office, 3d and Washington sts.. or 13 3d St., Portland. Or. EAPEKiENCED salesmen to sell our bomes In all parts of the city on easy-payment plan and close-in restricted residence lots on both the East and West Sides, also close-in acreage. We furnish some pros pects and assist in closing sales. We sup ply lots and build to suit purchaser; lib eral commissions. Ask for sales manager. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS. Second Floor Selling Bldg. A HUSTLER WANTED. A MAN THAT IS NOT AFRAID TO WORK, CAN CONNECT HiMrELF WITH ONE OF THE L1VEST REAL ESTATE FIRMS IN PORTLAND. IN LOAN AND LEASE DEPARTMENT; MUST FUR NISH REFERENCE. W 572, ORE GONIAN. WANTED A practical man as foreman of a large farm. Must know how to handle men and must be familiar with stock and farm machinery. Write fully, enclose references, state salary expected. Address applications to AV 404. Oregonlan, Port land, Or. SALESMAN to sell homes and lots In a close-in restricted district. Also acre tracts on an electric line. Assistance given In getting prospects and in closing sales. Liberal commission. Splendid opportu nity for hustlers to succeed. 286 Oak st. WANTED Stock salesman for city; liberal commission. See Sales Mauager, 407 Yton bldg. SALESMAN acquainted with office supply trade, to handle our high grade carbon papers and typewriter ribbons; our proposition averages 50 per cent commis sion; only competent salesmen with good references considered. Neldich Process Company. BurllngtonN. J. WANTED Two first-class lumber graders for grading lumber on sorting chain, one night and one day; good wages and steady work the year 'round. Address Hoqulam Lumber St Shingle Co., Hoquiam, Waih. . WANTED A practical horticulturist who Is thoroughly familiar with the care of old and young orchards. Must understand handling of spraying equipment. Write fully giving references, salary expected, etc Address applications AV 401, Ore gonlan, Portland. Or. EXPERIENCED salesman tor the best sell ing advertising novelty on earth: auto matic printer for roll paper. Call at West ern Sales Co., 44 Second St., 12:30 to 4 P. M. WANTED Experienced advertising solicitor for special edition number; clean-cut, tem perance, live hustler only wanted; good commission paid to right man. Reply M. F. Kline. Tacoma Ledger, Tacoma. Wash. MACHINIST, Experienced, can secure good position with reputable city shop, with opportun ity to put some money in to the business. Apply 303 Gerllnger bldg. LOCAL branch great specialty desires city salesman on salary and commission. Tell all about yourself in first letter and ar range for Interview; permanent position; good money. AH 1. Oregonlan. YOUR "opportunity ir you are a hustler: ex clusive control of good territory, free outfit- weekly advances; complete line; guar anteed absolutely. Yakima Valley Nursery Company. Toppenlsh, Wash. ONE man's commission last week. $230, 'selling. Washington Nursery Company trees If you can walk, talk and write an order, write us today for territory. Wash ington Nursery Company. Toppenlsh. Wash. FIRST - CLASS all-round lithograph en graver. Give references and salary ex pected Grant St Hons, Limited. 317 Cam- Die St.. V uni-umgi, v-.. EXPERIENCED agents for high-class prop osition; a necessity for banks and busi ness houses. Mr. Nichols, 329 Lumbe. ' Exchange. OFFICE BOY, with reference; short hours; wases $5 a week. Mr. Nichols, 329 Lum- ,er fcixcnange. WANTED Third hand cake baker at once must be competent. Phone for Bailey, Main i4u. EXPERIENCED gardener who can also make himself generally useful. Inquire northeast corner First and Ankeny. WANTED Wireless operators. Call or write the Pacific Coast Telegraph Institute. SOb CummonweaiLii uma-. w.. TAILOR wanted, all-round man for ladles' and gents' tailoring. Address P. O. box 137, Prlnevllle. Or. YOUNG man wanted In merchant tailoring store. Apply Maxwell, the tailor, 246 Washington st. BKER wanted on bread, 3d hand. Call 608 Washington St., Vancouver. Phone ounTO solicitors, new offer. Diamond ring - cinrtlo SlGli Mnri-luin iree. oij . - - - PHOTO coupon, best offer; snftp for agents. CutberthStudioJOl D-skum bldg. ittrST-CLASS shoe repair- man. Champion machine. Apply Friday morning. 125 6th. YOUNG MAN to learn barber trade; steady work, union shop. S32 Mississippi ave. WOODTURNER wanted. Union Store Fix ture CO., r.. ii"1 - J MEN wanted for handling lumber. Phone Col urn bla 109 after 8 A. M. BARBER wanted. 210 Madison st. BARBER WANTED 12 North 3d St. INCIDENT. (One of Many) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If 1 pay - jou $5 for employment membership I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the I. at. C. A. with all its resources, between you and starvation. Result: Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment- - ' . Record for 10 months ending October St. Call for nun....- 1" Positions filled . . : r48 Employment membership guarantees member wlil secure employment or refund of membership fee: gives two months full membership privileges. 10 months so cial privileges and undertakea to keep member employed during tiu full term of membership without further charge. Constant demand for CLERICAL. TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. See Secretary Employment Department T. M. C A. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors. Christmas number Pacific Christian Ad vocate. (Special Edition Dipt.) 20S Madison, between 3d and 4th. Main oo.n. PHOTO agent; extra commission paid; new offer. Boston Studio, 342.V4 Wash. st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. CTH AND EAST ANKENY STREETS. OR MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARS AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 2501 ASSISTANT housekeeper wanted In wid ower's home. In a thriving "dry" town of 1000 Inhabitants, where a refined mother presides. Only one child, an obedient boy of 10. The sort of person desired Is a small lady of neat appearance, under the age of 35 and of refined manners and irreproachable character. Salary $25 per month and board, room, laundry nnd equal treatment with members of family. No adventuresses or servants need apply. Address E 5S2, Oregonlan. HELP HELP HELP 5 experienced outseamers on overalls; 30 experienced operators on overalls; steady work. Apply ML Hood Factory, 2d and Couch sts. STENOGRAPHER WANTED. Want a llrst-class girl: will pay $..i per month; want a fair-looking girl that can answer telephones and handle typewriter and a good chance for advancement with a large tirm; must furnish reference to character and ability. J 612, Orognninn. THE Domestic Service Bureau, 306 Central bldg., receives daily calls from the best of homes for competent, reliable girls for general housework, cooks, second work and nurse maids. s-mwKR MISSION DAY NURSERY. Children of working women cared for from 7 A. Jtf. to 7 P. M. for 10c per day. West Side Nursery, 231- 12th St.; East Side, 44 Union ave. Nortn. - STRONG voung woman, 2 or 3 days a week in Rose City Park, to do houseclcsnlng and help with general housework; Euro pean Protestant preterreu; mui uc erences. Phone Tabor 3505. WAN'TKn Relinhle cirl for second work and some care ot 3 young children: 43 minutes from city by w oonstoCK eiecinc. Reed College, Eastmoreland. Sellwood 123.-1. thcwr nre tniuiv nf the best homes need Ing competent girls for cooks and gen eral housework. Call at Domestic Servico Bureau. 306 Central bldg.. lotn ana aiiic, WANTED Young ladies weighing ISO U., or over, the larger the better, to appear on stage; experience unnecessary ; Kuuu salary to right parties. Lyric Theater. COOK and helper. $iiO, country; waitress .-.- rhnmherniflld. S20: family help. Howe's Ladies' Agency. B3 270 Vs Wash ington st. . WANTED Experienced chocolate dipper. The Bonbonlere, 311 Wash. Phone Main (Si WAXTE 1 Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 60S Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework and cooking; no washing. S2o East Main st. Phone B. 14B0. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 270 Washington St., near 4th. Phone Main 8S36 or A 3 266. HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, sec ond girls, chambermals. nurses. St. Louis Asoncy. 253". Aider. Main 2H3U. A 47-'. 60 WOMEN. Oregon Packing Co.. E. 8th and Belmont Bts. Canning apples, work begins Tuesday. November 26. 7 A. M. WANTED Young girl or younir woman Cor ger.eral housework, iamuy oi two. a.i Marshall 1728. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework, small family. Main 29I. 535 College. WANTED Experienced waitrfss: must un derstand checking. Alply Peerless Cafe teria. 104 5th st. WANTED Nurse girl. LL Robinson, quar ters No. 10. Vancouver Barracks. WANTED Cook in a small restaurant; must lie competent. 235 Market st. PANTS finishers, steady work, good wages. McDonald & Collett, 88 tj 3d St. VEST-finishers, steady work, good wages. McDonald & Collett, SS'i 3d su HOME of Femlnaid Co., 613 Dekum bldg. Representatives wanted; lucrative position. GOOD city girl for general housework. Ap ply 4M1 East 12th N. Phone East 11)72. GIRL for general housework, small family; colored girl preferred. 737 E. Madison st HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. CASH BOYS, CASH GIRLS, WRAPPERS wanted by The Meier & Frank Store. Ap ply to the superintendent before 9:30 A. M. Sixth floor. MEN or women salesmen wanted anywhere to sell Willamette Valley 10-acre ranches on small payment plan; good cumraisslon; everybody wants a ranch; honest propo sition; Investigate. Owner, 4S9 Clay St., apartment A. F1SK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bldg. M. 4835. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN wanted; operating taught by exper ienced electrician and chief operator; 20th century methods; actual practice and training given In a motion picture thea ter: best reference. Rex Moving Picture Operator School. S04 Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. 100 MEN and worn nto learn the barber trade In eight weeks, in all Its moaern methods; send for catalogue, tools free, learn a trade that you can get in business for yourselL Moler Earner College. 33 N 4'.h st. WE TEACH YOU A TRADE In .lw month! time; pay wages after second month: else trlclty. automoDlles. plumbing, bricklay ing; 100 satlsned workmen today; 40 Jow going, catalogue free. United Trade scnoo: Contracting Co.. Los Angeles. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individ ual Instruction; shorthand. typewriting, bookkeeping; day and night classes. 642 Hamilton bldg. Marshall 4238. RAILWAY mail and P. O. clerks' examina tion soon; also Custom-House. Salary up to $1800. Prepare. Free book. Pacific States Schooi, McKay bidg., Portland. Or. RAILWAY mail cierks, $90 month; Port land examinations coming soon; coaching free. Franklin Institute. Dept. ' 339VV'., Rochester. N. Y. v GIRLS to learn hairdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatments, reduced rates evening class If desired. 610 Swetiand bldg. MEN and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks: position guaranteed. Oregon Barber college. 233 Madison st. MAKE money writing short stories or for newspapers; big pay; free booklet tells how. United Press Synd. D 3. -Iran Kran'co. W NTED 2 men to learn driving and re pairing autos. Call at Madison garage. 1111 Hawthorne ave.. East side. WANTED Picture-play writers; big pay; we'll teach you; free information. Picture Play Association, u . on-u riucinco. E B. U. quIcKiy speeus stHnugrapoera any system and places In good positions. 630 Worcester block. Marshall 2731. FIVE glr!s to learn business. 400 Dekum t.1.4.. ennitarv Beauty Parlors. ume- : - GIRLS. learn beauty parlor work; evening class also. 613 Rothchild bldg. STUDY lavr. New classes now forming. r,n-,lr T.aw School. 631 Worcester hlU SHORTHAND typewriting school. 209 14th st Main 3b93. Expert instruction $5 mo. KEEP OUT OF THE RAIN. Learn moving-picture operating; $23 to $40 per week; easy inside work; short hours; dav and evening classes. Call and Bee us before milking arrangements else whole. Lessons reasonable. N. Y. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE, 526;, Wash ington St., near 17th. SITUATION WANTED MALE. llookkeepern aud Clerks. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRiTs) up book, prepare balance and state ments, install systema. lillllngnam. aitor 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. COMPET E.Tbookkeeper, 10 years' experi ence all departments, fill position any line. Marshall 1667. BOOK KEEPER-STENOGRAPHER. experi enced, competent, excellent references. C 570, Oregonlan. aTENOGI'.APHL-'.it of experience wishes em; ployment; can furnlsn references. AK 054. Oregon lun. Miscellaneous. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, seven years on liiKh-grnrte cars: expert driver, extremely careful, keep your car in perfect con dition; no '-joy rides." no use for Intoxi cants; two years wlln Governor of Idaho, try me a week, satisfaction or no pay. D. C. Thorp. 87 N. lull. Phone Main 4389. A-l RESTAURANT or dairy lunch man ager wishes posiiion; 5 years' city rel'ur encee. A 550. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED sp.elully salesman would like to tret in correspondence with some liist-clnss specialty house in regard t' position. Can turnUh reference hs to salesman aUIIty; also personal record. Ad dress B. H. P.. box 322. The Dalles, Or. HOTEL MANAGER, who Is absolutely con versant with every detail of American and European lwtel : prominen on the Pa cific Coast; has good commercial follow ing: will lie t.ten for engagement: Jan. I. Address Manager. AV 405. oregonlan. WANTED Position by U. S. Navy electri cian, first-class; recent honorable dls chaige; 2d term of service. K 600. Ore Koliian. . THOROUGHLY reliable, competent, sober man. mldi'.le-aged. desires situation as night watchman In good establishment. AV 354. Greicontan. WANTED Position by A-l ail around gro cery man; speaks German; would leave citv. sober and reliable; can furnish best of references AJ 682, Oregonlan. POSITION by neat elderly gentleman, as manager of apartment-hause ; best of i-el-erences; geod place desired more than large salary. B 571. Oregonlan. ALL-AROUND printer from the East desires situation; 20 years' experience; satisfac tion guaranteed. Geo. Midwood, Route 1. Canty. Or , CHAUFFEUR, all-round man, 2 years city driving, private or with firm; reference. K OKI. Oregonian. JAPANESE, young boy wonts position as housekeeper; willing to leave city. 11 541, Oregonlan. fTTL-NGAPANESE boy wants position schoolboy; wa.es no object. AH 601, OreKonian. . WANTED Position by moving-picture oper ator, out of town preferred; capable and steauy muo. r mi. j. ...... WANTED Employment, by experienced middle-aged mar. as Jnnltor or general housework. C 673, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED engineer; can do his own sieamnmiin; references. J. L. Bowers, 91 Ea st loth st. POSITION wanted by sober, reliable, all aiound cook; beet of references; will leave city. 11 5i. oregonian. YOUNG man wants work as ' us boy or waiter: lias experience in both. Wood lawn 231)2. ; W V.NTED By a first-class man; work In stalling oil burners in plants, locomotives or hoais AK 651. Oregonliin. MAN" and wife without jmhdren desire pos ition on rancn. ai uiesuiimii. A GOOD tree pruner and allaround orchard Ist with references. T 667. Oregonlan. 81 f CATIONS WANTED FEMALE. lioukkeeuers and Sleuugrapu s, STENOGRAPHER, years' experience steno graphic, general office work, desires posi tion East 3482. GOOD, competent stenographer, with fiv years- experience, wants position. GouU reieren';es. Main 2286. YOUNG iadv booTkotper wants position; well qualified and with good reference. Phone C 10(10. H 571, oregonian. WANTED 1'osiTion as office gill by a pleas ant, reliable voung woman; have expe rience and references. AK U52, oregouiait. THOl'OCGHLY competent young lady book keeper-stenographer desires position. Maul 2411. EXPERT stenographer wants permalieut position. B 28iu , Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dresltiiakillg. reasonable prices. 41Q 6th st Apt. 7. A 2163. PRACTICAL nurse wants permanent pos ition with chlldron In nice family. In or out city. A 676, Oregonlan. Housekeepers. REFINED elderly woman wants position as housekeeper 'for furnlslied apartment house; (Miod reference. G. E. Foster, 100 17th ave'.. Seattle. Wash. Miscellaneous. KLOWER MISSION DAY NURSERY. Children ot working women carod for from 7 A M. to T P. M. for :oc per day. West Side Nursery. 231 12th St.; East Plda. 44 Union ave. North. EXPERIENCED young married lady would like care of a rooming or apartment house. Phono East 951 between 10 A. M. nnd 3 V. M. . . FXFBitlENCED woman, good referenc--3; day work, washing. Ironing, cleaning. Miiln 203. A 4773. CAPABLE family second girl or nurse girl desires situation in private family. State wages. AV 422. Oregonlan. W4NTED Bv widow, with boy 12, cooking on ranch: boy willing to do chores. Phone Main 1)3117. . WOMAN wants day work housecleaning. ApplJJ30Cay st. COMPETENT" woman wants housecleaning by hour every day. Sellwood 22. WOMAN" wants day work by hour; good laundress. A 3271. nxv washing. Ironing or rooming-house Mrs M. 1- Hmilh. Lents, or. G1KI-. 18. wants position as parlor maid; can give relcretu-es. Main 0021. com PETriNT-woman wants work today and Sat unlay. East 1.142. Mrs. Marsh. PHONli Main 718 and get your house i.lcely CO-Wl-ETENT girl wishes laltlon " hotel or lioaruin " TWO experienced l mbermalds wish work together. Phono .tain 8043. WA.V1ED TO KENT. Houses. I WILL rent your house, bungalow or flat for you. Don't delay, leave key at my of fice. "Anderson, the Rent Man." Nation al Realty & Trust Co.. 723 Chamber ot Commerce oiag. rnuiw LIST your houses for rent with Wagner Hunt. They're young and alive. 4-4 lhamber ot commerce. 5 OR 0-room unfurnished cottage or bunga low. Close in. muni iww. Rooms Wllb Hoard. TWO young men would like room of nice size, access to nearby, well-kept batU and two meals a day, with congenial peo ple. Address H 642. Oregonian THREE young men wish board and room in strictly private family, within walking distance, w esi mue. o u.,. .j - b FOIt RENT. Rooms. TO rent rooms, $2.50 and up; steam heal, r hone. 4.15 Yamhill st. f uriiibheditooms. WEAVER HOTEL. Beautifully furnished outside rooms; good homelike cooking; cozy reception parlor. 710 Washington st. Main 8051. H E1L1X HOTEL 2nd and iam.ill. centrally located, out side rooms, $3 per week and up. Hot and cold water, phone each room, free batn. levator service. Main 8.26. Th"e BOISE "HOUSE. Modern furnished rooms with or with out boatii. 582 Boise St., 3 blocks west of P. R. L. St P. shops. HOTEL STANDISH. 54S',4 Wash. St. Re modeled, opened under new management ; clean, sunny, outside rooms with running hot and cold water J10 per month up. HOTEL CORDOVA, 209 11TH ST. New, strictly modern, private baths and suites; rooms $3.30 per week up. M. 1)47. HOTEL CONGRESS, beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences, oia and Main. HOTEL EUCLID. Under now management; attractive suites, single rooms: reasonable. 673 Wash st. THE LARRABEE. 227 u, Larrabee. Rooms f week and up; brick bldg. ; steam heat; hot and cold water; bath, phone, eleciilcl'...